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Communication Driver
for VIPA 100V/200V/300S/SLIO and
S7-1500®, S7-1200®, S7-300®, S7-400® from Siemens

Developers Guide

Feb. 2014

With examples and hints to

Visual C++ , Visual-Basic, Visual-C#, .Net, Delphi and C++ Builder


Vipa Gesellschaft für Visualisierung und Prozessautomatisierung mbH

Ohmstr. 4 • D-91074 Herzogenaurauch
Phone: +49 (0) 9132-744-0

Page 1
Documentation of SPEED7 Communication Driver V6.2X
Vipa Gesellschaft für Visualisierung und Prozessautomatisierung mbH

Ohmstr. 4 • D-91074 Herzogenaurauch • Phone: +49 (0) 9132-744-0 • www.vipa.com

LOGO!®, STEP®, SIMATIC®, S7-1500®, S7-1200®, S7-300®, S7-400® are registered trademarks

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Documentation of SPEED7 Communication Driver V6.2X
Vipa Gesellschaft für Visualisierung und Prozessautomatisierung mbH

Ohmstr. 4 • D-91074 Herzogenaurauch • Phone: +49 (0) 9132-744-0 • www.vipa.com

1 General information about the communication driver Page 7

1.1 Hardware requirements for the different communication channels Page 9
1.1.1 RS232/USB communications Page 9
1.1.2 Communications via Netlink or NetLink++ (incl. routing) Page 9
1.1.3 TCP/IP-direct communications (incl. routing) Page 9
1.1.4 TCP/IP-NETlink PRO communications (incl. routing) Page 9
1.1.5 SIMATIC®-NET communications (incl. routing) Page 9
1.2 Communication driver installation Page 10
1.3 Changes with respect to older versions of the communication driver Page 11
1.3.1 From V6.25: implementation of the S7-1500® family Page 11
1.3.2 From V6.23: A 64-bit DLL is available Page 11
2 Information on using the communication driver with the various Page 12
programming languages
2.1 Windows CE Page 12
2.2 Visual C++ Page 13
2.2.1 What must be considered? Page 13
2.2.2 Example for VC++ Page 13
2.3 C++ Builder Page 14
2.3.1 What must be considered? Page 14
2.3.2 C++ Builder example Page 14
2.4 Visual Basic Page 15
2.4.1 What Must Be Considered? Page 15
2.4.2 Visual Basic examples Page 15
2.5 Visual C# Page 16
2.5.1 Visual C# examples Page 16
2.6 Delphi Page 17
2.6.1 What must be considered? Page 17
2.6.2 Delphi examples Page 17
3 General procedure Page 18
3.1 Change to another access route to the CPU Page 19
3.2 Response to an error occurring in the open functions Page 19
3.3 Reaction to an error that occurs in the open functions Page 19

4 Description of the different functions Page 20

4.1 Basic information explaining the different functions Page 20
4.2 The function: MPI_A_GetDLLError or MPI_A_GetDLLErrorEng Page 20
4.3 The function: MPI6_OpenRS232 Page 21
4.4 The function: MPI6_OpenNetLink Page 23
4.5 The function: MPI6_OpenTcpIp Page 25
4.6 The function: MPI6_OpenTcpIp_S71500 Page 27
4.7 The function: MPI6_OpenTcpIp_S71500Ext Page 28

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Documentation of SPEED7 Communication Driver V6.2X
Vipa Gesellschaft für Visualisierung und Prozessautomatisierung mbH

Ohmstr. 4 • D-91074 Herzogenaurauch • Phone: +49 (0) 9132-744-0 • www.vipa.com

4.8 The function: MPI6_OpenTcpIp_S71200 Page 29

4.9 The function: MPI6_Open_NetLinkPro_TCP_AutoBaud Page 30
4.10 The function: MPI6_Open_NetLinkPro_TCP_SelectBaud Page 32
4.11 The function: MPI6_Open_SimaticNet (only 32-bit, not CE) Page 35
4.12 The function: MPI6_CloseCommunication Page 37
4.13 The function: MPI6_GetAccessibleNodes Page 38
4.14 The function: MPI6_SetRoutingData Page 40
4.15 The function: MPI6_ConnectToPLC Page 42
4.16 The function: MPI6_ConnectToPLCRouting Page 44
4.17 Routing example Page 45
4.17.1 Initialisation by means of a NetLink PRO Page 46
4.17.2 Routing data transfer Page 46
4.17.3 Call the function MPI6_ConnectToPLCRouting Page 47
4.17.4 Conclusion as to the routing example Page 48
4.18 The function: MPI6_ReadByte Page 49
4.19 The function: MPI6_ReadWord Page 52
4.20 The function: MPI6_ReadDword Page 54
4.21 The function: MPI6_ReadTimer Page 56
4.22 The function: MPI6_ReadCounter Page 58
4.23 The function: MPI6_MixRead_2 Page 60
4.24 The function: MPI6_WriteBit_2 Page 63
4.25 The function: MPI6_WriteByte Page 65
4.26 The function: MPI6_WriteWord Page 67
4.27 The function: MPI6_WriteDword Page 69
4.28 The function: MPI6_WriteTimer Page 71
4.29 The function: MPI6_WriteCounter Page 73
4.30 The function: MPI6_MixWrite_2 Page 75
4.31 The function: MPI6_WriteBit Page 78
4.32 The function: MPI6_WriteDBFromWldToPlc (not CE) Page 80
4.33 The function: MPI6_ReadDBFromPlcAndWriteToWld (not CE) Page 82
4.34 The function: MPI6_GetDBNrInWldFile (not CE) Page 84
4.35 The function: MPI6_ReadPlcClock Page 86
4.36 The function: MPI6_WritePlcClock Page 88
4.37 The function: MPI6_CopyRamToRom Page 90
4.38 The function: MPI6_PLCHotRestart or MPI6_CPUWiederanlauf Page 92
4.39 The function: MPI6_PLCWarmRestart or MPI6_CPUNeustart Page 93
4.40 The function: MPI6_SetPLCToStop Page 94
4.41 The function: MPI6_IsPLCInRunMode Page 95
4.42 The function: MPI6_GetSystemValues Page 97

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Documentation of SPEED7 Communication Driver V6.2X
Vipa Gesellschaft für Visualisierung und Prozessautomatisierung mbH

Ohmstr. 4 • D-91074 Herzogenaurauch • Phone: +49 (0) 9132-744-0 • www.vipa.com

4.43 The function: MPI6_GetLevelOfProtection Page 99

4.44 The function: MPI6_GetOrderNrPlc Page 101
4.45 The function: MPI6_CanPlcSendIdentData Page 103
4.46 The function: MPI6_GetPlcIdentData Page 104
4.47 The function: MPI6_GetPlcErrorLED Page 107
4.48 The function: MPI6_IsPasswordRequired Page 109
4.49 The function: MPI6_SendPasswordToPlc Page 110
4.50 The function: MPI6_GetCountDB Page 112
4.51 The function: MPI6_GetDBInPlc Page 114
4.52 The function: MPI6_GetLengthDB Page 116
4.53 The function: MPI6_GetVersionComDrvS7 Page 118
4.54 The function: MPI_A_RealFromByteBuffer or MPI6_RealFromByteBuffer Page 118
4.55 The function: MPI_A_RealFromWordBuffer or MPI6_RealFromWordBuffer Page 119
4.56 The function: MPI_A_IntFromByteBuffer or MPI6_IntFromByteBuffer Page 119
4.57 The function: MPI_A_IntFromWordBuffer oder MPI6_IntFromWordBuffer Page 120
4.58 The function: MPI_A_DIntFromByteBuffer oder MPI6_DIntFromByteBuffer Page 120
4.59 The function: MPI_A_DIntFromWordBuffer or MPI6_DIntFromWordBuffer Page 121
4.60 The function: MPI_A_RealToWordBuffer or MPI6_RealToWordBuffer Page 121
4.61 The function: MPI_A_RealToByteBuffer or MPI6_RealToByteBuffer Page 122
4.62 The function: MPI_A_IntToByteBuffer or MPI6_IntToByteBuffer Page 122
4.63 The function: MPI_A_DIntToByteBuffer or MPI6_DIntToByteBuffer Page 123
4.64 The function: MPI_A_DIntToWordBuffer oder MPI6_DIntToWordBuffer Page 123
4.65 The function: MPI6_BcdToDecimal Page 124
4.66 The function: MPI6_DecimalToBcd Page 124

5 Accessing several nodes using a serial port. Page 125

5.1 Executing the initialisation Page 125
5.2 Establish communications with the CPUs Page 126
5.3 Read data from the CPU Page 127
5.4 Termination of communications and removal of the communication instances Page 128
5.5 Notes on the example Page 128

6 Which conditions apply when using a NetLink? Page 129

6.1 NetLink configuration Page 129
6.2 Executing the initialisation Page 131
6.3 Establish communications Page 132
6.4 Read data Page 132
6.5 Terminate communications Page 133
6.6 Notes on the example Page 133

7 Which conditions apply when using a NetLink PRO? Page 134

7.1 Configuration of a NetLink PRO Page 134

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Documentation of SPEED7 Communication Driver V6.2X
Vipa Gesellschaft für Visualisierung und Prozessautomatisierung mbH

Ohmstr. 4 • D-91074 Herzogenaurauch • Phone: +49 (0) 9132-744-0 • www.vipa.com

7.2 The two initialisation functions of the NETLink PRO Page 135

8 What conditions must be considered when using a SIMATIC®-NET? Page 136

9 Remote access procedure via telephone line Page 137

10 General notes on the communication driver Page 138

10.1 What must be considered when a CPU is accessed by multiple communication Page 138
10.2 What must be considered when the next driver-DLL or other applications are Page 138
executed on the PC?
10.3 When is it possible to issue calls to the functions of the individual communication Page 138
instances in different threads?

11 Error messages Page 139

12 Required settings in a PLC 1500® from Siemens Page 142

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Documentation of SPEED7 Communication Driver V6.2X
Vipa Gesellschaft für Visualisierung und Prozessautomatisierung mbH

Ohmstr. 4 • D-91074 Herzogenaurauch • Phone: +49 (0) 9132-744-0 • www.vipa.com

1 General information about the communication driver

Brief description
The library enables you to transfer data to and from VIPA 100V/200V/300S/SLIO and Siemens
S7 series 1200/300/400 PLCs. You can establish a communication link using MPI, Profibus-DP
(with NetLink, NETLink PRO or SIMATIC?-NET) or TCP/IP (Profinet).

As of version 6.25 the PLC-family S7-1500® from Siemens is supported.

One of the functions "MPI6_OpenTcpIp_S71500" or "MPI6_OpenTcpIp_S71500Ext" is required
to communicate with a PLC-1500.
Please read the chapter "Required settings in a PLC 1500 from Siemens" for the important
hardware settings!

As of version 6.23 a 64 bit version of the driver is available. You can use this DLL for 64 bit
applications, on a 64 bit OS. A 64 bit application is necessary, if the limits of 32 bit applications
become a problem. For example files become greater then 4 GB. The disadvantage of 64 bit
applications is, that they only run on a 64 bit OS., e.g. Windows 8-64bit.
A 32 bit applications can be used on a 32 bit and 64 bit OS.

The DLL can be integrated into Windows applications to communicate with the PLC. You need
a PC/MPI cable (RS232, USB), the NetLink or NETLink PRO (TCP/IP) to communicate. You
can also communicate via an Ethernet-CP or an Ethernet interface (also Profinet) that is
integrated into the CPU. In this case, the units communicate via a standard Ethernet cable.

SIMATIC®-NET is supported from the 32-Bit version, provided that the drivers were installed on
the PC. In this case, it is possible, for example, to address CPs 5711, 5512, 5611 and the
Siemens USB-MPI adapter. In the presence of Siemens’ Teleservice V6, the driver can also
acquire data via telephone lines (e.g. using the Teleservice II-Adapter).

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Documentation of SPEED7 Communication Driver V6.2X
Vipa Gesellschaft für Visualisierung und Prozessautomatisierung mbH

Ohmstr. 4 • D-91074 Herzogenaurauch • Phone: +49 (0) 9132-744-0 • www.vipa.com

The DLL supports the following operations:

Read/write bytes within address ranges I, Q, M and DB (I, Q, M is not

available in the Lite version). You do not need the password for a pass-
word protected CPU.
Read/write words within address ranges I, Q, M and DB (I, Q, M is not
available in the Lite version). You do not need the password for a pass-
word protected CPU.
Read/write double words within address ranges I, Q, M and DB (I, Q, M is
not available in the Lite version). You do not need the password for a
password protected CPU.
Read/write timers and counters (not supported by the Lite version).
Reading DBs from the CPU and saving them in a WLD file (not supported
by the CE version).
Reading DBs from a WLD file and transferring them into the CPU (not
supported by the CE version).
Copy RAM to ROM to save current DB values.
Determine and change the operating mode of the CPU (RUN, STOP
Read and modify the time of day from the CPU.
Read the number of DBs that are available in the PLC
Determine the DB numbers that are available in the PLC
Determine the length of DBs in bytes
Read the serial number of the CPU and of an existing MMC
Read the status of error-LEDs SF, BF1 and BF2 of a CPU
Query the need for a password to access a CPU
Pass a password to the CPU to provide unlimited access to a password-
protected CPU.
Identify system areas
Determine the position of the operating mode switch and protection levels
Read the order number from the CPU
Determine accessible nodes on the MPI/DP network
Functions to convert REAL, DINT and INT operands from WORD or BYTE

A 32-bit and 64-bit version of the DLL is available.

System requirements
Platform: WinXP, Vista, Win7 (32/64 bit), Win8 (32/64 bit)
Platform CE-Version: Windows CE 6.0 or higher (ARM/x86)

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Documentation of SPEED7 Communication Driver V6.2X
Vipa Gesellschaft für Visualisierung und Prozessautomatisierung mbH

Ohmstr. 4 • D-91074 Herzogenaurauch • Phone: +49 (0) 9132-744-0 • www.vipa.com

1.1 Hardware requirements for the different communication


1.1.1 RS232/USB communications

You need a PC/MPI cable to provide the connection between the PC and
the S7 series from VIPA or the 300/400 from Siemens. You may also use a USB-MPI cable if
the USB driver has created a virtual serial interface.
1.1.2 Communications via Netlink or NetLink++ (incl. routing)
In this case, NetLink connects the hub/switch to the S7-PLC. You require an additional
crossover cable if you want to insert the NetLink directly into the network adapter of a PC.
Order numbers of the interface cables:
1.1.3 TCP/IP-direct communications (incl. routing)
If the S7 PLC is equipped with an Ethernet-CP or if the CPU has an integrated Ethernet (or
Profinet) port, then you may also establish the communication link using these resources. A
conventional Ethernet cable provides the connection between the PC and the CP. The PC and
the CP can also be linked by means of a hub/switch. Both, the PC and the CP must be in the
same subnet.
1.1.4 TCP/IP-NETlink PRO communications (incl. routing)
In this case, NETLink PRO is used to connect the hub/switch to the S7-PLC. You require an
additional crossover cable if you want to insert the NETLink PRO directly onto the network
adapter of a PC.
In comparison to the standard NetLink, NETLink PRO has the advantage that it is optimized
with respect to remote maintenance via the Internet. The communication speed of the NETLink
PRO is higher than that of the standard NetLink.
1.1.5 SIMATIC®-NET communications (incl. routing)
The SIMATIC®-NET drivers must have been installed on the PC. Under these circumstances
the Siemens interface adapter (e.g. CP5711, CP5512, CP5611 USB-MPI adapter) may be
used. When the Teleservice feature V6 or higher is available, it is also possible to operate
remotely via phone line. Here you can make use of the Teleservice Adapter II or compatibles.
This communication path is only available with the 32-bit DLL.

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Documentation of SPEED7 Communication Driver V6.2X
Vipa Gesellschaft für Visualisierung und Prozessautomatisierung mbH

Ohmstr. 4 • D-91074 Herzogenaurauch • Phone: +49 (0) 9132-744-0 • www.vipa.com

1.2 Communication driver installation

The driver is supplied on CD-ROM or you may use a download link.

After installation, all DLLs are available on the hard disk. These differ in the programming
languages into which they may be integrated. Please make absolutely sure that you use the
DLL that is supplied for your programming language.
A DLL that has not been activated automatically reverts to a demo version.

The demo version displays a demo message with every open-function. This message requires
confirmation. Subsequently, the demo message will appear at certain intervals or when you
execute the open-function.

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Documentation of SPEED7 Communication Driver V6.2X
Vipa Gesellschaft für Visualisierung und Prozessautomatisierung mbH

Ohmstr. 4 • D-91074 Herzogenaurauch • Phone: +49 (0) 9132-744-0 • www.vipa.com

1.3 Changes with respect to older versions of the communication


1.3.1 From V6.25: implementation of the S7-1500® family

From version 6.25, the read and write functions may be applied to the S7-1500® operands of
the type E, A, M and DB. For this purpose, the special initiation function
"MPI6_OpenTcpIp_S71500" or "MPI6_OpenTcpIp_S71500Ext" must be executed.
The different functions are associated with explicit details to indicate which function may be
used for the S7-1500®.
1.3.2 From V6.23: A 64-bit DLL is available

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Documentation of SPEED7 Communication Driver V6.2X
Vipa Gesellschaft für Visualisierung und Prozessautomatisierung mbH

Ohmstr. 4 • D-91074 Herzogenaurauch • Phone: +49 (0) 9132-744-0 • www.vipa.com

2 Information on using the communication driver with the various

programming languages
The driver can be used with the programming languages C++, C#, VB and Delphi. The
following development environments may be used:

Visual C++ (Microsoft)

C++ Builder (Borland, Codegear, embarcadero)
Visual Basic (Microsoft)
Visual C# (Microsoft)
Delphi (Borland , Codegear, embarcadero)

Since different versions of the individual development environments may be used, the user
must ensure that the proper declarations are used for the respective programming languages.

2.1 Windows CE
There is an example for the CE-Version of the driver as an Visual C++ 2008 solution.
You find this example in the directory "EXAMPLES Windows CE".
For WinCE-projects please use the DLLs from the directory "DLL-WinCE". Here you find the
files for ARM and x86.

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Documentation of SPEED7 Communication Driver V6.2X
Vipa Gesellschaft für Visualisierung und Prozessautomatisierung mbH

Ohmstr. 4 • D-91074 Herzogenaurauch • Phone: +49 (0) 9132-744-0 • www.vipa.com

2.2 Visual C++

2.2.1 What must be considered?

The files in the directory "DLL Bit32\VC" or "DLL Bit64\VC" must be used. This contains the
necessary DLL and LIB files. Furthermore, the header file that is present here must be linked
with the VC project. These files can be used for all VC development environments from version
6 (VC98). The 64-bit DLL can be used with Visual Studio 2012 or higher.

To use the driver-DLL in the project the lib file must be included in the project configuration.
The following figure shows an example for VC 2008:

Fig.: LIB-file included in the VC project

In order to execute the application in the development environment the driver-DLLs must be
copied into the project directory.
2.2.2 Example for VC++
The example for VC6 is located in the directory "Example Visual C V6". This can also be used
for versions < VC2008, the project is converted to the respective version when it is opened.
The example for VC2008 is located in the directory "Example Visual C 2008".

The VC-examples cannot be used with the express version of Visual C, since the MFC class
library is not available in the express version.

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Documentation of SPEED7 Communication Driver V6.2X
Vipa Gesellschaft für Visualisierung und Prozessautomatisierung mbH

Ohmstr. 4 • D-91074 Herzogenaurauch • Phone: +49 (0) 9132-744-0 • www.vipa.com

2.3 C++ Builder

2.3.1 What must be considered?

The files located in the directory "DLL Bit32\BC" or "DLL Bit64\BC" must be used. This contains
the necessary DLL and LIB files. Furthermore, the header file that is present here must be
linked with the C++ Builder project.
The files can be used in all Builder development environments from version 5.

In the Builder project, the LIB file is simply included in the project group of the EXE file.

In order to execute the application in the development environment the driver-DLLs must be
copied into the project directory.
If you use the 64-bit DLL, the extension of the lib file is ".a". The C++ Builder XE3 is the first
version, where the 64 bit DLL can be used.
2.3.2 C++ Builder example
The installation directory of the driver contains several examples for the C++ Builder. These are
sorted in accordance with the version number of the Builder.
This includes examples for the Builder version C++Builder 5, C++Builder 2007 and C++Builder
2010. For versions < C++Builder 2007 you can use the Project C++Builder 5.

Newer versions (Builder XE, XE 2, ..) can use the example C++ Builder 2010.
There is also an 64-bit example for C++ Builder XE3 or higher.

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Documentation of SPEED7 Communication Driver V6.2X
Vipa Gesellschaft für Visualisierung und Prozessautomatisierung mbH

Ohmstr. 4 • D-91074 Herzogenaurauch • Phone: +49 (0) 9132-744-0 • www.vipa.com

2.4 Visual Basic

2.4.1 What Must Be Considered?

The files in the directory "DLL Bit32\VB" must be used. This contains the necessary DLL and
LIB files.
This directory also contains the files "ComDrvS7V6_Declare_VB6.bas" and
"ComDrvS7_Declare_VB2008.vb". These files supply the declarations of the driver functions.
The file "ComDrvS7_Declare_VB6.bas" must only be used for version 6 of Visual Basic!
The file "ComDrvS7V6_Declare_VB2008.vb" is used with Visual Basic versions later than VB6.
The following figure shows how this file is included in the project folder:

Fig.: Included file with the declarations of ComDrvS7-functions

Copy the ComDrvS7-DLLsinto the Windows-System32 directory to execute the application in

the development environment.
For a 64-bit application, you have to use the .Net-wrapper class. Please look at the example
"Example Visual Basic 2012 64-Bit Wrapper".
2.4.2 Visual Basic examples
The installation directory of the driver contains several Visual Basic examples. These are sorted
according to the version number.
The example "Example Visual Basic 6" can be used with the VB6 version.
The example "Example Visual Basic 2008” can be used with VB 2008. This example can also
be used with the Express version of VB2008.
Furthermore, the example "Example Visual Basic 2008 with wrapper" is available which uses
the .Net-wrapper-class.

If you use VB 2010 or higher, open the example "Example Visual Basic 2010" or "Example
Visual Basic 2010 with wrapper"

Important note:
If you start your application inside of Visual Studio, the DLLs of the driver must be copied into
the BIN-Directory of the solution.
If you set the configuration manager to "Debug" and "x86", you have to copy the DLLs into the
directory "...\bin\x86\Debug\".

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Documentation of SPEED7 Communication Driver V6.2X
Vipa Gesellschaft für Visualisierung und Prozessautomatisierung mbH

Ohmstr. 4 • D-91074 Herzogenaurauch • Phone: +49 (0) 9132-744-0 • www.vipa.com

2.5 Visual C#
The files in the directory "DLL Bit32\VC" or "DLL-Bit64\VC" must be used. This contains the
necessary DLL files. This directory contains another directory named "NET". This is where the
DLL the wrapper-class is stored. It is named "ComDrvS7V6_Net.dll". Copy the DLLs into the
project directory "..\bin\Debug".
The wrapper-class (or the ComDrvS7V6_Net.dll file) must be inserted into the project folder

Then the following using directive must be specified:

using MHJSW.ComDrvS7V6_Net;

For more information, see the comprehensive C# example.

2.5.1 Visual C# examples
The C# example that is available form the directory "Example Visual C# 2008" can be used.
With Visual C# 2010 or newer use the example "Example Visual C# 2010". These are located
in the driver installation directory.
For a 64-bit application, please look at the example "Example Visual C# 2012 64Bit".

Refer to the example "Example Visual C# 2008 with PCPanel WPF" if you are using the
PCPanel WPF Controls.

Important note:
If you start your application inside of Visual Studio, the DLLs of the driver must be copied into
the BIN-Directory of the solution.
If you set the configuration manager to "Debug" and "x86", you have to copy the DLLs into the
directory "...\bin\x86\Debug\".

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Vipa Gesellschaft für Visualisierung und Prozessautomatisierung mbH

Ohmstr. 4 • D-91074 Herzogenaurauch • Phone: +49 (0) 9132-744-0 • www.vipa.com

2.6 Delphi

2.6.1 What must be considered?

The files located in the directory "DLL Bit32\VC" or "DLL-Bit64\BC" must be used. This contains
the necessary DLL and LIB files (respectively ".a"-file if 64 bit).
This also contains the files
"DelphiDeklarationFunktionen_V4_Bis_2006.TXT" and
These files supply the all the declarations for the driver functions. Depending on Delphi version
being used, the data may be copied and included in the source code. The declarations are also
available in the respective Delphi examples.

Copy the driver-DLL files into the project directory.

2.6.2 Delphi examples
There are several examples for the different Delphi versions. The directory names indicate the
Delphi version for which the respective example is intended.
The examples included are for version 4, 2006 and 2009. If you are using a Delphi version
between version 4 and 2006, load the example for the version 4; this is then converted

Newer versions of Delphi IDE can use the exampel of Delphi XE5. The declarations of the
driver functions (32-Bit and 64-Bit) are in the file "ComDrvS7Functions.pas".

