Oilgear Type "PVG" Pumps - 100/130 (SERIES F1U) Service Instructions

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The document provides instructions for installing, operating, maintaining and troubleshooting Oilgear type 'PVG' pumps. It discusses safety symbols, references other documents, and exploded views of pump parts.

These instructions aim to simplify the installation, operation, maintenance and troubleshooting of Oilgear type 'PVG' pumps. Following the instructions can help attain satisfactory performance, reduce shut-downs and increase the pump's service life.

The instructions use signal words like 'DANGER', 'WARNING' and 'CAUTION' to identify areas of safety concern. These signal words indicate imminent hazards, potential hazards and situations which could result in damage respectively.

Bulletin 947022


100/130 (SERIES F1U)


Figure 1. Typical Oilgear “PVG” Open Loop Pump

PURPOSE OF INSTRUCTIONS Become familiar with the construction, principle of

operation and characteristics of your pump to help
These instructions will simplify the installation, you attain satisfactory performance, reduce shut-
operation, maintenance and troubleshooting of down and increase the pump's service life. Some
Oilgear type “PVG” pumps. pumps have been modified from those described in
this bulletin and other changes may be made
without notice.
Fluid Recommendations .....................................................................................Bulletin 90000
Contamination Evaluation Guide.........................................................................Bulletin 90004
Filtration Recommendations ...............................................................................Bulletin 90007
Piping Information ...............................................................................................Bulletin 90011
Installation of Vertically Mounted Axial Piston Units ...........................................Bulletin 90014
PVG Open Loop Pumps, Sales.......................................................................Bulletin 47019-H
Pump Control Instructions, Series F1U
“P-1NN” Single Pressure Compensator ............................................................Bulletin 947551
“P-1NN/F” Single Pressure Compensator w/Load Sense .................................Bulletin 947552
“P-1NN/H” Single Pressure Compensator w/H.P. Limiter ....................................Bulletin 947553
“P-1NN/G” Horsepower Limiter w/Load Sense .................................................Bulletin 947554
“P-2NN” Dual Pressure Compensator ..............................................................Bulletin 947555
“P-A” or “P-B” Electronic Pressure Compensator .............................................Bulletin 947556
“P-C” Single Pressure - Soft Start.....................................................................Bulletin 947557
“P-CNN/H” Single Pressure - Soft Start w/H.P. Limiter .....................................Bulletin 947558
“P-2NN/H” Dual Pressure Compensator w/H.P. Limiter ....................................Bulletin 947559
“V-S25” Electro Hydraulic Servo Valve..............................................................Bulletin 947560
“V-M20” Electro Hydraulic Servo Valve .............................................................Bulletin 947561


2300 South 51st Street
May 2008
Bulletin 947022 THE OILGEAR
Milwaukee, COMPANY
Wisconsin 53219 1
Bulletin 947022
Safety First

Read and understand this entire instruction sheet The cleanliness of working on this pump or
NOTE the hydraulic system is extremely
before repairing, or adjusting your Oilgear product.
important to the safety and reliability of the
Those who use and maintain this equipment must pump and the system. Always make sure
be thoroughly trained and familiar with the product. the fittings are clean on the outside before
If incorrectly used or maintained, this product and removing them from their connections, are
its equipment can cause severe injury. capped and plugged when removed and
placed in a clean rag or container until they
SAFETY SYMBOLS are reinstalled.

The following signal words are used in this

instruction sheet to identify areas of concern where ! WARNING
your safety may be involved. Carefully read the text Some service operations may require
and observe any instructions provided to ensure special tools or equipment. If you require
your safety. information on these items, please contact
Oilgear before attempting these repairs
! DANGER ! and service operations.
WHICH, IF NOT AVOIDED, WILL RESULT IN Read, understand, and follow the safety
DEATH OR SERIOUS INJURY. guidelines, dangers, and warnings
contained in this instruction sheet to
! WARNING promote reliable operation and prevent
serious personal injury.
This signal word indicates a potentially
hazardous situation which, if not avoided,
could result in death or serious injury. ! WARNING
DO NOT attempt to service this machinery
CAUTION in an environment where safety regulations
are not established and in place.
This signal word indicates that a potentially
hazardous situation exists which, if not
avoided, may result in damage to ! WARNING
equipment or minor personal injury. DO NOT operate the hydraulic system if a
leak is present. Serious injury may result.
While not directly relevant to the topic being
NOTE discussed, the NOTE is used to emphasize
information provided, or provide additional ! WARNING
information which may be of benefit. Hydraulic systems operate under very high
pressure. Hydraulic fluid escaping from a
! WARNING pressurized system can penetrate
unprotected body tissue. DO NOT inspect
This service information is designed for for hydraulic leaks with bare hands or other
the maintenance of your Oilgear product. exposed body parts. As a minimum, wear
It contains the information on the correct leather gloves prior to inspecting for leaks
procedures determined by Oilgear for the and use cardboard or wood. If leaks are
safe manner of servicing. Always keep present, relieve pressure and allow system
this instruction sheet in a location where it to cool prior to servicing. If injured by
is readily available for the persons who escaping hydraulic oil, contact a physician
use and maintain the product. Additional immediately. Serious complications may
copies of this instruction sheet are arise if not treated immediately. If you have
available through the Oilgear Company. questions regarding inspecting for
Or visit our website: www.oilgear.com. hydraulic leaks, please contact Oilgear
Please contact us if you have any prior to servicing.
questions regarding the information in
this instruction bulletin.

- ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Bulletin 947022
Safety First

Hydraulic hoses and tubing must be Hydraulic cylinders can be holding a
inspected on a daily basis for leaks, cuts, function in a certain position when the
abrasions, damage and improper pump is OFF. An example of this is a
clearance along any mounting frame for function being held in the lift or partial lift
hidden damage before the unit is put into position by the cylinders. If a hydraulic
service. Replace damaged hoses or hoses line is removed or the hydraulic circuits or
you suspect are damaged before the controls are being worked on, gravity may
system is returned to service! Hoses must allow the function being held in position to
be replaced every two years. Failure to drop. All workers and personnel must
properly inspect and maintain the system remain clear of these areas when working
may result in serious injury. on or operating the hydraulic system.
Block and secure all devices and
functions which apply before beginning
! WARNING work or operation. Failure to comply with
Hydraulic systems are hot. DO NOT this can result in serious injury or death.
TOUCH! Serious personal injury may
result from hot oil. When you have
completed working on the hydraulic ! WARNING
system, thoroughly clean any spilled oil Any hydraulic pipe which is replaced must
from the equipment. Do not spill any conform to SAE J1065 specifications. If
hydraulic fluids on the ground. Clean any incorrect hydraulic pipe is installed, the
hydraulic fluids from your skin as soon as hydraulic system may fail, causing
you have completed maintenance and serious injury. Damaged or leaking
repairs. Dispose of used oil and system fittings, pipes or hoses must be replaced
filters as required by law. before the system is returned to service.

