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©2004 by James A.


An Annotated Bibliography
of Resources Pertaining to
“Christ in You” and “Union with Christ”

©2004 by James A. Fowler

Allchin, Arthur MacDonald, Participation in God: A Forgotten Strand in Anglican Tradition.

London: Darton, Longman and Todd. 1988. (A study of the Christian’s being a “partaker of
the divine nature” in Richard Hooker, Lancelot Andrewes, Charles Wesley, Williams
Pantycelyn, E.B. Pusey, and the Oxford Movement.)
Allen, Joseph J., Inner Way: Eastern Christian Spiritual Direction. Grand Rapids: Wm B.
Eerdmans Publishing. 1994. (Study of Eastern Orthodox spirituality exploring its historical
tradition, and spiritual and psychological issues.)
Amiot, Francois, The Key Concepts of St. Paul. New York: Herder and Herder. 1962. (Roman
Catholic study of Pauline theology that includes “union with Christ.”)
Anonymous, Christ in You. London: Watkins. 1975 (orig. pub. 1910). (Somewhat metaphysical
discourse on “Christ in You.”)
Austin-Sparks, T., In Christ. Bethesda: Testimony Book Ministry. 1984. (Study of what it means
to be “in the likeness of His death, resurrection, ascension and glory.)
Austin-Sparks, T., Union with Christ. (Considers racial union, marital union, vocational union,
functional union, vital and organic union, and consummated union with Christ.)
Baldwin, Harmon A., The Indwelling Christ. Salem: The Allegheny Wesleyan Methodist
Connection. 1974. (Wesleyan study of “the mystery of Christian experience.”)
Barcley, William B., “Christ in You”: A Study in Paul’s Theology and Ethics. Lanham:
University Press of America. 1999. (Gordon-Conwell professor explores Paul’s “Christ in
you” passages.)
Barth, Karl, Church Dogmatics. Vol. IV, Part 3.2. Edinburgh: T.&T. Clark. 1962. (In the midst
of his massive Church Dogmatics, Barth considers “union with Christ” in Sect. 71, “The
Vocation of Man”, pgs. 538-554.)
Best, John E. with Karpyak, Linda and Smith, Greg, Resolving Misunderstandings of the
Exchanged Life. Dallas: Exchanged Life Ministries. 1996. (Authors ask and answer questions
concerning the “exchanged life.”)
Bonner, Gerald, “Augustine’s Conception of Deification.” Journal of Theological Studies. NS
37, 1986. pgs. 369-386. (Explains that Augustine viewed deification as “the consequence of
the saving work of Christ rather than a mystical state enjoyed by a contemplative.”)
Bouyer, Louis, The Christian Mystery: From Pagan Myth to Christian Mysticism. Edinburgh:
T&T Clark. 1990. (French Roman Catholic the “mystery” of the Christian gospel and the
development of Christian mysticism.)
Bouyer, Louis, Orthodox Spirituality and Protestant and Anglican Spirituality. Series: A History
of Christian Spirituality. Vol. III. New York: The Seabury Press. 1965. (French Roman
Catholic surveys expressions of spirituality in Eastern Orthodox, Protestant and Anglican
Bouyer, Louis, The Spirit and Forms of Protestantism. London: The Harvill Press. 1956. (French
Protestant who converted to Roman Catholicism explores the unwillingness of Protestantism
to consider the interiority of Christian faith.)

©2004 by James A. Fowler

Bouyer, Louis, The Spirituality of the New Testament and the Fathers. Series: A History of
Christian Spirituality. Vol. I. New York: Seabury Press. 1982. (French Roman Catholic has
written thorough history of early Christian spirituality.)
Bowman, Robert M., “’Ye Are Gods?’: Orthodox and Heretical Views on the Deification of
Man.” Christian Research Journal. Winter/Spring 1987. pg. 18.
Boylan, M. Eugene, The Mystical Body: The Foundation of the Spiritual Life. Westminster: The
Newman Bookshop. 1948. (Roman Catholic study of the Church as the Mystical Body of
Christ, including Christian individuals as “new creatures” in Christ.)
Braaten, Carl E. & Jenson, Robert W., Union with Christ: The New Finnish Interpretation of
Luther. Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co. 1998. (Lutheran scholars analyze
emphasis of Finnish Lutheran theologians on Luther’s teaching of “union with Christ.”)
Cabasilas, Nicholas, The Life in Christ. Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press. 1975.
(Greek Orthodox theologian commences his study with, “The life in Christ consists of union
with Him.”)
Campbell, James M., After Pentecost, What? A Discussion of the Doctrine of the Holy Spirit in
its Relation to Modern Christological Thought. New York: Fleming H. Revell Co. 1897.
(Presbyterian pastor from Scotland explains how Pentecost allowed “the Lord who is the
Spirit” to spiritualize humanity.)
Campbell, James M., The Heart of the Gospel: A Popular Exposition of the Doctrine of the
Atonement. New York: Fleming H. Revell Co. 1907. (Presbyterian and Congregationalist
pastor views atonement as “at-one-ment” with God.)
Campbell, James M., The Indwelling Christ. New York: Fleming H. Revell Co., 1895.
(Presbyterian pastor writes of the mystery of the divine indwelling of Christ.)
Campbell, James M., Paul the Mystic: A Study in Apostolic Experience. New York: G. P.
Putnam’s Sons. 1908. (An open-minded Scottish Presbyterian pastor explores the Christian
mysticism of Pauline theology.)
Campbell, James M., The Presence. New York: Eaton and Mains. 1911. (Presbyterian and
Congregationalist pastor writes of the “presence of God” and more specifically of the
“inward presence” of Christ.)
Carter, Les, Christ in You: Reflecting His Glory. Grand Rapids: Discovery House Publishers.
2001. (A counselor from the Reformed tradition fails to understand the dynamic of the
indwelling Christ manifesting His character, and instead emphasizes a change to be “more
like Jesus.”)
Cerfaux, Lucien, The Christian in the Theology of Saint Paul. New York: Herder and Herder.
1967. (Roman Catholic study of relationship of Christ, the Church and the Christian.
Chapters 8 and 9, “The Gift of the Holy Spirit” and “Communion with Christ” are
particularly beneficial.)
Cerfaux, Lucien, The Spiritual Journey of Saint Paul. New York: Sheed and Ward. 1968.
(Roman Catholic author. Translated from French. Pauline concept of “union with Christ”
addressed in chapter 3.)
Chalmers, James, The Gospel of Union with Christ. London: T. Woolmer. 1886. (Scottish
missionary considers race union, church union, and personal union with Christ.)
Clendenin, Daniel B., Eastern Orthodox Christianity: A Western Perspective. Grand Rapids:
Baker Books. 1994. (Western Protestant theologian sympathetically explains the teachings of
the Eastern Church, including Theosis, the doctrine of deification.)

