Preps: Imposition Software
Preps: Imposition Software
Preps: Imposition Software
Imposition Software
Version 9.x
User interface panes are grouped by general purpose in the left side, center area,
and right side of the window:
• The left side of the window contains lists of job assets, from which you select
elements for building a job.
• The center region is your primary job-building area.
• The right side gives you detailed control over selected job elements.
All information is dynamically updated as you make changes in related areas.
1 Products Use the Products pane to view and manage the job structure. 1 Click a triangle to expand or collapse a list tree.
For manual layouts, you can select and drag sections to the Press Runs workspace. 2 Drag a divider to stretch or shrink a pane.
2 Files In the Files list, you add customer PDF input files, create placeholder files, and select file pages to add to a 3 Expand a pane to hide the adjacent panes.
run list or press-run layout. 4 Click a tab to switch views.
3 Resources Use the Resources pane to select and manage your resources for building press runs. 5 Click the triangle to reverse a column’s sort order.
• Media list 6 Drag the column edges to adjust their widths.
• Stock list
7 Drag the column headers to rearrange the columns.
• Marks list
• Layouts pane: Templates list, Fold Patterns list, Step & Repeat Patterns list, Search tool 8 Click a triangle to stretch or shrink a column.
4 View tabs Toggle between views for primary aspects of a job: Pages view, Press Runs view, and Assembly view.
5 Workspace Review, rearrange, and edit items in the workspace to dynamically update the properties. Use viewing User interface tools
tools and menu options to control which details are displayed.
• In the Pages view, preview pages and check trim boxes. • Drag-and-drop functionality for placing and moving items
• In the Assembly view, plan multiple products and parts. • Toolbars and keyboard shortcuts for most tasks
• In the Press Runs view, build and check press-run layouts. • Context (right-click) menus for managing the resources
• Triangle icons for expanding or collapsing the panes
6 Summary lists In each view, manage a list of all applicable job items.
• Adjustable dividers for resizing the panes
• You can arrange the rows and columns, change the sort order and width of columns, and expand or
• Instant access to properties of items that you select in the workspace
collapse the rows.
• Dynamic updating in all affected areas when edits are made in any area
• Select an item in the Press Runs List or Pages List to display it in the workspace. In the Assembly
• Menus and dialog boxes for less-frequently performed tasks
workspace, you can toggle between graphical and list formats.
• Help menu for user information
7 Properties Use the Properties pane to view and edit the settings of selected job items. All applicable panes and lists • Horizontal and vertical rulers and guides in the Pages and Press Run views,
are dynamically updated with your changes. enabling you to determine where to place content and align objects, as well as
Select an item in a workspace, summary list, or Products list to display its settings in the Properties pane. allowing detailed measuring capabilities
Getting started: The task-based views
Tab between dynamically updated views as you work on a job’s pages, press runs, or product assemblies, with an interactive workspace and supporting list panes.
In the Pages view: In the Assembly view: In the Press Runs view:
• Set up the product run lists with blank, placeholder, or PDF • Provide the product intent for a customer job, which can • Create and interactively edit and preview any number of sheetfed
content pages. include multiple products and parts and mixed binding styles. and multiweb press runs to accommodate the job’s pages.
• Preview individual pages and page details. • Interactively plan the binding assembly of each product’s • Manage the stock, media, marks, and layout for each sheet or web.
• Adjust the trim boxes. parts and sections.
• Reposition, scale, or rotate the PDF content. • Autogenerate the press runs based on your planned details.
The way that you use the views can be affected by such factors as job types,
product requirements and complexity, the number of people who work on the jobs,
the feature set supported by your software license, and personal preferences.
Here are a few possibilities:
• You might first use the Pages view to collect the input files or define file placeholders and set up the run list, and then switch to the Press Runs view to build the press-run layouts.
• For ganged jobs or for basic single-product, single-part jobs, you might work entirely in the Press Runs view.
• For intelligent setup of ganged press runs, you might use the AutoGang feature in the Press Runs view.
• Jobs for complex publications might be done in stages. For example, a planner, customer service representative, or senior prepress operator might start a job by providing the
product intent in the Assembly view (license-dependent). The job can then be completed by a prepress operator who creates the layouts and prints the press runs.
