Solved SSC CGL 2014 Tier 1 26 Oct Shift 4 Paper With Solutions

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SSC CGL 2014 Tier 1 26 Oct shift 4

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In each of the following questions, select the related word/letters/number from the given alternatives.

Question 1






Answer: C

Expression = BFJN : KOSW

The pattern followed is :

Similarly, for DHLP :

=> Ans - (C)

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Question 2






Answer: B

Expression = BPTF: ESWI

The pattern followed is :

Similarly, for GDRY :

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=> Ans - (B)

Question 3

60 : 24 :: 480 : ?

A 192

B 72

C 152

D 180

Answer: A

Expression = 60 : 24 :: 480 : ?
60 480
=> 24 = x
=> x = 480 × 60

=> x = 8 × 24 = 192
=> Ans - (A)

Question 4

125 : 216 :: 1331: ?

A 7128

B 1225

C 1728

D 169

Answer: C

Expression = 125 : 216 :: 1331: ?

The pattern followed is = n3 : (n + 1)3

Eg = 53 : (5 + 1)3 = 125 : 216
Similarly, 113 = 1331
=> (11 + 1)3 = (12)3 = 1728
=> Ans - (C)

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Question 5

Marathon : Race : : Hibernation : ?

A Sleep

B Winter

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C Bcar

D Dream

Answer: A

A marathon is a long distance running race, similarly hibernation is an extended period of sleep.

=> Ans - (A)

Question 6

Elated : Despondent :: Enlightened :

A Miserable

B Aware

C Tolerant

D Ignorant

Answer: D

Elated (making happy) and Despondent (hopeless) are antonyms, similarly opposite of enlightened is ignorant.

=> Ans - (D)


In each of the following questions, select the one which is different from other three alternatives.

Question 7

A 729 - 27

B 361 - 19

C 476 - 32

D 676 - 26

Answer: C

(A) : 729 = 272
(B) : 361 = 192
(C) : 476 
= 322
(D) : 676 = 262
=> Ans - (C)

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Question 8




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Answer: A

(A) : B (+2 letters) = D ( +1 letter) = E (+2 letters) = G

(B) : A (+2 letters) = C (+2 letters) = E (+3 letters) = H

(C) : M (+2 letters) = O (+2 letters) = Q (+3 letters) = T

(D) : S (+2 letters) = U (+2 letters) = W (+3 letters) = Z

=> Ans - (A)

Question 9

A Earthquake

B Cyclone

C Famine

D Flood

Answer: C

Earthquake, cyclone and flood are natural disasters, hence famine is the odd one out.

=> Ans - (C)

Question 10

A Revoke

B Nullify

C Expunge

D Enforce

Answer: D

Revoke, nullify and expunge are synonyms which means to remove completely, hence enforce is the odd one.

=> Ans - (D)

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Question 11

A 343

B 2401

C 149

D 49

Answer: C

Apart from 149, all the numbers are multiples of 7, hence it is the odd one out.

=> Ans - (C)

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For the following questions answer them individually

Question 12

Arrange the following words as per order in the English dictionary :

1. rationalism
2. rationale
3. rationalization
4. rationalize
5. rationality

A 2,1,5,3,4

B 2, 3, 5, 1, 4

C 1,3,5,4,2

D 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Answer: A

As per order in the English dictionary :

= rationale -> rationalism -> rationality -> rationalization -> rationalize

≡ 2,1,5,3,4
=> Ans - (A)

Question 13

Find the missing term

3, 5, 9, 17, ?

A 32

B 33

C 34

D 35

Answer: B

here the given pattern is 3, 5, 9, 17, ?

let the missing term be y

we can see that

5 - 3 = 2^1

9 -5 = 4 = 2^2

17 - 9 = 8 = 2^3

as we can see that every time the difference between consecutive terms is getting increased by power of 2

and hence , y - 17 = 2^4 = 16

y = 33

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Question 14

In the following series, how many FNU occur in such a way that ‘N’ is in the middle and ‘F’ and ‘U’ are adjacent to it on both sides ?

A 6

B 2

C 3

D 4

Answer: D

We need to find FNU


Thus, there are 4 such combinations.

=> Ans - (D)

Question 15

Which one of the given responses would be a meaningful order of the following ?
1. Large intestine
2. Rectum
3. Small intestine
4. Mouth
5. Stomach
6. Oesophagus

A 5,4,2,3,6,1

B 6,4,2,1,3,5

C 4,6,3,2,5,1

D 4,6,5,3,1,2

Answer: D

The order of organs in a human body from top to bottom is :

= Mouth -> Oesophagus -> Stomach -> Small intestine -> Large intestine -> Rectum

≡ 4,6,5,3,1,2
=> Ans - (D)


In each of the following questions, a series is given, with one term missing. Choose the correct alternative from the given ones that will
complete the series.

Question 16

3, 11, 38, 102, 227,?

A 245

B 487

C 474

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D 443

Answer: D

here the given series is 3, 11, 38, 102, 227,?

let the missing term be y

we can see that

11 - 3 = 8 = 2^3

38 - 11 = 27 = 3^3

102 - 38 = 64 = 4^3

227 - 102 = 125 = 5^3

hence y - 227 = 6^3 = 216

y = 216 + 227 = 443

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Question 17

3,15, 8, 24, 15, 35, ? , 48, 35

A 24

B 46

C 26

D 25

Answer: A

the given pattern is 3,15, 8, 24, 15, 35, ? , 48, 35

let the missing term be y

here we can see that 2 series are running

1st series : 3 , 8 , 15 , y , 35

2nd series : 15, 24 , 35 , 48

as the missing term is a part of 1st pattern then


15 - 8 = 7

as the difference is increasing by 2 every time and hence

y - 15 = 9

y = 24

Question 18





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Answer: B

here the given pattern is AER, DIT, GMV, ?

here we can see that first alphabet of every element is 3rd ahead from the previous first alphabet starting from A. Hence the first
alphabet of missing term is J

now 2nd alphabet of every element is 4th ahead from the previous 2nd alphabet starting from E, Hence the 2nd alphabet of missing
term is Q

now 3rd alphabet of every element is 2nd ahead from the previous 3rd alphabet starting from R, Hence the 3rd alphabet of missing
term is X

hence the missing term is JQX

For the following questions answer them individually

Question 19

From the given alternative words, select the word which can be formed using the letters of the given word. KNOWLEDGE





Answer: A

From the given alternatives ,the only word which can completely be formed using the letters of the given word KNOWLEDGE is WEDGE.
option A.

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Question 20

From the given alternative words, select the word which cannot be formed using the letters of the given word. NEIGHBOURHOOD





Answer: C

From the given alternative words, the only word which cannot be formed using the letters of the given word NEIGHBOURHOOD is
BRAND, as there is no 'A' in NEIGHBOURHOOD . option C.

Question 21

The ratio of the present ages of Sunita and Vinita is 4 : 5. Six years hence, the ratio of their ages will be 14 : 17. What will be the ratio
of their ages 12 years hence ?

A 17:19

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B 15 : 19

C 13 :15

D 16 : 19

Answer: D

Let the present ages be 4x,5x

Given that, (4x+6)/(5x+6) = 14/17

Solving this equation,we get x= 9

We need to find (4x+12)/(5x+12)

By substituting x=9,we find that this value is 16/19

Question 22

Arun is heavier than Govind. Manoj is lighter than John. Pravin is heavier than John but lighter than Govind. Who is the heaviest ?

A Govind

B John

C Arun

D Pravin

Answer: C

Given G<A




From the given relations,we can say that M<J<P<G<A

Hence Arun is the heaviest

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Question 23

Rama is Sallu’s brother; Heera is Sallu’s sister’s only son. .Heera. married Rama’s daughter. What is the relation between Rama and
Neha, who is Heera’s daughter?

