Geocomposites For Pavement Edge Drains and Other High-Flow Applications
Geocomposites For Pavement Edge Drains and Other High-Flow Applications
Geocomposites For Pavement Edge Drains and Other High-Flow Applications
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
D7001 − 06 (2011)
4. Classification TABLE 2 Geotextile Properties
Minimum Value Minimum Value
4.1 General—This specification covers geocomposite drain- Property Test Method Class A Class B
age products or structures intended for high flow volume Geocomposite Geocomposite
subsurface drainage applications. Two distinctly different prod- Grab Strength Test Method D4632 700 N 500 N
uct designs are included in this specification, a Class A product Elongation Test Method D4632 >50 % >50 %
Seam Strength Test Method D4632 630 N 450 N
composed of a cuspated or sheet and post core wrapped with a Puncture Strength Test Method D4833 250 N 180 N
geotextile serving as the outer boundary and a drainage fabric, Trapezoidal Tear Test Method D4533 250 N 180 N
and a Class B product composed of a series of small round pipe Permittivity Test Methods D4491 0.5 s-1 0.5 s-1
AOS Test Method D4751 0.25 mm 0.25 mm
connected together or a flat pipe design consisting of a full (max. avg. roll (max. avg. roll
circumference core with the geotextile acting only as a value) value)
drainage fabric. Ultraviolet Test Method D4355 50 % retained 50 % retained
Degradation Breaking Strength at 500 h at 500 h
4.1.1 Fittings covered by this application are normally
molded. Fittings may be fabricated from sections of the NOTE 1—These properties are for the geotextile for the finished product
drainage core by thermal welding. as applied to the core, including the effects of any resin bonding or
4.1.2 Fittings intended to outlet these products often transi- calendaring done to the material. If circular knit geotextile is used, it shall
tion into pipe systems. These transition fittings are included, meet the requirements of Specification D6707. Geotextile properties for
Class A cores are listed as Class 2 in AASHTO M288; and for Class B
but the pipe is not. cores are Class 3 as in AASHTO M288.
5. Ordering Information
5.1 When ordering material in accordance with this
specification, the following should be specified: 6.2 Manufacture and Assembly—The geocomposite shall be
5.1.1 The product size (150 mm, 300 mm, 450 mm, or 600 assembled from the permitted core structures and the geotex-
mm) (6 in., 12 in., 18 in., or 24 in.). tile.
5.1.2 The geocomposite class (Table 2 and Table 3). 6.2.1 Core—The core structure shall be manufactured by
5.1.3 The geotextile component class (Table 2). continuous extrusion and forming and cut to size.
5.1.4 Fittings required. Fittings may be required to couple
6.2.2 Fittings—The core fittings shall be blow molded,
sections together and to provide outlets, typically transitioning
injection molded, rotational molded, thermoformed, or fabri-
to round pipe.
cated by extrusion or hot plate welding.
6. Materials and Manufacture 6.2.3 Geotextile—The geotextile may be knitted, needle-
punched non-woven, or spun-bonded non-woven.
6.1 Basic Materials—These products are composites of two 6.2.4 Assembly—The geotextile must be attached to the
or more materials, typically a drainage core and a geotextile Class A core by heat bonding or gluing; or, for Class B cores,
filter. may be formed into a sleeve and placed around the core. The
6.1.1 Core Materials—Compounds used in the manufacture geotextile sleeve may be seamed by sewing, gluing, or thermal
of the drainage core and fittings shall be polyethylene with a bonding, or may be a tubular knit.
minimum cell classification of 424420C as defined and de-
scribed in Specification D3350. Compounds that have a higher
7. Physical Properties
cell classification in one or more properties are acceptable,
except for density, which must be cell Class 4, provided the 7.1 The geocomposite materials covered by this specifica-
product requirements are met. tion shall have a nominal thickness of 25 mm (1 in.) and a
6.1.2 Reworked Materials—Clean rework material, gener- nominal width of 150 mm, 300 mm, 450 mm, and 600 mm (6
ated from the manufacturer’s own production, may be used by in., 12 in., 18 in., and 24 in.) wide. Product length shall be as
the manufacturer provided that the core and fittings produced agreed to by the customer and the manufacturer.
meet all requirements of this specification. 7.2 The geocomposite products covered by this standard are
6.1.3 Geotextile Materials—Fibers used in the manufacture available in two distinctly different forms, an open core with a
of geotextiles shall consist of long-chain synthetic polymers geotextile wrap that acts as part of the structure as well as a
composed of at least 95 percent by weight of polyolefins or filter, listed as Class A; and a fully enclosed core with a
polyesters. geotextile wrap that acts only as a filter, listed as Class B.
