Lesson and Demo Plan

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Plan your Lesson M.



Training is a systematic process which aims to improve the knowledge, skill,
and attitude of an individual. For all training activities a clearly defined
purpose is necessary. As a trainer one must understand the intention of the
training and the outcome to be achieved. Systematically planned work will
yield a successful result. An Instructor, who is responsible for imparting
quality training and capacity building of skilled trainees need to understand
the intention of teaching a lesson and the outcome to be achieved in order to
plan the instruction systematically.

Instruction is a goal oriented pre-planned teaching process. Planning of a

lesson should be one of the most practical and constant concerns of all
Instructors. Planning is thinking, bringing sound general ideas upon a
particular situation. The better one thinks comprehensively and will be able to
plan systematically and successfully! This topic aims to describe the
importance of planning a lesson, simple format of a lesson plan, various
components and steps involved in preparing a lesson plan, advantages of
planning a lesson, and few models of lesson plan and demo plan.


Lesson is a body of instruction, in which the learning material to be presented
must be highly structured to ensure active participation of the learners. The
reason why you should plan a lesson systematically is that it allows you to
think about the problem for more comprehensively and discriminately, so that
you can produce a better practical result.

The important reasons of planning a lesson are:

 It ensures you the right allocation of teaching time to each topic.
 It allows you to bring your subject matter up-to-date.
 It assures you the intended outcome through the well written
 It builds you to revise and modify the teaching material in the light of
previous performance and past experience gained
 It helps you to prevent unnecessary overlapping of subjects, lessons,
and repetition of information.
 It makes you think that each lesson can be prepared as part of a
logical progression.

Moreover, adequate planning boosts your self-confidence in your ability to

teach in an interesting, effective and efficient way!
2 Plan your Lesson M.SARAVANA


‘Lesson’ is defined as a period of instruction in which learners are taught
about a particular subject. Lesson is a smallest part of a unit of instruction
prepared after analyzing the syllabus. A lesson should not be too much, too
less for a single sitting class. It must be sufficient to understand and digest.
‘Lesson Plan’ is a detailed description of the individual lesson that a teacher
plans to teach on a scheduled day. Lesson plan contains the important
information to be imparted about a lesson in the class and the other activities
to be followed during presentation. A lesson plan traditionally includes the
name of the lesson, the date of the lesson, the objective the lesson focuses on,
the materials that will be used, and a summary of all the activities that will be
used. Each lesson plan must have link with previous lesson and next lesson.
While there are many formats for a lesson plan followed by Herbart, Glover,
Fuller, Morrison, McMurray, Dewey, Bloom, Hunter, etc. most lesson plans
contain some or all of these elements, typically in this order:

 Title of the lesson

 The amount of time required to complete the lesson
 A list of required materials
 A list of objectives
 Review of previous lesson and previous knowledge
 Motivation
 Relevant visual aids for effective teaching
 Subject matter, information points, and hints reference to the contents
 Summary, which is an opportunity for a teacher to wrap-up the
discussion and for the learners to pose unanswered questions
 Test by which the effectiveness of teaching and the understanding level
of the learners will be known

Johann Friedrich Herbart (1776 -1841) was a German philosopher,

psychologist and educational reformer noted for his contributions in laying
the foundations of scientific study of education, gave new ideas about the
teaching process. He meant that the knowledge imparted to the learners
should be implemented into action in the actual life of the learners. Influenced
by the educational theories of Herbart, Charles A. McMurray (1857-1929) and
Frank W. McMurray (1862 -1936) commonly known as the ‘McMurrays’ (who
made a remarkable contribution to curriculum development and teacher
education in US), strongly recommended Herbart’s instruction that, ‘a good
teachers must plan and prepare well before teaching’.
Plan your Lesson M.SARAVANA 3

Herbart’s method of lesson plan consists of five steps: (1) Preparation (2)
Presentation (3) Comparison and Association (4) Generalization, and (5)
Application. Though the five step method emphasis important features of
good teaching, but it is not applicable as a whole to all teaching situations
and at all levels of instruction. In the present scenario one has to give
importance to the teacher’s creativity in planning, innovation in teaching, and
time factor, a lesson plan can be a simple one!


A simple method of planning a lesson is ‘four-step’ lesson plan method. The
major components of a lesson plan are:

(1) Preparation
(2) Presentation
(3) Application, and
(4) Testing

Step – 1: Preparation
The first step of a lesson plan is preparation. Preparation includes both
instructor’s preparation as well as the learner’s preparation. You must
prepare yourself to state the objectives clearly. The duration of quality time of
teaching depends on clearly stated objectives. If the objectives are not clear,
the teaching time may exceed more than the allotted time. The learner’s
participation can be invited by asking introductory questions, and thought
provoking questions. You may ask questions to link the learner’s previous
knowledge to the present topic. You can motivate the learners by telling the
purpose of learning of the particular lesson with suitable examples. In
preparation stage you must remember following points:
 Precise title of the lesson
 Instructional objectives to be achieved after instruction
 Essential teaching aids
 Create willingness to learn by appropriate motivation
 Review previous knowledge to connect the present lesson
 Selection of teaching methods
 Planning for learner participation for active learning
 Assignment to be given
 Over all time required for teaching and
 Feedback activities
Proper planning leads to success. Instructor has the responsibility to improve
the knowledge, skill, and attitude of the learner. You have to mould the
trainees from unskilled level to skilled level. The success of moulding
proficient and competent trainees depends on your experience in teaching
4 Plan your Lesson M.SARAVANA

learning processes. The successful planning in a teaching learning processes

also includes planning the practical or shop floor activities in addition to the
classroom activities. As an instructor you must give importance to:
 Workshop or practical lab, where the practical skill will be performed
 Arrangement of required tools, equipments, and materials needed
 Checking the working condition of the equipments
 Selection of work area and allotment of place for trainees to perform
practical work
 Issuing of necessary tools, equipment and raw materials to the trainees
 Instructional materials such as information sheets, assignment sheet,
job sheet, operation sheet required
 Safety procedure to be followed in case of practical / machining work
 Evaluation process to check the trainee’s performance
Step – 2: Presentation
In the preparation step the learners are prepared to learn a lesson. In the
presentation step you should present the information in sequence, simple to
complex. As per the objectives you must present the topics, developments,
information points, hints step by step in a systematic and effective way. You
should teach the lesson by associating the present information with the
subject or lesson already taught. If it is a first lesson, you can relate the
previous or basic knowledge which they have. You should confirm whether the
learners are following properly. Eye contact is important. See all the faces and
teach to the whole class interestingly. The more the stimulus, the more will be
the response. Stimulate the learners by giving examples, showing models, and
other visual aids. Use visual aids in the appropriate time. Do not show the
visual aids at the end after completing your lecture. Ask questions time to
time. Questioning is not only at the end of the teaching process. It can be at
all the stages. By asking questions, with their response you can get
satisfaction that the learners are following what you are teaching! If required,
you can put more efforts to make them understand the subject well, by
explaining the subject more comprehensive and using visual aids. The
learner’s ability to understand the subject depends on the effective
presentation skill of an instructor. So prepare well to present well! For
effective presentation, teaching practice guidelines are listed in the Appendix
C which may be referred.
Step – 3: Application
The third step- application is the most important step in teaching learning
process. As an efficient communicator you might have presented the lesson
or demonstration well. But it is important to know the effectiveness of
teaching. To what extent the intended outcome is achieved. Unless your
teaching makes the learners to understand and gain thorough knowledge, the
Plan your Lesson M.SARAVANA 5

purpose of teaching will fail. Learners learn at different rates. All will not have
same capacity to learn. Some learners will understand the subject well and
store the knowledge gained in their permanent memory. Whereas some of
them may store in their cache memory, in which they will forget as soon as
you finish your teaching! Therefore it is your responsibility to check the
learners how much they followed your presentation, and learnt new
knowledge. After presentation it is desirable to provide opportunity to apply
the learners’ knowledge which they have gained. If theory, ask simple and
direct questions, probing questing, connected to the lesson. If practical
demonstration, you may ask the learners to imitate the demonstration. If the
learners are given opportunity to apply the knowledge and skill gained, they
will not forget easily the subject you taught. Your presentation will also be
Step – 4: Testing
The fourth step- testing is considered as the most essential one in any
teaching learning situation. The quality and quantity of achievement is
determined at this step. Test is a tool to evaluate the knowledge as well as the
skill level of a learner. Evaluation is a process to find out to what extend the
instructional objectives are achieved by the learners. Teaching or training one
must be meaningful only when the learner has completely acquired the
intended knowledge and skill. Therefore, as an instructor your responsibility
is not only effective teaching but also to determine the abilities attained by the
learners. The test may be written, oral or performance. It is important to you
to know how much your teaching is successful, and also to the learners where
they are standing in their class. After the test, evaluation must be done.
Through evaluation you must try to bring the average and below average
students to above average and excellent levels.


The major components Preparation, Presentation, Application, and Testing
have minor components that are explained further:
(1) Title
Indicate the lesson heading or title clearly.
(2) Objectives
Objectives are intended outcome of a teaching learning process. Intended
outcome is, after teaching a lesson what the learner will be able to achieve.
For a lesson, there must be three or four objectives which covers the ‘must
know knowledge’ of the subject matter. If the objectives are more, the matter
to be taught may be too much for the learner and if the objectives are too few,
there may not be sufficient materials for the Instructor to impart during the
6 Plan your Lesson M.SARAVANA

period. To teach a theory lesson, 30 to 40 minutes may be allotted.

Continuous theory teaching leads to mental fatigue and reduce in the rate of
learning among the learners. For a practical demonstration, required time
may be allotted.
While stating the objectives, ambiguous statements must be avoided.
Ambiguous statements are the terms which are not clear and not measurable.
For example if you write an objective as: at the end of the lesson the learner
will be able to know the subject, or understand the lesson, the terms
mentioned are not measurable. To what extent he knows; how much he
understands? Objectives must be written with measurable terms. For a theory
lesson, the Instructional Objectives are- the learner will be able to: Define
Ohm’s law, Explain the principles of projection, Differentiate first angle and
third angle projection, Describe topology, etc. For practical skill
demonstration plan, the Behavioural Objectives may be written as: Create a
document, Type a letter, Stitch a garment, etc. according to your trade.
Objectives should be stated clearly in terms of what the learner is expected to
learn from a lesson. Following chapters illustrates proper way of writing
objectives and use of action verbs in detail.

(3) Teaching Aids

Senses are the gateway of knowledge. Learning becomes easier, interesting
and deeper, when multiple senses of the learner are employed. In a teaching
learning process, teaching aids plays very important role to create interest,
make the learners to understand difficult subject. You may prepare and use
visual aids such as models, pictures, charts, etc. and other objects to make
the learning environment more realistic. Use of charts, models, films, and
projector slide shows would help the learner to see besides listening. The
items that you have selected and planned to use in the classroom to support
the presentation must be listed in the lesson plan.
(4) Introduction
Method of introducing the new lesson in the class must be written briefly.
Depending on the subject matter of the lesson and its relation to previous
lesson, you have to use this as a link between the known to unknown. It is
the stage that effective motivation is done to insist in the learner and keen
desire to the new lesson. Introduction does not have to be a long one. A few
relevant points properly developed with realistic examples, which the learner
can understand would serve the purpose. The success or failure of the
presentation of a lesson would be a large extent depends in the manner in
which the introduction to the lesson or preparation of the learner is done.
Under review and motivation only brief notes are to be written in the lesson
plan with the help of which you should be in a position to explain while
presenting the lesson.
Plan your Lesson M.SARAVANA 7

(5) Review
The fact that the learners are physically present in the class does not
necessarily mean that they are mentally ready to receive your presentation.
Before teaching a new lesson to the class, you should make the learners to be
ready or prepared to receive, the new lesson. As part of the preparation, one of
the first things you have to do in a class is to discuss the important topics of
the previous lesson. Here you can ask questions about the previous lessons to
make sure that the learners have remembered what you taught in the
previous class. You may tell the importance of present lesson with previous
lesson by linking the main points. If the lesson is a first lesson in a class, in
that case instead of linking previous lesson, you can review the previous
knowledge gained by the learners.

