DMDAve - Cliffs of Longing (6th-Level)

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Cuirrs oF LONGING” TABLE OF CONTENTS ‘Adventure Hooks 4 Lair of Longing 7 ‘Open Gaming License 10 CREDITS ‘This adventure was a collaborative effort brought to you by these awesome folks: Production, Design: Ty Christensen Cartographer: Dyson Logos Item Designer/Iilustrator: Griffin Macauley Public Domain Illustrations: Wootha and Shutterstock Watercolor Effects: Fallen Wyvern Formatting Assistance: GMBinder RUNNING THIS ADVENTURE In order to run this adventure, you will need the Fifth Edition, ‘core rulebooks Boxed text lke thi represent descriptions meant to be read loud or paraphrased forthe players, These are just prompts and may be used or nat atthe GM's discretion In this adventure you will come across references that point to information that is presented outside ofthis module. Magic Items, Spells. and! Equipment will be italicized and ‘will be found described in either the core DM guidebook or the core player’ rulebook. Monster names will he in bold and the appropriate stat block will be found in the core fith edition monster guidebook if not already presented in the attached Appendix. a ‘SPECIAL THANKS: A big thanks to our friends at Wizards of the Coast for making the coolest game in the world and allowing creators like ourselves to work within their open gaming license Eee ADVENTURE PRIMER «gy Ilifls of Longing is designed for three to seven Sth. S 7i-level characters and is optimized for four characters with an average party level (APL) of 6 Characters who complete this adventure should JD carn enough experience to reach hava to teve The party must combat a nefarious coven of ‘sea hags to prevent them from terrorizing the island in their newly raised ghost ship. Thanks: to the hags’ necromaney, even the jungles around the cliffs are perilous hunting grounds of the ever hungry undead. Then, they'll have to go up against a myriad of servants thralls, pets, and many crafty traps before they can face the coven itself This adventure is seiting-agnostic and can easily be ‘adapted to any tropical island or coastal cliff area. This nost suited for parties that have the means to combat undead spirits, petrification and charm effects, and desperate, crafty hags. BACKGROUND In years past, he Cliffs of Longing were wlilized by the notorious Captain Fogbeard and his band of vicious pirates asa base of operations. Though no one is quite certain of the exact cause, the Captain and his erew ran their ship Vigilant ‘aground against the very clifs they called home. After several years, the Ieklan Coven of sea hags moved in. Fora time, they ‘enjoyed their island home and made occasional ventures to spread their plois—until the island beeame cloaked i ‘magical storm that let them unable to leave. Now, de oescape their confines, the hags have enacted a plan to raise the Vigilantas a ghost ship and enslave her fallen crew In service to this plan, the hags have bargained with a nest ofharpies to help lure islanders to the cliffs with their music. ‘The hags intend to use these individuals as sacrifices to raise the Vigilants spectral form, and then bind their spirits to the ship as additional erew members for the dead pirates they hhave been raising. Only semi-aware that their ethereal forms are being tortured and will soon be enslaved, Captain Fogbeard and his remaining ghost pirates desperately and violently ward off travelers in the souttavestern jungles, ADVENTURE Hooxs Consider including one ofthe following scenarios to introduce your players tothe Ciifls of Longing. Best Laid Escape Plans. While exploring the island, the party hears rumors about other castaways gone missing ‘while visiting the southwestern jungles. Their friends and loved ones are terrified of what might have transpired and bog that the adventurers investigate. Hawating Mefodies. 