The Effect of Firm Created Content and User Generated Content Evaluation On Customer-Based Brand Equity

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The effect of firm created content and user generated content evaluation on
customer-based brand equity

Article  in  INOBIS Jurnal Inovasi Bisnis dan Manajemen Indonesia · July 2018

DOI: 10.31842/jurnal-inobis.v2i1.63


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2 authors, including:

Adrian Achyar
University of Indonesia


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The effect of firm created content and user generated content evaluation in
social media on customer-based brand equity
Vinna Hermaren and Adrian Achyar
Department of Management, University of Indonesia, Salemba 10430, Indonesia
E-mail: [email protected]

The purpose of this paper is to investigate social media communication and its impact on
customer-based brand equity. Compare two social media communication tools that are firm
created content and user generated content. A total of 114 data sets developed through a
standard online survey to investigate the impact of firm created content and user-generated
content evaluation in social media on brand awareness / association, perceived quality and
brand loyalty to the cosmetics industry in Indonesia. A mini survey was conducted to find out
the types of cosmetic brands that do not perform ad campaigns in traditional media such as
television to see clearly the influence of brand communication in social media against brand
awareness and association. The author applies Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)
techniques to investigate the effect of communication on social media on customer-based
brand equity. The findings of this study indicate that evaluation of firm created content has a
positive and significant impact on brand association / awareness, perceived quality and brand
loyalty. Meanwhile, evaluation of user-generated content has significant effect only on brand
awareness / association and perceived quality. In the dimensions of customer-based brand
equity, only perceived quality is significantly influenced by brand awareness / association.
This research is relevant for marketers for the development of corporate strategy, especially
in the cosmetics industry that uses social media as a medium of communication to customers.

Keywords : Marketing, Firm created content, User generated content, Customer based brand
equity, SEM

1. Introduction

The Internet has evolved into a different medium than was predicted 10 years ago.
Currently more than 3 billion people use the internet worldwide and its growth since 2005 is
staggering. Here's data on the number of internet users in worldwide from 2005 to 2017:

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Figure 1.1 Data on the number of Internet users worldwide

Some of the reasons why this growth is so fast one of them is because of the
increasing desire of consumers for the information they can now get easily, the speed and
convenience of obtaining this information, as well as the ability to control what and how
much they receive. In terms of marketers, the Internet is considered attractive because of its
ability to target customers effectively. The Internet is also a medium that will provide faster
feedback on the value of marketing expenditures, customer satisfaction, trends, and
competition (Belch & Belch, 2015).

By 2016, social media is the most accessible internet content in Indonesia by 129.2
million people or 97.4% of total internet users in Indonesia of 132.7 million people or 51.8%
of the total population (APJII, 2016). The following data types of internet content are often
accessed in Indonesia:

Figure 1.2 Type of Internet content accessed

Source: APJII, 2016

Social media is a group of internet-based applications that build the foundation of

ideology and Web 2.0 technology and enable the creation and exchange of user generated

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content (Kaplan & Haenlein, 2010). User generated content is publicly available content on
the Internet that reflects a number of creative endeavors and is created outside of professional
routines and practices (OECD, 2007).

Social media has exploded as an online discourse category where people can create
content, share, bookmark and network at an incredible rate (Asur & Huberman, 2010).
Interestingly, social media is not really a new phenomenon. Online social interaction has
been around since the beginning. But what has changed in recent years is the reach and
penetration of these social media technologies, their adoption into everyday life, and the
development of user generated content and peer-to-peer interactions resulting from it (Ryan
& Jones, 2009).

Various academic researchers and practitioners are interested in social media

especially in terms of challenges and opportunities for brand management processes (Grubor,
Djokic, & Milovanov, 2017). According to Fournier & Avery (2011) and Muniz & Schau
(2011), social media helps boost sales, engage consumers in the brand creation process,
expand brand awareness, provide more positive associations and increase consumer loyalty to
brands. While creating great opportunities, social media also poses challenges for the
company. Specifically related to user generated content. Social media allows users to create
positive and negative influences on brand equity (Khajuria, 2017). This is because user
generated content can not be controlled by the company. Therefore, many researchers advise
marketers to get involved in social media (Khajuria, 2017, Ryan & Jones, 2009). The
company's corporate page on social media can be used to establish relationships and
communicate with consumers. This form of communication is called firm created content
where companies can create and control content and conversations in social media
(Schivinski & Dabrowski, 2015).

