Public Distribution System

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1. INTRODUCTION…………………………………….........……..7
1.1 Project Overview…………………………………………............7
1.2 About the project…………………………………………............8
1.3Organization Profile…………………………………...................9
2.SYSTEM ANALYSIS……………………………………............12
2.1 The Existing System……………………………………..............13
2.2 Proposed System………………………………………………….14
3.FEASIBILITY STUDY…………………………………………...15
3.1 Technical Feasibility…………………………………………......15
3.2 Operational Feasibility……………………………………..........16
3.3 Economical Feasibility…………………………………………..16
4.SOFTWARE SPECIFICATION…….….................................19
4.1 Hardware Configuration…………………………….................20
4.2 Software Configuration……………………………..................21
5.SYSTEM DESIGN………………………….…………….........22
5.1.1 Input Design…………………………………………………….23
5.1.2 OutputDesign ……………………………………..………......24
5.1.3Database Design……………………………………………......25
5.2Data Flow Diagrams…………………………………...............28
5.3Table Structure…………………………………………............32
9.3 Sample Screen Formats…………………………………………34
6. SYSTEM TESTING…………………………………………....38
6.1 System Testing……………………………………………........38
7.FUTURE ENHANCEMENT……………...............................52
10. CONCLUSION ……………………………………………….54
11. BIBLIOGRAPHY………………………………………….....56
Public Distribution System is designed for serving public people for ration supply, each
address will have a ration card . While purchasing ration items customer through online web
site, which will be stored in online storage and the same will be visible for related officers in
higher position and also the shop owner. A public distribution shop is also known as fair
price shop (FPS) or Ration Shop. It is a part of India's public distribution system established
by Government of India which distributes rations at a subsidized price to the poor. Civil
Supplies Corporation is the major public sector which manages and distributes the essential
commodities to all the citizens. In that system various products like Rice, sugar and kerosene
are distributed using conventional ration shop system. Some of the limitations of
conventional ration shop system are Due to the manual measurements in the conventional
system, the user can not able to get the accurate quantity of material.This application uploads
the data directly to the server verifying the data, since it is direct process done by online
ration shop keeper cannot do nothing in these transactions as they do in paper work.

The main modules of the project are:


In this module we have included the login verification. And the user management. Admin,
Shop Owner and Public have different username and password.
The Registration in the proposed system is focusing registering or adding new entities in the
system. Two Registrations included in the system User Registration, Shop Registration.
In this module the shop owner add product details which is viewed by Admin and Customer
Ration Card
In Ration card the users can Apply for new Ration card.The applications are View and
Approved/Reject by Rationshop owner and Admin.
Ration shop
In Ration Shop the Owners can Apply for new Ration Shop.The applications are View and
Approved/Reject by Admin.
In Booking customers can Book Product Online.Shop ownerview can view the Product
booked by Users.
The Customers can make their payments that’s View by theShop owner.
2.1 Existing System

Civil Supplies Corporation is the major public sector which manages and distributes
the essential commodities to all the citizens. In that system various products like Rice, sugar
and kerosene are distributed using conventional ration shop system. But there is no any web
application or mobile application to get the details. Only messages are coming when we have
anything at the ration shop
2.2 Proposed System

The project “Ration in Hand” is an android application, which will help the people who use the public
distribution system. In this system the user can apply for the ration card via online and once the admin
see this, if the applicant is a valid one then he can issue a ration card. Also this user can view the status
of his or her purchase, the price of the commodities, and the quantity of each item for the user. There is
also a dealer in a who directly deals with the user and he or she enter the details of the available stock in
the shop and the purchase and sales details of the customer so that the user can view it online.
There are7 modules in this project are
 Login
 Registration
 Product
 Ration Card
 Ration shop
 Booking
 Payment

2.2.1 Advantages of proposed system

The system is very simple and design and to implement. The system requires very low
system resources and the system will work in almost all configurations.

 Easy access to data.

 Help to increase the accuracy of your records by reducing or eliminating
human errors in calculation.

 It is easy to use.
 Minimize manual data entry.
 Greater efficiency.
 User friendly and interactive.
 To process their accounts with greater speed than manual processing.

Feasibility study

In this project interviews and discussion are conducted to the peoples who seeking
information about games to analysis the problem. After the problem is clearly understood and
solutions are proposed the next step is to conduct the feasibility study, which is the part of
system analysis. The main objective of this study is to determine whether the proposed
system is feasible or not.

The feasibility study is the high level capsule version of the entire system analysis and
design process. The feasibility study can be classified into the following categories.