's the traverse the island's jangle, faint melodie singing carries upon the breeze and into their cears. What individual on this forsaken island would be Singing so beautifully? Pechaps the party should get look. Pirates Ahoy. Vatiows hints and whispers among the islanders suggest that the cliffs on the southwestern comer of the isle hide an old pirate's treasure trove, In addition, any practical resources from the shipwreck rumored to be there could prove useful TRAVELING TO THE CLIFFS As the party approaches the southwestern jungles ofthe island the following events should occur as the ghost pirates {ry to prevent them from reaching the clills. Choose the order of the pirate encounters that best fis the party's progress, As they get closer, the harpies’ singing grows louder and the party will eventually need to make saving throws against their Luring Song (see “Humanoid Corral") Boopy-Traps To protect their bountiful booty and hideout from the isla dinosaurs and would-be thieves, the swashbucklers under Jungle floor. Over the years the area has become more sparsely populated as local fauna besides birds and i tty (oavoid the dangerous traps. A successful Intelligence (Nature) check discerns that the wildlife is avoiding the region duc to some sort of threat on the ground. For each hour of travel at a normal pace in the southwestern jungle, roll a d20 for each character: Traveling ata slow rate gives each creature advantage on the roll and fast pace incurs disadvantage. On a 3.r below, the character steps on trap. Each creature ina S-foot radius must make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw, taking 21 (646) thunder damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one, Creatures with passive Wiséom (Perception) checks of 13 or higher have advantage on this saving throw. For especially skilled or powerful parties, consider marking locations ‘during combat with the ghost pirates as additional trap locations. Lair of Longing 1 square = 5 feet supporTeD on patron | GuosT Pirates ‘As they tnaverse the jungle, read the following te “The jungle is perpetually hot and humid, full of life, but the weather seems to tum and a strangely frigid breeze whispers in As a thick mist begins to form and flow across the ground, ethereal bluegreen sailors appear, ready to attack Bacownter: Desperate Pirates. Iwo ghosts attack the pasty with reckless abandon, While fighting, the only noise evident from the spectral pirates isa throaty, gurgling moan as their {drowned lungs fail to properly comey sound. With extremely limited communication skills and very litle control over their abilities, the pirates have litle recourse besides slaughter und ‘welcome the sweet return to their eternal slumber. Allhat preventing more victims from falling into ‘matters to them the hands of the Treasure: Farovite Cloak: Upon releasing the pirates from their tortured halflife, one pirate’ spectral cloak drops and materializes as a fully physical forecaster’ cloak (see Appendix a). Guost PiraTE CAPTAIN At some point, likely aller the release ofthe pirates under his ‘commanel Captain Fogbeard himself will appear, bringing all, his might to bear in an attempt to halt the party's progression, Encounter: Captain Fogbeard The ghost pirate Captain Fogbeard (see Appendix B) attacks from behing, shifting from the Ethereal Plane in an attempt to surprise one of the party members. He focuses his efforts on the individuals who show signs of magical prowess. Like his crew, only wet burbles and grunts accompany his onslaught ‘Treasure: Fogbeard's Outfit. Upon returning to the ‘beyond. Captain Fogbeard’s spirit drops his mistwafker armor (eee Appendix A) the anchor used by the hags to bring him back. This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials sed ennemeamunndiiaieeata dite Crest. Ciiaatia ci too Coa BAC ‘When the Ieklan Coven first attempted to bring back the cits of the rev they decided to start small Their raising of the ships beloved pet monkeys Shriek and Hur, slong with the parrots Chartreuse and Vermilion, was a horrible, horrible mistake, The remains of the pets fused together through the necromantie power and grevr dramatically, creating two monstrous skeletal beasts wreathed in black energy Enthralled by their revolting form but with little control cover their actions, the coven reluetanty left the beast to roa the jungle. With only thei tes to the Vigilant and its spectral crew, the tortured creatures stalk the jungle wanton chaos and dé The soft rt an egetation of the jungle Noor begin to rustle, disturbed by the approaching footfall approaching forms, pi f violet energyin their eye sockets alight with reckless abandon, Encounter: Angaished Horrors. the amalgamations attack (see Appen complete disregard for their wo skeletal BL They fight with a safety, fucked by their ‘anguish and torturous existenc This is unofficial Fan Content permitted uniler the Fan Content Policy eet icarda atthe gle