©2004 by James A. Fowler

Cobb, John B. Jr., Grace and Responsibility: A Wesleyan Theology for Today. Nashville:
Abingdon Press. 1995. (Methodist theologian briefly considers mysticism and “union with
Christ” in Wesley’s theology.)
Cunningham, Francis L. B., The Indwelling of the Trinity: A Historico-Doctrinal Study of the
Theory of St. Thomas Aquinas. Dubuque: The Priory Press. 1955. (Roman Catholic technical
study that traces history of Trinitarian indwelling, and focuses on teaching of Aquinas.)
Daniélou, Jean, God and the Ways of Knowing. New York: Meridian Books, Inc. 1957. (French
Roman Catholic has excellent final chapter on “The God of the Mystics.”)
Daniélou, Jean, God’s Life in Us. Denville, NJ: Dimension Books. 1969. (French Roman
Catholic explores the presence of the Trinity in Christians and our participation in the
De Jaegher, Paul, One With Jesus: The Life of Identification with Christ. Westminster: The
Newman Press. 1952. (Roman Catholic study, translated from French, considers
identification and intimacy of Christ Jesus living in the soul.)
De Jaegher, Paul, The Virtue of Trust: Meditations. New York: P. J. Kenedy and Sons. 1947.
(Roman Catholic meditations on “Jesus as the Abiding Guest of the Heart,” the “Divine
Sufficiency of our souls”, and trusting Christ in desolation and “spiritual nights.”)
Deissmann, Adolf, Paul: A Study in Social and Religious History. New York: Harper & Brothers
Publishers. 1957 (orig. pub. 1912). (German theologian presents Paul as a “Christ-bearer”
sharing a Christocentric message of Christ-mysticism.)
Dinnen, Stewart, Learning About Union with Christ. Fearn: Christian Focus Publications. 2000.
(Missionary with Worldwide Evangelization Crusade briefly explains “union with Christ.”)
Dinnen, Stewart, Summit Living: Selected Daily Readings. Fort Washington: Christian Literature
Crusade. 1985. (Dinnen compiled a daily devotional using excerpts from the writings of
Norman P. Grubb.)
Dorney, Henry, The Contemplations and Letters of Henry Dorney, of Uley, Gloucestershire.
Andover: W. F. Draper. 1858. (This seventeenth century Puritan writer has a chapter entitled,
“A Discourse of Union with Christ,” wherein he explores the spiritual union that every
Christian has with Christ.)
Douty, Norman F., Union with Christ. Swengel: Reiner Publications. 1973. (Baptist professor
has written theological treatise on various aspects of “union with Christ.”)
Dulle, Jason, “The Believer’s Union with Christ.” On-line article from
www.apostolic.net/biblical studies/unionchrist.htm
Dunnam, Maxie, Alive in Christ: The Dynamic Process of Spiritual Formation. Nashville:
Abingdon. 1982. (Methodist editor of Upper Room devotional affirms the gospel of the
indwelling Christ.)
Edwards, Dwight, Releasing the Rivers Within: The Exhilaration of Utter Dependence on God.
Colorado Springs: Waterbrook Press. 2003. (Following up on Revolution Within, Edwards
contends that the Christian life is based on a Who, rather than on whats.)
Edwards, Dwight, Revolution Within: A Fresh Look at Supernatural Living. Colorado Springs:
Waterbrook Press. 2001. (Descendant of Jonathan Edwards writes of the new purity, new
identity and new power that is the birthright of every Christian.)
Edwards, Gene, Living by the Highest Life: An Introduction to the Deeper Christian Life, Vol. I.
Auburn: Christian Book Publishers House. 1983. (House church advocate explains how Jesus
lived the life that He lived, which is the basis for His living in the Christian.)