 Technical feasibility
 Economic feasibility
 Operational feasibility

Technical Feasibility

The system is designed to fit the available software and hardware. Visual Basic
graphical user interface meet the software requirement .Visual Basic has more controls which
facilitate creation of user-friendly screen. Feasibility is a test of system proposal according to
its work ability impact on the organization, ability to meet user needs & effective use of
resources. Three key considerations are involved in the feasibility analysis are as under the
organization had a computer system in their office. In case of power failure they had a

Technical Feasibility is performed to check whether the proposed system is

technically feasible or not. This feasibility assessment is focused on gaining and
understanding of the present technical resources of the organization and their applicability to
the expected needs of the proposed system. It is an evaluation of the hardware and software
and how it meets the need of the proposed system.

This evaluation determines whether the technology needed for the proposed system is
available and how it can be integrated within the organization. Technical evaluation must also
assess whether the existing systems can be upgraded to use the new technology and whether
the organization has the expertise to use it.
Economic Feasibility

This analysis is most frequently used method for comparing the cost with benefit or
income that is expected from the developed system. In Economic Feasibility cost benefit
analysis is done to evaluate the cost effectiveness of the personal system .the proposed
system is more economic than the existing system , since it use GUI that reduces the
operating time of the system and is interactive and user friendly so the change of error in low
and cost needed to modify is reduced .

Economic Feasibility evaluates whether the system benefits greater than the cost. The
proposed system is cost effective one since the benefit of the software outweighs the cost
incurred in installing it. It can be developed under optimal expenses with the available
hardware and software. The computerized system provides easy and faster information
retrieval and saves a lot of time and manpower

Operational Feasibility

To find out whether the system will be functional after its development and
installation. The outcomes of the operational feasibility are a system to be developed is a
critical need for business purpose only. There does note to be any differently in implementing
this system. Even the user of the organization have the knowledge in computers, the user
friendliness provides them convenience and case.

People are inherently resisted to change and computers have been known to facilitate
change .Since a new proposed system has nothing to do with the ordinary customers , the
worker resistance to the system is very much less . The users might be scared of job losses
and other problems when the new system is introduced. In the existing system more
manpower is required and time factor is more. In the proposed system, both manpower and
time factors are reduced and also unnecessary burden is reduced. So the system is
behaviorally feasible. The proper alert messages make the system more feasible for the users.

Fact Finding Techniques

The analyst collects data from two principles sources:

1. Written documents
2. Data from the persons, who are involved in the operation of the system under study

The different fact finding Techniques are:

 Data Carriers
 Questionnaires
 Personal interviews
 Observations
 Research

Data Carriers

In this step the analyst gather and organizes all documentation related to data carriers
from the system under investigation. Example of data carriers is forms, records, reports,
manuals and procedures.


The questionnaire is an important and often effective type of correspondence. For

example it may be the only efficient method of obtaining responses from large number of
people, particularly if they are widely scattered or in a remote locations. Questionnaire is
should be brief in order to increase the promptness probability of correspondence.

Personal Interviews

An interview is a person to person communication. The analyst is more of a receiver

than a sender when conducting an interview. The interviews are helpful for the analyst to
explain the actual aim of the interview. The analyst is primarily seeking information.
Therefore he must be a good listener. Interviews are critical because peoples are the most
important ingredient of any system. The success or failure of a system is dependent up on the
acceptance of the analyst by the person who is affected by the system.


In this method the analyst observes the operations of the ongoing system and begins
to formulate questions and draw conclusions on the basis of what he observed. Skilled analyst
is able to observe things and recall it in a quick way.

The final fact findings techniques, research is of particular importance when a new
application is being considered because it is a method of simulation creative approach to the
problem solving. All the fact finding method that are disused are in house research. However
there are many out of source of information, these include trade and professional publication,
computer oriented news publication, etc... An analyst should established and maintain contact
with officials in other companies. One highly recommended method for making such contact
is membership and active participation in professional societies. Also visit various

With similar problem and exchanging information’s and ideas will helpful for the
analyst for attaining knowledge. This knowledge will help the analyst for making various

Techniques used

In our project the fact finding techniques we used are data carriers and interview to
collect data for computerizing the existing system. In data carriers we gather and organize all
documentations related to data carriers for the system under investigation. In interviews we
collected information regarding the existing system and draw backs to be cleared.