encounters, the party finds a small, sechaded from the cliffs. Once they pr they'll be susceptible to the song of the harpies, which will use their Luring Song to lead them into the trap as per their azreement with the coven. If they manage to avoid the trap, the harpies pleefully lure their prey wor the edge of the eliffs to Area § revealing their nest and the oceanside entrance to the Lair of Longing. Creatures, charmed by the harpies and their song make ability checks grove a eyond this area rt distanc around the cliff with disadvantage ‘Trap: Concealed Pit, Neat the edge ofthe clilfside i large pressure sensitive pit trap that leads 80 feet down, directly into Area 1. When triggered. cl ground cover in a LO-foot radias falls away and a characters in the radius fall 80 Fect. Is possible that either charmed characters will be led into this trap, or characters investigating area might trigger the trap. The coven magically warded the trap to avoid killing their captives, Creatures will take 28 (846) nonlethal bludgeoning damag. rom the fall and are knocked unconscious ifthe fall reduces their hit points to 0 A successful DC 18 Wisdom (Perception) of Intelligence (nvestigation) check will reveal the position of the trap before itis triggered Any weight or foree greater than 100 jounds can be used to safely trigger the trap, ppraveendorsed by Wizards. Portions ofthe materials used Wizards of the Coast LLC Lair oF LONGING ‘The Lair of Longing isa small grotto at the base of the island's southwestern cliffs. There, a coven of sea hags is ‘scrificing and pressing both the living and the dead into service as they prepare to raise a ghost ship from the nearby wreckage. In addition to various protective measures, the hhags have enlisted harpies to lure islanders into a trap atop the cif for their use. (GENERAL FEATURES Ifthe harpies in Area 8 are sill alive, their song echoes through the entire lair but has no magical effect due to ‘magical wards placed by the eoven. All Wisdom (Perception checks based on hearing are made with disadvantage within the lair, Unless noted otherwise, arcas of the Lair of Longing have the following features. Ceilings. The 10 foot tal ceilings are rough hewn stone with some hanging stalactites in undisturbed areas unless otherwise noted. Floors and Walls, The walls and floors are made from limestone and loose sand. Doors. The few doors in the lair are made from driftwood with rusty iron hinges. They have an AC of 13 and 10 hp. Locked doors require a DC 18 Dexterity check by someone proficient with thieves’ tools to open. A stuck door ean be ‘opened with a suecessful DC 11 Strength check. (Climate. The lai is warm and humid, completely permeated by the strong scent ofthe ocean's brine. Murmination. Unless otherwise indicated. areas within the lair that are not open to the elements ate pitch black, as there are no natural light sources. Eclectic Hags. The Icilan Coven has acquired a vast, collection of random junk and detritus. Unless otherwise noted, the floor is considered difficult terrain, and dashing through the debris deals 1 piercing damage for every 5 feet of movement used. KeyEp LocaTIons ‘The following locations are keyed locations on the map of the Lair of Longing, 1. THRALL STORAGE ‘This room has an open archway to the south leading to Area and doors on the east and west sides. The westera door leads toa closet with a small peephole viewing area 5, and the eastern door leads ta Area and is locked In the northernmost corner ofthe room, a single, exquisitely carved statue of a sailor faces the north wall Encounter: Violeat Innocents. There are eight thugs charmed by the eaven within this room, They are initially indifferent to the party ifthe party enters the room via the trap directly above them. Ifthe characters begin poking around the room or speak aloud, the ths attack. Iti plainly evident that they are not in control of their faculties and are missing islanders being held as prisoners. If knocked ‘unconscious and then revived, the charm is broken, and they return to their true selves. ‘Surviving thrall can inform the party ofthe basic layout of the lair and that the statue to the north isa petrified innocent ‘who saw a basilisk. ‘Secret Door The sectet door to Area 7 can be discovered with a DC 18 Intelligence (Investigation) check. Ifthe party was informed about the petrified sailor they make this check ‘with advantage, as his stone hand