Environment Management Plan

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Punjab State Road Sector Project

Environment Management Plan

A Key Project Implementation Tool

Neha Vyas

Environment Specialist (Consultant),

SASES, The World Bank
Adverse Impacts Due to Road Works

ƒ Soils ƒ Loss of Productive Soil

ƒ Soil erosion
ƒ Compaction of Soil
ƒ Contamination of Soil

ƒ Water Resources
ƒ Loss of Water Supply sources
ƒ Run-off and Drainage
ƒ Water Quality Degradation
ƒ Ground Water Depletion and Pollution
ƒ Local Water Supply for Construction
Air Quality

ƒ Generation of Dust
ƒ Generation of Exhaust Gases

Noise Pollution

ƒ Hot-mix Plant and Crushers

ƒ Construction Activities
ƒ Vehicles and Machinery
Other Adverse Impacts …

• Tree Cutting (about 25,000 estimated under Phase I)

• Impacts due to Mining Activities (aggregates)

• Impacts due to sand mining from River Beds

• Accidents and Safety Issues

• Pollution due to Debris and Wastes Generated

• Inconveniences during construction period

(Dust, Noise, Traffic Diversions, Access Blockage)

Drainage and Flooding Related Issues
Drainage and
Related Issues


Water Logging in
Surface Water
along the Road
Along the

Agricultural Mandi
Issues in Settlement Areas
(Safety, Dust, Noise )

Religious Properties
along the Road
Recapping EA’s Basic Principles

z A decision making tool analyzing impacts,

alternatives and public consultation inputs

z Along with other studies provides inputs for

project design

z EA is a Process - Not a Product

EMP is the output ….

• Management/Mitigation measures
• Enhancement Plans
EA • Institutional Arrangements
Output • Monitoring and Evaluation Req.
• Implementation Schedule
• Budget

Environment Management Plan

Good Environment management
Good Construction Management

Social Component

Engineering Environment
Component Component
EMP is a Tool

(a) the measures to be taken during the

implementation and operation of a
project to eliminate adverse
environmental impacts, or to reduce
them to acceptable levels and
(b) the actions needed to implement these
Purpose of an EMP …

• Minimize Negative Impacts

• Enhance Positive Impacts
• Helps in bringing in Environment friendly planning,
construction and operations management
• Reduce Problems and Delays during implementation
• Improve Over-all Project Quality

Adds ‘value’ to the Project

Basis of EMP

¾ Laws of the Land

¾ MoRTH and IRC specifications/Guidelines

¾ Impact Evaluation and Mitigation Framework

Need for EMP

z Over-all neglect in complying with

environmental and safety specifications

z Ambiguities in MoRTH/IRC specifications

z To bring ‘sustainability’ into focus

Contents of an EMP ….

z Brief introduction of Construction Package

z Major Findings of EA
– Environmental Impacts Overview
z Regulatory/Statutory Requirements
z Environmental Management Proposed
– Pre construction
– Construction
– Operation
z Implementation Arrangements
z Institutional Arrangements
z Monitoring Mechanism
z Reporting System
z Environmental Management Budget
Aspects Covered …
• Water
• Air
• Soil
• Noise
• Damage to Flora and Fauna
• Disruption to Users
• Traffic Control and Safety
• Worker’s Accident Risks
• Workers’ Health Risks including Hygiene
• Enhancement of natural and man-made features
How much does implementing
an EMP cost?
EMP helps in …

z Assuring short and long term environment

soundness of a project.

z Safeguarding resources surrounding the

proposed project.

z Providing better services and facilities

z Enhances aesthetics

z Helps in getting ‘acceptance’ for the project.

EMP adds more value …

; Reduces unforeseen ; Saves time and costs

issues/ problems
; Provides good publicity
; Improves relations with
; Allows for good
local communities
corporate image
; Prevents delays and
; Reduces financial costs
; Raises staff morale
; Prevents legal disputes

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