The Press: Jgjjftiw

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The Press -•TT-AT:<»\h A' AST

»iti;atk»«m w*xrrn
•i i> in sr< '..

,ant» :»
to art
i>.i«a--w ciotii,' .■>> U."' I'TT E.-
4,"iiD 10/- Eaeh.
* \\ j

Linen .Se»n*>P'- 3
To"'« *• for 10/. 4 SEK PAGE IT t F THli IKKTR
Coloured 1 V»wn for 10/- UTIJL33 QUOD KOK HOSESTUM.
W c,J,ut, ir'orpwst*-! '»:
' •*:
'.rt .» «
i Uoifn for 10/-
White \ r,
iclr you Want. ir 1 "Th« rs»"* " .

' VRY.K. X7459

VOL. DAILY. Registered newspaper at the
•« •

tres«r»l Po«t Office in tee tn::ed Km-don;.


'**• "7TTc'L»r<t it. ositioc

'p n a :'

to'lt 'ASHDAY ::
Birth.-. »n.< Death,
e» su-, tbe.r U .VEIV ZEALAND, ltd. CASHMEEE HLLiS HOUB.
Sailing •Chin.nisiaEc;* Peru.iU:ng: motor-cal;
jgj ftiw-
:~. •"i:xi)-:R ,

iKV.S OLE FOR VTELT/XGT'-O-- Z,r *-~- *'- r i:
BIRTH. Maheno—Wear.eE;.:y 0.0."> p.m. 11 a.

SU:,"XY and SHELTEBEO. rand rin«iU2 and lit MA'I'V... e.lirrU'A. AT tJ»-

t.-I"-4J-K-C f.)U,LH'£

Mrs •'• H»:nvs a daughter. '.■R-O-K-O W A LUX*!'

%Jk» «
-'=• Wad-1,.;
a-..!^ a
h-o^ '
Strainer and I-e Breaker. 35'-. 4_>
wi Second Express Tr»:E iron:
on We-urjes'j a s. C*! ti:»
' ■ V-O-R-ti ■ 1

■->.■> no
W A !-■■ LiCt
v. a --l a e :..


Takino- . : .,-r Wausauui si:d Paten. ! THE SAYA(,E VASHKR ANP ÜBVKiI
DEATHS. {'*<-•
(the savag:: \v\shzi: and dkyer SENSATIONAL
l"tb. . hmttlnrcft,
'.'!• to reniaoc Car annua!)? or .\yav- rev*"*' c>»"" **""

rtrt-OX-OB ,*t ■ :i'.'> .

; TLii almost Efiv hor..« h*fc tome ou ta«
Tha new, washday sT»-j:it. 'hit
1. •■■• mileage. IS.'A-J t,«J
>i i»i:i; AUKi:>
vu 11 in -

w»„n*- urn*:, c
DRI.VKLVG CL'Ps. Nicke: (in: ia I marker under exceptional circumstances, -it Sl-pKitTALIUNO TRTIKEf
WICK—On Jun« :■»'!.. a» Vaikari, rot only waiLie* t r.<? c* :>th'~* b"t -i"~v *•

i is a Lovely Home—quite <wt of the ordinary stT'HIC-TALK! No i'HTV RE-

de). Sets of 2, 3, 4. 5. and 6. Krora snti dfi*? as w?':!.
fta«ick. V. i.c Proton; i„

in both design and voriotinnstiip, and an

11/6 to 45'- per l;ragir.o a -"eel's -.ash—ijnib dr." •""

i kn wb y<r- THK rfIOGIIAMM" THA"

| immense amount of thoufM tnu*t have been ii A--K-l*~i« > V L.
expended to evolve so pleasing avjresjlt. Th"? c-othes dono in un : our, without patting' ii -a- >:■ m " "» *• <'
•iSCOCK —On June lai her re^denco,

Mar 7, • spDointments ore the Very lit***, ar.d in-

<- o-;;-
hands m 'vatfr— • hat's "-"hat the jkuxi:. !*.-■ a- •: -j* ■-'-..» ■ '<-
v i" ■
.S.T.l«nham, CIGARETTE Bo.\. Nnveity ; r, form "?AVAGK
lue (elude a wide range of cusbfl#Hl# "n* ward-

th, tot- Jo.-irk m hnr

of a, iJiriiatuie Set o£ Book«. Beautiful j rob<:=. The electric fittings *rt quaint, aixl Y'SKMS—Str.a-': deposit. 1:. (.»-*
»•„- A •■ >w *»
r> TWICK ;'AI!.V
«Hk denote quality and taste; abd, include an
- . eieo-
workmanship. 2:.''-. 3L''6. end ! iwic;. i>Air.v.
,f c
~ !'.•«.
«'-»>• '' ris *'

! trie -trashing

11 *<i 01 iJoa Place. 4 5/- each. machine.

J»mes 1 wh. ! The bathroom is larcc ha-*" ««parat« *

a„'«l :>i years.
j sho-wer, and i* beautifully &%X'-d IP- HA-iBIS Cu.M."a::v
■Miner— Oa W<vin«*fda.v, M»v Ist,
K'-9. a<
PLAYING CARDS. iii\t Ku«». .Picfire Baok, i There are Five Oood Rooms (the i;t
A f:. Willi..!". •.■■SiVS S.LKI !'-

Mtt'» Stulwley. U-uitlrs. by tha best maker?. ]>cible ra'-fc* 9/-. 'room being exceptionally large),
Kjtchenett"* ■J.-C--:-': G'jucv-te- 5t vrWILK I.' 'MK'*f »L<" V
Bns'.ond, Ann Store r. t.eloved «»V labour, sni «»f r«
JT^V- Ch... r
y, of LiBC, tD .n.i Kinfjla Packs 4 equipped Tritii eTorythius to L'XDEI! 111". i:aeiu

S« '<">.
! T"\VO large Suu Balconies facing North. jskllami
hj" »» lh >"* r
I'Y T lIOrSK. ei'-. for Tay'orJ. I 'I. t::>. :i:ial-
i°(T«*n(U!»: if j ■Hie situation is excellent, -w-ell _*heltarcd- r:.;ns. ft-- . may 1)« e**n ■• "J ofllf*.
- hkllamt i ksai.
! sun-y, and eonrmar.d? a splendid view. •Ti'v Bellamy ■'•vjm-
IN MEMORIAM. BRIDGK SCORERS. Sets of >"om- Si-orers
A» ideal gift for a ' The Section orer a quarter u. Noxirr. •■>" applicatox
memory of our dear in Dainty Boi.
..•win loving
at Sootht.ridjc. Jure l^tb, Bridge Plarer. 9. T '6. ?/6 per tet.
an acre. tkaxsfki? ok lickxs: WITH MONHETOX". DIALOGC*:.
property like

It is a pleasure to handle •

!•**■ i iOS! this, and ve kiiov.- that the buyer .'v

HMftwl bT m*

!»».!•« T'*ren-.
brothers, Winer.-! rj 'cavg'o only;— Jar.a 50th, 9 s.c.. ! permanently pleased and satisfied w.'.B I'-
I'KODl'C 7 *a-i K-;rnonrc!:n otki:

BR-IDGK PENCILS. Was Decu ' -**

Cashel street, Chriatchureb. hor&b"
*"«rt vti'T*.
I /6. 'irive -notico that 1 ha-i; arsplied to the
2 ■'- each.
T-'OR NTELSON 11. V.'. ITESLOP and CO., istrnte's Court a' Christehurjti for th» trans Y(;r WILL AIAVAY- KttMEMBKR
*W?* ' Corinr.a (cargo o 7T* 5 olombo street. Victoria square. Opera :t. -**•
' ":
H»466 fer to myself c£ iicensa N"i:tnber 6?93 iss*j*i •i"Hi:kikst <■■*■
[ Telephone 330. TUL for LEASING

A- Yariefy oi «ASCY ASH TRAP'S, suitable FOR WESTPOHT. on th» 06tl] day ot Mirrh. l?i). to mysel TLMjLKo at?
M. BEEBK wishes to THAXK »U for tbs Bridge Table, i-vm "'6 ;o IT.'6 Pooils I'csrjo only)—June 19t'a. 0 a on behalf ei F." A. "VTiison. Limite 1 jno-
id. TAI TAPV. can'

thoss cood friend* who >cnt flowers i in voluntary liquidation/,t* and that r.uc! ACULS, l.eionsJ-ir to the Ks
--ncAini; koyal

j of sympathy it) his. recent end


£2IOO. | application will L* heard the abe's Cour

j aftor one month from tho "?t ; d?.y "' Jim?
WILLIAM HUSKY TRAVIS. !>e<-ea«e<i. man
SSUwoent. <«*

Gentlemen's CASKS, ia Morotto.

Kaimanawa (cargo only}— About, Ji:ne liil
! 1323. being the dale o: the first vublicatjoi
and ;iou- ii; Oc?;ip»iiou of Taylor
Full PartictUars of Lease may t,» t«*n a;
last thy.

'vroJRN ALL an<l I um.iy desire to FOR NEW UGHT IX THE CI jo: this notice. i'ri.!.i::» it» Tru.x hiwdrkds away.
Pin Seal, Willow Calf, and many »ther Oni'-e of liie undersigned.
K THANK a'l friends and relates for Totara 'cargo on!-')About, June 21s'.. i Dated at Christ* IniK u. <!:■>. 17th d«r '.■
Tlic hi'--hv«i i>r any tender ao'

l.eaikert. from 15/6 m MAIX STREET. ! June, 1329. VOL Ai!r: ADVIgr.D I«-' VAK.K Yuui:
!1|« of ; yin pa thy IU tUcjr recent sad WO STORK'S BUXGJ | :•;. a. wiLSON. CW or. WEDNESDAY. JCNV
JSSiMit: also, Or.Wsrd
Y. V. Bevan Brown,
1 j WILDING hid ACLAXD. "'''*'''

MALI-FY avoid r.i:i>v- lU^Arim^TEi"

Nurse*** their man;; R
STEAMERS TO Tins i< a well-built place of 6 rooms su< j Solicitors, A .1
itehenette, 19 x I*. 30 x 13. 16 x,»- etc.
,jo Kl*o
attention*.' ' .
rt papered throughout, every possible eor KrY. A XL> IU. A'l

r' and TaUourd WHiTCOMBK iad TO-MBi*. I.Ti:

\ cry hijrh
street. wish sincerely to rfIA3«K STAHS OV -1A«.:
al. torics: brick motor ;-irage. \Mt>UR
friends for tetters, telejrtams, flora.' mantla, Colombo, Svez, Port Sai. 1 terraced section in good garden. This i-« SCREEN.
•tad [iftrsoual expressions of, sym-
Naples. Toulo'i, GiVaH?,-, «mi Souii j t'c- bona fide sale. Jnst the piaen for a KOVAL TVIM.W
'KXUER-S t mv.t.J muii 4 p.m. V:jdar. hrulrV r r
nf J

S JlTl*mvi»y i busings mm -ivho wants to be within easy be Jlasttr ilnchiw-

Juno Oelh, tor Uio Erection of a K*
» ...

their recent sad bereavement; also tmpton. valkim distance o? the S<VC3TO.~-NO TRAM
i.i.'S .;UU"A!U>S bONi. KKVL';
KmpFoyees (1 tr. V\ ay>. .03 >i.;e in Psick or Concrete. <J-> G».*i:v u: Singer* *»w

Ton». CoTiraar.dcr Koo:

In (»>rgcou» "itclimcolot!".

12.1C3 K. It. O'Suiicvan J'r.o 2
1.. V. James July 0!
-17tf Manchester street
Storked i-p. :.'! sizes from ;:k- h;".;d:. r!.- !'•


!4 8 ->3 to the 20-inch Insurance Policy Mode!".
h'ar.iov;" An.*
OROXSAY 'JO r-r,o V, . S. Shelford Aug 1 Supplies for all makes ot Machine:-'

on Loans on is ur-
r, Up it ford *tr
fSO Advanced TO BHIPPINO. GTf AMA i'n,of;o C. G Matheson Sep 1 iirailoblc at reduced prio*,. j;lla
Pianos Titles of Sections,
altar., OST.ERLEY j.j.120 51. .T. Sarson f?eP. a.
K3;:*tK)'i !-"or«i»a3t Mi 1 lß.fr> 1
CASHMERE Hlhl>i>. ■
Te \V£UT>. nßOS VnTTV 15 041 <!. G. Thorn* Oct. 1!
Csn<ei'bury Agents for—- ' .!!>
fti,pr m. <"•
fa»«M»r or a* arranged. QOUTJI AFRICA AND ENGLAND. OKVIETO 1-2,133 F. 11. O'Sulk-van Oct -2 Owner Going to Englar;<l. ' •Drytpye" Stencil* .'OSEPH RE(.A>\
r*.V,«£ nddrcs* Hartford street, BLUK FUNNEL AND WHITE STAR- H.G.Staunton Nov.' O-STORKY JiCNGALOW OF 6 KOOMS

W9o2t 20,fxj.i "Zcr.itk" Carbon r»fr Sui>cib Sing»r of ln.»»» fckwg*

+C»n« *t Plymouth instead of Son than architect); lovely drawing-
I 41 f r
i •---'-r leading IE t:-

From MKSII KKTTINi- r L-* Bible'i "Itso* »o D<».n'


i with donble leadlight; doors oi>et» into

earner. ! Ton*. I Sydney. lon.
FAKES NEW ZEALAND TO LONDO. t ond hall, easy stairway; trM«-
TKLEPiroxi: us-j.
And tt
—* -.

!. —1
_T -A
1- V

FIRST SALOON—Single from «.IP4 jeit-u throughout, specially v."cl.
WHBAT. 12,003 July !•
Return ircai J5185 fitted with' wiu'irubcs, linan t.'toss, and cup- 106 Cartel sireet. iAT£>. A.'.!' WIZARDS. Box FifciiJ i>* Unit": I'jino i n
WHEAT. •ASOANiIiS 10.04S .Inly 2-
TITJRD CLASS—Sinc-U from *S9. 'lor.rds, servorv with cupbotiro's and drr.vrers; maki: von: ;:"-:.sniiYArio>;s •

WHEAT. "EURIPIDES 15,000 Am. 6 e!ec ! : «K rrx-j EI.EC RANGE, b. and c.
KESTOR S?evt. Return from £7>j.
vS, ' WHEAT.
14,62 9
sept,, so

servicef LOVELY BATHROOM inandwhiteBasra,

Bon ■■i>>.
Accord, tritb Doulton Bath REMOVAL NOTICE. ruici>- oi admission. <■ t. i-i»y > *-o sc»'r r �■
WHEAT. Copper, Tub-:; 2 Lavat
first -class tVirst apd Turrd classes Shower; Gas
EVENINGS- Uailtry. 1" W: E»i!j Door. 1,-A-H-T c K-o-S-T It I-.KT '

S.S. CO. Oi<' N.Z., LTD.. ttl-S-l*-*'


{Cabin Class only. UNION Larpe Basement. A MOST PIC X S <•

*>�; Stalls lUnicwrrwii. S» and 6<l: Be


OVER 4-ACRE (49 Perches);

Througli Rates from New Zealand. tCS Urrcford ttre«i. GARDEN. A-D-Y-*
beautifully sheltered ami well planted with \l T i; Alii. iiANLIA'-TlKia:.- „arve<! Sla'U. I">icm Circle. tTt*»nr*d». '.»
>i 1,

■ are p*t|jared t<vjT Wheat £ros <"

Return Tickets.
breaking journey at Soutt rare shrubs, lawns. n«parngus and rhubarb

farmers for delivery when i«ady. "'A REAL HOME" ideally situated, WIRE FENCES. I.ATKJ?. AN MATINEES V*, Ch-Witn It W
Africa can continue by Union Caitle Line. beds. -"». '••

CANADA, UNITED STATES. EUROPE. commanding a fine above the fog lino, y<Ul ALL fUIU'OSKS.
|l. For full particulars appb—
Regular Fortnightly Ssiilincs.
slid It.
and vet net too high up. and on the market PRICES PLCS TAX.
AUSTRALASIAN solrlv on account of the owner leaving New Mt»«'
MP6K IKM-K < Ltd., r.Eriv Uoo: 'Ullery On Sale D)i> «t 1 hejlte
Honolulu. Victoria,
Vis Fiji. serf Vitnoarir. ANTEEP. ):<•- si ConfeetiKOrTv !'vi»t:inK_
MARKET PRICES. CO.. LTD. And We will be pleased to show sny prospec- Hirer of Marquees, Tents. Tarpaulin*. Flags, bIP.*K FKNCE CO.. LTD.. Atn»r"n»"» Vsr-ute' www
King ns (1629) •I.IPSK FKNCK I.TP.. irl>» hi» a»t#a»d»<l A«'"*»»• A—iffy
and San Vran.'H'-o.
tive r-archaser this home.
SOLE AGENTS. Chairs, Forms, etc.. Canvas and Hope Mer-
j, er Sr»rk!in« <"«»•«•■<" IMttfW<« *»•■•»•
0. SER\ tCE, Via Raroton?s. Tahiti, for appointment.
W. E. SIMES and CO.. chant, has REMOVED TWO DOORS 551 Colombo ttrcc- w6men axu chiLJDuk:- are AB-
in touch
flutelephones with one of -our buyers o» Class Only.
One •Wellington to ) AucKiana 146 Hereford street. ASED TO ATTEST) THE MATINEES lUV). »U.ITV


(Alternative Sailings) BRANCE. NIGHTLY CRUSH. V, v Y«-fc'» r»*.writ»> l!w *


and Grain Merchants. Sl9»mer. Tonuaye. Leaves Sydney. July

K O D P«rf«r»»r« >****

207 Uaihel street. VK H V j«i«


ChristeUuroh. Barriraa IJ.IOO June 29 Tin Cape MAUNGAKUI ! Aug. IS "\R. L. CARRIXGTON MAIL, having taken (The l>isn:
NIAGARA Every sheet of '"Orb" it* durability
TSS4A* Ualrenairt IS. JOO .»nly 2 Tla Suea
TAHITI : Sept. 10 tice and residence in Geraldine. may now cd quality guaranteed
t • • . P- .

J\:ly 30 via huel .7.30 ootocc.

Uallatat ir,,ioi»
And Fortnightly Thereafter. be consulted at his residence, Wilson street. 'OrV* in every conti Night Seaeion «lo Lur*
KARL DANI. and GEO. K AUTHOR react y cHOKr»t avb wmm
lares to Keg-land—Via the Cape *it IUMUMPT-
PLANTS. via Sue/ from J?31». To South Africa
H E D G J!

T*ka*A<lv»«ta|,'« 04.. ti>e

TAHITI—From Wellington, July 'Slid.
KIAGARA—J?ox*a Ancklaxd, Julyr 16th. MR \sa Resumed Practice, -aw9 • mey 4>#-;
AL'CJfST lOtfc
one-clii*»" Service, via. Suez Canal and South EXCURSIONS to HONOLULU and TAHITI. Consulted at his Rooms, No. 7a WORCESTER <
Itt a large autl varied stock of Hterfff* Particular* on Application. STREET fCorner of Worcester street a_od BROTHERLY LOVIS'
for present jilantiuf, viz.: Airio*. Improved Menu—Late Dinner. Cambridge tftvrsto. Telephone 22". JT5574 •BROTHERLY I/OYE"
Special Ventilation snd oth*r Comforts. Port-
fvion s.s. Co. of n.z, r/m o>vr of Irolvanised Corrugated Iron f •'ROOKIES
IjOSKJIJU. NITIDA. a cl.sirulr.ff h«dff« hole Cabins on Promenade and other Decks. 02 l<sß Hereford »tia«». 'ICHEDCLfcS may lie obtained l'l-oin ' tlift
the "Hardware Pocket Book." Write A COMEDY *

plant for select po-fUlon*. In popular Through Bill Lading Sonth African Cargo. Canterbury A. and 1\ Asso-
Secretary, y to John Lygasht, Ltd., Hex 341. Wel-

dWMAi lit Ecslaii'l. Prica 3 r»s aod full particulars imm the Agents— ciation, Box 29fi, or 351 VTorceEter street, In Addition: —

KINSEY and CO.. LTD. i")ti, for free cop;. . —2

40s I>rf 100. II .l.17 3 Chrietchurph. 2"5.-j


PRIVIT. ft *a«ii:U,•«■:)! stork ««
variety. 30a and 4Us per 100. MAKURA, AND TAHITI. Telephone 20 12. P.O. Box ««9. •

FOB YOUR ELECTRICAL WORK LONEfi O M K h »x wujn wnx of*?.



land Ate Ako>. .Tust the
hum s
11. C. UKLWIN, LTD. Truly THTBHUAT, 2T*k JVXft.
seaside growing. HO* and 40* per United Kingdom and Europe are TnfF iiieit, Itarett Pleasure ?r* S.reei. At !)i* BrirtM l»i»*" »'

Steamers cordially invited to consult us before book- list Ever Offered You
iUUItU fOSTERiI. 80s and 40s per

PASSENGERS by the abute

booking Through Tickets to England
Ken- tort, Montreal, etc.,
ing passages
[?E are me
in Canterbury, with staff •
Peta raring
GLENN TRYON and BARBARA KKXT EecanrsCMf : »• «*» *»*-
*UKVICrc (o an.i /f*i.> AXON- Matters of detail Trill receive personal
may connect at
with the magnificent steamers of the atention both hero and abroad.
over SO EXPERTS always at your eerTice.
11. C. 17RLW1N, LTD. TUti Uii»o*l Limit in Htppr. *>Jf»»t App*»L
Th« Year'* Mo§t Perfect Entertainment.
trown, 30« per 100: 2-jrear-01.1, LINE. Ail information ireo on application to 200 Manchester street. A POMTITE SENSATIOK.
aad 40* per 100.

'Phone 9300. ' 118 Hereford street. "SELECT" ORCHE6TRA
■OLLIES, strong plants. 9s per dozen. Allotments accommodation held here.
Agents for R. G. England,
Conductor: Mr Albert Bidrood.
passage tickets
Berths may be selected and Atlantic Raterres at The Briatol. or 'Fhona AttS.
STEAMER—Ear obtained ia exchange for portion 51 Cathedral »qn»r« (corner Chancery Unt). 30-40 Goswell road, London (E.C.I).
Is I* TH> M DISCOUNT FOR CASH. of through tickets before leaving J..Z. J7694 IBERTT THBATttr nunt* '

NAIRN tad SONS, for Freight and Passage apply to COUNTY COUNCIL.
a* S 1*JI»
Lincoln road, Christelmrch. Regular tailing* of comfortable steamers to S p.m.
Day Seaaions, 13 to 2.30—?.T0 •I T4Pt ML
KIN6EY and 00., LTD., between San Francisco and New York, via COTTON, A.M.1.C.E., M. S.Z. AN EXHIBITION OF PAINTINGS NOTICE OF INTENTION' TO LEVY 7.30 p.m.
Agents, Los Angeles, Panama Canal, and Havana.


180 Hereford street. Through passengers may travel by this Line

•t about the same cost, instead of crossing Registered. By MR JAMES COOK, SaTrtell Travelling FUNNIEST COJIEDY OF THE TEAB, I* Tka
Canada or America by rail. Consulting Engineer,
iivi! and Structural Engiaeeriu;.
Scholar (recently returned from Europe), will
be ON VIEW TILL SATCRDxYY, the 22nd NOTICE is hereby given that it is the in-
tention of the Eyre County Council at "THE COHENS AND KELLYB"
oix>wocs movietone r**Tim»
For furth«t particulars, apply—
Commercial Bank Chambers,
inst. Hours: 10 to 5 Daily. 2056 the next ordinary meeting of the Council,
IW BISHOP and CO. SUPPLY THE TJ D I> A R T, to bo held on Monday, tha Ist day of July. •THE COHENS AND KELLYS' MOTHER KNOW* B
DALGETY and COMPANY, LIMITED, 'Phone 9837. Hereford street. 1929, to make and levy under the provision! KELLYS" •MOTHER KNOWS
GOWARD, late with A. D. Moore, "THE COHENS AND

A J5 T » CtJ P.
C 3593 FREDLincoln road, begs to notify Horse
of the Counties Act, 1320, the RiTer Boards
Act, 1903, the Hating Act, 1926, and any
MOTH Eli KN«»'*> 1; f: «T" •
CtfP. Favourite Passenger Steamers will be dis- D3147 Owners ofSydenham and District that it tiff Belawar tn>tmitii«M Wr W»f»y
(circumstances permit- CO.. LTD. ia starting Business on Own Account as Act amending the same, the following rate* Featuring
patched as under CHRYSTALL, Lattder and Al J»b*»i>, *.li*trti«.f *'!"*
ting) :

Investigations and Reports,

Farrier, behind tho Rendezvous Petrol Sta-
tion, Colombo street, Thursdav, June 20th.
on the capital value of the
rateable pro- GEORGE SIDNEY.
the Valuation CHARLIS MURRAY.
perties aa now appearing on
Rolls of the County of Eyre.
KATE PRICE Barry Norton ••ftajlf of W?

GBl In
TO SYDNEY FROM WELLINGTON. Patents, Copyrights, and Trade Marks, De- penny in the Tka YvaaMaa
18* «d PER GALLON.


sign of Structures, Topographical Surveys, .half A general rate of
in the West
of a
pound on all the properties
norr <mc*ntmu or 110
ONE CLASS ONLT. Supervision of Construction, etc. TO LAND AGENT?. Eyreton Hiding. FROM BEGINNING TO END. la Daligfctfal AmßnahMW.
Passenger Service to London, via ROOM 3, DALGETY'S BUILDINGS, penny in the ALL the Chuckle* of a Thousand
A general rate of |ths of a Joke*.
Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Fre-
Cathedral square, Christchurch, N.Z. I_>LEASE take notice that the Property, No. Eyre AH
pound on all the properties
in the the Laufh* of a Hmndred Ennny Stories.
ISIHOF and CO.. TO SYDNEY FROM AUCKLAND. antle, Colombo, Port Said, Malta, C3Bll-1 6 Brittan street, Lin-wood, has been Riding. All the Roars of a Doien Faree-Comedlat.
S.S. ULIMAEOA-JULY 12th. and Southampton. Tel. 2501. jl

WINE MERCHANTS. Let. 775 And by a special order of the Waimaiariri OXE CONTINCOTS BOAB OF
.- WOK* 159. BOX 282. Leaves River Trust, a general rate of l-10th of a DELIGHTFUL ENTERT AILMENT. HEAR CJEOSOE BERNARD SBUW
89479 For Freight and Passag* apply— Vessel, Sydney
pennv in the pound on all the properties
KINSEY and CO., LTD., � CAREY'S BUILDINGS. This Well-known, Idea' PRIVATE HOME as specified in Class A of the Waimakariri
Gloucester and Colombo streets. Waimakarh; River Truet THE SYMPHONY ORCHESTEA HEAR THE ROYAL HAWinA**
1I B O 160 Hereford street, Christehurch. HOBSON'S BAY Sept. 7 Cor. has Vacancies for Invalids and Convalescent Sub-District of the Conductor, Mr Alfred J. Bum,
MOBETON BAY Oct. 19 lours: 9 to 5.30. Patients. Terms Terv Moderate. Exten- in tho Eyre County.
Wi> Md Patho-Neurometer Adopted Friday Evenings: 7 to 8.30. NURSE E. SCOTT. Such rates to he for the period commenc- Reaenrea at The Brietol, m 'phone S7». fiERTRrMB lawbkkce
Nov. 30
'Phone 822.
sive, sunny grounds. HBAR
nMmtot Painless, Uuvinf JEBVIS BAY Pec. 23 'Phone 51S1. 759FP on the first day of April, 1929, and end-to 3067

"lears Palnle*a Syatem." THROUGH FARES TO LONDON. ing on the 3lßt day of March, 1930, and
"MS YOUNG. M.N.Z.A.C.A. (Inc.).
FOR PASSAGES ANYWHERE. c-o clue and payable in one sum on Wednes- REAR BRANSBT WIU*IA«
(Palmer Graduate), Prom £39 to £45 Single; £7O to £Bl day, the 28th day of Aupuat, 1838, at the i. R A N D

In! Chambers (lata Broadway*).

Return; also a Limited Number of INSURANCE. Continuone from It a.m.

oSce of the Eyr© Countv Council, at Ohoka, Tut Fa* Marfet«a« C>aaaa>
—IBS' PRAOTIOAL EXPERIENCE. Deck Cabin Berths at £66 Single, REMOVAL NO during office hours, where and when the MARION DA VIES and LAWRENCE GRAY HEAR
••THE STAR WlTs^E«^'.*•
S"n: •-!. '--6- Saturday: 9 to 1 p.m. £llO Return. -X In Tie

ALL LINES. ALL CLASSES. HUBERT W. ARMITAGE, Valuation Rolls are now open for inspection. Gayest Comedy of Modern Tooth and
•*f >T«niat: 7-8. A.PA (N.Z.), A.I.A.N.Z. 1
LLTANCE ASSURANCE CO., LTD. Leap Year Love You've Erer
WM ATTENDANT. 'PHONH 86?3. ALL ROUTES. For full particulars apply
Public Accountant and Auditor, A. WELLS N'EWTON",

T9IBIFP Cathedral square. Telephones 31, 1565, Debt* Collected Income Tax Prepared. J una :Sf!;. I'M"). 2045 "THE PATSY" I'EBFECTLT BKTaUWOCEIV

REMOVED to New Offices, 313 Man- THE PATSY" '


Tho following Classes of Insurance are "THE PATSY"
«U ST. ASAPH STREET. CO., LTD., transacted: PRICES: Frma 1*
Hereford street. Telephones 358, 478, (next Congregational Church). FIRE BUSINESSES FOB SALE. Lore. Laughs, and Leap Year CkfMra» tUH-prirm
- 'Phone 684 BOOK AT ONOE FOR 1930. "5 'Phono 4173. A3"?


FORWARDING AGENTS. List on Application. 8.C0m., A.P.A., N.Z., PERSONAL ACCIDENT In a Slashing, Thrilling Wettern
RTURE Packing and Transport play Sailing J. WILSON, BUSINESS FOR SALE. "THAT MAW JACK"
part in oiir erery-day buaineae. I>HE CANTERBURY STEAM SHIPPING ACCIDENT


rich Storage Premise*. Vox TAILORING, MANTLE. AND SHOWROOM


WELLINGTON, PICTON. WANGANUI- Has Removed to New Offices In PLATE-GLASS. Caual Prices, Bd. 6*. »d. and li.
THE EMPIRE EXPRESS CO. (Taking Cargo for BlenLeun, Seddon, and NATIONAL INSURANCE BUILDING. Chrirtchurch Branch: 75 per cent, of the trade in Mantl* ■De- COMING—"TARZ AN THE MIGHTY." BOX I N C
partment. Tarnorer last year £5868 13s 9<l. 2*6
MMOVAL PROM SQUARE. S.S. BREEZE—WEDNESDAY, 19th instant, •Phone 8343. P.O. Box 783. W4109 H. T. FRANCIS, Manager. Lea«e 5 Years at 10?, pins rates £42. •£»>

A3O69FP abont £l5O.
Fitting ve co:
'Phono 19. "ortttckßMfc BpaW» C»
I TMadajr, April and, and during
Continuous Pletur*
To-day: 3d, 6d, and 3d.
alteration! to the Recent Theatre
and S.S. GALE—FRIDAY, 21st instant. Stock at 78 in the H off Cost.
' T R A N D
T K To-night: fid and la.
ia Cathedral equara. our Ohiro- Launches Owaka, iloturnta, Onawe, IHE UNITED INSURANCE CO., A N I> '

S.S. STORM—TUESDAY, 25th instant. Member of Christchurch Stool;

Carrying oapacity, *2O pas- This Business is situated in Large TARA- "THE LUCK OF THE NAVY 1

*»■ X Ray work are being carried Reo-moan*. Exchange. XAKI TOWN, NORTH ISLAND, is well
Bnlidinsrt (next D.1.C.).
toe lift Second Floor.
Contractors for Diamond Harbour Ferry BLUFF, DUNEDIN, AND TIMARU- SHAREBROKER,
113 HEREFORD STREET, Chmtchureh.
•stablishcd. and is being offered solely on
amatktb TonerAjmrr.
to STOCK AND account of age of owner, and also recent de- Comedy. Wreitllng. Topical.
8.»0 to 6. Friday eTeniwr. 7-8. S.S. CALM-THUBSDAY. 20th instant.

Lsunches always available for other Bays HEREFORD BTREET,

■H! fiiao Office. 8202 Residence. CHRISTCHURCH. AND MOTOR-CAR BUSINESS. GOLDINGHAM and BECKETT, LTD., McLaglen and Louisa Brooke). CONCERT
.JAMES ?T. CRAtG. Chiropractor. as required. A3343


Picnics and Excursions by arrangement. Telephone numbers: 3411. 61. and 1734 •Phone 4386. Land Department.
For farther particulars apply Agenti. PALMERSTON NORTH.
J. E. CAMERON, Manager.
ANNUAL Prk*a: 4«. S«. ««. •»«





BUSINESS FOE SALE. (Fancr Dreaa Optional.

(Tbos. Newbnrgh. Member Christchurch

•* the
National Mutual Buildinfe, Stock. Fittings, £llOO.
World'* rintst Wines and LaMst Cargo 10 Good Pr!iea. icttudin* —

•-Wade Spirits. Sole Agents for 143 HEREFORD STREET. DEMONSTRATION IN ORCHARD pins rate*.
TWO 21-PIECE TEA SETS. MrnKAL rrx>nro.
«0NS8: 643 and 8747. Q9OBT KINSEY and CO., LTD., Agents.
•Phones 1502 1532. 1 Jj Worcester street,
Christchnrcb THURSDAY, JUNK 50tk, at i a'alaHk
A DISCUSSION and Demonstration of 2f)-g
5 ESTATES. TRUST • NEW SYSTEMS OF ORCHARD COOKING OBMOKrnUaTIOH. Pro<««4« la ai<l iht Jaa* aa>4 Plaid*

1 LANGUAGE STUDIO. WANGANUI. act as Executors and Trustees under PRUNING ALBANS STORE £1275 as Going Con- '!

-■***** Six-cylinder Wolaeley Touring tar

Wills and Settlements (Or as Agents
will be held in Mr
Webb's Orchard at Loburn at 1.30 p.m. on
cern. A good opening her*
and daughter to introdnce home-m*de
for mother :n eenaaviea nili 8«M-I*»»ial
«aj«r«!i!t I*re?ra**a for «sa« am
*"*■ ■*

e Trustees), and undertake the entire ELECTRIC COOKING DEMONSTRATION.

M oTt Laujuase In Practical

We doubt if there is a q S HOLMDALE. Thursday, 20th inst.


for £350. There 1., .1.0

.*yy- Special eonceasiona to atudents of Deceased and Absentee Raaga deeotttratioa TO-DAY at

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19th. with the general stocks.

"W*. Knrol now. CUteaa and Pri-
««iOB« arranged. Tenna moderita, and
better-keptcar in New Zealand.
It has a magnificent Colonial body a.m.
invested on rreeho.d
Estate*. Trust Tunds margin.
All interested are in-nted to be
small Shop that RONALD
a t opposition.
«n he sob-let.
Fairly fre*
BADGER. 18, 3.3 a ai utaal.
A)*e FrMar* a! MOFFAT ADMISSION: *,,»«■*»■
t>f imm er
Pre** —

with all the latest appointments. Latest Cargo,and9 CO., Securit? shoring eafe 7.30 p.m.

f• from
first lesaon Application to KINSEY LTD., mi. JAMESON and SO>. L. PAYNTER, TCRNBCLL and JONBB. LIMITED. BcfraaliaMatt* M.
This car coat orer £I%OO. You only Agents. Gori. Orchard Instructor. AND CARBYTNG T93SSPP Caaael atreet.

have to see it to realiseoffering.

the won-

Public Accountants,
Bldrs.. 304 Caehel atraet. jssig .3 213 Manchester street. BUSINESS, in Bney Centre; good
derful value wo are with Little Capital.
*ni'n? for Part?
OQ/g—MEN'S Warm Tweed Overcoats, Ardalli Timber _,phTta
first plio. to FRED JONES
Co., Boston.
iociKrr or kew
FRIDAY. JUNE 21ei. _w
STHMA and Bronchitis. The

Zealand remedy
is Kurasma.
all sizes. Glasson'g Warehonse,
96 Lichfleld street. G5357 IBS DOROTHY FIL-EINB, L.T.CX., Soottibh
LAHD-Aracial Mania* of M
Teacher of Pianoforte and Tnecrr. Fnda* Sajrt, Slat, at tlaa
Latest Cargo, 11 a.m. wonderfully effeetir*. 4i 6d .11
ehemisU.^ T »0p.»., ia

Durham street. BRISTOL STUDIOS, BOOM 10.