is pointed roughly towards the lever to his left that opens the limestone door ahead of him, 2. MAIN QUARTERS This somewhat sprawling room is the main lounge for the ‘coven, with numerous ugly couches. and cushions thrown about haphazardly. ‘Trick: Dyiag Plant. Remarkable for being the only plant “within the room, a small lower in the corner barely hangs on tollife. ¢ gives off blatantly obvious magical abjuration aura and a wispy purple glow, but with an indeterminate purpose. Ifa creature touches the flower it easts the goas spell (save DC 18) on the individual, commanding them to protect, not harm, the coven's members, 3. STORAGE CLOSET Trap: Good Luck Charms, Openint this unlocked door activates a magical ward A creature with a passive Wisdom (Perception) of 16 or higher ean tell that this door being inlocked is indicative of danger. Any creature other than a hhag that opens the door while standing directly in front of it ‘must make a DC 16 Intelligence saving throw. The creature takes 44 (8d10) psychic damage on a failed save. The room is full of random sharp edged junk like mirror shards. ‘Treasure: Salvage. \ stall unlocked chest with 4 gold bars worth 50 gp each lies hidden among the jagged splinters, requiring a successful DC 18 Intelligence (Investigation) check to find 4. CAULDRON OF EYES Opening the locked door to this room reveals a small closet like chamber with a cauldron of swieling, glowing blue liquid. ‘A beaten-up cauldron lies surrounded by broken tool, instruments, and other implements, The shimmering azure brew gently swirls ofits own accord, smooth except fora ‘umber of differently sized and colored eyeballs. It seems to call, wanting attention, to be gazed upon, Ifa creature touches the cauldron or its brew, it begins to spin faster, and the creature in question goes stil as its eyes turn milky white. The creature hears in its mind “What do ‘you want to know, to see, upon this sland?” The creature ean ‘use the cauldron to cast augurs, or legend fore, but only targeting the island the coven, the Vigilant, or its captain. Once either spell has been cast, the item loses its magic permanently and is simply an empty black cauldron, ‘This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not appreved/eedorsed by Wizards, Portions ofthe mat ‘are property, of Wizerds.of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC. 5. DETRITUS ROOM This room leads to Area 6 via an open archway to the west (allowing daylight to spill into the room) and to Area 2 via a ‘door to the south. Mostly emp; this room is only notable due to the elaborate and intricately woven rug in the center of the oom and its ceiling sloping to the southwest. Trap: Junk. Stepping on the rug activates a glyph of warding with the disintegrate spell (save DC 19) The hogs Jaiow to avoid it, but their enthralled servants and other allies do not. i ly ‘Tue Ioxran Coven ‘The sea hags of the Icklan Coven are named Madame Myrtle, Lady Luslla, and Grandmother Geriruvia.IFyou'd like to distinguish them further in combat, give Gertruvia a maximum hit point total of 77, and Madame Myrtle a maximum hit point total of 38. eee 6. RITUALISTIC SHIPWRIGHTS: This large, open air cavern with 60-foot high ceiling opens tothe sea in the southwest and leads to Area 7 to the northeast. Here, the Icklan Coven and their manticare are performing the ritual to raise the Vi and permaneatly enslave the ghost pirates as its crew. When they become lies 148 a ghost ship ware of the adventurers, the coven redoubles their efforts asthe Vigilant's specteal form begins to ‘materialize just off the shore, Three horrendously ugly and slimy creature, along icious winged monstrosities, encircle a large, green-flamed bonfire. Te hags ae chanting, and low gurgling moans of drowmed sailors ebb and flow lke t tides. Just offshore, the ¢ ofa ship is blinking back and forth into and out of arnt Encounter: Desperate Hags. Unree sea hags and two ‘manticores attack immediately. The manticores were promised immortality by the hags, and thus fight ro the ceath ‘with full faith that they will be resurrected Ifthe four basilisks in Area 7 have not already been defeated, the hags will telepathically call for them on the first round of eon and they arrive two rounds later. The coven will complete their ritual on the second round of combat on Initiative Count 20, and once one of the hags falls below 10 hit points the hhags' contingency