AEM Assignments Second

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National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management

(An Organization of the Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India)

Rajendranagar, Hyderabad – 500 030, Telangana, India
Course: AEM –201 : Market - led Extension

(Choose any one of the following topics, prepare an assignment on the selected
topic as per the guidelines provided to you and upload the same to the portal)

1. Challenges and opportunities in the present agricultural marketing system –

Please quote example of your state.

2. Market Information Services – Meaning, Significance and its Impact

3. Discuss existing marketing channels of your state and their effectiveness.

4. Contract Farming – Discuss any one model and analyze its merits and demerits.

5. Futures Trading – what is its importance, key features and benefits to the
farming community.

6. Why should farmers go for crop insurance? How does it help the farmers in
averting risk ?

7. Agro-Processing – what is the potential for Agro Processing in your state? Give
an example.

8. Process and key drivers of supply chain management and importance of supply
chain management in improving the income of the farm.

9. Issues and strategies for improving the marketing system in your state.

10. Focus areas of Agricultural Policy Document.

11. Model Act on Agricultural Marketing and its relevance in promotion of

Agricultural Marketing.

12. Why should farmers form Farmers Producers Companies? Give an example of a
successful FPO in your area.

13. What significant adjustment you suggest to provide maximum benefits to both
producers and consumers in Market Led Agricultural Extension?

14. What kinds of market development structures and systems are essential for
marketing of organic products

15. In the changing scenario of Agricultural Marketing in India, what new roles the
extension personnel have to play?

16. How Market Intelligence and Market Information Services help Producers,
Extension Service Providers, Retailers and Consumers in maximizing their profits
/ satisfaction?

17. How WTO impacted the Indian Agricultural Scenario and what lessons are to be
learnt by Extension Service Providers?

National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management
(An Organization of the Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India)
Rajendranagar, Hyderabad – 500 030, Telangana, India

Course: AEM – 202 : Agri-Business and Entrepreneurship Development

(Choose any one of the following topics, prepare an assignment on the selected
topic as per the guidelines provided to you and upload the same to the portal)

1. The steps and essential components needed to build capacity for agri-business

2. Fundamental features of Indian Rural Market - Rural marketing strategies to be evolved

for its success.

3. Entrepreneurial traits required to become successful agri-preneurs with example.

4. Entrepreneur skills needed for effective Cash management.

5. Farmers Market –Constraints experienced by farmer producers, market operators and

consumers and measures suggested by you to overcome them and to bring success in the
6. The essential features in forward and backward linkages in market and their purposeful
management to accrue benefits to all its stakeholders.
7. Elaborate the distinguished components of commodity markets with the successful
examples of commodity markets in India till date.
8. Enlist the details of warehousing, warehouse receipts, its functions and collateral
9. Scope for Entrepreneurship in Agriculture/Animal husbandry/Sericulture/fisheries-Choose
any one sector and explain with an example.

10. Comment on marketing channels of any agricultural/livestock/fisheries related commodity

in your area.
11. Strategies for improving the Marketing situation.
12. Role of Information Technology in Agri-business.

13. Procurement Management, function, types of purchasing

14. Right source of supply – Developing a source of supply in procurement

15. Business opportunities and laws in India.

16. Contract: Meaning, Essentials of valid contract

17. Partnership in Agribusiness: Kinds of partners, Registration of firm, Rights and duties of
the partners of the firm.
18. Powers of Government to control production, supply and distribution in essential

National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management
(An Organization of the Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India)
Rajendranagar, Hyderabad – 500 030, Telangana, India

Course: AEM – 203: Project Management in Agricultural Extension

(Choose any one of the following topics, prepare an assignment on the selected
topic as per the guidelines provided to you and upload the same to the portal)

1. Justify with specific examples, how ‘Project Characteristics’ determine the

success of the Project .

2. Explain the processes to be systematically followed for ensuring the success of

the Project.