A Grand mother - grand daughter

B Uncle - niece

C Father - daughter

D Grand father - grand daughter

Answer: D

Rama is Sallu’s brother;

Heera is Sallu’s sister’s only son.

Hence,Rama is Heera's uncle.

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Heera's daughter is Neha.

hence Rama is Neha's grandfather

Question 24

If in a certain code ‘DICKINSON’ is written as ‘357950210’ and ‘DIPP’ is written as ‘3566’, then how can ‘PICNIC’ be written in the
same code ?

A 650757

B 657057

C 657507

D 560757

Answer: B

The codes of the each alphabet will remain same.

Eg = C = 7 , I = 5 , P = 6 , N = 0

Thus, PICNIC = 657057

=> Ans - (B)

Question 25

Given below are capital letters in the first line and symbols in the second line. Symbols and letters are code for each other. Choose
the correct code for the word : PRINT

A [#)[|

B ] ≠ ( ) ||

C ] ≠ ( [ ||

D ] || ( [ ||

Answer: C

According to the question,

P -> ]
R -> ≠
I -> (
N -> [
T -> ||

Thus, PRINT = ] ≠ ( [ ||

=> Ans - (C)

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Question 26

Which of the following interchange of signs would make the equation correct ?
49 - 7 + 7 = 14

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A ÷ and +

B + and -

C - and ÷

D None of the above.

Answer: C

option A: 49 - 7 ÷ 7 = 14, false
option B: 49 - 7- 7 = 14,false
option C: 49 ÷ 7 + 7 = 14,true
the correct answer is option C.

Question 27

Some letters are given with numbers from 1 to 8. Select the sequence of numbers which arranges the letters into a meaningful word.

A 1,8,3,5,2,4,6,7

B 4,2,1,6,5,8,3,7

C 2,4,3,7,1,6,5,8

D 6,3,2,1,8,5,4,7

Answer: C

Option A : ldwadoon
Option B: odloadwn
Option C: download
Option D: owdldaon
only option C makes sense.

Question 28

If in a certain code, ‘RESPONSES’ is written as ‘ESRONPESS’, then how can ‘SIGNATURE’ be written in the same code ?





Answer: D

If in a certain code, ‘RESPONSES’ is written as ‘ESRONPESS’, then in that code any general group of letters/ numbers 123456789 will be
coded as "231564897". similarly 'SIGNATURE' will be coded as 'IGSATNREU'.
option D.

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Question 29

Some equations are solved on the basis of a certain system. Find the correct answer for the unsolved equation on that basis.
2*3 = 17; 3*4 = 145; 5*2 = ?

A 85

B 75

C 57

D 25

Answer: C

The pattern followed is that a ∗ b = a b + ba
Eg = 2*3 = 23 + 32 = 8 + 9 = 17
and 3*4 = 34 + 43 = 81 + 64 = 145
Similarly, 5*2 = 52 + 25 = 25 + 32 = 57
=> Ans - (C)

Question 30

Select the correct combination of mathematical signs to replace * signs and to balance the following equation :
(8 * 5 * 6) * 10 * 24

A -+÷=

B ××÷=

C +-=×

D ×-÷=

Answer: B

option A: 8-5 +6 ÷10 =24, not true
option B: 8×5 ×6 ÷10 =24 , true
therefore the correct answer is option B.

Question 31

If ‘>’ stands for ‘division’, v stands for ‘multiplication’, ‘-‘ stands for ‘greater than’, ‘×’ stands for ‘less than’, ‘<‘ stands for ‘addition’, ‘A’
stands for ‘subtraction’, ‘+’ stands for ‘equal to’, then which of the following equations is correct ?

A 9 v 3- 1 + 6 > 8 ∧ 9

B 5 v 4 < 2 + 10 v 2 < 2

C 8v6-3+4>7∧6

D 8v4-2+5>7∧6

Answer: B


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If ‘>’ stands for ‘division’, v stands for ‘multiplication’, ‘-‘ stands for ‘greater than’, ‘×’ stands for ‘less than’, ‘<‘ stands for ‘addition’, ‘A’
stands for ‘subtraction’, ‘+’ stands for ‘equal to’, then
option B: 5 v 4 < 2 + 10 v 2 < 2 will be translated as 5 ×4+2=10×2+2 which is true.
therefore the correct answer is option B.

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In each of the following questions, select the missing number from the given responses.

Question 32

A 18

B 16

C 49

D 15

Answer: C


let the missing term be y

here as we can see in column 1 and column 3 , terms of column 3 are sqaures of terms in column 1

and similarly terms in column 4 are squares of terms in column 2

and hence

y = 72 = 49

Question 33

A 3

B 6

C 5

D 4

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Answer: B


let the missing term be y

here in column 1st and 2nd we can see that

product of 1st two terms = product of last two terms

25 x 12 = 5 x 60 (in 1st column)

18 x 17 = 2 x 153 (in 2nd column)

so this pattern will follow for 3rd column also

and hence , 36 x 16 = y x 96


Question 34

900, 899, 891, 864, 800, ?

A 695

B 685

C 675

D 765

Answer: C

Let the missing number be x

900-899 = (1)^2

899-891 = 8 = (2)^3

891-864 = 27 = (3)^3

864-800 = 64 = (4)^3

as we can see the pattern between differences of consecutive numbers is of type (n)^3

so x-800 = (5)^3,this implies that x= 675

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For the following questions answer them individually

Question 35

A man starts walking towards east. After walking 75 metres, he turns to his left and walks 25 metres straight. Again he turns to the
left, walks a distance of 40 metres straight, again turns to the left and walks a distance of 25 metres. How far is he from the starting
point ?

A 115m

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B 35 m

C 50 m

D 140 m

Answer: B

the position of the man can be traced as:
1. 75 meter EAST
2. 40 meter NORTH , 75 meter EAST.
3. 35 meter EAST.
stop. the man is 35 meters EAST of his initial position.option B.

Question 36

One statement is given followed by two assumptions, I and II. You have to consider the statement to be true, even if it seems to be at
variance from commonly known facts. You are to decide which of the given assumptions can definitely be drawn from the given
statement. Indicate your answer.

Statement :
Some people are uneducated and therefore, superstitious.
Assumptions :
I. Education increases rational thinking.
II. Some people do not go to schools.

A Neither assumption I nor II is implicit

B Only assumption I is implicit

C Only assumption II is implicit

D Both assumptions I and II are implicit

Answer: D

Statement :
Some people are uneducated and therefore, superstitious.
Assumptions :
I. Education increases rational thinking, implicit as statement implies that superstition arises out of being uneducated.
II. Some people do not go to schools, implicit as statement implies that some which are uneducated don't attend school for formal
option D.

Question 37

From his house, Ram went 15 km to the north. Then he turned to his left and covered 10 km. Then he again turned to his left and
covered 5 km. Finally turning to the east, he covered 10 km. In which direction is he from his house ?

A South

B East

C West

D North

Answer: D

location of Ram can be traced as:

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1. 15 km NORTH
2. 15 km NORTH, 10 km WEST
3. 10 km NORTH, 10 km WEST
4. 10 km NORTH
stop. his final position is 10 km north of his starting point. option D.

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Question 38

What inference can you draw from the following two statements ?
• Hybrid plants are resistant to fungus.
• Fungal infection reduces the life of plants.

A All plants are hybrid plants.

B For a long life-span grow hybrid plants.

C Fungus attacks hybrid plants.

D Yield is more in hybrid plants.

