Design and Fabrication of Unidirectional Dumper

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IJSRD - International Journal for Scientific Research & Development| Vol.

3, Issue 02, 2015 | ISSN (online): 2321-0613

Design and Fabrication of Unidirectional Dumper

Prof. Mrs. R. S. Tupkar1 Aditya R. Malewar2 Rohit A. Ramteke3 Harshal S. Lakhade4 Shubham
R. Navghare5
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Priyadarshini College of Engineering, Nagpur
Abstract— Conventional tipper mechanism an unload material only exactly of its back side. One thing was
materials only at the backside of the tipper using remarkable that on complicated locations such as on angular
hydraulically operated cylinder which may cause the sides and directional sides (left and right) of dumper the
problems of road blockage in the limited space area. The unloading of material became quite difficult. In such
unidirectional dumper overcomes the problem of unloading conditions dumper truck remained ideal. It consumed extra
the vehicle on side way by using hydraulic cylinder. By time for complete material unloading process. Dumpers are
using cylinder the material can be unloaded in 1800 as per also the most common cause of accidents involving
requirement. The Unidirectional dumper is developed and construction site and plant also.
tested for its movement in all 1800 possible angle to unload A typical dump truck is equipped with a
the materials in the tipper trolley and monitor the hydraulically operated open box dead hinged at rear. The
inclinations for its gradualism (linearity). front of which can be lifted up to allow the contents to be
Key words: Design Optimization of Worm Gear drive, deposited on the ground behind the truck at side of delivery.
Pneumatic Cylinder, Worm & Worm Gear Nowadays dumpers with swivel skips could be rotated to
sideways (3 directional dumper) which become popular,
I. INTRODUCTION especially for working in narrow sites such as road works.
Material handling in construction and civil works is one of But still this technology is insufficient for fulfilling our
the basic necessities. The material supply to civil and requirement for complete unload. This technology concerns
construction is provided through trucks, dumper etc. The only on solving the problem of unloading on directional
material should be properly loaded, managed, stacked, sides of dumper.
transported and unloaded. The dumper carries the material One of the problems is cited with dumper in the
which is loaded from the site, where the material is initially time & energy for operating the huge dumper in the proper
stored. It is then loaded to the dumper and transported to the direction to dump the material carrying in it hence the need
required site and then unloaded. The major issues raises of project work riser was is about unidirectional dropping
over here, the incompatibility of the site with the fully dumpers which dump the material in any direction with
loaded dumper causes a lot of settling time for the trolley to moving trolley in any direction. With rise of chances in
get the material properly arranged and transportation time to technology, it is become essential to find a viable alternative
reach its location. to 3 way dumper system.
The dumper unloads the material in only one
direction. But this incapability can be fulfilled by a new III. LITERATURE REVIEW
method mechanism as the unidirectional dumper. This A. Design and Development of 3-Way Dropping Dumper [1]
mechanism is an approach to reduce the idle time to settle
The Direction control valves which activate the ram of the
the dumper. The material is unloaded in any direction and
hydraulic cylinder which lifting the trailer cabin in require
hence can be boldly stated as “Unidirectional Dumper.” The side. Further modifications and working limitations will put
major outcomes of unidirectional dumper has overcome this work in the main league of use. This concept saves time
space requirement which often result in road blocking.
& energy which leads to efficient working.
Hence, we have inversion in the existing mechanism
providing the unloading in 1800 rotations. This mechanism B. Modelling and Analysis of Tractor Trolley Axle Using
prevents blocking of road, saves time and enhances Ansys [2]
productivity at lowest cost. The possible loads acting and the place of loads are noted.
The automotive sector is fast booming section in India. According to the dimensions tractor trolley axle is
There are variable in automotive industry light and heavy modelled using CATIAV5 software and their specification.
motor vehicle. Heavy duty vehicle support as the backbone
and confront to the working. A dumper whose material can C. Wood, Donald (2001). Dump Trucks [3]
easily be unloaded in one direction that is mostly to its rear 729 Prospect Ave. Osceola, WI 54020: MBI Publishing
end. These inefficiency is been overcomes by the Company. pp. 6–9.
unidirectional dumper. Wood, Donald (2001).
Dump Trucks. 729 Prospect Ave. Osceola, WI 54020: MBI
II. BASIC IDEA Publishing Company. pp. 11–30
The very first conceptual look we got, when we visited a D. Design and Fabrication of 3 Way Tipper Mechanism [4]
constructional site few days ago. There we found that a Hydraulic jacks use a plunger mechanism and non-
dumper was unloading loose material such as sand, gravel, compressible fluid, typically a hydraulic oil to create
and dirt. A dumper is an integral part of any construction required pressure and resulting lifting capability. In this
work and hence its role is important for completion of work project hydraulic jack is attached below whole setup to lift
on site. A typical dumper truck can generally unload the trolley for backside unloading.