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Vipa Gesellschaft für Visualisierung und Prozessautomatisierung mbH

Ohmstr. 4 • D-91074 Herzogenaurauch • Phone: +49 (0) 9132-744-0 • www.vipa.com

3 General procedure
The image below shows the basic procedure when using the communication driver.

Fig.: Procedureto use the driver

Depending on the connection that was established with a CPU, one of the 6 MPI6_Open
functions is called.
Then the MPI6_ConnectToPLC function is called.
If this function did not result in an error, the CPU may be accessed via the read, write and
information functions.
If the data is exchanged cyclically with the CPU, so you can leave the connection open and
regain access to the CPU at any time.
The function MPI6_CloseCommunication is only called at the end of the communication
session (or in case of an error) to disconnect the CPU and to release the instance of the
communication driver.

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Documentation of SPEED7 Communication Driver V6.2X
Vipa Gesellschaft für Visualisierung und Prozessautomatisierung mbH

Ohmstr. 4 • D-91074 Herzogenaurauch • Phone: +49 (0) 9132-744-0 • www.vipa.com

3.1 Change to another access route to the CPU

If you have developed an application that employs the NetLink to establish a connection with
the CPU, and if the new project uses a direct TCP/IP connection to the CPU, changes to your
code are minimised.

In this driver, the access path to the CPU is defined via the open function. When the open
function has been executed, there are no differences regarding the access path.

For example, if you must change from NetLink to TCP/IP Direct, then the call must access
"MPI6_OpenTcpIp" instead of "MPI6_OpenNetLink“. Otherwise, no changes are necessary.
This also applies to all the other access paths.

3.2 Response to an error occurring in the open functions

Errors that occur when the open-functions are being processed are usually caused by a
hardware error or the parameters passed to the particular Open function are not correct.
An Open function that returns an error does not require a call to that another function since the
communication instance is removed in the Open function when the error occurs.

3.3 Reaction to an error that occurs in the open functions

When an error occurs in the MPI6_ConnectToPLC function or one of the read-/write functions
with respect to the CPU (e.g. MPI6_ReadByte, MPI6_WriteDword, etc.), the communication
instance should generally be closed by means of the function MPI6_CloseCommunication and
subsequently reopened with a call to the respective open function.

It is important to issue a call to the MPI6_CloseCommunication function, otherwise the

communication instance remains in memory!

Note regarding errors that are not caused by communication problems

Errors that result from faulty parameter being transferred, etc. are an exception. An example is
the error that occurs when an action with a WLD file does not find the file in the specified path.
In this case, of course it is usually sufficient to correct the path without a call to the
MPI6_CloseCommunication function.
These errors usually occur in the development phase of the application.

See chapter "Error messages" for a list of error codes.

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Ohmstr. 4 • D-91074 Herzogenaurauch • Phone: +49 (0) 9132-744-0 • www.vipa.com

4 Description of the different functions

This chapter discusses the individual functions of the SPEED7 communication driver with their
tasks. Most of the descriptions are followed by a brief example that employs the respective

4.1 Basic information explaining the different functions

The individual functions are shown in C syntax. Because the examples are very simple, they
should not pose any problems to VB, Delphi and C #programmers. The explanations of the
parameters are the same for all programming languages. Any variation is detailed in the
explanation of each parameter.

When using the wrapper class in .Net, the handle for the communication instance is not
required, since this handle is managed by the wrapper class.

4.2 The function: MPI_A_GetDLLError or MPI_A_GetDLLErrorEng

Brief description
You can call the MPI_A_GetDLLError function to obtain a string (null terminated), which
describes the error being returned in detail. Each function in the DLL returns the value '0'
(FALSE) as a function value if an error has occurred during the execution. In this case, the
variable ErrorCode that must be passed to each function contains the error code.
If you want to describe the error, you can call the function MPI_A_GetDLLError.
Chapter "Error messages" contains a description of the error codes.
The function MPI_A_GetDLLErrorEng returns the error messages in English.
In the .Net wrapper class, the functions have the name "MPI6_GetDLLError" or

Description of the Parameters

Argument C-Type Description

Handle INT Das Handle der Kommunikationsinstanz welche angesprochen
wird. (Entfällt bei .Net-Wrapper-Klasse)
ErrorString CHAR* Enthält den String für den übergebenen Errorcode.
ErrorCode WORD Error-Code für den der String geliefert werden soll.
Function return BOOL Wurde die Funktion erfolgreich ausgeführt, so wird der Wert '1'
(TRUE) geliefert. Bei einem Fehler ist der Rückgabewert '0'

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Ohmstr. 4 • D-91074 Herzogenaurauch • Phone: +49 (0) 9132-744-0 • www.vipa.com

4.3 The function: MPI6_OpenRS232

Brief description
The MPI6_OpenRS232 function must be called to communicate with a CPU for the first time,
provided that the communication link is established via a serial interface or a virtual COM
port on a USB adapter.
The function opens the specified PC interface using the specified communication parameters.
In addition, MPI network data must be transferred to the function.
Execution of the function can only succeed if a CPU is connected to the specified PC interface.

This function creates a communication instance. The variable "Handle" supplies the
"identification" for this instance. This identifier must be passed to the other functions of the DLL
to ensure that the specified communication path is used (COM port, baud rate, etc.). This
means that the handle defines the communication instance (not applicable for .Net wrapper

Description of the Parameters:

Argument C-Type Description
Handle INT* This is where the handle of the newly generated communication
instance is returned (not applicable for the .Net wrapper class).
ComNr INT Definition of the PCs serial port to which the PLC is connected.
E.g. '1' for COM1
BaudRate LONG Defines the baud rate to communicate with the PLC. This value
depends on the PC/MPI cable being used. The older models only
support a baud rate of 19200 baud. With the latest cables the
baud rate may be set to 19200, 38400, 57600 and 115200 baud.
You may also enter: 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200
If this value is specified incorrectly, it is impossible to
establish communications.
PGAddress BYTE Specifies the MPI/DP address that is used by the communication
instance to log into the MPI/DP network. It is important to note
that the entered address may be used by any other device in
the connected network. By default, the programming devices
are set to address '0 '.
HighestAddress BYTE Defines the highest address that may be used in connected
MPI-network. Enter a value of 15, 31, 63 or 126. It is important to
ensure that all devices in the connected network have the same
highest address.
ComWasAlread BOOL* This parameter returns TRUE if the port is already in use by
yUsed another communication instance. In this case, the communication
parameters (e.g. baud rate and PGAddress) that were passed
with the function were not used. Communication can take place
however. If the parameter returns FALSE, then the interface was
still unallocated and the specified communication parameters
were set.
Error WORD* If the function returns '0’, an error has occurred during execution.
In this case, the Error parameter contains an error value.

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Function return BOOL If the function was executed successfully, a value '1'(TRUE) is
returned. When an error has occurred, the returned value is '0'

The following example opens the COM2 interface using the function MPI6_OpenRS232. A
transmission rate of 115200 baud was selected.

int ComNr=2; //COM2 port
long BaudRate=115200; //baud rate 115200BYTE PGMPIAdresse=0;
//address of the DLL application = 0
BYTE HoechsteMPI=31; //highest address permitted in network = 31
bool SchnittstelleWarSchonAllokiert=false; //true if the
//interface was
//already in use
WORD Error=0; //error variable
char ErrorString[255];//error string to return the error
int MPIHandle=-1; //handle of the new communication instance

//establish connection
if (!MPI6_OpenRS232(&MPIHandle, ComNr, BaudRate, PGMPIAdresse,
//display the error(s)
MPI_A_GetDLLError(MPIHandle, ErrorString, Error);
MessageBox(AppHandle, ErrorString, "", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
}//end if
MessageBox(AppHandle, "Einleitung war erfolgreich.", "",

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4.4 The function: MPI6_OpenNetLink

Brief description
The MPI6_OpenRS232 function must be called to communicate with a CPU for the first time,
provided that the communication link is established via TCP/IP using a NetLink or a
The function establishes a connection with a NetLink that has the specified IP address. In
addition, MPI network data must be transferred to the function.

This function creates a communication instance. The variable "Handle" supplies the
"identification" for this instance. This identifier must be passed to the other functions of the DLL
To ensure that the specified communication path (IP address) is used (not required for the .Net
wrapper class).

Description of the parameters

Argument C-Type Description
Handle INT* This is where the handle of the newly generated communication
instance is returned (not applicable for the .Net wrapper class).
IPAddress CHAR* Provide the IP address of the NetLink that will be used to execute
the communications. The address is entered in the form
PGAddress BYTE Specifiy the MPI/DP address that the communication instance
must use to log on to the network. It is important to note that
the entered address must not be used by any other device on
the connected network. By default, programming devices are
set to the address '0'.
Attention: this function call cannot change the PG address of the
MHJ-NetLink. This must be defined using the supplied
configuration utility.
HighestAddress BYTE Defines the highest MPI/DP address, which may be used on the
connected network. Here the values 15, 31, 63 or 126 must be
specified. It is important to ensure that all devices on the
connected network have the same highest address.
Attention: this function call cannot change the PG address of the
MHJ-NetLink. This must be defined using the supplied
configuration utility.
Error WORD* If the function returns '0’, an error has occurred during execution.
In this case, the Error parameter contains an error value.
Function return BOOL If the function was executed successfully, a value '1'(TRUE) is
returned. When an error has occurred, the returned value is '0'

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Ohmstr. 4 • D-91074 Herzogenaurauch • Phone: +49 (0) 9132-744-0 • www.vipa.com

The following example employs the MPI6_OpenNetLink function to connect to a NetLink with
the IP address

BYTE PGMPIAdresse=0; //MPI address of the communication instance = 0

BYTE HoechsteMPI=31; //highest address permitted in network = 31
WORD Error=0; //error variable
char ErrorString[255]={0};//error string to return the error
int MPIHandle=-1; //handle of the new communication instance
char IPAdresseStr[50]={0};
//enter the IP address
strcpy(IPAdresseStr, "");
//establish connection
if (!MPI6_OpenNetLink(&MPIHandle, IPAdresseStr, PGMPIAdresse,
HoechsteMPI, &Error)){
//display the error(s)
MPI_A_GetDLLError(MPIHandle, ErrorString, Error);
MessageBox(AppHandle, ErrorString, "", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
}//end if
MessageBox(AppHandle, "Einleitung erfolgreich.", "",

It should be mentioned again that the specifying the PG-address and the highest MPI/DP
address does not change the values defined in the NetLink. The NetLink settings are defined by
means of the configuration utility that is included. These settings must only be entered once,
thereafter the settings are stored permanently the NetLink.

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4.5 The function: MPI6_OpenTcpIp

Brief description
The MPI6_OpenTcpIp function must be called to communicate with a CPU for the first time,
provided that the communication link is established via TCP/IP with an Ethernet-CP or a
CPU with an integrated Ethernet interface (or Profinet).
The function establishes a connection with an Ethernet-CP that has the specified IP address.
The slot number of the CPU is also required. For VIPA and S7-300 systems, this must usually
be defined as Slot 2.

This function creates a communication instance. The variable "Handle" supplies the
"identification" for this instance. This identifier must be passed to the other functions of the DLL
to ensure that the specified communication path (IP address) is used (not required for the .Net
wrapper class).

Description of the parameters

Argument C-Type Description
Handle INT* This is where the handle of the newly generated communication
instance is returned (not applicable for the .Net wrapper class).
IPAddress CHAR* Provide the IP address of the Ethernet-CP or the integrated
Ethernet interface of the CPU that will be used to execute the
communications. The address is entered in the form
PlcSlotNr INT Specifies the slot of the CPU with which you want to
communicate. For S7-300 systems, this must usually be defined
as slot 2.
Error WORD* If the function returns '0’, an error has occurred during execution.
In this case, the Error parameter contains an error value.
Function return BOOL If the function was executed successfully, a value '1'(TRUE) is
returned. When an error has occurred, the returned value is '0'

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Ohmstr. 4 • D-91074 Herzogenaurauch • Phone: +49 (0) 9132-744-0 • www.vipa.com

The following example employs the MPI6_OpenTcpIp function to establish a connection with an
Ethernet-CP with the IP address

WORD Error=0; //error variable

char ErrorString[255]={0};//error string to return the error
int MPIHandle=-1; //handle of the new communication instance
int CPUSlotNr=2; //slot of the CPU to be addressed in the PLC rack
char IPAdresseStr[50]={0};
//enter the IP address
strcpy(IPAdresseStr, "");
//establish connection
if (!MPI6_OpenTcpIp(&MPIHandle, IPAdresseStr,
CPUSlotNr, &Error)){
//display the error(s)
MPI_A_GetDLLError(MPIHandle, ErrorString, Error);
MessageBox(AppHandle, ErrorString, "", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
}//end if
MessageBox(AppHandle, "Initialisation successful.", "",

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Ohmstr. 4 • D-91074 Herzogenaurauch • Phone: +49 (0) 9132-744-0 • www.vipa.com

4.6 The function: MPI6_OpenTcpIp_S71500

Brief description
It is imperative to call the function MPI6_OpenTcpIp_S71500 to communicate for the first time
with a CPU of the S7-1500® family.

The function establishes a connection with a S7-1500® that has the specified IP address.

Please read the chapter "Required settings in a PLC 1500 from Siemens" for the important
hardware settings!

This function creates a communication instance. The variable "Handle" supplies the
"identification" for this instance. This identifier must be passed to the other functions of the DLL
to ensure that the specified communication path (IP address) is used (not required for the .Net
wrapper class).

Description of the parameters

Argument C-Type Description
Handle INT* This is where the handle of the newly generated communication
instance is returned (not applicable for the .Net wrapper class).
IPAddress CHAR* Provide the IP address of the Ethernet-CP or the integrated
Ethernet interface of the CPU that will be used to execute the
communications. The address is entered in the form
Error WORD* If the function returns '0’, an error has occurred during execution.
In this case, the Error parameter contains an error value.
Function return BOOL If the function was executed successfully, a value '1'(TRUE) is
returned. When an error has occurred, the returned value is '0'

The following example employs the MPI6_OpenTcpIp_S71500 function to establish a
connection with a S7-1500? CPU with the IP address

WORD Error=0; //error variable

char ErrorString[255]={0};//error string to return the error
int MPIHandle=-1; //Handle of the new communication instance
char IPAdresseStr[50]={0};
//specify the IP address
strcpy(IPAdresseStr, "");
//establish connection
if (!MPI6_OpenTcpIp_S71500(&MPIHandle, IPAdresseStr, &Error)){
//display the error(s)
MPI_A_GetDLLError(MPIHandle, ErrorString, Error);
MessageBox(AppHandle, ErrorString, "", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
}//end if
MessageBox(AppHandle, "Initialisation successful.", "",

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4.7 The function: MPI6_OpenTcpIp_S71500Ext

Brief description
It is imperative to call the function MPI6_OpenTcpIp_S71500 to communicate for the first time
with a CPU of the S7-1500® family.

The function establishes a connection with a S7-1500® that has the specified IP address.
In addition to the function "MPI6_OpenTcpIp_S71500", the function supports the selecting of
the used network adapter. This function is required, when there are more than one network
adapter available.

Please read the chapter "Required settings in a PLC 1500 from Siemens" for the important
hardware settings!

This function creates a communication instance. The variable "Handle" supplies the
"identification" for this instance. This identifier must be passed to the other functions of the DLL
to ensure that the specified communication path (IP address) is used (not required for the .Net
wrapper class).

Description of the parameters

Argument C-Type Description
Handle INT* This is where the handle of the newly generated communication
instance is returned (not applicable for the .Net wrapper class).
IPAddress CHAR* Provide the IP address of the Ethernet-CP or the integrated
Ethernet interface of the CPU that will be used to execute the
communications. The address is entered in the form
IPAddressNetw CHAR* IP address of the PC-network adapter. This adapter is connected
orkAdapter with the PLC.
Error WORD* If the function returns '0’, an error has occurred during execution.
In this case, the Error parameter contains an error value.
Function return BOOL If the function was executed successfully, a value '1'(TRUE) is
returned. When an error has occurred, the returned value is '0'

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Ohmstr. 4 • D-91074 Herzogenaurauch • Phone: +49 (0) 9132-744-0 • www.vipa.com

4.8 The function: MPI6_OpenTcpIp_S71200

Brief description
It is imperative to call the function MPI6_OpenTcpIp_S71200 to communicate for the first time
with a CPU of the S7-1200® family.

The function establishes a connection with a S7-1200® that has the specified IP address.

This function creates a communication instance. The variable "Handle" supplies the
"identification" for this instance. This identifier must be passed to the other functions of the DLL
to ensure that the specified communication path (IP address) is used (not required for the .Net
wrapper class).

Description of the parameters

Argument C-Type Description
Handle INT* This is where the handle of the newly generated communication
instance is returned (not applicable for the .Net wrapper class).
IPAddress CHAR* Provide the IP address of the Ethernet-CP or the integrated
Ethernet interface of the CPU that will be used to execute the
communications. The address is entered in the form
Error WORD* If the function returns '0’, an error has occurred during execution.
In this case, the Error parameter contains an error value.
Function return BOOL If the function was executed successfully, a value '1'(TRUE) is
returned. When an error has occurred, the returned value is '0'

The following example employs the MPI6_OpenTcpIp_S71200 function to establish a
connection with a S7-1200? CPU with the IP address

WORD Error=0; //error variable

char ErrorString[255]={0};//error string to return the error
int MPIHandle=-1; //Handle of the new communication instance
char IPAdresseStr[50]={0};
//specify the IP address
strcpy(IPAdresseStr, "");
//establish connection
if (!MPI6_OpenTcpIp_S71200(&MPIHandle, IPAdresseStr, &Error)){
//display the error(s)
MPI_A_GetDLLError(MPIHandle, ErrorString, Error);
MessageBox(AppHandle, ErrorString, "", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
}//end if
MessageBox(AppHandle, "Initialisation successful.", "",

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4.9 The function: MPI6_Open_NetLinkPro_TCP_AutoBaud

Brief description
The MPI6_Open_NetLinkPro_TCP_AutoBaud function must be called to communicate with a
CPU for the first time, provided that the communication link is established via a NETLink
PRO with a MPI or Profibus-DP interface of a CPU.
The function establishes a connection with a NETLink PRO that has the specified IP address.
In addition, the PG-address and the highest address that exists in the network (MPI or Profibus)
must be specified. In contrast to the function MPI6_Open_NetLinkPro_TCP_SelectBaud , this
function is used when the NETLink PRO must automatically detect the baud rate that is in use
on the bus. Here it is important to note that it may take a few seconds more to establish
communications,since baud rate detection requires some time. If the communication link is
established and disconnected at short intervals (e.g. to communicate with many different CPUs)
you should use the MPI6_Open_NetLinkPro_TCP_SelectBaud function.

The MPI6_Open_NetLinkPro_TCP_AutoBaud function creates a communication instance.

The variable "Handle" supplies the "identification" for this instance. This identifier must be
passed to the other functions of the DLL to ensure that the specified communication path (IP
address) is used (not required for the .Net wrapper class).

Description of the parameters

Argument C-Type Description
Handle INT* This is where the handle of the newly generated communication
instance is returned (not applicable for the .Net wrapper class).
IPAddressStr CHAR* Provide the IP address of the NETLink PRO that will be used to
execute the communications. The address is entered in the form
PGAddress BYTE The MPI/DP address that the communication instance must use
to log on to the MPI/DP network. It is important to note that the
entered MPI/DP address must not be used by any other
device on the connected MPI/DP network. By default, the
programming devices are set to MPI/DP address '0'.
HighestAddress BYTE Defines the highest MPI/DP address, which may be used in the
connected network. Here the values 15, 31, 63 or 126 must be
specified. It is important to ensure that all devices on the
connected MPI/DP network are set to the same highest MPI/DP
Error WORD* If the function returns '0’, an error has occurred during execution.
In this case, the Error parameter contains an error value.
Function return BOOL If the function was executed successfully, a value '1'(TRUE) is
returned. When an error has occurred, the returned value is '0'

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The following example employs the MPI6_Open_NetLinkPro_TCP_AutoBaud function to
connect to a NETLink PRO with the IP address

BYTE PGMPIAdresse=0; //MPI address of the communication instance = 0

BYTE HoechsteMPI=31; //highest address permitted in network = 31
WORD Error=0; //error variable
char ErrorString[255]={0};//error string to return the error
int MPIHandle=-1; //handle of the new communication instance
char IPAdresseStr[50]={0};
//enter the IP address
strcpy(IPAdresseStr, "");
//establish connection
if (!MPI6_Open_NetLinkPro_TCP_AutoBaud(&MPIHandle, IPAdresseStr,
PGMPIAdresse, HoechsteMPI,
//display the error(s)
MPI_A_GetDLLError(MPIHandle, ErrorString, Error);
MessageBox(AppHandle, ErrorString, "", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
}//end if
MessageBox(AppHandle, "Initialisation successful.", "",

Before the NETLink PRO is used for the first time, it must be set to the necessary
communication parameters. Use the configuration software that is supplied with the SPEED7
communication driver. After the driver has been installed, it is located in the directory "NETLink
PRO Konfigurator".
The settings you have entered (such as IP address, subnet mask, etc.) are permanently stored
in the NETLink PRO. This means that the settings are still available after the supply voltage has
been disconnected from of the NETLink PRO.

No additional driver is required to operate the NETLink PRO with this driver!

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4.10 The function: MPI6_Open_NetLinkPro_TCP_SelectBaud

Brief description
The MPI6_Open_NetLinkPro_TCP_SelectBaud function must be called to communicate with
a CPU for the first time, provided that the communication link is established via a NETLink
PRO with a MPI or a Profibus-DP interface of a CPU.
The function establishes a connection with a NETLink PRO that has the specified IP address.
In addition, the PG-address and the highest address that exists in the network (MPI or Profibus)
must be specified. In contrast to the function MPI6_Open_NetLinkPro_TCP_AutoBaud , this
function is used when the baud rate of the MPI/DP bus is known. In such a case, the time to
detect the baud rate is not required, which speeds up the initialisation. You should use this
function if the communication link is established and disconnected at short intervals (e.g. to
communicate with many different CPUs). Provided however, that the baud rate of the MPI/DP
bus is known. However, this should apply under most circumstances.

The MPI6_Open_NetLinkPro_TCP_SelectBaud function creates a communication instance.

The variable "Handle" supplies the "identification" for this instance. This identifier must be
passed to the other functions of the DLL to ensure that the specified communication path (IP
address) is used (not required for the .Net wrapper class).

Description of the parameters

Argument C-Type Description
Handle INT* This is where the handle of the newly generated communication
instance is returned (not applicable for the .Net wrapper class).
IPAddressStr CHAR* Provide the IP address of the NETLink PRO that will be used to
execute the communications. The address is entered in the form
PGAddress BYTE The MPI/DP address that the communication instance must use
to log on to the MPI/DP network. It is important to note that
the entered MPI/DP address must not be used by any other
device on the connected MPI/DP network. By default, the
programming devices are set to MPI/DP address '0'.
HighestAddress BYTE Defines the highest MPI/DP address, which may be used in the
connected MPI/DP network. Here the values 15, 31, 63 or 126
must be specified. It is important to ensure that all devices on the
connected network are set to the same highest MPI/DP address.
IsProfibusDP BOOL When communicating with the CPU via Profibus-DP, set this
value to '1 '(TRUE). When communicating via MPI, set this value
to '0' (FALSE).

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BaudrateUsed WORD Passing the baud rate defined for the MPI/DP network. Here the
following valued have been defined:
9.6 kBaud: MPIA_BAUD_96 corresponds to a value 0
19.2 kBaud: MPIA_BAUD_19_2 corresponds to a value 1
45.45 kBaud: MPIA_BAUD_45_45 corresponds to a value 2
93.74 kBaud: MPIA_BAUD_93_75 corresponds to a value 3
187.5 kBaud: MPIA_BAUD_187_5 corresponds to a value 4
500 kBaud: MPIA_BAUD_500 corresponds to a value 5
1500kBaud: MPIA_BAUD_1500 corresponds to a value 6
3000 kBaud: MPIA_BAUD_3000 corresponds to a value 7
6000 kBaud: MPIA_BAUD_6000 corresponds to a value 8
12000 kBaud: MPIA_BAUD_12000 corresponds to a value 9
Error WORD* If the function returns '0’, an error has occurred during execution.
In this case, the Error parameter contains an error value.
Function return BOOL If the function was executed successfully, a value '1'(TRUE) is
returned. When an error has occurred, the returned value is '0'

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The following example employs the MPI6_Open_NetLinkPro_TCP_SelectBaud function to
connect to a NETLink PRO with the IP address The NETLink PRO is connected
to the Profibus-DP interface of the CPU. The DP network is set to operate at 1.5MBaud.