(6) Motivation
Motivation is creating willingness. As an instructor, you must create interest
and willingness towards learning by telling the purpose of learning with
suitable examples. Method of creating interest in the minds of learner to learn
the new lesson must be written briefly.

(7) Presentation
After preparation, presentation of the subject matter of the lesson is to be
followed. In a lesson plan format, the presentation stage consists of three
columns namely, Topic, Information Point, and Spot Hints. By referring the
objectives which are stated in the preparation step, each topic must be
explained briefly in a logical sequence. Brief hints, formula, symbols may be
added in the hints column. You need to write the information in brief.
Detailed explanation may be given in the information sheet or notes of lesson
which you need to prepare for each lesson plan.
(8) Topics
The important points of the lesson as planned are to be developed with
catchwords written clearly so that you can refer and pickup at a glance.
Complete information need not be written under the topic column. Selected
topics according to the lesson to be taken so as to reach the aim or fulfill the
objectives of the lesson. This has to be written in sequential order.

(9) Information Points

You need to write the must know information of each topic properly.
Information may be written in the space provided in brief, step by step
procedure with reference to the objectives and topics.
8 Plan your Lesson M.SARAVANA

(10) Spot Hints

You need to enter spot hints in the appropriate place. Write hints such as
codes, symbols or simple diagrams to attract the learner’s attention and make
the instruction as effective as possible. Hints can be given through charts,
models or abbreviations that can make you convenient or familiar, that all
your efforts are directed towards better teaching. For instruction at a
particular stage of development of the lesson a chart is to be shown, may
indicate in the hints column as ‘Chart’. If a question is to be asked during the
presentation, the indication may be ‘Question’ or a key word as the entire plan
is made and used by you in the presentation stage. Display of teaching aids in
an appropriate time is very important.

(11) Application
Learning takes place only when the learner has an opportunity to apply the
knowledge to various situations. Necessary time for applications of knowledge
may not be available in the class during presentation. Hence the manner in
which such opportunities are provided in respect of the subject matter
covered in the lesson must be stated in the application stage. There is a
separate step for test and assignment, so avoid asking complicated questions
at this stage. Ask simple and direct questions related to the topics. This is an
opportunity for the learners to answer the questions and showing their level of
understanding. You may clarify the learners’ doubt. Interact with them. After
questioning, remember to Receive the answer (yes, yes, nodding your head,
etc.), Reward the answer (good, very good, etc.), and Repeat the answer.

(12) Summary
After the presentation, and interaction, you may feel good that your learners
followed your instruction, and understand the lesson. Now this is a time to
sum up all the important topics of the lesson taught in the class. In the
summary time, you must emphasis and reinforce the points, which are
important to the lesson. Main topics of the lesson may be written under
summary or you can recapitulate the main points of the lesson.
(13) Test
At this step, comprehensive questions about the lesson taken should be asked
to the learners. This can be done either by oral or in written form.

(14) Assignment
Series of questions about the lesson already taken are to be written under
assignment. Related problems, exercises, drawing of sketches including
various types of questions like objective and subjective types can be given as
separate assignment sheet.
Plan your Lesson M.SARAVANA 9

(15) Next Lesson

Title of the next lesson to be taken has to be mentioned under this heading. A
brief insight into the next lesson must be given to help the learners to think
ahead of the subject and make them to understand better.


A Lesson Plan which you prepare cherishes many benefits to you as well as to
the learners. The advantages are:
To the Instructor:
1. It forms as a record of teaching-learning activity
2. It assists you to place the information in sequence
3. Help you to get confidence, as you need not always depend on your
4. Facilitate you to select and use teaching aids at appropriate time
during presentation
5. It serves you to organize complete teaching-learning activity in a
smooth way and manage the entire class activities within the
stipulated time
6. It assures you that all the points are covered about the lesson taught
in the class
7. Helps to maintain the learner’s interest till the finishing of the class
because they are understanding the subject correctly and also they are
getting time for interaction
8. It also helps in imparting uniform instructions in different classes at
different timings
To the Learner:
1. Learners are getting interest in thinking and learning more and more
by attending a planned instruction by an instructor
2. Learners are getting confidence and satisfaction in the subject what
instructor has presented by systematic and sequence order
3. Serves the purpose to meet the requirement of learners at different
4. Expected standard of knowledge is being acquired because instructor
has taught the lesson in a planned manner
1. Instructor becomes ineffective if the lesson plans are not revised to
accommodate innovative techniques and new information
2. Lesson plan must be used as an instructional material to refer the
systematically written objectives. It must be a supplement and support to
an instructor. You should not completely depend on it.
3. Preparation of lesson plan for the entire syllabus is a time consuming
10 Plan your Lesson M.SARAVANA

A format of a lesson plan is shown below. Read carefully the italicized text to
understand the simple way of making a lesson plan.


Trade: Specify your trade Module/Unit: Reference to syllabus

Date: Day when LP prepared Time: Required time for teaching
Lesson No: Ref to syllabus


Title: Lesson Heading

(1) Objectives: (After teaching of this lesson the learners will be able to)

 Instructional objectives of the lesson in logical sequence

 Write objectives starting with action verbs (‘SMART’ method may be followed)
 Presentation should not be too much, too less for a single sitting class
considering this point, write at least 2 objectives and maximum up to 4

(2) Teaching Aids: Essential teaching aids, viz. chalk, chalk board, duster, charts,
projector, transparency, model, pointer, etc.
(3) Introduction:
(a) Review: Link previous knowledge to connect present lesson
(b) Motivation: Create willingness to learn, tell the purpose of learning


Developments / Topics Information Points Hints

Development of Definition & important Spot hints, symbols,

preparation step points with reference to the circuits, charts,
Topics / terms with content / topic transparency, etc.
reference to the
Plan your Lesson M.SARAVANA 11

Developments / Topics Information Points Hints

(Continued from pre (Continued from pre page) (Continued from pre
page) page)

Topics / terms with Definition & important Spot hints, symbols,

reference to the points with reference to the circuits, charts,
objectives content / topic transparency, etc.


- Application of knowledge gained, effectiveness of teaching

- Ability to use the learnt material in new & concrete situations. Learning outcome
requires higher level of understanding
- Check how well the learner uses facts, principles, rules, and theories in solving
- Ask developing questions, probing questions
- Interact with trainees (ask simple & direct questions)

Recapitulate the lesson with reference to the objectives

- To be given to the trainees consist of objective & subjective type of
- A separate assignment sheet may be enclosed

Reference: Book name & author name for further reference

Next Lesson: Designate the next lesson (extend teaching) JTO/VI/TO
12 Plan your Lesson M.SARAVANA


Trade: Computer Module/Unit: I
Date: Time: 30 Minutes
Lesson No: 1


Title: Introduction to Computer

(1) Objectives: (After teaching of this lesson the learners will be able to)
1. Define a Computer and state its uses
2. Explain Software and Hardware
3. Identify the parts of a Computer
4. State the function of a Computer

(2) Teaching Aids: Chalkboard, Chalk, Charts, Computer system, Projector, etc.
(3) Introduction:
(a) Review: Electronic Calculator, Typewriter
(b) Motivation: Computer plays very important role in our day to day life. Used
in School, College, Bank, Post office, Hospital, Military, Home, etc.
Information Points Hints
/ Topics
1.Definition Computer is an electronic device, accepts Spot hints with a
data, process it, and gives resultant output. Computer system
or a model
Uses As a data processor it calculates fast,
stores lot of information, used for
communication purposes worldwide.
Other important uses like Bus, Rail, Air Use projector /
ticket reservation, Office, School, College chart
Hospital, Military & Bank, etc.
Ask the Learners to
2. Software Set of logical instructions in the form of
programs loaded in the system. identify the parts

Hardware External & Internal components, which

makes as a system
Plan your Lesson M.SARAVANA 13

Information Points Hints
/ Topics
3. Parts I/P devices (key board, mouse);
O/P device (monitor, printer); internal
devices (CPU, RAM, hard disc, etc.)
4. Function i) Computer accepts input information &
transfers it to memory unit
ii) Information in memory is fetched
under control unit & processed as Computer Parts
resultant output
iii) Processed output information reaches CPU:
output unit Memory unit,
iv) Control unit directs all activities Control unit &
inside the system AL unit
Input Output

1. What is a Computer?
2. Tell few advantages of a Computer
3. What is Hardware? Give some examples
Recapitulate the lesson. (Definition- Uses- Software- Hardware - Function)

1. Draw a Computer system & Name the parts
2. Describe the function of a Computer
3. List the uses of Computer in various fields

Reference: NIMI - COPA Trade Theory.

Next Lesson: Programming
14 Plan your Lesson M.SARAVANA


Trade: WS Science Module/Unit: II

Date: Time: 30 Minutes
Lesson No: 2


Title: Energy

(1) Objectives: (After teaching of this lesson the learners will be able to)
1. Define Energy
2. Describe the forms of Energy
3. State the law of conservation of Energy
4. List the types and uses of Energy
(2) Teaching Aids: Chalkboard, Chalk, Chart, model, and other teaching aids
(3) Introduction:
(a) Review: Power
(b) Motivation: Energy is required to do any work.

Information Points Hints
/ Topics

1.Definition Energy is ‘the ability to do the work’. Use projector (or) Chart
It may also be defined as ‘the capacity showing the sources and
of a physical system to do work’. forms of Energy

2. Forms of Electrical, mechanical, thermal, Scientific forms of

Energy chemical, atomic energy, etc. energy:
Kinetic energy- working
3. Law of Energy of one form can be transferred energy
conservation to another form, but cannot be created Potential energy- stored
of energy or destroyed. If one form of energy energy.
disappears, it reappears in another
form. This principle is known as law Energy sources - Sun,
of conservation of energy. wind, water, coal, wood,
Plan your Lesson M.SARAVANA 15

Information Points Hints
/ Topics
4. Uses of Energy of any form may be transferred to
energy mechanical energy to do a mechanical work. Unit of Energy is
Ex- In heat engines, heat energy is Joules or ergs
converted into mechanical energy in moving
pistons. Mechanical work is done in driving
vehicles, pumps, etc. PE = mgh joules
5.Classification Electrical energy supplied to a lathe is m – mass of body
of energy: transformed to mechanical energy in in kg
rotating the spindle and mechanical work is g – gravity 9.8
done in turning a job. m/sec2
1) Potential h – height in
PE- a body possesses because of its position
Energy metre
2) Kinetic (Ex-water in an overhead tank, Compressed
Energy gas in a cylinder, wound up spring of a KE = 1/2 mv2
watch) joules
KE- a body possesses because of its motion m-mass in kg,
(Ex- moving train, flowing water, blowing v-velocity in m/s

1. What is Energy?
2. Tell the law of conservation of Energy.
3. What are the two scientific forms of Energy?
Recapitulate the lesson with reference to the objectives
1. Prepare a chart which shows various sources of Energy.
2. How energy of one form is converted into other forms of energy?
3. Define Potential Energy and Kinetic Energy with few examples.

Reference: Workshop Calculation and Science by Kapil Dev.

Next Lesson: Simple Machines
16 Plan your Lesson M.SARAVANA


Trade: Fitter Module/Unit: I

Date: Time: 30 minutes
Lesson No: 3

Title: Drill bit

(1) Objectives: (After teaching of this lesson the learners will be able to)

1. Define a drill bit.

2. Identify the parts of a drill bit.
3. Name the different types of drill bits & their uses.
4. State the safety precautions to be taken while using drill bit.