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Design and Fabrication of Unidirectional Dumper
(IJSRD/Vol. 3/Issue 2/2015/162)

 Pd = 9.375 1.75
[5] Pd = 9.375 KW
E. Design Optimization of Worm Gear Drive
2) Static condition,
A design of worm gear drive problem has been considered Ft FB
for the design optimization of worm and worm wheel. Here a) Tangential tooth load (Ft),
combined objective function is considered, which minimizes
the weight and center distance and maximizes power and  Ft =
efficiency. Where,
 Vp =
 For, VR = 8
Start Let,
Tw = 6 …… (T-XII-3)
Get the project idea & title  Tg = VR Tw
 Tg = 8 6
Literature Search
Tg = 48 …… (T-XVI-16)
Discussion with project guide
48 > 29
Let, m be the module for gear in mm.
No  Dg = m T g
 Dg = m 48
 Vp =

Final Design  Ft =
Ft = …………(1)
Material Selection
VP = 0.075 m
Cost Estimation b) Bending load (FB),
FB = SO CV b Y m
Where, Selecting Bronze as a material for gear (SAE-65).
Comparison with 3 way
 SO = 84 Mpa
dumper  Let, Cv = 0.75
(Time & Presentation
Comparison)  Y = 0.314 + 0.0151 ( - 14.50) ….. (T-XVI-15)
Finish  n = 22.5 …… (T-XVI-16)
 Y = 0.314 + 0.0151 (22.5 - 14.50)
Fig. 1:
 Y = 0.4348
 b = 2.38 PC + 6.25 …… (T-XVI-19)
 b = 2.38 ( m) + 6.25
 Load, W= 15 103 N  b = 7.47 m + 6.25
 Nw = 240 rpm  FB = 84
 Ng = 30 rpm 
FB = 204.62 m2 …… (2)
 V = 0.6 m/s Using condition, Ft = FB
 Velocity ratio,
= 204.62 m2
 VR = =
m = 10.22
 VR = 8 Taking, m = 11 standard Module (m) …… (T-XVI-7)
 Efficiency of Worm Now,
  Dg = m tg
 Dg = 11 48
 Dg = 528 mm
 Vp = 0.075 m
 Rated Power,  Vp = 0.075 11
 PR =  Vp = 0.825 m/s
PR = 9375 W  Ft =
PR = 9.375 KW
Selecting standard electric motor of 11 kw for with  Ft =
diameter of shaft is 55 mm for application. …… (T-XII-3) Ft = 19.87 N
1) Design Power,  Cv =
 P d = P R Kl
Where,  Cv =
 Kl = 1.75 …… (T-XII-3)  Cv = 0.879

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Design and Fabrication of Unidirectional Dumper
(IJSRD/Vol. 3/Issue 2/2015/162)

 b = 2.38 ( m) + 6.25 h = 23.70 mm

 b = 2.38 ( 11) + 6.25  Addendum, a = 0.318 P C
b = 87.46 mm a = 0.318 (
Now, a = 10.98 mm
FB = 84 0.879
87.46 0.4348 11  Hub diameter, dh = 1.66 PC + 25
FB = 30.85 N dh = 1.66( + 25
Ft < FB dh = 50.55 mm
Hence safe  Minimum bore dw = PC + 16
3) Dynamic condition,  of shaft, dw = ( ) + 16
Fd FW dw = 50.55 mm
a) Dynamic load, 5) FOR GEAR

