An instrument which is not dated will be considered dated as at the time of:
a. Acceptance.
b. First indorsement.
c. Last indorsement.
d. Issuance.
A 2. “I promise to pay P on his order the sum of P10,000.00 30 days after the death of X”. This is an instrument payable:
b. On demand.
B 3. Who among the following is the holder of a negotiable instrument originally payable to order?
c. The possessor of the instrument to whom the instrument was delivered without any indorsement.
D 4. An instrument payable to bearer may be negotiated through any of the following means, except by:
b. Mere delivery.
II. “Pay to the order of Pablo Patriocio P20,000.00 or deliver to him a computer of the same value at his option. “
III. “Pay to the order of Pablo Patricio P20,000.00 or deliver to him a computer of the same value. “
Assuming all the other requisites of negotiability are present, which of the foregoing instruments are negotiable?
A 6. The separate paper attached to an instrument on which an indorsement or acceptance of the instrument is written is
a. Allonge.
b. Memorandum.
c. Enclosure.
d. Attachment.
C 7.
a. if the condition is fulfilled because the conditional indorsement renders the instrument non-negotiable.
b. M may pay A even if the condition has not been fulfilled. The fulfillment of the condition becomes the absolute
D 17. In order that a person may be held liable as an accommodation party, the following requisites must concur, except:
b. He has not received any value for such making, drawing, accepting or indorsing the instrument.
c. His purpose of signing the instrument is to lend his name or credit to some other person.
d. The holder must have no knowledge that such person signed the instrument as an accommodation party.
B 18. An indorsement where the indorser signs only his name at the back of the instrument is a:
a. Special indorsement.
b. Blank indorsement.
c. Qualified indorsement.
d. Restrictive indorsement.
B 19. An indorsement where the indorser waives the benefit of any law intended for his protection is known as:
a. An absolute indorsement.
b. A faculatative indorsement.
c. A conditional indorsement.
d. A successive infdorsement .
C 20. M makes a note payable to the order of P. P specially indorses the note to A, A specially indorse the note to B, B
indorses the note in blank and delivers it to C, C specially indorses the note to D, D specially indorses the note to H,
b. To hold the instrument free from personal defenses available to prior parties among themselves.
c. To enforce payment of the instrument for the full amount thereof against all parties liable thereon.
d. To hold the instrument free from real defenses available to the prior parties among themselves.
D 22. Which of the following statements pertaining to indorsements is incorrect?
d. If an instrument is delivered without indorsement, negotiation takes effect at the time of delivery even if the
D 23. M executed a note payable to the order of P. P indorsed the note to A, A to B (by qualified indorsement), B to C (by
general indorsement), and C (by general indorsement) to H, a holder in due course. Later, it was discovered that P was
a minor. None, except P, knew that he was a minor. Who, aside from P, may avail himself on the minority of P as a
a. M, maker.
b. A, qualified indorser.
c. B, general indorser.
c. When the principal debtor becomes the holder in his own right before maturity.
D 25. A party secondarily liable is discharged through any of the following means, except by the:
d. Extension of the time of payment which is assented to by such party secondarily liable.
D 26. Which of the following instruments is negotiable?
a. Treasury warrant.
c. Letter of credit.
d. Trade acceptance
I promise to pay to the order of Patrick Pelaez the sum of P50,000.00 sixty
(60) days after date.
the note on the same day to Alberto Antonio wrote on the note “November 1, 2014” as its date of issue. The following
day, Alberto Antonio indorsed and delivered the note to Herman Hernandez who knew nothing with respect to the
a. Herman Hernandez can collect the amount of the note from Minerva Maceda on December 31, 2014.
b. Herman Hernandez can collect the amount of the note from Minerva Maceda on January 30, 2015.
c. Herman Hernandez can collect nothing from Minerva Maceda because of the insertion of a wrong date.
d. Herman Hernandez can collect the amount of the note December 2, 2014 when it was negotiated to him.
e. Herman Hernandez can collect the amount of the note on December 2, 2014 when it was negotiated to him.
