Info Tech Corporation of Goa Limited (A Government of Goa Undertaking) (An ISO 900bbb1:2008 Certified Company)

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Info Tech Corporation of Goa Limited

(A Government of Goa Undertaking)

[An ISO 900bbb1:2008 Certified Company]

IT HUB, 3rd Floor,

Altinho, Panaji, Goa -403001

Tender For Empanelment of Vendors for Annual Maintenance Contract of

Networking Infrastructure (LAN, UPS, FIBER & WAN Connectivity) To
Government Departments/ Organizations / Institutions/ Corporations/
Autonomous Bodies in the State of Goa

Tender No.: ITG-IT/0553/ Empanel Vendors AMC (LAN, UPS, FIBER & WAN)/2019

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Table of Contents

NOTICE INVITING e-TENDER (NIT) ............................................................................................. 3

SCOPE OF THE PROJECT ............................................................................................................... 5

DEFINITIONS & ACRONYMS ........................................................................................................ 6

CHAPTER 1 Invitation for Bids (IFB) ........................................................................................ 7

CHAPTER 2 Eligibility Criteria & Mandatory Conditions ......................................................... 9

CHAPTER 3 Bidding Process .................................................................................................... 11

CHAPTER 4 Disqualification of Bids ....................................................................................... 19

CHAPTER 5 General Terms and Conditions of Bid.................................................................. 20

CHAPTER 6 Selection of AMC Vendors .................................................................................. 24

CHAPTER 7 Penalty Charges & Escalation Matrix .................................................................. 25

CHAPTER 8 Terms of Payment ................................................................................................ 28

CHAPTER 9 Pre Bid Queries Format ........................................................................................ 27

CHAPTER 9 Documents to be furnished in original ................................................................. 28

CHAPTER 10 Tentative Description of Networking Equipments ............................................... 29

CHAPTER 11 Commercial Bid ................................................................................................... 33

ANNEXURE-1 Bid Form .............................................................................................................. 37

ANNEXURE-2 Bidders Undertaking ............................................................................................ 40

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Info Tech Corporation of Goa Limited
(A Government of Goa Undertaking)
[An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Company ]
IT HUB, 3rd Floor,
Altinho, Panaji, Goa-403001


(Electronic mode only)

No.: ITG-IT/0553/ Empanel Vendors AMC (LAN, UPS, FIBER & WAN)/2019

Bids are invited by Info Tech Corporation of Goa Ltd (ITG) in two bid – Eligibility cum
Technical bid & commercial bid from well established and reputed organizations / agencies
who fulfill the eligibility criteria and having sufficient infrastructure, manpower and proven
track record in supply, installation & commissioning of networking infrastructure (LAN,
UPS, FIBER & WAN CONNECTIVITY) to various Government departments/ institutions/
organizations in the State of Goa.
Sr. Item Particulars
1 Description of the work Empanelment of Vendors for Annual
Maintenance Contract of Networking
Infrastructure (LAN, UPS, FIBER & WAN
2 Mode of Tendering E-Tendering
3 E-Tendering Website

4 Tender Document Fee Rs 2000/- Rupees Two thousand only

5 Tender Processing Fee Rs 1500/- Rupees One thousand Five Hundred
only (Non-Refundable)
6 Earnest Money Deposit Rs. 50,000/- (Rupees Fifty Thousand only)
7 Mode of Tender Document & To be paid online through e-payment mode
Processing Fees via NEFT/RTGS/OTC/debit card/credit card
facility with pre-printed challans available on
e-tendering website and directly credit the
amount to ITG account as generated by challan
and upload the scanned copy of
NEFT/RTGS/OTC/debit card/credit card
challan along with the bid.

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8 Date and Time for request of 21/01/2020 to 19/02/2020 (up to 23.59) (up to
Tender Document 5.00 pm)
9 Date and Time for Pre Bid 28/01/2020 (at 11.30)
10 Date and Time for reply to Pre 04/02/2020 (Up to 23.59)
Bid Clarification
11 Last Date and Time for Online 22/02/2020 (up to 23.59)
submission of bids
12 Date and Time for opening / of 24/02/2020 (at 14.00)
Eligibility cum Technical bids
13 Date and Time for opening / of Will be communicated later on.
Commercial bids

Tenders not conforming to the requirements mentioned above and as laid down in the terms
and conditions or not accompanied by EMD in the form prescribed at the time of opening of
the eligibility cum Technical bid are liable to be summarily rejected. The decision of The
Managing Director, Info Tech Corporation of Goa Ltd, for purpose of Eligibility
Qualification shall be final and binding to all the tenderers/bidders.
a. The Bidder is expected to carefully examine the terms & conditions of the Tender. Failure
to furnish all information required in the Tender or submission of a bid not substantially
responsive to the Tender in every respect will be at the Bidder’s risk and may result in the
rejection of the bid.
b. The Bidder shall use the electronic mode of tendering using the website to submit bids for the item given in the RFP.
c. Late submission of bids is not be permitted by the e-Tendering System.
d. Last minute submission of bids should be avoided. As such, ITG will not be responsible
for any failures in submission of bids on time.
e. Incomplete or Conditional bids will be summarily rejected.
f. Bidders should possess a valid Class III Digital Signature issued by a Licensed Certifying
Authority for bidding through the e-Tender system.

For any of the assistance regarding participation in the e-Tender contact helpdesk no.
1800212680680, email: [email protected].
For and on behalf of Info Tech Corporation of Goa Ltd
Managing Director

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M/s INFO TECH CORPORATION OF GOA LTD. (ITG), an ISO 9001:2008 Certified
Organization, has been set up by the Government of Goa to promote overall growth of
the state's economy through the use of Information Technology.

M/s INFO TECH CORPORATION OF GOA LTD under the administrative control of
Department of Information Technology has been providing various IT services to
Government departments/institutions/ organizations in the State of Goa who has setup
the required IT Infrastructure for the use of e-Governance Application, etc in their
respective offices with an aim towards creating an e-citizen for all transactions and for
making Goa as an “Intelligent State”.


The technological advancements in Information & Communication Technology are very

rapid and continuous. The e-Governance Application development is in various stages of
implementation in almost all State Government Departments & Government
Organizations. The various Government Departments & Organizations has setup this IT
Infrastructure for use of e-Governance Application. In order to get efficient management
of IT Infrastructure existing in their Offices, a number of requests are received from
these Departments & Organizations. Maintenance of this IT Infrastructure is absolutely

Also, it has been noticed that the networking infrastructure in some departments/
Organizations are not covered under any maintenance contract and is not functioning
properly. Additionally, Government of Goa through Goa State Infrastructure
Development Corporation (GSIDC) has constructed new building premises for various
Government departments and sub offices wherein State of the Art infrastructure with all
the necessary ultra-modern ICT Equipment are made available. Normally the networking
infrastructure is covered under the defect liability warranty period provided by GSIDC.
The entire networking infrastructure of such new buildings has to be covered under
Annual Maintenance Contract after the expiry of the defect liability warranty period for
the smooth and un-interrupted functioning of the networking infrastructure. But, it is
observed that most of these Departments& organizations are reluctant to execute the
same on their own, citing reason of non-presence of IT domain expert at their end and
the staff not having required experience in IT domain. With respects to the above
mentioned problems the staff approach vendors from open market and get the issue
resolved wherein this vendors charges exorbitant rates.

