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22 FEBRUARY 2019







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40 36


6 By Invitation COVER 51 On the Market Floor Are human settlements
The importance of equity share encroaching on farmland?
schemes in rural development 52 Machinery 14 POLITICAL PERSPECTIVE:
& Implements Cautious optimism following
32 Feature COVER Pöttinger’s Cross Flow mower State of the Nation Address
Fertilisation: basic principles
that every farmer should know 63 Monthly Tractor Prices WEEKLY NEWS WRAP
36 Livestock COVER India’s cold treatment
Getting started with dairy goats: protocol welcomed
practical tips from a farmer COLUMNS 17 SHEEP SCAB OUTBREAK
Focus on Undercover 28 Managing for Profit 21 ‘R560 MILLION DROUGHT
Farming COVER AID distribution to be
40 Pro tips from a 100-tunnel 29 Perspective in closely monitored’
cucumber farmer Aquaculture ABOVE:
Tunnel production
44 Shade netting cuts climate may seem a stimulate onion price
risk in orchards 30 Risk Management relatively simple 25 ‘FARMERS HAVE TO ADAPT to the
46 Latest trends in greenhouse and profitable changing face of agriculture’
technology way to farm, but
it involves high
capital costs and
48 Back to Basics has a narrow REGULARS
– Know your invasive species margin of error. 8 Farmer’s Diary
– Growing your own Nico Laubscher
Junior spoke to
9 Letters
mealies: part 3 Glenneis Kriel 10 Archive
about the lessons 53 Motoring
50 Vegetable Production he has learnt over 54 Horse Talk
Know your watermelon varieties the years (see
story on pg 40).
61 Farm Sales

Three years ago,
WA Hugo started
farming dairy goats 55 Books
on 8ha just outside 55 Online Farmer
Lamberts Bay. 56 Real Cooking
Today, he has a herd
of 150 goats and
58 Crossword
produces various 59 Hillbilly Homes
cheese products. 60 Hitching Post
Jeandré van der 60 Holistic Health
Walt visited him to
learn more about
91 Townie
PRINTING CTP Web Printers, cnr Electron Avenue and Industry Road, Isando, Johannesburg. the dos and don’ts
PUBLISHED by the proprietors, Caxton Magazines, a division of CTP Ltd (Reg. No. 1971/004233/06), of dairy goat
Caxton House, 368 Jan Smuts Avenue, Craighall. PO Box 1610, Parklands 2121. farming (see
DISTRIBUTED RNA, 12 Nobel Street, Industria 2093. PO Box 101, Maraisburg 1700. story on pg 36).
Tel 011 248 3500, Fax 011 474 3583, Email [email protected]. GETTY IMAGES

22 FEBRUARY 2019 farmer’s weekly 3

From the Editor

Co-ops are making

The farming sector has a long tradition of EDITOR Denene Erasmus ([email protected])
MANAGING EDITOR Janine Ryan ([email protected])
depending on co-operative models that, in NEWS EDITOR Julinda Schroeder ([email protected])
essence, offer groups of smaller or medium-sized ART DIRECTOR Vian Roos
DESIGNER Louis Kruger
farmers the same scale of benefits that would CHIEF COPY EDITOR Paul Sulter
otherwise have been available to only large, COPY EDITORS Fanie de Villiers and Yvonne Fontyn
DIGITAL EDITOR Sindira Chetty ([email protected])
corporate farming businesses. There are still a MECHANISATION EDITOR
number of agricultural co-operatives operating in Joe Spencer 083 233 0370 ([email protected])
South Africa, and while most of these businesses
have retained a strong focus on being, at least EDITORIAL HEAD OFFICE
ADDRESS 368 Jan Smuts Avenue, Craighall 2196
in part, farmer owned, they have grown into PO Box 1797, Pinegowrie 2123
larger, more sophisticated business structures. TEL 087 087 8878
EMAIL [email protected]
There does, however, seem to be a new demand WEBSITE farmersweekly.co.za
in the primary farming sector for smaller groups SOCIAL MEDIA @FarmersWeeklySA

of farmers to cooperate in a new way. This new SUBSCRIPTIONS

model, which includes farmers embracing the PRINT 087 405 2003 ([email protected])
DIGITAL Visit farmersweekly.co.za,
sharing economy (for example, an Uber-type select ‘Subscribe’ and click on ‘Zinio’ or ‘Magzter’.
model for farm equipment), is driven by the
price pressure that producers are facing. NORTHERN REGION
The fast rate of world population growth Gerhard Uys 087 087 8787 ([email protected])
Siyanda Sishuba 087 087 7037 ([email protected])
that, together with rising incomes in CENTRAL REGION
developing countries, has caused food Annelie Coleman, Bothaville
082 862 9897 ([email protected])
and feed demand to increase rapidly over the past decade, is tapering off. Sabrina Dean, Bloemfontein
The Agricultural Outlook for the period 2018 to 2027, published by the 082 222 9172 ([email protected])
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development and the UN’s Food and Lloyd Phillips, Mooi River
Agriculture Organization, says that world agricultural markets have undergone 084 505 9343 ([email protected])
significant changes since global food prices spiked in 2007: “Production has Jeandré Van der Walt, Cape Town
grown strongly across commodities, and in 2017 reached record levels for most 021 001 2432, 078 422 2441 ([email protected])

cereals, types of meat, dairy products, and fish, while cereal stock levels climbed ADVERTISING
to all-time highs. At the same time, demand growth has started to weaken.” SALES MANAGER
Reinhard Lotz 087 158 0278 ([email protected])
The report explains that, over the past decade, demand growth was driven largely by JOHANNESBURG
rising per capita income in China, but this source of demand growth was decelerating Meshack Leshabane 087 087 7070
([email protected])
and new sources of global demand were not sufficient to maintain overall growth. As a Andy Nxumalo 087 087 7067 ([email protected])
result, prices of agricultural commodities were expected to experience little to no growth. Justin Lavers 011 889 0836 ([email protected])
Speaking at the recent DeKalb Create Conference in Bothaville, Marcos Fava Neves, Francois Jansen van Rensburg 021 001 2438,
082 653 8580, ([email protected])
professor at the School of Business at the University of São Paulo, said that as a result of 36 Old Mill Road, Ndabeni
the weak price outlook, farmers would have to “think differently” to remain in business, AUCTIONS & CLASSIFIEDS
and resist the large-scale corporatisation of primary production (see story on pg 25). Natasha Kock 087 087 8899 ([email protected])
Rowena Singh 087 087 8901 ([email protected])
One of the options that farmers could consider to unlock greater value in their businesses René Moonsamy 087 087 8900 ([email protected])
Layout artist: Chadré Oosthuizen
was to engage in more collective action. This did not have to be limited to sharing the cost
of farm machinery and equipment in order to save costs; farmers could also collaborate MARKETING
by forming buyer groups to negotiate better prices for farm inputs, and similarly, by Reinhard Lotz 087 158 0278 ([email protected])
collaborating on marketing, a group of farmers could offer potential clients greater security MARKETING COORDINATOR
Melanie Olivier 087 158 0280 ([email protected])
of supply, while each farmer in the group still had control over his/her own destiny. TOURS & EVENTS
Advances in digital technology that support the sharing economy will make Marianna du Plessis 063 076 9135 ([email protected])
it easier than in the heyday of traditional farmer co-ops to ensure transparency Copyright © 2019 Farmer’s Weekly and Caxton Magazines.
for all involved when farmers choose to collaborate. Neves says: “For farmers
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this publication may be
to remain profitable in future, we will have to see investment in more reproduced, distributed, or transmitted without the prior

written permission of the publisher. Opinions expressed
integrated businesses, as well as the sharing of assets and actions.” FW by contributors, columnists and correspondents do
not necessarily reflect those of Farmer’s Weekly.
DISCLAIMER. While due care is taken to ensure accuracy,
Farmer’s Weekly is not liable for any errors in product
Denene Erasmus listings or availability, pricing or any other information that
was checked and has changed since going to print.
4 farmer’s weekly 22 FEBRUARY 2019

Commercial farmers’ vital

role in rural development
Largely failed land reform Various state departments seem work completed on time and to their benefit.
initiatives are leading wary of making use of commercial Moreover, he was not prejudiced in any way.
farmers’ skills. In doing so, they are
to increased tension
robbing young emerging farmers of a MUTUALLY BENEFICIAL RELATIONSHIP
and uncertainty in the good source of mentorship and finance. Current and former commercial farmers
agriculture sector as This will cause more dependency on who mentor land reform beneficiaries can
a whole. Veteran rural the state when what is needed is for generate income for themselves by providing
development expert people to become entrepreneurs. resource-poor emerging farmers with
Jimmy Lonsdale believes The lack of skills transfer in South important services they need but cannot
commercial farmers Africa’s land reform programme was yet carry out themselves. These include
exacerbated by the resignation of contract land preparation, planting, crop
have a key role to
many mentors after the state stopped management, harvesting, and crop haulage.
play in turning this paying them for their services. Another option for generating an income
situation around. A possible solution to all of these is for the mentor and emerging farmer to
problems is what I call ‘equity share’. come to an agreement where the mentor is
allowed to graze livestock on a section of
The views expressed in our weekly
opinion piece do not necessarily EQUITY PROMOTES PRODUCTIVITY the emerging farmer’s land, but only within
reflect those of Farmer’s Weekly. Equity share is a partnership where profits the recognised stocking rate for the farm.
Email Jimmy Lonsdale at
from a business are shared among partners
[email protected]. in proportion to the equity contribution of
each. In the case of land reform, the value
of the land is included in the landowner’s HAVE TO BECOME PART
equity contribution to the farming business. OF THE SOLUTION,
Some successes were noted in the Western
Cape where workers obtained equity
in the farm, and labour and vineyard OF THE PROBLEM
productivity improved. Lazy and destructive
workers were forced to leave by their The problems associated with leasing
fellow employees, who now had part- back land sold to government through
ownership and hence a vested interest in the land reform programme can
the ongoing success of these wine farms. also be solved by equity share.
In KwaZulu-Natal, Hein Potgieter of The previous owner of the land could
Dundee sold two beef and irrigated crop set up a farming company with the
farms to the state as part of the land reform beneficiaries and make a commitment
programme. Potgieter then became a to allow them to use some of the income
mentor to the beneficiaries of these farms. derived from the lease payments to buy
The state paid for inputs of the first crop, equity in the lessee’s farming company.
and Potgieter encouraged his mentees to Over a number of years, the land reform
save money for the next year’s farming beneficiaries could gradually increase
inputs. These mentees can now borrow their equity share in this company, while
against their bank savings and establish the beneficiaries who really want to farm
a good credit rating. Although there have could receive training at the same time.
been some operational challenges on the
two farms since the change of ownership, GOVERNMENT MUST ALSO STEP IN
many successes have been achieved. Emerging farmers who have land available
Potgieter achieved a largely win-win but are short of finance to fully equip,
situation for himself and the beneficiaries stock or manage their farms, should be
by reaching an agreement with them that if able to approach local commercial farmers
they had not finished a particular farming for assistance in achieving these goals.
operation by a given date, he would finish Commercial farmers may not be willing
the operation himself and then charge to spend on capital items on land they
them for his services. In this way, he do not own, and recipients should be
encouraged his protégés to get their farm able to appeal to the state for assistance

6 farmer’s weekly 22 FEBRUARY 2019

with the required capital. In this way,
large tracts of unused land would
become available, thereby increasing
employment. Assistance given by the
mentor becomes his or her equity in the
enterprise but the value of the land is part
of the equity of the emerging farmer.
A serious challenge with the equity
share concept, which must be solved
at the establishment of the farming
company, is that of trust between the
parties. It is essential that a trusted
bookkeeper handle the books and
provide regular feedback. It may even
be advisable for each party to have its
own bookkeeper, even if the second of
these checks the books only intermittently.
It is also advisable for land reform
beneficiaries to have objectives that benefit
their wider community, such as setting up
a stokvel for installing pumps for domestic
water or for capital development of the farm.


US businesswoman, author and
journalist Arianna Huffington made a
shrewd observation when she wrote that
“good business people can see around
corners”. Good business people are
often able to make accurate, informed
predictions of what is likely to happen
in the future of their business sectors.
In the present farming environment,
good business people will see that it is
more important to be part of the solution
to land reform than part of the problem,
and to point fingers at failures. own sources of revenue. This could be
It is recommended that farmers’ through establishing commercial arts
associations follow the example of KwaZulu- and crafts, home industries, or tourism
Natal’s Underberg Farmers’ Association, enterprises that target visitors to the area.
which has appointed someone specifically
to help emerging farmers get on their feet. MINDSETS ARE CHANGING
Emerging farmers can contact this person There are promising signs that farmers
for help in overcoming any challenges are not waiting for government with
they face. He will then approach local regard to land reform, but are carrying
commercial farmers who are willing on themselves. This approach could
and able to contribute by establishing an have a positive impact on land reform.
equity share with the emerging young This is a request to commercial farmers
farmer/s or by providing an agricultural to become part of the solution instead of
contracting service to assist them. remaining part of the problem. By doing so,
This does not mean that these they will also benefit by potentially helping
commercial farmers have to donate to reduce crime, increase job opportunities,
resources to emerging famers; rather, and make new friends in the area.
they assist with requests for support to ȊȲ Jimmy Lonsdale has been invited to be a guest
help establish profitable businesses that expert speaker at the United Nations Economic
can boost emerging farmers and enable Commission for Africa Conference Centre on the
them to become commercial farmers. subject ‘Eradicating Rural Poverty to Implement
There are also opportunities for farmers’ the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
spouses to contribute to employment in Development’ in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia,
rural communities and increase their
from 27 February to 1 March 2019. FW

22 FEBRUARY 2019 farmer’s weekly 7

6 TO 7 JUNE 26 TO 27 MARCH
5 TO 7 MARCH Hortgro Technical Symposium, The Solar, Water and Energy
The Lord Charles Hotel, Efficiency Show, Sandton
Advanced Grass Somerset West. Convention Centre, Johannesburg.
Email Thea van Zyl Email Siphiwe Ndaba at
Identification at [email protected]. [email protected].
GRASS AND GRASS IDENTIFICATION, AND INCLUDES Agribusiness Africa Conference, Rooibos T Fest, Clanwilliam.
THEORY AND PRACTICAL DEMONSTRATIONS. IT Premier Hotel OR Tambo, Email [email protected],
ALSO TEACHES DELEGATES HOW TO CORRECTLY Kempton Park. Email or visit rooibosinfohub.com.
at [email protected]. 5 TO 7 APRIL
111th Bathurst Agricultural Show,
COURSES & TRAINING Bathurst. Email bathurstshow@
25 FEBRUARY intekom.co.za.
Cattle: Artificial Insemination,
Vaaloewer. Visit RLTSafrica.com, IMPORTANT DATES
or email [email protected]. 12 TO 13 MARCH
Skills Development Summit,
25 TO 27 FEBRUARY CSIR International
Cattle: Artificial Insemination, Convention Centre, Pretoria.
Muldersdrift. Visit RLTSafrica.com, Visit skillssummit.co.za.
or email [email protected].
12 TO 14 MARCH
28 FEBRUARY CGA Citrus Summit,
Pregnancy Awareness, Vaaloewer. Boardwalk Hotel,
CONFERENCES, 11 TO 13 MARCH Visit RLTSafrica.com, or Port Elizabeth.
WORKSHOPS & EXPOS First Biannual International email [email protected]. Visit cga.co.za.
25 TO 26 FEBRUARY Soy for Human Health Conference,
Artificial Insemination for St George Hotel, Pretoria. 1 MARCH 13 TO 14 MARCH
Pig Producers, Middelburg. Email Bronwyn or Petra Lawson Beef Farming, George. 9th Maluma Symposium, Tzaneen.
Email [email protected], at [email protected]. Visit RLTSafrica.com, or Email [email protected].
or phone 082 885 9741. email [email protected].
27 TO 28 FEBRUARY Profitable Pig Production, 1 MARCH Global Cherry Summit,
Efficient Beef Cattle Rustenburg. Visit Cattle Calf Rearing, Muldersdrift. Monticello Conference Center,
Production, Kuruman. bommereaipela.co.za, or email Visit RLTSafrica.com, or email San Francisco de Mostazal, Chile.
Visit bommereaipela.co.za, or [email protected]. [email protected]. Visit globalcherrysummit.com.
email [email protected].
24 APRIL 11 TO 13 MARCH 14 TO 17 MAY
5 TO 7 MARCH Soil Preparation Workshop, Foundations for Farming, Nampo Harvest Day, Bothaville.
Advanced Grass Identification, Kuruman. Visit Eagle’s Nest Christian Visit grainsa.co.za/pages/nampo/
ALUT Training Farm, Modimolle. bommereaipela.co.za. School, Polokwane. nampo-home.
Email [email protected]. Email Elsa van den Berg
21 TO 23 MAY at [email protected]. 22 TO 23 MAY
6 TO 7 MARCH Southern African Manufacturing Ensminger Pig Symposium,
Undercover Farming Expo, Expo, Nasrec, Johannesburg. SHOWS & FESTIVALS Kopanong Hotel and
CSIR International Convention Visit localmanufacturingexpo.co.za. 20 TO 23 FEBRUARY Conference Centre, Benoni.
Centre, Pretoria. Visit SA Boerperd Western Cape Visit ensmingersymposium.co.za.
undercoverfarmingexpo.co.za. 27 MAY Regional Championships,
Efficient Boer Goat Production, Riversdale. Visit saboerperd.com. 24 MAY TO 2 JUNE
Ganyesa. Visit bommereaipela.co.za, The Royal Show, Royal Agricultural
or email [email protected]. Showgrounds, Pietermaritzburg.
Visit royalshow.co.za.


Email Janine Ryan at [email protected] to place an entry. Please note that, due to limited space,
publication of an event cannot be guaranteed. All entries are published at the editor’s discretion.

8 farmer’s weekly 22 FEBRUARY 2019

Driving farming What plans are there
initiatives for agriculture?
in Africa Much was said by South African black farmers who face these farming
President Cyril Ramaphosa and economic challenges every day.
I am writing from cold Oslo in Norway during the recent state of the Unfortunately, our industry is
to tell you how much help Farmer’s nation address (SONA). not transforming to empower the
Weekly is to the work I do in Africa. However, in terms of agriculture, so-called ‘emerging’ farmers.
I come from Kimberley in South Africa, Ramaphosa didn’t say anything that Ramaphosa set up a panel of so-called
and own a private organisation, called he hasn’t said before, or that hasn’t ‘experts’ to discuss the amendment of the
Afro Fadderforening, that my family in been said by his predecessors. Constitution to allow for expropriation
Oslo and I have been running for the Over the past year under without compensation. This panel is
past 20 years. Our organisation pays for Ramaphosa’s administration, being led by Dr Vuyo Mahlati, president
the schooling of the poorest children in more than 30 000 jobs have of the African Farmers’ Association
Ethiopia, Uganda and Zimbabwe. We been lost in agriculture. of South Africa. But other than the
will also soon be starting up in Malawi. The drought has led to an outbreak corruption in farm allocations, what
We have had some great results, of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD), has happened over the years? There
with 11 children graduating with which would not have happened are currently investigations under
university degrees in Ethiopia. We also if government had been proactive way on farms that were given to
run various small farming projects in ensuring drought relief. Farmers undeserving or politically connected
to support these children’s parents. United South Africa (FUSA) had people, while farmers were shut out.
Over the past six years, I have begun written to the Department of What, thus, can we really expect from
investing in farming in these countries. Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Mahlati, who informed the president
I invest my own funds in building (DAFF) to request aid for our farmers when appointing the panel?
up these farms, but I don’t own them. in Limpopo, but nothing, other I write this with an understanding
The local people own the farms, than the outbreak, came of this. of our challenges and equally the will
and I get 20% of any profit made. Millions of rand meant for drought to assist, as FUSA is an organisation
There are tremendous opportunities, relief have been squandered or are that submits views and solutions for
but also many challenges, in farming. missing, yet government has taken our black farmers. FUSA would like
Thus, I read the Farmer’s Weekly to get no action to remedy this crisis. to see the president taking action
some ideas and inspiration. The sky We are also stuck with a minister with regard to the leadership of
is the limit, but every country has of agriculture who has no idea DAFF, the Department of Water and
different challenges. In Zimbabwe, for what’s happening in the industry. Sanitation, and the Department of
example, the drought a few years ago We’ve also heard nothing from the Rural Development and Land Reform,
was a major challenge, and the lack of president to address this current rather than simply engaging in the
foreign currency is presently a problem. vacuum in the leadership of our rhetoric we are currently subjected to.
Thank you for the work you do. industry, or the current high level Our farmers can no longer be held back
Farmer’s Weekly is very important of corruption in our industry. by struggles such as water rights, lack of
for farming in South Africa, Ramaphosa says he is willing access to land, and lack of meaningful
and hopefully also for farming to change things for the better. support from these departments.
in other African countries. However, this will not happen if Ronnie MacKenzie, president of
Victor Calvert, via email he does not surround himself with Farmers United South Africa


Send your letters to: Farmer’s Weekly, PO Box 1797, Pinegowrie 2123, SA, fax 011 889 0862, or email [email protected].
The views and opinions expressed on the letters page do not necessarily reflect those of Farmer’s Weekly or Caxton.
Readers’ letters will be published and edited at the sole discretion of Farmer’s Weekly.

22 FEBRUARY 2019 farmer’s weekly 9


FROM OUR birds and animals – how many?

The government has now put a stop
to the export of birds of paradise

feathers, and they may no longer
be bought and sold. The natives
are still allowed to shoot what they
want with primitive means. But
I was told that shotguns could be
purchased, and although this was
illegal for shooting birds of paradise,
how could it be controlled?
We witnessed a spectacular
marriage ceremony in which the wife
is bought. The ‘bride price’ may be
as much as A$400 (about R24 103
today), and consisted of a number of
pigs and a huge bamboo-woven shield
ornamented with dozens of birds of
paradise, animal skins, cowries and
enormous mother-of-pearl shells that
are used for trade, and banknotes
(cleverly woven into the shield so that
they could not be snitched by any of
the participants). Thus each wedding
necessitates additional slaughter
of wildlife, and it is not likely that
any girl would remain a spinster.
In a village we saw a cassowary
cooking over a fire, and a dozen
or more skinned carcasses of
tree kangaroos and opossums
for sale on the market.
I travelled a few hundred kilometres
on the Sepik River, and in this
20 OCTOBER 1976 Highland woman vast area of swamps, open water
with tree kangaroo and forest, the situation was very

New Guinea –
destined to become
a meal and an different, and birds were present
ornament. in profusion. There is no protein
shortage as most of the people are
fishermen, and birds and animals

Garden of Eden
A head-dress of
bird of paradise are not so necessary as food.
Their skins and feathers, however,
OPPOSITE PAGE: are still used for ornament.
The bride price.
43 The ceremonial use of
animal skins and bird feathers in
and dangling tail of a tree kangaroo,
a dagger of cassowary beak or carved
leg bone. All the tribes in Papua
A pig and shield
decorated with
bird of paradise
As the people are so dependent on
sweet potatoes, they are grown on
a large scale. The forest is cut down
skin and plumes,
Papua New Guinea threatened New Guinea have the same habit of mother-of-pearl and cleared, used for a crop and
the indigenous wildlife, according using wild creatures for decorations. shells, and abandoned after a couple of years,
to this article by Vincent Wager. What is claimed to be the “greatest These photographs and a new patch is cut down. This
In the New Guinea highlands, spectacle on Earth” is the gathering accompanied the happens on even the steepest slopes.
article in our
wild animals are slaughtered for food of 80 000 warriors in full gala dress 20 October 1976
Devastation is apparent
and adornment. All the natives are for dancing festivities lasting a issue. everywhere. The soil is shallow
decorated in extraordinary fashion: week every year at the agricultural on the volcanic rock, and below a
painted faces, feathers and quills show held alternatively at Goroka cleared patch on a steep mountain
through holes pierced in the nose and and Mount Hagen. There may side, the forest giants and all
ears, necklaces of animal teeth, pigs’ be 10 birds of paradise adorning undergrowth suddenly collapse in
tusks, hornbill heads, head-dresses one man, which could mean half a huge landslide. Agriculture, of
of opossum fur, cassowary, lorikeet, a million all told. These feathers course, is essential in any country,
*Rand values have
parrot, bird of paradise feathers, bands do not last for ever and have to be been adapted but better farming methods, and
of monitor or snake skin, a cravat replaced. And what of all the other for inflation. use of land, are urgently needed.

