Final Speaking Test

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Part 1. Speaking

1. relax /rɪˈlæks/ 1. 2. Six /sɪks/

2. Place /pleɪs/ 3. France /frɑːns/
3. Five /faɪv/ 4. Musician/mjuːˈzɪʃ(ə)n/
4. Australia /ɒˈstreɪlɪə/ 5. Brother /ˈbrʌðə/
5. Singer /ˈsɪŋə/ 6. Hate /heɪt/
6. Motorbike /ˈməʊtəbaɪk/ 7. Bicycle /ˈbaisaikl/
7. Fruit /fruːt/ 8. Orange /ˈɒrɪn(d)ʒ/
8. It is 8:30 9. It is 8 :15
9. Comfortable/cʌmftəblə/ 10. Restaurant/’restrɒn/
10. Tuesday/ˈtjuːzdeɪ/ 11. Thursday/ˈθɜːzdeɪ/
11. Breakfast/ˈbrekfəst / 12. Nothing/ˈnʌθɪŋ /

1. Fifteen /fɪfˈtiːn/ 1. 2. Have /hæv/

2. USA /juːɛsˈeɪ/ 3. Three /θriː/
3. Businessman /ˈbɪznɪsmən/ 4. Britain /ˈbrɪt(ə)n/
4. Wife /waif/ 5. sword /so:d/
5. Car/’ka:/ 6. Husband /ˈhʌzbənd/
6. Bike /baik/ 7. Bus /bʌs/
7. Vegetable 8. Diary/’daiəri/
8. It is 9: 50 9. It is 9:5
9. Wednesday/’wenzdei/ 10. Knight/naif/
10. Cheese/ʧiːz/ 11. Awful/’o:fl/
11. Fantastic/fæn’tæstɪk/ 12. Breakfast

Mark :……/10
Part 2. Short questions. You should answer in full sentences.
1. Home work and family
a. Who is your husband/ wife/ bother…?
b. What does/do your husband/ wife/ parents… do?
c. Where do/ does you/ your mother/ sister/ husband… work/ live/ study?
d. Do you live alone?
e. Who do you live with?
2. Hobbies /( we both like) module 6.
a. Do you enjoy/ love/ like + reading/ dancing/ listening to …?
b. What do you like to do in your free time?
c. What does your husband/ brother/ sister/ wife like to do in his/ her free time?
d. What do you and your… both like to do in your free time?
3. Your time ( Module 7)
a. What do you usually do in the morning?
b. What do you sometimes do at the weekend?
c. What time do you go to bed/ have lunch on Monday?
d. When do you relax and do nothing?
4. People are amazing- Module 8.
a. Can a newborn baby smell?
b. Can a seven –year- old child use computer?
c. What can a three- year- old boy do?
d. How many kilometer can you run every day?

e. How many kilos of food can an adult eat?

5. Now and then – Module 9
a. When/where was you born? – I was born in Hung yen province/ on 22/2/1992
b. What was your favorite food when you were 10.-> When I was 10, My favorite food
c. When you were 5/8/20/…years old, were you
+ tall or short for your age ?
+ usually clean or dirty ?
+ a quiet or noisy child?
+nice to your brothers and sisters?
+ good at Maths?
+ happy at school?
6. Creative people
a. Do you think that you are creative? Which areas ( lĩnh vực nào ?)
b. What did you start school?
c. When did you finish high school?
d. When did you graduate?
e. When did you get married?
7. Going away
a. What is your favorite way to travel?
Ex My favorite way to travel is motorbike because… I love speed and enjoy the cool
air when I am moving.
b. Talk a bout a holiday you had. ( past simple )
8. Spending money
a. How much is your jacket/ dress/ jeans….? It cost… Vietnam dong.
b. What color / size is it?
c. Choose a present for your classmate !
->For Mạnh, I want to buy leather shoes with large size
d. What are you going to do this weekend/ tomorrow?
b. I am going to….
Mark …./70
Part 3. Ask for direction.

Mark …./10

Part 4. Describe picture ( random in the book)

Mark …./10
No. Pronunciation Grammar Vocab Task respond


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