Physical Science Paper 1 November 2008

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General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level


PAPER 1 Multiple Choice


1. An element Z, is in group VIII of the Periodic Table. Which is correct
about the element Z when it is mixed with sodium metal at high

A. Z + Na
B. NaZ
C. Na2Z
D. Na3Z

2. An isotope of element X has 17 protons and 20 neutrons in its

nucleus. Which nuclide notation is correct for the ion of X?

A. 20 X+
B. 20 X-
C. 37X+
D. 37 X-

3. The reaction between aqueous lead (II) nitrate and aqueous potassium
iodine can be represented as

Pb(NO3)2(aq) + 2KI(aq) → PbI2(s) + 2KNO3(aq)

colourless colourless yellow colourless

Which method could be used to separate the products?

A. chromatography
B. filtration
C. distillation
D. crystallization
4. Which of the following statements is correct about elements A, B and
C shown in the Periodic Table below?

A. They are in the same group.

B. They are all non-metals.
C. They all have the same number of shells.
D. They all have the same number of electrons.

5. How many moles are there in 3.2 g of methane, CH4? [C = 12; H = 1]

A. 0.2
B. 5
C. 16
D. 51.2
6. A stream of hydrogen is passed through the apparatus shown below.

Where does water collecting in the watch glass comes from?

A. moisture present in the gas

B. water vapour present in the air
C. calcium chloride
D. hydrogen burning in air

7. A compound is found to have the percentage composition by mass;

silicon (Si), 87.5; hydrogen, 12.5. what is the empirical formula of this
compound? (Si = 28, MW = H = !)

A. SiH2
B. SiH3
C. SiH4
D. Si2H6
8. The diagram shows how the total volume of hydrogen gas produced
by reaction between 5 cm3 of 1.0 moldm-3 hydrochloric acid and
excess of magnesium solid varied with time.

Part A – B can be steeper if

A. 0.5 moldm-3 hydrochloric acid is used instead of 1.0 moldm-3

B. 10.0 cm3 of 1.0 moldm-3 hydrochloric acid is used instead of
5.0 cm3.
C. More solid of magnesium is used.
D. 5.0 cm3 of 2.0 moldm-3 hydrochloric acid is used instead of 1.0

9. Which is a redox reaction?

A. H2(g) → 2H
B. H2(g) + O2(g) → 2H2O(g)
C. NaOH(s) + H2O(l) → Na+(aq) + OH(aq)
D. MgCl2(aq) + 2NaOH → Mg(OH)2(aq) 2NaCI(aq)
10. The diagram shows the electrolysis of dilute sulphuric acid.

What is gas X?

A. hydrogen
B. carbon dioxide
C. oxygen
D. sulphur dioxide

11. Which liquid conducts electric current without a chemical change

taking place?

A. an electrolyte
B. an aqueous solution
C. a liquid metal
D. an organic compound

12. The ability of a metal to be draw into wires is known as

A. ductility
B. density
C. malleability
D. conductivity
13. Which statement about the reactions of dilute sodium hydroxide,
ammonia, and potassium hydroxide is correct for all three bases?

A. They react with acids to give hydrogen gas.

B. They react with iron (II) chloride to give a green precipitate.
C. They turn blue litmus paper red.
D. They are all strong bases.

14. The following hydroxides are alkalis except

A. sodium hydroxide.
B. Potassium hydroxide.
C. Iron (II) hydroxide.
D. Calcium hydroxide.

15. Which one of the following is an industrial use of sulphuric acid?

A. steel making
B. paper making
C. production of ammonia
D. in fire extinguisher

16. All of the following are conditions necessary for the manufacture of
ammonia in the Haber process except

A. catalyst
B. pressure
C. volume
D. temperature

17. One of these industrial gases is used for steel making, welding and
medical treatment. Which gas is this?

A. carbon dioxide
B. hydrogen
C. nitrogen
D. oxygen
18. Ethanol is produced from ethane by

A. dehydration
B. fermentation
C. hydration
D. oxidation

19. Five formulae are shown below.

Which of the formulae represent the same compound?

A. 1,2 and 4
B. 2 and 3 only
C. 2, 3 and 5
D. 2 and 4 only

20. The structure below represents nylon.

What is the simplest representing unit in this structure?

21. An ammeter can be used to detect current flow in a circuit. Which
circuit would produce the lowest reading on the ammeter?

22. Which of the following is an S.I. unit?

A. ml
B. g/cm3
C. kg/m
D. km/hr

23. The diagram below shows a plane lamina of uniform thickness.

Which point is most likely to be its centre of mass?

24. The diagram shows the motion of a motor car.

What can be said about the motion of this car during interval OR?

A. the car is at rest

B. the car is moving with constant velocity .
C. the car’s acceleration decreased
D. the car is moving with constant deceleration
25. A cuboid has sides 2 cm, 3 cm and 4 cm. the material of which it is
made of has a density of 7 g/cm3. What is the mass of the cuboid?

A. 290 g
B. 340 g
C. 240 g
D. 168 g

26. Which of the four different dam walls shown below is the most

27. When the vehicle in the diagram moves from point A to point B, its
potential energy y is converted to
A. heat
B. kinetic
C. light
D. sound

28. A stout woman has a mass of 100kg. which statement is true?

A. She exerts the greatest pressure on the ground when she is

seated on it.
B. She exerts the greatest pressure on the ground while standing
on it on both legs
C. She exerts the greatest pressure on the ground when standing on
one leg.
D. She exerts the same pressure on the ground in all the above

29. Which material is a bad conductor of heat?

A. copper
B. polythene
C. magnesium
D. zinc

30. When an object is heated, which parameter does not change?

A. density
B. temperature
C. volume
D. weight

31. The specific heat capacity of copper is 400 J/kg K. A 5 kg mass is

heated for 1 minute by an electric heater, which produces 250 W.
what is the increase in temperature?
A. 0.125 K
B. 0.133 K
C. 7.50 K
D. 8.00 K

32. When lightning strikes, its sound is heard a moment later after the
flash is seen. What could be a possible reason for this?

A. The sound source is further away from the observer than the
light source.
B. The light source is further away from the observer than the
sound source.
C. Sounds travels in air faster than light.
D. Light travels in air faster than sound.

33. The diagram below represents a wave pattern.

Which distance shows the wavelength of the wave?

A. 2PQ
B. 2PS
C. 2PR
D. 2QS

34. An object is placed between a convex lens and its focal point. Which
statement is true about the object’s image?

A. image is laterally inverted

B. image is real
C. image is up-side-down
D. image is virtually

35. The diagram below shows a bar magnet.


Such a bar is broken and the right handside is thrown away. Which
diagram shows the resultant polarity for the remaining left handside?

36. In the diagram R1 = 200Ω, R2 = 400Ω, and Vs = 7v.

If V2 reads 4V, what is the reading of V1?

A. 2V
B. 3V
C. 4V
D. 8V

37. Which metal is most ideal for use as a core for a transformer?

A. aluminium
B. brass
C. copper
D. iron

38. Which statement about a diode is true?

A. It allows current to flow in all directions.

B. It allows current to flow in one direction.
C. It changes the direction of flow of current.
D. It increases the amount of current in a circuit.

39. Current through a conductor may cause it to become red hot. Which
will not be emitted at that stage?

A. electrons
B. heat
C. light
D. protons

40. Which statement is false?

A. Alpha particles repel alpha particles.

B. Alpha particles attract beta particles.
C. Beta particles repel beta particles.
D. Gamma rays repel gamma rays.

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