Bank Departments at Branches

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Departments at Branches of different Banks

NCC Bank
Audit and Inspection Department: Audit and Inspection Department carries out the most
vital role of the Division conducting routine audit (on-site supervision of the operational
activities in different branches and Divisions/Departments at Head Office) as per approved Audit
Plan for the year. The Department investigates to identify the risk, regularize the irregularities on
the spot and Protect/identify malpractices, if any. The Department conducted 236 audits of
different types as against approved plan of 276 for the year 2018 with gross achievement of

Compliance Department: Compliance Department follows up with the auditors and

ensures Compliance of all audit/inspection reports of the branches conducted by the internal
audit team and external audit concurrently. The Department also prepares memo for meetings of
the Audit Committee of the Board and issues circulars as per decision of the Regulators, Board
and Management. In attaining the target, the Department always remains busy and continuously
maintains liaison with the Branches and HO Divisions, Bangladesh Bank and other regulatory
bodies persistently.

Monitoring Department: The Monitoring Department supervises implementation of

various control tools like DCFCL, QOR, LDCL and Self-Assessment Anti-Fraud Internal
Control Check List in all branches, Divisions/Departments at Head Office to strengthen the
internal check and control system of the Bank. The Department also ensures timely submission
of regulatory returns as per calendar of returns set by Bangladesh Bank. As part of managing
core risk in banking, ICCD has been continuously working for compliance, monitoring and audit
& inspection independently keeping close contact with all branches, Divisions/Departments of
Head Office of the Bank.

Information Technology Department: Completed Projects in 2018: State-of-the-art Data

Center at NCCB Bhaban: Full-fledged state-of-the-art Data Center has started operation in
January, 2018. Green technology like containment system was used to optimize power and
cooling. Besides, Bus bar system was used to ensure secured local high current distribution.
Moreover, Bank is using CyberAir3 – Precision Cooling Solutions from STULZ, Germany and
200 KVA Online UPS from ABB, Switzerland. The Data Center with modern equipment has
built a solid foundation for running smooth banking business operation.
Remittance Management Department: IT Development Department has developed its
own Remittance Management System. For better customer service, the Bank has been integrating
different exchange houses with the remittance system. At present, NCC Bank is the main agent
of MoneyGram and sixteen (16) other Banks and TMSS are sub-agent of MoneyGram through
NCC Bank. In 2018, we have integrated with Bkash network to speed up the disbursement of
remittance to our customers. Another impressive initiative was direct transmission of foreign
remittance using Bank’s own developed API. Currently, three exchange houses, Al-Mulla
Group, Majan Exchange, and Trans Fast are making transactions through API and five other
exchange houses are in pipeline to be connected with the API.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Department: NCC Bank has been extremely
careful in discharging its responsibility towards the society and environment in all of its actions
to play its expected role in achieving sustainable growth and advancement of our beloved
country. It extends assistance in the fields from education to health to infrastructure development
both in urban and remote areas of the country. The Bank also allows stipends to students of
different levels of education covering disciplines like medical, engineering, etc. selected on the
basis of merit of the student to enable them to continue their academic pursuit and grow up to
serve the nation in future with the knowledge and expertise gathered during their educational
career. Every year, in the winter season, the Bank distributes blankets to cold hit people of the
country; besides, it also extends assistance to number organizations to create awareness on issues
concerning social and economic development.

Human Resource Department: NCC Bank places more focus on making people the heart
of what we do, by putting people first. We do not just offer our employees a job, we offer them a
career. As a development partner in the economy, the Bank has a key role to play in providing
not only financial service but also disseminating knowledge. Recognizing the fact, we have
concentrated on converting human resource into human capital through transformation of HR
policies & its application and identification of skill gaps & imparting the required training and
optimize the ability of the staff for productivity enhancement.

Investor’s relationship department:

Mr. Md. Mokammel Hoque, Company Secretary IFIC Bank Limited, IFIC Tower 61, Purana
Paltan, Dhaka and Mr. A. M. Mahmud Hossain, Head of Share Department, IFIC Bank Limited,
Surma Tower (13th Floor), 13, Comrade Moni Singha Road –are the two branches that fulfills
any queries related to share.

Treasury Department:
The Treasury Division of IFIC Bank is engaged with Cash Management, Liquidity Planning and
Liquidity Protection. It is also conscious to protect all the bank’s Assets and Profits against loss
due to domestic as well as global financial realities, particularly Interest and Exchange Rate
fluctuations. Major Functions of Treasury are -

 Fund Management
 Management of Statutory Requirement
 Investment
 Trading of F Ex. & Money Market Instruments
 Asset Liability Management
 Risk Management

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Department: IFIC Bank’s IT

Division has been evolving and upgrading with the rapid changes and challenges of the banking
technology around the world to deliver the customers utmost facilities of modern banking. IT
Division is venturing with the state of the art technology to make banking transaction super-fast
and handy, so that the customers can avail all the facilities within the grip of their hands,
ensuring security and reliability at the same time. To fulfill this, IT Division is working
Human Resource Management (HRM) Department: IFIC Bank considers “Human
Resource” as the most important factors that can add distinguishable value for survival in this
competitive world. Therefore the Bank always puts high magnitude on development of human
resource to add advantageous edge to drive the organization towards its goal. HRM Division
takes leadership in fostering a positive work environment that places high value on professional
relationships based on fair, competitive and merit based quality. The Bank recognizes individual
contributions and does the best to turn into resources.

