Generators: College of Engineering and Technology Department of Mechanical Engineering

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Michael Chris Keanu S. Espina

College of Engineering and Technology

Department of Mechanical Engineering

MEng 156 – Manufacturing and Industrial Processes

Engineering Report No. 10
Second Semester, A.Y. 2020 – 2021

I. Introduction
Generators are critical pieces of equipment that can produce electrical power even during a
power outage, allowing daily and commercial operations to continue uninterrupted. It is a piece of
machinery that converts mechanical energy to electrical energy. Generators are available in a
number of physical and electrical configurations to suit a wide range of applications. It is critical to
stress that a generator does not genuinely "generate" power. Rather, it uses the mechanical
energy supplied to it to cause an electrical charge held in the wire of its coils to flow through an
external electric circuit. These generators are useful in industrial plants because they provide
backup power when there is a power loss or a power outage occurs.

This engineering study seeks to provide a basic description of generators and their key
applications in industrial facilities as a power provider or backup power, diesel generators, and
certain common challenges, such as kVa calculations.

II. Body of the Report

The Importance of Generators

Several industries use industrial generators that are intended to generate backup power
which starts immediately when the electrical provider's power goes out and shuts down
automatically when power comes back. In some cases, diesel generators are used to supply
backup power to industrial plants. These generators are multifunctional and resilient devices that
are suitable for a variety of enterprises, as well as some other high-demand applications such as
healthcare, information sharing, and farming are some of them. A power interruption or electrical
outage in either of these industrial categories might result in a significant crisis, since it can cause
significant harm such as productivity loss of income, or even catastrophic accidents. A power
outage or interruption in each of these industrial areas could trigger a serious crisis since it can
cause considerable harm such as productivity loss, money loss, or even catastrophic accidents.

As a result, they have been developed and manufactured in accordance with strict legal
requirements and manufacturing specifications, so that when used as a constant or emergency
power source, they can help ensure the functions of electrical devices and industrial equipment, as
well as as an effective response even when there is a power outage.

These generators can serve as a steady electricity supply, which is the primary source of energy,
as well as a backup power supply, which ensures the efficient operation of electrical devices in the
event of a power outage. Diesel generators are used in various industrial pants.

Diesel Generators
A diesel generator is a piece of machinery that converts the chemical energy in diesel into
electric power or energy. It employs a diesel engine and an electric generator to create electricity.
A diesel generator's primary fuel is often liquid fuels or natural gas. Diesel generators typically use
combustion to convert a portion of the chemical energy in diesel fuel to mechanical energy. By
rotating a crank, mechanical power is turned into electrical power. They are used in a variety of
tasks all around the world, including industrial plants. Diesel generators have important pieces or
components that allow them to function. Combustion Engine, Alternator/Generator End, Fuel
System, Control Panel, Battery Charger, Voltage Regulator, Main Frame/Skid, Lubrication System,
and Radiators are examples of these components.

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Manufacturing and Industrial Processes
Engineering Report
Diesel Generator Parts
• Combustion Engine
is a form of heat engine in which a fuel is burned in a combustion container that is part of
the operating fluid flow circuit with the help of an oxidizer. It is the source of mechanical
energy for the generator's input. The maximum amount of energy that the generator can
produce is directly proportional to the engine size.

• Alternator/Generator End
When the engine starts up and runs, the belt travels and turns the shafts of the rotors. The
rotor is a magnetic component, whereas the stator is a conductor that surrounds the
magnet. These constituents work together to generate alternating current, which is then
used to generate energy. The rotor is propelled by mechanical energy supplied by the
diesel engine, which generates a magnetic field that flows around the stator, resulting in an
alternating current.

• Fuel System
It is in charge of supplying fuel to the engine as needed and is made up of the fuel storage
tank, pump, filter, and carburetors or injectors. To achieve optimal equipment performance
and dependability, each component must operate precisely and constantly feed clean fuel
to the combustion chamber.

• Control Panel
It is a dashboard feature that displays information and characteristics such as current,
voltage, and frequency. Most control panels include meters and gauges that display
information, while some control panels include built-in displays that allow workers to
immediately analyze the operation of a generator. This component enables workers to
adjust and monitor everything that needs to be adjusted and monitored, as well as basic
controlling components such as a start button, a frequency switcher, an engine fuel gauge,
a gauge pressure indicator, and much more, allowing the user to perform various tasks or
inspect specific items.

• Battery Charger
Generator batteries are specifically designed for starting the machinery. If there are
batteries, there are also battery chargers that charge the batteries while the equipment
continues to perform its unique duty of generating power.

• Voltage regulator
It is a safeguard for the device that maintains a consistent voltage and current from the
alternator's connectors as well as all of your diesel generator's power output. It ensures that
the generator generates power at a steady voltage. Depending on the operating speed,
severe variations take place in the lack of a voltage regulator. It is a safeguard for the
device that maintains a consistent voltage and current from the alternator's connectors as
well as all of your diesel generator's power output. It ensures that the generator generates
power at a steady voltage. Depending on the operating speed, severe variations take place
in the lack of a voltage regulator.

• Main Frame/Skid
It houses the whole generator and so houses the majority of the numerous diesel generator
parts. It holds all of the components and pieces together and may be opened or closed for
additional protection and sound absorption. Outdoor generators are typically housed in a
waterproof protective frame to prevent damage.

