Legal Philosophy Syllabus

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Atty. Riemann J. Delos Santos

REFERENCE: Readings in Legal Philosophy and Theory by Jorge R. Coquia

I. Introduction – Coquia, pp. 1-2

A. Definition, Nature and Function: Philos and Logos – “love of wisdom”; the
study of the universe that seeks to know the truth and the rational explanation of

B. Function of Philosophy of Law and Jurisprudence – Philosophy of law is a

quest of law which appeals to reason to obtain justice. It is opposed to tyranny.

C. Critical Legal Realism

o “Rule of law,” Cariño vs. Insular Government, 7 Phil. 132 & 212 U.S. 449
o “Judicial activism,” Estrada vs. Desierto, G.R. Nos. 146710-15, 2 March

D. Concept of Law from a Policy Science Perspective

o “Immediate comforts”: Atok Big-Wedge Mining Co. Inc. vs. Atok Big-
Wedge Mutual Benefit Association, 92 Phil 754

II. History of the Philosophy of Law – Coquia, pp. 3-7

A. Ancient Greek Philosophy

o Plato – The Republic
o Aristotle on Politics

B. Ancient Roman Philosophy – Cicero and the codification of law

C. Legal Philosophy of the Medieval Era – Christianity

D. Legal Philosophy in the Renaissance – overcome excessive dogmatism

III. Historical School – Coquia, pp. 8-13

A. Friedrich Carl von Savigny – Treatise on Possession; Jus Possessionis of the

Civil Law

IV. Seminal Concepts – Coquia, pp. 14-65

A. Plato
1. Meno on Socrates by Plato – about Virtue
2. Euthypro on Socrates by Plato – about Prosecution

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Legal Philosophy Outline
Atty. Riemann J. Delos Santos

3. Maxwell, Max. “Introduction to the Socratic Method and its Effect on Critical

B. Aristotle
1. Politics Book One on Common Good
2. Politics Book Two on Ideal Life

C. Cicero
o “Prudence” – United States vs. Holmes, 26 Fed. Cas. 300

D. Immanuel Kant – Categorical Imperative

E. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel – Philosophy of Abstract Right

V. Positivist School – Coquia, pp. 66-114

A. Austin
o “Non-suability of the State” – Switzerland General Ins. Co, Ltd. vs.
Republic of the Philippines, 32 SCRA 227
o “Sovereign Immunity” – NHA vs. Roxas, G.R. No. 171953, October 21,

B. Hans Kelsen – Pure Theory of Law

o Lausanne Brand
o Vienna Brand: Purification of Positive Law; Normative Legal Order;
Empirical Justice

C. Jeremy Bentham – Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation:

philosophy of human conduct

VI. Functional School – Coquia, pp. 115-150

A. Pound on The Scope and Purpose of Socio-logical Jurisprudence

B. Social Interests and National Policies

o “Priinciple of Pari Delicto”, De Los Santos vs. Roman Catholic Church of
Midsayap, G.R. No. L-6088, 50 O.G. 1588
o “Economic Progress”, Guido vs. Rural Progress Administration, 84 Phil

C. Contemporary Moral Sense

o Yu Singco vs. Republic of the Philippines, G.R. No. L-6152, 50 O.G. 104

VII. Realist School - Coquia, pp. 151-163

A. Holmes
o Buck vs. Bell, 274 U.S. 200, 71 L. Ed. 1000, 47 S. Ct. 584

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Legal Philosophy Outline
Atty. Riemann J. Delos Santos

o Abrams vs. United States, 250 U.S. 616, 65 L. Ed. 1173, 40 S. Ct. 17

VIII. Communist Theory – Coquia, pp. 164 – 173

A. Karl Marx – The Communist Manifesto

B. Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov Lenin – The Communist Experiment

C. Mikhail Gorbachev - Perestroika

IX. Policy Science School – Coquia, pp. 174 – 197

A. Lasswell and McDougal

B. Liberty
o Rubi vs. Provincial Board, 39 Phil 660

C. Policy Science Jurisprudence

o Social Values: power, knowledge, respect, income, safety, liberty,

X. Natural Law – Coquia, pp. 198 – 245

A. St. Thomas Aquinas

B. Universal Declaration of Human Rights

C. Philippine jurisprudence using Natural Law

o Luna vs. Intermediate Appellate Court, 137 SCRA 7
o Imbong vs. Ochoa, G.R. No. 204819, April 08, 2014

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