7.8 Learners Initiated Projects

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CURRICULUM AND LEARNING 7 ge Methods and resources are learners and community- friendly, enjoyable, safe, inclusive, accessible and aimed developing self-directed learners. Learners are equipped with essential knowledge, skills, and values to assume responsibility for their own learnings. Means of Verification: Scanned with CamScanner = 2 => = Oey = : & BoB aMaMaP aa aae aa \ Student Initiated Projects 2020-2021 eit Nally Toremind | Minutes of the | —June- AILSSG Meeting officers of Meeting April Officers their different roles and —_| Documentation SSG Adviser Tesponsibilities and specific tasks Tree Planting | To Plant tree Attendance June- All SSG 500- Snacks -SSG saplings April Officers Fund around the Certificates school vicinity Classroom/Club | Solicitation of Tree and other areas | Documentation Officers | sapling from asone way of | Activity Barangay/Municipal strengthening Design SSG Adviser | Nursery ‘supporting the school ESWM Program ion-wide | To remind Attendance August All SSG 3,000-Logistics- Leadership training | SSG officers Officers School PTA Fund, oftheir roles | Certificates SSG Fund | and | responsibilities | Documentation SSG Adviser and to empower them as student body officers KASADYAAN |" To develop | Attendance | October | All SSG 3,000-Logisties- SPORTS FEST. sports Officers School PTA Fund | mindedness | Certificates among SSG Fund students | Documentation SSG Adviser | Classroom To improve Game Advisers the sense of | Schedule | unity within Activity Students the curriculum | Design _ ‘year levels - Vorld’s Teacher's | To offer | Documentation | October 5,| Teachers | 1,500-Food and] Day appreciation to | Activity 2020 Snacks of Teachers the teachers Design Students | PTA Fund, SSG FUnd l SSG officers Scanned with CamScanner n~ {SCHOOLS DIVISION OF SOUTH COTABATO DANLAG NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL en STERIL ie rear School-based Leadership ‘Training , OO-lowistics- Tewain | Documentation | November | SSG Officers 13 SGIPTA Fund #5 in the | 15-20, | making action | | 3020° | Classroom and | plan and Activity | ‘Club officers resolution | Design 2 | Guest Speakers | ‘To empower | | | officers in | performing | their roles and = responsibilities | Toenhance | | | students” | awareness on | | recent health } issues | ‘concerning \ ___| adolescents | | ASKOMUNIDAD | To spread the | Documentation | December | Teachers | SSG Fund | spirit of 20-23, | | Christmas 2020 | PTA Fund | through gift Design Students giving to the | Solicitation from Teast favored | Solicitations $SG Officers | Stakeholders : members of | | | the community Stakeholders _| | School Foundation | To Documentation | February | Teachers | PTA Fund | Day | commemorate 28, 2021 the founding | Activity SSG Officers | | of the school Design | | | and the PTA Officers | | individuals | | | behind its Administrator | | | establishment_| \ $8G Election | For students to Documentation | February | SSG Officers | | ‘Campaign —_ distinguish the | \ best running | Students | candidates | | | | For aspiring \ | officers to | | present their platforms and | to deliberate | \ | why they | jess to | present their \ | \ platforms and | | | |to deliberate | | _ | why they t | \ Scanned with CamScanner wee ost Region XI! && gE . = pivision of South Cotabato Sa Er ~ DANLAG NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL nes ‘AMag. Tampakan, South Cotabato PORT rE ACCOMPLISHMENT RI ‘AY LABANAN" "KILUSAN SA BAKURAN, PANDEMY! 2020-2021 1, INTRODUCTION GE 7 1 To strengthening the Implementation of the Gulayan 3 Paaralan Program, the Supreme de _ Student Government (SSG) promotes the organic and healthy way of living by planting vegetables tt in the backyard through the Division wide Green Revolution: K.BP.L. (Kilusan sa Bakuran, — Pandemya’y Labanan). This activity aims to address malnutrition and promote vegetable production ony consumption among students, and inculcate in them the value of gardening, good health and nutrition, and love of labor. ity which aim to promote proper nutrition and etables will help develop the mitigate hunger among leamers — body and mind of the students, that is why all schools are ‘encourage to have this kind of program. _ Danlag National High School support this program, that implements through the leadership of the ____ the Supreme Student Government (SSG), with the guidance, support and supervision of Mr. Jose P. Deloria SSG Adviser, Mr. Romeo G. Daton Gulayan sa Paaralan Coordinator , and Mr. Junier R. Entrina T-lll Teacher In-Charge. The leamers were trained to grow vegetables in their backyard using available materials they can find, they were also assigned to observed the agronomic analysis of