Semiologie Medicala Sem I

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Str. Universității nr.16, 700115, Iași, România


1. Programme Details
1.6. PROGRAMME of STUDY: Medicine - English

2. Discipline Details
2.1. Name of the Discipline: GENERAL SEMIOLOGY
2.2. Teaching staff in charge with lectures: Sef lucr. Cojocaru Clementina, Sef lucr. Girleanu Irina
2.3. Teaching staff in charge with seminar activities: Sef lucr. dr. Anton Carmen, Sef lucr. dr. Girleanu
Irina, Sef lucr. dr. Mitrica Dana, Asist. dr. Cuciureanu Tudor, Asist. dr. Balan Gheorghita, Asist. dr.
Barboi Oana, Asist. dr. Gilca Georgiana, Asist. dr. Maxim-Nemteanu Roxana, Sef lucr. dr. Cojocaru
Doina-Clementina, Conf. dr. Leon-Constantin Maria Magdalena, Asist. dr. Jitaru Alexandra, Asist.
dr. Gavril Radu, Asist. dr. Vasilcu Teodor, Asist.drd Oancea Andra, Asist. drd. Anghel Razvan
2.4. Year III 2.5. Semester 1 2.6. Type of E1 2.7. Mandatory
evaluation Discipline

3. Overall Time Estimates (hours/semester of didactic activity)

3.1. Number of 9 Of which: 3.2. 3 3.3. seminar/ 6
hours per week lectures laboratory
3.4. Total hours 126 Of which: 3.5. 42 3.6. seminar/ 84
in the curriculum lectures laboratory
Distribution of time Hours
Study time using coursebook materials, bibliography and notes 28
Further study time in the libray, online and in the field 20
Preparation time for seminars / laboratories, homework, reports, portfolios and essays 16
Tutoring 6
Examinations 6
Other activities 4
3.7. Total hours of individual study 80
3.8. Total hours / semester 206
3.9. Number of credits 6

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4. Prerequisites (where applicable)
4.1. curriculum Human anatomy and physiology
4.2. competences Clinical interview
Clinical examination of the organs and systems
Clinical maneuvers
Measuring the vital parameters (blood pressure,
temperature, heart rate etc.)
Topographical localization of the organs

5. Conditions (where applicable)

5.1. for lecture delivery Amphitheatre (video projector and screen)
5.2. for seminar / laboratory delivery Hospital, near the patient’s bed

6. Specific Competences Acquired

Professional Competences  Preparation of clinical observation record – history taking, physical
(knowledge and skills) examination.
• Recognition of pathological changes of attitude, facies, stature,
constitutional type.
• Recognition of pathological changes of the state of nutrition.
• Recognition of pathological changes of the skin, hair growth,
subcutaneous tissue.
• Recognition of lymph nodes pathological changes
• Recognition of eye pathological changes.
• Recognition of pathological changes in the neck.
• Recognition of pathological changes of the breasts.
• Mental status examination.
• Completing the objective neurological examination.
• Recognition of endocrinological basic pathological changes.
• Recognition of basic pathological changes of the muscle system and
osteoarticular system.
• Recognition of respiratory clinical pathological changes.
• Recognition of cardiovascular clinical pathological changes.
• Recognition clinical pathological changes of the digestive system.
• Recognition clinical pathological changes of the kidney.
• Recognition hematological clinical pathological changes.
• Knowing the indications, contraindications complementary methods
of investigation of respiratory system
• Knowing the indications, contraindications, complementary methods
used to investigate the cardiovascular system.
• Measuring the blood pressure, heart rate, temperature.
• Knowing the indications, contraindications complementary methods
of investigation of the kidney.
• Knowing the indications, contraindications complementary methods
of investigation of the digestive system.
Transversal Competences • Learning the skills necessary to efficiently communicate with the
(roles, personal and patient
professional development) • Establishing proper doctor-patient relationship
• Understanding interdisciplinarity (collaboration between different
medical specialties)
• Understanding accountability in terms of medical professional

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• Developing team working skills
• Knowing how to make a scientific case presentations at scientific
reunions/student congresses