The form of corporate fan pages on social media has been widely used by companies
in various industries. One industry that utilizes social media is the cosmetics industry. In
Indonesia, the cosmetics industry is one of the 11 main industry sectors that are the
government's priority because it plays a major role as the prime mover of the economy
(Government Regulation No. 14 of 2015 on the National Industrial Development Master Plan
(RIPIN) 2015-2035). The Ministry of Industry said the industry value is estimated to reach
100 trillion rupiah. This is driven by the growth of middle class society which in volume of
demand for cosmetics from this segment is very large. In addition, in 2035 the population of

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Indonesia is projected to penetrate the number 305.6 million (Bappenas, 2014). This figure
increased 19.28% from 2016 where the population is about 256.2 million inhabitants.

With 760 large, medium and small scale cosmetic companies scattered in Indonesia
territory raises competition for consumers ( Promotional strategies no
longer focus only on traditional media such as television, but also utilize social media to
make consumers aware of the brand and can establish relationships that create consumer
loyalty. According to Head of Research NH Korindo Reza Priyambada cited by, cosmetic products usually have target customers who tend to be loyal to a
particular brand.

Several studies have been conducted related to social media communication and
brand management. Some of these are studies conducted by Schivinski & Dabrowski (2015)
on the impact of brand communications on brand equity through Facebook. Brand equity is a
brand asset or liability associated with a brand name and a symbol that is able to increase or
decrease the value of a given product or service. Brand awareness, brand association,
perceived quality and brand loyalty are the dimensions that make up brand equity (Aaker,

There is a literature gap on issues and challenges faced in using social media
communications especially to brand equity both in industry and the type of social media used.
In addition, the study of firm created content and user generated content on brand equity is
very rare in Indonesia so that this study aims to highlight issues and challenges of social
media communication, both firm genareted content and user generated content in increasing
brand equity in the cosmetics industry in Indonesia.

This study uses quantitative analysis by distributing an online questionnaire to 114

respondents Emina Cosmetics consumers who only see the Emina Cosmetics ads in social
media and has followed the social media Emina Cosmetics official. The result of quantitative
analysis is discussed to get the perspective of Emina Cosmetics consumer about brand
awareness / association, perceived quality and brand loyalty caused by communication done
in social media.

2. Definitions and Dimensions of Social Media Communication and Customer-

Based Brand Equity

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Studies have shown that consumers consider social media as more trustworthy
sources of information than the traditional instruments of marketing communications used by
companies (Karakaya and Barnes, 2010). Thus, marketing and brand managers may assume
that brand communication will increase through user-generated social media communication
(Smith et al., 2012). To examine the impact of social media brand communications, it is
necessary to distinguish between two different forms of them: firm-created and user-
generated social media communication (Godes and Mayzlin, 2009). This distinction between
communication sources is relevant because firm-created social media communication is
under the management of companies, while user-generated social media communication is
independent of the firm’s control (Vanden Bergh et al., 2011).

Customer-based brand equity is evaluating the consumer’s response to a brand name

(Keller 1993, Shocker et al. 1994). various researches in brand equity through the years result
in all different kinds of dimension of brand equity that can be linked to a brand. However, the
common denominator in all models is the utilization of one or more dimension of the Aaker
model (Keller 1993; Motameni and Shahrokhi 1998; Yoo and Donthu 2001; Bendixen et al.
2003; Kim et al. 2003). Therefore, the consumer-based brand equity is an asset of four
dimensions that are brand awareness, brand associations, perceived quality and brand loyalty.