the vegetable plants for proper fertilizer management, water management, weeding management > pest and disease control measures. Proper land preparation, soil sterilization, seed sowing an — transplanting were also taught to them. Learners were motivated during gardening at home. Despit on ongoing pandemic they did a job well done as part of their responsibilities in sharing an implements consumption of vegetables among their community for a better healthy and balanc —~ diet. H. ACTIVITIES UNDERTAKEN A. PRE- IMPLEMENTATION PHASE + Land preparation SSG members initiate cleaning of the garden area and cultivation of the soi respected backyard. ™ «Select the area or space for planting. + Identify different variety of vegetables, fruit bearing tress and medicinal plants based on considerable and available factors like the soil, weather condition, and area. = + Encourages different grade levels from Junior High and Senior High to participate in planting maintaining their designated garden plots. Scanned with CamScanner SEPA NTAL Prenst * Sattranad tain te * Crates, Onion t Making fen and walle ARREST ane duunp Dorgradable Waste, animal manuite, and ee hay (dayami) in © Nave natural fertihzer CQ POST.OEVELOPMENTAL PHASE * Continoe on the gantening and + Enoo managerial system in maintaining the project OUMRES the leamers in cari Ng and maintaining the project Prepared by well Rowe DATON Gulayan sa Paaralan Coordinator A yp CN gf ware SLENTRINA Teacher- lis charge Scanned with CamScanner Documentation for KILUSAN SA BAKURA, PANDEMYA AY LABANAN Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Student Initiated Projects 2019-2020 Scanned with camScanner COM Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION XII SCHOOLS DIVISION OF SOUTH COTABATO. DANLAG NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Means of] am LTRs cee Nerific: Geis Fund School-based | _Totrain | Documentation | November | SSG Officers | 3, 000-logistics- pe} Leadership | officers in the 15.20, | SSGPTA Fund ove Training | making action 2020 | Classroom and | nd plan and Activity Club officers eal | resolution Design | ud Guest Speakers To empower | officers in . | } | performin, | ed | ueircese | a | responsibilities 1 ad | To enhance | | tal | | students? | | ven! awareness on | fee recent health | | issues | | | | concerning | 021 ___| adolescents | | Oal PASKOMUNIDAD | To spread the | Documentation | December | Teachers | ‘SSG Fund spirit of 20-23, | | af Christmas Training 2020 | PTA Fund 1e through gift Design Students | 7:04 giving to the | | Solicitation from | least favored Solicitations | | SSG Officers Stakeholders | members of | | | ling the community | |_ stakeholders ctiy School Foundation | ‘To Documenaton [February |~ Teachers PTA Fund st Day commemorate 28, 2021 a the founding | — Activity | $SG Oficers / ofthe school | Design | | and the | PTA Officers ; individuals | | behind its | | Administrator Ie ames establishment | tu" SSG Election |For students to | Documentation February | SSG Officers fei Campaign _| distinguish the | vat best running | Students ‘ht candidates | | Is Ir | | For aspiring | " |officersto | | | present their | | | platforms and | | | to deliberate | | why they | — Scanned with CamScanner oh eo Republic of the Philippines: Department of Education REGION XII SCHOOLS DIVISION OF SOUTH COTABATO DANLAG NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL iene should be _ void : _ SSG Election | To lect the | Documentation | February | All Students SSG Fund | best running | SSG - | Attendance of SSG Officers. | | candidates voters | | | SSG Project | To source out | Project | Mareh | 88g Officers 5 Construction of “1 | fund forthe | Proposal | 2021 love Danlag” sigil_ | construction of | Administrator PTA | the“Llove | Documenigtion | | Danlag” sigil . PTA Stakeholders | as part of the school’s | ae beautification _ 7 _ - Induction of the | To strengthen | Documentation | March Students ‘SSG Fund newly Elected SSG | the sense of 2021 | | Officers responsibility | Activity | SSG Officers of the newsets | Design | | of SSG officers through public | portrayal of | their vows | | Prepared by: Noted: JOSE P. DELORIA, SSG Adviser Approved Scanned with CamScanner Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Dp ey ED Division of Cotabato | i DANLAG NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL purannaest Hor invention Danlag, Tampakan, South Cotabato ANARRATIVE REPORT '$8G Election 2019-2020 complete basic ‘education from JHS to SHS Pursuant to DepEd Order No. 47, s. 2014 entilled *Consttution and By -Laws of the Supreme Student Government and Suprem mmulgated the guidelines in the organization and election of SSG . The election of the SSG aim to establish the goal and aspiration, embody the ideale