Structural Mechanics Laboratory: Project Report

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Structural Mechanics Laboratory

Project Report


Karekyathanahalli Prakash Harish
Muniramappa Jayanth Kumar
Sayeed Syed Farath
Structural Mechanics

Vibration Absorber (Frahm Damper)

A mechanical system subjected to a periodic vibration can present dangerous amplitudes
over a range of frequencies. For example –Motor, rotating machine.

A Frahm damper is a device which attenuates the vibrations of a mechanical system over
a specified range of frequencies. It consists of an oscillating system, known as the auxiliary
system, whether dissipative or not, which is attached to the main system, augmenting in
this way the number of degrees of freedom and therefore the number of resonances of the
complete system. The attenuation of the vibrations of the main system is achieved by the
transfer of these to the auxiliary system at the desired frequencies.

The main aim of the experiment is to install a damping device. The results obtained can be
discussed for the real life mechanical applications. For example on a car, aircraft, ships etc.

The experimental device consists of an aluminum cantilever beam fitted with a dc motor
connected to a power supply. A metal strip is fitted at the free end of the beam. When the
motor is operated the beam starts to oscillate which in turn makes the metal strip to oscillate.
The setup also consists of oscilloscope used to measure the amplitude and frequency for
various vibrations within the beam. The rotating mass is attached to the motor, whose
rotational speed can be varied. Thus that rotating mass produces the vibrations in the beam.
For higher speeds it produces larger vibrations in the beam. For different studies, mass is
added on the strip.

1. Analytical Study
Main system

Fig 1.1 Main System

Above figure shows a simpler main system composed of a mass M, a rigidity K (due to the
beam bending) and a damper C (it is in the form of internal damper of the system).The
complete system has two degrees of freedom. X is the displacement due to the mass M of
the system at equilibrium.

Structural Mechanics

Now consider the system equations of the motion:

MX’’ + CX’ + KX = f0 cos Ωt (K - MΩ2)2 + C2Ω2

Where the forced response of the system: X = A cos (Ωt - φ), A = and
√(𝐾−𝑀Ω2 )2 + 𝐶 2 Ω2
tan φ = 𝐾−𝑀Ω2

The amplitude v/s frequency curve for the system is shown below:

Fig 1.2 Frequency v/s amplitude graph

𝐶2 𝐾
A is maximum for pulsation Ω0 = ω0 √1 − close to ω0 = √𝑀 if the coefficient C is
small enough.

Complete system (main system and auxiliary system)

Fig 1.3 Complete System.

A complete system is a system which consists of an oscillating system, known as the

auxiliary system, whether dissipative or not, is attached to the main system, attempting in
in this way the number of degrees of freedom and therefore the number of resonances of
of the complete system. The attenuation of the vibrations of the main system is achieved
by the transfer of these to the auxiliary system at the desired frequencies.

Structural Mechanics

Above figure shows a diagram of the principle in its simplest form: the main oscillator
consists mass M and the secondary oscillator consists of mass m. We are going to study
the steady state caused by a harmonic force f0 cos Ωt.

Newton’s equations of motions for the system written are:

MX” + Cx’ + (K + k) X – kx = f0 cos Ωt

Mx” – kX + kx = 0

Where X = Re (AejΩt) and x = Re (aejΩt) are respectively the displacement from the
equilibrium of the mass M and mass m. Now this can be written having A and a as solutions
solutions of the system:

A [K + k - MΩ2 + jCΩ] – ka = f0

-kA + (k - mΩ2) a = 0

Now writing = MmΩ4 - Ω2 [kM + (K + k) m] + kK + jCΩ (k - m Ω2), it leads to

𝑓0 │𝑘−𝑚Ω2 │ 𝑓0 𝑘
│A│ = and │a│ =
│△│ │△│

Fig 1.4 Response Amplitude curve..

The response amplitude curve of A is given above. │A│ vanishes for Ω2 = ω12 =𝑚 . We can
choose such that ω1 is close to Ω0 and then close to ω0.

This absorber, introducing two amplitude resonances, is efficient but only in a limited band
around ω0. This inconvenient can be overcome by attaching a damper on the absorber.

2. Experimental Study
The experiment is carried in two different configurations:

 Main system setup

 Complete system setup

Structural Mechanics

I. Main system
The main system consists of Mass ‘M’ with rigidity ‘K’ which is due to the bending of
beam and damper ‘C’ due to internal damping of the beam material.

Procedure: The metal plate is fixed at the beam extremity and the experiment is carried
out without placing mass. By varying RPM of the motor a maximum value for frequency
is found. After finding the peak frequency value with corresponding peak amplitude the
frequency and amplitude values with reference to peak values are tabulated.