Answer: C

The statement clearly states that Hybrid plants are resistant to fungus. Also, the life of plants is reduced by fungal infection. Thus, it
can be inferred that fungus attacks hybrid plants.

=> Ans - (C)

Question 39

Choose the cube which will be formed on folding the given question Figure.

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Answer: B

Interpreting the cube from question figure,option B is correct view

Question 40

How many triangles are there in the given figure ?

A 19 or more

B 10

C 16

D 18

Answer: A


1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

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Hence there are 19 triangles

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Question 41

Among the four answer figures, which one can be formed from the cut out pieces given below in the question figure ?

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Answer: D


Rearranging A, B, C, D

Question 42

In the given figure, which letter represents Psychiatrists who are Clinical Psychologists, but not Psychiatric Social Workers ?





Answer: C

We need to find Psychiatrists who are Clinical Psychologists, but not Psychiatric Social Workers

Hence we need to find a part of triangle which is a part of circle but not a part of the square.G represents that part.


In each of the following questions, identify the diagram that best represents the relationship among the classes given.

Question 43

Friend, Guide, Philosopher

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Answer: D

Some friends can be guides and some are not.This is applicable to any 2 terms given.this is best represented by option D.

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Question 44

World, India, Rajasthan

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Answer: B

World is the super set of India.India is super set of Rajasthan.Opion B best represents this relationship.


In each of the following questions, which answer figure will complete the pattern in the question figure ?

Question 45

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Answer: C

It can be seen that option C completes the pattern figure.

Question 46

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Answer: D

It can be seen that option D completes the pattern.

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For the following questions answer them individually

Question 47

From the given answer figures, select the one in which the question figure is hidden/embedded.

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Answer: D

It can be seen that the figure in option D contains the question figure.

Question 48

A piece of paper is folded and cut as shown below in the question figures. ‘From the given answer figures, indicate how it will appear
when opened.

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Answer: C

There will be 8 circular holes as represented in option C

Question 49

If a mirror is placed on the bottom of the figure, then which of the answer figures is the right image of the question figure ?

Answer: A

The 180 degree rotation of figure gives us option A which is the mirror image of the given figure.

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Question 50

A word is represented by only one set of numbers as given in any one of the alternatives. The sets of numbers given in the
alternatives are represented by two classes of alphabets as in two matrices given below. The columns and rows of Matrix I are
numbered from 0 to 4 and that of Matrix II are numbered from 5 to 9. A letter from these matrices can be represented first by its row
and next by its column, e.g., ‘A’ can be represented by 34. 86, 97, etc., and T can be represented by 31, 76, 96, etc. Similarly, you have
to identify the number set for the word, given below :

A 79, 78, 77, 14, 20

B 40, 57, 77, 69, 79

C 21, 78, 87, 99, 88

D 12, 30, 32, 69, 85

Answer: D

N can be represented by 12

O can be represented by 30

I can be represented by 32

S can be represented by 69

E can be represented by 85

Hence,option D

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For the following questions answer them individually

Question 51

Interest paid to a bank for a crop loan is what kind of economic activity?

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A intermediate consumption

B a transfer payment

C a factor payment

D capital formation

Answer: C

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Question 52

Economic growth refers to

A continuous growth of agriculture sector

B prevention of concentration of wealth

C continuous growth of national income for at least two years

continuous growth of per capita real income over a period of time in an


Answer: D

Question 53

Which of the following statements is incorrect ?

A Economy faces the problem of excess of resources.

B The central problem of an economy is the problem of allocation of resources.

C Economy faces the problem of utilisation of resources.

D Economy faces the problem of growth of resources.

Answer: A

Question 54

In the case of direct taxes, the payment liability and the ultimate burden of the tax lies upon

A both on whom it has been imposed and on whom it is not imposed

B the person on whom it has been imposed

C the person on whom it has not been imposed

D the tax department who collects the taxes

Answer: B

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Question 55

Which economic system Is based on the principle of surplus value ?

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A Communism

B Capitalism

C Individualism

D Idealism

Answer: B

Question 56

Which democracy provides Representative Government ?

A Presidential form of Government

B Indirect Democracy

C Direct Democracy

D Democracy

Answer: B

Question 57

What is the main duty of the Legislature ?

A Central administration

B Enacting laws

C Implementing judicial matters

D Implementing laws

Answer: B

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Question 58

Chandragupta Maurya spent his last days at

A Kashi

B Pataliputra

C Ujjain

D Sravanabelgola

Answer: D

Question 59

If only a part of the labour force employed by a firm can be dismissed at any time and without pay, the total wages and salaries paid
by the firm must be considered

A neither a fixed cost nor a variable cost

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B a variable cost

C a fixed cost

D partly a fixed and partly a variable cost

Answer: B

Question 60

Members of the Union Public Service Commission are appointed by the

A Law Minister

B President

C Prime Minister

D Chief Justice

Answer: B

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Question 61

Who said, “A state is known by the rights that it maintains” ?

A Machiavelli

B Laski

C Maclver

D J.S. Mill

Answer: B

Question 62

A member of Liliaceae that shows reticulate venation is

A Allium

B Scilla

C Smilax

D Aloe

Answer: C

Question 63

Euphenics is

A Treatment of defective heredity through genetic engineering

B Manipulation of genes

C Improvement of race

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D Study of conditions affecting organisms

Answer: A

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Question 64

Araneology is

A Study of mites

B Rearing of bees

C Study of aphids

D Study of spiders

Answer: D

Question 65

What does “Corpus luteum” secrete ?

A Progesterone

B Testosterone

C Estrogen

D Haemoglobin

Answer: A

Question 66

The male sex hormone is

A Progesterone

B Estrogen

C Testosterone

D Insulin

Answer: C

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Question 67

Buddha died in the year

A 483 BC

B 438 BC

C 453 BC

D 468 BC

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Answer: A

Question 68

The new name of Burma is Myanmar and its capital is

A Naypyidaw

B Arakan

C Rangoon

D Ava

Answer: A

Question 69

The famous Jain centre in South India is located at

A Rameshwaram

B Canchi

C Madurai

D Sravanabelgola

Answer: D

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Question 70

The Asokan Inscriptions were engraved in which script ?

A Magadhi

B Brahmi

C Pali

D Devanagari script

Answer: B

Question 71

Which of the following lakes is called ‘Honeymoon Lake’ ?

A Nyasa

B Chad

C Titicaca

D Toba

Answer: C

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Question 72

Harmattan blows in Sahara desert from

A South to North

B East to West

C West to East

D North to South

Answer: B

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Question 73

The busiest ocean from the point of view of trade is

A Arctic Ocean

B Pacific Ocean

C Indian Ocean

D Atlantic Ocean

Answer: D

Question 74

The forest in Silent Valley of Kerala is an example of

A mangrove forest

B deciduous forest

C tropical rainforest

D alpine coniferous forest

Answer: C

Question 75

Annaimudi peak is located in the

A Sahyadri

B Eastern Ghats

C Nilgiri hills

D Palni hills

Answer: A

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Question 76

Commercially important cotton fibres are

A bark fibres of stems

B epidermal hairs of seeds

C woody fibres of roots

D phloem fibres of roots

Answer: B

Question 77

Herman Hollerith had perfected his tabulating system and developed a machine called

A Analytical Engine

B Census Tabulator

C Tabulation Engine

D None of the above

Answer: C

Question 78

DBMS used for building computer applications stands for

A Database Micro System

B Database Machine System

C Database Maintenance System

D Database Management System

Answer: D

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Question 79

The total energy of an electron inside an atom is

A Infinite

B Zero

C more than zero

D less than zero

Answer: D

Question 80

The velocity of light is

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A 3 × 108 m/sec

B 3 × 108 km/sec

C 3 × 108 miles/sec

D 3 × 108 cm/sec

Answer: A

Question 81

A seconds pendulum is a pendulum whose time period is

A 1 second

B 4 seconds

C 3 seconds

D 2 seconds

Answer: D


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Question 82

A jug is filled the brim with water at 0°C. A piece of ice floats in it. The moment the ice melts.