10 farmer’s weekly 22 FEBRUARY 2019

Also, forest fires are common, but not started as in
Africa to provide new green grass for the cattle,
but in the hope that some unfortunate creatures
would be found half cooked in the ashes.
The Stone Age natives are composed of more than
700 tribes, each living in its own territory, and each
having its own language. They live in a state of
continual warfare with one another, killing strangers
on sight, being head hunters and cannibals.
Australia has poured A$220 million (R13,26 billion) a
year for the past five years into New Guinea, improving
living and health conditions, so that the people are being
taken from the Stone Age to the jet age in one generation.
Cannibalism, head hunting and fighting have been
stopped; the steel axe has taken the place of the stone
implement so that forest destruction is now so much
easier, and has accelerated. Consequently there is
more loss of habitat for the birds and animals.
It was said that 80% of the children died at under
two years of age.
With malaria prevention and health centres, the
population will explode magically. Children in distant
villages now wear European clothing and speak English.
Thus civilisation is rapidly overtaking these people,
and it would seem that the extraordinarily interesting
wildlife of this wonderful country is in dire peril. FW

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[email protected]

Are human settlements

encroaching on farmland?
D uring the recent festive season,
I set myself a goal to travel to a
few places across the Eastern Cape
so that I could write articles about the
province’s tourism prospects. My travels,
any growth opportunities would largely
be the result of expansion in areas planted
to horticulture and field crops. These
subsectors currently employ two-thirds
of the primary agriculture labour force of
however, led me to something I had been 842Ȳ000, according to Statistics South Africa.
seeing but hadn’t really taken time to think I raise the issue of the expansion of
about: the expansion of human settlements. human settlements not only to caution
This may sound counterintuitive, as policymakers to not think of agricultural
most macroeconomic trends generally expansion as an isolated matter, but to
suggest South Africans are urbanising. also consider instruments that protect
It seems the spillover of people from agricultural land at municipal level.
urban areas and population growth are the
main drivers of the expansion of human UP-TO-DATE DATA NEEDED
AGRIBUSINESS settlements in rural areas. While there is no Most importantly, we must encourage local
PERSPECTIVE credible data to measure the extent of this municipalities to collect data about land
BY WANDILE SIHLOBO expansion, anecdotally it is clear that there use so that planning and policymaking are
is growing competition between agriculture not based on data that could be outdated.
Wandile Sihlobo is head of economic
and agribusiness intelligence at Agbiz.
and human settlement, particularly in Conversations I had with municipal
Email him at [email protected]. areas that are close to main roads. workers in Lusikisiki suggest that at the
moment there is no considered effort to
COMPETING NEEDS collect data on land use in rural areas.
Given that the consensus among
policymakers is that agriculture is one of
the key sectors that could unlock rural WE MUST ENCOURAGE
economic growth and job creation, the LOCAL MUNICIPALITIES
competing needs of settlements may
present a challenge in some areas from
an agricultural policy perspective. This ABOUT LAND USE
is true especially if there is a dearth
of credible data to track its pace. I suspect this might be a similar practice
Discussions on the issue typically cite a in other small towns in the province. As a
2015 study by McKinsey Global Institute, result, I fear some land parcels that were
which noted that KwaZulu-Natal, the deemed underutilised and available for
Eastern Cape and Limpopo had 1,6 million agriculture in the 2015 McKinsey study may
to 1,8 million hectares of underutilised land have changed somewhat due to the growing
that could be put into full production. This demand for land for human settlement.
would require investment in irrigation, soil Although I view the growing demand
preparation, land governance and other for land from non-agricultural sectors
key infrastructure that is necessary for as a threat to agricultural expansion, the
agricultural development. Broadly speaking, sector still holds potential for labour-
such discussions usually resonate with absorbing growth in rural areas.
people due to the recognition that the high All agricultural subsectors are
levels of unemployment could potentially important from the perspective of food
be addressed, and there could be other security, but potential investment in
positive welfare effects for communities. the sector should largely be in labour-
In fact, a lot of work has been done to intensive sectors such as horticulture
estimate the potential, to such an extent if we are to respond to the challenge
that there is a general understanding that of unemployment in the short term.

22 FEBRUARY 2019 farmer’s weekly 13


Cautious optimism following

State of the Nation Address
T he second State of the Nation
Address (SONA) by President Cyril
Ramaphosa went off without any
disruptions, except for EFF members
getting into an apparent altercation
about the need for food security and
the sustainability of the economy. He
further pertinently stated that he wanted
to start with government-owned land
that is lying fallow, and promised to
with a plainclothes policeman. support legislation that unambiguously
It seems Ramaphosa pre-empted some sets out the provisions for expropriation
of the questions that could have been without compensation. The key question,
raised during the address by requesting of course, is whether this can be done by
that Public Protector Busisiwe Mkhwebane the time Parliament breaks for the election
investigate allegations about corruption by recess towards the end of March.
facilities management company Bosasa. Ramaphosa also announced that the
He further referred to the period from general election would be held on 8 May,
which South Africa has just emerged as “a which means the land expropriation
POLITICAL PERSPECTIVE period of uncertainty and a loss of confidence question will be left for the new Parliament
BY DR JAN VENTER and trust”. Many South Africans can (one with perhaps fewer DA members,
easily identify with those words following according to polls) and importantly, a
Dr Jan Venter is a political analyst
at Aginfo. Email him at the kleptocracy of the Jacob Zuma era. new cabinet and a ‘cleaner’ ANC.
[email protected]. He made a point of focusing on agriculture
KEY PRIORITIES as a growth sector of the economy,
Ramaphosa also outlined his five alongside mining and manufacturing.
priority areas for South Africa, ones
that all citizens can agree on: inclusive INCLUSIVE ENGAGEMENT
economic growth; education; improving Ramaphosa announced that Eskom would be
the lives of the poor; the fight against split into three separate entities: generation,
corruption and state capture; and the distribution and transmission. With the
construction of a ‘capable’ state. Eskom turnaround strategy there is a caveat,
however: government will lead a process
IMPORTANTLY, HE to engage with Eskom, labour and other
stakeholders regarding this transition.
SAID THAT LAND Slowly but surely Ramaphosa is hitting
EXPROPRIATION WOULD the nail on the head regarding Eskom’s
START WITH AVAILABLE woes, identifying the challenges of poor
governance, yet always seeking an inclusive
GOVERNMENT LAND process to provide himself with sufficient
political cover. This announcement has
The economy took centre stage in already proved unpopular with powerful
Ramaphosa’s address, as unemployment union movements in South Africa.
figures head towards the 10 million It seems the unions still do not recognise
mark, with about 1,5 out of every six that a well-governed, well-led private
South Africans in this predicament. sector generates jobs and money in
The potential for large-scale social society. In the words of Dawie Roodt,
instability as a result of deepening chief economist at Efficient Group: “The
poverty and unemployment penny has clearly not dropped yet … that
remains a frightening prospect. it was the private sector that created jobs
Land and the question of expropriation and that it was the job of government
without compensation was tucked to create an enabling environment for
into the mix, but received little of the business to grow and prosper with
spotlight. All polls have shown that minimum government interference.”
it is nowhere near the top of priorities The biggest hurdle for the Ramaphosa
for the majority of South Africans. programme at this stage is populism,
The president also did not speak fed by the faction of former president
about expropriation without talking Zuma, the EFF and others.

14 farmer’s weekly 22 FEBRUARY 2019


ABOVE Weekly quotes

To retain a competitive edge and
increase profit margins, farmers ‘THOSE PEOPLE ‘There has been a
have to radically change their
approach from production per hectare MUST BE CHARGED commitment from India
to production per square metre. to consider the request’
This was according to Prof Marcos
Fava Neves of the University of
AND LOCKED UP’ – Mooketsa Ramasodi, deputy director general
São Paulo in Brazil, speaking at the – Ministerial spokesperson for the Department for agricultural production, health and food
2019 Bayer Create Conference in of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF), safety at the department of agriculture (DAFF),
Bothaville – see story on page 25. Khaye Nkwanyana, speaking out about officials confirming that DAFF had had meetings with
involved in the distribution of drought aid being relevant authorities in India to discuss amending
implicated in corruption and collusion (pg 21). a regulation that did not allow for in-transit cold
treatment of fruit exported to that country (pg 16).

‘If consumers can benefit

from lower prices, it ‘It … is likely to replace
could become a win-win sorghum and maize as
situation for both …’ staple food in some parts
– KwaZulu-Natal Red Meat Producers’ of Southern Africa …’
Organisation chairperson, Hendrik Botha, – Department of agriculture spokesperson, Steve
commenting on the current oversupply of red Galane, expressing hope that new technological
meat in the market, due to red meat exports advancement in proso millet production could
being halted following the recent foot-and- enhance food security in the region (pg 22).
mouth disease outbreak and the increase in
grain prices because of the drought (pg 20).
‘… there does not seem to
be any factor that would
strongly influence the price
upwards or downwards’
– Senior economist at Grain SA, Corné Louw,
saying he expected fertiliser prices to remain
stable during 2019, barring any unexpected
movements in crude oil prices or the rand (pg 17).

22 FEBRUARY 2019 farmer’s weekly 15



Possible revision of India’s cold treatment protocol welcomed

Citrus exporters have expressed in individual crates and at create scope for further expansion
hope that a recent bilateral designated points within into the Indian export market.
meeting between the agriculture the temperature-controlled South Africa currently exported
departments of South Africa cargo hold. These provided about 10 000t of citrus, mostly
and India will result in the computerised logs of the Valencia oranges, to India every
removal of a regulation that has entire journey to verify that year, compared with about
been cutting into margins. temperature requirements had 80 000t to China. Chadwick had
Justin Chadwick, CEO of the been met at any given time. earlier expressed hope that the
Citrus Growers’ Association When fruit had to undergo cold protocol could be amended after
of Southern Africa (CGA), told treatment prior to shipping, it the Department of Agriculture,
Farmer’s Weekly that India was affected margins and shelf-life at Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF)
the only country to which South the final destination. Treatment announced news of a bilateral
Africa exported that did not prior to shipping could take engagement between Minister
allow in-transit cold treatment 12 to 14 days, Chadwick said. Senzeni Zokwana and Indian
for pests such as fruit fly. He said CGA had been engaging government officials in New
that this also affected exports of with both local and Indian Delhi, India, at the end of January.
fruit such as apples and pears. authorities to have the protocol Mooketsa Ramasodi, deputy
“The Indian regulators amended. Three specified director general for agricultural
want land-based cold citrus category test shipments production, health and food
treatment done,” he said. to India had been concluded safety at DAFF, said the
Chadwick said that when since 2017, and CGA had meeting had not specifically
fruit was exported, it usually received assurances from dealt with market access for
underwent cold treatment while Indian officials that they were citrus and India’s requirements.
en route to the export destination now completely satisfied However, engagaments had
to destroy any pests that had with the process, he added. been held on the regulations.
entered the crates with the fruit. Chadwick said that amending “There has been a commitment
The cold chain for such the regulations to permit from India to consider the
shipments was monitored in-transit cold treatment would request forwarded by South
by multiple probes placed definitely ease margins and Africa,” he said. – Sabrina Dean


Mixed reaction to 2019 State of the Nation Address

“We are fortunate to have an criminality and drought. The president Red Meat Producers’ Organisation,
agriculture sector that is well- must give the sector the [necessary] said he was very pleased with the
developed, resilient and diversified. support to be sustainable,” he said. address as it instilled hope for the
We intend to use it as a solid AfriForum also expressed discontent future of agriculture in South Africa.
foundation to help develop agriculture about the president’s “ambiguous” “He was very clear on what’s going
in our country for the benefit of all,” stance on land expropriation, to happen with land expropriation,
President Cyril Ramaphosa said during which offered no reassurance to as well as the role agriculture will
his recent State of the Nation Address. either foreign or local investors. play in the economic stimulus plan.”
Responding to the address, Dan “The president fails to heed the Mahanjana added that the president
Kriek, president of Agri SA, said warnings of major investors in South was not “shy to admit the mistakes”
it was, however, worrying that Africa by persevering stubbornly with the party and government had made,
Ramaphosa had not mentioned the plans for implementing expropriation especially with regard to corruption.
severe and ongoing drought that without compensation,” said Alana “He was very clear [about] how
had affected several provinces, or Bailey, deputy CEO of AfriForum. corruption will be attacked and
the increasing levels of violent crime Kriek said, however, that the we are hopeful for change.”
in rural areas. He added that to organisation welcomed the Responding to the address,
restore the economy, policy certainty dismantling of Eskom and the John Purchase, CEO of Agbiz, said
was needed to attract investors to president’s fight against corruption. that Ramaphosa’s focus on
South Africa’s agriculture sector. Farmer’s Weekly had previously revitalising the economy, and
“Farmers are under pressure due to reported that Aggrey Mahanjana, “uprooting corruption”, was very
policy uncertainty and the effect of chairperson of the National Emergent welcome. – Jeandré van der Walt

16 farmer’s weekly 22 FEBRUARY 2019


Sheep scab
Sheep farmers have been
advised to inspect their animals
for signs of sheep scab after
an outbreak was reported
in the Swartland region.
According to Malmesbury state FERTILISER
vet, Dr Sewellyn Davey, several ABOVE:
It is currently
cases had been confirmed in
the Porterville, Moorreesburg
expected that
fertiliser prices
A stable rand could moderate
will remain stable
and Darling districts.
Sheep scab is caused by a
during 2019.
fertiliser prices in SA
parasitic mite called Psoroptes ovis. With more than 80% of the top three highest globally, and
The highly contagious disease is fertiliser used in South Africa this “raises a red flag” for local
characterised by intense itching, imported, a stable or stronger grain and oilseed producers.
which causes scratching, rubbing rand along with limited Richard Nicholson, manager
and wounds, resulting in serious movements in international of economic research at the
wool losses and emaciation. crude oil price could help to limit South African Cane Growers’
According to Jannie Fourie, increases in local fertiliser costs. Association, said that at an
the National Wool Growers’ A January 2019 Input Cost average of 17% of the total,
Association (NWGA) production Monitoring report published fertiliser was the second-highest
adviser, sheep scab created a by the National Agricultural cost in sugar cane production
vicious cycle with significant Marketing Council (NAMC), after labour. He added that
economic consequences for sheep said that between December the main fertilisers used in
producers, and also presented 2017 and December 2018, the local sugar cane production
an animal welfare issue. international prices of urea, were DAP (38), 1N:0P:1K
“Scab can lead to as much muriate of potash (MOP), and (48), and 5N:1P:5K (36).
as 25% wool loss, while the di-ammonium phosphate (DAP) A third important factor
animal also loses its condition, had increased 43,6%, 29,4% and influencing local fertiliser
which means meat production 0,2% respectively in rand terms. prices was freight costs. Asked
will be lower,” he said. During the same period, the what he expected for fertiliser
Fourie added that ewes that rand weakened by an average prices in 2019, Nicholson
refused to eat and constantly of 8,7% against the US dollar. said: “Looking at the current
itched also failed to come on “From December 2017 to situation with a relatively stable
heat and were therefore not December 2018, the domestic rand and oil prices for now,
covered by a ram. In severe prices of urea, MAP (mono- although recent increases have
cases, the animal could die. ammonium phosphate) and occurred, fertiliser prices may
The main cause of an outbreak KCl (potassium chloride) remain stable during 2019. The
was the introduction of infected increased 15%, 5,8% and 5,7% recent trend for fertiliser prices
animals to a flock. However, the respectively,” the report stated. does not suggest substantial
disease could also be spread by Corné Louw, a senior economist increases in the prices for 2019.”
people who had been in direct at Grain SA, said fertiliser and, Louw said: “Looking at
contact with infected animals. most importantly, nitrogen (N), the fundamentals of supply
“Good biosecurity is therefore phosphorous (P) and potassium and demand in international
important to protect your herd (K), were “by far a grain and markets, there does not seem
from possible contamination from oilseed producer’s highest to be any factor that would
vehicles, shearers and visitors.” variable production cost item”, strongly influence the price
Fourie called on farmers who constituting 30% to 50% of total upwards or downwards.”
suspected their sheep of having production costs. Louw pointed Both Nicholson and Louw
scab to report it immediately out that a recent study conducted agreed the situation could
to authorities in terms of the by the Bureau for Food and change due to factors such as
Animal Diseases Act, so that Agricultural Policy had found unexpected movements in
the necessary measures could that average fertiliser prices in oil prices and the rand-dollar
be taken. – Jeandré van der Walt South Africa were among the exchange rate. – Lloyd Phillips

22 FEBRUARY 2019 farmer’s weekly 17



SA’s weak growth drives subdued outlook for Southern Africa

South Africa’s real GDP growth as a major driver of subdued the report, it expanded by an
for 2017/2018 has been estimated growth in Southern Africa. estimated 3,5% in 2018, driven
to be 0,7%, far less than the 3,5% Growth in the region was forecast by agriculture and supported
economic growth estimated to remain moderate in 2019 by relatively peaceful elections.
for the continent as a whole. and 2020, following “modest Botswana achieved estimated
According to the 2019 recovery in 2017 and 2018”. real GDP growth of 4,2% in
African Economic Outlook Several of South Africa’s 2018, nearly double the 2,4%
report, compiled by the neighbouring countries had also growth it achieved in 2017.
African Development Bank suffered recessions in recent While South Africa’s
Group, the continent was in years. The report stated that agriculture sector grew 17,7%
a “good” state and economic Namibia’s real GDP growth had in 2016/2017, after contracting
growth was forecast to contracted 0,9% in 2017, and 10,2% in 2015/2016, it contributed
accelerate to 4% this year. an estimated 0,1% in 2018. In only 0,4 of a percentage
However, the president of the eSwatini, real GDP was estimated point to GDP growth.
bank, Dr Akinwumi Adesina, to have contracted 0,5% in 2018. In Liberia, by comparison,
warned in his foreword that Lesotho’s economy contracted agriculture, forestry and
economic growth on the 2,3% in 2016/2017, but recovered fishing contributed over 70%
continent remained insufficient to an estimated real GDP growth to economic growth in 2017.
to address structural challenges rate of 0,9% for 2017/2018. In Kenya, real GDP grew
due to pervading fiscal deficits Real GDP growth in to nearly 6% in 2018, and
and debt vulnerability. Mozambique was estimated the agriculture sector there
“The challenge is thus at 3,5% for 2018, but was accounted for nearly 25% of
twofold: to raise the current “dramatically down” from economic growth in 2017.
growth path, and to increase the average of 7% the country South Africa’s real GDP
the efficiency of growth in achieved between 2004 and 2015. growth was projected to
generating employment,” he said. Zimbabwe’s economy, increase to 1,7% in 2018/2019
South Africa’s weak however, performed “better and 2% in 2019/2020.
development was highlighted than expected”. According to – Sabrina Dean


US awards billions to farmers to mitigate trade war impact

The US Department of Agriculture programme to assist producers important market. “While one of the
(USDA) has awarded US$200 million of targeted commodities. goals of the [programme] is to diversify
(about R2,7 billion) to agricultural US Secretary of Agriculture, Sonny US markets, they will not necessarily
organisations in that country to Perdue, said this infusion would help replace China in the long term.”
assist farmers in identifying and the US develop other markets and move Wandile Sihlobo, head of economic
accessing new export markets. away from being dependent on one large and agribusiness intelligence at
The Agricultural Trade Promotion customer for all its agricultural exports. Agbiz, noted that while there were
Program’s funding is part of a larger “The president’s [trade] policies few opportunities for South Africa
effort to mitigate the effects of the have been beneficial to US agriculture to capitalise on the US-China trade
ongoing trade tensions with China. in the short term, but have also tensions, there did not appear
Produce such as meat, grain and laid the foundation for long-term to be any negative effects for the
soya have received some of the largest prosperity. Our trade agreements country’s commodities either.
allocations for single commodities. with other nations are getting “The US has placed much emphasis
Last year, US$12 billion (R162 billion) stronger and the strategies will on developing European markets
was allocated to programmes that lead to new and expanded markets for its produce. While this is also an
provide assistance to the agriculture for our products,” Perdue said. important market for South Africa,
sector through a trade mitigation The US, however, still intended our prices are competitive and I don’t
package. This included the market to maintain its share of the Chinese foresee that we’ll be losing market
facilitation programme to provide export market. Ellen Dougherty, share to the US. Furthermore, our
payments to farmers harmed media liaison at the USDA Foreign soya exports are small so we can’t
by retaliatory tariffs, and a food Agricultural Service, told Farmer’s capitalise on taking up the US’s lost
purchase and distribution Weekly that China remained an market share in China.” – Lindi Botha

