Sirian Stargate of The Heart

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The Sirian Stargate of the Heart and the Golden Age Temples of Light

Welcome precious hearts, this is Anrita Melchizedek, and I would like to welcome you to
this beautiful telewebinar transmission, the Sirian Stargate of the Heart and the Golden
Age Temples of Light, as we come together as One Unified Cosmic Heart.

We start by traveling in our activated Merkabas into the Sirian Living Library within the
etheric of Sirius as we align with the Center of the Galaxy. As we merge with our Christed
ET Selves, we access the Cosmic Living Library Codes and Universal Akashic Records from
the Golden Age timelines of Lemuria, Atlantis and ancient Egypt in particular as these
volunteer Souls to Mother Earth and all Life. As these Golden Age timelines merge into this
Golden Age timeline in increased waves of Cosmic Christ Consciousness and Divine Love,
this assists us to create and bring about huge changes within our own lives in the knowing
of our starseed contracts upon this sacred earth in timelines of Self Mastery.

As initiates of Light, we enter into the Sirian Temple of the Goddess. Overlighted by the
Sirian Archangelic League of Light and the Order of Melchizedek, we attune to the Pink
Sirian Seed Crystal within this Temple which activates the pink flame of unconditional,
compassionate Love. We merge with our Sirian Christed ET Self as we dissolve and
transmute emotional and etheric debris no longer needing to be experienced; particularly
old emotional ties or misused or abused heart energy imprintings. The Sirian Temple of
the Goddess embraces the Divine Masculine archetypal energy as it surrenders to the
Divine Feminine archetype. Embracing, loving, and appreciating our Divine Masculine
Spirits and all they have done to defend us and protect us, while realizing this is no longer
needing to be experienced as we walk the path of Love. In this rebalancing of our Divine
Masculine and Feminine Spirits, we ignite our Divine Feminine and Masculine Pillars into
the Central Pillar of Equilibrium and Truth and embrace the full range of our emotions.
Additionally, we activate the sacred geometry of the star tetrahedron within our Christed
Hearts, and our Sword of Holy Truth through these energies of Divine Love.

We then enter the Lemurian Temple of Dreaming. Overlighted by the Lemurian Elders, our
Lemurian Multidimensional Selves have experienced this timeline and the Order of
Melchizedek. We attune to the Tangerine Dream Lemurian Seed Crystal within this Temple
which activates Soul re-alignment as it aligns into the original Divine Eight-Cell Blueprint.
This Temple has an accelerated energy pattern that offers profound change, taking us
deeper into our heart’s dreaming and our heart’s passion. Additionally, we connect into
the Soul dreamtime of Crystalline Cities, Ashrams of Light and the inner plane Schools of

Learning as we further activate the sacred geometry of the cube within our Christed
Hearts, and our Sword of Holy Truth.

We then enter into the Atlantean Diamond Crystal Temple of Multidimensional Interface,
Overlighted by the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light, the Order of Melchizedek, Thoth
and the Atlantean Priesthood. As we deepen into our purity and innocence, activating at
the deepest levels of our beingness the Divine Blueprint of Creation through the Cosmic
Heart of Mother/Father God, also known as Melchizedek Consciousness, we increase our
Light Quotient as well as bring a focus to the karmic timelines and our pre-birth
agreements. From here, we enter into the Halls of Amenti. We enter into the Temple of
the Cold Flaming Flower of Life, where we experience the activation of the Atlantean Key
Codes. Additionally, we activate the sacred geometry of the octahedron within our
Christed Hearts, and our Sword of Holy Truth.

From here we enter into the Egyptian Temple of Light and Darkness, Overlighted by the
Sirian Archangel League of the Light, Horus, the High Priesthood and the Order of
Melchizedek. Within the Temple of Light and Darkness, we merge with our Egyptian
Multidimensional Selves as we attune to the Smoky Egyptian Seed Crystal, an effective
karmic cleanser. We experience the Christed Timelines and the point of equilibrium as we
find the balance between Light and dark, touching the point of neutrality, letting go of
judgment, and trusting and surrendering to the Divine. Within this Temple we experience a
renewed balance within our lives, a renewed equilibrium between the karmic and Christed
Timelines, deepening into our intuition and Heart’s Dreaming and a greater appreciation of
each Now moment. We further experience a deeper knowing of the teachings of the Left
and Right Eye of Horus and how we are all initiates of Light walking the Path of Divine
Love. Additionally, we activate the sacred geometry of the dodecahedron within our
Christed Hearts, and our Sword of Holy Truth.

Lastly, we enter back into the Temple of Truth, where every aspect of our Life is re-
aligned to our Highest Potential and timelines of Self Mastery, whether this is relationship
issues, health issues or deeper levels of our Soul purpose and heart’s dreaming as we look
through our Master Eyes where all Truth is revealed. Additionally, we activate the sacred
geometry of the icosahedron within our Christed Hearts, as we complete the geometries
for the activation and actualization of the Sirian Stargate of the Heart. Furthermore, our
Sword of Holy Truth ignites through the Flames of Truth as the veils of illusion lift and we
are drawn to our future Selves in this Now moment.


So let us start in setting our sacred space, as we take you into the etheric of Sirius and
into the next level of your Soul's blossoming as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine
Love and Master Beings of Light.

Focusing for a moment now simply on your breathing, breathing deep into the body,
expanding the lower abdomen as you breathe in, contracting the lower abdomen as you
breathe out. And just bringing your awareness into the body, letting go of distraction, of
things that have come, of things that are yet to come, coming simply the knowing of the
cosmic conscious awareness activating deeper within the body, coming into the knowing of
yourselves as these Sacred Transfiguring Flames of Divine Love in these deep rhythmic

And visualizing now this beautiful Diamond Flame of Melchizedek Consciousness activate
through the heart chakra and now activate through each one of the chakras and into the
sub-atomic particles of the body, starting to spin the sub-atomic particles into a frequency
alignment of Unity Consciousness with the Overlighting of all the Illumined Beings who will
be joining you, deepening into the knowing of yourselves as Starseeds and Melchizedek
Initiates of Light.


As you start to expand your own energy field in the beautiful Diamond Flame of
Melchizedek Consciousness you have a sense of connecting to one another, connecting at
this Higher Light level with all those awakened Souls listening to this transmission, your
soul brothers, soul sisters, and soul family of the Light. And all the beautiful Starseeds
around the globe coming together in this auspicious now moment. And now you are joined
now by the many Illumined legions of Light from On High through the Overlighting of
Mother/Father God.