and principles of freedom, equality, justice and democracy, and promote the welfare of all Students. he student body will choose and support the next leaders of Its election time, the time where tt fool organization whose purpose is to train the the school. Supreme Student Government is a scl students tobecome better citizens in the future and to develop students’skills and abilities in achieving quality education and academic excellence through cooperative works among themselves in achieving their goals. Last August 18, 2019, the activities for the $SG Election took place. A total number of 219 students from Junior High and Senior High School participated on the said event. There were two (2) participating parties(SMART partylist and WIN Partylist) and each had fifteen (15)officers aiming to be in the position they desired. \d Vice-Presidential Candidates was held last August Ived interrogation of the selected students from Grade ion and will of the candidates’ and probably with their student leader of Danlag National High School .After ‘andidacy (COC) took place on August 25, 2019 The screening for the Presidential an 22,2019 at Faculty room. The screening invol 40 and 11. Its mission is to test the determinati plaforms in pursuing their goal of becoming @ thescreening, the filing of the Certificates of C (7:00am- 1:00pm ). ‘The candidates filed their COC according to their respective party. During thelast hour of the fling of COCs, the SSG Adviser for a meeting. In this meeting the responsibility,requirements, activites and consequences of being a SSG Officer were discussed. After the meeting, the official Tist of candidates for SSG Election of Officers S.Y. 2020-2021 was publicly announced to the students. They were introduced to the students with brief information, started at 9:00 in the morning until 11:00 in the moming. The ‘ave their campaign. Each party independently planned their campaign strategies and went room-to-room to introduce their selves ‘and persuade the students to supportand vote them, A Campus-wide Presidential and Vice-Presidential Debate or * Meeting de Avance ‘was held on August 28, 2019 at Senior High ‘School Building. The first party ‘was SMART party where they showed their powerful and strong personalities 0 entice the crowd. ‘The second party which is the WIN party was also upbeat when the crowd started to heat up; they also showed thei logical capabilies. Both parties’ received questions from the selected students ‘vhere they answered admirably to persuade the students to vote for them The Campaign Period candidates were given only limited time to h Scanned with CamScanner So #” aa, AMter their brief introductions, the presidents and vice-presidents of each party were given ‘chance to present tei platform of government which states goal, reason/s why they should winand tome oftheir fture projects. Then the students were allowed to ask questions to the candidates for president and vice-president. Last August 28, 2019, the synchronize election tookplace. The voting Tocess started at 1:00pm until 2:00pm, the ballots were placed according to their year level. After 3 longand careful counting and casting of votes, the winner had been announced by informing un a microphone. The next school day was the inauguration of the winners: in front of the Studens afterthe flag ceremony. The principal had given the new elected officers to take the sponsibility ofthe school as the mode! not only within the campus but also to the community. Prepared by: Noted by: JUNIERIRJENTRINA Techer In- Charge Scanned with CamScanner Department of Education D Division of Cotabato e | DANLAG NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL punaaraist Wor tovextion Danlag, Tampakan, South Cotabato ACCOMPLISHMENT REPORT 2019 SCHOOL BASED LEADERSHIP TRAINING AND ORIENTATION In line with the commitment to train and orient student leaders, the undersigned conducted a school based leadership training on November 23 to 25, 2019. The participants are the Supreme Student Government Officers, n with the SSG Officers, and upon classroom, Club and other recognized students organization. In coordin approval of the Office of the Principal, the event was successfully materialized, The Venue of the training was held at the school’s Mini Gym. The activity started at 7:30 in the morning, with the registration of participants, followed by the opening program at 8:30. ‘The first speaker was Mr. Jose P. Deloria, SSG Adviser, he discussed about the overview of the training, house rules and regulation, and the synchronized SSG's Schedule of Program and Activities. After the lunch break, the students gathered again at the library building for the afternoon session. ‘The topic was Student Discipline, a new way of a classroom penalty, it