Keller (2003, p.76) defines awareness as “the customers’ ability to recall and
recognize the brand as reflected by their ability to identify the brand under different
conditions and to link the brand name, logo, symbol, and so forth to certain associations in
memory”. Aaker (1996) identifies other higher levels of awareness besides recognition and
recall (Aaker 1991). He includes top of-mind, brand dominance, brand knowledge and brand
opinion. Brand knowledge is the full set of brand associations linked to the brand (Keller,
A brand association is the most accepted aspect of brand equity (Aaker 1992).
Associations represent the basis for purchase decision and for brand loyalty (Aaker 1991, p.
109). Brand associations consist of all brand-related thoughts, feelings, perceptions, images,
experiences, beliefs, attitudes (Kotler and Keller 2006, p. 188) and is anything linked in
memory to a brand. Empirical evidence show that brand awareness and brand associations
can be combined into a particular dimension named brand awareness/associations (Yoo,
Boonghee; Donthu, 2001).
Perceived quality is the customer’s judgment about a product’s overall excellence or
superiority that is different from objective quality (Zeithaml 1988, pp. 3 and 4). Objective

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quality refers to the technical, measurable and verifiable nature of products/services,
processes and quality controls.
Loyalty is a core dimension of brand equity. Aaker (1991, p.39) defines brand loyalty
as the attachment that a customer has to a brand.
As mentioned earlier, this study was conducted with the aim to see whether social
media communications, firm created content and user generated content, will be able to
increase customer-based brand equity dimensions. A series of hypotheses were built to
answer these questions based on previous research.
Brand awareness is the power of brand presence in the minds of consumers. Brand
association has any brand-related meaning, including image formation by consumers, product
profile, consumer condition, corporate awareness, brand characteristics, signs and symbols
(Aaker and Joachimsthaler, 2000). According to empirical evidence shown Yoo et al. (2000)
that brand awareness and brand association can be combined into one particular dimension of
Brand awareness / association.
Previous research conducted by Bruhn et al. (2012) said the perception of
communication in the context of brand communication in social media positively influence
the perception of individuals towards the brand. There is a strong correlation between
consumer engagement and fan brand page on facebook and their perception of brand
awareness (Hutter et al., 2013). From these studies, researchers assume that there is a positive
influence of brand communication in social media against brand awareness / association. The
first hypothesis in this study is as follows:
H1a: Firm-created Content positively affects Brand Awareness / Association
H1b: User Generated Content positively affects Brand Awareness / Association
According to Aaker (1991), perceived quality can be interpreted as consumer
perception of the overall quality or superiority of a product or service with respect to its
purpose. Research shows that there is a positive relationship between advertising spending
and brand quality perceptions (Villarejo-Ramos and Sancez-Franco, 2005). According to
research conducted by Bashir & Job (2017) there is a positive relationship between firm
created content and perceived quality. Meanwhile, according to Schivinski & Dabrowski
(2015) in brand communication in social media, user generated content has a positive impact
on perceived quality. So the second hypothesis in this study is as follows:
H2a: Firm-created content evaluation has a positive effect on perceived quality
H2b: User generated content evaluation has a positive effect on perceived quality

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According to Yoo and Donthu (2001) brand loyalty indicates the motivation to be
loyal to a brand and reflect that consumers choose the brand as first choice. Advertising
spending is positively related to brand loyalty because it can strengthen the association of
brand and attitude toward the brand. Likewise, in social media Bruhn et al. (2013) says that
the quality of interaction in brand communities like brand fan pages on facebook has a
positive impact on the benefits of functional, experiential and symbolic brand communities,
increasing brand loyalty. Therefore, the researcher assumes that there is influence between
firm created content and brand loyalty. For user generated content, Christodoulides e t al.,
(2012) assumes that this form of UGC communication is closely related to brand loyalty
because consumers receive messages / content provided as credible and reliable sources of
information. Research conducted by Schivinski & Dabrowski (2015) shows that there is a
positive impact between user generated content and brand loyalty. Therefore, the third
hypothesis in this study is as follows:
H3a: Firm-created Content positively affects brand loyalty
H3b: User generated content positively affects brand loyalty
In this study, researchers also want to see the relationship between dimensions in
customer-based brand equity. According to research conducted by Schivinski & Dabrowski
(2015) there is a significant influence between brand awareness / association on brand loyalty
and perceived quality but according to Bashir & Job (2017), brand awareness / association
only affects perceived quality. According to theory, the process of building customer-based
brand equity begins by increasing consumer awareness of the brand and causing the creation
of brand association of the brand. If consumers know about the brand and try to find more
information about the brand, it will cause associate in their mind, it will affect their
perception on brand quality and attitudinal brand loyalty (Aaker, 1991). So, the fourth and
fifth hypothesis in this study are as follows:
H4: Brand Awareness / brand association has a positive effect on perceived quality
H5: Brand awareness / brand association positively affects brand loyalty
From the above explanation, the research model can be described as follows:

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3. Methodology

In this study, researchers have conducted a mini survey to find out local cosmetic
brands that do promotion only through social media to 30 respondents. Research is limited to
brands that only do promotion in social media to see social media linkage to brand awareness.
A total of 23% of respondents most often mention the brand Emina Cosmetics. Further mini
survey also conducted to see social media platform used by respondent. From the data known
that the most widely accessed social media is Instagram that is equal to 63.3%. Therefore, the
type of social media that will be used in this research is Instagram. In addition, researchers
will also use facebook as a social media platform because facebook includes the most used
social media platform in the world (Dunn, 2017).

To collect the data, this research used a standardized online survey on Instagram and
Facebook. Links to surveys are done via direct messages to brand fan respondents on
instagram or facebook to invite respondents to take part in this research. The invitation to the
survey informed about the topic of the study. To ensure that respondents distinguish between
two social media communications, the researcher gives a short sample of each type. The
procedure is performed by data filtering and univariate outlier detection. During this phase,
twenty six questionnaires were excluded from the analysis, resulting in a total of 114 valid
questionnaires. The questionnaire is given in Bahasa. To make sure that the original item is
correctly translated, the researcher use the re-translation process.

All questions in the survey are identical to the original version of the Schivinski &
Dabrowski (2015) journal except for the brand name and measured using a 5-point Likert
scale, ranging from 1 as "strongly disagree" to 5 as "strongly agree".

Data processing questionnaire using SPSS software for pretest and Lisrel for main
test. Researchers conducted descriptive research to test the reliability and validity of the data

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obtained during the pre-test and main test and Structural Equation Model (SEM) analysis
methods to answer the research hypothesis that has been prepared.

4. Findings

There are two dimensions of brand communication in social media which will be discussed in
this research that is firm created content and user generated content which will be seen its
influence to three dimension of brand equity, namely: brand awareness / association,
perceived quality and brand loyalty.

4.1 Model Fitting Information

The steps involved in this approach are (i) Validity test, (2) Reliability test, and (3)
measurement of goodness of fit.
Test Validity and Reliability
Variable Indicator Error Standardized Construct Variance
Variance Loading Reliability Extracted (VE
Factor (CR ≥ 0.7) ≥ 0.5)
Firm Created Content FC1 0,35 0,80
FC2 0,32 0,82
0.864923 0.615819
FC3 0,43 0,75
FC4 0,43 0,76
User Generated UG1 0,30 0,84
Content UG2 0,29 0,84
0.891452 0.672664
UG3 0,32 0,82
UG4 0,40 0,78
Brand Awareness/ BAS1 0,32 0,83
Association BAS2 0,27 0,85
0.902148 0.697455
BAS3 0,29 0,84
BAS4 0,33 0,82
Perceived Quality PQ1 0,32 0,82
PQ2 0,40 0,78 0.843338 0.642236
PQ3 0,35 0,80
Brand Loyalty BL1 0,14 0,92 0.889231 0.728997