Table 2.1 Frequency and amplitudes values

Fig 2.1 Frequency v/s amplitude graph

Discussions: A graph of frequency versus amplitude is plotted for a system without mass.
From the graph plotted we see that the amplitude reaches its maximum peak point at some
value of frequency and it is because at that point it will have a relatively large amount of
energy. And over the time the amplitude tends to become less and less, because of the loss
in energy. The amplitude obtained is also very large, as the mass is very less to absorb the
vibrations produced at that frequency.

Structural Mechanics

Now we have to deduce the value of damping coefficient C.

C=2 ɳ√𝑘𝑚 ………… (1)

𝛥Ω 1
Where ɳ= . ……… (2)
𝜔0 √𝑛2 −1

Peak amplitude= 1730 mv, Now for half power bandwidth we should take half of peak
amplitude. i.e; 865mv.

In graph a straight line is drawn at 865mv parallel to x-axis. Then we obtain a value for 𝛥Ω,
whch is nearly equal to 1 Hz.
1 1
∴ ɳ= .
12.44 √22 −1

ɳ= 0.046

Equation (1) C=2 ɳ√𝑘𝑚

C=2(0.046)√12964.2 ∗ 2.122)

C= 15.25
As a next step of the experiment, the mass (m=1195g) is added at the extremity of the beam.
Then the RPM of the motor is increased. By varying RPM a maximum value for frequency
is found. After finding the peak frequency value with corresponding peak amplitude.

Then the frequency and amplitude values with reference to peak values are tabulated.

Table 2.2: Frequency and amplitudes values

Structural Mechanics

Figure 2.2: Frequency v/s amplitude graph

Discussions: The graph of Frequency v/s Amplitude is plotted. As before in the case of
system without mass, here also the amplitude increases at some point of frequency to a
higher value, relatively because of large amount of energy. And over the time it reduces,
because of loss of energy. The magnitude of amplitude with mass is less, when compared
to magnitude of amplitude without mass.

Now we have to deduce the values of Mass M and rigidity K for given mass m=1195g.

Frequency is given by:

Ω0 = √𝑀+m …………………… (3)

The peak frequency Ω0= 9.95Hz (From graph)

There are two unknowns in the above equation. Initially we have to find the value of K, in
order to determine the value of

We have Ω0 = √𝑀 …………………….. (4)

Where Ω0= 12.44 from graph 1.1

K = (12.44)2 * M

K= 154.75 M …………….. (5)

Considering equation (3)

Ω0 = √𝑀+m

(9.95)2 =

Structural Mechanics



M= 2122.5 g

M= 2.12 kg
Now considering equation (5)

K= 154.75 M

K= 154.75*2.12

K=328.07 𝑔

We must multiply this by (2π)2 in order to get K in N/m .

∴ K= 12964.2 N/m

II. Complete system

The complete system consists of main system (with mass ‘M, rigidity ‘K’ and damping
’C’) and an auxiliary system which is an absorber with mass ‘m’ and rigidity ‘k’.

With value of mass m= 72g (0.072kg), we need to compute rigidity ‘k’ which will allow to
tune the absorber with pulsation ω0.

The rigidity of the blade is given by:

𝑘= ……….. (6)

Where l is the length of the bending part of blade.

But Ω0 = √

Substituting Ω0 = 12.44 and m = 0.072kg

K = (12.44*2π) 2* 0.072

k = 439.8 N/m

Structural Mechanics

Now we need to determine the value of length ‘l’ in order to place the mass on blade. With
α= 15*10-2
Equation (6) l3 =

l=0.07 m or l = 7 cm

In order to exactly tune the absorber the mass needs to be fixed at 7 cm from the support of
the blade, the value of Frequency for zero amplitude is determined by varying the RPM of
the motor.

Then the frequency and amplitude values with reference to peak values are tabulated.

Table 2.3: Frequency and amplitudes values

Figure 2.3: Frequency v/s amplitude graph

Structural Mechanics


Here the graph of frequency v/s amplitude is plotted, both with and without absorber. We
see that the magnitude of the amplitude is very less for the system with absorber, when
compared to the system without absorber. In the plot with absorber we see that over the
time the magnitude of amplitude decreases to zero, it is because of total loss of energy and
at this stage, there will be no vibrations in the beam. We also see that the wave does not
complete the cycle i:e; it stops at zero and again increases. This is because of absorber, we
observed during the experiment that the absorber obstructs the vibration. And we also
observed that the amplitude decreases with time, because the absorber absorbs the
vibrations in the system, at one point absorber absorbs the complete vibrations and thus the
system will vibration free.

From the experimental results we can conclude that the main system with an absorber is
more efficient than the system without absorber.

The efficiency of the absorber can be increased by following ways:

 By increasing the load mass.

 Distributing the load mass. i.e, adding masses at different parts therefore each mass
will have a individual frequency which sums up to give a small amount of

 We can also change the material, stiffness ‘K’ of the material and also the shape of
the structure.

We also conclude that in the real life mechanical applications, for example in car, aircraft,
ships etc., the vibrations can be decreased and thus the life of mechanical systems can be
increased by installing absorbers within the system.


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