Use correct hoses, fittings, and adapters DO NOT heat hydraulic pipe. The carbon
with the correct SAE rating when content of this steel tube is such that if
replacing hoses to prevent possible heated for bending, and either water or air
serious injury. Always replace hoses, quenched, the pipe may lose its ductility
fittings, and adapters with replacements and thereby be subject to failure under
that have a proper, suitable, working high pressure conditions. Serious injury
pressure rating. Replacement hoses must can result. Damaged or leaking pipes must
be of the correct length and must comply be replaced before the system is returned
with the hose manufacturer’s and to service. Please contact Oilgear if you
Oilgear’s installation guidelines and require assistance or have questions.
! WARNING All hydraulic pressure must be relieved
Hydraulic hoses have the SAE ratings from the hydraulic system prior to removing
marked on the hose to assist you in any components from the system. To
selecting the correct hose. The same relieve the hydraulic pressure from the
manufacturer must supply any replacement hydraulic system, turn off the motor and
hydraulic hoses and fitting assemblies. As operate the control panel with the key in the
an example: Brand “X” hose and brand “Y” ON position. Failure to comply can result in
fitting will not normally be compatible. No serious injury. If you have any questions
“Twist” is allowed in the hydraulic hoses. concerning relieving the hydraulic pressure
“Twist” may result in premature hose from the system, please contact Oilgear.
failure. This can cause serious injury.
Please contact Oilgear for assistance when

Bulletin 947022 THE OILGEAR COMPANY 3

Safety First

Hydraulic components can be heavy. Use Any Oilgear pump safety decals must be
caution while lifting these components. replaced anytime they are damaged,
Serious personal injury can be avoided missing, or cannot be read clearly. Failure
with proper handling of the components. to have proper decals in place can result
in serious injury or death. (If you require
safety decals, please contact Oilgear for
! WARNING replacement safety decals, at no charge.)
Please contact Oilgear if you require
assistance, when performing hydraulic
test procedures, use the proper hydraulic ! WARNING
gauges. Installing an incorrect test gauge Be sure everyone is clear of the area
could result in serious injury if the gauge around the hydraulic system before
fails. Use properly rated hydraulic hoses operating after servicing. Remain attentive
to allow the test gauge to be read away at all times when operating to check your
from moving parts and functions. work until you are completely sure it is
safe to return to service. Failure to heed
this warning may result in serious
! WARNING personal injury or death.
Increasing hydraulic pressure beyond the
recommendations may result in serious
damage to the pump and system or ! WARNING
serious personal injury and may void the Wear the proper protective clothing when
Oilgear Warranty. If you have questions operating, servicing or maintaining the
concerning hydraulic pressures or testing hydraulic system or the Oilgear pump. Wear
procedures, please contact Oilgear before the correct protective gear, safety glasses,
attempting the test procedures or making gloves, and safety shoes. Serious injury
adjustments. can result without proper protective gear.

An Oilgear pump must not be modified in Make sure to keep hands and feet and
any way without authorization from other parts of your body clear of revolving
Oilgear. Modifications may not comply or moving parts. Failure to comply can
with safety standards, including ANSI cause serious injury.
safety standards, and may result in
serious personal injury. Please contact
Oilgear if you require assistance. ! WARNING
DO NOT wear watches, rings, or jewelry
while working with electrical and
! WARNING mechanical equipment. These items can
DO NOT enter under hydraulic supported be hazardous and can cause serious and
equipment unless they are fully supported painful injuries if they come into contact
or blocked. Failure to follow this procedure with electrical wires, moving parts, or
can result in serious injury or death. hydraulic equipment.

4 THE OILGEAR COMPANY Bulletin 947022

Service Instructions

INSTALLATION Running the pump in NEUTRAL position
(zero delivery) for extended periods
MOUNTING without a supercharge circuit can damage
Pump Without Reservoir - The pump can be the pump. The system and pump must be
mounted in any position. But, the recommended protected against overloads by separate
mounting position is with the drive shaft on a high pressure relief valves. Install bleed
horizontal plane and the case drain port 1 on the valve(s) at the highest point(s) in system.
top side. Secure the pump to a rigid mounting
surface. Refer to the referenced Oilgear Piping POWER
Information Bulletin 90011. Power is required in proportion to volume and
pressure used. Motor size recommendations for
Pump With Reservoir - These pumps are usually specific applications can be obtained from The
fully piped and equipped. It may be necessary to Oilgear Company. Standard low starting torque
connect to a super-charge circuit when used. motors are suitable for most applications.
Mount reservoir on level foundation with the
reservoir bottom at least six inches above floor
level to facilitate fluid changes. CAUTION
DO NOT start or stop unit under load
PIPING AND FITTINGS unless system is approved by Oilgear. It
Refer to the referenced Oilgear Piping Information may be necessary to provide delivery
Bulletin 90011 and individual circuit diagram before bypass in some circuits.
connecting the pump to the system. Inlet velocity
must not exceed 5 fps (1,5 mps). Inlet should be DRIVE
unrestricted and have a minimum of fittings. Verify rotation direction plate on the pump's housing.
Clockwise pumps must be driven clockwise and
DO NOT use an inlet strainer. counterclockwise pumps must be driven
counterclockwise. Use direct drive coupling. Size
Arrange line from “case drain” so the case remains and install coupling per manufacturer's instructions.
full of fluid (non-siphoning). Case pressure must be
less than 25 psi (1,7 bar). For higher case CAUTION
pressures, special shaft seals are required; contact
DO NOT drive the coupling onto the pump
our Customer Service. Each drain line must be a
drive shaft. If it is too tight, it may be
separate line, unrestricted, full sized and necessary to heat coupling for installation.
connected directly to the reservoir below the lowest Refer to manufacturer's instructions.
fluid level. Make provisions for opening this line
without draining (siphoning) reservoir. Misalignment of pump shaft to driver's shaft should
not exceed 0.005 inches (0,13 mm) Total Indicator
Readout (TIR) in any plane.