D7001 − 06 (2011)
TABLE 3 Geocomposite Properties
Property Test Method Minimum Value Class A Minimum Value Class B
Transmissivity (per 300 mm (12 in.) of width) Test Method D4716 $ 0.001 m3/s ($ 0.035 CFS) $ 0.001 m3/s ($ 0.035 CFS)
Vertical Compression Test Method D6244 # 5 % loss of cross sectional area # 5 % loss of cross sectional area
at 4450 N (1000 lbf) at 4450 N (1000 lbf)
Flow Capacity (Vertical position) University of Kentucky >0.001 m3/s (0.03 ft3/s) >0.002 m3/s (0.067 ft3/s)
(per 300 mm (12 in.) of width) In-Plane Flow Test
9. Test Requirements 10.3.2 Class B cores shall have a minimum perforation open
9.1 Compression strength tests per Test Method D6364 shall area of 3250 mm2 per 0.093 m2 (5 in.2/ft 2) of surface area, or
be conducted on full width samples a minimum of 300 mm (12 3.4 % of the surface area.
in.) long. 10.4 Fittings—The inside open area of the couplings and
9.2 Grab Strength, Tensile Strength and Seam Strength of fittings used shall be greater than that of the core. Couplings
the geotextile shall be determined using the test methods shall not damage the core structure.
contained in ASTM D4632. This method is not appropriate for 11. Workmanship, Finish, and Appearance
knitted fabric. Circular knit geotextile shall meet the require-
ments of Specification D6707. 11.1 The geocomposite material shall consist of a drainage
core and appropriate geotextile covering. The drainage core
9.3 Puncture resistance of the geotextile shall be determined shall be uniform in shape and color, square cut at the ends, and
using Test Method D4833. cleanly perforated. The geotextile wrap or sleeve shall fit
9.4 Trapezoidal tear resistance of the geotextile shall be snugly without sagging into the void areas of the core. The
determined using Test Method D4533. geotextile shall be free of punctures, tears, or separated seams.
9.5 Permittivity of the geotextile shall be determined using
12. Sampling
Test Methods D4491.
12.1 Product may be sampled at the production plant or at
9.6 Ultraviolet degradation resistance of the geotextile shall
the jobsite. Sampling shall be in accordance with Practice
be determined using Test Method D4355.
9.7 Transmissivity of the geocomposite shall be determined
using Test Method D4716. Samples tested shall be full width 13. Number of Tests and Retests
and a minimum of 300 mm (12 in.) long. 13.1 Flow capacity and transmissivity tests are product
9.8 Vertical compression strength shall be determined using qualification tests and need only be done at a frequency
Test Method D6244. agreeable to the manufacturer and the purchaser.
9.9 Flow capacity tests shall be conducted on the size and 13.2 Compression testing (Test Method D6364) and mea-
design to be supplied by placing the geocomposite in vertical, surements of thickness, perforations, width, and length shall be
as installed, position with soil pressure of 15 N/cm2 (22 psi) done on every lot.
applied to soil surface above a 2.4 m (8 ft) length and
measuring the flow capacity of the product when flowing full 14. Product Marking
at the inlet. (University of Kentucky Test). 14.1 The product core shall be clearly marked at intervals of
not more than 6 m, and fittings and couplings shall be clearly
10. Dimensions and Permissible Variations marked, as follows:
10.1 Nominal Size—Nominal size for the assembled geo- 14.1.1 Manufacturer’s name or trademark,
composite shall be a minimum of 25 mm (1 in.) thick and 150 14.1.2 Nominal size or height,
mm (6 in.), 300 mm (12 in.), 450 mm (18 in.), or 600 mm (24 14.1.3 Specification designation ASTM X XXXX,
in.) wide. The tolerance on the specified thickness and width 14.1.4 Plant designation code, and
shall be no more than -5 % of the specified value. Measure- 14.1.5 The date of manufacture or an appropriate code.
ments shall be made in accordance with Test Method D2122.