discussed the production of an eco- brick made of pet bottles (1.5 liter of soft drinks filled with plastic wrapper trash). Eco-brick are being used as alternative to hallow blocks and large stones. Video presentation had been used to explain the uses of the eco- bricks. The topic qualities and characteristics of a good and effective leader originally tasked to Mrs. Rachel teacher 1 of Lampitak National High School. twas a live in training, where in a student leader uses the classroom as their quarters, Total participants composed of eighty (50) students in eight (8) groups. Below is the graph indicating the attendance of the training per grade level, position, and gender. Scanned with CamScanner Fig.2 Participants per position Fig. 3 Total number of participants according to gender ‘The afternoon session ended at exactly 5:00 o'clock, for the next day around 7:30 in the morning, the session was ‘opened by 2 prayer and presentation of group yell followed by the SSG Adviser Mr. Jose P. Deloria, the topic ‘assigned to him is the “SSG Constitution and By-Laws, including Duties and Responsibilities”. ‘After the break time, The SSG Adviser initiated an icebreaker for them to be attentive with the next topic, ‘the undersigned was in charge of the topic “writing of minutes” followed by a workshop on how to write a journal or minutes. Below are the sample output for a beginner, and a first time secretary. Scanned with CamScanner The training was ended successfully. The SSG Officers fulfilled their duties and responsibilities in the ent! duration of the training, wishing there would be a Year-end Leadership Training, Recollection and Review of Accomplishment, but it will depend on the availability of time, another consideration is the redundancy of event wherein there is also series of trainings being offered that they may attend to like Division SSG Training. The School based training is very timely because the Division Leadership Training is intended solely for the SSG Officers wherein non-officers are no longer permitted to attend. Prepared by: sost EtidRia (SG Abyier ENTRINA sche! In- Charge Scanned with CamScanner SCHOOL- BASED LEADERSHIP TRAINING SEMINAR Wren Px ty) Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner aS . nV wn Student Initiated Projects 2018-2019 Republic of the Philippines a Department of education D @ Region XII @ ? Division of South Cotabato i me DANLAG NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Danlag, Tampakan, South Cotabato NARRATIVE REPORT IN SUPREME STUDENT GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION- Fund Raising and Project SY: 2018-2019 LINTRODUCTION The Supreme Student Government body is founded on the pri participatory democracy, responsible servant-leadership, collaboration, u: y, and efficiency in serving the student body (SSG Constitut |. This is the highest office of students in the school focusing in the students’ welfare. The office focuses on programs and activities that could alleviate students’ awareness in environmental issues, social-related issues and self-developm: Furthermore, this is also an avenue to the student body officers to develop their leadership skills and in honing them in becoming good example student body. Different activities and programs are implemented by this body for the whole year round. School Foundation Day, though a school-wide activity, is handled by the office of the SSG. The foundation day was conducted February 15 with a theme, 15 years of Quality Education, 15 Years of Creating History. The officers, with the school faculty and administration agreed to conduct the different acti This was highlighted in the conduct of the Search for Mr. and Ms. Danlag NHS 2019. This activity became the fund raising of the SSG. Each year level must have two pairs of Male and female. Each pair must have accumulate fund and the highest fund from top 8 males and females will be able to join the pageant. However, if the fund accumulated reached to a thousand but flanked on the 9 rank, the students still is qualified to join. for the first time in the history of Danlag NHS, the school was able to accumulate and amount of 37, 795.00. Highest fund accumulated was the Grade 9 Male candidate Karl Alcantra with 8, 000.00. For the female Category was Heart Tediong of Grade 7-jade with 5, 250.00. ‘The expenses for the pageant reached up to 24, 000.00 pesos however only 7, 795.00 was taken from the fund raising because of solicitation and Sponsorship to wit; Materials Solicited Donor/Sponsor Amount a. Customized Trophies ( King Mayor Leonardo Escobillo, 10, 000.00 Scanned with CamScanner 3 Runner Up Male and Female . Sound System Leonard Escobillo 3, 000.00 - Crown Veza D. Alncantara 1, 000.00 |. Alumni Association 3, 000.00 Tl. OBJECTIVES a) To raise