A water spills out of the jug

B water level increases

C water level decreases

D water level is unchanged

Answer: D

Question 83

The rusting of metal iron in air needs both

A Oxygen and grease

B Oxygen and moisture

C Carbon dioxide and moisture

D Water and paint

Answer: B

Question 84

Arsenic problem in India is primarily due to

A Overexploitation of surface water in the affected areas

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B Overexploitation of arsenopyrite in the hinterland

C Overexploitation of coal in Bihar and Bengal

D Overexploitation of ground water in the affected areas

Answer: D

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Question 85

Acid rain is caused by

A NO2 and 02

B CO and CO2

C SO2 and 02

D SO2 and NO2

Answer: D

Question 86

Iodine test is used to detect

A Cholesterol

B Carbohydrate

C Protein

D Fat

Answer: B

Question 87

Which of the following is used in pencils ?

A Charcoal

B Graphite

C Sulphur

D Phosphorus

Answer: B

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Question 88

The branch of medicine involving synthetic chemical compounds is

A Unani

B Ayurveda

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C Allopathy

D Homoeopathy

Answer: C

Question 89

Who is the author of the book “Romancing With Life” ?

A Shashi Tharoor

B Bill Clinton

C Kapil Dev

D Dev Anand

Answer: D

Question 90

Which Mughal Emperor prohibited the use of tobacco?

A Muhammad Shah

B Babur

C Jahangir

D Aurangzeb

Answer: C

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Question 91

A South Rajasthani tribe earning its living by song and dance is

A Mayas

B Moors

C Khasis

D Garasia

Answer: D

Question 92

Hydrogen was discovered by

A Cavendish

B Priestley

C Boyle

D Charles

Answer: A

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Question 93

The biggest delta in the world is the

A Nippon Delta

B Sicily Delta

C Ganges Delta

D Caspian Delta

Answer: C

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Question 94

Absorption of water from cut ends of stems disproves the

A Imbibitional pressure theory

B Theory of Capillarity

C Cohesion-tension

D Root pressure theory

Answer: C

Question 95

The loss of water in the form of water droplets is called

A Bleeding

B Transpiration

C Guttation

D Evaporation

Answer: C

Question 96

“Vatsalya Mela” is annually organised in

A Chandigarh

B Bangalore

C New Delhi

D Bhopal

Answer: C

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Question 97

Who is the Director General of the BBC ?

A Tony Hall

B Jimmy Savile

C George Entwistle

D Karan Thapur

Answer: A

Question 98

Who is Australia’s High Commissioner to India ?

A Simon Tirkey

B M.P. Samuel

C Peter Varghese

D Patrick Suckling

Answer: D

Question 99

Who was elected as the President of India Football Federation ?

A Praful Patel

B Hardev Jadeja

C Subrata Dutta

D Shrinivas V. Dempo

Answer: A

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Question 100

Who took over as the Chairman of Tata Sons ?

A Ratan Tata

B Shapoor Mistry

C Ravikant

D Cyrus Pallonji Mistry

Answer: D

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For the following questions answer them individually

Question 101
The area of the iron sheet required to prepare a cone 24 cm high with base radius 7 cm is (Take π= 7 )

A 408 cm2

B 708 cm2

C 804 cm2

D 704 cm2

Answer: D

Surface area of cone= 7 × r × (r + L)
where L=slant height
L= ((r)2 + (h)2 )
Here when r=7 and h=24,
L= ((7)2 + (24)2 ) = 625 = 25cm
Area, A= 7 × 7 × (7 + 25)
A= 704 (cm)2

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Question 102

The least prime number is

A 2

B 0

C 1

D 3

Answer: A

0 and 1 are not prime numbers

Between 2 and 3(both prime numbers), 2 is smaller

2 is the least prime number. (It is also the only even prime number).

Question 103

Find the least number which when divided by 12, 18, 36 and 45 leaves the remainder 8, 14, 32 and 41 respectively.

A 186

B 176

C 180

D 178

Answer: B

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Since, (12-8) = (18-14) = (36-32) = (45-41) = 4

we, need to find the L.C.M. of 12,18,36,45 and subtract 4 from it to get the required answer.

=> L.C.M. of 12, 18, 36 and 45 = 180

=> 180 - 4 = 176

Ans - (B)

Question 104

An empty pool being filled with water at a constant rate takes 8 hours to fill 3/5 th of its capacity. How much more time will it take to
finish filling the pool ?

A 4 hours 50 minutes

B 5 hours 30 minutes

C 5 hours 20 minutes

D 4 hours 48 minutes

Answer: C

Let the volume of pool is V
For 5 V, time= 8hrs
For remaining capacity, 5 V, time=t
Using unitary method,
3/5 8
2/5 = t

t=5 3

or t= 5hours 20minutes

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Question 105

P can do a piece of work in 9 days. Q is 50% more efficient than P. The number of days it takes for Q to do the same piece of work is

A 3
B 13 2
C 42

D 6
Answer: D

P can do a piece of work in 9 days.

let efficiency of p is 100%

then efficiency of Q will be 150%

let Q can do the same piece of work in x days.

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work is constant. so

efficiency*no of days = constant

100*9 = 150*x

x = 6.

answer is option D.

Question 106

Sixteen men can complete a work in fifteen days, twenty-four children can do the same work in twenty days. In how many days will
eight men and eight children, complete the same work ?

A 18 days

B 16days
C 13 3 days

D 20 days
Answer: D

16 men can complete a work in 15 days

1 man can complete the work in (16*15) days

24 children can do the same work in 20 days

1 child can complete the work in (24*20) days

let x be the no.of days taken by 8 men and 8 children to complete the work, then

1/x = 8/(16*15) + 8/(24*20)

1/x = 1/30 + 1/60

1/x = 3/60

x = 20

answer is option D.

Question 107

What is a better investment, 4% stock at 120 or 3% stock at 80 ?

A First

B Second

C Both

D None of these

Answer: A

4% stock at 120 = 100 × 120 = 4.80/-
3% stock at 80 = 100 × 80 = 2.40/-
1st one is better than 2nd one.

so the answer is option A.

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Question 108

20% raise of price followed by a discount of 25% of the raised portion will

A decrease the price by 15%

B increase the price by 10%

C decrease the price by 5%

D increase the price by 15%

Answer: D

Let original price = 100x
Raise of 20% => 100 ∗ 100x = 20x
=> Price becomes = 100x + 20x = 120x
Now, 25% discount on 'raised' price = 100 ∗ 20x = 5x
=> New price = 120x − 5x = 115x
which is 15 % more than the original price.

Question 109

The sum of the ages of two brothers, having a difference of 8 years between them, will double after 10 years. What is the ratio of the
age of the younger brother to that of the elder brother ?