November 1, 2015
On November 30, 2015, Perla Persida may collect from Melba Montinola:
a. P30,000.00.
b. P20,000.00.
c. P10,000.00.
d. Nothing, Because the note is void since it reads “I promise to pay” but it was signed by three makers.
B 30. At a movie premier, Perfecto Palmares approached Sharon Morales, the star of the movie, and requested an autograph
from her. Sharon Morales willingly obliged and signed her name at the bottom right portion of a white “8 X 11”
stationery which Perfcto Palmares presents to her. Shortly after reaching home, Perfecto Palmares printed above the
signature of Sharon Morales through his computer the following: “I promise to pay Perfecto Palamares or his order
P50,000.00.” Thereafter, Perfecto Palmares negotiated the paper to Arturo Alvarez, Arturo Alvarez to Bernardo
Benitez, and Bernardo Benitez to Henry Hilado, holder. Alvarez, Benitez, and HIlado knew nothing about how the
a. If he is a holder in due course. Henry Hilado can collect from Sharon Morales.
b. Whether he is a holder in due course or not, Henry Hilado cannot collect from Sharon Morales.
c. Whether he is a holder in due course or not, Henry Hilado cannot collect from Arturo Alvarez.
d. Whether he is a holder in due course or not. Henry Hilado cannot collect from Bernardo Benitez.
D 31. M makes a promissory note payable to the order of P for P10,000.00. P indorses the note to A, and A to B. Thereafter, B
indorsed tha amount of the note in full to H to secure his (B’s) debt of P8,000.00 to H. Based on the foregoing, which of
a. The promise or order is to pay the amount of the instrument out of a particular fund.
b. The promise or order to pay is coupled with a statement of the transaction that gave rise to the transaction.
c. The sum payable is to be paid with costs of collection or an attorney’s fee in case payment is not made at maturity.
d. The instrument contains a provision authorizing the sale of collateral securities in case the instrument is not paid
at maturity.
D 33. Which of the following omissions on the face of an instrument will render it non-negotiable?
d. The omission of the signature of the maker above his typewritten name.
B 34. Medardo Medrano makes a note payable to the order of Pidencio Palomar and Prudencio Perez for P20,000.00. The
payees are not partners and neither one authorized the other to act in his behalf. Based on the foregoing, which of the
Note: Medardo Medrano has paid a total of P6,000.00 to both payees before the latter made their indorsement.
Note: Medardo Medrano has not paid any amount to the payees.
D 35. Which of the following may be raised as defense against any holder?
a. Want of consideration.
c. A qualified indorsement.
d. A conditional indorsement.
A 37. M makes a promissory note for P10,000.00 payable to the order of P for merchandise to be delivered by P to him. P,
however, was able to deliver to M merchandise worth P8,000.00 only. P indorsed the note to A, and A to H.
D 38. M makes a note payable to the order of P. P indorses the note to A, A to B, B to C, C to D, D to E, and E back to A. Based
To secure the loan, Mary Montes pledged her diamond ring, while Melany Manalo executed a mortgage on her lot.
a. Mary Montes may demand the return of her diamond ring if she pays her share of the debt, while Melany Manalo’s
b. Melany Manalo may demand the cancellation of the mortgage on her lot if she pays her share of the debt, while
c. Both Mary Montes and Melany Manalo must pay the total amount of the debt before Mary Montes could demand
the return of the diamond ring, and Melany Manalo the cancellation of the mortgage on her lot.
d. Patricia Palma may demand payment of the amount of P100,000.00 from either Mary Montes or Melany Manalo.