fund for the SSG project b) To construct stage extension UI. ACCOMPLISHMENTS/ACHIVEMENTS 1. Accumulated fund for the SSG Project amounting to 30, 000.00 2. Constructed the Stage Extension Il. PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED a. Lack of contractor/worker. The availability of the hired mason is unpredictable thus, the project took a two months to be finished due to his other commitments at work. There was no available mason in the vicinity so we had to adjust on the availability of the previous mason. b. Shortage of fund for the project. The fund was not able to finish the entire project. IV. RECCOMMENDATION/ CONCLUSION Continue to tap the Alumni Association in the conduct of school activities. * Continue to conduct the Fund raising annually. + Think of other possible fund raising to implement more projects. Submitted by: soseeperonta SSG Coordinator Concurred: hy» — Scanned with CamScanner Canvassing of Fund Accumulated Date: February 8, 2019 Venue: Grade 11 Classroom Search For Mr. and Ms. DNHS ‘19 Date: February 15, 2019 Venue: Barangay Danlag Gymnasium Scanned with CamScanner i«MLUGc &” After \epue Scanned with CamScanner DANLAG NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL-TAMPAKAN ANNEX Danlag, Tampakan, South Cotabato = Department of Education D a — Region XII @n=zD | Division of South Cotabato binensest CHRISTMAS PARTY - GIFT GIVING CAROLING and TREE PLANTING SY: 2018-2019 SchooWDistrict: DANLAGNATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL School Head: SJUNIER R. ENTRINA, Position/Designation: TEACHER IN-CHARGE Activity Title: CHRISTMAS PARTY - GIFT GIVING CAROLING and TREE PLANTING Date of Implementation: December 15, 2018 BRIEF DESCRIPTION: Christmas giving has different faces however roots from the very essence of sharing love, compassion, and blessing. The SSG celebrates this essence into two different ways. First, the Gift Giving Activity which allowed th community and offered them varied gift after singing a carol. The gi Secondly, the tree planting activity was conducted to give importance to mother earth, The school has Planted over 120 tree saplings around the school boarder and the adopted river of the school. This was ‘ondueted before the students went tothe of the recipients, OBJECTIVES: The activity aims to: 4. remind the students on the true essence of Christmas b. be enlightened by the word of God 4. carol on those least fortunate families ¢: promote the spirit of Christmas in the community f. extend prayer for the recipient fami SIGNIFICANT ACCOMPLISHMENTS: * Extend Blessings: Giving gifts to those who are really very needy was one of the most Significant accomplishmentsthat the school lad done. “The recipient families were really “ery grateful upon receiving those unexpected gifts with carols ors dhe students, 2 Plantad 190 Scanned with CamScanner ti " PROBLEM ENCOUNTERED: | Time: The mass started late that made the rest of the activity to be Tuning out of time, ‘This further cause the gift giving activity to be very late at noon, though it was done successfully. Students Attendance. Out of 205 students, only 120 retuned to celebrate the Christmas arty and participate on the activity. This is due to the religious practices of other students that prohibits them from attending and which the school does not have authority over, FUTURE ACTIONS: Prepared by: Plan Ahead: The SSG should plan ahead so as there will be more meaningful activity to be done next school year. Bible Sharing: It would be better if there will be two Bible sharing in different time, one for the Catholic students and one for the Non-Catholic students, The gathering of the goods may be better if it will be done earlier in October ere will be more goods and will have more families to be gi ‘tree Planting: Increase the number of tree sapling planted and encourage involvement of the different stakeholder to cover vast area to be planted. JOSE P. DLEORIA SSG Coordinator Scanned with CamScanner | PHOTOS! Preparation DURING THE GIFT GIVING Grade 7 (PurokKawayan B and PurokKawayan A) Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Simmel targa gl aie Department of education Region XI [+ ED Division of South Cotabato meena DANLAG NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL cer Danlag, Tampakan, South Cotabato ‘Accomplishment Report on the SSG Reading Mentoring Program SY: 2018-2019 School/District: DANLAGNATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL ~ School Head: JUNIER R. ENTRINA _. Position’ Designation: ‘TEACHER IN-CHARGE Activity Title: SSG READING MENTORING PROGRAM Date of Implementation: August 20 , 2018 (Start of Implementation) up to the present INTRODUCTION of the Reading Intervention Program, the Reading Coordinator called To strengthen the implementatior