©2004 by James A. Fowler

Edwards, Gene, The Secret to the Christian Life: Introduction to the Deeper Christian Life, Vol.
II. Beaumont: Christian Book Publishing House. 1991. (The second part of Edwards’
explanation of the Christian life as lived by the living Christ.)
Eland, Kirk, Christ: The Christian Life: Growing Up into Him in All Things. Scottsdale: Ministry
Publications. 1997. (Author asserts that the Christian has a “new identity in Christ,” and
“partakes of Christ as life.”)
Fowler, James A., Christ In Us, Christ As Us, Christ Through Us. Fallbrook: CIY Publishing.
2000. (California pastor considers Biblical basis of Christ’s indwelling, and becoming the
basis of a union identity of the Christian.)
Fowler, James A., Spirit-union Allows for Soul-rest. Fallbrook: CIY Publishing. 2004.
(Reiterating the realities of regenerative spirit-union with Christ, Fowler proceeds to consider
the practical ramifications of soul-rest in practical Christian behavior.)
Fowler, James A., Three Divine Onenesses. Fallbrook: CIY Publishing. 2002. (Non-
denominational pastor compares the oneness of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in the Trinity,
the oneness of deity and humanity in the person of Jesus, and the oneness of Christ and the
Christian in “union with Christ.”)
Fowler, James A., Union with Christ. Fallbrook: CIY Publishing. 2003. (Founder of Christ in
You Ministries explores the dialectic of union and distinction in both the “union of being”
and the “union of doing” of the Christian’s “union with Christ.”)
Freeman, Bill, The Supplied Life: A Daily Devotional. Scottsdale: Ministry Publications. 1995.
(Founder of Ministry of the Word, Inc., takes selections from his many writings and compiles
them in daily devotional.)
Freeman, Bill, The Triune God in Experience: The Testimony of Church History. Scottsdale:
Ministry Publications. 1994. (Founder of Ministry of the Word, Inc. goes beyond Trinity as a
theological theory to the personal experiential implications of the Trinity.)
Gaffin, Richard B. Jr., “Biblical Theology and the Westminster Standards,” essay in The
Practical Calvinists: An Introduction to the Presbyterian and Reformed Heritage, ed. by
Peter A. Lillback. Pgs. 425-441. (Discusses John Calvin’s concept of union with Christ as it
relates to justification and sanctification.)
Garrigou-Lagrange, Reginald, The Three Ages of the Interior Life: Prelude of Eternal Life. St.
Louis: B. Herder Book Co., 1949. (Roman Catholic author writes of “The Blessed Trinity
Present in Us, Uncreated Source of Our Interior Life” – Chapter 4, pg. 97.)
Garrigou-Lagrange, Reginald, The Three Ways of the Spiritual Life. Rockford, IL: Tan Books
and Publishers. 1977 (Orig. 1938 by Burns Oates & Washbourne Ltd.). (Roman Catholic
study on the “life of grace,” the “illuminative way,” and the “unitive way.”)
George, Bob, Classic Christianity. Eugene: Harvest House Publishers. 1989. (The voice of the
People to People broadcast explains that “classic Christianity” is “Christ living in me.”)
Gillham, Bill, Lifetime Guarantee: Making Your Christian Life Work and What to Do When it
Doesn’t. Brentwood: Wolgemuth & Hyatt, Publishers. 1987. (Educator and speaker explains
what it means to be a “new man” in Christ.)
Gillham, Bill, What God Wishes Christians Knew About Christianity: It Might Surprise You.
Eugene: Harvest House Publishers. 1998. (Founder of Lifetime Guarantee Ministries
addresses many misconceptions of the Christian life.)
Gillis, J.H., and McMahon, J.A., Our Union In and With Christ: The Encyclical Mystici Corporis
Christi arranged and simplified. Antigonish: St. Francis Xavier University. 1951. (Roman
Catholic study of the Mystical Body of Christ, the Church.)