1.1 Hardware Specification

Processor : Intel core i3 and above

Memory : Minimum 1 GB RAM

Hard Disk Drive : 100 GB

Keyboard : QWERTY

Components : Scroll Mouse

Display : 14inch Colour Monitor

3.2 Software Specification

Operating System : Windows7 and above

Front End : Django Framework for PYTHON

HTML, JavaScript, CSS

Browser : Any One

IDE : Visual Studio Code

Back End : MYSQL

Documentation : Microsoft Word 2007


Python is a dynamic, high level, free open source and interpreted

programming language. It supports object-oriented programming as well as
procedural oriented programming. In Python, we don’t need to declare the type
of variable because it is a dynamic typed language. For example, x=10, here x
can be anything such as String, int etc.

Features in Python

There are many features in Python, some of which are discussed below –

1. Easy to code:

Python is high level programming language. Python is very easy to learn

language as compared to other language like c, c#, java script, java etc. It is
very easy to code in python language and anybody can learn python basic in
few hours or days. It is also developer-friendly language.
2. Free and Open Source:

Python language is freely available at official website and you can download it.
Since, it is open-source, this means that source code is also available to the
public. So you can download it as, use it as well as share it.

3. Object-Oriented Language:

One of the key features of python is Object-Oriented programming. Python

supports object oriented language and concepts of classes, objects encapsulation

4. GUI Programming Support:

Graphical Users interfaces can be made using a module such as PyQt5, PyQt4,
wxPython or Tk in python.PyQt5 is the most popular option for creating
graphical apps with Python.

5. High-Level Language:

Python is a high-level language. When we write programs in python, we do not

need to remember the system architecture, nor do we need to manage the

6.Extensible feature:

Python is an Extensible language. We can write some python code into c or c++

language and also we can compile that code in c/c++ language.

7. Python is Portable language:

Python language is also a portable language. For example, if we have python

code for windows and if we want to run this code on other platform such as
Linux, Unix and Mac then we do not need to change it, we can run this code on
any platform.

8. Python is Integrated language:

Python is also an Integrated language because we can easily integrated python

with other language like c, c++ etc.

9. Interpreted Language:

Python is an Interpreted Language. Because python code is executed line by

line at a time. Like other language c, c++, java etc. there is no need to compile
python code this makes it easier to debug our code. The source code of python
is converted into an immediate form called bytecode.

10. Large Standard Library:

Python has a large standard library which provides rich set of module and
functions so you do not have to write your own code for every single thing.
There are many libraries present in python for such as regular expressions, unit-
testing, web browsers etc.

11. Dynamically Typed Language

Python is dynamically-typed language. That means the type (for example- int,
double, long etc.) for a variable is decided at run time not in advance. Because
of this feature we don’t need to specify the type of variable.

Django  is a Python based free and open-source web framework, which

follows the model-template-view (MTV) architectural pattern. Django's primary
goal is to ease the creation of complex, database driven websites. The
framework emphasizes reusability and pluggability of components, less code,
low coupling, rapid development, and the principle of don't repeat yourself.
Python is used throughout, even for settings files and data models. Django also
provides an optional administrative create, read, update and delete interface that
is generated dynamically through introspection and configured via admin

Despite having its own nomenclature, such as naming the callable objects
generating the HTTP responses views, the core Django framework can be seen
as an MVC architecture. It consists of an object-relational mapper (ORM) that
mediates between data models (defined as Python classes) and a relational
database (Model), a system for processing HTTP requests with a web
templating system (View), and a regular-expression-based URL dispatcher

Also included in the core framework are:

 A lightweight and standalone web server for development and testing.

 A form serialization and validation system that can translate
between HTML forms and values suitable for storage in the database.
 A template system that utilizes the concept of inheritance borrowed from
object-oriented programming.
 A caching framework that can use any of several cache methods
 Support for middleware classes that can intervene at various stages of
request processing and carry out custom functions
 An internal dispatcher system that allows components of an application to
communicate events to each other via pre-defined signal.
 An internationalization system, including translations of Django's own
components into a variety of languages
 A serialization system that can produce and
read XML and/or JSON representations of Django model instances
 A system for extending the capabilities of the template engine
 An interface to Python's built-in unit test framework
 Django REST framework is a powerful and flexible toolkit for building
Web APIs
Java Script

Java script is a scripting language that can be used to create client-

side scripts and server side scripts. Client-side scripts are executed in the
browser while server-side scripts are executed on a server. That is JavaScript is
an object-based scripting language for developing client based and server-based
internet applications. We can insert JavaScript statements directly into an
HTML page. When the page is displayed in the browser, the JavaScript
statements are interpreted and executed by the browser. JavaScript statements
can recognize and respond to user events such as mouse clicks or system
generated events and so on. So you can change the content and position of the
elements on the page dynamically, in response to user interaction.