(2) Teaching Aids: Chalk board, chalks, duster, drill bits, charts, projector, screen, etc.
(3) Introduction:
(a) Review: Cutting tools. [Hack saw blade, file, chisel, etc.]
(b) Motivation: Drilling is a process to make round holes in metallic or non-
metallic materials.

Information Points Hints
/ Topics

1) Definition A small tool which fits in the chuck of Use of chart

a brace or drill, and by which it is
rotated thereby cutting or boring a Hand drilling machine

2) Parts of
drill bit

Plan your Lesson M.SARAVANA 17

Information Points Hints
/ Topics

3) Types of drill Commonly used drill bits are: Diagram

bits 1. Flat drill - flat section at cutting edge
2. Twist drill - spirals along the length
remove the debris from the hole.
3. Centre drill - used making center of a
hole or a conical hole for a lathe center
4. Oil tube drill - used to drill deep holes

4) Types of 1. Straight shank – small size drills

shank 2. Taper shank – large size drills

1. Use proper coolant

5) Safety 2. Set proper cutting speed
precautions 3. Use correct size sharpened drills
4. Carefully remove the burrs


1. Define drill bit

2. Identify the parts of a drill bit
3. Tell few safety measures to be followed while handling drill bits

Summarize the lesson with reference to objectives


Assignment: Add assignment sheet separately

Reference: Workshop Technology by Hajra Choudhary

Next Lesson: Tapping

18 Plan your Lesson M.SARAVANA


Trade: Computer Module/Unit: I

Date: Time: 30 minutes
Lesson No: 4


Title: Computer Networks

(1) Objectives: (After teaching of this lesson the learners will be able to)

1. Define a Computer Network.

2. Explain Network Protocol.
3. State the different types of network.
4. Describe Network Topology.

(2) Teaching Aids: Essential teaching aids, computer multimedia, projector, screen, etc.
(3) Introduction:
(a) Review: Programming
(b) Motivation: Network link computers from different places

Developments /
Information Points Hints

1) Computer Collection of hardware components and Use chart, projector

Network computers interconnected by
communication channels that allow Network:
sharing of resources and information.

2) Protocol Communication protocols define the

rules and data formats for exchanging
information in a computer network, and
provide the basis for network
programming. (ex. Ethernet )

Plan your Lesson M.SARAVANA 19

Developments /
Information Points Hints

3) Types of 1. Local Area Network (LAN) Diagram

Networks 2. Wide Area Network (WAN)
3. Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) Star Bus
4) Network Network topology is the layout pattern of
Topology interconnections of the various elements
(links, nodes, etc.) of a computer. Some
types of topology are Star, Bus, Ring,
5) Advantages People can communicate efficiently and
easily via email, instant messaging,
telephone, video conferencing, printer
sharing, etc.


1. What is a computer network?

2. Tell few advantages of a computer network
3. What is network topology?

Summarize the lesson (Definition - Protocol-Types of Network -Topology)


Assignment: Add assignment sheet separately

Reference: ‘Computer Networks’ by Andrew S.Tanenbaum

Next Lesson: Internet


20 Plan your Lesson M.SARAVANA


Trade: Fashion Technology Module/Unit: I

Date: Time: 30 Minutes
Lesson No: 5


Title: Colour Harmony

(1) Objectives: (After teaching of this lesson the learners will be able to)

1. Define Colour Harmony

2. List the types of colours
3. Explain the terms: tint, shade and value of colour
4. Describe the colour wheel

(2) Teaching Aids: Whiteboard, Marker pens, Charts, Computer system, Projector, etc.
(3) Introduction:
(a) Review: Patterns, Fabric designs
(b) Motivation: Colour stimulate the senses. Senses are the gate way of knowledge.


Developments /
Topics Information Points Hints

1. Colour Harmony Colour is one of the most complex Spot hints with
factors in the art of designing. Colour wheel chart
Harmony is the mixing of colours.
Combining both we get colour
2. Types of Colour harmony PC : Red, Blue and
(a) Primary PC - Cannot be created by SC: Violet, Green
Colours (PC) combining any other colours. and Orange
TC: Yellow- Green,
(b) Secondary SC - Are formed by mixing of Green-Blue, Violet-
Colours (SC) primary colours. Blue, Red-Orange,
Violet-Red, Orange-
(c) Intermediate / TC - are by formed by mixing of Yellow
Tertiary Colours (TC) secondary colours.
Plan your Lesson M.SARAVANA 21

Developments /
Information Points Hints

3. Tint and These terms describe how a colour Tint

Shade varies from its original tone. Shade
If white is added, the lighter version of
the colour is called a tint of the
If black is added the darker version of Prang colour system
the colour is called a shade of the is Colour wheel
4. Value The value is a measurement of the
brightness of a colour.
The degree of lightness or darkness.

5.Prang colour A system where Primary, Secondary

system and Tertiary colours are arranged.


1. What is Colour Harmony?

2. What are the types of Colour?
3. What is the value of Colour?
Recapitulate the lesson. (Colour Harmony – Types – Properties of Colour)



1. Prepare a Colour wheel chart

2. Using colours show the difference between tint and shade

Reference: NIMI: Trade Theory - Dress Making Basic

Next Lesson: Types of Garments

22 Plan your Lesson M.SARAVANA


Trade: Dress Making Module/Unit: I

Date: Time: 30 Minutes
Lesson No: 6


Title: Maintenance of Sewing Machine

(1) Objectives: (After teaching of this lesson the learners will be able to)

1. State the importance of maintenance of a sewing machine

2. Explain the preventive maintenance procedure
3. Describe important corrective maintenance practices

(2) Teaching Aids: Whiteboard, Marker pens, Charts, Projector, etc.

(3) Introduction:
(a) Review: Parts of a sewing machine
(b) Motivation: It is necessary to have knowledge about preventive and corrective
maintenance. If fault happens to any of the accessories, an operator can rectify it.

Information Points Hints
/ Topics
1. Importance of Regular cleaning, oiling and care of a sewing Clean with brush
maintenance machine ensure satisfactory sewing and a long
life for the machine.
2. Preventive
maintenance Machine should be used regularly. When not
in use keep the machine covered to prevent
1) Cleaning from dust. Clean lint, dust, thread bits with
the help of small dry brush.
2) Oiling It is necessary to oil the machine periodically.
Oil it twice in a week if it is used every day.
Put special sewing machine oil in all oil holes,
joints and other required places. After
thoroughly oiled, wipe away excess oil and
run it slowly on a waste piece of material.

Plan your Lesson M.SARAVANA 23

Developments /
Information Points Hints
1) If race and shuttle not properly fixed, needle
3. Corrective will break. Therefore fix the race and shuttle
maintenance: properly so that the needle does not hit the
plate below.
Some of the 2) If needle and thread are not according to the
important thickness of the cloth, they may break. So
problems and choose the number of needle and good quality
remedies under thread according to the thickness of the cloth.  If hard cloths like
the corrective 3) If tension disc is loose, the thread will also be jeans are stitched
maintenance loosened, and there will be looping stitch without shrinking,
are: occurs. Therefore tighten the screw of the the thread breaks.
tension disc properly. Shrink materials
4) If bobbin is not filled properly loop stitch before stitching.
may occur. So fill the bobbin properly.  Correct sitting
5) Belt of the machine being hard makes the posture while
machine heavy. If it is so replace the belt. stitching is
6) For proper stitch, the thread used in the important for you as
needle must be used in the bobbin also. well as your work.


1. Why oiling of machine is necessary?

2. What is the cause of needle breaking?
3. How will you clean your sewing machine?

Recapitulate the lesson.


1. What are the two types of maintenance? Explain.

2. Write some defects and its causes occur in sewing machine. Explain with remedies.

Reference: NIMI: Trade Theory - Dress Making Basic

Next Lesson: Types of Garments
24 Plan your Lesson M.SARAVANA

EXERCISE: (By following the hints, prepare a Lesson Plan for a topic of your trade)


Trade: Module/Unit:
Date: Time:
Lesson No:


Title :
(1) Objectives: (After teaching of this lesson the learners will be able to)
(2) Teaching Aids:

(3) Introduction
(a) Review:
(b) Motivation:


Developments / Topics Information Points Hints

Plan your Lesson M.SARAVANA 25

Developments /
Information Points Hints






Next Lesson:


26 Plan your Lesson M.SARAVANA

Demonstration Plan is a detailed description of a practical lesson or a skill prepared by
an instructor for a specific duration of time. A demo plan format is illustrated below.


Trade: Specify trade Module/Unit: Ref syllabus

Date: Day when demo plan prepared Time: required time for demo
Demo No: Ref to syllabus

Skill: Skill to be performed

(1) Objectives: (After demonstrating the skill the trainees will be able to)
 State the Behavioural objectives of the skill in logical sequence
 Objectives should not be written as 1)‘What is ohm’s law?’, 2)‘ The verification
of ohm’s law, etc.’
 Write objectives starting with action verbs (‘SMART’ approach may be followed)

(2) Tools & Other requirements: Necessary tools, equipments, raw materials,
consumables required for the demonstration.
(3) Introduction:
(a) Review: link previous knowledge to connect the present skill
(b) Motivation: Create willingness to learn, Tell the purpose of learning


Information Points /
Procedure Hints
Safety Precautions

Write main points with Step by step procedure of the symbols

reference to the practical work spot hints
objectives. & models
Safety precautions to be & charts

Plan your Lesson M.SARAVANA 27

Information Points /
Procedure Hints
Safety Precautions

(Continued from pre (Continued from pre page) (Continued from pre
page) page)

Write main points with Step by step procedure of symbols

reference to the the practical work spot hints
objectives & models
Safety precautions to be & charts


- Ability to use learnt material in new & concrete situations

- Learning outcome requires higher level of understanding
- Check the learner uses facts, principles, rules, and theories in solving problems
- Application of skill gained, imitation of the demonstration
- Developing questions, probing questions may be asked while demonstrating the skill
- Interact with trainees

Summarizing the skill with reference to the objectives

To be given to the trainees related to the skill

Reference: Book name & author name for reference

Next Skill: Topic of the next practical (extend teaching)
28 Plan your Lesson M.SARAVANA

EXERCISE: By following the demo plan format hints, prepare a Demo Plan related to
your trade.

Trade: Module/Unit:
Date: Time:
Demo No:



(1) Objectives: (After demonstrating the skill the trainees will be able to)

(2) Tools & Other requirements:
(3) Introduction:
(a) Review:
(b) Motivation:

Information Points /
Procedure Hints
Safety Precautions

Plan your Lesson M.SARAVANA 29

Information Points /
Procedure Hints
Safety Precautions






Next Skill:

30 Plan your Lesson M.SARAVANA



Trade: Electronic Mechanic Module/Unit: 02

Date: Time: 1 Hour
Demo No: 1


Skill: Construct a Half Wave Rectifier and observe the output waveform.

(1) Objectives: (After demonstrating the skill the trainees will be able to)
1. Check the components and assemble the circuit .
2. Measure the input AC and output DC voltage.
3. Trace the input and output waveform.
4. Measure the peak voltage and calculate the RMS value.

(2) Tools & Other requirements: CRO, diode, transformer 6v, soldering iron, voltmeter,
and multimeter, etc.
(3) Introduction:
(a) Review: Characteristics of a diode.
(b) Motivation: Rectifier circuit exists in all electronic equipments and chargers.

Information Points /
Procedure Hints
Safety Precautions

1) Assembling 1. Test the components Circuit diagram

2. Construct the circuit as per diagram.
3. Use proper solder, soldering lead
and flux.
4. Make sure that meters are connected
in proper polarity and of range.