A 10 : 13

B 7 : 11

C 3:7

D 8:9

Answer: C

Let the age of 1st brother be A years and of 2nd be B years

It is given that A-B = 8 years............(1)

and after 10 years ,

(A +10)+(B + 10) = 2(A+B)

A + B = 20 .............(2)

from equation 1 and 2

A = 14 years

B = 6 years
B 6 3
A = 14 = 7

Question 110

On decreasing each side of an equilateral triangle by 2 cm, there is a decrease of 4√3 cm 2 in its area. The length of each side of the
triangle is

A 8 cm

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3 cm

C 5 cm

D 6 cm

Answer: C

Area of an equilateral triangle= ( 4 ) × (a)2
where a is side.
When a reduced to (a-2)
Area difference = 4 3
( 4 )((a)2 − (a − 2)2 )= 4 3
a=5 (C)

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Question 111

A rectangular tin sheet is 12 cm long and 5 cm broad. It is rolled along its length to form a cylinder by making the opposite edges Just
to touch each other. Then the volume of the cylinder is

A π cm3
B π cm3
C π cm3
D π cm3
Answer: B


From the above figure circumference of cylinder= 12cm

So 2πR= 12
R= 2π

Volume of cylinder= π(R)2 h

where h and R are height and radius
So volume, V= π( 2π )2 ×5
V= π cm3

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Question 112

A merchant advertises 10% off on the items bought from his store. The total discount got by a customer who bought a cooker worth
650, a heater worth 500 and a bag worth 65 is

A 121.50

B 120.50

C 123.50

D 128.50

Answer: A

Discount % on the items = 10%
Discount on cooker worth 650 = 100 * 650 = 65
Discount on heater worth 500 = 100 * 500 = 50
Discount on bag worth 65 = 100 * 65 = 6.50

=> Total discount = 65+50+6.50 = 121.50

Question 113
11 5
If 2x + 3y = 2 and xy = 6 then the value of 8x3 + 27y3 is

A 583
B − 4

C 187
D − 8

Answer: D

2x + 3y = 2

cubing on both sides

(2x + 3y)3 = ( 2 )3
8x3 + 27y3 + 3(2x)(8y)(2x + 3y) = 8
8x3 + 27y3 + 3(16xy)(2x + 3y) = 8
5 11 1331
8x3 + 27y3 + 3(16)( 6 )( 2 ) = 8
8x3 + 27y3 + 220 = 8
8x3 + 27y3 = 8 − 220
1331 1760 429
8x3 + 27y3 = 8 − 8 = − 8

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Question 114
1 1
If x4 + x4 = 119, then the value of x3 − x3 is

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A ±33

B 36

C - 36

D ± 36

Answer: D

12 14 12
(x2 + x )2 = x4 + x + 2 ∗ x2 ∗ x
= 119 +2
= 121
x2 + x = 11
1 12 1
(x − x )2 = x2 + x −2∗x∗ x
= 11 -2
x− = ±3
1 13 1 1
now (x − x )3 = x3 − x − 3 ∗ x ∗ x (x − x )
if x = 3 then x3 − x = 33 + 3 ∗ 3
= 27 +9
= 36
Similarly if x = -3 then x3 − x = (−3)3 + (−3) ∗ 3 = −27 − 9 = −36
Question 115

The ratio of two numbers is 3 : 4 and their LCM is 180. The second number is

A 30

B 60

C 45

D 90

Answer: B

As the numbers are in the ratio 3:4

so assume the numbers are 3z and 4z

LCM of 3z and 4z = 12z

it is given that LCM of the above two numbers are = 180

So, 12z = 180

z = 15

and hence 2nd number = 4z = 4 x 15 = 60

Question 116

Out of 30 teachers of a school, a teacher of age 60 years retired. In his place another teacher of age 30 years was appointed. As a
result, the mean age of the teachers will

A decrease by 2 years

B decrease by 6 months

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decrease by 1 year

D remain same

Answer: C

initial number of teachers = 30

Let the initial average age be z years

Average = numberofperson

So total initial age = 30z

Now it is given that a teacher of 60 years is replaced by 30 years .So

Total final age of teachers = 30z -60+30 = 30z-30

Number od teachers = 30
New average = 30 = z-1

And hence we can say that due to given replacement the average age will decrease by 1

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Question 117

Average age of A, B and C is 84 years. When D joins them the average age becomes 80 years. A new person, E, whose age is 4 years
more than D, replaces A and the average of B, C, D and E becomes 78 years. What is the age of A ?

A 50 years

B 60 years

C 70 years

D 80 years

Answer: D

avg age of a,b,c = 84
3 = 84

A+B+C = 84*3 =252 ........................(1)

similarly , 4 = 80

A+B+C+D = 80*4 = 320

so using (1)

252 + D = 320

D = 68 i.e, E = 72 (as mentioned in the question)................(2)

4 = 78

B+C+D+E = 78*4 = 312

using (2)

B+C+68+72 =312

B+C = 172 .................................(3)

put (3) in (1)

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A = 80

Question 118

By selling an article for Z 450, a man loses 10%. The gain or loss per cent if he sells it for 540 is

A gain 8%

B loss 8%

C gain 9%

D loss 9%

Answer: A

S.P = 450

Loss % = 10%

Let C.P. = x
=> x * 100 = 10

=> 9x = 4500 => x = 500

Now, C.P. = 500 and S.P. = 540
=> Profit % = 500 * 100 = 8%

Question 119

A man loses 20 1/2% of his money and after spending 80% of the remainder, he is left with 159. How much did he have at first ?

A 1,200

B 500

C 800

D 1,000

Answer: D

Let the initial amount of money be Rs z
As it is mentioned that the person looses 20 1/2% means the person is left with = (z - 2×100 × z) = Rs 0.795 z
And it is mentioned that after spending 80 % of the remainder he is left with only Rs 159
So, 0.795 z - 100 x 0.795z = 0.2 x 0.795 z = 159

z = Rs 1000

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Question 120

A gun is fired at a distance of 1.34 km from Geeta. She hears the sound after 4 seconds. The speed at which sound travels is

A 325 m/sec

B 335 m/sec

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330 m/sec

D 300 m/sec

Answer: B

speed = distance/time = 1.34km/4sec = 1340m/4sec = 335m/s.

so the answer is option B.

Question 121

If I walk at 5km/hr, I miss a train by 7 minutes. However, if I walk at 6 km/hr I reach the station 5 minutes before the departure of the
train. The distance between my house and the station is

A 5 km

B 6.5 km

C 7 km

D 6 km

Answer: D

let the distance between b/w home and station is xkm

time= distance/speed

distance = time*speed

in both cases distance is same.


t1-7/60 = t2+5/60

x/5 - 7/60 = x/6 + 5/60

x = 6km

answer is option D.

Question 122

The compound interest on =1,800 at 10% per annum for a certain period of time is 378. Find the time in years.

A 2.0 years

B 2.8 years

C 3.0 years

D 2.5 year

Answer: A

Principal Amount (P) = Rs 1800

Rate of Interest = 10%

Compound Interest = Rs 378

Let the time period be T


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C.I = P(1 + 100 )T - P
378 = 1800 (1 + 100 )T - 1800

T = 2 years

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Question 123

The value of 204 × 197 is

A 40218

B 40188

C 40212

D 39812

Answer: B

200 × 197 = (200 + 4)(200 − 3) = (200)2 + 4(200) − 3(200) − 12 = 40000 + 200 − 12 = 40188
so the answer is option B.

Question 124
The value of (( n x2 ) 2 )2 is

A x2

B 3
C x2

D x2
Answer: D

(( n x2 ) 2 )2 = ( n x2 )n = x2
so the answer is option D.

Question 125

( 3)5 × 92 = 3n × 3 3 then find the value of n

A 5

B 2

C 3

D 4
Answer: A

( 3 )5 × 9 2 = 3 n × 3 3
5 3
(3) 2 × 34 = 3n × (3) 2
13 3
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13 3
(3) 2 = 3n × (3) 2
(3) 2 = 3n
so the answer is option A.