When the client requests an HTML page that includes a client-side

Script, the server forwards the full content of the HTML document- the
JavaScript statements and the HTML content. When the browser receives the
document, it executes the HTML and JavaScript statements without any
interaction with the server while both client-side JavaScript and server-side
JavaScript have the same core language; each also has additional features
relevant to the environment. That is, client-side JavaScript includes predefined
objects that can be used only in the browser. Server-side JavaScript contain
predefined objects that can be used in server-side application

Hyper Text Mark Up Language

An HTML file is a text file containing small markup tags. These

tags tell the web browser how to display the page. An HTML file must have an
htm or html file extension. An HTML file can be created by using a simple text
editor. HTML documents are text files made up of HTML elements e.g.:
<html>, <body>. HTML elements are defined using HTML tags.

HTML tags are used to markup HTML elements. The two

characters surround HTML tags <and>. The surrounding characters are called
angle brackets. HTML tags normally come in pairs like <b> and </b>. The first
tag in a pair is the start tag: the second tag is the end tag. The text between the
start and the end tag is the element content. HTML tags are not case sensitive;
<b> means the same as <B>.

Relational database systems are the most important database systems

used in the software industry today. One of the most outstanding systems is

The important aspects of SQL Server are:

 MySQL is easy to use.

 Embedded database library.
 Commit grouping, gathering multiple transactions from multiple
connections together to increase the number of commits per second.

MySQL is a popular choice of database for use in web applications, and

is a central component of the widely used LAMP open source web application
software stack (and other "AMP" stacks). LAMP is an acronym for "Linux,
Apache, MySQL, Perl/PHP/Python." Free-software-open source projects that
require a full-featured database management system often use MySQL.

On all platforms except Windows, MySQL ships with no GUI tools to

administer MySQL databases or manage data contained within the databases.
Users may use the included command line tools, or install MySQL workbench
via a separate download. Many third-party GUI tools are also available.

System design is a solution or approach for the creation of a new system. Design
provides the understanding and procedural details necessary for the implementation of the
system recommended in the system study

During the system design the emphasis is on the translating the performance
requirements into design specifications. System design covers two phases, logical design and
physical design.

System does through two phase of development logical and the physical design. The
DFD shows the logical flow of the system and defines the boundaries of the system. The
physical design covers review the current physical system, prepares output specification,
prepares edit, security and control specification, specifies the implementation plan, prepares a
logical design walkthrough of the information flow and review benefits , costs, target data
and system constraints.

The creative aspect of any software is its design. The better design will be the quality
and accuracy of the software that is developed. The design of an information system produces
the details that state how a system will meet the requirement identified during system stage.
System specialist often refers this stage as logical design. Here determine how the output is to
be produced and in which format. Input data and master files have to be design to meet the
requirement of the proposed output

In any software design, initially the preliminary design is carried out, followed by a
design. Relation between theoretical ideas and the resources available established during the
course of design. System design is the process of design a new system. There are two steps in
system design – logical and physical design. Logical design reviews the present physical
system, prepares input and output specification. The physical design maps out the details of
the physical system, plans the system implementation, devices a test and implementation,
plan and specify any new hardware and software.

The design phase covers

 Review of the current physical system

 Prepare the output specification that determining the format content and
frequency of the reports including the terminal specification etc.
 Prepare the input specification
 Prepare the edit control and security specification
 Specifies the implementation plan
 Prepare the logical design walk through of the information flow, output,
input controls and the implementation plan

4.1 Input Design

Input design is the process of converting user-oriented input into a computer based
format Inputs are the source of data for processing. During input design, the input should be
designed in a manner so as to the chance of occurring error in the data entry operation. How
the is fed into the system has to be determined so that the data is error free and system is
specific. The ways in which the data is to be fed into the system is decided during the input
design stage.

4.2 Output Design

Computer output is the most important and direct information source to the user
.Output design is a process that involves designing necessary outputs in the form of reports
that should be given to the users according to the requirements. Efficient, intelligible output
design should improve the system’s relationship with the user and helps in decision making.
Since the management for taking decisions directly refers the reports and to draw conclusions
they must be designed with almost care and the details in the report must be simple,

4.3 Database Design

Database design is one of the most important parts of the system design phase. In a
database environment common data are available and are used by several uses. Instead of
each program managing its own data, authorized users share data across applications with the
database software managing the data as an entity. The primary objective of a data base design
are the fast response time to enquiries, more information at low cost, control of redundancy,
clarity and ease of use, data and program independence, accuracy and integrity of the system,
fast recovery and availability of powerful end user languages. The behind a database is to
handle information as integrated whole, thus the main objective is make information as
access easy, quick, inexpensive and flexible for the users.