• In a JDF-based workflow, you use the Assembly view to provide any information that was not received via JDF, and then check the autogenerated press-run layouts in the Press
Runs view.
Getting started: Preparation
As you learn to use the software, you can use the factory default settings and sample resources.
Before you start to use the Preps software for actual production, set up your own preferences and add your own resources for building jobs. You may also want to configure a connected printer for printing job reports.
You can set default values for various settings in the Set up resource lists with your commonly used media, stock, marks, and layouts for building press runs. You can manually
Preps software. The default values appear in various drag the resources to a layout, or use various tools for generating the layouts. Define your preferences for the current session,
areas of the software where they are typically editable and store the settings in a profile. For more information about resource lists, see
for a specific purpose, without changing the stored
default preference values. You can change the default
Creating a new media resource Creating a new mark resource
values only in the Preferences dialog box.
The Media list contains the software’s pre-defined standard media as well as The Marks list contains both predefined marks and the mark files that you
the media resources that you configure to target specific devices. You can also create, which are based on Kodak SmartMarks technology. To add a new
You can store different combinations of settings in
store file sets for specific media resources. To add a resource to the Media list, resource to the Marks list, you define a mark that is based on an existing
custom profiles.
prepare a media configuration for a specific target device. You can obtain the SmartMarks (SMK) file. You can create, edit, and duplicate individual marks
most current PPD files directly from the manufacturer of your imaging device. or groups as needed.
Define your preferences for the current session, and
If a device is already installed on your operating system, you can use a copy of 1. On the Folders tab in the Preferences dialog box, set the default
store the settings in a profile.
the system’s PPD file. Templates, Marks and Resources Folder for this installation.
1. Open the Preferences dialog box:
1. If the PPD file is not already installed, copy the new device PPD file and 2. Perform one of these actions:
In Mac OS: Select Preps > Preferences.
paste it to the \Printers\ppd\ folder. The file name must end in .ppd -Create a new mark by selecting New SmartMark from the Resources
In Microsoft Windows: Select Edit > Preferences.
and contain no special characters. menu , selecting a mark type, and editing its name and properties.
2. Set preferred values on each tab as needed.
2. Select Resources > New Media. -Or, right-click an existing mark in the Marks list, select Duplicate or
3. Select the Media Type. Edit, modify its name and properties, and save it with a new name.
Connecting a printer for direct printing 4. Provide a meaningful nickname for the new media configuration and click 3. Save the mark to a location in the /Marks/SmartMarks/ folder.
OK. Only marks that are stored in this folder appear in the Marks list.
To print directly to a device such as a laser printer on your 5. In the Media Configuration dialog box, select the size and set any other
network, define the connection in its media configuration. options that you need. Lists in the Layout pane
6. Close the dialog box. • The Templates list contains complete, reusable layouts that predefine the
The printer must already be installed and selectable on The new media resource appears in the Media list in the Resources pane. press sheet dimensions and template page sizes, positions, and numbering
your computer. for specific binding styles. Preps includes a selection of sample templates,
and you can save frequently repeated jobs as templates. When setting up
1. In the Media list, right-click Generic PostScript Printer, Creating a new stock resource Preps, you might create non-customer jobs with layouts for the purpose
and select Edit. The Stocks list contains the available sheet sizes. Each stock resource of creating templates. You can also migrate and continue to use existing
represents a press sheet that will be printed on one or both sides to produce templates from previous versions of the software.
the final printed product. When adding a stock, you specify its dimensions and • The Fold Patterns list contains dimensionless, prenumbered page grids
characteristics for your own reference—such as manufacturer, weight, and that you drag to press runs to build imposition layouts “on the fly.” You
grain direction. To add a resource to the Stocks list, you define its press sheet can edit the default binding style, page size, page numbers, and trims that
size and provide additional details for your own reference. A list of sample are automatically applied to the resulting press-run section. The software
stock sizes is provided to help you get started. The following procedure bases a includes standard fold patterns that are derived from the CIP4 Pagination
2. In the Media Configuration dialog box, click
new resource on an existing resource. Catolog (also referred to as the JDF Fold Catalog). You can also create and
1. In the Resources pane, click Stock. save new fold patterns or variations of standard fold patterns.
3. In the Connection dialog box, select the printer.
2. From the list, select an existing stock that is similar to the new stock • The Step & Repeat Patterns list shows previously saved step-and-repeat
4. Click Test Print.
resource that you want to define. placeholders created in Preps that contain a specific grid pattern of a set
5. After the test page prints, click OK.
3. Right-click the stock and select Duplicate. height and width.
If a test page does not print, troubleshoot the printer
4. Edit the properties and save the stock with a new name. • Use the Layouts Search tool to find a specific layout in large collections of
and the operating system setup.