Normal pressure angle, n = 14.50
Fd =  Outside diameter (D0), D0 = Dg + 1.0315 Pc
Fd = D0 = 528 + 1.0315 (
D0 = 563.64 mm
Fd = 22.60 N
 Throat diameter (Dr), Dr = Dg + 1.0636 Pc
b) Limiting wear strength,
Dr = 528 + 1.0636 (
Fw = Dg b k2
Dr = 564.75 mm
 Face width (b), b = 2.38 Pc + 6.25
K2 = 0.70 …… (T-XVI-16)
b = 2.38 ( + 6.25
Fw = 32.32 N
b = 88.49 mm
Hence safe  Radius of gear face (r), r = 0.882 Pc + 13.75
4) Temperature rise of oil, r = 0.882 ( + 13.75
Q1 = Q 2 r = 44.22 mm
Where,  Radius of gear rim (rb), rb = 2.2 Pc + 13.75
 Q1 = Heat generated in worm gears rb = 2.2 ( + 13.75
rb = 89.77 mm
 Q1 = (1- ) PR …… (T-XVI-15)
Q1 = 375 W  Radius of edge (rr), rr = 0.25 Pc
 Q2 = Heat dissipated …… (T-XVI-16) rr = 0.25
rr = 8.63 mm
 Q2 = K A T
A= + DW LW  D = 55 mm
Where,  PR = 9.37 3
 DW = 2.35 Pc +10 …… (T-XVI-19)  N = 30 rpm
 DW = 2.35 ( m) +10 Selecting SAE 1045 as a material of shaft with factor of
 DW = 2.35 ( 11) +10 safety (FOS) 3,
 DW = 91.21 mm For,
 LW = (4.5 + 0.02 Tw) PC  SAE 1045,
 LW = (4.5 + 0.02 (  Sys = 306 N/mm …… (T-II-7)
 LW = 159.65 mm :.  N/mm
 A= + 91.21 159.65 1) Torque,

A = 219.20 mm2  P=
 K = 0.4 w/mm2 …… (T-XVI-19)
 Now,  T= =
 Q1 = Q 2  T = 2.98 3
 375 = 0.4 219.20 T  T = 2.98 6
 T =4.270 C  T=
Dimensions of Worm Gear for Worm
 2.98 6
…… (T-Xvi-19)
< Permissible
 Normal pressure angle, n = 22.5
:. Hence safe.
 Pitch diameter of worm, DW = 2.35 Pc +10 7) DESIGN OF BALL BEARING
DW = 2.35 ( m) +10 Given: -
DW = 2.35 ( 11) +10  N = 30 rpm,
DW = 91.21 mm  Fa = 15 kN
 Face length, LW = (4.5 + 0.02 Tw) PC  Fr = 0
LW = (4.5 + 0.02 (  Lhr = 195 hr.
LW = 159.65 mm Considering reliability 90%,
 Depth of tooth, h = 0.686 PC  :. Krel = 1.0 ……(T-XII-15)
h = 0.686 (

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Design and Fabrication of Unidirectional Dumper
(IJSRD/Vol. 3/Issue 2/2015/162)

1) Equivalent load Fig. 2: Design of Model in CAD

Fe = (X* Fr + Y* Fa) * Ks.Ko.Kp.Kr ……(T-XIII-13)
Where, e = Fa/ Fr ……(T-XIII-14) VII. MAIN COMPONENTS
:. X=1, Y=1 …...(T-XIII-14) A. Worm & Worm Gear:
Ko=1, Kp=1,
Kr=1, Ks=1.5 ….. (Moderate shock load)
Fe = 22.5 KN
2) Dynamic load capacity
L10 = (C/Fe)n * Krel ……(T-XIII-13)
n = 3 (for ball bearing)
 L10 = Lhr*60*N/106