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In this tender document and associated documentation, the following terms shall be
interpreted as indicated below:

ITG Info Tech Corporation of Goa Ltd, Goa

DOIT / DOIT Department of Information Technology, Goa
GBBN Goa Broad Band Network
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
EMD Earnest Money Deposit
PAN Permanent Account Number
MAF Manufacturer’s Authorization Form
Purchaser Info Tech Corporation of Goa Ltd, Goa
Bidder/Tenderer Person/Company who bids against this tender
Contractor/Supplier successful Tenderer / Bidder to whom tender is awarded
Contract an undertaking signed by the Vendor against the Tender
NMS Network Monitoring System
UPS Un-interrupted Power supply
LAN Local Area Network
Non-responsive failure to furnish complete information in a given format
and manner required as per the tender documents or non-
submission of tender bid in given Forms/Pro-forma or not
following procedure mentioned in this tender or any of
required details or documents is missing or not clear or
not submitted in the prescribed format or non submission
of tender fee or EMD
IT Infrastructure All the IT related equipments which includes hardware,
software’s, networking, etc

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CHAPTER 1 Invitation for Bids (IFB)

1. Info Tech Corporation of Goa Ltd (ITG) invites Eligibility cum Technical Bid from well
established and reputed organizations / agencies who fulfill the eligibility criteria and having
sufficient infrastructure, manpower and proven track record in carrying out the work of
providing Networking Infrastructure to various Government departments/institutions/
organizations in the State of Goa. Bidders should submit the proposal on the tender wizard .

2. Bidders should go through the website for understanding the e-

tendering process and refer to the link "Vendor Info", "Information about DSC (Digital
Signature Certificate)", "FAQ's" and to know the process for submitting the electronic bids at
the website.

3. Bidders need to have a valid Class 3 category digital signature issued by a licensed Certifying
Authority (CA) for e-Tendering Portal.

4. Complete bid document terms and conditions and tender form containing all the details have
been published on the websites, and The bid documents can be downloaded from on payment of the required Tender Document Fee and Tender
Processing Fee online.

5. The Bids can be submitted up to date and time given in NIT.

6. An Earnest Money Deposit (E.M.D.) of Rs. 50,000/- (Rupees Fifty Thousand only) should
be provided by the bidder. The EMD has to be paid online before the last date and time for
online submission of bids as given in the NIT. EMD in any other form will not be accepted.

7. Bids would be considered only in the prescribed form/ document. Bids not submitted in
prescribed format will be summarily rejected.

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8. The Eligibility cum Technical Bid will be opened as per schedule in NIT and in the presence
of the bidder or any of his representatives. The bidders who qualify in the Eligibility cum
Technical evaluation process shall be considered for empanelment.

9. No contractual obligation whatsoever shall arise from the Tender Document / bidding process
unless and until a formal contract is signed and executed between the tendering authority and
the successful bidder.

10. Info Tech Corporation of Goa Ltd disclaims any factual/ or any other errors in this document
(the onus is purely on the individual bidders to verify such information) and the information
provided herein are intended only to help the bidders to prepare a logical bid-proposal.

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CHAPTER 2 Eligibility Criteria & Mandatory Conditions

The bidder must fulfill the following eligibility conditions and must also submit documentary
evidence in support of fulfilling these conditions while submitting the Eligibility cum
Technical Bid. The scanned copy/copies of these documents should be uploaded on the
e-tendering website during submission of bids before its last date. Failure to comply with
these requirements may result in the bid being rejected.

Note: Bidders should read these conditions carefully and comply strictly while
sending/submitting their Bids.



Keeping in mind the local service setup and accessibility required extending support /
maintenance services during the AMC period, it is considered essential that the bidder should
have a strong local presence in Goa, specifically authorized for this Tender / project. If the
bidder is not having local presence then the bidder is required to set up his office in state of
Goa within 3 months from the date of empanelment. The bidder should also provide the
“Manufacturer’s Authorization Certificate” (MAF) wherever necessary.
Sr. Clause Documents required
1 The Tenderer / bidder should have a proprietorship a) Valid documentary proof
firm / partnership firm / registered in India in the of:
same name as the quoting company for last three - Certificate of incorporation
(3) years as on the date of issue of the Notice - Registration Certificate
Inviting Tender. (* The Tenderer / bidder should - GST registration, Registration
have an established office in Goa. If the same is not with Village Panchayat or any
present, then the same should be setup within a Govt. organization in the State
month from the date of being empanelled. of Goa

**Upload and save as

“Document A”
2 The bidder should have experience of carrying out a) Valid documentary proof
similar works of providing AMC of Networking of:
Infrastructure (LAN, UPS, FIBER & WAN -Work orders confirming year
CONNECTIVITY) in Government and Area of activity should be
Departments/Public Sector Undertaking/Banks / attached.
Financial Institution/ Central Autonomous
Bodies/State Autonomous Bodies/ reputed firms
during the last two (2) years. **Upload and save as
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“Document B”
3 The bidder should have at-least minimum Five (5) a) Valid documentary proof
Service Engineers on its own pay roll. of:
- Certificate from bidder for
number of qualified Engineers
professionals employed by the
bidder giving names & address.
And any supporting document
indicating that service engineers
are on-board of firm/company.
**Upload and save as
“Document C”
4 The bidder must have a valid GST Registration and a) Valid documentary proof
Valid PAN Card number.
- GST Registration Certificate
and PAN Card
**Upload and save as
“Document D”
5 The bidder shall not be blacklisted or barred by a) Valid documentary proof
GoI/GoG from rendering services to any of the of:
-A signed copy of the
Government Departments/ Organizations. undertaking (Annexure-III)
with seal.
**Upload and save as
“Document E”

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CHAPTER 3 Bidding Process

The Bidding process below specifies the procedures that would regulate the overall bidding
1. Selection of empanelled vendor is a two stage bidding process where in eligible
bidders shall submit their Eligibility cum Technical bid and Commercial Bid.
a. Eligibility bid will be evaluated for all the bidders.
b. Commercial Bids of only those bidders will be opened who are qualified in the
Eligibility bid.
c. Only those bidders who are willing to match the lowest (L1) price will be listed on
ITG’s List of Empanelled Vendors for works of AMC of Networking Infrastructure
(LAN, UPS, WAN & Fiber connectivity).

2. Preparation of Bidding Document

a. The download of bidding document shall commence as specified in NIT and shall be
stopped as specified in NIT. The complete bidding document is also placed on the
websites as specified in the NIT. The prospective bidders are permitted to download the
bid document from the tenderwizard but must pay the cost of tender/ bidding document
and e-tender processing fee while submitting the bids to ITG.
Bidders are advised to study all instructions, forms, terms, requirements and other
information in the tender document carefully. Submission of bid shall be deemed to
have been done after careful study and examination of the tender document with full
understanding of its implications.
All the tenders are to be submitted in electronic mode only. The tender wizard will not
accept any tender submitted after the deadline for submission of Tenders prescribed by
the Purchaser.
b. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD)
i. Every bidder, participating in the bid must furnish the earnest money deposit as
specified in the Notice Inviting Tender (NIT).
ii. The EMD shall be denominated in Indian Rupees only. No interest will be payable to
the bidder on the amount of the EMD.