3. Enlist the Critical Steps involved in managing the risk with suitable examples.

4. Write about the significance of human factors in Project Management in


5. Write about the benefits of controlling projects through Net Works.

6. Describe the social costs and benefits involved in agricultural Project


7. With an example, explain how the important traits of a Project Manager help
her/ him to reach out to Project target.

8. Financial Analysis – the factor which determines the success or failure of the
Projects – Justify.

9. Various types of social costs involved in project management.

10. Design the critical path for a project in your area.

11. Use of stacks and floats in Project Management .
12. Change management.
13. Hard skills of the project manager - financial skills, risk management.
14. The steps for successful implementation of project.

15. Explain the concept of Project Completion Audit- its definition and different

16. Narrate with an example of an Agriculture or allied sectors’ project , the

strategies adopted in managing this project and highlight one important
National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management
(An Organization of the Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India)
Rajendranagar, Hyderabad – 500 030, Telangana, India

Course: AEM – 204: Information and Communication Technologies

for Agricultural Development

(Choose any one of the following topics, prepare an assignment on the selected
topic as per the guidelines provided to you and upload the same to the portal)

1. What is GIS – What are its functions and elements and how it solves agricultural

2. Applications of ICT for Technology transfer system in agriculture – Explain with

an example.

3. Possibilities of replacing extension personnel’s direct and face to face contact

with farmers in agricultural extension process with ICT- Justify with examples.

4. Elaborate with logical justifications about the scope of introducing expert

systems for technology transfer in cereal crops cultivation with large majority of
small and marginal farmers in India.

5. In view of the changing global scenario with advances in GIS and its
applications- elaborate on its positive implications in agricultural development

6. Profit maximization through innovative agriculture – how to enhance the

possibility by application of remote sensing data in agricultural operations.

7. e-extension - concept and its role in effective technology dissemination process

in agricultural development programmes - elaborate.

8. Agricultural extension service - delivery systems and benefits.

9. Information Kiosk in Agricultural Development – give an example

10. Computer Networking, concept, types, protocols in Network

11. Use of internet and search engine in accessing Agricultural information

12. Concept, Components, stages of e-Governance, Benefits of e-Governance

National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management
(An Organization of the Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India)
Rajendranagar, Hyderabad – 500 030, Telangana, India

Course: AEM – 205: Sustainable Livelihood in Agriculture

(Choose any one of the following topics, prepare an assignment on the selected topic
as per the guidelines provided to you and upload the same to the portal)

1. Sustainable agriculture – its role in maintaining biodiversity and eco system- quote suitable
2. Integrated Pest Management: Meaning, components and need for promoting integrated
pest management.
3. Integrated Nutrient Management: Concept, principles, need, issues and different sources of
Integrated Nutrient Management.
4. Soil – water – plant relationship, criteria for scheduling irrigation, irrigation method for
water management.
5. Organic farming: Principles, sources of organic manures, methods of waste recycling, crop
management in organic farming.
6. Sustainable Livestock Production: Process - role in maintaining rural livelihood security.
7. Crop-Livestock mixed farming system – role in facilitating maximum use of land and animals
– a profitable system to farmers.
8. Indigenous Technical knowledge (ITK): Meaning, importance and role in sustainable
livestock/ fisheries/ agriculture development- give examples.
9. Blending ITKs with modern technology for promoting sustainable livestock development –
comment .
10. Nutrition management for sustainable livestock production.
11. Health and disease management in livestock.
12. Non-Conventional feed resources: Importance, characteristics, priorities for use, potential
and constraints to utilization.
13. Application of Bio-Technology in animal health.
14. Marine Fisheries postharvest technologies - value additions – importance.
15. Indian Marine Fisheries - future strategies for helping fish farmers and fisheries industries.
16. Carps breeding – Factors of carp breeding - Induced breeding techniques for maximizing
Production of Carps in India.
17. Role of livestock in bringing overall sustainable Rural Livelihood Security – explain
18. Shrimp Aquaculture production: Scope, factors influencing in sustainability.
19. Integrated fish farming.
20. Fisheries extension: Constraints and new initiatives.
21. Non-conventional culture systems: Cage, pen, fresh water pearl culture.

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