Plan your Lesson M.SARAVANA 31

Information Points /
Procedure Hints
Safety Precautions

2) Measurements 1. Measure the AC voltage across

secondary of transformer.
2. Measure the DC voltage across load
using multimeter.
3. Measure No Load voltage across
diode, cathode.
4. Trace the i/p, o/p waveform using
3) Calculation Calculate the percentage of regulation.
The output DC voltage of an ideal half
wave rectifier is:

Percentage of regulation =


1. Assemble the circuit according to the diagram.

2. Test the load voltage.
3. Test the no load voltage.

Summary: Summarize the skill

1. Assemble & verify the voltage values.
2. Calculate voltage regulation for different load values.
Reference: Basic Electronics by V.K.Mehta
Next Skill: Full Wave Rectifier. JTO/VI /TO
32 Plan your Lesson M.SARAVANA


Trade: Fitter Module/Unit: 02

Date: Time: 1 Hr
Demo No: 2


Skill: Drilling

(1) Objectives: (After demonstrating the skill the trainees will be able to)
1. Select the drill for drilling.
2. Fix the job and drill bit in drilling machine.
3. Perform drilling operation.
4. Follow safety precaution.

(2) Tools & Other requirements: Vernier, height gauge, scriber, hammer, punch,
vice, drilling machine, drill chuck, drill bit, cotton waste, etc.
(3) Introduction:
(a) Review: Chipping.
(b) Motivation: To make a hole on work piece in correct size.


Information Points /
Procedure Hints
Safety Precautions
1. Drilling It is a process of making a hole on work
pieces. Diagram

2. Procedure 1) Check the raw material in correct size.

2) File the surface to smooth.
3) Mark the job as per the required
4) Hold the job in a vice with parallel &
support the wooden block.
5) Check the drill bit point
6) Fix the drill bit in drill chuck.

Plan your Lesson M.SARAVANA 33

Information Points /
Procedure Hints
Safety Precautions

7) Fix the drill chuck in drilling machine.

8) Set the drill bit in a proper position.
9) Make a drill slowly to required depth
10) Remove the chips & clean the machine

3) Safety 1) While drilling, look at the drill bit/

precautions drilling point carefully.
2) Do not clean the chips with bear hands.
Use brush.
3) Fix the drill bit in a drill chuck correctly.


1. What is drilling?
2. How to fix a drill bit?
3. Tell few safety precautions to be followed.

Summary: Summarize the skill


Assignment: Drill a given job as per the dimension.

Reference: NIMI book, 1st year Fitter Trade Theory

Next Skill: Chipping.

34 Plan your Lesson M.SARAVANA


Trade: Turner Module/Unit: 02

Date: Time: 1 Hr
Demo No: 3


Skill: Chipping

(1) Objectives: (After demonstrating the skill the trainees will be able to)

1. Select a chisel for chipping

2. Perform chipping operation.
3. Follow safety precaution.

(2) Tools & Other requirements: Hacksaw frame, blade, steel rule, try square, file, vernier
height gauge, Scriber, punch, vice, wooden block, chisel, hammer, etc.

(3) Introduction:
(a) Review: Hack saw practice.
(b) Motivation: To remove excess metal chipping operation is done.

Information Points /
Procedure Hints
Safety Precautions
1. Chipping Chipping is an operation performed for Diagram
removing the excess metal with the help
of chisel and hammer. Chipping chisel
1) Check the raw material in size.
2. Procedure 2) File the surfaces smooth.
3) Mark the job as per the chipping
4) Hold job in a bench-vice with the
wooden block for supporting
5) Hold the cross cut chisel properly.
6) Hold the correct hammer for

Plan your Lesson M.SARAVANA 35

Information Points /
Procedure Hints
Safety Precautions

7) Chip the surface on the

marked area.
8) Chipped surface will be rough
it should be finished by filing.
9) Clean the work area
Mushroom head
1) While chipping the metal job,
3) Safety install chip-guard against
precaution chips flying off. Use sponge rubber to
2) The chisel head must be free protect your hand
from mushroom formation.


1. What do you mean by chipping?

2. What are the tools used for chipping?
3. What is mushroom head?

Summary: Summarize the skill


Assignment: Chip the given job as per the dimensions

Reference: NIMI book - Fitter I Year Trade Practical

Next Skill: Knurling

36 Plan your Lesson M.SARAVANA


Trade: Beauty Culture Module/Unit: 03

Date: Time: 45 minutes
Demo No: 4


Skill: YOGA (Surya Namaskar)

(1) Objectives: (After demonstrating the skill the trainees will be able to)
1. Tell the benefits of performing Surya Namaskar
2. State the precautions to be followed while doing yogasana
3. Perform surya namaskar
(2) Tools & Other requirements: Charts, yoga kit, yoga mat, etc.
(3) Introduction:
(a) Review: History of Yoga
(b) Motivation: To keep us internally and externally fit, suryanamaskar is important.


Procedure Information Points / Hints

Safety Precautions
1.Benefits Surya Namaskara - Sun Salutation.
Gives physical and mental benefits.
Good for the heart, stimulates the Surya namaskar
cardiovascular, digestive, and nervous systems. Chart

2. Steps to
1. Stand on your yoga mat and start with the
Yoga Mountain Pose. Bring your palms
together in prayer position. Exhale.
2. Inhale, raise your arms overhead, keeping
your palms together.
3. Exhale and then bend forward until your
hands touch your feet.
4. Inhale, step the right leg back, arch back and
lift your chin.
5. Exhale, step the left leg back into plank (flat)
position. Keep your spine and legs in a straight
line and support your weight on hands and feet.
6. Retaining the breath, lower your knees, your
chest and then your forehead, keeping your
hips up and toes curled under.
Plan your Lesson M.SARAVANA 37

Procedure Information Points /

Safety Precautions

7. Inhaling, stretch forward and bend back. Tadasana pose

Keep your arms straight.
8. Exhaling, curl your toes under, press down
into your heels, and lift your hips.
9. Inhale, bring your right leg forward, with
the top of the foot stretched out flat on the
floor, and lift your chin
10. Exhale and then bend forward until your
hands touch your feet.
11. Inhaling, stretch your arms forward and
over your head. Slowly bend backward from
the waist.
12. Exhaling, gently come back to Mountain
pose (Tadasana)
3) Precautions High blood pressure, Low BP, Heart patients,
and sick persons must avoid doing yoga.


1. Show the tadasana pose

2. What are the benefits of Surya namaskar?

Summary: Summarize the skill


Assignment: Perform Suryanamaskar

Reference: ‘ The Art of Yoga’ by B.K.S.Iyengar

Next Skill: Facial

38 Plan your Lesson M.SARAVANA


Trade: Fitter Module/Unit: 02

Date: Time: 1 Hr
Demo No: 5


Skill: Cutting of MS flat using hacksaw frame

(1) Objectives: (After demonstrating the skill the trainees will be able to)

1. Select suitable tools and hacksaw blade

2. Fix a blade in the hacksaw frame
3. Hold the work piece on the bench vice
4. Cut the work piece with the hacksaw

(2) Tools & Other requirements: MS Flat 50x6-105mm, 18TPI blade, Steel rule, bench vice,
files, try square, scriber, punch, hammer, adjustable hacksaw frame, etc.
(3) Introduction:
(a) Review: Filing practice
(b) Motivation: Cutting with the hacksaw wastage of metal will be less. Cut edges will
be cleaner than use of other cutting tools.

Information Points /
Procedure Hints
Safety Precautions
1) Selection of 1. Steel rule to measure
tool 2. Bench vice to hold WP
3. File to file the WP
4. Try square to check level
5. Scriber to draw lines
6. Punch for marking
7. Hammer to strike punch
8. Hacksaw frame to cut
2) Fixing of 1. Coarse grade blade is used for MS flat
hacksaw cutting, which contains 18TPI.
blade 2. The teeth of the Hacksaw blade should
point the direction of the cut.
3. Apply pressure only during the forward

Plan your Lesson M.SARAVANA 39

Procedure Information Points /

Safety Precautions

3) Cutting 1. Check the work piece size by using steel rule

Operation 2. Fix the work piece securely in the bench vice
3. File the reference plan and check flatness and
right angle using try square
4. Apply marking media (chalk) and allow to
5. Mark lines as per the drawing by using
6. Punch on the marked lines
7. Cut along the lines using the hacksaw Work piece
8. Remove burrs from the work piece

1. Do not cut too fast

4) Safety 2. Use full length of the blade
precautions 3. While starting the cut, make a small notch
4. While finishing slowdown to avoid the
breakage of the blade, injury to yourself and


1) Why making of notch on the work piece is important?

2) To cut the MS flat which blade is used?

Summary: Summarize the skill


Assignment: Drill a given job as per the dimension.

Reference: Workshop Technology by Hajra Choudhary

Next Skill: Chipping.

40 Plan your Lesson M.SARAVANA


Trade: Electrician Module/Unit: 02

Date: Time: 1 Hr
Demo No: 6


Skill: Verification of Ohm’s law

1) Objectives: (After demonstrating the skill the trainees will be able to)

1. Check the components and equipments

2. Draw the ohm’s law circuit diagram
3. Construct the circuit
4. Verify ohm’s law

2) Tools & Other requirements: Resistor, PCB (dot matrix), soldering iron, stand, lead,
multi stand wire, milli-ammeter, voltmeter, etc
3) Introduction:
(a) Review: Resistance
(b) Motivation: Flow of Voltage, current, resistance in a circuit.


Information Points /
Procedure Hints
Safety Precautions

1. Check the Check the physical and electrical working

components conditions of the components and equipments.

2. Circuit V = Voltage
I = Current
R = Resistance

Plan your Lesson M.SARAVANA 41

Information Points /
Procedure Hints
Safety Precautions

3) Construction of 1) Construct the circuit as per the circuit Record the readings
circuit diagram. in tabular column.
2) Apply D.C voltage to the circuit
3) Observe and record the current in milli Applied
amps voltage
4) Observe and record the voltage in Voltage
volts across
5) Calculate the resistance by using the
formula R = V/I
Current I
4) Safety 1) While connecting the components be R = V/I
precautions sure that the power supply is switched
2) Ammeter terminal connections must be
connected properly


Ask the trainees to observe the readings

Summary: Summarize the skill


Assignment: Find the value of R; if I = 10 mAmps; and V = 20 V.

Reference: NIMI, EM 1st year Trade Practical

Next Skill: Resistors in series.

42 Plan your Lesson M.SARAVANA

While preparing a Lesson Plan you must remember following points to make
your plan complete and comprehensive.