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Question 126

If p = 99, then the value of p(p2 + 3p + 3) is

A 10000001

B 9999999

C 1000001

D 999999

Answer: D

p(p2 + 3p + 3)
= p3 + 3p2 + 3p
= p3 + 3p2 + 3p + 1 − 1
= (p + 1)3 −1
= (99 + 1)3 −1
= (100)3 −1
= 1000000 − 1

= 999999

so the answer is option D.

Question 127

sin6 θ + cos6 θ is equal to

A 1

B 1 − 3sin2 θcos2 θ

C 1 − 3sinθcosθ

D 1 + 3sin2 θcos2 θ
Answer: B

sin6 θ + cos6 θ = (sin2 θ)3 + (cos2 θ)3
(sin2 θ + cos2 θ)3 = sin6 θ + cos6 θ + 3sin4 θcos2 θ + 3sin2 θcos4 θ
1 = sin6 θ + cos6 θ + 3sin4 θcos2 θ + 3sin2 θcos4 θ
1 = sin6 θ + cos6 θ + 3sin2 θcos2 θ(sin2 θ + cos2 θ)
1 − 3sin2 θcos2 θ(sin2 θ + cos2 θ) = sin6 θ + cos6 θ
1 − 3sin2 θcos2 θ = sin6 θ + cos6 θ
Hence Option B is the correct answer.

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Question 128

If tan θ + cot θ = 2, 0 < 0 <90°, then the value of θ is

A 75°

B 30°

C 45°

D 60°

Answer: C

$$tan θ + 1/tanθ = 2$$
tan2 θ + 1 = 2tanθ
$$sec ^2 θ = 2 tan θ$$
$$hypotenuse^2 / adjacent side^2 = 2 opposite side / adjacent side $$
$$hypotenuse^2 / adjacent side = 2* opposite side $$
$$hypotenuse/adjacent side = 2* opposite side/adjacent side $$
$$1/cos θ = 2 sin θ$$
$$sin θ. cos θ = 1/2$$
We know that, when θ = 45 degrees, this relation will hold true.
Therefore, option C is the right answer.

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Question 129
cos2 A
The expression 1− 1−sinA

A - sin A

B sin A

C cos A

D tan A

Answer: A

cos2 A
we need to find value of 1− 1−sinA

We know that 1 = sin2 θ + cos2 θ

cos2 A 1−sin2 A
Using this we can say 1+ 1−sinA = 1 - 1−sinA

= 1 - 1 - sinA

= - sin A

Question 130

The shadow of a tower standing on a level ground is found to be 40 metre longer when the suns altitude is 30° than when it is 60°.
Find the length of the tower,

A 20√3 m

B 10 m

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10√3 m

D 20 m

Answer: A

We know that, length of shadow will be equal to the adjacent side and the height of tower is the opposite side of the triangle.
We have been given that difference in lengths of shadows = 40m.
Length of shadow = h tan A.
h tan 60 - h tan 30 = 40
h√3 - h/√3 = 40
(3h -h)/√3 = 40
2h = 40√3
h = 20√3 m.
Option A is the right answer.

Question 131

The length of the shadow of a tower is 9 metres when the sun’s altitude is 30°. What is the height of the tower ?

A 3 3m
B 42 m

C 9 3m

9 3
D 2 m

Answer: A

Length of shadow will be the adjacent side.

Height of tower will be the opposite side.

Hence, tan 30 = height/length
1/ 3 = h/9
=>h = 3 3
Option A is the right answer.

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Question 132
( 2 (a − b))2 + ab = p(a + b)2 then the value of p is (assume that a ≠ - b)

A 8

B 12

C 1
D 4

Answer: D

( 2 (a − b))2 + ab = p(a + b)2
The given expression can be written as ((a − b))2 + 4ab = 4p(a + b)2
a2 + b2 − 2ab + 4ab = 4p(a + b)2
2 2 2
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a 2 + b2 + 2ab = 4p(a + b)2
(a + b)2 = 4p(a + b)2
Hence, p = 1/4
Option D is the right answer.

Question 133

If 999x + 888y = 1332 and 888x + 999y = 555, then x2 − y2 Is equal to

A 9

B 5

C 7

D 8

Answer: C

999x+888y = 1332 ......................................(1)

888x+999y = 555 ......................................(2)

subtract (1) &(2)

111x-111y = 777

divide the equation by 7

x-y = 7 ................................(3)

add (1) & (2)

1887x+1887y = 1887

divide the equation by 1887

x+y = 1 ...................................(4)


x2 − y2 = (x-y)*(x+y)
put values from (3) & (4)

therefore, x2 − y2 = 7*1 = 7
Question 134

In two similar triangles ABC and MNP, if AB = 2.25 cm, MP = 4.5 cm and PN = 7.5 cm and m ∠ACB = m ∠MNP and m ∠ABC = m
∠MPN, then the length of side BC , in cm, is

A 4.5

B 3.75

C 4.75

D 3.5
Answer: B

As we can see, the 2 triangles are similar. Their sides are in the ratio 2:1 (MPN: ABC). Hence, BC will be 7.5/2 = 3.75 cm. Option B is the
right answer.

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Question 135

Given an equilateral Δ ABC, D, E and F are the mid-points of AB, BC and AC respectively. Then the quadrilateral BEFD is exactly a :

A rhombus

B square

C rectangle

D trapezium

Answer: A

AS, ΔABC is equilateral and D, E and F are the mid-points of AB, BC and AC respectively. BE=DB and EF=DF.
Since , ∠B = 60. It cannot be a square.
So , it is a rhombus.

Question 136

If ABCD is a cyclic parallelogram, then the LA is

A 100

B 60

C 80

D 90

Answer: D

A cyclic parallelogram is a rectangle

Here all the interior angles are 90 each.

Question 137

AC is a chord of circle whose centre is at 0. If B is any point on the arc AC and ∠OCA = 20°, then the magnitude of ∠ABC is

A 110°

B 100°

C 40°

D 140°

Answer: A

OC=OA=radius .Hence , the angles opposite to these sides must also be equal.
So, ∠OCA=20 = ∠OAC. Hence , ∠AOC = 180 - 20 -20 = 140.
Now consider a point D on the major at of AC and join D to A & C. This gives △ADC.
So . ∠AOC= 2*∠ADC So, ∠ADC= 140/2 = 70
Now , ADCB is a cyclic quadrilateral sum of whose all opposite is 180.
So, ∠D + ∠B = 180 .
∠B = 180 - 70 = 110.

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Question 138

The co-ordinates of the vertices of a right-angled triangle are P (3, 4), QA(7, 4) and R (3, 8), the right-angle being at P. The co-
ordinates of the orthocentre of APQR are

A (5,6)

B (3,4)

C (7,4)

D (3,8)

Answer: B

Since it is a right angled triangle, the 2 sides adjacent to the right angle will be altitudes. The third altitude must meet at the vertex at
which these 2 sides meet.
Hence, the vertex that contains the right angle is the orthocentre. From the points given, we can clearly see that (3,4) is the orthocentre.
Option B is the right answer,

Question 139

The value of (sec θ + cosec θ) when θ = 45°, is

A 5√2

B 3√2

C 4√2

D 2√2

Answer: D

We know that sec A = 1/cos A and cosec A = 1/sin A. When A = 45 degrees, both these values will be equal to √2 (Since sin 45 = cos 45
Hence, sec 45 + cosec 45 = 2√2 .
Option D is the right answer.

Question 140
tan2 θ
sec θ+1 − secθ is equal to

A 1

B 0

C -1

D None of these

Answer: C

tan2 θ
we need to find value of : sec θ+1 − secθ
2 2
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we know , 1 + tan2 θ = sec2 θ,
tan2 θ sec 2 θ−1
sec θ+1 − secθ = secθ+1 - secθ
secθ − 1 - secθ
= -1

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Question 141

A line graph

A shows trend over time

B compares structures

C makes comparisons

D None of the above

Answer: C

A line graph is used to compare two variables. Thus, it is used for making comparisons.