Bulletin 947022 THE OILGEAR COMPANY 5

FILTRATION With pump under “no load” or with pump control at
Keep the fluid clean at all times to ensure long life
from your hydraulic system. Refer to the referenced 4. Turn drive unit ON and OFF several times
Oilgear Filtration Recommendations bulletin 90007 before allowing pump to reach full speed. The
and Oilgear Contamination Evaluation Guide system can usually be filled by running the
Bulletin 90004. Oilgear recommends use of a filter pump and operating the control.
in the pressure or return line. Replace filter 5. The fluid level in the reservoir should decrease.
element(s) when the filter condition indicator Stop the pump. DO NOT allow the fluid level to
reaches change area at normal fluid temperature. go beyond the “low level.” If the level reaches
Drain and thoroughly clean filter case. Use “low level” mark, add fluid and repeat step.
replacement element(s) of same beta 10 ratio
(normally a ratio of 4 with hydraulic oils). With differential (cylinder) systems, the fluid
NOTE must not be above “high level” when the
FLUID COOLING ram is retracted or below “low level” when
extended. Bleed air from the system by
When the pump is operated continuously at the
loosening connections or opening petcocks
rated pressure or frequently at peak load, auxiliary
at the highest point in the system. Close
cooling of the fluid may be necessary. Fluid connections or petcocks tightly when solid
temperature should not exceed limits specified in stream of fluid appears.
the referenced Oilgear Fluid Recommendations
Bulletin 90000. CONSTRUCTION
AIR BREATHER See Figure 3.
On most installations, an air breather is mounted 1. A drive shaft (301) runs through the center line
on top of fluid reservoir. It is important for the of pump housing (001) and valve plate (401)
breather to be the adequate size to allow air flow in with the pump cylinder barrel (101) splined to it.
and out of reservoir as fluid level changes. Keep 2. A bearing (306) supports the outboard end of
the breather case filled to the “fluid level” mark. the drive shaft and a bushing supports the
About once every six months, remove cover, wash inboard end. (The bushing is part of valve plate
screen in solvent and allow screen to dry, clean assembly.)
and refill case to level mark and install screen. 3. The pump cylinder barrel is carried in a
Refer to the manufacturer's recommendations. polymerous (journal type) cylinder bearing
FLUID, FILLING AND STARTING 4. The valve plate (401) has two crescent shaped
Refer to instruction plate on the unit, reservoir, 5. The pumping piston/shoe assemblies (102) in
machine and/or reference, Fluid Recommendations the cylinder barrel are held against a
bulletin. Fire resistant fluids and phosphate ester swashblock (201) by a shoe retainer (104).
fluids can be used in accordance with fluid 6. The shoe retainer is held in position by the
manufacturer's recommendations. fulcrum ball (103) which is forced outward by
the shoe retainer spring (105).
1. Pump all fluid into reservoir through a clean 7. The spring acts against the pump cylinder
(beta 10 ratio of 4 or more) filter. Fill reservoir barrel, forcing it against the valve plate while
to, but not above, “high level” mark on the sight also forcing the piston shoes against the
gauge. swashblock.
2. Remove case drain line and fill pump case 8. The semi-cylindrical shaped swashblock limits
with hydraulic fluid. the piston stroke and can be swiveled in arc
3. Turn drive shaft a few times by hand with a shaped saddle bearings (204).
spanner wrench to make sure parts rotate. 9. The swashblock is swiveled by a control
Torque to turn drive shaft should be 9 to 24 ft•lb (included in referenced material). Refer to

6 THE OILGEAR COMPANY Bulletin 947022

PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION Position B, Pump During Full Delivery From
PORT B - Figure 3
The illustrations show the pump driven clockwise
(right hand) from the top (plan) view. Rotating the drive shaft (301) clockwise turns the
splined cylinder, which contains the pumping
pistons (102). When the cylinder rotates, the
pistons move in and out within their bores as the
shoes ride against the angled (C) swashblock
As the cylinder rotates, the individual piston bores
are connected, alternately, to the crescent shaped
upper (port A) and lower (port B) in the valve plate.
While connected to the upper side (suction) port A,
each piston moves outward OUT, drawing fluid
from port A into the piston bore until its outermost
stroke (D) is reached. At this point, the piston bore
passes from the upper crescent port A to the lower
crescent port B.
While rotating across the lower crescent, each
OILG0363 piston moves across the angled swashblock face
Figure 2. Cut-a-way of a Typical “PVG” and then each piston is forced inward IN. Each
Pump piston then displaces fluid through the lower
crescent to port B until its innermost stroke (D) is
reached. At this point, the piston bore passes from
the lower to the upper crescent again and the cycle
is repeated.

105 401




Figure 3. Position B, Pump During Full Delivery From Port B

Bulletin 947022 THE OILGEAR COMPANY 7

Position B/2, Pump During One Half Delivery Position N, Pump In Neutral, No Stroke, No
From PORT B - Figure 4 Delivery - Figure 5
This illustration shows that the angle (E) of the Neutral position results when the control
swashblock determines the length of the piston centers the swashblock. The swashblock
stroke (F), (the difference between outermost and angle (G) is now zero and swashblock face is
innermost position) which determines the amount parallel to the cylinder face. There is no
of delivery from the pump. In this case, the stroke inward or outward motion of the pump pistons
angle (E) is one-half of the stroke, which means the as piston shoes rotate around the swashblock
piston stroke is one-half and the pump delivery is face. With no inward and outward motion or
one-half. no stroke (H), NEUTRAL no fluid is being
displaced from the piston bores to the
crescents in the valve plate and there is no
delivery from pump ports.

Illustration reference numbers match the

NOTE part item number in the parts list.





Figure 4. Position B/2, Pump During One Half Delivery From Port B




G OILG-0003

Figure 5. Position N, Pump In Neutral, No Stroke, No Delivery


8 THE OILGEAR COMPANY Bulletin 947022

Refer to reference material, pump control
NOTE material and individual application circuit
for exceptions.


THEORETICAL RATED 1800 rpm rated INPUT at rated
MAXIMUM CONTINUOUS continuous pressure continuous
DISPLACEMENT PRESSURE and 14,7 psia (bar abs) pressure &
inlet condition 1800 rpm
in 3/rev ml/rev psi bar psi bar gpm l/mi rpm hp kw
PVG 100 6.00 98,3 5000 344,8 5800 400,0 42.4 160,5 2400 150 111,9
PVG 130 7.94 130,2 3750 258,6 4250 293,1 57.6 218,0 2400 150 111,9

Case pressure should be less than 25 psi (1,7 bar). For higher pressure, consult factory.
Higher speeds available - consult factory.
Table 1. Nominal Performance Data with 150-300 SSU viscosity fluids.