W. W. TOY and CO. OTHERS! it! it means core.
'phona, Lyttdton 'phone, ■j'LAKlES—have yon tried the New Rolled Here's a quick br Privet* Addreaa:
IMPERIAL nfSTCTCTH 'PHONES 8145-3835. Chrietchurch I? Oat? Try packet, and save the •> dish for the children. O-Tis,
pains, »a"M. 4s 94. ChMßiaU. S94OBFP tmtp m. &SOWLBB OT, 8*- *»•*».
SCU4F.P. lo o*t food—cooka in otm aslant*.
Gift Coupons. -
' -

*««K Ctt*Ltah»r«&.
■■ ■ *
Whoa buyiaf For* A Fur Coats
On 'Wednesday evening Mrs G. A.
Black was hostess at a very enjoyable
party held in the Oddfellows'
there's a use for
- "

The lady Editor will be pleased
Hall, Hastings street. Sydenham, in.
to receive for publication la the
"Women's Corner" items of social
or person*! r.ew&. Such items
should be fully authenticated, and
COLWILLS-i Mrs M. Lewirt (Christchurch) is the
guest of the Misses
Turnbuli, Wai-iti honour of Miss Mabel Haar's birthday.
Amongst those present were: Mr and
engagement notices most bear tie The oldest e» abliahed Furrior Mrs J. E. Galbraitii (Dunedin) is Mrs Clements, Mr and Mrs Haneox. Mr
signatures of both parties. Cor- in New Zraland. and Mrs Short, Mr and Mrs Walker,
respondence innted on any the t;u<ist t>t Mrs A. Kathboiie, Wai-iti
Mr and Mrs A. Bryce (Hornby), Mes-G>
is "

Corn Flour
matters affecting, or of Interest to, 418)
w 032 en. 205 HIGH STREET Tbont road.
dames Evans, Haar (Tinwald), F.
B Below Clock lower Mrs Gebbie (ClirLsichurch) is staying Harris (Tinwald), McLaren, Doberty,
Mr and Mrs J. F. Studholme (Fen-
" C"° 2
iiWHiiß'lKK'nSi with her SLster, Mrs C. S. Bruce, Brvant. Ayres. Barter, Tucker, Ogden.
rfaiionj are leaving next week for Wel- Douglas street. Pirie Howe, Mclnnes, Anderson, Car-
where they will be the guests Miss Shepnerd (England;, who is ter, Arnold, Misses G. Ogden, F. Ogden,
witii Jliss U ootiey, Geraldme,
of their Excellencies Sir Charles and
will leave to-day ior tie north. M.' Eosewarne. C. Spillane, Miles, D.
Hancox, L. Pirie, F. Arnold, F. Pirie,
the Lady Alice jb'ergusson at Govern-
ment House. Mrs J. Peter is the guest
of Mrs It. F. Hill, Mere Mere street. L. Glover, Daphne Hancox, F.
Lawson, Blancmanges, Sweets,
g' Ellmers, M. Wright, B. Young. R.
Mrs C. H. Inglis (England), who has
been visiting relatives and friends in
The syllabus drawn up by the Christ- Mrs Wilfred Howell, Cave, will ar-
rive ou Friday, to be the guest of Mrs
Melnnes, G. O'Bieu, A. Haar {.Tin-
Souffles, Soups.
church Technical College Past and B. McLaren, D. McLaren,
Canterbury, is leaving by the Ruapeliu Thomson, Bid well street. vrald,
Senior Students' Association shows that Foster. T.
As beauty should n<>xt week on her return journey to
England. the members' activities are remarkably-
Passengers to Mount Cook yesterday
included: Messrs Steven (Australia),
Anderson, N. Cooke.
go beautifully—- Miss Coreen Ogston (formerly of Dun- interesting and varied, including de- Allen (Australia), GoveU (Australia), J. Kennie, D. Forsyth, E. Bates. M. An-

QO Beauty should he edin), who has been in England for bates, literary studies, a picnic, and and Gordon (Australia). derson, E. Brown, A. Hennessey, M.
iicss<rrved in beauty. It is some time, is visiting Christ church, Guests at the Hydro-Grand Hotel Smither, Dacre, Fass, and Cos, Messrs
several dances. Of the social gather- include: Mrs Mill (Port Chalmers),
unthinkable that Milady's and is staying at Warwick House. L. King, L. Ogden, A. Heath, H. A!-
ings, by far the most important is the Misses H. Mylvany Grev (Christ- derson, W. Campbell, \Y. Rhind, F.
guests should take tea in cups Recent guesta at Stonehurst Private Green and Gold Ball, held annually, and
less than perfect in elegance
church), Mill (2) (Tort Chalmers).
Khind, A. de la Heathsby, C. Cross, G.
Hotel, Gloucester street, include:—Mrs always anticipated with pleasure. The Messrs \V. It. Revmgton (Christchurch) Doherty, B. Fairbairn, E. Sollett, C.
of form and substance. The Mills and two sons (Blenheim), Mrs 1929" ball eventuated at the Winter and John Wood (Christchurch). Tongue, F. Wendelken, C. Wendelken,
namcof Shelley (hiddenunder Whiblt-y (Blenheim), Mr and Mrs Wark Garden last inght, and was a great suc- Recent arrivals at the Grosrenor
every piece) promises no less. (Timaru), Mr McWhinney (Dunedin), Hotel include: Messrs A. M. Robert- H. Hob'bs, S. Smith, J. Toohey, W. Pirie

(.2), S. Black, B. Pirie, L. Bates, A.
English Bone China, fashion- Mr Thompson (Ashburton), Mr Mcßae The supper-room was decorated with son (Christchurch), R. Hutchinson
(.South America), Mr Mcßall (Sydney), chrysanthemums and daisies, the Bailey- (Hermitage), C. F. Gngg (Dunedin), Smith, X. Evans, B. Forsyth, B. Camp-
ed by hereditary craftsmen in bell, J. White, J. Taylor, K. Kennerley,
Shelley's service, can yield and Miss Irvine (Sydney). Marston Orchestra supplied the music, J. MeXultv (Dunedin), L. Hughes
Misses H. E. Manning (Auckland) and and to add to the pleasure of the many (Dunedin), H. K. Alien (Dunedin), S. F. Roberts. E. Barter, W. Tucker, A.
no more—and this is the envy introduced Henderson. W. Lawson, D. Fairbairn.
of potters the world over! X. Neale (Dunedin) are registered at crnests, several novelties were Dixon (Dunedin), and S. J. Sands
Warner's Hotel. and an exhibition dance was given by (Dunedin). £. Bond. A. Chisbolm, J. H. Taylor, D.
Mr Leo Bowden and Miss Molly Jen- Recent arrivals at the Dominion Walker, and M. Crowe.
?.Ir and Mrs Macfarlanc (Mt. Paul) kinson. Hotel include: Mr and Mrs R Stivers Eyle's Orchestra supplied excellent
Ask rue and Mr and Mrs S. H. Dixon (Hakatara- The members of the Ball Committee
to latmst

(Invercargill), Mr and Mrs J. Stewart music. Competitions were won by lu-ky Miss

SHELLEY jiH'a") are guests at the United Service (president),

"ia S«T» - NummyWah« were Mr W. D. Johnston (Wellington), Mr and Mrs S. Benett
E Mclnnes and Mr L. Bates,
Coffee Skts- Aj Luck Attwiu Hotel. Misses D. Dickson. D. Jarden, I. Agassiz, (Christchurch), Messrs It. S. Williams Miss Haar and Mr
lv spot dances by A.
Morning Sits HllD*
Mild* CoWHAM
Cowham Latest arrivals at the Hotel Federal G. C Andrews (assistant hon. secre- (Christchurch). N. B. Todd Welling- White. Monte Carlo dances Mad* by M»»» TibeSK

Dainty Whiti DohistjcWam J.

C Jiuv Mould* include:—Mr L. D. Stanbury (Wainui), tary), Messrs A. Haworth, L. A. W. ton), A. Webster (Christchurch), were won by Miss E. Bates tn her movuUt
Mrs McEihinney (Ashburton), Mr C. Efford, J. Berry, E. Longstaff, and O. Robert Anderson (Antwerp, Belgium),

E. W. Gibb (Antwerp, Belsrium), H. and Mr F. Wendelken, Mrs Ayres, and

E. Zohrab (Wellington), Mr G. W. Sanderson (hon. secretary). Mr H. Alderson. Mrs Bryant and Miss
Armitagc (Temuka), Mr J. G. Gow The guests of honour were Dr. ana B. Leesr (Dunedin). S- T. Malone
Foster supplied musical items and reci-
rr-jfrffe^pT ,Timaru), Mr E. Wild (Hokitika), Mr Mrs D. E. Hansen, and Mr and Mrs E. (Dunedin). W A. G. McDonald (Christ-
tations respectively. Mr G. M. Black
and Mrs N. N. Barron (Feilding), Mr J. McLaren. n church), and Geo. Wood (Wellington).
H. was M.C-
A. '.an Eooijer (Wellington), Mr W. Others present included: Mesdames Orders for advertisements and tor

Mitchell (Invercargill), Mr E. Crooks Cato, W. Hawkes, Charles

TnggsW. delivery of The Pees« may be left at
(Dunedin), Mr Jas. K. Kay (Timaru), Ledsham, Misses Wynne Milton, \era our local office. Oxford Buildings, cor-
Mr D. C. Hurst (Timaru), Mr and Mrs Muirson, Selina Howman, May Searle, Blytn, ner Stafford and George streets, or MECCANO CLUB.
C. H. Smith (Oamaru), Mr Thos. Hughes McGuimiess, D. Crothers, M. telephone 1091 —«

SENSATIONAL (Geraldine), Miss P. Maher (Dunedin),

and Miss M. E. Cordell (Dunedin).
Emily Blain, Evelyn
Thome, Emily
McNulty, Emily
Tillyshort, Dorothy On Monday evening the Kaiapoi
PURCHASE. During the week an enjoyable con-
ceit was given in the Receiving Home.
Brien, Doris Heward, Winifred Cairns,
Frances Woodley, Jean Stokes, Dons
LONDON PERSONALS. Methodist Boys' Meccano Club held an
open evening, when about eighty parents
The following artists contributed to the McCort, I. Agassiz, Joan Craig, Horner,
LADIES' KAYSER Misses Nancy Haworth, Betty Hams, Mina and friends accepted the members' in-
programme:—Songs, Ford Dons Carr (FROM f~B OWN COP.BESPONDEST.)
Grace Bradley, Phyllis vitation to a demonstration. Great was
LEATHERETTE GLOVES. Bowden (accompanied by Mr Munro on
steel guitar), W. Bow byes, Doris Irvin, Phyllis Leslie, Marjorie
LONDON, May 9. the interest and admiration of the
Lillbourn, and E. Denholm, of Oamaru; Rutherford, E. Gofton Eileen
A. Gof Mr and Mrs H. Duke (Auckland and guests on seeing the lads working at
4000 PAIRS, bought at a huge piano solo, Mis 3 Marjorie Alexander; Stella Hunt, Euby Eutherford bhand, Phj Christ-hurch) have been living in Brad their numerous models. A large tarpau-
Jean lin was spread on the floor, on which
discount. An entirely now range monologues, Mr J. Cannill; recitations, ton, Winnie Heslop, Lstelle.Bush. ford for the past year, where Mr Duke
Miss O'Connell and Master Ronald is Brown, Esma Aitken, was a load of sand, where the lads soon
of the best Winter Gloves seen Dorothy has been pursuing his studies in the wool
Foster; violin solo, Mr Clark; guitar, Mavis Nunn, Winnie Eamsay, trade. After remaining in London for built miniature mountains, tunnels,
on tho market. This purchase
has not yet been widely adver-
Mr Munro, Hawaiian melodies; songs, some weeks they will make a tour of roads, viaducts, and laid railway lines.
Messrs Caithness and Francis. The Among the numerous models seen work-
tised, owing to lack of apace in the Continent.
dally papers, yet wc urge you
accompanist was Miss Marjorie Alex- Eta Lexshman The engagement is announced between ing was the excavator and eventually
ander. Cars were kindly lent by Sir louston Doris Creagh, Ethel Lieut.-Commander Gaspard Patrick Hun- the trains were seen running along the
to avail yourselves at ence and Georcre Clifford, Messrs P. H. Harris, M Norton Taylor, Gertrude
Wini Blair, K.N., younger son of Captain lines, round curves and through tun-
secure one of the pairs of P. Wilkes, and the South Island Davev, O Jenkins, Ruby Symons, Mann ter
"KAYSER" Leatherette Gloves Motors. ged Bolton, Winnie Spiers, Daisy Hunter B'.air, R.N., and Mrs Hunter
Haze Blair, of Milton, Ayrshire, and Sophie,
nels, etc., to the delight of the on-
lookers. In another department were
before they are sold out. The presidents and committees of the Myrtle Bailev Daisy_Co.tej elder daughter of the late Prince and seen lads at games, including table ten-
All Shades and sizes we stock. combined branches of the Ladies' Guild
S. Sa°n d SrKekson,
n and Lois nis, scallywag, tilt-O, in which the
Princess Alexis Koud.ieheff.
Display of these gloves will take of the British Sailors' Society have guests took part, and pronounced thein
Beeent callers at the High Commis-
CD** 5
place shortly. issued invitations for a "Book and Forscutt. excellent games.
sioner's office included: Mrs J. B. Nor-
Usually .. 9/11 Pair. Coin Afternoon" to be held at Jellicoe
ris (Christchurch), Mrs M. A. Fox After the lads had entertained their *,ft
BALE PRICE 3/11 Pair. Hall on Thursday afternoon, June 27th. guests at supper, the Kev. O. Burnet,
Tor Country Orders kindly write
stating size correctly.
An enjoyable concert was given at
the- Coronation Sanatorium, Cashmere
Hills, when the orchestra from the
OBITUARY. (Christchurch), Miss I. E. Fox, Mr and
Mrs J. Cherry (Fendalton), Mr L. E.
Jarman, R.A.F. (Christchurch), Miss
Eileen Benjamin, Mr and Mrs A. Ben-
Mr J. H. Blaekwell, Mr C. Bennet, and
Miss H. Rollinson thanked the lads for
their entertainment, and congratulated
Ferry road Convent gave overtures,
MRS S. A. ENSOM. jamin (Christchurch), Mr and Mrs B. D. their leader (Mr K. Winterbourn) on
trios, duets, and solos. The other the splendid work he is doing among

ARTHUR BARNETT pnrts of the programme consisted of

songs by Mrs Denholm and Miss Har-
court and a recitation by Mr Dick Mrs Emsom. nee
Benjamin (Christchurch), Miss C. E.
recently Needham (Christchurch), Mr and and
ot J. E. Franks (Christchurch),
Mrs the lads, commenting on the educational
value, particularly from an engineering
The adept touch o!
the Expert Distin-
guishes all D-l-C
Wills. The cars used to transport the passed away at the advancedwas tor Mrs A. J. Johmton, and Miss Myra standpoint. Mr Winterbourn thanked
party to and from the Sanatorium and a half years Johnston (Christchurch). those present for their helpful encour- Garments.
119 Cashel street. were lent by Mr Hopkins, Mr J. Slack, of that lon agement, explaining that although the
a considerable portion club has been in existence over twelve
and Mr Bunt.
Time honoured citi-

a well-known and WEDDINGS. months, it had only lately come before
News has been received from Vienna and, though she
zen of Christchurch. the public. His speech was enthusias-
that Miss Jessie King, the "well-known
vocalist, who has many friends in retired from business activities
of Christ-
years ago, three generationsthe art ot OR AIG—PATTRICK.
tically applauded.
Christchurch, will shortly proceed to
church women, who love Church, Latimer square,
London, where she will give a recital hand era ts
St. John's
BEST during the season. Miss King, who is
a native of Toowoornba, Australia, and
needlework and its kindred practical assist- wus prettily decorated with chrysan- WELLINGTON WAR

a former student o" the Conservatoriuro have experienced her themums and autumn foliage for the
of Music in East Melbourne, has re-
fSnilywith wedding celebrated recently of Tessa MEMORIAL.
COUGHS cently given a song recital in Vienna, traditions, she was Eileen, daughter of Mr and Mrs M.
which proved most successful. Her ren- fine od Liberal and prm- A. Pattnck, of Christchurch. to David
COLDS brou-ht un in the nurture
dering of songs by classical and mod-
ern masters charmed her music-loving
of Cobden and Bright, and
sympathies and supporMv
Thorbum, son of Mrs and the late Mr
D. Craig, of Taranaki. The Rev. J.
NEURALGIA audience, and she was encored many aiven to movements which have tor
performed the ceremony.
times, and at the end of the programme human h. Coursey
BROMCHJTiS their object the betterment of The bride, who was given away by
was so continuously applauded that her father, wore a charming frock oi

she had to sing several more songs. years in the past she was palest tea rose crepe de chine and tulle, TKLEOBAFH—COPTRIGHT.7
the active work ot with long, tight-fitting sleeves pointed
associated societies, which were en
with LONDON, June 17.
women's over the hands, draped bodice, and A recital on Wellington's war me-
COLD LAST NIGHT? deavouring to promote wornen s suff- flfred skirt of softly-gathered folds ot
When people mention how cold it She one of the initiators
tulle with uneven longer at the morial carillon was broadcasted
of Women sides. Her veil ofhem,
was the night before it is evident they
of the National Council with
the same delicate throughout the country with great suc- SCHOOL COMMITTEES'
have neveF heard of the "Unique of New Zealand which affiliated shade of tulle was very long, forming a cess last evening The richness and
Hot Water bottle. More and more the International Council was
train, and fell from a little bonnet- variety of tone of the 49 bells were
people are finding out that most the
posed of Societies throushout such New Zea-
shaped cap outlined with pearls and beautifully displayed by the recitalist,
"Unique" is the cheeriest and
land. She worked with well orange blossom, while her bouquet was Mr Clifford Ball, playino at the New-
comforting hot water bottle obtain-
able. Stays hot practically all night,
known people as the late:Mrs Siev-
wright, of Gisborne. the late Mrs Cap-
of tea rose colouring with a touch of castle Exhibition, where the carillon is
being shown prior to shipment for MONTHLY MEETING.
seams and a patent late Mrs pale orchid.
New Zealand. The music included the

has reinforced tain Daldy, of Auckland, the Her bridesmaid, Miss Moyra Free,
unleakable stopper. *
Hatton. of Dunedin. Mrs Atkinson, or wore a picture frock of pale apple- ''Londonderry Air" and the hymn,
Wellington, Mrs Sheppard of Cnrist- green taffeta, made with long, tight- 'Now the D.iy is Over." Mr J. Gilbert Brown presided at the
ohurch. Mrs Williamson of Wanganui, fitting bodice, close sleeves, and the Sir James Parr, introducing the re-
New Zea- monthly meeting of the Canterbury School
Latest arrival of up-to-date shoes,
for reforms that have been adopted, skirt of apple-green tulle under soft cital to listeners-m recalled Committees' Association.

Footwear Prices
Smart notably for the representation ot flame, tulle fe'l to a point on one side. land's war effort on behalf of the
fashionable styles and colours. Mr J. S. Stewart was appointed a proxy
Glace Kid Courts and 1-Bar shoes,
women' on public boards and councils; Her hat of green silk felt was ap- Empire. He emphasised the unique to represent the Ceraldine School.
in the fact
dark and light brown. Also, same m for the establishment of advancement pliqued on the brim with pastel taffeta nature of the n.emorial It was decided that Dr. Hansen address
of technical education for old age pen- that the bells are inscribed Soraaie, the Association on July 23rd.
beautiful Lizard and suede courts. In- flowers and stitched finely with silver.
Severely Shaken

spection invited.—H. Pannell and Co sions; for improvements in the lot or A bouquet of soft flame blossom and Jutland. Gallipoli. and the names of indispositionSympathetic reference was made to the
street. 'Phone 694. destitute, orphaned, and needected rhil- fern completed a charming toilette. other battlefields where New Zealand's of Mr H. Odell. Apprecia-
The safest, purest, best 105 Manchester dren; for the greater comfort and sani- 17.000 dead lie.—Australian Press Asso- tion cf his excellent work was made by sev-
—-6 Mr Frank Allison, of Christchurch, eral members, and it was resolved to ap-
strongest. tation for working girh and women; acted as best man. ciation, United Service. point bim a life-member.
tor fairer distribution of profits, by The reception was held at the Winter Mr F. H. Mintrom, Beckenham, moved:
SANDER'S bears the mani- law. to wives and children; for public Garden, where Mr 3 Pattrick received "That the attention of the Minister tor
tion) is now causing a great ophearal at the "Pit
Education be drawn to the injustice suf-
fold distinctions of the ages. Early Autumn Furs.—Don't miss this assistance to widows and young chil- the guests wearing a brown georgette

opportunity. Make vour selection from dren in poor circumstances. PETROL IGNITES. fered by the Canterbury City school commit-
tees with respect to the payment of water
Boot Store—2s4 HIGH STREET—nert VvUxm*.
and lace frock, a fur wrap, and a
Medical authorities, courts, our high-class variety of the very latest More especially in pursuing the tra- matching hat of stitched taffeta. Her charges, and that the Minister be asked to
and exhibitions, all proclaim in Fur Neckwear, Beautiful Necklets. ditions handed down to her by her instruct the Education Board to undertake
Stoles, etc., at much reduced prices. forbears, she ardentlv supported the and
bouquet was of bronze chrysanthemums the payment of water charges in conform-
it peerless. Your inspection invited. McGibbons's. Peace Movements of the world as beingr autumn foliage.
Mrs L. R. Dickson, of Auckland,
FIRE IN LINWOOD HOUSE. ity with the practice now in operation
Wellington, and to refund to the Canterbury
soles—Usually 28/6 'QUAKE FEKSE ..

Fur Specialist, 154 Armagh street. —2 the means which she believed would sister which they
Be wise, shun substitutes bring about a more kindly and intelli-
of the bride, wore a smart three- school committees payments
have made, but which should have been MENS BOX LACE SHOES, wide fitting
passed off for "just as good." piece suit of dark beige cloth, with a made by the Canterbury Education Board."
gent human co-operation and open a
more glorious era for mankind. model hat to tone.
The danger of using petrol near
The chairman: Wellington get off scot Worth 27/6 'QUAKE FEIOI
There is only one Making Stockings Wear Longer.— Later the bride travelled in a nigger- niked lights was again demonstrated free, why should not we ?
repaired To individuals in distress and to the brown for the second time this week —yes- The chairman explained that the motion LADIES' BLACK SATIN BAB SHOES
Those exasperating ladders causes she supported she was untiringly
face cloth costume and a close- —

referred to schools which were paying rates

SANDER'S EXTRACT invisibly at small
too bad
to mend.
They're never
See Mendette, and unremittingly srenerous. fitting brown felt hat. carrying a fur-
trimmed brown cloth coat. Mr and
terday afternoon. to tho City Council.
The motion was carried unanimously.
Worth 19/6 .. 'QUAKE HUGS
With her husbend, the late Mr W. Mrs F. T. Bell, the occupier of a
Stewart Dawson's Buildings, High F. Ensom, she travelled much and Mr? Craig's future home will be in
house at 21 Woodhouse street, Lin-
A letter was received from the secretary
Hornby School Committee
street. Posted orders receive prompt of the
attention. —55 came thereby into close and friendlv Auckland. wood, was cleaning a dress with petrol
whe»! the spirit ignited from a burning
regarding supplying cocoa to school chil-
The Health Department had issued
Worth 32/6 'QUAKE PEICE
contact with many of the men and dren.
women in the Old Land who at present
SOCIAL AT ARANUI. gas ring. The Central Fire Brigade a circular to parents suggesting the most
suitable foods for school children. One LADIES TAN WILLOW BAR SHOES, welKd Mle
are members of the British Cabinet and were summoned to the house, which paragraph suggested that the children Worth 34/6 QUAKE PEICE
During the absence of Mr and Mrs Parliament. is owned by Mr Retallick, of Surrey should not be given tea, coffee, or cocoa.
W D Napier from New Zealand, Miss Her wonderful constitution, her un- street, and' quickly had the outbreak Their committee was anxious to carry out
The "Aranui Y Branch" held a rery en- the wishes of the Health Department,
tinder control. Damage to the extent

Cut Rate" Boot Store

Dorothy Napier is undertaking the tiring ener<ry. her splendid health, and
joyable social in the Aranui Hall. Seventy
her longevity she attributed largely to members of about £3 was done to the scullery had decided to give the children a cup of
management of "Te Kiteroa," the hot milk.
popular guest house and health resort her abstemiousness in diet and to her Beach andfrom the New Brighton, North
Mr J S. Barnett moved that a medical
The wall.
, .-

vegetarian practice. West End were present. practitioner be asked to address the
at Waimate, modern house with elec- evening was spent in games and competi-
ing on the subject.
tric light and drainage. Ideal winter tions. Mr C. Deans acted as M.C. Items remarked that c!T ._„....

climate, beautiful garden unique bird were given by Miss Miller. A challenge was HOSPITAL FEES. The secretary
months ago the Health Department

issued _ to the branches present to meet the children ■«-«t«.

For illustrated
(Next Petersen)
life, extensive view vised parents not to give
descriptive circular containing full par-
ticulars, address Miss Dorothy Napier. NURSES* CONDITIONS.
Aranui at any branch of sport. The social
was followed by a dance.
A member: We come here to do business,
not to hear medical men. 254 HIGH STREET -

W. T. VAUGHAN Or Another member remarked that by

the way .


P.O Box 10, Waimate; telephone 151. the Health Department was from
children at

Furrier*, have removed to Waimate. —6 Remember this when you get a cold wr.uld not be aV.e to feed their
124 CASHEL STREET AUCKLAND BOARD TO —"Every dose of 'NAZOL' does you [THE PBESS Special Service.] Mr Barnetfa motion was def.?j ?:, t
e *°

regard to the lei ter

good." It's a wonderful remedy.

action was taken in

next Baltantyne'e INVESTIGATE. A letter was received from
the »'»"»»

Sixty doses for Is 6d. "3 AUCKLAND, June IS. School Committee embodying a ">«««"»

Where ihey are showing an Fees totalling £48,647 were

written from the householders' meeting protestine
against the rule that nomination,
for school To See Well
Special ""'"mmitt"
off by the Auckland Hospital Board committee elections, must b
See Procter

extensire range week before the emotion. The

for the year ended March 3rd, 1929. er«t would
FURS and TRIMMINGS AUCKLAND, June 18. THRIFTY Of this amount £46,535 was incurred in
was of the opinion that more
be taken in the tne«m« if

Specialist* in Remodelling Item -

As the result of complaints concerning
the overworking of nurses at the Auck-
land Hospital, the Board to-day decided
HOUSEWIVES' fees at the main hospital. In
the reduction of fees for the
period discussion, it was
received on the nightderided to "P.?
would b» a retrograde step to
thej exis.

the moderate price of necessarv

Making Up, Renovations,
Etc. �»*»
to hold a special meeting to investigate SHOPPING totalled £17.458.
The Fees Committee reported tomeet-
Mr D
C0 di,
r° n
to the policv of the Mincer
f«r "°'»\? n
,< , ,

glasses. Consult
the conditions among the nurses, and to GUIDE Board that it had held
a special
in extending' dfntal clinics »°.

THE FARMERS' ask the Matron and Medical Super-

intendent to submit reports on the staff Dates (good) sib 1/.
fnjrto confer with S4 debtors,
but only

one-third attended. Two the report add-

and gave notice of motion:
nation get m touch with
• ,-
- *„.,„u with f
That .he A< o
c-no**. crun
Association vn /■ to ..r-port

apparent at the meeting, THE PREMIER

Prunes ■

of Payment
per lb 3d memoer-
200 HIGH

the Meat
"THE STUDIO" OP BALLROOM One was the effect of
dull times pol:-y or.H »1. State
It was staled that there were 244 Dried Apricots per lb 9d and an objertioa to thi, . _
DANCIKO. Seeded Raisins, loose, puffed1/ otthe
community as a whole, the otner »T"PP°d.

nurses at the hospital, and instructions schools were

Miss Molly Jcakinson. Mr Leo. Bowden. had been issued for another 35 to be being the large number
of ,""*
Specialists in Tuition of all Modern Per lb 4d to
who endeavoureu
Paucing, including Fox-trot, Quickstep, employed. There had been au average Semolina, loose 31b for lid

SALE of 34 away through sickness. On May Tomatoes per j/ their responsibilities. THE WINTER GARDEN
Waltz, Tilo Trot, Baltimore, iiml Quiek-

•tep Charleston. Private Tuition from

10th there were 698 patients, whereas
the normal accommodation was for 557.
Tomato Soup per tin 7d and lOd
FALLS FROM TRAM. materials to finish 'o
per pkt 6d
10 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily. 703 Colombo Swiss Gruyere Cheese—- WOMAN TIONS. AND DINNERS.
The Eev. W. C. "Wood, on whose sug-
afreet (above Scbneidcnian's). 'Phone
810. Navy College Felts, gestion the decision to hold an enquiry per block 5d per box 2/- 15/- 3a/- each
p band and bow. Medium
»in was made, said that complaints about Cornflour
Btidd's Worcester Sauce
per lb 3sd
Injuries to the head and shock
were PUG WOOL, CANVAS. GAUGES. Its fine frervic-e an<j accommodation
the neglect of patients seemed to apply .vxount for ita populantv
Window Cushions, Mattresses, all kinds o!
■nd wide brims —

Usually 14/6 and 16/6 chiefly to the Wallace -wards. per bottle 7d sustained V.
Tiby Mrs Frve- o. 16 Buckley s
I rye., of
Books of fnstrnctioß
B<L each
am} applr Mr*
For trrna
Saxbj Mana-
Cooked Ham per lb 2/ geress "Phone 3820
road, Linwood, last evening.
re Remadt and Covered by <£ B3BUW
are Lasting.


o: Madras Bome-Made Rags ****-

A.d all hmm*m
•# ******
fell off a tram at the corne,:
an. Latent mnquette and o:h«r cover-
ing!. J. RADCLIFFE U* years with N.Z Sale Pric3S 10/6 and 12/6 CALEDONIAN HALL. Leave your Weekly Order and *°™



Farmeri' Co-op. A»sn.. Ltd.), 29 Sylney Have it Delivered. r.nd Cashel streets, bat her
THE to the Christchurch
•treet, Spreydon. R8691 OVERALLS—Bodnen Otrlf Opportunity.
Keg. Stilhvell's Dance 4.3Seiubly will hold STAR STORES
condition is quite satisfactory.
107 a CASHEL STREET U. OVERALLS AT 10/11. Oal, lew imtt


a fancy dress carnival dance at the Cale- ktttwit*

DIXIELAND. donian Hall oa Saturday. Good prizes will now mors Cmntrj (Mat Fnmttij 127 AiMfl >t, mn. Dwiataa
GROCERIES Measles as a disease is aaoswa.
BE ENGAGED for all Social Knn«-
Wedding Breakfasts a
on application.
be given. The gallery wi'l be open to spec
tatore, and supper will be free to the often fatal than scarlet
theria and typhoid fever put
'Phone 647. —« dancers.




"The Merchant of Venice" was the

The Greatest Purchase of Kayser subject of Miss P. Hollow *s lecture to the A contributor in "Motor Transport"
Gloves by one firm ever made W.E.A. class held in the Orange Hall claims that pulverised coal, or toa!
dust, can be used as a more economical
on Monday evening. An interesting
4,000 Pairs of Kayser Leatherette and delightful criticism was given of alternative to petrol. Coal dust in
the various characters in this, the most suspension in a confined atmosphere
Gloves, known for the wearing famous of Shakespeare's plays. A good may prove a powerful and destructive
quality, purchased by Arthur gathering of fortv-four students was explosive. This fact was convincingly
present, and the Kev. \V. K. Hutchison
Barnett Ltd. at a huge discount. presided.
demonstrated by the Mount KcmHa
disaster about 23 years ago. whtn
See the Window Display of the nearly 100 men lost their lives. It
various shades and designs, and CHEVIOT. was stated that the worst effects on
taut, occasion were due to the lgjiitiou.
then call in at Arthur Barnett Ltd. The Hurunui Sub-Union competitions of iiiio coal du<t suspended in the
14and, uv Glove and purchase a pair of Gloves at will be continued on Saturday next, atmosphere of the mam drive of the
when the Kaikoura teams will visit mme.
\uttk F&yfuorv 3/1 1 which have never been Cheviot.
The writer in "Motor Transport''
The following have _ been points out
that the iuw iviel taxation
selected to represent Cheviot, the junior iu England will control the line of fuel
Leatherette*!*, Kayser's new*
eat fabric, is quite as dressy
offered to the public before. game commencing at 1.30 p.m.:—Juniors: development, and will have a icndoni-y
M a skin glora, is, of Shades are Circassian, Beige, Upston, W. Crampton, J. Crossen, G. to encourage Britain to become inde-
eevse, washable, and can Crossen, Culhane, Hughes, Harrison, N. pendent of imported fuels.
fee selected with the fashion Arab, Light Rosewood, Black, Crampton, V. Barnes, J. Upritchard, gines of transport vehicles, he con-
The m-
ahte saddle-sewn costraat
•tit eking.
Squirrel, Doeskin, Nude, Grey. Leamau, Hills, Stevenson, Kay.
Barnes; emergencies, Truman, Craig-
A. eiders, have almost
of possible brake
attained the limns
htnnal cfncten<y,
Sizes 6, 6£, 7, Ih.. Usual price

head. Seniors: Spiers,. Upritchard {-), and further research in this direiiii u,
even at considerable expend, !
9/11 pr.-GRAND SALE PRICE Clarke. Smart, K. Denton. Kelly, C. Den-
ton. Marks, McDonald, Kerr, Flaherty, ru'unt a corresponding rcdiu
vehicle operative costs.
a !"■

Sloss, Hendren, Harrison. It i.s assumed that the brake ther-
Good entries have been received for mal efficiency, or ratio of heat input to
the Cheviot Collie Club's trials, which the heat value obtained in useful work
are to be held on Monday, Tuesday, and at the fly-wheel, of an internal com-

Wednesday next, and, given fine
weather, the trials should prove success-
ful. Members and competitors are to
bustion ermine is ?"> per cent. The
maximum 15.T.E. obtainable is about
is<> per cent. The price of first-jirado
Ihe rirst Step in Beauty
be entertained at a social evening on motor spirit is Is a gallon in Britain,
(<Trmde Mark Reg.) Country Orders can be posted. We pay postage.
the first day of the trials. Mr W.
Mather has accepted the position of
and has a thermal value per pound of
18.-500 British thermal unit.?, a ther-
mal unit being the amount of heat re-
is more beautiful teeth
quired to raise one pound of water

j i
one degree Centigrade. The specific Look about you. Note the glisten- in 50 suffered these film-caused

LINCOLN. gravity is assumed to be 0.7C-0, that is,
ing teeth you see. Note what thev troubles.

". .61b per gallon From this it may be
The second series of matches in the deduced that an engine using unmixed add to beauty.
119 CASHEL STREET Springs County Schools' Basketball spirit fuel with a brake tbeimal effi- Dental science has now found two
Competition was played on Friday. ciency of 25 per cent, will co-.t O.'Jld Only the Pepsodent method ways to fight that film. One disin-
At Lincoln Prebbleton defeated Burn- per hour per brake ii.p. to run. and
bam by 10 points to nil, and Lincoln that the same engine, if it had a brake- brings these results. Millions now tegrates the film at all stages of
thermal efficiency of 30 per cent., the
beat Greenpark at Greenpark by 14
defeated maximum obtainable, would cost 0.73 d employ it. In justice to yourself, formation. One removes it without
points to nil. Springston
Ladbrooks, and Taj Tapu hour per b.h.p. to run, so that in
defeated per learn what it means to you and harmful scouring.
increase of 5 per cent, in B.T.E. can
Halswell by 16 points to '6.
possibly give a reduction of 0.*21 d per yours at once. Many tests have proved these
Mr P. V. Bailey presided at a meet- It
ing of the general committee of the hour
per bh.p. in running costs.

Lincoln Ploughing Match Association, is, however, more than probable that Film forbids beauty methods effective. A new-type tooth
an engine with B.T.E. of 30 per
held on Monday night, at which fur-
cent, would only run satisfactorily on
paste has been created to apply them
ther arrangements were made for the doped fuel, at Is 6d a gallon, at a cost You feel on teeth a viscous film, daily. The name is Pepsodent.
championship match on July 16th. Re-
porting on behalf of the ground inspec-
of l.ld per hour per b.h.p.; thus, it is ever-present. That is what
whilst we have now art engine which
tion committee, the president stated attains causes most tooth troubles and the
leading dentists everywhere
100 per cent, of its possible
that two paddocks belonging to Mr C. brake thermal efficiency, it is only began to advise it. Now careful
Munro Smith had been selected as the possible to run it at an increase in wreck of pearly teeth. people of some 50 nations use
most suitabie and conveniently situ- cost of 0.16 d per hour per b.h.p.,
ated. Stewards for the match were which cannot be described as commer- That film is clinging. No ordinary Pepsodent every day.
appointed It was reported that the cially desirable. tooth paste can effectively combat it.
Canterbury Agricultural College would Other benefit*
again give a shield for the best Case for Coal. Soon it becomes discolored, then
ploughed plot on the ground by a com-
petitor under 21 years. Cups had also Either coal or coke offers decided
advantages. Again, English _ figures
forms dingy coats. That is whv Pepsodent brings other benefit*.
been given by the president and
Brothers, W. H. P. are quoted, and the difference
in price teeth lose their beauty. It multiplies the alkalinity of die
Messrs Pearson to the fuels discussed
with regard
Sowden. W. Boyle, Ashby Bergh, and Film also holds food substance saliva—there to neutralize mouth
**€&*** Co., and the EJiesniere Agricultural and must be remembered when considering
Pastoral Association.
this matter from an Australian point
of view. Nevertheless, the English
which ferments and forms acid. It acids. It multiplies the starch diges-
figures are inteiesting. holds the acid in contact with the tant in saliva—there to digest starch
Assuming the engine to have a brake
teeth to cause deposits on teeth.

PREBBLETON. thermal efficiency of 25 per cent., and

small washed coal to cost 10b a ton j These
The bachelors of Prebbleton havo f.0.b., the present English market multi
At one time 90% of cars were open
issued invitations to their ball, which price, with a further cost of 2s a ton
will take place nest week. A first- for pulverising, the new fuel costs 12s
■ plied effects are
class dance orchestra has been en- a ton. The ash content of small washed
bringing to mil-
cars. Then came the desire for more to be very low, and its lions a new era in
gaged, and no pains are being spared coal is stated value is taken at 13,000 Brit-
the closed car came into in making arrangements to ensure the thermal teeth cleaning.
units a pound, stated U>
enjoyment of the large number of ish thermnl Let it bring those
its own. guests expected to be present. be very low. The weight when pul-
verised be 101b to the gallon,
The fortnightly dances arranged by and cost would O.C4d per gallon. Using this same effects to
the Library Committee continue to be fuel in a producer of 80 per cent, effi- vour home.
attended with success. On Saturday ciency it can be calculated that +bc
The Car of the Future
_. . .. .

evening there was a good attendance. Bated on modern research. Adri»ed by lead-
Music was provided by Mrs K. b.h.p. engine will cost O.OM per hour )vr
to run, as against o.'J4d I;r ing dentitU the world over. You will *e«
Hammond. spirit, and the vehicle, and (eel immediate results.
The schoolgirls visited Lincoln last first-grade
therefore, can be operated for 15 hours
will combine these two features, but to satisfy fastidi- week, when they contested a basket- coal for about the same cost as for
ous buyers, the combination must be perfect. ball match against a team of girls on one hour on motor spirit.
from Burnhaiu, winning by IS points Pulverising the coal before use ex-
to nil. Miss Taylor was referee. area of coal to the
When closed—a perfectly snug car, free from draughts, On Saturday evening Mrs J. Mo- poses a greater tbermo-chemica) condi-
with glass roll-down windows, easily and quickly con- heating and
Nally entertained a number of friends tions prevailing in the gas-producer,
vertible into a semi-open or wholly open tourist's car. at her home, a pleasant time being in W.vV.' ?"
it is converted into gas, be-

spent, chiefly in playing progressive forewhichuse in the engine. There is. of

euchre, the prizes for most points course, a corresponding VU lUMMz\*M!U:'*.\4
THE AUBURN STRAIGHT EIGHT, being won by Mrs H. G. Prebble and
decrease in the

of each coal particle. As such
with its wonderful Lycoming Motor, has anticipated Mr W. Downey. Consolation prizes bulk small particles are instantly gasihctl,
this demand with a luxurious Phaeton Sedan. were gained by Miss B. Duncan and the speed of gasifi-
and as the greater
We cordially invite yonr inspection of this attractive
and distinctive car, which is now on display la our
Mr S. McNally.
cation the greater the thermal value
and qualitv of gas obtained, quite a
small producer would be able to Eupply
showrooms. BROOKSIDE. sufficient gas to run any vehicle.
Pulverisation may be applied to all CHRISTCHURCH
A party from Southbridge, organised carbonaceous fuels, and the pulverised
We had thought there could be nothing new in colour
combinations—but this Phaeton Sedan is strikingly
new and beautiful
by Mr G. A. Couch, gave -a concert
at Brookside in aid of the
fuel loaded into tanks, or hoppcre up.
the vehicle, just as petrol ]s supplied
The result
funds. There was a full audience in from a wayside pump.
would be reduced running costs;
COME AND SEE XT! the school. The concert was followed would be freed trom
by » dance, which also was well pat-
transport business
fluctuations in fuel costs, capital would
ronised, the H.M.S Orchestra provid-
ing the music. The profits are expect- would be retained in a home industry,
which would improve, thus acting and
ed to cover the cost of re-flooring the reacting to bring about n reduction of
Library. .
Brookside, Mrs unemployment and all incidental
~ ovm»

"White's" for Expert

Before leaving
Riches, a member of the Hockey Club, head charges.
was entertained and pre-
at a social
sented with a cake stand by the presi-
dent, Mrs Croy, who conveyed to her

Furniture Removal!
the good wishes of the club. TEACHERS.