As you deepen now into the Unity Grid of Divine Love and into the New Earth templates,
you call upon the Overlighting of Archangel Michael, Raphael and Chamuel, the Sirian
Archangelic League of the Light, the Order of Melchizedek and now, the Trinity Lords of
Light, Lord Michael, Lord Metatron and Lord Melchizedek. Good, sweet ones.

And now you merge with your Beloved I am Presence, into the glorious magnificence of the
highest aspect of your Soul Light that YOU ARE embodied upon this sacred earth. You have
a sense too of your beautiful multidimensional bodies of Light, your I AM Avatar Body of
Light; how the sub-atomic particles within the body are spinning in this increased Light
Crystalline frequency; how you are coming deeper into this resonance of Divine Love and
One Unity Consciousness. And having a sense of how your energies are starting to activate
into these multidimensional fields of Light and through this beautiful diamond flame of
Melchizedek Consciousness deeper into your purity, your innocence, and your divinity; as
you place your hands upon our heart chakras, as you say to yourself, "I love you," giving
your full name now, "I love you, I love you".


You take a moment now to ground into the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth, visualizing this
grounding cord of any color of your choosing coming from the sacral chakra, and taking it
into the energy of the Earth, wrapping this cord around the diamond Light clusters, as
Mother Earth sends you her Love, back up your grounding cord and into your body and
energy field. Wonderful, sweet ones.

And this Diamond Flame of Melchizedek Consciousness activates this Diamond Sphere of
Light 54 feet in diameter around you. Within this sphere sweet ones, you now see the
Golden Fruit of Life, Metatron's Cube, and the Tree of Life ~ and as these geometries,
Light Codes, templatings, numerologies, and New Earth frequencies activate now within
this diamond sphere of Light, and within the Unity Grid of Divine Love, you call upon the
Trinity Lords of Light ~ Lord Michael, Lord Metatron, and Lord Melchizedek – to activate
their Trinity Lords’ Shield of Light.

And now, sweet ones, you experience the Trinity Lords' Shield of Light activate around
your body, and as this diamond sphere of Light illuminates the Consciousness of God, of
Melchizedek Consciousness, you sense now the Trinity Lords' Shield of Light activating as a
spinning disc of Light, coming through initially through the Soul Star Chakra, 15
centimeters above the crown chakra, and now through the crown chakra, and now through
all the chakras and into the Earth Star Chakra, going down through the body, spinning in a
clockwise and then counter clockwise direction, respectively, bringing in the crystalline
codes, the atomic codes of Crystalline Consciousness, the adamine particles of Light. As
this beautiful shield, as a spinning disc, now moves back up the chakras, from the Earth
Star chakra into the base chakra, sacral the solar plexus, the heart, the throat, the third
eye, and the crown you connect now into the higher dimensional portals.

Activating now through this fourth dimensional portal 0.02 feet above the crown chakra,
the fifth dimensional portal 0.6 feet above the crown chakra, the sixth dimensional portal
2.4 feet above the crown chakra, the seventh dimensional portal 3 feet above the crown
chakra, the eighth dimensional portal 5.4 feet above the crown chakra, and now the ninth
dimensional portal, 24 feet above the crown chakra, as you now state: "I activate the
Trinity Lords Shield of Light ~ Activate ~ Activate ~ Activate."


Good, sweet ones. You are now ready to experience the Sirian Stargate of the Heart. Bring
a focus to a portal of Light, the Sirian Portal, 2.4 feet above the crown chakra. As this
portal activates, you are now surrounded in a beautiful silver-gold sphere of Light 10.8
feet in diameter around you. You now experience a toroidal field of Light emanating from
and pouring into your Christed Heart, sweet ones, as you start to experience the Stargate
of the Goddess, of Divine, Unconditional Love and the ascension codes of Galactic Christ
Consciousness. This donut shape torus field now activates within this silver-gold sphere
10.8 feet in diameter around you. It now folds in upon itself as all points along its surface
converge into a zero-dimensional point within your Christed Heart. And now sweet ones,
you see two spinning vortices activate and converge within the heart chakra in a vertical
alignment. The top vortex now spins in a clockwise direction from the heart chakra
towards this Sirian Galactic portal, aligning you deeper into the Cosmic Heart of
Mother/Father God. The bottom vortex initially spins in a counter-clockwise direction into
the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth, grounding you into the diamond Light clusters and all
that you need to release, to Love All That Arises. And now, sweet ones, you have a sense
of these two vortices starting to activate into a funnel shape through the Christed Heart.


You will now activate your Merkaba field of Light and travel to the Sirian Living Library in
the etheric of Sirius. You now visualize three superimposed star tetrahedrons within this
beautiful silver-gold sphere of Light 10.8 feet in diameter around you. What you are going
to do, sweet ones, is spin the emotional body star tetrahedron in a clockwise direction and
the mental body star tetrahedron in a counter-clockwise direction at specific Fibonacci
ratios God Speed to Infinity, within your diamond sphere of Light 54 feet in diameter
around you. The higher Fibonacci ratio always relates to this mental body star
tetrahedron. And the etheric body star tetrahedron remains stationary over the body.

You now recite the following Fibonacci ratios and God speeds of Light:

8/5, 11 times God speed to infinity,

13/8, 22 times God speed to infinity,

21/13, 33 times God speed to infinity,

34/21, 44 times God speed to infinity.

And now, sweet ones, your Light Body/Merkaba field is activated to the speed of the fifth
and sixth dimensions, to the new Earth Templates of Divine Love and to the Sirian Stargate
of the Heart.


A portal of Light now activated through the Trinity Lords’ Shield of Light, and you now find
yourselves travelling in your activated Merkabas into the Sirian Living Library within the
etheric of Sirius.

You now find yourselves, sweet ones, entering into a beautiful Pyramid of Light radiating
in these wonderful silver-gold rays of Light. You see the most beautiful sacred geometries
and crystals all around you, and now before you, you see this beautiful blue-colored Sirian
Archangel. This is your Sirian Master Guide, and your guide now welcomes you to the
Sirian Living Library. He or she lets you know that you are going to start by revisiting the
timeline in which a call was put out to 144,000 Master Beings in 104,000 BC to down step
their vibration as volunteer Souls to this sacred earth and to the lower worlds.