The new stock appears in the Stock list in the Resources pane. templates and fold patterns.
Getting started: Jobs
Many of your jobs can be completed using variations of a few basic tasks.
Summary of job steps General tips for selecting, deleting, rearranging, and accessing the properties of items
To work with jobs, you require a solid prepress background and an Option Description
understanding of imposition concepts and workflow. The following steps Selecting an object in the workspace or Products list Displays its settings in the Properties pane
summarize the main aspects of most single product jobs. Not all steps must Selecting a press run, sheet, web, or surface in the Press Runs List Displays the layout in the workspace (or the first layout of multiple webs, with the web-selection list).
be performed in a specific order, many can be combined or automated, and If a press run is selected, also displays its settings in the Properties pane
there are flexible ways to perform most steps. Selecting a page in the Pages List Displays its preview in the workspace and its settings in the Properties pane
1. Optional: Define the product intent, including the product and part page Double-clicking an imposition in the workspace Displays its Modify Imposition dialog box
counts. Double-clicking a stock, media, mark, or template in a Resources pane list Adds that resource to the layout in its default position
2. Add the input files to the job. Right-clicking an item in a Resources pane list or in the Products list Displays a context menu of options for that item or list
You can skip this step for unpopulated jobs. Double-clicking inside an editable text box or column Makes it editable, and, in some cases, displays a list of selections
3. Set up the run list with PDF, placeholder, or blank pages. Tabbing out of a text box that you edited Applies your edit and moves the cursor to the next text box, if applicable
You can skip this step for ganged jobs. Deleting versus removing Typically, removing takes an item out of the workspace but retains it in the job.
4. Add media and stock to a press run. Deleting makes it permanently unavailable.
5. Create a press-run layout with page positions, content, marks, and trims, Pressing Delete versus Option/Alt+Delete to remove a ganged page To remove a ganged content page and its template page, select the page and press Delete.
To remove only the content page, press Command/Ctrl+Delete.
as needed.
Dragging rows in the Press Runs List Rearranges the press runs for your viewing convenience
6. Continue building the press runs to accommodate the pages for this job.
Dragging sections in the Assembly workspace Can be used to combine sections or change their binding style or sequence.
7. Save the job, and print the output files. Page and section numbering are updated accordingly.
8. Optional: Save the job as a template or fold pattern for reuse. Editing a property with multiple values ( --, Mixed, Multiple) When multiple selected items are set to different values, your edit sets them all to the same value.
The way that you create jobs can be affected by such factors as job types, product requirements and complexity, the number of people who work on jobs, and personal preferences.
Creating basic jobs Creating jobs with multiple products, parts, binding styles Creating JDF automation jobs
1. Select File > New. (Without using product intent or the Assembly view) 1. Select File > Open.
2. Set up the run list in the Pages view. 1. Select File > New. 2. Locate and open the JDF file.
3. Build the layouts in the Press Runs view. 2. Use the Products list and Properties pane to define the parts 3. Check and refine or complete the generated job structure and
and sections. properties in the Assembly view.
Creating jobs planned via product intent in the Assembly view 3. Set up the run list in the Pages view. 4. If you made structural changes, regenerate the press runs.
1. Select File > New Job With Product Intent and provide the available 4. Build the layouts in the Press Runs view. 5. Set up the run list in the Pages view.
information. 6. Check and finalize the layouts in the Press Runs view.
2. If another product is needed in this job, select File > Add New Product
Intent. Creating manual ganging jobs, jobs with a single product and Creating AutoGang jobs (standalone)
3. Check and refine the job structure and properties in the Assembly view. binding style 1. Select File > New.
4. Click Generate Press Runs. 1. Select File > New. 2. Set up the Files list.
5. Set up the run list in the Pages view. 2. Set up the Files list. 3. Set up the AutoGang list.
6. Check and finalize the layouts in the Press Runs view. 3. Build the layouts in the Press Runs view. 4. Generate the autoganged press runs.