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BL2 0,26 0,86
BL3 0,41 0,77
Goodness of Fit
Size of Goodness of Ideal Match Rate Estimated Results Match Rate
Fit (GOF)
Absolute Fit Measure
Statistic Chi-Square p > 0.05 250.82 (P = 0.00) Good Fit
Non-Centraly Interval (181.07 ; 124.82 Good Fit
Parameter (NCP) 294.54)
Goodness of Fit Index 0.80 ≤ GFI < 0.90 0.80 Marginal Fit
Standardized Root SRMR ≥ 0.05 0.099 Poor Fit
Mean Square Residual
Root Mean Square 0.05 < RMSEA ≤ 0,094 Marginal Fit
Error of Approximation 0,08
Expected Cross- Approaching 3.02 Good Fit
Validation Index Saturated ECVI =
(ECVI) 1.44
Incremental Fit Measure
Non-Normed Fit Index NNFI ≥ 0.90 0.95 Good Fit
Normed Fit Index NFI ≥ 0.90 0,93 Good Fit
Adjusted Goodness of 0.80 ≤ AGFI ≤ 0.90 0,73 Poor Fit
Fit Index (AGFI)
Relative Fit Index 0.80 ≤ RFI ≥ 0.90 0.91 Good Fit
Incremental Fit Index IFI ≥ 0.90 0.96 Good Fit
Comparative Fit Index CFI ≥ 0.90 0.96 Good Fit

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Parsimonius Fit Measure
Parsimonious PGVI ≥ 0.50 0.59 Good Fit
Goodness of Fit Index
Akaike Information Saturated AIC = Model AIC = Good Fit
Criterion (AIC) 342.00 340.82
Independence AIC
= 3852.20
Consistent Akaike Saturated CAIC = Model CAIC = Good Fit
Information Criterion 980.89 508.94
(CAIC) Independence
CAIC = 3919.45

(1) Validity Test

The validity test of the measurement model using the LISREL 8.8 program will see
the variance error and the standardized loading factor shown in the model. Each indicator
must meet the requirements of error variance and standardized loading factor ≥ 0.50. From
the data can be seen that all the variables and indicator questions declared valid because the
value is greater than 0.50.

(2) Reliability Test

Reliability construct test using composite reliability measure, and variance extracted
measure. The reliability of the construct is considered good if the value of construct
reliability ≥ 0.70 and the value of variance extracted ≥ 0.50. From the data it is known that all
variables have a construct reliability value greater than 0.70 and the value of variance
extracted is greater than 0.50, so that research can proceed to the next step to test the overall
fit of the model.

(3) Goodness of Fit Test

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The results showed good model match rate. The researchers concluded that the model used in
the study included in the category of good fit. Research with good fit category shows that the
research model used can well measure the relationship between latent variables with observed

4.2 Structural Model Analysis Results

Assessment of structural models can be used to see the relationships between

variables that fit the conceptual framework. The following is the calculation of latent
relationship variable that has been calculated:

BAS = 0.33*FCC + 0.35*UGC, Errorvar.= 0.59 , R² = 0.41

(0.16) (0.16) (0.12)
2.01 2.14 4.88

BL = 0.23*BAS + 0.43*FCC - 0.25*UGC, Errorvar.= 0.82 , R² = 0.18

(0.13) (0.19) (0.19) (0.14)
1.75 2.21 -1.33 5.76

PQ = 0.22*BAS + 0.37*FCC + 0.38*UGC, Errorvar.= 0.25 , R² = 0.75

(0.095) (0.14) (0.14) (0.071)
2.33 2.74 2.79 3.44
Hypothesis 1a examines the effect of firm created content on brand awareness /
association on Emina Cosmetics, has t-value (2.01) > t-table (1.96) so hypothesis 1a is
accepted. Hypothesis 1b examines the effect of user generated content on brand awareness /
association on Emina Cosmetics, has a t-value of 2.14> t-table (1.96) so that hypothesis 1b is
accepted. Hypothesis 2a examines the effect of firm created content on perceived quality on
Emina Cosmetics, has a t-value of 2.74> t-table (1.96) so that hypothesis 2a is acceptable.
Hypothesis 2b examines the effect of user generated content on perceived quality on Emina
Cosmetics, has a t-value of 2.79> t-table (1.96) so that hypothesis 2b is acceptable.
Hypothesis 3a examines the effect of firm created content on brand loyalty on Emina
Cosmetics, has a t-value of 2.21> t-table (1.96) so that hypothesis 3a is acceptable.
Hypothesis 3b examines the effect of user generated content on brand loyalty on Emina
Cosmetics, has a t-value of -1.33 <t-table (1.96) so that hypothesis 3b is rejected. Fourth

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hypothesis tested the effect of brand awareness / association on perceived quality on Emina
Cosmetics, having a t-value of 2.33> t-table (1.96) so that hypothesis four is acceptable. The
fifth hypothesis testing the effect of brand awareness / association on brand loyalty on Emina
Cosmetics, has a t-value of 1.75 <t-table (1.96) so that the five hypothesis is rejected.

