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Applied Mathematics (Sem1)

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ASSIGNMENT (Semester1)

SUBJECT: Applied Mathematics


1. Prove that sum of eigen values of a matrix is equal to its trace.

2. Write any 2 applications of Cayley Hamilton theorem
Cayley Hamilton theorem is widely applicable in many fields not only
related to mathematics, but in other scientific fields too. This theorem is
used all over in linear algebra. One can easily find inverse of a matrix using
Cayley Hamilton theorem. It also plays an important role in solving
ordinary differential equations. This theorem is quite useful in physics also.
Cayley Hamilton theorem plays a vital role in computer programming and
coding. In a newer subject - Rheology, where behaviour of material is
studied, this theorem is used to determine the equations that illustrate
nature of materials.

In short, there is a vast use of Cayley Hamilton theorem in many areas

where linear equations and matrices are needed to be used.

3. If the sum of 2 Eigen values and the trace of a 3×3 matrix are equal , find
the value of |𝐴|

4. Find the matrix corresponding to the quadratic form x2+ y2+z 2


5. If 2,-1,-3 are the Eigen values of the matrix A, and then find the Eigen
values of A2 -2I

6. Where the function (𝑥) = |𝑥|is differentiable?


7. Find the critical numbers of the function(𝑥) = 2 X3+3 X2−36 x

You need to evaluate the critical numbers of the function, hence, you need
to evaluate the soutions to the first derivative, such that:
You need to solve for x the equation f'(x) = 0:

You need to divide by 6:

Using quadratic formula, yields:

8. Find the absolute maximum and minimum of f(x) = 𝑥 − 2 tan−1 𝑥 𝑖𝑛 [0, 4].
9. Find the Taylor’s series expansion of (𝑥) = tan−1𝑥 about 𝑥 = 0

10. Find the Taylor’s series expansion of (𝑥) = log (1 + 𝑥) about x=0.
11 Find dy/dx for the following functions ex+ ey= ex + y

12. Verify Rolle’s theorem for the following (𝑥) = (𝑥 − 1)(𝑥 − 2), 𝑥 ∈ [0,2].
13. Find the minimum point of (𝑥, 𝑦) = X2+Y2 +6 x + 12
14 Find the Laplace transform of t coshat.
Laplace transform of Coshat = s/s2-a2

15 Write a function for which Laplace transformation does not exist. Explain
why Laplace transform does not exist.

16 state the condition for the existence of Laplace Transfrom of f(t).


17. Obtain the Laplace transform of sin2t-2 tcos2t in the simplified form.
18. Verify the initial value theorem for f(t) = 5 + 4cos2t.

19 State the convolution theorem for Laplace transforms.


20 Define solenoidal vector and irrotational vector

An irrotational vector field is a vector field where curl is equal to zero
everywhere. If the domain is simply connected (there are no discontinuities),
the vector field will be conservative or equal to the gradient of a function (that
is, it will have a scalar potential).

Similarly, an incompressible vector field (also known as a solenoidal vector field)

is one in which divergence is equal to zero everywhere. Such a vector field will
have a vector potential (it will be equal to the curl of some function). By Kelvin–
Stokes theorem, a flux integral in an incompressible vector field will depend
only on the boundary, and any closed flux integral will have a value of zero.

21. Find the unit normal to the surface xyz=2 at (2,1,1).


22. State Green’s theorem in a plane.

23 State Gauss divergence theorem.
According to the Gauss Divergence Theorem, the surface integral of a vector
field A over a closed surface is equal to the volume integral of the divergence of
a vector field A over the volume (V) enclosed by the closed surface.

24. State Stoke’s theorem.

The Stoke’s theorem states that “the surface integral of the curl of a function
over a surface bounded by a closed surface is equal to the line integral of the
particular vector function around that surface.”

25. State the orthogonal property of an analytical function.

26. Show that the analytic function with constant real part is constant.
27 Write down the formula for finding an analytic function f (z) = u + iv,
whenever the real part is given by using Milne Thomson method.

28 Define the conformal mapping

A conformal mapping, also called a conformal map, conformal transformation,
angle-preserving transformation, or biholomorphic map, is a transformation
w=f(z) that preserves local angles. An analytic function is conformal at any point
where it has a nonzero derivative. Conversely, any conformal mapping of a
complex variable which has continuous partial derivatives is analytic. Conformal
mapping is extremely important in complex analysis, as well as in many areas of
physics and engineering.

29 Define bilinear transformation.

The bilinear transformation is a mathematical mapping of variables. In digital
filtering, it is a standard method of mapping the s or analog plane into the z or
digital plane. It transforms analog filters, designed using classical filter design
techniques, into their discrete equivalents.

30. Write the cross ratio of the points z1,z2,z3,z4.

31 State Cauchy’s integral formula.
32 Find the residue of cot z at the pole z=0.

33 Find the Taylor’s series expansion of near the point (1, 1) up to the second
degree terms y x

34. Expand ex sin y in powers of x and y up to the third-degree terms

35. Expand sin ( xy) in powers of x -1 and y _ -π2 up to second degree term by
Taylor’s Theorem

36. Using Lagrange’s multiplier method, determine the maximum capacity of a

rectangular tank, open at the top, if the surface area is. 108m 2
37 A rectangular box, open at the top, is to have a volume 32cc. Find the
dimensions of the box, that require the least material for its construction
38. Expand cos z in a Taylor’s series at z = π/4

39 Find the critical points for the transformation W =(z-α) (z-β)

40 Find the fixed points of the transformation W =z

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