Ans - (C)

Question 142

The heights of two similar right-angled triangles ΔLMN and ΔOPQ are 48 cm and 36 cm. If OP = 12 cm, then LM is

10 6
A 3

B 16 cm

C 20 cm

D 12 cm

Answer: B

ratio of heights of two similar triangles is always equal to the ratio of the corresponding sides of the triangles
height of △LM N length of LM
i.e, height of △OPQ = length of OP

put in values from the question

48 length of LM
36 = 12

length of LM = 16

Question 143

Which of the following graphical representations of data represents cumulative frequencies ?

A Pie-chart

B Histogram

C Frequency polygon

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Answer: D

The Cumulative frequency curve for a grouped frequency distribution is obtained by plotting the points and then joining them by a free-
hand smooth curve.

This is also known as ogive.

Ans - (D)

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Question 144

In the given figures, the lengths of the sides of ΔABC and ΔPQR are given and they are given in same units. Also ∠A and ∠B are
given. Then value of ∠P is

A 42°

B 36°

C 38°

D 40°

Answer: D

as we can see that in the given triangles
RQ = RP = PQ = 2

We know that if ratio of corresponding sides are equal in two triangles ,then the given traingles are similar and in similar triangles ass
coressponding angles are also equal.

So , ∠A = ∠R , ∠C = ∠P , ∠B = ∠Q

∠C = 180 - ( 80 + 60) = 40

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So ∠P = 40

Question 145

In the given figure, O is the centre. Then angle PSQ is equal to

A 60°

B 45°

C 55°

D 75°

Answer: C


As O is the center then In triangle PQS angle QPS = 90°

and we know that sum of all 3 angles in a triangle = 180°

given that angle SQP = 35°

angle PSQ = 180 - (90 + 35) = 55°

Question 146

In the given figure, POQ is a diameter and PQRS is a cyclic quadrilateral. If ∠PSR = 130°, then the value of ∠RPQ is

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A 30°

B 40°

C 45°

D 35°

Answer: B


As we know that it is a cyclic quadrilateral , then all points P, Q R ,S are on circumferene of ceircle

we know sum of opposite angles in cyclic quad. = 180

Hence , ∠P + ∠R = 180

∠S + ∠Q = 180

∠S = 130 , so ∠Q = 50

If PQ is a diameter , then ∠PRQ = 90

Sum of angles in a traingle = 180

Hence ∠RPQ = 180 - (90+50) = 40

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Study the following graph and answer the given questions.

Crude Oil Imports by India

Question 147

From year 1995 to the year 1996, what was the percentage increase in imports of crude oil?

A 60

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C 180

D None of these

Answer: D

Crude oil imports in 1995 = 25

Crude oil imports in 1996 = 45

=> % increase = 25 * 100
= 25 * 100 = 80%

Ans - (D)

Question 148

From 1991 to 1992, what was the approximate percentage reduction in import of crude oil ?

A 14

B 22

C 18

D 8

Answer: A

Crude oil imports in 1991 = 35

Crude oil imports in 1992 = 30

=> % decrease = 35 * 100
= 35 * 100 = 14.28%

= ~14%

Question 149

In how many years were the imports higher than the average value of imports ?

A 4

B 1

C 2

D 3

Answer: D

Crude oil imports by India in :

1990 = 10

1991 = 35

1992 = 30

1993 = 40

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1994 = 30

1995 = 25

1996 = 45

Total imports = 10+35+30+40+30+25+45 = 215

=> Average imports over the years = 215/7 = 30.71

Thus, only in 3 years '1991', '1993' & '1996', the imports were higher than the average imports.

Ans - (D)

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Question 150

If the rate of one barrel of crude oil was Rs. 25.60 in 1995, then what was the total value of imports (in Rs.) in that year ?

A 8.2 crores

B 64 crores

C 64 lalchs

D 6.4 crores

Answer: D

Crude oil imported in 1995 = 25 lakh barrels

Rate of one barrel of crude oil in 1995 = Rs 25.60

=> Total value of imports = Rs (25 * 25.60) lakhs

= 640 lakhs = 6.4 crore

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In the following questions, some of the sentences have errors and some have none. Find out which part of a sentence has an error. The
number of that part is your answer. If there is no error, your answer is (d) i.e., No error.

Question 151

The priest emphasised (a) / that it is the duty (b) / of all Christians to love each other (c)./ No error (d)

A The priest emphasised

B that it is the duty

C of all Christians to love each other

D No error

Answer: C

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Question 152

The pond is flooded (a) / with water because it is raining (b) / continuously for the last three days (c)./ No error (d)

A The pond is flooded

B with water because it is raining

C continuously for the last three days

D No error

Answer: B

Question 153

Scaling the high wall, (a)/ a vast expanse of greenery (b) / reaching up to the horizon was seen. (c) / No error (d)

A Scaling the high wall,

B a vast expanse of greenery

C reaching up to the horizon was seen.

D No error

Answer: A

Question 154

Any of the two (a) /roads leads/ (b) to the station.(c)/ No error (d)

A Any of the two

B roads leads

C to the station

D No error

Answer: A

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Question 155

This is the boy (a)/ who I think had won (b)/ the gold medal in the dance competition. (c) / No error (d)

A This is the boy

B who I think had won

C the gold medal in the dance competition

D No error

Answer: D


In the following questions, sentences are given with blanks to be filled in with an appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are suggested
for each question. Choose the correct alternative out of the four.

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Question 156

The father was angry and cast................. his son.

A down

B about

C off

D of

Answer: C

Question 157

Indian masses are abiding.

A far and away

B by and large

C by far

D by any means

Answer: B

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Question 158

The film we saw last night was boring. I wish I

A shouldn’t have seen

B hadn’t seen

C didn’t see

D wouldn’t have seen

Answer: A

Question 159

His old clothes and uncombed hair gave him a ...............appearance,

A disrespectful

B disputatious

C discontented

D disreputable

Answer: A

Question 160

There are, as yet, no vegetation types or ecosystems whose study has been perfected to the extent that they no longer..................

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A challenge

B hinder

C interest

D require

Answer: C

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In the following questions, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the given word.

Question 161


A Contradict

B Disseminate

C Assuage

D Persuade

Answer: C

Question 162


A Denouement

B Progress

C Hindrance

D Cessation

Answer: C

Question 163


A Industrious

B Uncaring

C Boisterous

D Daring

Answer: D

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In the following questions, choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word.

Question 164


A Stagnate

B Fall

C Soar

D Equate

Answer: C

Question 165


A Fresh

B Stable

C Angry

D Favourable

Answer: B

Question 166


A Spiritless

B Soulless

C Mindless

D Heartless

Answer: A

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In the following questions, four alternatives are given for the Idiom/ Phrase printed in bold in the sentence. Choose the alternative
which best expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase.

Question 167

He immediately set about organizing the department.

A looked around

B took charge

C started

D took steps towards

Answer: C

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Question 168

Those intending to take up the military service must be prepared to go through the hoop .

A be made to pay heavy amounts of money

B be punished severely

C be made to undergo gruelling tests

D be made to sign bonds

Answer: C

Question 169

He is playing ducks and drakes with the wealth of his father.

A spending diligently

B spending lavishly

C spending foolishly

D spending carefully

Answer: C

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Question 170

The Principal called the latecomers to her room and delivered a curtain lecture on the subject of late hours.