18 farmer’s weekly 22 FEBRUARY 2019


Livestock not a major threat to In Brief

grain resources – new study UNITED KINGDOM
A new report by the UN’s Food average of only 3kg of grain was A no-deal Brexit could have
and Agriculture Organization needed to produce 1kg of meat. a devastating impact on UK
(FAO) refutes claims that Of the 2,5 billion hectares trade in agricultural products,
livestock is a drain on resources. needed to produce livestock with major implications for
The report challenged the feed, 77% were grasslands, UK agriculture, according to a
widely held view about the with the largest share of this new report by the Agriculture
low efficiency of livestock to not suitable for croplands. and Horticulture Development
convert feed into protein for However, the FAO estimated Board in that country.
human consumption, as well that 70% more animal products The UK is a net importer of
as their competition for grain would be needed to feed the beef, and tariffs on imports
resources used in livestock feed. world by 2050, and the area of could have a serious impact
According to the FAO study, land needed to raise animals on the domestic market. Sheep
livestock used large areas would also increase if feed meat exports and the dairy
of pastures where nothing conversion ratios were not industry could also suffer.
else could be produced. improved. – Alan Harman
The study found that 86% of AUSTRALIA
livestock feed was not suitable With Australia in the grip of
for human consumption. severe drought, a small federal
If not consumed by livestock, political party is proposing
crop residues and by-products legislation to ban cotton exports,
could quickly become an claiming the trade is nothing
environmental burden as the more than exporting water.
human population grew and Cotton Australia called
consumed more processed it “an outrageous assault
food, the report said. on the industry”.
Previous often-cited studies put About 1 000 farmers, mainly
the consumption of grain needed in Queensland and New South
to raise 1kg of beef at between Wales, grow cotton and 90%
6kg and 20kg. However, the FAO is exported, earning about
study found that, in reality, an A$2,1 billion (R20,3Ȳbillion)
per annum. – Alan Harman
A new study by
Devastating floods add to the UN’s Food
and Agriculture The European Commission
Organization says
is expected to address
Australian farmers’ woes livestock mainly
consume feed controversial new rules to limit
After battling years of drought, losses would not be known not fit for human the use of biofuel crops linked
farmers in Australia’s northern until floodwaters receded. NATIONAL BEEF to deforestation, following a
Queensland region have “This will be heartbreaking ASSOCIATION backlash from the world’s two
suffered extensive livestock for these communities that largest palm oil producers.
losses as a result of record have been experiencing years If adopted by the
floods in the region. of drought, only to see that turn European Parliament, these
An area of grazing land into a torrential inundation, tough new criteria could
covering more than 400km was which now threatens their significantly limit one of
under water after rainfall of very livelihoods in the Indonesia’s and Malaysia’s
600mm was recorded in just two complete other direction,” biggest exports: palm oil.
weeks. Some low-lying areas he told a media briefing. The Indonesian and Malaysian
were under up to 3m of water. “We are expecting hundreds governments and industries
Major river systems had of thousands of stock losses.” have long criticised the EU’s
breached their banks, with Queensland is home to about push to tighten its biofuel
water stretching from 11 million head of cattle, almost criteria. Environmentalists
horizon to horizon, while half that country’s national have argued that biodiesel
some cattle stations had herd, and it was estimated made from palm oil is the
been totally submerged. that up to one million cattle worst type of biofuel, followed
Prime Minister Scott Morrison were within the worst-affected by soya. – Staff reporter
said the full extent of the zone. – Alan Harman

22 FEBRUARY 2019 farmer’s weekly 19

WEEKLY NEWS WRAP KZN Commodity Organisation Meetings


Drought conditions, foot-and-
mouth disease (FMD) and stock
theft are causing significant
distress for many red meat
producers in KwaZulu-Natal
and the rest of South Africa,
according to KwaZulu-Natal Red
Meat Producers’ Organisation producer and the consumer if ABOVE: vice-chairperson of the national
Presenters during
chairperson Hendrik Botha. He more meat is sold,” Botha said. the KZN Red RPO, said the FMD outbreak,
was speaking at the KwaZulu- He also described the recent Meat Producers’ combined with rampant
Organisation (RPO)
Natal chapter of the Red Meat FMD outbreak in Limpopo as a and the National
livestock theft, highlighted the
Producers’ Organisation’s recent “wake-up call” for government, Wool Growers’ urgent need for South Africa to
meeting near Ladysmith. as well as red meat producers, Association (NWGA) implement its planned livestock
regional meetings
He added that “huge pressure” and urged all stakeholders (from left): Craig traceability system. South
was being placed on weaner and to significantly improve Carter (KZN RPO Africa remained one of the few
field officer); Prof
red meat prices, due to red meat animal health and biosecurity Ferdi Meyer (director countries in Southern Africa that
exports being halted following management processes. of the Bureau did not have such a system.
the recent FMD outbreak and “FMD is an added burden to for Food and Botha added that the KwaZulu-
Agricultural Policy);
the increase in grain prices the drought conditions and poor Guillau du Toit Natal RPO had recently engaged
because of the drought. This economic situation nationally. (NWGA national the services of retired stock theft
chairperson); Willie
had resulted in an oversupply We’re worried about the threat Clack (National police officer Freddie van Tonder.
of red meat in the market. of FMD moving to Mpumalanga Livestock Theft Van Tonder would be using his
Prevention Forum
“The RPO recommends that and KwaZulu-Natal. It’s good that chairperson
skills, experience and information
consumers shop around for so many role players are working and RPO second resources to track livestock
lower meat prices due to the together to tackle the current vice-chairperson); theft trends in KwaZulu-Natal,
Hendrik Botha (KZN
present oversupply of meat. If FMD problem,” Botha added. NWGA chairperson); coordinate anti-livestock theft
consumers can benefit from Willie Clack, chairperson of and Bom Louw (KZN programmes, and assist state
NWGA production
lower prices, it could become a the National Livestock Theft adviser). prosecutors to prosecute livestock
win-win situation for both the Prevention Forum and second theft suspects. – Lloyd Phillips

Wool price strong, but predation remains a problem

Wool production in South Africa “We’re fortunate that, even with the “This could be because the natural
is currently at the highest level recent FMD [outbreak], China has predators and competition for jackal,
since 1994/1995, and with China continued to [accept] our wool. But such as caracal, lion, cheetah and
importing 70% of this production, if Rift Valley fever appears, it’s likely leopard, are declining,” he said.
demand continues to be strong, that China will stop buying our Du Toit added that the NWGA
which supports prices. wool. Our industry must take all the would be meeting with private
This was according to the precautions that it can to prevent the sector representatives and
chairperson of the National Wool [threat of] Rift Valley fever,” he said. government at the end of February
Growers’ Association (NWGA), Guillau Du Toit said that despite the to strategise how best to deal with
du Toit, who cautioned that while these local sheep farming sector having the livestock predation challenge.
prices continued to generate profits made positive progress since 2008, “We would like to see the
for farmers, the market was under predation by problem-causing animals norms and standards, and the
pressure and prices were likely to begin remained a major challenge. permit-issuing systems for
levelling out in the foreseeable future. Du Toit added that it had been controlling problem animals
He was speaking at the KwaZulu- worrying to learn that the average standardised across all provinces.
Natal chapter of the NWGA’s recent size of a jackal litter had now These are too confusing at the
regional meeting, held near Ladysmith. reportedly grown from five to seven. moment,” he said. – Lloyd Phillips

20 farmer’s weekly 22 FEBRUARY 2019

disappeared in KwaZulu-Natal,
‘R560 million Nkwanyane said the process
was being monitored closely.
drought aid He said he believed there had
been corruption at all levels,
distribution from farmers exaggerating their
losses, to officials colluding
to be closely with middlemen to receive
kickbacks by filing false claims.
monitored’ “Those people must be charged
and locked up,” he said.
More than R560 million in At a recent briefing, agriculture
drought aid is expected to still minister Senzeni Zokwana said
be distributed to farmers in that longer-term plans with
several provinces across the regard to the recommendations
country before the end of the made in the Section 7 report had
current financial year. It is also ABOVE: and feed, or to assist with been filed by a committee on
According to
hoped that Finance Minister the department water provision and drilling drought convened last year. These
Tito Mboweni will increase this of agriculture, of boreholes. Distribution had included establishing a disaster
all provinces in
amount during the 2019 Budget. South Africa are
already begun in provinces fund and setting up multi-
Ministerial spokesperson for experiencing such as the Northern Cape, peril agricultural insurance.
the Department of Agriculture, drought conditions. the Western Cape, North West, Agri SA president Dan Kriek
Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF), Limpopo and the Free State. said it was extremely important
Khaye Nkwanyana, confirmed “All provinces are in distress to engage with DAFF to ensure
that the funds, allocated but those are the worst-off that this round of drought
for drought aid by National provinces that required funding reached those it was
Treasury, had become available immediate assistance,” he said. intended for in a fair and
towards the end of last year When it came to ensuring transparent process. He added
“for immediate relief”. there was no repeat of the that Agri SA was scheduled to
The funds were being used scandal in which R220 million meet with DAFF in this regard
to purchase animal fodder in drought aid money allegedly later this month. – Sabrina Dean


Widespread drought resulting in severe job losses

Since January last year, the and create more employment,” said drought; some he had been forced to sell
agriculture sector has shed 31 000 Christo van der Rheede, deputy and others had died. In addition, all the
jobs in those provinces severely executive director of Agri SA. people working on the farm had been
affected by the drought. The most jobs had been lost in forced to leave last year, while Scheun
This was according to a the Western Cape, followed by the was now working for a nearby farmer.
survey conducted by Agri SA Northern Cape and the Eastern Cape. “Operating with less than 25% of
in December 2018, aimed at Dean Gous, the association’s my flock is not sustainable. I had to
accurately assessing and gaining chairperson in Beaufort West, said cut down expenses and the farm no
an understanding of the impact the main problem for farmers in longer has electricity. Working for other
of the drought on farming and the Karoo was cash flow, despite farmers is also not sustainable because
job creation, so that the best the drought relief allocations they are also struggling,” he added.
response could be formulated. farmers were receiving from the The Agri SA report said farmers
The sector had lost approximately Western Cape government, and needed assistance such as extended
R7 billion in turnover due to drought, donations from the association to production loan terms, increased
with 70% of respondents indicating farmers in the Northern Cape. credit facilities, bridging capital,
that they were struggling financially. Gottven Scheun of Klipstawel Farm fodder donations and humanitarian
Over 50% reported that they had in the Beaufort West district, who farms aid. Approximately R3 billion was
had to retrench farmworkers. Angora goats and Dorper sheep, said needed in government assistance
“The economic impact is severe, that over the past six years the area for the next financial year.
people are losing their jobs and farms had become increasingly drier, and it Urgent meetings had been scheduled
are closing down at a time when we was now becoming a disaster. He had with government and financial
need to strengthen food security lost 75% of his flock as a result of the institutions, Gous said. – Siyanda Sishuba

22 FEBRUARY 2019 farmer’s weekly 21



Proso millet a potential grain option for water-scarce SA

The Department of Agriculture, from all over the world. [This
Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) enables] Dryland Genetics to
has indicated that proso select lines to mate with each
millet (Panicum miliaceum) other to produce new varieties
could potentially be a viable adapted to any particular part of
option for developing the the world,” the statement said.
country’s currently largely DAFF spokesperson Steve
subsistence millet production Galane said that in South Africa,
to commercial scale. pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum)
This emerged after an was grown mostly by subsistence
international consortium of farmers for human consumption
Chinese and US researchers, and livestock forage.
together with US crop He added that characteristics
improvement company Dryland of millet, such as high levels of
Genetics, announced that minerals, vitamins and digestive
the successful sequencing of fibre, 10% to 12% protein content,
the proso millet genome had and being hypoallergenic and
opened the door to accelerating gluten-free, meant that it needed
the development of proso to be considered for commercial
millet varieties for various production, processing and
production regions globally. consumption in South Africa.
“Proso millet’s strong suit “It can be grown in sandy
is its ability to grow with less soils in dry areas that are
water per bushel produced unsuitable for other cereal
than any other [grain crop], crops. It has potential to provide
and even on poor quality land. food security and is likely to
The sequencing of the proso replace sorghum and maize
millet genome has enabled higher yielding than to breed ABOVE: as staple food in some parts
Sequencing of
Dryland Genetics to use modern an existing high-yielding the genome of of Southern Africa that are
statistical genetic breeding tools crop, such as maize, to use highly water- prone to drought,” he said.
efficient proso
to develop new, more productive water more efficiently. millet (Panicum
Galane added that before
varieties of proso millet,” a “The newly sequenced miliaceum) could proso millet was introduced
statement by the company said. [proso millet] genome makes open the door to into Southern Africa for possible
the development of
Dr James Schnable, co-founder it straightforward to identify varieties targeted to widespread production, varieties
of Dryland Genetics, said it hundreds of thousands of genetic production regions suited to the region’s specific
around the world.
was “much easier” to breed differences among diverse DRYLAND GENETICS
production conditions would
a water-efficient crop to be proso millet varieties collected need to be bred. – Lloyd Phillips


Mohair producers urged not to prevent SPCA visits

The South Africa Mohair Growers’ medicines were being used. Despite “Guidelines for the sustainable
Association (SAMGA) have asked farmers questioning the motive behind production of mohair have already
Angora goat farmers not to prevent these visits, ‘’or if the organisation been developed and published, and
officials from the Society for the simply saw commercial mohair on-farm assessments have been
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals farmers as soft targets”, SAMGA done by Mohair South Africa as
(SPCA) from visiting their shearing warned that producers who denied part of the certification process.”
sheds. This followed a number of the SPCA access could have their clips While farmers could legally
unannounced visits by officials to downgraded to uncertified status. refuse inspections being carried
Karoo mohair farms. These visits “Denying access could be construed out by the SPCA on their private
specifically focused on the availability as a producer covering up non- properties without a warrant, SAMGA
of feed and water for the goats, how compliance with the industry’s strongly advised its members to
the shearers handled the animals, code of best practice,” said Kobus accommodate the inspectors, De
as well as what kind of veterinary de Klerk, SAMGA chairperson. Klerk said. – Roelof Bezuidenhout

22 farmer’s weekly 22 FEBRUARY 2019


Strong demand could

stimulate onion price
Despite current high volumes
of onions in the South African
market, strong local and
export demand could result
in prices increasing by the
end of February, according to
agricultural economist at Absa RIGHT:
AgriBusiness, Conce Moraba. Onion prices have
remained in line
She said the heatwave with seasonal
experienced across production trends, despite
areas countrywide at the end heat damage
suffered earlier
of December last year and the in the season.
beginning of January this year had SIYANDA SISHUBA

resulted in onions suffering heat

damage and having to be delivered Pieter Meyer, a salesperson at Willie Ras, a salesperson at
to the market much earlier. RSA Group, a fresh produce BothaRoodt Fresh Produce
However, the damage was not market agency based at the Joburg Market Agency, said that South
extreme and prices remained in Market, said the EU was the Africa’s three main onion-
line with seasonal trends, with largest global supplier of onions, producing regions were the
prices currently averaging R30 with the Netherlands alone Western Cape, Northern Cape
for a 10kg bag, she said. However, producing the crop on about and Limpopo. In Limpopo,
for farmers in the Northern 24 000ha. In South Africa, onions the production season was
Cape, where the marketing were produced on between between May and October, in
season ended this month, it 10 000ha and 11 000ha in total. the Northern Cape between
was expected that the price “We estimate that the demand September and June, and in the
would decline to R10/bag. for exports could stimulate Western Cape between August
According to Moraba, another prices, but we’ve certainly not and January. Harvesting had
factor that could stabilise seen any effect on local volumes just started in the Western
prices was demand from the [due to] possible increased Cape, and the drier weather
EU, where producers in some exports. If anything, there are there had helped ensure a
countries had experienced too many onions on the market lower incidence of disease this
crop failures of up to 50%. at the moment,” he said. season. – Siyanda Sishuba


Desperate bid to save North West rhino breeding operation

A private, captive rhino breeding Hume added that the project had run declined. It has the potential to help
operation, Buffalo Dream Ranch near out of funding, and according to a restock sites within South Africa and
Klerksdorp in North West, is selling scientific assessment carried out by the Africa if needed,” the report said.
a share of up to 50% in its white rhino International Union for Conservation of Hume said funds had to be raised
breeding project to raise funds in Nature’s Species Survival Commission, to cover Buffalo Dream Ranch’s
order to avoid being liquidated. the project held great importance annual expenses and running
According to owner John Hume, for the species on the continent. costs, which amounted to about
the ranch currently had almost “From a South African and R67 million a year. The project
1 650 rhino, of which about 1 130 continental point of view, the had to raise its own funds until
had been bred as part of the project’s population constitutes a such time as it was registered as a
project over the past 10 years. viable and valuable contingency captive breeding operation with the
“Our most significant achievement operation for the protection and Convention on International Trade
to date has been the recent birth of our production of white rhino at a time in Endangered Species of Wild
first two second-generation rhinos. At of major poaching threats where Fauna and Flora. This would allow
the moment we have approximately several populations, including [that the business to export rhino horn
300 [in-calf] cows,” he said. in] the Kruger National Park, have legally, he said. – Siyanda Sishuba

22 FEBRUARY 2019 farmer’s weekly 23


Prof Piet Goussard
Viticulturist (middle), was the
2019 recipient of
the 1659 Medal
honoured for of Honour at the
Wine Harvest
contribution to Day. He is seen
here with (from left)

wine industry Dr Ernest Messina

(chairperson of
Groot Constantia),
The South African wine Reghardt Strauss
industry recently celebrated (agricultural
specialist Western
the annual Wine Harvest Cape, Standard
Commemoration Day at the Bank), Anton Smuts
(chairperson of
Groot Constantia Estate. During Vinpro), and Willem
the event, viticulturist Prof Piet Jordaan (editor
of Die Burger).
Goussard was honoured with AGRI EXPO
viticulture throughout his career of Merit in 2001. He had also been
the 1659 Medal of Honour. and is a recognised expert in the editor of the South African
According to Dr Ernest several important aspects of Journal of Enology and Viticulture
Messina, chairperson of Groot viticulture,” Messina said. for 15 years, Messina said.
Constantia, the medal had been Goussard’s research outputs Regarded as a ‘walking
awarded to significant role were well-recognised and were viticulture encyclopaedia’,
players in the industry since still being used in the nursery Goussard had published three
1974, but this was the first time a industry. He had published books during the past eight years
viticulturist had been honoured. 70 scientific and popular articles in which he had combined his
“Prof Goussard has played a and received several awards, such extensive viticulture knowledge
major role in training, research as the South African Society for with his passion for photography.
and technology transfer in Enology and Viticulture’s Medal – Jeandré van der Walt


VKB: a century old,

and still going strong
This agricultural company focuses on supporting
farmers to add value to their enterprises and make it
easier to store, market and distribute their produce.
Agricultural services provider
VKB showed a record
profit for the past financial
year and achieved steady
growth in its operations. products. Its primary goal is
The company is therefore to enable farmers to focus on
entering its 100th anniversary production and maximise profits.
this year on a high note. Secondary to this, VKB
“This is an event we’re very endeavours to add value to
proud of. There are not many products, thereby shortening ABOVE: of directors and includes
The VKB head
companies in South Africa that the chain to the end-consumer. office in Reitz, management, staff, suppliers,
have survived a century, let alone eastern Free State. clients and other stakeholders.
who are still thriving,” said Koos TEAMWORK “VKB wishes to thank every
Janse van Rensburg, CEO of VKB. “The centenary to be celebrated client, supplier and staff member
The company provides crucial next month wouldn’t have been for their incredible commitment
services to farmers such as inputs, possible without teamwork,” and support. This loyalty helps
handling and storing grain said Janse van Rensburg. to connect the VKB family,”
and marketing of agricultural “This starts with the board said Janse van Rensburg.

24 farmer’s weekly 22 FEBRUARY 2019

Bayer Create Conference WEEKLY NEWS WRAP

‘Farmers have to adapt to the changing face of agriculture’

The concept of production According to Neves, greater

per hectare is something of integration of the value chain
the past and is being replaced would also be increasingly called
by production per square for. Agribusinesses needed
metre to optimally increase to integrate to share costs by
profit margins and retain a increasing output and decreasing
competitive edge in agriculture. input. As an example, Neves
Speaking at the 2019 Bayer referred to the cooperation
Create Conference in Bothaville between an ethanol production
recently, Marcos Fava Neves, facility and a feedlot in his
professor of planning and home country. Distillers grains
strategy at the School of with solubles, a by-product of
Business at the University of ethanol production, were used
São Paolo in Brazil, said global as a feed source at a feedlot on
producers who did not adopt PROF MARCOS the premises, while the manure
this view would not be in FAVA NEVES from the feedlot business was
business in three years’ time. used to manufacture fertiliser.
never seen before. Farmers Business sharing would also
‘FARMERS WILL worldwide had to increase become essential in the industry.
HAVE TO SHARE production, either by expanding
hectarage, or by enhancing
This would play a decisive role
in managing production costs
TECHNOLOGY’ production on the existing and maximising margins.
hectares farmed through fertiliser, Neves said this meant the
“This calls for the implementation irrigation and the adoption of sharing of assets as well as
of the latest technology, new production methods, such costs, and the idea of asset
innovation and the sharing as precision farming, he said. ownership, had to be changed.
of business,” he added. Producer prices were A group of farmers could
Global food demand was expected to remain flat for join together to share, for
expected to grow between 59% the foreseeable future, which example, planters, tractors
and 98% by 2050. This would would force farmers to increase and harvesters, to mitigate the
change the face of agricultural margins per square metre growing costs of agricultural
markets in ways the world had and no longer per hectare. technology. – Annelie Coleman

New genome engineering technology for agriculture

Clustered regularly interspaced University in the US, CRISP-Rs and edit DNA at precise locations.
palindromic repeats (CRISP-R) were first observed in the 1980s by With these systems, researchers
technology is set to become a Francisco Mojica, a scientist at the could permanently modify genes in
valuable tool in agriculture in University of Alicante in Spain. He living cells and organisms. Bennett
the future. This was according to proposed that CRISP-Rs serve as said it was difficult to predict the
André Bennett, Bayer’s head of part of the bacterial immune system, future of CRISP-R, but that this
technology development for Africa, defending against invading viruses. technology could introduce new
speaking at the 2019 Bayer Create Bennett explained that CRISP-Rs insect-controlling possibilities that
Conference in Bothaville recently. were part of a bacterium’s immune would combat resistance development,
Bennett said CRISP-R made it possible system that retained bits of viruses to as it involved silencing existing
to edit genomes with unprecedented recognise and defend against those genes, not introducing new ones.
efficiency, precision and flexibility. viruses the next time they attacked. He also believed that the use
“CRISP-R is, in fact, a naturally The second part of the defence system of CRISP-R technology would,
occurring defence mechanism found was a set of enzymes called CAS among other benefits, add to
in a variety of bacteria. In the field (CRISP-R associated proteins) which, as plants’ tolerance to disease.
of genome engineering, it’s proving Bennett put it, “precisely snip DNA and “As we become more proficient
to be an efficient alternative to other slice the heck out of invading viruses”. in genotyping crop plants, we
existing genome editing tools.” CRISPR-Cas9 was a system that can apply CRISP-R by silencing
According to the Massachusetts could be programmed to target yield-reducing genes or gene
Institute of Technology and Harvard specific stretches of genetic code combinations.” – Annelie Coleman

22 FEBRUARY 2019 farmer’s weekly 25



Cutting edge baler technology put to the test in the Free State
Balers from 13 manufacturers
were put to the test at a recent
baler competition held near
Parys in the Free State.
The competition, hosted by
Valtrac in conjunction with
Farmboek, consisted of
categories for variable
chamber balers as well as
fixed chamber balers.
The implements, pulled by
tractors of similar size, competed
over a distance of 400m on
mowed natural veld. The
competitors were judged on
speed as well as density and The Krone
cleanliness of the bales. COMPRIMA V180
achieved a bale
Lely’s Welger RP 245 density of nearly
XTRACUT took first place 250kg/m3.
in the category for fixed
chamber balers, while The winner of the
Krone’s COMPRIMA V180 fixed category
was Lely’s Welger
won the variable chamber RP 245 XTRACUT.
category. – Annelie Coleman ANNELIE COLEMAN

The outlook for red meat

Although the current next. In 2018, the weaner calf and
situation makes it lamb prices were, respectively,
7% and 14% higher than in 2017.
difficult to predict price
The price of A2 beef carcasses
trends, recent rain was 2% higher, and Grade A
means there is a strong lamb carcasses were 1% higher.
possibility that producer A higher meat supply and
prices could recover. a stable consumer demand

combined with higher feed prices
number of factors will put pressure on prices.
will affect the red The average price of weaner
meat industry in 2019. animals are likely to be slightly
These include the continuing lower than in 2018. It’s expected
drought in some parts of South that the same trend will be
Africa, foot-and-mouth disease seen in carcass prices.
(FMD), and the maize price. In Farmers are encouraged to
addition, the rand is expected consider all factors and compile
to strengthen against the dollar, an action plan; this will enable
although there is likely to be them to be more proactive and to
some volatility in the months ABOVE: Moreover, 2018 was a difficult change direction if they need to.
The average
after the general election. carcass price is year. At the end of 2018 the
Inflation is more or less under likely to be slightly prices of beef and lamb carcasses CASH-STRAPPED
lower in 2019 than
control and in line with the South last year. The price
started to move sideways and CONSUMERS
African Reserve Bank’s target of weaners is also even downwards. The expected The current weak economy
of 6%. It’s expected that interest expected to drop. price increases during the Festive has put pressure on consumer
rates will remain stable in 2019. Season did not materialise. spending. Most consumers will
Feedlot numbers increased be unable to afford sharp price
MAIZE WORRIES during the second part of increases, and this has resulted
The late rainfall that occurred 2018. This led to an increase in a temporary price ceiling.
during the summer planting in slaughter numbers at lower The 2018 outbreak of listeria
window for maize threatens prices. Breeding animals were led to a sharp decline in pork
to limit the output of both slaughtered out and, due to prices. Pork is therefore an
yellow and white maize during the drought, no replacement affordable substitute for red meat.
the 2019/2020 marketing year. animals were kept back. Chicken is nonetheless still the
There is still much uncertainty consumer’s first choice because
about this season’s maize crop, FORECASTING A CHALLENGE of its low price. A stronger rand
but due to insufficient rainfall The outbreak of FMD has could result in the prices of
and late planting, some initial resulted in South Africa not imported chicken dropping even
estimates suggest that the average being able to export meat and lower if tariffs are not established.
yield for both types of maize other animal products. The local Interest rate increases are
will be roughly 1t/ha lower market has to absorb this meat, used as a tool to prevent
than the long-term average. which will put further downward higher inflation, but this
Although hectares planted to pressure on producer prices. results in consumers having
maize increased at a late stage Imports of yellow maize and less disposable income.
from the initial forecast figure, feed prices may be 30% higher The recent widespread rain
lower expected yields will than last year and put downward could alter the agricultural
most probably limit total maize pressure on weaner calf prices. outlook. Changes have already
production to 9,1 million tons. All these factors have the been detected in maize
This shortfall will, in turn, cumulative effect of rendering prices and there is a strong
require the importation of it nearly impossible to predict possibility that producer prices
1,1 million tons of yellow maize, price trends accurately. can make a turnaround.
leading to higher feed prices. Historically, there has never Thanks to the widespread
Red meat farmers have been a decrease in the average red rain, meat and weaner calf prices
been caught off guard by meat prices from one year to the have already recovered well
factors such as the drought, after the outbreak of FMD.
higher maize prices This page is sponsored Ȋ Contact the RPO on 012 349 1102/3
and animal diseases. by the red meat industry or at [email protected].