D 40. M executed a promissory note in the amount of P20,000.00 payable to the order of P. M made the promissory note for
goods purchased by M from P shortly after M obtained the consent of P whether the latter would accept the
promissory note in the meantime. When P visited M’s office to collect the note, M was not around, but P found on, M’s
table the completed note that M made for him. Without waiting for M, P took the note. Based on the foregoing, which
b. If P indorses the note to H who knows nothing on how P obtained the note, H can collect on the note from M.
c. If P indorses the note to H who knows how P obtained the note from M, H cannot collect from M.
d. If P indorses the note to H, H can collect from M whether H was aware or not on how the note was obtained by P
I. “Pay to the order of Pablo Patricio P20,000.00 in goods which are displayed at your store.”
II. “Pay to the order of Pablo Patricio P20,000.00 or deliver to him a computer of the same value at his option.’
B 43. The attribute of a negotiable instrument which allows it to be passed from one another similar to money, so as to give
a holder in due course the right to hold the instrument free from defect of title of prior parties, and free from defenses
available to prior parties among themselves, and to enforce payment of the instrument for the full amount thereof
a. Assignability.
b. Negotiability.
c. Transferability.
d. Acceptability.
D 44. An instrument is not payable on demand in one of the following cases. Which case is it?
d. When the instrument is expressed to be payable after the occurrence of a specified event which is certain to
I. Where the sum payable is expressed in words and also in figures and there is a discrepancy between the two, the
II. Where there is a conflict between the written and printed provisions of the instrument, the printed provisions
January 1,2015
Pay to the order of Pamela Pineda the sum of P50,000.00 thirty (30) days after sight.
The above bill was issued by Rosita Rodriguez to Pamela Pineda on December 28,2014 and was presented for
a. January 27,2015.
b. January 31,2015.
c. February 9, 2015.
d. January 10,2015.
D 47. Ramos draws a bill of exchange payable to the order of Palma. Palma presents the bill to Wagan, drawee, for
acceptance, and the latter accepts it. Thereafter, Palma indorses the note to Alunan, Alunan to bernarte, Bernarte to
Hornedo, holder. On due date, Hornedo presents the bill to Wagan for payment but Wagan
C 55. Which of the following is not a promise to pay, and thus will make an instrument non-negotiable?
a. “I agree to pay P”
c. “I acknowledge my debt to P”
C 56. An instrument to be negotiable must be payable at a fixed or determinable must be payable at a fixed or determinable
future time. Which of the following does not comply with said requisite?
A 58. P executes a promissory note for P20,000.00 indicating therein that the maker is M and that it is payable to the order
of P. Thereafter, he forges the signature of M and indorses the note to A, A to B, B to C, and C to H, holder. Based on the
I promise to pay to the order of P the sum of P50,000.00 sisxty (60) days after date.
(Sgd.) M
On September 1,2015, M issued the promissory note to P, P indorsed the note to A, A to B, and B to C. C indorsed the
note to H on September 20,2015, but before delivering it to H, C inserted August 1,2015 as the date of issue. H is a
holder in due course. The due date of the promissory note insofar as H is concerned is:
a. October 31,2015.
d. The promissory note is avoided because of the insertion of a wrong date; hence, it is of no use to determine the
date of maturity.
A 60. Which of the following defenses may a party to an instrument avail himself of against any holder?
A 61. M makes a promissory note payable to the order of P for PHP5,000.00. Thereafter, P indorsed the note to A, A to B, B to
C, C to D, and D to H. The parties subsequent to P were not aware of the alteration made by P. Based on the foregoing
c. H cannot hold M liable for any amount if H is not a holder in due course.
d. H can hold A, B, C and D liable for US$5,000.00 even if H is not a holder in due course.
C 62. A holder is a holder in due course if he has taken the instrument complete and regular on its face and three of the
a. That he became the holder of the instrument before it was overdue and without notice that it had been previously
d. That at the time it was negotiated to him, he had no notice of any infirmity in the instrument of defect in the title
B 63. Marilou Macto execute4d a promissory note in favor of Patria Plata as follows:
“I promise to pay Patria Plata or order P50,000.00 or to deliver to herba brand new laptop computer.”