Length Width Height Weight

Unit Face Mounting
inches mm inches mm inches mm lbs. kg
PVG 100, 130 13.0 330,5 8.4 213 7.3 185,7 115* 52 SAE “C” 2 bolt

All dimensions (without controls) are approximate. For detailed dimensions, contact your Oilgear Representative.
* Weight with P Control and rear port valve plate
Table 2. Nominal Dimensions without controls.

Refer to installation drawings for more detailed dimensions and port configurations.

Bulletin 947022 THE OILGEAR COMPANY 9

Low control input (pilot) pressure for “R” and “V” volume type
Unresponsive or Refer to referenced control instruction material.
controls only.
Sluggish Control
Swashblock saddle bearings (204) worn or damaged. Inspect bearings. Replace.
Delivery limited by faulty control Refer to appropriate control instruction material.
Obstructed suction circuit or insufficient supercharge volume. Inspect for obstruction and verify supercharge.
Insufficient drive motor speed. Refer to appropriate power material.
Insufficient Pump Worn or grooved cylinder barrel (101) and/or valve plate (401)
Volume mating surfaces.
Worn piston/shoe assemblies (102) or piston bores in cylinder Inspect components. Replace.
Worn or damaged piston shoe or swashblock (201).
Inspect components. Replace. Refer to referenced
Faulty control.
pump control instruction materials.
Fluid level in reservoir is low or supercharge is insufficient. Verify fluid level and/or supercharge.
Irregular or
Air entering hydraulic system. Inspect system for leak.
Unsteady Operation
Worn axial piston pump. Inspect components. Replace.
Faulty output circuit components (cylinder, motors, valves or
Inspect components. Replace.
other related components).
Worn piston pump.
Worn or grooved cylinder barrel (101) and/or valve plate (401)
Loss of Pressure mating surfaces. Inspect components. Replace.
Worn piston/shoe assemblies (102) or piston bores in cylinder.
Faulty output circuit components.
Excessive or High
Faulty output circuit components. Check the relief valves.
Peak Pressure
Pump stopped or started incorrectly under load. Verify operation procedure of pump.
Low fluid level in reservoir or insufficient supercharge causing
Verify fluid level and/or supercharge.
Air entering hydraulic system. Inspect system for leak.
Excessive Noise Fluid too cold or viscosity too high. Verify fluid temperature and/or type.
Suction line problem i.e.; obstructions in line, line too long, line
Inspect line for obstruction.
diameter too small or too many bends and/or loops in line.
Broken or worn piston/shoe assembly (102). Inspect components. Replace.
Pump rotating in wrong direction. Inspect operation direction of pump.
Operating pump above rated or peak pressure. Verify pump limitations.
Low fluid level in reservoir or insufficient supercharge. Verify fluid level and/or supercharge.
Air entering hydraulic system. Inspect system for leak.
Worn piston pump.
Excessive Heating Worn or grooved cylinder barrel (101) and/or valve plate (401)
mating surfaces. Inspect components. Replace.
Faulty output circuit components (continuous blowing relief valves
or "slip" through valves, cylinder or other components.
Insufficient cooling provision or clogged coolers. Inspect for obstruction.

10 THE OILGEAR COMPANY Bulletin 947022

The cleanliness of working on this pump or
! WARNING NOTE the hydraulic system is extremely important
Shut the pump OFF and release pressure to the safety and reliability of the pump and
from the system before disassembling the system.
components. Failure to comply with these
instructions could result in personal injury When disassembling or assembling the
or death. Blocking the pressure line pump, choose a clean, dry, dust and sand
between the pump and the system (or free area where no traces of abrasive
pump) high pressure relief valve will result particles are in the air which can damage
in damage and could result in serious the pump and system. DO NOT work near
personal injury. welding, sandblasting, grinding benches or
similar conditions.
Always make sure the fittings are clean on
To check for a worn piston pump, make a leak the outside before removing them from
measurement test from the case drain while the their connections. Make sure they are
pump is under pressure. After the unit is warm, capped and plugged when removed. Place
either install a flow meter in the drain line or have them on a clean surface and in a clean rag
the flow from the drain line directed into a large or container until they are reinstalled.
container or reservoir. The pump case must remain When cleaning parts which have been
full of fluid during this test. disassembled, it is important to use
CLEAN cleaning solvents and parts are
allowed to dry. All tools and gauges should
CAUTION be clean prior to working with the system
DO NOT run a pump on stroke against a and use new, CLEAN lint free rags to
blocked output unless it is protected by a handle and dry parts.
high pressure relief valve and then run no
longer than necessary to check slip. Limit
discharge to prevent dropping reservoir ! WARNING
fluid below low level. DO NOT attempt to remove or install any
components or assembly while the pump
With an accurate high pressure gauge in the and system is running. Always stop the
pressure line, start the pump and stall (or block) pump, shut OFF the power and release
output device to raise system pressure to pressure from the system before servicing
maximum (as set by system relief valve). Read the or testing. Be sure provisions have been
measurement on the flow meter or time and made so the case drain line can be
measure the case drain flow to fill a known size disconnected from the unit without
container and calculate the flow rate. causing the line to drain (siphon) the
Additional leakage indicates wear, but
NOTE does not become critical until it impairs (continued)

Bulletin 947022 THE OILGEAR COMPANY 11

Refer to the reference material for the information
1. Disconnect case drain line from port 1 or 1A. which applies to the control your pump is equipped
2. Drain pump case through the remaining (port 1 with. Some force is required to remove the control
or 1A) on the bottom of case. If plugs are housing.
inaccessible, it may be necessary to remove 1. Remove socket head cap screws.
the pump from the mounting and drive motor
before draining it. 2. Lift the control group assembly, with control pin,
straight up from the top of the pump assembly.
3. After removing the pump from the mounting The control pin may or may not remain in the
and before disassembly, cap or plug all ports swashblock (201).
and clean the outside of unit thoroughly to
prevent dust from entering the system. See 3. Remove control O-rings from the pump
Figures 8 and 9. housing.
Depending on what part or parts are to be VALVE PLATE GROUP
NOTE inspected, it may not be necessary to
completely take apart all assemblies. If another pump is coupled to thru-shaft pumps, it
will be necessary to remove coupling half before
removing valve plate.
1. Block the pump on a bench with the drive shaft
facing down.
2. Remove the valve plate (401) by removing four
hex head cap screws (403) and lifting it straight
3. Remove valve plate O-ring (404) and (411).

