EN1101 - Communication Skills: University of Colombo, Sri Lanka University of Colombo School of Computing

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Academic Year 2014/2015 – 1 Year Examination – Semester 1

EN1101 – Communication Skills

Multiple Choice Question Paper

15th March, 2015


Important Instructions:
 The duration of the paper is 1 (One) hour.

 The medium of instruction and questions is English. 

 The paper has 25 questions and 8 pages. 

 All questions are of the MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) type. 

 All questions should be answered. 

 Each question will have 5 (five) choices with one or more correct
answers. 

 All questions will carry equal marks. 

 There will be a penalty for incorrect responses to discourage
guessing. 

 The mark given for a question will vary from 0 to +1(All the
correctchoices are marked & no incorrect choices are marked).

 Answers should be marked on the special answer sheet provided. 
 Note that questions appear on both sides of the paper. If a page is
not printed, please inform the supervisor immediately.
 Mark the correct choices on the question paper first and then
transfer them to the given answer sheet which will be machine
marked. Please read the instructions given on the other sideof
the answer sheet completely before you shade your correct
1) Which of the following statement/s is/are benefits of handwriting?

(a) It increases efficiency in note taking.

(b) We are more likely to remember what we write.
(c) It bears a greater advantage in creative writing.
(d) It is enriched with „spell check‟ facility.
(e) It is neater than typed text.

Which of the following sentence/s bear/s correct punctuation?

(a) The sign said, “Stop.”

(b) The sign said, “Stop”.
(c) The sign said, “Stop!”
(d) The sign said, “Stop” !
(e) The sign said, Stop!

3) Which of the following sentence/s bear/s correct punctuation?

(a) Will you come with me?.

(b) I‟m asking if you will come with me?
(c) I‟m asking if you will come with me?.
(d) Will you come with me?
(e) I‟m asking if, “you will come with me?”

4) Which of the following sentence/s bear/s correct capitalization?

(a) Attorney General Siriwardhana signed my application form.

(b) He was as handsome as a Greek God.
(c) Beans, Carrots and Cabbages grow in his garden.
(d) The civil war in the north existed for nearly three decades.
(e) Do you know that there are lots of archaeological sites in the East?

5) Which of the following should not be included in the introduction of a formal report?

(a) Who requested the report

(b) What is to be investigated
(c) What methodology is to be used
(d) When it was requested
(e) Whom to be interviewed

6) Identify the correct statement/s regarding the introduction of an essay.

I. It introduces the main idea of the essay.

II. It provides evidence to support the main idea of the essay.
III. It should be attention grabbing.

(a) (I) Only (b) (II) Only (c) (I) and (II) Only
(d) (I) and (III) Only (e) All

7) Identify the correct statement/s regarding the conclusion of an essay.

I. It brings the essay to a logical end.

II. It reviews the main points of the essay.
III. It reminds the reader of the primary focus of the essay.

(a) (I) Only (b) (II) Only (c) (I) and (II) Only
(d) (II) and (III) Only (e) All

Which of the following could be included in a CV?

(a) Personal Information

(b) Contact details
(c) A note to the employer
(d) Address of the employer
(e) Publications of the applicant

9) Which of the following is/are (a) suitable conversation starter/s to make small talk
between people who have met for the first time?

(a) The two of you, are you married?

(b) So, you have been married for some time. How many kids do you have?
(c) I just love those shoes! Could you tell me where you bought them?
(d) Wow, so you are working in a popular company. Are you paid well?
(e) Did you hear the latest Bollywood gossip?

10) Which of the following is/are (an) important quality/ qualities of a receptionist?

(a) Speaks clearly and cheerfully

(b) A good listener
(c) Ability to speak while eating
(d) Has a professional voice/ tone
(e) Soft spoken

11) Given below is a question asked at a job interview. Which of the following do you think is the
most appropriate answer?

Interviewer: Where do you see yourself in another ten years?

(a) I shall be married with kids.

(b) I shall be the CEO of this company.
(c) Thiscompany would prosper and I would be one of the main contributors.
(d) I intend to get job experience and start my own company.
(e) I shall be one of the top entrepreneurs in the country.

12) Which of the following sentence/s is/are correct regarding visual aids used in presentations/
public speeches?

(a) They should contain plenty of tables/charts/ graphs to prove your points
(b) They should use only PowerPoint
(c) They should contain explanatory pictures than text
(d) They should give examples to prove your points without overloading your audience with
(e) Dark blue slides with bright red letters are attractive and hence appropriate

13) Which of the following is the least suitableway to concludeyour speech on, „Peace‟?

(a) Now I end my speech on „Peace’, thank you for listening!

(b) Sing, “Let there be peace on Earth…………..”
(c) “Peace is the only battle worth waging,” said Albert Camus.
(d) Walt Whitman once said, “Peace is always beautiful.”
(e) Do not forget that a person‟s last wish is to rest in peace.

14) Which of the following is/are correct regarding vocal variety during a public speech?

(a) Should convey emotion

(b) Should be natural
(c) Rate should be varied
(d) You may scream if appropriate
(e) Should be dynamic

15)Kamal, who was supposed to deliver a speech, arrived in the costume given in the picture below.
Which of the following statement/s is/ are correct regarding his dress?

(a) This is a good costume to attract the audience irrespective of the speech content.
(b) This is usually an inappropriate dress code to deliver a public speech.
(c) This is a suitable dress code to speak about a circus to a group of children.
(d) This maybe a suitable costume to deliver a humorous speech to adults.
(e) This costume is inappropriate to deliver a speech, under any circumstance.

16) Identify the correct statement/s regarding an active listener.