With your Sirian Master Guide by your side, you now enter through a doorway of sacred
geometry and now come across three Akashic Record Keepers, who grant you access into
this beautiful Living Library as a Star seed of Light; and you now experience these streams
of higher mind wisdom and knowing starting to activate through the third eye and crown
chakra, as a recalibration of the left and right hemispheres of the brain now occurs.


Your Sirian Master Guide now places upon your head a headdress of a golden sun disc
encoded with the new Sirian Light codes as well as the signatures of your specific Life
tasks and Soul purposes in various incarnations of Light. And you have a sense now, sweet
ones, of aligning with the Center of the Galaxy through this Vortex of the Goddess, as you
connect into the inner earth sun, the golden sun within your heart, the sun, central sun
and now great central sun. You are aligned now through all dimensions of Light sweet
ones, and having a deepening sense now of merging with your Beloved I Am Presence.


Your Sirian master guide now asks you to simply breath deep into the body and to release
all thoughts, as you just allow for these new Sirian codes to be activated in the Language
of Light through the crown chakra and third eye. Wonderful, sweet ones.


Wonderful, sweet ones. And now while simply holding the focus of the knowing of
yourselves as these star seeds and volunteer Souls to this sacred earth, through these
merging timelines, you see that you are in this huge Temple with 144,000 Star Beings, of
which you are one, offering to down step your vibration and assist in bringing the Law of
One to the lower dimensions. As these Star Councils gather and come forth you offer
yourself in service as this brave and courageous soul, as this self-realized Master Being and
Star seed. You now find yourself watching this event through your third eye as you hear
yourself saying now:

“I choose as a star seed and Melchizedek Initiate of Light to be a volunteer soul to the
lower dimensions and worlds and to bring the energy of Galactic Christ Consciousness into
the Hearts and minds of all those souls waking up upon the lower dimensions and choosing
the path of Unity Consciousness. I know that in this mission I will forget the knowing of
my magnificence and light and the timelines of self-mastery, of the knowing of myself as
a Sirian Starseed, as a Pleiadian Starseed, as an Andromedan Starseed, as an Acturian
Starseed, as a Venusian Starseed, as a Lyran Starseed. But I bring this remembrance with
me to activate in the perfect time, so that although the veils of illusion activate as I walk
the path of karmic timelines and the Christed timelines, I will know within my hearts of
hearts that all is Love. That I have chosen to be of service through my own courageous
and magnificent self. To affect and create change for all life upon the lower worlds. I
acknowledge my full magnificence and Light as this star seed. I acknowledge I will always
have guides, I will always be connected to the cosmic heart of Mother/Father God. And
even in those times when I experience heartache and pain, sadness, shame and anger, in
order to experience the full range of human emotions and to understand to what is to be
human, I will always know at the deepest levels of my Beingness that I am this multi-
dimensional Master Being of Light. I will always have this guidance, I will always be able
to draw upon wisdom and love of Mother/Father God, I will never be alone. And as I take
this journey into the lower dimensions I will trust that all will be revealed to me in the
perfect Now moment, as I open the portals and stargates of Divine Love for myself and all
life on the lower dimensions. And So It Is.


I now call upon my multi-dimensional Selves, my Pleiadian, Sirian, Andromedan,
Arcturian, Venusian, Lyran, Vegan, Orion and all other multidimensional Christed ET
selves that have achieved self-mastery and that wish to join me now.


I further draw to me the energy of my Selves that have achieved Self Mastery in the
Golden Age timelines of Lemuria, Atlantis and ancient Egypt. As these Golden Age
timelines merge into this Golden Age timeline I come deeper into the knowing of my star
seed contracts upon this sacred earth in these timelines of Self Mastery.”


Wonderful, sweet ones. You have a sense now of these multi-dimensional aspects of
yourselves drawing to you, drawing closer and closer, bringing in memories, imprintings
and Knowings, taking you deeper into these multi-dimensional aspects of yourselves and
deeper into your Christed Heart. Good.

You are now invited to enter the Sirian Temple of the Goddess. With all these beautiful
multidimensional aspects of yourself, and in particular, your Sirian multidimensional Self,
you now enter into the Sirian Temple of the Goddess.

As you look around you, you notice that you are dressed in your initiatory robe of Light
from the Temple of Truth. You are dressed in this beautiful red ceremonial robe, with the
symbol of the Flower of Life and the six-pointed star on the back of the robe, bringing a
focus to the teachings of the Eye of Horus, the teachings of the Order of Melchizedek. And
upon your left breast three flames appear; the Diamond Flame of Melchizedek
Consciousness, the Silver-Gold Flame of Sirian Consciousness and Highest Potentials, and
the Red Flame of Truth and Empowerment. And at the center of these flames is the
symbol of a pentagram.

You now notice you are Overlighted by the Order of Melchizedek, as your Melchizedek
Master Guide now comes forward, standing to the right of you, and your Sirian Master
Guide to the left of you. As you look around you now in this beautiful Temple of the
Goddess, you see these vibrating Sirian Pink Seed Crystals. And now, you notice two pillars
to each side of you, one black and one white, representing the masculine and feminine
aspects of polarity balance, that you are still experiencing, sweet ones, and now before
you see between this beautiful pink Crystal Altar, and upon this altar, a pink crystal bowl,
upon which blazes the pink flame of Divine, unconditional Love.

Now find yourself wrapped in this beautiful Pink Flame of Love, taking you deeper into
your Christed Heart, taking you deeper into the Love within yourself.


Your Sirian Master Guide lets you know that the Sirian Temple of the Goddess embraces
the Divine Masculine archetypal energy as it surrenders to the Divine Feminine archetype.
And that as you embrace, love and appreciate your Divine Masculine Spirit and all that it
has done to defend and protect you, you also acknowledge it no longer needs to defend or
protect you as you walk the Path of Love.

To deepen this knowing sweet ones, your Sirian Master Guide requests of you your Sword
of Holy Truth. As you hand your Sword of Holy Truth to your Sirian Master Guide, he or she
now activates this second red ruby crystal upon your sword, and places within it this
beautiful pink Sirian Seed Crystal. As this Sirian Seed Crystal now activates sweet ones,
you find the kundalini energy starting to activate through and within the original divine
eight-cell blueprint within the perineum center.