A dramatic lecture

B brief lecture

C cautionary talk given in private

D talk behind the curtain

Answer: C

Question 171

The project to clean the River Ganga ended in smoke.

A yielded no practical result

B yielded only confusion

C yielded no profit

D yielded no plan

Answer: A


In the following questions, a sentence/ part of the sentence is printed in bold. Below are given alternatives to the bold sentence/part of
the sentence at (a), (b) and (c) which may improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative. In case no improvement is needed,

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your answer is (d)

Question 172

An early bird catches the worm.

A The early bird

B A early bird

C Early bird

D No improvement

Answer: A

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Question 173

As the tenant was in deficit with his rent we were forced to give him notice.

A behind

B obligation

C difficulties

D No improvement

Answer: B

Question 174

The engaged couple fell head over heels in love.

A over head his heels in love

B on his heels over head in love

C in love head over the heels

D No improvement
Answer: D

Question 175

Nightclubs are open far into night.

A into the night far

B far into the night

C into far night

D No improvement

Answer: B

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Question 176

The Field Marshal knew that untrained troops were no good to him, he needed complete veterans.

A seasoned

B defiant

C well-maintained

D No improvement

Answer: A

Question 177

Once only did she give her way to emotions.

A Only once did she give way to emotions.

B Only once she did give way to her emotions.

C Once only did she give way to her emotions.

D No improvement

Answer: B

Question 178

I don’t think Harsh will beat Mohit at chess. Mohit is one too much for him.

A too much one

B too many one

C one too many

D No improvement

Answer: A

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Question 179

Throughout history, both an-dent and modern, men were fond of waging war.

A had been

B have been

C are

D No improvement

Answer: B

Question 180

Since your departure, nothing has been transpired here worth your notice.

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A worthy of note has been transpired here. ,

B worthy of note has transpired here.

C worth your notice has transpired here.

D No improvement

Answer: B

Question 181

Who can prevent you from getting married now that you are within age ?

A in

B of

C on

D No improvement

Answer: B

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In the following questions, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentence.

Question 182

A large number of bullets fired at the same time

A Fusillade

B Rattle

C Shoot

D Archery

Answer: A

Question 183

A tall, strong woman

A Siren

B Amazon

C Harridan

D Shrew

Answer: B

Question 184

A difficult problem

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A Labyrinth

B Maze

C Conundrum

D Puzzle

Answer: C

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Question 185

The policy of extending a country’s empire and influence

A Imperialism

B Intemationalis in

C Capitalism

D Communism

Answer: A

Question 186

A person who studies the origin and history of words

A Ethnologist

B Polyglot

C Grammarian

D Etymologist

Answer: D

Question 187

A book which holds several works of one author

A Anthology

B Biography

C Omnibus

D Bibliotheque

Answer: C

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Question 188

One who deliberately damages other people’s property

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A Arsonist

B Destructor

C Vandal

D Vampire

Answer: C


In the following questions, four words are given in each question, out of which only one word is correctly spelt. Find the correctly spelt

Question 189

A Irrisistable

B Irresistible

C Irresesteble

D Irresistable

Answer: B

Question 190

A Baroaque

B Baroque

C Baruque

D Barokue

Answer: B

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Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives.

Bertrand Russell in The Conquest of Happiness has said that the sole reason of unhappiness finding refuge in the heart of man is the
unhindered growth of “self- centred passions”. These passions are more often materialistic. And in the pursuit of materialistic passions,
man becomes alienated from the society. Failure in his pursuit often leads him to discontentment and dejection and he finds himself a
misfit in this world. In the modern world, none is unaffected by stress. The stress to outdo the other in this mad rat race of
consumerism often leads to depression.

Even children are not spared from this. They are supposed to fare better than their classmates in examinations and other co-curricular
activities. So man, right from childhood, has to face the brunt of being born in this fast changing society. A section of the youth, unable
to cope with the expectations of their loved ones, either end their lives or experiment with drugs, for seeking temporary mental
relaxation provided by the initial intake, encourages people to indulge in them more often. The body then becomes totally dependent on
drugs and cannot survive without the daily dose. With regular intake the amount required to produce the effect also increases. This
physical and mental dependence on drugs is called drug addiction.
Drug addiction is a psychiatric, psychological and social problem. While persons of all ages and at all places are open to drug use the
most susceptible among them are the youth. It has attained the proportions of almost an epidemic among the youth. It is mostly
introduced to an unsuspecting person by his friends and is usually observed that once addicted to drugs, they initiate others to drugs.
Some youngsters take to drugs because they are poked fun as if they do not use drugs. And some take drugs just to seek company or
break boredom. In addition to these,

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other factors that lead to drug addiction are — lack of parental care and
supervision, lack of moral and religious education, media and pop culture, broken homes, hatred for any authority, etc. Seeking refuge in
drugs relieves tensions, eases depressions and removes inhibitions, although the period of ecstasy is apparently short-lived.

Question 191

Which of the following statements is true ?

A All youngsters take to drugs because they are mocked at if they do not use drugs.

B Drug addiction is a problem restricted to the youth.

C There is almost an epidemic of drug use among the youth.

D All youngsters take drugs just to break boredom.

Answer: C

Question 192

The cycle of drug addiction involves

A initiation, relaxation and de-addiction

B initiation, rehabilitation and addiction

C initiation, peer pressure and addiction

D initiation, relaxation and addiction

Answer: D

Question 193

The reason cited by Bertrand Russell for the unhappiness of man is

A Alienation from society

B Failure in life

C Materialistic self-centredness

D Stress to outdo others

Answer: C

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Question 194

The theme being developed by the writer is

A The Conquest of Happiness

B Pressures of the modern world

C Problems emerging out of materialism

D Drug Addiction

Answer: D

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Question 195

What leads youth to drugs ?

A Inability to cope with the demands of the modem world

B Rapid changes in the modem world

C Undue competition of the modern world

D (I), (2) and (3)

Answer: D


Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives.

A computer virus is a type of malware that, when executed, replicates by inserting copies of itself into other computer programs, data
files, or the boot sector of the hard drive. However, not all viruses carry a destructive payload or attempt to hide themselves—the
defining characteristic of viruses is that they are self-replicating computer programs which install themselves without the user’s
consent. Virus writers use social engineering and exploit detailed knowledge of security vulnerabilities to gain access to their host’s
computing resources. The vast majority of viruses (over 99%) target systems running Microsoft Windows employing a variety of
mechanisms to infect new hosts, and often using complex anti-detection/stealth strategies to evade antivirus software. Motives for
creating viruses can include seeking profit, desire to send a political message, personal amusement, to demonstrate that a vulnerability
exists in software, for sabotage and denial of service, or simply because they wish to explore artificial life and evolutionary algorithms.

Question 196

The vast majority of viruses evade antivirus softwares by

A inserting copies of itself into programs

B targeting Microsoft Windows systems

C using complex anti-detection/stealth strategies

D exploiting detailed knowledge of security vulnerabilities

Answer: C

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Question 197

What is one of the motives of creating viruses ?

A To sabotage and deny service

B To gain access to classified files

C To corrupt hard drives

D To exploit security knowledge

Answer: A

Question 198

What is the synonym of ‘Vulnerability’ in the passage ?

A susceptibility

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C responsibility

D accountability

Answer: A

Question 199

What is the defining characteristic of a computer virus ?

A Its ability to execute programs

B Its ability to affect the computer system

C Its ability to hide itself

D Its ability to self-replicate

Answer: D

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Question 200

How do virus writers gain access to computing resources ?

A By executing malwares

B By employing a variety of mechanisms

C By using social engineering

D By affecting computing networks

Answer: C

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