Inglês Clara Isced

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Departamento de Ciências de Educação

Curso de Licenciatura em Ensino de Direito


Nome: Clara Afonso Sambula: 41210170

Vilankulo, Março- 2021
Departamento de Ciências de Educação
Curso de Licenciatura em Ensino de Direito

Norma Jurídica e sua Classificação

Trabalho de campo a ser submetido na

coordenação do curso de Licenciatura
em Ensino de Direito do ISCED.


Name: Clara Afonso Sambula: 41210170

Vilankulo, Junho - 2021
Table of contents

Since December 2019, the world got into a new age of health crisis due to the diagnosis of a
very dangerous disease (Covid-19). This pandemic affected the whole world in many
different aspects of the life. Many (thousands or millions) of people got sick in less than 6
months and many people died, because this disease is so contagious.
Because of its level of transmission, the WHO commanded an alert to the whole world.
Thus, the government of every country had to do something in order to prevent its citizens
from this global pandemic. In March of 2020, the Mozambican government stated some
decisions in order to minimize the numbers infections. Trips abroad were canceled, Tourism
had to stop, church and schools also, and people had to minimize their trips or going out from
home. By all those decisions made, the education got affected. So the government had to
design another strategies in order to keep studies running.
This work is about the Covid-19 is affecting particularly the education process in Inhambane
Roles of Parents in how is affecting Education

Children tend to be like their parents.

Classes use of technology for teachers and students

In March 21st 2020, the Mozambican government commanded that some areas should stop
working to avoid the increasing of people by infection. Education was one of areas. But in
order not to totally stop the course of studies, the government designed some strategies that
could help teachers interact with students but virtually, usually ICT’s, radios and TVs.
The minister of Education did an agreement with Public Televisions and radios. Through
those vias, teachers could share their lessons with primary and secondary students. In
secondary schools, colleges and universities were created platforms such as whatsapp, google
meet and others that allows people interact virtually.
Those decisions didn’t show good results due to many reasons, that can be mentioned some
as follows
 Many students are not familiar to use of ICT’S
 Our province/ country is very large and can’t afford all these means of
communication to reach so far
 Teenagers are not used to listen to radios and watch TVs, and if they do, they don’t do
that for study purposes
By the time was going, the government designed anothe strategies and looking on the
numbers run by Covid-19 infections.
By October 2020 the number of infections and deaths by the desease were decreased, so the
government decided to re-open the schools, churches…
How prepared are our schools
This topic is still in the mouth of different commentators around the world, specifically in our
Since this desease is very contagious, before the re-opening of different areas of work such as
education, the government planned some conditions so that the users of those places and
institutions couldn’t be in risk of getting Covid-19.
Some of the requirements were that every institution should:
 Have water and detergents in the entrances/ doors (for people wash hands)
 Have clean toilets and in very good sanitary condition
 Make sure everyone entering in the institution is wearing a face mask.
 There were commanded /stated the distance between people seats (desks/chairs)

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