Monthly Overhead Expenses 1 Month Worksheet Excel

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Overhead Expenses - Monthly

Estimate your average monthly overhead expenses:

- Rent _______________
- Utilities _______________
- Phone Charges _______________

- Salaries _______________
- Payroll (taxes, payroll services, etc) _______________
- Benefits (health insurance, 401k, etc.) _______________
- Independent Contract Labor _______________

- Equipment Lease/purchase _______________

- Equipment Maintenance and Repairs _______________
- Equipment Depreciation _______________

- Office Supplies _______________

- Postage _______________
- Shipping/Courier Services _______________

- Licenses and Permits _______________

- Legal Fees _______________
- Accounting and Professional Services _______________
- Consulting and Coaching Fees _______________
- Membership and Subscription Dues _______________
- Business Insurance _______________

- Bank Charges _______________

- Credit Card Vendor's Charges _______________
- Loan Repayment (principal and interest) _______________
- Bad Debt/Collection Fees _______________

- Travel _______________
- Entertainment _______________
- Auto Expenses _______________

- Research and Development _______________

- Marketing: _________________ _______________

- __________________________ _______________
- __________________________ _______________
- __________________________ _______________
- __________________________ _______________
- __________________________ _______________

- Misc.______________________ _______________

TOTAL _______________

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