7. Obiectives of the Discipline (related to the acquired competences)

7.1. General Obiective 1. Clinical evaluation of a patient (general and system-oriented
clinical examination) and drafting the medical record.
2. Clinical evaluation of the patient with impaired consciousness.
3. Knowing the signs of meningeal syndrome and methods for their
4. Recognition of medical emergencies and their severity criteria:
• crisis of asthma and status asthmaticus;
• pulmonary embolism;
• pneumothorax;
• pneumonia and bronchopneumonia;
• great pleural cavity pleurisy;
• hypertensive crisis;
• angina and acute myocardial infarction;
• pulmonary edema;
• upper gastrointestinal bleeding;
• acute pancreatitis;
• acute glomerulonephritis and pyelonephritis;
5. Recognition of clinical signs and criteria of severity in acute
peripheral circulatory failure (shock).
6. Recognizing the signs of peritoneal irritation syndrome.
7. The recognition of clinical signs of acute limb ischemia (arterial
8. The recognition of clinical signs of deep vein thrombosis.
9. Recognition of clinical signs of heart failure.
10. Recognition of acute urinary retention.
11. Recognition of acute renal failure.
12. Recognition of clinical signs of occlusive syndrome.
13. Recognizing the vital signs (temperature, pulse, blood pressure,
respiration rate) and the parameters used for patient monitoring
(diuresis, stool, vomiting, and sputum).
14. Clinical evaluation of the patient with a fever.
15. Clinical evaluation of the patient with jaundice.
16. Clinical evaluation of the patient with water retention syndrome.
17. Clinical evaluation of the patient with anemic syndrome.
18. Clinical evaluation of the patient with weight deficit.
19. Evaluation of the patient with dysphagia.
20. Evaluation of the patient with severe gastric outlet obstruction
21. Evaluation of the patient with transit disorders.
22. Knowledge of the indications, contraindications, techniques, post-
procedural monitoring and diagnostic significance of pleural,
pericardial and peritoneal punction.
23. Knowledge of exploration by analyzing biological products (blood,
urine, sputum, pleural fluid, pericardial disease, biopsy cups):
hematologic, biochemical humoral, bacteriological, histopathological
(the significance of the changes of the evaluated parameters).
24. Knowledge of imagistic exploration: indications, contraindications
and pre-procedural patients preparing procedures for X-ray,
ultrasound, CT, MRI.

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25. Knowledge of endoscopic exploration: indications,
contraindications and principles of preparing the patient for these
7.2. Specific Obiectives 1. Knowledge of technical regulations for prelevation of organic
2. Knowledge of criteria and methods for identifying clinical signs of a
comatose state and establishing etiology.
3. Knowledge of the indications, contraindications of the lumbar
puncture technique and the significance of the analysis results
humoral biochemical, cytological and bacteriological CSF.
4. Emergency management of hypoglycemic coma.
5. Recognition of acute viral hepatitis.
6. Knowledge of ECG technical execution, interpretation
7. Knowing the management rules of medical emergencies (acute
upper airway obstruction, asthma and status asthmaticus,
hypertensive crisis, acute coronary syndrome, pulmonary edema).
8. Technique of preparing and injectable treatment (intradermal,
subcutaneous, intramuscular, intravenous infusions, transfusions).
9. DRE: method, significance.

8. Contents
8.1. Lecture Teaching methods Comments

Lecture 1. Semiology - terms and definition. Anamnesis. Physical PPT 3 hours

Lecture 2. The medical record. General signs and symptoms. PPT 3 hours
Lecture 3. The general examination PPT 3 hours
Lecture 4. Nutrition state, subcutaneous tissue examination PPT 3 hours
Lecture 5. Semiology of the skin, mucosae, hair and nails PPT 3 hours
Lecture 6. Semiology of the muscular and bone system PPT 3 hours
Lecture 7. Semiology of lymph nodes. Neurological semiology. PPT 3 hours
Evaluation of the mental functions, consciousness and psychiatric
Lecture 8. Semiology of respiratory system PPT 3 hours
Lecture 9. Semiology of respiratory system PPT 3 hours
Lecture 10. Semiology of the cardiovascular system. PPT 3 hours
Lecture 11. Semiology of the cardiovascular system. PPT 3 hours
Lecture 12. Semiology of the digestive system. PPT 3 hours
Lecture 13. Semiology of the renal system. PPT 3 hours
Lecture 14. Semiology of the hematopoietic system. PPT 3 hours

1. Stanciu C A Guide to Clinical Examination, Editura Gr. T. Popa, Iaşi, 2002
2. Barbara Bates. A Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking (Lippincott Williams and
Wilkins), Hardcover (1999)
3. Stanciu C Clinical Examination, Editura Gr. T. Popa, Iaşi, 2002
4. Macleod's Clinical Examination, 12 th edition: Churchill Livingstone, Elsevier 2009.
5. Cecil – Textbook of internal medicine WB Saunders, 2000.
6. Epstein IE. Cardiac auscultation, Butterworth Heinemann, 1991.
7. Swartz MH. Textbook of physical diagnosis – history and examination. WB Saunders Company, 2002.
8. Mitu F et al. Semiologie medicala generala. Ed. "Gr.T. Popa", Iasi, 2009
9. Mitu F et al. Semiologie medicala. Aparatul renal, digestiv si sistemul hematopoetic, Ed. "Gr. T.