©2004 by James A. Fowler

Gleason, Robert W., The Indwelling Spirit. Staten Island: Alba House. 1966. (Roman Catholic
academic study of the “indwelling of God in the soul,” with excellent chapter on Greek
Gordon, Adoniran Judson, In Christ: The Believer’s Union with His Lord. Chicago: Moody
Press. Orig. pub. 1872. (Baptist pastor explains that the “in Christ” union is the entire basis of
Christian life. Founder of what is now called Gordon-Conwell Divinity School.)
Gross, Jules, The Divinization of the Christian According to the Greek Fathers. Anaheim: A&C
Press. 2002. (Translation from 1938 French edition.) (Paul Onica and Kerry S. Robichaux,
with the Living Stream Ministry, have translated and edited this comprehensive study of the
concept of theosis in early Greek theology.)
Grubb, Norman P., The Deep Things of God. Fort Washington: Christian Literature Crusade.
1958. (Missionary teacher considers the mysteries of the Spirit, the “deep things of God.”)
Grubb, Norman P., God Unlimited. Fort Washington: Christian Literature Crusade. 1962. (Son-
in-law of C.T. Studd explores the unlimited reality of God’s restoration in Jesus Christ.)
Grubb, Norman P., The Key to Everything. Fort Washington: Christian Literature Crusade. 1960.
(This small booklet refers to the Christian as a container who receives the presence of Christ
and becomes united with the Spirit of Christ.)
Grubb, Norman P., The Liberating Secret. Fort Washington: Christian Literature Crusade. 1955.
(Explores the “liberating secret” that the Christian life is not lived by self-effort but by
“union with Christ.”)
Grubb, Norman P., The Spontaneous You. Fort Washington: Christian Literature Crusade. 1966.
(Avoiding the paranoia of trying to figure out how to live the Christian life, Grubb suggests
that we are to live spontaneously as the expression of our “union with Christ.”)
Grubb, Norman P., Who Am I? Discovering Ourselves and Discovering God. Fort Washington:
Christian Literature Crusade. 1974. (Grubb’s distinctive theme of identity-union with Christ
is explained.)
Grubb, Norman P., Yes I Am. Fort Washington: Christian Literature Crusade. 1982. (Affirmation
of the new identity of the Christian in “union with Christ.”)
Grudem, Wayne, Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Biblical Doctrine. Grand Rapids:
Zondervan Publishing House. 1994. (Evangelical theologian has chapter on “Union with
Christ: What does it mean to be ‘in Christ’ or ‘united with Christ’?” Chapter 43. pg. 840.)
Guyon, Madame Jeanne, Experiencing the Depths of Jesus Christ. Goleta: Christian Books.
Series: Library of Christian Classics, Vol. 2. 1975. (Gene Edwards reprinted this classic book
that affected so many Christian lives and impacted French history.)
Guyon, Madame Jeanne, Union with God. Goleta: Christian Books. Series: Library of Christian
Classics, Vol. 3. 1981. (Gene Edwards reprinted this classic book by Guyon, including 22 of
Guyon’s poems.)
Hall, Joseph, Christ Mystical: The Blessed Union of Christ and His Members. London: Hodder
and Stoughton, 1853 (orig. pub. 17th century). (Old Anglican study of the Christian’s “union
with Christ” within the context of the Body of Christ.)
Haller, Manfred, God’s Goal: Christ as All in All. Sargent: SeedSowers. 1996. (Swiss author
challenges contemporary Christian religion to restore centrality of Christ.)
Harris, J. Rendel, Union with God: A Series of Addresses. London: Hodder and Stoughton. 1896.
(One of the addresses is an exhortation on “He who is joined to the Lord is one spirit”.)

©2004 by James A. Fowler

Harrison, Nick (editor), His Victorious Indwelling: Daily Devotions for a Deeper Christian Life.
Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing Co., 1998. (Daily devotional comprised of quotations
from Christian writers throughout Christian history.)
Henry, Philip, Christ All in All: or What Christ is Made to Believers. Swengel: Reiner
Publications. 1970 (orig. pub. 1691). (Seventeenth century Puritan, father of Matthew Henry,
presents Biblical evidence that Christ is everything for the Christian.)
Herrmann, Wilhelm, The Communion of the Christian with God: Described on the basis of
Luther’s statements. London: Williams and Norgate. 1906. (Lutheran study translated from
German. Correlation with mysticism. Establishment by revelation. Exercise of communion in
faith and action.)
Heurtley, Charles A., The Union Between Christ and His People: Four Sermons preached before
the University of Oxford. Oxford: John Henry Parker. 1851. (Nineteenth century Anglican
Rector shares the prominence given to the union between Christ and His people in Scripture.)
Hill, Sir Richard, Deep Things of God. London: James Nisbet. 1836. (Brief numbered
meditations that emphasize the Christian’s sufficiency in Christ.)
Horton, Michael S., “Union with Christ.” On-line article from www.modernreformation.org, a
publication of the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals.
Howard, Richard E., Newness of Life: A study in the thought of Paul. Kansas City: Beacon Hill
Press. 1975. (Nazarene author contrasts the “old man” in sin and the “new man” in Christ
“living by the Spirit.”)
Huegel, F. J., Bone of His Bone. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House. 1959. (Missionary
to Mexico writes of being a “participant of Christ” in oneness with Him.)
Idel, Moshe and McGinn, Bernard (eds), Mystical Union in Judaism, Christianity and Islam: An
Ecumenical Dialogue. New York: Continuum Publishing Co. 1996. (Considers Unio mystica
as both a state and experience in three monotheistic religions.)
Johnson, Elbert Neil, The Master is Here: Jesus’ Presence in Fact and Experience. New York:
The American Press. (Southern Baptist author explains “the embodiment of the living Christ”
in Chapter 9, pg. 100.)
Jones, R. Tudur, “Union with Christ: The Existential Nerve of Puritan Piety.” The Tyndale
Bulletin. Vol. 41-2, Nov. 1990, pg. 186. (Survey of how Calvinistic Puritans regarded “union
with Christ.”)
Jurgensmeier, Friedrich, The Mystical Body of Christ as the Basic Principle of Religious Life.
Milwaukee: Bruce Publishing Co., 1939. (Roman Catholic treatise on Christ’s mystical
Body, the Church, with treatment of the ascetic life and perfection.)
Kangas, Ron (editor-in-chief), Affirmation & Critique: A Journal of Christian Thought. Vol. VII,
No. 2, October 2002, Theme: “Deification.” Anaheim: Living Stream Ministry. (Living
Stream Ministry, an offshoot of the ministry of Witness Lee, has a distinctive understanding
of deification, which the attempt to tie back to early Greek writings.)
Kim, Jae Sung, “Unio cum Christo: the Work of the Holy Spirit in Calvin’s Theology.” Ph.D.
dissertation, Westminster Theological Seminary. 1998. (Summary and evaluation of Calvin’s
emphasis on “union with Christ” as the work of the Holy Spirit.)
Kruger, C. Baxter, God is FOR Us. Jackson, MS: Perichoresis Press. 1995. (Founder of
Perichoresis Ministries reveals the divine intent that we might “participate in the incarnate
Son’s life with His Father in the Spirit.”)