22 FEBRUARY 2019 farmer’s weekly 27


Yield and quality determine

profits, nothing else!
Costs under your
control such as yield
and product quality are
what determine farming
I bumped into Francois (not his real name)
at the supermarket. He was irate.
“See these?” he said, pointing to
some mangoes. “They’re off my farm.
Look at the price! It’s ridiculous.”
One of the goals of the workshops was to
demonstrate the ultra-sensitivity of farm
profit to yield and product quality, and
to stress the importance of devoting time
and energy to production and product
success. Don’t waste It’s an age-old lament of farmers the quality management, not chasing down
time on costs you cannot world over: “We take all the risk. The relatively minor middlemen costs.
influence or control. middlemen make all the profit!” That’s not to say service providers
The Citrus Academy recently ran a series shouldn’t be carefully selected for their
of workshops for new entrants into the expertise and cost competitiveness.
industry. As part of this process, Louis They should be, but a farmer should
von Broembsen, the facilitator, wished to not burn up energy in areas that will
set out details of a typical cost chain from bring little return for the effort.
farm to consumer. He asked me for help.
Without giving it much thought, I agreed. THE IMPORTANCE OF RECORDS
Little did I know what an enlightening What applies to citrus probably applies to all
voyage of discovery it would be. fruit, as well as nuts, vegetables, milk, grain,
We identified and costed each step of fibre, meat or almost any other product.
getting fruit from farm to export market: Maximising yields and product quality will
production, harvesting, packing, transport have the single greatest impact on profit.
to port, local port costs, shipping, overseas It’s therefore crucial that the system used
port costs, transport, pre-packing costs delivers yield and quality information in
and retailer’s margin. In between, there a format that provides an early warning
BY PETER HUGHES are costs such as inspection, agents’ system if these aspects are slipping.
Peter Hughes is a business and
commissions and a few others.
Citrus, of course, is produced from the
management consultant with 30 years’
farming experience. Email him Limpopo River to the Southern Cape
at [email protected].
Subject line: Managing for profit. region, and almost everywhere in between. RELATIVELY MINOR
There are many different varieties, each
with its own characteristics and costs, and
Louis wanted costs of all the options. IMPACT ON PROFITS
KEY MESSAGES As I have often written before, most of our
We built cost chain models for each main farmers are highly production-oriented,
production area and variety, enabling us to and are well aware of recent yield figures.
test the sensitivity of farm profits to each But when one starts interrogating history
item of cost, selling prices and exchange of yields in depth, information is often
rates. As we prepared this material for lacking. For example, when the following
the workshops, two key messages for questions are asked, there are often no
the young farmers became clear: quick and ready answers available:
ȊȲYield and product quality affect farm ȊȲWhat’s the trend of overall average yields
profits far more than any other factor. It’s over the past three to five years? Up or down?
these two factors, both largely under the ȊȲWhat’s the trend of product quality
control of the farmer, which determine over the same period? Up or down?
the success or failure of the business. ȊȲHow do these trends compare with the
ȊȲ‘Middlemen’ operate in a highly best farm in the area? Better or worse?
competitive and transparent environment. ȊȲWhat has been the yield/quality
If they charge extortionate prices for their trend from your worst-performing
services, they quickly lose their clients. land? Improving or getting worse?
What’s more, in the overall cost ȊȲWhat’s the trend for each main variety?
chain, these costs are relatively minor To get answers to these and other crucial
and have much less impact on profits yield and quality questions, records need to
than yield and product quality.
be available at the push of a button. FW

28 farmer’s weekly 22 FEBRUARY 2019


Fish production: simplicity

or sophistication?
A recirculating system
and a pond farm are at
opposite ends of the
aquaculture spectrum.
T he type of system employed in a fish
production unit depends on many
factors. The most crucial is the species
being farmed. Almost as important, though,
is the level of sophistication of the technology.
‹ Oxygen
This becomes severely depleted as stocking
rates rise. Because oxygen is absorbed at the
water surface, the limitation of oxygen is
more a function of surface area than volume,
The sweet spot is The most complex set-up is the so space becomes an issue in the confines
somewhere in between. recirculating aquaculture system (RAS), of a tunnel. Oxygen generators that inject
and the simplest is the pond-based system. pure oxygen are a high-tech and expensive
Each has its advantages. An RAS uses and alternative to atmospheric air injection.
reuses a limited volume of water, has a ‹ Ammonia removal
small footprint, allows for climate control, This is limited by the capacity of the bio
and enables intensification (increasing the filter to break down the waste products. It is
stocking rate). A pond farm offers lower effected by static filtration, where tanks filled
risk, requires fewer skills to operate, and is with media coated with bacteria do the job
less dependent on a reliable power supply. (either aerated, not aerated or in fluidised bed
form), or by mechanical drum-type filters
A QUESTION OF NUMBERS that revolve aerated media within tanks. The
A simple tilapia RAS may comprise a number latter are expensive, high-tech and unreliable.
of tanks inside a hothouse tunnel. The grow- ‹ Solids removal
out tanks are connected to other containments This is achieved with static screens or
that comprise the filtration needed to remove settlement tanks, or with mechanical
the waste products. Such an unsophisticated devices such as a drum separator. The
BY NICHOLAS JAMES set-up is for practising aquaculture as a latter requires energy, servicing and spares
hobby, not for commercial purposes. The to operate continuously; if it fails, the bio
Nicholas James is an ichthyologist and
hatchery owner. Email him at maximum fish stocking density is between filter is smothered, poisoning the system.
[email protected]. 5kg/m3 and 10kg/m3 water; more than
Subject line: Aquaculture.
this will result in sediment accumulation,
ammonia spikes and poor water quality.
If intensification is increased to commercial WHETHER THE SYSTEM
œ˜Œ”’— ›ŠŽœ ǻ‹Ž ŽŽ— ŘŖ”Ȧ–3 and WILL STAY RELIABLE
Complex systems may appeal to
śŖ”Ȧ–3), the need for sophisticated life-
support technology will increase. Or will it?
some growers, but the bottom line The limiting factors in intensive fish
is this: how much fish can they
produce viably and reliably? farming are availability of oxygen, Technical sophistication is not simply
NICHOLAS JAMES and ammonia and solids removal. a function of the scale of operation, or
availability of funding. Risk must be
paramount in determining choice. Using an
intensive system that depends on electric
machinery for oxygenation, solids removal
or filtration, one must assume that failure
of a component is inevitable. If this will
result in stock losses, duplication is essential.
In addition, staff must be competent in
running and repairing such equipment.
I recommend the use of high-volume
settlement units, wide but shallow
grow-out tanks, and massive volume
filtration. This offers greater simplicity,
less risk of failure, lower running
costs, and fewer sleepless nights.
How the system works when it is
new is irrelevant; how it works when
it is old is what really matters! FW

22 FEBRUARY 2019 farmer’s weekly 29


Current trends in
agriculture insurance
Our new fortnightly
column will discuss
various internal and
external risk factors
F rom an insurance and risk perspective,
the agriculture sector can basically be
split into two categories: the various
crop insurance products and asset insurance.
In South Africa, crop insurance represents
products at an increased rate per hectare
may be exposed to as much, if not more,
risk than farms that produce lower-
value crops on thousands of hectares.
Historically, most commercial farms
that might affect farmers a relatively small share of the market. were businesses owned and run by
and agribusinesses In primary agriculture, the size of the sole proprietors. These days, many are
in South Africa. agricultural insurance market for crop- larger businesses with sophisticated
and harvest-related insurance, in terms management structures that include
of premiums, is roughly R1,5 billion. This shareholders and directors. In the process,
represents about 30% of the value of all many farmers may have unknowingly
crops in South Africa. The remainder exposed themselves to corporate risk.
of farmers have chosen not to insure.
This might be because of the cost of the BRAND-NEW REGIONAL
insurance, or because, in some cases, INSURANCE PRODUCT
farmers have enough capital to carry Parametric cover is a new type of insurance
the risk of crop damage themselves. that was legalised in South Africa only in
The size of the insurance market for July last year, and for which there are, as
assets such as machinery and buildings, in yet, no products available on the market.
terms of premiums, is roughly R4 billion. The purpose of this type of insurance is
To determine a minimum level of asset to protect groups or entire communities
insurance to invest in, a farmer must of farmers in a certain geographical area
consider which equipment, farm vehicles against losses resulting from a single
BY ANDRIES WIESE and farm structures are integral to the catastrophic event, such as fire or drought.
business; that is, those assets that would
Andries Wiese is head of the Agri
Division at Hollard Insurance. Email
cause the operation to come to a standstill
if they broke down or went up in flames.
him at [email protected].
Subject line: Risk management. At the very minimum, a farming
business should have adequate CHANGED THE RISK
insurance cover, or capital, to cover the
replacement cost of these critical assets.
Other types of insurance cover that farmers MANY FARMERS
should investigate include various liability
covers and Sasria (South African Special In the case of drought in a cropping region,
Risks Insurance Association) insurance, if it can be established that the region’s
which provides special risk cover to average rainfall for a season deviated from
individuals and businesses that own assets the long-term average by, say, -10%, and this
in South Africa, as well as government reduction was estimated to have caused,
entities. This is unique cover against risks on average, a 5% decline in yield across
such as strikes, riots and labour unrest. the pre-determined area, all farmers in
that region who chose parametric cover
MODERN, SOPHISTICATED would be reimbursed accordingly.
The risk profile of a primary producer GOVERNMENT BUY-IN NEEDED
in agriculture has undergone significant The exposure that any single private
changes over the years, as many have insurance company would have to take on
changed their businesses to become to offer this type of insurance is simply too
more involved in the value chain. large to justify such a product, however.
The rise of advanced technology in The insurance industry would need buy-in
farming has also changed the risk from government in order to develop a
environment for many farmers. For product that delivers affordable, yet fairly
example, on smaller properties, the use comprehensive, ‘catastrophe cover’ that could
of technology to produce high-value benefit large farming communities. FW
30 farmer’s weekly 22 FEBRUARY 2019
10 JULY 2019

Marianna du Plessis
[email protected] +27 (0) 63 076 9135
farmersweekly.co.za Africa Conference
FEATURE Fertilisation

Beginner’s F ertilisation is an exact

science, and no two lands
can be treated the same.
development. Plants are assisted
to ripen early and mature quickly.
Ȋ Potassium (K) in the soil

guide to
It is therefore paramount that improves crop yield and quality,
a farmer understands the strengthens the plant, and helps
different types of fertiliser, it resist drought and disease.

application levels, and timing Potassium also helps the plant
of application before embarking breathe and plays a major role in
on a fertiliser programme. its use of water and its build-up of
Crops continuously extract starches, sugars, fats and protein.
nutrients from the soil, and
Achieving optimal yields is greatly over time this can lead to severe SECONDARY ELEMENTS:
dependent on providing crops with depletion of soil fertility and land Ȋ Calcium (Ca) forms the
the right nutrition at the right time. degradation. This in turn destroys ‘building blocks’ in plant
Understanding the role of fertilisers the productive ‘capital’ of the soil cells that ensure firmness,
and ensuring the correct application and reduces the farm’s ability to shelf life and quality produce.
produce a crop. If optimal yields It strengthens the plant
can make the difference between profit
cannot be achieved, it becomes and reduces or neutralises
and loss. Lindi Botha reports. uneconomical to continue toxicity in the soil.
buying and planting seed. Ȋ Magnesium (Mg) helps a
plant breathe and aids in its
THE RIGHT MIX absorption of phosphorous.
For optimal fertiliser usage, the It is a vital element in
soil type, nutrient levels and photosynthesis. However, too
yield potential of the crop and much will slow down the plant’s
area must first be determined. ability to absorb potassium.
Soil that is well looked after Ȋ Sulphur (S) is essential for
normally has the capacity to N uptake. It is a key factor in
provide most nutrients needed, leaf development and increases
and shortages can be overcome by the quality of grain and fruit.
using carefully chosen fertilisers. It is also responsible
It is wasteful to apply a nutrient for the intense flavour of
if there is enough of it in the soil. crops such as onions
In general, macroelements are and garlic.
the nutrients most likely to be
added to the soil. Micro- and
secondary elements are also NO TWO PLOTS
applied in small doses, as they OF LAND CAN
play a crucial role in assisting BE TREATED
plants to absorb macroelements.
The most important elements THE SAME
can be summarised as follows:
MACROELEMENTS Ȋ Boron (B) is critical to
Ȋ Nitrogen (N) improves overall the health of the plant. It is
crop quality. It helps a plant essential for cell division and
develop chlorophyll, the green the creation of new plant cells.
pigment that enables the plant to Ȋ Although zinc (Zn) is needed
absorb energy from sunlight to only in small amounts, it is
fuel its activities. Nitrogen is also crucial to plant development
absorbed from the soil and used as it plays a key role in growth
by the plant to form proteins for hormone production.
growth. Simply put, N increases
the number of plant cells, LIME
branches, leaves, seeds and fruit. Lime is an inorganic (non-living)
A shortage of N results in yellow mineral that helps reduce
leaves and poor plant growth. acidity in the soil. Too much
Ȋ Phosphorous (P) in the soil acid decreases the availability
leads to better root development, of P, inhibits the uptake of
and helps with grain and seed water and fertiliser, makes

32 farmer’s weekly 22 FEBRUARY 2019


t A soil analysis should be conducted
before applying fertiliser.

t Do not neglect micronutrients;

they aid in the absorption
of macronutrients.

herbicides less effective, and ȊȲBiostimulants. These are OPPOSITE PAGE: t Apply fertiliser at the correct rate;
Mulching can help both over- and under-fertilising
suppresses the effectiveness of substances or microorganisms to create healthy are detrimental to soil health.
microorganisms in the soil. If applied to seeds, plants or soils where
conditions are highly acidic, it the soil to enhance nutrition thrive, resulting in
any shortages. The analyses
may be more economical and efficiency, crop quality traits, a higher uptake must be soil- and crop-specific
beneficial to lime rather than and abiotic stress tolerance to of nutrients by and taken from several
the plants.
increasing fertiliser application. guard against, for example, locations to get a true picture.
drought, waterlogging or extreme ABOVE: Once a fertiliser programme
Samples for soil
SPECIALITY FERTILISERS temperature. Biostimulants can analysis should has been worked out for the
Hugo Opperman, head chemist be applied regardless of the be taken from farm, it is important to keep to
at Microbial Biological Fertilizers soil’s nutrient content. One of the various locations the application schedule. If the
in the land.
International (MBFi), notes that most popular growth-enhancing PHOTOS: LINDI BOTHA fertiliser is applied at the wrong
due to diminishing agricultural biostimulants is seaweed extract; time, it will be ineffective.
land and a growing population, it is also effective in relieving Graph 1 illustrates It is usual to apply a
there is a need for more specialised plant stress, as it contains a how, at some point, basal dressing at planting,
an increase in
agricultural practices to get the high level of antioxidants. fertliser application
and a top dressing before
most out every piece of land. ȊȲBiological fertilisers. These adds to increased the plant flowers.
“This has resulted in a rise in contain bacteria or fungi, and cost without further The following are best
increasing yield.
the use of speciality fertilisers, act upon plant growth through SUPPLIED practices in fertiliser
which can significantly symbiosis. They improve plant application, according to
increase crop yields by using growth by improving soil the International Fertilizer
a more targeted approach.” structure, increasing nutrient Industry Association:
Opperman says that the availability and uptake, and
biostimulants market has grown by producing compounds GRAPH 1: WHEAT GRAIN YIELD IN RESPONSE TO
exponentially over the past few that stimulate growth, disease
years, with an estimated global resistance and control of 5 000
market value of over US$2 billion pathogenic organisms and pests. 4 500
(about R26 billion) in 2018. The most widely used organisms 4 000
Speciality fertilisers optimise in this group are nitrogen- 3 500
Grain yield (kg/ha)

specific growth stages, metabolic fixing rhizobium bacteria. 3 000 agronomic
functions and the ability of a 2 500
plant to cope with certain stress HOW MUCH FERTILISER? 2 000
conditions. The three main classes Fertiliser applications depend 1 500
of speciality fertilisers include: largely on soil type, nutrient 1 000 yield
ȊȲNutrient speciality fertilisers. levels, and the requirements of 500
These are versatile and can be the crop. For this reason, it is 0
0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200
applied either via seed treatments, best to have soil and leaf
Nitrogen applied (kg/ha)
preplanting or foliar fertiliser. analyses done to determine

22 FEBRUARY 2019 farmer’s weekly 33

FEATURE Fertilisation

Economics How do we compare globally?

The margins of South Africa’s fertiliser industry The main fertiliser consumers in Africa include Egypt, South
are determined largely by world market prices Africa and Morocco. Total fertiliser consumption in sub-Saharan
of major raw materials, while domestic prices countries is about 2% of world fertiliser consumption. On average,
are driven primarily by the import parity cost these farmers use 10kg/ha of nutrients, which is less than 10%
of commonly traded fertiliser commodities. of the world average. Studies have found that more nutrients
Dr Pieter Haumann, CEO of the Fertiliser are removed from the soil annually in Africa, mainly through
Association of South Africa, says the absence harvesting of crops, than are being returned to the soil.
of urea production facilities and sources of Worldwide average fertiliser usage is 137kg/ha, with New
potash in this country are reasons for the high Zealand showing the highest levels at 1 716kg/ha, followed
levels of imports (urea and potassium chloride by China at 506kg/ha and the US at 137kg/ha. South Africa’s
make up the bulk of imported products). fertiliser usage is the highest in sub-Saharan Africa, at 58kg/ha,
“South Africa is a net importer of fertiliser followed by Malawi at 30kg/ha and Zimbabwe at 23kg/ha.
products, excluding ammonia and rock phosphate. The International Fertilizer Association aims to increase Africa’s
Annually, South Africa consumes about two million (excluding South Africa’s) average fertiliser usage to at least 50kg/ha
tons of fertiliser products worth around R10 billion, from the current 10kg/ha, as the low usage rate is a serious
with the maize industry consuming between stumbling block to ensuring food security on the continent.
40% and 50% of all fertilisers on the market. The
fertiliser market is therefore very much influenced
by what happens to this industry,” he says. ‹ Weeds “At some point, an increase
Nearly two-thirds of South Africa’s fertiliser Weeds absorb water and plant in fertiliser will cost more
exports are to Zambia and Zimbabwe. nutrients, so it is important money, but won’t result in a
to eradicate them. Proper soil greater yield.” (See Graph 1)
cultivation enables more water
‹ Fertiliser requirement and fertiliser to infiltrate the soil. THE ENVIRONMENT
Over- or under-fertilising ‹ Plant sap analysis Over-fertilising has a negative
can both affect your profit. Take regular plant sap samples impact on the environment.
Too much will increase your to help you address nutrient “Nitrate and, to a lesser extent,
costs and have an adverse deficiencies in time. A sap sulphate and boron, are not held
effect on the environment; analysis will also help you avoid strongly by the soil and can leach
too little will decrease the applying fertiliser unnecessarily. down with percolating waters and
yield and thus income. contribute to undesirable water
‹ Biological life HOW MUCH IS TOO MUCH? enrichment,” says Haumann.
Do not neglect the biological While correct fertiliser
life in the soil; a healthy micro-
organism population makes
applications can significantly
increase crop yield, there is a
more plant nutrients available. maximum obtainable amount TO BIOLOGICAL
‹ Product choice of crop produced for any given LIFE IN THE SOIL
Compare the different products. amount of fertiliser and other
Products that are more farm inputs used. It is therefore
concentrated can reduce costs important to establish what the “Phosphate generally moves
(there is less to transport), but maximum amount of fertiliser only a short distance from the
normally do not contain the same requirement would be and application site, mainly through
quantity of secondary elements. the level of profitability. soil erosion or surface run-off. Over
‹ Application Dr Pieter Haumann, CEO of the years, phosphate applied through
Although band placement Fertiliser Association of South fertilisers or organic manures can
of fertiliser is generally the Africa, says that at high levels of move to deeper layers of coarse-
most effective method, input use, the nutrients applied textured soils in high-rainfall areas.
broadcast application and to the soil are not taken up “If it exits the soil profile and
foliar sprays have their place. completely by the growing crop moves into water bodies, its
How you apply fertiliser even under the best conditions. concentration increases and it can
will affect its efficiency. “While analysing the lead to excessive growth of algae
‹ Precision farming economics of fertiliser use, the and result in eutrophication, to the
This ensures that the entire principal considerations are the detriment of other organisms.”
land is fertilised according to production increase attributed to Ȋ Email Hugo Opperman
the soil analysis and expected fertiliser, and the relationships at [email protected], or
yield. Money is saved, yields are between the cost of fertilisers Dr Pieter Haumann at
increased, and risk is reduced. and the price of produce.
[email protected]. FW

34 farmer’s weekly 22 FEBRUARY 2019

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Secure your
you start
Three years ago, WA Hugo started
farming dairy goats on 8ha just
outside Lambert’s Bay. Today,
he has a herd of 150 goats and
produces various cheese products.
Jeandré van der Walt visited him
on his farm, Bettiesville, to learn
more about the dos and don’ts
of dairy goat farming.