I. S/he tries to clarify speaker‟s points by asking questions.

II. S/he brings up counter arguments during the speech.
III. S/he uses body language to encourage the speaker.

(a) (I) Only (b) (II) Only (c) (I) and (II) Only
(d)(I) and (III) Only (e) All

17)Identify the incorrect statement/s about active listening.

I. Do not jump into conclusions before listening to the whole point made by the speaker.
II. Listen to words and create your own ideas out of those words.
III. It is not important to show that you are listening.

(a) (I) Only (b) (II) Only (c) (I) and (II) Only
(d) (II) and (III) Only (e) All

Questions 18- 24 are based on the following passage. Read the passage and carefully and
answer the respective questions.

Clark was a Seattle dentist who, in 1982, became the first recipient of a permanent mechanical
heart. Permanent is something of a grisly misnomer, because Clark lasted only 112 days. More to
the point, they were 112 miserable days for the 61-year-old, who never left the hospital and was
tethered the entire time to a refrigerator-size compressor powering his noisy new heart. He
suffered convulsions, cognitive problems and kidney failure, then died of massive organ failure.

The mechanical heart that kept Clark alive for those months was the so-called Jarvik-7, named
after its inventor, Robert Jarvik. The nation followed Clark's progress with rapt attention, fueled
by daily press conferences, which turned quickly to sympathy and disappointment as the patient
deteriorated. The case was a public-relations disaster for the Jarvik-7. The quality of Clark's life
with his new heart was so poor that it turned public opinion sour on the idea for a decade. Four
more patients would receive permanent Jarvik-7 hearts over the next few years, and one, William
Schroeder, even survived 620 days, but the damage to the dream was done. In 1990 the U.S.
Food and Drug Administration withdrew permission to manufacture any more Jarvik-7 hearts.

It's easy, of course, to second-guess quarter-century-old decisions, but many cardiologists today
feel that implanting the Jarvik-7 was a mistake--premature given the primitive state of
knowledge at the time. Visionaries were seduced by the simplicity of the natural organ's design
which really is just a four-chambered pump and somewhat naive about its dynamic complexity.
Says Alfred Bove, vice president of the American College of Cardiology: The God-given heart is
a dynamically balanced, finely tuned organ, with the capacity to generate force, raise and lower
pulse. It's not possible to get that in an artificial heart.

But it is possible to approximate it. And if nothing else, the Jarvik-7 experiments demonstrated
that the basic concept was not flawed: they proved that people could survive for extended
periods with a heartlike thing made of plastic and metal. Back then, that demonstration in itself
was a dramatic step forward, and it was very good news for the 50,000-plus Americans with
heart failure who die every year, some while awaiting one of the meager 2,200 donated hearts
available for transplant. All of the work since the mid-1980s has been figuring out the problems
with the Jarvik-7 and fixing them.

Source: Herbert, W. (2007).Not Just a Pump.

18) The main purpose of this passage is to …

(a) describe Jarvik-7

(b) discuss the human attempt to create an artificial heart to save lives
(c) describe the essentiality of creating a mechanical heart
(d) discuss the impossibility of creating a device that can replace the human heart
(e) discuss the failures of Jarvik-7

19)What is meant by grisly misnomer in paragraph 1?

(a) a term that describes the permanency of Jarvik-7 in detail

(b) an inaccurate name given to something horrible
(c) an important term
(d) a stupid description
(e) an appropriate term

20) What do many cardiologists think of Jarvik-7 today?

(a) Jarvik-7 was a product invented with limited knowledge.

(b) Jarvik-7 had close relations to the natural heart.
(c) The inventor/s of Jarvik-7 had no knowledge about the natural heart.
(d) Jarvik-7 is a good attempt to save human lives.
(e) Cardiologists are attracted to the simplicity of Jarvik-7.

21)Paragraph 2 states, “But the damage to the dream was done…” What is meant by dream

(a) Schroeder‟s dream of living

(b) Clark‟s dream of living
(c) Robert Jarvik‟s dream of making Jarvik-7, a success
(d) The dream of human kind to create an artificial heart that replaces the natural heart
(e) The scientists‟ dream to give life to Schroeder

22) The last paragraph states, “But it is possible to approximate it.” Which of the following is
referred to as, ‘it’?

(a) Jarvik-7
(b) artificial heart
(c)artificial heart (its qualities)
(d) natural heart (its qualities)
(e)none of the above

23) Which one of the following statements summarizes the last paragraph?

(a) A heart like thing made of plastic and metal canmake people survive for
extended periods.
(b) However, Jarvik-7 proved that an artificial heart can extend the period of life of a
patient suffering from heart failure.
(c) Some heart patients of USA are desperately waiting to get a donated
(d) Though it is not possible to get all qualities of a natural heart, the artificial heart
can get somewhat close to it.
(e) Jarvik -7 was a total failure.

24) Which of the following paraphrases the following in the most appropriate manner?

The God-given heart is a dynamically balanced, finely tuned organ, with the capacity to
generate force, raise and lower pulse. It's not possible to get that in an artificial heart.

(a) The natural heart is an active and well balanced part of the body that has the ability to
produce power and increase and decrease pulse. These qualities cannot be included in
a man- made heart.
(b) The human heart is a naturally perfect organ which cannot be replaced by a
mechanical heart.
(c) The natural heart is dynamic and well balanced. It can produce energy, raise and
lower pulse. It cannot be replaced by artificial heart.
(d) The God-given heart is impossible to be made by man.
(e) The human heart is dynamic and well balanced. It can produce energy, raise and
lower pulse. A man-made heart can‟t replace it.

Which of the following is/are true regarding both summarizing and paraphrasing?

(a) Should not differ in meaning to the original text

(b) References should be included
(c) Should include all the keywords of the original text
(d) Should be an overview of the original text
(e) Plagiarism is not allowed


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