12 THE OILGEAR COMPANY Bulletin 947022

1. Remove the drive key (303), if used and the
! WARNING drive shaft bearing retainer ring (305).
The rotating group is heavy. Be careful not 2. Grasp outboard end of drive shaft (301) and
to damage cylinder wear surface which pull it out of the pump housing.
mates against the valve plate, bearing
diameters or piston shoes. Use proper 3. Remove the shaft seal retainer (302) and shaft
lifting techniques and assistance from seal (007) from the housing only if necessary.
others to prevent personal injury.
On thru-shaft pumps, the tailshaft bushing Remove screws (206) and guide plate (203) first.
assembly (307, 308, 309) or a coupling will have to Reach inside the case and remove the swashblock
be removed (a “jacking” screw can be used) before (201) and saddle bearings (204).
the rotating group can be disassembled.
1. Place the pump in a horizontal position. INSPECTION
2. Remove the rotating group by turning shaft Clean all parts thoroughly and allow them to dry.
(301) slowly, while pulling the cylinder barrel Inspect all seals and O-rings for hardening,
(101) from the housing. cracking or deterioration. Replace if necessary or if
you suspect damage. Check all locating pins for
3. Identify (number) each pump piston shoe damage and springs for cracking or signs of wear.
assembly (102) and its respective bore in the
cylinder barrel (101) and shoe retainer (104) for
easy reassembly. ! WARNING
Wear proper protective gear when using
4. See Figure 6. Lift out shoe retainer (104) with
solvents or compressed air, servicing or
pistons (102) and remove the fulcrum ball (103)
maintaining the hydraulic system or the
and shoe retainer spring (105).
Oilgear pump. Wear correct protective
gear, safety glasses, gloves, and safety
shoes. Serious injury can result without
proper protective gear.

Refer to the reference material on pump controls.
102 Be sure to carefully check the control pin for cracks
and/or signs of fatigue. Check fit of the pin in the
103 swashblock. It should be a slip-fit without side-play.
105 Replace if necessary or if you suspect damage.


Figure 6. Rotating Group Disassembly (5V-12015-L).

5. Remove retaining ring (208) and plug (205) and

pull the hydrodynamic bearing (202) from the

Bulletin 947022 THE OILGEAR COMPANY 13

Inspect the valveplate (401) surface which mates
with the cylinder barrel (101) for excessive wear. A
Remove minor defects by lightly stoning the
surface with a hard stone which is flat to within
0.001 inches (0,03 mm).

Be sure to stone lightly. Any excessive

NOTE stoning will remove the hardened surface. B
If wear or damage is extensive, replace the OILG-0005
valve plate.
Figure 7. Piston and Shoe Inspection (5V-12015-L)
(A) All shoes must be equal within 0.001 inches
Inspect cylinder barrel (101) piston bores and the (0,025 mm) at this dimension.
face which mate with the valve plate for wear. (B) All shoe faces must be free of nicks.
Remove minor defects on the face by lightly
stoning or lapping the surface. End play should not exceed 0.003 inches
NOTE (0,076 mm) when new or 0.006 inches
Inspect the cylinder bearing (202) for damage and (0,152 mm) when worn.
replace if necessary. Check all piston and shoe
assemblies (102) to be sure they ride properly on SWASHBLOCK GROUP
the swashblock.
Inspect the swashblock (201) for wear. If defects
Be sure to stone lightly. Any excessive are minor, stone the swashblock lightly. If damage
NOTE stoning will remove the hardened surface. is extensive, replace the swashblock.
If wear or damage is extensive and defects
cannot be removed, replace the cylinder Check the small hole in the face of the
barrel. swashblock. The hole provides “porting” for the
hydrostatic balance fluid of the piston/shoe
See Figure 7. Check each shoe face for nicks and assembly to be channeled through the swashblock
scratches, and the shoe for smooth pivot action on to the face of the saddle bearing, providing
the piston. pressure lubrication.

If one or more piston/shoe assembly needs Compare the saddle bearing (204) thickness in a
NOTE to be replaced, replace all the piston/shoe worn area to thickness in an unworn area. Replace
assemblies. When installing new piston/ saddle bearings if the difference is greater than
shoe assemblies or the rotating group, 0.015 inches (0,4 mm).
make sure the pistons move freely in their
respective bores. Check the mating surface of swashblock for cracks
or excessive wear. The swashblock movement in
the saddle bearings must be smooth. Replace if

Be sure to stone lightly. Any excessive

NOTE stoning will remove the hardened surface.
If wear or damage is extensive and defects
cannot be removed, replace if necessary
or if you suspect them of being bad.

14 THE OILGEAR COMPANY Bulletin 947022

DRIVE SHAFT GROUP 5. The bearing (202) should be positioned with
“scarf” cuts (PVG 130 only) positioned top and
Check: bottom. The bearing should fit into place with a
• the shaft seal (007) for deterioration or little difficulty and be square to the axis of the
cracks. Replace if necessary (press-out). pump.
• the shaft bearing (306) for galling, pitting, 6. Tap bearing into place if necessary using
binding or roughness. extreme care not to damage the bearing.
• the rear shaft bushing in valve plate. 7. Insert retaining ring (208) to hold bearing in
• the shaft and its splines for wear. Replace place. Assemble plug (205) with O-ring (209)
any parts necessary. into case.


1. Place the housing on its side with the axis
See Figures 8 and 9. Follow the disassembly horizontal.
procedures in reverse for re-assembling the pump.
2. Install the seal retainer (302).
During assembly, install new seals and O-rings.
Apply a thin film of CLEAN grease or hydraulic fluid 3. Lubricate the shaft seal (007) and shaft.
to sealing components to ease assembly. If a new 4. Insert the drive shaft (301) and bearing
rotating group is used, lubricate thoroughly with assembly into the housing.
CLEAN hydraulic fluid. Apply fluid generously to all
wear surfaces. 5. Lock in place with the drive shaft bearing
retainer ring (305).
See Figure 6.
1. Press shaft seal (007) into front of pump
housing. 1. Place the cylinder barrel (101), wear surface
down, on a clean cloth.
2. Place housing on a bench with the mounting
flange side down. 2. Place the shoe retainer spring (105) in the
center of the barrel with the fulcrum ball (103)
3. Grease the back side of each saddle bearing on top of it.
(204) and place on the pin to locate the
bearings in the pump case. Make sure the pins 3. Insert the identified pistons (102) into their
do not protrude. corresponding identified holes of the shoe
retainer (104). As a unit, fit the pistons into their
4. The swashblock is inserted from the valve plate corresponding, identified bores in the cylinder
end. Insert swashblock (201) into the pump barrel. DO NOT FORCE. When parts are
housing. Once in place, be sure the swashblock aligned properly, the pistons will fit smoothly.
swivels in the saddle bearings. With new
bearings, swiveling may be stiff and not always
smooth. Assemble (203) and (206).