36 farmer’s weekly 22 FEBRUARY 2019

“I ’ve always been fond
of goats. When I was
young, we always had
goats around and used to drink
a lot of goats’ milk,” recalls
WA Hugo, owner of the farm
Bettiesville near Lambert’s Bay.
When the opportunity
presented itself in 2016,
Hugo therefore lost no time
in pursuing his dream of
dairy goat farming and
commercial cheesemaking.
He markets the cheeses under
the ‘Bettie Bok’ brand.
Hugo points out, however,
that starting out in dairy goat
farming is not that simple: it takes
careful thought and planning.
“You need to ask yourself two
questions: why am I choosing
goats? And what do I want to
achieve with my goat farming
operation?” says Hugo. FAST FACTS
t The general belief that goats will eat anything is untrue.
They are, in fact, fussy eaters.
The Bettiesville herd consists t Feeding troughs should be raised above the ground,
as goats tend to climb over obstacles.
of 150 goats, with 75 ewes in
milk. Hugo farms mainly Saanen t Dairy goats should be milked twice a day, 12 hours apart.
goats due to their high milk
yields and docile temperament. “Goats, whether Good feeding practices will
But he adds that there are a raised for meat or determine 90% of the quality
number of breeds to choose milk, need basic of the milk, he says.
from, such as the Toggenburg protection from the Hugo’s advice to prospective
and British Alpine. elements: wind, rain and heat. dairy goat farmers who want
“Choose the breed you You don’t need an elaborate to put goats on pasture is
want to farm based on what barn; a simple, three-sided to first take note of what’s
you want to achieve with shed facing away from the available in the area as well
your business,” he advises. prevailing wind will suffice.” as the average rainfall.
When buying dairy goats, Hugo adds that goats are “Here, where we stay, it
Hugo says it is important notorious escape artists, and their looks almost like a desert, so
to look particularly at enclosures should therefore be we feed our goats daily.”
temperament and the udder. constructed from, or surrounded The Bettiesville goats
“Examine the udder of the by, strong fencing that they cannot feed almost exclusively on
ewe thoroughly to ensure there climb. However, he advises against hay, but depending on their
are no lumps. If you can, milk using barbed wire as it can injure stage of development they
the ewe with your hand. A the goats, especially their udders. also receive concentrate.
goat that’s difficult to milk by “For me, the ideal combination “It’s important to give ewes
hand will also be difficult to OPPOSITE PAGE: is a tension wire with an extra feed during the last
Good record-
milk in the dairy parlour.” keeping is key electric wire,” he says. few weeks of pregnancy to
In addition, look for goats to a successul improve their condition and
operation. WA Hugo
with a shiny coat. “Goats assigns a unique PICKY EATERS milk production,” adds Hugo.
with coarse, dry, curly hair number to each According to Hugo, the Always provide goats with
kid, written down
may very well have some on masking
general belief that goats will sufficient fresh water, as they
underlying health problem.” tape and taped eat anything is not true. tend to ‘rinse’ their mouths
around its neck. “In fact, they’re picky eaters,” after eating, he advises.
HOUSING AND ENCLOSURES ABOVE: he says. They are browsers, “The water in the troughs can
Before buying goats, ensure Husband and not grazers like sheep, and very quickly become dirty and
wife team WA and
that you have adequate housing Lillibet Hugo. what works for sheep will not the goats won’t want to drink it.
and fencing, says Hugo. JEANDRÉ VAN DER WALT necessarily apply to goats. It also affects their appetite.”

22 FEBRUARY 2019 farmer’s weekly 37


Water troughs should be ewes come on heat, the possible ABOVE LEFT: for the first five days after birth.
The Hugos created
cleaned at least once a day, but kidding date should be noted. the brand Bettie After five days, the kids are taken
preferably twice, especially “It’s important to have a kidding Bok for their from the ewes and fed by bottle.”
chèvre, feta and
during the summer months. plan in order to prepare for the haloumi cheeses.
Hugo also recommends raising arrival of a large number of kids.” BETTIE BOK
feeding troughs from the ground, Hugo’s flock usually achieves ABOVE: Hugo converted an old farmstead
The parlour is
as goats tend to climb on the a kidding rate of 200%. equipped with into an automatic, eight-point
troughs and trample on their Kids are marked for an automatic, milking parlour and in September
eight-point milking
food. They then refuse to eat it. identification immediately system. Goats are 2016 he and and his wife Lillibet
after birth. “You can’t do milked twice a day. made their first cheese.
MEDICATION worthwhile recording unless He says that for good-quality
Goats should receive their all animals can be properly production, dairy goats should
vaccinations and other identified,” he stresses. be milked twice a day, 12 hours
medication during the dry ewe apart, seven days a week. A healthy
stage. This is also an ideal time Saanen ewe should produce
to groom their hooves; hoof ‘ENSURE EVERY ‹Ž ŽŽ—ȱŘǰśȟȱŠ—ȱřȟȱ˜ȱ–’•”ȱŠȱŠ¢ǯȱ
trimming is important for the GOAT IS CLEARLY They produce chèvre (soft goats’
mobility and comfort of the ewe.
Hugo advises farmers to
IDENTIFIED’ cheese), feta and haloumi.
“Our main clients are health
consult a vet about setting up a shops. Goats’ milk is enriched
parasite control plan, especially He records the sire, dam with many necessary nutrients
during the dry ewe period, and kidding date of each and is easily digestible,” he says.
to prevent excessive levels of kid immediately after birth Hugo adds that some consumers
parasite exposure for newborns by writing these details on believe goats’ milk and goats’ milk
and the ewe. “It’s also important masking tape with a permanent products have an unpleasant odour
to check regularly for, and marker and tying it around the and taste. To control this, he keeps
treat, any external parasites.” animal’s neck. This identification the rams away from the ewes,
number will be tattooed inside especially after the females have
BREEDING its ear after two months. kidded and are ready for milking.
Dairy goats are seasonal breeders, When a ewe has kidded, Hugo
conceiving exclusively in autumn. places the kids in a portable SECURE A MARKET
Hugo recommends a ratio of one pen measuring 1,4m by 1,4m, It is a challenge to find a
mature ram to 35 ewes. Young made from old pallets. market for the products.
ewes start breeding when they “Ewes with a strong maternal “These are niche products.
are about 14 months old and instinct are prone to steal kids Secure a market before investing
weigh a minimum of 36kg. from other ewes, so to ensure that in facilities or animals. Otherwise,
“When you’re planning your each of the newborns receives you’ll lose money instead of
breeding, keep in mind the enough colostrum, the kids must earning a profit,” advises Hugo.
gestation period is about 150 days,” be kept separated with their ȊȲEmail WA and Lillibet Hugo
he says, adding that when the mothers from the rest of the herd at [email protected]. FW
38 farmer’s weekly 22 FEBRUARY 2019

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Tips from the Western Cape’s

cucumber giant
Tunnel production may seem a relatively simple and profitable way to farm, but it involves high
capital costs and has a narrow margin of error. Nico Laubscher Jnr spoke to Glenneis Kriel
about the lessons that he and his team have learnt at Alzanne, near Vredendal, over the years.

t The high cost of tunnels might not
justify the production of certain crops.

t Producers should secure a market

before investing in this type of farming.

t Fertilisation programmes should be

adjusted according to farm conditions.

40 farmer’s weekly 22 FEBRUARY 2019

A little over three decades
ago, Nico Laubscher Snr
planted cucumbers
in tunnels on his farm near
Vredendal in the Olifants River
Valley to add value to land
too marginal for wine grape
production. The cucumbers
turned out to be so profitable
that he later uprooted several
vineyards to expand production.
Today, his farming enterprise,
Alzanne, has over 100 tunnels
covering an area of roughly
10ha in total, making it one
of the largest cucumber
producers in the country.
Replicating this success under
the current production and
economic environment would
be near impossible, according
to Laubscher’s son, Nico Jnr. He
explains that his father’s first
six tunnels paid for themselves
within a year, allowing him to ABOVE: so merely ‘dumping’ the crop company and is not subjected to
Nico Laubscher Jnr
use the income generated to took over the on the municipal market can adverse weather conditions such
subsidise expansion. However, management of backfire and cause prices as frequent, strong winds. These
Alzanne Boerdery
the return on investment has in 2004.
to collapse. Farmers should can damage both the fabric and
been slower since 1998, when secure a market before buying the supporting structure as well
they purchased their first multi- ABOVE RIGHT: or planting anything. as negatively affect production.
Each plant
span tunnel with wet pad and produces up to One way of overcoming the Plastic usually lasts about
fans for automated climate 30 cucumbers in market and skills problem is three years before it has to
a season. Plants
control. They bought another are replaced
to team up with an existing be replaced. “The structure
in 2004, and a third in 2006. every season. supplier. Alzanne itself is part has to be maintained to
“The cost of multi-span of such an initiative. The prevent holes and weaknesses
tunnels combined with rising ABOVE: enterprise partnered with from causing irreparable
labour, electricity and input The higher the 10 of its employees in 2009 damage,” says Laubscher.
tunnel, the better,
costs, has become so exorbitant as height improves and, with the help of the Thanks to the area’s warm
that it no longer justifies the air circulation and Western Cape Department winter days, there is no need to
makes climate
investment if you’re going to control easier.
of Agriculture and Exxaro heat the tunnels, which saves
produce cucumbers. The price Namakwa Sands, constructed money. Nonetheless, electricity
of cucumbers is less than half BELOW: two greenhouses measuring still accounts for 20% to 30% of
The farming
of what it was three years enterprise bought 0,25ha and 0,5ha respectively. production costs, depending
ago,” Laubscher Jnr says. its first multi-span Alzanne carried most of on whether a structure makes
tunnel in 2009.
the operating costs until use of natural or controlled
‘START SMALL’ production became economically ventilation and climate control.
Another challenge is that the sustainable, which took about Being on Eskom’s Ruraflex
margin for error in tunnel six years. Shareholders have electricity plan helps reduce
production is much narrower received dividends from irrigation pumping costs in
than for crops grown in the the project since 2012. vineyards, but is not really a
open air. His advice to other factor in tunnel production,
producers keen to venture into INFRASTRUCTURE as plants are irrigated eight to
this type of farming is therefore Clearly, the larger the tunnel, 12 times a day depending on their
to start small, perhaps with the more expensive it is, but stage of production, time of year
second-hand tunnels, and to a higher tunnel is generally and environmental factors. Adult
expand production systematically better, as it allows for better air plants receive at least eight pulses
as they gain experience. circulation and climate control, of 350mm of fertigation a day.
Apart from this, the demand says Laubscher. A tunnel can last The Laubschers plan on
for cucumbers in the Western many years, particularly if it has installing solar panels in future
and Eastern Cape is limited, been manufactured by a qualified to reduce electricity costs.

22 FEBRUARY 2019 farmer’s weekly 41


FERTIGATION analysed, sterilised and treated ABOVE LEFT: The grafted seedlings are
Nico Laubscher Jnr
Fertiliser programmes for to render it suitable for re-use. standing among bought in from Brits in North
hydroponic cucumber production Waste water is nevertheless cucumbers ready West. The Laubschers plant
to be harvested.
differ slightly from one farm to sprayed onto the roads around varieties exclusively from the
another, depending on the quality the tunnels to reduce dust, which ABOVE: Dutch company Rijk Zwaan,
and pH of the water, the growth is associated with red spider mite. Thanks to the as these give high production
medium and climatic conditions. He adds that many people warm winters, the volumes and are relatively
“The trick with cucumber tend to think that plants grown tunnels do not disease-resistant. They have the
have to be heated.
production is to find a recipe undercover are safer from potential to produce between 25
that works for you and keeps insect pests. However, the and 30 cucumbers per plant in
your plants happy. This means environment that results in summer, and 15 and 22 in winter.
that plants should receive better growth for plants is also The plants are used for only one
enough water and the right more favourable for insects, so season, which lasts six months.
fertiliser at the right time to problems can rapidly get out of Alzanne supplies the market
prevent stress,” says Laubscher. hand if not managed in time. all year round with gherkins and
Humidity is very low in the seedless / Israeli cucumbers.
Vredendal area, so irrigation has FUSARIUM “Different retailers label
to be managed with care. In some According to Laubscher, one of cucumbers by different names;
of the multi-span tunnels, water the biggest mistakes they made one may call the same variety
is applied through a misting on the farm was to plant in ash, as a seedless cucumber, while
system to reduce the temperature it exacerbated fusarium problems. the other will call it an Israeli.
and raise humidity levels. “We suffered huge losses This complicates on-farm
Although tunnel-grown because of fusarium, but have packing and labelling, and also
cucumbers use less water since overcome this by using confuses consumers,” he says.
than wine grapes, they are plant material grafted onto Laubscher says tunnel
one of the highest users of pumpkin rootstock. This has production may look like an
water amongst tunnel-grown since become an industry easy way to make money, but it
crops, says Laubscher. standard because of its tolerance is highly scientific and requires
While water is re-used in to fungal diseases,” he explains. a farmer to be hands-on.
hydroponic systems in some Laubscher uses woodchips “Small mistakes can cause big
overseas countries, the practice as the plant medium. This losses, so make sure you have
has not yet really taken off comprises untreated wood, as enough knowledge and access
in South Africa. The reason, oils or chemicals from treated to good support if you want
explains Laubscher, is that it is woodchips can interfere to venture into this game.”
expensive and technically too with the nutrients in the ȊȲEmail Nico Laubscher at
complex, as the water has to be fertigation programme.
[email protected]. FW

42 farmer’s weekly 22 FEBRUARY 2019

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Weathering the storm

with shade nets
Graaff Fruit has been using nets in several of its orchards for more than a decade.
Mac Mackenzie spoke to Glenneis Kriel about how this method reduces climatic risks.

W olseley in the
Western Cape is
one of the earliest
stone fruit producing regions
in South Africa, yet production
netting stitched together with
string to prevent the wind from
tearing the netting. The side-nets,
which form wind barriers, reduce
wind speed by more than 50%.
t Netting is
used to protect
fruit against
wind, snow, hail
monitor soil moisture status and
regularly take leaf samples to guide
our fertilisation and irrigation
decisions. The trees receive up to
a third less water and fertiliser
has always been hampered by “The nets do tear from time and sunburn. than trees planted in the open, but
the wind that rages through to time,” says Mackenzie. “We t Improved this varies from place to place.”
the Breede River Valley. regularly walk through the climatic conditions Both micro- and drip irrigation
result in a higher
Twelve years ago, the owners structures and repair them.” Class 1 pack-out are used under the nets, but
of Graaff Fruit, near Wolseley, The top of the structure is rate. Mackenzie prefers micro-
started planting nectarine and covered with a finer net that t Fruit quality,
irrigation as it sprays water over
peach trees under shade nets enables full light penetration yield and tree a wider area, reducing orchard
on its farm, Romansrivier, to into the orchards. This is health have all temperatures. Drippers are still
been found to
alleviate the impact of wind essential for flower and bud improve under more water-efficient, however,
damage. This has resulted formation in stone fruit. shade netting. due to lower evaporation.
in healthier, more vigorous The structure used at Graaff Fruit intends using
trees, with the Class 1 pack- Rietfontein has a V-shaped roof, dwarfing rootstocks, such as M9,
out rate averaging 30% more with the steeples running over as well as planting trees at a higher
than for exposed trees. the top of the trees. The lower density to inhibit vigorous growth.
Mac Mackenzie, the general sections are joined with clips,
manager of Graaff Fruit, says it is spaced about 1m apart. The ADVICE
difficult to quantify savings, as all design allows snow and hail to Using nets can more than
their nectarines and peach trees run off the roof into the middle double the cost of establishing
are planted under nets. However, of tree rows without breaking the a new orchard, a major factor
fruit quality, the amount of fruit nets. So far, Rietfontein has 225ha when deciding whether or not
produced per tree, and tree health under pome fruit production, to invest in this method.
were all “definitely better” than of which 35ha are under nets. “It makes sense to prioritise
for trees not under netting. Plans are afoot to expand the area certain high-value varieties when
Exposed plum trees, for under nets to reduce climatic risk. you go this route,” says Mackenzie.
example, are about a year The use of nets, however, If cash-strapped, a farmer could
behind those planted under changes the climatic environment plant the infrastructure at the same
netting, while a Packham in an orchard. At Romansrivier time as the trees, but attach the
pear orchard, planted in and Rietfontein, temperatures nets only once the orchard starts
2012, has still not reached full are several degrees warmer producing a commercial yield.
commercial production. under netting than outside. The trees may take a few months
Three years ago, Graaff Fruit Trees planted under these to adapt to the new conditions,
also started using shade nets structures are more vigorous but this should not be a long-
on its farm Rietfontein in the than those planted outside, term problem, adds Mackenzie.
Koue Bokkeveld to protect and therefore require different Because of the high cost of the
apple and pear orchards management practices to ensure installatiion, he advises farmers to
against snow and hail. good light penetration. If not, consult specialists, as all aspects,
they may become so overgrown including soil preparation,
BUILT FOR STRENGTH that they produce hardly orchard architecture, irrigation
At Romansrivier, 60ha are planted any fruit, says Mackenzie. layout, trellising of trees, planting
to pear trees and 80ha to stone Irrigation, fertilisation and tree of poles and covering of shade
fruit, with 40ha under shade canopy management are adjusted nets, should complement one
netting. The netted structure has to keep growth under control. another to create the best possible
a flat roof to deflect the wind, “You need to be hands-on to environment for optimal growth.
while the sides are covered with accommodate the new production Ȋ Email Mac Mackenzie at
strong horizontal strips of white environment. We continually
[email protected]. FW

44 farmer’s weekly 22 FEBRUARY 2019


2 3
1: Nets at Rietfontein, in the Koue Bokkeveld,
4 5 protect trees against snow and hail.

2: The nets on the sides of the structure form a

barrier that reduces wind speed by up to 50%.

3: Mac Mackenzie is the general manager

at Graaff Fruit.

4: Romansrivier is situated near Wolseley

in the Breede River Valley.

5: The darker colour of the nets at

Rietfontein helps reduce sun damage.

22 FEBRUARY 2019 farmer’s weekly 45


Growing anything, anywhere

in high-tech greenhouses
The designs and purposes of greenhouses have come a long way. Lloyd Phillips speaks to
Shaul Rabin about the greenhouse technologies currently available, and what the future holds.

T he primary purpose
of a greenhouse
is to provide ideal
conditions for year-round
plant production regardless
production operations and
their suppliers identified
a number of important
technology trends for this
sector in the US, which may be
t Greenhouses
are becoming
popular as
According to the paper, the selection
of covering material for a greenhouse
depends on its application, the
type of crop to be cultivated,
of location, weather and other applicable across the world. they improve and the climatic conditions of
production and
environmental conditions. One of these is that more efficiency. the region. It can vary from a
While greenhouses are than 50% of the greenhouse simple cover, such as single-layer
t Many
expensive because they are growers surveyed want to invest commercial plastic or glass, to fibreglass,
typically equipped with complex significantly in technology growers want double-wall plastic, acrylic sheet,
to invest in
crop management systems, and automation to reduce greenhouse
polyethylene film, PVC, copolymers,
Shaul Rabin, managing director their dependency on labour, technology to polycarbonate panels, or selective
of South African greenhouse and increase their production reduce their transmission mediums for
systems supply company Cyclone efficiencies and profit margins. on labour. different spectral frequencies.
Technology, says the return In addition, growers are keen to The New South Wales Department
t Climate
on investment can be high. invest specifically in greenhouse change is driving of Primary Industries in Australia
He adds that factors such production automation. These greenhouse explains that the covering material
farming around
as climate change are key include transplanters, seeders the world.
used on a greenhouse influences
factors driving greenhouse and conveyors; greenhouse the productivity and performance
farming around the world. management computer of a structure, affecting the quality
Rabin says that greenhouse software for inventory controls, of light available to the crop.
farming is attractive for three logistics and crop protection; The paper adds that light condition
main reasons: it is far more structures and coverings; and air temperature are the two
water-efficient than open-air irrigation equipment and most important factors for plant
production; sunlight can be controls; and growing media growth. The most common artificial
evenly dispersed over all the equipment such as pot fillers, light sources used in modern
plants and its intensity can tray fillers and soil mixers. greenhouses are incandescent lamps;
be managed to suit particular When asked how investing discharge lamps such as fluorescent
crops; and temperature and in these technologies could light tubes, metal halide and
humidity can be controlled. improve their production, they high-pressure sodium lamps; and
“In addition, the ability to mentioned “everything from light-emitting diodes (LEDs).
trellis plants is made much easier; more [production cycles], to Among these, LEDs have
theft of and damage to plants streamlining workflow and gained significant popularity
is minimised; air movement producing a more uniform due to advantages such as cost-
through a greenhouse can be crop”, Sparks says. efficiency, compact design,
controlled; and specialised Participants added that these durability, light quality, and low
lighting can be used to provide technologies would make their thermal energy generation.
plants with any artificial operations more financially and
light they might need. environmentally sustainable by MICROCLIMATE
“A greenhouse farmer can reducing waste and energy use. “An efficient greenhouse requires
achieve the same or even better A 2018 study, ‘Advances environment control for air quality,
yield on a smaller area than an in greenhouse automation disease reduction, pest control,
outdoor crop farmer can.” and controlled environment and nutrient and water uptake,”
agriculture: A transition to plant the paper states. “In general,
TRENDS factories and urban agriculture’, microclimate parameters in a
Brian Sparks, editor of the highlights a variety of existing controlled environment agriculture
US-based magazine Greenhouse and anticipated technologies that facility are manipulated by passive
Grower Technology, says the can assist greenhouse farmers and active ventilation, evaporative
publication’s 2018 surveys of in achieving their profitability cooling techniques, shadings, and
US commercial greenhouse and sustainability goals. refrigeration dehumidification.”

46 farmer’s weekly 22 FEBRUARY 2019

According to the Department of
Agriculture and Forestry (DAF)
in Alberta, Canada, options to
provide heat in a greenhouse
include forced air and boiler heat
for the plant canopy, and hot
water, steam, oil or glycol systems
to warm a crop’s root zone.
The DAF adds that horizontal
airflow fans or adjustable ridge
or gutter vents in the greenhouse
roof can be used to control air
inflow or outflow in order to
maximise air quality and prevent
over- or under-humidification.

