English: Quarter 4 - Module 4: Distinguishing Fact From Opinion in A Narrative

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Quarter 4 - Module 4:
Distinguishing Fact from Opinion in
a Narrative
English- Grade 4
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 4 - Module 4: Distinguishing Fact from Opinion in a Narrative
First Edition, 2021

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Published by the Department of Education

Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio

Development Team of the Module

Writer: Ligaya S. Nuñez
Content Editors: Zenia L. Pariño and Maria Rina Lazo
Language Editors: Victoria O. Bacalso and Rachel B. Lumarda
Reviewers: Dr. Ma. Chona B. Redoble, Michael Angelo S. Magalso
Illustrators: Rhea Marie T. Gabule and Evelyn D. Gayoso
Layout Artists: Rhea Marie T. Gabule and Evelyn D. Gayoso
Evaluators: Imelda H. Gealon, Dr. Cathalie Lovina C. Cardoza,
Marites L. To-ong, Luthgarda C. Borgonia, Evelyn T. Wagas,
Joyce N. Guardiario, Victoria O. Bacalso, and Chloe S. Garrucha

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EPS in LRMS: Mr. Isaiash T. Wagas
EPS in English: Dr. Ma. Chona B. Redoble

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Email Address: [email protected]


Welcome to this learning resource.

The English language is very interesting to learn with.

Through this module, you can discover many things upon learning from it. In
this module you will learn to distinguish fact from opinion in a narrative.

Independently, you are going through this module with lots of practice
exercises, drills, and assessments to give you fun and excitement while learning.

As you go along the activities in this module, you are expected to:
➢ identify fact and opinion statements in a narrative;
➢ distinguish fact from opinion in a narrative; and
➢ value the importance of distinguishing statements of fact from opinion.


Let’s find out what you know about this lesson.

Activity 1: Can you do this?
Directions: Write F if the sentence is a fact and O if it is an opinion. Write your
answers on the answer sheet.

_________1. Snails are interesting animals to watch.

_________2. Oranges have higher content of Vitamin C than apple.
_________3. The Philippine Eagle is our national bird.
_________4. Dogs are better pets than cats.
_________5. Rainy days are better than sunny days.
_________6. One must go to college to become a professional teacher.
_________7. Not all delicious foods are nutritious.
_________8. All actors are handsome.


Let us see how much you have learned from your previous lesson. You will
have an activity to answer. This is just a very easy one, for you to be ready for our
new lesson.

Activity 1: Can you recall?

Directions: Read the short story below and give your reactions based on the
questions given. Write your answers on the answer sheet.

Our House
My family lives in a beautiful house. It has four bedrooms. We cook and eat
in the kitchen. We watch TV in the living room. My favorite place in the house is
my bedroom. I love reading books, watching movies, and doing my homework in
my bedroom.

Questions: Answer in complete sentence.

1. What can you say about the house where they live?

2. Is the child in the story happy? Why?


3. Do you love being in the house with your family? Why?


4. What are the things you love to do in your house?



Activity 3: Let us Study!

tell what happened and can be proven TRUE

Facts are statements that are true and can be verified or proven objectively.
❖ The sun is a star.
(It can be proven that the sun is a star.)

❖ Humans are mammals.

(It is true that humans are mammals and it can be checked in the references.)

❖ Living things need air, food and water to survive.

(It is true that living things need air, food and water to survive.)

are ideas or thoughts that are not proven to be right or wrong
❖ Everybody loves eating ice cream and cakes.
(This is an opinion, because not everybody loves to eat ice cream and cakes.)

❖ Everyday is an exciting day to go to school.

(This might not be an exciting day to another person.)

❖ Mothers are wonderful persons in the world.

(This is his/her own opinion, but this is not true to everybody.)

How do you differentiate fact

and opinion?

Fact Opinion
It is proven to be true. It is not yet proven to be true.
It is a view, judgement or belief about an
It is a true piece of information.
No evidences can be found as
Evidences can be found in references.


Learning Further

What is a fact?

A fact generally refers to something that is true and can be verified as such.
That is, a fact is something that can be proven to be true.

Sample signal words and phrases being used in the sentence fragments that
often precede a statement of FACT.

The report shows and confirms
Scientists have recently …. discovered..
According to the result….
The investigation demonstrated
As per record

What is an Opinion?

An opinion refers to a personal belief. It relates to how someone feels,

views about something. Others may agree or disagree with an opinion, but they
cannot prove or disprove it. This is what defines it as opinion.

Sample signal words and phrases being used in the sentence fragments that
often precede a statement of an Opinion.

He claimed that… In my opinion I think

According to her My favorite Always
It is his point of view… The best Never
The report that argues… I strongly believe Obviously
Many scientist suspects that… I feel I am confident that
From my point of view I believe Better/Best/Worst


Guided Activity 1: Learning the easy way!

Directions: Read and understand the passage before you proceed to the next

Ysabellah went to the zoo with her parents and siblings last
Saturday. It took them a couple of hours to get there because there was
a heavy traffic. She had lots of fun looking at the animals with her
brothers. The tarsiers in the trees were so cute. The lion looked ferocious
and wild. She even had a chance to see the giraffe during feeding time.
On their way home, Ysabellah fell asleep because she was so tired.

Assessment 1
Directions: Identify whether the following is a statement of fact or opinion. Write
your answers on the answer sheet.