1. The title
2. Time required to present the lesson
3. Statement of objectives without ambiguity
4. Teaching aids, and other required tools & equipments
5. Introduction
6. Review by linking the previous knowledge to present topic
7. Motivate, create willingness to learn by telling the purpose of learning
8. Presentation
a. Topics, developments with reference to objectives
b. Information points
c. Hints
d. Developing questions
e. Display of teaching aids in appropriate time
9. Learner’s activities such as active participation, interaction, question
and answer
10. Summary. It is an opportunity for you to wrap up the discussion
11. Test to know the effectiveness of teaching and the understanding level
of the learners
12. Assignment- Include objective and subjective type of questions
13. Reference materials- Inform book name and author’s name
14. Topic for next lesson
15. Feedback

A simple format of a Lesson Plan which is described in this chapter is a
simple procedure applicable to any instructional situation. It is logical to
proceed by first gaining the attention and interest of the learner in a teaching
process. When this is accomplished, then presenting the information to the
learner, providing opportunity to practice the information learnt, and finally
determining what the learner has actually learnt, is the natural sequence of
teaching. Once a Lesson Plan is developed, it may be used repeatedly with
slight changes to accommodate individual or group differences, and
technological changes. Periodically the Lesson Plan should be renewed, so
that the obsolete and old items can be removed and new developments and
changes can be accommodated. Lesson Plan can be modified according to the
level of the learners in the class, educational or training institute’s
requirements and also personal interests of an instructor.
Plan your Lesson M.SARAVANA 43


While preparing a Lesson Plan, Instructors often tend to write objectives as -
‘What is Ohm’s Law?’; ‘How many types of topologies are there?’;
‘Introduction to Computer’, etc., Which are not correct! The objectives must
be written in behavioural terms starting with action verb. This chapter will
guide the Instructors to state the objectives precisely. In the Preparation Step
of a lesson plan, objectives plays very important role as the duration of quality
time of teaching depends on clearly stated objectives. If the objectives are not
clear, the intended outcome cannot be achieved. A precisely stated objective
often determines the nature of training method, media and process of testing.
Learning activities are classified under acquisition of knowledge, development
of skill, and modification of attitude and habits. For effective implementation
of the training programme, and in the context of instructional design,
objectives play a very important role.
This chapter aims to describe the difference between ambiguous statements
and performance statements, illustrates the systematic methods of writing
instructional objectives which are used in lesson plan and demo plan. The
importance of using action verbs for writing the objectives is also emphasized.
The taxonomy of educational objectives classification which is useful for
writing instructional objectives in behavioural terms is briefed with examples.
The terms goal, aim, and objectives which are interchangeable and used as
synonyms to each other, are distinguished with simple examples to help you
to state the objectives clearly without any ambiguity!


The three Musketeers……!
Every training course and a teaching learning process will have ‘Goal’, ‘Aim’,
and ‘Objectives’. Are the three words same or interchangeable? No! In the
training parlance these three terms have separate meanings. It is necessary to
understand the usage of the terms- ‘goal’, ‘aim’, and ‘objective’ without any
ambiguity. The term ‘goal’ is much wider than the terms ‘aim’ and ‘objective’,
although they are often found synonymously used. It may be seen in the field
of education that, hierarchical distinction is maintained in the usage of these
terms. An ambiguous statement can be interpreted with more than one
meaning or may confuse without any meaning. Unless you have a clear,
unambiguous objective both you and your learner will reach a place where do
not know! (Robert Mager.1975). If the objectives are not clear, as a trainer you
44 Plan your Lesson M.SARAVANA

have to waste your time, your learners’ time, and probably a considerable
amount of your employer’s money.

The variance of word meanings in natural language has always posed

problems for those who attempt to construct an unambiguous and consistent
statement. It is often the case that a written statement could be interpreted in
several ways by different individuals, thus rendering the statement subjective
rather than objective. ‘Goal’ stands for ‘broad and ultimate category’, ‘aim’
refers to ‘a more specific set of purposes’; ‘Objectives’ however, are ‘the most
precisely defined ends in view’. The specification of objectives is essential for
the implementation of any programme or project. For all training activities it
is essential that there is a clearly defined purpose. Institution, learners, and
trainers should understand the intention of the training and the outcomes to
be achieved.

Following illustration will present a clear distinction between Goal, Aim, and

Fig. 1 Fig.2 Fig.3

(Goal-broad ambition) (Aim- set the target) (Objective- achieve the target)

Goals are broad, generalized statements about what is to be learned.
Educational goals are general aim or purpose of education that is stated as a
broad, long-range outcome to work toward. Goals are used primarily in policy
making and general programme planning. The terms ‘goals’ and ‘objectives’
are sometimes used interchangeably. This is wrong. They are different. Goals
are broad and sometimes difficult to directly measure. Goals help us to focus
on the big and important picture.
Eg.1: The right of children to free and compulsory education is the main
goal of Right to Education act.
Eg.2: In instructor training, the trainees develop attitude to become a
competent instructors.
Plan your Lesson M.SARAVANA 45

Aim is the general declaration of intent that gives direction to a programme. In
other words, aim may be defined as an answer to the question of the type
‘what for a programme of personality development undertaken?’ and objective
as an answer to the question of the type ‘what will be achieved if the
programme is completed?’. “In educational discussions and in language
teaching, a hierarchical distinction is sometimes made between ‘goals’ as a
very broad and ultimate category, ‘aims’ as a more specific set of purposes,
and ‘objectives’ as the most precisely defined ends in view which can often be
described in terms of behavioural outcomes” according to Stern.H.H (1983).

Eg.1: To train clerical staff to use the Computer.

Eg.2: To develop proficiency in the basic skills of reading, writing, and
The purpose of the aim is to draw attention to the training being provided,
and communicating the intention to a target audience that will include
learners, management, and clients.

Objective is a point which one aims at reaching after a certain amount of
learning experience. Clearly defined objectives would not only help the
teachers and learners to understand what exactly they are supposed to do,
but also provide the means for evaluating their own achievements. The
statement of objectives is therefore expected to be specific, observable and
presented in performance terms. For example, achieving national integration
is one of the goals of education. But how this goal is going to be achieved is
required to be spell out through objectives!

Goal: To become a professional tailor

Aim: To teach / to learn stitching of garment
Objectives: 1. Take proper measurement.
2. Draft paper pattern
3. Cut the material
4. Stitch the garment


In training, one of the important tasks of an instructor is to conceive clearly
the learners’ expected terminal behaviour. What one conceives clearly can also
be expressed clearly. The success of the teaching process depends on stating
the specific learning outcome – the objectives! While writing the objective
statement, you should remember that it should not make any ambiguity.
Words representing either vague or ambiguous concepts that cannot be
46 Plan your Lesson M.SARAVANA

precisely measured must be avoided. Ambiguous terms: knows, understands,

appreciates, grasps, enjoys, and believes, etc. must be avoided.
For example, following statements can be interpreted in more than one way.
This type of statements must be avoided.

 Learners will understand objectives. (What is ‘understand’? Will

learners be expected to say what objectives are, or just name the
components, or must they be able to write objectives?)
 The trainee will have knowledge about photocopy machine. (What
is ‘knowledge about’? Do they just place the paper and take copies,
or they are skillful to operate the machine including multi copy, size
adjustment, and also maintenance?)
 The trainee will appreciate the benefit of yoga. (What is meant by
‘appreciate’? Quite a number of people appreciate the benefit of
yoga, but fail to do it!)
 The trainee knows stitching. (What are the limits of ‘knowing’? do
they know measuring, drafting, cutting, etc.?)
These examples are vague and could be interpreted by ten different learners in
ten different ways. It is the responsibility of an instructor to state clearly what
the trainee will be able to do on completion of training.


As described in the following examples, objectives must be written in
performance related terms with appropriate action verbs.

1) The Assistant will be able to list the principles of noting and drafting.
2) The Section Officer will be able to manage the records of his office.
3) The architectural assistant will be able to draw a layout of the
4) The trainee will be able to name the parts of a computer system.
5) The mechanic will be able to replace the tyre of a two wheeler.
6) The electrician will be able to connect the wire.
7) The trainee will be able to create charts for available data using MS
8) The machine operator will be able to drill the job as required.
9) The Income Tax Inspectors will be able to list modes of tax recovery.
10) The trainee electrician will be able to explain the function of a
11) The fitter will be able to weld a job.
12) The Storekeepers will be able to arrange the items of his store in order.

Words in bold clearly indicate the actions required of the learner.

Plan your Lesson M.SARAVANA 47


‘An objective is a description of a performance you want learners to be able to
exhibit before you consider them competent. An objective describes an
intended result of instruction, rather than the process of instruction itself’
Robert Mager (1975).
‘A fruitful way to state instructional objectives is in terms of the types of
outcomes we expect from our teaching. The focus should be on the learning
outcomes attained by the students. The objectives should direct attention to
the student and to the types of behaviour he/she is expected to exhibit as a
result of the learning experience. Our focus shifts from the teacher to the
student and from the learning process to the learning outcomes’ Norman
E.Gronlund (1978).

‘A performance objective is a detailed description of what students will be able

to do when they complete a unit of instruction. It is also referred to as a
behavioural objective or an instructional objective’ Dick and Carey (1978).

From the above extracts of the experts’ views, it is obvious that all are
considering objective as an ‘intended learning outcome’.


An objective is a precise, clear statement of what the learners will be able to
do at the end of a learning event. A few methods are followed to state the
objective clearly.

1. Mager’s Method
2. SMART Method
3. ABCD Method
4. Gagné and Briggs Method

As per Robert Mager (1975), for stating objectives there are three elements to
be included, or at least considered:
1) A statement of the performance to be achieved by the trainee. This
enables the acquisition of knowledge and the development of skills to
be focused only on what is essential.
2) A statement of the conditions under which it is being done. This
enables the learning event and assessment to include conditions
needed for effective transfer to job performance.
3) A statement of the minimum standards of performance a trainee must
attain. This enables us to check accurately if the trainee has achieved
the objective. Equally important, it tells the trainee what is expected to
be achieved.
48 Plan your Lesson M.SARAVANA

The first element ‘Performance’ is a very important element of all the objective
statements; whereas the other two may be added subject to the need of
specificity. This means that the objective statement must include the
performance to be carried out by the learner. If necessary the conditions
under which that performance must be carried out should also be included.
Similarly the acceptable standards of performance a learner must attain, if it
needs to be specified may also be added.
1. Performance:
a. The trainee will be able to type a business letter.
b. The trainee will be able to list the advantages of internet.
2. Performance with Condition:
a. The accountant will be able to calculate the revised pay using
the fitment table.
b. The DTP operator will be able to modify the design with the help
of the latest user friendly software.
3. Performance with Conditions and Standards:
a. The data entry operator will be able type 40 wpm without error.
b. The police officer will be able to fire 5 rounds in 3 seconds from
his service revolver on a 25 yard range.


A simple mnemonic used to set objectives is called SMART objectives. Peter
Ferdinand Drucker (1954) widely considered to be ‘the Father of Modern
Management’ in US used this simple term in his seminal work: ‘The Practice
of Management’ to set objectives.
SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time bound.

SMART often called as Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in project

management, employee performance management and personal development.
Later, George T. Doran (1981) used in his work: ‘There's a S.M.A.R.T. way to
write management's goals and objectives. Paul J. Meyer (2003) also described
the characteristics of S.M.A.R.T. goals in his book: Attitude is Everything.

1. Specific – Objectives should specify exactly what the learner will be able to achieve.
2. Measurable - Should be able to measure whether you are meeting the objectives or not.
3. Achievable - Are the objectives you set, achievable and attainable?
4. Realistic – Can you realistically achieve the objectives with the resources you have?
5. Time bound – When do you want to achieve the set objectives?


One of the easiest ways to write objective is to use the ABCD model! This was
developed in the 1970s by the National Special Media Institutes, US. The
Plan your Lesson M.SARAVANA 49

ABCD method of writing objectives is an excellent starting point for writing

objectives (Heinich R, et al., 1996). Heinich suggested that well written
objectives have four parts. They call these parts the ABCD's of instructional
objectives. The A stands for Audience, the B represents Behaviour, the C
stands for Condition, and the D for Degree of Accuracy. Each instructional
objective is written in sentence format and should contain the A, B, C and D.
Let's take a closer look at each of these.
As per the ABCD method, the objective need not be written in the order of
ABCD, but it should contain all of these elements.
(1) Audience
Describes the intended learner or end user of the instruction.
E.g 1: The skilled trainees will be able to....
E.g.2: The participants of this workshop…

(2) Behaviour
This describes the learner’s capability. It must be observable and
measurable. The ‘behaviour’ can include demonstration of knowledge or
skills in any of the domains of learning: cognitive, psychomotor,
affective, or interpersonal
E.g.1: ..… will be able to write a report…
E.g.2: …will be able to describe the steps…

(3) Condition
Under what circumstances or context will the learning occur?
Conditions describe the relevant factors associated with the desired
Equipment or tools that may be utilized in completion of the behaviour.
Environmental conditions may also be included
E.g.1: …after observing the demonstration ..…
E.g.2.: …run 100 meters in a track / up a hill …

(4) Degree
States the standard for acceptable performance (time, accuracy,
proportion, quality, etc) how well will the behaviour need to be
E.g.1: … without error.
E.g.2: …within 60 seconds.