Modern systems allow for

increasingly precise applications
of water and liquid-form
nutrients to greenhouse crops.
This optimises plant nutrition
for maximum growth and yield,
while reducing potentially
costly waste and possible
negative consequences for
the natural environment.
The DAF explains that
recirculating systems enhance
irrigation and plant nutrition
efficiencies even more. These
systems collect any excess water SHAUL RABIN
and liquid fertiliser (leachate)
not used by crop roots the first
time round, sterilise it of any ABOVE: zones, and plant stress and The DAF cautions that the
Greenhouses allow
disease-causing organisms for year-round overall health. This data is sent to computerised system’s ability
through ultraviolet light, ozone production, with a central management computer to manage a greenhouse
yields often
gas, heat pasteurisation or bettering those
for an appropriate automated environment optimally
biofiltration, and reapply the of crops grown response by the greenhouse is only as good as the
leachate to the crops during the outdoors. equipment, such as the fertigation information it receives.
next scheduled fertigation. TECHNOLOGIES or ventilation systems. “It’s important that quality
The most popular of these sensors are used and routinely
CONTROL SYSTEMS automatic monitoring, maintained to ensure they are
Two of the most helpful evaluation and response operating properly. Sensor
technological advances are systems are wireless sensor placement is also important
automatic greenhouse monitoring networks (WSN) and Internet- to ensure accurate readings
and response systems, and of-Things-based (IoT) systems. of the crop environment.”
the ability to observe and “An important consideration ȊȲEmail Shaul Rabin at
control their functioning in designing an efficient WSN [email protected].
from a remote location via is the number of nodes, their ȊȲSources: Shamshiri RR,
computer or smartphone. location, distances between Kalantari F, Ting KC, Thorp KR,
According to the study, nodes, the antenna, and the Hameed I A, Weltzien C, et al. 2018.
sensor systems are available operating frequency based on ‘Advances in greenhouse automation
to automatically monitor a the greenhouse microclimate and controlled environment
wide variety of greenhouse condition. Studies showed agriculture: A transition to plant
conditions, such as sunlight that radio wave propagation is factories and urban agriculture’.
intensity and quality, air quality strongly affected by the high International Journal of
and composition, nutrient and greenhouse environment,” Agricultural and Biological
moisture levels in crop root the paper states. Engineering. 11(1): 1–22. FW
22 FEBRUARY 2019 farmer’s weekly 47

ABOVE LEFT: problem in North West, the Free
The blue-leaf
Know your invasive species cactus reproduces
by stem fragments
State and the Northern Cape.

This issue looks at the blue-leaf cactus, the bramble, as well as seeds.
and other alien plant species that require eradication. (Billardiera heterophylla)
ABOVE: This is a perennial, evergreen
The bluebell
According to the Biodiversity as they mature. The mature creeper is a danger climber that twines around other
Act No. 10 of 2004, landowners fruits (7cm to 8cm long and to fynbos around trees and structures. It grows
Cape Town.
are under legal obligation to 6cm in diameter) are fleshy, STICKPEN
2m to 3m high and has dark
control invasive alien plants. barrel-shaped or rounded green, glossy, hairless leaves.
They must identify all invasive (globose), with tufts of tiny ABOVE RIGHT: The flowers are bright blue with
Infestation by the
alien plants on their properties barbed bristles on the surface. boxing glove cactus five spreading petals. It may
and use the correct methods The dark red pulp in the centre can significantly compete with fynbos vegetation.
reduce the carrying
to control or remove them. of the fruit contains a large capacity of land. It is also toxic, and can cause
number of light or dark brown DAVE PAPE skin irritations and nausea.
‹ )S\LSLHM JHJ[\Z seeds, each 3mm to 5mm across. BELOW LEFT:
Invasive status: NEMBA
(Opuntia robusta) Cladode fragments are spread Berries and leaves Category 1a. A problem
This upright, succulent shrub by becoming attached to animals, of the bramble. around Cape Town.
grows 1m to 4m tall and has stems shoes and vehicles, or being
consisting of a series of flattened, dumped as garden waste. The BELOW: ‹ )V_PUN NSV]L JHJ[\Z
Birds sometimes
fleshy cladodes (segments). It fruit is eaten by various animals prefer the fruit (Cylindropuntia fulgida)
flowers mainly during late spring and birds, which spread the of the Brazilian This species has distorted
and summer. The flowers are 5cm seeds in their droppings. pepper tree to segments with corrugated
that of indigenous
to 8cm in diameter and yellow in The cactus is an environmental plants, leading surfaces, and small bristles
colour, occasionally with reddish weed, infesting pastures, granite to inadequate (glochids) in clusters in
dispersal of
streaks on the outer petals. outcrops and open woodlands. the latter. depressions (areoles) on the
The immature fruits are green, Invasive status: NEMBA FOREST & KIM STARR segments. The glochids readily
but turn pinkish to purplish Category 1a. A particular attach to skin and are difficult

48 farmer’s weekly 22 FEBRUARY 2019

to remove, while the areoles
have white to brownish spines.
The plant spreads by
distribution of segments, usually
in water courses; these root
where they touch the ground.
The bristles can injure people RIGHT:
and animals, and infestation The maize plant
drastically reduces the is less prone
to pests and
carrying capacity of land. disease than most
Invasive status: NEMBA other vegetables,
and is fairly
Category 1b. A problem in the drought-resistant.
arid regions of the Northern and CHRISTIAN FISCHER
Eastern Cape, as well as Limpopo. CROPS

‹ )YHTISL (Rubus flagellaris)

A perennial with long, low-
Growing your own mealies: Part 3
growing stems and 1,5mm We conclude our series by looking at disease control,
thorns, bramble can be either a irrigation and harvesting of green mealies.
woody vine or a low-growing
shrub. It can grow in a host of Maize is targeted by relatively IRRIGATION
habitats, from dry savanna to few pests. Stalk borer is the The high cost of municipal
deciduous forests. The fruit worst of these. To control it, water rules out irrigating from
is a dark purple drupe with a apply Dipterex (trichlorfon) or this source for home growers.
tart-sweet flavour when fully Bulldock (beta-cyflutrin) to the It is therefore necessary to use
ripe. Very dense stands can whorl as soon as small holes water as efficiently as possible.
smother indigenous vegetation. appear on the leaves. Repeat if Under average South African
Invasive status: NEMBA the first application does not conditions, a stand of maize
Category 1b. A particular bring the pest under control. effectively uses only about
problem in Mpumalanga. Streak disease can be so 250mm of water for a good
severe that growing maize crop. However, you will need
‹ )YHaPSPHU WLWWLY [YLL (Schinus as a crop in the hot areas in to provide double this quantity,
terebinthifolius [Anacardiaceae]) northern KwaZulu-Natal is as more than half of the
This evergreen weed grows impractical. Carbofuran, a water applied to a maize crop
up to 6m tall. It has wide- highly toxic chemical, is the evaporates from the soil surface.
spreading, horizontal branches, only effective treatment. When weeds are present, water
and the leaves are dark green demand can be even greater.
with prominent veins above,
and paler and smoother below. AT THE FIRST SIGN /(9=,:;05.
The leaflets are rounder. Small, OF BIRD DAMAGE, A maize crop grown for green
creamy-white flowers appear SLIP A PAPER BAG mealies should be harvested
from September to March.
The fruits are bright red, slightly OVER THE COB well before the plants reach
maturity. Although tastes vary
fleshy and toxic. The sap is a skin from person to person, the early
irritant and affects the respiratory Leaf-blight diseases such as dough stage, about three weeks
tract. It competes with and can Helminthosporium can attack late after flowering, is generally the
replace indigenous species. plantings, causing total crop best time to pick green mealies.
Invasive status: NEMBA failure in severe infestations. If the cobs are to be roasted
Category 1b. A problem in Spraying Captab or copper rather than boiled, they can be
KwaZulu-Natal, Mpumalanga, oxychloride is sometimes effective. allowed to develop further.
Limpopo and the Eastern Cape. Birds can cause great damage The critical stage for harvesting
ȊȲSource: invasives.org.za/plants/ in late plantings. Once they usually lasts only about four
plants-a-z. Click on ‘Legislation’ to discover succulent young maize days, but in May it may be up
download the NEMBA Invasive kernels of cobs that have entered to eight or nine days. Sweet
Species Regulations, and Declaration the milk stage, they can rapidly mealies remain palatable for
of Invasive Species forms. shred all the cobs in the vicinity. longer than normal maize.
ȊȲFor contact lists of invasive species At the first sign of bird damage, ȊȲSource: ‘Production of green
consultants, visit invasives.org.za, slip a paper bag over the cob. Save mealies’, ARC-Grain Crops Institute.
sagic.co.za, sali.co.za, sana.co.za empty flour, sugar and maize- Retrieved from nda.agric.za/docs/
or wessa.org.za. FW meal bags for this purpose.
infopaks/mealie.pdf. FW

22 FEBRUARY 2019 farmer’s weekly 49


Know your watermelon varieties

T he watermelon (Citrullus
lanatus) originated in
Africa, where tribes in arid
areas used it as an emergency
water source. Since the spread
of the species around the globe,
much breeding has taken place
to improve the eating quality
and yield, and to provide
different sizes for individual
preferences and markets.
In addition, pink-, orange- and
yellow-fleshed varieties are now
available, but these have not been
well accepted in South Africa.
In most parts of the world,
the trend has been towards
smaller fruits, possibly for the
convenience of fitting them into
a refrigerator. These are referred
to as ‘icebox types’. They mature
earlier, enabling the farmer to
get them onto the market sooner
and so obtain a higher price.
Many supermarkets cut the
large fruit into smaller sizes pollen each have one set of ABOVE: The germination temperature
Icebox watermelon
for convenience. This has the thread-like chromosomes. types suit the required for seedless
added advantage of allowing These are called haploids modern family, and watermelons is critical, and the
also mature early.
the customer to see the quality and combine at fertilisation BILL KERR
moisture content of the growing
of the flesh, reducing the risk of to total 22 chromosomes. medium also has to be monitored
getting an over- or under-ripe To produce a triploid, breeders very carefully. Excessive moisture
fruit. (The cut fruit has a shorter chemically treat a parent to will reduce the germination rate.
shelf life, so should be wrapped double its chromosomes, giving The seed coat is also
in cling film and refrigerated.) rise to four threads totalling thicker than that of a normal
44 chromosomes (a tetraploid). watermelon, so it is sometimes
SEEDLESS VARIETIES When crossed with a diploid, clipped to aid germination.
Seedless watermelons came the result is three sets of In short, the farmer
onto the market fairly recently. threads, or 33 chromosomes, should buy from a grower
However, the seed is very which is ‘unnatural’. who has experience with
expensive and the rand’s weak growing triploids.
exchange rate pushes up the price
even more. The crop is also more SEEDLESS PLANT TRIPLOIDS
difficult to produce. For these WATERMELONS WITH DIPLOIDS
reasons, growth of the seedless
watermelon market in South Africa
ARE DIFFICULT Because a triploid does not
produce pollen, two rows of
has been slower than elsewhere. TO GROW! triploids should be planted to
Seedless watermelons are one row of diploids to ensure
often referred to as ‘triploid As no viable pollen is adequate pollination. The outer
watermelons’. The question produced, the fertilised egg rows should also be diploids.
invariably asked is how a farmer cannot develop and the seeds In addition, the pollinator
can reproduce seedless melons will not be fully formed. variety should flower slightly
when they are, well, seedless. The much higher cost of seed earlier than the triploid.
A normal diploid watermelon and difficulty with germination ȊȲBill Kerr is a vegetable specialist
has 22 chromosomes comprising means that a farmer will have to and breeder. Email him at
two sets. These divide into get a substantially higher price for [email protected]. Subject
two, so that the egg and the product to justify growing it. BILL KERR
line: Vegetable production. FW

50 farmer’s weekly 22 FEBRUARY 2019


Politics and markets For one, it would reflect in

precious votes in a future election!
Having said that, I
Regular readers of this column I’m concerned with the appreciate that logic is not
will know that I’m critical management of those markets. a strong card in politics.
of politics interfering in the Politicians like to reward ‘loyal’
business of running markets. colleagues with cushy jobs. COMPETENCE
My criticisms are well founded, And being the CEO of a fresh To sum up, in the interests of
and supported by examples too produce market is, for some having a better market I would
numerous to mention here. When reason, regarded as a sinecure. support the appointment
it comes to markets, politics Nothing could be further of a ‘political favourite’ as
tend to mess things up rather from the truth. Anybody who CEO if that person were
than making them better. has any idea of the pace and knowledgeable and competent.
Nonetheless, it occurs to me complexity of a fresh produce As much as I’m a fan of
that perhaps I need to clarify market realises that running it MICHAEL privatisation, I know it’s not
my opposition to politics in properly demands considerable CORDES the best solution for every
our fresh produce markets. knowledge, skill and judgement. market. If the municipal (read
So, if politicians must appoint political) option also does the
REWARDS FOR FAVOURS a ‘political favourite’ – and I’m job, then let’s support it.
Sadly, politics has permeated not supporting this kind of Perhaps we’ll be able to
every facet of South African appointment in the least – couldn’t mix the boardroom with
society. Volumes have been they at least choose somebody bureaucracy one day!
written on the subject. who can do the job properly? Ȋ Michael Cordes is an agricultural
Fresh produce markets are It seems so logical. Surely journalist, consultant, trainer
no different: the insidious politicians can see that they and former farmer. Email him
creep of politics is found at would benefit if their markets at [email protected].
many levels. But for now were successfully managed.
Subject line: Market floor. FW





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Pöttinger’s Cross Flow mower

This company’s latest
development saves
time, effort and fuel,
and will be welcomed
by all farmers who
carry out haymaking
and silage operations.
Joe Spencer reports.

T he Pöttinger Cross Flow

auger merges the mown
hay into a single swath
immediately after mowing,
preventing forage losses. As it
operates without a conditioner,
it is lighter, reducing compaction
and saving fuel. The cross-flow
auger consumes 20% less power
than a cross conveyor belt system. a second gearbox on the outside, When mowing the boundaries
According to Valtrac, the South three V-belts, and a double of the land, the cross-flow
African distributor of Pöttinger, universal joint. Uniquely, the auger can be used to move the
local trials have demonstrated machine features a diagonally mown crop further into the
the value of this option for arranged auger with progressive land, containing it inside the
haymaking and silage operations. pitch windings; this continuously boundary for efficient tedding.
The Cross Flow system is conveys a large volume of hay The auger also turns the hay
driven by the outer mower disc, laterally to form a uniform swath. over, providing a conditioning
effect. For more intensive
drying, the rear flap can be
opened to place an airier
JOE SPENCER blanket of material across the
full width of the mower.


By combining a Novacat A10
ABOVE: Cross Flow mower with a
The Novacat
A10 Cross Flow
3m-wide front-mounted
combination can mower, a farmer can mow
mow up to 19m up to 19m in two passes.
in two passes.
The two windrows can be
ABOVE LEFT: blended in a single pass with
The Cross Flow
auger system a two-rotor centre swath
was developed rake or a four-rotor rake.
following requests This results in significant
for a cost-effective
and straightforward fuel saving while producing
system for swath large windrows to take full
merging suitable
for simple rear- advantage of the capacity of the
mounted mowers. high-powered forage harvesters
now coming onto the market.
Merging and raking Ȋ Joe Spencer is the mechanisation
four swathes into editor of Farmer’s Weekly.
one. The highly
versatile Cross For more information on the
Flow can be equipment in this report, email him
used for grass or
whole-crop silage. at [email protected].
Subject line: Equipment. FW

52 farmer’s weekly 22 FEBRUARY 2019


Pit stop precautions

A visit to the filling station is so routine that few it dissolves oil! So any petrol
of us take notice of what’s going on. Yet we should, that gets near moving parts
as a mistake can be costly, as Jake Venter explains. will remove the lubrication.

Get your vehicle towed to a
n some countries, such as the continuation of happy motoring, workshop so that the damage,
UK and US, there are no petrol but occasionally one of the if any, can be determined
attendants. Motorists have to following serious events occurs: and repairs carried out.
perform all the service items ‹ The attendant dispenses ‹ Too much oil is added
themselves, with the result that the wrong fuel to the sump
things go wrong far more often In many cases, the engine will Petrol attendants often say, “It
than they do in South Africa. The start but soon afterwards will needs one pint” whenever there
Royal Automobile Club (RAC) splutter and lose power. If diesel JAKE VENTER is a slight drop in the oil level
has found that somebody in the was put into your petrol-engined on the dipstick. Some have even
UK puts the wrong fuel into a car, all you have to do is get a been known to deliberately avoid
vehicle every three minutes on mechanic to drain the fuel tank pressing the dipstick fully home
average. This amounts to 150 000 and fuel lines, then fill up with when measuring the level. This
potential disasters per year. The petrol. The engine should start results in a low reading and the
RAC and other organisations after some hesitation and the garage ends up selling more oil.
have mobile units that carry incident can be forgotten. If you follow the attendant’s
pumps and other equipment advice, you may end up with
to remove the fuel and sort out
potential engine problems.
PUTTING PETROL too much oil in the sump. In a
petrol-engined car, this can cause
INTO A DIESEL- oil to leak past the front and rear
TAKE NOTE AT THE PUMP! ENGINED CAR crankshaft seals. If the piston
As mentioned, mistakes like this
occur far less frequently in South
CAN CAUSE rings are worn or the crankcase
breathing system is not working
Africa, but they can happen if SERIOUS DAMAGE correctly, you may suddenly
either you or the attendant is have a smoking exhaust.
careless or ignorant of the correct If petrol was put into your If a diesel sump gets too full,
procedures. Most of us drive up diesel-engined car, you have to the extra oil may overwhelm
to the pump, ask for a full tank hope that Lady Luck is on your the crankcase breathing system,
of petrol or diesel, a water and side. If you realise the mistake which can cause the engine
oil check, and perhaps a tyre in time, don’t even turn on the oil to be sucked into the intake
pressure check. Then we sit in the ignition switch. Diesel fuel is manifold. A diesel engine can
car and wait to pay the attendant. oily and is used as a lubricant run on oil, and the engine will
Ninety-nine times out of a in the fuel pump and injectors. speed up drastically, a condition
hundred, this results in the Petrol does the exact opposite: called diesel engine runaway.
Turning off the ignition switch
will not help; the only solution
is to block the air intake. If this
isn’t done, the engine will operate
flat out until it destroys itself.
‹ Too much fuel is put
into the fuel tank
A fuel tank should have a
minimum air gap of 10% of its
capacity to prevent bursting
during an accident. This
space will be maintained if
the attendant removes the
A number of things hose when the automatic stop
can go wrong activates. Always insist on this.
when filling up your
vehicle at a filling Ȋ Jake Venter is a journalist and a
station. Be on alert retired engineer and mathematician.
for any mistakes
that may occur. Email him at [email protected].
Subject line: Motoring. FW

22 FEBRUARY 2019 farmer’s weekly 53


How to treat your horse’s wounds

Horses are prone to
injury, and all horse
owners or carers should
therefore know how to
clean and disinfect a
wound, says Dr Mac.

T wo thousand years ago,

horse owners cleaned
their animals’ wounds
with seawater and honey.
The reason for the success of
these ingredients as a wound
treatment is osmosis, which is the
movement of water across a semi-
permeable membrane to equalise
the concentration of molecules.
The concentration of salt
is higher in seawater than in
most bacteria; in the same way, SALT OR SEAWATER? ABOVE: types of plants that the bees visit.
These wire cuts
the concentration of sugar is Seawater contains many on the horse’s Its basic components, however,
higher in honey than in the ingredients other than salt. Two leg are difficult are fairly close to that of white
to stitch, but are
surrounding environment. thousand years ago, it might have likely to respond
sugar (brown sugar may also
been fairly clean, but these days well to the saline- contain unknown organic
USE A STERILE it contains substantial quantities sugar therapy. molecules). Honey contains 40%
of sewage and other pollutants, fructose and 30% glucose, while
SOLUTION TO so it’s preferable to use a sterile sugar is 50% fructose and 50%
CLEAN WOUNDS solution to clean wounds. glucose. As glucose is probably
PROPERLY For a fresh wound, add one
teaspoon (5g) to 250ml of
the more active ingredient, less
sugar is needed than honey
boiled or sterile water. Iodised when treating a wound. Being
Living cells, including bacteria, salt seems to work even better granular, sugar is also easier
generally have a higher than plain table salt. If you are to apply to an open wound
concentration of molecules than treating a wound that is already than honey, and is cheaper.
the surrounding environment, swollen and full of pus, use
so water moves into the cell. two teaspoons of salt per cup CLEANING THE WOUND
When the surrounding to increase the osmotic effect Wash the wound with saline
environment has a higher and dissolve the pus and muck. until clean, rinse with sterile
concentration of salt or sugar This may sting a little more than water, and pat on the sugar
than the bacterium, water the more diluted solution. granules. If possible, cover the
moves from the bacterium into A saline solution will also wound to protect it from flies.
the environment, effectively dissolve clotted blood on Repeat this two to four times
collapsing the bacterial cell. the hair around the wound, on the first day, then once or
If saline is used for cleaning reducing the number of flies. twice the next day. If the wound
wounds, the osmotic effect requires veterinary attention,
pulls serum from the tissues, USING SUGAR your vet will probably administer
floating off dirt and debris, and Although honey contains propolis a long-acting antibiotic, such
loosening dead cells and pus and other chemicals with anti- as penicillin or streptomycin,
from the underlying tissues. inflammatory and antibacterial intramuscularly on the first day,
The sugar in honey, in properties, it may also include followed by oral sulphonamides
addition to its osmotic effect undesirable pollutants such as for five to eight days thereafter to
on bacteria, also provides Clostridium botulinum spores, prevent deep-seated infection.
energy for leukocytes to pollen, dust and organic Ȋ Dr Mac is an academic, a practising
proliferate and mediate cell molecules. The composition of equine veterinarian and a stud owner.
repair by producing cytokines, honey is also highly variable Email her at farmersweekly@caxton.
which stimulate healing. depending on the climate and DR MAC
co.za. Subject line: Horses. FW

54 farmer’s weekly 22 FEBRUARY 2019


Murder on the
Cape Flats
by Simone Haysom RESERVES OF
(Jonathan Ball, R275) EAST AFRICA by
A murder on the Cape Flats Chris & Mathilde
is something most people Stuart (Struik
would run away from at Nature, R320)
full speed, but it drew A trip to see
journalist Haysom like East Africa’s
a magnet. For her, the wildlife is on the bucket list pocket, enabling you to carry 1980s, but hadn’t written
necklacing of former of most wildlife fans, and it easily on your travels. one for 35 years until being
criminal-turned-activist you couldn’t do better than sidelined in his job prompted
Rowan du Preez raised use the Stuarts’ extensive MOSCOW, MIDNIGHT him to spill his indignation
many questions. That his experience of the area. As well by John Simpson (John in this lightly disguised
activist friend, Angy Peter, as describing 58 protected Murray, R330) tell-all portrait of the British
was tried for the murder areas in four countries, the A British politician found and Russian establishment.
raised even more. guide discusses key animals, dead in embarrassing Ironically, he was then
Making extensive use of birds, plants and other natural circumstances, a Russian dirty- offered a new BBC post and
court transcripts, this true- features in concise, punchy tricks squad in the UK, and the Novichok poisonings in
life crime tale has more than text to help you shortlist a journalist travelling across Salisbury scooped some of
one tragedy at its heart. what you want to see. Europe to expose the truth. his plot. But Moscow, Midnight
Ultimately, it questions Useful maps and plenty of These ideas and more were remains energetic, darkly
who has been lying, who photographs will assist you drawn from Simpson’s own funny and a great read.
is qualified to distinguish with planning your trip. And experience of world politics Ȋ Farmer’s Weekly’s book
the truth, and how much at just under 20cm x 14cm, the and adventures on the road as reviewer, Patricia McCracken,
value South African society guide is small enough to fit a BBC reporter. He produced is a features and investigative
places on these matters. comfortably into a backpack a couple of novels in the early
journalist. FW