NOTE 1—Tolerance on width is necessary because some core designs 15. Quality Assurance
must be cut to size at specific points in their structural support pattern. 15.1 When the product or product packing is marked with
10.2 Length—These products are extruded and can be sup- the ASTM designation X XXXX, the manufacturer affirms that
plied in any length agreeable to the user. Length shall not be the product was manufactured, inspected, sampled, and tested
less than 99 % of the stated value. in accordance with this specification and has been found to
10.3 Perforations—The drainage cores shall be perforated meet the requirements of this specification.
to permit flow into the geocomposite from both sides of the 15.2 Upon request of the user, the manufacturer shall
structure. provide certification that the product was produced and tested
10.3.1 Class A cores shall have a minimum perforation open in accordance with this specification. Certification shall be
area of 10 % on the least open side. furnished at the time of shipment.
D7001 − 06 (2011)
16. Keywords
16.1 edgedrain; geocomposite; geosynthetic; geotextile;
pavement edgedrain; polyethylene; underdrain
(Nonmandatory Information)
X1.1 Scope X1.3.2 The geotextile covering the core shall be intact.
X1.1.1 This method covers a procedure for determining the There shall not be any tears or punctures, and if the textile is
flow capacity of edge panel drains while under vertical normally glued to the core for a particular design, it shall
compression, and while encapsulated in a sand backfill. The remain glued for this test.
test measures the flow capacity of the edge drain panel while
placed on a 3 % grade and under a 22 psi vertical load. X1.4 Procedure
X1.1.2 Application—This method shall apply to all panel or X1.4.1 The 12 in. tall edge drain sample shall be cut to
fin-type pavement edge drains. This may include but not be approximately 8 ft 3 in.; this will allow approximately 1.5 in.
limited to all cuspated types, those types with posts, types that of material to be caulked into place at each end of the chamber.
are similar to deformed pipe, and any other design.
X1.4.2 The sample shall be placed firmly against wall of the
X1.2 Apparatus chamber and caulked into place, at both ends, to ensure that no
X1.2.1 Flow/Compression Box—The flow/compression box leakage occurs at the inlet or outlet end of the chamber. Allow
must be capable of holding the specimen and sand backfill, and the caulk to cure for at least 24 h before proceeding to the next
it must be capable of supporting a minimum vertical load of 22 step.
psi. The box shall be constructed of clear acrylic sheets,
X1.4.3 Backfill the around the panel drain with the sand.
one-half inch in thickness. The design of the box shall conform
Sand shall be placed approximately 4 inches above the panel
to Figs. X1.1-X1.4.
and densified by flooding the sand with water.
X1.2.2 Sand—A sufficient amount of sand to fill the com-
pression box. Natural sand is recommended. The sand shall X1.4.4 Place the loading plate (Fig. X1.1) onto the sand
have a gradation conforming to the following: surface, and then place the loading jacks onto the loading plate.
Sieve Size Percent Passing X1.4.5 Begin loading the sand backfill and core at a rate of
3⁄8 in. 100
No. 4 90–100 5 psi per minute until the maximum load of 22 psi is reached.
No. 16 45–80
No. 50 5–25 X1.4.6 Fill the inlet reservoir of the chamber until a
No. 100 0–8 one-inch head is reached. The load and the water level shall be
X1.2.3 Load Jacks—The load shall be applied by hydraulic held constant throughout the test.
screw jacks.
X1.4.7 Move the large container listed in X1.2.5 under the
X1.2.4 Load Cells—The load shall be measured by means outlet end of the panel drain and collect the water discharge for
of a series of electronic or hydraulic load cells capable of a period of one minute. Measure the discharge from the outlet
measuring to the nearest 0.25 pounds. end to the nearest 0.1 gallon. Record the rate of flow in
X1.2.5 Large Container for Collecting Water—Water out- gallons/minute.
flow from the sample shall be collected in a container with a
minimum volume of 20 gallons. X1.4.8 Repeat step X1.4.7 ten times, recording the flow rate
each time.
X1.2.6 Stop Watch—A stop watch capable of reading to the
nearest 0.5 s shall be used. X1.5 Report
X1.3 Sample X1.5.1 Report the average flow rate under the conditions of
X1.3.1 The edge drain sample shall be approximately 12 in. the test in gallons per minute. Report the standard deviation of
in height and 8 ft in length. the ten trials.
D7001 − 06 (2011)
D7001 − 06 (2011)
D7001 − 06 (2011)
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