spells activate, causing them to teleport conto the newly risen Vigil 7. BASILISK PEN This larg, pitch black, and soundproofed cavern holds the coven's four tame basilishs, tasked with guarding the pirate's plundered treasure, Petrified flesh is seattered in chunks across the sandy ground, making it difficult terrain, Encounter: Basilisk Herd Fou: basilisks attack anyone that enters except the coven, having been trained to protect their pen. Any noise in this in Area 1 oF 6.a8 it's magi ly sounclproofed with a permanent private sanctum spell ‘Treasure: Pirate Plunder. \ chest shallowly busied in the sand contains hour and minute (see Appendix A) four bottles of ale, three bottles of wine, 327 ep, 7,994 sp, 1,703 gp, 108 Ppp. and twelve gems worth 100 gp each (three pearls, three chrysoberyls, two amethyss, one tourmaline, ane garnet, one Jade, and one spinel) 8. NEST OF HARPIES Encounter: Starving Harpies. There arc 8 hungry harpies in their nest, surviving off the seraps of the baslisks and rmanticores and the humanoids unhucky enough to follow their son ‘over the cliffs edge. The Ieklan Coven has an ‘ongoing deal with them to attract istanders and draw attention away from the lair itself, They attack. sense movement ‘Treasure: Building the Nest. Theee fine silk outlits worth 200 gp each are intact but woven into the haxpies' nest, requiring a successful DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check to find among the other materials. AFTERMATH Afwer confronting the Teklan Coven and their forces, the party learns that the Vigilam! rose and her crew was bound unt Unless the party has dispatched the has. the eoven retains ‘command ofthe vessel which they will use to terrorize the island as they strive to find a way through the magical storm, Ifthe party manages to wrest control ofthe vessel (at your dliseretion, this could require them to clear the entire ship like a dungeon and confront a newly-enipowered coven) the ghost ship Vigilant may become a valuable resource for navigating around the island quickly until they ean find a way to escape. In either ease, the adventurers can make their way (with any surviving prisoners in tow) out ofthe lar and up the cliffside in some fashion, to continue their various quests. Best Laid Escape Plans. avis, found and possibly rescued ‘a number of islanders, the party can now bring the individuals back to their loved ones. The survivors are immensely grateful and prepare a meager but welcome island feast in their honor Haunting Mefodies. Nir discewering the Lair of Longing and its resident hags and barpies, along with potential treasure and history about the island, the party members are now that much stronger and wiser. Pirates Ahoy. The party successfully found and looted the treasure of the dread Caplain Fogbeard and may have also uncovered information about other locations on the island ‘with valuable resources. “This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approvedendorsed by Wizards, Portions of the materials used ‘ae property of Wisescia.of the, Coant Jeinanede cf tne-Conet LAC. 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Cordel, Chris Sims, and Steve Townshend, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Ameson. END OF LICENSE ly to This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Comte Policy Notapprovediendarsed by Wizards, Portions ofthe materials used seentiuartaiect Vihesita:al the Coons tee Gants ti ies APPENDIX A. Forecaster's CLOAK Wondrous item, common ‘This warm, furlined cloak creates illusory representations of the impending weather While wearing this cloak, you can use an action to open it and speak its command word to create a harmless, sensory effect within the cloak represents what the weather will be at your location for the next 8 hours, This effect persists for 1 minute or until you close the cloak, Forecasrea's Comm Hour AND MINUTE Weapon (a dagger and shortsword) very rave (requires attunement) These two magical weapons are bound by a powerful force. Despite there heing two weapons, you only need to attune to Cone of them to use their properties. While holding one of the ‘weapons, you can use an action to determine the distance ‘and direction of the other paired weapon ass long as you're on the same plane of existence. Ifyou attune to one of the weapons while another ereature {attuned to the other, you are cach aware ofthe other creature's attunement