Online Farmer LIFESTYLE

Meet the Mavic 2 Enterprise Dual

Late last year, DJI released the ȊȲA spot meter, which displays add-on accessories. These include:
Mavic 2 Enterprise Dual drone, the average temperature of an Ȋ A dual spotlight with a
boasting the smallest dual-sensor object, helps you monitor and brightness of 2 400 lumens.
thermal 4K micro camera with measure critical or hazardous Ȋ A loudspeaker with a projection
forward-looking infrared (FLIR). objects at a safe distance. of up to 100 decibels (it can play
The camera is mounted on a ȊȲIsotherm allows the pilot to 10 prerecorded messages).
gimbal, which gives the camera designate specific temperature Ȋ An M2E beacon, which
superb stability during flight. ranges to be displayed using features a bright flashing strobe
“This new release is an a custom colour palette. visible several kilometres away.
exciting development available Objects within the range
at an affordable price. Before, relay higher contrast. SAFETY FIRST
a drone with these capabilities GREG MILES “The ability of a thermal New Air Sense technology
would have cost around camera to detect differences in alerts pilots of ADS-B signals
R200 000,” says Dave Scott heat and see through smoke from nearby aeroplanes and
of Caelum Technologies. makes them an invaluable tool helicopters and sends real-time
The operator has a choice for fighting structure fires, positioning alerts through the
of the following intelligent wildfires and forest fires,” DJI Pilot Flight Control app.
display modes using the says Dave Lee of FLIR Delta. The drone sells for
DJI Pilot Control app: The thermal camera also makes around R50 000.
ȊȲFLIR MSX. This embosses it easier to track missing livestock. Ȋ Greg Miles is a livestock farmer
high-fidelity, visible light details The drone has a 31-minute and Internet marketer. Email him
onto the thermal imagery in real maximum flying time with a top at [email protected].
time to enhance visual details. speed of 72km/h and a range of
Subject line: Online farmer. FW

22 FEBRUARY 2019 farmer’s weekly 55

LIFESTYLE Real Cooking

Styling: Nomvuselelo Mncube

Photo: Peter Whitfield


56 farmer’s weekly 22 FEBRUARY 2019

This is the only meal I know in which lamb chops
are the side order to the vegetables! TRY OUT
1 Pour the syrup into a small
saucepan. Finely chop the
To feed four hungry diners,
you will need:
fresh ginger and garlic, and
add these to the syrup. Bring FOR THE LAMB CHOPS: WHITE
these up to medium heat for a
few minutes, then remove from
4 (or 8) thick cut lamb chops
50mm fresh root ginger
60ml golden syrup
the hob. Fit the lid and let the 4 cloves of garlic For a brief
ginger and garlic infuse the moment I
warm syrup for 10 minutes. FOR THE RICE AND BEANS: considered
2 cans of white beans using an enamel

2 Next, the rice and beans. 1 cup of plain white rice camping
Begin by coarsely chopping 6 rashers of streaky bacon mug for the
the bacon. Top, tail, deseed and 2 tablespoons of extra-virgin full cowboy
olive oil
finely chop the green pepper. experience,
1 onion
Peel and thinly slice the onion. 1 green pepper but my elegant
De-pip and finely chop the chilli. ½ teaspoon freshly Riedel glasses
ground cumin called out, and

3 Select a heavy-based frying ½ teaspoon dried oregano

pan and bring the olive oil up 8 fresh coriander leaves
to medium heat. Add the chopped 1 or 2 limes cut into quarters
that was that.
But what to
put in the glass?
1 big red chilli
bacon and let it sizzle for three A white Merlot, perhaps?
2 tablespoons of
minutes, then add the onion, chilli, Old Brown Sherry I know that sounds fancy, but
green pepper, oregano and cumin. 1 tablespoon of red wine vinegar technically it is a Rosé, specifically
Stir well and allow to cook until 1 cup of water a Blanc de Noir, white from black.
the onion is soft and translucent. Freshly ground black pepper This simply means it is a white
and salt on demand wine made exclusively from black

4 Drain the cans of white

beans and discard the liquid. Cook the white rice and drain
when ready. Add the rice and white beans to the vegetables in the
or red grapes, in this case Merlot.
Boucheron Wines, a
Johannesburg-based wine
frying pan. Stir well to coat the beans and rice evenly. Pour in the merchant, has this white Merlot
Old Brown Sherry, red wine vinegar and water, then stir well. Bring bottled and it is available
the heat up to simmer and fit the lid. Let this cook, inspecting from exclusively from them at
time to time, for five to 10 minutes until done. Taste and correct with boucheron.co.za. It’s very dry, with
salt and pepper if needed. Remove from the hob and set aside. fresh red plums and raspberries
and a fine acidity that balances

5 Arrange the lamb chops on a work surface, and using a pastry

brush, lightly coat the chops on each side with the ginger, garlic
and syrup infusion. Grill these on a hot skillet or frying pan for as long
the sweetness of the lamb, and
was equally delicious with the
rice and beans. Hill & Dale makes
as it takes to attain the degree of ‘doneness’ you desire, turning the a salmon-coloured wine labelled
chops at least twice. Let the cooked chops sit under cover on a warmed Dry Rosé Merlot. It is lighter in
plate for a few minutes before serving. Garnish the rice and beans style and not quite as dry, but
with a coriander leaf or two per serving, as well as a quartered lime. still very tasty with the dish.
ȊȲDavid Basckin is a freelance journalist and videographer. Email him Swartland’s Leeuwenkuil
at [email protected]. Subject line: Real cooking. FW Shiraz worked beautifully too.
Cherries, dates and cranberries
with a grating of Christmas
spices, a fine umami character,
and fresh acidity married with
the lamb perfectly, and the smoky
beans were not overshadowed.
An early contender for value
red of the year. Santé!
Ȋ Wine pairing recommendation
by Cape Wine Master Derek
Ramsden. Email him at
[email protected]. FW

22 FEBRUARY 2019 farmer’s weekly 57


1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8

9 10


12 13 14 15

16 17 18 19 Crossword 303:
18 January 2019
20 21 22 23 24 25

26 ACROSS: 1. Capsicum; 5. Vespiary;

9. Caiman; 10. Leguminous; 11. Muscular;
14. Naja; 17. Terra; 18. Decompose; 19. Retro;
27 28 20. Stags; 22. Healthy; 23. Plant; 25. Idles;
27. Haystacks; 28. Sower; 30. Ever;
29 32. Hanepoot; 34. Repetition; 35. Demise;
36. Sudanese; 37. Stresses.

30 31 32 DOWN: 1. Cucumber; 2. Poinsettia; 3. Canal;

4. Molar; 5. Vegan; 6. Primates; 7. Adorer;
33 8. Yashmaks; 12. Undo; 13. Archetype;
15. Apothecia; 16. Emulate; 21. Allegories;
23. Pastures; 24. Threaten; 25. Isle;
34 35 36 37 26. Settlers; 29. Warped; 31. Raise;
32. Hands; 33. Nadir.
38 39 40 41
42 43 44 45 46

Sudoku Solutions:
48 49
15 February 2019
4 5 1 3 6 8 2 7 9

ACROSS DOWN 8 7 2 9 1 4 6 3 5
3. Thistle-like composite plant, Carthamus tinctorius, 1. On a single occasion (4)
cultivated in India (9) 2. Uncastrated male of the cattle family (4) 6 9 3 5 7 2 4 8 1
9. Plant that lives for one year only (6) 3. Fine-grained rock with cleavages along closely spaced
7 2 6 4 9 5 8 1 3
10. Tropical plant, Hibiscus esculentus, of the mallow planes independent of the bedding (5)
family, with edible pods (4) 4. Destined (5) 5 1 4 8 3 6 7 9 2
11. Genus that includes wormwood, southernwood, 5. Tropical citrus tree with small, nearly globular,
mugwort and sagebrush (9) yellowish-green fruit (4) 9 3 8 7 2 1 5 6 4
12. Grape variety used to produce red wine, often blended, 6. Stinging insects (5)
as in claret, for example (6) 7. Cooks before a fire or parches by heat (6) 1 4 9 6 5 7 3 2 8
15. Mould in which plants grow (4) 8. The stoat or its winter coat in northern lands (6)
16. Useless plant of small growth (4) 12. Those who make or deal in malt (9) 2 6 5 1 8 3 9 4 7
18. Rest on a chair (3) 13. Take or arrest again (9)
20. Concerned with a particular place or area; nearby (5) 14. Nocturnal, predacious bird with a large, broad head 3 8 7 2 4 9 1 5 6
23. Small island (5) and flat face (3)
26. Tree, genus Carpinus, resembling a beech, with hard,
tough wood (8)
17. Capable of yielding a profit (8)
19. Intentions; goals (4) DIFFICULT
27. Vital juices circulating in plants (4) 21. Confine or surround (7)
28. East African word for lion (5) 22. Supporting stick up which a leguminous plant 3 6 1 9 4 5 7 8 2
29. Of a horse, giving birth (7) climbs (8)
30. To be intensely joyful (5) 24. An Italian, light sparkling wine (9) 5 4 8 2 7 3 6 9 1
32. Crocodile (abbr) (4) 25. Roofers using straw, reeds, palm leaves, etc (9)
9 2 7 8 6 1 3 4 5
33. Anything that is sent out or discharged (8) 31. Tendon (prefix) (4)
34. Flock of wild geese in flight (5) 35. Capital of Rwanda (6) 1 7 6 3 8 2 9 5 4
37. Beaten track, especially a ski trail (5) 36. Small invertebrate with a sectional body (7)
38. At this time (3) 37. Before (prefix) (3) 2 8 9 6 5 4 1 7 3
40. Scorch (4) 39. Cetaceous aquatic mammal weighing up to
42. Oval objects laid by females of birds and reptiles (4) 173 000kg (5) 4 5 3 7 1 9 8 2 6
44. Apparatuses of hoops and network for trapping 40. Language spoken in Maseru (5)
wild ducks (6) 41. Make (an egg) rotten (5) 6 9 5 1 2 7 4 3 8
47. Made extremely thin; deprived of flesh (9) 43. Flattened, whitish, edible bean, of which the butter
48. Combination of countries to achieve a common bean is a variety (4) 7 1 4 5 3 8 2 6 9
purpose (4) 45. Rabbit or rabbit skin (4)
8 3 2 4 9 6 5 1 7
49. Uncomfortably conscious of being alone (6) 46. Yellow part of an egg (4)
50. Unsegmented flatworm with adhesive suckers (9)

58 farmer’s weekly 22 FEBRUARY 2019

Hillbilly Homes LIFESTYLE


A unit inspired
by an early
settler home
Dear Louis, For formal consent of a four-
After speaking to your unit development, the local
wife about the cottage you authority will need to give its
have in mind, I retrieved approval. This can sometimes
the sketch of the two- take a year or more.
bedroom unit that caught The four units could be
your eye on my website. nominated as a main dwelling,
The style is that of an early a granny cottage, a farm
settler home, but since the manager’s cottage and a farm
article was first published in labourer’s cottage. As such,
Farmer’s Weekly 10 years ago, the development should not
I’ve made slight adjustments be considered a commercial
to the typical rural home. enterprise, and should get
Locally available material immediate approval.
can be used for the Application for more
superstructure assembly. units can be applied for as
While the room layout can building is in progress.
remain as shown, the style of Kind regards,
the house can be one of many. Jonno
Floor plan:
Jonno Smith is a registered architect. He can be contacted
at Hillbilly Homes: tel 036 352 3178, fax 088 036 352 3178,
cell 082 412 4459 or email [email protected]. Please provide
details of the proposed development. Visit hillbillyhomes.co.za.

22 FEBRUARY 2019 farmer’s weekly 59


for stress
Gamma aminobutyric acid
I am a widow aged 65 and have gym, travelling and entertaining. (GABA) is a naturally occurring
been a housewife for 35 years. Enjoying sundowners under the chemical in the body, where it
I have grey hair and green eyes, stars around a fire is magic to me. reduces anxiety by preventing
and am thin and not too tall. My I am a qualified radiographer, the brain from becoming over-
hobbies are cooking and music. have a Field Guides’ Association stimulated by stressors.
One More Time, of Southern Africa qualification, Stress is a rapid reaction
Queenstown, 5320 and have a St John’s First Aid to a short-term crisis. With
Level 3. I am keen to build chronic stress, the adrenaline
Ek is ’n blanke dame, laat sestigs, holiday cottages as an income- and norepinephrine constantly
slank en het my goed opgepas. generating project. Please contact pumped out by your adrenal
Ek is baie lief vir my Skepper, en me only if you qualify in all of glands can result in loss
ek hou van die natuur, stap en the above, and email me new, of appetite and make it
alles wat mooi is. Ek verlang ’n full-length photographs without difficult to sleep and relax.
opregte Christen-man van 68 tot sunglasses. I am not interested In this state, your mind and
77 jaar, nie ’n roker of drinker nie, in an affair, so single men only. body are like an engine that is
met goeie waardes wat ’n vrou Vanya constantly ‘revved’, and you
kan waardeer. Bloemfonteiners effectively suffer long-term
welkom om te skryf. I am a single man, aged 43. I’ve exhaustion and burnout.
Mona Lisa, 1619 never been married and have
brown hair. I’m stout and fairly A CALMING SUPPLEMENT
I am a 62-year-old widow tall. My hobbies are music and You cannot always change
looking for a trustworthy fishing. I want to meet a woman or eradicate the stressors,
Christian man aged between 60 who is the same age as I am. but you can help your body
and 70, preferably a preacher, All Alone Queenstown, stay healthy while under
to share the remaining years 5320 stress by taking a GABA
of our lives together. supplement. This is generally
Diligent Heart I am a slim, 65-year-old female, available at larger chemists.
looking for a travel companion. As GABA is a type of amino
I am a lovely, fun-loving, I am easy-going and very caring. acid, it is best to take it on an
upmarket lady interested in La Voyage! empty stomach, combined with
changing my hectic life in a small dose of vitamin B6 to
Johannesburg to a farm life with improve absorption. You may
that special someone. He must notice a tingling sensation for
be white, slim, English-speaking a short while after taking it,
and well-mannered, with a sense before it starts to ‘kick in’.
of humour. Family is important GABA is useful for insomnia,
to me. I would like to be spoilt particularly if you wake up at
by that special someone who night and struggle to fall asleep
appreciates my special qualities. again. You should not get the
My interests are the bush, nature, ‘hangover’ effect that sometimes
animals, wildlife, growing comes with sleeping tablets.
vegetables, cooking, walking, Moreover, GABA is not addictive.
If you are on any anti-anxiety
medication, speak to your
How to place a post: The service is free, confidential and open to those over 18. doctor before taking GABA.
Posts or replies cannot be written on behalf of someone else, and you must supply
a pseudonym. Posts must not exceed 50 words and your address must be legible. ȊȲJohanita Louw, who farms vegetables
Sign with your name and surname. Send your post to Hitching Post, PO Box 1797,
Pinegowrie 2123, or fax 011 889 0862, or email [email protected].
with her husband, has had a lifelong
interest in holistic nutrition. Email
How to reply to a post: Send a response in a sealed, SA-stamped envelope and write the
pseudonym of the person to whom it should be sent on the front cover in pen. Place this into JOHANITA her at [email protected].
a second SA-stamped envelope and send it to Hitching Post, PO Box 1797, Pinegowrie 2123. LOUW
Subject line: Holistic health. FW

60 farmer’s weekly 22 FEBRUARY 2019


Ȋ Dudfield (597ha) sold

by Riaan & Bertie Erasmus
Farming to Barolong Boo
Rapulana Properties
for R7 million.
Ȋ Stilfontein (6ha portion)
sold by Aletta Harmse to
NS Oikonomakis Trust
for R405 000.
Ȋ Doornkloof (3ha portion)
sold by Mervyn van Wyk
to Arthur Claassens
Warren Nicholas lists recent farm sales for R1,2 million.
as recorded by the National Deeds Office. Ȋ Rietvallei (4ha portion)
Please note that each transaction is unique and the price may not reflect the agricultural value
of the farm. Email Warren Nicholas at [email protected]. Subject line: Farms Sold. sold by Kevin Schmidt to
LOOKING TO BUY A FARM? Submit a small advertisement under the heading FARMS WANTED Zolstice for R3,3 million.
in our yellow classifieds pages. Phone 087 087 8901 or email [email protected]. Ȋ Hartebeestfontein (9ha
portion) sold by Amani
Joubertina Farms to Bob Dlamini
Ȋ Farm 259 (22ha) sold by for R790 000.
Eastern Cape 26 Ecoprop Holdings to Mpumalanga Vryburg
James Kruger for R600 000. Ȋ Klippies Pan (808ha)
Albert Tarka Bethal sold by Hendrik van Eck
Ȋ Ongeluks Kraal (631ha) Ȋ Bezuidenhouts Kraal Ȋ Roodebloem (29ha) sold to HJ van Eck Farming
sold by Jan Horn to Alwyn (1 076ha) sold by Peter by Ustica 1103 to Raubex for R5,1 million.
Marx for R3,7 million. Hodgskiss to Gary Phillips Building for R3,8 million.
East London Hunting for R6,5 million. Ȋ Brandwacht (375ha) sold Western
Ȋ Farm 665 (21ha) sold by C&F Rigging Secunda Cape
by Victoria Fordham to Lotze Farming
to Peter Galloway Gauteng for R8,6 million. Caledon
for R1,2 million. Emalahleni ȊȲMorgenrood (445ha)
Ȋ Farm 1047 (24ha) sold Johannesburg Ȋ Groenkraalfontein sold by Kentucky Farm
by Gradwell Partners Ȋ Kromdraai (263ha) (500ha) sold by Jan Jacobs to Tolbos Fruit & Wine
to De Bruins Trading sold by Boshoff Trust to to Gideon Anderson for R11 million.
for R2,9 million. Retha Boschoff Farming for R14,5 million. Knysna
Ȋ Farm 999 (20ha) sold for R9,5 million. Ȋ Grootrietvley (267ha) sold ȊȲPortland (87ha) sold
by Ludwe Matyaba to Pretoria by Anton Botha to Daniel by Julie Stevenson to
Sakhumzi Jacobs for R900 000. Ȋ Honingnestkrans Oosthuysen for R4,8 million. Alison Sandberg
Elliot (8ha portion) sold by Mbombela for R1 million.
Ȋ Groentefontein (39ha) sold Bezuidenhout Partners Ȋ Natal Drift (47ha) Oudtshoorn
by Inyameko Trading 1062 to JJO Greeff Farming sold by Thorne Trust to ȊȲBuffelsboschrivier (21ha)
to Andrews & James Trust for R2,1 million. Nieuco Properties 1005 sold by Kempco Farming to
for R1,6 million. Ȋ Roodepoort (8ha plot) for R10 million. Buffelsboschpoort Farming
Graaff-Reinet sold by Sunny Cell Phones & Ȋ Farm 53 (423ha) sold for R2,1 million.
Ȋ Three farms, including Electronics to BHS Soft by Cecilia Riekert to Tulbagh
Farm 483 (totalling 2 209ha), Drinks for R1 million. Oxirocept for R1 million. ȊȲRijk’s Ridge (5ha portion)
sold by Rudolph Botha to Ȋ Kameeldrift (11ha) sold Ȋ Heidelberg (200ha) sold by sold by Pahana Investments 17
Longacres for R5 million. by Joe-Hein Kraamwinkel Mateshi Trading Solutions to Rijks Ridge Cellars
Humansdorp to Seifatshwana Trust to Rickshaw Trade & for R10 million.
Ȋ Zuur Bron (540ha) sold for R1,4 million. Invest 25 for R12 million. ȊȲFarm 387 (137ha) sold
by Edward Ferreira to Randfontein by Harry Wium Trust to
Pokkie Ferreira Trust Ȋ Kalbasfontein (97ha) Events Cooling Systems
for R1,7 million. sold by Rudman Partners North West for R40 million.
Jansenville to Barry van Wyk Trust Worcester
Ȋ Request (592ha) sold for R1,5 million. Klerksdorp ȊȲTwo farms, including
by Emmarentia Ferreira Ȋ Vyfhoek (3ha portion) Ȋ Goedvooruitzicht (133ha) Moddergat (totalling 348ha),
and Dorothea McDonald sold by JM Reyneke Trust sold by unnamed seller to sold by Petrus Neethling
to Du Plessis Partners & to Doron Construction Rauernhof Beesboerdery to Glenrosa Vineyards
Ripple Brits for R1 million. for R4 million. for R1 million. for R34,7 million.

22 FEBRUARY 2019 farmer’s weekly 61

Best livestock prices: northern Free State
5 February 2019 Price

Auction Weaner calves < 200kg

Weaner calves 200kg - 250kg
Weaner calves > 250kg



A-class R22,53/kg
B-class R21,15/kg
C-class cows (thin) R16,32/kg - R17,63/kg
C-class cows (fat) R19,92/kg
Slaughter bulls R22,65/kg
Mutton and lamb
Feeder lambs > 30kg R33,51/kg
Slaughter lambs R29,93/kg
Feeder ewes R26,88/kg
Fat ewes R26,07/kg
Lambs R35,11/kg
Ewes R26,13/kg

Twee Neefs Dohne Merino

Stud Production Sale
HIGHEST: (RAM) R64 000
Burgersdorp – Gawie van Zyl and Steyn Steenekamp held
a production sale at the Dreunberg Station sale pens
near Burgersdorp on 1 February.
The highest-priced ram was sold to Michael Scheepers
of SSN Holsteins in Fouriesburg for R64 000. The average
price received for rams was R13 048, while ewes fetched
an average price of R2 578.
The sale was conducted by BKB, with Gert Jordaan
as the auctioneer. – Gavin Isted

Top five rams Prices

SSN Holsteins, Heartsease, Fouriesburg R64 000
J Schoeman, Ena, Barkly East R60 000
RH Turnbull, Merinohoek, Barkly East R28 000
OM Green, Clearwater, Barkly East R27 000
Jolissa Boerdery, Luiperdkop, Burgersdorp R24 000

ABOVE RIGHT: The highest-priced ram, which sold for R64 000, with (back, from
left): Pieter van Niekerk (BKB), Steyn Steenekamp (seller), Michael Scheepers
(buyer), Gert Jordaan (auctioneer), Gawie van Zyl (seller) and Koos Louw (OVK).
Front, from left: Jan van der Walt (BKB) and Fuzile Tetha (handler).

RIGHT: The second-highest priced ram, which sold for R60 000, with (back,
from left): Mannetjie Schoeman (buyer), Steyn Steenekamp (seller), Peter
Dormehl (buyer), Gert Jordaan (auctioneer), Gawie van Zyl (seller) and Koos
Louw (OVK). Front, from left: Jan van der Walt (BKB) and Zuka Jonas (handler).

To place an upcoming auction event in the Classifieds Auctions section, contact Rowena Singh on 011 889 0814 or at [email protected].
To list auction results in this section, email Janine Ryan on [email protected].

62 farmer’s weekly 22 FEBRUARY 2019


Tractor prices

Products and prices were correct at

the time of going to print and reflect
prices as at 1 February 2019.

