LESSON 5 (Techniques of Technical Writing) - 1
LESSON 5 (Techniques of Technical Writing) - 1
LESSON 5 (Techniques of Technical Writing) - 1
Informal and Formal Definitions Mills & Walter (2010) explained that
definitions provide concise, but exact, meanings for unfamiliar words and
explain special meanings for familiar words. They are often used to explain
technical words and concepts. What to define and what information to
include in a definition depends on the needs of the reader and the purpose
of communication. The definition simply means a statement of the meaning
of a word or group of words.
Moreover, Baraceros (2012) described definition as a way of giving or
explaining the meaning of an abstract term or a concept. Coming from the
Latin words, finire (to limit); and de (from), the explanation it gives is limited
only to what the reader needs to know about the term to avoid confusion with
other words belonging to the same class to where the target word belongs.
To define then is to set a limit to or narrow down the area of the
meaning of the word. By giving a meaning that clearly distinguishes what is
being defined from other species or things, definition works to prevent you
from attaching other meanings to the target term. As you come to know its
specific group, basic features, and main function, you regard the object as
clearly different from other objects. As Brunett (2005) said, this makes you
give “the reversible property of definition;” that is, a “definition that fits only
the word; the word fits only the definition.”
Why do we need to define words? Experience shows that sometimes,
misunderstanding occur because a term is misinterpreted that is why the use
of simple, familiar terms may avoid the problem of definition. The need to
properly define words will increase readers understanding of the terms used
in the document, it will elaborate on technical terms, and avoid negative
impact on improperly defined terms. Here are other practical reasons for the
importance of definition:
❖ It gives the reader a clearer and easier understanding of the concept
or idea enough to encourage him to read continuously until the end of
the text.
❖ It explains ideas or concepts behind various innovations, methods, and
techniques in the field of technology.
❖ It lessens the gap between technological experts or “high-tech” people
and the “low-tech” people. It frees a person from any confusing, wrong
understanding of a term.
❖ It helps a company member do his job more efficiently towards a
certain goal.
❖ It makes any technical written work readable to all kinds of audience
or readers.
How do you define terms or words?
There are two ways of defining terms: simple definition and extended,
expanded, or amplified definition.
A. A simple definition is commonly used in technical writing whether
formally or non-formally.
1. Informal Definition
This type of definition is also called a parenthetical definition or an
in-text definition. Basically, the informal definition is a substitution of a
familiar term or phrase to the unfamiliar or technical term used. It is an
incomplete definition, has a brief and particularly adapted for use in the text,
and it lacks emphasis. The informal definition does not follow a pattern. The
only objective is to give meaning to a word that is unfamiliar or explain the
special meaning of a familiar word.
Appearing in the text in the form of a synonym, a phrase or a clause, this
informal definition is distinguished or separated from other words in the
sentence through a dash, a colon, a comma, parentheses, italics, or bold.
2. Formal Definition
The other names given to this type of definition are: Aristotelian and
one-sentence logical definition. Defining a term in a formal manner
requires you to: first, mention the term or species to be defined; second,
name the genus, group or class where such term belongs; and third, give
the differentia to indicate its difference from other members belonging to the
class. It is a logical or a step-by-step method of making the term meaningful.
All these three elements: term, genus, and differentia should be contained in
one complete sentence, not just in a phrase or a clause.
❖ Term is the word to be defined. It answers the question, “What is to be
❖ Genus is the category, group, or class to which the term belongs. It
answers the question, “In what category, group, or class does the term
❖ The differentia tells the unique characteristics of the term making it
distinct from other terms of the same classification. It answers the
question “What makes a term different from the other term or terms of
the same genus?” See now how these three main parts make a formal
definition. Notice that it requires a verb to complete its meaning, and
the verb is usually in the present tense.