This is often called the ABCD's of objectives, a nice mnemonic aid!


The Gagné and Briggs (1979) format for writing instructional objectives
consists of five components. They are:
50 Plan your Lesson M.SARAVANA

1. Situation
2. Learned Capability
3. Object
4. Action
5. Tools and Other Constraints

The components of the Gagné and Briggs format match Mager's condition,
performance, and criterion, only to add the object, content of the learning
activity as well as the tools used. Gagné and Briggs were among the early
developers of the concept of Instructional Systems.
Some examples of Gagné & Briggs objectives:

Given a battery, light bulb, socket, and pieces of wire (situation),

demonstrate (learned capability) the making of an electronic circuit
(object) by connecting wires (action) to battery and socket (tools) and
testing the lighting of the bulb (action).
In response to a question (situation), the learner will state (learned
capability) orally (action) three technological trends that will affect the
future capabilities of the army (object). The answer is to be completed in
three minutes (constraints/tools).
Though there are different methods of stating objectives exist, to write
instructional objectives in behavioural terms, in Lesson Plan and Demo Plan,
it is apt to use the ‘SMART’ method.


The taxonomy provides a classification of educational objectives that is similar
to the classification scheme used for plants and animals. The area of
education has seen the emergence of a number of taxonomies specifying the
educational objectives. One of the most helpful guides in identifying and
defining instructional objectives is the Taxonomy of Educational Objectives,
developed by the committees under the direction of Bloom (1956) and
Krathwohl (1964). The taxonomy of educational objectives consists of a set of
general and specific categories that covers all possible learning outcomes that
might be expected from instruction. The classification system was developed
by psychologists, teachers, and test experts for use in curriculum
development, teaching, and testing. The learning outcomes are best described
in terms of changes in learners’s behaviour. Therefore the classification is
useful to teachers, who are attempting to state their instructional objectives in
behavioural terms.
The classified three domains of educational activities are:
Plan your Lesson M.SARAVANA 51

o Cognitive: mental ability (Knowledge)

o Affective: growth in feelings or emotional areas (Attitude)
o Psychomotor: motor or physical skills (Skills)
The Cognitive domain includes those objectives that emphasize intellectual
outcomes, such as ‘the recall or recognition of knowledge and the
development of intellectual abilities’; The Affective domain includes those
objectives that emphasize ‘feeling, emotion, interest, attitudes, values, and the
development of appreciations and adequate adjustment’; and The
Psychomotor domain includes those objectives that emphasize ‘physical
skills, such as, writing, typing, stitching, swimming, etc.

A complete classification system was developed for the Cognitive and Affective
domains by the Bloom and Krathwohl committees. Though the form of
Psychomotor domain was not universally accepted by the academic scholars
as a ‘complete classification’, Simpson (1972), Harrow (1972), Dave (1975)
prepared the major components of Psychomotor domain for various
instructional strategies.

Cognitive Domain:
The cognitive domain (Bloom, 1956) involves knowledge and the development
of intellectual abilities. This includes the recall or recognition of specific facts,
procedural patterns, and concepts that serve in the development of mental
abilities. There are six major categories, which are listed in order, starting
from the simplest behaviour to the most complex. The categories can be
thought of as degrees of difficulties. That is, the first ones must normally be
mastered before the next ones can take place. The categories of Cognitive
domain are: Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis,
and Evaluation.

Affective Domain:
The affective domain (Krathwohl, Bloom, Masia, 1973) includes the manner in
which we deal with things emotionally, such as feelings, values, appreciation,
enthusiasms, motivations, and attitudes. The five major categories are listed
from the simplest behaviour to the most complex: Receiving, Responding,
Valuing, Organization, and Internalizing values

Psychomotor Domain:
The psychomotor domain (Simpson, 1972) includes physical movement,
coordination, and use of the motor-skill areas. Development of these skills
requires practice and is measured in terms of speed, precision, distance,
procedures, or techniques in execution. The seven major categories are listed
from the simplest behaviour to the most complex: Perception, Set, Guided
response, Mechanism, Complex response, Adaptation, and Origination.
52 Plan your Lesson M.SARAVANA

The ‘other two popular versions of psychomotor domain’ components are:

Harrow's (1972): Reflex movements , Fundamental movements , Perception,
Physical abilities , Skilled movements , No discursive communication
Dave's (1975): Imitation, Manipulation , Precision, Articulation,
Anderson (2001) who was associated with Bloom and his committee, revised
the cognitive domain components and made some changes. The changes are
the names in the six categories from noun to verb forms, and slightly
rearranging them as: Remembering, Understanding, Applying, Analysing,
Evaluating, Creating. The ‘revised taxonomy’ is considered as a more active
form of thinking.
The components of the three domains Cognitive, Affective, and Psychomotor
will guide us to choose the educational activities related to Knowledge,
Attitude, and Skill and write the instructional objectives appropriately. Some
of the activities or actions related to the three domains are listed below:

Cognitive – Cite, define, describe, name, recite, recognize, modify, verify, etc.
Affective – Realize, behave, cooperate, accept, characterize, customize,
organize, etc.
Psychomotor – Write, repair, type, run, jump, stitch, pull, push, remove,
operate, etc.

Action Verbs are listed separately in the Appendix A. You can categorize and
make use of it to write the objectives properly.

“It is my intention, apart from the alleviation of all kind of hardship, to promote the
Moral, Physical, and Intellectual development of the people.”
- Robert Bosch (1861-1942)

The above inspirational statement connects all the three domains!

Your Objective: Achieving the Target

Plan your Lesson M.SARAVANA 53



 Objectives specify, precisely, what the learner has to achieve.

 Objectives focus attention on the outcome of training, rather than the
 Objectives impose a professional discipline on the provision of training.
 Objectives act as a basis for communication between trainers, learners,
and the management or institution.
 Through objectives we can analyse what a person should be able to do, in
terms of performance.

Learners also will be benefitted when you use objectives properly.

 Effectiveness of training is improved if you give learners for what they are
expected to learn.
 Objectives are written in learner terms, intended to help the learner.
 Objectives can include criteria for assessment; learners therefore know
how their performance will be measured.
 Learners may be encouraged to develop their own objectives.

The basic definition of an objective is that it is a statement of what a learner
must do to show that he or she has learned. This is a statement of the
performance or outcome to be achieved. This chapter ‘Writing Objectives for
a Lesson Plan’ emphasized the importance of stating instructional objectives
as learning outcomes and of defining each objective in terms of observable
learner behaviour. Various methods of writing objectives, the procedures for
selecting and using behaviourally defined objectives have also been described
and illustrated. Now you will be able to identify proper action verbs to state
the instructional objectives for your lesson plan of each instructional unit that
you are teaching. The Appendix A will help you to choose action verbs to
write the instructional objectives related to your field. Sample objectives are
listed in Appendix B related to various trades and behaviours which can be
used as a reference.
54 Plan your Lesson M.SARAVANA


Mark the following terms whether the action verbs dealing with Knowledge or

1) Describe ___________________________

2) List ______________________________

3) Adjust _____________________________

4) Operate ____________________________


Read the following examples of objectives and write-down your observation

whether you are complying or not complying with the following criteria:

 Is the objective expressed in learner terms?

 Is there a clear statement of performance?
 Is the performance observable?
 Can it be measured?

Write why you think each objective complies/does not comply with the above
criteria, and any reservations you may have. Compare your answers with the
answer keys.

1. The learner will be able to drive a car.

2. The learner will be able to calculate the amount of Sales Tax.

3. The learner will be able to switch-on a personal computer.

4. The learner will know how to respond to a ‘full file’ error terminal

Plan your Lesson M.SARAVANA 55

5. District Savings Officer will be able to boost small savings collections.


6. The supervisor will be able to demonstrate how to change a paper roll

on a fax machine.

7. The trainer will enable the learner to eliminate unnecessary delays and
improve the standard of work and efficiency.

8. At the end of the course the participants will be able to involve
themselves in improving the knowledge and skills of the people.

9. To equip the participants with the knowledge of disciplinary
proceedings, Laws procedure and skills, how to conduct the same until


10. The learner will be able to describe how to classify the records as per
the provisions of manual of office procedure.

11. The trainee will be able to state the fire safety regulations for high-rise

12. The learner will be able to use an OHP.



Look at following words and identify which are measurable and which are not
measurable. Compare your answer with the answer keys.

1) Know 2) State 3) Describe 4) Understand 5) Compare 6) Really appreciate

7) Believe 8) Grasp 9) Type 10) Select 11) Familiar with 12) Stitch
13) Aware of 14) Differentiate 15) Walk
56 Plan your Lesson M.SARAVANA


Read the following statements carefully. Mark 1/ 2/ 3/ 4 in the appropriate

terms –
For Audience – 1, Behaviour – 2, Condition – 3, Degree – 4

Psychomotor - "Given a standard balance beam raised to a standard height,

the student will be able to walk the entire length of the balance beam (from
one end to the other) steadily, without falling off, and within a six second time

Cognitive - "Given a sentence written in the past or present tense, the

student will be able to re-write the sentence in future tense with no errors in
tense or tense contradiction.

Affective - "Given the opportunity to work in a team with several people of

different groups, the student will demonstrate positive increase in attitude
towards unity in diversity, as measured by a checklist completed by experts."


A list of objectives is given bellow. Read carefully and categorize them

separately according to the domains as - Cognitive/Affective/Psychomotor.

1. At the end of the presentation, learners will be able to describe the key
features of a Network.
2. At the end of the demonstration, learners will be able to operate the
3. At the end of the lecture, learners will be able to develop the sense of
responsibilities towards senior citizens.

List of action verbs are given below. Categorize them as Cognitive / Affective /
Psychomotor according to its suitability ( Knowledge / Attitude / Skill ).

accept, apply, correct, ascertain, solder, associate, attain,

authenticate, swim, characterize, compare, cooperate, defend,
define, demonstrate, describe, distinguish, exhibit, habituate,
paint, illustrate, influence, instruct, manipulate, realize, recall,
recognize, sing, recite, tune
Plan your Lesson M.SARAVANA 57



1), 2) – Knowledge (intelligence); 3), 4) – Skill (performance)


Compare your answers with the following answers with criteria.

1. Yes, although ‘being able to drive a car’ is a rather demanding statement.

The objective can be observed and measured.
2. Yes, as the learner can be given examples and asked to calculate Sales
3. Yes, however, the fact that a learner has switched on a personal computer
does not lead to any measurable outcome related to a job. It is advisable to
link training objectives to desired outcomes.
4. No, although the person may claim to know how to respond to an error
message, how can this knowledge be observed and measured? If ‘know
how to’ is deleted from the statement it becomes a satisfactory objective.
5. No. The objective is vague and has ambiguity. The use of word ‘boost’ may
appear to be an action verb, but is not quantifiable.
6. No. The supervisor may demonstrate how to change the paper roll, but
whom to? This is a trainer centered statement that has no value; as per
the criteria, it could be improved by referring to the ‘learner’ rather than
7. No. The objective is neither expressed in learner terms nor is it a clear
statement of performance which could be observed and measured.
8. No. The objective is neither expressed in clear performance oriented action
verb nor observable and measurable.
9. No. The objective is vague, trainer oriented and does not show any action
verb. At best it indicates intention of the trainer.
10. Yes. Although the learner can describe the classification, it does not
necessarily mean that he or she can actually do it.
11. Yes, however, depending upon the inherent danger fire in high-rise
buildings, the fact that the trainee can state fire regulations does not
mean that this person is competent to comply with them, or to respond
correctly to a fire emergency. The action verb ‘to state’ is not really the
most appropriate one to use as skill.
12. Yes, however, the verb ‘to use’ implies to all assumed performance that
could include setting up the OHP, and carrying out routine servicing and
58 Plan your Lesson M.SARAVANA

Measurable words:
2) State, 3) Describe, 5) Compare, 9) Type, 10) Select,
12) Stitch, 14) Differentiate, 15) Walk
Non-Measurable words:
1) Know, 4) Understand, 6) Really appreciate, 7) Believe,
8) Grasp, 11) Familiar with, 13) Aware of

The measurable words are observable and achievable.