BYTE PGMPIAdresse=0; //DP address of the communication instance = 0

BYTE HoechsteMPI=31; //highest DP address permitted in network = 31
WORD Error=0; //error variable
char ErrorString[255]={0};//error string to return the error
int MPIHandle=-1; //handle of the new communication instance
char IPAdresseStr[50]={0};
bool IstProfibusDP=true;//this is a DP network
WORD VorgabeBaudrate=MPIA_BAUD_1500;//the baud rate is set mto 1.5MBaud
//enter the IP address
strcpy(IPAdresseStr, "");
//establish connection
if (!MPI6_Open_NetLinkPro_TCP_SelectBaud(&MPIHandle, IPAdresseStr,
PGMPIAdresse, HoechsteMPI,
IstProfibusDP, VorgabeBaudrate
//display the error(s)
MPI_A_GetDLLError(MPIHandle, ErrorString, Error);
MessageBox(AppHandle, ErrorString, "", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
}//end if
MessageBox(AppHandle, "Initialisation successful.", "",

Before the NETLink PRO is used for the first time, it must be set to the necessary
communication parameters. Use the configuration software that is supplied with the SPEED7
communication driver. After the driver has been installed, it is located in the directory "NETLink
PRO Konfigurator".
The settings you have entered (such as IP address, subnet mask, etc.) are permanently stored
in the NETLink PRO. These settings are also retained when the supply power to the NETLink
PRO is turned off.

No additional driver is required to operate the NETLink PRO with this driver!

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4.11 The function: MPI6_Open_SimaticNet (only 32-bit, not CE)

Brief description
The MPI6_Open_SimaticNet function must be called to communicate with a CPU for the first
time, provided that the communication link is established via the SIMATIC® NET driver.
This communication can be used to access the Siemens USB-MPI adapter, as well as CPs
5711, 5511, 5612 etc.. Communications via a TS Adapter II are also supported.

The condition is that the SIMATIC® NET driver was installed on the PC. This driver is installed
on the PC, for example, when the Simatic®-Manager (from V5.4), the driver for the
SIEMENS-USB adapter or the Teleservice V6 are installed. You must select the interface to be
used here in the "PG/PC interface configuration" dialog. You can access this dialog by means
of the file "s7epatsx.exe" in the Windows System32 directory.
With the Siemens Teleservice V6, you can start a remote query via the telephone line using the
TS-adapter II.

The function MPI6_Open_SimaticNet establishes a connection with the device that was
selected in the dialog "PG/PC interface configuration".

The function MPI6_Open_SimaticNet function creates a communication instance. The variable

"Handle" supplies the "identification" for this instance. This identifier must be passed to the
other functions of the DLL to ensure that the specified communication path is used (not
required for the .Net wrapper class).

Description of the parameters

Argument C-Type Description
Handle INT* This is where the handle of the newly generated communication
instance is returned (not applicable for the .Net wrapper class).
Error WORD* If the function returns '0’, an error has occurred during execution.
In this case, the Error parameter contains an error value.
Function return BOOL If the function was executed successfully, a value '1'(TRUE) is
returned. When an error has occurred, the returned value is '0'

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Example for MPI6_Open_SimaticNet:

The example below employs the function MPI6_Open_SimaticNet to establish a connection
with the interface that was selected in the "PG/PC interface configuration" dialog.

WORD Error=0; //error variable

char ErrorString[255]={0};//error string to return the error
int MPIHandle=-1; //handle of the new communication instance

if (!MPI6_Open_SimaticNet(&DLLHandle, &Error)){
//display the error(s)
MPI_A_GetDLLError(MPIHandle, ErrorString, Error);
MessageBox(AppHandle, ErrorString, "", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
}//end if
MessageBox(AppHandle, "Initialisation successful.", "",

The SIMATIC®-NET connection must not be used to establish connections NetLink, NetLink
PRO or TCP/IP-Direkt. Please use the appropriate initialisation functions (e.g.
MPI6_Open_NetLinkPro_TCP_SelectBaud, MPI6_OpenTcpIp, etc.) for these communication

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4.12 The function: MPI6_CloseCommunication

Conditions to execute the function
The initialisation functions MPI6_OpenXXXX must have been completed successfully.

Brief description
The MPI6_CloseCommunication function must be called last in order to stop the
communications with a PLC for good. This function also closes the interface that was opened
by means of the function "MPI6_OpenRS232" or via the MPI6_OpenNetLink, MPI6_OpenTcpIp,
MPI6_Open_SimaticNet, MPI6_Open_NetLinkPro_TCP_AutoBaud or
MPI6_Open_NetLinkPro_TCP_SelectBaud functions. Furthermore, the communication instance
identified by the specified handle will be eliminated.

Description of the parameters

Argument C-Type Description
Handle INT The handle of the communication instance, which is being
accessed (not required for the .Net wrapper class).
Error WORD* If the function returns '0’, an error has occurred during execution.
In this case, the Error parameter contains an error value.
Function return BOOL If the function was executed successfully, a value '1'(TRUE) is
returned. When an error has occurred, the returned value is '0'

Example for MPI6_CloseCommunication:

In the example below, a previously established communication link with a CPU is terminated,
the interface or socket is closed and the communication instance is eliminated.

WORD Error=0;
char ErrorString[255]={0};//error string to return the error

if (!MPI6_CloseCommunication(MPIHandle, &Error)){
MPI_A_GetDLLError(ErrorString, Error);
MessageBox(AppHandle, ErrorString, "", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
}//end if
else {
MessageBox(AppHandle, "communications terminated without
errors.", "", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
}//end else

Even if the function returns an error, the serial interface or the socket is closed and the
communication instance eliminated. One exception is the error
ERROR_MPIA_PARAMETER_ERROR (number 510) that does not pass a correct handle. In
this case, no action can be executed (does not apply to the .Net wrapper class).

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4.13 The function: MPI6_GetAccessibleNodes

Conditions to execute the function
The initialisation functions MPI6_OpenXXXX must have been completed successfully.
The function cannot be executed if the initialisation was executed by means of the
"MPI6_OpenTcpIp", "MPI6_OpenTcpIp_S71200" or other TCP/IP-functions.

Brief description
The MPI6_GetAccessibleNodes function can be used to identify the MPI/DP addresses of the
devices connected to an MPI network or to Profibus-DP.

Description of the parameters

Argument C-Type Description
Handle INT The handle of the communication instance, which is being
accessed (not required for the .Net wrapper class).
Addresses INT* Integer array that lists the MPI/DP addresses of each node in
the connected MPI/DP network. The array must accommodate
127 integer fields.
countAddresses INT* Returns the number of nodes connected to the MPI/DP
Error WORD* If the function returns '0’, an error has occurred during
execution. In this case, the Error parameter contains an error
Function return BOOL If the function was executed successfully, a value '1'(TRUE) is
returned. When an error has occurred, the returned value is '0'

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Example MPI6_GetAccessibleNodes:
The example below determines the nodes that are accessible on the connected MPI-network.

int ComNr=2; //COM2 port

long BaudRate=115200; //baud rate 115200
BYTE PGMPIAdresse=0; //MPI address of the DLL application = 0
BYTE HoechsteMPI=31; //highest address permitted in network = 31
bool SchnittstelleWarSchonAllokiert=false;
WORD Error=0; //error variable
char ErrorString[255]={0};//error string to return the error
int MPIHandle=-1; //handle of the new communication instance
int Teilnehmer[130]={0}; //array for the nodes
int AnzahlTeilnehmer=0;
char AusgabeText[255]={0};
//establish connection
if (!MPI6_OpenRS232(&MPIHandle, ComNr, BaudRate,
//display the error(s)
MPI_A_GetDLLError(MPIHandle, ErrorString, Error);
MessageBox(AppHandle, ErrorString, "", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
}//end if
MessageBox(AppHandle, "Einleitung war erfolgreich.", "",
//determine the accessible nodes
if (!MPI6_GetAccessibleNodes(MPIHandle, Teilnehmer,
//display the error(s)
MPI_A_GetDLLError(MPIHandle, ErrorString, Error);
MessageBox(AppHandle, ErrorString, "", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
}//end if
else {
//display the number of nodes
wsprintf(AusgabeText, "Es sind %i Teilnehmer am MPI-Netz
angeschlossen", AnzahlTeilnehmer);
MessageBox(AppHandle, AusgabeText, "", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
}//end else
//terminate communications
if (!MPI6_CloseCommunication(MPIHandle, &Error)){
//display the error(s)
MPI_A_GetDLLError(MPIHandle, ErrorString, Error);
MessageBox(AppHandle, ErrorString, "", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
}//end if
MessageBox(AppHandle, "Communications terminated without errors.", "",

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4.14 The function: MPI6_SetRoutingData

Conditions to execute the function
The initialisation functions (with the exception of MPI6_OpenRS232) (e.g. MPI6_OpenNetLink,
MPI6_OpenTcpIp, etc.) must have been completed successfully.

Brief description
The MPI6_SetRoutingData function must be called before you can access a CPU that is not
directly connected using the MPI6_ConnectToPLCRouting function. The parameters of the
function define the CPU to which you want to be routed. Routing means that you do not
communicate with the CPU that is directly connected to the PC but via a different CPU that is
linked with this CPU.

Important exception:
Routing can employ communication channels NetLink, NetLink PRO, TCP/IP direct and
SIMATIC®-NET. Routing is not possible with the MPI6_OpenRS232 function.

PLC family S7-1500®, S7-1200®

This function is not possible.

Routing example:
The MPI6_ConnectToPLCRouting function is explained by an example regarding routing.

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Description of the parameters

Argument C-Type Description
Handle INT The handle of the communication instance, which is being
accessed (not required for the .Net wrapper class).
TargetSlotNr BYTE Here you must specify the slot number (i.e. the slot) of your
CPU. For S7-300 systems, this must be defined as Slot 2.
With S7-400 systems, you can find the slot number in the
hardware configuration.
TargetRackNr BYTE Specifies the rack number where the CPU was installed.
Normally, the CPU is installed in the rack 0, i.e. this should
be set to 0.
TargetMPI_DP_Addre BYTE If the target CPU is accessible via a MPI or a DP network,
ss then this parameter must be set to the MPI/DP address of
the target CPU in this network.
TargetIPAddressStr char* If the target CPU is accessible via a TCP/IP network, then
this parameter must be set to the IP address of the CPU or
the Ethernet CP (that is located on the rack of the CPU).
TargetSubnetID_High WORD High-word of the subnet ID of the S7 network that will be
used to access the CPU. The subnet ID is defined in the
hardware configuration.
TargetSubnetID_Low WORD Low-word of the subnet ID of the S7 network that will be
used to access the CPU. The subnet ID is defined in the
hardware configuration.
TargetNetIsMPI_DP_ BYTE If the CPU is accessed via a MPI/DP network, then this
Net value must pass a value of 1. In this case, the parameter
ZielBaugruppeIPAdresseStr is ignored. The parameter
ZielBaugruppeMPI_DP_Adresse must specify in the correct
address. If a value of 0 is supplied, then the CPU is
specified by means if the IP address, the MPI/DP address is
ignored and should be set to 2.
Error WORD* If the function returns '0’, an error has occurred during
execution. In this case, the Error parameter contains an
error value.
Function return BOOL If the function was executed successfully, a value '1'(TRUE)
is returned. When an error has occurred, the returned value
is '0' (FALSE).

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4.15 The function: MPI6_ConnectToPLC

Conditions to execute the function
One of the initialisation functions (e.g. MPI6_OpenTcpIp, etc.) must have been completed

Brief description
The MPI6_ConnectToPLC function must be called before you can address the desired CPU
with read or write access functions. This function determines which node is addressed via the
connected MPI or Profibus-DP network. Here the communication partner is specified by the
MPI or the Profibus address.

Important exception:
If the initialisation was executed by means of the MPI6_ConnectToPLC function, then the MPI
address is a dummy value, since the CPU is already defined by the IP address and the CPU
slot number. In this case, the MPI/DP address must always be specified as 2.

Description of the parameters

Argument C-Type Description
Handle INT The handle of the communication instance, which is being
accessed (not required for the .Net wrapper class).
PlcAddress BYTE Contains the MPI/DP address of the required communication
partner. The value of the address can range from 0 to 126. For
communication path TCP-IP direct, enter a value of 2.
Error WORD* If the function returns '0’, an error has occurred during
execution. In this case, the Error parameter contains an error
Function return BOOL If the function was executed successfully, a value '1'(TRUE) is
returned. When an error has occurred, the returned value is '0'


If the function returns one of the following error-codes (decimal):

1046: PLC is not a S7-1500®
1044: PLC is not a S7-1200®
then the function "MPI6_CloseCommunicatio" was already executed inside of the function.
These errors occur, if the wrong open-function was called. For example the open-function of the
S7-1200 and a S7-1500 is actually plugged.

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The example below establishes a communication link with a PLC. The CPU has the MPI
address 10.

int ComNr=2; //COM2 port

long BaudRate=115200; //baud rate 115200
BYTE PGMPIAdresse=0; //MPI address of the DLL application = 0
BYTE HoechsteMPI=31; //highest address permitted in network = 31
bool SchnittstelleWarSchonAllokiert=false; //true if the
//port was already
//in use
WORD Error=0; //error variable
char ErrorString[255]={0};//error string to return the error
int MPIHandle=-1; //handle of the new communication instance
BYTE AGMPIAdresse=10; //the MPI address of the CPU to be accessed
//establish connection
if (!MPI6_OpenRS232(&MPIHandle, ComNr, BaudRate, PGMPIAdresse,
//display the error(s)
MPI_A_GetDLLError(MPIHandle, ErrorString, Error);
MessageBox(AppHandle, ErrorString, "", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
}//end if
MessageBox(AppHandle, "Initialisation successful.", "",
//establish communications
if (!MPI6_ConnectToPLC(MPIHandle, AGMPIAdresse, &Error)){
//display the error(s)
MPI_A_GetDLLError(MPIHandle, ErrorString, Error);
MessageBox(AppHandle, ErrorString, "", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
}//end if
else {
MessageBox(AppHandle, "communications established successfully!",
}//end else
//terminate communications
if (!MPI6_CloseCommunication(MPIHandle, &Error)){
//display the error(s)
MPI_A_GetDLLError(MPIHandle, ErrorString, Error);
MessageBox(AppHandle, ErrorString, "", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
}//end if
MessageBox(AppHandle, "Communications terminated without errors.", "",

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4.16 The function: MPI6_ConnectToPLCRouting

Conditions to execute the function
The initialisation functions (with the exception of MPI6_OpenRS232) (e.g. MPI6_OpenNetLink,
MPI6_OpenTcpIp, etc.) must have been completed successfully. In addition, the routing data
must have been transferred with the MPI6_SetRoutingData function.

Brief description
The MPI6_ConnectToPLCRouting function must be called before you can address the desired
CPU with read or write access functions. In contrast to the MPI6_ConnectToPLC function, the
CPU that is connected directly to the PC will not be accessed. Here a CPU will be accessed
that is connected via a network link with the directly connected CPU. The CPU that will be
accessed can be specified by means of the parameters of the MPI6_SetRoutingData function.

Important exception:
If the initialisation was executed by means of the MPI6_OpenRS232 function, then it is not
possible to perform routing. In this case, the MPI6_ConnectToPLCRouting function must not be

PLC family S7-1500®, S7-1200®

This function is not possible.

Description of the parameters

Argument C-Type Description
Handle INT The handle of the communication instance, which is being
accessed (not required for the .Net wrapper class).
PlcAddress BYTE Contains the MPI/DP address of the directly connected
communication partner. The value of the address can range
from 0 to 126. For communication path TCP-IP direct, enter a
value of 2.
Error WORD* If the function returns '0’, an error has occurred during
execution. In this case, the Error parameter contains an error
Function return BOOL If the function was executed successfully, a value '1'(TRUE) is
returned. When an error has occurred, the returned value is '0'

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4.17 Routing example

The example below shows both functions, MPI6_SetRoutingData and
MPI6_ConnectToPLCRouting. In the example, the PC is connected to the MPI interface of a
CPU via a NetLink PRO. A network links this CPU to two other CPUs. This is shown in the
following figure:

The example below shows both functions, MPI6_SetRoutingData and

MPI6_ConnectToPLCRouting. In the example, the PC is connected to the MPI interface of a
CPU via a NetLink PRO. A network links this CPU to two other CPUs. This is shown in the
following figure:

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4.17.1 Initialisation by means of a NetLink PRO

In the first step, the initialisation function for the NetLink PRO communication path must be

BYTE PGMPIAdresse=0; //MPI address of the communication instance = 0

BYTE HoechsteMPI=31; //highest address permitted in network = 31
WORD Error=0; //error variable
char ErrorString[255]={0};//error string to return the error
int MPIHandle=-1; //handle of the new communication instance
char IPAdresseStr[50]={0};
//enter the IP-address of the NetLink PRO
strcpy(IPAdresseStr, "");
//establish connection
if (!MPI6_Open_NetLinkPro_TCP_AutoBaud(&MPIHandle, IPAdresseStr,
PGMPIAdresse, HoechsteMPI,
//display the error(s)
MPI_A_GetDLLError(MPIHandle, ErrorString, Error);
MessageBox(AppHandle, ErrorString, "", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
}//end if
MessageBox(AppHandle, "Initialisation successful.", "",

Here there is no different to a call that does not use routing. The IP address of the NetLink PRO
is specified in the call. In this example, the IP address is "".
4.17.2 Routing data transfer
Now the data must be passed to the actual CPU being accessed using the
MPI_A_SetRoutingData function.

BYTE TargetBaugruppeSlotNr=2;
BYTE TargetBaugruppeRackNr=0;
BYTE TargetBaugruppeMPI_DP_Adresse=2;//address not relevant
char TargetBaugruppeIPAdresseStr[50]={0};
strcpy(TargetBaugruppeIPAdresseStr, "");//IP of the 315-PN/DP
WORD TargetSubnetzID_High=0x1122;
WORD TargetSubnetzID_Low=0x3344;
BYTE TargetNetzIstMPI_DP_Netz=0;//the target network is Ethernet
if (!MPI6_SetRoutingData(DLLHandle, TargetBaugruppeSlotNr,
TargetBaugruppeRackNr, TargetBaugruppeMPI_DP_Adresse,
TargetBaugruppeIPAdresseStr, TargetSubnetzID_High,
TargetSubnetzID_Low, TargetNetzIstMPI_DP_Netz,
MPI_A_GetDLLError(DLLHandle, DLLErrorString, Error);
MessageBox(AppHandle, DLLErrorString, "", MB_ICONSTOP);
}//end if
MessageBox(AppHandle, "Routing data transferred successfully.", "",

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Explanation of the parameters:

The "TargetSlotNr" is set to 2, because the CPU to be accessed is installed in slot 2 (as with all
300-type systems). Since the 315-PN/DP is installed in the first rack, the "TargetRackNr" is set
to 0.
The "TargetMPI_DP_Address" parameter is not relevant for this example, since the 315-PN/DP
is accessed via Ethernet. The IP address is specified by parameter "TargetIPAddressStr", this
is the IP address of the 315-PN/DP.
The parameters "TargetSubnetID_High" and "TargetSubnetID_Low" must contain the S7
subnet ID of the network that connects the CPU being accessed with the master. In the
example the 315-PN/DP is accessed using the Ethernet link that is also connected to the
315-2DP via the Ethernet CP. This has the Ethernet subnet ID "1122-3344", i.e. these values
must be specified by the parameters.
Finally, the parameter "TargetNetIsMPI_DP_Net" must be allocated. In this example, this value
must be set to 0, because the target network that is used to access the 315-PN/DP is an
Ethernet network. This means that the IP address will be used and not the MPI/DP address.

Now the parameters are complete. This only leaves the last function
MPI6_ConnectToPLCRouting to be called.
4.17.3 Call the function MPI6_ConnectToPLCRouting
The MPI6_ConnectToPLC function must not be used, since the connection will not be
established with the CPU that is connected directly to the PC but with a CPU that is networked
with this CPU. You must use the function MPI6_ConnectToPLCRouting to establish
The example below shows this call:
BYTE AGMPIAdresse=8; //the MPI address of the directly connected CPU
if (!MPI6_ConnectToPLCRouting(MPIHandle, AGMPIAdresse,
//display the error(s)
MPI_A_GetDLLError(MPIHandle, ErrorString, Error);
MessageBox(AppHandle, ErrorString, "", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
}//end if
else {
MessageBox(AppHandle, "Communications established successfully!",
}//end else

The CPU MPIAdresse must have the value 8, since this is the MPI address of CPU C313-DP to
which the PC is connected. This CPU then forwards the request to the CPU that must be

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4.17.4 Conclusion as to the routing example

This completes the calls, the 315-PN/DP can now be accessed by means of the read and write
functions. In comparison with direct access, there are no differences when calling the functions.
The example has demonstrated that the function MPI6_SetRoutingData followed by
MPI6_ConnectToPLCRouting must be called after the respective initialisation functions.

When configuring the hardware of the CPUs it is important to note, that the routing data must
also be transferred. In the Simatic?-Manager for example, this type of configuration must be
performed by means of the NetPro. This is necessary to ensure that the CPUs are aware of the
other CPUs will be accessible via them.

It should also be noted that the rate of communication when routing is less that that of a direct

The driver supports routing for the communication paths NetLink, NetLink PRO, TCP/IP direct
and SIMATIC®-NET (only 32-Bit).

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4.18 The function: MPI6_ReadByte

Conditions to execute the function
One of the initialisation functions (e.g. MPI6_OpenTcpIp, etc.) must have been completed
In additions, the call to the function MPI6_ConnectToPLC or MPI6_ConnectToPLCRouting
must also have been successful.

Brief description
The function MPI6_ReadByte can be used to determine the status of input, output, flags and
data block bytes.
If the CPU is protected by a password, this does not have to be transferred.

PLC family S7-1500®, S7-1200®

This function can also be used for the CPUs of the S7-1500®, S7-1200® series. However, DBs
may not have been generated with the option "only symbolically addressable".

Description of the parameters

Argument C-Type Description
Handle INT The handle of the communication instance, which is being
accessed (not required for the .Net wrapper class).
operand BYTE The ASCII code for letters E, A, M, D defines the operand area,
which you want to read. Inputs = 69, outputs = 65, memory bits
(flags) = 77, data blocks = 68, VM area (only MICRO-version) =
wAddress WORD Starting address from which the bytes must be read.
byteBufferPtr BYTE* This buffer is used to store the status information.
wCountBytes WORD It must be ensured that the area is sufficiently large to
accommodate all the status information. The buffer must have
as many fields as are required for the requested bytes.
wDBNR WORD Number of bytes to read. Up to a max. of 65535 bytes may be
read with one call. If the bytes being read are the contents of a
data block, the number of the DB (1-65535) must be specified
here. Otherwise, enter 0.
Error WORD* If the function returns '0’, an error has occurred during
execution. In this case, the Error parameter contains an error
Function return BOOL If the function was executed successfully, a value '1'(TRUE) is
returned. When an error has occurred, the returned value is '0'

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The example below retrieves the status information from the communication partner having MPI
address 10 starting with memory byte 10. 30 bytes must be read.

int ComNr=2; //COM2 port

long BaudRate=115200; //baud rate 115200
BYTE PGMPIAdresse=0; //MPI address of the DLL application = 0
BYTE HoechsteMPI=31; //highest address permitted in network = 31
bool SchnittstelleWarSchonAllokiert=false;
WORD Error=0; //error variable
char ErrorString[255]={0};//error string to return the error
int MPIHandle=-1; //handle of the new communication instance
BYTE AGMPIAdresse=10; //the MPI address of the CPU to be accessed
bool Fehler=false;
char AusgabeStr[255]={0};//string for text output
//establish connection
if (!MPI6_OpenRS232(&MPIHandle, ComNr, BaudRate, PGMPIAdresse,
//display the error(s)
MPI_A_GetDLLError(MPIHandle, ErrorString, Error);
MessageBox(AppHandle, ErrorString, "", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
}//end if
MessageBox(AppHandle, "Initialisation successful.", "",
//establish communications
if (!MPI6_ConnectToPLC(MPIHandle, AGMPIAdresse, &Error)){
//display the error(s)
MPI_A_GetDLLError(MPIHandle, ErrorString, Error);
MessageBox(AppHandle, ErrorString, "", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
}//end if
else {
MessageBox(AppHandle, "Communications established successfully!",
}//end else
//read data
if (!Fehler){
BYTE StatusBuffer[100]={0};
BYTE Operand=77; //clock memory ASCII-Code 77
if (!MPI6_ReadByte(MPIHandle, Operand, 10, StatusBuffer,
30, 0, &Error)){
//display the error(s)
MPI_A_GetDLLError(MPIHandle, ErrorString, Error);
MessageBox(AppHandle, ErrorString, "", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
}//end if
else {
wsprintf(AusgabeStr, "Clock memory 11 has the status: %02X",
MessageBox(AppHandle, AusgabeStr, "", MB_ICONINFORMATION);
}//end else
}//end if

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//terminate communications
if (!MPI6_CloseCommunication(MPIHandle, &Error)){
//display the error(s)
MPI_A_GetDLLError(MPIHandle, ErrorString, Error);
MessageBox(AppHandle, ErrorString, "", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
}//end if
MessageBox(AppHandle, "Communications terminated without errors.", "",

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4.19 The function: MPI6_ReadWord

Conditions to execute the function
One of the initialisation functions (e.g. MPI6_OpenTcpIp, etc.) must have been completed
In additions, the call to the function MPI6_ConnectToPLC or MPI6_ConnectToPLCRouting
must also have been successful.