©2004 by James A. Fowler

Kruger, C. Baxter, The Great Dance: The Christian Vision Revisited. Jackson, MS: Perichoresis
Press. 2000. (Reformed theologian explains how the union of humanity with God in Jesus
Christ is the “great dance” of participation in the Trinity.)
Kuykendall, David, Our Oneness with Christ: A study in Living by Grace through Faith. Dallas:
Calvary Baptist Church. 1980. (Baptist pastor addresses “union with Christ” and how to
experience it by “possessing our possessions”.)
Law, William, The Power of the Spirit. Fort Washington: Christian Literature Crusade. 1971
(orig. pub. 1761 as An Affectionate Address to the Clergy). (A classic study based on the fact
that “Christ lives in us by the Spirit.”)
Law, William, Of Justification by Faith and Works: A Dialogue between a Methodist and a
Churchman. London: J. Richardson. 1760. (Law challenges the idea that righteousness is
only outwardly imputed to the Christian, and asserts that Christ’s righteousness is inwardly
ours by “union with Christ.”)
Law, William, The Spirit of Prayer: or The Soul Rising out of the Vanity of Time into the Riches
of Eternity. London: J. Richardson. 1749. (Older Anglican author delves into the mystery of
prayer and “union with Christ.”)
Legters, L. L., Union with Christ. Philadelphia: Pioneer Mission Agency. 1933. (A thorough
study of the Biblical doctrine of subjective “union with Christ.”)
Letham, Robert, The Work of Christ. Series: Contours of Christian Theology. Downers Grove:
InterVarsity Press. 1993. (Reformed theologian has chapter on “union with Christ” – Chapter
4, pg. 75.)
Lossky, Vladimir, The Mystical Theology of the Eastern Church. Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s
Seminary Press. 1998. (An Eastern Orthodox theologian argues that all theology is “mystical
Lossky, Vladimir, Orthodox Theology: An Introduction. Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s
Seminary Press. 1989. (Eastern Orthodox theologian surveys Trinity, creation, original sin,
and Christology.)
Lossky, Vladimir, In the Image and Likeness of God. Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary
Press. 1985. (Eastern Orthodox theologian considers “darkness and light,” deification, and
the “image of God”.)
Mackintosh, H. R., The Doctrine of the Person of Jesus Christ. Edinburgh: T&T Clark. 1912.
(Scottish Presbyterian professor writes on Christology. In Book III, chapter 3 considers
“union with Christ.”)
Mackintosh, H. R., Some Aspects of Christian Belief. London: Hodder and Stoughton. 1923.
(Theological essays. Chapter 6 – “The Unio Mystica as a Theological Conception.”)
Malby, Dante, “Calvin’s Doctrine of Union with Christ: ‘The Way in Which We Receive the
Grace of God’.” Term paper submitted at Trinity International University, Nov. 2000. (A
Reformed study of “union with Christ” in Calvin’s writings.)
Mallette, Richard E. and Norman, Dwayne, The Mystery - Col. 1:25-27: A Scriptural Discourse
on the Believer’s Identification with Christ. West Haven: Living Word Publications. 1998.
(Charismatic authors consider “the riches of the glory of the mystery of Christ in you.”)
Maloney, George A., The Mystery of Christ in You: The Mystical Vision of St. Paul. Staten
Island: Alba House. 1998. (Roman Catholic study of Paul’s explanation of the “mystery,
which is Christ in you.”)
Mantzaridis, Georgios I., The Deification of Man: St. Gregory Palamas and the Orthodox
Tradition. Crestwood: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press. 1984. (Greek Orthodox theologian

©2004 by James A. Fowler

gives theological and anthropological basis for doctrine of deification in St. Gregory
Marmion, D. Columba, Christ in His Mysteries. London: Sands and Co., 1919. (Roman Catholic
study that asserts, “the mysteries of Christ are our mysteries.”)
Marmion, D. Columba, The Life of the Soul: Spiritual Conferences. St. Louis: B. Herder Book
Co., 1922. (Roman Catholic study of the “divine designs.”)
Marmion, D. Columba, Union With God, According to the letters of direction. St. Louis: B.
Herder Book Co., 1934. (Roman Catholic study of “union with God” in Christ Jesus.)
Mascall, E. L., Christ, the Christian, and the Church: A Study of the Incarnation and its
Consequences. London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1946. (Roman Catholic study on
Christology that addresses the “three heavenly unities” and “man’s life in God.”)
Matthews, John V., The Life that is Grace. Westminster: The Newman Press. 1953. (Roman
Catholic exposition of individual and corporate “union with Christ.”)
Maucourant, Abbé F., Life of Union with Our Divine Lord. London: R. & T. Washbourne, Ltd.
1917. (Roman Catholic study translated from French. Meditations on Christian life.)
McCormick, K. Steve, “Theosis in Chrysostom and Wesley: An Eastern Paradigm on Faith and
Love.” Wesley Center for Applied Theology. 2000. (Nazarene scholar explores and
compares the idea of deification in Chrysostom and Wesley.)
McVey, Steve, Grace Land. Eugene: Harvest House Publishers. 2001. (Exchanged Life teacher
explains that the Christian cannot live the Christian life in his own effort, but only by the
Christ who lives within.)
McVey, Steve, Grace Rules. Eugene: Harvest House Publishers. 1998. (President of Grace Walk
Ministries explains that the Christian life can only be lived by God’s grace.)
McVey, Steve, Grace Walk. Eugene: Harvest House Publishers. 1995. (McVey’s first book on
experiencing Christ as our life by the grace of God.)
Merton, Thomas, The New Man. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux. 1961. (Roman Catholic
monk has great chapter on “Life in Christ.”)
Meyendorff, John, “New Life in Christ: Salvation in Orthodox Theology.” Theological Studies.
Vol. 50. 1989. pg. 481. (Professor at St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Seminary explains that
salvation in Orthodox theology is “union with Christ” in Theosis.)
Meyer, F. B., The Christ-Life for Your Life. Chicago: Moody Press. n.d. (English Evangelical
preacher has message on “The Substitution of the Christ-life for the Self-life.”)
Moffatt, James, Paul and Paulinism. London: Constable & Company, Ltd.. 1910 (In his study of
Pauline theology, Moffatt explains that the “faith-mysticism of the Christian’s union with
Christ” is the basis of Paul’s thought.)
Murray, Andrew, The Master’s Indwelling. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House. 1953.
(First prepared in 1895, Murray writes of Christ indwelling the Christian as “our life.”)
Murray, John, Redemption: Accomplished and Applied. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub.
Co., 1955. (Reformed theologian writes of “Union with Christ” in Chapter 9, pg. 161.)
Nee, Watchman, Christ, The Sum of All Spiritual Things. New York: Christian Fellowship
Publishers, Inc. 1973. (Chinese Christian explains that “Christ is God’s Everything,” and that
Christ is the entire sufficiency of the Christian life.)
Needham, David C., Alive for the First Time: A Fresh Look at the New-Birth Miracle. Sisters,
OR: Multnomah Books. 1995. (Theology professor at Multnomah School of the Bible
emphasizes that “Jesus is in you as your life.”)

