Bonifacio Brothers V Mora

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20, MAY 29, 1967 261

Bonifacio Bros., Inc. vs. Mora
No. L-20853. May 29, 1967.
BONIFACIO BROS., INC., ET AL., plaintiffs-appellants, vs. ENRIQUE MORA, ET AL.,
Contracts; Contracts take effect only between the parties thereto; Exception.—Contracts take effect
only between the parties thereto, except in some specific instances provided by law where the contract
contains some stipulation in favor of a third person which is known as a stipulation pour autrui or a
provision in favor of a third person not a party to the contract. Under this doctrine, a third person is
allowed to avail himself of a benef it granted to him by the terms of the contract, provided that the
contracting parties have clearly and deliberately conferred a favor upon such person. Consequently, a
third person, not a party to the contract, has no action against the parties
Bonifacio Bros., Inc. vs. Mora
thereto, and cannot generally demand the enforcement of the same.
Same; Stipulation pour autrui; When a third person has an enforceable interest in the contract.—
The question of whether a third person has an enforceable interest in a contract must be settled by
determining whether the contracting parties intended to tender him such an interest by deliberately
inserting terms in their agreement with the avowed purpose of conferring a favor upon such third person.
The fairest test to determine whether the interest of a third person in a contract is a stipulation  pour
autrui or merely an incidental interest, is to rely upon the intention of the parties as disclosed by their
Same; Insurance; Nature of insurance policy.—A policy of insurance is a distinct and independent
contract between the insured and insurer. A third person has no right in law or equity to the proceeds of
an insurance unless there is a contract or trust, expressed or implied, between the insured and third
Same; Interpretation of clause in insurance contract regarding repair of damaged vehicle.—The
clause in an insurance policy, authorizing the owner of the damaged vehicle to contract for its repair does
not mean that the repairman is entitled to collect the cost of repair out of the proceeds of the insurance. It
merely establishes the procedure that the insured has to follow in order to be entitled to indemnity for
Same; Meaning of loss in insurance.—The word "loss" in insurance law embraces injury or damage.
A loss may be total or partial.
Same; When mortgagee of damaged car, as beneficiary, is preferred to the repairman with respect
to insurance proceeds.—Where the mortgagee is the beneficiary in a car insurance, it has a better right
than the repairman to the insurance proceeds.
APPEAL from a decision of the Court of First Instance of Manila. Solidum, J.
The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.
     G. Magsaysay for plaintiffs-appellants.
     Abad Santos & Pablo for defendant-appellee H. E. Reyes, Inc.
     J. P. Santilla & A. D. Hidalgo, Jr. for other defendant-appellee.


This is an appeal from the decision of the Court of First Instance of Manila, Branch XV, in civil
case 48823,
VOL. 20, MAY 29, 1967 263
Bonifacio Bros., Inc. vs. Mora
affirming the decision of the Municipal Court of Manila, declaring the H.S. Reyes, Inc. as having
a better right than the Bonifacio Bros., Inc. and the Ayala Auto Parts Company, appellants
herein, to the proceeds of motor insurance policy A-0615, in the sum of P2,002.73, issued by the
State Bonding & Insurance Co. Inc., and directing payment of the said amount to the H.S. Reyes,
Enrique Mora, owner of an Oldsmobile sedan model 1956, bearing plate No. QC-8088,
mortgaged the same to the H.S. Reyes, Inc., with the condition that the former would insure the
automobile with the latter as beneficiary. The automobile was thereafter insured on June 23,
1959 with the State Bonding & Insurance Co,, Inc., and motor car insurance policy A-0615 was
issued to Enrique Mora, the pertinent provisions of which read:

1. "1.The Company (referring to the State Bonding & Insurance Co., Inc.) will, subject to the Limits
of Liability, indemnify the Insured against loss of or damages to the Motor Vehicle and its
accessories and spare parts whilst thereon; (a) by accidental collision or overturning or collision
or overturning consequent upon mechanical breakdown or consequent upon wear and tear,
xxx      xxx      xxx
2. 2.At its own option the Company may pay in cash the amount of the loss or damage or may
repair, reinstate, or replace the Motor Vehicle or any part thereof or its accessories or spare
parts. The liability of the Company shall not exceed the value of the parts whichever is the less.
The Insured's estimate of value stated in the schedule will be the maximum amount payable by
the Company in respect of any claim for loss or damage.
xxx      xxx      xxx
3. 4.The Insured may authorize the repair of the Motor Vehicle necessitated by damage for which
the Company may be liable under this Policy provided that:—(a) The estimated cost of such
repair does not exceed the Authorized Repair Limit, (b) A detailed estimate of the cost is
forwarded to the Company without delay, subject to the condition that 'Loss, if any, is payable
to H.S. Reyes, Inc..', by virtue of the fact that said Oldsmobile sedan was mortgaged in favor of
the said H.S. Reyes, Inc. and that under a clause in said insurance policy, any loss was made
payable to the H.S, Reyes, Inc. as Mortgagee;
xxx      xxx      xxx