Brief description
The function MPI6_ReadWord can be used to determine the status of input, output, flags and
data block words.
If the CPU is protected by a password, this does not have to be transferred.

PLC family S7-1500®, S7-1200®

This function can also be used for the CPUs of the S7-1500®, S7-1200® series. However, DBs
may not have been generated with the option "only symbolically addressable".

Description of the parameters

Argument C-Type Description
Handle INT The handle of the communication instance, which is being
accessed (not required for the .Net wrapper class).
operand BYTE The ASCII code for letters E, A, M, D defines the operand area,
which you want to read. Inputs = 69, outputs = 65, memory bits
(flags) = 77, data blocks = 68, VM area (only MICRO-version) =
wAddress WORD Starting address from which the words must be read.
wordBufferPtr WORD* The status information is stored in this buffer.
You must ensure that the size of the buffer is sufficient to
accommodate all the status information. The buffer must have
as many fields as words that will be queried.
wCountWord WORD Number of words to read. Up to a max. of 65535 words may be
read with one call.
wDBNR WORD If the words being read are the contents of a data block, the
number of the DB (1-65535) must be specified here.
Otherwise, enter 0.
Error WORD* If the function returns '0’, an error has occurred during
execution. In this case, the Error parameter contains an error
Function return BOOL If the function was executed successfully, a value '1'(TRUE) is
returned. When an error has occurred, the returned value is '0'

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It should be noted that the structure of the returned status values is as follows (example of word
memory MW2):
Word memory 2 = clock memory 2 (HIBYTE) and clock memory 3 (LOBYTE)
It should also be noted that byte-oriented word operands overlap. For this reason, the function
either reads all even or all odd words in the specified area. This depends on the value specified
in "wAddress". If you specify an even number here (e.g. 10), all even-numbered words are
read. If, for example, the value passed is 13, then all the odd words read.
In actual fact it only makes sense to read even-numbered words, the option was left open to
cater for exceptions.

In the example below, the status information of the even numbered word memories from word
memory 0 are read from a communication partner. There are 5 words to be read. After the
action, the status buffer contains the contents of word memories MW0, MW2, MW4, MW6 and

The example assumes that the initialisation functions (e.g. MPI6_OpenTcpIp) were completed
successfully. Similarly, the function MPI6_ConnectToPLC must have been executed without
errors. The action may be followed by others. Executing the function
MPI6_CloseCommunication terminates communications and eliminates the instance. In the
same way as it was shown in the example of the MPI6_ReadByte function.

//read data
if (!Fehler){
WORD StatusBuffer[100]={0};
BYTE Operand=77; //clock memory ASCII-Code 77
if (!MPI6_ReadWord(MPIHandle, Operand, 0, StatusBuffer,
5, 0, &Error)){
//display the error(s)
MPI_A_GetDLLError(MPIHandle, ErrorString, Error);
MessageBox(AppHandle, ErrorString, "", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
}//end if
else {
char AusgabeStr[255]={0};
wsprintf(AusgabeStr, "Word memory 2 has status (hex):
%04X", StatusBuffer[1]);
MessageBox(AppHandle, AusgabeStr, "", MB_ICONINFORMATION);
}//end else
}//end if

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Ohmstr. 4 • D-91074 Herzogenaurauch • Phone: +49 (0) 9132-744-0 • www.vipa.com

4.20 The function: MPI6_ReadDword

Conditions to execute the function
One of the initialisation functions (e.g. MPI6_OpenTcpIp, etc.) must have been completed
In additions, the call to the function MPI6_ConnectToPLC or MPI6_ConnectToPLCRouting
must also have been successful.

Brief description
The function MPI6_ReadDword can be used to determine the status of input, output, flags
(memory bits) and data block double words.
If the CPU is protected by a password, this does not have to be transferred.

PLC family S7-1500®, S7-1200®

This function can also be used for the CPUs of the S7-1500®, S7-1200® series. However, DBs
may not have been generated with the option "only symbolically addressable".

Description of the parameters

Argument C-Type Description
Handle INT The handle of the communication instance, which is being
accessed (not required for the .Net wrapper class).
operand BYTE The ASCII code for letters E, A, M, D defines the operand area,
which you want to read. Inputs = 69, outputs = 65, memory bits
(flags) = 77, data blocks = 68, VM area (only MICRO-version) =
wAddress WORD Starting address from which the double words must be read.
dwordBufferPtr DWORD* The status information is stored in this buffer.
wCountDword WORD You must ensure that the size of the buffer is sufficient to
accommodate all the status information. The buffer must have
as many fields as double words that will be queried.
wDBNR WORD Number of double words to read. Up to a max. of 65535 double
words may be read with one call.
Error WORD* Number of double words to read. Up to a max. of 65535 double
words may be read with one call. If the double words being
read are the contents of a data block, the number of the DB
(1-65535) must be specified here. Otherwise, enter 0.
Function return BOOL If the function was executed successfully, a value '1'(TRUE) is
returned. When an error has occurred, the returned value is '0'

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It should be noted that the structure of the returned status values is as follows (example of
double word memory MD2):
MD2 consists of word memories MW2 and MW4, where MW2 represents the Hi-word. MW2 in
turn consists of the bytes MB2 and MB3. MW4 consists of the bytes MB4 and MB5. Thus, MD2
includes 4 bytes, i.e. MB2, MB3, MB4 and MB5.
It should also be noted that byte-oriented double word operands overlap. For this reason, the
function reads either all even or all odd double words or all the odd double words in the
specified area. This depends on the value specified in "wAddress". If you specify an even
number here (e.g. 10), all even-numbered double words are read. If, for example, the value
passed is 13, then all the odd double words read.
In fact, it only makes sense to read even-numbered double words, the option was left open to
cater for exceptions.

In the example below the status information of the even numbered double word memories from
double word memory 0 are read from a communication partner. There are 5 double words to be
read. After the action, the status buffer contains the contents of double word memories MD0,
MD4, MD8, MD12 and MD16.

The example assumes that the initialisation functions (e.g. MPI6_OpenTcpIp) were completed
successfully. Similarly, the function MPI6_ConnectToPLC must have been executed without
errors. The action may be followed by others. Executing the function
MPI6_CloseCommunication terminates communications and eliminates the instance. In the
same way as it was shown in the example of the MPI6_ReadByte function.
//read data
if (!Fehler){
DWORD StatusBuffer[100]={0};
BYTE Operand=77; //clock memory ASCII-Code 77
if (!MPI6_ReadDword(MPIHandle, Operand, 0, StatusBuffer,
5, 0, &Error)){
//display the error(s)
MPI_A_GetDLLError(MPIHandle, ErrorString, Error);
MessageBox(AppHandle, ErrorString, "", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
}//end if
else {
char AusgabeStr[255]={0};
wsprintf(AusgabeStr, "MD4 has the status (hex):
%08X", StatusBuffer[1]);
MessageBox(AppHandle, AusgabeStr, "", MB_ICONINFORMATION);
}//end else
}//end if

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Ohmstr. 4 • D-91074 Herzogenaurauch • Phone: +49 (0) 9132-744-0 • www.vipa.com

4.21 The function: MPI6_ReadTimer

Conditions to execute the function
One of the initialisation functions (e.g. MPI6_OpenTcpIp, etc.) must have been completed
In additions, the call to the function MPI6_ConnectToPLC or MPI6_ConnectToPLCRouting
must also have been successful.

Brief description
The MPI6_ReadTimer function can be used to determine the status of timer blocks.
If the CPU is protected by a password, this does not have to be transferred.

PLC family S7-1500®, S7-1200®

This function is not possible.

Description of the parameters

Argument C-Type Description
Handle INT The handle of the communication instance, which is being
accessed (not required for the .Net wrapper class).
wAddress WORD Starting address from which the timer must be read.
wordBufferPtr WORD* The status information is stored in this buffer.
wCountTimer WORD You must ensure that the size of the buffer is sufficient to
accommodate all the status information. The buffer must have
as many fields as timers that will be queried.
Error WORD* Number of timers to read. Up to a max. of 65535 timers may be
read with one call. If the function returns '0’, an error has
occurred during execution. In this case, the Error parameter
contains an error value.
Function return BOOL If the function was executed successfully, a value '1'(TRUE) is
returned. When an error has occurred, the returned value is '0'

The timer-word has the following structure:
Bit 0-9: BCD-coded time factor
Bit 12+13: time base (0=10ms, 1=100ms, 2=1s, 3=10s)

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In the example below, the status information of timers 0 to 4 is read from a communication

The example assumes that the initialisation functions (e.g. MPI6_OpenTcpIp) were completed
successfully. Similarly, the function MPI6_ConnectToPLC must have been executed without
errors. The action may be followed by others. Executing the function
MPI6_CloseCommunication terminates communications and eliminates the instance. In the
same way as it was shown in the example of the MPI6_ReadByte function.

//read data
if (!Fehler){
WORD StatusBuffer[10]={0};
if (!MPI6_ReadTimer(MPIHandle, 0, StatusBuffer, 5, &Error)){
//display the error(s)
MPI_A_GetDLLError(MPIHandle, ErrorString, Error);
MessageBox(AppHandle, ErrorString, "", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
}//end if
else {
char AusgabeStr[255]={0};
wsprintf(AusgabeStr, "Timer 1 has status (hex):
%04X", StatusBuffer[1]);
MessageBox(AppHandle, AusgabeStr, "", MB_ICONINFORMATION);
}//end else
}//end if

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4.22 The function: MPI6_ReadCounter

Conditions to execute the function
One of the initialisation functions (e.g. MPI6_OpenTcpIp, etc.) must have been completed
In additions, the call to the function MPI6_ConnectToPLC or MPI6_ConnectToPLCRouting
must also have been successful.

Brief description
The MPI6_ReadCounter function can be used to determine the status of counter blocks.
If the CPU is protected by a password, this does not have to be transferred.

PLC family S7-1500®, S7-1200®

This function is not possible.

Description of the parameters

Argument C-Type Description
Handle INT The handle of the communication instance, which is being
accessed (not required for the .Net wrapper class).
wAddress WORD Starting address from which the counter must be read.
wordBufferPtr WORD* The status information is stored in this buffer.
wCountCounter WORD You must ensure that the size of the buffer is sufficient to
accommodate all the status information. The buffer must have
as many fields as counters that will be queried.
Error WORD* Number of counters to read. Up to a max. of 65535 counters
may be read with one call. If the function returns '0’, an error
has occurred during execution. In this case, the Error
parameter contains an error value.
Function return BOOL If the function was executed successfully, a value '1'(TRUE) is
returned. When an error has occurred, the returned value is '0'

The strcture of the counter word is as follows:
Bit 0-9: BCD-coded counter reading

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Ohmstr. 4 • D-91074 Herzogenaurauch • Phone: +49 (0) 9132-744-0 • www.vipa.com

In the example below the status information of timers 0 to 4 is read from a communication

The example assumes that one of the initialisation functions (e.g. MPI6_OpenTcpIp) was
completed successfully. Similarly, the function MPI6_ConnectToPLC must have been
executed without errors. The action may be followed by others.
Executing the function MPI6_CloseCommunication will terminate communications and eliminate
the instance.
In the same way as it was shown in the example of the MPI6_ReadByte function.

//read data
if (!Fehler){
WORD StatusBuffer[10]={0};
if (!MPI6_ReadCounter(MPIHandle, 0, StatusBuffer, 5, &Error)){
//display the error(s)
MPI_A_GetDLLError(MPIHandle, ErrorString, Error);
MessageBox(AppHandle, ErrorString, "", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
}//end if
else {
char AusgabeStr[255]={0};
wsprintf(AusgabeStr, "Counter 1 has the status (hex):
%04X", StatusBuffer[1]);
MessageBox(AppHandle, AusgabeStr, "", MB_ICONINFORMATION);
}//end else
}//end if

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4.23 The function: MPI6_MixRead_2

Conditions to execute the function
One of the initialisation functions (e.g. MPI6_OpenTcpIp, etc.) must have been completed
In additions, the call to the function MPI6_ConnectToPLC or MPI6_ConnectToPLCRouting
must also have been successful.

Brief description
The MPI6_MixRead_2 function can be used to read the status of the operands in areas E, A, M,
DB, T and Z.
Here, the status of different operands can read by means of a single call and in no particular
order. For example, it is possible to read the status of input word EW2, clock memory MB10,
data word 2 of DB10 (DB10.DBW2) and timer block T2 by means of a call to the
MPI6_MixRead_2 function.
The function automatically optimises the request. Overlapping operands, duplicate requests,
etc. are detected and the protocol to the CPU is optimised accordingly.

This function can be used to read the status from different operand areas when different
addresses of an operand area must be read (e.g. MW0, MW100, MB150, etc.).

PLC family S7-1500®, S7-1200®

This function can also be used for the CPUs of the S7-1500®, S7-1200® series. However, DBs
may not have been generated with the option "only symbolically addressable".

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Description of the parameters

Argument C-Type Description
Handle INT The handle of the communication instance, which is being
accessed (not required for the .Net wrapper class).
Op_Type DWORD* Array containing the types of the operands that must be read.
memory bits (flag) = 0x0101
Input = 0x1101
Output = 0x2101
Timer = 0x5401
Counter = 0x6401
DB data = 0x7101
Op_Address DWORD* Array containing the addresses of the operands that must be
DBNr DWORD* Array containing the DB numbers when an operand consists of
a DB-data. For non-DB-data, the contents of the respective
Op_LengthByte DWORD* Array containing the respective lengths of the operands in
bytes. Permitted values are 1, 2 and 4.
Data DWORD* Array containing the returned status values for the operands.
wCountParam WORD The number of operands specified in the arrays.
Error WORD* If the function returns '0’, an error has occurred during
execution. In this case, the Error parameter contains an error
Function return BOOL If the function was executed successfully, a value '1'(TRUE) is
returned. When an error has occurred, the returned value is '0'

The example below requests the status information of the operands MB10, DB2.DBW0 and
DB1.DBD100 from a communication partner.

The example assumes that one of the initialisation functions (e.g. MPI6_OpenTcpIp) was
completed successfully. Similarly, the function MPI6_ConnectToPLC must have been
executed without errors. The action may be followed by others.
Executing the function MPI6_CloseCommunication will terminate communications and
eliminate the instance. This takes place in the same way as it was shown in the example of the
MPI6_ReadByte function.

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char ErrorString[255]={0};
WORD Error=0;
//create the arrays
DWORD Op_Type[3];
DWORD Op_Address[3];
DWORD Op_LengthByte[3];
DWORD Data[3];
//enter MB10 into array index 0
Op_Type[0]=0x0101; //clock memory
Op_Address[0]=10; //address 10
Op_LengthByte[0]=1; //length 1 byte
DBNr[0]=0; //DB number=0 since this is not DB data
//DB2.DBW0 im Array-Index 1 eintragen
Op_Type[1]=0x7101; //DB data
Op_Address[1]=0; //address 0
Op_LengthByte[1]=2; //length 2 byte = 1 word
DBNr[1]=2; //DB number=2
//enter DB1.DBD100 into array-index 2
Op_Type[2]=0x7101; //DB data
Op_Address[2]=100; //address 100
Op_LengthByte[2]=4; //length 4 bytes = 1 double word
DBNr[2]=1; //DB number=1
//the number of operands to read
WORD wCountParam=3; //3 operands
//call to the MixRead function
if (!MPI6_MixRead_2(MPIHandleV6, Op_Type, Op_Address, DBNr,
Op_LengthByte, Data, wCountParam, &Error)){
//display the error(s)
MPI_A_GetDLLError(MPIHandleV6, ErrorString, Error);
MessageBox(AppHandle, ErrorString, "", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
}//end if
else {
char AusgabeStr[255]={0};
wsprintf(AusgabeStr, "DB2.DBW0 has the status(hex): %04X",
MessageBox(AppHandle, AusgabeStr, "", MB_ICONINFORMATION);
}//end else

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4.24 The function: MPI6_WriteBit_2

Conditions to execute the function
One of the initialisation functions (e.g. MPI6_OpenTcpIp, etc.) must have been completed
In additions, the call to the function MPI6_ConnectToPLC or MPI6_ConnectToPLCRouting
must also have been successful.

Brief description
The MPI6_WriteByte function can control the value of input, output, flags (memory bist) and
data block bits. This means that the operands can be set to the value passed by the function.

PLC family S7-1500®, S7-1200®

This function can also be used for the CPUs of the S7-1500®, S7-1200® series. However, DBs
may not have been generated with the option "only symbolically addressable".

The use of the MPI6_WriteBit_2 function is inefficient; it should only be used in exceptional
cases. The function should only be used when it is important to control a single bit without
affecting the other bits of the byte. In all other cases, the WriteByte, WriteWord or WriteDword
functions are preferable.

Description of the parameters

Argument C-Type Description
Handle INT The handle of the communication instance, which is being
accessed (not required for the .Net wrapper class).
operand BYTE The ASCII code for letters E, A, M, D defines the operand area,
which you want to read. Inputs = 69, outputs = 65, memory bits
(flags) = 77, data blocks = 68, VM area (only MICRO-version) =
wByteAddress WORD Byte address of the bit operand. Example: 10 for M10.3
bBitAddress BYTE Byte address of the bit operand. Example: 3 for M10.3
bValue BYTE Specifies the control value. Permitted values are 0 and 1.
wDBNR WORD If the bit being controlled is a bit of a data block, the number of
the DB (1-65535) must be specified here. Otherwise, enter 0.
Error WORD* If the function returns '0’, an error has occurred during
execution. In this case, the Error parameter contains an error
Function return BOOL If the function was executed successfully, a value '1'(TRUE) is
returned. When an error has occurred, the returned value is '0'

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The example below sets memory bit M10.3 in the communication partner to the value 1.
The example assumes that one of the initialisation functions (e.g. MPI6_OpenTcpIp) was
completed successfully. Similarly, the function MPI6_ConnectToPLC must have been
executed without errors. The action may be followed by others. Executing the function
MPI6_CloseCommunication terminates communications and eliminates the instance. In the
same way as it was shown in the example of the MPI6_ReadByte function.
//write data
if (!Fehler){
BYTE SteuerWert=1;
WORD wByteAddress=10;
BYTE bBitAddress=3;
BYTE Operand=77; //clock memory ASCII-Code 77

if (!MPI6_WriteBit_2(MPIHandle, Operand, wByteAddress,

bBitAddress, SteuerWert, wDBNR, &Error)){
//display the error(s)
MPI_A_GetDLLError(MPIHandle, ErrorString, Error);
MessageBox(AppHandle, ErrorString, "", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
}//end if
else {
MessageBox(AppHandle, "Control was successful!", "",
}//end else
}//end if

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4.25 The function: MPI6_WriteByte

Conditions to execute the function
One of the initialisation functions (e.g. MPI6_OpenTcpIp, etc.) must have been completed
In additions, the call to the function MPI6_ConnectToPLC or MPI6_ConnectToPLCRouting
must also have been successful.

Brief description
The MPI6_WriteByte function can control the value of input, output, flags (memory bits) and
data block bytes. This means that the operands can be set to the value passed by the function.

PLC family S7-1500®, S7-1200®

This function can also be used for the CPUs of the S7-1500®, S7-1200® series. However, DBs
may not have been generated with the option "only symbolically addressable".

Description of the parameters

Argument C-Type Description
Handle INT The handle of the communication instance, which is being
accessed (not required for the .Net wrapper class).
operand BYTE The ASCII code for letters E, A, M, D defines the operand area,
which you want to read. Inputs = 69, outputs = 65, memory bits
(flags) = 77, data blocks = 68, VM area (only MICRO-version) =
wAddress WORD Starting address from which the bytes must be written.
byteBufferPtr BYTE* This is the buffer where the control information is stored.
wCountBytes WORD You must ensure that the size of the buffer is sufficient to
accommodate all the status information that must be written.
The buffer must have the same number of fields as control
bytes that were specified.
wDBNR WORD Number of bytes to written. Up to a max. of 65535 bytes may
be written with one call. If the bytes being written are the
contents of a data block, the number of the respective DB
(1-65535) must be specified here. Otherwise, enter 0.
Error WORD* If the function returns '0’, an error has occurred during
execution. In this case, the Error parameter contains an error
Function return BOOL If the function was executed successfully, a value '1'(TRUE) is
returned. When an error has occurred, the returned value is '0'

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In the example below, clock memory bytes 0 to 9 in the communication partner are set to the
value FF (hex).
The example assumes that one of the initialisation functions (e.g. MPI6_OpenTcpIp) was
completed successfully. Similarly, the function MPI6_ConnectToPLC must have been
executed without errors. The action may be followed by others. Executing the function
MPI6_CloseCommunication terminates communications and eliminates the instance. This
takes place in the same manner as it was shown in the example of the MPI6_ReadByte
//write data
if (!Fehler){
BYTE SteuernBuffer[10]={0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF};
BYTE Operand=77; //clock memory ASCII-Code 77
if (!MPI6_WriteByte(MPIHandle, Operand, 0, SteuernBuffer,
10, 0, &Error)){
//display the error(s)
MPI_A_GetDLLError(MPIHandle, ErrorString, Error);
MessageBox(AppHandle, ErrorString, "", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
}//end if
else {
MessageBox(AppHandle, "Control was successful!", "",
}//end else
}//end if

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4.26 The function: MPI6_WriteWord

Conditions to execute the function
One of the initialisation functions (e.g. MPI6_OpenTcpIp, etc.) must have been completed
In additions, the call to the function MPI6_ConnectToPLC or MPI6_ConnectToPLCRouting
must also have been successful.

Brief description
The MPI6_WriteWord function can control the value of input, output, flag (memory bit) and data
block words. This means that the operands can be set to the value passed by the function.
If the CPU is protected by a password, this does not have to be transferred.

PLC family S7-1500®, S7-1200®

This function can also be used for the CPUs of the S7-1500®, S7-1200® series. However, DBs
may not have been generated with the option "only symbolically addressable".

Description of the parameters

Argument C-Type Description
Handle INT The handle of the communication instance, which is being
accessed (not required for the .Net wrapper class).
operand BYTE The ASCII code for letters E, A, M, D defines the operand area,
which you want to read. Inputs = 69, outputs = 65, memory bits
(flags) = 77, data blocks = 68, VM area (only MICRO-version) =
wAddress WORD Starting address from which the words must be written.
wordBufferPtr WORD* The control information is stored in this buffer.
wCountWord WORD You must ensure that the size of the buffer is sufficient to
accommodate all the status information. The buffer must have
the same number of fields as control words were specified.
wDBNR WORD Number of words to written. Up to a max. of 65535 words may
be written with one call. If the words being written are the
contents of a data block, the number of the DB (1-65535) must
be specified here. Otherwise, enter 0.
Error WORD* If the function returns '0’, an error has occurred during
execution. In this case, the Error parameter contains an error
Function return BOOL If the function was executed successfully, a value '1'(TRUE) is
returned. When an error has occurred, the returned value is '0'

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Ohmstr. 4 • D-91074 Herzogenaurauch • Phone: +49 (0) 9132-744-0 • www.vipa.com

It should be noted that the values specified in wordBufferPtr are written as follows (for example,
clock memory MW2):

MB 2 = HIBYTE(wordBufferPtr[0])
MB 3 = LOBYTE(wordBufferPtr[0])

It should also be noted that byte-oriented word operands overlap. For this reason, the function
either writes to all even or all odd words in the specified area. This depends on the value
specified in "wAddress". If you specify an even number here (e.g. 10), all even-numbered words
will be written. If the value passed is 13, all the odd words are written.
In fact, it only makes sense to write even-numbered words, the option was left open to cater for

In the example below, clock memory words 30 to 38 in the communication partner are set to the
value 1F00(hex).
The example assumes that one of the initialisation functions (e.g. MPI6_OpenTcpIp) was
completed successfully. Similarly, the function MPI6_ConnectToPLC must have been
executed without errors. The action may be followed by others. When the
MPI6_CloseCommunication function was executed, communications can be terminated and
the instance removed. This takes place in the same way as it was shown in the example of the
MPI6_ReadByte function.

//write data
if (!Fehler){
WORD SteuernBuffer[5]={0x1F00, 0x1F00, 0x1F00, 0x1F00, 0x1F00};
BYTE Operand=77; //clock memory ASCII-Code 77
if (!MPI6_WriteWord(MPIHandle, Operand, 30, SteuernBuffer,
5, 0, &Error)){
//display the error(s)
MPI_A_GetDLLError(MPIHandle, ErrorString, Error);
MessageBox(AppHandle, ErrorString, "", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
}//end if
else {
MessageBox(AppHandle, "Control was successful!", "",
}//end else
}//end if

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4.27 The function: MPI6_WriteDword

Conditions to execute the function
One of the initialisation functions (e.g. MPI6_OpenTcpIp, etc.) must have been completed
In additions, the call to the function MPI6_ConnectToPLC or MPI6_ConnectToPLCRouting
must also have been successful.

Brief description
The MPI6_WriteDword function can control the value of input, output, flag (memory bit) and
data block double words. This means that the operands can be set to the value passed by the
If the CPU is protected by a password, this does not have to be transferred.

