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Rig Rig

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Oil and gas deposits are not found throughout the world, nor is the process of locating them
randomly. Specific conditions must exist for oil and gas to become trapped in the Earth, and the
process of finding them begins with defining where these conditions exist.
Oil and gas (hydrocarbons) are normally found only in sedimentary rocks, formed by the
accumulation of layers of small particles such as sand. Besides rock particles, this process also
traps organic material. Over millions of years, deposition of successive layers can result in rock
basins tens of thousands of feet deep. The buried organic material is subjected to high
temperatures and pressures and, in certain conditions, changes to oil or gas. _ Once formed, the
oil or gas floats upward through the groundwater. It is estimated that 90% of the oil and gas
formed migrated to the surface and evaporated. The remaining 10% collected in underground
formations know as "traps."
Oil and gas traps may form when an impermeable rock, such as shale, overlay a porous rock
such as sandstone or limestone. Hydrocarbons can migrate upwards into the trap from below,
but cannot migrate out. Traps are often associated with faults or folds in the rock layers. The
search for oil and gas begins with identifying these traps within sedimentary basins.
Any rock that is porous and permeable may become a reservoir, but those properties are most
found in sedimentary rocks, especially sandstones and carbonates. Igneous and metamorphic
rocks rarely contain oil or gas. Sedimentary rocks are more important to petroleum geology
since it is here that most oil and gas accumulations occur because of their greater porosity and
permeability. After identifying sedimentary basins thought to contain hydrocarbons, the area and
underground rock formations are mapped through seismic surveying by a seismic acquisition
company. Seismic surveys use low frequency acoustical energy generated by explosives or
mechanical means. These waves travel downward, and as they cross the boundaries between
rock layers, energy is reflected back to the surface and detected by sensors called geophones.
The resulting data, combined with assumptions about the velocity of the waves through the
rocks and the density of the rocks, are interpreted to generate maps of the formations.
Once a prospect deposit has been located by a team of exploration geologists and geophysicists
through seismic mapping process, it is up to a team of drilling experts to actually dig down to
where the hydrocarbon is thought to exist in order to identify the type and amount of fluid in a
trap and recover any oil or gas in place.
The first well drilled in the hope of discovery a new reservoir is called wildcat well. If the well
taps a deposit of petroleum, it is called a discovery well. If it produce neither oil nor gas, but
water, it is called a dry hole.
There are two type of rotary rig which include :
1. Land Rig
2. Offshore Rig
Land Rig
 The most common arrangement for a land drilling rig is the derrick which raised as a unit
using drilling line , traveling block , and draw works .
 When we want use land rig for drilling any well must be looking to :
1.Location of drill site .
2.Well depth .
3.Hole size .
4.Expected hook load .
Type of land rig :
1. Portable Rig :
 Portable rib is available for shallow to moderate depth well , in additional to work over
operation and well water drilling .
 Portable rig characteristics by low rib up and short moving time .

Portable rig

2. Conventional Rig :
 Conventional rig are a largest land rig available for drilling .
 Conventional vary in depth rating from 6000 to 25000 ft .

Conventional rig

Offshore Rig
Offshore rig include next type :
1. Jack up rig :
 Jack up designed to operate in shallow water ( 300 ft ) and stable because they rest on sea
bed and not effective heaving motion of sea .
 Jack up easy to move from one location
to another .

Jack up rig

2. Semi-submersible rig :
 Semi-submersible rig is considered a
floating drilling rig .
 Can be used during rough sea and
deep water may ( 3000 m ) .

Semi-submersible rig

3. Drill ships .
 Drill ship used in deep water but in
clam water only .
 Drill ship easy to move from other
type of offshore rig but are not stable
when drilling and having a large
storage capacity .

Drill ship rig

4. Fixed platforms .
 These are conventional drilling
and production platforms .
 Standard configuration consist
of a steel jacket supported to
the sea bed by long steel piles .

Fixed platforms rig

5. Barge .
The barge is a shallow draft, flat-bottom vessel equipped as an offshore drilling unit, used
primarily in swampy areas. This type of vessel can be found operating in the swamps of river
deltas , in coastal areas, and in shallow lakes . It can be towed to the location and then ballasted
to rest on the bottom .


Rig components
The main components of rotary rig include :
1.Power system .
2.Hoisting system .
3.Rotary system .
4.Fluid circulation system .
5.Well control system .
6.Well monitoring system .
7.Auxiliary rig equipment .

Power System
 A power system on a drilling rig consist of internal combustion engine as it is prime source
and some means to transmitting the raw power to the rig equipments .
 Any rig require more than one engine to furnish the needed power and depended on rig
size and capacity ( deep of hole ) may have 2 – 4 engine .
 The engine is very big and powerful , they all together develop about 3000 Hp .
Two method are used to transmit power :
1.Mechanical power transmission .
2.Electrical power transmission .

I) Mechanical power transmission :

 Many drilling rig used a mechanical drive to transmit power from engine to various parts
of rig by machinery such as ( chain, belt, shaft ).
II) Electrical power transmission :
 Electrical power is the most method used on rig today .
 On land rig the engine are located at ground level away from the rig and procedure
electricity will be sent through cable to electric switch and control box and then to other rig
equipments .