Data directory specifies the major element in the system, and care should be taken
while designing, in order to avoid unnecessary duplication of data. The entire package
depends on how the data are maintained in the system. Several tables are maintained in the
intermediate or final processed results.

4.5 Data Flow Diagram

Date Flow Diagram is an important structured tool. A data flow diagram model is a
system by using entries from which data flows to a process which transforms the data and
create output data which goes other process as input.

The main merit of data flow diagram is that it can provide an over view of what data a
system would process, what information of data are done, what files are used where the result
flow. The graphical representation of the system makes it good communication tool between
the user and the analyst.

It is difficult to understand the business through verbal description alone. Here Data
Flow Diagram helps in illustrating the essential component of a process and the way they

The symbols used in the data flow diagram have been explained below:

Source and Destination Rectangle

Process Circle
Data Flow Arrow

Data Store Open Rectangle

A circle is used to represent a process. A rectangle is used to represent source and destination
of data. These are called external entities; entities that supplying data are known as source
and those consume data are called destinations. An opened rectangle is used to represent a
data store and arrows represents data flows also the arrows shows the direction of data flows.
Context Diagram for Ration I


R equest R esponse
A d m in /R a tio n s h o p / A nnapo o rna A d m in /R atio n s h o p /
P u b lic P u b lic

First Level DFD for Admin


L o g in d e tails U s e r n a m e ,p a s s w o r d ...
A d m in
L o g in T b l_ L o g in
A d m in
1 .1

R e s p o n s e o f L o g in L o g in d e tails

S h o p d e tails U s e r n a m e ,p a s s w o r d ...
Shop owner
L o g in T b l_ L o g in
Shop owner
1 .2

R e s p o n s e o f L o g in L o g in d e tails

P u b lic d e ta ils U s e r n a m e ,p a s s w o r d ...

P u b lic
L o g in
T b l_ L o g in
P u b lic
1 .3

u s e rd e tails R e s p o n s e o f L o g in L o g in d e tails
Figure level for Login


u s e rd e tails i d ,n a m e ,H o u s e n a m e ...
U ser
U ser R e g is t r a t io n T b l_ U s e rA p p lic a tio n
2 .1
S tatu s u s e rd e tails

S h o p d e tails i d ,n a m e ,H o u s e n a m e ...
Shop ow ner R e g is t r a t io n T b l_ S h o p d e ta ils
2 .2
S tatu s S h o p d e tails

S u p p ly c o d e tails i d ,n a m e ,p l a c e ...
S u p p ly c o
A d m in R e g is t r a t io n T b l_ S u p p ly c o D e ta ils
2 .1
S tatu s S u p p ly c o d e ta ils
Figure level for Registration


P ro d u c t d e ta ils p i d ,R a t i o n s h o p i d ,P n a m e
A d d P ro du c t T b l_ P ro d u c t
S u p p ly c o 3 .1

R e spo nse A dd p ro duc t P ro d u c t d e ta ils

S to c k d e ta ils s id ,R a t io n s h o p i d ,S n a m e
A d d S to c k T b l_ S to c k
S u p p ly c o 3 .1

R e s p o n s e A d d S to c k S to c k d e tails

V ie w
A d m in P ro d u
c t
R esp R e q u e s t to vie w
V ie w P ro d u c t
S u p p ly c o V ie w P r o d u c t P ro d u c t d e ta ils T b l_ P ro d u c t
R esponse 3 .2

c t
P ro d u
U ser V ie w

R espo nse

Figure level for Product/Stock


P e rs o n a l d e ta ils i d ,N a m e ,H o u s e n a m e ...
A p p ly F o r
R a t io n c a r d T b l_ U s e rA p p lic a tio n
U ser
4 .1

R espo nse R a tio n c a rd d e ta ils

i d ,N a m e ,H o u s e n a m e ...
d e ta i
U ser V ie w R a t io n
c ard
onse A p p lic a t io n s R a tio n c a rd d e ta ils
R esp T b l_ U s e rA p p lic a tio n
4 .2 e je c t
A ppr p p r o v e /R
S u p p ly c o A
o v e /R e s t to
e je c t R equ
A p p r o v e / R e je c t
S ta tu R a t io n c a r d onse
A p p lic a t io n s R esp
4 .3

Figure level for Ration Card


R a tio n s h o p d e ta ils S h o p _ i d ,S h o p _ N a m e .....