The non-measurable words are neither observable nor achievable. Therefore
only measurable words are to be used for stating objectives.

Psychomotor –

"Given a standard balance beam raised to a standard height, the student

3 1
will be able to walk the entire length of the balance beam (from one end to
the other) steadily, without falling off, and within a six second time span."
Cognitive –

"Given a sentence written in the past or present tense, the student will be
3 1
able to re-write the sentence in future tense with no errors in tense or tense
2 4

Affective –

"Given the opportunity to work in a team with several people of different

groups, the student will demonstrate positive increase in attitude towards
1 2
unity in diversity, as measured by a checklist utilized by the experts."


1. Cognitive Domain.

‘Describing key feature’ is related to Knowledge therefore, Cognitive

Plan your Lesson M.SARAVANA 59

2. Psychomotor Domain.

‘Operation of a projector’ is related to Physical skill therefore,

Psychomotor Domain.

3. Affective Domain.
‘Developing sense of responsibility’ is Attitude development therefore,
Affective Domain.


Cognitive Affective Psychomotor

apply accept correct

ascertain authenticate demonstrate
associate characterize exhibit
attain cooperate illustrate
compare defend instruct
define habituate paint
describe influence sing
distinguish manipulate solder
recall realize swim
recite recognize tune
60 Plan your Lesson M.SARAVANA



What are Action Verbs?
Why to use Action Verb?
Before getting answer to these questions let us think – ‘Why do we set
Because ‘we want to Achieve it’. We can say that we have achieved it only after
we are able to ‘Measure it’. Unless an action is involved, it may not be
possible for us to measure it. That is the rationale for an action verb!
Action verbs are powerful words that specifically describe what the subject of
the sentence is doing, and the effort you used to complete a task. As per yoga
science the first and foremost important action of the ‘soul’ is ‘breath’.
Likewise for a clear instruction, action verbs plays very important role. To
make the instructional objectives more meaningful and precise, action verbs
are used. The power of the action verb lies in the meaning and intention
that they contain and how they bring direction and force to the sentence.
Understanding the types of action verb will make instructors better writers
and communicators.
Following are the alphabetized list of action verbs which will help us to choose
an appropriate one for *any behaviour of instructional process and to state the
objectives precisely related to cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains. (*
Engineering, Non-Engineering, and Art behaviours, etc.)

Abbreviate Administer Alphabetize Approve Assort
Accelerate Admire Amend Arbitrate Assume
Accept Admit Amuse Arc Assure
Accommodate Adopt Analyze Argue Attach
Accomplish Advertise Animate Arrange Attain
Account Advise Annotate Arrest Attempt
Accumulate Advocate Announce Arrive Attend
Achieve Afford Answer Articulate Attract
Acquire Agree Anticipate Ascertain Audit
Act Aid Appear Ask Author
Activate Aim Applaud Assemble Authorize
Adapt Alert Apply Assert Automate
Add Align Appoint Assess Avert
Address Allocate Appraise Assign Avoid
Adjust Allow Appreciate Assist Award
Plan your Lesson M.SARAVANA 61

Backup Bring Chase Compile Cook

Bake Broaden Check Complain Cooperate
Balance Brush Check in Complement Coordinate
Ban Bubble Check out Complete Cope
Bang Budget Cheer Compose Copy
Bare Build Chew Comprehend Correct
Bargain Bump Choke Compute Correlate
Bat Burn Choose Conceive Correspond
Bathe Burr Chop Concentrate Cough
Battle Bury Circle Conceptualize Counsel
Beam Button Cite Concern Count
Begin Buy Claim Conciliate Cover
Behave Bypass Clap Conclude Crack
Bend Clarify Condense Cram
Bisect Calculate Classify Conduct Crash
Bleach Calibrate Clean Confer Crawl
Blend Call Clear Confine Crease
Bless Camp Climb Confirm Create
Blink Canvass Clip Confuse Credit
Blot Capitalize Close Connect Creep
Blow Capture Coach Conserve Criticize
Blush Care Code Consider Critique
Boil Carry Coil Consist Cross
Bolt Carve Collaborate Consolidate Crush
Bomb Catalog Collage Construct Cube
Book Catch Collate Consult Cultivate
Bore Categorize Collect Contact Cure
Borrow Cater Colour Contain Curl
Bounce Cause Comb Continue Curve
Bow Centralize Combine Contract Customize
Box Chair Comfort Contrast Cut
Brake Challenge Command Contribute Cycle
Branch Change Commence Control
Breathe Characterize Communicate Convert Dab
Brief Charge Compare Convey Dance
Brighten Chart Compete Convince Dare
62 Plan your Lesson M.SARAVANA

Darn Determine Drag Ensure Fax

Daub Develop Drain Enter Fear
Deactivate Deviate Draw Entertain Feed
Deal Devise Dress Enumerate Feel
Debate Devote Drill Envisage Fence
Debug Diagnose Drink Equip Fetch
De-burr Diagram Drip Erase File
Deceive Differentiate Drop Escape Fill
Decide Direct Drown Establish Film
Decode Disagree Drum Estimate Filter
Decorate Disappear Dry Evacuate Finalize
Decrease Disapprove Evaluate Find
Dedicate Disarm Earn Examine Fine-tune
Deduce Discharge Eat Exchange Finish
Deduct Disclose Edit Excite Fire
Defend Disconnect Educate Excuse Fit
Defer Discover Effect Execute Fix
Define Discriminate Elaborate Exercise Flash
Delay Discuss Elect Exhibit Flip
Delegate Disinfect Elicit Exit Float
Delete Dismantle Eliminate Expand Flood
Delink Dispatch Emit Expect Flow
Deliver Dispense Emphasize Expedite Flower
Demarcate Display Employ Experiment Focus
Demonstrate Dissect Empty Explain Fold
Depend Disseminate Enable Explode Follow
Depict Distinguish Encourage Explore Force
Depreciate Distribute End Express Forecast
Derive Dive Enforce Extend Forgive
Describe Diverge Engineer Extract Form
Deserve Diversify Engrave Formulate
Design Divide Enhance Fabricate Fortify
Designate Do Enjoy Face Forward
Destroy Document Enlarge Facilitate Foster
Detail Double Enlist Familiarize Frame
Detect Draft Enrich Fasten Frighten
Plan your Lesson M.SARAVANA 63

Fry Hang Induct Jerk Lighten

Fund Harmonize Infer Jiggle Like
Furnish Head Influence Jog Limit
Heal Inform Join Link
Gain Heat Initiate Jolt Liquidate
Galvanize Help Inject Journalize List
Gather Hem Innovate Judge Listen
Gauge Highlight Inscribe Juggle Litigate
Generalize Hire Insert Jump Load
Generate Hit Inspect Junk Localize
Get Hold Inspire Justify Locate
Give Hook Install Lock
Glow Hop Institute Keep Lock up
Glue Hope Instruct Kick Log
Govern Host Insure Kick-start Log off
Grab Hum Integrate Knead Log on
Grade Hunt Intend Kneel Look
Grant Hyphenate Interact Knit
Graph Interface Knock Maintain
Grasp Identify Interfere Knot Make
Grate Ignore Interpolate Manage
Grease Illustrate Interpret Label Manipulate
Greet Imagine Interrupt Lace Manufacture
Grin Impart Intervene Land Map
Grind Implement Interview Launch March
Grip Import Introduce Lay Mark
Groan Impress Invent Lead Market
Group Improve Inventory Learn Master
Grow Improvise Investigate Leave Match
Guarantee Include Invite Lecture Maximize
Guard Incorporate Involve Lend Measure
Guess Increase Isolate Lengthen Mechanize
Guide Indent Issue Level Mediate
Index Italicize Liaison Medicate
Habituate Indicate Itemize Lie Meet
Hammer Individualize Lift Melt
Handle Induce Jam Light Memorise
64 Plan your Lesson M.SARAVANA

Mend Offer Phone Prioritize Reach

Merchandise Officiate Photograph Probe React
Merge Offset Pick Proceed Read
Milk Omit Pilot Process Realize
Mingle Open Pin Produce Ream
Minimize Operate Pinch Program Rearrange
Mix Orchestrate Pitch Progress Reassemble
Mobilize Order Place Project Reboot
Model Organize Plan Promise Recall
Moderate Orient Plant Promote Receive
Modernize Orientate Play Pronounce Recite
Modify Originate Please Proofread Recognize
Monitor Outline Plot Propose Recombine
Motivate Overflow Pluck Protect Recommend
Mould Overhaul Plug Prove Reconcile
Mount Oversee Point Provide Reconstruct
Move Owe Polish Provide Record
Multiply Own Pop Publicize Recreate
Mute Position Publish Recruit
Pack Possess Pull Rectify
Nail Paint Post Pump Reduce
Name Paraphrase Pour Punch Reevaluate
Narrate Park Practice Punctuate Refer
Navigate Part Praise Purchase Refine
Negotiate Participate Pray Push Reflect
Nod Pass Preach Put Regenerate
Nominate Paste Precede Register
Note Pat Predict Qualify Regroup
Notice Pause Prefer Quantify Regulate
Notify Pay Prepare Question Rehabilitate
Nullify Pedal Present Queue Rehearse
Number Peddle Preserve Quote Reinforce
Nurture Peel Press Reject
Perceive Pretend Radiate Relate
Obey Perform Prevent Rail Relax
Observe Permit Prick Raise Release
Obtain Persuade Print Rate Rely
Plan your Lesson M.SARAVANA 65

Remind Reword Settle Solve Store

Remodel Rewrite Sew Sow Straighten
Remove Ride Shade Sort Strategize
Rename Rinse Shake Sound Streamline
Render Rip Shape Spare Strengthen
Renew Roll Share Speak Stretch
Renovate Rotate Sharpen Specialize Stroke
Reorder Route Shave Specify Structure
Reorganize Rub Shear Speculate Strum
Repair Run Shoot Spell Stuff
Repeat Shop Spill Submit
Replace Save Shorten Spin Subscribe
Reply Saw Show Spot Substantiate
Report Say Shrink Spray Substitute
Represent Scan Shut Spread Subtract
Reproduce Scatter Shutdown Square Succeed
Request Schedule Sign Squash Suggest
Rescue Scrap Signal Squeak Suit
Research Scratch Signify Squeal Sum up
Reserve Screen Simplify Squeeze Summarize
Reset Screw Simulate Stage Supervise
Resolve Scribble Sing Stain Supply
Respond Script Sip Stamp Support
Restore Scrub Sit Stand Surpass
Restrict Scrutinize Site Standardize Surprise
Restructure Sculpt Situate Start Surround
Retain Seal Skate State Survey
Retrieve Search Sketch Stay Suspect
Return Secure Skip Steer Suspend
Reunite Segment Slide Step Sustain
Reuse Select Slip Sterilize Swim
Revamp Sell Slowdown Stick Swing
Reveal Send Smash Stimulate Swipe
Revert Separate Smear Stir Switch
Review Serve Smell Stitch Switch off
Revise Service Smoothen Stock Switch on
Ring Set Soak Stop Swivel
66 Plan your Lesson M.SARAVANA

