Guillotine Blade Change: Take Exceptional Care When Handling The Blade. If You Are Unsure Stop & Ask

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Guillotine Blade Change

Safe Working Procedure No: SWP - 2012-015 Version: 1.0

Date Approved: 24.04.2012 Date Commenced: 30.04.2012 Review Date: Jan. 2013

Location of Equipment Y4A Macquarie Lighthouse Press

Western side of the facility

Purpose of Equip./  Change a blunt or faulty blade.

Work Activity  Prepare the old blade to be transported for

Approvals, Training or 1. Training in this SWP.

Qualifications required: 2. Understand & apply verbal instructions.
3. Observe & apply safe systems of work.
4. Undertake OHS induction.
Take exceptional care when handling the blade.
If you are unsure stop & ask.

Supervision Required Perform under strict guidance of a competent & authorized person for the first couple of times
until competence has been demonstrated.

Warnings & Restrictions Read the manual

Personal Protective

Potential Hazards Possible Consequences Hazard Controls

1. Exposure to the blade: Severe cut, laceration or 1. Follow this SWP & the steps outlined in the manual.
operator or bystander. amputation injury. 3. Use the tools provided.
4. Create an exclusion zone.
5. Always work with the blade facing away from operator.
6. Take extreme caution & work carefully & methodically.
7. Avoid distraction.

2. Accidental activation of Severe crush, puncture or 1. Accidental activation is managed by engineering controls:
the blade or clamp during amputation injury. sensors + two hands required to engage the clamp or blade.
adjustment & replacement. 2. Create exclusion zone to exclude others from the area.
Note: Power to the machine remains ON so as to position
the blade for removal.

3. Accidental dropping of  Severe cut, laceration or 1. Position the change table adjacent to the guillotine bed to
the blade. amputation injury to feet, toes minimize distance the blade has to be carried.
or legs. 2. Properly apply the knife handles into the correct slots &
 Damage to the blade &/or ensure they are secure before moving the blade.
floor. 3. Ensure the work area including the floor is tidy & free from
slip & trip hazards.

4. Manual handling & Sprain & strain injuries. Operator to apply correct MH techniques as per their
ergonomics. induction training when performing MH tasks.

Emergency Procedures Medical emergency: minor injuries seek first aid. Serious injuries seek first-aid & call security

Relevant:  WHS Act 2011, WHS Regulation 2011, Operating manual Olar 76
Procedure Actions Hazard Controls

1. Establish an exclusion 1. Place bollards & chain around the area

zone. where the blade change will take place.
2. About one metre & a half.
3. Display “People Working” sign.

2. Assemble the tools.

3. Remove external blade fixtures. See “knife Change” procedure in the manual.

Short side gauge T-bar used to remove screws Clamping lever to prop blade Lid - access to pulling rod

4. Prepare the new blade 1. Remove the washes & wind nuts. Work with the sharp edege facing away.
2. Screw 2 knife handles into slots at Minimise movement with the blade.
This blade should be in a appropriate distance to handle it safely & Wipe away from the sharp edge, never
timber framing case, comfortably. towards it.
resting on a separate work 3. Remove from the timber holder.
bench adjacent to the 4. Clean the blade with a solvent. Wipe clean
guillotine bed.
* Blade in the timber holder

* Blade out of the timber holder

5. Remove the blunt blade 1. Screw 2 knife handles into slots at Ensure the handles are firmly in place.
appropriate distance to handle it safely & Avoid distraction when handling blade.
comfortably. Take a secure hold when moving blade.
2. Slide knife to the left & remove it from its Enforce the exclusion zone.
carriage on the guillotine.
3. Take the knife to the empty timber holder,
position it with the sharp edge facing into the
holder, & secure with bolts & wing nuts.
4. Place the “dull blade” sign facing up.
The blade is now ready
to be safely & securely
sent away for

3. Replace the blunt blade with the sharpened blade. See “knife Change” procedure in the manual.

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