A p p ly F o r
R a t io n S h o p T b l_ S h o p d e tails
U ser
5 .1
R a tio n S h o p d e ta ils
R esponse

s S h o p _ i d ,S h o p _ N a m e ...
d e ta il
v ie w
e s t to V i e w R a t io n
R equ shop
onse A p p li c a t io n s R a tio n c a rd d e ta ils
R esp 5 .2 e je c t T b l_ S h o p d e tails
A ppr p p r o v e /R
S u p p ly c o ove/ t to A
R e je c R eques
A p p ro v e
S ta tu on se
s / R e je c t R esp
R a t io n s h o p
5 .3

Figure level for Ration Shop


R e q u e s t fo r b o o k in g b i d ,u i d ,b o o k d a t e ...
B oo k P rod u c t T b l_ B o o k in g
U ser 6 .1

B o o k in g d e tails
R espo nse

b i d ,u i d ,b o o k d a t e ...
R e q u e s t fo rie w b o o k in g
V ie w
B oo k P rod u c t T b l_ B o o k in g
Shop O w ner
6 .2
B o o k in g d e tails

Figure level for Booking


p a y i d ,A c c n o ...
R e que st fo r paym e n t
M ake paym ent T b l_ P ay m e n t
U ser 7 .1

P a y m e n td e tails
R espo nse

p a y i d ,A c c n o ...
R e q u e s t fo r vie w p a y m e n t
V ie w p a y m e n t T b l_ P ay m e n t
Shop ow ner 7 .2

P a y m e n td e ta ils
R espo nse

Figure level for Payment

Table structure

Table Name : login_details

Table Description : Used to store user/admin/dealer login details
Primary Key : Loginid
Table 4.8.1: login_details table

Sl.No Field name Data type Description Constraint

1 Loginid Integer Store the Id Primary key
2 fid Integer Store the Id of the
corresponding User
3 Username Varchar(30) Used to store the
4 Password Varchar(30) Used to store the
5 Utype Varchar(30) Used to store the user
Table Name : Userapplicantion
Table Description : Used to store the application details from the users
Primary Key : application_no
Table 4.8.2: applicant_details

Sl.N Field name Data type Description Constraint

1 Id BIGINT(20) Applicant Id Primary key
2 name VARCHAR(30) Name of the applicant
3 House Name VARCHAR(30) Store House name
4 Ward Number VARCHAR(5) Store the ward number
5 House Number VARCHAR(5) Store the House number
6 Panchayath VARCHAR(30) Name of the Panchayath
7 Taluk VARCHAR(20) Name of Taluk
8 District VARCHAR(20) Store District
9 gender VARCHAR(6) Gender of the applicant
10 age VARCHAR(3) Age of the applicant
11 dob DATE Date of birth
12 VoterID VARCHAR(10) Store the voter Id number
13 Family_Members VARCHAR(100) Store the names of family
14 Annual income VARCHAR(20) Total annual income of
total the family
15 Annual income VARCHAR(20) Annual income of
16 Card type VARCHAR(10) Type of the card(APL,
BPL, AAY,Non-priority )
17 status VARCHAR(1) Status of application
18 adhar VARCHAR(12) Store the adhar numbers
of the Members
19 rid Integer Ration shop Id Foreign key
20 members Integer Number of Members
21 Mob no VARCHAR(12) Store the mobile number
22 Occupation VARCHAR(100) Store the occupations of
23 Relation VARCHAR(100) Relation of Member With
the Applicant

Table Name : Cart_details

Table Description : Used to store the card owner details
Primary Key : Cid
Foreign Key : Uid
Table 4.8.3: cart_details Field name Data type Description Constraints

1 cid Integer Cart Id Primary key
2 Uid Integer Userid Foreign key
3 Pid Integer ProductId
4 Date Varchar(10) Date of cart
5 Price Varchar(30) Total amount
6 Status Varchar(1) Status

Table Name : payment

Table Description : Used to store the Payment details of the users
Primary Key : Pid
Foreign Key : Uid
SI Field Name Type Description Constraints
1 payId Integer Id of Payment Primary key
2 Uid Integer User Id Foreign key
3 Accno VARCHAR(20) Account Number
4 Ccv VARCHAR(3) Ccv number
5 Balance VARCHAR(5) Balance Amount
Table 4.8.4: Payment