As you activate the primary kundalini channels now, sweet ones, the kundalini energy
starts to move gently from the perineum center, into the sacral chakra and base chakra
and you may be guided to gently move the body and creating this gentle vortex of Light,
moving the body in this slow deep rhythmic movement from the pelvis area, perhaps in
circles or backwards and forwards, or from side to side, just allowing this energy to
activate, to unfold and to move through each one of the chakras, in this safe and sacred

As this kundalini energy continues to activate through the chakras you may have a sense of
it merging now into the sexual energy, the energy of desire through the sacral chakra, but
as you just continue these deep rhythmic movements the kundalini energy will start to
move beyond the sacral, into the solar plexus, into the heart chakra. You may be guided to
move the upper body now, having a sense of this activation also creating a pressure
perhaps between the shoulder blades as it continues to activate now through the thymus
chakra, the throat, and now into the third eye and the crown chakra ~ activating too, into
a deeper knowing of your heart’s dreaming, your heart’s passion, your heart’s joy,
activating the dormant DNA and amplifying the divine original eight-cell blueprint. And you
bring a focus now, sweet ones, to the activation of the secondary kundalini channels
coming out from the feet chakra up the outside of the legs, along the side of the body to
the armpits, down the arms and out the hands chakras.


This energy will be activating on its own, sweet ones, and we are assisting, all these
Illumined Beings are assisting you now, to activate the kundalini channels to the maximum
that cosmic law can allow, in this very safe and sacred space, and to deepen this
experience of Divine Love and Unity Consciousness, and to deepen this experience of
connecting to the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine Spirits. And throughout this
transmission you may find that you may find that you may wish to move the body, jiggle it,
or move it from side to side or backwards or forwards as you release all that can be
released in this Now, while allowing the flow of this beautiful energy of creation, of
divinity, of your own healing sacred sexual energy, to activate, sweet ones, through each
one of the chakras, sweet ones.


Good. Now you have a sense of activating the tantric channels. The tantric channels
activate from inside the feet chakras they move up the inside of the legs to the G-spot or
the base of the penis, up the front of the body and out the nipples. Again, just
experiencing this sense of moving the body in whatever way is appropriate, into this
deeper flow of your own beautiful healing sexual energy, sweet ones.

Wonderful, sweet ones. You now see your Divine Masculine Spirit to the right of you and
your Divine Feminine Spirit to the left of you. As you take each of these Divine aspects of
yourselves within your Loving Heart, you now turn to your Divine Masculine Spirit and say;

“My Divine Masculine Spirit, I understand that you have needed to step forward to defend
me, to protect me, to look after me in the only way that you know how to as this Warrior
of Light ~ of standing with this Sword of Holy Truth, of being able to hold this balance for
me as I have worked with the wounded soul aspects of myself that have needed to be
embraced and loved within my Christed Heart and this imbalance has also affected you,
my Divine Masculine Spirit, for as I have come deeper into loving myself I have been able
to release judgement of self and others, I have been able to let go of blame and come
deeper into forgiveness, come deeper into love. And these distortions that created this
imbalance in our relationship are now embraced as we embrace the wounded soul aspects
within our Christed Heart. I thank you for your service and I thank you for always
standing with the Sword of Holy Truth which now ignites into a deeper level of Unity and
Divine Love as we embrace our Divine Feminine Spirit.”

As I turn now to my Divine Feminine spirit I say “My Divine Feminine Spirit I know that it
is taken some time to come back into self-love and self-appreciation and self-nurturing.

The Plane of Polarity in this School of Learning has not been easy, and I know as this
courageous Master Being walking both the karmic timelines and Christed timelines we
have created contracts to know ourselves as love that have been challenging, that have
been hurtful, that have been hard ~ but all this time you have deepened into loving,
accepting and appreciating us and where we are. And in this beautiful Sirian Temple of
the Goddess of Divine Love, I feel it and experience it through your love, through this
Temple, through our Christed Heart. I am sorry that I’ve put others before you but I hear
you, I see you, I appreciate you and I ask you to guide us along this Path of Love. For we
have learned our lessons. We have found a deeper level of balance and equilibrium, truth
and love. And in this renewed balance my Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine Spirits,
we step forward as both the Warriors of Light and sacred Transfiguring Flames of Divine
Love ~ knowing when to step forward in dynamic right action, justice and truth, and when
to step back in love and wisdom. And it is your guidance and your love, my Divine
Feminine Spirit, that leads us ever deeper into our Christed Heart. I thank you and I
honor you and I love you. And in this rebalancing now of our Divine Masculine and our
Divine Feminine Spirit, I ignite the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine Pillars into the
Central Pillar of Equilibrium and Truth, as we embrace the full range of our emotions
within our Christed Heart.”


Wonderful, sweet ones. And now, the sacred geometry of the star tetrahedron activates
within your Christed Heart.


Good. You are now ready to enter the Lemurian Temple of Dreaming. And as you thank the
Sirian Archangelic League of the Light now, you find yourselves being placed in your
energetic Merkaba Vehicles of Light, your individual spaceships, made in the finest
frequencies of your Higher Light, traveling now in soul consciousness through the grids of
Divine Love, of stralim radiation, and entering now into the Lemurian Temple of
Dreaming, into this central Lemurian Pyramid of Light, surrounded in these beautiful
crystals and crystalline frequencies and getting a sense now too sweet ones, of the
remembrance of the Lemurian Golden Ages of Light.

Wrapped in the Diamond Flame of Melchizedek Consciousness, the Silver-Gold Flame of
Sirian Consciousness and Highest Potentials, and the Red Flame of Truth and
Empowerment, you are now welcomed and greeted by the Lemurian Elders, who come
forward to welcome you to this Temple of Dreaming.

You hear this drumming, this heartbeat energy of Mother Earth drawing you closer to
nature, to earth, to the beauty of this magnificent earth. And now before you the most
beautiful Being, this is your Lemurian Multidimensional Self who has experienced this
timeline of One Unity Consciousness. You just feel and sense the most amazing kindred
soul connection to these multidimensional aspect of yourself sweet ones, as you now
gently embrace and merge your energies with your Lemurian Multidimensional self.