5. Check and finalize the layouts in the Press Runs view.
Getting started: Setting up Files lists and Product Run lists
Setting up a Files list for a job Setting up a product run list for a job
Use the Files list to collect customer PDF input or As you set up a product run list, you can add information about each page to help ensure that all the pages are correctly placed in the run list and on a press run.
placeholder files. You can then select and drag PDF or • Depending on the job, you might set up a product run list either before or after preparing the press-run layouts.
file placeholder pages from the Files list to a product • For multiple-product imposition jobs, you can set up a run list for each product.
run list in the Pages view or directly to a press sheet in • For gang-only jobs, you do not set up a run list. Instead, you add file pages directly to a press run.
the Press Runs view.
1. Go to the Pages view.
Input files can include: 2. On the Pages List toolbar, set the View by option to Product.
• Single-page or multiple-page PDF documents from 3. Choose a method:
other software sources To add an entire file: Click and drag the file (or file placeholder) from the Files list, or directly from a folder location, onto the
• Individual PDF pages that were exported by a product name in the Pages List.
prepress system To add an individual PDF page or • Click and drag the page from the Files list onto the product name, to a specific run-list position, or onto a
• File placeholders and pages placeholder page: page to replace it.
Although the source documents might be created in • Press Shift, then click and drag to select and add multiple pages.
various software products, they must be submitted
To add empty placeholder pages: • Double-click or drag the Add Pages icon in the Pages List toolbar.
as PDF input files to Preps. The original files are not
• In the dialog box that appears, select the product, name the placeholder, and specify the page count and
affected by any adjustments that you make within
position in the list.
your job. Job input files and information about any
page adjustments that you make in the layouts remain To insert a single blank page: Drag the Add Blank Pages icon to a specific run-list position, or drag it onto a page to replace the page.
associated with the job after it is saved. To add a specific number of blank • Press and hold Option/Alt as you drag the Add Blank Pages icon.
pages: • Specify the page count in a pop-up dialog box, and drop the pages at an insertion point.
Use one of these methods for building the Files list: To add multiple blank pages at a • Double-click the Add Blank Pages icon.
• Drag PDF files from a local or network folder specific location: • In the dialog box that appears, select the product, and specify the page count and position in the list.
location to the Files list, or select File > Add Files,
and locate and add the files. The run-list position numbers are updated according to where you placed the new pages.
• Drag files directly to a run list in the Pages view or Inserting between page positions Renumbers the run-list page positions in sequence from the insertion point.
to a layout in the Press Runs view. If you previously applied folios, they are retained, and you will need to apply folios to the new pages.
• To add file placeholders, select Job > Add Replacing page positions Retains the numbering of the page or pages in the selected position.
Placeholder, give the placeholder a name, and If you drag multiple pages onto a single existing page position, then the additional new pages replace the
specify the number of placeholder pages. corresponding number of following page positions, and new page positions are added if needed.
• When setting up a run list, use the Add Pages tool 4. Adjust the Pages List to ensure that the run-list pages are in reader sequence.
in the Pages view to create placeholders.
To rearrange the pages: Drag the page rows as needed.
To remove pages: Select the pages and click Delete. This does not affect the Files list.
To cut or copy and paste a page: • Select the page and select Edit > Cut or Copy.
• Click the page that should be after the pasted run-list pages, and select Edit > Paste.
5. Edit the settings in each row, as needed. You can assign folios, edit the placeholder names and planned colors, and write notes.
6. If the product contains parts, select Part in the View by area of the toolbar, and drag pages as needed to organize them into part-page positions.
Getting started: Building press runs
Using templates, fold patterns, or step-and-repeat pattern resources to build press runs Adding marks to a press-run layout
Use the Layouts Search tool to quickly find a suitable fold pattern or template for creating a press-run layout. When you use fold patterns, you can also When you add a mark to a press run, it is anchored and
change the default page and sheet sizes as needed. positioned automatically according to its defined properties.