Law and Legal Affairs Department: in the year of 2018, Law and Legal Affairs
Division discharged its assigned responsibility towards branches of the bank and Head Office
effectively. At end of the year 2018, there were 147 branches of the bank and accordingly
business of the bank had been increased significantly. Similarly, litigation relating to recovery of
Bank dues and resolving various legal issues of the Branches and Head Office of the Bank had
been increased considerably.
Citi Bank N.A

Corporate Affairs Department:

The main task of the department is to maintain liaison with different organizations, especially
with those who work in close proximity with Citibank, Bangladesh. This department is very
crucial for the bank as it establishes relationship with other organizations in the corporate world.
It also maintains relation with internal and external customer. Sometime there might be crisis
situation that could be unheard of, that time this department takes active role to protect reputation
and brand value of the Citigroup. Moreover, this department arranges various seminars and
workshops and also takes the initiative in undertaking various training programs to enhance the
knowledge of the employees regarding Citibank, its customers and suppliers. The Head of this
Department is Ms. Mehreen Mahiuddin titled as Corporate Affairs Manager.

Global Transaction Services (GTS) Department:

This department is responsible for Citibank’s global products and their sales in the Bangladeshi
market. Its construct is as follows,

i. Cash Management services

ii. Citi Direct Online Banking
iii. Trade
iv. Agency and Trust

The trade services offered by the bank has an advantage of large global correspondence network,
but its restriction of US trade laws limit its market by every new US trade sanction issued by the
US Government which is in most cases not in line with Bangladeshi trade scenario. But the other
three services are really unique features of Citibank, N.A. Bangladesh.

Financial Institutions Department:

The Financial Institutions (FI) department caters to the needs of various banks and nonbank
financial institutions. The target market of this department also includes NGOs, Not-for-profit
organizations and diplomatic missions. The core product is the correspondent banking services.
It also offers various electronic banking services enabling FI clients to perform large domestic
and international transactions with proper efficiency and security.
Compliance Department: Another unique feature of this bank is its compliance department
because it has to follow the following job every day, Abide by all applicable US laws in terms of
trade services, banking relationship and money laundering. Abide by all Bangladesh bank rules
because law of the land of operation is surpassing. Compliance department strives to comply
with all these applicable regulatory “must dos” through its vigilance because any violation of any
of the governing may result in banking license cancellation.

Operations Department: support departments are not front end operation of the bank but
they provide the real backbone of offering the unique service that the bank claims to be its
signature trait. Within the support team most important is the operations department of the bank
where the total service level promised to customers are determined.

Treasury Sales and Trading Department: Citibank, N.A. Sales and trading desk offers
treasury products to the customers. These include:

 Foreign Exchange Rate

 Ready and spot rate
 Forward rates
 Currency swaps
 Money Market and Fixed Income Rate
 Overnight deposits
 Term deposits
 Discounted securities
 Repo/Reverse repo
 Purchase/sale of Government Treasury Bills and bonds
Rupali Bank
Rupali Bank Limited Has some major divisions comprising of various Departments, The major
divisions are as follows:

Investment Department: This division has the authority to determine the party or the
client who will get the credit facility from the bank. The credit clients are selected according to
the criteria of credit policy.

Financial Administration Department: This division can handle the credit proposal,
disbursement, monitoring and credit recovery position that is given by all branches.

Audit and Inspection Department: This division can control all the financial position,
activities of overall organization. They provide the total budgetary limitation to every department
for the respective year.

Marketing and Public Relation Department: This division mainly works for
improving the marketing network, implementing the marketing strategies and the concept of
Trade Marketing.

Common Service Department: This division can handle all the genera activities except
the credit and financial sector. All the administration activities are designed and implemented by
this division.

Human Resource Department (HRD): This division deals with the employees as the
core resources of the organization.

Computer (IT) Department: This division can handle the IT activities. Each branch has
their own IT division and all branch-wise activities are reported to the head office IT division.
Trust Bank
General banking Department: General Banking Is the Stage point of all Banking
operation. This department assists in taking deposit and provides some client service. Every
day it receives Deposit from the customers, provide their needs Services as demand.
Under general banking Section in Millennium Branch, there are several divisions:

Cash department: activities of this department are- Payment through Cash, Payment through
Transfer, Payment through Clearing House, Opening of Cash, Maintenance of Receipt and
Payment Registers while receiving & paying different amount of cash,

Remittance Department: Remittance (local) plays a significant role just in case of Banks
client Service Section. Roles & Responsibilities of remittance section is aware of no certain. The
activities of remittance Departments are:

• Issue and payment of Pay Order, FDR, Pay Slip, Demand Draft, SDR etc.

• Execution of Inward and Outward Telegraphic Transfer

• Non consumer services like T.T. and Pay Order

• Follow up with customers

• Internal and native assortment of cheque and bills

Financial Control & Accounts Department (FCAD): Financial control and accounts
department (FCAD) is deal with all sort of administrative works of a branch.

 paying every bill,

 reducing the expenditure of the branch,
 Cutting cost,
 arranging programs,
 solving problems,
 buying stationery,
 arranging transportation for the employees,
 sanctioning leaves and holidays,
 Collecting voucher from the employees and checking it and
 all sort of HR related works are done by Financial control and accounts
department in Gulshan corporate branch.
Clearing Department: activities of this department are:
 Payment via Transfer
 Objections to unpaid cheques

Foreign exchange Department: Foreign Exchange Departments conduct with

Import, Export, Foreign Remittance and Significant Funding. This Department is performing
and Enhancing export earnings.

 Export & Import

 Foreign Currency Endorsement
 Wage Earners Development Bonds
 Foreign Currency A/C.

Credit department : One of the core function of commercial Banks is to create and
disburse of loan able funds commercial & industrial activities bank distributes its fund
among various sectors to derive sufficient Income. The credit department provides 3 (three)
category loans:

 Corporate Loan
 Retail Banking Unit
 SME (Small Medium Enterprise)

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