As this occurs, you have a sense now of the timelines which you may have experienced in
Lemuria in Love and Unity. Wonderful. With your Melchizedek Master Guide to the right of
you and your Lemurian Multidimensional Self to the left of you now sweet ones, you are
ready to experience the Temple of Dreaming. Within this pyramidal shaped temple, you
now see these tangerine-coloured rays reflecting through the sunlight and all around you
these Tangerine Dream Lemurian Seed Crystals. You now notice two pillars to each side of
you, one black and one white, representing once more the Divine Masculine and Feminine
aspects of polarity balance, and now you see between these pillars a Crystal Altar, and
upon this altar, a tangerine Lemurian crystal bowl, upon which blazes a tangerine-colored
Flame of Dreaming and Passion. You now find yourself wrapped in this tangerine-colored
flame, taking you deeper into your heart’s dreaming and joy while hearing what sounds
like these Tibetan Singing Bowls.


A Lemurian Elder now comes forward, requesting your Sword of Holy Truth. As you lift your
Sword into the air, the Lemurian Elder now activates the third red ruby crystal along your
sword, placing within it a Tangerine Dream Lemurian Seed Crystal. He lets you know that
this Tangerine Dream Lemurian Seed Crystal initially activates a Soul re-alignment into the
original Divine Eight-Cell Blueprint, into the original Divine Eight-Cells found within the
perineum center. In so doing, you deepen into the accelerated energy patterns activating
at this time and deeper into your Service work upon this sacred earth, into the knowing of
your connection to all Life on One Unity Consciousness through your unique gift’s sweet
ones, immeasurable and incomparable to others as you release any level of judgment of
self and others.

Before you now sweet ones, you see two Golden dragons, interlocked, and connected. The
Golden dragon energy from Lemuria is one of power and knowledge, although over the
years has become distorted to represent evil.

The Lemurian Golden dragons further bring about the integration of dualities into the
Consciousness of One, and as these two dragons create this spiraling vortex in this dance
Love and Unity you see they are holding within their hands this beautiful tangerine ball of
Light. This ball of Light, sweet ones, was a symbol in Lemuria, a symbol of alchemy and
unconditional Love. And this tangerine ball of Light now activates, this orange Flame of
Light, this golden orange flame ~ growing larger and larger and surrounding you now, as
you have a sense of the Unity Grid within you and around you, as you now sense yourself
holding the energy of the Earth in sacred wisdom, in Love, empowerment, truth and
peace, sweet ones.


And now, sweet ones, a Lemurian Elder places within your third eye one of these Tangerine
Dream Lemurian Seed Crystals. You now experience the timelines of your Lemurian Service
activating, timelines of Unity Consciousness, timelines of your Highest Potential, all
merging into this Now, as you now state:

“I am One with all Life. I am One with Mother/Father God. I am One with Mother Earth.

I deepen into the energy of this Sacred Earth honoring and loving every animal, plant,
person and living energy upon this sacred earth, knowing that in living humbly and
lovingly upon this sacred earth, I draw to me the energies of all those that have loved in
golden timelines of Light, in harmony, in peace, in joy, in unity.

I deepen into Unity Consciousness letting go of this lesser-than and better-than

consciousness, letting go of judgment of myself and judgment of others.

I know that I experience my own unique individuation within the One Reality of All That
Is, within this cosmic field of Christ Consciousness.

I have my own unique gifts that I use in service to this Sacred Earth, and at this Higher
Light level we are all brothers and sisters of the Light. Always and forever students,
always and forever Melchizedek Initiates of Light.

I also request a deeper sense of the Dreaming be brought into my reality, of my heart’s
dreaming and my heart’s joy, to ground this into this Golden Age of Light with my unique
gifts in service Mother Earth and all her life, fully supported, fully abundant, fully
committed and fully connected to the Divine.

I trust in this unfolding that allows me to focus on my service work as I take this leap of
faith deeper into unity, deeper into love.

I now anchor my heart’s dreaming and joy into every sub-atomic particle of my beingness
and now activate this more deeply through my original Divine eight-cell blueprint in the
perineum center.”


Wonderful, sweet ones. And now, you have a sense of how you are dreaming your reality
into Creation in each now moment, deepening into the ever-present continuum and Now
moment, this timeless Now moment, where time is not experienced other than in joy and
love and knowing that all is well, all is well.

You now state:

“In the rebalancing of my Divine Masculine and Feminine Spirits, I ignite the Divine
Feminine and Divine Masculine Pillars into the Central Pillar of Equilibrium and Truth, as I
embrace the full range of my emotions within my Christed Heart.”

Good, sweet ones. And now within the Lemurian Temple of Dreaming you have a sense too
of the soul traveling that you are experiencing in your dreamtimes. As the third eye and
crown chakras activate more fully now, you have a sense of how you have been travelling
to the Crystalline Cities of Light, to the Ashrams of Light, and to the Inner Plane Schools of
Learning. And we say to you, sweet ones, every time you are connected to the energy of
another, you feel a resonance in their energy, a resonance in their teachings, a resonance
to others. You are already experiencing the soul energy on the inner planes. This is also
why that many of you walk this path alone on an earthly level, sweet ones. You are fully
connected on the inner planes touching the hearts and minds and souls of all awakened
souls, not only on this physical level, but on the inner planes through coming together
within the Ray Ashrams overlighted by the Ascended Masters and Ray Masters within the
Crystalline Cities of Light overlighted by the Ascended Masters and Christed ET’s, within
the Schools of Learning overlighted by the Order of Melchizedek, and other incredible
teachers that you may personally know in physical form upon this Sacred Earth. So it is
useful before you go to bed, sweet ones, to set your intentions to be taken to the
Crystalline Cities, the Schools of Learning or the Halls of Light. And to further request,
specifically, what it is you may like to focus upon, so the guidance and wisdom offered to
you by these beings and you Beloved I AM Presence can help you to move into the Inner
Plane Cities of Light most suited to you in conscious co-creation as this Melchizedek
Ambassador of Light.


Wonderful, sweet ones. And now, a Lemurian Elder activates the sacred geometry of the
cube within your Christed Heart, signifying a deeper level of your Soul purpose and sacred
mission upon this earth.


You are now ready to enter into the Atlantean Diamond Crystal Temple of
Multidimensional Interface. As you thank the Lemurian Elders and your Lemurian
Multidimensional Self, you now find yourselves traveling in your activated Light
Bodies/Merkabas with your Sirian Master Guide and Melchizedek Master Guide.

You now enter into the Atlantean Diamond Crystal Temple of Multidimensional Interface,
Overlighted by the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light, the Order of Melchizedek, Thoth
and the Atlantean Priesthood.