Bonifacio Bros., Inc. vs. Mora
During the effectivity of the insurance contract, the car met with an accident. The insurance
company then assigned the accident to the H.H. Bayne Adjustment Co. for investigation and
appraisal of the damage. Enrique Mora, without the knowledge and consent of the H.S. Reyes,
Inc., authorized the Bonifacio Bros. Inc. to furnish the labor and materials, some of which were
supplied by the Ayala Auto Parts Co. For the cost of labor and materials, Enrique Mora was
billed at P2,102.73 through the H.H. Bayne Adjustment Co. The insurance company, after
claiming a franchise in the amount of ?100, drew a check in the amount of P2,002.73, as
proceeds of the insurance policy, payable to the order of Enrique Mora or H.S. Reyes, Inc., and
entrusted the check to the H.H. Bayne Adjustment Co. for disposition and delivery to the proper
party. In the meantime, the car was delivered to Enrique Mora without the consent of the H.S,
Reyes, Inc., and without payment to the Bonifacio Bros. Inc. and the Ayala Auto Parts Co. of the
cost of repairs and materials,
Upon the theory that the insurance proceeds should be paid directly to them, the Bonifacio
Bros. Inc. and the Ayala Auto Parts Co. filed on May 8, 1961 a complaint with the Municipal
Court of Manila against Enrique Mora and the State Bonding & Insurance Co., Inc. for the
collection of the sum of P2,002.73. The insurance company filed its answer with a counterclaim
for interpleader, requiring the Bonifacio Bros. Inc. and the H.S. Reyes, Inc. to interplead in order
to determine who has better right to the insurance proceeds in question. Enrique Mora was
declared in default for failure to appear at the hearing, and evidence against him was received ex
parte. However, the counsel for the Bonifacio Bros. Inc., Ayala Auto Parts Co. and State
Bonding & Insurance Co. Inc. submitted a stipulation of facts, on the basis of which the
Municipal Court rendered a decision declaring the H.S. Reyes, Inc. as having a better right to the
disputed amount, and ordering the State Bonding & Insurance Co. Inc. to pay to the H.S. Reyes,
Inc. the said sum of P2,002.73. From this decision, the herein appellants elevated the case to the
Court of First Instance of Manila before which the stipulation of facts was reproduced. On
October 19, 1962 the latter
VOL. 20, MAY 29, 1967 265
Bonifacio Bros., Inc. vs. Mora
court rendered a decision, affirming the decision of the Municipal Court. The Bonifacio Bros.
Inc. and the Ayala Auto Parts Co. moved for reconsideration of the decision, but the trial court
denied the motion. Hence, this appeal.
The main issue raised is whether there is privity of contract between the Bonifacio Bros. Inc.
and the Ayala Auto Parts Co. on the one hand and the insurance company on the other. The
appellants argue that the insurance company and Enrique Mora are parties to the repair of the car
as well as the towage thereof performed. The authority for this assertion is to be found, it is
alleged, in paragraph 4 of the insurance contract which provides that "the insured may authorize
the repair of the Motor Vehicle necessitated by damage for which the company may be liable
under the policy provided that (a) the estimated cost of such repair does not exceed the
Authorized Repair Limit, and (b) a detailed estimate of the cost is forwarded to the company
without delay." It is stressed that the H.H. Bayne Adjustment Company's recommendation of
payment of the appellants' bill for materials and repairs for which the latter drew a check for
P2,002.73 indicates that Mora and the H.H. Bayne Adjustment Co. acted for and in
representation of the insurance company.
This argument is, in our view, beside the point, because from the undisputed facts and from
the pleadings it will be seen that the appellants' alleged cause of action rests exclusively upon the
terms of the insurance contract. The appellants seek to recover the insurance proceeds, and for
this purpose, they rely upon paragraph 4 of the insurance contract document executed by and
between the State Bonding & Insurance Company, Inc. and Enrique Mora. The appellants are not
mentioned in the contract as parties thereto; nor is there any clause or provision thereof from
which we can infer that there is an obligation on the part of the insurance company to pay the
cost of repairs directly to them. It is fundamental' that contracts take effect only between the
parties thereto, except in some specific instances provided by law where the contract contains
some stipulation in favor of a third person.  Such stipula-

 Art. 1311, Civil Code of the Philippines.