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iii. The EMD shall be submitted by the bidder who is applying for the tender. EMD in the
name of any other firm/person other than the bidder who is applying for the tender
shall not be accepted.
iv. Form of EMD: Bidders shall submit, an Earnest Money Deposit (E.M.D.) of Rs.
25,000/- (Rupees Twenty Five Thousands only) should be provided by the bidder.
The EMD has to be paid online before the last date and time for online submission of
bids as given in the NIT. EMD in any other form will not be accepted.
v. Refund of EMD: The earnest money deposit of unsuccessful bidders shall be
refunded soon after the final list of empanelled vendors has been prepared. The EMD
of the successful bidders shall be returned only after a period of six months from the
date of finalizing the final list of empanelled vendors.
vi. Forfeiture of EMD: The EMD taken from the bidder shall be forfeited in the
following cases:-
• During the bid process, if a bidder indulges in any such deliberate act as would
jeopardize or unnecessarily delay the process of bid evaluation and
• During the bid process, if any information found wrong / manipulated / hidden
in the bid.
Tenders without valid E.M.D. at the time of opening of the technical bid will be
vii. No Exemptions / Preferences for SSI Units or any other Entity: All tender terms and
conditions (including cost of tender fees, tender processing fees and EMD
requirements) shall apply in equal / same measure to all entities / bidders

3. Amendment of Bidding Document

i. At any time prior to the deadline for submission of the Bids, the tendering authority
may amend the Bidding document by issuing Corrigendum/ Addendum.
ii. Any Corrigendum/ Addendum issued shall be a part of the Bidding document.
iii. To give prospective Bidders reasonable time in which to take a Corrigendum/
Addendum into account in preparing their Bids, the tendering authority may, at its
discretion, extend the deadline for the submission of the Bids.
iv. Any change in date of submission and opening of bids would be communicated in
appropriate manner including the websites mentioned in the NIT.
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4. Submission and Opening of Bids:
a. The bidder is responsible for all costs incurred in connection with participation in this
process, including, but not limited to, costs incurred in conduct of informative and
other diligence activities, participation in meetings/ discussions/ presentations,
preparation of proposal, in providing any additional information required by ITG to
facilitate the evaluation process, and in negotiating a definitive contract or all such
activities related to the bid process. Info Tech Corporation of Ltd will be in no case
responsible or liable for those costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the
bidding process.
b. Language of Bids: The Bid prepared & submitted by the Bidder and all subsequent
correspondence and documents related to the bid and as submitted by the bidder, shall
be written only in English language. Also, any printed literature furnished by the
Bidder written in other language (other than English/ Hindi) must be accompanied by
an English/ Hindi translation in which case, for purposes of interpretation of the bid,
the appropriate translation by the Purchaser shall govern.

c. Documents comprising the Bid

i. The bidder should ensure that all the required documents, as mentioned in the
bidding document, are uploaded. Non submission of the required documents may
lead to the rejections of the bid/ proposal submitted by the bidder.
ii. Wherever applicable, the bidding form must be completed without any
alterations to its format, and no substitutes shall be accepted. All blank spaces
shall be filled in with the information requested.
iii. The contents of bid are listed below.
I. Eligibility Bid:
a) The Eligibility Proposal should contain documents as listed in various
Chapters & Annexure of this bid document.
b) Prices must not be indicated in the Eligibility cum Technical Bid.
d. Alternative Bids: Alternative bids shall not be considered at all.

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e. Validity of Empanelment Tender & Commercials:

It has been noticed in the IT industry that the ICT equipments or IT services keeps on
changing from time to time. However, in order to keep the procurement rate for a steady
period for providing services to the Department/Organization/Institutions, Corporations/
Autonomous Bodies and at the same time to give some breathing space to the
empanelled vendors so as to give good services & support the following may be noted:
1. The selected vendors will be on ITG empanelled list, which shall be valid for a period
of two (02) years from the date of finalizing / approval of Empanelled list of vendor.
2. The commercial quotes shall be valid for a period of two (02) year only from the last
date of submission of bids as per NIT.
f. Deadline for submission of Bids:
i. Bids must be submitted on the website no later
than the date and time indicated in the NIT.
ii. Normally, the date of submission and opening of bids would not be extended.
However, in exceptional circumstances or when the bidding document is required
to be substantially modified as a result of pre-bid queries and the time with the
prospective bidders for preparation of bids appears insufficient, the date may be
extended by the tendering authority and due publicity to such change in date of
opening of bids would be given. In such cases, it would be ensured that after issue
of corrigendum, reasonable time is available to the bidders to prepare and submit
their bids. Any change in date of submission and opening of bids would also be
placed on the respective websites immediately. However, if the modifications in
bidding document, specifications of goods and service are substantial, fresh
publication of original bid inquiry may also be issued.
iii. The tendering authority may, at its discretion, extend the deadline for the
submission of bids by amending the bidding document, in which case all rights
and obligations of the tendering authority and bidders previously subject to the
deadline shall thereafter would be subject to the deadline as extended.
g. Delayed / Late Bids:
i. Bids must be submitted in electronic mode only. The tender wizard will not
accept any bid submitted after the deadline as indicated in the NIT.

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ii. Towards the end of the deadline time, the tender wizard server is likely to get
jammed due to the heavy flow of traffic on the server. Hence, all the Bidders
participating in the tender are requested to submit the bids well in advance before
the deadline time period as indicated in the NIT.
iii. Documents relevant to the Eligibility bid which needs to be submitted in the
office of ITG should be submitted before the opening of the Eligibility bid as
indicated in the NIT. Bids received after the due date and the specified time
(including the extended period if any) for any reason whatsoever, shall not be
entertained and shall be returned unopened.
iv. ITG shall not be responsible for any postal delay or non-receipt/non-delivery of
the documents. No further correspondence on the subject will be entertained. The
Managing Director, InfoTech Corporation of Goa Ltd will not accept any
responsibility for any problems arising for delay in the submission of the tender.

i. Bid Opening:
i. The tendering authority shall conduct the bid opening at the date and time
specified in the NIT in the presence of the designated evaluation committee &
bidders/ Bidder’s authorized representative present, if any.
ii. All the bids received up to the specified time and date shall be opened by the
members of the designated Committee after entering their corresponding
credentials (login id and digital signatures) in the website
iii. The tendering authority shall download all the documents submitted by the bidder
and place the same in the presence of bidder or his/her authorized representative
who choose to attend at the date and time specified in the NIT. The
representatives of the bidders are advised to carry the identity card or a letter of
authority from the tendering firms to identify their bonafieds for attending the
opening of the proposal. The bidder’s representatives who are present shall sign
the attendance register present.
iv. The eligibility bid shall be opened and all the bidders who are in the race
(participated) of tender shall be notified to the bidders present. All the bids shall

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be downloaded one at a time, and the following may be read out and recorded: the
name of the bidder, the submission or non-submission of the Tender Fee, EMD.