4.3 Discussion

Test Result Influence Evaluation Firm Created Content and User Gnerated Content to
Brand Awareness / Association on Emina Cosmetics

Based on the results of research known that consumer evaluation of firm created
content in social media can influence brand awareness / association of a brand. This result is
in line with research conducted by Hutter et al., (2013) where there is a strong correlation
between consumer engagement and brand fan page in social media and their perception of
brand awareness. The relationship of these influences is positive in accordance with the
studies undertaken by Bruhn, Schoenmueller, & Schäfer (2012), Schivinski & Dabrowski
(2015), Bashir, Job, & Jalees (2017), and Grubor et al. (2017). Positive influence means that
the better the evaluation of firm created content in social media will be the higher awareness /
association of consumers to the brand.

Brand awareness with strong associations will form a specific brand image (Yoo et
al., 2000). In practice, through social media communication Emina Cosmetics is able to grow
a strong brand association in the minds of consumers through the contents created in social
media Emina Cosmetics official who describes the playful and fun impression. Content is
also created with a selection of bright colors favored by adolescent women such as pink, blue,
yellow, and so forth, making it easier to remember consumers. Content is also made by
utilizing several artists as brand ambassadors such as Isyana Sarasvati and Nasya Marcella.

When viewed from the results of research hypothesis 1b known that there is influence
evaluation user generated content to brand awareness / association. This is in accordance with
research conducted by Bruhn, Schoenmueller, & Schäfer (2012), Schivinski & Dabrowski
(2015), Bashir, Ayub, & Jalees (2017), and Khajuria (2017). This influence is positive which
means the better evaluation of user generated content in social media, the higher the
awareness and the consumer association of the brand.

Social media users such as Instagram and facebook who use Cosmetic products are
happy to share their experiences in social media about the quality of Cosmetic products. This

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is also done by users who have used Emina Cosmetic products and connected with social
media Emina Cosmetic official. Share this experience is done by directly tag Emina Cosmetic
official so that follower or friends who follow social media user can see the content created
by user which then raises awareness to Emina Cosmetic brand. Users who have been aware
of the Emina brand and are interested in the content created by the users that they follow, the
user will seek more information about Emina's products by directly visiting Emina
Cosmetic's website or social media or looking for reviews about Emina's products through
blogs and youtube. The data obtained showed that 77.2% of respondents said they saw Emina
Cosmetic review through Instagram, 1.8% through facebook, 9.6% through Instagram and
facebook, 7% via youtube, and the rest saw Emina Cosmetic review through blog and product
review on line.

From the description above, it can be concluded that brand evaluation in social media
both firm created content and user generated content can build brand awareness / association
of consumers on the brand in the cosmetics industry, especially Emina Cosmetics brand.

Test Result Influence Evaluation Firm Created Content and User Generated Content to
Perceived Quality on Emina Cosmetics

Based on the results of research, it is known that the evaluation of firm created
content in social media can influence consumer perceptions of the quality of a brand. The
relationship of this influence is positive which means the better the evaluation of firm created
content in social media, the higher the consumer perception of the quality of Emina
Cosmetics. The results of this study are in accordance with Bashir & Job (2017) and Grubor
et al. (2017) where there is a positive and significant correlation between firm created content
and perceived quality.

The same is true for evaluation of user generated content. There is a positive and
significant influence between the evaluation of user generated content in social media and
perceived quality. This study is in accordance with research Schivinski & Dabrowski (2015)
is in brand communication in social media, user generated content evaluation has a positive
impact on perceived quality. Consumers who have been aware of the Emina brand will be
looking for more information about Emina's products through reviews on Instagram,
facebook, blog, line, and youtube. With the increasing number of information obtained by
consumers regarding Emina products, it will affect consumer perceptions of the quality of
Emina Cosmetic brand.