Bonifacio Bros., Inc. vs. Mora
tion is known as stipulation pour autrui or a provision in favor of a third person not a party to the
contract. Under this doctrine, a third person is allowed to avail himself of a benefit granted to
him by the terms of the contract, provided that the contracting parties have clearly and
deliberately conferred a favor upon such person.  Consequently, a third person not a party to the

contract has no action against the parties thereto, and cannot generally demand the enforcement
of the same.  The question of whether a third person has an enforcible interest in a contract. must

be settled by determining whether the contracting parties intended to tender him. such an interest
by deliberately inserting terms in their agreement with the avowed purpose of conferring a favor
upon such third person. In this connection, this Court has laid down the rule that the fairest test to
determine whether the interest of a third person in a contract is a stipulation pour autrui or
merely an incidental interest, is to rely upon the intention of the parties as disclosed by their
contract.  In the instant case the insurance contract does not contain any words or clauses to

disclose an intent to give any benefit to any repairmen or materialmen in case of repair of the car
in question. The parties to the insurance contract omitted such stipulation, which is a
circumstance that supports the said conclusion. On the other hand, the "loss payable" clause of
the insurance policy stipulates that "Loss, if any, is payable to H.S. Reyes, Inc." indicating that it
was only the H.S. Reyes, Inc. which they intended to benefit.
We likewise observe from the brief of the State Bonding & Insurance Company that it has
vehemently opposed the assertion or pretension of the appellants that they are privy to the
contract. If it were the intention of the insurance company to make itself liable to the repair shop
or materialmen, it could have easily inserted in the contract a stipulation to that effect. To hold
now that the original parties to the insurance contract intended to confer upon the ap-

 Art. 1311, Id.; see Uy Tam, et al. vs. Leonard, 30 Phil 471.

 See Manila Railroad Co. vs. Compañia Transatlantica, 38 Phil. 875.


 Uy Tam; et al. vs. Leonard, supra.


VOL. 20, MAY 29, 1967 267
Bonifacio Bros., Inc. vs. Mora
pellants the benefit claimed by them would require us to ignore the indispensable requisite that a
stipulation pour autrui must be clearly expressed by the parties, which we cannot do.
As regards paragraph 4 of the insurance contract, a perusal thereof would show that instead of
establishing privity between the appellants and the insurance company, such stipulation merely
establishes the procedure that the insured has to follow in order to be entitled to indemnity for
repair. This paragraph therefore should not be construed as bringing into existence in favor of the
appellants a right of action against the insurance company as such intention can never be inferred
Another cogent reason for not recognizing a right of action by the appellants against the
insurance company is that "a policy of insurance is a distinct and independent contract between
the insured and insurer, and third persons have no right either in a court of equity, or in a court of
law, to the proceeds of it, unless there be some contract or trust, expressed or implied between
the insured and third person."  In this case, no contract of trust, expressed or implied exists. We,

therefore, agree with the trial court that no cause of action exists in favor of the appellants in so
far as the proceeds of insurance are concerned. The appellants' claim, if at all, is merely equitable
in nature and must be made effective through Enrique Mora who entered into a contract with the
Bonifacio Bros. Inc. This conclusion is deducible not only from the principle governing the
operation and effect of insurance contracts in general, but is clearly covered by the express
provisions of section 50 of the Insurance Act which read:
"The insurance shall be applied exclusively to the proper interests of the person in whose name it is made
unless otherwise specified in the policy."
The policy in question has been so framed that "Loss, if any, is payable to H.S. Reyes, Inc.,"
which unmistakably shows the intention of the parties.
The final contention of the appellants is that the right of the H.S. Reyes, Inc. to the insurance
proceeds arises

 Lampano vs. Jose, 30 Phil. 537,


Syson vs. Republic
only if there was loss and not where there is mere damage as in the instant case. Suffice it to say
that any attempt to draw a distinction between "loss" and "damage" is uncalled for, because the
word "loss" in insurance law embraces injury or damage.
"Loss in insurance, defined.—The injury or damage sustained by the insured in consequence of the
happening of one or more of the accidents or misfortune against which the insurer, in consideration of the
premium, has undertaken to indemnify the insured." (1 Bouv. Ins. No. 1215; Black's Law Dictionary;
Cyclopedic Law Dictionary, cited in Martin's Phil. Commercial Laws, Vol. 1, 1961 ed. p. 608).
Indeed, according; to sec. 120 of the Insurance Act, a loss may be either total or partial.
Accordingly, the judgment appealed from is hereby affirmed, at appellants' cost,
     Concepcion, C.J., Reyes, J.B.L., Dizon, Regala, Makalintal, Bengzon,
J.P., Zaldivar Sanchez and Castro, JJ., concur.
Judgment affirmed.


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