5. Bid Evaluation
a. Guiding Principle for Evaluation of Bids
i. The tendering authority shall determine to its satisfaction whether the bidder that is
selected as having submitted the best and responsive bid is qualified to perform the
Contract satisfactorily.
ii. The determination shall be based upon the examination of the documentary
evidence of the bidder's qualifications submitted by the bidder.
iii. An affirmative determination shall be a prerequisite for selection of the bidder to
be empanelled and a negative determination shall result in disqualification of the
iv. The tendering authority/ tender evaluation committee, in observance of best
practices, shall: -
• Maintain the bid evaluation process strictly confidential.
• Reject any attempts or pressures to distort the outcome of the evaluation,
including fraud and corruption.
• Strictly apply only and all of the evaluation and qualification criteria specified
in the bidding document.
b. Confidentiality
i. Information relating to the examination, evaluation, comparison, and post
qualification of bids, and recommendation, shall not be disclosed to bidders or any
other persons not officially concerned with such process until publication of the
Empanelled list.
ii. All materials submitted by the bidder becomes the property of Info Tech
Corporation of Ltd and may be returned at its sole discretion, provided, any
materials which are identified as “Proprietary and Confidential Material of Bidder”
shall remain the property of such bidder and the ITG will maintain confidentiality
of such materials.

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iii. Any attempt by a bidder to influence the tendering authority or other officials in the
examination, evaluation, comparison, and post qualification of the bids may result
in the rejection of his bid.
iv. From the time of bid opening to the time of publication of the Empanelled list, if
any bidder wishes to contact the tendering authority on any matter related to the
bidding process, he is allowed to do so only in writing.
c. Clarification of Bids
i. To assist in the examination, evaluation, comparison and post qualification of the
bids, the tendering authority committee may, at its discretion, ask any bidder for a
clarification of his bid. The tendering authority's request for clarification and the
response shall be in writing.
ii. Any clarification submitted by a bidder with regard to his bid that is not in
response to a request by the tendering authority shall not be considered.
d. Determination of Responsiveness
i. The tendering authority's determination of the responsiveness of a bid would be
based on the contents of the bid itself.
ii. A responsive bid would be the one that meets the requirements of the bidding
document without material deviation, reservation, or omission where: -
• "Deviation" is a departure from the requirements specified in the bidding
• "Reservation" is the setting of limiting conditions or withholding from
complete acceptance of the requirements specified in the bidding document;
• "Omission" is the failure to submit part or all of the information or
documentation required in the bidding document.
iii. The tendering authority shall examine the technical aspects of the bid in
particular, to confirm that all requirements of bidding document have been met
without any material deviation or reservation.
e. Non-material Non-conformities
i. Provided that a bid is responsive, the tendering authority may waive any
nonconformity in the bid that does not constitute a material deviation, reservation
or omission.

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ii. Provided that a bid is responsive, the tendering authority may request that the
bidder submit the necessary information or documentation, within a reasonable
period of time, to rectify nonmaterial nonconformities. Requesting information or
documentation on such nonconformities shall not be related to any aspect of the
price of the bid. Failure of the bidder to comply with the request may result in the
rejection of its bid.
f. Evaluation of Bids
i. The tendering authority shall evaluate each bid that has been determined, up to the
stage of the evaluation, to be responsive.
ii. To evaluate a bid, the tendering authority shall use all the criteria and
methodologies defined in the bidding document.
iii. The eligibility evaluation shall be completed by the designated Committee as
early as possible after opening of eligibility cum Technical bid.
iv. The bidders which could not qualify in eligibility evaluation will be informed
about this fact.
g. Tendering authority's Right to Accept/ Reject any or all of the Bids: The tendering
authority reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, and to annul (cancel) the bidding
process and reject all Bids at any time prior to publication of the empanelled list,
without thereby incurring any liability to the bidder or bidders or any obligation to
inform the affected bidder or bidders of the grounds for the Purchasers action.
h. The Purchaser/ Biding Authority reserve the right to accept or reject any Bid without
assigning any reason.

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CHAPTER 4 Disqualification of Bids
1. Tendering Authority may in its sole discretion and at any time during the processing of
Bid, disqualify any bidder from the Biding process if the bidder:-
• Submits the required Bid documents after the prescribed date and time of submission
of Bid.
• Submits Bid document, which is not accompanied by required documentation and
Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) or is non-responsive.
• Has not submitted the bid in accordance with the bid document.
• Does not meet the minimum eligibility criteria as mentioned in the bid document.
• Mislead or made false representations in the forms, statements and attachments
submitted in proof of the eligibility requirements.
• Is found to have a record of poor performance such as abandoning works, not
properly completing the contract, inordinately delaying completion, being involved in
litigation or financial failures, etc.
• Failed to provide clarifications related thereto, when sought.
• Has submits more than one bid. This will cause disqualification of all bids submitted
by such bidder except the last Bid received.
• Has imposed conditions in his bid, during validity of the bid or its extended period.
2. Applicants who are found to canvass, influence or attempt to influence in any manner the
qualification or selection process, including without limitation, by offering bribes or other
illegal gratification, shall be disqualified from the process at any stage.
3. A Bid not valid for at least 02 years shall be considered as non-responsive and would be

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CHAPTER 5 General Terms and Conditions of Bid

Note: Bidders must read these conditions carefully and comply strictly while sending/
submitting their Bids.