Table Name : shop_details

Table Description : Used to store the details of ration shop
Primary Key : sid
SI Field Name Type Description Constraints
1 Shopid Integer ID of the shop Primary key
2 ShopName VARCHAR(20) Name of the Shop
3 Place VARCHAR(20) Place of the shop
4 Address1 VARCHAR(50) address of the shop
5 Owner VARCHAR(15) name of the shop owner
6 Email VARCHAR(30) Email Id of Owner
7 Phone1 VARCHAR(12) Phone number of the
8 Phone2 VARCHAR(12) Phone number of the
9 Address2 VARCHAR(50) address of the Owner
10 Status VARCHAR(1) Status of ration shop
11 Uname VARCHAR(10) Username of the Shop
12 Pass VARCHAR(20) Password of the Shop
13 Supply_id Integer Id of the supplyco
Which the Ration shop
Table 4.8.5: Shop_details

Table Name : BookingTable

Table Description : Used to store Booking details of the various items
Primary key : Id
Foreign Key : shop_id (shop_details)
SI Field Name Type Description Constraints
1 Bid Integer Booking Id
2 Uid Integer Id of the user
3 BookDate Date Date of booking
4 Rationid integer Rationshop id
5 Amount Varchar(10) Amount of Items
6 Items Varchar(30) Store the items
Table 4.8.6: Booking

Table Name : stock_details

Table Description : Used to store the available stock in a ration shop
Primary key : Id
Foreign Key : shop_id (shop_details)
SI Field Name Type Description Constraints
1 Id integer Stock details unique Id Primary key
2 shop_id VARCHAR(20) ID of the shop Foreign key
3 Rice Int(2) Stock of rice
4 Wheat Int(2) Stock of wheat
5 Kerosene Int(2) Stock of kerosene
6 Atta Int(2) Stock of atta
Table 4.8.7: stock details

Table Name : Supplyco Details

Table Description : Used to store the available stock in a ration shop
Primary key :Supply Id
SI Field Name Type Description Constraints
1 Supply Id integer Supplyco unique Id Primary key
2 Name VARCHAR(20) Name Of Supplyco
3 Place VARCHAR(20) Place ofsupplyco
4 District VARCHAR(20) Store the District
5 Opentime VARCHAR(10) Open time
6 Closetime VARCHAR(10) Close time
Table 4.8.8: stock details

Table Name : Product

Table Description : Used to store Product details
Primary Key : Pid
Foreign Key :Rid
Table 4.8.9: Product table

Sl. Field name Data type Description Constraint

1 Pid Integer Store the Id Primary key
2 Rid Integer Store the Id of the Foreign Key
Ration Shop
3 Pname Varchar(30) Name of Product
4 PmaxAAY Varchar(30) Product Availability
to AAY
5 AAY Varchar(30) AAYprice
6 PmaxBPL Varchar(10) Used to store the
Availability to Bpl
7 BPL Varchar(10) Used to Store the
Bpl Price
8 PmaxAPL Varchar(10) Used to store the
Availability to Apl
9 APL Varchar(10) Apl Price
10 pmaxNon-Priority Varchar(10) Availability of
11 Non-Priority Varchar(10) Nonpriority Price

5.1 Types of Testing

System testing is a stage of implementation. This is aimed at ensuring that the system
works accurately and efficiently before live operation commence. The logical design and the
physical design should be thoroughly and continually examined on paper ensure that they
will work when implemented.

Testing is divided into four distinct operations:

 Unit testing
 Integration testing
 Alpha testing
 Beta testing
 System testing
 Validation testing

5.1.1 Unit testing

It is also known as program testing. Unit testing is a method of testing that verifies the
individual units of source code are working properly. A unit is a smallest testable part of an
application. In unit testing important control path are tested to uncover within the boundary
of the module. As soon as a code is developed it has to be taken to ensure perfection in all
stages of testing a code

Unit testing has done in three different stages. Self review: the first step of testing the code is done by the developer
himself Peer review: code must be tested by any one of the team member
other than the developer SQA Review: the final stage of testing the code is done by the member
of the software Quality assurance team (SQA).
5.1.2 Integration testing

Integration testing is a phase of software testing in which individual software module

are combined and tested as group. Integration takes as its input module that has been unit
tested, groups them in larger aggregates, and applies tests that are defined in the test plan:
some different types of integration testing are as follows:

Big bang

In this approach, all or most of the develop module are coupled together to form a
complete software system and then used for integration testing.

Bottom up

The bottom or low level modules, procedure or functions are integrated and then
tested. After the integration testing of lower level integrated modules, the next level of
modules will be formed can be used for integration testing

Top down

The top down method is an incremental approach to a construction of program

structure. Modules are integrated and tested by moving downward through the control
hierarchy, begging module are integrated and tested.