If you do not have a fold pattern or template that matches a product’s requirements for gutters, page numbering, and page orientation, use the procedure
for Creating an imposition without using a Layouts resource (page 7). In the Marks list, select and double-click marks to add them to
the currently selected press-run layout. You can add individual
1. On the Layouts pane, click the Search tool. The search options that appear depend on whether you already used this tool. marks, mark groups, and selected marks from within a group to
2. If no criteria selection list appears, click [+]. a press-run layout. The mark name remains highlighted in the
3. In the criteria selection list, select Page Count and specify how many page positions are required in the layout. This filters the lists in the Layouts pane. Marks list until you delete or edit the placed instance of this mark.
4. Click [+] as needed to add criteria and narrow the search results. You can specify: Name, Page Count, Binding Style, Work Style, Page Size, Stock
Size, Page Grid (horizontal: X, vertical: Y), Section Count, Media The job file references any mark files that it uses. However, if you
5. Review the filtered list of layouts. edit or move a placed mark so that its properties no longer match
6. If the results are not satisfactory, repeat the search with different criteria. You can: a stored SMK file, the mark data is embedded and stored in the
• Change criteria selections. job file.
• Click [–] to remove criteria.
• Click Reset to clear all your criteria selections, and start over with new selections.
7. Select a Templates or Fold Patterns layout, and drag it to the press sheet. Using AutoSelect to generate press runs from a run list
If you select a fold pattern: The template pages are pre-numbered according to the fold sequence.
The page size is derived from the General tab on the Preferences dialog box. Autoselecting a template or fold pattern imposes a product’s run list
The Properties pane displays the section’s properties, including the fold pattern name. by flowing its pages into the required number of autogenerated press
If you select a template: The template pages are numbered by the template. runs.
The page size is derived from the template signature.
This method works best for products with standard page counts that
The Properties pane displays the section’s properties, including the template and template signature name.
can be evenly divided into the autoselected page grid.
In either case In the Press Runs List, the Section column for this press run displays a sequentially assigned product and
section number for the new imposition, and the same information appears on the new section’s pages in the Autoselecting a template instead of a single page grid (fold pattern
workspace. or template signature) applies the template signatures that will print
In the Pages List, a run-list page position is created for each imposition page position. the fewest possible pages.
The Products list includes a new section and section page count. 1. In the Pages view, set up the product’s run list.
8. In the Press Run List, select the press run. 2. In the Layouts pane, select and right-click a template or fold
9. In the Properties pane, select the Auto Select Signature check box. pattern.
10. Drag the customer’s PDF file from its folder location or from the Files list to the low-folio position of the imposition. 3. Select Auto Select.
• The pages flow through the template pages in sequence. The run-list pages flow into position in the generated press runs.
• The required number of press runs and impositions is automatically generated to accommodate the run-list pages, which flow into position 4. In the Press Runs view, check and adjust the results as needed.
according to the template page numbering.
• If you switch to the Pages view, you will see that the run list contains the PDF file’s pages. It shows the file name and actual color for each page,
including any pages that are not yet placed.
11. In the workspace, check and adjust the layouts and trims as needed.
• If you used a fold pattern, you can edit individual head, foot, face, spine, and lip trims.
• If you used a template, you can edit one gutter to apply the same gutter width to every page in the page grid.
Getting started: Building press runs
Creating an imposition without using a Layouts resource Manually creating a ganged layout
You typically use this method when no available fold pattern or template matches a product’s Ganged pages have no dependency on adjacent pages. You have full control over their positioning.
requirements for gutters, page numbering, and page orientation.
For gang-only jobs, you add the PDF file pages to the Files list and then work directly in the Press Runs
When you do not use a fold pattern or template Layouts resource, an imposition’s fold sequence is view. You do not set up a Pages List. To create ganged layouts, you must select a snap option for placing
determined by the section binding style and manual page numbering. (An imposition is defined here pages on the General tab in the Preferences dialog box.
as a fold-based layout for bound products.)
1. Using any of these methods, select the pages.
1. Start a new job, either for an actual job or to set up a new template. If desired, set up a run list. • In the Files list, select a PDF file or file placeholder. If the content files are not yet available, select
2. To start a new press run, select Job > New Sheet. Job > Add File Placeholder to add the required number of placeholder pages to the Files list.