ii. The Vendor shall maintain adequate stock of spare parts for maintaining the up time of
the network.
iii. The Vendor shall maintain the entire Networking infrastructure under the warranty
contract in proper working condition throughout the contract period to provide consistent
support to the Department/Organization.
iv. The Bidder shall provide a Service Escalation Matrix with contact details (escalation
hierarchy, contact person, number, address and e-mail) to which the
Department/Organization shall contact for services & support. The bidder shall perform
as per the defined SLA, and any deviation to the SLA shall attract penalty as per the
agreement signed between ITG & the bidder.
v. The Contract for the supply can be repudiated at any time by the Purchaser, if the
supplies are not made to his satisfaction of ITG.
vi. The bidder shall not sub-contract the work to any Organization, person, firm or its
franchisee. If, at any time, it comes to the notice of ITG that such sub-letting has been
done, then ITG, at its discretion, may terminate the contract without referring the matter
further to the bidder, and such Vendor shall be liable for necessary action.
vii. Completeness of the Contract: The contract will be deemed as incomplete if any
component of the network devices or any documentation / media relating thereto is not
operational, or not integrated. In such an event, AMC is termed as incomplete.
viii. Insurance: The goods will be delivered at the FOR destination in perfect condition. The
supplier, if he so desires may insure the valuable goods against loss by theft, destruction
or damage, by fire, flood, under exposure to whether or otherwise viz., (war, rebellion,
riot, etc.,) The insurance charges will be borne by the supplier and Biding Authority will
not pay such charges if incurred.
ix. Repair/replacement Clause:
a) In case of machinery and equipment specified by the ITG, the bidder shall be
responsible for carrying out annual maintenance and repairs on the terms and
conditions as may be agreed. The bidder shall also be responsible to ensure adequate
Page 20 of 43
regular supply of spare parts needed for a specific type of machinery and equipments
whether under their annual maintenance and repairs rate contract or otherwise. In case
of change of model, he will communicate to ITG for the approval, so as to maintain
the machinery and equipments in perfect condition. In case of replacement of any
non-working networking equipment, the bidder shall replace the non-working
networking equipment with equivalent or of higher capacity.
b) Bidder shall also be responsible to ensure all the supplied equipments should remain
in proper working condition throughout the warranty period of 3 years. Bidder will
deploy a support engineer/coordinator to take care all the complaints related to items
supplied. That support engineer/coordinator will be single point of contact for all type
of calls related to items supplied. The bidder will provide a Cell/mobile No. to his
engineer/coordinator for the complaints. This person will maintain the inventory of
the supplied items. He/ She will record all the complaints and provide a complaint
number to end user. He/ She will manage to provide proper solution to end user w.r.t.
SLA defined in Agreement. He/ She will provide the desired reports to ITG as and
when asked to do so. Preferably complaint management software would be available
with the engineer/coordinator to handle the complaints and to generate desired reports
c) Dispute Resolution Mechanism: The Bidder and the ITG shall endeavor their best to
amicably settle all disputes arising out of or in connection with the Contract in the
following manner
a) The Party raising a dispute shall address to the other Party a notice requesting an
amicable settlement of the dispute within seven (7) days of receipt of the notice.
Matter will be referred for negotiation between Officers nominated by ITG and the
Authorized Official of the Contractor. The matter shall then be resolved between them
and the agreed course of action documented within a further period of 15 days.
b) If any dispute arises out of the contract with regard to the interpretation, meaning and
breach of the terms of the contract, the matter shall be referred to by the Parties to the
Chairman, Info Tech Corporation Of Goa Ltd, Goa who will be the Sole Arbitrator
and whose decision shall be final.
c) In case any dispute between the Parties, does not settle by negotiation in the manner
as mentioned above, the same may be resolved exclusively by arbitration and such
dispute may be submitted by either party for arbitration within 20 days of the failure
Page 21 of 43
of negotiations. Arbitration shall be held in Goa and conducted in accordance with the
provisions of Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 or any statutory modification or
re-enactment thereof. Each Party to the dispute shall appoint one arbitrator each and
the two arbitrators shall jointly appoint the third or the presiding arbitrator. The
“Arbitration Notice” should accurately set out the disputes between the parties, the
intention of the aggrieved party to refer such disputes to arbitration as provided
herein, the name of the person it seeks to appoint as an arbitrator with a request to the
other party to appoint its arbitrator within 45 days from receipt of the notice. All
notices by one party to the other in connection with the arbitration shall be in writing
and be made as provided in this tender document. Each Party shall bear the cost of
preparing and presenting its case, and the cost of arbitration, including fees and
expenses of the arbitrators, shall be shared equally by the Parties unless the award
otherwise provides. The contractor shall not be entitled to suspend the Service/s or the
completion of the job, pending resolution of any dispute between the Parties and shall
continue to render the Service/s in accordance with the provisions of the
Contract/Agreement notwithstanding the existence of any dispute between the Parties
or the subsistence of any arbitration or other proceedings.
d) All legal proceedings, if necessary arises to institute may by any of the parties (ITG or
Contractor) shall have to be lodged in courts situated in Goa and not elsewhere.
If the terms and conditions mentioned in the tender are contradicting the terms and conditions
appearing elsewhere, then it shall be at the discretion of the Managing Director, InfoTech
Corporation of Goa Ltd to choose the over-riding terms and conditions. In any case, the
decision of the Managing Director, InfoTech Corporation of Goa Ltd shall be final and
binding on all parties concerned.

x. Reports:
I. Preventive Maintenance Reports: The empanelled vendor who is awarded with the
AMC works shall carry out the Preventive Maintenance as and when required at least
quarterly even if there are no complaint calls from the client department and submit to
ITG the preventive maintenance reports duly signed by the Head of the Client

Page 22 of 43
II. Feedback Reports: ITG shall obtain feedback from the client department with
regards to the service provided by the empanelled vendor for awarded AMC Period.
III. Corrective Maintenance report/ Call or Service Reports: The empanelled vendor
who is awarded with the AMC works shall submit to ITG the Corrective Maintenance
report/ Call or Service Reports duly signed by the Head of the Client Department each
and every time the complaint call is received either by vendor or by ITG.
IV. Replacement Report: The empanelled vendor who is awarded with the AMC works
shall submit to ITG the replacement reports as and when a particular non working
Networking Equipments is replaced with new equipments (not standby) by the vendor
along with the necessary details of equipments (details of both non working
equipment and the one which is replaced) like Make, Model No., Serial No., etc. The
replacement shall be carried out with same/equivalent/higher model of the non-
working equipment.
xi. Additional Equipments:
Sometimes it is observed that in certain scenario Departments & Organizations need
specific networking equipment to be covered under AMC which may not be available in
the empanelled list of networking equipment published by ITG. In such cases ITG may
seek the AMC rates of that particular networking equipment from the empanelled vendors
of ITG. The same may be obtained by the e-tendering in limited mode.
xii. Payment:
The payment towards the order charges shall be released to the vendor by ITG only after
receiving the payments from the concerned Departments/Organizations/Autonomous
Bodies, along with AMC Service certificate (Half Yearly) as per Annexure II on
Department/Organization letter head duly signed by authorized nodal officer
xiii. AMC of Optical Fiber:
a. The AMC cost of the Optical Fiber (whether laid underground or laid aerially) will
be obtained separately.
b. The charges for excavation or Digging and refilling of Tar/ Roads/ Hard Soil/ Soft
Soil will be obtained separately. The said charges will be paid to the concerned
vendor/contractor/agency on actual basis only after carrying out on-site inspection
of the work done.

Page 23 of 43
c. Excavation or Digging and refilling cost of the fiber may be considered as 20% of
the actual fiber laid.
xiv. ITG has every right to extend the tender validity after completion of 2 years up to 6
months or till new tender is floated whichever is earlier by considering willingness of the
empanelled vendor(s).
xv. ITG has every right to negotiate the L1 prices after opening of the commercial bids”

Page 24 of 43
CHAPTER 6 Selection of Empanelled Vendors

a. Procedure for selection of AMC Vendors as “ITG’s Empanelled AMC Vendors” :

a. The scrutiny of the Eligibility cum Technical bid will be done by a committee duly
constituted by ITG.
b. After the scrutiny of the Eligibility cum Technical bid by the Committee, the
Commercial bids of the firms which have qualified in the Eligibility cum Technical
bid shall be opened as notified in the NIT to determine the lowest (L1) quotes for the
AMC of individual/various Networking Infrastructure.
c. The offers shall be evaluated for each Networking Equipment with L1 being the
lowest offer. Thereafter ITG shall place before the vendors a list of the lowest (L1)
rates obtained for each of the Networking Equipments.
d. All the qualified vendors shall be given an opportunity to match the lowest (L1) rates
obtained for each of the networking equipments. Thereafter, all the vendors who
match the lowest (L1) rates obtained by ITG will thereafter be listed as ITG’s
empanelled AMC vendors for providing AMC of Networking Infrastructure/

b. Procedure for placement of AMC order on Empanelled AMC Vendors:

a. ITG will display the list of the empanelled vendors along with the rates of the AMC
of the Networking Infrastructure on its website along with an Annexure form (for
requisition from the departments).
b. The department while submitting their request to ITG for AMC, has to provide the
details like (Make/ Brand, Qty, Preferred vendor, if any etc) as mentioned in the
annexure form.
c. Based on the department’s request, ITG may place the AMC order on the vendor.
However, if there is no preferred empanelled vendor mentioned then ITG will place
the order of AMC on one of the empanelled vendor as per its decision. The decision
of ITG in this regards will be final.