©2004 by James A. Fowler

Needham, David C., Birthright: Christian, Do You Know Who You Are? Portland: Multnomah
Press. 1979. (Professor at Multnomah School of the Bible emphasizes the new identity that
Christians have as a “new man” in Christ.)
Nellas, Panayiotis, Deification in Christ: Orthodox Perspective on the Nature of the Human
Person. Crestwood: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press. 1987. (Eastern Orthodox theologian cites
many Patristic texts in explaining “the Christification of man’s being.”)
Nevin, John W., The Mystical Presence, and other writings on the Eucharist. Philadelphia:
United Church Press. 1846. (German Reformed Baptist explains “mystical presence” of
Christ in the Christian.)
Nielson, John B., In Christ: The significance of the phrase “In Christ” in the writings of St.
Paul. Kansas City: Beacon Hill Press. 1960. (A Nazarene study that concludes that Paul’s “In
Christ” phrase is a statement concerning both Incarnation and human experience.)
Norris, Frederick W., “Deification: Consensual and Cogent.” Scottish Journal of Theology. Vol.
49. No. 4. 1996. (Professor at Emmanuel School of Religion encourages Western Christians
to consider Eastern Orthodox concept of Theosis.)
O’Connor, Warren, “Union with Christ.” Master’s thesis at Jubilee International Theological
Institute, August, 1995. (Brief synopsis of the Christian doctrine of “union with Christ.”)
Payne, Leanne, The Healing Presence: Curing the Soul Through Union with Christ. Grand
Rapids: Baker Books. 1995 (orig. pub. 1989). (Speaker with Pastoral Care Ministries directs
readers to “the Incarnational Reality” of “Christian Union with God.”)
Pierson, Arthur T., In Christ Jesus: The Sphere of the Believer’s Life. Chicago: Moody Press.
1974. (A study of the phrase “in Christ Jesus” throughout the Pauline epistles.)
Pierson, Arthur T., Vital Union with Christ. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House. 1961.
(A study of “union with Christ” that begins with “judicial union” and proceeds through vital,
practical, actual, marital, spiritual, and eternal union with Christ.)
Pink, Arthur W., Spiritual Union and Communion. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House. 1971.
(Reformed study, primarily of objective concepts of “union,” but also considers “practical
union” and “experimental union.”)
Plus, Raoul, Christ in Our Brethren. St. Meinrad’s Abbey. 1947. (Roman Catholic study of
“union with Christ,” and through Christ, union with our brethren “in Christ”.)
Plus, Raoul, Christ in Our Time. Westminster: The Newman Press. 1943. (Roman Catholic
author explains that the “real Christian vocation is to be a living continuation of Jesus.”)
Plus, Raoul, God Within Us. New York: P. J. Kenedy and Sons. 1924. (Roman Catholic study of
the presence of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit within us.)
Plus, Raoul, In Christ Jesus. Westminster: The Newman Bookshop. 1948. (Roman Catholic
author writes of the fact, manner and origin of our “incorporation with Jesus Christ.”)
Polhil, Edward, Christus in Corde: or The Mystical Union Between Christ and Believers
Considered in its Resemblances, Bonds, Seals, Privileges, and Marks. London: B. J.
Holdsworth. 1823 (orig. pub 1680). (Older Reformed author explains Biblical basis of “union
with Christ.”)
Price, Charles W., Christ for Real: Growing into God’s Likeness. Basingstoke: Marshall,
Morgan & Scott. 1985. (Representative of Capernwray Missionary Fellowship writes of
“being the Christian you have become” by allowing God to remake His image in the
Redman, Robert R., Jr., “Participatio Christi: H. R. Mackintosh’s Theology of the Unio
Mystica.” Scottish Journal of Theology