rs to be the reading mentors of the students in the Frustration level or CL for the assistance of the SSG Office those who have difficulty in reading. r With the 12 SSG officers, the identified students to be under the program were pred with their SSG iticer mentors. The schedule ofthe mentoring i every lanch break and activity period, rt “The reading coordinator conducted an orientation to the SSG officers of their roles as mentors. They \were given the guides and oriented on how to use those guides. Further, the pairing of the SSG officers to the student recipients were also drafted by the reading coordinator. : “The posttest is yet to be conducted on the second to third week of February but the Reading Go0d noted development in the students as all of them have increased their reading level as displayed in the sorsiuct ofthe one-on-one reading assessment. Although they have not yet perfected the tests, however 5 sfuhe scoves are to be compared in ther pre-test resuls, signifieant increase is observable. ‘This program is anchored on the many study of the peer tutoring as reading intervention conducted i around the plobe, The study shows that when students are taught by their fellow studentsipeers given a ‘hor activities are planned and guided by the teachers, will have a significant development as intimidation among the non-readers and the fear to ask are eradicated, M1, OBJECTIVES a. Conduct Reading Intervention to identified students with reading difficulty b, Become reading mentors to identified students with reading difficulty — —c._Inorease the reading levels ofthe identified students under frustration level. > JL. ACCOMPLISHMENTS/ACHIVEMENTS 1, Mentored the total 24 students under the frustration level Tr 2, Increase the sense of responsibility and sense of worth of the SSG officers ~ UM. PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED Scanned with CamScanner © Close monitoring of the Reading and the SSG coordinator must be done every remsion. This in to check the attendance of the mentees and the mentors The program is very effective as there is 4 one-on-one session and intimidation in the case of the a mentees is eradicated —— Submitted by Bn JOSEP IPLORIA SSG COORDINATOR | Sap eee pee pr eEY ere Se Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner ‘ ___ Region XI DANLAG NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Danlag, Tampakan, South Cotabato Accomplishment Report in the SSG Patrol Ticket Program - SY: 2018-2019 School/District: DANLAGNATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL > School Head: SUNIER R. ENTRINA __ Position/Designation: TEACHER IN-CHARGE ~ Activity Tite: SSG PATROL TICKET PROGRAM Date of Implementation: Juty 5, 2018 (Start of Implementation) up to the present LINTRODUCTION To strengthen the programs of the ESWM, the organization requested the SSG to help maintain the cleanliness and the water and energy conservation program of the organization. The SSG decided to make a patrol, ticket to be used as a fool in maintaining and abiding by the principles of the ESWM. Inclusive to the ticket are the violations committed by the classroom/office and the corresponding fines to pay. The violations are the following; a. Lights not tumed off (during lunch break and afternoon break) b. Faucets leaking or not turned off c. Wastes not segregated All throughout the year, the program has accumulated an amount of 790.00. Furthermore, the program has increased awareness in water and energy conservation and in waste segregation as the students and ceven the teachers has become more cautious in using energy and water and in throwing their wastes. The program may have started with the notion that the students and teachers might have been practicing the values of ESWM because of the sanctions; however, the SSG believes that when this becomes a practice, those program recipients will instill in them the mentioned values. I, OBJECTIVES ere Increase awareness in Waste Segregation through ticketing schemes Increase awareness in water and energy conservation through ticketing schemes To maintain/uphold and abide by the principles of the school ESWM program, and: Maintain the cleanliness of the classroom and the school. Il. ACCOMPLISHMENTS/ACHIVEMENTS, Organized ticketing scheme Collected an amount of 790.00 Increased students’ awareness in water and energy conservation, and waste segregation as displayed in seldom violations of every classroom after 3 months of implementation. Scanned with CamScanner ee This program will only be effective if monitored closely by the SSG adviser ubmitted by: | OSE P-DELORIA SG Ct INATOR, Soncurred: JUNIER Rj ENTRINA, THT Teacher ln/Charge Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner

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