Bulletin 947022 THE OILGEAR COMPANY 15

On thru-shaft pumps without another pump
NOTE or device connected to them, slide
assembly onto the shaft (301) and secure
The rotating group weight is heavy. Be cap assembly (307, 309) in with socket
careful not to damage cylinder wear head shoulder screw (308).
surface which mates against the valve
plate, bearing diameters or piston shoes. VALVE PLATE GROUP
Use proper lifting techniques and
assistance from others to prevent 1. Place the pump housing on a bench with the
personal injury. open end facing up.
2. Install new O-rings (404) and (411) on the
The rotating group can now be carefully installed
over the end of the drive shaft (301) and into the
pump housing (001). 3. Position the valve plate (401) on pins (005) and
housing. Make sure the end of shaft engages
When installing the rotating group, support the bushing.
NOTE the weight of the cylinder barrel (101), as
cylinder spline is passed over the tailshaft, 4. Hand-tighten the hex head cap screw (403)
to avoid scratching or damage. closest to O-ring (404) first, then alternately
tighten the other cap screws. On thru-shaft
4. Push cylinder forward until the cylinder spline
units connected to another pump or device,
reaches the drive shaft spline and rotate
install coupling (501).
slightly to engage shaft splines. Continue to
slide cylinder forward until it encounters the
cylinder bearing (202). Lifting the rear of the Refer to PREPARATION and INSTALLATION
shaft slightly helps the cylinder (101) and the when pump is ready to be returned to service.
cylinder bearing (202) engagement. Continue
pushing the cylinder forward until the piston
shoes contact the swashblock, the back of the
cylinder should be located approximately 0.4
inches (10,2 mm) outside the back of the pump

16 THE OILGEAR COMPANY Bulletin 947022

PVG Pump Fastener or Plug Type/Size Tightening Torque
004 5/8 int. 135 ft•lb (183 N•m)
205 1/8 int. 45 in•lb (5 N•m)
206 5/32 int. 87 in•lb (10 N•m)
308 5/32 int. 87 in•lb (10 N•m)
403 13/16 ext. 100 ft•lb (136 N•m)
408 1/8 int. 45 in•lb (5 N•m)
409 1/8 int. 45 in•lb (5 N•m)
410 3/16 int. 120 in•lb (14 N•m)
503 Depends on adapter
3/8 SHC 5/16 int. 45 ft•lb (61 N•m)
3/8 HHC 9/16 ext. 15 ft•lb (20 N•m)
1/2 HHC 3/4 ext. 37 ft•lb (50 N•m)
5/8 HHC 15/16 ext. 74 ft•lb (100 N•m)
507 5/16 int. 45 ft•lb (61 N•m)

Table 3. PVG Pump Torques

Bulletin 947022 THE OILGEAR COMPANY 17

Parts used in these assemblies are per Oilgear
specifications. Use only Oilgear parts to ensure
compatibility with assembly requirements. When
ordering replacement parts, be sure to include
pump type and serial number, bulletin number and
item number. Specify type of hydraulic fluid to
assure seal and packing compatibility.

Parts drawings may not be identical to

Oilgear drawings referenced.

Item Qty. Description

001 1 Housing, Pump
003 1 Nameplate, Identification
004 1 Plug
005 2 Pin, Roll
006 2 Pin, Roll
007 1 Seal, Shaft
008 2 Screw
009 2 Pin, Swashblock Bearing
010 1 Seal, O-ring
101 1 Barrel, Cylinder
102 9 Assembly, Piston/Shoe
103 1 Ball, Fulcrum
104 1 Retainer, Shoe
105 1 Spring, Shoe Retainer
201 1 Swashblock
202 1 Bearing, Cylinder
203 1 Guide Plate
204 2 Bearing, Swashblock
205 1 Plug, Bearing Retainer
206 2 Screw
208 1 Ring, Retainer
209 1 Seal, O-ring

PARTS LIST drawings on pages 24 through 27.

Parts are common between pumps. Only the differences are shown.

18 THE OILGEAR COMPANY Bulletin 947022

O-ring Sizes
ARP 568 Uniform Size Number with
Item Number PVG Pump 100/130
010 916 - 70
404 013 - 90
405 902 - 90
406 903 - 90
407 904 - 90
411 257 - 70

Item Qty. Description

301 1 Drive Shaft
302 1 Retainer, Seal Side
303 1 Key, Drive Shaft (keyed shafts only)
304 1 Ring, Retainer, External
305 1 Ring, Retainer, Internal
306 1 Bearing, Front
307 1 Bushing (used on thru-shaft w/ cover plate)
308 1 Screw (used on thru-shaft w/ cover plate)
309 1 Roll Pin (used on thru-shaft w/ cover plate)
401 1 Valve Plate w/bearing
403 4 Screw, Hex Head Cap
404 1 Seal, O-ring
405 1 Seal, O-ring
406 1 Seal, O-ring (not required for all versions)
407 1 Seal, O-ring
408 1 Plug, #2 HP
409 1 Plug, #3 HP (not required for all versions)
410 1 Plug, #4 HP
411 1 Seal, O-ring

PARTS LIST drawings on pages 24 through 27.

Parts are common between pumps. Only the differences are shown.
Parts used in this assembly are per Oilgear specifications. Use only Oilgear
parts to ensure the compatibility with the assembly requirements. When
ordering replacement parts, be sure to include pump type and serial number,
bulletin number and item number. To assure seal and packing compatibility,
specify type of hydraulic fluid.