1. The tarsiers were cute. Fact Opinion

2. She saw the giraffe during feeding time. Fact Opinion
3. Her brothers were enjoying with her in the zoo very
Fact Opinion
4. On their way home, Ysabellah fell asleep. Fact Opinion
5. There seems to be a heavy traffic on their way to the
Fact Opinion

Guided Activity 2: Try and Learn

Directions: As you read the story, identify statements or lines which are facts and

It was almost Christmas and the Grade 4 class agreed to wear fairy tale
costumes. Ysabellah still hasn’t thought of a costume. Her cousin Louisa was
going to wear green, tulle dress and wings, as Tinker Bell. Ysabellah thought
that was the best idea ever. Before, Louisa always took Ysabellah and they
always had costumes that went together. But this year, Louisa had been too
busy with her friends to help Ysabellah with her costume. Ysabellah didn’t
know what to do.
Ysabellah was looking in some magazines for costume ideas when her
mother asked her to go with her in the department store. At the store, she saw
at the dress section a sky blue semi-long gown and remembered Cinderella.
So she asked her mother to buy the dress for her costume. The dress costs
P595.00, so her mother bought it for her. Ysabellah was so happy and jumped
for joy. She had a costume! She was going to be Cinderella.

Assessment 2
Directions: Based on the short story, write down 2 sentences appropriate in each
column. Write your answers on the answer sheet.

1. 1.

2. 2.

Independent Activity 1
Directions: Read and identify whether the sentence is a fact or an opinion. Draw a
happy face 😊, beside the number if the sentence is a fact and draw a sad face ☹
if it is an opinion. Number 1 is done for you. Write your answers on the answer

__☹ 1. Orange is a better source of vitamins than pineapple.

_____2. Our test in Science was quite easy.

_____3. Cebu is located in Central Visayas.

_____4. The three main islands in the Philippines are Luzon, Visayas and
_____5. The colors of the Philippine flag are the best colors.

Independent Activity 2
Directions: Compose three simple statements of facts and three simple statements
of opinions. Write your answers on the answer sheet.

1. _______________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________

1. _______________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________


Think and Generalize

Therefore, facts are statements that are true and can be proven with
evidence while opinions are statements based on the feelings or on the
perspective of a person that have not been proven to be true.


Doing it Right
Directions: Read the passage and give what is asked.
Highlight the Facts
The fourth graders climbed unto the school bus that would take them on their
field trip. All the pupils were accommodated in one bus. Mr. Ray was the bus driver.
He was the best bus driver ever. Since only fourth graders were in the bus, they could
sit anywhere. “I got the back seat!” shouted Rob. “It is too bumpy back there,” said
Rayne. “Everyone should get a window seat,” said Olivia.
A. Directions: Write one fact and one opinion from the paragraph. Write your
answers on the answer sheet.

Fact: ______________________________________________________________
Opinion: ___________________________________________________________

B. Directions: Create simple sentences of facts and opinions. Write your answers
on the answer sheet.

Facts Opinions

Example: The sun shines during Example: Everybody loves to read fairy
daytime. tales.

1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

4. 4.


A. Directions: Read each statement below. Write F if the statement is Fact and O if
it is an Opinion. Write your answers on the answer sheet.

_________1. Cebu is the Queen City of the South.

_________ I think Cebu is the most beautiful city in the Philippines.

_________2. Going to school is fun and exciting.

_________ Children go to school to learn.

_________3. Mercury is the closest planet to the sun.

_________ Mercury can be a livable planet.

_________4. Baguio City is the summer capital of the Philippines.

_________ Baguio City is I guess the best place for a vacation.

_________5. All children sing well during flag ceremony.

_________ Flag raising happens in the morning.

B. Directions: Read the questions and write the letter of the correct answer. Write
your answers on the answer sheet.

1. Which of the following statements tells about an opinion?

a. You find a true piece of information.
b. The information is based on evidence.
c. The same information is found across many reliable sources.
d. The author writes about what he or she thinks, believes or feels about the topic.

2. Which of the following is a fact about electricity?

a. People cannot cook without electricity.
b. Electricity travels at the speed of light.
c. Everyone should save on his/her usage of electricity.
d. Families could be using more electricity than necessary.

3. Which of the following statements is an opinion?

a. Learners take exams.
b. All teachers give tests.
c. A laptop is bigger than a cellphone.
d. Mathematics is the most interesting subject.

4. All of the following statements are facts EXCEPT one.
a. Pollution can cause diseases.
b. People and animals contribute pollution.
c. Burning of plastics can cause air pollution.
d. With fewer cars on the road, there is less pollution.


Activity: Think and Write

Directions: During this pandemic, lots of fake news have been spreading mostly in
social media platforms. Your mother’s friend has just shared to your family what she
has only read in a facebook post. Will you believe on her sharing to your family? Why
or why not? Are her statements factual or based from opinion?
Make a five-sentence paragraph on your stand and provide reasons why one
should not believe right away to any article read.


What I Know What’s In
Activity 1 Activity 2
1. O 5. O -Answers may vary
2. F 6. F
3. F 7. F
4. O 8. O
What’s More
Guided Activity 1/Assessment 1 Guided Activity 2/Assessment 2
1. Opinion -Answers may vary
2. Fact
3. Fact
4. Fact
5. Opinion
Independent Activity 1 Independent Activity 2
1.  3. ☺ 5.  - Answers may vary
2.  4. ☺
What I Can Do
A. Answers may vary B. Answers may vary
1. F 2. O 3. F 4. F 5. O
1. D 2. B 3. D 4. D
Additional Activities
Answers may vary
K-12 English Learner’s Material, pp.205-207
K-12 Curriculum Guide
English Teacher’s Guide

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – Region VII, Division of Cebu Province

Office Address: IPHO Bldg., Sudlon, Lahug, Cebu City

Telefax: (032) 255-6405

E-mail Address: [email protected]


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