L10 =195*60*30/106
L10 = 0.351 million revolution
0.351 = (C/22.5*103)3 *1
Fig. 3: Worm wheel
C = 15871.50 N
Worm gears resemble screws. A worm gear is usually
Thus, selecting bearing number 0111 with bore 55
meshed with a spur gear or a helical gear, which is called
mm for required application.
the gear, wheel, or worm wheel. Worm-and-gear sets are a
simple and compact way to achieve a high torque, low speed
VI. DESIGN OF MODEL IN CAD gear ratio. For example, helical gears are normally limited to
gear ratios of less than 10:1 while worm-and-gear sets vary
from 10:1 to 500:1 a disadvantage is the potential for
considerable sliding action, leading to low efficiency.
A worm gear is a species of helical gear, but its
helix angle is usually somewhat large (close to 90 degrees)
and its body is usually fairly long in the axial direction.
These attributes give it screw like qualities.The distinction
between a worm and a helical gear is that least one tooth
persists for a full rotation around the helix. If this occurs, it
is a 'worm'; if not, it is a 'helical gear'. A worm may have as
few as one tooth. If that tooth persists for several turns
around the helix, the worm appears, superficially, to have
more than one tooth, but what one in fact sees is the same
tooth reappearing at intervals along the length of the worm.
The usual screw nomenclature applies, a one-toothed worm
is called single thread or single start, a worm with more than
one tooth is called multiple threads or multiple starts. The
helix angle of a worm is not usually specified. Instead, the
lead angle, which is equal to 90 degrees minus the helix
angle, is given.
In a worm-and-gear set, the worm can always drive
the gear. However, if the gear attempts to drive the worm, it
may or may not succeed. Particularly if the lead angle is
small, the gear's teeth may simply lock against the worm's
teeth, because the force component circumferential to the
worm is not sufficient to overcome friction.
Worm-and-gear sets that do lock are called self-
locking, which can be used to advantage, as for instance
when it is desired to set the position of a mechanism by
turning the worm and then have the mechanism hold that
position. If the gear in a worm-and-gear set is an ordinary
helical gear only a single point of contact is achieved. If
medium to high power transmission is desired, the tooth
shape of the gear is modified to achieve more intimate
contact by making both gears partially envelop each other.
This is done by making both concave and joining them at
a saddle point; this is called a cone-drive. Or "Double
enveloping", Worm gears can be right or left-handed,
following the long-established practice for screw threads.

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Design and Fabrication of Unidirectional Dumper
(IJSRD/Vol. 3/Issue 2/2015/162)

B. Pneumatic Cylinder: the loads through the balls. In most applications, one race is
stationary and the other is attached to the rotating assembly
(e.g., a hub or shaft). As one of the bearing races rotates it
causes the balls to rotate as well. Because the balls are
rolling they have a much lower coefficient of friction than if
two flat surfaces were sliding against each other.

Fig. 4: Pneumatic Cylinder

Pneumatic cylinders (sometimes known as air cylinders)
are mechanical devices which use the power of compressed
gas to produce a force in a reciprocating linear motion.
Like hydraulic cylinders, something forces a piston to move
in the desired direction. The piston is a disc or cylinder, and
the piston rod transfers the force it develops to the object to Fig. 5: Ball Bearing
be moved. Engineers sometimes prefer to use pneumatics Ball bearings tend to have lower load capacity for
because they are quieter, cleaner, and do not require large their size than other kinds of rolling-element bearings due to
amounts of space for fluid storage. the smaller contact area between the balls and races.
Because the operating fluid is a gas, leakage from a However, they can tolerate some misalignment of the inner
pneumatic cylinder will not drip out and contaminate the and outer races.
surroundings, making pneumatics more desirable where
cleanliness is a requirement. For example, in the mechanical IX. CONSTRUCTION
puppets of the Disney Tiki Room, pneumatics is used to The prototype of unidirectional dumper is thoroughly based
prevent fluid from dripping onto people below the puppets. on pneumatic system for light weight load and for heavy
weight load hydraulic system is suitable. This prototype
VIII. TYPES OF PNEUMATIC CYLINDERS model consists of Air compressor, air reservoir, Pressure
Although pneumatic cylinders will vary in appearance, size gauge, 5/3 solenoid valve, pneumatic cylinder, DPDT
and function, they generally fall into one of the specific (Double pole double throw), etc.
categories shown below. However there are also numerous An operating system consists of electric motor,
other types of pneumatic cylinder available, many of which worm & worm gear mechanism to rotate the dumper
are designed to fulfill specific and specialized functions. horizontally in required direction. Two Chassis (Frame) is
provided on which trolley is mounted, where first frame of
A. Single Acting Cylinders: chassis is stationary & attached to the worm & worm gear to
Single-acting cylinders (SAC) use the pressure imparted by rotate the trolley horizontally in required direction. Second
compressed air to create a driving force in one direction frame of chassis consists, one end of Pneumatic cylinder
(usually out), and a spring to return to the "home" position. which is hinged with this frame of chassis and other end of
More often than not, this type of cylinder has limited pneumatic cylinder is also hinged but to the one end of
extension due to the space the compressed spring takes up. trolley to give vertical movement.
Another downside to SACs is that part of the force produced
by the cylinder is lost as it tries to push against the spring.
B. Double Acting Cylinders:
Double-acting cylinders (DAC) uses the force of air to move
in both extends and retracts strokes. They have two ports to
allow air in, one for outstroke and one for in stroke. Stroke
length for this design is not limited; however, the piston rod
is more vulnerable to buckling and bending. Additional
calculations should be performed as well.
C. Ball Bearing:
A ball bearing is a type of rolling-element bearing that
uses balls to maintain the separation between
the bearing races.
The purpose of a ball bearing is to reduce rotational
friction and support radial and axial loads. It achieves this Fig. 6: Construction of lower frame
by using at least two races to contain the balls and transmit