Bulletin 947022 THE OILGEAR COMPANY 19

SERVICE KITS Document Number: 516246-SK
PVG C Pump Service Kits Revision: 1 (10-18-07)
SERVICE KIT Drawings on pages 24 through 27. Sheet 1 of 4

Description Kit No. Series Items Included (quantity is 1 unless noted)
Housing Kits
Viton Seals L516275-621 F1(D)
Nitrile Seals L516275-622 F1(D) 001, 003, 004, 005(2), 006(2), 007, 008(2), 009(2), 010
EPR Seals L516275-623 F1(D)

Shaft & Bearing Kits

Viton or Nitrile seals
1.50" Dia. Keyed (Code Z) Short L516175-301 All(B) 301A, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306
1.50" Dia. Keyed (Code Y) Std L516175-307 All(B) 301A, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306
14T, 12/24 Spline (Code K) Std L516175-305 All 301B, 302, 304, 305, 306
17T, 12/24 Spline (Code S) Std L516175-302 All 301C, 302, 304, 305, 306
1.50" Dia. Keyed (Code Z) T-S Short L516175-303 All(B) 301D, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306
1.50" Dia. Keyed (Code Y) T-S L516175-308 All(B) 301D, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306
14T, 12/24 Spline (Code K) T-S L516175-306 All 301E, 302, 304, 305, 306
17T, 12/24 Spline (Code S) T-S L516175-304 All 301F, 302, 304, 305, 306
EPR Seals
1.50" Dia. Keyed (Code Z) Short L516175-328 All(B) 301A, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306
1.50" Dia. Keyed (Code Y) Std L516175-322 All(B) 301A, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306
14T, 12/24 Spline (Code K) Std L516175-324 All 301B, 302, 304, 305, 306
17T, 12/24 Spline (Code S) Std L516175-326 All 301C, 302, 304, 305, 306
1.50" Dia. Keyed (Code Z) T-S Short L516175-327 All(B) 301D, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306
1.50" Dia. Keyed (Code Y) T-S L516175-321 All(B) 301D, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306
14T, 12/24 Spline (Code K) T-S L516175-323 All 301E, 302, 304, 305, 306
17T, 12/24 Spline (Code S) T-S L516175-325 All 301F, 302, 304, 305, 306
Std = Rear ported or Side ported w/o thru-shaft, T-S = Side ported w/ thru-shaft

All 515794 All 201

Guide Plate Assembly

All L516175-225 All 203, 206(2)

Saddle Bearing
Standard L516175-220 All
204A, 204B
High Temp L516175-221 All

Hydrodynamic Bearing Kit

Viton Seals L516175-230 F1(D)
202, 205, 208, 209
Nitrile Seals L516175-231 F1(D)
EPR Seals L516175-232 F1(D)
Viton Seals L516275-230 F1(D)
202, 205, 208, 209
Nitrile Seals L516275-231 F1(D)
EPR Seals L516275-232 F1(D)

Rotating Group
PVG-100 L516175-101 All
101, 102(9), 103, 104, 105
PVG-130 L516275-102 C2(C)

20 THE OILGEAR COMPANY Bulletin 947022

PVG C Pump Service Kits Document Number: 516246-SK
Reference: 516246-200 Ass’y Drwg Revision: 1 (10-18-07)
Sheet 2 of 4

Description Kit No. Series Items Included (quantity is 1 unless noted)
Piston & Shoe Sub-Assembly
PVG-100 K407812-800 All
PVG-130 K407837-800 All

Shoe Retainer & Fulcrum Ball

PVG-100 L318925-001 All
103, 104
PVG-130 L318926 All

Valve Plate Kits

PVG-100 Rear Port LH
Viton Seals L516175-401 All
401D, 403(4), 404, 405, 407, 408, 410, 411
Nitrile Seals L516175-413 All
EPR Seals L516175-407 All
PVG-100 Rear Port RH
Viton Seals L516175-402 All
401D, 403(4), 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410, 411
Nitrile Seals L516175-414 All
EPR Seals L516175-408 All
PVG-100 Side Port LH
Viton Seals L516175-405 All
401E, 403(4), 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410, 411
Nitrile Seals L516175-417 All
EPR Seals L516175-411 All
PVG-100 Side Port RH
Viton Seals L516175-406 All
401E, 403(4), 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410, 411
Nitrile Seals L516175-418 All
EPR Seals L516175-412 All
PVG-100 Side Port, Thru-Shaft LH
Viton Seals L516175-403 All
401A, 403(4), 404, 405(2), 406, 407, 408(2), 409, 410, 411
Nitrile Seals L516175-415 All
EPR Seals L516175-409 All
PVG-100 Side Port, Thru-Shaft RH
Viton Seals L516175-404 All
401A, 403(4), 404, 405(2), 406, 407, 408(2), 409, 410, 411
Nitrile Seals L516175-416 All
EPR Seals L516175-410 All
PVG-130 Rear Port LH
Viton Seals L516275-401 C2(C)
401D, 403(4), 404, 405, 407, 408, 410, 411
Nitrile Seals L516275-425 C2(C)
EPR Seals L516275-407 C2(C)
PVG-130 Rear Port RH
Viton Seals L516275-402 C2(C)
401D, 403(4), 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410, 411
Nitrile Seals L516275-428 C2(C)
EPR Seals L516275-408 C2(C)
PVG-130 Side Port LH
Viton Seals L516275-405 C2(C)
401E, 403(4), 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410, 411
Nitrile Seals L516275-417 C2(C)
EPR Seals L516275-411 C2(C)

Bulletin 947022 THE OILGEAR COMPANY 21

PVG C Pump Service Kits Document Number: 516246-SK
Reference: 516246-200 Ass’y Drwg Revision: 1 (10-18-07)
Sheet 3 of 4

Description Kit No. Series Items Included (quantity is 1 unless noted)
PVG-130 Side Port RH
Viton Seals L516275-424 C2(C)
401E, 403(4), 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410, 411
Nitrile Seals L516275-418 C2(C)
EPR Seals L516275-412 C2(C)
PVG-130 Side Port, Thru-Shaft LH
Viton Seals L516275-403 C2(C)
401A, 403(4), 404, 405(2), 406, 407, 408(2), 409, 410, 411
Nitrile Seals L516275-415 C2(C)
EPR Seals L516275-409 C2(C)
PVG-130 Side Port, Thru-Shaft RH
Viton Seals L516275-404 C2(C)
401A, 403(4), 404, 405(2), 406, 407, 408(2), 409, 410, 411
Nitrile Seals L516275-416 C2(C)
EPR Seals L516275-410 C2(C)