Page 25 of 43
CHAPTER 7 Penalty Charges & Escalation Matrix
a. The down-time penalty charges if not rectified within the stipulated time for Local
Area Network (LAN), UPS Points and Network Points shall be as follows:

Penalty (Amount in
Sr. Rupees) per day after 48
No. Hrs. from receipt of
I/o & UPS Per point (inclusive of all passive
1 50.00
components like cat6 cables, electrical wires, etc.)

2 Network switches/Routers, (All Active components) 500.00

3 Optical Fibre cable connectivity 750.00

b. The Down Time Penalty for WAN Connectivity/Fiber Connectivity shall be

calculated on Quarterly basis on the Network Monitoring System (NMS) installed by
DOIT. The calculations are as follows:
Prime Business Hours:9.30 AM to 5.45 PM (Monday – Friday/Working Hours of the
Client Department)
Prime Business Hours Uptime Penalty
9.30 AM to 5.45 PM >= 90 % No Penalty
(Monday – Friday/Working >=80% 10% shall be deducted of
Hours of the Client the AMC value quoted for
Department) WAN component.
>= 70% 20% shall be deducted of
the AMC value quoted for
WAN component.

c. The Genuine down time in the following cases shall be considered:

i. Power Shutdown at the client department and PoP location
ii. Fiber cut due to Departmental works like digging of roads, road widening, etc.
iii. Any other genuine down time that can be considered as per the situation.

1. The vendor shall ensure uptime on all working days in respect of networking & ups
equipments as mentioned above.
2. The vendor shall, in no case, replace any item/component with inferior item and if
found doing so, the contract shall stand terminated forthwith.
Escalation Matrix
All the AMC vendors shall provide the escalation matrix details to be followed
Page 26 of 43
Sr. No Support Level Name Address Phone No Email

1 Level 1 Service Call XXX XXX xxxx@

2 Level 2 Senior Service XXX XXX xxxxx@
Call Coordinator
3 Level 3 Senior Service XXX XXX xxxxx@
Call Manager
4 Level 4 Name of Owner XXX XXX xxxxx@
of the firm

1. The calls will be received centrally by the agency and shall be attended immediately
by their service engineer on receipt of the same.

Page 27 of 43
CHAPTER 8 Terms of Payment
The payment towards the order charges shall be released to the vendor by ITG only after
1. Receiving the payments from the concerned Departments/Organizations/Autonomous
Bodies, along with AMC Service certificate (Half Yearly) as per Annexure II on
Department/Organization letter head duly signed by authorized nodal officer.
2. The expiry of each Quarter/ Half/Full year.
3. Submission of Service Call Report carried out by the empanelled vendor during the
AMC period duly signed and sealed by the concerned user/ nodal officer of the client
4. Preventive Maintenance Report duly signed by Head of Department/Nodal Officer
5. Feedback/Inspection Report submitted by ITG official with Department/Organization
Nodal officer/HOD Signature.

1. Advance payment shall not be paid.
2. Payment would be made for the Networking Equipments which were actually
working during the AMC period.
3. Any increase or decrease of taxes, duties or prices of components, etc. shall not affect
the rates during the entire period of contract (warranty period).
4. Payment shall be made in Indian Rupees only.

Page 28 of 43
Pre Bid Queries Format

Pre bid queries must be strictly submitted in the office of ITG or e mailed at email id
[email protected] in the prescribed format before the pre bid meeting i:e
(28/01/2020 at 09.00).
Name of the Firm
Sr. Tender Document Tender document Clause details Query
No page no clause no

Page 29 of 43
CHAPTER 9 Documents to be furnished in E – Tender mode only

The tenderer/ bidder should submit all the relevant documents in E-Tendering Mode

Tender(s) / Bidder(s) should submit documentary evidence in support of fulfillment of

all criteria’s, while submitting its bid(s) in e-tendering mode. The scanned copy of these
documents should be uploaded on the during submission of bids
before its last date. Failure to comply with these requirements may result in the bid
being rejected.

Page 30 of 43
CHAPTER 10 Tentative Description for the items to be covered under
the work of AMC for Networking Infrastructure (LAN,
UPS, FIBER & WAN connectivity)

The AMC of all passive components will be taken on per LAN & UPS point basis with the
inclusion of the components mentioned along.

Table: A
1 AMC for Networking Per Point (Concealed/Non-Concealed)
This will include Comprehensive AMC of all the followingitems:-
Cat 6 (+) cables having an average of appx 35 mts length fromeach
Network point to the patch panel, Cat 6 (+) cables of 1 mtlength
connected between patch panel and 24 port switch, Cat 6 (+) cablesof
3 mts length connected between I/o Point and thecomputer.
24 port Patch Panels, Racks, Input/output Devices, PVC casing&

Table: B
1 AMC for UPS Per Point (Non-Concealed)
This will include Comprehensive AMC of all the followingitems:-
All UPS points consisting of electrical switches & socket (5amp &15
a amp), Electrical wires(1.5, 2.5, 4 & 6 sq. mm), MCB's(43 & 63),PVC
casing &Capping

Any type of Termination charges, laying charges, fixing charges,

etc.for smooth working of networking points & upspoints

Table: C
1 AMC for terminated Fibre connectivity Per location
This will include Comprehensive AMC of all the followingitems:-
16 / 24 Port Rack Mount Light guide Interconnect Unit, FibrePatch
Cords, Fibre Pig Tails, Adapters, Fiber Module transceivers,Media
Convertors. All the above are for Single mode (SM) &Multimode
a (MM).
Any type of Termination charges, laying charges, fixingcharges,
b spicing of fiber etc. for smooth working ofnetwork.

Page 31 of 43
Table: D
1 AMC for Optical Fiber laid Per meter
This will include Comprehensive AMC of all the following items:-
Outdoor Corrugated Steel Tape Armored Direct Burial Cable
6/12/24/48 core. This will include both Single mode (SM) &Multimode
a (MM).
Include fiber cable laid Aerially or Underground

Table: E
1 Digging or Excavating & Refilling Charges per meter
This will include the following items:-
Excavating & refilling of tar/concrete road, Hard Soil, Soft Soil. This
a cost may be considered as 20% of the actual fiber laid.
Vendor has to take/ obtain the necessary permissions from the
b intending/ client department
The charges will be paid on actual basis after carrying out on-site
c inspection of the Excavation & refilling of tar/concrete road, Hard
Soil, Soft Soil.