The qnarteTly meeting of the Methodiit

HORORATA. Sunday School teachers of Xorth Canterbury
A hare drive organised by the Horo- was held at Cashmere, Mr J. Gilmonr pre-
The Rev. Q. I. Laurenson, minister of
rata Gun Club was held at Double siding.

No job is too large or too small for

St. James's, .Cashmere, welcomed the
Hill Station. A good day's shooting and friends. The new ministers to the
resulted in seventy hares being district were welcomed, also Miss Jennie
The Agriculture Department have
Street the Rev. E. P. Wamires. of the
Y.P. Department. ilr Blamires. in reply,
Misa Street,
said a few words of welcometheto meeting,
"White's/* From the furniture of a mod-
again top-dressed the allotted experi- who, on rising to address was

the district.
the different parts ot
mental plots inDuring
the week Mr
heartily applauded. A most interest, nj
and inspiring address on Sunday School worl:
ern bungalow to that of twelve rooms is all
and her experiences was delivered by Ali-s
Cussen will give an add--ess in tue
hall on poultry.
Mr and Mrs H. H. Thorne areBrownvisit-
Street. After the address all adionrncd to
the new Sunday School, where tea was par-
taken of.
in the day's work to "White's" skilled men.
ing the West Coast Mrs
■ Riccarton),
Mrs M.
who has been staying with
Thorne, returned home to-
SPRINGFIELD. Whether you're shifting to town or country
day. Mr and Mrs Perkins areMrs The Eifle Club held a dance in the
ing a holiday with relatives.
Wrio-ht" and children are spending a hall. Music was supplied by the Dar-
—get our quotations.
holiday with Mrs O'Brien, Duvau- field Melody Orchestra.
chelle. On Saturday the Darfield footballers
played Springfield at Springfield, the Furniture packed and despatched to any
local team winning by 30 points to 3.
The billiards competition being con-
The Glentunnel juniors played the local part of the world. Dry, airy storage for
juniors. The visiting team won by 20
Continuous ducted throughout the district was con-
tinued and resulted as follows:—Dar-
points to 3.
The ladies' hockey team played Dar-
and field and won by 3 goals to 1. Mr Per-
Furniture, etc., at reasonable charges.
field 874, beat Waddington 670,
Advertising Kimberley 551 beat Sheffield 541.
meeting of ladies was
ham was referee.
Mr A. Milliken, "BrookMlalc,"' leaves Valuations, by experts, for probate and
A well-attended on Friday for Sydney.
held in the Presbvterian Church, when
Miss A. M. McKay, organiser, addressed
other purposes.
PAYS them on teh aims and obects of the
W C.T.U. After a discussion it was de-
The congregation of the Kirwce Pres-
cided "to form a local branch.
byterian Church and the scholars of the
members were initiated. Miss C. West-
wood was appointed secretary, and Mrs
Sunday School tendered a welcome home
•"There are two reasons for to Mr and Mrs R. W. McMeckan. Mas-
the necessity of persistence in, W. Pole, treasurer.
idvertjsing—one of them is At the general meeting of the bache- ter Jack Lawry presented Mrs Mc-
the ease with which the human lors and spinsters it was decided to hold Meekan with a bouquet of bronze chry-
the third annual ball early in July. An santhemums. The Kev. Theo. Paterson,
Bind forgets, and the other is o use energetic committee was appointed with on behalf of those present, asked the
the necessity of teaching the Mr L. Westwood as chairman, and Miss guests to accept a silver entree dish.
good points of your products
«little at a time. It is a general Laundrine J. C. M. Bradley and Mr F. P. Brown He referred to the good work done by
as joint secretaries. Mrs McMeekan in the Sunday Sehool,
and wished the couple a long and happy Expert Furniture Remover*
•xperience. not only in adver-
tising, but in all the different means less labour life. Mr McMeekan suitably responded.
GREENDALE. Several competitions were held, the win- High Street -
phases of business, that the on washing days Malvern Ladies' Hockey As- ners being Mrs McMeekan, Miss Suck-
ooncern which does not con- In the ling, and Mr A. Robertson. Children '=

stantly remind its customers of and more time for sociation's competition, the games played
competitions were won by Edna West-
its existence soon has no exist- on Saturday resulted as away, Gay Thompson, and Bryee Thomp-
ence of Trhich to remind outings. Greendale A 5 v. Sheffield 1, referee son. Snpper was served by the Ladies.
Dowd: Glentunnel 4 v. Dar- The Kirwee branch of the .Mothers'
them." Mr P. J.
McLEOD BROS. LTD.. field B 1, referee Mr F. Smith; Spring- Union held in first annual meeting in
the hall.
MANUF ACTURERS. field 4 v. Darfield A 2, referee Mr Per- The secretary, Mrs A. H.
Smart, read the report and balance-
Many thousands of enter-
prising buyers look through SOUTH MALVERN.
sheet, which were adopted.
Anderson was re-elected president.
Other officers were elected
Mrs A.
as follou :
Have You Jofned
The S.S.C. ? Indian Chutney &
The Press advertise-

ments each morning.

Mrs G. A.
Much interest is being shown in the G. W. SoalTurner
vice-president, Mrs
honorary secretary.
new bus now running in the Wtaitediffs- vote of thanks was accorded to the re-
A This is a new club torrr.eci lor the t n-
-<->uragemerit of sound-?!cepin? r.n a
Tomato Relish
Christchureh service. One mueh-needed tiring secretary, Mrs Smart, aud
assistant secretary. Mrs L<f. After
improvement is noteu—that of the pro- the meeting Mi>- lhivelaar. represent-

THE BIG BAR SOAP vision of a smoking compartment tt the ing St. Saviour's Orphanapcs. g;»'l ''

rear. The bus, whieh is licensed to an address on the working oi the in- «62 arid 734 COLOMBO STRifcl
seat 2d passengers, has ample parcel stitutions. Afternoon tea was provided
space. by the members.
19, 192k
orgar.ised by *b.e
The- 23 th
Zealand Ltility Poultry
Club *as com-

"Beau." menced at Pa-anni on April Tt*:. The fol-
lowing the returns for the tenth
A property transaction &t Monck's ended" Ju=e 15th 'number o.' dan,
70): —

Bar, Redcliffs, and a salesman's com- TEST 1.

mission in the shape of taking over a
motor-boat, were the main points in a
iFo' Light and Heavy Breeds,
case which came before his Honour Mr cSi-jU Fensed.*
V.'eeLly Total to y*c

GoldAledal Electric
Justice Smith for decision in the total date.

Supreme Court yesterday. E
k"v -.0 10 \m:i:

The plaintiff wao Henry Matthew J H. Campbell i.8.0./ . . 3" "-'

Lumb. of Christchurch, taxi propne-

j j j
T. D. Daliie! (B.O.) .
.' d .

tor. and the defendant was Joint White Leghorns—
Thorn, jun., land salesman. M-s W. H. Vest ..a 1

- . .
V. Haves ?
The statement of claim set out that

4 M. Espie o c:
. .

. .

in September. 1924. plaintiff was the K J. HilMs . . - o 4t> •

owner of a block of land at Monck's 5 39


£ Itunsiao
. ••

Bav, and that on September 7th de- i!. Campbe.. V VER i 00,000 roast and bake on "Moffat:,""
' ..

Ash'A-or:h 0 Cf:
fendant submitted to plaintiff an offer
F. .. .

F Ji Cotton . . . fa o-
Gold Medal Electric Ranges—sufficient proof of N he
bv one George Witte to purchase the

land for £450., of which sum £SO was

C. Bar-.ley .. 0
f» SC fc>
their popularity. The Mcftat" reveals new

Millard ■>*

Bro*. . . • •

to be satisfied by th-? plaintiff taking Ligs l ..a 4&

\ia=;er R. '*

over a motor-boat belonging to Witte, Miss J. Li?gia*

..* « f
secrets in good baking and roasting -built to perfection ,

T. I). I>alziel . . ?*
the balance of £4OO to remain owing

li J Ros3 . .
o4 f
inside and out, Riving Ions; life and lasting satisfaction.
until April lit, 1930, with interest at

G. F. Bofs . *
A. V Cooking with a "Moffat" is so simpls. 'he heat so
- •

5j per cent. Defendant stipulated W E. Ward . . . .

a 34

that he should receive the motor-boat A. C. Goodlet tj even, that you can time jour baking to a nicetv—-

. . - -


as commission, representing that the Green Bros. .. ;
without one moment's attention —giving you more leiture

Miss A. Jakins ? *J-
boat was not worth more than £.50.

\V. Spenee . . . . a ov
Ultimately he persuaded plaintiff to C \. 'Stratford (N'o. 11 fa »'-

b>: and pleasure. You would be proud of a Moffat "in "


acoept the price of £450. An agree- C \. Stratford (Xo. 2) 7
ment was signed, and defendant took s! H. George
S. G. Batten
.. ■• *

o <J2
your kitchenette. Call and see the New Moffats i

possession of the motor-boat, later

your own showroom. From the small Bungalow Model
.. ..

selling it to Campbell Bros, for £2OO. TEST 2.

The boat, it was claimed, was worth WHITE LEGHORN SINGLE HEN TEST. (suitable for family of 2 to 4 persons) from £l6/10/-
£SOO. and the defendant was well (Each Competitor to eater Threa Purebred to the big Family Models.
aware of the fart and did not disclose Pullets to be single penned.)

THOROUGHBRED it to the plaintiff, but misrepresented "Weekly Grand Tl.

its value. Defendant made a profit of Total to date.
£l5O out of the deal, which profit was
not authorised by the plaintiff. Plain-
tiff claimed £l5O. representing the
T. Bond
L. Ivoache
5 5 4 52
5 5 0 52
4 0 5 42
47 CI


12S 1 2 3

Municipal Electricity Dept. >s>

profit, and costs of the action. As an
F. Hawes
6 fa 5 59

2fa 22 Cnr. Armagh & Manchester St«. Phone* 2437, 3416, 753
"Bred in England from pedigree stock" is your best
A. H. Adanii . . •^
alternative plaintiff claimed that de- M. C. Craig (Xo. 1) 6 5 0 57 57
fendant obtained from Witte a much M. C. Craig (No. 2) 6 4 5 CI 49 4,

The Points of the
5 fa 4 su 6J 4a

Made in England from

. .
W. K. Hamilton
more advantageous offer, namely, an
guarantee of a good dog.
1) 5 0 7 56 3d 67
Newfoundland Espie (No.
< ;
A. M.
offer of £950 (which the defendant 17
Head broad and mas- afterwards got "Witte to reduce to
A. M. Espie (Xo. 2)
J. W. Roundhill ..050
0 7 5 0 64
0 24 ■> Model *
pedigree crops is your soundest assurance of a good

5 5 6 51 50 o2
ears small and £900), a term of the offer being that Mrs F. Gorinski
" . .

sive F. J. Hillis 4 4 5 03 17 4o
the motor-launch was to be taken in
. ..

close to head, eyes small E. Dunstan (No. 1) 7 5 4 64 a* 40

satisfaction of £4.50 of the price
cigarette. Abdulla Virginia Leaf Cigarettes are import-
5 48 si 4'J
and dark brown chest ; E. Dunston (No. 2) 5

deep and fairly broad offered for the land. It was also J. M. Campbell ..050 0 43 0

5 4 66 20 44
forelegs perfectly straight stated that defendant failed to disclose M. Wilson 7 ..

And for their manufacture Abdulla F. Sugden 7 5 0 G2 o.
such offer to the plaintiff, wherefore
ed from England. muscularand feathered

C. F. Miller .. 4 o o o0 51 0.l
all down . hindquarters plaintiff claimed £l5O damages and C. H. Butters 0 5 5 34 49 all
*HB J&

and legs very; costs of the action. L P. Hawke 6 5 6 31 1* -i>>


have a call upon the choicest Virginia crops.

A feet large and well shap- The defence was that Thorn took the T II Wilce (No. 1) 4 6 0 55 48 lb
2 41 40

motor-boat as commission and was T. H. Wilce (No. 2) D 5 S
ed coat flat and thick, C. Hartley . . 7 5 3 27 lo 3b Jb £ c*
ground. quite within his rights in doing so.

better Virginia tobacco never came out of the

of course texture and oily
nature . colour dull jet Mr B. L. Saunders appeared for the R. Keazle-ivood
(No. 1) 5 6 6 49 58 50 # w
A finer or more skilfully matured Virginia leaf never
black or black and white
and bronze, beauty in
plaintiff and Mr K. M. Gresson for
the defendant.
R. Heazlewood
(No. 2) 5 5 5 50
J. Li-gins (No. 1) 6 6 64 51
54 o3
56 43
S S£
marking is important. His Honour said that his finding J. Liggins (No. 2) 5 3 49 31 54
was that the defendant arranged the 57 46 60 **£•
T D. Dalziel 6 5 fa
went into a cigarette.

sale and represented to the plaintiff that A. C. Goodlet 0 6 4 50 55 46


5 5 4 57 36 41
the boat was not worth more than £SO. W. Keen • .

� T ©fc HE

Tracey King . . G o 5 3- 3- _.4

On that basis the plaintiff agreed to 5 5 6 2, 28 o7
. .
L. Dickie

complete the deal, and did not bother H. Williams (So. 1) 0 0 0 39 28
4 0 54 4, -1
bsef* visW^vi.*
•is K-
about the boat in the circumstances be- H. Williams (No. 2)
6 6 5 56 56 50
Miss J. Williams *k
yond a protest that it wa9 a fairly high A. J. Maclaine . . 0 6 4 28 53

So ei
commission. He secured the agree-
ment of Witte by representing that the
F. Ash worth
Green Bros.
. .
. .
6 1 5 ■>/
5 o o -3 o4 d

so *?
H. Harris (No. 1) 5 6 5 50 44 3b


boat was worth £.450, the total pur- '&&&&
chasing price being £9OO, and that the J. W. Thomson
W. H. Wert
2 5 6 Sfi> oi 50
sm *:v
paid in cash was £450. As

be 5 6 5 00 54 ol
amount to J. Bobbitt
Thorn was the plaintiff's agent it was

C. M. R. Machire . . fa 6 6 p- 5b ol £
5 4 5 o9 4o 53
his clear duty to explain to Lumb Graham
J. H. . .
S. E. Davey 5 6 7 48 59 61
what he had said to the purchaser about

T. W. Bctteridge
the value of the boat. He did not (No. 1) 6 3D 47 40 2.
do so, and there had been a breach of T. W. Betteridge
(No. 2) 7 5 5 56 ol 40
duty bv Thorn in failing to state to
3 5 43 34 38

lO *■ 9
as the G. Betteridge •*

Lumb what he was representing


E. Fuchs (No. 1) 0 5 4 33 47 50
value of the boat to the purchaser.
De- 3) 6 6 5 51 54 53
Fnchs (No.
Twenty for ont-and-iix fendant made a profit of £ 150 bywasreason
6 5 5 53 43 50
C*rk tipped cr Plain—- E. W. Sequ© . .

of duty, but he en- J. Gold 4 5 0 46 49 26

of the breach

W. Turner 4 6 0 25 48 43
titled to take £SO for his commission
. .

J. Aythorn 6 0 C 49 6 1»
and costs and expenses in selling the

G. Slturr 0 0 5 29 10 13 ..

3 Imperative Points of Evagreen

0 0 6 1 2 41
W. Spence

44 18 43
Specially imported from England in sealed boxes, hand-packed would be for the plaintiff D. Christie
W. E. Noble.
5 o 6
4 6 0 46 26

for £IOO, with costs on the lower scale,


53 12
J. D. McXecknie 6 4 a 52
witnesses' expenses and disbursements 4 5 40 43 48 1. The Amount of EucaiyptoL

J. Nancarrow S ..

4 6 4 39 18 27
to be fixed by the Registrar. H. Harris (No. 2)
6 4 4 56 30 42 Evagreen' contains M-98 per cent, of EucaiyptoL

Mrs J. Donald 6 31

33 47 On'y 50 per cent, is necessary to comply with the.

J. Taylor - 0 o, .

A. G. Blackwood . . 5 a o jft
. . 0 5 51 British Standard.
N.Z. Agents: Dalgety and Company, Limited. A G. F. Rosa a? "

o4 ol 2. Freedom from Irritants.
F. R. Cotton (No. 1) 5 6 5 49
All Branches. F. B. Cotton (No. 2) 5 5 0 52 55 31
Evagreen' is distilled and re-distil led until absolutely


1) 0 3 0 10 35 37
.TVS. Dove (No. o3 48 freed from Alcohol, a powerful Irritant, and Phellan-
T 6. Dove (No. 2) 4 6 4 45
drene, present in ordinary Eucalyptus.
SIKGLE HEN TEST. 3. Economy. at
(Competitor to enter three birds.) Although Evagreen ' contains more Eucalyptol

TUESDAY. (Any Other Variety Light Breeds except and is absolutely ft purest you can buy,
White Leghorns.)
(Before Mr E. C. Levvey, S.M.) Weekly Grand Tl. it is no dearer. 1/6 buys the big
to date.
full ounce bottle.
© ;ra todo Brotkm Corpentl
entering the 12 3
On a charge of breaking and R. Pearco <A)
dwelling-house of Muriel Lille;- Richards at (No. 1) 5 6 6 49 42 18
Lynn. Auckland, Ivan Major Martin
Grey R. Pearce (A)
IHing wan remanded to appear at Auckland (No. 2) 0 0 * 0 « 41 *
on June 21st. S. H. Mitchell o
n .
On a charge that being a person adjudged 38 45 24
, , „ _

(A) (No. 1) 6 5 S
bankrupt, he failed to disclose to the Official S. H. Mitchell

Assignee his interest in No. 1 land

levy, (A) (No. 2) 5 0 0 28


Ernest Witte was remanded to June 25th. TEST 4.

DRUNKENNESS. You'll quicker relief if you use Evagre—'

Black Orpingstons Only— Try it.

Mary Ann Windsor, alias Wynne, alias H. Cottarn 2 5 0 46 53 ..
0 Eucalyptus.
Byrne, with two previous convictions re- T. D. Daliiel .. 54 45 46 48 ol 51
cently for drunkenness, was convicted and
fined 20s and costs, in default seven days
L. P. Hawke
J. M. Campbell
A. R. Leckie
H. J. Ballin
R. M. Cookson . .
1 0 6 34
5 5 6 53
6 2 6 67
3 7 7
48 So 34



8 48


49 59
On two charges of having in her possession TEST 5.
an unlicensed firearm, Agnes Boyce was
(Any Other Variety Heavy Breeds
convicted and fined 20s and costs on one Black Orpingtons.)
and.--costs on the other. The firearm was P. A. Cornish
Ordered to be forfeited. g) i q fl g 34 61

;."'.'.'. (Before Mr H. A. Young, S.M.)

J. R.
g } 7 8 fl 43 33 56
R. Drysdale
Judgment for plaintiff by default was (W.R.) x 5 n 0 6 0,„
21 n
0 a . .
, »

given in the following cases:— Tihe Mercan- A. E. Hounsell

Corporation, Ltd., v, G. Gutch- (R.1.R.) 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...»«»

tile Finance
!ag £l6 10s 6d; the Trade Auxiliary Co. A Signifies Anconas, W.R. signifies White
of 'N Z., v. J. Uncles, £3 18s; Mason.
Rock, R.I.R. signifies Rhode Island Reds,
Struthers and Co., Ltd., v. P. C. Bowater, £5 L.S. signifies Light Sussex.
lid; same v. Thomas Mcßale, £5 12s lOd;
Booth, Macdonald Co., Ltd . v. A. Dickie,
Diamond Taxis, Ltd., v. N.
£2 13s; White
Nevatt £l2 10b; W. Bowman v. R. McMil- (Light and Heavy Breeds.;
lan, £4B'2s (3d; W. H. Went v. E. Skeen, rSix Birds.) COCttESPOSDEST.)
£1 4s 9d; Massey, Harris Co., Ltd., v. Weekly total (PBOK OUa OWK
Robert King, £l2 15s lOd; J. Hollander
Sons, Ltd., v. Fairweathers, Ltd., costs
and 8r...1 Tl. U
J.U. LONDON, May 3. >/
only; A. J. White, Ltd., v. S. Jones, 17s 9d; S. Chapman
o"S.„ :: :: « »

In the cricket season now opening

same. v. J. Cockburn, £5 2s Id, Graham, F. \\ |«

attempt to


Wilson; and Smellie v. John Foster. £7 lis G. Skurr ..

"II 03? there is to be a genuine

The Earthenware Drain Pipe Co. v.
-lOd:Flint, J. Liggins "it Tin a more
bring the ball and the bat on
G. H. Bradford .-17 180
£146 143 lid; Marion Edwards t.

J. Bobbin

\li in recent seasons

Malcolm Lean. £lO 10s; Robert May v. H. level than
• •


W. Turner


\" The

F. Wootton, £1 15s.
%1 they are believed to have stood.

W. E. Ward ..

Green Bros. li o!i central idea of the reformers (says .he

*3 -11
W. H. West
"Observer'", is to help the bowler, and


26 -63
G. J. Verrall
• •

1% ill


bv reducing individual and and

scores make the game brighter Ad-
H. W. Beck ..

BOARD. fTeaw Breeds

drawn matches less frequent.
Inspired by Walter P. Chrysler

8.0 )
30 a

J. Kingsland . Committee, at

viaorv County Cricket

36 14J
H. W. Beck (B.O.)


TEST 7. their" meeting at Lord s last Friday,

MONTHLY MEETING. SINGLE DUCK TEST. approved two important recommenda-
No CAR joint or a seam to loosen or squeak, is tions of their sub-cumnnttt-. ar.d an
represents the artistic genius <E-ch Competitor Ducks.) to Enter Three

a feature entirely exclusive with the Purebred an inch wider

of Walter P. Chrysler more notably Weekly Grand r». wicket is to be be
Theordinary monthly meeting of the Can-
Total to date- inch higher, and the striker may &
than his latest achievement—the new new Dodge Brothers Six. terbury Land Board was held in the Dis- -12 3 12 3 given out Lb.w. even though the ball
the bat or he
trict Lands and Survey Office, Christchurch 0 has first been touched by
White W Pekin
Dodge Brothers Six. In charming lines,
It's Antiseptic!

ThegreatestvalueinDodgeßrothershis* j no 2 o

hand. Another decision is to limit
Thomson '
Present. Messrs W. Stewart (chairman), D.
in luxurious appointments, and in *ory, the new Dodge Brothers Six is cer- Stowell, E. F. Henderson, and E. Macdon-
Indian rolling of the wicket before play begins One of the new
between the innings Jeyes' Antiseptic
--e%en n
superlative ability, it is precisely what tain to increase the renown of its famous ald. H . A. Dawber
5 4 4 4? 33 and
minutes instead of ten as at pre-jen.

MXiMi Positive protection «

you might expect from this master of Altogether S4 cases were considered.
f7 advantage with
design utilizing to fullest measure the
sponsorandtoadd fresh laurels to Dodge
Brothers traditional dependability.
Twenty-three applications to transfer were
received, six applications for advances under
J - c - Wils
I! 6 Minor recommendations to
alter trie
rule to L'O instead of -JO
6 0 0 0 0 0 new ball

manufacturingskill of Dodge Brothers.

the Discharged Soldiei-3' Settlement Act, ( w.R.)
runs and of restricting the boundaries shaving cream. Witck
and four applications for land. A. C.
your skin improve m 7 9U
7 0 7 59 0 53
The following transfers vrere approved: } have been turned down.
Section SS and 40 reserve 193, blocks IV., VI. Mr 3W. Warren 0 It is important to note that the
Waitohi and Waipara S.D.. Public Trustee 0 0 0
t 7 7
.0 o* changes sanctioned a.-.- to experiments ."5i
use it.
A- ?• £ fi, »u

chassis and .made without* in estate E. H. Brooker, to C. S. Brooker; 0

for the current year only, and

onto, the " ' 6 7 7 63 60 57 be Sold by

sections 4, 5, 6. block XIII., South Rangitata O A. Heath

inier-comity mati-.ies. Chemist* and

township, E. B. McSweeney to E. J. Moss; H. A. Dawber g 7 7 49 5 3 59 restricted to all _
Thev have been sanctioned in Tobacconist*.
section 5, block V., Waitaki S.D., Waikakahi
Factory Distributors: Settlement, Harold Thomas Du«dale to An- by the Committee 01" M.<\< at -;

drew Don; section 2, b!ock 111., Waitaki if that has not b..-n formerly
done, it
S.D.. Waikakahi Settlement, Public Trustee
AMURI MOTORS Ltd. was understood that what the
in estate Adam Borwick to Mrs Dons Irene BOARD. Of
Wild: Part Opihi riverbed blocks VII , etc.,
Tengawai S.D., L. W. A. Gardner and w!
PLUMBERS' Committee recommended would ;i i'"


proved. All matches out.-idc the

DURHAM STREET, CHRISTCHURCH B. Gardner to L. W. A. Gardner: lot 1. engagement? will be played
with trie
reserve 1118. blocks XIII. and XIV. Ashbur-
ton S.D.. Charles Bennett to Michael Kvran
EXAMINATION rules and implements .«r' tl..' game as
And at Cannon Street, Timarn O'Grady; part reserve 2606, blocks XI. and they now stand. Tl.ire will thus v' tl.<:
XII. Kowai S.D., Hose Hannah Rushton to
Leonard Peter Robinson. &acce 3 :ul candidates
in the recer.: Plum- curious spectacle of players takiri' jar. Antiseptic
in matches with South Afri'-an ■. na- t..c

The following applications for land were ber*' Board c»«n»r..tion


Universities, and other r.on-co-nty

crar.ted: —Lease of part Waiau riverbed at e«,, D-
Passed critter. ££, tures under one M-t of rub-, and ri
V.'aiau township. .T. H. McKie
Grazing—D. Caiahan was granted a graz- inter-county i.ttder atio'h»-.. Cream
ing license of the Morven plantation for'"one
lor, v.-. n. I t
J Barker, G"wn Bowlers on? dav mav ha\r a lar?<.
wicket to attack and b:,t,n-n the iik<-

»< -

R. Rose. ; ons-H. R Johnson,

to defend, and the i,.-\-r. be switched
Paeaed both cxammat.ons
na t a


Women now control nearly half the 3. L. Talbot. rjummitl, R- back to the \iMoii of sti.u.p- of lesser

individual wealth of North America Qualified for K^. u. Sheoc.rf.

D. propo-tio:i?. One d:iy the miipir" v-!l-
women millionaires being as plentiful
\ Ta'lor. H. R. ---rulc "Not out. h- played it,"_th*- nest
C. E." White, J. L. ia-" • J

the striker will pi.'-y on to his .eg

30 x3l Oversize Cents 81 10 0 as men.
2» I 4.40 Cords • • SI 18 6 foot, and ret.r.- li'.-a. in
'" <
'"" >';'"- ,,
.. -
made ay
WE HAVElsef>AlftS
31 x 4.40
82 x 4
33 x 5.77
B.E. Cords
A remarkable experiment to extract
minute particles of radieni which might
have got into the floor of the Man-
The mathematician,
t.e <;«* aI!
of batting sn-J bov.ii.-ig th "e
necessarily be a t.-ils-iiei* ot e
>jv ~

a. y
£4 10 0 rot TOSR C M «•* n«fWM»
.. ..
values unless the are h« !>. ,

815 x 105 Cords £3 Dons of psychology way a c- ■„ fore „«n.

10 6 chester Kadiuin Institute after an ex- All know the best trap , at e separate, and this is unthinkable.
ut- <

from Suppliers' Cream on.g.
.. ..

820 x 120 Cords -■ -. £4 10 0 plosion was disclosed lately by Sir So when they're sneerir.
S. they

fusion is inevitable, but it will tr:ve ~>C 1 T-

All tyre* ft ted free. So other Batter packed oader William Milligan, the surgeon." The easing wo=drou«:y at \<tat,
The:r trouble witn aed--* to be excused for one .*--Hson


floor was taken up and sent to America,
said Sir William. Kadium worth about
£SOO was saved in this way, and radium

from college.
Like all men of knowedee.
/.An fchoc! or
«oc Great
j— in order that the attempt to
the merit or otherwise of 'h«*
changes may be given a fair trial.

'Phone IMB.
aAUWA&E. 135 Wiltlwm *»»*' Chl "
Ther know a rood th.ns-
834 OF
COLOMBO N THE AVON valued at £7OO was lost. Peppermint Cure.





s?as:-n st the liberty Theatre- that the man-
I aeecit-t: has de.-ided to extend the season
"The Cogens f.M the Kfrl'yj,-' a ?ood I for a v-eek. I.L-t r-.izht's r.udien-e —the t~--S ?r.ESS SpecUl SeiTie*.)
at the Crystal Palace I
in this instance. fo- ZOOLOGIST'S

comedy, is eho-v;! g
worti -is C"-r7'-c:",>- EXPERIENCE
_ Liquid medici i the "talkits" are heard a; we'l as sees —

"■wn the gullet '€) into this week. ; was ,-. ):::» o::-\ which fojnd rrjch to WITH NATIVES. At a oi tho cxecutr.e cf the

!cstomach. t>ei>sfumti
It mar have Ic'jV- a u-adiTioEil hste or is j marvel ;-.a: the re---.- ir.ventic-u. giving, ts
re breathed do-j>
tk«" natural :n.:cn-yataoduy or" the Jew j Licking do??, a real: -m t--t the eh-racters quite
rtndpipe : "Jst Society lor tho Prevention cf Cruelty
and tha Irishman. '<-■'."< not Cckccs and j
's' str.ii is the silent ftints. The-je who re-

ITIIE PRESS Special Sirrice.} to Anima's this afternoon, the Itev.

Dinner Suit
the Krllys snnpiy coiud get en when

; ii :rr= in Ncr Zealand and "the first srsmo-
tkev found themselves coth in the fairs I phones, find that although the "talkies" \V. Saunders rvad an extract trora
tctieiier.t in second Avenue, ew York, Zane Grey k-ok ••The Angler's Ki

reached a surprising:- high ieve'.. AUCKLAND, June !>. Dorado." Dealtnc with the subject o»
Cl;*arl-'e° Murray is iie-.v. *■"s --is fai-e 13 i already
Ir. the first pirt of the programme the Fc-,v passengers on the Mr Grey bad wrhten :

his fertunr\ Sidney is Cohen, and audience. v.--ii able to hear see his Maratr.r:. which "It is no trick and no sport to or.teh
the two pi ay cjroa'. together. Majesty King George at the i-cre- arrived at Auckland from Sydney yes- swordish on a great big murderous

Iheri is rm;<vh ;hz.: :? reai'y <rv-xi fun and j ntony in connexion with T; r>e bridge, Mr ;i

much that ■? romantic in the picture. I P. UerEErd Miav in a witty speech, and terday, knew that among them was a mar-, hook. A iwordnsh hooked in the mouth
I o-hrr short subjects.
• prised

! Knew!
The second part corn-
and tslkie f.I~ "Mother
the principal rr!e is
returning home from months spent in one
of the uncivilised outposts of the world.
with *a sinrtio hook p'lts tip a magntfi-
ce-nt ie-apm:: fight, whilst a swordnsii Made in Ballantynes
GRAND THEATRE. with a triple fTar.c hook in its gullet-
! allotted

i the
ti Madge Bellamy.
j Orchestra cf 110 magicians.
is the playing
A feature of
ct* tha Rosy
This was Mr W. R. McGregor, Leeture-
This is to in Zoology at Auckland University Col-
cioea not- l<"ap or fight at all and is
drawn tip chokin" and bloody with its
Own Workrooms
T*o Sims, -"The Patsy" and '"That Man j rea'istic that if c-ne closes one's
eyes it- is
lege, who has been away since October stomach hanging out, dead or almost
Jack,'' are at the h?ad of ths new pro- !j difficult to be!ie~? that the orchestra is not dead."
reriona;':;-- present. on a scientific

gramme at the Grand Theatre this week. expedition in New- Mr Saunders said this seamed in him
The Breatheable Cure for The former is The screen version
comedy presented some little time ago at
the Theatre Koval.
of the


Guinea and the Solomon Islands. He
makes light of the risks he ran dur-
to be most shockinz cruelty, and it
made one sick to read of it. It was a

Window Display
The -oi '"Tho Pat3y" slur on the sportsmanship of New

leading of ing these mouths, -when he travelled
is in the capable bed; of Zealand, and. more-over, it was pub-
Marion Davies who makes of it some- among hostile savages and defied that
thing to be remembered, lor she is a Many and • arie-i are the good things mat- most sinister of all tropical enemies—- lished to the world.
gifted comedy actress. tered through the programme at the New malaria. The chairman (Mr Crosby Morris)
Opera House this week, where George Wallace
"It was a purely scientific trip,'' Mr said he thought they should find out
and hi* company are presenting the fifth if the- statements made were correct
UST as you breathe in the breath do«vn the throat and air-tnbes programme of their Christchurch season McGregor'said. "I don't pretend to be before they took any action. The best
germs that set up throat and straight to the lungs. EVERYBODY'S THEATRE. George V»*ai!ace is at his, best- this week, an intrepid explorer. I am quite satis-
thing to do would bo to write to the
Peps c!ear and sirer.gthen the keeping the audience in roars cf laughter fied with the results I have obtained,
chest trouble, so you must chia!?, soothe the throat, loosen
bron- a!l the time he is on the stage. He is inde- Auckland Society and obtain a report
fatigable in bis efforts, and there are very and I think I have unearthed some from it. The swordfishine came direct-
breathe in the remedy that will pnlegm and free the breathing. Although diametrically opposed in ths mat- biological specimens entirely new to
get after those germs and heal
They few spel!3 when he is not facing the foot- ly under the cognisance of the Auck-
heal sore inflamed membrane, destroy ter of subject and treatment, the two new lights, clowning, singing, dancing, or mak- science. I have not discovered anv
any mischievous germs and quickly main attractions at Everybody's Theatre are ing merry with quips and jests. This week extinct monsters," lie land Society.
the affected membranes of the dispel the symptoms of coughs, colds, rich in comedy of a quite unusual type, and he head? the cast in "Harmony Rov." e added with a After a brief discussion it was de-
breathing passages. Peps alone Monday evening's opening session for the sparkling revue in three acts which tells of smile. cided to adopt Mr Morris's suggestion.
catarrh, sore throat, bronchitis, week gave definite promise of their success the trials and tribulations of a policeman Mr McGregor left Auckland last
provide this ideal treatment. bronchia! asthma, etc. with patrons of this theatre. Heading the bill in the underworld of a big city. As "Dread- October to pursue biological studies
When you dissolve a Peps tablet in Peps, which contain no laudanum, are the inimitable team. George K. Arthur nought." the pride of the force, the genial in the Tropics. He has returned with a
the mouth, agreeable healing, chest- chloral or other dangerous drugs, will and Karl Dane, who shine This brightly in a comedian is a real eeream, and there must
fine collection of specimens, including
is an excel- have been many aching side? among the audi-
ttftnglhemtsg and germicidal fumes are help you to escape the
pneumonia peril.
and 'flu' comedy, "Brotherly Love."
lent piece of foolery. ence when the curtain fell on his final reptiles in which he specialised, birds,
jiren off These Peps lurries {as ths Glenn Tryon and Barbara Kent have the effort—a buriesque bout of fisticuffs _ vrith and insects. After spending a short
diagram shows} descend with the 1i w6 box contains 36 tablets, 3/- ttea 105 main roles in the second attraction, "Lone- the terror of the underworld, one "Siogger period in ACCIDENTS AT AUCKLAND.

tablets. All shamlsts and atM-aa. some." Lee." Practically every member of the com- Queensland making biological
pany appears in "Harmony Row," and the there, Mr McGregor left for
a-cting throughout is of a high standard. New Guinea and conducted some in-
vestigations in
the Port Moresby dis- [THE PBESS SpecUl Sendee.]
STRAND THEATRE. trict. Then he made his way round
AT THE "TALKIES"-PULMONAS. tho coast to Kabaul, in New Britain,
An enterprising theatre manager where he
established his headquarters. AUCKLAND, June IS.
Heading the bill at tie Strand Theatre conceived a great idea. Hearing some He made several
rmHANOY' TABLET MZDiCJNE this week is "The Luck of the
ring Evelyn Lave aDd Henry VicLor
Navy," star- of the audience with racking coughs, plunged on a
ler he sent the chocolate boy round with
coastal trips, and then
trip 70 miles into the
Prompt action by the skipper of the
ferry steamer Takapuna averted a head-
rific hand-to-hand fights, a dazzling bah- heart of wild and unexplored country.
a tin of Pulmonas. Result—grateful Leaving Kabaul with 19 native boys on collision with the end of Prince's
coom scene, the mobilisation of �he Fleet,
action romance, soectacilar effects, humour, patrons and a qui<*t performance Pul- as porters, he followed river beds, pier this morning, the vessel
monas for coughs, colds, asthma, scrambling along rocky banks up rough being
are all included in the production.
Victor MeLafden and Louise Brooks are bronchitis, and v lung troubles. Is 6d slewed to port and the engines rung
stared in "A Girl in Everyis aPort.* the sec- and rugged country. Frequent detours full astern as the shadowy
good support- and 2s 6c! from all chemists and stores. had to be made round gorges, which outlines
ond attraction, and there of the wharf loomed up in the dense
ing programme. were really deep clefts in hard rocks,
nad these entailed marches through
fog which blanketed the harbour. The
Takapuna's starboard bow just grazed
forests where malaria was rampant. the wharf. Portions of the woodwork
"As far as I know," Mr McGregor were splintered. The accident occurred
said, "I am only the second person who on the 8.30 o'clock trip from Bayswater
has visited the interior to escape to the city. The fog bells were ring-
malaria." Torrential rains fell prac-
tically every day, generally accom- ing on the wharves, and the harbour
was noisy with the hoot of syrens. Visi-
panied by most violent thunderstorms."

j j
bility being very poor, it was impos-
All the time they were working inland sible for the steersmen to see more than
where the principal mountain range, the length of a ferry boat ahead.
forest-covered, rises 10,000 feet above A collision occurred on Whau bridge
sea level. this morning between a bus and a two-
"I had a certain amount of trouble seater motor-car. The car waß badly
with my boys," Mr McGregor said. damaged. A few minutes later a light
"Before long their number shrank to touring car skidded on the Main road
11, the others having deserted when some distance from the bridge nad
they reached territory in which lived crashed into a lorry. In neither in-
other natives hostile to them. One stance was anyone seriously hurt. Both
night I caught the remaining 11 boys collisions were due to thick fog which
in the act of deserting in a body. I hung over the Avondale district.
was taking a walk downstream from the
spot where we bad pitched camp for
the night, and there they were, trying POWER BOARD.
to get away quietly over a tributary to
the main stream. I had to dissuade
them, as a white man must have natives CANTERBURY.
with him in that country. As a matter NORTH
of fact I fired a shot over their heads. The monthly meeting of the North Can-
It was no time for kid-glove methods. terbury Electric Power Board was held yes-

"The natives are not quiet, but for- terday! Present: Messrs H. Tallott (chair-
tunately I had no trouble with them," man), A. M. Carpenter, D. R. Hutchison, L.
B. Evans, G. Cowans, A. Baiter, and J. Fits-

Dress Wear
Mr McGregor said. "It is all a ques-
tion as to who has been the previous The financial statement showed that in the
visitor at a village. If the last callers power fund account the receipts were £5874
have been men recruiting native labour Os sd, and the expenditure £3414 17s 4d.
there is likely to be open opposition to leaving a credit balance of £2459 3s Id. In
the next white visitor. There had been
no labour recruiters there before me, and
the loan account the receipts were £4640 19a
Id, and the expenditure £3585 3s. leaving a
credit of £lOsl 15s Id. At the Bank of New
Authentic in Every Detail
once the suspicions of the natives were Zealand, Christchurch, the receipts were
of Accepted Style
£5197 2s lOd and expenditure £7084 7s 7d,
overcome they were quite friendly. I showing a debit balance of £IBB7 4s 9d. The
would not exactly call them cannibals, total amount of loans raised to May 31st
but I am positive that they practise amounted to £52.300. In the revenue ac-
cannibalism occasionally. Two or three
count the receipts were:. Loans raised £7300, THE DUNSTABLE HOUSE DUIKER SUITS
block tender accounts £330 6s lOd, sales £2l
years ago six white men went into the 10s, contractors' deposits £483 15s 4d. other are garments of self-evident quality. Made m

There is an English made motor interior. All were speared, and only amounts £73 2s 2d. Power fund account:
Sales £2471 4s lid, balance supply Eyre
Ballantynes own workrooms, they embody thrwttb-
one escaped. I had the pleasure of Countv £2O, sundries £6 13s 3d; total £2497 oat the expert craftsmanship for which Dunstable
meeting him, and he is still limping from 18s 2d. , .
House is recognised.