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Test Result Influence Evaluation Firm Created Content and User Generated Content to
Brand Loyalty on Emina Cosmetics

Based on the results of the research, it is known that the evaluation of firm created
content can influence consumer loyalty to the brand. This is in line with research conducted
by Bruhn et al. (2013) which says that the quality of interaction in brand communities such as
brand fan pages on social media has a positive impact on the benefits of functional,
experiential and symbolic brand communities, increasing brand loyalty. The same is
mentioned in the study of Grubor et al. (2017) which states that firm created social media
communication positively and significantly influence toward behavioral loyalty. Perceptions
of social media marketing activities are the main drivers of brand loyalty because followers
of brand pages in social media tend to be loyal and committed to brands (Ismail, 2017). In the
study, the positive effect indicates that the better the evaluation of firm created content
created in Emina Cosmetic official social media, the higher the consumer loyalty to the
Emina Cosmetic brand.

In practice, consumers are satisfied with the posting of Emina Cosmetics in social
media official such as facebook and Instagram. According to consumers, the created content
is very interesting and the information submitted in accordance with expectations. Although
there are other brands with cheaper prices and with the same quality with Emina, but
consumers still intend to become loyal customers of Emina Cosmetics.

Conversely, data on hypothesis 2b is rejected, indicating that there is no significant

effect between user generated content evaluation on brand loyalty. This means that evaluation
of the Emina Cosmetics review on user-created social media is not able to influence
consumer loyalty to the Emina Cosmetic brand. The results contradict research conducted by
Schivinski & Dabrowski (2015) and Khajuria (2017) where they say that there is a significant
influence between user generated content and brand loyalty. Disagreement on the results of
this study occurred because the questionnaire was not given a screening question for
respondents who have seen the review of Emina Cosmetics. Limitations of this study may
lead to the evaluation results of user generated content on brand loyalty is not significant.

Test Result Effect of Brand Awareness / Association on Perceived Quality and Brand

In the dimension of customer-based brand equity, research results show that brand
awareness / association is able to influence consumer perceptions of the quality of a brand.

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The results of this study are in accordance with Chi, Yeh, & Yang (2009) and Gautam &
Shrestha (2016) studies that brand awareness and brand association have a positive and
significant influence on perceived quality. But this research shows that brand awareness does
not have a direct influence on brand loyalty. The results are in accordance with research
conducted by Bashir & Job (2017) which says that brand awareness / association only affect
perceived quality. According to Aaker (1991) brand equity theory, the process of building
brand equity begins with increasing consumer awareness of the brand and causing brand
association to brand. If consumers know about a brand and seek to find more information
about the brand, it will cause associate in their mind and affect perceptions about brand
quality and attitudinal brand loyalty. From this theory can be seen that the influence of brand
awareness / association on brand loyalty will pass perceived quality first where with the
perception of the positive quality that consumers perceive of a product, will lead to loyalty to
a brand.

5. Conclusion

This study aims to find out how the influence of evaluation of firm created content
and user generated content to customer-based brand equity. Based on the results of the
analysis and discussion that has been done, it can be seen that there is a positive and
significant influence between the evaluation firm created content and user generated content
to brand awareness/ association. in addition, there is a positive and significant influence
between the evaluation firm created content and user generated content against perceived
quality. There is a positive and significant influence between firm created content evaluation
on brand loyalty, but there is no positive and significant influence between evaluation of user
generated content to brand loyalty. while in customer-based brand equity dimension, there is
positive and significant influence between brand awareness/ association to perceived quality.
However, there is no positive and significant influence between brand awareness/ association
on brand loyalty.

Based on the research, the managerial implication of the researcher for Emina
Cosmetics is first, the content created by Emina Cosmetics in social media was able to
influence the dimension of customer-based brand equity so as to create consumer loyalty.
Emina Cosmetics needs to take advantage of this opportunity by focusing on creating
interesting content in the media so that it will attract more consumers especially in
accordance with the target market of Emina aged 15-25 years. In addition, Emina can also

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create content such as make up tutorials because the 15-25 years old age segment is a new
age group that is starting to learn make up so that this content will be able to create a good
quality perception related to Emina Cosmetics brand. Emina can also provide an opportunity
for his follower to make a video makeup tutorial that will be selected to be displayed in social
media Emina Cosmetics official. This will be able to increase consumer loyalty to Emina
Then, research shows that user generated content has no effect on brand loyalty, but
user generated content is able to influence awareness / association and consumer perception
on emina brand quality so Emina Cosmetics need to create activity to trigger user to create
content. Emina Cosmetics can hold activities at various schools or colleges by inviting brand
ambassador or vlogger and make up class by using Emina Cosmetics brand. With these
activities, consumers will be more aware of Emina Cosmetics and they will most likely
volunteer to create content related to the emina activity in social media.

