Root Morphology: Major Functions of Root

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Hello everyone, here Iam going to discuss about root morphology. It is a small portion of morphology of
flowering plants

You may know that what morphology means!?

Its simply means physical form and external structures.

Coming to root morphology, the root system is part of plant grows below soil. It consists primary roots
and lateral roots,& they grows towards gravity. Lets see major functions of root:

Major functions of root

 Anchorage
 Absorbing water and minerals
 In some plants helps in storage, respiration and photosynthesis.

Root morphology consists:

1. Root system
2. Regions of root &
3. Root modification

1) Root system
There are various types of root system and mainly of three.

1.Tap root system - It is composed of primary root & its lateral branches. Primary root is elongation of
radicles. Characteristic feature of dicotyledons.

2.Fibrous root system: Growth of radicle stoped and from the base of stem numerous fiber like roots
arised. It is Feature of monocotyledons.

3.Adventitious root system: Root arised from any part of plant body other than radicle.

2) Regions of root
1. Root cap : It is the tip of root &it protects tender region.

2. Region of meristematic activity : present above root cap. They are very small cells with dense
protoplasm, divide repeatedly.

3. Region of elongation: It's the part above meristematic region. Here is the cell growth and elongation
occure. It is responsible for increasing root length.

4. Region of maturation: Above elongation region. The cells are differentiated & root hairs arises from

3) Root modification
Roots are modified in to various forms for different functions.

They modified in to 2 different forms to give extra support to the plant.

1. Prop root

Have you ever wondered about the hanging structures of banyan tree?

Actually they are roots called prop. They provide mechanical support to the tree.

Example:- Ficus benghalensis.

2. Stilt root

The supporting root coming out of lower nodes of stem are called stilt roots.

Example:- Saccharum officinarum.

Modification for respiration

In plants growing in swampy areas, the roots grow vertically upward, such roots are called
pneumatophores & they help to get oxygen.

Example:- Avicennia germinaus

Modification for food storage

Taproot of carrot, turnips and adventitious roots of sweet potato get swollen and Store food.

There are some examples of different modifications for food storage

 Moniform: Adventitious roots are swollen at frequent intervals. This gives the root a beaded
appearance. Eg:- Sweet potato
 Conical: Here roots are swollen & broad at base and apex part gradually tapers forming a cone
like structure. Eg:-Carrot
 Fusiform: It is a modified taproot. Primary root of the system is swollen at middle and tapers
gradually at both ends forming spindle shaped structure. Eg:- Radish
 Napiform roots:- They are spherical in shape at upper part & sharply tapering towards tip of the
root. Eg:-Beet root.


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