Hoisting System
The hoisting system is used to raise and lower and to suspend equipment in the well. The
drilling line (wire rope) is usually braided steel cable about 1 1/8 inches in diameter. It is wound
around a reel in the draw works. The engines are connected to the draw works and let the
drilling line in or out. The derrick or mast is the steel tower. If the tower comes on a tractor-
trailer and is jacked up, it is a mast. If the tower is erected on the site, it is a derrick.
The drilling line goes over a pulley, called the crown block, at the top of the derrick, and then
down to another pulley called the traveling block.
Below the traveling block is a hook to which equipment can be attached. As the drilling line is
reeled in or out of the draw works, the traveling block rises and falls in the derrick. This raises
and lowers the equipment in the well.
The size of a rig is usually denoted by the number of joints that can be left together when they
"trip". On a single trip, each joint must be disconnected, on a double two can be left together,
and on a triple ... three. However, there are also variations within these groups as well. As the

size increases, so does the amount of load it can handle. Some rigs, usually triples, are fitted
with a topdrive unit which lowers the trip capacity by one joint. Most rigs in this area are
The mast or derrick supports the hook and elevators by means of the traveling block, drilling
line, crown block and draw works. The draw works is powered by prime movers - usually two,
three or even four engines.

The hoisting system

The components of the hoisting system are :
2.Crown block .
3.Traveling block .
4.Drilling hook .
5.Link .
6.Elevators .
7.Drilling line .
8. Draw work .
 Derrick :
 Derrick is large loading bearing structure , is tall and strong tower that
support the entire of drill string and other tools used in drilling operation in
deep well .
 The main function of derrick to provide the vertical height require to raise or
lower the pipe in to hole .
 Derrick are rated according to :
a) Ability to withstand hook load .
b) Ability to withstand set back .

 Travelling Block, Crown Block, Drill Line and Hook

The travelling block, crown block and drill line (illustrated in last Figures ) are
used to connect the supporting derrick with the load of drill pipe to be lowered into
or withdrawn from the borehole. During drilling operations, this load usually
consists of the weight of the drill pipe, drill collars and drill bit. The drill line
passes from the draw works to the top of the derrick. From here is sheaved
between the crown block and traveling block to give an eight, ten or twelve-line
suspension. It is then clamped to the rig floor by the deadline anchor. The drill line
is “slipped” (moved) periodically so that it wears evenly as it is used. Cutoff
procedures take into account the amount of usage - that is, ton-miles of service.

If the drill line has moved a one-ton load a distance of one mile, then the line has
received one ton-mile of usage. Suspended from the travelling block, on standard
drilling systems, is the hook which when drilling carries the swivel and kelly
( last Figure ) and when tripping it lifts the drill string with the elevators.
The elevators are attached to the hook using the links.
 Draw Works :
The draw works is a mechanism commonly known as a hoist.
The main purpose of the draw works is to lift the drill string out of and to lower
it back into the borehole.
The drill line is reeled (spooled) on a drum in the draw works. When engaged, the
drum turns and either reels in the drill line to raise the traveling block, or lets out
the drill line to lower it. Because the drill string is attached to the block, it is raised
or lowered. One outstanding feature of the draw works is the brake system, which
enables the driller to easily control a load of thousands of pounds of drill pipe or
casing. On most rigs, there are at least two brake systems. One brake is a
mechanical friction device and can bring the load to a complete stop. The other
brake is hydraulic or electric; it can control the speed of the descent of a loaded
traveling block, but is not capable of bringing it to a complete stop. It is used to
reduce the wear on the primary friction system. An integral part of the draw works
is the gear (transmission) system. This gives the driller a wide choice of speeds for
hoisting the drill string. The draw works also has a drive sprocket that drives the
rotary table by means of a heavy-duty chain. In some cases, however, the rotary
table is driven by an independent engine or electric motor. Another feature of the
draw works are the two catheads. The make-up cathead, on the drillers side, is
used to spin up and tighten the drill pipe joints. The other, located opposite the
driller's position on the draw works is the breakout cathead. It is used to loosen the
drill pipe when the drill pipe is withdrawn from the borehole.

Principle parts of draw works are :
1.Drum :
o It is revolving drum , the drum transmit the torque required to hoisting or breaking and
also stores the drilling line to move the traveling block up and down .
o The drum is grooved to accommodate certain drilling line size and assists in line
spooling on the drum .
2.Break :
o The break must have ability to stop
and prevent the drum from turning
when heavy loads are being raised
or lowered .
3.Transmission :
o The transmission provide the following :
i. Means for easily changing the direction
and speed of traveling block .
ii. Transfer the power movement to cathead
attached to both ends of the draw work .
4.Cathead :
o There are two type of cathead are mounted on each end of the cat shaft which extended
out from both side of draw work .
A - Fraction Cathead :
 It is small spool shaped device using a large fiber rope (cat line ) which wrapped
several time around the spool to lift equipment around the rig .
B - Mechanical Cathead :
 Mechanical cathead are used to provide torque to screw the or un screw drill string
when it is pulled out or running in the hole .


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