Agrotrac 115.6 T A 84 R876 300

CHALLENGER Agrotron M 600 A Cab 97 R1 552 500
MT 765 E Track 280 R5 463 075 Agrotron 6135 G A Cab 97 R1 725 000
POWER MT 775 E Track 298 R5 965 625 Agrotron 6155 G A Cab 111 R1 955 000
MODEL kW PRICE MT 743 E Track 318 R6 684 375 Agrotron 180 A Cab 125 R1 944 075
MT 855 E Track 363 R7 762 500 Agrotron 6175 G A Cab 126 R2 185 000
AGRICO MT 865 C Track 375 R6 468 750 Agrotron X 720 A Cab 191 R2 645 000
4+160 (4) Cab 170 R1 752 025 MT 865 E Track 403 R8 050 000 Agrotron 9340 A TTV Cab 232 R4 025 000
4+200 (4) Cab 211 R2 150 500 MT 875 E Track 440 R8 625 000
4+250 (4) Cab 260 R2 593 250 FARMTRAC
4+320 (4) Cab 317 R2 991 725 CHERY FT 6045 34 R235 348
4+400 (4) Cab 410 R3 605 250 RD 254 (4) 18 R138 920 FT 6050 37 R271 680
FT 6050 DT 37 R326 965
JXT 45 Compact 34 R221 720 Talos 210 (4) 53 R417 312 FT 6060 DT 45 R359 093
JXT 55 41 R296 930 Nexos 220 VE (4) Cab 59 R689 080 FT 6075 56 R312 827
JXT 75 55 R334 995 Arion 410 CIS (4) Cab 63 R1 133 440 FT 6075 DT Pro 56 R373 256
JXT 75 MFD 55 R351 785 Talos 230 (4) 65 R457 240 FT 6090 DT Pro 67 R427 147
Quantum 75 N 57 R528 080 Talos 240 (4) 70 R497 168
Quantum 75 N MFD 57 R657 110 Axos 340 C (4) Cab 74 R890 008 JOHN DEERE
Quantum 75 N MFD Cab 57 R731 860 Axos 340 CX (4) Cab 74 R935 088 5042 C MFWD 31 R307 689
JX 80 MFD 59 R498 295 Arion 430 CIS (4) Cab 77 R1 345 960 4049 M 36 R525 699
JXM 80 59 R451 950 Arion 620 C (4) Cab 96 R1 416 800 5055 E 41 R282 945
JXM 80 MFD 59 R479 550 Arion 610 T4f (4) Cab 97 R1 904 952 5055 E MFWD 41 R316 136
JX 90 63 R482 655 Arion 620 CIS T4i (4) Cab 103 R1 625 456 5055 E MFWD Cab 41 R472 608
JX 90 MFD 63 R533 255 Arion 630 C (4) Cab 103 R1 553 328 5065 E 49 R326 570
JXM 90 67 R487 485 Arion 630 T4f (4) Cab 110 R2 069 816 5065 E MFWD 49 R359 762
JXM 90 MFD 67 R510 485 Arion 640 C (4) Cab 110 R1 678 264 5065 E MFWD Cab 49 R516 234
JX 95 MFD 71 R553 725 Arion 630 CIS T4i (4) Cab 111 R1 727 208 5075 E 56 R375 579
JX 95 MFD HC Cab 71 R739 795 Axion 820 T3 (4) Cab 135 R2 434 320 5075 E MFWD 56 R408 770
Farmall JX 100 MFD 75 R681 145 Axion 850 T3 (4) Cab 165 R2 809 128 5075 E MFWD Cab 56 R565 242
Farmall JX 100 MFD Cab 75 R776 595 Axion 870 T4f (4) Cab 181 R3 812 480 5076 E F 56 R588 229
Farmall JX 110 MFD 82 R707 250 Axion 920 T2 (4) Cab 232 R4 158 952 5076 E F MFWD 56 R643 328
Farmall JX 110 MFD Cab 82 R829 035 Axion 930 T2 (4) Cab 254 R4 299 344 5076 E 56 R550 411
Maxxum 125 MFD Pro Low 93 R1 113 200 Axion 950 T2 (4) Cab 298 R4 638 088 5076 E MFWD 56 R606 624
Maxxum 125 MFD Pro Low Cab 93 R1 208 650 5076 E N 56 R711 427
Maxxum 125 MFD Pro 93 R1 168 285 DEUTZ-FAHR 5076 E N Cab 56 R826 243
Maxxum 125 MFD Pro Cab 93 R1 390 810 3045 E 31 R207 000 5076 E N MFWD 56 R765 631
Maxxum 140 MFD Pro Cab 104 R1 442 560 Agrolux 60 38 R290 375 5076 E N MFWD Cab 56 R880 447
Puma 140 MFD Cab 104 R1 619 545 Agrolux 60 A 38 R338 100 5082 E 60 R558 646
Puma 155 MFD Cab 115 R1 710 855 Agroplus F 75 Keyline N A 53 R425 500 5082 E Cab 60 R657 569
Puma 180 MFD Cab 134 R1 938 440 Agrolux 4.80 53 R326 025 5082 E MFWD 60 R613 817
Puma 210 MFD Cab 157 R2 158 320 Agrolux 4.80 A 53 R379 500 5082 E MFWD Cab 60 R757 057
Puma 225 MFD CVT Cab 168 R2 376 245 4085 E A 59 R552 000 5085 M MFWD 63 R709 251
Magnum MX 250 MFD Cab 187 R3 454 485 Agroplus F 410 A 62 R552 000 5085 M MFWD Cab 63 R872 806
Magnum MX 280 MFD Cab 209 R3 578 685 Agroplus F 410 A Cab 62 R623 300 5090 E Cab 66 R751 712
Magnum MX 310 MFD Cab 232 R4 306 980 Agroplus F 410 A HS Cab 62 R634 800 5090 E MFWD Cab 66 R851 200
Magnum MX 340 MFD Cab 254 R4 510 760 Agrolux 90 64 R457 125 5090 E N 66 R849 207
Magnum MX 380 CVT MFD Cab 280 R5 399 940 Agrolux 90 A 64 R499 100 5090 E N Cab 66 R964 023
STX 400 (4) Cab 300 R5 540 355 Agrolux 100 A 69 R557 175 5090 E N MFWD 66 R903 411
STX 500 (4) Cab 373 R6 329 025 Agrofarm 115 G A 80 R681 950 5090 E N MFWD Cab 66 R1 018 227
STX 500 Quadtrac Cab 373 R6 758 435 Agrofarm 115 G A Cab 80 R787 175 5090 E MFWD HC 66 R872 396
STX 600 (4) Cab 448 R7 378 745 Agrofarm 115 G A HS Cab 80 R830 875 5090 E MFWD HC Cab 66 R1 023 591
STX 600 Quadtrac Cab 448 R7 665 210 5110 G A G 75 R916 550 5095 M MFWD 70 R898 289

22 FEBRUARY 2019 farmer’s weekly 63

5095 M MFWD Cab 70 R1 061 845 M 8540 N DT 64 R563 500 Powerfarm 110 DT HC 75 R747 500
6100 D MFWD 73 R930 798 M 8540 N DT Cab 64 R632 500 Powerfarm 110 DT HC Cab 75 R816 500
6100 D MFWD Cab 73 R1 006 072 M 9540 DT 71 R580 750 Powerfarm 110 DT HC RPS Cab 75 R898 438
5105 M MFWD 78 R934 221 M 9540 DT Cab 71 R672 750 Solis 110 DT 80 R546 250
5105 M MFWD Cab 78 R1 097 776 M 9540 DT HC Cab 71 R747 500 Solis 110 DT Cab 80 R668 438
6110 M MFWD 81 R1 089 766 M 108 S DT Cab 80 R925 750 Landpower 125 T3 DT 86 R1 032 125
6110 M MFWD Cab 81 R1 340 132 M 130 X DT Cab 97 R1 081 000 Landpower 125 T3 DT Cab 86 R1 152 875
6115 D MFWD Cab 87 R1 039 511 Landforce 125 DT OC 88 R848 125
6125 M MFWD 92 R1 238 407 LANDINI Landforce 125 DT 88 R898 438
6125 M MFWD Cab 92 R1 488 737 Solis 20 DT 13 R164 450 Landforce 125 DT Cab 88 R977 500
6130 D MFWD Cab 95 R1 166 482 Solis 26 DT 17 R194 350 Landforce 125 DT RPS 88 R934 375
6140 M MFWD 103 R1 455 020 Solis 26 DT Turf 17 R209 300 Landforce 125 DT RPS Cab 88 R1 020 625
6140 M MFWD Cab 103 R1 659 153 2-050 DT 35 R416 875 Landpower 135 T3 DT 98 R1 092 500
6155 M MFWD Cab 114 R1 882 284 Solis 50 35 R258 635 Landpower 135 T3 DT Cab 98 R1 207 500
6175 M MFWD Cab 129 R2 129 374 Solis 60 44 R313 950 Landpower 135 DT
98 R1 308 125
6195 M MFWD Cab 143 R2 371 742 Solis 60 DT 44 R367 770 Toptronic Cab
7210 R MFWD Cab 155 R3 211 673 Solis 60 N 44 R385 710 Landpower 145 DT
104 R1 293 750
7230 R MFWD Cab 169 R3 430 621 Solis 60 N DT 44 R433 550 Toptronic Cab
8245 R MFWD Cab 180 R3 353 878 Multifarm 75 50 R416 875 Landpower 145 T3 DT 104 R1 193 125
8270 R MFWD Cab 199 R3 788 895 Multifarm 75 DT 50 R460 000 Landpower 145 T3 DT Cab 104 R1 315 313
8295 R MFWD Cab 217 R4 124 571 Rex 75 F 51 R495 938 7-160 DT Cab 116 R1 595 625
8320 R MFWD Cab 235 R4 619 192 Rex 75 F Cab 51 R582 188 Landpower 165 DT
116 R1 509 375
8320 RT Trac Cab 235 R6 244 869 Rex 75 F DT 51 R589 375 Toptronic Cab
8345 R MFWD Cab 254 R5 106 925 Rex 75 F DT Cab 51 R672 750 Landpower 165 T3 DT Cab 116 R1 417 375
8345 RT Trac Cab 254 R6 788 989 Super 7865 55 R452 813 7-180 DT Cab 121 R1 796 875
8370 R MFWD Cab 272 R5 742 953 Super 7865 DT 55 R503 125 7-200 DT Cab 130 R1 911 875
8370 RT Trac Cab 272 R7 333 107 Solis 75 52 R351 325 7-220 DT Cab 138 R1 998 125
9420 R (4) Cab 309 R6 940 693 Solis 75 DT 52 R376 740 7-230 DT Cab 165 R2 084 375
9420 RX Trac (4) Cab 309 R7 631 288 Solis 75 N 52 R406 640
9470 R (4) Cab 346 R6 990 990 Solis 75 N DT 52 R451 490 MASSEY FERGUSON
9470 RT Trac Cab 346 R7 615 194 Super 8865 60 R493 063 35 27 R243 573
9470 RX Trac Cab 346 R8 032 935 Super 8865 DT 60 R543 375 240 34 R304 412
9520 R (4) Cab 382 R7 352 765 Rex 85 F Cab 60 R603 750 268 45 R321 323
9520 RT Trac Cab 382 R8 292 122 Rex 85 F DT 60 R610 938 268 (4) 45 R377 132
9520 RX Trac Cab 382 R8 709 863 Rex 85 F DT Cab 60 R697 188 2630 GE (4) 48 R452 813
9570 R (4) Cab 419 R8 043 010 Multifarm 90 DT 61 R488 750 3625 N (4) 51 R592 324
9570 RT Trac Cab 419 R8 714 911 Multifarm 90 DT Cab 61 R603 750 275 55 R362 674
9570 RX Trac Cab 419 R9 132 654 Super 90 DT 61 R612 950 275 (4) 55 R452 118
Powerfarm 90 DT 61 R668 438 290 61 R366 224
KIOTI Powerfarm 90 DT HC 61 R672 750 290 (4) 61 R488 021
CS 2610 (4) 19 R209 588 Powerfarm 90 DT HC Cab 61 R740 313 4708 PS 61 R569 538
DK 5010 N (4) 36 R397 440 Solis 90 65 R429 813 4708 (4) 61 R583 227
NX 5020 M (4) 36 R412 965 Solis 90 Cab 65 R485 875 4708 (4) PS 61 R639 935
NX 5020 M (4) Cab 36 R465 750 Solis 90 DT 65 R451 490 5710 (4) PS 74 R745 278
Solis 90 DT Cab 65 R510 313 5710 (4) Cab 74 R927 020
KUBOTA Solis 90 N 65 R388 700 3660 N (4) 74 R910 407
B 1820 DT 12 R195 500 Solis 90 N DT 65 R485 875 6711 (4) PS 83 R1 012 999
B 1820 DT Turf 12 R201 250 Rex 100 F DT 68 R654 063 6711 (4) Cab 83 R1 025 700
B 2420 DT 16 R218 500 5-100 H DT RPS 68 R783 438 6712 (4) 91 R1 058 676
B 2650 H DT 18 R258 750 5-100 H DT RPS Cab 68 R862 500 7614 (4) Dyna 4 Cab 96 R1 726 478
B 2650 H DT Turf 18 R265 248 Super 100 68 R503 125 6713 (4) PS 98 R1 104 339
L 3200 DT 23 R250 700 Super 100 Cab 68 R517 500 6713 (4) Cab 98 R1 155 134
L 3200 DT Turf 23 R261 165 Super 100 DT 68 R592 250 7615 (4) Dyna 6 Cab 103 R1 879 411
L 3540 H DT Turf 26 R343 850 Super 100 DT Cab 68 R632 500 7615 (4) Rowcrop Cab 103 R1 879 411
L 4100 DT 29 R331 200 Powerfarm 100 DT Cab 68 R754 688 7618 (4) Dyna 6 Cab 121 R2 042 984
L 4100 DT Turf 29 R347 645 Powerfarm 100 DT HC 68 R704 375 7720 (4) Dyna 6 Cab 136 R2 456 692
L 5040 DT 37 R391 000 Powerfarm 100 DT HC Cab 68 R773 375 7720 (4) SS Dyna 6 Cab 136 R2 428 787
L 5040 DT Turf 37 R407 445 5-110 H DT RPS 75 R816 500 7724 (4) Dyna 6 Cab 162 R2 668 067
M 7040 DT 53 R488 750 5-110 H DT RPS Cab 75 R888 375 7724 (4) SS Dyna 6 Cab 162 R2 605 018
M 7040 N DT 53 R523 250 Super 110 DT 75 R635 375 7726 (4) Rowcrop Cab 171 R2 884 617
M 8540 DT 64 R529 000 Super 110 DT Cab 75 R713 000 8727 (4) VT Cab - TMX 200 R3 427 000

64 farmer’s weekly 22 FEBRUARY 2019

8732 (4) VT Cab - TMX 224 R3 625 628 T 3.75 F 53 R484 265 T 8.435 Smarttrax CVT Cab 279 R5 753 450
8737 (4) VT Cab 262 R4 076 824 T 3.75 F DT 53 R542 340 T 9.450 DT Cab 298 R5 009 515
8737 (4) VT Cab - TMX 262 R4 616 299 TD 75 F 53 R443 670 T 9.505 DT Cab 336 R5 763 915
TD 75 F DT 53 R499 445 T 9.560 DT Cab 373 R6 130 535
McCORMICK TT 75 T 55 R366 620 T 9.615 DT Cab 399 R6 431 375
B-Max 75 55 R452 813 TT 75 T DT 55 R435 850 T 9.670 DT Cab 447 R7 163 235
B-Max 75 (4) 55 R503 125 TT 4.75 55 R413 770
B-Max 85 (4) 60 R543 375 TT 4.75 DT 55 R488 635 TAFE
B-Max 90 (4) 61 R554 875 TD 5.75 Cab 56 R516 189 35 DI 22 R181 125
C-Max 90 (4) HC 61 R672 750 TD 5.75 DT Cab 56 R579 741 45 DI 33 R207 000
C-Max 90 (4) HC Cab 61 R740 313 T 4.75 N 57 R580 405 45 DI (4) 33 R293 250
B-Max 100 68 R517 500 T 4.75 N Cab 57 R698 970 5900 DI 44 R255 875
B-Max 100 (4) 68 R592 250 T 4.75 N DT 57 R625 600 5900 DI (4) 44 R313 375
B-Max 100 (4) Cab 68 R632 500 T 4.75 N DT Cab 57 R731 860 7502 55 R287 500
C-Max 100 (4) Cab 68 R754 688 TD 85 F 59 R473 570 8502 60 R299 000
C-Max 100 (4) HC 68 R704 375 TD 85 F DT 59 R512 095 8502 E (4) 60 R350 750
C-Max 100 (4) HC Cab 68 R773 375 5610 60 R553 725 8502 (4) 60 R386 400
T-Max 100 H (4) RPS 68 R783 438 5610 DT 60 R612 605 9502 (4) 66 R431 250
T-Max 100 H (4) RPS Cab 68 R862 500 TT 4.80 60 R435 160 1002 (4) 74 R488 750
B-Max 110 (4) 75 R635 375 TT 4.80 DT 60 R523 365
C-Max 110 (4) Cab 73 R805 000 T 4.85 N 65 R638 250 VALTRA
C-Max 110 (4) HC 73 R747 500 T 4.85 N Cab 65 R756 815 A 85 (4) Cab 65 R735 603
C-Max 110 (4) HC Cab 73 R816 500 T 4.85 N DT 65 R672 865 A 95 (4) Cab 72 R790 256
T-Max 110 H (4) RPS 73 R816 500 T 4.85 N DT Cab 65 R791 430 T 134 (4) H5 Cab 99 R1 480 526
T-Max 110 H (4) RPS Cab 73 R888 375 TD 5.90 DT 66 R705 295 T 154 A (4) Cab 121 R1 971 555
D-Max 115 (4) 82 R856 750 TD 5.90 DT Cab 66 R791 660 T 194 A (4) Cab 143 R2 278 935
G-Max 125 (4) Techno T3 86 R1 032 125 TD 90 S 66 R456 205 T 234 A (4) Cab 173 R2 584 479
G-Max 125 (4) Techno T3 Cab 86 R1 152 875 TD 90 S DT 66 R519 225 S 324 (4) CVT Cab 236 R4 147 199
D-Max 125 (4) OC 88 R848 125 TT 4.90 66 R473 685 S 354 (4) CVT Cab 258 R4 446 230
D-Max 125 (4) 88 R898 438 TT 4.90 DT 66 R595 700 S 374 (4) CVT Cab 272 R4 588 118
D-Max 125 (4) Cab 88 R977 500 6610 67 R572 240
D-Max 125 (4) RPS 88 R933 800 6610 DT 67 R634 570
D-Max 125 (4) RPS Cab 88 R1 020 625 TD 95 S Plus DT 72 R603 060
G-Max 135 (4) 4E T3 Cab 96 R1 308 125 TD 95 D DT HC Cab 72 R779 815
G-Max 135 (4) Techno T3 96 R1 092 500 TD 5.100 DT 73 R765 785
G-Max 135 (4) Techno T3 Cab 96 R1 207 500 TD 5.100 DT Cab 73 R827 080
G-Max 145 (4) 4E T3 Cab 104 R1 403 000 T 6020 Delta DT 82 R995 325
G-Max 145 (4) Techno T3 104 R1 193 125 T 6020 Delta DT Cab 82 R1 084 910
G-Max 145 (4) Techno T3 Cab 104 R1 315 313 T 6020 Plus DT Cab 82 R1 130 335
X7.650 (4) Cab 112 R1 595 625 TD 5.110 DT 82 R787 865
G-Max 165 (4) 4E T3 Cab 116 R1 509 375 TD 5.110 DT Cab 82 R874 230
G-Max 165 (4) Techno T3 116 R1 293 750 T 6050 Delta DT 93 R1 075 480
G-Max 165 (4) Techno T3 Cab 116 R1 417 375 T 6050 Delta DT Cab 93 R1 188 870
X7.660 (4) Cab 117 R1 796 875 T 6050 Plus DT Cab 93 R1 259 250
X7.670 (4) Cab 122 R1 911 875 T 6070 Plus DT Cab 104 R1 345 960
X7.680 (4) Cab 133 R1 998 125 T 6080 Range Command
114 R1 577 225
X7.690 (4) Cab 151 R2 012 500 DT Cab
X8.680 (4) Cab 215 R3 881 250 T 6090 Range Command
121 R1 626 790
DT Cab
NEW HOLLAND T 7040 Power Command
134 R2 061 145
TT 35 26 R232 070 DT Cab
TT 35 DT 26 R260 360 T 7060 Power Command
157 R2 523 100
TT 45 35 R248 400 DT Cab
TT 45 DT 35 R292 675 T 8.320 DT Cab 184 R3 279 915
T 3.55 F 40 R421 935 T 8.350 DT Cab 206 R3 501 405
T 3.55 F DT 40 R480 125 T 8.380 DT Cab 229 R3 712 315
TT 55 T 40 R296 585 T 8.380 Smarttrax Cab 229 R4 596 895
TT 55 T DT 40 R398 360 T 8.410 DT Cab 250 R3 961 635
TD 65 F 48 R417 335 T 8.410 DT CVT Cab 250 R4 266 040
TD 65 F DT 48 R468 395 T 8.435 DT CVT Cab 279 R4 761 115

22 FEBRUARY 2019 farmer’s weekly 65

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22 FEBRUARY 2019 farmer’s weekly 89 C
C 90 farmer’s weekly 22 FEBRUARY 2019
Rain, rain, glorious rain
Since July last year, the records over the past 60 years Thunderstorms rattled the Living in the sticks without
only rain we’ve had has confirm we’re in the throes skies and 40mm of rain news of the world really
hardly wet the rain gauge. of a drought. Time and again pelted down. Since then, it makes one feel cut off!
The lands are parched, the the clouds have gathered, has generally been overcast But after being reconnected,
dams are nearly empty, and only to disappear without and cooler, and there’s the I found that nothing much
delivering a drop of rain. prospect of more rain to come. had changed. Locally,
Then, in the last Neighbour Jan and I went corruption is still being
week of January, to inspect the river. It’s still laboriously uncovered, the
everything a trickle, and there’s not Brexit debacle continues
changed. enough water to divert to the unresolved, the US and
dams. But Jan was upbeat. Britain are freezing, and
“The moribund lucerne our political scene is
lands will recover quickly heating up as the national
with this rain, so we can bring election approaches.
the cattle down from the At Davos, President Cyril
mountain to graze soon,” said Ramaphosa tried valiantly
Jan. “Forecasters predict more to talk up our economy.
rain in the coming weeks so Jackie Vickey is terrified
let’s pray they’re right. The of storms and needs a
northern provinces have had friend to pacify her. So
more than their share of good another visit to the SPCA
rain. Now it’s our turn!” to find a Jackie looking for
The howling winds a home is on the cards.
preceding the rain brought Talking of storms, is that
down a power line, leaving thunder I hear? I really
us without electricity for hope so! – Derek Christopher
days before Eskom repaired ȊȲEmail Derek Christopher at
it. No power meant no [email protected].
computer or TV, of course. Subject line: Townie. FW
HOW TO PLAY: Fill in the grid so that each row and column,

Sudoku as well as each of the 3 x 3 squares, contains all the digits from 1 to 9.
Look out for the answers to this week’s Sudoku puzzles on next week’s Crossword page.


5 2 8 1 6

9 6 6 4 2

3 8 7

9 2 6 8 1 5 7

8 4 5 1 4 2 6

3 2 3

4 9 7 8 9 3 7

3 2 6 5 3 8

8 4 1 7 2 5

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