Wrapped in the Diamond Flame of Melchizedek Consciousness, the Silver-Gold Flame of

Sirian Consciousness and Highest Potentials, and the Red Flame of Truth and
Empowerment, you are now welcomed and greeted by the Atlantean Priesthood, who
come forward to welcome you to this Atlantean Diamond Crystal Temple of
Multidimensional Interface. And now before you, you see the most beautiful Being, this is
your Atlantean Multidimensional Self who has experienced this timeline of One Unity
Consciousness and Divine Love. As you now merge your energies with your Atlantean
Multidimensional Self, you have a sense now, sweet ones, of the timelines which you may
have experienced in Atlantis as a High Priest of Priestess.


You now notice two pillars to each side of you, one black and one white, representing the
Masculine and Feminine aspects of polarity balance, and now you see between these
pillars a diamond altar, and upon this altar, a diamond bowl, upon which blazes a diamond
Flame of Purity and Divinity. You now find yourself wrapped in this diamond Flame of
Melchizedek Consciousness, moving deeper into your innocence as these sacred
transfiguring Flames of Divine Love.


An Atlantean High Priest now comes forward, requesting your Sword of Holy Truth. As you
lift your Sword into the air, the Atlantean High Priest now activates the fourth red ruby
crystal along your sword, placing within it a beautiful diamond, reflecting your innocence
and purity and the knowing of yourselves as an Atlantean High Priest or Priestess.

He lets you know that the Diamond Crystal Temple of Multidimensional Interface
essentially connects your Soul Light from Source and Beloved I Am Presence, rooting the
energy of your Higher Light through your body into the earth, and with this, giving you a
deeper understanding of the Christed Timelines and karmic timelines as well as your pre-
birth agreements.

In the Golden Ages of Atlantis, sweet ones, your pre-birth agreements were made initially
with your Star Family and friends to be of service to Mother Earth and all her Life; and
based on the choices to know yourselves always and eternally as Love, you would choose
your family members and earthly relationships and lessons within this to know yourselves
as Love. This worked well initially as you were connected to the realms of Illumined Truth
and could pierce the Veils of Illusion to assist those younger Souls to come into the
knowing of God’s infinite creation of Divine Love. However, through the influences of the
Sons of Belial, the Annunaki, and later the Martians, as the Unity Grid became cloaked in
Portals of Darkness, and fear came upon the Atlanteans, the fear of separation came upon
many of you, and further agreements to balance karma, neither good nor bad, brought
about the perception of reality of good vs evil through free will.

It takes courage sweet ones, to release these old cellular memories and false beliefs and
to embrace the victim and persecutor consciousness and pain and grief within your
Christed Hearts. For, the human experience in its full range of emotions is fully
acknowledged as the starting point for you to heal the Soul wounds and shift timelines.

And now, to re-experience the Golden Ages and the pre-birth agreements with Soul and
Star family and friends of the Light, within this sacred heart-space and this Diamond
Crystal Temple of Multidimensional Interface you will bring the focus initially to the
karmic timelines and these pre-birth agreements. You are ready, sweet ones, to
completely let go of blame, to deepen into forgiveness, and more than this to experience
a greater sense of trust as you embrace the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine Spirits
within yourselves. The karmic mates, sweet ones, could be brothers or sisters, parents,
partners, ex-partners, husbands, wives, any of those with whom you have experienced
disharmony, or who are still experiencing disharmony, those with whom you have
experienced difficulty on any level, of not being seen, or heard, or appreciated.

And now, as this beautiful Diamond Flame anchors and activates within the earth star
chakra, and now through each one of your chakras, you deepen your connection to all
aspects of your Soul Light, drawing upon the energy of your Beloved I Am Presence.

You just imagine now, the person that comes to mind, drawing them into this sacred space
within this Diamond Crystal Temple of Multidimensional Interface, as you connect now
through your Higher Self of the Light to the Higher Self of this person, surrounding them in
this beautiful Diamond Flame of Atlantis. As you make this connection at a soul level you
let them know firstly;

"I Love you and I forgive you, as I Love and forgive myself. I want you to know that the
lessons I have experienced with you ~ that we have chosen together in our pre-birth
agreements ~ have humbled me. I see you as this beautiful soul mate who has chosen this
journey with me so that each of us can heal the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine
Spirits within ourselves to know ourselves as Love. Please trust me and know that I come
in Love. Please open to me, as I open to you, so together we can heal our wounds, so
together we can experience once more this merging energetically in a level of
appreciation and Love that we have experienced previously, for we are soul mates at the
highest level of our Beingness. I am grateful for these lessons that I have experienced
with you. You are a master teacher, and a very brave and courageous soul to take on and
perpetuate the victim and persecutor consciousness, as I have, and to experience your
full range of emotions, as I have. And I see in blaming you, in holding on to my anger, in
holding on to my rage, and my pain, I cannot heal our relationship. So I ask you ~ please
allow me to merge energetically ~ let us heal our pain together, let us know that we have
chosen this Now moment to re-experience a Re-union of Hearts, for I know that we have
experienced many lifetimes together and not all of them have been through the karmic
pathway, for we are both great, courageous souls, and this journey in this Now will allow
us to truly heal our wounds and feel this Love with one another again, so we can bring an
end to the karmic pathway as we walk the Christed Timelines."

Good, sweet ones, you just wait now to hear what this beautiful soul has to say, for you
acknowledge this karmic mate as a soul mate. You acknowledge there have been lifetimes
in which you have loved each other dearly. All karmic mates have experienced many
lifetimes together, sweet ones, and you recognize and know that this soul is part of this
Soul Family, of a Monadic Family of Light.

You allow this soul at this Higher Light level to express its gratitude to you ~ you will know
if it is right to enter, for it is only in the deepest levels of trust, purity, innocence and Love
that you will enter into the heart of a karmic mate, sweet ones.


Wonderful, sweet ones, you now state: “In the rebalancing of my Divine Masculine and
Divine Feminine Spirits, I ignite the Divine Feminine and Masculine Pillars into the
Central Pillar of Equilibrium and Truth, and embrace the full range of my emotions within
my Christed Heart.”