Syllabify Transcribe Use Widen

Symbolize Transfer Utilize Wipe
Synthesize Transform Withdraw
Systematize Translate Validate Witness
Transmit Value Wonder
Table Transport Varnish Work
Tabulate Transpose Vary Wrap
Tackle Trap Vend Wreck
Tag Travel Ventilate Wrestle
Take Treat Venture Wriggle
Take care Trim Verbalize Write
Takeoff Triple Verify
Talk Trot out Vibrate Xerox
Tally Troubleshoot View X-ray
Tap Try Visit
Target Tug Visualize Yank
Taste Tune Vitalize Yaw
Teach Turn Volunteer Yield
Tell Tutor Vote
Terminate Twist Vouch for Zip
Test Type Zoom
Thank Walk Zoom in
Thaw Unbutton Warm Zoom out
Theorize Uncover Warn
Think Underline Wash
Throw Undertake Watch
Tick Unfasten Water
Tickle Unify Wave
Tie Unite Wear
Tilt Unlock Weave
Toss Unpack Weed out
Touch Untie Weigh
Tow Unveil Welcome
Trace Unzip Whip
Track Update Whirl
Trade Upgrade Whisper
Train Uphold Whistle
Plan your Lesson M.SARAVANA 67

Following is the list of objectives stated with action verbs related to few trades.
While writing objectives for your Lesson Plan and Demo Plans, you can refer
and make use of it.
1. Draft a business letter
2. Type a business letter
3. State the parts of a business letter
4. List the importance of business letters
5. Set the margins in a document
6. Create a file
7. State the important duties of a secretary
8. Describe consonants
9. List out the types of consonants
10. Write the characteristics of consonants
11. Define typewriter
12. Name the main parts of a typewriter
13. Adjust the paper in a typewriter
14. Insert the stencil paper on a typewriter
15. Create the ribbon margin
16. Cut the stencil
17. Define shorthand
18. State the necessity of shorthand
19. Spell out the vowels
20. Explain about the preceding vowel
21. Define diphthongs
22. Describe the joined diphthongs
23. State the meaning of communication
24. Explain the important elements of communication
25. List the purpose of communication

1. Define radiator
2. Describe the constructional features of radiator
3. State the necessity of a pressure cap
4. List out the causes of engine overheating
5. Write the remedies of engine overheating
6. Tell the necessity of the air cleaner
7. Draw air filter assembly
8. Explain the function of air cleaner
68 Plan your Lesson M.SARAVANA

9. Name the types of air cleaner

10. State the necessity of cooling system
11. List out the types of cooling system
12. Explain the types of cooling system with sketch
13. State the necessity of lubricant
14. List out the properties of lubricating oil
15. Kick start the vehicle
16. Name the types of lubricating system
17. State the need of a gearbox
18. Check the gear box
19. Open the gear box
20. Observe the oil level
21. Fill the recommended oil
22. Wash and clean the vehicle
23. Apply grease
24. Check the parts
25. Clean the cylinder
26. Fill the brake fluid
27. Join the bleeder hose pipes
28. Remove the wheels
29. Disconnect the battery from the vehicle
30. Connect the battery
31. Test the specific gravity by using hydrometer
32. Check the voltage using DC voltmeter
33. Test the charge of the battery
34. Charge the battery
35. Clean the filter element
36. Check the oil level
37. Identify the control and suspension system
38. Locate transmission system
39. Show the engine
40. Install the electrical system


1. Identify the components

2. Define DC Motor
3. Differentiate between the AC motor and DC Motor
4. List the uses of circuit breaker
5. Explain the working principal of DC Motor
6. Sketch the diagram of a transformer
7. Measure AC current by using Ammeter Method
8. Classify the transformers
Plan your Lesson M.SARAVANA 69

9. Calculate the total resistance in a given circuit

10. Service the carbon brush of a DC motor
11. Open the AC motor and check the parts
12. Write the construction details of secondary cell
13. Explain the EMF equation of a DC generator
14. Distinguish between the primary cell & secondary cell
15. Evaluate the total capacitance in a capacitor circuit
16. Dismantle the motor parts
17. Assemble the motor parts
18. Service the motor winding
19. State Ohm’s Law
20. List the characteristics of a parallel resistance circuit
21. Connect the phase sequence meter
22. Describe the function of a fluorescent tube
23. Solve problems on parallel resistance circuit
24. Differentiate between the series and parallel resistance circuit
25. Draw a neat circuit diagram of DC motor
26. Write the merits and demerits of DC generator
27. Identify the terminals of single phase energy meter
28. Service the ceiling fan
29. Define Kirchhoff’s current law
30. Describe the working principle of a transistor
31. Explain the working principle of half wave rectifier
32. Discriminate between the BJT and FET
33. Draw the VI characteristics of diode in forward bias
34. Write shorts on diffusion
35. Calculate the value of ‘R’ if V is 10 volts & current is 10 amps
36. Define the unit of capacitance
37. Write the symbol of Diode, Capacitor, Resistor
38. Derive the relationship between current amplification factors
39. Apply +5 volts using DC power supply
40. Demonstrate the frequency response of CE amplifier
41. Associate the working principle of DC generator with motor
42. Use ohm’s law in a circuit to find the current
43. Prepare a chart that shows defective solder joints
44. Draw a neat sketch of a DC motor
45. Give examples of magnetic materials
46. Plot the frequency VS gain graph of CE amplifier
47. Specify the limitations of a full wave rectifier used in 2 diodes
48. Solder the resistors on circuit board
49. De-solder the components from the PCB
50. Delineate a diode
70 Plan your Lesson M.SARAVANA


1. Follow safety precautions

2. Wear safety glows & shoes
3. Draw a neat sketch of a hammer
4. Define caliper
5. Explain the types of file
6. State the specifications of Vernier Caliper
7. List the details of different type of gauges
8. Write short notes on height gauge
9. Name the parts of hack saw frame
10. Fit the given work piece
11. Align the jaws of a lathe machine
12. Operate lathe machine
13. Identify the parts of a drilling machine
14. State the advantages of spring joint caliper
15. Explain working principle of a milling machine
16. Draw a neat sketch of a lathe
17. Fix a drill bit in drilling machine chuck
18. List the advantages of a lathe
19. Remove the metal
20. File a job
21. Measure the work piece with the help of a screw gauge
22. Use vernier caliper to measure the diameter
23. Indicate the parts of a micrometer
24. Draw a neat sketch of a micrometer
25. State the types of drill bit
26. Describe the specifications of a hack saw blade
27. Cut the job using hack saw
28. State the different types of rivet
29. Exhibit the cutting speed of a lathe machine
30. Weld the given job
31. Mark the job
32. Punch the job
33. Grind the job
34. Replace the grinding wheel
35. Clean the machine


1. List the importance of hair care
2. Tell the importance of skin care
3. Define nail structure
Plan your Lesson M.SARAVANA 71

4. Explain the types of nails 37. State the different types of

5. Define skin pranayam
6. List the types of skin 38. Define yoga
7. Tell the types of skin 39. Tell the precautions before
treatment doing yoga
8. Define hair spa 40. Place the yoga mate
9. State the purpose of hair spa 41. State the benefits of
10. Explain the benefits of hair suryanamaskar
spa 42. Perform suryanamaskar
11. Perform hair styling 43. Perform gomukasana
12. Explain the basic factors of 44. Move the knee
hair styling 45. Bend the body
13. Explicate the types of hair 46. Inhale
structure 47. Exhale
14. Comb the hair 48. Breath
15. Wash the hair 49. Walk
16. Arrange the trolley 50. Sit in Padmasana pose
17. Clean the face
18. Apply wax on hand COMPUTER
1. Switch on the system
19. Straighten the hair
2. Boot the system
20. Colour the hair
3. Re-boot the system
21. Prepare a client
4. Load a software
22. Cover the head
5. Remove a software
23. Follow the safety
6. Open a file
7. Create a folder
24. Apply bleach on the face
8. Type a letter
25. Clean the nails
9. Save a document
26. Perform the nail art with
10. Cut a word
fabric color
11. Copy a file
27. State the benefits of head
12. Paste a file
13. Move the cursor
28. Bleach the face
14. Block the information
29. List out the benefits of
15. Select the data
16. Create a database
30. Perform manicure
17. Enter the data
31. Use the hair dryer
18. Scroll the page
32. Colour the nail
19. Click the button
33. Remove the cuticle
20. Compile the program
34. Analyze the hair
21. Run the program
35. Apply mehandi
22. Minimize the page
36. Define pranayam
23. Maximize the page
24. Close the page
72 Plan your Lesson M.SARAVANA

25. Move the mouse pointer 20. Rotate the fan manually
26. Draw a sketch 21. Rewind the coil
27. Use the tool 22. Record the readings
28. Merge the document 23. Open switch board
29. Replace the ink cartridge 24. Identify phase neutral & earth
30. Load papers in the printer wires
tray 25. Switch off mains, before
31. Print a document opening supply board
32. Switch off the printer 26. Use rubber hand gloves
33. Replace the toner 27. Make a list of raw materials
34. Manage the file server required
35. Connect the system 28. Assemble the circuit on
36. Log on the system wooden board
37. Log off the system 29. Show color coding on the
38. Lock the system circuit diagram
39. Restart the system 30. Prepare layout diagram of the
40. Shut down the system circuit
41. Install a software 31. Wire lamp holder with proper
42. Uninstall a software colour wires
32. Fix the lamp in the holder
ELECTRICIAN 33. Plug the wire
1. Dig a pit for earthing
34. Set the multimeter in current
2. Insert an earthing plate
3. Fill the pit
35. Convert ohms to Kilo ohms
4. Make earthing wire connecting
and Milli ohms
5. Check the earthing
36. Operate hand drill machine
6. Find out voltage difference
37. Collect the materials
between the readings
38. Crimp the wire
7. Check the resistance
39. Assort the different types of
8. Tighten the wire
9. Disconnect the connections
40. Scrap the excess conduit pipe
10. Measure voltage between
41. Do artificial respiration /
phase & neutral
11. Note down the number of
42. Rescue a person in contact
with live wire
12. Draw circuit diagram
43. Use plastic thick pipe to
13. Identify fault components
separate live wire from victim
14. Switch on tube light
44. Contact the doctor
15. Dismantle the tube light set
45. Take the patient to the
16. Open fan regulator
17. Test the calling bell
46. Solder the given job
18. Repair the bell
47. Remove the plug
19. Replace the chock
Plan your Lesson M.SARAVANA 73

Guidelines / Check list for Teaching Practice

1. Use correct format of a Lesson Plan for theory

2. Use correct format of a Demonstration Plan for practical
3. Begin with good rapport
4. Check the seating arrangement
5. Check the tools & teaching aids
6. Write the title of the lesson neatly on the board
7. State the objectives clearly
8. Review / link previous knowledge to the present topic
9. Motivate the trainees by telling the purpose of learning with example
10. Present the information in sequence
11. Audibility of voice
12. Teach to the class. Have proper eye contact with pupil
13. Write neatly on the Chalk Board
14. Avoid spelling & procedural mistakes
15. Use colour chalks appropriately
16. Use duster to clean the board
17. Use pointer whenever necessary. Do not shake the pointer
18. Use visual aids at right time and explain
19. Stress the important points
20. Repeat the operation & insist on safety during demonstration
21. Use proper type of questions in all the stages
22. Receive, reward, and repeat the answer
23. Summarize the lesson with reference to the objectives
24. Finish the lesson on time
25. Extend the teaching process. Tell what will be the next lesson
74 Plan your Lesson M.SARAVANA


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Mager. R (1984). Preparing Instructional Objectives. (2nd ed.). Belmont, CA: Fearon-Pitman
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Meyer Paul J (2003). Creating S.M.A.R.T. Goals ‘Attitude Is Everything’. Merced,CA, The
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