Basic Seal Kit

Viton Seals K516175-C11 All
Nitrile Seals K516175-C12 All 007, 010, 209, 404, 405(2), 406, 407, 411 Control 330, 313
EPR Seals K516175-C13 All

Seal Kits for Options

Standard Cover Plate
Viton Seals 238270-138 All
Nitrile Seals 233370-138 All
EPR Seals 242080-138 All
SAE C Adapter
Viton Seals 238270-049 All
Nitrile Seals 233370-049 All
EPR Seals 242080-049 All
SAE B Adapter
Viton Seals L250667-017 All
505, 506
Nitrile Seals L250667-016 All
EPR Seals L250667-018 All
SAE A Adapter
Viton Seals L250667-014 All
505, 506
Nitrile Seals L250667-013 All
EPR Seals L250667-015 All
SAE A-A Adapter
Viton Seals L250667-019 All
505, 508
Nitrile Seals L250667-020 All
EPR Seals L250667-021 All

Shaft Seal
Viton Seals 51156-5 All
Nitrile Seals 51156-7 All 007
EPR Seals L51156-3RP All

22 THE OILGEAR COMPANY Bulletin 947022

PVG C Pump Service Kits Document Number: 516246-SK
Reference: 516246-200 Ass’y Drwg Revision: 1 (10-18-07)
Sheet 4 of 4

Description Kit No. Series Items Included (quantity is 1 unless noted)
Cover Plate Kit
Viton Seals L319076-001 All
Nitrile Seals L319076-013 All 307, 308, 309, 502, 503(4), 505
EPR Seals L319076-301 All

Rear Shaft Cover Kit

All L319066-006 All 307, 308, 309

SAE C Adapter/Coupling Kit

Viton Seals L319076 All
Nitrile Seals L319076-008 All 501, 503(2), 504(2), 505
EPR Seals L319076-300 All

SAE B-B Adapter/Coupling Kit

Viton Seals L319076-005 All
Nitrile Seals L319076-012 All 501, 502, 503(2), 504(2), 505, 506
EPR Seals L319076-014 All

SAE B Adapter/Coupling Kit

Viton Seals L319076-002 All
Nitrile Seals L319076-007 All 501, 502, 503(2), 504(2), 505, 506
EPR Seals L319076-302 All

SAE A Adapter/Coupling Kit 9 tooth

Viton Seals L319076-003 All
Nitrile Seals L319076-011 All 501, 502, 503(2), 504(2), 505, 506, 507(4)
EPR Seals L319076-303 All
SAE A Adapter/Coupling Kit 11 tooth
Viton Seals L319076-006 All
Nitrile Seals L319076-015 All 501, 502, 503(2), 504(2), 505, 506, 507(4)
EPR Seals L319076-016 All

SAE A-A Adapter/Coupling Kit

Viton Seals L319076-004 All
Nitrile Seals L319076-017 All 501, 502, 503(2), 504(2), 505, 507(4), 508
EPR Seals L319076-018 All

Name Tag & Screws

All L50921 All 003, 008(2)
Footnotes for Design Series
(A) Not used
(B) Code "Y" shaft is length of Code "Z" shaft for Design Series "A1"
Parts are interchangeable between Design Series
(C) PVG130 Valve plate and Rotating group must be matched
A1, B1, C1 parts can be intermixed between series
C2, D3, D4, E1, F1 parts can be intermixed between series
(D) F1 pump case and hydrobearing are not interchangeable with previous design series
F1 pump requires F1 control
Pump cases are interchangeable prior to F1
A1 series has #12 SAE threaded case drain connection
B1, C1, C2, D3, D4, E1 have #16 SAE threaded case drain connection

Bulletin 947022 THE OILGEAR COMPANY 23

301 306 007 008 003 401 502 503 505




303 304 305 302 404 005 407 410 406 409 403

009 203 206 201 006 208 102 001 411



004 010 009 204B 202 209 205 104 103 105 101

Figure 8. Cross Section and Exploded Parts Drawing for PVG 100 and 130 (516246-200 sheet 1 of 8)

Bulletin 947022
Bulletin 947022



301E 301F


305 003
306 005 008
301D 204A

301B 301C
308 406 409
001 403
405 408

209 205 505


004 010 204B
005 009

301A 411
407 410
405 408

403 407 410

401A 502

406 409

407 410 OILG0322

Figure 9. Exploded Parts Drawing for PVG 100 and 130 (516246-200 sheet 2 of 8)

504 503 502
505 504


506 OR 509
501 501

505 505
301 REF.


301 REF. 301 REF. 301 REF. 307 308 309




SPLINE SHAFT 32-4 SPLINE SHAFTS 22-4 & 25-4 SPLINE SHAFTS 13-4 OR 16-4 & 19-4



Figure 10. Cross Section Drawing for PVG 100 and 130 (516246-200 sheet 6 and 8 of 8)

Bulletin 947022
Bulletin 947022
307 308 309 505
301 REF. 504 503
301 REF.

505 502



501 505
301 REF. 502


SPLINE SHAFTS 22-4 & 25-4 302


301 REF.
505 502

508 OR 506




SPLINE SHAFTS 13-4 OR 16-4 & 19-4



Figure 11. Cross Section and Exploded Parts Drawing for PVG 100 and 130 (516246-200 sheet 7 of 8)

At Oilgear we build products to last. It is the nature Oilgear conducts training to train your maintenance
of this type of machinery to require proper personnel. “General” hydraulic or electronic
maintenance regardless of the care we put into training is conducted at our Milwaukee, Wisconsin
manufacturing. Oilgear has several service plant on a regular basis. “Custom” training,
programs in place to help you. specifically addressing your particular hydraulic
and electro-hydraulic equipment can be conducted
STAY-ON-STREAM SERVICE at your facilities.
By signing up for Oilgear's Stay-On-Stream SPARE PARTS AVAILABILITY
program, you can prepare for problems before they
happen. Certain field tests such as fluid testing, Prepare for your future needs by stocking Oilgear
slip testing and electronic profile recording original factory parts. Having the correct parts and
comparisons can be performed by our field service necessary skills “in-plant” enables you to minimize
people or your own factory trained personnel. “down-time.” Oilgear has developed parts kits to
These tests can indicate problems before they cover likely future needs. Oilgear Field Service
become “down-time” difficulties. Technicians are also ready to assist you and your
maintenance people in troubleshooting and
repairing equipment.


2300 South 51st Street
May 2008 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53219
28 THE OILGEAR COMPANY Bulletin 947022

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