Vehicle superior in performance


The engineer-secretary, Mr R. Buckingham,

his wound.*' submitted the following report on the work
Whenever be reached a : village, Mr carried out during the last month:—The pole
McGregor said,"there were generally gang first repoled all Clothier's road line
and the major portion of Neeve's road. They
The suits are made of carefully-selected materials,
only a few old men, almost too old to expressly designed for formal wear, while special

to any foreign make, at

then moved to Coutts Island, commencing at
move, and some decrepit old hags as its
sole inhabitants. The others would be
the school, and poled through to the top of
the island. Subsequently the gang Bhifted quality linings and facings of best silk complete the
hiding in the bush. Presents of cloth back to the ClarkviNe district, firstalong removing
finish of suits designed to gfre the utmost satis-

much less cost~per~mile and

all the original P.W.D. pole line Mid-
and salt—the most valued currency dle Island road, together with the old poles faction in use.
among the natives—would be made to on both Clothier's road and Neeve's road, and
, have since commenced on the new line from
the old people, and after a day or two the bottom of Clothier's road through Clark- Made in sixes 35, 36, 37, 38, 39 and 40 *mt

cost'"per"year qf life.
some of the other old people would re- ville. The first wiring gang have re-wired
turn to the village. They would, be Clothier's road to Neeve's road, and along Prices ««/8/- OA«/» *»/»/-
'NeevVs road to the Main North road with
followed later by the girls, and last of A.C.S.R., suitable for feeding across the Wai.
all by the young men, when they were makariri and to Coutts Island. Opportunity
was taken to make the required alteration*
Dress Waistcoats, in newest materials and sly las
certain they were not going to be taken to Clothier's road sub-station and to tap in Prices «/« 21/- «»d 23/f
to the coast to work. this line to the Kaiapoi feeders. A small ex-
To-day, English Motor Vehicles can, and do, Consider the purchase of an English Motor Travelling sometimes in a cutter and tension has been poled and wired at Tuahiwi.
challenge the world on every single point of Vehicle as an investment one that will at others in a precarious dng-out canoe, The old P.W.D. line from Neeve's road to
Ohoka road has been dismantled and Neeve's
supremacy. surely yield you the best dividends in pride Mr McGregor then explored the coral road- sub-station disconnected. The low-ten-
portion 1/- in £ for Cash or
islands round the coast of New Guinea. sion on the lower of Clothier's
Long wheelbase Cars, well sprung, comfort- of ownership, economy of operation and The heat was intense. He secured some road has been changed over to the new
on Monthly Accounts.
able, handsome, with good road clearance maintenance, and duration of service specimens of remarkable carvings from
pole line and stiffened up where necessary.
The second wiring gang have now almost
and ample engine power: Light Cars of great LIFETIME SERVICE. New Ireland, and then returned to completed the West Eyreton lines and will
petrol mileage, staunchly and lastingly built
Commercial Vehicles, Trucks, of unchal-
lenged superiority in the business world.

Consider the purchase of an English Motor

Vehicle as an action of honest reciprocity

Kabaul. On his way back to Sydney
he went right down through the Solo-
mon Islands, visited the Santa Gruz
shortly move to Sv.-annanoa. The new sub-
station at Soutbbrook is now practically com-
pleted, and we are commencing almost at once
on our underground cable work.
The outside superintendent, Mr J. C. Han-
Special Window Display
These are the motor vehicles that England the liquidation of a debt—the logical answer group, went rapidly through the New cox, reported lor the month of May that 39
Hebrides,' and returned via Norfolk and new consumers were connected and eight ex-
builds—they need no everlasting tinker to the activities of The Empire Marketing

Lord Howe Islands. tensions made. Twelve ranges and six water
they are free from constant replacement of Board. heaters were connected, andload
nected, the total connected
nine motors con-
beinc 177-210
parts—they essentially suit New Zealand's k.w. -
needs—they render true LIFETIME Then answer the question "Why Should I :
In s supplementary report the engineer-
secretary reported thßt he had investigated
SERVICE. Buy An English Motor Vehicle ? "

several proposed lines during thelength month. Of

PIGEON BAY ROAD BOARD. these. Mrs Milnes, Fernside, » of .86
mile, estimated cost £153, and the revenue
guaranteed £24, was approved. Another line

higher efficiency*
MONTHLY MEETING. authorised was at the bottom of Clothier s
road, feeding through Clarkville to Hayward's

estate, and another feeding from the bottom

of Jeff's road to Mr Dixon's property.
A meeting of the Pigeon Bay Road Board The chairmaD and member for the district
were appointed to interview Mr J. J. Breen
was held on Saturday, Mr J. Eeynish pre-

(Amberiey) in his protest regarding the

siding. cutting of trees.
The Marine Department wrote stating that In respect to the application from resi-
dents of Ashley Gorge for current, it was
the Board had no authority to collect charges decided that they be canvassed and a repcrt
for the use of the Pigeon Bay wharf but submitted at the rext meeting.
the neceaaary authority would be offered The engineer-secretary given authority
to call foT tenders for 250 ironbark po'.es.
if required. Mr A. M. Carpenter and the engineer were
Mr J. Pitcaithly wrote offering about 25 appointed to interview the manager of the
yards hard broken metal at 7a per yard and
would provide a man to help load drays
at that price. Hs objected to the proposal
to plant trees and shrubs round the memor-
ial, stating that it was the intention when
Oust Milling Company regarding charges for
The offer of the Eyre County of
£3O was accepted.
It was decided to cancel Mr James Wright a
» horse at
guarantee on account of his property being

Everything at HALF
AUSTIN CARS: VAUXHALL CARS: the memorial was built that it be left bare.
The offer of metal was accepted.
tsken for the 'VVaimakarir: rher deviation
DAVID CROZIER LTD. BLACKWELL MOTORS LTD. The Mt. Herbert Council advised that
it was instructing its representative on
A deputation from the Rar.iiiora
Council waited on the Board to urge the hr-

£9 Worcester Street West, Christchureh Durham Street, Christchurch the Mam Highv-ays Board to apply to bave media'.e completion of toe agreement for cur-

the Pigeon Bay main road declared a sec- rent.
It waj decided to ask Mr Goodwin to re-
It ".vas decided to f.ppoict a committee to
confer with the and Kaispoi Fior-
TENCH BROS. CHRISTCHURCH MOTORS LTD. pair the whole of the boundary fence be- ough Councils in the matter and to report to

141 Cambridge Terrace, Christchurch 110-112 Tuam Street, Christchurck tween the Board's paddock and his, and
charge half the cost to the Board.
next meeting.
T!\e action of the eomn-.'Hee ar>joict»d in
purchasing a light motor-track and motor- •

The clerk was instructed to write the

LEYLAND LORRIES AND BUSES: Marine Department seeking further in-
car was approied.

LGYLAND MOTORS LTD. formation regarding the liability of owners

of vessels damaging the wharf.
T. and G. Buildings, Christchurch Mr Duxbary moved, and it wa* carried. VALUELESS CHEQUES.
that a general rate of Jd in the be levied

and struck on all rateable property in the

Fieeon Bay Road District. (-2ESS iSSOCIATIOW Tt.LZQB.SX-)
Hi Menzies reported that the Menzies
Bay road required metalling
cided to call tenders for breaking sufficient In the Magistrate's Court, John
stone to metal about 35 chains.
A ratepayer made verba! application to Reginald
Ellis, aged thirty, a painter,
a series of charges
purchase screenings and metal from th=>. pleaded guiitv to
Board. It was decided that the Board would involving the passing of valueless
not on any account sell any screenings but cheques, and wae committal to the
in localities where there was more than Supreme
Court at Wellington for son-
sufficient for the Board's requirements, metal On a charge of forgery he was
would be sold tt cost price, in tho present ttnee.
instance at 10s per yard. remanded to Wellington. to stealing a
Accused pleaded guilty

Mr Craw reported in favour of putting «?ntenced to a
KIT screenings on the Holmes Run read, which ring and £l. and was
had been graded
out the suggestion.
It wa3 decided to
The clerk was instructed to anply for
carry month's imprisonment, concurrent with
the term he is at present serving.

grants from the Public Works Department

for the fallowing works: —Craw's road, form- MAN FRACTURES LEG.
ation and metalling Meniies Bay road.


Members perused plan 3of the war
memorial. The cost was considered too high Church road.
and the matter wa3 held over until r.eit Joseph Bailev, of
meeting. Templeton. fractured his left leg this
morning through falling from a tree "Pioneers of Fnmiihing on E**y Term*,"
from which he vras cutting a bongh.
Remember this when tob get a cold He. was taken to the Christchurch Hos- IBS HEREFORD STREETS. Open Friday lfiffat*
—"Every dose of 'NAZOL' does yon
good." Ito a wonderful remedy pital, where he i« reported to bo pro-
greenag ntttfystoiilj.
P«*y Awe far 1* 6d, -*
19, 1929

| i


BRISTOL" Agency .
Metre*.) (333
—The wonderful new 12 3" p.m.:ci community sing-

DECISION RESERVED. le 'iron Town Kaii. 3.0: Afternoon ses-
4.0: Literary
sion—selected studio items.

but be sure you BARNARD An application was made at the

Arbitration Court yesterday by the New
by the Announcer.

Children's session, conducted

4.8: Studio
4.-3: Sports results to hand.
7.°: News and market reports.
choose at RECORDING 7jr,' Talk—Mr Norman Kerr. "Physical

"The BRISTOL" Zealand Performing Musicians' Indus- Culture." -■■•->'■ Chimes. S.l: Orchestra! —

Symphonique de Paris, "Ballet

trial Association of Workers to have
—Allegro" iLuieiniK So: Pre-
the Badio Broadcasting Co. of New Zea- r-i Three-Act Play, "Bird in
FINEST The only Roll-playing
Hand" 'John Drinkwater), by the Auck-
SELECTION land. Ltd, A. K. Harris (manager), 200 land Little Theatre Society, under the direc-
. .

Instrument giving Gloucester sm-ct, Christchurch, added tion of Mr Kenneth Brambton: Act 1. En-
perfect reproduction '.
to the parties o:' the Auckland, Wel- tr'acte—Orchestra. Symphoniquo de Paris,
CONSISTENT lington, Chriitehurch. and Duneuin •'Billet Keyptien—Allegretto' (Luigini).

QUALITY Musicians' Award. 3&-S. Mr W. Cecil

Act 2.
de Paris.
—Orehestre Symphonique
Egypticn—Andante and Js&sf
Prime appeared for the Broadcasting Finale" (Luigini). 9.45: Selected gramo-
siration or write Co., and* Mr Arthur Tongue I'or the phone item-.
LOWEST Musicians' Federation. Mr Justice CHRISTCHURCH.
Prices for particulars. Frazer was on the Bench, and with him
(306 Metre?.)
Messrs A. B. Monteith :mdJ. L. Sehmitt, 3 p.m.: Afternoon session—Selected gramc-
employees' and employers' assessors re- phune items.
4.25: Sports results to hand.
session. conducted by
said Mother Hubbard and Undo Frank. 7.0:
When 'the award was framed, News sett-ion. 7.15: Talk—Mr Frederick]
Mr I'rinie, thev did not foresee the Morse, '"Hoses—The Best Varieties to
rntrv of the Broadcasting Company into Crow." 7.30: Addington stock market re-|

the 'rie'd. The company had no desire
ports. S.O: Chimes. S.l: Presentation of
the opera "Tristan and Iso'da," Act 3|

to'pav low rates: it usually paid more (Wagner). Srit instilment. 8.33: Overture
*ha" award rat-s. The Broadcasting Berlin State Opera Orchestra. "Martha"
"oinpanv,' he said, had engaged an or- 'Flotow). 5.41: Tenor solo—Mr H. Blake-
Icy. "Rose Maris" 8.45: Vocal
ehrsrra whh-h was under the charge
quartet—Salon Quartet, "O Rose Marie, I
gg£ Mr Be-k. As far as artists generally Love You" (Friml}. 8.49: Orchestral—
w-cTf concerned, tbev were people who Studio Orchestra, under the eonductorship
did "not like to feel that they as the
were of Mr Harold Beck: (a) "Adagietto Rs-
Heronh working for an award. As far
ligioso" (Bohni); (b) "Minuet" (Purcell) ;
(c) "Caprice" (Moszkowski). S.l: Weather
concerned, they were all
Cnmpanv was report. 9.G: Vocal duet—Miss Lilian Han-
.asuttls/as they did not work tor six ham and Mr 11. Bie.kely, "Indian Late
consecutive nights a ween. Call" ("Rose Marie") 9.11:
arc you Vocal quartet—Salon Quartet, "Pretty
U His Honour: Things" fKose Marie") (Friral). 9.16:
trving to get covered.' _ . Violin solo—Fritz Kreisler, "Indian Love
-?5jS "Mr \. Tongue: Just the musicians, Call" (Friml). 9.20: Vocal duet —Miss
sir We don 't want to have anything to Duk-ie Mitchell and Mr J. Graham Young,
"Why Shouldn't We?" (Friml). Contralto
do with the artists; just the musicians. with quartet—Miss Dulcie Mitchell and Salon
Mr \ I< Harris explained the
»h. Quartet, -Totem Tom Tom" (Friml). 9.23:
dition; under which hism musicians

Orchestral—Studio Orchestra, (a) "Car-

worked. Thev employed orchestra men" Overture (Bizet); (b) "Toreador's
They some-
you motofirti are ciiial to yoHK
Song" (Bizet). 0.38: Vocal trio—Salon
overv night in the week.
times had to cancel them
if a public, Trio, "Only a Kiss" (Friml). 9.42: So-
Y gad, some of
prano with quartet—Miss Lilian Hanham
function turned up. Mr Tongacin

and Salon Quartet, "Door o! My Dreams"
Carburettors. Just because you have a choke button
were a (Friml). P. 47: quartet—London
that in Wellington they Christeiiureh.
worse position Hviii
tnan in
ju 1 Flute Quartet. "Carnival of Venice" (arr.
Stainer). 0.51: Contralto polo—Miss Dulcie

fitted on the car you seem to think it must be used at all tort*
There the orchestras often
plajed eve > ~.„..,.

Night" (Goring;
Mitchell, "A Summer
»ight in the week. Mr Harris said the Thomas). 0.56: Orchestra!—Studio Orches-
Wellington orchestra employed 10 tra, "Sally" selection (Kern).

of weird and wonderful times. I'm a nervous wreck since my

musicians on six nights of the week.with ■IYA, DUNEDIN.
Ohrißtehureh thev did notof the (463 Metres.)
rte individual members
tra but with the
leader, who paid theorches-
3 p.m.: Town Hall chimes.
gramophone items.
3.1: Selected
4.25: Sportß results. experience yesterday with one of the 'Russian wresder' typ*
said Mr Harm, they 6.0: Town Hall chimes. 6.1: Children's
of drivers who nearly choked me to death. Someone must
•est In
made the players' in an Ueil ngton and News session. «*» session, conducted by Aunt Anit3. 7.0:
8.0: Town Hall chimes.
separate agreements: in Special "Waterloo" evening. 8.1: A
only resume by the Announcer of events leading short

have told him that in cold weather the Carburettor need*

they engaged them
through a who made his own to the Battle of Waterloo. 8.13: Overture
—"1812" Overture (Tschaikowsky). 8.21:

°Mr jStice the choke. I wish someone else would tell him to buy
a Trumpet call—Company Sergeant-Major T.
Frazer reserved decision.
J. Kirk-Burnnand, "The Trumpetor" (Dix).
8.32: Bass solo—"The Two Grenadiers"

decent motor spirit and forget his choke. I pray that

(Schubert). 8.36: One-act play, "Water-
VALUE OF AIR TRANSPORT. loo' '(Sir A. Conan Doyle).
"The Marseillaise."
Vocal quartet,
Cast—Nora Brewster,

some day he'll fill up with Union and learn that the choke
Miss Anita Winkel; Corporal Gregory Brew-
ster, Major F. H. Lampen; Sergeant Arch.
MR W WILLIAMSON'S TRIP McDonald, Mr V. M. Tuhoy; Colonel James
Midwinter, Mr Allan Young. 9.0: Baritone
is an emergency measure, not a permanent necessrty.

solo—"The Veteran's Song" (Adams). 9.13:

NORTH. March—"Pomp and Circumstance' '(Elgar).
9.17: Solos and chorus—(a) "The Death-

"What his cylinder heads are like I hate to think, knowing

less Army" (Trotere) ; (b) "Rule Britan-
An example ot what will no nia." 9.24: Trumpet calls—Company Ser-
geant-Major T. J. Kirk-Burnnand, "The Last
occurrence m the
the amount of pure petrol I was pumping up to them while
become a common of a Moth
Post" and "Reveille." 9.28: "His Mas-
ter's Voice" dance programme: Foxtrot with
near future was the flight vocal refrain, Aaronson's Commanders,
nropertv of the Canterbury Aero
he was choking me nearly to extinction. And the waste of
the "My Scandinavian Gal" (Tobias). Foxtrot
nf,h Which left Christchurch about with vocal refrain—Shilkret's Orchestra,
Sft p'nTprtcrdy for
Wellugon "My Tonia" (do Sylva). Foxtrot with

it! When he works out his mileage he's going to say 'Mi
under the pilotage of Mr J. C. vocal refrain—Hamp's Kentucky Serenaders,
the g e "What D'Y.i Say?" (Brown). 9.37: Tenor
instructor to the club,
being Mr W. Wi Uamson, the
«ell Pf« "f« solo—Franklyn Baur, "Marie"
Waltz with vocal refrain —The Troubadours,

known builder, and a member

of the "Live and Love" (Klages).
organ solo—Jesse Crawford, "Me and the
have to scrap that Carburettor, or fit new jets!' Me, mind
quite an Man in the Moon" (Leslie). Foxtrot with
vocal refrain —Nat Shilkret's Orchestra, "I
affair, brought about throughJ*e tel* Still Keep Dreaming of You" (Davis). 9.49:
graphic interruption of the lsl
Mr ,S?,

d Bass solo with chorus—Paul Robeson, "Plan-
Astern, as a result of which
unable to bo advised n W£ tation

Uamson was necessity of connecting Foxtrot with vocal refrain—Shilkret'B Or-

"Aloha-oe" (Liliuokalani). are perfect. He blames me, when he persists in buying
a motor spirit that won't vaporize properly until ir*s
time of the chestra, "Cross Roads" (Klages). 10.0: Re-
from Lyttelton lay irom the Riti of music by the orches-
with the ferry Bteamer
Monday evening m tra under the direclipn of Mr A. Pettit.
for Wellington on meeting 10.10: Orchestral—London Orchestra, "On
order to attend an important
of company directors,
fortunately, 3-r with the Show" (Nicholls).
organ solo—Reginald Foort,
"Worryin' " thoroughly warm.
Williamson is a member of the Aero (Fairman). 10.19: Tenor solos—Walter
Club and as such is entitled to make Glynne, (a) "Jeunesse" (Barry); (b) "I
Love the Moon" (Rubens). Foxtrot
"If he bought a lively spirit like Union he wouldn't have to strangle mm
trips in the club's 'planes on occasions.
he wouldn't have unused spirit pouring past his pistons, fhmnaqr

Rhythm Band, "There are Eyes" (Keyes),

Arrangements were made for Mr Mer- Foxtrot with vocal refrain —Rhythmic Eight,
the trip
cer to act as pilot but before "Saskatchewan" (Gilbert), Foxtrot with down his oil, and scoring his cylinder walls; he wouldn't h*f« to
could bo undertaken it also possible became vocal refrain—New Mayfair Dance Orches-
necessary to ascertain if it was
make a landing at the Lyali Bay
tra, "Why is the Bacon so Tough?" (Pren-
tice). 10.35: Male quartet—Masters Lough change Into second to go over a 1 in 15 hill; he wouldn't hava
to stop at the pump so frequently and he wouldn't he making
and Mallett and Messrs Dixon and Hast-
aerodrome. Information was receivffcl well, "Drink to Me Only With Thine Eyes"
from Major Wilkes that such a land- (arrgd. Ball). Saxophone duet—Rudy
ing could be made, upon which the Wiedoeft and Arnold Brilhart, "The Swal- rude remarks about a hardworking Carburettor. And that's that!"
flight was commenced after it had been low." Foxtrot with vocal refrain—Aaron-
son's Commanders, "I'll Get by as Long
learned that the weather along the as I Have You" (Turk). Waltz with vocal
route of the proposed flight was favour- refrain—The Troubadours, "Dolores" (Gross-
able for the purpose. It .had been in- man). 10.48: Accordion with banjo—P.

Frosini, "Silver Moon" waltz (Frosini).
tended to make a temporary stop at Foxtrot with vocal refrain—McEnelly's Or-
Blenheim to take in a supply of pe*™": chestra, "Sleep, Baby, Sleep" (Tucker).
but at the last moment it was decide* Waltz with vocal refrain—The Troubadours,
to fly straight through to Lyall Bav. "Love Dreams" (Harris). Foxtrot with
It'was the intention of Mr William- vocal refrain—Geo. Olson's music, "Sonny
son to attend the meeting last night
and leave on his return to Christchurch
this morning, after which the plane,
in company with another
Ashburton to pick up
from the
club's fleet, is expected topresident
go on to

the Mid-Canterbury Aero Club CMr A.

Ii Jones) and the secretary (Mr



ihc timt-detenottruj
Halkett Millar), who will confer with
Change now to Cossor Sir Francis Boys and Mr P. R.
president and secretary respectively of
the Canterbury Aero Club.
Mr P. Hennessey presided over a good

Valves and enjoy the

attendance of members at the monthly meet-
ing of the Spreydon Burgesses' Association.

ARBITRATION COURT. Messrs A. Truman and T. Schou were

thrill of better Radio, appointed a sub-committee to arrange for

a social gathering of members and their

greater volume—sweeter
Mr A. P. Baxter was elected a new member.
FIXTURES ARRANGED. It was decided to protest to the Minister

for Railways against the use of the siren

at the Addington workshops at different times

tone every note crisp

of the day, and to ask for the support of

A sitting of the Arbitration Court the Addington Burgesses' Association and Mr Blackwell seconded the motion, which
was held in the Provincial Council
beginning yesterday morn-
the Kiccarton Progress League.
The secretary was instructed to forward RIVER CONTROL. was carried.

and clear* Your dealer

Chambers, The report wag adopted.

a further letter to the City Council in re-
ing. Mr Justice Frazer was on the gard to building a bridge from Asbgrove IN A
bench and with him were Messrs A. L. Engineer's Report.
terrace to the bottom of Hackthorno road.
sells & recommends them
Moiteith and J. L. Schmitt, employees' The. City Council notified that the bottom
and employers' representatives respec- end of Rose street was being repaired, that
the improvement to Somerfield street would
take possession
engineer reported:—We
of Rice's laud on Satur-
day, the Bth inst., vhen a boundary fence wit! POUND
tively. bo undertaken at an early date, and that be erected and drain put in to replace the
Mr R. T. Bailey (Labour Depart- street name plates for Cashmere View were
The monthly meeting of the AVaimakariri
present one muring along the boundary be-
ment) and Mr W. Cecil Prime spoke being painted and would be available tween Wright's and Hire's. It U intend."!
in welcome of Mr J. L. Schmitt, the shortly. River Trust was held yesterday afternoon. also riot to let any further grazing rights of
J. Wood (chair- Wright's land, as fences will have to be re-
emnlovers' representative en the Court. don, member on theask Mr I>. Sykes, Sprey-
It was decided to Those present were: Messrs
moved, and cattle would causa considerable

Jib Block
Christchureh Tramway man), J. Leslie, A. Manhire, R. O. Dixon, H.
Mr F. Cooke welcomed Mr Schmitt Board, to endeavour to secure closed-iu tratn- H. Blackwell. F.
damage to the new banks.
on behalf of the workers. cars, on the morning and night runs to and E. Evans, J. A. Flesher, J. Land surveys of Heywood's and Eagle-
W. Freeman, the Hon. Mr Witty, M.L.C., brecht's have been completed and plans pre-

The morning was taken up with the from Stourbridge street. pared; negotiations for purchase are in band,
Francis Boys.
arrangement of fixtures for the term. and Sir
fol- but are not yet completed. Good progress
The following dates were fixed : The Works Committee reported as has been made with the cross sections, and
June 20th--10 a.m.. Inspector of RICHMOND. lows survevg of river-bed lands adjacent to Coutts


FINEST VALVE Awards v. Dickinson; 2.25 p.m., In-

Mr J. Dougan presided at the monthly
The committee recommends that the action
refusing to com-
Island are in progress. I have asked the
Lands Department to
investigate my conclu-
spp>etor of Awards v. Tramway Roard. meeting of of the resident engineer in sions with regard to some of these title boun-
the Richmond Burgesses' Asso-
ply with the request of the Oxford
June 21st—10 a.m., Freezing Work' ciation. daries, which arc very involved. A» tar-as
I can ascertain ot present, a considerable
ers' interpretation 2.15 p.m., Newell v.
Made by A. C. COSSOR Ltd., ;
It was decided to hold a return card match
Council regarding the erection of a groyne re- area of land should accrue to the Trust as a
in agreeing to
Walker. Starvation Hill ford, but
result of theba surveys, »n d be revenue-pro-
Bead Office and Works: Highbury Grove, London, N. Tramways with the St. Albans Burgesses' Association erect some seven clinics of feueing affected,
Added Charm for
June 22nd—10 a.m., on July l»th at Avalon street Hall. ducing. It is hoped that this matter will be
Award interpretation ; 10.30 a.m., Shop be approved. sufficiently advanced to place the iw.ole before

(Eng.) The secretary reported that Cr. F. R.


A letter was received from the

Lyre Count,
Cooke, chairman of the Works Committee of the next meeting of the Trust.
Assistants' interpretation. that it had forwarded a
Council advising Government
the City Council, had agreed to hold an in- for an The contractor for the new bndpc is mak-
June 24th —10 a.m., Martin v. Union spection resolution to the ing very poor progress; apart from assembling

Every Room
at an early date of roads and bridges with Eyre-
Agents for AUSTRALIA and NEW ZEALAND: Co.; 2.15 p.m.. Apprenticeship Appeals. in the district. °
increased subsidy in connexion
loan works and for a grant towards portion of his plant, the sum total of his
June 25th —10 a.m., Shurrock v. Ste- Oust the diver- work to date has been the casting of four
Lyall Willis & Co. Ltd., Bill iter House, London (Eng.) vens.
The United Burgesses'
wrvded the following remits,
Association for-
which will
work required in connexion with
creek. A petition was the
sion of Collier'snumber
re- test piles; the reinforcement for piles,
has not yet arrived from England.
Juno 26th and 27th—Engineers' dis- ci me before the annual meeting of the ceived from a of ratepayers in
Application for progress payment on Wai-

Bedroom furniture, kitchen
U.u.A. on June 25th: (1) "That the Christ- asking what the Trust to do
New Zealand: pute.
June 28th—10 a.m., McKenzie v. by-law church City Council be asked to frame a
prohibiting pedestrians from passing
Regarding Collier's creek.
recommends that the
The committee
matter be referred to
makariri loan works has been forwarded to
the secretarv for transmission to the Public
Works Department. Application for payment furnishings, bathroom fixture*,
N.Z. Refrigerating Co.; 2.10 p.m., in front of a stationary tramcar." It. O.
Messrs. G. HOWES & CO., Flourmillers' dismite. "That the Christchureh Tramway Board be
June 29th—9.30 a.m.. Threshing Mil- asked to stop trams between intersections
(2) the chairman of the Trust, Messrs
Dixon and
J. H. Blackwell,
together with the
to furnish a report for the
of subsidy from the Railway Department for
removal of rock barr»?e has alio been -or- tables, chairs, baskets, bicycle*,
259 Cumberland Street, Dunedin lers' interpretation ; Shearers and Shed instead of at street corners, as at present."
<3) "That the attention of local
nest meeting of the Trust.
It was further
the secretary be requested to
Evre The cor-Ira<-t"r ■'.' f '.omrot-nreil all can be given a bright, new
Hands' interpretation. authorities resolved that Minister Public V,cr,s and work on the diversion bridgi. and is malting
be drawn to City Council by-law 267 and write to tho for
done good progress; some of the new ktringers are
endeavour to get him to inspect the work
that they be asked to have it enforced, of black butt, but a« they of excellent
especially with reference to bicycles:— before the openine of Parliament. qualitv timber, I have allowed tl-em to go
The resident engineer submitted our the
a report
Pictorial telegram forms bring in a 'Every driver of a vehicle and every rider
the Swedish of a bicycle, horse, or other animal proceed- recommending the Trust to hand
in so "that the work rr.:.y be pushed on.
I interviewed Mr It. Henderson and the
Furnished in modern ana *»

handsome revenue to Post ing Cam river above the Cam

Office. To make it more attractive, the takenalong a street shall, when being over- control of the Rangiora
brid-e to the County Council, the
Oxford County Engir.err regarding of tractive colors, Sapolin BnMmtm
by another vehicle, bicycle, horse, or a grovne to protect the lord at ."starvation
are famous for their »mooA»
to approve of any
proceeds —the charge is 6d extra —are animal proceeding in the same direction, Trust to be ccnsulted and be contemplated. Hi'.l road. The groyne a-- snrgested by mem
nrotective works which may would project some two ihair.s into the recti-
hard surface, the ease witk
ear-marked for tuberculosis sanatoria, keep as conveniently as may be to the edge
and what is over goes to the general of the roadway on his left-hand side, so as ?Se te

mendation of
recommends the recom-
com»ittee the residentthatengineer be fied channel, to which I would not agree,
hi:: I met them to the extent that as we
which they cover and the «*■»*
to facilitate the passing of every
hospitals, which are nationalised. The vehicle, bicycle, horse, or Gther animal such Mr Wood 1.,-ive destroyed Mr Henderson's access, we
pro- to Collier's creek, would remove and re-erect some seven chairs
Swedish postman, who lifts the letters, ceeding at a faster pace.' *Ja thn enciiieer estimated hoped the pliciry of their u»c.

that scheme
of fence and make his s'-t-'-s from out.-de
EAN windows attract more never handles them. He plaees a sack third It v.-as decided to support the first and
remits and to reject the second.
m fl-lto
,«-r iljou.
would cott It
ii was i
to obtain
subsidy of il in £„. tne en

the new channel alignment.

business. People naturally under the letter-box, s kr- and °

It vca?' decided to brins under the notice a Government

shot. Id find
The report was adopted.
gineer considered the settlers A report hv the reside-;, ergineer stated
the sack automatically locks itself to resident
of the Postmaster-General a eornplant by a f3OO, and this might be done by rec!as=.i-.
th:,t at May "2-'nd the Trust had employed
shop at places where they are

that th,? mornins mail was not "de-

the box. Another turn and the bot- livered in Korth Parade until 1 o'clock. their land from <J w B. 130 men, 75 hor=cs. Zi £>-'.-,?=. *3 dra;-f, and
tempted by displays through crystal' tom of the box opens, and the letters Tiie necessity for tv:iflic inspector' to be «
flvo ploughs'.
Mr Miinhlre -aid t:.-.t r.ov. ::■.■/: r:-* ' ./
drop into the sack. Yet another turn, posted r,t the corner of Nort'i Avon road and
like windows. and the sack is locked and detached N"or:h Parade for a couple of days, to compei
retrtired to do(engineer)
e-\r,'t-il the jo.?-
doin? work adjacent to tte pun.:
might be held response's for
roads it
-r.y accide-:-.

Let us keep your windows clean,

to observe. I'.ie rule of
from the box, and cannot be opened the traffic dome uz that point parsing round
was stressed
lir hj! W Harris
tle-«he «av; would not be
t a,d the se -
agreeable to this, which might occur through «-ml-a.irtnients or
other csuse. The Trust should protect itself
except by a key in the sorting-room. by severnl members. Mr \V. Siweenev "re-
burthev would all be agreeable to have
not only of your business premises, marked that an inspector had informed lvm
by insurance.
Mr Harris iaid that if there should be
but also those of your home. that in future nffendiag motorists would be Trust should nnd«so an accident in working jscross the»e road*.

'Phone 2358 for full particulars.

The secretary reported that it had been & s^tler^^^nd-th^GUr^n^^O. and negligence on the "Iru.-t e
proved, it would be held liable.
part •••■ as

RADIO 25TKB5S decided to oft'er a challonee cup tor the next Mr Dixon said they should re.ei-
aL.e to
should be arranged for work done on formed

district earden competition. Th° fol'nwine unemployment or unformed rosdwey--. could be
tain £6OO forWell,
Vacuum Blue Ladder Cleaning Ce. at Cheapest Kates
donations had been promises! :—W Tavlor £ 1

W. Wigslesworlh 10s 6.1.
A rs:;v.-.*-
cf t'.:c distvi..--. ',, r donations
Mr Wood: give it a ?°
TTe said the draglm"
';. ',',", l;,;- ne?.'ti_toi at l r -. f-r ev. :y i'l
P* iJ
Wood -u.d ;..._.-•.- ;. : J
■ <: wages

f_* ,

SAPOLIN CO. Inc., New York, U. S. A.

315 Hereford Street

■»■,■.:, l >.,■ mad.. »
.!.:the con.-liisi-.-i of th.s lic-elic...
lantern ieet'iro on "A Motor Trip
'•>.'.-';.■' 'i.ard"
su<-h ik to cause an accidert,
- ■
he sa.ii.
,~'-; '■"■.. POLISHK;> WAXt! lACQIW>
277 Durham St. 'Phone 8188 Through Great Britain'' v\»» jiven by Ct
Mr Maahixe'a suggestion was approved.
T. W. Sharp*


Instantly stops INCREASES IN WAGES
Sample Range

P® ol l6 who suffer *rom
weakness and indigestion
All Grades of Leather
are really f

I suffering from acidity, and their pains result

■ from the effects of the harmful stomach acid. ! fEecsived June lath, 9 p.m..)
I To check this there is nothing so effective as ■Received June 19th. 12.10 a.m.>


■ *

Magnesia, which positively gives instant |
I "lief, quickly restores healthy appetite, and enable*
the one time sufferer to eat just whatever he or she
I At Newcastle evidence of the present Sir Herbert Matthews, ex-secretary

j parlous position of the coal industry,

fancies. Doctors prescribe ' Bisurated ' Magnesia of the Central Chamber of Agriculture.
i„ for stomach troubles, hospitals use it and all i and the cause; leading thereto. was
' given by Mr Charks McDonald, chair- addressing the Kcyal Empire Society,
f who indigestion
try it praise it
because it never fails to


| stop within five minutes. | man of' the Northern Collieries Asso- said that following the growth of the
j ciation, before the Ccai Commission use of wood-pulp for newsprint there
j to-day. was a grave danger of a shortage in
I Mr* McDonald traversed the sacc-es- tlli; Empire's timber supply. Increas-
tiSSj -1 sive increases :n wages and the selling ing requirements of timber for pulp :


j price of coal between 1916 and 1925. collieries, buildings, and various other
j His evidence contained _ many refer- purposes could nor be met indefinitely
i ployment.
ences to strikes, infcermittency of ern-
and stc-adv loss of trade due
lroni existing supplies.
j to While the Empire supply of hard-
| this cause. woods was probably sufficient for futuro
! The enquiry was adjourned.—Aus- was
Always see tliis oval sign. ': tralian Pre-ss Association.
needs, the supply of softwoods
rapidly disappearing, but in Australia, Fancy Ribbed Cashmere Inexpensive JERSEY FROCK, of fine quality, Ladies' Elastic W-<- WASHU-LF s*h'*
fancy -neck and smr.rtly embroidered or. GLOVES: in LigV. ra-.; all *::»■«-
It is on every genuine package. South Africa, and particularly New Hose, in shade* of Beach, Season "§ Price ? '

Zealand, there were areas o i other- bodice; Skirt pleated ir. "-er-.t; in all the *'J'
wise waste lands where suitable trees
Camel, Silver- latest shades —Season's Price .. 29/6 Beath's Sale Price
Ladies* 'Simplex' Dml/HIV F\FiKl<

| GENERAL STRIKE. could be grown more advantageously Beath's Sale Price 10/11
Season's Price 6)11

Skirt, with fancy cuffs; :r. V:.f<' r.: ■! <-'R"" '<'*■? ri'
than in many other parts of the world. JERSEY JUMPER SUIT, plain sisrs —Season's !'":fi
strappings and buttons: fancy spotted Jumper,
Sir Herbert Matthews urjied tlrnt
commercial interests should realise the SALE PRICE >

4/11 with V-neek. strappings and button* to tone:

Beath's Sale
j Navy and Saxe, Grey and IJrowr. Beige and
TELEG3AP3—COPYBIGHT.) opportunity to provide adequate sup-
plier of limber for the Empire.—Aus- wear material, reccmmi r:dcd to- tnrtt . «f-i'
Saw, Cerise and Beige—
j SYDNEY, June 18. tralian Press Association, United Ser- Season's Price "'J designs, exclusive t«> B'-ati > —

i Mr Atkins, secretary of the Engine vice. Beath's Sale Price • ™' 6 Season's Price ..
. •
'* ••
•* •

Beath's Sale Price -*/n

j Drivers' and Firemen's Association, Ripple Cloth DRESSING JACKETS, DJeely
stated that the members of his orgam- bound and stitched with colours to tone; MEN'S SILK AND WOOL SOCKS. a't ««*�
A >a r
sotion were still of the opinion that a latest shades—Season's Price . * /11 in smart and a::r.-i>-'i-. ->».,;:•••.




Special —Season's i'r:"

:, ""
general strike was the best method of Beatb's Sale Price

settling the dispute in the interests of Beath's Bale Pnce

Smart JUMPER, in good quality Silk; tonings
Something unusual in a JA'^BLAN
the employees. of Grey with fine Hclso strirc, trimmed witi:
The engine-drivers continue their rich, deep, luxurious pile,
V it. »c'\
«■'■. Ar »uauej ".

CATHEDRAL GRAMMAR Black; convertible collar—


agitation for the adoption by the com- on Black ground—-

Season's Price 39 il •'• '
Pn <
i I j

bined unions of an '•.ill out" policy.— 27in Bodr Carp.-: S< s.