Limitations and directions for future studies

In this research there are some limitations among others. First, respondents in this research
mostly already know that brand Emina Cosmetics one company with Wardah and Make
Over. This can lead to bias in the research because it can affect consumer answers on each
variable in the study. Second, this research uses only two types of social media namely
facebook and Instagram. Research does not use other social media platforms used by Emina
Cosmetics to build awareness and engagement with customers like youtube and google +.
And then, the researchers did not do a screening question to see the effect of user generated
content evaluation because the researcher assumed that the previous respondent had seen /
read the review about Emina Cosmetics in social media. With these limitations, the
researcher's suggestion for further research is first, for further research it is better to use
respondents who do not know that Emina Cosmetics is one company with Wardah and Make
Over or use another brand to get more accurate results from social media influence on brand
awareness. Second, further research can measure the influence of social media
communication on several other social media platforms. it is also expected in subsequent
research respondents who used only those who have seen the content in social media Emina
Cosmetics official and also the content / review Emina Cosmetics made by other users (added
screening question whether the respondent ever saw / read reviews about Emina Cosmetics in
social media).

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Variabel Indikator Alat Pengukuran Mean SD
Saya puas dengan postingan di akun media sosial
FC1 4.35 0.638
Emina Kosmetik
Informasi produk di akun media sosial Emina
Evaluasi FC2 4.15 0.719
Kosmetik memenuhi ekspektasi saya
Created Informasi produk Emina Kosmetik di media sosial
FC3 4.49 0.682
Content sangat menarik
Postingan Emina Kosmetik di media sosial lebih
FC4 baik dibandingkan dengan postingan media sosial 3.91 0.804
perusahaan kosmetik lain
Saya puas dengan review Emina Kosmetik yang
UG1 4.00 0.753
dibuat oleh pengguna lain di media sosial

Evaluasi Review Emina Kosmetik di media sosial yang

UG2 3.95 0.739
User dibuat oleh pengguna lain memenuhi harapan saya
Generated Review Emina Kosmetik yang dibuat oleh
Content UG3 3.87 0.793
pengguna lain sangat menarik
Review di media sosial tentang Emina Kosmetik
UG4 3.74 0.788
lebih baik dibandingkan dengan merek lain
BAS1 Saya mudah mengenali merek Emina Kosmetik 4.49 0.627
Ciri khas merek Emina Kosmetik langsung muncul
BAS2 4.46 0.718
dalam pikiran saya
Brand Saya dapat dengan cepat mengingat simbol atau
Awareness/ BAS3 4.55 0.666
logo Emina Kosmetik
Saya dapat mengenali produk Emina di antara
merek pesaing lainnya (contoh: ketika produk di
BAS4 4.52 0.694
letakkan di dalam etalase yang sama, maka saya
dengan cepat tau bahwa itu adalah produk Emina)
Sebagian besar produk Emina Kosmetik sangat
PQ1 4.32 0.708
Kemungkinan bahwa produk Emina Kosmetik
PQ2 dapat dipercaya (tidak menggunakan bahan kimia 4.17 0.763
Harga produk Emina Kosmetik sesuai dengan
PQ3 4.40 0.700
Apabila harga merek lain lebih murah dari Emina
BL1 Kosmetik, maka saya akan beralih ke merek lain 3.49 1.131
Jika ketika saya beralih ke merek lain tidak
mengalami masalah, maka saya akan lebih memilih
Loyalty BL2 3.21 1.068
merek lain tersebut di bandingkan dengan Emina
Saya berniat untuk menjadi pelanggan setia Emina
BL3 3.85 0.924

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