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Design and Fabrication of Unidirectional Dumper
(IJSRD/Vol. 3/Issue 2/2015/162)

3) Increased moving ability as it does not become

tiresome to perform the job.
4) Reduces extra cost paid on unloading of material
by labor or machines like cranes or any other pick
and placer.
5) Saves times and energy.
B. Limitations:
1) Increased Complexity:
As, it requires complex mechanism to get desired output.
2) Cost Increases.
As more will be the complications to perform the operation,
more will be the cost encountered with it.
Fig. 7: Construction by CAD model 3) Maintenance Increases:
Model has constructed using various material like More parts in working leads to more maintenance.
MDF (Medium density fiber core) hard wood plywood, 3/16 C. Applications:
nuts & bolts, aluminum sheet, motors (DC), gearboxes, 1) At Constructions site.
syringes, wheel screw, nuts, toggle switches, push buttons, 2) At remote locations where floor space area is less.
battery etc. Firstly, a base chassis structure is prepared using 3) At coalfields and mines.
MDF 8mm sheet. This structure incorporates driving motor 4) At large scale as well as in Small scale industries
along with steering motor. These motors are fixed with a (SSI).
fixed reduction radio gearbox of 100:1 to increase torque
and reduce speed of the motor. The wheel base is kept 14”
while the track distance to the output slate of the gearbox
which is associated with the DC motor and gearbox The developed prototype exhibits the expected results.
assembly is fixed in the wheel hub, and it is attached with Further modifications and working limitations will put this
the chassis using aluminum sheet. A steering rod connects work in the main league of use. This concept saves time &
both the wheels of truck with a steering motor. energy which leads to efficient working. This further line
should be modeled using equations and an experimental
X. WORKING agreement. The constructional work or the infrastructural
work demands efficient and user friendly machinery which
It is mainly based on rotation of tipper trolley and divided in will lead to more and more use of unidirectional dumper.
two parts Rotation and Dumping. For rotation of tipper, we After carrying out the testing of our project we got
used worm and gear mechanism. Worm is directly coupled positive output. We have obtained most of the objectives
with electric motor which is at horizontal position. On the and goals that we set for ourselves at the start of our project.
lower side of dumper, the spur gears are meshed with worm We have been able to increase the easiness in unloading
wheel and the axis of rotation of spur gear is vertical, which trolley. Problems occurred at the time of unloading the
is directly attached to tipper trolley. The power supply is trolley in critical areas are eliminated. And thereby reducing
provided to the electric motor by using DPDT switch to overall time and fuel required for unloading the trailer.
complete the circuit of battery and motor. As a motor start Design of unidirectional mechanism is done to help
rotating the worm is also rotated at same speed (i.e. 30 rpm) unloading loose material on 1800 of the tipper as per the
and spur gear which is connected to worm wheel. availability of space. The design is safe for the maximum
The vertical shaft which is connected directly to the load of 2T which is rigid enough to transport loose material
centre of tipper trolley, when worm complete its 1 rotation from one site to another site. Design of hinge is the most
then 1 teeth of worm gear moves forward. Spur gear which important part for side tilting of the trolley. Selection of
having 40 teeth on its profile. When 10 teeth of spur gear are material is also important factor for design of pin, EN8
moved forward then trolley gets rotated by 900 from its material is selected which is having tempered and hardened
initial position in 20 second. The rotating direction of trolley capacity which is reducing the size of pin for The narrow
is changed or reversed by DPDT switch. work space and insufficient loading access restricted the
When the trolley completes its required angle then parking position of the tipper.
material is dumped with the help of pneumatic cylinder. The
compressed air is supplied by air compressor to cylinder.
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Design and Fabrication of Unidirectional Dumper
(IJSRD/Vol. 3/Issue 2/2015/162)

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Fig. 8: Prototype Model

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