Venn Diagram: Set Operations

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Venn Diagram

Venn diagram, invented in 1880 by John Venn, is a schematic

diagram that shows all possible logical relations between
different mathematical sets.


Set Operations:

1. Set Union 2.Set Intersection

3. Set Difference /Complement of Set 4. Cartesian Product

Set Union

The union of sets A and B (denoted by A∪B) is the set of

elements which are in A, in B, or in both A and B.

Hence, A∪B = { x | x ∈ A or x ∈ B}

If A = { 10, 11, 12, 13} and B = { 13, 14, 15}, then

A∪B={10,11,12,13,14,15}. (The common element occurs only

Set Intersection

The intersection of sets A and B (denoted by A∩B) is the set

of elements which are in both A and B. Hence, A∩B = { x | x ∈
A and x ∈ B}.


If A = { 11, 12, 13} and B = {13, 14, 15}, then A∩B = {13}

Set Difference/ Relative Complement

Set Difference

The set difference of sets A and B (denoted by A – B) is the

set of elements which are only in A but not in B.

Hence, A − B = { x | x ∈ A and x ∉ B}

If A = {10, 11, 12, 13} and B = {13, 14, 15}, then (A−B) = {10, 11,
12} and (B−A) = {14, 15}. Here, we can see (A−B) ≠ (B−A)

Complement of a Set

The complement of a set A (denoted by A′) is the set of

elements which are not in set A. Hence, A′ = { x | x ∉ A}.

More specifically, A′ = ( U – A ) where U is a universal set

which contains all objects.


If A = { x | x belongs to set of odd integers } then A′ = { y | y

does not belong to set of odd integers}

Cartesian Product / Cross Product

The Cartesian product of n number of sets A1,A2,…An denoted

as A1 × A2⋯× An can be defined as all possible ordered pairs
(x1,x2,…xn) where x1 ∈ A1, x2 ∈ A2,…xn ∈ An

Example: If we take two sets A = { a, b } and B = { 1, 2 }

The Cartesian product of A and B is written as

A × B = { (a,1),(a,2),(b,1),(b,2) }

The Cartesian product of B and A is written as

B × A = { (1,a),(1,b),(2,a),(2,b) }

Power Set

Power set of a set S is the set of all subsets of S including

the empty set. The cardinality of a power set of a set S of
cardinality n is 2 . Power set is denoted as P(S).


For a set S = {a,b,c,d} let us calculate the subsets

 Subsets with 0 elements , {∅} (the empty set)

 Subsets with 1 element , {a},{b},{c},{d}
 Subsets with 2 elements − {a,b},{a,c},{a,d},{b,c},{b,d},{c,d}
 Subsets with 3 elements − {a,b,c}, {a,b,d}, {a,c,d}, {b,c,d}
 Subsets with 4 elements − {a, b, c, d}

P(S) = { {∅},{a},{b},{c},{d},{a,b},{a,c},{a,d},{b,c},{b,d},{c,d},{a,b,c},
{a,b,d}, {a,c,d}, {b,c,d},{a, b, c, d} }
l P(S) l = 2 = 16

Note: The power set of an empty set is also an empty set.

l P {∅} l = 2 =1
Problems on Venn diagram

Ex: At a school of 500 students, there are 125 students

enrolled in Algebra, 257 students who play sports and 52
students that are enrolled in Algebra and play sports. Create
a Venn diagram to illustrate this information.


Solution: First, let’s say set A represent the students enrolled

in Algebra and set B represent the students who play sports.
Generally speaking, it is easiest to start in the center or
“intersection” of the Venn diagram. Once we place 52 in the
intersection, then we can subtract it from the total number of
students who play sports and the total number of student who
take Algebra to determine how many just do one or the other.
Finally, we can subtract this total from 500 to figure out how
many are outside the circles altogether.

Ex: In a survey of 150 high school students it was found that:

80 students have laptops

110 students have cell phones

125 students have iPods

62 students have both a laptop and a cell phone

58 students have both a laptop and iPod

98 students have both a cell phone and an iPod

50 students have all three items

a) How many students have just a cell phone?

b) How many students have none of the mentioned items?

c) How many students have an iPod and laptop but not a


Solution: First construct the Venn diagram


a) How many students have just a cell phone? 0

b) How many students have none of the mentioned items? 3

c) How many students have an iPod and laptop but not a

cellphone? 8

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