5.1.3 Alpha testing

In alpha testing the user are invited at the development center where they use the
application and the developer note every particular input or action carried out by the user .any
type of abnormal behavior of the system is noted and rectified by the developers.

5.1.4 System testing

System testing is the stage of implementation, which is aimed at ensuring that the
system works accurately and effectively before live operation commence .the logical design
and the physical design should be thoroughly and continually examined on paper examined
on paper ensure that they will work when implemented.

Validation Testing
Validation testing is a stage that all the components in the software are working
Proper. And ensuring that the system is perfect for doing works. Software validation is the
process of testing software to check whether it satisfies the customer needs or not. The testing
is done during and/or at the end of the process of software development determining if the
system complies with the requirement and performs functions for which the item is intended
and meets the organizations goals and user needs. Validation is dining at the end of the
devolvement process and takes place after verification are completed.

According to the Capability Maturity Model (CMMI-SW v1.1) we can also define
validation as the process of evaluating software during or at the end of the development
process to determine whether it satisfies specified requirements. [IEEE-STD-610].



6.1 Implementation

Implementation is the stages of the project when the theoretical design is turned into a
working system. The implementation stage is its own right. It includes careful planning,
investigation of current system and its constraints on implementations, design of methods to
achieve the change over method.

The first task in implementation is planning designing on the method and time scale to
be adopted. Once the planning has been completed the major effort is to ensure that the
programs in the system are working properly when the staff has been trained , the complete
system involving both computer and user can be executed effectively .thus the clear plans are
prepared for the activities.

Successful implementation of the new system design is a critical phase in the system
life cycle. Implementation means the process of converting a new or a received system design
into an operational one. This involves the following.

 Creating computer compactable files.

 Training the operating staffs.

The implementation phase of the software design consists of different tasks to be done
sequentially for obtaining the desired results. Here we do not implement parallel; instead we
first implement admin and then the user module. The different phases are:

1. Creating the database

A Database is created, in which all the tables are defined which are required to do
the different operations such as storage and retrieval of information. Databases are designed
in such a way it can handle the different database queries. User and admin can retrieve
required details from the system on clicking on the links and buttons.

2. Creating the User Interface

Graphical User Interface is created in Android Studio 3.0 for a user-friendly

interface. It is intended for two purposes. First is to create a user-friendly interface for the
software. Having a good user interface makes it easier for the user to use and understand the
different functionalities of the software. Secondly, the user interface hides the end users
from the complexities in the working of the software. So, the user is made unaware of how a
task is performed when he chooses to perform it.

3. Creating System Environment

For the intended project to work on, we need to implement its required hardware and

software requirements. This system is build using Android Studio 3.0 using the Java
language and based on Windows Operating System. Memory and Hard disk should confirm
according to hardware requirements mentioned above.

6.2 Maintenance

This software can be modified as need occurs. Maintenance includes all the activities
after installation of the software that is performed to keep the system operational theprocess
of maintaining involves.

 Understanding the existing software

 Understand the effect of change
 Test for satisfaction

Maintenance can be done to this project by simply adding the new requirements that
are the form of database the system can be modified. The maintenance process also helps to
remove an error that resides in the system even after testing process.

Public Distribution Systemis designed for serving public people for ration supply, each
address will have a ration card . While purchasing ration items customer through online web
site, which will be stored in online storage and the same will be visible for related officers in
higher position and also the shop owner. A public distribution shop is also known as fair
price shop (FPS) or Ration Shop. It is a part of India's public distribution system established
by Government of India which distributes rations at a subsidized price to the poor. Civil
Supplies Corporation is the major public sector which manages and distributes the essential
commodities to all the citizens. In that system various products like Rice, sugar and kerosene
are distributed using conventional ration shop system. Some of the limitations of
conventional ration shop system are Due to the manual measurements in the conventional
system, the user can not able to get the accurate quantity of material.This application uploads
the data directly to the server verifying the data, since it is direct process done by online
ration shop keeper cannot do nothing in these transactions as they do in paper work.


 “The Complete reference VB 6”_Noel Jerk :TMCH,3ed

 “Guide to VB -6Peter Norton” :Tec media, 5th Edition
 “System Analysis and Design”_E Award:Golgothia,3rd
 “Elements of System Analysis ”_Marvin Gore:
Golgothia,4th Edition
 “Fundamentals of Database System”_Ramez
Elmasri:Pearson 4th Edition




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