Table: F
1 Splicing of Optical Fiber Charges
This will include the following items:-
Splicing (Joining /Re-Joining) of Optical Fiber Cable 6/12/24/48 core
a (Aerial/Underground).

Table: G
1 AMC for Cat6+ cable laid for GBBN cascading
This will include Comprehensive AMC of all the following items
Cat 6 (+) cables having an average of approx. 50 x 2 mts length from
a the main GBBN l3 switch to the department’s internal
Any type of Termination charges, laying charges, fixing charges,
b crimping etc. for smooth working of network.

Page 32 of 43
Table: H

1 AMC for Network Switches (All Types)

Sr. No. Description of Switch
a Un-managed Switch, Un-managed switch with SFP ports, etc.
Managed switch, Managed switch with SFP ports, Layer 3 Switch
b with SFP ports, Core routers, etc.
PoE Switch, Managed PoE Switch, Layer 3 Managed PoE Switch,
c core switch etc.

Table: I
1 Unmanaged/Managed Switch Categories
Sr. no. Price of Switch Type
1 Up to 5,000 Type I
2 5,001 to 10,000 Type II
3 10,001 to 25,000 Type III
4 25,001 to 50,000 Type IV
5 50,001 to 1,00,000 Type V
6 1,00,001 to 2,00,000 Type VI
7 2,00,001 to 3,00,000 Type VII
8 3,00,001 to 4,00,000 Type VIII
9 4,00,001 to 5,00,000 Type IX
10 5,00,001 and above Type X
Table: J
1 AMC for Surveillance Cameras (IP Based Indoor/Outdoor)
This will include Comprehensive AMC of all the following items
a Camera Stand, Termination Box, POE Injectors & Splitters, Power
Cables, Storage, etc.
b All the equipment’s, cables required to make IP cameras

Table: K
IP Camera Categories
Sr. No. Price of Camera Type
1 Up to 5,000 Type I
2 5,001 to 10,000 Type II
3 10,001 to 25,000 Type III
4 25,001 to 50,000 Type IV
5 50,001 to 1,00,000 Type V
6 1,00,001 to 2,00,000 Type VI
Page 33 of 43
7 2,00,001 and Above Type VII

Table: L
1 AMC for CCTV Surveillance Cameras (Indoor/Outdoor)
This will include Comprehensive AMC of all the followingitems
a Both Indoor as well as Outdoor Cameras
b Camera Stand, Termination Box & Splitters, Power Cables, etc.

C All the equipment’s, cables required to make IP cameras


Table: M
CCTV Camera Categories
Sr. No. Price of Camera Type
1 Up to 5,000 Type I
2 5,001 to 10,000 Type II
3 10,001 to 25,000 Type III
4 25,001 to 50,000 Type IV
5 50,001 to 1,00,000 Type V
6 1,00,001 to 2,00,000 Type VI
7 2,00,001 and Above Type VII

Table: N
1 AMC for Surveillance Viewing Devices
This will include comprehensive AMC of all Types of Viewing Devices
LCD/LED 20”, 40”, 45”, etc. and all the equipment’s, cables required to
make CCTV Viewing Devices functional.
Sr. No. Price of LCD/LED TV Type
1 Up to 10,000 Type I
2 10,001 to 25,000 Type II
3 25,001 to 50,000 Type III
4 50,001 to 1,00,000 Type IV

Note: The bidders are free to sign back to back agreement with the OEM’s for any of the
Networking equipment which they intend to take under AMC.

Page 34 of 43
Chapter 11 Commercial Bid
Rate per unit in
Tax as
Base per Total
Appx Rate/Price GST Amount in
Sr No Description of the items Make/Model Qty Units in Rs. in % Rs
A B C D E F H I =(F+H)*D
AMC for Network Switches – All Types (Refer Table H and Table I – Schedule – I)
1 Type I Any Make/Model 1 Nos 0
2 Type II Any Make/Model 1 Nos 0
3 Type III Any Make/Model 1 Nos 0
4 Type IV Any Make/Model 1 Nos 0
5 Type V Any Make/Model 1 Nos 0
6 Type VI Any Make/Model 1 Nos 0
7 Type VII Any Make/Model 1 Nos 0
8 Type VIII Any Make/Model 1 Nos 0
9 Type IX Any Make/Model 1 Nos 0
10 Type X Any Make/Model 1 Nos 0
Other Networking Equiments
AMC for Networking Points
(Concealed/Non-Concealed) as per Table-A
11 (Schedule-I) Any Make/Model 1 Nos 0
AMC for UPS Points (Non-Concealed) as
12 per Table-B (Schedule-I) Any Make/Model 1 Nos 0
AMC for terminated Fibre connectivity at
13 location as per Table-C (Schedule-I) Any Make/Model 1 Mts 0
Page 35 of 43
AMC for Optical Fiber laid
(Aerially/Underground)As per Table-D
14 (Schedule-I) Any Make/Model 1 Mts 0
AMC for Cat6+ cable laid for GBBN
15 cascading As per Table-G (Schedule-I) Any Make/Model 1 Mts 0
Digging or Excavating & Refilling Charges
16 per meter As per Table-E (Schedule-I) NA 1 Mts 0
Splicing of optical Fiber Charges As per
17 Table-F (Schedule-I) Any Make/Model 1 Nos 0

AMC for Surveillance Cameras (IP Cameras - Refer Table J and Table K - Schedule - I)
18 Type I Any Make/Model 1 Nos 0
19 Type II Any Make/Model 1 Nos 0
20 Type III Any Make/Model 1 Nos 0
21 Type IV Any Make/Model 1 Nos 0
22 Type V Any Make/Model 1 Nos 0
23 Type VI Any Make/Model 1 Nos 0
24 Type VII Any Make/Model 1 Nos 0

*** Kindly Note that, installation charges of IP Cameras will be applicable as per Tale A of Schedule - I
AMC for CCTV Surveillance Cameras (Refer Table L and Table M - Schedule - I)
25 Type I Any Make/Model 1 Nos 0
26 Type II Any Make/Model 1 Nos 0
27 Type III Any Make/Model 1 Nos 0
28 Type IV Any Make/Model 1 Nos 0
29 Type V Any Make/Model 1 Nos 0
Page 36 of 43
30 Type VI Any Make/Model 1 Nos 0
31 Type VII Any Make/Model 1 Nos 0
Other Surveillance Equipments
32 CCTV Servers Any Make/Model 1 Nos 0
33 NVR with 8 Channel Any Make/Model 1 Nos 0
34 NVR with 16 Channel Any Make/Model 1 Nos 0
35 NVR with 24 Channel Any Make/Model 1 Nos 0
36 NVR with 32 Channel Any Make/Model 1 Nos 0
37 DVR with 8 Channel Any Make/Model 1 Nos 0
38 DVR with 16 Channel Any Make/Model 1 Nos 0
39 DVR with 24 Channel Any Make/Model 1 Nos 0
40 DVR with 32 Channel Any Make/Model 1 Nos 0
41 1 TB Surveillance Hard-Disk Any Make/Model 1 Nos 0
42 2 TB Surveillance Hard-Disk Any Make/Model 1 Nos 0
43 4 TB Surveillance Hard-Disk Any Make/Model 1 Nos 0
44 SMPS with 4 Channel Any Make/Model 1 Nos 0
45 SMPS with 8 Channel Any Make/Model 1 Nos 0
46 SMPS with 16 Channel Any Make/Model 1 Nos 0
AMC for Surveillance Viewing Devices (Refer Table N - Schedule - I)
47 Type I Any Make/Model 1 Nos 0
48 Type II Any Make/Model 1 Nos 0
49 Type III Any Make/Model 1 Nos 0
50 Type IV Any Make/Model 1 Nos 0