and must make an Intelligence (Arcana) check contested by the other creatures Intelligence (Arcana) check. The creature that wins the contest remains attuned (© the item, and for the next 24 hours, its attunement cannot be broken by another creature attempting to attune to the other weapon. The ereature that loses the contest is no Tonger attuned to the weapon. ‘While holding both weapons in either hand you gain several benefits: *You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with these magic weapons. "Your perception of time is slightly quickened: allowing you to dodge attacks that would have normally hityou, You gain a +] bonus to AC. “When you roll a 20 om an attack roll using Hour (the dagger) against a Creature, that ereature is under the effects ofthe slow spell nil the end of your next turn, “When you roll «20 on an. attack roll using Minute (the shortsword), you're under the effects of the haste spell until the start of your next turn, ‘When the effect ends, you dont suffer the normal effects of the spell ending, Hour ano Minute: ‘= Inaddition, you can use an action to lay the two weapons down on the ground. When you do, they magically point north before spinning around to align and tell the current time, When they do, 12:00 is always facing north. ‘MISTWALKER ARMOR Armor (leather] rare (requires attunement) This dark leather armor releases thin wisps of fog from its ‘seams, While wearing this armor, you can use an action to ccastthe fog cloud spell (2ad.level version) from it. Once this Misrwaixer property ofthe armor has been used it ean'the wsed again ‘until the next dave, Tn addition, fog doesnt obscure your vision, and while you're in opaque fog, you ean use your movement to teleport unoccupied space that you ean see in the fog. Doing so costs an amount of movement equal tothe distance you teleport Armor “1 This nail Fan Cone permit unde the Pan Content Pl. Nol aprovedndoraed by Wier, Prion ofthe mais ed eee parame NG Sota ta) aera eal APPENDIX B CAPTAIN FOGBEARD Medium undead, chaotic evil ‘Armor Class 1 (mistwalker armor) Hit Points 81 (1848) ‘Speed Of, fly 40 ft. (hover) STR DEX CON INT wis CHA 7(2) 13661) 1060) 121) 163) 20(45) ‘Saving Throws Dex +5, Int-+5, Wis +7 Damage Resistnces ai fre ightring, thunder, bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks 2 Damage Immunities cold, necrotic, poison Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, ssrappled, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained ‘Senses darkvision 60 ft, passive Perception 13, Languages Common, Dwarvish Ghalenge 2 (5.000 %) Ethereal Sight. Captain Fogbeard can see 60 ft. into the Ethereal Plane when he is on the Material Plane, and vice ’s Alp. Captain Fogbeard can see through both Frail oie etc ibe tea ne Incorporeal Nature Captzin Fopbeard can move through other creatures and objects aa if they were difficult terrain He takes 5 (110) force damage if he ends his turn inside an object Resistance (3/Day).f Captain Fogbeard fails a tSfig tron, he can tacts to seed ten ‘Special Equipment. Captzin Fogbeard is wearing mmistwalker armor. Actions Musattack. Captain Fogbeard makes two attacks with his Withering Touch, or two attacks with his Brine Fist Brine Fist. Melze Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target. Hit:8 (110+ 3) bludgeoning damage plus 22 (4d10) force damage, and the target must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or suffer one level of exhaustion. Etherealness Captain Fogbeard enters the Ethereal Plane from the Material Plane, or vice versa. He is visible on. the Material Plane while itis in the Border Ethereal, and vice versa, yethe can't affect or be affected by anything cn the other plane. Homrifjing Visage. Each non-undead creature within 60 ft. ‘of Captain Fogbeard that can see him must succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened for 1 minute the save fas by 3 or mores he target also ages Vdd x 10 years. A frightened target can repeat the savin throw atthe end ofeach oft turns, ending the frightened condition on itself on a success. Ifa target's saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the target is immune to Captain Fogbeard's Horrfying Visage for the next 24 hours. The aging effect can be reversed with a greater restoration spell, but only within 24 hours of it occurring, Possession .6).One humanoid that Captain Fogbeard can see within 5 feet of it must succeed