(Sgd.) Marilou Mateo
C 64. M executes a promissory note for P10,000.00 payable to the order of P, a minor. M and P had a private understanding
that M is liable only for the discounted amount of P9,500.00. P indorsed the note to A, A to B, B to C, C to D, and D to H,
a. M may dishonor the note, A may refuse to pay H on the same ground that P is a minor.
b. If M dishonors the note, A may refuse to pay H on the same ground that P is a minor.
d. Assuming that P was already of the age of majority at the time of the execution of the note, M is liable to H for
P9,500.00 since that was the amount that he agreed with P that he should pay.
B 65. On August 1, 2015, M executed a promissory note for P50,000.00 payable to the order of P which is payable “30 days
after date.” Thereafter, P indorsed the note to A, A to B, B to C, C to D, and D to M. The indorsement by D to M was made
on August 29,2015.
a. The obligation on the note was extinguished by merger or confusion on August 29,2015.
B 66. M, maker, P, payee, of ta note payable to the order of P. The back of the note contains the indorsement of P to A, A to B,
II. P is a minor.
If C were a qualified indorser, which of the foregoing indendent facts will not affect his liability (i.e., he will still be
a. I and II.
b. II and III.
c. I and III.
d. I, II and III.
B 68. One of the distinctions between negotiation and assignment of a negotiable instrument is that in assignment the:
c. Transferee of the instrument holds that instrument free from defect of title of prior parties.
d. Transferor is not liable in case no presentment for payment is made to the party primarily liable and notice of
B 69. M made a promissory note in favor of P or order. The note, which was payable after 60 days from date of issue,
Amounts to P100,000.00 and bears interest at 10% per annum. After the delivery of the note to him, P altered the
interest rate to 18% per annum without the knowledge of M and indorsed it to A who knew nothing of the alteration.
a. H may not collect any amount, whether of the principal or of the interest, from M.
d. H may not collect any amount, whether of the principal or of the interest, from A, since A was not aware of the
B 71. Manuel Miranda wrote a letter to his goddaughter which reads as follows:
To Pilar Perez:
Dear Pilar:
I am greatly pleased that you have enrolled in accounting in response to my
continual urging.
I am formally making the promise I have made earlier to you to pay you or
your order P500,000.00 or a brand-new Toyota Corolla Altis, at your option, as soon
as you graduate.
Your Godfather,
(Sgd,) Manuel Miranda
B 72. M made a promissory note payable to P or bearer. After its delivery to him, P indorsed the note to A. While the note
was in the possession of A, F stole the note and negotiated it to B by forging A’s signature. Thereafter, B indorsed the
note to C, C to D, and D to H, a holder in due course. Which of the following defenses are available to M, P and A against
c. Only I is available.
d. Only I is available.
The part of the above instrument that renders it non-negotiable is the phrase or statement:
c. “To secure the amount of this note, I hereby pledge my ring which I authorize Peter Perez to sell in case of my
d. The instrument is negotiable notwithstanding the presence of such phrases or statements in the body thereof.
C 81. Medardo Medrano has an obligation to give 10 sacks of rice worth P10,000.00 to Pancho Panza, the same being due on
September 5, 2015. Medardo Medrano failed to deliver 10 sacks of rice to Pancho Panza on due date despite the
latter’s demand. Medardo Medrano requested Pancho Panza to give him a period of 30 days to give the amount of
P10,000.00 or to deliver 10 sacks of rice, assuring Pacho Panza of the payment by issuing the promissory note shown
September 6,2015
I promise to pay Pancho Panza or order the sum of P10,000.00 or to deliver him 10
sacks of rice.
c. Medardo Medrano has the choice whether to give P10,000.00 or deliver 10 sacks of rice.
B 82. The following are certain conditions in an instrument or the transfer thereof:
I. A condition placed on the face of the instrument that the maker will pay it to the payee upon the fulfillment of the
II. A condition placed on an indorsement that the instrument will be paid upon the fulfillment of the condition.
III. A condition placed upon the delivery of the note to the payee and instructs him not to negotiate the instrument
a. I and II.
b. II and III.
c. I and III.
d. I, II and III.