Terms & Conditions:

Page 37 of 43
1. Please note that in the Tax column will include GST in percentage.
2. The vendor has to provide support whenever there is a hardware failure or on instruction by ITG during the AMC period.
3. All payments will be made by ITG to the vendor only after receiving the same (payments) from the respective client department(s).
4. The vendor has to provide/submit Preventive Maintenance Report, Corrective Maintenance Report and Replacement Reports from the
concerned officer of the respective client Department for release of the payment.
5. Items mentioned above are for the purpose of obtaining the rates only.
6. The quantity of the items to be procured may vary from time to time depending upon the requirements of the projects ITG is undertaking /
requirements of the client Department.
7. ITG shall determine the "ITG Empanelled Rates" by identifying the lowest rate for each of the individual item(s).
8. Further all the qualifying Bidders / vendors shall be required to match the "ITG Empanelled Rates".
9. Work will be allotted only to the empanelled vendors matching the "ITG Empanelled Rates" and willing to undertake the work.
10. The Managing Director (ITG) shall be the final authority in allocating the work among the empanelled vendors matching the L1 price.
11. The contractor shall, in no case, replace any item/component with inferior item and if found doing so, the contract shall stand terminated
12. All other Terms and Condition applicable as per Tender Document for AMC of Networking Infrastructure.(Tender No: : - ITG-IT/0553/
Empanel Vendors AMC (LAN, UPS, FIBER & WAN)/2019 Date: 13/09/2019)

Page 38 of 43
I. Addressed to:
a. Name of the Bidding authority Managing Director
b. Address Info Tech Corporation Of Goa Ltd
(A Govt. Of Goa undertaking)
3rd Floor, Altinho, Panaji
c. Telephone (0832) 2226042 / 2225192

NIT Reference: ITG-IT/0553/ Empanel Vendors AMC (LAN, UPS, FIBER & WAN)/2019

II. Other related details:

1. Name of Bidder with Office
2. Name & Designation of
Authorized Signatory
3. Year of Establishment
4. Type of Firm Public Private Partnership Proprietary
Ltd. Ltd.
Put Tick ( ) mark
5. Telephone Number(s)/
6. Website URL
7. Fax No.
8. Email Address
9. Registered Address
Office Phone Fax:
Address in Contact
Goa Person
10. Address
Phone Fax:
Service Contact
Center (s) in Person
(Enclose list of Service Center consisting name of contact person, telephone
no., e-mail address, office address.)
11. Annual Turnover for the last 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17
3 years
(a certificate of CA should
be enclosed as proof)

Page 39 of 43
12. Existence of the
Organization for the last 3
years in Goa
(Municipal / Panchayat
Trade License copy/ Sales
Tax/ Commercial Tax
Registration or any other
document specifically in
name of tenderer/bidder to
be attached)
(Proof showing
documentary evidence
should be uploaded)

13. Has the Bidder been black-

listed by any of the offices
of the Govt. of Goa? If so,
details may be provided

III. The Tender Bid Document fee amounting to Rs. 2000/- (Rupees Two Thousand Only)
has been deposited vide cash receipt/ e-challan no.____________ dated __________
in favor of the Info Tech Corporation of Goa Ltd, Porvorim.

IV. The Tender Bid Processing fee amounting to Rs. 1500/- (Rupees One Thousand Five
Hundred Only) has been deposited vide cash receipt/ e-challan no.____________
dated __________ in favor of the Info Tech Corporation of Goa Ltd, Porvorim.

V. We agree to abide by all the conditions mentioned in this Bid Document issued by the
Bidding Authority and also the further conditions of the said Bid Notice given in the
attached sheets (all the pages of which have been digitally signed by us in token of
acceptance of the terms mentioned therein).

VI. Reproduced/ re-word-processed formats or Bidder‟s own formats for the price bids
will disqualify the Bid. However the Bidder can reproduce exactly the same format
for clarity in filling due to shortage of space.

VII. The rates quoted are applicable for 2 years from the date of opening of bid. The
validity period can be extended with mutual agreement. Following documents are
attached towards the proof of earnest money deposited in favor of Info Tech
Corporation of Goa Ltd, Porvorim.

Sr No Earnest Money deposited through Number Dated

1. E-Challan No

Page 40 of 43
VIII. This Bid form and Terms & Conditions in token of acceptance along with duly filled
letter of undertaking / declaration.

Signature : ________________________________

Name : ________________________________

Designation : ________________________________

Place : ________________________________

Date & Seal : _______________________________

Page 41 of 43
ANNEXURE-2 Bidders Undertaking
(Indicative Format)

(The form should be signed with seal and then scanned and uploaded on the tender

(Certificate to be issued by bidder on the company letterhead)


The Managing Director,
InfoTech Corporation of Goa Ltd,
IT HUB, 3rd Floor, Altinho, Panaji Goa.

Sub: Undertaking for participating in the tender reference:

ITG-IT/0553/ Empanel Vendors AMC (LAN, UPS, FIBER & WAN)/2019

We, _____<Name of the firm>______, having a registered office at _______<Office

address>__________, bearing registration no. <Registration no.> , state the
following against the tender for providing AMC of IT Infrastructure (ICT Equipment) to
various Government departments/institutions/ organizations in the State of Goa.

1. We hereby agree to strictly abide by the Terms & Conditions of the tender, and also to
undertake full responsibility for providing services with onsite maintenance support.

2. We hereby confirm that we are presently neither blacklisted/barred by Government /

Semi – Government / Quasi- Government organization or Govt. Corporation on the
date of notice inviting tender /Bid submission.

3. We hereby undertake that all the components/parts/assembly/software used in the

equipment shall be repaired / replaced with component of equivalent or higher

4. We hereby also declare that all the particulars furnished by us in this Tender are true
to the best of my/our knowledge and we understand and accept that if at any stage,
the information furnished is found to be incorrect or false, we are liable for
disqualification from this tender and also are liable for any penal action that may
arise due to the above.

Page 42 of 43
5. We declare that the Eligibility cum Technical bid has been submitted without any
conditions and strictly as per the conditions of the tender document and we are aware
that the bid is liable to be rejected if it contains any other conditions.

(Signature with seal / stamp of the company)





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