PLC family S7-1500®, S7-1200®

This function can also be used for the CPUs of the S7-1500®, S7-1200® series. However, DBs
may not have been generated with the option "only symbolically addressable".

Description of the parameters

Argument C-Type Description
Handle INT The handle of the communication instance, which is being
accessed (not required for the .Net wrapper class).
operand BYTE The ASCII code for letters E, A, M, D defines the operand area,
which you want to read. Inputs = 69, outputs = 65, memory bits
(flags) = 77, data blocks = 68, VM area (only MICRO-version) =
wAddress WORD Starting address from which the double words must be written.
dwordBufferPtr DWORD* The control information is stored in this buffer.
wCountDword WORD You must ensure that the size of the buffer is sufficient to
accommodate all the status information. The buffer must have
the same number of fields as control double words were
wDBNR WORD Number of double words to written. Up to a max. of 65535
double words may be written with one call. If the words being
written are the contents of a data block, the number of the DB
(1-65535) must be specified here. Otherwise, enter 0.
Error WORD* If the function returns '0’, an error has occurred during
execution. In this case, the Error parameter contains an error
Function return BOOL If the function was executed successfully, a value '1'(TRUE) is
returned. When an error has occurred, the returned value is '0'

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It should be noted that the values specified in dwordBufferPtr are written as follows (for
example, double word memory MD2):

MB 2 = HIBYTE(HIWORD(dwordBufferPtr[0]))
MB 3 = LOBYTE(HIWORD(dwordBufferPtr[0]))
MB 4 = HIBYTE(LOWORD(dwordBufferPtr[0]))
MB 5 = LOBYTE(LOWORD(dwordBufferPtr[0]))

It should also be noted that byte-oriented word operands overlap. For this reason, the function
reads either all even double words or all the odd double words in the specified area. This
depends on the value specified in "wAddress". If you specify an even number here (e.g. 10), all
even-numbered double words are written. If the value passed is 13, all the double odd words
are written.
In fact, it only makes sense to write even-numbered double words, the option was left open to
cater for exceptions.

In the example below, memory double words 10 and 14 in the communication partner are set to
the value 11223344(hex).
The example assumes that one of the initialisation functions (e.g. MPI6_OpenTcpIp) was
completed successfully. Similarly, the function MPI6_ConnectToPLC must have been
executed without errors. The action may be followed by others. Executing the function
MPI6_CloseCommunication terminates communications and eliminates the instance. In the
same way as it was shown in the example of the MPI6_ReadByte function.

//write data
if (!Fehler){
DWORD SteuernBuffer[2]={0x11223344, 0x11223344};
BYTE Operand=77; //clock memory ASCII-Code 77
if (!MPI6_WriteDword(MPIHandle, Operand, 10, SteuernBuffer,
2, 0, &Error)){
//display the error(s)
MPI_A_GetDLLError(MPIHandle, ErrorString, Error);
MessageBox(AppHandle, ErrorString, "", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
}//end if
else {
MessageBox(AppHandle, "Control was successful!", "",
}//end else
}//end if

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4.28 The function: MPI6_WriteTimer

Conditions to execute the function
One of the initialisation functions (e.g. MPI6_OpenTcpIp, etc.) must have been completed
In additions, the call to the function MPI6_ConnectToPLC or MPI6_ConnectToPLCRouting
must also have been successful.

Brief description
The MPI6_WriteTimer function can be used to control the value of timer blocks. This means
that the timer can be set to the value passed by the function.
If the CPU is protected by a password, this does not have to be transferred.

PLC family S7-1500®, S7-1200®

This function is not possible.

Description of the parameters

Argument C-Type Description
Handle INT The handle of the communication instance, which is being
accessed (not required for the .Net wrapper class).
wAddress WORD Starting address of the timer that must be controlled.
wordBufferPtr WORD* The control information is stored in this buffer.
wCountTimer WORD You must ensure that the size of the buffer is sufficient to
accommodate all the status information. The buffer must have
as many fields, as timers were specified to be controlled.
Number of timers to write. Up to a max. of 65535 timers may
be written with one call.
Error WORD* If the function returns '0’, an error has occurred during
execution. In this case, the Error parameter contains an error
Function return BOOL If the function was executed successfully, a value '1'(TRUE) is
returned. When an error has occurred, the returned value is '0'

The timer-word has the following structure:
Bit 0-9: BCD-coded time factor
Bit 12+13: time base (0=10ms, 1=100ms, 2=1s, 3=10s)

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The example below writes the value 100 (hex) to timers 3-9 in the communication partner.
The example assumes that one of the initialisation functions (e.g. MPI6_OpenTcpIp) was
completed successfully. Similarly, the function MPI6_ConnectToPLC must have been
executed without errors. The action may be followed by others. Executing the function
MPI6_CloseCommunication terminates communications and eliminates the instance. In the
same way as it was shown in the example of the MPI6_ReadByte function.

//write data
if (!Fehler){
WORD SteuernBuffer[7]={0x100, 0x100, 0x100, 0x100, 0x100, 0x100,
if (!MPI6_WriteTimer(MPIHandle, 3, SteuernBuffer, 7, &Error)){
//display the error(s)
MPI_A_GetDLLError(MPIHandle, ErrorString, Error);
MessageBox(AppHandle, ErrorString, "", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
}//end if
else {
MessageBox(AppHandle, "Control was successful!", "",
}//end else
}//end if

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4.29 The function: MPI6_WriteCounter

Conditions to execute the function
One of the initialisation functions (e.g. MPI6_OpenTcpIp, etc.) must have been completed
In additions, the call to the function MPI6_ConnectToPLC or MPI6_ConnectToPLCRouting
must also have been successful.

Brief description
The MPI6_WriteCounter function can be used to control the value of counter blocks. This
means that the counter can be set to the value passed by the function.
If the CPU is protected by a password, this does not have to be transferred.

PLC family S7-1500®, S7-1200®

This function is not possible.

Description of the parameters

Argument C-Type Description
Handle INT The handle of the communication instance, which is being
accessed (not required for the .Net wrapper class).
wAddress WORD Starting address of the counter that must be controlled.
wordBufferPtr WORD* The control information is stored in this buffer.
wCountCounter WORD You must ensure that the size of the buffer is sufficient to
accommodate all the status information. The buffer must have
as many fields, as counters were specified to be controlled.
Number of counters to write. Up to a max. of 65535 counters
may be written with one call.
Error WORD* If the function returns '0’, an error has occurred during
execution. In this case, the Error parameter contains an error
Function return BOOL If the function was executed successfully, a value '1'(TRUE) is
returned. When an error has occurred, the returned value is '0'
The structure of the counter word is as follows:
Bit 0-9: BCD-coded counter value

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Ohmstr. 4 • D-91074 Herzogenaurauch • Phone: +49 (0) 9132-744-0 • www.vipa.com

The example below writes the value 10 (hex) to timers 10 to 21 in the communication partner.
The example assumes that one of the initialisation functions (e.g. MPI6_OpenTcpIp) was
completed successfully. Similarly, the function MPI6_ConnectToPLC must have been
executed without errors. The action may be followed by others. Executing the function
MPI6_CloseCommunication terminates communications and eliminates the instance. In the
same way as it was shown in the example of the MPI6_ReadByte function.

//write data
if (!Fehler){
WORD SteuernBuffer[12]={0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10,
0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10};
if (!MPI6_WriteCounter(MPIHandle, 10, SteuernBuffer, 12
//display the error(s)
MPI_A_GetDLLError(MPIHandle, ErrorString, Error);
MessageBox(AppHandle, ErrorString, "", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
}//end if
else {
MessageBox(AppHandle, "Control was successful!", "",
}//end else
}//end if

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4.30 The function: MPI6_MixWrite_2

Conditions to execute the function
One of the initialisation functions (e.g. MPI6_OpenTcpIp, etc.) must have been completed
In additions, the call to the function MPI6_ConnectToPLC or MPI6_ConnectToPLCRouting
must also have been successful.

Brief description
The MPI6_MixWrite_2 function can be used to control the operands in the areas E, A, M, DB, T
and Z, i.e. to set these to the specified value.
Here, the control of different operands can occur by means of a single call and in no particular
order. For example, it is possible to control input word IW2, flags (memory bits) MB10, data
word 2 of DB10 (DB10.DBW2) and timer block T2 by means of a single call to the
MPI6_MixWrite_2 function.
The function automatically optimises the control request. Overlapping operands, duplicate
requests, etc. are detected and the protocol to the CPU is optimised accordingly.

This function can be used to control different operand areas when different addresses of an
operand area must be written (e.g. MW0, MW100, MB150, etc.).

If the CPU is protected by a password, this does not have to be transferred.

PLC family S7-1500®, S7-1200®

This function can also be used for the CPUs of the S7-1500®, S7-1200® series. However, DBs
may not have been generated with the option "only symbolically addressable".

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Description of the parameters

Argument C-Type Description
Handle INT The handle of the communication instance, which is being
accessed (not required for the .Net wrapper class).
Op_Type DWORD* Array containing the types of the operands that must be
memory bit (flag) = 0x0101
Input = 0x1101
Output = 0x2101
Timer = 0x5401
Counter = 0x6401
DB data = 0x7101
Op_Address DWORD* Array containing the addresses of the operands that must be
DBNr DWORD* Array containing the DB numbers when an operand consists of
a DB-data. For non-DB-data, the contents of the respective
Op_LengthByte DWORD* Array containing the respective lengths of the operands in
bytes. Permitted values are 1, 2 and 4.
Data DWORD* Array with the control values for the operands.
wCountParam WORD The number of operands specified in the arrays.
Error WORD* If the function returns '0’, an error has occurred during
execution. In this case, the Error parameter contains an error
Function return BOOL If the function was executed successfully, a value '1'(TRUE) is
returned. When an error has occurred, the returned value is '0'

The example below controls the operands MB10, DB2.DBW0 DB1.DBD100 in the CPU to set
them to the target values.

The example assumes that one of the initialisation functions (e.g. MPI6_OpenTcpIp) was
completed successfully. Similarly, the function MPI6_ConnectToPLC must have been
executed without errors. The action may be followed by others. Executing the function
MPI6_CloseCommunication terminates communications and eliminates the instance. In the
same way as it was shown in the example of the MPI6_ReadByte function.

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char ErrorString[255]={0};
WORD Error=0;
DWORD Op_Type[3];
DWORD Op_Address[3];
DWORD Op_LengthByte[3];
DWORD Data[3];
//MB10: enter data into array index 0
Op_Type[0]=0x0101; //clock memory
Op_Address[0]=10; //address 10
Op_LengthByte[0]=1; //length 1 byte
DBNr[0]=0; //DB number=0 since this is not DB data
Data[0]=0x33; //control value
//DB2.DBW0: enter data into array index 1
Op_Type[1]=0x7101; //DB data
Op_Address[1]=0; //address 0
Op_LengthByte[1]=2; //length 2 byte = 1 word
DBNr[1]=2; //DB number=2
Data[1]=0x1122; //control value
//DB1.DBD100: enter data into array index 2
Op_Type[2]=0x7101; //DB data
Op_Address[2]=100; //address 100
Op_LengthByte[2]=4; //length 4 bytes = 1 double word
DBNr[2]=1; //DB number=1
Data[2]=0x55667788; //control value
//Number of operands to be controlled
WORD wCountParam=3; //3 operands
//call to the MixWrite function
if (!MPI6_MixWrite_2(MPIHandleV6, Op_Type, Op_Address, DBNr,
Op_LengthByte, Data, wCountParam, &Error)){
//display the error(s)
MPI_A_GetDLLError(MPIHandleV6, ErrorString, Error);
MessageBox(AppHandle, ErrorString, "", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
}//end if
else {
MessageBox(AppHandle, "Control executed successfully.", "",
}//end else

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4.31 The function: MPI6_WriteBit

This function is only available for compatibility reasons. For new applications, the
MPI6_WriteBit_2 function should be used!

Conditions to execute the function

One of the initialisation functions (e.g. MPI6_OpenTcpIp, etc.) must have been completed
In additions, the call to the function MPI6_ConnectToPLC or MPI6_ConnectToPLCRouting
must also have been successful.

Brief description
The MPI6_WriteBit function can be used to change the contents of a bit in operand areas input,
output, clock memory and data.

PLC family S7-1500®, S7-1200®

This function is not possible.

The use of the MPI6_WriteBit function is ineffective; it should only be used in exceptional
cases. The function should only be used when it is important to control a single bit without
affecting the other bits of the byte. In all other cases, the WriteByte, WriteWord or WriteDword
functions are preferable.

Description of the parameters

Argument C-Type Description
Handle INT The handle of the communication instance, which is being
accessed (not required for the .Net wrapper class).
ByteAddress WORD Indicates the byte address where the bit operand is located.
Specify e.g. '0'
BitAddress WORD Specifies the bit address that mast be accessed. Range 0 - 7.
DBNr WORD When a data bit is affected, the DBNummer specifies the
number of the data block that contains the data bit. If this
specification does not refer to a data bit, then the DBNummer
must be set to '0'.
Operand char These parameters must pass the operand in uppercase letters,
where: "E" = inputs, "A" = outputs, "M" = memory bits (flags),
"D" = data bits in DB
WriteBuffer WORD* Specify the control value (0 or 1) in this buffer.
Error WORD* If the function returns '0’, an error has occurred during
execution. In this case, the Error parameter contains an error
Function return BOOL If the function was executed successfully, a value '1'(TRUE) is
returned. When an error has occurred, the returned value is '0'

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The example below sets memory bit M10.1 in the communication partner to the value 1.
The example assumes that one of the initialisation functions (e.g. MPI6_OpenTcpIp) was
completed successfully. Similarly, the function MPI6_ConnectToPLC must have been
executed without errors. The action may be followed by others. Executing the function
MPI6_CloseCommunication terminates communications and eliminates the instance. In the
same way as it was shown in the example of the MPI6_ReadByte function.

//write data
if (!Fehler){
WORD SteuerWert=1;
if (!MPI6_WriteBit(MPIHandle, 10, 1, 0, 'M', &SteuerWert,
//display the error(s)
MPI_A_GetDLLError(MPIHandle, ErrorString, Error);
MessageBox(AppHandle, ErrorString, "", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
}//end if
else {
MessageBox(AppHandle, "Operand M10.1 was controlled"
"successfully!", "", MB_ICONINFORMATION);
}//end else
}//end if

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4.32 The function: MPI6_WriteDBFromWldToPlc (not CE)

Conditions to execute the function
One of the initialisation functions (e.g. MPI6_OpenTcpIp, etc.) must have been completed
In additions, the call to the function MPI6_ConnectToPLC or MPI6_ConnectToPLCRouting
must also have been successful.

Brief description
The MPI6_WriteDBFromWldToPlc function can be used to
transfer a data block that is contained in a WLD file into the CPU. WLD files are created and
filled with blocks by S7 programming systems (e.g. Simatic-Manager, WinPLC7). The S7
programming systems are also able to read and edit modules from WLD files.
Together with the MPI6_ReadDBFromPlcAndWriteToWld function, you can load data blocks
from the CPU, save them on the PC and write them to the CPU if required.
In addition to backing up data, this can also be used to realize a type of recipe management.

PLC family S7-1500®, S7-1200®

This function is not possible.

Description of the parameters

Argument C-Type Description
Handle INT The handle of the communication instance, which is being
accessed (not required for the .Net wrapper class).
WldFileWithPath char* Specification of the WLD file with path from which the DB must
be retrieved to transfer it to the CPU. For example,
DBNr WORD The number of the DB that must be transferred to the CPU.
OverwriteIfExist BYTE This parameter determines whether a DB that already exists in
the CPU should be overwritten. If this is set to 1, the DB is
overwritten . When this is set to 0, a DB that exists in the CPU
is not overwritten and the function returns error value 713.
Error WORD* If the function returns ‘0’, an error has occurred during
execution. In this case, the Error parameter contains an error
Function return BOOL If the function was executed successfully, a value '1'(TRUE) is
returned. When an error has occurred, the returned value is '0'

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The following example reads DB2 from a WLD file that is named "Test_Datei.wld" and that is
located in the path "D:\MPI6_Testprojekt\" and transfers this to the CPU. If DB2 should already
exist in the CPU, then this must be overwritten.

The example assumes that one of the initialisation functions (e.g. MPI6_OpenTcpIp) was
completed successfully. Similarly, the function MPI6_ConnectToPLC must have been
executed without errors. The action may be followed by others. Executing the function
MPI6_CloseCommunication terminates communications and eliminates the instance. In the
same way as it was shown in the example of the MPI6_ReadByte function.

WORD Error=0;
char ErrorString[255]={0};
char WldFileWithPath[555]={0};
BYTE OverwriteIfExist=1; //overwrite a DB that exists
//in the CPU
WORD wDBNR=2; //DB2 must be transferred
//specify the WLD file with path
strcpy(WldFileWithPath, "D:\\MPI6_Testprojekt\\Test_Datei.wld");
//Execute the transfer of the DB from the WLD file into the CPU
if (!MPI6_WriteDBFromWldToPlc(MPIHandleV6, WldFileWithPath, wDBNR,
OverwriteIfExist, &Error)){
//display the error(s)
MPI_A_GetDLLError(MPIHandleV6, ErrorString, Error);
MessageBox(AppHandle, ErrorString, "", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
}//end if
else {
MessageBox(AppHandle, "DB was written successfully.", "",
}//end else

Page 81
Documentation of SPEED7 Communication Driver V6.2X
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Ohmstr. 4 • D-91074 Herzogenaurauch • Phone: +49 (0) 9132-744-0 • www.vipa.com

4.33 The function: MPI6_ReadDBFromPlcAndWriteToWld (not CE)

Conditions to execute the function
One of the initialisation functions (e.g. MPI6_OpenTcpIp, etc.) must have been completed
In additions, the call to the function MPI6_ConnectToPLC or MPI6_ConnectToPLCRouting
must also have been successful.

Brief description
The MPI6_ReadDBFromPlcAndWriteToWld function can be used to load a data block from a
CPU to save it to a WLD file on your PC.
The S7 programming systems (e.g. Simatic?-Manager or WinSPS-S7) can read and edit
modules from WLD files.
Together with the MPI6_WriteDBFromWldToPlc function, you can load data blocks from the
CPU, save them on the PC and write them back to the CPU if required.
In addition to backing up data, this can also be used to realize a type of recipe management.

PLC family S7-1500®, S7-1200®

This function is not possible.

Description of the parameters

Argument C-Type Description
Handle INT The handle of the communication instance, which is being
accessed (not required for the .Net wrapper class).
WldFileWithPath char* Specification of the WLD file with path to which the DB
retrieved from the CPU must be written. The path must exist;
the WLD file is created if it does not exist. For example,
For an existing WLD file must not contain a DB with the same
number. If this is the case, the function returns the error value
DBNr WORD Number of DB that is to be loaded from the CPU and written to
the WLD file.
Error WORD* If the function returns ‘0’, an error has occurred during
execution. In this case, the Error parameter contains an error
Function return BOOL If the function was executed successfully, a value '1'(TRUE) is
returned. When an error has occurred, the returned value is '0'

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Documentation of SPEED7 Communication Driver V6.2X
Vipa Gesellschaft für Visualisierung und Prozessautomatisierung mbH

Ohmstr. 4 • D-91074 Herzogenaurauch • Phone: +49 (0) 9132-744-0 • www.vipa.com

The following example reads DB2 from the CPU and writes it to a WLD file that is named
"Test_Datei.wld" and that is located in the path "D:\MPI6_Testprojekt\".

The example assumes that one of the initialisation functions (e.g. MPI6_OpenTcpIp) was
completed successfully. Similarly, the function MPI6_ConnectToPLC must have been
executed without errors. The action may be followed by others. Executing the function
MPI6_CloseCommunication terminates communications and eliminates the instance. In the
same way as it was shown in the example of the MPI6_ReadByte function.

WORD Error=0;
char ErrorString[255]={0};
char WldFileWithPath[555]={0};
WORD wDBNR=2; //DB2 must be retrieved from the CPU
//specify the WLD file with path
strcpy(WldFileWithPath, "D:\\MPI6_Testprojekt\\Test_Datei.wld");
//Read the DBs from the CPU and save it to the WLD file
if (!MPI6_ReadDBFromPlcAndWriteToWld(MPIHandleV6, WldFileWithPath,
wDBNR, &Error)){
//display the error(s)
MPI_A_GetDLLError(MPIHandleV6, ErrorString, Error);
MessageBox(AppHandle, ErrorString, "", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
}//end if
else {
MessageBox(Application->Handle, "Read the DBs from the CPU"
"and saving to the WLD was successful.", "",
}//end else

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Documentation of SPEED7 Communication Driver V6.2X
Vipa Gesellschaft für Visualisierung und Prozessautomatisierung mbH

Ohmstr. 4 • D-91074 Herzogenaurauch • Phone: +49 (0) 9132-744-0 • www.vipa.com

4.34 The function: MPI6_GetDBNrInWldFile (not CE)

Conditions to execute the function
One of the initialisation functions (e.g. MPI6_OpenTcpIp, etc.) must have been completed
In additions, the call to the function MPI6_ConnectToPLC or MPI6_ConnectToPLCRouting
must also have been successful.

Brief description
The MPI6_GetDBNrInWldFile function can be used to identify data blocks that exist in a WLD
WLD files are created and filled with blocks by S7 programming systems (e.g. Simatic-Manager
and WinSPS-S7). The S7 programming systems are also able to read and edit modules from
WLD files.
The MPI6_ReadDBFromPlcAndWriteToWld and MPI6_WriteDBFromWldToPlc functions you
can load data blocks from a CPU, save them on the PC and write them back to the CPU if
In addition to backing up data, this can also be used to realize a type of recipe management.

Description of the parameters

Argument C-Type Description
Handle INT The handle of the communication instance, which is being
accessed (not required for the .Net wrapper class).
WldFileWithPath char* Specifies the WLD-file with its path in which the existing DB
must be determined. This file must exist.
DBNrArray WORD* In this array, the numbers of the DBs in the WLD file are
returned. The array must have as many or more fields as are
specified in the parameter MaxDBNumbers.
wcountDB WORD* Number of data blocks found in the WLD file.
MaxDBNumbers WORD Maximum number of DB numbers to be returned. The array
DBNrArray must at least have been designed for this number
of DBs.
Error WORD* If the function returns ‘0’, an error has occurred during
execution. In this case, the Error parameter contains an error
Function return BOOL If the function was executed successfully, a value '1'(TRUE) is
returned. When an error has occurred, the returned value is '0'

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Vipa Gesellschaft für Visualisierung und Prozessautomatisierung mbH

Ohmstr. 4 • D-91074 Herzogenaurauch • Phone: +49 (0) 9132-744-0 • www.vipa.com

The example below determines the existing data blocks from the WLD file named
"Test_Datei.wld" which is located in the path "D:\MPI6_Testprojekt\".

The example assumes that one of the initialisation functions (e.g. MPI6_OpenTcpIp) was
exexuted successfully.

WORD Error=0;
char ErrorString[255]={0};
char WldFileWithPath[555]={0};
//specify the WLD file with path
strcpy(WldFileWithPath, "D:\\MPI6_Testprojekt\\Test_Datei.wld");
//Read the DBs from the CPU and save it to the WLD file
WORD wcountDB=0; //this variable returns the number of DBs
WORD DBNrArray[100]; //array for existing DB numbers
WORD MaxDBNumbers=100; //the array for a max. of 100 DB numbers
if (!MPI6_GetDBNrInWldFile(MPIHandleV6, WldFileWithPath, DBNrArray,
&wcountDB, MaxDBNumbers, &Error)){
//display the error(s)
MPI_A_GetDLLError(MPIHandleV6, ErrorString, Error);
MessageBox(AppHandle, ErrorString, "", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
}//end if
else {
char AusgabeStr[255]={0};
wsprintf(AusgabeStr, "The WLD file contains %u DBs.",
MessageBox(AppHandle, AusgabeStr, "", MB_ICONINFORMATION);
}//end else

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Vipa Gesellschaft für Visualisierung und Prozessautomatisierung mbH

Ohmstr. 4 • D-91074 Herzogenaurauch • Phone: +49 (0) 9132-744-0 • www.vipa.com

4.35 The function: MPI6_ReadPlcClock

Conditions to execute the function
One of the initialisation functions (e.g. MPI6_OpenTcpIp, etc.) must have been completed
In additions, the call to the function MPI6_ConnectToPLC or MPI6_ConnectToPLCRouting
must also have been successful.

Brief description
The MPI6_ReadPlcClock function can be used to read the current date and time from the CPU.
The date and time is returned in the format Date-and-Time. In addition, a string specifying the
function will be provided.

The structure of the Date-and-Time format is as follows:

Byte position Description
n year 0-99
n+1 month 1-12
n+2 day 1-31
n+3 hour 0-23
n+4 minute 0-59
n+5 second 0-59
n+6 millisecond 0-999
n+7 + weekday (1-7)
All data is in BCD coded. Weekday: 1=Sunday, 7=Saturday.

PLC family S7-1500®, S7-1200®

This function is not possible.