B 83. This promissory note was issued by Maila Moreno to Patricia Pineda on August 1, 2015:
August 1, 2015
I promise to pay Patricia Pineda or order the sum of P20,000.00 thirty (30) days after
The note was thereafter indorsed by Patricia Pineda to Alma Alajar, Alma Alajar to Brenda Bermejo, and Brenda
Bermejo to Carmela Castro. On August 30,2015, Carmelo Castro indorsed the note as follows:
a. The promissory note was extinguished when Maila Morena became the holder.
b. The promissory note was not extinguished when Maila Morena became the holder.
c. Maila Morena may not renegotiate the instrument after it was indorsed to her.
d. Maila Morena may go aftter Patricia Pineda, Alma Alajar, Brenda Bermejo and Carmela Castro.
A 84. Refer to the preceding number. Assuming that the note was extinguished when it was indorsed by Carmela Castro to
a. Confusion.
b. Condonation.
c. Compensation.
d. Novation.
Which of the above defenses may be raised against a holder not in due course?
a. I and II only.
d. I, II and III.
d. “Pay to Arnulfo Alvez, P20,000.00 from the amount of P30,000.00 on this note.”
D 87. M delivers a promissory note payable to the order of P for P10,000.00. P alters the amount to P40,000.00 and
thereafter indorses the note to A who had no knowledge of the alteration; then A to H, holder in due course. Which of
d. H cannot recover any amount from M because M is a party before the alteration. H cannot also recover from A
A 88. The signification by the drawee of his assent to the order of the drawer.
a. Acceptance
b. Approval
c. Recommendation
d. Indorsement
C 89. The acceptance that takes place hen a drawee to whom a bill is delivered for acceptance destroys the bill the bill, or
refuses within 24 hours after such delivery, or within such other period as the holder may allow, to return the bill
a. Implied acceptance.
b. Qualified acceptance.
c. Constructive acceptance
d. Oral acceptance
D 90. The following are the requisites of actual acceptance of a bill of exchange, except.
a. It must be in writing.
c. T
C 100. A formal written statement made by a notary public at the request of a holder of bill of exchange stating that he has
demanded acceptance or payment of the bill, and that it has been refused, with the reasons, if any, given by the drawee
a. Certification.
b. Demand letter.
c. Protest.
d. Affidavit.
B 104. An acceptance for honor which does not expressly state for whose honor it is made is deemed to be for the honor of
a. Drawee.
b. Drawer.
c. Acceptor.
d. Payee.
C 105. These statements are presented to you:
I. A bill in set is one composed of several parts, each set being numbered and containing a reference to the other
II. In a bill in set, the number of bills depend upon the number of parts; hence, if there are four
A 106. R, drawer; W, drawee. The bill is payable to the order of P for P10,000.00. Assume the following independent
acceptances by W.
a. I only.
b. II only.
B 107. P is the payee of a check on which two diagonal parallel lines appear on the upper left portion of the check. R is the
drawer; W Bank is the drawee bank. P has a savings account in C bank where he regularly deposits checks and cash
given to him as payment. What may P do with the check so that he can receive payment thereon?
C 108. R draws a check for P100,00.00 payable to the order of P and against his deposit of P2,000,000.00 at W Bank. The
check is indorsed by P to H, holder. H delays the presentment of the check to W Bank. By the time he presents it for
payment, W Bank is already insolvent. R is abl to recover P500,000.00 from the Philippine Deposit Insurance
d. No, R will no longer be liable because H’s delay in presenting the check for payment totally discharged him from
D 109. Refer to the preceeding number. May H go after P, the party who indorsed the check to him?
d. No, P was discharged by reason of the lack of due presentment of the check.
I. A check is payable on demand although such fact is not stated on its face.
II. A check that is post-dated can be deposited even before the date indicated thereon since a check is always payable
on demand.