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Popa", Iasi, 2009
10. Bruckner I. Semiologie medicala si diagnostic diferential, Ed. Medicala, Bucuresti, 2016
8.2. Seminar / Laboratory Teaching methods Comments

Seminar 1 + 2. Preparing clinical observation sheet. General signs Clinical case presentation 6 hours
and symptoms.
Seminar 3 + 4. General clinical examination. Clinical case presentation 6 hours
Seminar 5 + 6. Nutritional status. Subcutaneous tissue Clinical case presentation 6 hours
Seminar 7 + 8. Examination of the skin, mucous membranes and Clinical case presentation 6 hours
hair growth.
Seminar 9 + 10. Muscular and Osteo-articular systems. Clinical case presentation 6 hours
Seminar 11 + 12. Semiology of lymph nodes. Neurological Clinical case presentation 6 hours
semiology. Evaluation of the mental functions, consciousness and
psychiatric semiology.
Seminar 13 + 14. Recap. Semiology of respiratory system Clinical case presentation 6 hours
Seminar 15 + 16. Semiology of respiratory system Clinical case presentation 6 hours
Seminar 17 + 18. Semiology of the cardiovascular system. Clinical case presentation 6 hours
Seminar 19 + 20. Semiology of the cardiovascular system. Clinical case presentation 6 hours
Seminar 21 + 22. Semiology of the digestive system. Clinical case presentation 6 hours
Seminar 23 + 24. Semiology of the digestive system. Semiology of Clinical case presentation 6 hours
the renal system.
Seminar 25 + 26. Semiology of the renal system. Semiology of the Clinical case presentation 6 hours
hematopoietic system.
Seminar 27 + 28. Recap. Semiology of the hematopoietic system. Clinical case presentation 6 hours

1. Stanciu C A Guide to Clinical Examination, Editura Gr. T. Popa, Iaşi, 2002
2. Barbara Bates. A Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking (Lippincott Williams and
Wilkins), Hardcover (1999)
3. Stanciu C Clinical Examination, Editura Gr. T. Popa, Iaşi, 2002
4. Macleod's Clinical Examination, 12 th edition: Churchill Livingstone, Elsevier 2009.
5. Cecil – Textbook of internal medicine WB Saunders, 2000.
6. Epstein IE. Cardiac auscultation, Butterworth Heinemann, 1991.
7. Swartz MH. Textbook of physical diagnosis – history and examination. WB Saunders Company, 2002.
8. Mitu F et al. Semiologie medicala generala. Ed. "Gr.T. Popa", Iasi, 2009
9. Mitu F et al. Semiologie medicala. Aparatul renal, digestiv si sistemul hematopoetic, Ed. "Gr. T.
Popa", Iasi, 2009
10. Bruckner I. Semiologie medicala si diagnostic diferential, Ed. Medicala, Bucuresti, 2016

9. Correlations between the contents of the discipline and the expectations of the
epistemic community, of profesional associations and of employers in the field
General semiology follows the basic disciplines necessary for the integration and
understanding of information on pathologies studied during the IV th-Vth-VIth years of study
in the Faculty of Medicine, being the cornerstone of clinical medicine, through clinical
interview, examination, lab tests, and imaging.

10. Evaluation
Type of activity 10.1. Evaluation criteria: 10.2. Methods of 10.3.
evaluation Percentage of
final grade

10.4. Lecture Grade for multiple choice test standardized 50%

multiple choice test

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10.5. Seminar / Average grade of ongoing ongoing evaluation 10%
Laboratory examinations
Grade for practical examination practical exam 40%
Minimum standard of performance: at least grade 5 to pass the discipline

Date: Signiture of Didactic Co-ordinator

Prof. Dr. Mitu Florin

Signiture of Department Director

Prof. Dr. Trifan Anca

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