■• ••

'* •

:, :. ■■

Beath's Sale Price 16/11

Australian Press Association. Beath's Sale Price • ■-*'•
e c ONomv Ladies' PULL-ON HATS, in two-tone effects; ISin Border Carpvt—Seasos'• I' . - -« •

shades are: Mushroom. Grey. Rose and Coeon Beath's Sale Price

YESTERDAY'S CEREMONY. Season's Price 16/9



Beath's Sale Price Beath's Sale Prices 7/« •/« pr*c

The new wing of Cathedral Grammar "Beatair Ladies' READY-TO-WEAR FELT HATS, close- PURE LINEN TEAT LOTH, very absorb* tit

BRITISH CHALLENGE fitting shapes and adaptable brims; trimmed Season's Prices 13 '« 1 £ } * l ';„',
School was opened yesterday afternoon
by Bishop West-Watson. The head- Blankets Petersham ribbon and cut Felt; shades arc:
Wine, Coeon. Beaver, Beige, Brown, Reseda,
Beath's Sale Prices 1/- 1/4 l/« !/• 1'"
master, the Eev. Stephen Parr, Dr. D. Navy and Black—Season's Prices 19/6 to 29/U
Doable size 55 j' wide—Season V Prices 1 11 1' 3 •■« 2 •


\Vm?tO PRESS ASSOCIATION —BY ELECTr.JC E. Hansen, and Dr. P. V. Bevan-Brown Beath's Sale Price Beath's Sale Price* 1/8 1/11 2/2 2/»
TELBCBAI'H—COPYRIGHT.) were the other speakers. There were were 52/6 Ladies' Beady-to-Wear Finest Quality VELOUR Fancy Border and Fancy Stripe TEACLOTHS—
Always remember the people's own railways supply HATS, medium and wide t>r:uir, it.turned Season's Prices ■. - »/• l/» 1/11
present parents of the boys and many
(Received June 18th, 10.5 p.m.) Faille ribbon band and Dow, «:.aors are: New Beath's Sale Prices 1/4 1/7 1/i
the best and safest form of transport. In the i'riends of the school. Blue, Red, Wine, Light Saxe. Gre\, Jade.
PURE SILK CREAM FUJI, out well-ktc-rs
NEW YOKE, June 18. The service, conducted by Dean Navy and Black—&eu»ou's Price 43/6
last two years 52 million passengers have been The New York Yacht Club has ac- Julius, was held on the ground floor Beath's Bale Prioe 29/6 qualities; Natural
Season's Pries - ]* -<•
*«- -

tarried by rail WITHOUT ONE FATAUTY. cepted the Eoyal Ulster's Yacht Club's of the new building, which will be used MATRONS' HATS, of Blade Titter'- Piueh. Beath's Sale Price I/' 1
as a gymnasium and hall. On the second Velvet and Si'k; -eiicved xith �»nrnc« of
challenge, on behalf of Sir Thomas Lip-
floor are two spacious open-air class- Gold or Silver--Season's Prices 30 r. PURE BJI.K CREPE I'E CHINE. »if a'» *t
CHiUSTCHURCH-ASHBURTON-TIMARU-DUNEDIN-INVERCARGILL quality; bright «ni*l. ; shades tt- la---*:.

ton, for the America Cup. The races 27/6

Tues., Mon., Moii., will be held off Newport, Rhode Is- rooms. The third floor is occupied by Beath's Sale Price Navy and Black: 36in wide—
Thurs., Wed., Tues., Sun- land, for the best three of five. The an open-air dormitory, as yet unfinished. 5 only, Cream Serge PLEATED SKTRTB, on Beath's Sale Price */*-

Sat Fri. Sat. Thurs. W«0 The new wing—an imposing brick struc- White bodice; to £t girls S to 12 years—
*jx\. a.m. ajn. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. first race is to start on September 13th,
ture—adjoins the old buildings whicn '-"« TOILET AND BATH SOAPS, all British tcakrt
i Chrittehor«h
Chrittehar«h .. 7.25 &S0 8.50 12.25 12.25 4.57 10JO 1930. The competing yachts shall be Season •* Pries ;*/'& Pore Castile Soap— . 3/11 4es. teMetet
Jfrfre Ashburton

10.15 10.21 have done duty for the past six years. Beath's Bale Price We
of 76 feet rating, and there will be I*rge Bound Bath Soap— 4/11 *•*. «***»
It is in most appropriate surroundings. Sky. Pink
no time allowance. The New Infants' MAP PILCHERS: shades- Super Bath Soap, oval shape—6/8 em. ttfclt*»
Jmtva Timer*
Club's rules will govern the races.—
York Set almost on the banks of the Avon, it
overlooks the open spaces of Hagley
and W hite—Beath's Sale Price V- Fine Quality Toilet Soap— S/« tec teMets
Australian Press Association. Ladies' Winter-weight WOOLLEN BLOOMERS, Knieht's Natural liouquct.Box—l/«

Park. 6 Toilets in per

iirira Oamaru The headmaster (Mr Parr) told how, latest shades; sizes: S.W.. W
French Marocain, French Cembrics, for cb

Aim* Duuedln when six years ago, they reopened the Season's Price «/° •

iirrrv tarercargin
RIVER BANK. B/11 ren's Bompcrj; Mau\e Georg'ttc, a: <1 t>t
LAMPS ON school, at a function such as this, there
Beath's Sale Price -

had been 34 boys attending. To-day "Pigeon" Pure Thread SILK HOSE; in shades Crepe—
nf Moonlight. White, Silver- Season's Price. . 1/11 te %r* y»f;
there were 134, and the future looked

1/ **&*
Season 'a Price 10/^l0/^ Beath's Sale Price

CHRISTCHURCH BEAUTIFYING bright. He expressed gratitude to all

i Dnnodln ASSOCIATION. those who had helped to make the ex- Men's Suits Beath's Sale Price 6' ll POPLINS, for Bed«preads, t'nrta.ns. Cn»htor.«
and Mats: in Fawn. Msuvf. Pink. Kky, C»r##r.,
tensions possible. The architect and Fancy Worsted. To clear SILK AND WOOL HOSE, full-fashioned:W- in
Tussore, Grt-y, «nd Saxe: J*'<»
Duncdin ..

builder had done all possible, tb.3 par- Nude and Cloud Marl effects: S.W.,
Those who have been prominent in 42'/• v Scason's Price • J'\ .

bat** Oamaru 12.10 Xsl 2.35

beautifying Christchurch in the past
will have their names placed on the
ents had given their support and the
old boys had worked hard from the 75/- Overcoats Season's Price
Beath's Sale Price B ri
/ Beath's Sale Price 1/11 yart •

beginning. "The building is not quite

.-* ~

Ttraaru 1J56 4M 4.18

0.11 11.10 530 six lamps which the Christchurch finished; it has not finally been passed

AshburtoM 337 3.5«

Beautifying Association is giving to be by the architect," added Mr Parr, "but
infra Oiristchureh.. 10.17 S.lO 0.53 TJB 7.13 7.18 7.1S placed on the river bank as part of the Great Architect tested it yesterday,
CHRISTCBrORCH-OTTRA-GRKTMODTH-HOKITIKA. the beautifying scheme. They will fit and it came through the earthquake
in with the gift which Mr Edmonds without any damage whatever."
Tuea. Tuea. has given the fcity.
Mon. Thui*. Moo. Thuie At yesterday's meeting of the £2OO Wanted.
Sat. Sat. Christchurch Beautifying Association
a.m. a.m. a. The building was to cost £4500;
a.m. it was reported that the lamps had not
10.U0 ZiMt» Hokitika 8.40 this had been lent by the
n Onriatelmreli .. $.90
p. ok. n p«m. Zieava, Oreymon _i T.40 10.98 yet arrived, and the six names to be £3500 of £BOO had been col-
put on them had not definitely been Cathedral Chapter,

3.14 p.m.
Otira ..
6.80 4.88 Un Otire U.90 1.10 decided on. lected by subscriptions, and £2OO was
of yet to be found. Thus the dormitory

la** Bakitika p.m. A sub-committee consisting

Arrive Chrirtchurch unfinished un-
..4.57 ».B Messrs Dudley Dobson, R. B. Owen, and roof were being left
and the secretary (Mr S. F. Marshall) til their ship came in. He trusted they
CHRISTCHURCH KAIAPOI-RANGIORA. was set up to make further arrange- would not go long before the rest of
lew* Cbrhtcfcarch—7.l6 a.m., 7.66 a.m., 9.16 a.m., 12.10 p.m. ments. the money was found. _

Girls, don't worry about

1.20 p.m. (Sat.), 4.23 p.m. (not Bat.). A resident of Nicholls street, North The school existed to give an efficient applying for a warrant cancelling the
It present allocation of maintenance cost of the
5.17 p.m., 9.30 p.m. (Fri.), 11.6 p.m. (Sat). Richmond, wrote asking if the Asso- and thorough education to boys.
ciation would be willing to subsidise had been started on the lines of the Hurunui bridge.
IKW Rain>at>~-7.i0 ajn., 8.43 ml, 1.6 pjm. (not Sat.), 1.20 p.m. (Sat-V such The secretary of the Rangiora Hijh School
4.38 p.m., 5.31 p.m., 10.20 p.m. (Fri.), 11.66 p.m. (Sat.). any funds raised by the residents in English choir school, and as _it Bo«rd wrote advising that an effort waa be-

having an avenue of trees planted in
the street. "This is a matter for the
City Council." said the chairman (Mr
A. "Dudley Dobson). Members were
had grown. It was not a commercial
school, though it had its commercial
department like any other The school
The Ashley County Council met at Lobarn.
ing mode, to obtain a grant from the Educa-
tion Department for the erection of a -new
boys' hoatel for the accommodation of pupils
from the country di»tricU of North Canter-
middle age
existed to give a first-grade education By permission of the Minister, a special meet-
Wad. Wad. Wad. Tb.Ba* bury, and asked for the Council's support

a.m. p.m. am. a.m. p.m. very sympathetic with the movement, ing for the election of chairman was held
ajs. p.m.
JafN(Mrto>«r()h7.66 9.15 4.25 4.25 Leave Waian
2.45 at a moderate cost. . in the matter. A resolution was passed
but resolved to reply that the Associa- There were


prior to the ordinary meeting.


The Bishop termed the occasion was supporting the Board in approaching the
Lots to recommend

; Daily. Sally.
tion could not lend financial aid. red-letter day for the school. It present: Messrs Bennett, Ensor, Hutchison, Department, and it nat agreed that copies
■atoFarneeroe 11.0 t.M Leave Onlverdea 0.34 3.14
The expenditure of £5 for the pur- the wonderfully encouraging way
the McCracken, Pulley, and Wilson. Mr D. R. of the resolution be forwarded to the Min-

.. 12.16 7.40
Th.,Sai. Wad.
12.43 3.8
Leave Pamaaava


9.52 5.16 8.23

chase of creepers to beautify the
bridges was authorised. This work
will be under the control of Mr
public had rallied round the school that
had given the Dean and
fidence in launching out. In Mr
Chapter con-
Parr s
Hutchißon was unanimously re-elected chair-
man. He thanked members and expressed
a hope that the new Council would continue
ister for Education and the Hon. Mr Forbes.
The chairman of the Culverden School
mission to take water from the race for
for per-
Committee wrote making application running
it, if you keep fit
Barnett. to hold the confidence of the electors. Ha
hands they knew the school was sate.
through Mr L. E. Dalxell's property tho
Mr Owen said that there were con- stressed tho need of modern road machinery purpose of swimming baths. It was agreed wonuc of 50 that
»ELL a sensible

stant complaints about the smoke Tone of a School, to keep abreast of tho work. Mr Hutchison that the matter be referred to the Water-race
from the City Council's destructor. It were was also appointed to the District Highways Committee to inspect the race and report ■ she looks like the older sister
was very uncomfortable for those who Dr. Hansen's opening remarks tne Mr McCracken was appointed
in the form of congratulations to
deputy-chairman. on the matter to next meeting. rather than the mother of her children,
had to sJeep nearby. He understood Mr P. Iverach wrote asking for a bridge
UKle River that the Citv Council were now trying school on tho activity displayed
the past six years. The growth of the
during The chairman reported on tho Reserve
It was not advisable, he said, to break into

A little shingle in
over the Bourne stream and also that a
sledge track be made from the foot of the
and she just laughs at you.
out masticators, so the destructor had been source it with the grader.
"I'm middle-aged," she'll declare,
might be able to be done away with. spirit of tho school a
the com- places would make it suitable for motor htlta to hie Achiay property. The matter.of
No action was taken. of great satisfaction. As one of vehicles. . , a bridge over the Bourne Btream waa left ' "and oot trying to hide the fact. Why
mittee which had been responsible tor The Council approved of the chairman a in the hands of the Waiau Biding members
.aMnartoteborch reopening the school six years ago
action in authorising dumps to be put in suit-
able places by shingle contractor*.
and the engineer to look into and report, should I? Middle age has a lot in its
been sur- and it was decided that th« chairman with favor—that is, if you're well and
DRAINAGE BOARD. after a lapse of years he had Mr A. C. Witty wrote asking for some
the Rotherham Biding oonncillora and the
CHRISTCHURCH LINCOLN SOUTHBRIDGE. prised to some extent to see the school there
railings on the bridge approaches of the Lees
V3lley road. Mr Wilson gave some details engineer meet Mr Iveracn regarding the healthy. I've done a good job of rais-
T«e»., come into existence again when sledpe track and report to next meeting.
Ttrar*., Fit. Daily. Thurs., Fit
were so manv other secondary schools
of loss and trouble in sheep driving as a
Members Mr H. Savage applied for and wts granted ing my family and now I can enjoy
a.m. p.m. result of the absence of railings.
a.m. p.m.
in the City. A good secondary school considered there might still be serious ad- permission to plough that part of Beaven s myself. Do a lot of things I've always
jamChrirtokuruh 8.56 4.50 Leava Southbridge 7.45 4.15 LAST NIGHT'S MEETING.

should have an academic tone, but not ditions, through winter storms, to the cost of road adjoining his property for the purpose
wanted to do.

Ua» Lincoln 0.24 6.35 Leave Lincoln 5.40 5.17 maintenance of the road, but it wes decided of destroying twitch.
too academic Its force should be


10.20 6.32 Arrive Chriatchuroh 9.33 0.6 to confer with the Oxford Council in the of Hoseack run wrote apply-
spiritual and moral. He knew The manager
"Sick? Never had a doctor in my life

(MmadWaVat §kt»n the abate train* ran The Ohristchurch Drainage Board met last mostly matter. ing for repairs to the Hossack road. It was
on teiek-Jll*. Monday to Saturday Inclatic*. night. Present: Mesara H. J. Otley (chair- of no greater fores in tho community Support was accorded the application tn resolved that an inspection oi the road be except when my babies came. Never
man). W. R. Carey, E. H. fl. Hamiltorj, J. than that which could be represented the Department of Education of the Rangiora
made during the month.
SINGLE FARES. W. Beanland, C. Hill. H.W,Hill, C. S. by a food secondary school. "The man High School Board for a new hostel for boys
Mr E. Roberts wrote stating that the road had the habit of dosing myself with
at the school.
and Walter. responsible for the excellent tone ot at his entrance gate required attention. It
McCully. "W. C. Large, J.
a3 a statement
Mr John Waller interviewed the Council
was agre-sd that an ostimate for a culvert
pills and medicines, either. I just took
The following was adopted by this school is the headmaster—no one and lodged a petition asking for the removal
Nujol—all the time my babies were
of rates paid to the Board the various
can take the praise," added Dr. of gates from the HaylandsWhite Rock road. be taken out. .

local authorities in the drainage district, else

Twelve-trip, per Trip.
Fifty-trip, per Trip. ]
After discussion, it was resolved that the The Department of Transport wrote advis-
coming, and in between times, too.
for the year ended March 31st, 1929: Hansen. "I congratulate Mr Parr, I chairman consult the solicitor in the matter ing that tho new motor-lorry
let 2nd congratulate Mrs Parr, and the staff.- and report to next meeting. provided for the quarterly payment of heavy Probably I'll always depend on Nojol.

e. d. a. d. £ s. d 8. d.
The Cathedral Chapter has not onlv got traffic fees in iieu of annual payments.
P*j«ara»ca I £ a. d. £ a. d. £ £

Christchtirch City Council 71,724 13 11

The chairman reported on the conference
53 084058068046 0 7 4 0 6 I investment in bricks and mortar, with regard to a free ambulance service, and The matter of appointing an assistant "Even the healthiest woman is better
HOB 15,/84 9 o a fine

ftaa«I 7 0 9 3 Wainiairi County Council it was considered that the Council could not traffic inspector waa discussed, and a reso- Nujol is simply a pare natanl poi*

100 015 6 010 7 012 5 0 8 6 0 13 they have probably built better


Council but support the proposal. off by taking Nujol—especially at

0 14 0 Kiccarton Borough 5,223 10 11 lution was passed appointing the clerk to uct. It works effectively wttboat beng

I*2 1 3 « 016 0 018 10 012 104 1 0 7

Heathcote County Council
248 9 1 than they know." Works for Government for grants were
£ £

0 1 1 2 times when her system is apt to be


that position.
i 51421840 19 1 11

considered, and the Karetu Hut creek bridge drastic. This is important to mamm
13 9 Mew Brighton Borough Council 77 ii o
The committee set up to considers tenders
-1-ffl 369 2 16 8 1 18 7 2 5 4 1 10 10 8 9 7 1 Open-Air and Sunlight. and Croft's bridge, Ulentui, were adopted.
house, thrown off balance and her regular
7 0 13 4 The Work 3 Committee's report stated that Estimates of expenditure on the highways for for the alterations to the doctor particularly or the occasions wha»

mth 145 1 2 5 015 3 017 tl 012 2 0 19 Dr. Bevan-Brown referred to the Botherham, reported having accepted A.
15 8 the committee had considerrd the ot the current year were also discussed and
functions upset. This pure substance

170 1 6 3 017 11 1 1 0 014 4 1 3 0 0

building, saying that those responsible adopted. Brrdan's tender. they cannot afford to be up*et
the Medical Officer of Health, requesting
It seemed possible to carry out
850 13 30900 10 7072 0 11 7 0 7 11


6 6 that Small's. Barker's, andreportedWilaerness Grains for it had taken care that the class- most of this work on the same rates as last The chairman was re-elected tii« Council s keeps your system functioning nor-
69 010 10 0 7 4 0 8 S 0 510 0 9 8 0 engineer tnat the and dormitory should be on the
year, and the chairman gave notice of motion representative on the District Highways mally and naturally even under ab- Start Nujol now—whether yoe'M t«
0 0 3* be piped. Tho be rooms

to this effect.
r '"36 069 0 3 11 047 032 0 6
approximate cost of this wor* would open-air principle. The principles 01 Council.
a.. 31050 058040029 040 0 2 9 0 4 5 0 3 •
£BOOO, exclusive of Small s drain.
The financial statement showed that the
An application for the of a normal conditions. It only pre-
not your teem or approach tag middle *§t.
open-air and sunlight were both effi- Mount Thomas riding was not in such a slaughterhouse license from 8. L. Kings-
The committee recommended ofthat Kecp it up for three months. At the
vents excessive formation of the body

Health in- cient and adequate, though reference

strong position as the Lioburn-White Rock
bury to T. Wood, of Hanmsr Springs, and
be sent to the Medical Officer could
h People's
to old school buildings showed that an application from C. F. Cone for lii« end of that nme yon*!! <-»r.der how
Railways for the People's Safety Tormina him that the Board rot see Tenders were opened for the clearing of poisons we all have, but also aids in

its way to comply with his

request, xhe con- these had been lost sight of. The four tho county pi;#J3, and Messrs H. Croft and J. renews.l of his license were recommended yoa ever pot ik?r.«r w : rhtMit i: Uoriii
necting of houses in Spreydon with the
class-rooms were as healthy as they H. Bennett tied at Is lid per series. A de- A resolution to rrtak? tnd levy a general their removal. It's these poisons that
rale of Id in the pound in each c: tne r.d- a trv, tir.'t -u Yo«*lJ fir:<" NojoJ m
SJwer would have the effect of eliminating
the re- could reasonably be. A closed room cision was held over.
Detailed consideration was given to the insrs wa» passed.
age people prematurely. Makes them
all offensive matter gave the child a" closed-in feeling. Open scaled pivi.-::' "If it a ; l i^hrmtmi
from cirams
converting teem into pure- matter of modern road machinery for grading It was decided to call tenders for the feel old and tired and useless.''
ferred to, thereby
ly storm-water drains.
buildings would tend to produce an and shingling, and a general desire was ex-
pressed to see some of the best-known im- metalling of licach's road.
This course was decided on. open mind. plements at work.
An effer from the Returned
for works put
The chairman reported that Mr Niemann,
ciation of a £ for £ contractor, was making satisfactory progress

?n hand for the relief of unemployed

with shingling on the Ashley Gorge road, and
would shortly start work on the Stony fiat NAVAL EXERCISES.
turned soldiers was accepted. 3nd Swamp roads.
Tenders were authorised to be called for
shingling on the Loburn-Whito Rock road,
ff» FLYERS' BODIES RECOVERED. and a;so m the lower part of the Loburn
Ai tne
iaat meeting oi
AMURI. frxiTK. FUii asaociATtos—sif
•rmvi.o-a.KV-K—coprx - out.;
tUtVrr.'.c Driven awav
Pictured There was a large and
representative at-
SYDNEY. June IS. Council, those present were:
Amur; County
M. Betaell
tendance at the annual meev.njg
of the Can-
(chairman), Crs. H. E. Davison, J. J. Dun- (Received June 18th, 9 p.m.)
in the terburv General Labourers' Lnion winch was
The Government Resident at Alice can, K.. Pettigrew, R. Mercer, W. Hatimer
presided over by Mr J. Shankland last even- SYDNEY, June 18.
delicate Every official position, apart irom Springs advises that the truck party Atiinson, G. O. Rutherford, R. le Clerc
Latter, and B. L. Jameson The fighting ships of Australia and
was contested m
tones of that of tae secretaryship, has returned to Newcastle Waters. The Town Clerk (Christchurch) wrote re-
New Zealand at Hervey Bay hare
the election of officers. ex-
The bodies of Flight-Lieutenant Keith porting on the conference held in connexion
Germs find an easy footing in
. ~

Royal The officers for the

Pre,ident, Mr J. Shankiand:
ytar are as lo.iows:—
vice-president. with the suggested perienced a regular deluge ior five
Anderson and Mr R. Hitchcock have North Canterbury. free ambulance service in
Doultcn Mr W Annan; secretary and treasurer
Messrs J. S. Walker
Mr Mr H. R. Davison, who
been recovered, and the landing place represented the Council at the conference, davs. The rain, which can*: down
m weakened lungs, and every minute
H Worrall: executive, regatta
Ware. (past presidents. A., *-; .i*: of the Kookaburra cleared. stated thtit he thought that the service would torrent*, delayed the naval increases the danger.
Ril% E. Hamilton. J. Seaton.
P. Gordon, and
Apparently it was found impractic- not be of r.ny beneS: to
Cr. Davi- New Zealand crews competed
in the

Consult the best doctor you know and live as much

to Trades and Labour
eon wis thanked for attending the cenfer- as
J Patterson: debates able to salvage the machine. An effort for
r'iw U°«r< J. Walker. W. Annan, L.
and H decided keep in touch mile event whalers' race second. In «*««-£■ with Lane's and
£ wXr. H
A. E. Armstrong J. will be made to tow the 'plane behind w \v' r
reitting to the proposal. The Diomede", men came possible in the open air. Start at once
I e P"' s^'0 Works
the lorry.—Australian Press Associa- artisans the Dio-
- . and -.

f i«i dcWai-cT' to a similar event for


Cup and Saucer and Plate keep at it until all risk is passed
e Department wro*-i re-
W.E A. Mr J Seaton.
~,'., decided that t-='.<>n be r?pre- tion. Jf- r; -"-"? tae proposed imurovemests to the raede's men were tbiru.
»'t;;.in Kanmer township and etrcsrir.? that the officers „««

�l; In the half-mile for veteran "Lane's is a life-builder" says one grateful patient—«

he —; cf the Beard of Man-

sented a. tiu : :,::i Worker." read .2 frir.t of the women's re-
in skiff, the Dunedin>.crewwas tmr£

agomcrt 01 t&; -'■■- quired particular attention. It waa agreed
The Australians participated in.all the
it has proved for thousands and thousands
who »tt«
CROSS-COUNTRY RUNNING. that the engineer interview Dr. Chisholm
The New
The Waiiine came out of dock yester- reference to this work and report to. other even-,5.
sick and are no*- strong, well and happy.
Vis,t our NEW CHINA DEPARTMENT cheered themselves hoarse

dav, and will resume in tha

ferry ser- next meeting.

oi the
vice tomorrow night. Ine Maori will The Minister for Public Works wrote advis- nrerrv at the expense
arrive to-morrow morning, and after
ing that the matter of the Mason and Con- tors.—Australian Press Association.

REECES' DUXEDIX. -Jv.Ee 13. way river bridges had been referred to the

661ColomboSt. disembarking passengers and land:ng

mails will double- back to Wellington,
At tc-msht's meeting of the Otago Centre
of the New Zealand Amateur Athletic Asso-
Highways Board.
Ike Public Work* Department forwarded
Chemirti end
L*it, Gtmi
picking up the running from there to-
morrow night, in place or tne Maheno.
The latter will leave Wellington on
Friday for Sydney.
ciation, it was decided to hold the New Zea-
land cross-country championship
en August 24th. the
at Dunedin
Otago cross-country
champions Lip to be held two week* earlier.
an extract from tb? New Zealand Gazette
applying section 136 of the Public Works
Act, 1998. to the Harunni bridge. It was
resolved that the Council go into the matter
Wade's Worm Figs are a sure. **fe
r«medv for worms. Pleasant to
Children like it. All chemist*.
pleasing. He is very unlucky to miss
trouble. It wa s felt that tie C3i--n should
FOOTBALL. the Australian tour, especially in view
be informed o: the po=kk>r, and th;,t rer -
sentation of the As_o'ia:;on thouid be given
of C. G. Porters selection. on the conrninee. Another point was tfc-t
In other parts of New Zealar.d
It is stated that W. A. Ford wnl of passes.
turn out for Merivale, his decision
unofSciatmg- referees were given passes to
enab'e them to ;u to matches with their
THE RUGBY GAME. being prompted by Oliver's departure ladies, and the Association f*!t th-t a sir;:-
and the presence of N. Dorreen on the lar vrivilepe ;hou:d he extended to local
PRESS Spec;*! S*rrie».j
It vas ai*o felt that the wort [7KS
injured list. Ford, who was a member referee?.
of reviewing referees was not be:a£ car-
of the Armv team, last played for ried out sa:i Kf: - 't- For i—tance, four
= "'

Canterbury in 1326. referees vere sorrrt'tues on a DUNEDIN. June IS.

J Mills was to have piayed at full- ground, and only f.o officials vers present

Mr Alexander Milne, Government Ob lection to building a weir

on the
back for Christchurch last week, but
to watch them. It wss »U3s?»t«d that the
'-Wing-Fort* arl'. a misunderstanding of the rules re-
constitution should be altered to allow ci dairy produce grader for Otago, who Avon has been lodged by Pr. Telford,
[By j representation from the Association on the
sulted in his being compelled to stand Reviewing- Committee. _ He assured the com- passed away suddenly at his residence Medical Officer of Health, on the grounds
Australian Tour. down. Mills, who showed promise last mittee that the Association had every desire
in Dunedin yesterday, was a well- that, by raising the level of the river,
sf.ason. has been
playing in Southland to v.-ork hand-in-hand with it.
The New Zealand Rugby tuotbail Mr Moloney said he considered that it known rigure in Otago and Southland. it will seriously interfere with sub-
this season, but has returned to Christ- should not be the duty of members of the For many years be was dairy instructor
'cam leaves on Fridav tor its Aus- church permanently. Competition Committee of the Union to have soil and storm-water drainage and thus

When your child is tralian tour, and although there has

been a marked apathy shown so tar
In the tour, it is probable that followers
The Dunedin competition is now v.i
an interesting position, throe trams.
Kaikorai. Pirates, and 'Varsity, being
to j'.'dsa '.he obiiities of referees.
"There has been no comprint dur ; ns the
last two '■ears rerarding the sppointmect of
referees,'' *:d Mr Collins, in answer to a
in Southland, with headquarters at In-
verenrgill. He left the Department"'s
service to enter business in Invercar-
be detrimental to health. Because of
this the Christchurch Drainage Boaru,
the controlling authority, could no:
jill, but after two years he accepted an

sleepless. equal at the top of the ladder.

'\ arsity
of the game here will awaken to in- qje'tion. 'but. that some of th« youcg-r
invitation to assume the duties of sanction the erection of the proposed
and Pirates placed a drawn game last players hare not been treated as they shonld
night. Letters
terest when the team plays its first Saturdav. the students being unlnc.KV os * when they a-ppeare-i beforo tho com- o-rader in Otago with headquarters in weir at its meeting last
match in Sydney. What speculation in having two potted goals registered j tnitte-c'' Dunedin. He was a familiar figure st were read both from Dr. Telford and

I feel has been concerning the prospects
I Thiswas taken to by Mr Dunne. the Town Ork. The former set out
This remedy rarely fails. against them. , i wfca said that the. committee had always agricultural shows in this part of the
his objections, and the latter said that
<a the New Zealand tourists lias iKieu Victoria College now lead the Wel-
Constipation is a common cause of
far from optimistic, and it is doubtlui
whether any international party from
lington competition, but fully five
■within the last two years given referees ail
the shelter it could.
"We have to protect the rights of the
The late Mr Milne was a son of Mr the doctor bad protested to the By-
Laws Committee of the City Council,
teams remain in the running for
and Mrs James Milne, well-known resi-

like a 2-yr-old/
players as well as of referees," said Mr
ileeplcssnrss, both in children and the Dominion has ever been regarded premiership. The students were at so that thev were unable to hand the
Wilson. "We must always remember the dents of Wyndham.
adults. Wtu-n a child is wakeful aod with less interest. full strength last Saturday, and were human element.'' monev over" to the Rowing Association
fretful, six if tongue is coated; this is a The reason for this apathy is not able to inflict a decisive defeat upon The chairman stated that the deputation vr.tif the T>rainsge Board's deei*coa
sure sign the -.tomach, liver and bowels could take it for granted that the matters
difficult to understand. Firstly, there. the strong Athletic team. The Petone brought forward would be considered. was known. Drainage Board members
ire closed with scur, irritating liavo been far too many international 3-3-2 scrum formation is now proving Mr Flower sfid that to suggest that the SIR A. MAURICE LOW. did not consider there was much sub-
Simply k- vc a <!nse (>i ' California syrup tours of late, and secondly the team successful, and Mark Nicholls's team is committee bad not treated referees with stance in Dr. Telford's objections, but
of I- '—' Calirig '—aud tn a few hours selected talis far short of All Black oniv one point behind 'Varsity. justice was altogether wron;;. The words
agreed to hold the matter over and con-
all the sour bile and fermenting food representative standard. The main ob- The Auckland competition is now of the referees were always accepted by
In other words—" I feel as fu as
the committee. (CSITZD PBS3S
fer with him at next Board meeting. Salts ere marvdlom and m
passoi out of the bowel-, and you ject of the tour is not to advertise or being narrowed down, and the issue
Mr Collins stated that personally he "had
no more aimttv over the child's excita- glorify New Zealand football, but to appears to rest between University and no grievance concerning the way in which mortal man—or mortal woman —

would not b* without them m tkm

10.5 p.m.) Dr. Telford's Letter. he use. Wiihiis vca the best ai
can feel. I've got' that Kruschen
(Received June ISth,
bility and wakefulness at eight. Children hud a stimulus to the Rugby game in Ponsonbv. The latter team defeated j tho committee had treated him on any oc-
lovo this li.-utiiless ' lruit laxative.' It Australia. This may be a very proper Training College by 22 points to 8. I car.ion that he had corno before it.
The chairman, Messrs W. Britten and WASHINGTON, June 15.
The letter from Dr. Telford stated: Feeling.' "
banishes biliou:;ii':r-3 and constipation, object, but the genera] football public Much of the ear'v success of the latter
j Wilson were appointed to confer ■with tho
"I understand your Board will be con- ig:hFeh., 193.x Mrs. A.
Sir A. Maurice Low, one of the most sideriug the question of giving permis- I've pinned ray faith to the little

rr-ulatri the how el and ensures pur©


cannot be expected to enthuse over the team is attributed to the fact that I Association in the mailer.
Mood, a clear complexion, joyous spirits, C~.n.--i Itirr m tat aap«M«
team as it did in 1924 and 1925. most of the team were very fit at tne sion to erect a weir in toe Avon at
In- distinguished of English journalists,
n. keen brain, healthy a;.petite and helps deed, many are indignant that several beginning of the season as the resu.t j Draw for Saturday. As your Board is Kruschen gently stimulates the
is that I feel as if I could push
who for many years held the posi- Bracken street.
to found a i.troi.j; constitution. j Senior A—Albion v. 'Varsity, Lancaster
of the leading players should be called of strenuous training before the compe- Park Oval, ~£. E. Lnftreli; Technical Old tion of Chief American Correspondent aware one of our main obstacles in a bus over.'
organs of elimination to heahby,
California S-anp of Fiys ' away from their local matches. Others Christchurch is keeping down the level

tition commenced. regular action. It assists the tinm


Bovs v. Higai School Old Bova, Lancaster

/with full directions) of all chemists complain that the tour will not benefit The Canterbury Rugbv Tnion is ob- of the London '''Morning Post," died you feel just and kidneys, and keeps the sjrstesi
and stoics 1/9 or 2] times the quantify
Park South, K. H. Ferrin; West Old Boys
at a local hospital to-day.—Australian
of the sub-soil water and also for pro- Now why shouldn't
Now Zealand football, and may lower taining a sample of cane sticks for use v. Christchurch, Lancaster Park West, J. viding farther storm-water dams with Why should
for l '-. Krnphasist: California and

the reputation of the All Blacks. One as corner flags for field equipment. Clarkson; Sydenham v. Linwood, Show Press Association.
the tidal portion of the Avon and
as fit as she does ?
thoroughly free from waste matter.
you be suffering from rheumatism It sends new fresh Mood counm§
look lor Califij ' on the package. can only hope that the 1929 team will This step is a commendable and over- Grounds No. 1, J. R. Murphy; Merivale, a

maintain the Dominion's splendid foot- due one, and hamboo or cane poles bye. [Sir A. Maurice Low was born in Heathcote rivers. I. therefore, do not or getting tired or feeling flat
London in 1860, and educated at King's view with favour the granting of per- through the veins, carrying beakfe
Senior B—Oid Collegians, v. North Canter-
ball record.
It would be absurd to compare this
should be put into use immediately. bury, RangTora No. A. J. Mason; Albion College and in Austria. He was a mission for further construction of this when one farthingsworth of Krus- and heartiness to the whole body.
The thick wooden sticks in use at pre- v. Christ-church, Christchurch, ground, Beo- correspondent in Cuba during the weir, as by raising the water a foot chen a day will make so much
year's team with the 1924 and 1928 sent are a grave source of danger. kenham Park, K. T. Bailey; 'Varsity v. His
teams, but it would be unfair to con- Spanish-American war. publica-
it wiil mean raising the level of the difference
All goal-posts should be padded, and
Mcnvale, St. Albans Park No. 1, E. A. tions include: "The American People."
demn it before it has shown its capa- the Union should adopt the same proce- Empson; College v. Linwood, sub-soil water to a corresponding de-
/ have bun reading the case of
"America at Home," "Woodrow Wil- gree, and this use will cause a dis-

bilities. The very favourable reports dure for all posts as that adopted for Show Grounds No. 2, L. Cade; Kaiapoi v.
of New South Wales football this year, the goal-posts on the Oval, which arc St. Andrew's Old Boys, Kaiapoi No. 1, K. son: An Interpretation."] placement of a corresponding amount the lady of 70 who feels ao, thanks
and the comparatively poor calibre of
the New Zealand team have led many
padded at the bottom. Footballers run
sufficient danger of injury without
J.. G. Collins: Sunnyside v. High School
Sunnytide, C. McLachlan.
Old Boys,
of ground area. I understand that the
construction of this weir will cause a
to Kruschen Salts.
Iter age,
lam not
to think too readily of a series of compelled to plav
Junior I.—Sydenham v. 'Varsity, Polo No.
being on Linwood v. Cliristchurcli,
J ri.P., D. Barrett; rise in the level of three inches at the
defeats There is no reason to be so equipped fields, and the New Zealand Polo No. 1 S.P., J. Menzies; Merivale v. ALLEGED THEFT. Fitzgerald avenue bridge, and nine or
pessimistic. There is quite a good Rugby Union would do well to make West Old Boya, Polo No. 3 S.P., G. S. A. ten inches at Stanmore bridge. could posh a 'I Slttm throvE**"' Nr» _uU>4
chance that the All Blacks will perform provision in its rules for safe and Biltcliff; Albion v. Technical Old Boys.
well. From an inspection of the level to-
proper equipment on all football Polo No. 4, In. Steele; High School Oid Boys wards Bracken street, it would appear
Rugby appears io have made rapid a, bye
progress in Australia, and particularly
grounds. •Junior II.—Merivale v. High School Old CHARGE AGAINST YOUNG MAN. that this is likely to cause backing up
There was an exceptionally large
in New South Wales. The Australians
admit—and boast—that they have
attendance at a complimentary social
Old Boys' ground, Borrington attest,
W. Bcattie; Y.M.C.A. v. Linwood, Wool-
of the waters in certain storm-water
drains at present existing on the left
at Konini on Monday tendered by foot- ston Park, It. Spooner; 'Varsity v. Technical (PESC-S TZLEGBASi.)
burnt much from New Zealand teams, ASSOaATION
bank of the Avon between Retreat road 91m-!»
Km» TK. ■! STWT «i
bidlers and residents throughout the Old Boys, 'Varsity No. 23 N.P., G. M. Mc-
and they claim that thev can defeat district to A. Mahoney, a member of Kenzie; Old Collegians v. Christchurch, AUCKLAND, June IS. and Bracken street. I am quite aware
the 1929 All Blacks. The Waratahs the All Black team for Australia, and Christchurch ground. No. 7 N.P., J. McCor-
Last night detectives arrested at
that this portion of tho river is affe•.■ted \TJae«, froß

who toured the Dominion last year mack; North Canterbury v. Aranui, Polo No. by bolh spring,and reap tides, as far IV-1

the first Bush player chosen to repre- Singi* lie

5 S.P., J. Gordon. Epsom Francis Hampton Housiaus, \>rr Q>"
J Bettle* .
gave many splendid expositions of foot- as Stanmore road bridge, but then those S<ja»re Gin . .
ball and played in a manner which
sent New Zealand. Mahoney was the
recipient of numerous presentations,
Junior lll.—West Old Boy 3
ton, High School Ola BO7S' ground. No. 12
New Brigh- aged twenty-five, described as a grocer, events arc only occasional, whereas tha
<'»•> Wtiitky, from

6 iWttlra
1! B«tU*«

indicated that they might extend i-ii \YhIU Horte Win iky
including a travelling hag and a wallet. N.P., J. T. Gwynne; Sydenham v. Papanui, He was in company with a girl of proposed weir will maintain the river Thr*e-St»r Branny, from P/»
All Black first fifteen.

Sydenham Park, J. Gray; Training College

seventeen, who was also arrested, the constantly at this level. A* ie 4 S*e»t, tr«n JA ...