on a DC 17 Charisma saving throw or be possessed by Captain Fogbeard; Captain Fogbeard then disappears, and the target is incapacitated and loses control ofits body. Captain Fogbeard now controls the body but, doesn't deprive the target of awareness. Fogbeard can't be targeted by any attack, spell, or other effect, except ches that turn undead and he retains his dkgnment, Intelligence, Wisdorn, Charisma, and immunity to being charmed and frightened. He otherwise uses the possessed target's statistics, but doesn't gain access to the target's knowledge, class features, or proficiencies. ‘The possession lasts until the body drops to O hit points, Captain Fogbeard ends it as a bonus action, or Captain Fogbeard is turned or forced out by an effect like the dispel evil and good spell. When the possession ends, Fogbeard reappears in an unoccupied space within 5 feet of the body. The target is immune to Captain Fogbeard's| Possession for 24 hours after succeeding on the saving throw or ater the possession ends. Legendary Actions Captain Fogbeard can take 3 legendary actions, choosing. from the options below. Only one legendary option can be used ata time and only at the end of another creature's tur. Caotain Fogbeard regains spent legendary actions atthe star ofits turn. Move. Captain Fogbeard moves up to his speed without provoking attacks of opportunity. Brine Fist (Costs 2 Actions). Captain Fogbeard makes an attack with his Brine Fist. ‘Summon Undead (Costs 3 Actions). Up to three skeletons ‘or zombies appear in unoccupied spaces within 30 feet of Captain Fogbeard and remain until destroyed, Undead summoned in this way roll initiative and act in the next available turn. Captain Fogbeard can have up to three undead summoned by this ability at a time. This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approveljendorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used ‘aoniiens eictacl Seuha at the Cones. Neards of the Coast LLC. Carrain FocBEarD ‘The fallen leader ofthe Vigilant, Captain Fogbeard, was notorious pirate in life known for both his bushy white gray beard and his supematurally lucky penchant for attacking his foes during unusual bouts of fog, Known across the seas as torrible forces to he reckoned with, a ghost pirate captain ‘commands their crew and ghost ship as they continue their life's work in undeath, With a ravenous hunger for plunder and treasure, areas frequented by ghost ships are marked ‘upoa naval charts as impossible to navigate to all but the ‘most foolhardy of sailors. ‘SKELETAL AMALGAMATION A skeletal amalgamation is an unlucky result of necromancers raising! multiple beasts simultaneously. Only the most powerful necromancers can assert control over these undead, which means that most of them run amok and ‘cause rampant mayhem. Strengths and weaknesses ean differ based on the animals used, inthis case parrots and jonkeys grant the amalgamations Might, strength, and other abilities. SKELETAL AMALGAMATION (AVIAN/PRIMATE) Large undead, unaligned ‘Armor Class 13 HitPoints 147 (14410 + 70) Speed 40 ft, fly 20 f STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 17 (43) 16 (43) 20(45) 6-2) 1743) 8-1) Skils Athletics +6 Damage Resistances acid, cold, fire lightning, thunder; piercing and slashing from nonmagical attacks Damage Immunities necrotic, poison Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, unconscious Senses darkvision 60 ft, passive Perception 13 jages Common lenge 5 (1,800 XP) ‘Mimicry. The skeletal asalgamation can mimic any eee ee earl eee seat hears the sounds can tll they are imitations with a successful DC 16 Wisdom (Insight) check. Two Heads. The skeletal amalgamation has advantage ‘on Wisdam (Perception) checks Actions ‘Multiattack The skeletal amalgamation use its Mockery and makes two attacks with its fists. Fists. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft, one target. Hit 19 (3410 + 3) bludgeoning damage. ‘Mockery. The amalgamation taunts its prey with vicious sailors’ insults and curses. One creature within 60 feet that can hear the skeletal amalgamation must make a DC 16 Wisdorn saving throw or have disadvantage on the next attack roll it makes before the end of its next turn. This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards Portions of the materials used lactsguragserey di Weare Gitdie Coast. ©'Wicarda of the soast LLC. —

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