A new press run is added in the Press Runs List and displayed in the workspace. • In the Files list, expand a multi-page file to view its list of pages. Select a single page, or press
3. If needed, change the stock and media selections. Shift+click to select multiple pages.
4. Select Job > Create Imposition. • Select a PDF file from an accessible folder in the file directory.
5. Define the imposition page grid by specifying the page size and the number of horizontal and 2. For manual ganging, drag the selected pages to a position on the press sheet.
vertical pages. The default page size is defined on the General tab in the Preferences dialog box. • If you drag the pages to an empty area, the pages cascade onto the sheet, and you can arrange
6. Define the number of sections needed for the Press Run. them.
7. Specify the page orientation for the reference page and other pages in the grid. • If you drag a page to a position near an existing page on the sheet, it snaps into the default snap
You can do this only if the Fold Pattern is None. position that is defined in the Preferences dialog box.
8. Click OK. • If you drag the selected pages onto a template page, the first page is assigned to the template
• The press run in the workspace contains the page grid that you defined. page position, and any additional new content pages flow through the available template pages in
• The template pages are numbered according to the default binding style. sequence. Any existing content on the affected template pages is replaced.
• If the run list is already set up, the run-list pages flow automatically through the template 3. In the Marks list, select and double-click marks to add to the layouts.
pages. 4. To save the job Select File > Save.
9. If the run list contains more pages to place, click the Duplicate Sheet tool in the Press Runs List
toolbar as often as needed to place all the pages.
10. In the layout, select a press-run section to display, and select the binding style and set other Manually adding a press run
options as needed in the Properties pane. Or, double-click the section to display the Modify You can create a new press run in the Press Runs List by inserting an empty sheet or web before adding
Imposition dialog box. the layout, or by duplicating or copying a press run after completing its layout.
11. In the layout, click and edit the gutter text boxes to set the face, foot, and head trims, and drag
a section or edit its margin text boxes to reposition it on the press sheet. The same gutters and To manually add press runs, use one of these methods:
margins are applied to each duplicate of this press run. • To insert an empty press run that uses the default stock, select Job > New Sheet, or press Alt and
12. Number or renumber the template pages as needed: click the Duplicate Sheet tool in the Press Runs List toolbar.
• In the workspace, click the Page Numbering tool. In the layout, any page that is a suitable low- • To insert a new press run that contains the same layout as the currently selected press run, without
folio candidate is highlighted. content, click the Duplicate Sheet tool in the Press Runs List toolbar, or select Job > Duplicate
• Click a template page to designate it as the low folio for this press-run section. The back page Sheet.
is automatically numbered, and any page that is a candidate for the next page number is • To insert an exact copy of the currently selected press run, with content, select Edit > Copy and
highlighted. then Edit > Paste. The new press run contains copies of the layout’s content and template pages.
• Click pages in succession until all pages are numbered according to the binding style and • To add a web that duplicates the currently selected web or sheet, select Job > Web > Insert New
desired fold sequence. The same numbering scheme is applied to each duplicate of this press Web, or right-click the Duplicate Sheet tool in the Press Runs List toolbar. Adding a web to a
run, and the run-list pages now flow through the press-run sections according to the new page sheetfed press run converts it to a web press run.
numbering. A new press run is inserted in sequence after the selected press run, and its first sheet side appears in the
• When you number for multiple sections, with the right button mouse, select the section workspace.
number from the drop-down menu. Then number the pages for that section accordingly.
13. In the Marks list, select and double-click marks to add to the layouts.
14. To save the layouts as a template, select File > Save As Template.
Getting started: Managing product assemblies
Based on the product intent and the bindery’s requirements for a product, you can organize the product assembly in the Assembly workspace. The procedures in this table assume that you have already defined the intent for one
product and now need to make changes.
Although there are typically multiple ways to perform a task, this table describes only one way of performing each task. For example, you can manipulate an object in the workspace or edit its settings in the Properties pane to
immediately update both.
The section properties and page ranges are automatically updated in all applicable panes when you change the section binding styles, page counts, and sequential position within the part.
To edit an existing product, select the product in the Products list to display its settings in the Properties pane.