Already the New South Wales team v. Albion, Albion ground, No. 21 S.P., 3. "In my opinion there are three or BrtriK !»»• OtH«r PltoW Wm,
to play the tourists in the first match charge against iier being that she waa

CANTERBURY UNION. Bradshaw; High School Old Boys v. Aranui. four bungalows on River road, near
■EALTHY children are an idle and disorderly person.

has been selected, and it is seen that 515 Wainoni road, E. E. Cockroft; Kaiapoi
always playing, and v. Christchurch, Christchurch No. 27 N.P., Both appeared in tho Police Court Bracken street, that are likely to bo

many well-known players are included. injuriously affected by this increase in


sirungti auu Ross, the University full-back, is de- E. Rudkin; Richmond v. St. Andrew's Old this morning before Mr Hunt. The RING THOKE 1»«
l lie
MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Boys, Richmond Park, A. F. Rollinson. the level of sub-soil water owing to

scribed a.s a splendid player, almost girl, whoso name was suppressed, waa
healthier they are the rougher President's I.—Technical Oid Boys v. the construction of the proposed weir,

the equal of Nepia. C. Towers, well MEETS. remanded for a week.

the games they play. Every Christ's College, Ensor's road, S. C. Mur- The charge against Housiaux was and it is possible that the owners of
known to New Zealanders. is evidently ray; St. Bede's College v. Merivale, Innes these may claim damages from your

The Nan In
game has a hundred chances playing great football this year, and that, on June 17th, he ctole three gold

road reserve, C. Crozier; Boys' Hip,!] School Board on this account or probably
of little cuts and bruises. eulogistic references by Australian v. High School Old Boys, Stiaven road
No. watches, one silver stop-watch, two

The Management Committee of the Can- obtain an injunction to call upon the
Perhaps they may seem critics infer that he is the best centre terbury Bugby Union met last night, when 1, A. Thompson; Linwood v. 'Varsity, Lin- gold watch chains, fourteen gold wrist- Board to have this weir abolished,
produced in Sydney. The selection of wood Park, J. H. Kingi; Chrietchurcb v. let watches, two goid bracelets, two
nothing," but no matter there were present: Messrs A. E. McPiiail St. Andrew's College, St. Andrew's College, when its results are known.
N. K. Lamport, captain of the Aus- (chairman), A. Barrett, E. V. Phillip3, A. H. T. Fuller. gold armlets, and a chain, of a total "I would suggest that if it is mere-
how slight the injury, serious

The Street
tralian University team which recently President's ll.—Albion v. Halswell, Hals- value at £loo, the property of somo- ly a question of a suitable portion of
Duggan, V. Jensen, W. Britten, St. J. J.
consequences may attend de- toured the Dominion, is interesting, well, A K. Henderson; High School Boys Old persons unknown. A considerable
the river for rowing purposes, that
and he should acquit himself well if Dunne, A. E. Flower, C. S. McCully, L. Boys v. Christchurch, High School Old
lay in treating it. Germs, the quantity of stolen property was in his various boat clubs look to that por-
he reproduces the fine form shown Thomson, R. Brftton, J. K. Moloney, W. No 25 N.P., L. Hardie; Bromley v. Christ's possession when he was arrested, and
scientists tell us, are always here. E. Ford is a dashing and solid Maxwell, and Dr. Seed. College, Christ's College, C. Hegarty; Bio- tion of the Avon fronting Locksley
the balance was recovered in a house avenue where they will have a greater
trying to enter the body, and carton v. Merivale, Riccarton, M. L Hig-

The Man Wk» I

wing, and other names known here are It was agreed to play the match against
Richmond v. Technical Oid Boys,
subsequently visited by detectives. Ac- depth and a much straighter run. It
no scratch or cut is too small Cerutti, J. Ford, Telford, and Wad- Taranaki on September sth instead of Sep- gins;
Technical Old Boys No. 13 N.P., H. E. cused was remanded till June 25th. would only be a question of improving
dington, all of whom are forwards. tember 4th.
an opening. Most serious Radley. None of the property mentioned was the banks and removing some of the
The standard in Melbourne and With regard to a request from the Sub-
President's lll.—Boys' Hign School v. part of that stolen from Lady Lock-

troubles have small be- as in Syd- Unions that a team be sent on tour, it was willows. Again there are one or two
Queenslandtheis not so high Svdenham, Straven road No. 2, L. Heap;
Always keep a tin of Rexona
ney, but Victorian team evidently
performed creditably against
South Wales. The only well-known
ueci'ded that this could not be done.
July 6th was fixed for the Charity Day
It was decided to »end a junior representa-
Merivale v. Linwood, Merivale
14 N P., L. C. Hcbbs;
School Old Boys, Polo No.
ground No.
Kaiapoi v. High
7 S.P., W.
hart's residence. good stretches before coming to New
Brighton that could be availed of.
"As a matter of policy, I think that
Knows What's wht
handy in the house, and use it McLauchlan; Sumner v. North Canterbury, your Board should decide against the
for every little injury—it may
player in Brisbane is T. Lawton,
Oxford Blue, who played one or two
ex- tive team to play Wellington on September
August 28th was confirmed by tho Wai-
Y.M.C.A. ground No. 23 N.P., A. Smale.
Under 17.—Albion v. Boys' H.S., Albion
CHAIN STORES. construction of weirs on any portion
of the Avon owing to the possibility
ImriaMj Cms hid I
save a great deal of pain games for the Albion Club in Christ- Woodsford;

—and even life. church three years ago. Lawton for-

merly was one of the most brilliant
varapa Union as the date for the representa-
tive match against Canterbury at a Waira-
ground, Beckenham Park, A.
H.5.0.8. v. Technical 0.8., OpawaWest
I,J. Ti Hampton; Linwood Av.
Park >o.
of the rise of the sub-soil water."
Bk Hew M I 1
rapa centre yet to be selected. Barrington street, M. O. Sinclair;
C£" City Council Position.
five-eighths in the world, and is said
It was decided to make a donation of church v. Kaiapoi, Kaiapoi No. 2, S. Turn- CLUB. The Town Clerk wrote: "I am
to bo playing as well as ever. £lO towards the cost of the erection of s> bull; North Canterbury v. Merivale, Folo
It' you suffer from chapped
Whatever the result of the tour, and W. Templeton; Sydenham v. directed by the By-laws Committee of
Cwt—lc Sim
lands try rubbing in a little pavilion at the Beckenham Park. Vo 8 SP
Rexona. Use frequently it is evident that the New Zealand Mr Phillips asked for a ruling concerning Linwood
B. Opawa Park No. 2, J. Armstrong. tho Citv Council "to inform you that
Under 16.—Linwood v. Merivale, Lin- At tiia monthly meeting of the Canterbury Dr. Telford, in his capacity as Medi-
during the day, always after
*ashins. and upon retiring team will meet formidable opposition Mills, a financial member of the Christ-
Schmidt; Boys H.&. Advertising Club last night, "Chain Store
church Club, who resided m Chrietchurcb wood No. 24 N.P., F. O. No.
mA you will find that it
keeps the hands wonder-
fully soft and supple.
in Svdnev, the visit is certain to bene-
fit the game in Australia, and to en-
and was eent by his employer to Invercar- v. Sumner, Merivale
gill where he played in two or three games. Stiles; Technical
6 -N.P..
0.8. y. Richmond
O. A.
Merchandising" was the subject of an inter-
esting address by MrK.A Wilkie. "Chain
cal Officer of Health, waited on the
committee this afternoon, when he
stated that he wished to object on
\ Tfce Sfctp's Prii >

courage the rapidly-growing popular- He subsequently returned to Christchurch, Albansa Park No. 2, N. G. Gardiner; Syden-
ity of the Rugby game in Melbourne,
Sydney, and Brisbane.
but as he had not Been back long the club ham,
decided that it would be better not to use Merivale
Under 15.—Merivale v. Boys
H.b. a,
. stores," ike speaker began, "stand for scien-
tific management as applied to the great
health grounds to any weirs being
placed in the river Avon. This being Smart Box 1New TvttJ
ground. No. 6 N.P 1.80 p.m.. W. function of retail merchandising. During
the case, tho committee is withholding
Inter-Club Competition.
his services against Old Boys last Saturday. Smythe;
He was on the club's books and played for ij.i.'s road
Technical 0.8. Av. West 0.8..
1.30 p.m.. C. G. Crawford;
recent years, he continued, the field of chain
stores had increased iar beyond the con- the question of making any payments Suits
result of the Oval game last it last season. ?echnica.
O B. B v. B. H.S.O. Boys' I.H.S. the originators of tha towards the weir until the whole posi-

45/- 29/6
The ceptions held by
Saturday between Christchurch and The chairman: He must be here for two ground. No. 12 N.P., 1.30 p.m., L. A. Key*.
v. Linwood, Lancaster scheme. It waa a cSange from the old idea tion has been satisfactorily cleared
weeks before he can play. Bct 71b.—Sydenham
to the new and it was one that was not to up between the medical officer and
Old Boys caused general satisfaction, The Linwood Club wrote stating that it Park Oval, 1.30 p.m., J. E. Maxwell; Meri-
be regretted. In many countiies chain
and added interest has now been given Park South, 1.30 your Board.
to the senior competition. f™or .J°
considered the punishment meted out to its vale v.
senior B coach. Mr W. Yates, at the pre- pm
Albion, Lancaster
S. A. Orchard; Christchurch, a bye. 6tore3 had raised a good deal of opposition, "I would add that the rowing ciubs I To j "*•

7Gns. BGw.
v' Christchurch A, Opawa but nevertheless thoso firms endeavouring to
Saturday many people regarded the vious meeting for having made objectionable 7st —Albion v.
Merivale y combat them, had, in a large number of are most anxious for the question to
invincible, and it remarks to a referee in a recent game, was Park, 1.30 p.m.. E. Hackell; be dealt with as soon as possible."
Old Boys' team as 5.0.8., 'Varsity ground. No. 5 N.F.. -.du cases, adopted their ideas and methods.
was thought that the premiership was too severe and that a reprimand from the H. Linwood B v. Sydenham A, Now chain stores were operating with un-
Union would have met ths case. It was nm M. Irwin; Drainage Board Opinions.
practically assured for the Whites. Park, 1.30 p.m., W. Jennings; precedented success throughout the world.
of _OW asked that the case be reopened. The letter Opawa
Svdenham B v. Linwood A. Sydenham FarH, Mr Wilkie waa thanked for his enlighten- When these letters had been read Mr
Had it not been for the defeat also stated that Mr Yates had borne an I*3o pm., B. Mottram; Christchurch Bp.m., v.

Boys, in the last match of the
ing address.
E. H. S. Hamilton asked that the clause «W i» mm—mi m* *• '
would excellent character in the past, had done a Y.M.C.A.. Lancaster Park West, 1.30 Before closing the meeting, the chairman

round, the next series of games lot for the game, and had already been W. Marsh. in the Act, giving the Board power to
said that he would like to announce that
have lost much in interest. Isow, with severely punished by the publicity given the "Efficiency in Business" had been chosen erect dams, be read. This stated that
five teams in the running, club sup- case. as the slogan for tho club. no dam must be built which would
porters are more
enthusiastic, and tne
Mr W. Britten moved that the case be PRESENTATION TO MR A. heighten the level of the river further
prospects for approaching fixtures
than it was-in June, 1927. Mr Hamil-
discussed. This was seconded by Mr Barrett. I. COTTRELL. no inten-
being keenly .

One of the main factors in the lead-
"It would be very weak-kneed to Teopen to the request made by Otago that a repre- ton added that there was
stated, to raise the Petcme Waite MarM« fttiMiass. and at Brio's* StTMt,"
petition will be the effect on the
the case," eaid Dr. Seed.
the sentative team should visit Dunedia this tion, as Dr. Telford whole object of it,
It was decided not to reopen case.
seaaon. level a foot. The
ing teams who are losing players tor TAYLOR'S MISTAKE SURF CLUB. Mr H. Divers Baid that the Auckland in his opinion, was to hold the water at
the New Zealand tour of Australia. Complaint Regarding Coach. .League vras not giving the Otago executive a low level, and thus make it possible
Five Canterbury players leave
The Linwood Club wrote regarding a com-

Otago had sent two touring

a fair deal. to excavate the river and get the depth.

row, and four clubs will be affected. plaint made by the Sydenham Club con-
cerning remarks made by the former's Members and supporters of the T&ylor'e teams to Auckland, but an Auckland team The Board knew that any dam must be
the ab-
Old Boys will suffer through Senior A coach, Mr H. E. Davis, in a re- Mistake Surf and Life-Saving Club assembled had visited Dunedin on only ono occasion. with the provisions of the
and all CHEST sence of W. Dalley and S. 11. Carieton at the New Zealander Hotel last evening/to The Otago League had gone to considerable in accordance
COMPLAINTS and Dalley's loss will seriously affect
cent match.
An accompanying letter from Mr Davis bid farewell to one of their members, Mr expense to send the last team on tour, Act.
The FAMILY REMEDY is the team. Old Boys are fortunate, stated that he failed to see in what manner
an explanation from him was required. He
A. I. Cottrell, who is sailing for Australia
shortly as a member of the New Zealand
which was very unprofitable, and it had
received no assistance from
The Board's engineer explained that
the Auckland the proposed new dam would raise the
however, in possessing such an excel- thought that rather the Sydenham Club Rugby representative team. He was ten- body. The Auckland League drew large level of the river to the same height as
lent substitute as M. 1.. Page, who should be asked to make a definite charge dered the very good wishes of many Chriet- gates and was in a sound financial position, dam did.
whs unavailable for the Australian against him instead of resorting to vague church sports bodies and was presented with and it was only right that an Auckland the temporary
trip. Albion is, perhaps, the most un- generalities. "As far as my sportsman-
a travelling case by members of the Tay- team be sent to Dunedm this year. The Air J. W. Beanland thought the mat-
fortunate team, as H. Lilburne, the
ship is concerned," ran the letter, "I yield
lor's Mistake Surf Club. Auckland executive had done very little as ter had been settled so as to provide the
cluef mainstay, is one of the touring
to no one in the Sydenham Club or anyone
else in regard to the manner in which the The patron of the Club, Mr A. P. Osborne, regards assisting the Otago League. boating people a reasonable way out of
was the first speaker, and ho extended all the It was decided to refer the matter back their difficult}'. The By-laws Commit-
partv. Christchurch will lose A.. I. best traditions of the Rugby Union game Auckland League with a request that
Cottrell and Merivale C. Oliver pie should bo upheld, and I leave it to the good wishes of the club. to the tee of the City Council had got a shock
77ic GREAT LUNG PROTECTOR good sense of the committee, who know me Mr F. D. Kesteven said that he was very consideration be given to the Otago League ■ when Dr. Telford came along. He
losses are fairly well distributed, but personally, to judge whether I would be pleased to be present at the ceremony of invitation, and stating that September 14th He
would bs a suitable date for a match to be was very firm in his convictions.
the teams may bo di&erently affected.
/it Mree sijes I6 2'6,4 r6 f Merivale and Old Boys are now lead-
ing equal, with Albion two points be-
guilty of unsportsmanlike tactics or other-
wise. I would welcome an open enquiry
giving the club's honoured representative a
hearty send-off. "He has been selected to
tiy the Canterbury Rugby Union into this represent New Zealand on the Kugby fields
played between Auckland and Otago at argued that the dam was going to raise
Dun«din the saturation point. The City Council
matter, and if the instructions which I gave of Australia," eaid Mr Kesteven, "and that, recognised the Drainage Board as the Bight in gixe—right in price—the

is another point
1 hind. Christchurch
lower down, with 'Varsity next. Albion
and 'Varsity have yet to play, and the
result will place one of these two teams
to my team on the occasion under review

as I interpret them, I am quite prepared to

take the consequences, but
I think, is the greatest honour a man can
are not strictly within the laws of the game jrain in- sport."
I resent very Cottrell
The speaker wished Mr
all success and a safe return. ASSOCIATION.
controlling authority, and if the Board
decided to go on then the City Council
would pay over the money.
is the very cooker that ninety-nine
out of a hundred require.
Mr F. J. Lawrence Scott, secretary of the

cooks EvcinrniiNf

a point higher up. All five leading much the veiled suggestions contained in
the letter, and also some of the remarks Royal New Zealand Life-Saving Council, Mr Hamilton maintained further that
teams are in the contest for the pre- passed by one or two members of the com- extended the congratulation sf that body to thev could raise the level any distance
miership, but the chances of Old Boys the guest of honour. Others who extended MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE. so "long as it was not moro than six



Old Residents
and Merivale are most favoured. If The letter added that the writer was not their best wi3hes were: Messrs A T. Bolam
inches. The better the subsoil drain-
on the sideline at any time during the (Sumner Surf Club), I*. S. Taylor (New
Christchurch can win all remaining game. Brighton), A. E. Armstrong (City Council'/, ago was the more they wouid be pleased,
matches, they will possess excellent The chairman said that although a coach A. Barrett (Canterbury Rugby Union), N. The Management Committee of the Can- but it was not fair for Dr. Telford to Special Insolation makee the "B.EZ" most effici»ot ui»«F
prospects, as there is likely to be a might call out instructions to his team, ho S. Batchelor (Canterbury Swimming Centre),
terbury Football Association met last even- «tate that there would be a foot rise

will advise
light on current. The Ur»e oven—l&jin x 12il« x X3tm—9

considerable shuffling among the lead- body

did not think that such action should be and H. J. Ballin.
ing, Mr C. H. Bascand preeiding.
Tb'ise and go to the City Council, the ample accommodation for full slse meal*, which tlw

Mr Kesteven then made the presentation. money, and shake the big

'Varsity's chances are regarded as unsportsmanlike.

ing teams. Bunt, 3. Stout, holding the
"It is hardly necessary to do it in senior In reply, Mr Cottrell said he thought it present were: Messrs R. B. cooks better and cheaper than most "high-price" eookenv
rather remote, but the students "are games." said Dr. Seed. stiek at them. The Board could bo
one of the greatest honours of his life to S Doree, H. Wiikins, L. Sharr, D. Thom-
j j

better than is generally thought, and "You will get it en any ground," com- relied upon to do nothing which wouid

new ones
be accorded such a warm farewell. He TVardell, C. E. Kers, a 12-months' guarantee it proof of the sound constmctum-
will probably defeat some of the teams mented a member. thanked the gathering very much for their son, J. Jennings, W. raise the level of the river, but those at aay I
It was decided merely to receive the letter. I>. J. rpecial installation is required—yon '"p'os

F. Bennett, G. Buiet, M. Anderson, ware entitled to

higher up. good wishes, and assured the assembly that river
Phillips, and D. who used the socket. Thi* convenience saves £6 iwttiUttaa

Whatever the ultimate result, the Wrong Man Blamed. he fully realised that he had a great respon- D. Marks, Messrs F. G. have the best use made of it


sibility in trying to keep up the reputation,

to buy their
competition is in an exceedingly inter- Anderson o' Messrs Batten Mr W R. Carcv: If we keep the level j If you cannot be shows a
W. Barker appeared before the commit- not of himself, but of the clubs which ha A deputation consisting Lyttelton Club, within th- limits th" Act prescribe*. I
esting position, and there are excellent tee to answer a charge of having been represented, which had had such brilliant and Stephenson, of the with
"KEX" by your Power Board
prospects of many exciting and close ordered off the field on Juno Bth in the representatives in other New Zealand teams. waited on the committee reference to
has Dr. Telford any jurisdiction
over or Electrical Dealer, com-
struggles on the Oval. The lower teams Junior 111. Grade match New Brighton "I assure you," he concluded, "I will do the re-grading of D.
Taylor from, senior to municate with the Kew Zea-
meat at
can scarcely be considered, but the im- v. St. Andrew's College Old Boys. my very best for my team while away, even
iuniors. The Lytteltonand the request was
mace an ap-
chairman (Mr H. J. Otley): It is land Distrainors—
A letter was read from J. llawson, whose

proving Linwood fifteen will prove a is a feeble one." plication last week, say what the powers of the
name had wrongfully been given as the if that best hard
turned down. After discussion, the ques- to

stumbling-block to any team experi- player ordered off, stating that he was sur-
of re-?rading the player was he.d over Health Officer are. .
encing a lapse of form. prised to learn that his name had been so Committee to recon- Mr Carev: We ought to be quite with I.IMITEO
used, seeing that he had not played in the NORTH CANTERBURY SUB- for th? Cla-SBiScaiion level of
in rights in restoring the AUCKXAJTD
Play and Players. match mentioned.
"'Owinff to some mrsunderftandinc'
the d- ; the our water to where it was vchen the CHBISTCHTTRCH

Barker, in answer to questions, stated UNION. St. Albans Burgees
There was far too little back play that he had not given any name to the nutation from the St. river-sweeper began operation?.
and over-much kicking for Saturday's
referee, and
asked for it.
did not think he had been
He was not a member of
Tho following ars the results o! Hurairai
v. North Canterbury Sub-Union representa-
Station and the
mittee "hich was to havs
Albans School
r**n received.Com- On the motion of Mr W. J. matter
Tuesday nights seconded bv Mr Beanland. the

Oval attraction to be classed as bril- the New Brighton Club, but had played for tive matches played at Amberley last Satur-
was postponed till n«cl asked
"THE BUTCHERS" the Sydenham Club last year. He admitted day:— over, and Dr. Telford
liant, but the evenness of the teams Junior Grade—Hurunui 9, North Cantcr-
meeting. was
that he had been hot-headed in acting as to meet the Board at its nest
172 High Street, Christchurch provided an exciting, and often thrill- he had done. He had been put down as bury 3. Saturday's Matches.
contest. Christchurch's victory was Grade—Hurunui 8, North Canter-

one of the New Brighton Club players. Senior

'Phones 887 and 2952
very popular with the crowd, most of It was decided to stand Barker down in 6. Seniors-Thistle v. Brighton Technical, Enj.:«h Inch
Mr James Cook's exhibition
is as under: Campbell), v. Western, *

the meantime, and that the secretary, cap- The draw for Saturday Park 'M-
whom wanted to see Old Boys defeated. tain, and coach of the New Brighton C'.ub Senior —G'.er.mark v. Kowai. Mr Rhodes; £ .»':''Vr J Jennings); Kaiauoi v. Nornaas, opened at the Art Gallery on Friday
Net that the Whites are unpopular,
be invited to attend the next meeting. Oxford v. Cust, Mr C. Feary; Tuahiv.-i v. Ka"™ Mr HowarV: ?»S«« -

Inst, has been v< ry well patroniwd

but sympathy is nearly always against Albant Ha.ley No. 2 /Mr

It was also decided to state the facts of Oboka, Mr A. Ward; Woodend r. Loburn th© public. To date twenty-seven pic-
"tern v Th .£ B
the loading team. The great second- the case to Mawson, and to express regret Mr S. Piki.
Junior—Ko-s-ai v. Amberley. Mr C. Fitz-
Juniors, 2.45 p.m.-* tures and drawing have i-*-?" £od ;
half recovery by Old Boys nearly that his name had been used as it had been. Hajrley No. 3 (Mr including a pencil drawmz "Ghent
WITH FOODS changed the result, but Christchurch
Seferees Dissatisfied.
patrick; Glenmark v. Woodend, Mr W
Boyee; Oxford, a bye. Kick-off, 2.45 p.m. MarW. Lytieltnn (Mr
Thutle A. Spreydon 'Mr Warar,..,
ai. and an oil painting. "Valley or the
merited the victory. Onveze.'' which have been i,nrchas?d

Easily the outstanding plaver on the A deputation consisting of Messrs R. J. Force T . Su-ne., Ai-a ■-

CAt for the Technical College. The<* two

Brighton v. bt.
field was W. Dalley, and the brilliant G. Coilins and W. Duggsn, representing the
s roa-
rt f
are excellent examples of Mr C-ook s Gvn* instant rebel
- -

waited on th 9 -r-echn-'.-a v. Neman*, .
D I*

All Black half has seldom given a Referees' Association, r>r,r«.)-

i-'oree/, .«.ji.-«- „

No 1 (Mr Thomsons i.iI.CA. .. trork.

Tai Tapu
mittee to put certain matters before it. s£r ?
(sepior\ a friendly game.

better ail-round exhibition. His enter- Collins said that there was a feeling that r Fever, Coldt,
When in Westport **U «»a Kilkenny

the committee was not very friendly to-


prise and quick action on attack were

always a source of danger to Christ- wards the Referees' Association. He under- OTAGO WANTS MATCH WITH r d Co., the Ford Kings. They wrJI
The standard
stood that in other centres the constitution ern v. Manst B. ringiey give you Service Cars fcr Hire.


church, and his wonderful defensive of the Unions had been altered to allow AUCKLAND.

Nomads, a bye. t bt. 'Phones 165 and 126. K*»~«

finalities were always in evidence. the Association to be represented on them. t.^t-.V.*

Dalley has improved greatly since the There were only three small Unions in tba {THE PRESS Special Serrtce.] RALPH
North Island and the Canterbury Union DUNE DIN", June 18. Mothers! Protect your children yean.
South African tour, and he should be constituted. There was
which were not 60
At last night's meeting of th« Otago Rugby from coughs and colds this winter.
A' *B rhtmua.
EVERY TIME! a great asset on the Australian trip.
Next to Dallev. G. Scrimshaw was
an objection to the manner in which some
young referees were sometimes interrogated
It had
Football League executive, a !ei*er was re- Put a few drops of "NAZOL on tneir
handkerchiefs every morning. fix y
most prominent, and the All Black when they came before the Union. reived from the Auckland League statin**
been stated that the Union sometime? pen- doses coet only la 6d.
r. Mariflt, Brighton ,Mr
wing-forward's return to form is very Vruki-.-
alised referees who had caused the Union that the northsrn executire could not accede Brighton

Ladies' Underwear Manchester Department

and full fitting, in shades of Sky, Salmon, Cream you can
Usually 5/11 A/1 1 SALE PRICE YARD
Have you seen our 16in COLOURED TERRY
sleeves; extra good quality— Usually 1/4J yard J!/'
Usual Price 3/6 O/ll SALE PRICE
Hosiery and Gloves BOYS' SUITS, Mid Grey; sac and shorts; food fitting
3 to 6 *%*% J£
shades of Pastel, Champagne, Peach, Blush, Tan-
aura, Grey and Black; in
Special value
size 3 9, 9A and lOin.
O /£
7 to 12
SALE PRICE .. 27/6
07 /f»
13 to 16

selectel skins; in shades of Tan and Brown; sizes SALE PRICE PAIR «J
Usually 12/9 each
Q /

Fancy Department SALE PRICE VI

PLATO EVENING SHAWLS, 58in x 29in, with 18in MEN S SAC SUITS, dark Grey shade-
49/6 nc
Honeycomb fringe; in Pink, Turquoise, Gold, Helio,
Black, Flame and Apricot 1Q /1 1
A Big Wholesale Stock secured by Private Treaty Furnishings

3Hn to sin GLACE AND MERVE RIBBONS, in all

colours £ J AXMTNBTER CARPET RUNNER, 27Sn wide; in
SALE PRICE YARD UU Grey and Fawn groundwork—

Seasonable Wear STRIPED CURTAIN NETS, 38in wide; in Blue and

FLEECY-LINED JUMPERS, with collars and tie ends, Rose stripe—
Millinery Dress Materials pockets; Fawn, Green, Champagne SALE PRICE YARD «| /"

MATRONS' FELT HATS, in slack, Navy and Tobac, nice ALL-WOOL JUMPER SUITING, double width; a lovely SALE PRICE U/li
medium shapes, good head fittings, plain oval crowns or material, in all the latest shades — SILK AND WOOL SPORTS COATS, with roll collar, sash
soft draped effects, touches of velvet— 8/11 £/"|1 belt, pockets, double cuffs; Navy, Brown, Saxe, Rose,
Usuauy Fawn Q Id
.. ••

V/ 11
4 /JJ 5/11 AND

Selection of the New BEKEI FEiiT HATS,

64in A.L.L-WOOL QUALITY REPP; shades are: Rose/tfeige, SALE PRICE .. .. .. .
.. O/iJ
Big assorted Fawn/Beige, Saxe, Dark Cyclamen, Oporto, Rose Pink Children's Wear
colours, including Navy and Black— and Wine. Wonderful value—

4/U 8/11 AND

14/9 SALE PJiICE ■*"
fi/11 jrcaia—

Frocks Haberdashery

4/1 J 6/1 J g/JJ

Beautiful Quality BLACK VELVET FROCKS, in S.S.W. and BURLAP CANVAS, 50in wide; in Brown, Saxe and Green; Silks
S.W. sizes only, long sleeves, newest fitting bodice, with suitable for Curtains, Cushions, etc.— 50in JERSEY SILK, Circular; in Pale and Deep Pink; also
full flare skirt, coloured Crepe de Chine collar and cuffs— Usually 4/9 yard Q/1 1 36in, in Fawn and Deep Pink, suitable for Singlets, Prin-
Ideal for the slim figure— SALE PRICE Of 11 cess Slips, Nightdresses, Knickers, Jumpers, etc.—
Usually 69/6 to 79/6 QA/(» TRACED FAWN LINEN TABLE CENTRES, applique designs Usually 4/11 and 8/11 9/11 AND Qft |
OV/%3 3/11 each o in

lar and newest inset vest effects, long sleeves, skirts with TRACED WHITE LINEN D'OYLEYS, hemstitchel edge, for 50in STOCKINETTE, in Fawn, Brown, Navy and Silver; I
Mixed Silk and Wool A splendid line for Jumpers I
knife and box pleats; shades: Tan, Beige, Fawn, Cocoa, Crochet—
or Jumper Suits— I
Cinnamon; sizes: S.W. and W.— Usually 7§deach £ll Usually 9/11 Q/11 I
Usually 59/6 to 69/6 OA /£ SALE PRICE V2U .. .» ».

O/ll I

Also a few Navy W. and O.S. QA /£ Usually 3/-each O/Q MARK
SALE PRICE ... ... OiJ/V
„« ..
... SALE PRICE ,_* ~. * M „.* Ll O


tion order against Mr Nelson on Ms
MID-CANTERBURY H. A. Vezey, Miss H. Farrell with Mrs
E. C. Rawnsley, Mrs H. G. Kemp with
RAKAIA. age 25
total 196, new cases 7. Con-
was given to the forthcom-
SAMOA. giving certain guarantees would, I feel
A well-attended and enthusiastic ing appeal day which was fixed for
sure, after all his recent experiences,
Mrs J. Meßae, Mrs J. Lane with Mrs
P. Seldon, Mrs T. Thomas with Mrs
E. H. Orr, Mrs L. J. Watt with Miss
Milliehamp, Mrs W. Lane with Mrs
meeting of supporters of the Rakaia
tng-of-war competitions was held in the
July llth. In view ot the principle
involved it was decided to abandon
the sweets stall and to substitute for SUGGESTED SOLUTION OF
convert that gentleman from an op-
ponent of the Administration to a valu-
able ally.
ASHBURTON. F. Watt, Miss R. Cuff with scorer, Miss
N. Percy with Mrs W. Thomas, Mrs V.
P. Boot with Mrs C. M. Innes, Mrs E.
library on Monday evening, Mr G.
Cromie presiding. It was decided to
form a committee, and the following
this a nut and fruit stall. It was de-
cided to hold a dance at the close ot
ihe appeal day. The secretary was in-
PROBLEM. "Alternatively, I would advocate the
appointment of a Commission composed
not purely of legal men, certainly not
your * ft
structed to write to Mr R. Dabourn, Government officials, but men with long
W. M. Cole with Mrs S. Christie, Mrs
H. N. Lewis with Miss A. Madden.
were elected:—Messrs G. Cromie (chair-
man), A. Stewart, G. Tatterson, W. Tat-
terson, J. Cromie, E. Baker, T. Me-
Ashburton, regarding music for the
dance. In connexion with the proposed
rest rooms 'lie secretary was asked to
REV. MR GOLDIE'S VIEWS. experience of the natives, with pos-
sibly a legal man as advisor, to confer
with all parties and make such recom-
A. and P. Association.
Kinnon, W. Holmes, P. Smith, G. Cor- write for particulars from the Temuka, (PRESS IESOCUTIOR TIXSOKAX.)
mendations as will enable Government
The second ingleside of the season The General Committee of the Ash- nelius, J. Shannon, E. M. Duncan, D. Kurow. and Hawarden branches. Mrs
burton A. and P. Association met yes- HAMILTON, June 18. authority to be established. The
was held by the Ashburton County Scot- Cornelius, E. Breading, J. McAnulty, H. Alex. Wilson was elected a member ol present Administrator is displaying
tish Society in the Orange Hall last terday, Mr James Bland presiding. A. Nickolls, F. W. F. Greenaway, B. Mc- the Society. Replying to questions regarding the great tact and patience. I feel snre,
At the request of the Ashburton
evening, when there was a very large
attendance. The Chief (Mr H. Sin-
branch of the Christchurcb Hunt Club,
it was decided to vote £3 3s as second
Namara, L. Cordner, C. Shannon, A
Shannon, G. Shannon, E. Duncan, W.
At the close of the business a very
pleasing function took place.
Stanley Smith, president, referred to
difficulties of the New Zealand Govern-
ment in Samoa, the Rev. J. F. Goldie,
however, that he will agree thta the
present position can never be ended by ft!
clair) presided. The first half of the prize at the forthcoming point-to-point Shellock, W. Laraman, H. Conway, S. the excellent work done bv Mrs H. E. who was for 27 years a missionary in
steeplechase, to be conducted by the Connolly, S. Gardiner, J. Blackley, T. •Tessep as hon. seeretarv of the branch the Solomon Islands, and who is now a
evening was 'devoted to a concert, the Connolly, E. Story, G. Healey, B. Kidd,
branch. during the past 12 months, and on member of the Advisory Council to the
programme for which had been arranged
Mr A. L. Jones was elected a member D. Banks, H. Corbett, H. Evans, S. behalf of the committee presented her High Commissioner for the Western BOXING.
by Messrs A. B. Simpson and J. of the Society. Dobbs, J. Beard, W. Cromie, J. Cromie, with a silver mug for baby Jessep as Pacific, said that the troubles had not
Lochhead as follows:—Selections, Pipe The Canterbury Winter Show and Ex- Jos. Langley, J. F. Langley, M. P. a token of their regard and good wishes diminished at all since the deportation
Band; dances, Miss G. Bushell's pupils; hibition Committee forwarded a cheque Cooke, C. C. Holmes, Jer. Connolly, M. for the baby's future. Many others of Mr Nelson. Whilst declaring that
T. Healey, C. Evison, G. S. Hardy, W. COOK BEATS RISKO ON A may be the first sign of
songs, Misses C. Turnbull and I. Jamie- for £6 6s, being the donation made of the committee endorsed the ores' he had no sympathy with those who

3-in-one by the N.Z. Farmers' Co-op. Association, Black, E. Spencer, J. Allen. FOUL.
son, and Mr H. SJverwood; banjo solos, Mr A. dent's remarks. Mrs Jessep replied were opposing the Administration, Mr
Winter serious lung trouble.
Mr J. Rigby; violin solos, Mr T. Lush. Ltd, in connexion with the Smith was elected secretary and hripfly. thanking all for their k''nd
wishes and for tfTe token of esteem for
Goldie said the Government should
After the concert a dance was held, Show. The letter stated that the original treasurer. It was decided to hold two freely admit the errors of the past, Take SCOTT S Emubiow
music being supplied by Mrs A. Mit- promise was £5 ss, but as £6 6s competitions for men, the aggregate the baby. Afternoon tea was served should call a round tabic conference
fmmlaYaxk-OUS-Cbans&Ptfuhm chell and Mr J. Rigby. be easier split up among the several weight of the teams to be not more than with the Samoan leaders, and start
WAS HEAVILY PUNISHED. straightaway. It soothe*
Associations interested, the Co-op., had 55st and 65st respectively, and one com- afresh with a clean slate. and heals from throat to
There is a vast difference be- Land Sale. been induced to increase the amount petition for boys 16 years and under, LISMORE. "I believe General Riehardson was a
A land sale was held in the National of its donation. weight 9st 71b. It was agreed to offer high-minded Christian gentleman, ac-
(tnrrra* run assochtios—bt sxxctbic
lung. It actually rebuild*
tween 3-in-One and ordinary Mortgage Chambers yesterday. A pro- The Director of Lincoln College ad- a first prize of £7 10s and second £2
Mrs J. C. Bell and Miss Bell, who tuated by the purest motives," said Mr
txlxg au>H—CO P IaIGHT.)
(Received Jane 18th, 6.5 p.m.) worn tissues and maintains
light oils. perty of 200 acres, situate River road, vised that a short course for farmers have been residents of the district for Goldie. "Moreover, the Government
Wakanui, occupied by Mr G. Fitzgerald, and others interested in agriculture had
10s for each of the men's competitions,
the past 22 years, and who are leaving must not be obstructed in measures for NEW YORK, June IT. general vitality
been arranged at the College, and and £3 10s and £1 10s for the boys. George Cook won m the fifth,
8-in-One isscientifically com- and offered on behalf of the mort- It was decided to hold the competitions to take up their residence in Sumner, the good of the Samoan people. The round on •> (oal in hit fight at Borneo After middle age especi-
gagees, was sold at £32 per acre, sub- would be held from July Bth to July Administration must be supreme. At against Johnny RUko, who ruled ■ sl.ght
pounded of several high qual- 20th. in the Town Hall on July 18th, the were farewelled at their home on Satur-
feel that some very labourite. Cook weighed 13st ti.b. and hUsko aUy.tbe lung« are the danger
ject to the consent of the trustees. entry fee to be 12s 6d per team for day evening. A large number of the same time I
spots. Take no risks. Guard
13tt 511b.
ity oils. Their Mended proper- The Clydesdale Horse Society


of the Ad-
One block of 948 acres and another Mr C. H. men and 7s 6d for boys. Entries close iriends were present and the evening grave mistakes on the part The; fought cm tairly eren term* m the
ties give the famous 3-in-One of 20 acres of leasehold, and 110 acres warded the medal won by Clydesdale was spent in playing bridge. Mr J ministration have led to the recent first round, both B.m
them well. Insist on genuine
on July 17th. The time for pulls
Hale for exhibiting the best .•tided a herd right to Cook's body in the
of freehold, offered on account of the heats and finals was fixed at three A Fleming spoke of the high qualities troubles. The Samoans are a proud

qualities not found in ordinary horse at last year's show. of the guests and the great asset they and intelligent people, and, like our .econd. Cook going down end claiming •

estate of the late A. McKenzie, was


minutes, and it was decided not to foul, but the referee disallowed it. Aa the
fills. That's why this wonder- passed in, the best bid being £.IOOO. Several improvements m connexion had been to the district. They had selves, resent having reforms forced Australian rote Kitko rushed bim, landing
with the Show Grounds were decided allow competitors to put their legs over been a tower of strength during the on them. In my opinion it was an iefu end rirhu to the bod;. Cook ap-
ful super-oil does the work of Pig in Main Thoroughfare. upon. It was agreed to erect a large the rope. The following officials wen
war period in raising funds, orpanisinu initial mistake to appoint a military peared to be hurt.
avenue Risko was punishing the Australian's t»«e
three. double gate at the Brucefield appointed:—Starter, Mr F. Crum; judge, entertainments, and making comforts man as Administrator, unless the pur-
As if sensing death for display in Grounds, near timekeeper, Mr J in the third, while in the fourth Risk*