Description of the parameters

Argument C-Type Description
Handle INT The handle of the communication instance, which is being
accessed (not required for the .Net wrapper class).
byteBufferPtr BYTE* Array that returns the date and time from the CPU in the format
Date-and-Time. The length of this array must be 8 bytes or
DtString char* This supplies the date and the time as a string of the form
Error WORD* If the function returns ‘0’, an error has occurred during
execution. In this case, the Error parameter contains an error
Function return BOOL If the function was executed successfully, a value '1'(TRUE) is
returned. When an error has occurred, the returned value is '0'

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Ohmstr. 4 • D-91074 Herzogenaurauch • Phone: +49 (0) 9132-744-0 • www.vipa.com

The example below reads the date and time from the CPU.

The example assumes that one of the initialisation functions (e.g. MPI6_OpenTcpIp) was
completed successfully. Similarly, the function MPI6_ConnectToPLC must have been
executed without errors. The action may be followed by others. Executing the function
MPI6_CloseCommunication terminates communications and eliminates the instance. In the
same way as it was shown in the example of the MPI6_ReadByte function.

char ErrorString[255]={0};
WORD Error=0;
BYTE byteBufferPtr[8]={0}; //buffer for the format Date-and-Time
char DTStr[255]={0}; //returned setting as string
if (!MPI6_ReadPlcClock(MPIHandleV6, byteBufferPtr, DTStr, &Error)){
//display the error(s)
MPI_A_GetDLLError(MPIHandleV6, ErrorString, Error);
MessageBox(ApplHandle, ErrorString, "", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
}//end if
else {
char AusgabeStr[255]={0};
wsprintf(AusgabeStr, "Datum Uhrzeit in der CPU: %s", DTStr);
MessageBox(ApplHandle, AusgabeStr, "", MB_ICONINFORMATION);
}//end else

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Documentation of SPEED7 Communication Driver V6.2X
Vipa Gesellschaft für Visualisierung und Prozessautomatisierung mbH

Ohmstr. 4 • D-91074 Herzogenaurauch • Phone: +49 (0) 9132-744-0 • www.vipa.com

4.36 The function: MPI6_WritePlcClock

Conditions to execute the function
One of the initialisation functions (e.g. MPI6_OpenTcpIp, etc.) must have been completed
In addition, the call to the function MPI6_ConnectToPLC or MPI6_ConnectToPLCRouting must
also have been successful.

Brief description
The MPI6_WritePlcClock function can be used to set the date and time in the CPU.
The date and time must be specified in the format Date-and-Time.

The structure of the Date-and-Time format is as follows:

Byte position Description
n year 0-99
n+1 month 1-12
n+2 day 1-31
n+3 hour 0-23
n+4 minute 0-59
n+5 second 0-59
n+6 millisecond 0-999
n+7 + weekday (1-7)
All data is in BCD coded. Weekday: 1=Sunday, 7=Saturday.

PLC family S7-1500®, S7-1200®

This function is not possible.

Description of the parameters

Argument C-Type Description
Handle INT The handle of the communication instance, which is being
accessed (not required for the .Net wrapper class).
byteBufferPtr BYTE* Array where the date and time for the CPU must be specified in
the format Date-and-Time. The length of this array must be 8
bytes or more.
Error WORD* If the function returns ‘0’, an error has occurred during
execution. In this case, the Error parameter contains an error
Function return BOOL If the function was executed successfully, a value '1'(TRUE) is
returned. When an error has occurred, the returned value is '0'

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Vipa Gesellschaft für Visualisierung und Prozessautomatisierung mbH

Ohmstr. 4 • D-91074 Herzogenaurauch • Phone: +49 (0) 9132-744-0 • www.vipa.com

In the example below, the date in the CPU is set to 31.05.2009 and the time to 12:33, 10
seconds and 333 milliseconds.

The example assumes that one of the initialisation functions (e.g. MPI6_OpenTcpIp) was
completed successfully. Similarly, the function MPI6_ConnectToPLC must have been
executed without errors. The action may be followed by others. Executing the function
MPI6_CloseCommunication terminates communications and eliminates the instance. In the
same way as it was shown in the example of the MPI6_ReadByte function.

char ErrorString[255]={0};
WORD Error=0;
BYTE byteBufferPtr[8]={0};
byteBufferPtr[0]=0x09; //year 2009
byteBufferPtr[1]=0x05; //month 5
byteBufferPtr[2]=0x31; //day 31
byteBufferPtr[3]=0x12; //hour 12
byteBufferPtr[4]=0x33; //minute 33
byteBufferPtr[5]=0x10; //second 10
byteBufferPtr[6]=0x33; //milliseconds 333 specification 1
byteBufferPtr[7]=0x31; //milliseconds 333 specifiaction 2 day = 1
if (!MPI6_WritePlcClock(MPIHandleV6, byteBufferPtr, &Error)){
//display the error(s)
MPI_A_GetDLLError(MPIHandleV6, ErrorString, Error);
MessageBox(ApplHandle, ErrorString, "", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
}//end if
else {
MessageBox(ApplHandle, "Date and time was saved.", "",
}//end else

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Vipa Gesellschaft für Visualisierung und Prozessautomatisierung mbH

Ohmstr. 4 • D-91074 Herzogenaurauch • Phone: +49 (0) 9132-744-0 • www.vipa.com

4.37 The function: MPI6_CopyRamToRom

Conditions to execute the function
One of the initialisation functions (e.g. MPI6_OpenTcpIp, etc.) must have been completed
In additions, the call to the function MPI6_ConnectToPLC or MPI6_ConnectToPLCRouting
must also have been successful.

Brief description
The MPI6_CopyRamToRom function can be used to transfer the actual values of the data
blocks from the CPUs memory into the load memory. This means that these values are
retained even when you issue a master reset to the CPU.
For example, this function may be executed if you have changed the values in a DB by means
of PLC commands or by control functions via the driver and if these values should remain active
after a master reset.

This function can only be executed when the CPU is in STOP mode. If the CPU is not in STOP
mode, you can set it to STOP mode with the MPI6_SetPLCToStop function.

The execution of this function may require a few minutes (depending on available memory).

PLC family S7-1500®, S7-1200®

This function is not possible.

Description of the parameters

Argument C-Type Description
Handle INT The handle of the communication instance, which is being
accessed (not required for the .Net wrapper class).
Error WORD* If the function returns ‘0’, an error has occurred during
execution. In this case, the Error parameter contains an error
Function return BOOL If the function was executed successfully, a value '1'(TRUE) is
returned. When an error has occurred, the returned value is '0'

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Documentation of SPEED7 Communication Driver V6.2X
Vipa Gesellschaft für Visualisierung und Prozessautomatisierung mbH

Ohmstr. 4 • D-91074 Herzogenaurauch • Phone: +49 (0) 9132-744-0 • www.vipa.com

The example below executes the function copy RAM-to-ROM in the CPU. To start with, the
CPU must be in STOP mode.

The example assumes that one of the initialisation functions (e.g. MPI6_OpenTcpIp) was
completed successfully. Similarly, the function MPI6_ConnectToPLC must have been
executed without errors. The action may be followed by others. Executing the function
MPI6_CloseCommunication terminates communications and eliminates the instance. In the
same way as it was shown in the example of the MPI6_ReadByte function.

char ErrorString[255]={0};
WORD Error=0;
//test whether CPU is in RUN mode
bool PlcInRun=false;
if (!MPI6_IsPLCInRunMode(MPIHandleV6, &PlcInRun, &Error)){
//display the error(s)
MPI_A_GetDLLError(MPIHandleV6, ErrorString, Error);
MessageBox(ApplHandle, ErrorString, "", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
}//end if
if (PlcInRun){
MessageBox(ApplHandle, "Action not valid in RUN mode!", "",
}//end if
if (!MPI6_CopyRamToRom(MPIHandleV6, &Error)){
//display the error(s)
MPI_A_GetDLLError(MPIHandleV6, ErrorString, Error);
MessageBox(ApplHandle, ErrorString, "", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
}//end if
else {
MessageBox(ApplHandle, "The action was executed.", "",
}//end else

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Vipa Gesellschaft für Visualisierung und Prozessautomatisierung mbH

Ohmstr. 4 • D-91074 Herzogenaurauch • Phone: +49 (0) 9132-744-0 • www.vipa.com

4.38 The function: MPI6_PLCHotRestart or MPI6_CPUWiederanlauf

Conditions to execute the function
One of the initialisation functions (e.g. MPI6_OpenTcpIp, etc.) must have been completed
In additions, the call to the function MPI6_ConnectToPLC or MPI6_ConnectToPLCRouting
must also have been successful.

Brief description
The MPI6_PLCHotRestart and MPI6_CPUWiederanlauf functions issue a restart command to
the CPU. The condition is that the CPU supports a restart (S7-400 with the appropriate
hardware configuration) and that the mode selector is in position RUN.

PLC family S7-1500®, S7-1200®

This function is not possible.

Description of the parameters

Argument C-Type Description
Handle INT The handle of the communication instance, which is being
accessed (not required for the .Net wrapper class).
Error WORD* If the function returns ‘0’, an error has occurred during
execution. In this case, the Error parameter contains an error
Function return BOOL If the function was executed successfully, a value '1'(TRUE) is
returned. When an error has occurred, the returned value is '0'
Im folgenden Example wird bei der CPU ein Wiederanlauf ausgelöst.
Im Example wird davon ausgegangen, dass eine der Einleitungsfunktionen (z.B.
MPI6_OpenTcpIp) erfolgreich ausgeführt wurde. Ebenso muss die Funktion
MPI6_ConnectToPLC ohne Fehler ausgeführt worden sein. Nach der Aktion können weitere
folgen. Durch Ausführen der Funktion MPI6_CloseCommunication kann die Kommunikation
beendet und die Instanz beseitigt werden. So wie dies im Example für die Funktion
MPI6_ReadByte gezeigt wurde.
char ErrorString[255]={0};
WORD Error=0;
if (!MPI6_CPUWiederanlauf(MPIHandleV6, &Error)){
//display the error(s)
MPI_A_GetDLLError(MPIHandleV6, ErrorString, Error);
MessageBox(ApplHandle, ErrorString, "", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
}//end if
else {
MessageBox(ApplHandle, "Aktion wurde ausgeführt.", "",
}//end else

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Vipa Gesellschaft für Visualisierung und Prozessautomatisierung mbH

Ohmstr. 4 • D-91074 Herzogenaurauch • Phone: +49 (0) 9132-744-0 • www.vipa.com

4.39 The function: MPI6_PLCWarmRestart or MPI6_CPUNeustart

Conditions to execute the function
One of the initialisation functions (e.g. MPI6_OpenTcpIp, etc.) must have been completed
In additions, the call to the function MPI6_ConnectToPLC or MPI6_ConnectToPLCRouting
must also have been successful.

Brief description
The MPI6_PLCWarmRestart or MPI6_CPUNeustart functions result in a restart of the CPU,
provided that the mode selector is in position RUN.

PLC family S7-1500®, S7-1200®

This function is not possible.

Description of the parameters

Argument C-Type Description
Handle INT The handle of the communication instance, which is being
accessed (not required for the .Net wrapper class).
Error WORD* If the function returns ‘0’, an error has occurred during
execution. In this case, the Error parameter contains an error
Function return BOOL If the function was executed successfully, a value '1'(TRUE) is
returned. When an error has occurred, the returned value is '0'
The example below triggers a restart of the CPU.
The example assumes that one of the initialisation functions (e.g. MPI6_OpenTcpIp) was
completed successfully. Similarly, the function MPI6_ConnectToPLC must have been
executed without errors. The action may be followed by others.
Executing the function MPI6_CloseCommunication terminates communications and
eliminates the instance. In the same way as it was shown in the example of the
MPI6_ReadByte function.

char ErrorString[255]={0};
WORD Error=0;
if (!MPI6_CPUNeustart(MPIHandleV6, &Error)){
//display the error(s)
MPI_A_GetDLLError(MPIHandleV6, ErrorString, Error);
MessageBox(ApplHandle, ErrorString, "", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
}//end if
else {
MessageBox(ApplHandle, "Action was executed.", "",
}//end else

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Vipa Gesellschaft für Visualisierung und Prozessautomatisierung mbH

Ohmstr. 4 • D-91074 Herzogenaurauch • Phone: +49 (0) 9132-744-0 • www.vipa.com

4.40 The function: MPI6_SetPLCToStop

Conditions to execute the function
One of the initialisation functions (e.g. MPI6_OpenTcpIp, etc.) must have been completed
In additions, the call to the function MPI6_ConnectToPLC or MPI6_ConnectToPLCRouting
must also have been successful.

Brief description
The MPI6_SetPLCToStop functions change the status of the CPU to STOP.

PLC family S7-1500®, S7-1200®

This function is not possible.

Description of the parameters

Argument C-Type Description
Handle INT The handle of the communication instance, which is being
accessed (not required for the .Net wrapper class).
Error WORD* If the function returns ‘0’, an error has occurred during
execution. In this case, the Error parameter contains an error
Function return BOOL If the function was executed successfully, a value '1'(TRUE) is
returned. When an error has occurred, the returned value is '0'
In the example below, the status of the CPU is set to STOP.
The example assumes that one of the initialisation functions (e.g. MPI6_OpenTcpIp) was
completed successfully.
Similarly, the function MPI6_ConnectToPLC must have been executed without errors. The
action may be followed by others. Executing the function MPI6_CloseCommunication
terminates communications and eliminates the instance. In the same way as it was shown in
the example of the MPI6_ReadByte function.

char ErrorString[255]={0};
WORD Error=0;
if (!MPI6_SetPLCToStop(MPIHandleV6, &Error)){
//display the error(s)
MPI_A_GetDLLError(MPIHandleV6, ErrorString, Error);
MessageBox(ApplHandle, ErrorString, "", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
}//end if
else {
MessageBox(ApplHandle, "Action was executed.", "",
}//end else

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Vipa Gesellschaft für Visualisierung und Prozessautomatisierung mbH

Ohmstr. 4 • D-91074 Herzogenaurauch • Phone: +49 (0) 9132-744-0 • www.vipa.com

4.41 The function: MPI6_IsPLCInRunMode

Conditions to execute the function
One of the initialisation functions (e.g. MPI6_OpenTcpIp, etc.) must have been completed
In additions, the call to the function MPI6_ConnectToPLC or MPI6_ConnectToPLCRouting
must also have been successful.

Brief description
The MPI6_IsPLCInRunMode function determines the status of the CPU and returns a value '1'
in parameter PlcInRun if the CPU is in RUN mode.

PLC family S7-1500®, S7-1200®

This function is not possible.

Description of the parameters

Argument C-Type Description
Handle INT The handle of the communication instance, which is being
accessed (not required for the .Net wrapper class).
PlcInRun BOOL* If this parameter contains '1', the CPU is in RUN mode.
Error WORD* If the function returns ‘0’, an error has occurred during
execution. In this case, the Error parameter contains an error
Function return BOOL If the function was executed successfully, a value '1'(TRUE) is
returned. When an error has occurred, the returned value is '0'

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Ohmstr. 4 • D-91074 Herzogenaurauch • Phone: +49 (0) 9132-744-0 • www.vipa.com

The example below tests whether the CPU is in RUN mode.

The example assumes that one of the initialisation functions (e.g. MPI6_OpenTcpIp) was
completed successfully. Similarly, the function MPI6_ConnectToPLC must have been
executed without errors. The action may be followed by others. Executing the function
MPI6_CloseCommunication terminates communications and eliminates the instance. In the
same way as it was shown in the example of the MPI6_ReadByte function.

char ErrorString[255]={0};
WORD Error=0;
//Ist die CPU in RUN
bool PlcInRun=false;
if (!MPI6_IsPLCInRunMode(MPIHandleV6, &PlcInRun, &Error)){
//display the error(s)
MPI_A_GetDLLError(MPIHandleV6, ErrorString, Error);
MessageBox(ApplHandle, ErrorString, "", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
}//end if
if (PlcInRun){
MessageBox(ApplHandle, "CPU ist in RUN mode!", "",
}//end if
else {
MessageBox(ApplHandle, "CPU is not in RUN mode!", "",
}//end else

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4.42 The function: MPI6_GetSystemValues

Conditions to execute the function
One of the initialisation functions (e.g. MPI6_OpenTcpIp, etc.) must have been completed
In additions, the call to the function MPI6_ConnectToPLC or MPI6_ConnectToPLCRouting
must also have been successful.

Brief description
The MPI6_GetSystemValues function can be used to read the system areas from a CPU. For
example, this can provide information on the number of timers, counters and clock memories
that are available for programming.

PLC family S7-1500®, S7-1200®

This function is not possible.

Description of the parameters

Argument C-Type Description
Handle INT The handle of the communication instance,
which is being accessed (not required for the
.Net wrapper class).
CountByteProcessImageInputs WORD* This returns the number of bytes of the process
image of the inputs.
CountByteProcessImageOutputs WORD* This returns the number of bytes of the process
image of the outputs.
CountByteBitMemory WORD* This returns the number of memory bytes that
are available in the connected PLC.
CountTimer WORD* This returns the number of timers that are
available in the connected PLC.
CountCounter WORD* This returns the number of counters that are
available in the connected PLC.
CountByteWorkMemory DWORD* Returns the number of memory bytes in the
Attention: In the old versions of ComDrvS7,
this parameter had the type WORD, i.e. it
was only 16 bit wide!
CountByteLocalData WORD* Returns the entire local data area of the CPU in
Error WORD* If the function returns ‘0’, an error has occurred
during execution. In this case, the Error
parameter contains an error value.
Function return BOOL If the function was executed successfully, a
value '1'(TRUE) is returned. When an error has
occurred, the returned value is '0' (FALSE).

Page 97
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The example below reads the system areas from the communication partner.
The example assumes that one of the initialisation functions (e.g. MPI6_OpenTcpIp) was
completed successfully. Similarly, the function MPI6_ConnectToPLC must have been
executed without errors. The action may be followed by others. Executing the function
MPI6_CloseCommunication terminates communications and eliminates the instance. In the
same way as it was shown in the example of the MPI6_ReadByte function.

//read data
if (!Fehler){
WORD AnzahlBytePAE, AnzahlBytePAA, AnzahlMerker, AnzahlZeiten;
WORD AnzahlZaehler;
DWORD AnzahlByteRam;
WORD AnzahlByteLokaldaten;
if (!MPI6_GetSystemValues(MPIHandle, &AnzahlBytePAE,
&AnzahlMerker, &AnzahlZeiten,
//display the error(s)
MPI_A_GetDLLError(MPIHandle, ErrorString, Error);
MessageBox(AppHandle, ErrorString, "", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
}//end if
else {
char AusgabeStr[255]={0};
"Number of bytes PAE: %03u\n"
"Number of bytes PAA: %03u\n"
"Number of clock memories: %03u\n"
"Number of timers : %03u\n"
"Number of counters : %03u\n",
AnzahlBytePAE, AnzahlBytePAA, AnzahlMerker,
AnzahlZeiten, AnzahlZaehler);
MessageBox(AppHandle, AusgabeStr, "", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
}//end else
}//end if

The data for this information function are provided by the virtual CPU. The CPU is only able to
do this once "in parallel". If another communication instance should also accesses an
information function of the same CPU, A communication error may result.

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4.43 The function: MPI6_GetLevelOfProtection

Conditions to execute the function
One of the initialisation functions (e.g. MPI6_OpenTcpIp, etc.) must have been completed
In additions, the call to the function MPI6_ConnectToPLC or MPI6_ConnectToPLCRouting
must also have been successful.

Brief description
The MPI6_GetLevelOfProtection function can be used to determine the protection levels that
were defined for a CPU. The position of the key switch on the CPU is also returned.

PLC family S7-1500®, S7-1200®

This function is not possible.

Description of the parameters

Argument C-Type Description
Handle INT The handle of the communication instance,
which is being accessed (not required for the
.Net wrapper class).
LevelModeSwitch WORD* Protection level on the mode selector/key
switch (possible values??: 1, 2 or 3)
ParameterizedProtectionLevel WORD* configured protection level (possible values: 0,
1, 2 or 3. 0 means that no password was
assigned, the configured protection level is
LevelPlc WORD* Valid protection level of the CPU (possible
values: 1, 2 or 3)
ModeSwitchPosition WORD* Returns the position of the mode selector/key
switch of the CPU. Possible contents:
0=STOP, 1=RUN, 2=RUN-P.
Error WORD* If the function returns ‘0’, an error has
occurred during execution. In this case, the
Error parameter contains an error value.
Function return BOOL If the function was executed successfully, a
value '1'(TRUE) is returned. When an error
has occurred, the returned value is '0'

The data for this information function are provided by the virtual CPU. The CPU is only able to
do this once "in parallel". If another communication instance should also accesses an
information function of the same CPU, A communication error may result.

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Ohmstr. 4 • D-91074 Herzogenaurauch • Phone: +49 (0) 9132-744-0 • www.vipa.com

The example below transfers the position of the key switch the communication partner as a
The example assumes that one of the initialisation functions (e.g. MPI6_OpenTcpIp) was
completed successfully. Similarly, the function MPI6_ConnectToPLC must have been
executed without errors. The action may be followed by others. Executing the function
MPI6_CloseCommunication will terminates communications and eliminate the instance. In the
same way as it was shown in the example of the MPI6_ReadByte function.

//read data
if (!Fehler){
WORD SchutzstufeSchluesselSchalter, ParametrierteSchutzstufe;
WORD CPUSchutzstufe;
WORD SchluesselschalterStellung=0;
if (!MPI6_GetLevelOfProtection(MPIHandle,
//display the error(s)
MPI_A_GetDLLError(MPIHandle, ErrorString, Error);
MessageBox(AppHandle, ErrorString, "", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
}//end if
else {
case 0: MessageBox(AppHandle, "Switch position:
case 1: MessageBox(AppHandle, "Switch position:"
case 2: MessageBox(AppHandle, "Switch position:"
default: MessageBox(AppHandle, "Switch position:"
"unknown", "",
}//end switch
}//end else
}//end if

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4.44 The function: MPI6_GetOrderNrPlc

Conditions to execute the function
One of the initialisation functions (e.g. MPI6_OpenTcpIp, etc.) must have been completed
In additions, the call to the function MPI6_ConnectToPLC or MPI6_ConnectToPLCRouting
must also have been successful.

Brief description
The MPI6_GetOrderNrPlc function can be used to determine the order number of a CPU.

Description of the parameters

Argument Typ Description
Handle INT The handle of the communication instance,
which is being accessed (not required for the
.Net wrapper class).
OrderNrStr char* Here, the order number of the CPU is
returned as a null-terminated string.
Error WORD* If the function returns ‘0’, an error has
occurred during execution. In this case, the
Error parameter contains an error value.
Function return BOOL If the function was executed successfully, a
value '1'(TRUE) is returned. When an error
has occurred, the returned value is '0'

The data for this information function are provided by the virtual CPU. The CPU is only able to
do this once "in parallel".
If another communication instance should also accesses an information function of the same
CPU, A communication error may result.

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Ohmstr. 4 • D-91074 Herzogenaurauch • Phone: +49 (0) 9132-744-0 • www.vipa.com

The example shown below determines the order number of a CPU.

The example assumes that one of the initialisation functions (e.g. MPI6_OpenTcpIp) was
completed successfully. Similarly, the function MPI6_ConnectToPLC must have been
executed without errors. The action may be followed by others.
Executing the function MPI6_CloseCommunication will terminates communications and
eliminate the instance. In the same way as it was shown in the example of the MPI6_ReadByte

//read data
if (!Fehler){
char BestellNr[100]={0};
if (!MPI6_GetOrderNrPlc(MPIHandle, BestellNr, &Error)){
//display the error(s)
MPI_A_GetDLLError(MPIHandle, ErrorString, Error);
MessageBox(AppHandle, ErrorString, "", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
}//end if
else {
char AusgabeStr[255]={0};
wsprintf(AusgabeStr, "Order no.: %s", BestellNr);
MessageBox(AppHandle, AusgabeStr, "", MB_ICONINFORMATION);
}//end else
}//end if

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4.45 The function: MPI6_CanPlcSendIdentData

Conditions to execute the function
One of the initialisation functions (e.g. MPI6_OpenTcpIp, etc.) must have been completed
In additions, the call to the function MPI6_ConnectToPLC or MPI6_ConnectToPLCRouting
must also have been successful.

Brief description
The MPI6_CanPlcSendIdentData function can be used to determine whether the connected
CPU is capable of supplying identification data. For this reason, the function should be
executed before the MPI6_GetPlcIdentData function if it cannot be guaranteed that the
connected CPU supports this feature.
All the VIPA 300S and SLIO CPUs support this feature.
The Siemens S7-300® series of CPUs support this feature from firmware version 2.6.

PLC family S7-1500®, S7-1200®

This function is not possible.

Description of the parameters

Argument Typ Description
Handle INT The handle of the communication instance,
which is being accessed (not required for the
.Net wrapper class).
PlcCanSendData bool* Returns a value 1, if the CPU supports the
request for identification data. Otherwise, the
value 0 is returned.
Error WORD* If the function returns ‘0’, an error has
occurred during execution. In this case, the
Error parameter contains an error value.
Function return BOOL If the function was executed successfully, a
value '1'(TRUE) is returned. When an error
has occurred, the returned value is '0'
The data for this information function are provided by the virtual CPU. The CPU is only able to
do this once "in parallel". If another communication instance should also accesses an
information function of the same CPU, A communication error may result.