Wonderful, sweet ones. Another Being of Light comes forward to greet you. This is Thoth,
the Atlantean and many of you will be familiar with Thoth, sweet ones, from the timelines
of Atlantis and ancient Egypt. Thoth now comes forward and invites you to enter into the
Halls of Amenti and to experience the activation of the Atlantean Key Codes. As you accept,
Thoth now says,
“Know thee the honor bestowed upon thee, through entering the Halls of Amenti by mine side”.
Thoth now gives you the sacred words, which will allow you to Soul travel to the Halls of
Amenti. As you Soul travel, a silver cord, connecting you to your Soul levels on a physical
level will extend from your thymus center, and through your crown chakra, traveling with
your Divine Body of Light. This silver cord will allow you to find your way back to the
physical body with complete ease. You now envisage the Halls of Amenti as you recite
these words of power:
Good. Now, with your Light Body/Merkaba field activated, you bring your focus to your
crown chakra as you focus on the word of power that will free your Soul:
And now, sweet ones, you focus on the Halls of Amenti. With Thoth and your own Master
Guides by your side, you approach the gatekeepers to the Halls of Amenti. As the three
gatekeepers stand before you, you command them to open the gates with the following
words of power, given by Thoth.
"I am the Light. For me there are no barriers. Open, I command, by the Secrets of Secrets -
And now, the gates are opened, and you are led into the Halls of Amenti by Thoth, and
taken to the blue-lighted Temple, which is the Great Hall of Amenti within which the

seven Cosmic Lords of the seven dimensions, from the third to the ninth dimension
respectively, reside. These seven Cosmic Lords now come forward to greet you. Untanas,
Quertas, Chietal, Goyana, Huertal, Semveta and Ardal. And now, Master Horlet comes
forward to greet you. After Thoth has introduced you to these Seven Lords, and the
“Dweller of Unal”, you are ready to experience the personal living library of your Golden
Age lifetimes and service work in Atlantis.

You are now taken into the Temple of the Cold Flaming Flower of Life, and as you enter
into the cold Flames of the Flower of Life within Amenti, you initially now, sweet ones,
bring a focus to this Golden Flower of Life, that activates 54 feet in diameter around you.
And now, sweet ones this cold Flaming Flower of Life activates into numerous Christed
Timelines. This Living Library takes you deeper into the Knowing of yourselves as the High
Priests and Priestesses in the Golden Age of Atlantis and initially, into the roles you will
choose as you down step your vibration to be of service to Mother Earth and all her Life.


You draw these timelines to you, of the Golden Ages of Atlantis.


Having a moment of the Knowing of this service work, as this volunteer soul, and the
journey into Atlantis, coming back into the Knowing of the energy and timelines you have
experienced as the High Priest and Priestess within Atlantis.


Good, sweet ones. And now you start to experience these crystalline frequencies as the
sub-atomic particles within your body now spin in increased Light frequencies, increasing
your Light Quotient and now preparing you for the activation of the Atlantean Star Ki


Thoth now comes forward and activates within the original Divine Eight-Cell Blueprint
Twelve Master Light-codes, Twelve Sacred Names of the individual vibrations of the Holy
Adam Kadmon DNA template, this Consciousness Vibration from Atlantis that takes you into
One Unity Consciousness and these merging Golden Age Timelines of Light.

So just get yourselves comfortably relaxed sweet ones, as you receive these Master Code
sound templatings.


1) Aspnu (ph. Ahzp-new)

2) Heri (ph. Harry)
3) Ansu (ph. On-sue)
4) Copti (ph. Cop-tea)
5) Khi (ph. Kee)
6) Kapth (ph. Cop-th)
7) Gephur (ph. Gay-fure)
8) Knossu (ph. Kay-nah-sue)
9) Taf (ph. Taf)
10) Roh (ph. Row-hh; soft ‘h’ sound at end)
11) Mutf (ph. Moot-ff; soft ‘f ’ sound at end)
12) Parhm (ph. Par-hym)


Wonderful, sweet ones. You now experience the activation of the octahedron within your
Christed Heart.


Good. You are now ready to enter the Egyptian Temple of Light and Darkness, sweet ones.
As you thank Thoth and all the Masters from Amenti, you now find yourselves traveling the
timelines of Self Mastery and the Golden Ages of Light, entering now into the Egyptian
Temple of Light and Darkness.

Wrapped in the Diamond Flame of Melchizedek Consciousness, the Silver-Gold Flame of

Sirian Consciousness and Highest Potentials, and the Red Flame of Truth and
Empowerment, you are now welcomed and greeted initially now by the Egyptian
Priesthood, who come forward to welcome you to this Egyptian Temple of Light and
Darkness. And now before you, you see the most beautiful Being, this is your Egyptian
Multidimensional Self who has experienced this timeline of One Unity Consciousness and
Divine Love. As you now merge your energies with your Egyptian Multidimensional Self, you
have a sense now of the timelines in which you may have experienced ancient Egypt as a
High Priest or Priestess.


You now notice two pillars to each side of you, one black and one white, representing the
Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine aspects of polarity balance, and now you see
between these pillars a smoky quartz altar, and upon this altar, sweet one, a smoky quartz
crystal bowl, upon which blazes a white Flame of Equilibrium. You now find yourself
wrapped in this white Flame of Equilibrium, moving deeper into your own equilibrium and
balance, as you walk the path of Divine Love and the Christed Timelines as these sacred
transfiguring Flames of Divine Love.

Wonderful, sweet ones.

And now it is Horus that comes forward to greet you. Horus was known as the Sky God
sweet ones, and, the Eye of Horus is an ancient Egyptian symbol of protection and also, in
these teaching we present, we talk about “the Eye of Horus”. Horus was said to be the
sky, he was also considered to contain the sun and moon. It was said that the sun was his
right eye and the moon his left, and that they traversed the sky when he, as a falcon, flew
across it. What this analogy represents sweet ones, is the teachings of the Mystery School
of the Left and Right Eye of Horus and the Law of One, that we have briefly mentioned.
Beyond this, sweet ones, is another path, represented on the Kabbalah as the Middle Path
of Equilibrium and Balance, or the Middle Eye of Horus, primarily bringing about a
balance between the karmic and Christed timelines.

Horus now requests your Sword of Holy Truth. As you lift your Sword into the air, Horus
now activates the fifth red ruby crystal along your sword, placing within it a beautiful
smoky quartz crystal, reflecting the balance between the karmic and Christed timelines.