After you close the Product Intent dialog box, you can edit only the the product name, job ID, customer name, due date, and comments, and you can add and delete parts.
The remaining values are read-only and reflect the sum total of the parts and sections.
Getting started: Printing output, closing and reopening jobs
Basic steps for printing the output Closing a job Reopening an existing job
When you print the output, you provide basic information, such You can save and close a job at any stage, and you can store its layouts as A job that was previously saved from any version of the
as the print range. You can also set up advanced options for a template for future reuse. You can also save an imposition as a reusable software can be reopened when it needs to be completed,
color mapping and web growth compensation. custom fold pattern. revised, printed, or reprinted. To ensure that a job’s features are
supported, use the same license type that was originally used.
1. Optional: In the Preferences dialog box, load a suitable To save the job: Select File > Save or Save As, and accept or • You can save and close a job with product intent only, and
profile or set options as needed on the Output tab. change the file name and location. then reopen the job later to complete the layouts.
2. Select File > Print. • You can use Preps 8.x to open jobs or templates that were
3. In the Send to list in the Print dialog box, select the output The default location is the same folder that created in any version of the software up to the version of
file type or Printer. was used for the last save. The job is saved the software you have installed. When you use Preps 8.x
4. Accept or change the Media. with a .job file name extension. to reopen and save a legacy job, it becomes a Preps 8.x job.
Any change that you make to the media selection applies to • If the saved job contains fully defined You cannot use versions earlier than Preps 8.x to open Preps
the entire output. press runs, the file contains all the 8.x jobs.
5. Set up other print options on the dialog box tabs as needed. necessary data to allow the job to be • You can use any version of the Preps software to open
6. Click Print. reopened and printed or reprinted. templates that were created in any version of the software.
7. If you are printing divided output and the Print File ID dialog • You can save and close a job with product Any unsupported features are typically ignored.
box appears, type an identifier to include in each file name, intent only, and then reopen the job later • Static marks in a legacy file will be converted to SmartMarks
and click OK. to complete the layouts. or deleted, depending on the mark type.
8. If printing to file, specify a file name and folder location for • You can open a previously output JDF file to reprint or revise
To store any unique Select File > Save as Template.
the output. the original job.
layouts in the job for The template is saved with a .tpl file name
If you generate divided output for media configurations that reuse: extension.
are set up with divided output paths, the files are placed in 1. Select File > Open.
those folders and you cannot redirect the output. 2. Locate and open the JOB or JDF file.
If you save a job as a template, information
3. Respond to any messages about issues with the job file.
about each unique press run layout is stored
(For example, messages that tell you if a legacy job contains
as a template signature.
static marks or if its referenced template is missing.)
To close the job window: Select File > Close. 4. Make your changes, and save the job.
To close the software: Select File > Exit. The JOB file format stores the job layout information with
no reference to a template.
Note: In earlier versions of Preps this data was stored
separately in TPL files.
Shortcuts for viewing and selecting items Shortcuts for moving items
To achieve this: Use this shortcut Notes To achieve this: Use this shortcut Notes
Select an imposition page within a Use the Page Select tool and click the page. Move a page along its axis Press Shift and drag a page. Moves a page to a position that is on the X or
page grid Y axis of its original position. If you move the
Select multiple pages, sections, or Press Shift and click the items, or, drag a mar- page diagonally, it snaps to its nearest original
marks quee around them. axis.
Select all odd, even, or ranges of In the Pages List, right-click the product or Use a dash to indicate a range and use a comma to separate multiple values Nudge an item Select the item and use the arrow Moves the selected, unlocked page or mark in
pages in a run list part and select an option. (1-4,9-12,21-24). Do not insert spaces. keys. the direction of the arrow
Select a fold mark Mac OS: Shift click Allows you to view and edit the fold mark properties Override the snap behavior Mac OS: and drag Drags the selected page without regard to
Windows: Alt click Windows: Ctrl and drag snap settings. When you release the mouse,
the page remains exactly where it is instead of
Zoom in and out Roll the mouse wheel. Increases or decreases the zoom as you roll the mouse wheel snapping to the nearest available grid line.
Pan your current view Press the space bar and drag an object in the Moves the press sheet in the same way as the Pan tool
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