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Engineering Report
• Lubrication System
It is a system component that connects to the engine and feeds oil into it to ensure that all
of the engine's components run properly and do not grind against one another. If the
equipment is not properly lubricated and maintained, it will fail.

• Radiators
It is the component responsible for transferring heat from the cooling system to the
atmosphere. When carried out correctly, this operation keeps the engine from overheating.
Radiators are heat exchangers that are used to transfer thermal energy from one form to
another for cooling and heating. The majority of radiators are designed to be used in autos,
housing projects, electronics, and generators.

Common Causes of Generator Problems and Failures

There is always an inescapable difficulty with any equipment since machines and equipment require
regular maintenance to avoid these types of difficulties and failures. The following are some failures and
difficulties that can occur in a diesel generator:

• Dry, cracking and bad belts – This status means that this component must be replaced with a new
one since this will cause failure to the equipment if left unnoticed.

• Dead Batteries – Dead batteries can cause failure when batteries are not charged since these
batteries are used to start the generator and if the device doesn’t start immediately, the operations
will be delayed.

• Block heater wear and tear - In cold areas, block heater is used to warm up an engine before
starting it. If this component is not maintained, it will wear out and left unable to function that will
cause the generator not to start.

• Low coolant, no coolant or lack of oil which causes overheating, over crank, cracked – If the
equipment has less coolant in the system, the equipment will overheat throughout and will cause
damage to the equipment and its components.

• Lack of fuel, bad fuel, and sludge in the fuel tank or lines – Using bad fuel and feeding it into the
generator will cause damage to the system since that fuel is not clean. Also having low fuel on the
storage tank is not advisable because it might interrupt the operation if it becomes empty.

• Burnt components on the boards, electrical components, stepper motors, transfer coils –
These failures will surely occur if they are not maintained and inspected in a daily basis. It will delay
the operations if these failures are not noticed and replaced.

• Damages caused by weather and pest – This kind of failure is unavoidable since we can’t control
the weather and when pest can enter into the device’s mainframe.

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Engineering Report
How to Prevent Problems and Failures in Generators

To prevent the problems and failures that was introduced, a daily proper maintenance is needed to prolong
the life of the generator and to ensure that the equipment is in good shape and replace all the defected
components to avoid failures. There are several proper ways and solutions in in fixing these kinds of
failures. These are:

• Full exterior and interior inspection – Inspection must be done to ensure that all the components
are working properly and to check for defected components and immediately replace them with a
new one.

• Cables and connections – These components are crucial since if these does not function, then the
entire device won’t function as well, that is why it is needed to be checked and replaced with new
ones to avoid failures.

• Checking for worn parts and upgrading the components – As mentioned in the previous
sentence, all defected parts must be replaced to avoid problems in the equipment and replacing it
with brand new components.

• Checking all fluid levels – It is a must to daily check if the fuel and lubricant is still enough to make
the equipment function.

• Changing fuel, oil, air and coolant filters – It is necessary to change these fluids to avoid buildup
of sludge inside the system as well as changing filters.

• Checking control panel readings and indicators – Checking the control panel daily is necessary
to monitor the operations of the generator.

• Changing spark plugs - In around 100 hours of being used, spark plugs must be replaced.
Throughout generator maintenance, the spark plugs should be examined to ensure that they are not
deteriorated or damaged.

• Check for leakage – Checking of leakage in the system is a must since it might cause fire since
fuel and oil are being used in the system. Daily inspection is needed to ensure and determine
whether there is a leak or none.

Power Factor
The power factor is a measure of the energy efficiency of a system. It's usually expressed as a
percentage. A lower percentage indicates less efficient power utilization. The power factor is the ratio of
apparent power in kilovolt amperes to working power in kilowatts (kW) (kVA). The apparent power, also
known as demand, is the amount of power used to run machinery and equipment over a given time period.
The solution is obtained by multiplying (kVA = V x A), and the output is measured in kVA units.

Real power (P), also known as true or active power, performs the "real work" within an electrical system
circuit. A circuit's resistive component consumes real power, which is measured in watts. The power
consumed in an AC circuit that does no productive work but has a large impact on the phase difference
between the voltage and current waveforms is referred to as reactive power. Reactive power, which is
coupled to the reactance generated by inductors and capacitors, counteracts the effects of actual power.
There is no such thing as reactive power in DC circuits.

III. Conclusions and Recommendations

Diesel generators are usually found in industrial plants, but they are also used in other industries and even
at home. The demands of your business will determine whether or not you should use a diesel generator.
Diesel generators are commonly used in industrial applications, so locating one is a wonderful opportunity to
learn more about this type of generator and identify some of its important components. They are highly
efficient and may produce a huge amount of electricity. Any generator must be kept in good operating order,
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Engineering Report
and regular maintenance may help you make the most of your diesel generator investment.

Your generator will endure for many years if you perform routine maintenance and treat any problems as
soon as they arise. As a result, following a maintenance plan is recommended to keep your generator running
at peak performance. Identifying some of the defects and problems that may arise in a diesel engine is useful
as an engineering student since it will help you spot them when you start working in an industrial plant where
generators are present and must be maintained.

IV. References

• L L J Mahon, Diesel Generator Handbook (1992)

• R. Wolfgang: Fundamental Principles of Generators for Information Technology (Revision 1)

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