Do you need a high

or rust and tarnish
grade light a local butcher's shop window for Show
week, a small pig made a bid
liberty from the rear of the butcher's
entrance to the Show
the horse-boxes.
It was resolved to support
the Can-
nominee, Mr
Mr B. McNamara;
Cromie; referees, Messrs E. Duncan and
W. Shellock; hon. surgeon, Dr. Cordner;
The success of the functions held in tin pose was (which is, of coarse, unthink-
district could always be attributed to able to New Zealand people) to use
the capable organisation of Miss Bell, force to dragoon the people into obedi-
landed hard lefu to thebreak*
Australians kidney on
body, pounding the
from clinehea.
Cook tried forcing the ft,hi. and tteppod
Pure Cod
pf Ok Lrver
terbury Farmers' Union's to take a terrific right which ap-

in, only
of blackboard steward, Mr L. who was ever ready to assist. ence to violent changes in their way peared to land in the region of the heart, and
'.preventive? Qet 3-in-One.' premises in Burnett street yesterday Mcintosh, to the Electoral College clerks of scales, Messrs H. Evans, J. T. Mr W. A. Lill eulogised Miss Bell of living. A man with military ideas another to the body. Cook claimed that he
afternoon, and proceeded up the main the N.Z Meat Producers'
was agreed
Do you need an excellent thoroughfare, dodging between a con- reported on the Smith, and H. Corbitt. It Club ns a pianoforte teacher and the I'l s is bound to meet difficulty with this
* had "been hit low. bnt did not appear lo be
Mr H C B. Withell connexion with that the Ladies' Hockey should the district wou!d sustain by her de- freedom-loving people when he tries to hurt, and remained on hie feet. Between
stant stream of cars, and followed by meeting"held recently in Mr G Scaler spoke on behalf enforce obedience to new and the fourth and fifth round* Cook'a seconds
run sideshows and refreshments. It was
parture. (to
cleanser and polish for your a number of dogs. Bystanders were H,« holdins of a County
Bay at this
of the Anglican Church Miss B"ll bav-
unsuccessfully tried to ret the referee to

Sr'sßerShow Ist
July them) irksome rgeulations. The Australian started the
entertained by the antics of the weaner to be held in Christ- decided to hold a meeting on examine Cook.
automobile, fine furniture, as it made for the railway line and church in August. to make further arrangements.
ins been or'-'nist at Lismore for over "Another mistake made was in not
20 vears. Mr N W Orr nl*o sooke of selecting an Administrator who had
fifth with a ruth, and Ritko landed
body. Cook went down. The
a I*"
hook to the
woodwork, floors?Get3-m-One.' proceeded south. With the assistance tb<» hierh qualities of the "-nests. M r some experience and sympathy with the blow in clearly low, for the referee tome
diately stopped the boot, declaring the Aus-
of a crowd of boys it was captured. A.A-A. THeming. on behalf of tbo of native way of viewing things. Another
Wi in hardware groceries, drug The Advance Ashburton Association
FAIRTON. +hp district, presented Mrs Bell and
tralian had been fouled.
R-.sko was un-
stores, mistake was to suppose that it was the The Australian's fight with most
•WW, gun stores and general stores in bot- Lodges.
met last night, Mr T G. A.
Harle pre- Although there have been 30 butchers Miss Bell with a substantial r-henue a s influence of the European or half-Euro- expected, and constitutes »if, Jmportant
dn »/ three sizes and in Handy Oil Cans. Court A.0.P., No. 6729, held its sidine The president extended a wel- employed until recently at the fair- a token o* the high e«te°m in pean enitmremrat since hi. arms! tn the Maloney United
quarterly summoned meeting on Mon-
day evening, when C.R. Bro. J. A. Rol-
So Mr A. H. Todd, a new member
replaced Mr C. G.
of the executive, who of Messrs Crum
field freezing works, there is now
likelihood of the works closing down

whiVh thev were hold and

T>nd hea'+h jmH in *-h"i r
residents which caused the hos-
them tile attitude. If the influence of these
people caused the natives to take their
States. He wet substituted
when the litter reee red a
from a sperrinr partner, wbi'h rendered
the eye
on Saturday owing to the scarcitv oi
FREE: linson presided.
One candidate was. \f Bovee The tender
The following officers were r™» was accepted P for the erection of
home. Miss 801 l rf+i'med thanks on stand, as Boon as that influence was
hobalf of heise'f and her mother, who removed the native mind would imme-
unable to meet Ri.ko as •<*«?»'•*•
Should Cook defeat R-eko. It wit *>•""' stated
At the annual householders' meeting
8»d for generous w elected:—C.R., Bro. W. R. Amos; S.C.R., the
Bro. H. F. Rogers; S.W., Bro. J. Clay-
ornTient a l fence on the West street
frontaee of the
Domain, from Wills no school committee was elected, there-
wns unable to be present on account of
diately swing back to its own natural
hefore the fight, his reputation won
.•dersbly enhanced, and better «rt«'
Press Aesocta m
■wnple and diction- JK. Mon- inclination. Instead of that, the agita- he forthcoming.—Australian
tty of uses; both ton; J.W., Bro. J. Mc. LoehheaC; S.R., streef to the curator's
lodge gat*
The Government Pub-
at fore another meeting was held on
day evening when about 24 household-
■"> nM Mrs W. and Mrs
tion seems as strong as ever.
senirv. left vesterdrv to wrong, the natives have a deep-seated
Bight or t'an.
Bro. P. J. Baker; J.8., Bro. R. W. Crow-
otcfrtdvised ers attended. The following committee Q

fieiS Q

free, that if he could rak-A rip their at Fpper Ric-

ther; uaditors, Bros. W. H. Robinson was elected:—Messrs P J. Mowatt sense of injustice. It also is a great AMATEUR TOURNAMENT.
THREE. IN. ONE and J. McElhinney. The installation lot arrange for a moving picture
(chairV C Perkins (see). T Baird. A-
mistake to suppose that any loss of
OIL COMPANY of officers will take place on July ?„ he takln of the Labour Day gala,
AfcColl. and J. Price. prestige wonld be involved by a frank
Great interest li beinf taken in th« inter-
provincial amatenr toarn»nsent Pro»ot«l will

of various points
Ist. It was decided to arrange a card a would be taken A danoe in aid of the Cricket
Club, confession of error on the part of the Clnb, which

during the the Chrf.t.horch SporU

evening for that date, and Bros. P. J. nterest in the county which was to be held this evening, has MINIATURE RIFLES. be held in the Municipal Theatre on
lotuion and Baker, C. J. Bax, J. A. Rollinson, and ™ltmonths Mr R. Dunlop reported
been postponed indefinitely.
"I think the cry 'Samoa for the next. The local team it in tpieadid form,
Drire a fadrimUe
New York
R. W. Crowther were appointed to tree?
would be planted opposite the
Memor- Samoons' is misunderstood by the Ad
and Mane thri.lin* bot»t« •boald
the varion* weijhla.
be toaght In
Th# conteet between
An invitation Librarv as a background to the week.
make arrangements.
was accepted from the Buffaloes' Lodge ial Square, either_this_ornext
ELLESMERE ASSOCIATION. ministration, and by some deliberately
The following were the results of matches misinterpreted. I chatted with the the beat on the
Ta»ker ehonld be one of
Co'in Gardiner andprogramme, at both boyi c osed-im car
are clever, willinf. and attractive boxera.
i**&r*»ented by to attend its annual ball.
The Loyal Tinwald Lodge, M.U.,
There was a good attendance at the
weekly shoot of the Miniature Rifle
fired on Monday night in the EUesmere Min
lature Eifle Association's competitions:
Chief Tamasese and feel sure that tven
after the blunder of his imprisonment
gteve MeKane ii meetinc Webber, who re
cently outpointed Leckie Id a itirrinf boot
this win'er
1.0.0.F., held its usual fortnightly meet- in New Zealand for an offence for in Dtjnedin. McKar.e U food in both at-
ing on Monday night, when the N.G., The bachelors and
spinsters of Ohert- Club. In the Club Cup competition FIRST GRADE.
which no New Zealander could have
tack and defence, and it developing »o well
We wili convert yoor $-m**m
REID REID It was sev are boldins their annual ball this L. Ireland proved the winner -«r Southbndje—W. J. McEvedy 67, A. Green- that he will provide an excellent match touring car into (asbkxnable
Bro. D. S. Re'nnie, presided. he could easily be
£. *
wood 68, D. Hayes 66, F McEvedv 63, G. been imprisoned,friend Webber. G. E. Nixon, who fonfht -b the ckwed model, from
intimated that the annual ball, which evening the secretary being Mr O. Croy. shooting off with H Noble and R. L.
f. O. Box 51, Wellington of the Adminis- faa! the recent New Zealand
63, made an earnest lirht-weifht at
won cri'bert 66, J. Lillev 68. J. Hampton
HUM thfasddraaa tar mmptm had been postponed, would be held on Air L A. Lewton is
relieving at the Haskett. The Hotty Button was J Howataon 66: total. 532. tration.
'Vanity tournament, will meet J. Jackaon.
of 78. Mr a vereetile boxer, of whom there are very
July 3rd. One candidate was initiated station in place of Mr G. Hayman. who by H. Noble with a score—W. Nairn 67, R. J. "The way out of the difficulty seems rood reporta from We'infton. W. Carer,
H E. Richards has given a silver
and one proposed. The Grand Secre- Nairn 68. H. McLau?hlin 68, E Alexander plain. I wonld advocate the poliey the popajar lffht-weiiht. 1* matched with B.
is on holiday. an electric-
tary of the New Zealand branch wrote and Mr L. C. Anderson this
68, R McLauehlin 63. W. Colline 65, X.
of a clean slate. There is a golden McGee. winner of a recent 8 boat In and the
torch, a stipulation being that in Alexander 67, F. Alexander 65; total. 536. The present Govern north; T. Gre*n will meet D. Jober*.
advising the correct manner of carry- opportunity. The
ing out the new ritual. DORIE.
A number of Dorie residents organised
competition all competitors must use
nlub rifles. Mr Ken Aitken has also
Majority for Sedgemere-Lakeside: 4.
ment was not responsible for the
trouble. The Samoans know that. The
O Wrifht will meet Percy Hawea. boote
context ahoald be one of the premier
of the evening-, e'nce the b«y» ere extremely
Ladies' Golf. criven a trophy which is for competition H. Hickman 67, H Hill 69, has an oppor- well matched and are In form t» «rnt from
aid if the school funds. C. Chapman 69, W. Reese 66, W. Gilbert 64. Ward Administration
ihilling advertisement in th
a hare shoot in
The following is the draw for the Mr J. Baxter was appointed captain,
junior championship and senior stroke and the shoot began at the Ardamine
amongst the junior members of the
elnb. J Greenall 62, T. Denton 65, H. Inwood tunity of cleaning up the
63; total, 530. dition and winning
the present con
goodwill of
rong te fonf.
Advice hai not vet been received re*ard-
(nr a bent for Twtrt Jarrera. bat it te
At the monthly meeting of the Plun-
Sedgemere-I/akeaide—F Nairn 65, F. every lover of the Samoan people. A probable that a «T>tteble bent will be ar-
competition:—Mrs C. M. Pinfold with Hall and worked towards the beach and ket Society Mrs Stanley Smith pre-
**»i«d section of Thb will sel Mrs S. Thomas, Mrs E. F. Nieoll with the river. After a good day's sport sided. The Plunket nurse's report for
Lambie 66, L. Cooper 66, W. Btret* 62, N. round table conference might be called
Alexander 63, J. Lambfe 68, G. Sloan 64* The sus-
ranged far him. The complete Bmgniieaa
nhonld provide the moat attractive amateur
lit Vkteti* t**«*
Mrs G. J. S. Fisher, Mrs Smith with May was read as follows: Visits to of the leaders of all parties. boxing Ben here far many yean. Day eelea
Try «t, 12 words Is. thr» 157 hares were shot, the number of guns S. Vince 69; total. 553. pension, if not removal, oi tat deporta- em M I ■■«■'«, Usita* Strrle* Mafiata.
Mrs R. Kennedv, Mrs J. Nieoll with being 21. homes 24, visits to rooms 89, pre-achool Total for Southbridge: 7.
*"*ioni» 2s 6d, —* Miss J. Dunlop, Miss J. Nieoll with Mrs
"give and take"; the Serbs in Jugo- General News.

The Press
TODAY'S NEWS. slavia will have to renounce the dream
of a completely Serb State and make RICCARTON DRAINAGE
no attempt to force their language and A start has been made on improve- FURTHER INFORMATION Tka Horn. Mr &* la Ptrraßa, Tffiataf
for lateraai Ataira, ao4 Dm H«ml
Pa go culture o:- -acial minorities within their SOUGHT. LEVY. < "obbe, Mirister for laAawtHes
ments to Richmond foot. aths.
work is beinc done out or the Govern-
ADDRESS BY MR COATES. C«BB«r'», arrived tr»m lavereargß

Wednesday, June 19, 1929. borders. Probably it will be possible

The Earthquake. to improve on the boundaries of the ment unemployment loan. last evening, sci left later fer Yeßa*
Imperial Airways Disaster. Business is still being carried on at WELLINGTON CHAMBER OF DECISION OF BOARD. ti'-i:,. Mr dt la IVrrei> will lra*e Wa(
Versailles settlement, but no amount of 'i:ng:-:. for Auckland oa Jaas SMk a*
Mr MacDonald and Minorities. the Municipal Marker, the six stall-
The Earthquake. readjustment will succeed without an holders having not yet received notice COMMERCE DISCUSSION. pay the Goverr.ment's coartassi ■ t* taa
..10 abatement of the nationalistic spirit. to vacate the promises occupied by
ENTHUSIASTIC MEETING. Whatever tho opinions of UK-carton G»rmau cruiser Emdn.
strongest proof of the severity of Councillors about the much-discussed A radio message received last rv«a»
GENERAL NEWS -.10 The earthquake is the diffieu ty
The only unfortunate aspect of Mr them.
[THB FBEIB SpeeUl »«rTlc*.] lag in Chriatehurcfc stated that t»a
Monday's the l>ramage

MaeDonald's statements is that they Evidently expectant of the worst is drama„o levy,
lion. Mr Atm'r,. MtaUier far flf
CABLE MESSAGES ..15 we are still finding in collecting the appeared as a newspaper article. The a London "produce merchant, who has WELLINGTON, J"*" 33- Holds lUat exactly io9*i
«a* o*«r-

borough, not i.-oi-J tif>B. !, ft yesterday f*f XaV


Imperial Airways Tragedy. facts, thirty or forty years ago we cabled a Dunedin produce firm a3 Enthusiasm marked the meeting of collected lrom the
spectacle of former Prime Ministers under. —'Telegraph full report of The question of whether or not the son., where he v» il make an !»*:«rrtm
.Striving Towards Peace, should not have been surprised if two hawking their reminiscences was bad "Reform Party supporters held in the iMa. w> w>iue Kit-cartel! Coi.iu-Ho:* of lito dt uit-iiiLcJ l>oya' College.
i ii.rn.Tiii Booth's Death. earthquake. Will it affect dairy sup- the South Inland Main Trunk railway should
days had passed without bringing us enough, but the publication of an plies:" —PiiES3 Service. Art Gallery last evening, when maiiuain. mii u:o ixwru lias pri-y-rt^
Mr W. 8. Beaaett is registered a)
be completed was again discussed
Prime Minister's Faux P.fs. at a
be Eight Hon. Mr Coates, Leader of the fv- in lac-t a ai.cau>
Disturbance at Durban. much more information than could article by a Prime Minister while he is A civic welcome will be accorded the
lo iUH.I Warn.-- - ik'tel.
meeting of the Wellington Chamber of
immediate neighbour- Parliamentary Party, gave an address u:i ine>e u; irt-> J\ *4' t "'"-'

Coal Deadlock in N.S.W. gathered from the visiting delegates to the annual confer-
Austrian War Material. hood; but news travels to-day almost
in office is far worse. But as it hap- Zealand Savage and on the present political situation and Commerce to-night. The action of the lor lUl* iiUIOJIH -HUlUtl
lUU litvv R'.>

pens, Mr MacDonald has been able to

ence of New ou ii vam;a>un .<«is. Uhcuwicii :} r»f the rr»"vl.x.«-r,»ii Grarr-x! Aumutdf,
Orphans* Clubs in the Chamber of Com- Chamber in urging the Government to U watmg Uienbcun.
FINANCE AND COMMERCE 13 as fast as light, and it is still impossible give an explanation of the incident
Party organisation.
proceed- iyratnaKv
merce Hall at 10 a.m. on July 13th Mr H. D. Acland, chairman of the make further enquiries before uieciinß cuiiiiruuu meiii in ihi*

to say precisely how much damage has Mr D A Aiken, gamer*! ■aingji tf

Understaffed .' which suggests that he has been the bv the Mayor (Mr J. K. Archer). Canterbury Divisional Executive of the ing with the work was reaffirmed. and no luniier anion
was taKeu. ;he Union Suam Ship C«n*ramy, at
been done. It is certain that there has oi

Bankruptcies. victim of a doubtful piece of journalis- Work is now proceeding at a satis- Party, presided. He said that "You will have noticed." said the it was stated mat portion present on holiday in Hawfce's Bay.
Securities and Cold. been some loss of life, though earth- tic practice, though the lesson should factory rate on the City Council's Reform" Waimairi Hat! us mudi
in chairman (Mr E. Sa'.mond), "that the Mr 1... T. K. A"'.iwii Van Kern £ppataa>
Frozen Meat. quakes do not usually take toll of life schedule of road construction. Yester- what was troubling most people plamt *s had Hucarton
not be lost. The public are entitle! to The chairman (Mr H. J. <-'tK-: )
( 'd :':::■:! > : :t'.
i "i:i''!.'i:i »•■>'!■• 5.-,rv t» tfcsj
Trade Balance. the Dominion was the cost of govern- Prime Minister scolded ns for having

Canterbury Market* Report. in New Zealand, and the damage to expect that men who have held, or
day 221 men were employed on various
plaint.-d tnat the dr:uoas« rati- ana hat Curi*M.;;r,-!. \'.M.< .A.'
property which has already been re- jobs, being allocated as follows :
ment. They could assure Mr Coates of the temerity to suggest that this work left la*
ChristchurYh Ktot-k Exchange expect to hold, high offices of State Relief works, 110; loan works, G9; been struck on the old valuations ai Mr . Ta'tv,;. f,f


ported is severe enough to cause their enthusiastic support. He felt sure should not be gone on with until a re- collected on the which were ever::-. lor Wellington to att*a4 f>
should be wary of capitalising their revenue works, 26; waterworks, 19.


anxiety. Bulier Gorge, and
In the that Mr Coates would soon be restored port upon the profit-earning capacity tore at tin- time.
He had reason y
ii!C«>ti::j cf !*» Ma;a Highways Beard.
Lewis Pass Road (W. Burrows). indeed' all
through the West Coast and
official reDUtations. Work on the new clock tower in
Oxford terrace, the gift of Mr T. J.
to'the position in the country's affair* of the line under present-day conditions
believe that, in Iticiarton s
«&-. tj<?
Mr it W. Kin tan. A'<!»!nt Om4
Farmers and the Unemployed. he had held with such valuation m the I oiineil

Pubh.uv OAeer, V\. llfaigioa. hew
Nelsqn, the damage to the roads alone Edmonds, which was held up owing to <'\Ve have a new Government, un- was obtained. I think it would
be a U:or t »t m< nt
Maraokakalio Estate. the contractor having been adjudged and mistake for
hands a time
left for Sydney, llm intends »p*a*faaw
will run into thousands, and perhaps tried in office except for the Leader the Prime Minister to con- Ho*"*-
Main Trunk Railway Route.
into hundreds of thousands of pounds.
£9OOO LOAN? bankrupt, is still in abeyance, no ar-
a f w associates," said Mr Coate3,
"and are antagonistic to the
reached the Drainage
The secretary (Mr C. h. Champion).-
. . four week* m Australia
The Square. rangements having been made to have abroad. I clude that we Mr H. L. War h.i* hit f.* Weiliajt.

there is a feeling of fairplay It whs supposed come into force «,n

Westport, even if the dammed Duller a matter of

the work resumed in the meantime. i-uiiwav. We r.u.. t.ike up lis- n«w pontioa ia tat
.-14 are March 31st. 1'.'27. but. by iK-niKsvou toti tn

SPOUTING shall be anxious to see how they suc-

gets safely away to sea, will have to ii can be showu that the line

Tun* Ooship. Figures illustrating the great growth

ceed in their work.'" He regarded the tact, it of the Valuer-General, ita operation was L>epartroeiit of Industries aad Oaafc
spend thousands of pounds in replacing PROPOSALS FOR NEW of the fruit exporting industry in New very un- will pay, I think it will be found that deferred hr the Borouch Oounn! until merce.
Trotting Notes. lo.itical situation as
we, as a bodv, are in favour of
it, U'aepucßiL
its chimneys and fallen brick walls. BRIGHTON. Zealand were given to a reporter last
stable, was
but it advisable March 31st, II>2S. M<««:« "-' i. <
Mr Otlev rend the fotlowmc table, K. V.. K::i< i.. «.i. B- adeu '>:«■ J*yiaef£
evening by the Hon. Mr de la Perrelle, but as busincs, men we cauuot shut
The Government will have to spend
GEN KRAI/ that the Government
should have
eyes to the tact that experts report
which showed the esn-M rate colU*tad and A. l'l-Jifs!' Willsrgt r> are stag-

Motor Power 3 Minister for Internal Affairs. He
reasonable amount of encourage-
thousands in restoring the Westport a
the rai.way is going to cost .Nm Zea- because the propi'r valuations had not ing at tfce Clarctdou Hotel.

Property Deal ..4 said that in 190S 123G eases of fruit

Post Office and Nelson Boys' College; TO ATTRACT MOKE PEOPLE. ment to shape a policy in accord with been before, the Bonrd when the rate
were exported from the Dominion, and land a lot of money annually."

The Courts

1 and so on. Everywhere along the main last year no fewer than 1,026,986 cases. the wishes of the majority of
position was
rather Continuing, Mr salmond said that was struck: —
Ai the Supreme Court yrsterday. at
the motion of Mr J. 1». (.odfatj,
citizens. The s. u*.
- - ..

A Kisky Trip ..

t track of the disturbance there has been Instructions have been giver, the different from any which had the position as it seenieu to him was that 2899 0 10 Richard Berry Haiaal. of l>uoedii, waa
Holding the opinion that their
the Pav-Raven Commission reported
m Car n.tipitt-rd as a adKitar by H» Hoskm*
River Control
Musicians or Artists?

"2 ° loss of some kind or other. On the borough has not been making the pro-
Standing Committees of the City Coun-
cil to prepare their estimates for die
occurred before, and the Reform
depend- 1024 that it was desirable the hue Kicmrton 692 7 0
Mr Justice Smite.
other hand, it is almost safe to say that Party's supporters wore Waimairi 82»*i la o

should be completed. The Railway

V.roadca sting

gress it should, residents of New Brigh current year in order that the rates Mr T. H. McWilliana, wireiass -psfw


"'a ing on its representatives in Par- Heathcot« 1 u /

the position, once the news services are partment then appointed two office re,
... ...

Kof.tball •• '•

q ton met in large numbers last night may be assessed on the new valuations liament to do the right thing. "We tor on the southern Cro*». left Aadft*
(..-,pi,( l . 1i

■ fully restored again, will be found to to hear speakers outline a scheme cost- This year the amount of outstanding advised the people that if they con- Messrs Fay and Casey, to go more lulls Mr Champion explained that this lurid fir Sydney 1-t the I'limaraa ta
Ijllt Alujiuu
\ ..
• •
•• 10
rt be much better than the prolonged un- rates is smaller than was the case last tinued to give the best of their effort, into the question, and in 1925 they re- excess would go back to the districts fi-joui Boundron-L*;»*lfT Kinfssaaj
ing £.9000, embracing the purchase of year, and action will shortly he taken
Reform Party
certainty may have suggested. It is expenditure, and ported that the proposition was uot concerned. In fact, it had already


Overpaid £">l~

the pier and the erection of a swimming to proceed against defaulting rate- curtailed
soi:i.d economically. L'ndo.-btedly, the been allowed for in the rate struck for

increased production, we would arrivi


K.I. Main Trunk . JO not in the least likely that anything has the present year, on the ba'is of valua-
Mr A. (.. Ttub. ,-■ St.. AlHaaa. m*
pool and fittings. The speakers (the payers. at a satisfactory solvtion of
our econo- Pay-liaven Commission was correct when

Ivxn app<«iu:eil to tlw *t«f of ea*


.CliOOtl Loan •• ..
happened anywhere for which the news Mayor, Mr J. H. Shaw, Messrs D. G. Tenders closed with the City Council mic problems," said Mr Coates. "The tLev said it was desirable the line tion. C'rmw (;ia<* Ceinpaj'. LML»
I'arm and Station (by Mr W. J. Beanland: How does Kic-
has not already prepared us. Indeed, Suilivan M.P., W. E. Leadley) on Saturday for 250 debentures of £IOO result of the advice we gave and the should be completed, added Mr Bal- claim that owe them £2300 find hat left Chrlstfbitrea t«» take 9
Straggler) *°
each, loading loan, 1928. with a cur- monu. Many things were desirable, carton *e
nothing has happened at all in Canter- success of the late Government's effort his duties at Aabbarton

Golf ]f in addition to putting forward the

rency of fifteen vears from Julv oth, is now apparent." In the last year of l,u» the point to consider was whether
l/:» in the £
]* bury, or on the Canterbury side of the scheme as being a strong attraction to 1929, and for 840 debentures of £IOO Mr Champion: They are mixing up Mr R. E. Far, Df«erating aim] Ksjalg*
the incurring of additional expenditure

office the Reform Government had been


Psyelm-Analysis Alps, which would in itself make a the two valuations of the borouph. ment Assistant, N.Z.8.. and Mr P. %
'' ]?• prospective permanent residents, also each, abattoir improvement loan, able to reduce expenditure by £190,000, was justified. If the section were

Unemployment ..if Mr Beanland: Will these figures Angus, Assistaat Chief Xeeaaaieel Ba>
newspaper sensation. The real damage- urged strongly that the New .Brighton 102S, with a ctirrenev of 36J years from considerable pleted the taxpayer would have

and this called for a to satisfy Mr Wilding and Mr Machin? ginoer. arrived from Welliagtea ye»>
Greater Progress Association—under Reptember Ist. 1929 Several tenders
AMUSEMENTS 3 has been on the other side, and although worn received, and these will be con- amount of effort. Prosperity must follow shoulder a further burden of about Mr Otiey: No, they will not. but we terday on Departmental baeiaeaa.
the auspices of which body the meet-

it has been serious enough—and also such efforts to bring the country
£200,000 a year. Was it right
that can't help" that.
16 ing was held —should endeavour to se sidered bv the Finance Committee. Mr A. L Piper, aaaistaa: latmmm&m
sad enough—there has been nothing to an even keel. they, as business men, should shut their Mr E. H. e». Hamilton: Riccarton is engineer, Cbristdbnreh, ha* been p*a>

cure cheaper transport to and from Christehureh holds the record for
M eves to facts? also making the mistake that our mo- motod to the position of firvt tairtMl

like a first-class disaster. Everyone the City. Mew Zealand in the number of boys' Favourable Trade Balance. ""Now, the question of jealousy has tion, pnssed at last mee>ting. sane- loeorootire engineer at
AneHaad. aaf

will sympathise with those, fortunately After hearing the speakers the meet- secondary sehoo's within its boundaries, the distribution ' I Honed the legislation they required. will
WOMEN'S CORNER ing, over which Mr W. Dean presided, Normally, with been.raised,'.' added the chairman up hit new datfe* abertly.
so Dr. D. E. Hansen, principal of the

not a very large number, who have lost think it is deplorable that there should We made a proviso that we would en-
throughout the country of a favourable


passed the following resolution: "That Christehureh Technical College, told his North versus quire into tho figures. Recent arrivals at the United <§*■»
relatives friends, and with the householders approves trade balance, unemployment should be anv such thing as
or this meeting of audience at the ceremony of opening
No Party had gone for- South in a matter of this kind. (Hear, Mr Champion : Wlurt are we going to vice Hotel Include Messrs L. J. Scasat%
larger number whose homes the scheme put forward by. the Mayor the new wing of the Cathedral Gram- disappear. do to eet the extra money if the legis- E. Far, H M. Boyd. E. F. Kaia, L."aC
KINCAIDS PRICES; WRAP- slightly and asks the New Brighton Borough mar School yesterday. ward at a greater rate or on a sounder hear.) Possiblv the South had cause
lation Riccartou proposes does got Green Wellington}, A_ L. TeaipJe (We*
have been utterly wrecked. But nine- There were six
developmental to complain about the treatment ac- t
PED AND DELIVERED. teen' out of twenty people everywhere
Council to take steps to put it into secondary schools for boys in Christ-
benefit of New Brigh-
basis with important
works than the Reform Party. (Ap- corded them in the past. I don through the FTmist? piro B:iy\ and W. S. MrKialay (Lst>
operation for the church, he said, and no other town in know, but I do know that this Cham-
Mr Otlev : Rate them higher, that's don\
St'OAB. 1A . . par lb 21,1, 701b ha*lb 12/9 have either escaped loss altogether, or ton as a whole." New Zealond had so many. plause.) The whole policy of construct- ber had no feeline of any kind what- all. but it has little chance. The Leader of the Oppeaities (Ua
HI.TTKU. let lirada 1/6
suffered nothing worse than extreme "To-day New Brighton is suffering ing the big hydro-electric power stations Mr Otlev: The trouble is that Hie-
ever when it urged the Government Bight lion. J. G. Coates) was aeaa>
inconvenience. And they are not Mkely a fitful depression," said Mr Shaw. The schedule for the Christchurch was built up by the Massey Admini- rarton has always looked at the matter pled yesterday la private baeiaeaa. la
"> »'"

to make further enquiry. It ta


perJb JJ» '/»
8/8 to suffer any more. "I, for one, do not think lam it is any- Winter Show and Exhibition, to be held stration and his "own. The system was
right that we should pause and think as if the borough was a water-tight had lunch at the Christeanrea Cans
MKTHVLATBD HIMKITS ... bot. 1/1 thing more than fitful, and con- in the King Edward Barracks from national in its conception and develop- hut let us for all time scotch this idea
compartment instead of part of the
and in the eveaiag addressed a ativaa)
fident that it will soun pass."

tin 8d UJd He August 10th to 24th, is now published. ment. The day night come when, for drainage are=i Both the City and meeting


of inter-Tsland iealousv. We are as of friend* and sappsrter* is

MILK OATIKS Pkt 1/li lighting, and Waimairi have had n biceer exoeaa ool- the
1 1/- i l/" spoke first of community and is obtainable from the secretaries considerations Of cheapness, it might bo everv hit interested in the South as we Art Gallery. To-day be will mm*
NA/iOL bot- \ l }t
Imperial Airways Disaster. said that arrangements should bo made (Messrs Denys Hoare,and M. E. Lyons), possible to merge the whole scheme into are in the North. Tt s«ems to me that •ected from them than has Riccarton
a number of farm en at laacieea la
NKAVIIH FOOD ■ tin 1/5 with the M.E.D. for a bulk supply, the or the organiser (Mr E. H. Marriner). one. To-day, as a result of the Re- versus
to raise the ouestion of North herring
Mr Chanrnfon: is only one-
the Carlton Cafe.
bot. 3/6 & 4/4 cost to be pooled. He urged the The home industries section has been ninth of the nrea affected.
baft I/ 1 Three weeks ago the Director of Civil form Government's work we bad a great «Vuith is drawing a red

Progress Leagues in each district to greatly extended, while mechanical Members thought that there waa no A distinction rarely gNata! ia .Near
CI"PICVKA OISTMBNT Urite 2/3 scheme in operation, and by 1940 it the track. .
need for further nction Zealand, a yacht-mastan fekawt. hat
tin 1/B Aviation in Britain referred
publicly the stating that a model classes and competitions for ap-
KK.XONA OINTMKNT go into question, should give the country a revenue of '•Tf the Prime Minuter has why
ZAM Itl'K OINTMENT 1/5 to the wonderful record of Imperial blaze of light all the year round would prentices are new sections in the tion that the line will par. does been gained by Mr K. ft. o—■flint, •

TIIfftTLK IIOLLKD bttflt t/7 the schedule. £7,000,000 to £8,000,000 per annum. sub-lieutenant in the AacHend d.»*»
Airways, Ltd. In five years it had give a bright and cheery outlook to The motor unions and local bodies he not diselocp it 5 eonclnrfAd the


tin 7d
suffered but one casualty in its services, whole borough. Increased numbers would
The crudest cargo handling equip- must be thanked for their co-operation
r-hoirman. "WVr docs he object to THE SQUARE SCHEME. sion of the Hoval Naral Volestsar Be>
serve, in the recent ei ■■linatiaaj. esa»
MottTONK OLIVK OIL .lljd 1/6 visit the borough, resulting in in-
further enquiry?"
Municipal ment seen on any vessel at Port Chal- in the laying-down of good roads; the
. &

and that was a dog that had been creased trade and prosperity. darted by the Marwse Dinpiartlinal !•

OVALTINE 1/8, 2/10 &

PKOK'B PASTES Boss jars 1/- Next mers in recent years was on board a Highways Act was a fine measure, for the ticket is not required by taajalafiaai
washed out of the hold of an aeroplane golf, he said, was another project.
Saturday the Reserves Committee ot tramp steamer which arrived there a which the Reform Party was entitled MAYOR PLEASED WrTH TRAM- it ii not very oftan seagirt- la aasV
KINCAIDS, LIMITED. when the machine came down in the the few davs ago on her maiden voyage to the credit. The principle involved tion, it reomrea a high standard «f
the Borough Council would inspect WAY BOARD'S REPORT.
TIIONKS: 608. 583, and
Channel. No other passenger had been
even scratched. Imperial Airways is
The ship's windlass 'had to be ired for
Eawhiti Domain and secure the services discharging cargo as there was "lily in the passing of that piece of legisla-
tion would be upheld by the people in
GIFT ACCEPTED. nnntual skill osefnJ to yarliaaja
undertaking oesan vavng#a. ft iagan>
of an expert in laying out the links. one winch at the fore hatch.
The tirallv 30 rears since anywie has sjsjaV
the greatest of the English aviation Such a eolf course would be unique, hav- The windlass is usually restricted to oper-
future years. "It is gratifying to find that the
ing a tram service on either side. fied for the etammatwn
CONCERNS EVERY MAN enterprises, and the most successful. It the ating the anchors except when it Board approves of the recommendation
runs services to many parts of the
scheme, in addition to assisting
borough, would provide reproductive he used for handling an exceptionally
mriv Encouraging Signs.
UNIVERSITY EXTENSION by the Joint Committee," aaid the
Head-Admiral YV. H Napier, a\JL
a patt*nuer by LM ftJaJk
heavy lift.—Pbest Service. Air Coates said he had taken a hand was
Continent, and it has carried (on a work for the unemployed. A fee ot in reconstructing some of thj Reform WORK. Mayor (Mr J. K. Archer), concerning Maungajmi, »hiift arrived ia Aetbag*
flight compilation) more passengers £2 2s a year was suggested—commen- The Hon. Mr Cobbe, Minister for In- organisation. "We have met with a the report brought down by the ton irom Sydney 00 Monday, lata**
The Public Trust have just than any other company in the world. surate with that charged in connexion dustries and Commerce, who passed lot of encouragement," said Mr Coates. Christchureh Tramway Board on Monday viewed m Wellington, Haai" ■ daewal
with any other sport. It was hoped
through Christchurch on his way north "It is felt that we should stick together CARNEGIE CORPORATION'S on the proposed new lay-out of Cathe- Napier aaid: "i an retarnsag Jaaßß
issued u new booklet that con- Now that its safety record has been attract the people and con- dral square. after being on loan for taraa yea* a)
last evening, said his recent visit to and increase our numbers." Orga- GRAKT. "Moreover," he con-
cerns every man, and it will broken, people will ask again if flying vert visitors into permanent residents Otago and Southland was the first he nisation was going along nicely, and tinued, "it onght to be understood Australia. J am going an ia tat fa*
has reached the stage of reasonable tie suggested that the residents i.4UJU,should had muera on Saturday. 1 ante aaf
make a special appeal to the paid this part of the Dominion, an adhesion of strength was promised that the decision reached by that com- •

man in business. security. But they will not ask for purchase the pier at a cost aof cost.or and he was favourably impressed with in Otago and Southland. A [THE PRESS Special Berrtct.]
mittee was not that of part of the very good and vary iatar«*t«ag «BB) a)
build a swimminß-pool at the potentialities of the south. South conference was to be held committee, or the majority of it, but Australia. Tha Aaatranaa Qmtm*
long. These great passenger 'planes £4OOO and erect new bathing boxes land was a great place for tourists, and
of the whole. A resolution approving meat, of course, baa jaat gat Ha at*
carry people in almost as much comfort "a cost of £SOO with £SOO for con
The total woild be £«>JU. there
were distinct possibilities ahead
in Wellington towards the end
present month. The Reform Party be-
of the
DUNEDIN. Jnne 18.
of the decision was passed with abso- ships oat—two cmtaars, taw aaanam*
ines, and an aaropkaa as/ran, aaf
It tells why you should as they have on a train, and the average cent, and sinking of the Foveaux Strait fishing industry. lieved in keeping men as Govern- lute _ unanimity. It does not embody
Interest at 5J per the the idea of one man or section, but they are now working tntk ana* flaw
make a will and touches on passenger no doubt boards one with However, a better system of dealing appointees on local bodies Any doubt that may exist in
fund at 14 per cent would amount to with surplus catches was needed. The ment
irres- north regarding the position of Otago was reached after considerable discus- Zealand ships in faarvay Baa. In aaV
several other matters of vital just as little nervousness. The £630, and the yearly rental from the brine who were good citizens, sion." dition to the new ships, ant lan*jn>
scheme to £6OO. The whole scheme process should prove suitable. pective of their politics, but he had University and Canterbury College in lian Navy has two cratasnj an as>
interest. Get a copy of this aeroplane, however, is still at the mercy
free Booklet now. You will of its engines, and when these fail it would cost the borough £9OOO and the Mr F. J. L. Scott, secretary of. the noticed that since the new Government
fine relation to the grants recently made Forre. three destroyers it mmtlftmk
ratepayers nothing. The speaker stat- came into office some very and nine destroyers ta raajraa. I •»»
find, it interesting reading. must land at once. When the trouble ed that the present tenant of the pier Royal New Zealand Life-Raving Coun-
cil,, stated yesterday that the Council gentlemen had been kicked out and by the Carnegie Corporation should be THE
dispelled by correspondence which
RIVER SWEEPER. stationed at the Navy Qflsj |sj HaV
occurs over water the danger is of had offered to take it over for sis is circularising residents of all beaches replaced by the Government's support- bourne, the whole of tie Mais* Da>
years at £6OO a year. Mr P.
ers. Mr Coates was loudly applauded came before the University Council to-

pi rtment being centred taate as* aa»

course increased enormously, even if in New Zealand where a fair amount
'A VITAL BUSINESS MATTER." man had authorised him to state that of bathing is done in the summer when he concluded his address. day and statements which were mad© OPERATIONS TO BEGIN ON til they more erentsmfly to fjaalam.
the machine is fitted with floats, for the the pier, in spite of all rumours to the months or holidays, with a view to the Mr A. W. Beaven moved a hearty
sea nmy be rough enough to frustrate at the meeting.
contrary, was structurally sound, and formation of surf and lifo-saving clubs vote of thanks. He said there wna no dis- HEATHCOTE.
If you haven't read it, get the few repairs necessary would' cost "No less than 40 lives were lost in the The subject was brought under
your copy to-day. Obtainable
these precautions or the landing itself
only about £l5O. The owner of the
reason why. with an improved organi-
sation, the Reform Partv should not cussion by a communication from Sir
may be disastrous. Though the Im- pier. Mr Agar, had given his consent
country during last summer holiday*
James Allen, chairman of the New
•from any Office or Agent of alone." said Mr (Scott, ''and [ thin1 -' reverse the position at the next elec- The river-sweeper has now finiahed it*
perial Airways machine landed in the to sell the structure, and with this and I am tion. Zealand Committee representing the work on the Avon, and is to be trans-
the Public Trustee, or free by water three miles from shore, beside a safe in saying that this terrible FROM DtADIAGI
the addition of the bathine-pool the toll
was exacted on beaches or rivers The vote was carried by acclamation. Carnegie Corporation, stating that at ferred to the Heathcote, to start sweep- NO SUPPORT
post from the Public Trustee, trawler, and had previously notified its horoiith would aro ahead tremendously
Wellington. "Brighton for the Bright" should be not under the vigilance of surf clubs. the request of Dr. F. P. Keppel, pre- ing operations there In a few days. BOARD.
plight by wireless, it was not possible

Where such clubs were in existence, as sident of the Carnegie Corporation, he

the motto," concluded the speaker. The report of the pumping engineer,
to save all on board. For in such oases at New Brighton. Sumner and Tav- CORONATION

lor's Mistake, there wns hardly arn had accepted the chairmanship of a read at last night's meeting of the The Drainage Board dew Ml tUMi
the cabin is liable to become a death

p.-2 N7377-2 Cheaper Transport. loss of life at all." The Life-Raving New Zealand Advisory Committee. Drainage Board, stated that the sweeper to support the establishment «f ■ tm
trap, just as it is when a railway car- Mr D. G. Sullivan, M.P., said that Council will be pl«nsed to hear of anv HOSPITAL. This had been given entire respoui- was now nearly down to Herring Bajr,
and it was little use going further as ambulance service in CttristcMMfe b*»
riage overturns and catches fire. No in 1923 the building permits amounted beaches where cluds might be formed.
to 200 at a value of £55,388. In bility for the disposition of the Car- the river widened considerably at this cause the cost is prohibitive, Ua mm>
doubt there are serious difficulties in 1923 there were 89 permits with a value At this time of the year something negie Corporation's grant. The sum point. bers consider.
"THE PRESS." the way of providing adequate safe- of £9854. However, this year he 'iad Letters relating t» the rasas* «•»
hot is essential at midday. Have it WIRELESS FUND. ot £ISOO is allocated to Otago Univer- The Board's engineer (Mr J. B. Col- ferenre regarding it were real at hat
guards against dangers in landing both been told, there was an improvement, at the Tudor or Cooke's Tearooms, sity for the extension of home science lens') stated that the last petrol was
tie expressed unbounded faith in the High street, where hot luncheon teaching, and £SOU to Canterbury Col- used ap on Monday, and now
night's meeting, frlu the IYH*a (M
UhJAD OFFICE. Oathadral squara, on land and in the sea. It is indeed future of New Brighton. The popula-
they and the Board's delagata, Mr W. ft
one of the penalties Britain has to pay
specials and meat and vegetables are
tion was practically at a standstill and served daily from 12 noon to 2 p.m. For the provision of a wireless out- lege for the extension of W E.A. work were going to shift to the Heathcote. Carey.
in the country districts. Sir Jamel The engines would have to be taken
CHBISTOHURCH. for being an island. But this disaster more_ people must be attracted to tile fit for the patients in the Coronation "I doa't know where we tsjall 0*
Allen asked the Council to submit pro- out and the sweeper towed aarosa the
is bound to lead to an enquiry into the district. The cost of transport, said Johnston's NC. Motor Co., Ltd. Hospital, the Government has declined posals for carrying out this scheme. estuary. They proposed starting as far the moaev to pay far it," saM Ha
Mr Sullivan, was the whole cause of the £ll6 9s 6d The grant is an annual one for five chairman (Mr H. J. Otley). ••Os»sli»'
provision of safety devices, and is failure of the borough to go ahead
'iiithorised Ford dealers. Travelling to grant a subsidy on the up the Heathcote as possible, and work-
ing the amount of money ft *•■*• ■
T*l*pl>oo** • bound to stimulate invention to that The cost averaged 4s 6d a week for jepresentativos: W. C. Wilson and J. BUbscribed in April by readers of ing right down to the month.
The Chancellor (the Hon. Mr Sidey, was much more mud on the bottom of
Wellington, we could bo mere tßi <l
Manajtarlal. Cjmmarolal
Publishing Department!
768 end. In the meantime the demand for residents to go to and from the City Marsh; manager, A. G. Prestney. Press, therefore we are appealing to
M L.C.) said he would like to remind this river than in the Avon, and sweep than flv. The position ia CaihJliilsl*
Of course, said the speaker, the recon- Rangiora. 'Phones 87-88. _2
The following is that' the ambalaare ia a*aft»Ms it
Editor. Sub-Editor, and Re- accommodation in air liners will not fall them for £9O more. members of the Council that recom- ing operations might be more costly.
101* struction of Page's road and the new yester- all, and those unable to p«J *•*,»€?
off. Railway disasters, which still occur
Grain growers.—Threshing costs con
sums have been received up to mendations regarding the proposals for The report was adopted.