See the example on the MPI6_GetPlcIdentData function

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4.46 The function: MPI6_GetPlcIdentData

Conditions to execute the function
One of the initialisation functions (e.g. MPI6_OpenTcpIp, etc.) must have been completed
In additions, the call to the function MPI6_ConnectToPLC or MPI6_ConnectToPLCRouting
must also have been successful.

If it is doubtful that the connected CPU can supply the identification data, the
MPI6_CanPlcSendIdentData function must be executed first.
All the VIPA 300S and SLIO CPUs support this feature.
The Siemens S7-300® series of CPUs support this feature from firmware version 2.6.

Brief description
The MPI6_GetPlcIdentData function returns the unique serial number of the connected CPU as
well as the serial number of the MMC card that is available in the CPU. This enables you to
identify the connected CPU clearly. It is also possible to read the text items that may be defined
in the hardware configuration of the CPU, i.e. the CPU name, the station name, the plant
identification and the location identifier.

PLC family S7-1500®, S7-1200®

This function is not possible.

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Description of the parameters

Argument C-Type Description
Handle INT The handle of the communication instance,
which is being accessed (not required for the
.Net wrapper class).
PlcName char* Returns the station name defined in the
hardware configuration of the CPU or,
alternatively, an empty string if this was not
ModuleName char* Returns the CPU name defined in the
hardware configuration of the CPU or,
alternatively, an empty string if this was not
PlantDesignation char* Returns the system identification that was
defined in the hardware configuration for the
CPU or alternatively, an empty string, if this
was not defined.
LocationIdentifier char* Returns the location identification that was
defined in the hardware configuration for the
CPU or, alternatively, an empty string, if this
was not defined.
SerialNrPlcStr char* Returns the serial number of the connected
MMCIdentNrStr char* Returns the serial number of the MMC-card
that was installed in the CPU.
Error WORD* If the function returns ‘0’, an error has
occurred during execution. In this case, the
Error parameter contains an error value.
Function return BOOL If the function was executed successfully, a
value '1'(TRUE) is returned. When an error
has occurred, the returned value is '0'
The data for this information function are provided by the virtual CPU. The CPU is only able to
do this once "in parallel". If another communication instance should also accesses an
information function of the same CPU, a communication error may result.

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The example below reads the identification data from the CPU, if the CPU supports this
function. First, the CPU is checked whether it supports this function and, on a positive
response, the data is loaded from the CPU.

The example assumes that one of the initialisation functions (e.g. MPI6_OpenTcpIp) was
completed successfully. Similarly, the function MPI6_ConnectToPLC must have been
executed without errors. The action may be followed by others. Executing the function
MPI6_CloseCommunication terminates communications and eliminates the instance.
In the same way as it was shown in the example of the MPI6_ReadByte function.

bool AbfrageMoeglich=false;
if (!MPI6_CanPlcSendIdentData(MPIHandle, &AbfrageMoeglich, &Error)){
//display the error(s)
MPI_A_GetDLLError(MPIHandle, ErrorString, Error);
MessageBox(AppHandle, ErrorString, "", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
}//end if
if (AbfrageMoeglich){
char NameDerStation[100]={0};
char NameDerCPU[100]={0};
char AnlagenKennzeichnung[100]={0};
char OrtsKennzeichnung[100]={0};
char SerienNummerCPU[100]={0};
char MMCIdentNr[100]={0};
if (!MPI6_GetPlcIdentData(MPIHandle, NameDerStation, NameDerCPU,
AnlagenKennzeichnung, OrtsKennzeichnung,
SerienNummerCPU, MMCIdentNr, &Error)){
//display the error(s)
MPI_A_GetDLLError(MPIHandle, ErrorString, Error);
MessageBox(AppHandle, ErrorString, "", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
}//end if
else {
char AusgabeStr[255]={0};
wsprintf(AusgabeStr, "Serial number of the CPU: %s",
MessageBox(Handle, AusgabeStr, "", MB_ICONINFORMATION);
}//end else
}//end if

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4.47 The function: MPI6_GetPlcErrorLED

Conditions to execute the function
One of the initialisation functions (e.g. MPI6_OpenTcpIp, etc.) must have been completed
In addition, the call to the function MPI6_ConnectToPLC or MPI6_ConnectToPLCRouting must
also have been successful.

Brief description
The MPI6_GetPlcErrorLED function returns the status of the error LEDs SF, BF1 and BF2. This
can be used to determine whether a system error or a bus error is present at the CPU. The
programmer can then respond accordingly in the PC program. In spite of these errors, the CPU
can be in RUN mode if the PLC program contains the respective error OBs.

PLC family S7-1500®, S7-1200®

This function is not possible.

Description of the parameters

Argument C-Type Description
Handle INT The handle of the communication instance, which
is being accessed (not required for the .Net
wrapper class).
SF_LED_Status BYTE* This contains a value 1 if the SF LED on the CPU
is on or if it flashes.
SF_LED_FlashingFrequency BYTE* 0 = steady light, when the SF_LED_Status
contains 1
1 = flashes normally at 2 Hz
2 = flashes slowly at 0.5 Hz
BUS1F_LED_Status BYTE* This contains a value 1 if the BF1 LED on the
CPU is on or if it flashes.
BUS1F_LED_FlashingFrequency BYTE* 0 = permanently on when BUS1F_LED_Status is
set to 1
1 = flashes normally at 2 Hz
2 = flashes slowly at 0.5 Hz
BUS2F_LED_Status BYTE* This contains a value 1, if the BF2 LED on the
CPU is on or if it flashes.
BUS2F_LED_FlashingFrequency BYTE* 0 = permanently on when BUS2F_LED_Status is
set to 1
1 = flashes normally at 2 Hz
2 = flashes slowly at 0.5 Hz
Error WORD* If the function returns ‘0’, an error has occurred
during execution. In this case, the Error
parameter contains an error value.
Function return BOOL If the function was executed successfully, a value
'1'(TRUE) is returned. When an error has
occurred, the returned value is '0' (FALSE).

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The data for this information function are provided by the virtual CPU. The CPU is only able to
do this once "in parallel". If another communication instance should also accesses an
information function of the same CPU, a communication error may result.

The example below reads the status of the error LEDs on the CPU.

The example assumes that one of the initialisation functions (e.g. MPI6_OpenTcpIp) was
completed successfully. Similarly, the function MPI6_ConnectToPLC must have been
executed without errors. The action may be followed by others. Executing the function
MPI6_CloseCommunication terminates communications and eliminates the instance. In the
same way as it was shown in the example of the MPI6_ReadByte function.

BYTE SF_LED_Status=0;
BYTE SF_LED_BlinkFrequenz=0;
BYTE BUS1F_LED_Status=0;
BYTE BUS1F_LED_BlinkFrequenz=0;
BYTE BUS2F_LED_Status=0;
BYTE BUS2F_LED_BlinkFrequenz=0;
if (!MPI6_GetPlcErrorLED(MPIHandle,
&SF_LED_Status, &SF_LED_BlinkFrequenz,
&BUS1F_LED_Status, &BUS1F_LED_BlinkFrequenz,
&BUS2F_LED_Status, &BUS2F_LED_BlinkFrequenz,
//display the error(s)
MPI_A_GetDLLError(MPIHandle, ErrorString, Error);
MessageBox(AppHandle, ErrorString, "", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
}//end if
else {
char AusgabeStr[255]={0};
wsprintf(AusgabeStr, "Status der SF-LED: %s", SF_LED_Status);
MessageBox(Handle, AusgabeStr, "", MB_ICONINFORMATION);
}//end else

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4.48 The function: MPI6_IsPasswordRequired

Conditions to execute the function
One of the initialisation functions (e.g. MPI6_OpenTcpIp, etc.) must have been completed
successfully. In additions, the call to the function MPI6_ConnectToPLC or
MPI6_ConnectToPLCRouting must also have been successful.

Brief description
The MPI6_IsPasswordRequired function can be used to determine whether read and/or write
operations for the CPU require a password, i.e. whether the CPU is protected by a password.
This function must be used if you are unsure whether a password must be transferred or not.
An error will be produced if you should transfer a password to the CPU when this is not actually
password protected.

PLC family S7-1500®, S7-1200®

This function is not possible.

A password is not required for the functions ReadByte, ReadWord, ReadDword, ReadTimer,
ReadCounter, WriteByte, WriteWord, WriteDword, WriteTimer, WriteCounter, MixRead_2 and

Description of the parameters

Argument Typ Description
Handle INT The handle of the communication instance, which is
being accessed (not required for the .Net wrapper
PasswordRequired bool* Returns a value of 1 if the specified mode requires
a password. Returns 0, if the specified mode
requires a password.
Mode BYTE Transfer 'R' (or the ASCII code 82 dec.) to query
the read mode.
Transfer 'R' (or the ASCII code 87 dec.) to query
the write mode.
Error WORD* If the function returns ‘0’, an error has occurred
during execution. In this case, the Error parameter
contains an error value.
Function return BOOL If the function was executed successfully, a value
'1'(TRUE) is returned. When an error has occurred,
the returned value is '0' (FALSE).

The data for this information function are provided by the virtual CPU. The CPU is only able to
do this once "in parallel". If another communication instance should also accesses an
information function of the same CPU, A communication error may result.

Example: See the example for MPI6_SendPasswordToPlc.

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4.49 The function: MPI6_SendPasswordToPlc

Conditions to execute the function
One of the initialisation functions (e.g. MPI6_OpenTcpIp, etc.) must have been completed
successfully. In additions, the call to the function MPI6_ConnectToPLC or
MPI6_ConnectToPLCRouting must also have been successful.

Brief description
The MPI6_SendPasswordToPlc function can be used to transfer a password to the CPU to
enable read/write operations on a password-protected CPU. If you are not sure whether the
access mode of the CPU is protected by a password, you must first check this condition with
the MPI6_IsPasswordRequired function. If you are certain that an access password is

The password remains valid until the connection with the CPU is interrupted. If you are writing
several times to the password-protected CPU, this means that the password must only be
passed once. The condition is, that the communication link to the CPU is not interrupted.

PLC family S7-1500®, S7-1200®

This function is not possible.

A password is not required for the functions ReadByte, ReadWord, ReadDword, ReadTimer,
ReadCounter, WriteByte, WriteWord, WriteDword, WriteTimer, WriteCounter, MixRead_2 and

Description of the parameters

Argument Typ Description
Handle INT The handle of the communication instance, which is
being accessed (not required for the .Net wrapper
PasswordStr char* Password (8 characters max.) that protects the
CPU. The password protection and the password
itself are defined in the hardware configuration of
the CPU.
PasswordIsCorrect bool* Returns a 1, if the password that was passed is
Returns a 0, if the password is bad.
Error WORD* If the function returns ‘0’, an error has occurred
during execution. In this case, the Error parameter
contains an error value.
Function return BOOL If the function was executed successfully, a value
'1'(TRUE) is returned. When an error has occurred,
the returned value is '0' (FALSE).

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The following example checks whether the CPU has a write protection feature. After that, the
password is passed to the CPU.

The example assumes that one of the initialisation functions (e.g. MPI6_OpenTcpIp) was
completed successfully. Similarly, the function MPI6_ConnectToPLC must have been
executed without errors. The action may be followed by others. Executing the function
MPI6_CloseCommunication terminates communications and eliminates the instance. In the
same way as it was shown in the example of the MPI6_ReadByte function.

bool PasswortUebergabeNotwendig=false;
BYTE Modus='W'; //write mode
if (!MPI6_IsPasswordRequired(MPIHandle,
&PasswortUebergabeNotwendig, Modus, &Error)){

//display the error(s)

MPI_A_GetDLLError(MPIHandle, ErrorString, Error);
MessageBox(AppHandle, ErrorString, "", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
}//end if
if (PasswortUebergabeNotwendig){
char PasswortStr[20]={0};
bool PasswortIstKorrekt=false;
strcpy(PasswortStr, "Test"); //CPU is configured for the
//password 'Test'
if (!MPI6_SendPasswordToPlc(MPIHandle, PasswortStr,
&PasswortIstKorrekt, &Error)){
//display the error(s)
MPI_A_GetDLLError(MPIHandle, ErrorString, Error);
MessageBox(AppHandle, ErrorString, "", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
}//end if
else {
if (PasswortIstKorrekt)
MessageBox(Handle, "The password is correct.", "",
MessageBox(Handle, "The password is incorrect!", "",
}//end else
}//end if

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4.50 The function: MPI6_GetCountDB

Conditions to execute the function
One of the initialisation functions (e.g. MPI6_OpenTcpIp, etc.) must have been completed
In additions, the call to the function MPI6_ConnectToPLC or MPI6_ConnectToPLCRouting
must also have been successful.

Brief description
The function MPI6_GetCountDB can be used to determine the number of DBs in a CPU.

PLC family S7-1500®, S7-1200®

This function is not possible.

Description of the parameters

Argument C-Type Description
Handle INT The handle of the communication instance,
which is being accessed (not required for the
.Net wrapper class).
CountDB int* This parameter returns the number of DBs
that are available in the CPU.
Error WORD* If the function returns ‘0’, an error has
occurred during execution. In this case, the
Error parameter contains an error value.
Function return BOOL If the function was executed successfully, a
value '1'(TRUE) is returned. When an error
has occurred, the returned value is '0'

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The example below determines the number of data blocks in the connected communication

The example assumes that one of the initialisation functions (e.g. MPI6_OpenTcpIp) was
completed successfully. Similarly, the function MPI6_ConnectToPLC must have been
executed without errors. The action may be followed by others. Executing the function
MPI6_CloseCommunication terminates communications and eliminates the instance. In the
same way as it was shown in the example of the MPI6_ReadByte function.
//read data
if (!Fehler){
int AnzahlDB=0;
if (!MPI6_GetCountDB(MPIHandle, &AnzahlDB, &Error)){
//display the error(s)
MPI_A_GetDLLError(MPIHandle, ErrorString, Error);
MessageBox(AppHandle, ErrorString, "", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
}//end if
else {
char AusgabeStr[255]={0};
wsprintf(AusgabeStr, "Number of DBs availabe: %u", AnzahlDB);
MessageBox(AppHandle, AusgabeStr, "", MB_ICONINFORMATION);
}//end else
}//end if

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4.51 The function: MPI6_GetDBInPlc

Conditions to execute the function
One of the initialisation functions (e.g. MPI6_OpenTcpIp, etc.) must have been completed
In additions, the call to the function MPI6_ConnectToPLC or MPI6_ConnectToPLCRouting
must also have been successful.

Brief description
The MPI6_GetDBInPlc function can be used to determine the numbers of the data blocks that
exist in a CPU.

PLC family S7-1500®, S7-1200®

This function is not possible.

Description of the parameters

Argument C-Type Description
Handle INT The handle of the communication instance,
which is being accessed (not required for the
.Net wrapper class).
DBNumbers WORD* WORD-Array that is used to return the
numbers of the DBs that exist in the CPU.
CountDB INT* Number of DBs that was entered into the
Error WORD* If the function returns ‘0’, an error has
occurred during execution. In this case, the
Error parameter contains an error value.
Function return BOOL If the function was executed successfully, a
value '1'(TRUE) is returned. When an error
has occurred, the returned value is '0'

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The example below displays the number of the first DB that exists in the CPU.
The example assumes that one of the initialisation functions (e.g. MPI6_OpenTcpIp) was
completed successfully. Similarly, the function MPI6_ConnectToPLC must have been
executed without errors. The action may be followed by others. Executing the function
MPI6_CloseCommunication terminates communications and eliminates the instance. In the
same way as it was shown in the example of the MPI6_ReadByte function.

//read data
if (!Fehler){
int AnzahlDB=0;
WORD DBNummern[255]={0};
if (!MPI6_GetDBInPlc(MPIHandle, DBNummern, &AnzahlDB, &Error)){
//display the error(s)
MPI_A_GetDLLError(MPIHandle, ErrorString, Error);
MessageBox(AppHandle, ErrorString, "", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
}//end if
else {
char AusgabeStr[255]={0};
if (AnzahlDB>0){
wsprintf(AusgabeStr, "First available DB: %u",
MessageBox(AppHandle, AusgabeStr, "",
}//end if
MessageBox(AppHandle, "First available DB!", "",
}//end else
}//end if

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4.52 The function: MPI6_GetLengthDB

Conditions to execute the function
One of the initialisation functions (e.g. MPI6_OpenTcpIp, etc.) must have been completed
In additions, the call to the function MPI6_ConnectToPLC or MPI6_ConnectToPLCRouting
must also have been successful.

Brief description
The MPI6_GetLengthDB function can be used to determine the length of a data block that
exists in the CPU. The length is returned in bytes.

PLC family S7-1500®, S7-1200®

This function is not possible.

Description of the parameters

Argument C-Type Description
Handle INT The handle of the communication instance,
which is being accessed (not required for the
.Net wrapper class).
DBNr WORD The number of the DB of which the length is
to be determined.
CountByte WORD* Length of the DB in bytes.
Error WORD* If the function returns ‘0’, an error has
occurred during execution. In this case, the
Error parameter contains an error value.
Function return BOOL If the function was executed successfully, a
value '1'(TRUE) is returned. When an error
has occurred, the returned value is '0'

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The example below determines the length of DB1 in the communication partner.
The example assumes that one of the initialisation functions (e.g. MPI6_OpenTcpIp) was
completed successfully. Similarly, the function MPI6_ConnectToPLC must have been
executed without errors. The action may be followed by others. Executing the function
MPI6_CloseCommunication terminates communications and eliminates the instance. In the
same way as it was shown in the example of the MPI6_ReadByte function.
//read data
if (!Fehler){
WORD LaengeInByte=0;
if (!MPI6_GetLengthDB(MPIHandle, 1, &LaengeInByte, &Error)){
//display the error(s)
MPI_A_GetDLLError(MPIHandle, ErrorString, Error);
MessageBox(AppHandle, ErrorString, "", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
}//end if
else {
char AusgabeStr[255]={0};
wsprintf(AusgabeStr, "Length of DB1: %u Byte", LaengeInByte);
MessageBox(AppHandle, AusgabeStr, "", MB_ICONINFORMATION);
}//end else
}//end if

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4.53 The function: MPI6_GetVersionComDrvS7

Conditions to execute the function

Brief description
The MPI6_GetVersionComDrvS7 function returns the version number of the driver-DLL as a
string. This means that the version in used can easily be checked.

Description of the parameters

Argument C-Type Description
VersionStr char* String with the version number of the form
"ComDrvS7 V6.XX"
Function return BOOL If the function was executed successfully, a
value '1'(TRUE) is returned. When an error
has occurred, the returned value is '0'

4.54 The function: MPI_A_RealFromByteBuffer or

Brief description
The MPI_A_RealFromByteBuffer function assembles a real number from a byte buffer. The
function can be used when a real number was read from a DB using the ReadByte function.

Description of the parameters

Argument C-Type Description
RealValue float* The real number, which was determined from
the first 4 bytes of the buffer.
ByteBuffer BYTE* The buffer whose first 4 bytes contain a real
Function return BOOL If the function was executed successfully, a
value '1'(TRUE) is returned. When an error
has occurred, the returned value is '0'

The real number is assembled from ByteBuffer bytes [0], ByteBuffer [1], ByteBuffer [2] and
ByteBuffer [3].

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4.55 The function: MPI_A_RealFromWordBuffer or

Brief description
The MPI_A_RealFromWordBuffer function assembles a real number from a WORD buffer. The
function can be used when a real number was read from a DB using the ReadWord function.

Description of the parameters

Argument C-Type Description
RealValue float* The real number, which was determined from
the first 2 words of the buffer.
WordBuffer WORD* The buffer whose first 2 words contain a real
Function return BOOL If the function was executed successfully, a
value '1'(TRUE) is returned. When an error
has occurred, the returned value is '0'

The real number is assembled from the words WordBuffer[0] and WordBuffer[1].

4.56 The function: MPI_A_IntFromByteBuffer or

Brief description
The MPI_A_IntFromByteBuffer function assembles an INT (16-Bit) number from a BYTE buffer.
The function can be used when an Int number was read from a DB using the ReadByte

Description of the parameters

Argument C-Type Description
IntValue short* The INT number, which was determined from
the first 2 bytes of the buffer.
ByteBuffer BYTE* The buffer whose first 2 bytes contain an Int
Function return BOOL If the function was executed successfully, a
value '1'(TRUE) is returned. When an error
has occurred, the returned value is '0'

The Int number is assembled from ByteBuffer bytes [0] and ByteBuffer [1].

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4.57 The function: MPI_A_IntFromWordBuffer oder

Brief description
The MPI_A_IntFromWordBuffer assembles a int (16-bit) number from a WORD buffer. The
function can be used when a Int number was read from a DB using the ReadWord function.

Description of the parameters

Argument C-Type Description
IntValue short* Die Int-Zahl (16-Bit) welche aus dem ersten
Wort des Buffers ermittelt wurde.
WordBuffer WORD* Der Buffer dessen erstes Wort eine Int-Zahl
Function return BOOL Wurde die Funktion erfolgreich ausgeführt, so
wird der Wert '1' (TRUE) geliefert. Bei einem
Fehler ist der Rückgabewert '0' (FALSE).

The Int number is assembled from WordBuffer[0] .

4.58 The function: MPI_A_DIntFromByteBuffer oder

Brief description
The MPI_A_DIntFromByteBuffer assembles a DIn (32-bit) number from a BYTE buffer. The
function can be used when a DInt number was read from a DB using the ReadByte function.

Description of the parameters

Argument C-Type Description
DIntValue int* The DInt number, which was determined from
the first 4 bytes of the buffer.
ByteBuffer BYTE* The buffer with the first 4 bytes containing an
DInt number.
Function return BOOL If the function was executed successfully, a
value '1'(TRUE) is returned. When an error
has occurred, the returned value is '0'

The DInt number is determined from the the bytes ByteBuffer[0], ByteBuffer[1], ByteBuffer[2]
and ByteBuffer[1].

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4.59 The function: MPI_A_DIntFromWordBuffer or

Brief description
The MPI_A_DIntFromWordBuffer function assembles a DInt (32-bit) number from a WORD
buffer. he function can be used when a DInt number was read from a DB using the
ReadDBWort function.

Description of the parameters

Argument C-Type Description
DIntValue int* The DINT number, which was determined
from the first 2 words of the buffer.
WordBuffer WORD* The buffer whose first 2 words contain a DInt
Function return BOOL If the function was executed successfully, a
value '1'(TRUE) is returned. When an error
has occurred, the returned value is '0'

The DInt number is assembled from the words WordBuffer[0] and WordBuffer[1].

4.60 The function: MPI_A_RealToWordBuffer or

Brief description
The MPI_A_RealToWordBuffer function saves a real number into a WORD buffer. The function
can be used when a real number must be saved in a DB using the function WriteWord.

Description of the parameters

Argument C-Type Description
RealValue float The real number that is written to the first two
words of the buffer.
WordBuffer WORD* The buffer whose first 2 words contain the real
Function return BOOL If the function was executed successfully, a
value '1'(TRUE) is returned. When an error
has occurred, the returned value is '0'

The real number is saved to the words WordBuffer[0] and WordBuffer[1].

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4.61 The function: MPI_A_RealToByteBuffer or

Brief description
The function MPI_A_RealToByteBuffer saves a real number in a BYTE buffer. The function can
be used when a real number must be saved in a DB using the function WriteByte.

Description of the parameters

Argument C-Type Description
RealValue float The real number that is written to the first 4
bytes of the buffer.
ByteBuffer BYTE* The buffer whose first 4 bytes contain the real
Function return BOOL If the function was executed successfully, a
value '1'(TRUE) is returned. When an error
has occurred, the returned value is '0'

The real number is saved to the bytes ByteBuffer[0], ByteBuffer[1], ByteBuffer[2] and

4.62 The function: MPI_A_IntToByteBuffer or MPI6_IntToByteBuffer

Brief description
The MPI_A_IntToByteBuffer function writes an Int (16-bit) number to a BYTE buffer. The
function can be used when an Int number must be saved in a DB using the function WriteByte.

Description of the parameters

Argument C-Type Description
IntValue short The Int number that is written to the first 2
bytes of the buffer.
ByteBuffer BYTE* The buffer whose first 2 bytes contain the Int
Function return BOOL If the function was executed successfully, a
value '1'(TRUE) is returned. When an error
has occurred, the returned value is '0'

The Int number is saved to bytes ByteBuffer[0] and ByteBuffer[1].

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4.63 The function: MPI_A_DIntToByteBuffer or

Brief description
The MPI_A_DIntToByteBuffer function writes a DInt (32-Bit) number to a BYTE buffer. The
function can be used when a DInt number must be saved in a DB using the function WriteByte.