©2004 by James A. Fowler

Reid, J.K.S., Our Life in Christ. Series: The Library of History and Doctrine. Philadelphia: The
Westminster Press. 1963. (Aberdeen professor explores the Pauline phrase, “In Christ,” and
considers the impartation of the Christ life.)
Relly, James, Union: Or a Treatise of the Consanguinity and Affinity Between Christ and His
Church. Boston: John Carter. 1782. (British universalist, once associated with George
Whitefield, writes on the union between Christ and the Church.)
Ryelandt, Idesbald, Union with Christ: Benedictine and Liturgical Spirituality. Wilkes-Barre:
Dimension Books. 1966. (Roman Catholic study of Christian life within context of
Benedictine spirituality.)
Sanders, J. Oswald, Christ Indwelling and Enthroned: A Series of Convention Addresses.
London: Marshall, Morgan & Scott, Ltd. 1949. (Keswick Convention messages that deal
with “Christ in the heart.”)
Schieffelin, Samuel B., Children of God and Union with Christ. New York: Board of Publication
of the Reformed Church in America. 1896. (Two volumes in one. Second volume, Union
with Christ, goes beyond objective union to subjective union.)
Schweitzer, Albert, The Mysticism of Paul the Apostle. New York: The Seabury Press. 1931.
(Cambridge professor considered the mystical features of Pauline theology.)
Scougal, Henry, The Life of God in the Soul of Man. Philadelphia: Westminster Press. 1948
(Orig. pub. 1677). (A classic of Christian devotional literature by “Aberdeen’s immortal
Senkbeil, Harold L., Sanctification: Christ in Action: Evangelical Challenge and Lutheran
Response. Milwaukee: Northwestern Publishing House. 1989. (Lutheran pastor explains that
Christianity is more than a lifestyle; it is Christ in action.)
Sharp, Galen, The Present Kingdom of God. Old Tappan: Fleming H. Revell Co., 1974.
(Chapters on “exchanged life” and “the Romans 7 syndrome”.)
Simoni-Wastila, Henry, “Unio Mystica and Particularity: Can Individuals Merge with the One?”
Journal of the American Academy of Religion. Vol. 68. No. 4, Dec. 2000, pgs. 857-878.
Simpson, A. B. Christ in You: The Christ-Life and the Self-Life. Camp Hill: Christian
Publications Inc., 1977. (Previously two volumes: The Christ Life and The Self-Life and the
Smedes, Lewis B., All Things Made New: A Theology of Man’s Union with Christ. Grand
Rapids: William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 1970. (Professor at Calvin College begins by stating,
“union with Jesus Christ is at the center and circumference of authentic human existence.”)
Smedes, Lewis B., Union with Christ: A Biblical View of the New Life in Jesus Christ. Grand
Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 1983. (A condensation of Smedes’ book All Things
Made New.)
Smith, Malcolm, The Lost Secret of the New Covenant. Tulsa: Harrison House. (Smith states that
“the new covenant describes a union between God and man.”)
Smith, Malcolm, Spiritual Burnout: When Doing All You Can Isn’t Enough. Tulsa: Honor
Books. 1988. (Spiritual burnout results from trying to live the Christian life by self-effort,
rather than “living the life of Christ.”)
Sosthenes, Thoughts on Union to Christ and Abiding in Him. Fifth Edition. Edinburgh: William
Whyte and Co., 1835. (Using John 15:4 as the primary text, the author writes of the union of
the believer to Christ, and the continuance of such through abiding faith.)

©2004 by James A. Fowler

Stein, Edith, The Science of the Cross. Washington D.C.: Institute of Carmelite Studies
Publications. 2002. (In this study of St. John of the Cross, Stein, a Jewish, German Christian,
has a chapter on “The Kinds of Divine Union” – pgs. 167-180.)
Stewart, James S., A Man in Christ: The Vital Elements of St. Paul’s Religion. New York:
Harper and Brothers Publishers. n.d. (Scottish Presbyterian professor regards “union with
Christ” as “the heart of Paul’s religion.”)
Stone, Dan and Smith, Greg, The Rest of the Gospel: When the partial gospel has worn you out.
Dallas: One Press. 2000. (Dan Stone, a former Baptist pastor, explains “the mystery, which is
Christ in you, the hope of glory.”)
Strong, Augustus H., Systematic Theology: A Compendium. Valley Forge: The Judson Press.
1967 (orig. pub. 1907). (Baptist theologian has section on “union with Christ” which was
later published as separate book.)
Swizdor, Matthew M., God in Me: A popular explanation of Sanctifying Grace or the Mystery of
God’s Life in us. Granby: St. Hyacinth College and Seminary. 1959. (Roman Catholic study
using analogies and illustrations to explain the divine life in the Christian.)
Tamburello, Dennis E., Ordinary Mysticism. New York: Paulist Press. 1966. (Roman Catholic
study on mystical theology. Chapter 6 entitled, “Union with God.”)
Tamburello, Dennis E., Union with Christ: John Calvin and the Mysticism of St. Bernard.
Columbia Series in Reformed Theology. Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press. 1994.
(Reformed academic study of anthropology, justification, and mystical union in Calvin and
Bernard of Clairvaux.)
Tanquerey, Adolphe, A Treatise on Ascetical and Mystical Theology. Westminster: The Newman
Bookshop. 1948. (Roman Catholic treatise exploring the interior spiritual life of the Christian
and the Church.)
Taylor, Howard, Dr. and Mrs., Hudson Taylor’s Spiritual Secret. London: China Inland Mission.
1935. (The son of Hudson Taylor wrote a biography of his father and his “spiritual secret” of
“the exchanged life.”)
Taylor, Hudson, One With Christ. New Kensington: Whitaker House. 1997. (Taylor explores
“union with Christ” using the Song of Solomon as his text.)
Terveen, J.L., “Union with Christ: Pauline Christological Touchstone in Colossians 2:8-15”.
Lecture delivered at the 2002 meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society. (Dr. Terveen
understands “union with Christ” in the traditional objective interpretation of Reformed
Thomas, W. H. Griffith, Christianity is Christ. London: Longmans, Green and Co. 1916. (After a
thorough study of the Person and work of Jesus Christ, Thomas states, “the central truth of
Christianity is that the Holy Spirit brings to bear on our hearts the presence and power of the
living Christ.”)
Thomas, W. Ian, The Mystery of Godliness. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House. 1964.
(British Bible teacher states, “Godliness is the direct and exclusive consequence of God’s
activity in man.”)
Thomas, W. Ian, The Saving Life of Christ. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House. 1961.
(Using Old Testament narratives, Ian Thomas illustrates the “exchanged life” of “Christ in
Thornton, L.S., Christ and the Church, being the third part of a treatise on The Form of the
Servant. London: Dacre Press. 1956. (Beginning with “the New Creation Mystery,” Roman
Catholic author, Thornton, considers the reality of the resurrected Christ in the Church.)