Horus now steps forward with the symbol of the Middle Eye of Horus embedded within a
chi ball. As this symbol is anchored through your chakras, you experience a deep sense of
Self Mastery and Enlightenment, and the knowing of the balancing of polarities upon this
sacred earth. Additionally, sweet ones, you are taken into a deeper sense of appreciation
of each Now moment, in joy, in Love, in support, in abundance, in Cosmic Conscious
Awareness, into slowing down and appreciating for a moment, an Infinite and Eternal Now
Moment of Melchizedek Consciousness.


Horus now offers you this beautiful White Robe of Self Mastery with the image of the
Middle Eye of Horus embedded upon it. As you now state:

“As this Melchizedek Initiate of Light, I accept this beautiful White Robe of Self-Mastery,
which takes me into the Christed Timelines, and the knowing of myself as Divine Love in
the ability to find a renewed balance within my life between the karmic and Christed
I further release any false beliefs or judgements that ‘I must pay penance’ along the
karmic timelines for events that have occurred in parallel realities.

I am here now solely to anchor the Light of Mother/Father God upon this sacred earth,
and within the hearts and minds of all Humanity.

As I see the Godself within myself, I see the Godself within others, and this brings a
greater appreciation of each Now moment. For how could I know myself as Love if I have
not experienced the full range of the human emotions?

I bow to my Light; I bow to my strength and courage to walk the Pathway of Divine Love
as the Melchizedek Initiate of Light and to create these Pathways of Divine Love for all
Life on this Sacred Earth.

In Justice and Truth and Empowerment, I am ready to experience All That I Am.”

In the rebalancing of my Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine Spirits, I ignite the Divine
Masculine and Divine Feminine Spirits into the Central Pillar of Equilibrium and Truth, as
I embrace the full range of my emotions within my Christed Heart.

And so it is.

Wonderful, sweet ones. The sacred geometry of the dodecahedron now activates within
your Christed Heart.

Good. You are now ready to travel back into the Temple of Truth. Overlighted by Lord
Melchizedek and the Order of Melchizedek, Archangels Michael, Raphael and Chamuel, and
the Sirian Archangelic League of Light, you now find yourselves traveling in your activated
Light Bodies/Merkabas, entering now into the Temple of Truth.

As you enter the Temple of Truth, you are surrounded once more in this beautiful Red,
Silver-Gold and Diamond Flame of Light, hearing the chants of:

Elohim 'Tsebayoth, God of Hosts, Elohim Gabor

God of Battles, God Almighty and God the Potent
Elohim 'Tsebayoth, God of Hosts, Elohim Gabor
God of Battles, God Almighty and God the Potent
Elohim 'Tsebayoth, God of Host. Elohim Gabor
God of Battles, God Almighty and God the Potent

You are now ready sweet ones, to hold the Sword of Holy Truth with empowerment and

As you look through your Master Eyes at all of Life around you as this loving sacred
transfiguring Flame of Love, with discernment, patience, and emotional detachment,
knowing the Truth will always be revealed along the Path of Equilibrium, Balance and

Surrounded in these Flames of Light, you now bring a focus to the changes you need to
make or wish to make to align deeper to your Highest Potential, sweet one, whether this is
relationship issues, health issues or deeper levels of your Soul purpose and heart’s
dreaming ~ as you look around you through your Master Eyes you know that you are able to
magnetize, manifest and draw to you all that you need.

As you now hold your Sword of Holy Truth up into the air, it ignites through the Flames of
Truth as the Veils of Illusion lift. And now sweet ones, you draw to you your Future Self in
this Now moment in this Golden Age of Light. You find yourselves merging with your Future
Self and bringing into this Now all that you need to experience in Divine Inspiration,
Wisdom, Empowerment and Love as you walk the path of Divine Love.


Wonderful, sweet ones. Archangel Michael now comes forward and activates the sacred
geometry of the icosahedron within your Christed Hearts, completing the Sirian Stargate
of the Heart so you may fully experience the 8/8 Gateway and the Stargate of the
Goddess as these Melchizedek Initiates of Light.


You again experience the toroidal Field of Light of the Sirian Stargate emanating from and
pouring into your Christed Heart as you deepen into these Ascension Codes of Galactic
Christ Consciousness. This donut shape torus field now actualizes within your silver-gold
sphere 10.8 feet in diameter around you, as it now folds in upon itself, as all points along
its surface converge together into a zero-dimensional point within your Christed Heart.
And now sweet ones, you see these two spinning vortices activate and converge within the
heart chakra in a vertical alignment. The top vortex now spins in a clockwise direction
from the heart chakra towards this Sirian Galactic portal, aligning you deep into the
Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God. The bottom vortex now also spins in a clockwise
direction into the Christed Crystal Heart of Mother Earth, grounding you now into the
diamond Light clusters as these Melchizedek Initiates of Light. And now, sweet ones, you
sense these two vortices fully activate into this funnel shape through your Christed Heart,
knowing they will spin in whatever direction they need to as you move through whatever it
is you need to, in embracing and loving all that arises as you walk the Path of Love.

And now, sweet ones, with all your Soul and Star family and friends of the Light through all
these beautiful Golden Age Temples of Light, you now wrap the earth and all her Life in
the Diamond Flame of Melchizedek Consciousness, the Silver-Gold Flame of Sirian
Consciousness and Highest Potentials, and the Red Flame of Truth and Empowerment, so
that all Life may experience the Truth and Knowing of who they are as these courageous
Master Beings and sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love, as you now chant once
Elohim 'Tsebayoth, God of Hosts, Elohim Gabor
God of Battles, God Almighty and God the Potent
Elohim 'Tsebayoth, God of Hosts, Elohim Gabor
God of Battles, God Almighty and God the Potent
Elohim 'Tsebayoth, God of Host. Elohim Gabor
God of Battles, God Almighty and God the Potent


Wonderful, sweet ones. It is now time to come back to your sacred space. You now thank
all these Beings of Light as you find yourselves traveling now back into your sacred space
in your activated Light Body/Merkaba fields while honoring yourselves as these sacred
transfiguring flames of Divine Love and Initiates of Light. You ground once more into the
Crystal Heart of Mother Earth, grounded and centered and firmly in your body. Good,
sweet ones. We thank you for your service work. We bless you, and with this, we bid you a
most magical day.
Transcribed by Zulma
Edited by Eadie Miller
Brought to you by The Melchizedek and Pleiadian Light Network


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