Description of the parameters

Argument C-Type Description
DIntValue int The DInt number that is written to the first 4
bytes of the buffer.
ByteBuffer BYTE* The buffer whose first 4 bytes contain the DInt
Function return BOOL If the function was executed successfully, a
value '1'(TRUE) is returned. When an error
has occurred, the returned value is '0'

The DInt number is saved to bytes ByteBuffer[0], ByteBuffer[1], ByteBuffer[2] and

4.64 The function: MPI_A_DIntToWordBuffer oder

Brief description
The MPI_A_DIntToWordBuffer function writes a DInt (32-bit) number to a WORD buffer. The
function can be used when a DInt number must be saved in a DB using the function WriteByte.

Description of the parameters

Argument C-Type Description
DIntValue int The DInt number that is written to the first 2
bytes of the buffer.
WordBuffer WORD* The buffer whose first 2 bytes contain the DInt
Function return BOOL If the function was executed successfully, a
value '1'(TRUE) is returned. When an error
has occurred, the returned value is '0'

The DInt number is written to the words WordBuffer[0] and WordBuffer[1].

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4.65 The function: MPI6_BcdToDecimal

Brief description
The MPI6_BcdToDecimal function converts a BCD number to a decimal number. The BCD
number must be in the range 0-99.

Description of the parameters

Argument C-Type Description
Bcd BYTE BCD number in the range 0-99
Dec BYTE* The returned decimal number.
Function return BOOL If the function was executed successfully, a
value '1'(TRUE) is returned. When an error
has occurred, the returned value is '0'

4.66 The function: MPI6_DecimalToBcd

Brief description
The MPI6_DecimalToBcd function converts a decimal number to a BCD number. The decimal
number must be in the range 0-99.

Description of the parameters

Argument C-Type Description
Dec BYTE Decimal number in the range 0-99
BCD BYTE* The returned BCD number.
Function return BOOL If the function was executed successfully, a
value '1'(TRUE) is returned. When an error
has occurred, the returned value is '0'

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5 Accessing several nodes using a serial port.

The example below is intended to show how two CPUs that are located on an MPI network can
be accessed via a serial interface.
Here it must be noted that communication instances that share a communication resource must
never be processed in different threads. The functions of the communication instances must be
processed in a single thread, one after the other.

5.1 Executing the initialisation

To start with, the initialisation must be executed for each connection.
The respective variables are shown below. The interfacing parameters are available once only,
because the baud rate is defined during the first initialisation. If the second initialisation is
executed with the same COM port but with different interfacing parameters (e.g. a different
baud rate), then the second set of definitions have no effect because the port has already been
opened and configured.

int ComNr=2; //COM2 port

long BaudRate=38400; //baud Rate
BYTE PGMPIAdresse=0; //MPI address of the DLL application = 0
BYTE HoechsteMPI=31; //highest address permitted in network = 31
bool SchnittstelleWarSchonAllokiert=false;
WORD Error=0; //error variable
char ErrorString[255]={0};//error string to return the error
//Variables für Kommu1
int MPIHandle_1=-1; //handle of the first communication instance
BYTE AGMPIAdresse_1=10; //the MPI address of the first CPU
bool Fehler_1=false;
//Variables für Kommu2
int MPIHandle_2=-1; //handle of the second communication instance
BYTE AGMPIAdresse_2=11; //the MPI address of the second CPU
bool Fehler_2=false;
//establish connection 1
if (!MPI6_OpenRS232(&MPIHandle_1, ComNr, BaudRate,
PGMPIAdresse, HoechsteMPI,
//display the error(s)
MPI_A_GetDLLError(MPIHandle_1, ErrorString, Error);
MessageBox(AppHandle, ErrorString, "Kommu 1",
}//end if
MessageBox(AppHandle, "Initialisation 1 was successful.", "",

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//establish connection 2
if (!MPI6_OpenRS232(&MPIHandle_2, ComNr, BaudRate,
PGMPIAdresse, HoechsteMPI,
//display the error(s)
MPI_A_GetDLLError(MPIHandle_2, ErrorString, Error);
MessageBox(AppHandle, ErrorString, "Kommu 2",
//close commu 1
MPI6_CloseCommunication(MPIHandle_1, &Error);
}//end if
MessageBox(AppHandle, "Einleitung 2 war erfolgreich.", "",

Please note that different MPI handles are transferred during the initialisation. These handles
are used to specify the different communication instances.
The second call to the function "MPI6_OpenRS232" returns the parameter
"SchnittstelleWarSchonAllokiert" with the value 'true'. This is because the COM2 port was
already opened with the first initialisation of the first communication instance.

5.2 Establish communications with the CPUs

Now, the two communication instances can establish the connection with the respective CPU.
This is done with the "MPI6_ConnectToPLC" function. The function must be called for each
communication instance.

//establish communication 1
if (!MPI6_ConnectToPLC(MPIHandle_1, AGMPIAdresse_1, &Error)){
//display the error(s)
MPI_A_GetDLLError(MPIHandle_1, ErrorString, Error);
MessageBox(AppHandle, ErrorString, "Commu 1",
}//end if
MessageBox(AppHandle, "Commu 1 established successfully!!",
//establish communication 2
if (!MPI6_ConnectToPLC(MPIHandle_2, AGMPIAdresse_2, &Error)){
//display the error(s)
MPI_A_GetDLLError(MPIHandle_2, ErrorString, Error);
MessageBox(AppHandle, ErrorString, "Commu 2",
}//end if
MessageBox(AppHandle, "Commu 2 established successfully!",

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The accessed PLC MPI address and the MPI handles that are being used in the calls to both
"MPI6_ConnectToPLC" functions are different. For each communication instance is supposed
to access to a different CPU.

5.3 Read data from the CPU

Now that both communication instances have established communications with the respective
CPU, these can also read data from the CPUs. The communication instance with the handle
"MPIHandle_1" always accesses the CPU with the MPI address "AGMPIAdresse_1", while the
instance with the handle "MPIHandle_2" always accesses the MPI address "AGMPIAdresse_2".
The following listing shows this situation.

if (!Fehler_1){
WORD LaengeInByte=0;
if (!MPI6_GetLengthDB(MPIHandle_1, 1, &LaengeInByte, &Error)){
//display the error(s)
MPI_A_GetDLLError(MPIHandle_1, ErrorString, Error);
MessageBox(AppHandle, ErrorString, "", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
}//end if
else {
char AusgabeStr[255]={0};
wsprintf(AusgabeStr, "Commu1\nlength of DB1: %u byte",
MessageBox(AppHandle, AusgabeStr, "", MB_ICONINFORMATION);
}//end else
}//end if
if (!Fehler_2){
WORD LaengeInByte=0;
if (!MPI6_GetLengthDB(MPIHandle_2, 1, &LaengeInByte, &Error)){
//display the error(s)
MPI_A_GetDLLError(MPIHandle_2, ErrorString, Error);
MessageBox(AppHandle, ErrorString, "", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
}//end if
else {
char AusgabeStr[255]={0};
wsprintf(AusgabeStr, "Commu2\nlength of DB1: %u bytes",
MessageBox(AppHandle, AusgabeStr, "", MB_ICONINFORMATION);
}//end else
}//end if

This determines and returns the lengths of data blocks 1 in the respective CPU.
At this point further data may be read or written from/to the CPU. The order of read and write
operations is irrelevant.

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5.4 Termination of communications and removal of the

communication instances
To terminate communications with the CPUs, close the interface and remove the
communication instances you must issue a call to the "MPI6_CloseCommunication" function for
each communication instance.
If you only issue a call to the function of one communication instance, communication with the
other instance remains unaffected. The interface will only be released when the second
communication instance is removed by means of the "MPI6_CloseCommunication" function.

//terminate communication 1
if (!MPI6_CloseCommunication(MPIHandle_1, &Error)){
//display the error(s)
MPI_A_GetDLLError(MPIHandle_1, ErrorString, Error);
MessageBox(AppHandle, ErrorString, "", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
}//end if
MessageBox(AppHandle, "Communic. 1 terminated without errors.", "",
//terminate communication 2
if (!MPI6_CloseCommunication(MPIHandle_2, &Error)){
//display the error(s)
MPI_A_GetDLLError(MPIHandle_2, ErrorString, Error);
MessageBox(AppHandle, ErrorString, "", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
}//end if
MessageBox(AppHandle, "Communic. 2 terminated without errors.", "",

5.5 Notes on the example

If different serial interfaces were used in the example, e.g. COM1 for communication instance 1
and COM2 for communication instance 2, then the functions of the instances could also be
invoked in different threads. The advantage would be, that the instances do not block each

The MPI adapter that must be used for a serial connection can usually manage multiple
connections (SIEMENS adapter 4 connections). This means that for a MPI adapter a max. of 4
communication instances can access the communication partners via an MPI adapter (and thus
a serial interface).

If the connection is established via TCP/IP and a CPU with an integrated Ethernet port or an
Ethernet-CP, the communication instances are also independent of each other. The procedure
is the same as for the serial interface, with only the "MPI6_OpenTcpIp" being used instead of

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6 Which conditions apply when using a NetLink?

NetLinks can manage at least two communications links. There is also the option to access
multiple NetLinks with different IP addresses.
The example below addresses two CPUs that are linked via MPI using two NetLinks. The CPUs
have the MPI address 10 and 12.

6.1 NetLink configuration

Before a NetLink can be accessed via the MPI-DLL, it must be configured using the supplied
NetLink configurator. This can be used to change the IP address, the network settings, etc. and
save them in the NetLink. When a NetLink was configured, the data is permanently available in
the NetLink, even after a power failure. This means that the configuration is only required once,
unless you want to change the data.
The NetLink configurator is shown below. When the program was started, the button
"Determine NetLinks" was activated.

Fig.: Configurator for NetLink

This indicates that two NetLinks were found on the network. In addition, we can see the IP
address of the NetLinks.
We will initially configure the NetLink with the IP address In the list, select this
unit and press the button "Configure the selected NetLink". If the NetLink had the IP address, i.e. as delivered, a dialog would appear where the IP address must be specified. Then
the dialog shown below will appear:

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Fig.: The configuration dialog

Here you can enter the network settings, the PG-MPI address, etc.
In the example, the bus-profile "MPI" is selected, which is the default setting. Furthermore, the
"MPI address PG/PC" is set to the value '1'. The MPI address of the CPU is not required.
Press the button "Save modified data to NetLink". A message is displayed indicating that the
data was transferred to the NetLink. The process is started if you confirm this message with
A message indicates that the data was saved to the NetLink, whereupon you must turn off the
NetLink. This is accomplished by removing and reinserting the NetLink from the PG interface of
the CPU.
Now you can quit from this dialog by means of the button "Save settings and close dialog".

The same procedure must now be performed on the NetLink with the IP address In the list, select this unit and press the button "Configure the selected NetLink".
The dialog shown above is displayed, but with the other IP address. On this dialog, you also
select "MPI" as the bus-profile. The PG-MPI-address is set to the value '3 '.
Then you press the button "Save changed data in the NetLink" and perform the steps described
above. At this point, you can leave the dialog via the button "Save settings and exit the dialog."
When you have completed these steps, you can close the configurator with the button then
"Quit program".

Additional information on commissioning a NetLink can be found in the Help function for the
software configuration.

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6.2 Executing the initialisation

As with a connection via RS232, the open function must also be called to establish a
connection via a NetLink. However, in this case the "MPI6_OpenNetLink" should be used.
The following figure shows this situation:

BYTE HoechsteMPI=31; //highest address permitted in network = 31

WORD Error=0; //error variable
char ErrorString[255]={0};//error string to return the error
//Variables für Kommu1
char IPAdresseStr_1[50]={0};
int MPIHandle_1=-1; //handle of the first communication
BYTE PGMPIAdresse_1=1; //MPI address of the 1st communic.instance = 1
BYTE AGMPIAdresse_1=10; //the MPI address of the first CPU
bool Fehler_1=false;
//variables for Commu2
char IPAdresseStr_2[50]={0};
BYTE PGMPIAdresse_2=3; //MPI address of the 2nd communic.instance = 3
int MPIHandle_2=-1; //handle of the second communication instance
BYTE AGMPIAdresse_2=12; //the MPI address the second CPU
bool Fehler_2=false;
strcpy(IPAdresseStr_1, "");
strcpy(IPAdresseStr_2, "");
//establish connection 1
if (!MPI6_OpenNetLink(&MPIHandle_1, IPAdresseStr_1,
HoechsteMPI, &Error)){
//display the error(s)
MPI_A_GetDLLError(MPIHandle_1, ErrorString, Error);
MessageBox(AppHandle, ErrorString, "", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
}//end if
MessageBox(AppHandle, "Einleitung 1 war erfolgreich.", "",
//establish connection 2
if (!MPI6_OpenNetLink(&MPIHandle_2, IPAdresseStr_2,
HoechsteMPI, &Error)){
//display the error(s)
MPI_A_GetDLLError(MPIHandle_2, ErrorString, Error);
MessageBox(AppHandle, ErrorString, "", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
MPI_A_KommuBeenden(MPIHandle_1, &Error);
}//end if
MessageBox(AppHandle, "Initialisation 2 was successful.", "",

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6.3 Establish communications

The other functions do not distinguish themselves from other connections (e.g. NetLink PRO,
TCP/IP or RS232). This means that the "MPI6_ConnectToPLC" function is called for each
communication instance stating the respective AG-MPI address (for TCP/IP this would always
be set to 2).

//establish communication 1
if (!MPI6_ConnectToPLC(MPIHandle_1, AGMPIAdresse_1, &Error)){
//display the error(s)
MPI_A_GetDLLError(MPIHandle_1, ErrorString, Error);
MessageBox(AppHandle, ErrorString, "", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
}//end if
else {
MessageBox(AppHandle, "Communic. 1 established successfully!",
}//end else
//establish communication 2
if (!MPI6_ConnectToPLC(MPIHandle_2, AGMPIAdresse_2, &Error)){
//display the error(s)
MPI_A_GetDLLError(MPIHandle_2, ErrorString, Error);
MessageBox(AppHandle, ErrorString, "", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
}//end if
else {
MessageBox(AppHandle, "Communic. 2 established successfully!",
}//end else

6.4 Read data

Now the data must be read from the CPUs. The access functions used here are also
independent of the connection resource. As in the previous example, the length of DB1 will be
determined in the respective CPU.

//read data
if (!Fehler_1){
WORD LaengeInByte=0;
if (!MPI6_GetLengthDB(MPIHandle_1, 1, &LaengeInByte, &Error)){
//display the error(s)
MPI_A_GetDLLError(MPIHandle_1, ErrorString, Error);
MessageBox(AppHandle, ErrorString, "", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
}//end if
else {
char AusgabeStr[255]={0};
wsprintf(AusgabeStr, "Commu1\nlength of DB1: %u byte",
MessageBox(AppHandle, AusgabeStr, "", MB_ICONINFORMATION);
}//end else
}//end if

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if (!Fehler_2){
WORD LaengeInByte=0;
if (!MPI6_GetLengthDB(MPIHandle_2, 1, &LaengeInByte, &Error)){
//display the error(s)
MPI_A_GetDLLError(MPIHandle_2, ErrorString, Error);
MessageBox(AppHandle, ErrorString, "", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
}//end if
else {
char AusgabeStr[255]={0};
wsprintf(AusgabeStr, "Kommu2\nlength of DB1: %u byte",
MessageBox(AppHandle, AusgabeStr, "", MB_ICONINFORMATION);
}//end else
}//end if

At this point further data may be read or written from/to the CPU. The order of read and write
operations is irrelevant.

6.5 Terminate communications

If you want to terminate communications with the respective CPU, you can accomplish this
using the "MPI6_CloseCommunication" function. The communication resource is released
simultaneously and the communication instance eliminated.

//terminate communication 1
if (!MPI6_CloseCommunication(MPIHandle_1, &Error)){
//display the error(s)
MPI_A_GetDLLError(MPIHandle_1, ErrorString, Error);
MessageBox(AppHandle, ErrorString, "", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
}//end if
MessageBox(AppHandle, "Communic. 1 terminated without errors.", "",
//terminate communication 2
if (!MPI6_CloseCommunication(MPIHandle_2, &Error)){
//display the error(s)
MPI_A_GetDLLError(MPIHandle_2, ErrorString, Error);
MessageBox(AppHandle, ErrorString, "", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
}//end if
MessageBox(AppHandle, "Kommunikation 2 ohne Fehler beendet.", "",

6.6 Notes on the example

Since different serial interfaces were used in the example (two NetLinks), the functions of the
respective communication instance could also be invoked in different threads. The advantage
would be, that the communication instances do not block each other.

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7 Which conditions apply when using a NetLink PRO?

A NETLink PRO enables communications from TCP/IP on the PC side to a MPI or DP interface
on the CPU. In this case, the MPI/DP network supports all baud rates up to 12 Mbaud. The
NETLink PRO can manage at least 12 PC connections.

7.1 Configuration of a NetLink PRO

Before a NetLink PRO can be accessed via the communication driver, it must be configured
using the supplied NetLink PRO configurator. This can be used to change the IP address, the
network settings, etc. and save them in NetLink PRO. When a NetLink PRO was configured,
the data is permanently available in the NetLink PRO, even after a power failure. This means
that the configuration is only required once, unless you want to change the data.
The following figure shows the NETLink PRO configurator. When the program was started, the
button "Search for NETLink PRO" was activated.

Fig.: List of NETLink PRO units on the network

Now you can select the required NETLink Pro in the list and then press the button "Settings".
As a result of the dialog, "NETLink PRO settings" will be displayed where you can define
important communication parameters.

Fig.: NETLink PRO settings

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Help on the individual parameters is available via the "Help" button.

If you have made the necessary adjustments, you can write them to the NETLink PRO with the
"Save in NETLink PRO" button.

7.2 The two initialisation functions of the NETLink PRO

There are two initialisation functions to establish a communication instance for a NETLink PRO.
These are the functions
The difference between the two functions is that the function
does not require the baud rate on the MPI/DP network. During the initialisation, the NETLink
PRO attempts to determine and retrieve the baud rate that was defined for the bus. The
disadvantage of this version is the time that is required for the determination of the baud rate,
because this may take a few seconds. The initialisation process is extended by this time.

If the baud rate is available, the function

should be used, since this assigns the baud rate and eliminates the time required by the
determination of the baud rate.

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8 What conditions must be considered when using a

The condition is that the SIMATIC® NET driver was installed on the PC. This driver is installed
on the PC, for example, when the Simatic®-Manager (from V5.4), the driver for the
SIEMENS-USB adapter or the Teleservice V6 are installed. You must select the interface to be
used here in the "PG/PC interface configuration" dialog. You can access this dialog by means
of the file "s7epatsx.exe" in the Windows System32 directory. This means, for example, that the
Siemens USB-MPI adapter, the CP5511 or CP5612 may be selected.
The selected interface and the respective settings will be used by the driver if the initialisation is
invoked via the MPI6_Open_SimaticNet function.

Besides the communication driver, the Siemens software products can continue to access the
CPU, provided that the communication resources of the CPU have not been exhausted. It is
thus possible, for example, that your application accesses a CPU with the driver (using
SIMATIC®-NET) while it is being accessed simultaneously via the Simatic®-Manager.

SIMATIC®-NET is not supported from the 64-Bit version.

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9 Remote access procedure via telephone line

The Siemens Teleservice (from version 6) can be used for remote access purposes via the
telephone line. (only 32-Bit) .

Any kind of modem may be employed on the PC. The system side supports i.e. the Siemens
Teleservice Adapter II.
The figure below shows the necessary components with their names:

On the PC the Siemens Teleservice from V6 must be installed. The PC is connected to the
telephone line via a modem. On the system side the Siemens Teleservice Adapter II may be
used. In the driver the communication path SIMATIC®-NET must be used, i.e. the initialisation
function MPI6_Open_SimaticNet must be called. The interface in the SIMATIC®-NET driver of
the TS-Adapter II that is used in the example is set to "TS Adapter".
This also enables routing.

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10 General notes on the communication driver

10.1 What must be considered when a CPU is accessed by multiple

communication instances?
Communication errors will occur when multiple communication instances access the
information functions of a CPU. A communication error will result if, for example, several
instances request the operating mode position in immediate succession or even in different
threads but essentially in "parallel". The CPU must assemble the answer to such a request in a
virtual process but it is not always possible to do this.
Status queries can be invoked in parallel but only a limited quantity. This number depends on
the CPU type. The number is available from the CPU manual.

10.2 What must be considered when the next driver-DLL or other

applications are executed on the PC?
If additional applications are executed along with the driver, then the functions of the driver
must be invoked in one or more threads. It is important that the threads have the priority
"THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL" so that the response times on the MPI/DP bus or via
TCP/IP are met.

10.3 When is it possible to issue calls to the functions of the

individual communication instances in different threads?
When multiple communication instances are being used, i.e., a connection is established with
multiple CPUs while different communication resources are being used, then the condition is
satisfied, that the functions of the individual instances may be called in different threads. Each
thread must possess the priority "THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL".
It is, however, not possible to call functions of a communication instance from different threads.

When a communication resource is used by multiple instances, e.g. when 2 CPUs are being
accessed via the COM1 port, then the functions of both instances must be executed in a single
thread in succession.

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11 Error messages

The following list contains the possible error numbers. One of these values may be included in
the "error" variable of a DLL function when the value returned by this function is '0 '(FALSE).
The functions MPI_A_GetDLLError, MPI_A_GetDLLErrorEng, or MPI6_GetDLLError
MPI6_GetDLLErrorEng can be used to retrieve a descriptive string (null terminated) for the
respective error.

Value Description
54.273 The requested information is not available on the PLC!
53.825 Protection level error of the CPU!
53.409 Action not possible due to the protection level!
53.377 Select the operating mode that is necessary for this function!
53.298 The parameters passed to the PLC are faulty!
33.794 Action cannot be executed because of an incorrect status of the PLC!
33.540 Message from the module. A resource bottleneck exists!
19.718 Temporary lack of resources in the PLC. Repeat the request.
16.997 The MPI address of the PG has already been allocated on the network!
16.949 The node address of a connected PLC is too high!
16.662 The partner refuses to communicate!
1.046 PLC is not a S7-1500
1.045 PLC is not a LOGO
1.044 PLC is not a S7-1200
1.043 Failure to configure the mode for the S7-1200® family
1.030 VM area is only possible with a LOGO!®
1.029 Function is not possible with a S7-1200®
1.028 Function is not possible with a LOGO!®
1.027 Function is only possible with the MICRO version of ComDrvS7
1.026 Function is not possible with the MICRO version of ComDrvS7
1.004 Function is only possible with the Extended version of ComDrvS7
1.003 Unknown block type!
1.002 DB0 not permitted!
1.001 This feature cannot be executed in the Lite version!
1.000 Error when creating a DLL instance!
733 The given handle is not valid.
732 With at least one block, the action is not possible.
731 Error while executing compress.
729 Error, because the WLD-file already exists.
728 Failure to configure the mode for the S7-1200® family
727 Incorrect position of the mode switch or the CPU is already in the required mode.

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726 The action is not possible in this mode.

725 The action is not possible in RUN mode.
724 The service is not supported by the CPU.
723 Number of bytes for the mix function is invalid.
722 Failed to accept the status data for the mix function.
721 Internal error mix function: Pointer number too high.
720 One or more control values are incorrect.
719 Die Anzahl der DBs in der WLD-Datei übersteigt den angegebenen
718 The number of DBs in the WLD file exceeds the specified max-parameter.
717 WLD action: Block is not available in the CPU.
716 The DB already exists in the WLD. Cannot overwrite.
715 The file is not a correct WLD file.
714 WLD action: Failed to test whether the block to be transferred is already present in
the CPU.
713 WLD action: Block is already available in the CPU.
712 WLD file does not exist.
711 Block is not available in the WLD file.
710 WLD action: File operation error.
709 WLD action: Block is too large for the action.
708 Status of one or more operands cannot be delivered. Possible reason: One or
more operands are not available in the CPU.
707 The specified operand is not permitted for this function.
706 One or more operands cannot be controlled. Possible reason: One or more
operands are not available in the CPU.
614 NetLink PRO: Cannot determine the baud rate on the bus!
604 Status data of one or more requested operands not available.
603 Fault when evaluating the status data.
602 Fault - password contains too many characters.
601 Fault when converting the password.
518 An unknown error has occurred during the initialisation!
517 Fault occurred when evaluating accessible nodes!
513 Fault when closing the interface!
512 Fault when opening the interface!
511 Errors when evaluating the info-data!
510 The parameters passed are faulty!
509 Communication error has occurred!
508 Memory error. Memory could not be allocated!

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500 Demo limit reached. This message appears only in the demo version of the DLL
when the area of the demo version has been exceeded. In this case, please note
the additional information enclosed with demo version on the permitted operand
Obsolete from version 6.

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12 Required settings in a PLC 1500® from Siemens

To establish a connection between the PC and a PLC 1500 via the communication driver you
have to make some PLC-settings. First you have to select the option "Permit access with
PUT/GET communication from remote partner (PLC, HMI, OPC ...)". You find this option inside
the PLC-properties, tab sheet "General", category "Protection".
The "highest" selectable access level is named "HMI access". There, a password for the
programming access is required. With this level, the changing of the PLC-blocks is protected
with this password

In the following picture you can see an example of the settings:

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