©2004 by James A. Fowler

Thornton, L.S., The Common Life in the Body of Christ. London: Dacre Press. 1942. (Roman
Catholic study of the common life of Christians in the Church as partakers of Christ and His
Tillyer, Desmond B., Union with God: The Teaching of St. John of the Cross. London: A.R.
Mowbray and Co., 1984. (Roman Catholic study of “union with Christ” in writings of St.
John of the Cross.)
Tozer, A.W., Man: The Dwelling Place of God. Harrisburg: Christian Publications, Inc., 1966.
(Brief messages by Missionary Alliance pastor.)
Tyciak, Julius, Life in Christ. New York: Sheed & Ward. 1937. (Roman Catholic study of “life
in the Triune God.”)
Upham, Thomas C., Principles of the Interior or Hidden Life: Designed particularly for the
consideration of those who are seeking assurance of faith and perfect love. Boston: D.S.
King. 1843. (Congregationalist author explores the state of “union with Christ” and holiness.)
Upham, Thomas C., A Treatise on Divine Union, Designed to point out some of the intimate
relations between God and man in the higher forms of religious experience. Boston: Henry
V. Degen. 1857. (Congregationalist author explores the nature of divine union and practical
implications of that union.)
Verity, G. B., Life In Christ: A Study in Coinherence. London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1954.
(The thesis of the author is, “the work of Christ is oneness and coinherence with God.”)
Veuthey, Leo, Union with Christ: Lessons in Franciscan Asceticism. Chicago: Franciscan Herald
Press. 1954. (Roman Catholic study of “perfection through union with Christ.”)
Virkler, Mark and Patti, Naturally Supernatural: Letting Jesus Live Through You. Shippensburg:
Destiny Image Publishers. 1990. (Husband and wife team write of the divine flow of Jesus
living His life through the Christian.)
Volkman, Bill, The Wink of Faith: Living “As Gods” Without Denying Our Humanity. Glen
Ellyn: Union Life Ministries. 1983. (Founder of Union Life Magazine explains “union life”
with Christ.)
Volkman, Bill, Infinite Supply. Vol. I. The Best of Union Life Magazine, 1976-1980. Glen Ellyn:
Union Life Ministries. n.d. (Founder and editor of Union Life Magazine compiles numerous
articles from many authors.)
Volkman, Bill, Infinite Supply. Vol. II. The Best of Union Life Magazine, 1981-1985. Glen Ellyn:
Union Life Ministries. n.d. (Founder and editor of Union Life Magazine compiles numerous
articles from many authors.)
Von Balthasar, Hans Urs, The Christian State of Life. San Francisco: Ignatius Press. (Swiss
Roman Catholic has section of “The Christian’s State of Life In Christ,” pg. 210.)
Wahlstrom, Eric H., The New Life in Christ. Philadelphia: Muhlenberg Press. 1950. (Emphasizes
that the Christian life is all of grace from beginning to end.)
Watts, Alan W., Behold the Spirit: A Study in the Necessity of Mystical Religion. New York:
Pantheon Books. 1947. (Watts went back-and-forth between Christianity and Zen Buddhism,
but this book addresses Christian union.)
Whittle, John, Man Alive. Fort Washington: Christian Literature Crusade. 1971. (“He came to
give us Himself,” declares Whittle.)
Wikenhauser, Alfred, Pauline Mysticism: Christ in the Mystical Teaching of St. Paul.
Edinburgh-London: Nelson. 1960. (Translated from German. Explores the nature and means
of “union with Christ.”)

©2004 by James A. Fowler

Williams, Anna Ngaire, The Ground of Union: Deification in Aquinas and Palamas. New York:
Oxford University Press. 1999. (Professor at Yale take Palamas as representative of Eastern
Christianity and Aquinas as representative of Western Christianity, and seeks to correlate
their thought concerning “union with Christ” or deification.)


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