Sacond Telephone .. 1788 bridge would provide a fine highway and be reduced considerably by the intro- Universitv extension work had been it tree. The work k iam by My WL
Adrtrtialng Department* .. 3583 occasionally even in Britain, the induce a far greater number of motor- day;" John Ambulance, and by thai m ■■
Ofnarai mating Department 3101 duction of the 'Red River" Special £ s. d. forwarded to the New Zealand Univer-
Sporting Reporters 0171 country with the highest railway stan- ists to visit the seaside resort. During Thresher The machine - has earned the acknow- sitv, and the Registrar of that body Haspital."
Amount already SEWER CONNEXIONS.

recent years the Tramway Board had name of the finest fastest, cleanest On the motion of Mr J. W. ■•*■■■■»

had sent to the Carnegie Corporation

LONDON OFFICE; New Zealand Asso
tinted Pmm. aa Float street. London.
dards in the world, do not deter men
and women from travelling by train.
met increased competition, and the thresher in USA Has features such ledged ..

:: »; ; J proposals on behalf of the four College* seconded by Mr W. J. WsrtH * *•*

authorities had had to consider the as roller bearings on nil spindles Ilex So far, no official communication had agreed to take no farther acttea.


Individuals reason as the soldier does position carefullv before making any Houhle belts, nbre pullevs. etc J :: "° been received in repb tt seemed to
?G :: * •

that it is the other fellow who will be drastic change. The tramway users had throughout, which places it in class him that it would be premature to con-
-11 I

paid £200,000 in addition to the cost by itself for value We have still from Sir
hit, and statistics show that the chance sider the communication

<» "* -

j. x
of the worn-out track and plant. The machine available for immediate de an James Allen until they had received an


of accident in the air is really very

K. 'P- Bridge Residents in those streets which are


Progress Association could go to the livery. Andrews and Beaven. Christ- ..


official replv to the letter sent by the

small. No other form of transport ever g2 0
Board and suggest that New Brighton church 2 Reader . • • •
' *

£ n Registrar of the New Zealand Univer- to be resurfaced under the City Coun-
3 3 0
made such strides in so short a period

9d p<r Week. should receive a substantial share of New pattern tractor and horse non- Mrs N. M. Hobday

sity to th» Carnegie Corporation. cil's unemployment loan scheme are to METHOD OP LETT.
the relief that would be given to users Mr J. Rennie paid there was no be asked to connect with the sewer ao

Quarterly Half-yearly
as flying, and we may take it that Grubber for twitch working C.A..T.

as a result of the reconsiderntion by eholoble


010 0

9a ?d. 19a 6d. 395. complication about the CloOO. soon as funds for advances are avail-
aeroplane passenger services will be and general purposes; all hard steel 110
Paid in Advance. the Board of the amount to be carried frames and tines. Any depth 2in to Mrs Walcot Wood v Mr Ridev: In our letter we sug- able. At its mating restsriay *"jf**22
•a par yaar additional if booked. steadily extended—already there is a to reserve. Cheaper fares would go Bin. Shoes 3in, 7in, and
lOin wide; Mrs l. W. Harley (Bangi- gested that the amount be £2OOO This was decided on at last night's the Watmaksriri River Tm* "He
regular service from Britain to India a very long way to solve the problem. Q for each of the four Colleges. meeting of the Cbristchurch Drainage to reply to a reqnmt frass
»• «W
first-class automatic lift with ora)

Trackless trams, said Mr Sullivan, could range, made in three widths, ample (Pigeon
• •
A motion congratulating Sir James Board, when it was also resolved that Council advising the tatter t*a* ■i»
and that the risk to the passengers will Mr and Mrs E. Hay

A. M. BURNS, be run from 7 per cent, to 10 per a six and a-half. and eight feetfive, and Allen on hi* appointment as chairman as soon as sufficient money was avail- tended to adhere to th« »*****••
be gradually x-educed. Before 0
TDK"" of the Advisory Committee in New able for advances, to serve final notices the current rear'* rates on *■*

cent, more cheaply than rail trams, and '"• 01 ° °

also more cheaply than petrol buses. The buying a Grubber or Cultivator see this
feD Zealand was carried unanimously where notices had been served and not **T'


-.100 valuation and eollwt them *** •»

one—it beats them all. It deals effee w;f-

H Sir James Allen stated that he hud complied with. Failing compliance with aJyeartsl _g
most satisfactory reports had been re- .040

. •,',
A change to the lyttem
ceived from England and the United tively with any condition of soil, grass
"Humanis, sent the following cablegram to Dr the City Council of striking ,ttt«f

THESE VALUES 110 these notices within a reasonable time,

Mr MacDonald and Minorities. turnip, or ploughed
FROM States, where trackless
trams were land, stubble,
Another means of popularising ground. Photo on application. P. and Rev. F. B. Inwood ••

» Keppel on May 16th: "Letter received
Pleased to act Does New Zealand
steps would be taken to lay the con-
nexions up to the boundary in streets
on the new ralostioo tit
able, seeing that the Trust e*sfli «■■

Mr Ramsay MacDonald, according to the borough would be the institution D. Duncan, Ltd., 19G Tu,am street, E H
University communication to voti April where road surfacing work is proposed. deal with the City separately, t*l
this morning's cable news, has caused —6
- ■■
11th affect position? Telegraph reply 010 0
special order had b««n sent to ail

scheme Christchurch.

Quality it not aatcrificad to price—- by the Council of a housing T.A.G.

It was reported that of the notices «

QlO 0 Dr. Keopcl's reply was as


0 7 6 "Made definite errant to coverfollow*:

neither price sacrificed »o quality.

a stir in diplomatic circles by tell-
similar to that carried out by the Christ- "Like as if a thousand pigs had G.B. ••
served, over 45 per cent, had been other contributing bodies.
Whan yon boy at Warden's you set church City Council. plan complied with, notwithstanding the
ing the plain truth about the minorities rooted it over" is how a farmer friend J. Johnstone

a o

hn»Mt value In quality and price—- 0

outlined in my letter April 11th. New

described his paddock after scarifying, Second donation, Culverden fact that the time fixed in such notices

tilu« that m-an» laatlnir satisfaction. question. Blunt stateuunts of fact are
srTROVO, ECONOMICAL TEA per lb 2s fid
matchless j>«r ib ss o<i always abhorrent to diplomatists, and
Districts Should Combine. prior to top-dressing—from which he
the got a record growth of grass. You
C.S.G. • • •; „ 10

Zenland Un-versity r-ommnnicat'on
0 April llth «ill he eon«idered on merits
• bad not expired.
was also reported that no notices
ORIENT TEA (UNEXCELLED) per lb 3a 2d are often dangerous to Mr W. E. JLcadley said that G.G.V. * o 0 at oar hoard." •a Itconnect with the sewer had been


i autumn meeting of
HIOHEST GRADE i'ACTOUY BUTTERr- international borough was in no mood to raise loans can't scarify too much, but most far- x.Y.z. .;; 110 Mr J. Rennie moved: "That the served since last meeting. Of those

and increase the rates. There were mers scarify too little—-they're !Mr and Mrs Wa Machin

p«r lb la fid relations, but this is a case where the afraid „

to tks
1. Letters tent

MOLT ALMONDS per lb Is lOd to give it as much as it needs! The Council accept the pi ft from » he Ct- served, 52 per cent, had been complied
truth needs to be told. No fair-minded three ways of achieving the desired ob- |R. Fernside 3 3 0 nesie Coroo>-ation with thanks." He with. «■<*»>
* *

BOCKS VILLI! COCOA—- printing must b* terittem

• •

Oootbmac-Dunn Grass Harrow will

per tin lOd, 1* Bd, and 3a Id jects—publicity, cheaper transport, and
B. »nd V. CORKTLOUB. per pkt 94d person will object to Mr MacDonald's give it as much--or as little
the reconstruction of Page's road. The please, and do it without —as you
G.H. "iOO
rlid not ••

think there icv the p!i"htest

The chairman explained that
especiallv in because the Board, at present, this was one su)e of the paptr only,
H.T.H. 0 5 0 dnneer of

uncompromising getting bad no thtir nanus mnd


cft£AMOATA per pkt la lOd statement that


speaker urged the construction of a choked up—it automatically clears must send

Tliev were not money to lend.

par bottle Is 2d nationalism ib irritating and ''

motor road from the end of Union grass accumulations! Let

its N.1.1. "110 in rompftition
to the £ISOO

with anv of the fit her The inspectors reported that a total of

full, uhelher thty «uh

these *# ■»
points from B.E.K.

05 0

street, past Pleasant Point, round the us send you pnmphlet telling you all

MMEXCI OP VANILLA (C. and B.) dangerous," and few will deuy the rr.ivrMtv College* in this matter,
A.M.A. 1 1 0 u-hif-h in the end won'd rea'ly he- henr- 6413 houses had been connected sines

printed or n*'-

per bottle la 3d spit, and back to New Brighton, via about it. Booth, Macdonald and Co.. ff

'itr-i IMLXSIOX par bottle 2a and 3a Sd justice—whatever they think of the F. A. Macbean 2 9 0 G<- ; al
. •

the new sewers wer» opened. 2. Wnter* mutt say dtorlv

the Esplanade, and suggested that en- Ltd. to t»ip o+hors. The idea was that mm 71b for la 3d 06 Janet, Hope, Malcolm £- 0

expediency—of his charge that the or not their lettert are btimg,

K * IXAitMALA.DE per tin »d and la 5d quiries should be made as to whether the J. F. Studholme •
thev would prTon*. taHn" in Canter- •

,00 »-nrT
been, sent U other paper:
.. •

*Fi!-i« HEN SALTS per b«Ulc 1» lid Italians and

the Serbians are de- Public Works Department could carry
W.G. . ■ -
next and then Wellington, and MASON 6TRUTHEBS FOR MECCANO.

r-t.f.K-A PASTE jar Is Od

out the work. It had been a very tha* th» evt*»n«ion <;HnnM i.rerttn-I'T 3. The Editor cannot return

liberately stirringl up race jealousies. Brew-


i,t. vtTt'H PlLLS—- "Hickmott's" Victoria j Q rover the "ho'e of New Zealand He
■per bettle 2a lOd and 4* 9d
retrograde step when the borough divid- TWO WINTER COMFORTS. We invite you to inspect out window **■»■ *
Tt must be realised that any attempt to er J' 0 5 0 wn* «nre the" were Tatefnl that "nrh display of all the latest tn Electric Utter wktek far ««f *£

Atr.mio KAItfNS sd ed itself up into three sections, said • „t,

per pkt Two "Comfort lines" are being fea- ~''

"Keen Listener" printing, •*" tm


Europe so as to give politi- 0 n fift «hr,tild be offered to the Uni-


AALX'r* 'MIftMLB <?m P«t tin 6d and lOd Mr Leadley, and what was urgently tured just now by Messrs Hastie. Bull 010 Torches. Cycle •uitahle for .

and Meccano. erknovleigt uneuitabU tstt*r*

A,'-T,\tf TOBACCO (MEDIUM) d.w. it
needed now was a strong "get-to VPi-«ity.
cal autonomy to the existing minorities and Pickering Cashel street, viz.,

in your name to-day for a monthly


per tin Is 7d
Staff, Orehestra, and collected The motion to accept the "iff waa Send of

W TOBACCO (MILD) per tin U 8d must fail owinc: to thp complicated gether" movement. (Applause.) "Unique" Rot Water Bags at new- Garden 1
referred copy Meccano *
Magazine. "

Fresh 'krmph tins friV he don*

at the Winter carried. ■<nd the matter was sup-

to the Mayor
. •

t**?.X rtAVKt/V'X per plat la 3d In reply a question, prices, and Alarm Clocks for the dark
WiTiJ ''OI'PON* Ah USUAL. racial distributions in the Balkans. The said that his figures as to the costs mornings. Reliable Alarm Clocks from Mr and Mrs E.F.S. •"___— fr, the Finance and
Home Science ply of Torch and Badio Batteries ar- to be needful), or enter «**'
riving every month. correspond**** about l***"»

WARDELL'S problem will only be solved, as Mr of the improvements were based on an 7s 6d. See the new ''Ben Hur" at 16s. 18 6 Committees. £166

W93SO MacDonald points out, in the spirit of

engineer's estimates. A beautiful clock. —6

DEATH ROLL EXPERIENCES AT homes, which are la a state of Jeacla-
A graphic description of the experi-
HOKITIKA. ences of Tarakohe was given by mem AIR.
bers of the erc-v of the strainer Orepuki.
HOW GREYMOUTH FARED. LOCALITY SEVERELY which was resting on it* bottom along-

SHAKEN. MANY NARROW side the T.-irak, he wharf. The vcs*>!
wobbled about during the ~ ;;nd

WESTPORT, ESCAPES. the wharf swayed to iueh an i stent
DAMAGE. HUGE LANDSLIDES. that workmen had to lie dawn to jre-
vent being thrown ir.t-* the .'o.i. CAPTAIN BTCKLBY* ACCOt WT,
A four-ton lift on the- wharf was
TO THI P3155.) yrazss association TziXQAkH.) MAN SUFFERS BROKEN KNEE- hurled into the water, and ateel girders,
parts cf an une''n«trui'te 1 r:.:;>'\ wer; Th.- ..s-r i tfce »"■■ |''i,it.e ir <Utr •#


BLENHEIM, June 18. strewn about all way*. i.: }
.i« una-.'-: i

During ia*t night and at intervals Earthquake investigations reveal that The to and f:o <■■'. high joirterday. wh*a aplaiaa M. W. »i.-».

Thirteen Reported

10-day there were numberless slight the first estimate that the damage was cliffs and rock* ii tfce of (he l.y . !l Hurr. . *.■ * «-- »

shocks of earthquake. Whilst the nw- Ecrsciix. to rm* rasas.} cement works had a p.'iralyaing effect W.slj, tw M>-t;. 'ilasae
comparatively slight was accurate. s\ ,b > a

< **

lority accepted the position stoicaiiy on those who witnessed -'.

TWO DEATHS—MANY NARROW Tremors of varying intensity, but mainly HOKITIKA. June 19. Everyone en the wharf and in the
Ifuckity r.-tjrrcd y-etrrday aftmMHF~,
there was a good deal oi nervous ap-
prehension in case a recurrence ot yes- very slight, were felt during the night, The earthquake ye«tcrday was «n- works had a terrifying experience, ar.d w a'-> 'u t. TI a graph" et*-»

if the
---doubtedlv the worst experienced on the when the awnying e'ifft near the power WetpwrT. T

r-r.-i:*i ,f

and continued until noon to-day. They


terday's Heavy shock snouid take piaee n.rrhjnea left at J*.. • la lb*- Baarau>4,
kept nervous people on the qui vive, Coast since the advent of Europeans, house began to siip away, and thfU
uurin'g the mgnt. xiappUy me icars
sands of totn of earth slid with a loud
a:ri\>i at H'*t;pvrt at HJti. ti l>i
proveu grounuiess. To-uay it has
o«ej but did not cause any serious disturb- and there is a general feeling of thank- K-:--«' :*yii.g l.Cie, a»ij CaptAi* buck.-
roar to the level ground below it. It

ances. Telephonic enquiries disclose no the visitation occurred

possiDie to laiie a tally oi the actual fulness that f- r < Jurist.-fearr-h at 4

0.-t kgj:a

is estimated that o'.'-X> tons fell near the


uamage wmeh lias occurred around important additions to the list of in the daytime and that there was no power house. I'll, :_rr:\.r,g ;-»t iffr * •'elcrh.
[Pkess Association—By Aeroplane.] ijreyiiioiitn, and wniie it must run in.o damage, all parts having come through
loss of life, although there were many
One great block, estimated vo weigh
T? r» famed t»j (fteere of o.«
thousands ot pounds it appears cou- the ordeal fairly well. The earthquake 5iH» tons, hurtled down Without break- Test ind rf!eg'i}<li Depar'tsrat. mea*««
tinea cmefiy to chinmeys ana ouiluings The postmaster at Tophouse reports miraculous escapes. Pain) :.r.d Fi'»kf t*.» wire!*** »p*-»
WESTPOET, Jtme 18. of brick and plaster apart, of course, a really terrifying experience through- on March L'th, when much damage wa»
ing. turt wL'. w:.i i-y ;n raiabhah r«*aa*«>
Several people on the road around
HAVOC WROUGHT BY On Monday Westport passed through trom the domestic losses caused uy out the whole countryside. Apparently dc:-.e at Arthur's Pass, caused alarm, • atua with C\net< harefc. The aa*eai*»»
breakages in households that territory is fairly near the centra yesterday was terrifying. the cliffs had the unenviable experience
a most terrifying experience, when the but that u',t.< c-TJifi a inter mait fer ts*
Manv of the chimneys that remain of origin of the disturbance, and was of seeing the road an 1* 1 ifT part about IVitaJ i.-th'-'r.!:**. Tb* j«»r»#y
town was severely shaken by an earth- Many who were inclined to new tne four feet, join again, then part, leaving

standing to-day are in a precarious very severely shaken, while loud far an aa; li«*»e(j i\ t i»ry geed tuav* • tWi
reports of disastrous 'quakes in
quake. Chimneys crashed down in all position, and will require
a gaping fissure between the road and dittir.<e it a -out 35'* I* !«• au>«.
'QUAKE. rumbling added to the eerines3 of the •*

The galvanised iron occurrence. The first shock was felt at off lands as exaggerations arc sceptics cliff.
directions, hardly one building, if any, or rebuilding.
roois all over the town indicate where 7.22 a.m. yesterday, and the main 'quake midu.ght and
;m! frn r . the tinn" *be aaacfciM* l»*i
escaping without one or more chimneys, no more. From snortly alter The road bctwe-n Pohara Si-ckl urn to the time they a*nd#<4 *»

chinmevs have fallen and the space and

Many passed occupied by them has been covered m at 10.20 a.m. Between 7.22 a.m. and there were tremors of more or »ess Tarakohe is blocked by ilipe.. the 'ufj fci Wu'Wr. lk*»
being toppled over. wn„ld T* »ti««
sharp, fissures.

through the roofs of the buildings, till the bricklayers have time to re- 11.18 a.m., when the postmaster was intensity, one flt 7.40 being qu.te *»

The body of the engineer (Mr A. I>. hojr.

adding to the damage done. erect them. Plate glass windows in called out on line duty, no fewer than culminating »n the terrible shake at i* har.llr (me et.«»#f etaW 4*
Ofiice clock tower Stubbs' , who was killed at the power- *

T\n re
The Post many shops appear to be straining 14 distinct shoelt3 were felt. From 10.iy. This commenced with a rumb- TOPf'." m.: 1 rapi*ia aVkkf
Huge Slips Cause Death and house, was rowed in one of the Ore- irg its a

Was one of the first places through the wooden frames being 8 p.m., when the officer returned, until ling and gentle snaking winch incr<.as.d puki Pna>« ana tmimrm.
to go. A few pieces of ma onry warped owing to the action of the noon to-day, there had been six further crescendo Use till tiie violence taukcu
"s boata to Pohara Beach. t» • r»-j«t«n«r <*■
'The ]'oj*. Oflfi.r it J. K«li«h<-4 *«4 tk"
came tumbling down and then the earthquake, and those endangered, but shocks, all minor tremors lasting about ttie people u> rush into tne
are t-suij two i>r tire* r*w»«« f>* •*

whole of the top, clock and all, not broken, have been stayed up with six seconds, and all had been accom- This saved many irom injury, for soon
Destruction. to the ground. Indeed, it was found
advisable to blast away some of the
battens for the time being. panied by noises like distant thunder,
Cracks are displaved in the Town it is estimated that the heavy shake
chimneys began falling in all
tions, lonis crashing through the roofs
back; th«- walla art all era*k#4
part f the bni'diftf i» l|il|
«i 4
the Grey Hospital, Baty's occupied 80 seconds. tho street." Hufe er»eki aai Aaaaw«i>a
loos© pieces. The area in the vicinity Hall, Buildings and into the rooms be.ow. wen outude
had dittrgasiaed the ra»r»ajr tee, *a>4
of the clock was roped off and the garage, the '"Star" office, and Hallen- danger lurked trom falling chimneys. iraaea ia»eciiTio» Tauw>a*ii l
staff spsedily deserted the building, stein Bros., all built of brick. Inside trees swayed and trembled, and all ia mu.v j U<ra \\r *W*-pc~9 wrra »*#•■
brick structures there is evidence of chimneys in the district were levelled. From tho Dominion Hotel in Rcvell irg t, 'mid ai'. I'raetleAUy rrarr Ue
News filtering through from the isolated areas in the which has not yet been retenanted, as street one crashed into tho street and NELPOS. June 18. bui:jn.g had it* walla eraeka*. aW tMr
plaster having fallen pretty freely, andn inches Trees and buildings swung at least 18
Buller Valley, where the worst intensity of the earthquake was 'quakes, some very severe ones, con-
in some eases ceilings have out of plumb. The shake ap- in Weld street a chimney came down Tlie med to Murrhiaon ta nom pa*e- Test Oftier f jipi.ted te emi«*NJa •*■»•
tinue. The brick walls on either side

from Perry and Co.'s store and feU able. A large number of men fr«n tho pl-telj at aaj Wet** a* «w
twisted. Residences on the hillside peared to be travelling north to south.

felt, reveals even more clearly the appalling severity of the of Bett's Garage collapsed, bringing
above Chapel street escaped almost com- At the time of the heaviest vibrations between two motor-cars parked at the hare been trantferrcd to WrstjH.n tae<-»- fff t»» 'm«Ji4M, aw 4
the roof down with a crash. Six kcrbing. No one was injured in either railway works
catastrophe. motor-cars, including new ones, wer>3 pletely while those on the level suf- there were loud explosive noises, coming
case. The violence of the shake might the road, with a reault that a way baa they r-_t:>rj «i t<f »a» Pa«« <MaV«,
»hrre they *>er. at tat tiaae. T»« Ul*
overwhelmed by the debris. One ol fered severely, there being a fall in seemingly from the direction of the be judged from thi fact that the water been clear.-d through the rarioua blork-
The death-roll has now been raised to thirteen. That total china glassware, and pictures in addi- West Coast. Huge masses of the hill- graph *v»iem. of eoaeae. w»« {*ft* ••»
the brick walls on Gough's side did in the underground fire emergency tank agea. Hefugees from M«irh»a«n af®
urgitiarJ, aod the liaaa were eaurrV*
V.rable damage there, while the tion to chimneys. The Marsdon road sides slipped into Lake Botoiti during in Weld street splashed out as in expected to arriTe in Nelson Una eren-
is probably incomplete, as communications are so bad that news residential <trea suffered greatlv, and the big An emergency meeting of the away aU through the BaJhrr G«rfav *•
brick wall on the other side of En- 'quake, setting up great waves. inp.
damage wsa eapeeted froaa taat **•*
not manv chimneys were left intact. rumbling, crashing noises. Warning of

travels slowly. Soon excitement and imagination had C'tv Council waa held thia afternoon

right's also collapsed, adding to the Most of the residences nffected were of the thoagh la«t night pevpla —fi•»•• *m
This loss of life, grave as it is, tells nothing of the terrible disaster. Passengers who approach of the main disturbance manv foolish stories afloat, one to to "make arranceemnta for billeting.
recent construction.
that tho Hokitika river had Mftnv offers of I tileU hara r**n re- at a preratitioaary amw. T»«
The Albion Hotel, a brick
left Christchurch hv train yesterday was provided by rumbling noises which the "effect had bee a quite ia»lat#J **••
flat ••**

convulsion that all that region suffered. Accounts are still building, lost the heavy top portion, morning for the West Coast state gradually became louder. The road subsided several inches and another eeirfxl. The Motueka diatrirt •ufrered aide world- The Oarg» larf tm*m !•*•
which crashed on to the footpath. The that they did not reel the shock. from Tophouse to Kawatiri is strewn that great cracks had appeared m considerably in the way of broken a« ft*4 Nm «P>
vague and sketchy, but it is clear that in places such masses brick walls of F. S. Wood's building with various place* where water rushed out. chimneys, etc., and Riwaka,
n#arby, suffered badly, but «*e
No trains ran to HoVi+ika this morn- boulders and debris brought down asd the ait«at of the 4mm*§» 1*—■
?l*o collapsed, one wall on to the Cracks did certainly appear at places, n-port« aeroral ground fiaaure*.
of rock and earth have slipped from hills into valleys that "T'm?s" office, doing cons ; den>ble
ing, but service cars filled the gap. by the shake, and care had to be exer-
but onlv at spots where the ground uakuown. There had be»a aiaurf ■■'*■■"
The road is in order pxcent for cised in traversing the road by car. eaeapea, hot ae aeriama —ridaarta. Tw
the face of those parts of the countryside has been permanently damage there and making publication
one or two slips, while the Ter°makau All along the roadside fillings have has been made up. such as roads and av
five abipa which had h*»at «tie*aWii

for rome days improbable. The heavy bridge is also apparently in good order. approaches to bridges. In the latter
subsided, leaving barely sufficient traffic the h*rb«ar were *»»#»§ *■•
changed. Ward's building also case the Kanieri bridge was Hosed for

The Matakitaki river, a tributary of the Buller, is dammed

frontage of
crashed on to the footpath. Right
The train service was resumed thi? room.
afternoon. Reports like muffled explosions were traffic owing to subsidence, and the ROADS BLOCKED. U escape the imagmt
where in the U>w» oae
af MMai.
tt«W pMM
approach to the Teremakau railway

down the front street footpaths were The Greymouth mains were heard in ail
of Mopl* e*#kl«f their Mttto In
in three places by slips, and water is accumulating behind the littered with broken plate glass. In damaged, and the smell of gas at many
parts of Pelorus Sound. bridge also suffered in this way. The
largest slip to a dangerous level. It is feared that a break were distinct at Mana- railway line in places was twisted and etreet. Farttnuiiely tiae we«,t»«r «M
Mullan 's Pharmacy scarcely a bottle parts of the town gave warning to-dav They where especially settlers had a terrifying ex- TRAINS RESUME good, aa that a auehavaa *f i»*e»«aaia'
through may threaten grave danger to Murchison. There is or article remained on the shelves. of leaks. The gasworks manager, Mr roa, the trains did not run last evening
Part of the Fire Brigade brick J. Kennedy, estimates that it will take perience, and feared a repetition of nor this morning, but the service was RUNNING. ence waa heiag eaaeed.
a similar danger in the Buller Gorge, where a great lake is Oae of the moat aeriew Utmrm

wall also fell and the heavy stone some time to Ineato and repair all earth shocks. resumed this evening.
forming. This must find a way to the sea, and if it breaks A survey of the town after the the fi«titi»» »■• that ta# »at#r «|fy
masonry of the railway work- leaky mains. While repairs were being waa entirelT rtat •€, M •■ !*• Wtmm
over or past the barrage in force, there will be danger of flood effected to a leaking main in Rich- 'quake reveals a great amount of
shops wall came crashing into Ad- damage, aggregating many thousands DAMAGE IN RBBFTON DIBTEICT. hwrff
in Westport. derley street. mond quay this morning one of the
workmen's picks threw off a spark
33 AFTERSHOCKS. of pounds. Nearly all the stores,
had burat, and w«ra
ret their w»t*r fr*ea th» rieeir at
The school was very nearly the scene hotels, and pharmacies suffered from they could. Thegaa »*ia*. fc*w«*»
of a tragedy, a little girl, Ola Dent which ignited the gas. out the ut- bt«M) m
All the deaths were caused by landslips, with the exception break was extinguished before any broken wares, and chaos reigned in (tnciAi. to to raesa.) were atill intact. Every htitk
being struck by a falling brick from some of them. In toilet saloons per- the town waa eraeJted.
of those of two miners, who were doubtless caught by falls under- the chimnev, sustaining severe injuries damage was done. During the big THE OBSERVATORY the REEFTOS, Juno li.
shock yesterday the water around the fumes and toilet powders, and in Oa their a.rrival, aaid
ground. Ten of the deaths were in the Buller Valley. to the head and foot. Part of the big gasometer streamed over the side RECORD. stores pickles, jams, vinegar, and any- The after effects of the earthquake ley. they were aa*t hy lia aC
belfry crashed into a hallway as thing kept in glass containers, made naopla who were Terr gia4 ta aa« aWaa,
Westport Is a sorely stricken town. Practically all buildings Miss like a waterfall. Ueefton district are now be-
the children were emerging,
Little damage was caused in the coal an unwholesome mesa on the floors. in the Thcv landed o» Cilir'l tie***.

Alumni and a child being caught in homes, apparent and a large amount of
are damaged, some beyond repair, and the people are without mines. The Blackball and Dobson QUESTION OF ORIGIN. This applied also to private coming were welcomed by the Okief Fa*t»aaka««i
The roads to the town, with the ex- the debris, and extricated with very mines are working to-day, but a number where pantries were in a state oi dsmage was done. No buildings, pri- TheT were warwe*. aw»t t* ta*4
aw t»*
a proper water supply. light injuries. One chimney crashed chaos. Many valuable old vases and vate or imbUc, escaped, and chimney, nortr: i>eacb, as it 'had feat
iawajre* *•
ception of that through the Gorge, are being cleared, but the of men were absent at Blackball. Sev-
through the roof near where the teacher, eral falls occurred in the latter mine, The seismograph at the Christohurch other treasured ornaments were re- everywhere, the hotel* end the aatuL WUa U*y re»«k«i tl«
Gorge road will be closed for some time, it is feared. Fortun- Miss Norri?, had bren standing. At the duced to splinters, and in crockery are down town the* w«e «iTa» a waaawa* »r
two men receiving slight iniuries. The Magnetic Observatory, accord ng to Mr shops broken china littered the floors. stcrea being heavy losers.
Luckily, ail
Technical School eight chimneys are Mr H. E. Holland, Leader •* tk» ••*»»«*
ately no fatal accidents occurred in all the smashing of buildings down.
State mines did not work to-day. The H. F. Skey, recorded 33 after-shocks The most serious damage was done W> the schoolchildren got out without »oc»- Party, who aaid that the ligkt
pillar sections of No. 1 ard No. 3 mines within the 24 hours following the main Renton and Co.'s big concrete hard- df-nt. Two chimneys out of three at
in the town. The damage is so great that it cannot all bo There were stirring scenes at the
at Rewanui were "working" yester- 'quake yesterday. again the great adTaataga »t mm air
ware store, the front parapet being the
restored at once, and the restoration, as a news message states, Hospital, when a chimney came crashing.
day, and the men decided to keep out There would be con- has High School came down. The Coo- aerTice.
Patients were hurried out, and some badly cracked. The Public Library all Captain BurreH, amid Ca.f«U.ia aVark*
may be beyond the resources of the population. of them. Yesterday's shock was felt siderably more movement at the origin, suffered in similar manner. At the gas- vent schools were not damaged, and ley, .uyed to **
were taken to the Old People 'a Home, a
wooden building. at the bottom of the shaft at the Walls- said Mr Skey, but onlv 33 after-shocks works the ends fell in and at one end tho churches escaped.
a aorrey by air mt tka MB** w gl!t
k *f l

From every place in the earthouake area comes news of end mine, and most of the men left. were of sufficient amplitude for the pre- fell on to a shed which collapsed. The The shock was teit more serer*!* *m

Down at the wharves the lines are He took a Owra»ava»««t
slips, deep cracks, or fissures in roads and railway tracks, and The shock was scarcely noticeable in liminary tremors to reach Christchurch old gas container was thrown out of from Cronadun on to laangafauaJunc- him, and kop** ta «y ae far _tfce Mf
bent and the wharf itself is knocked the guys and came down, while a tion and towards LyeU. At the former
bent and twisted bridges. It may be weeks yet before even out of a'ignm-nt. The railway down to
the lower levels of the mine. and overcome the initial inertia of in- aUp; there waa a rnwwr
The express service between Christ- storeroom was badly damaged. [•lace the Cronadun Hotel was shift** that it waa aot tke Battev **•■' *■••
an approximate estimate of the damage done can be reached. the tip-head is severely bent. At the strument. Mrs D. Pettigrew had a narrow uodily three inches off iu foundations

church and Greymouth was interrupted waa Wocke4,, bat a Mbwkary', *■> Ma>

right, down the Bid© of the line, are to-day owing to the slip near Kotuku. Another large shock was shown an escape. When the 'qnake started she and all the stock was broken and die- Ukitaki. Tke wirelaw •fWKMn ••»»

huge fissures. A special express to and from the West hour and
three-quarters after the main was washing at her home, a two- placed. Cracks in the road stwpped left on the C«a*t, and when at • aaa>
News from the country generally tells
Coast will run to-morrow. The Beefton disturDance at 10.10. Smaller snocJts storeyed house in Bealey street, but traffic. The serrioe cars to WottpoTi aibiUty that Captaia Ba*kW Mf
of fallen chimneys, land slips, and two occurred at she soon left her tubs and went out- were passing Boatman's Creek bridge.
line was in order this afternoon from ot fairly large amplitude side. On returning, she found that a Out- (Gibb's) got across and Newman s torn to the e»a*t t»-«ay. ■*laalatiaiiyv
William Chamley, widower, 55 yeirs
Greymouth to Ikamatua, and the intervals of 3< and 40 minutes. After
that the amplitude of the shocks ap- chimney had collapsed and had fallen
snnk in a crack and came to a dead
baek a lett«r «aJI with hiaa!*•
araa antkariaad ky 9mmm
through service to Beefton will be re- The trip
of age, was killed in Cardiff bridge pears to have diminished, though still through the roof into the washhouse. stop. A party of men getting grarel Department ia Welßngte*.
Mine, Seddonville, and Robert McAl-
stored to-night. occurring at intervals There would and bricks and mortar lay scattered in the creek bed were startled by gey-
ANOTHER TRAGEDY Extensive damage was caused on the many, said Mr Skey. that would be about tho tubs. Another instance was sers of water and sand spurting around
lister, miner, in Glasgow Mine, Seddon- main Blackball-Grey road beyond the bo when Mrs McDonald, of Fittherbert them.
ville. too halit to affect the seismograph at The bridge ww ibghtlj d»-
MARUIA VALLEY TRAGEDY. OCCURS. While County lorries were at work on
Blackball Cemetery, slips having oc- Christchurch. He was still inclined to
curred from the hillside, and many trees believe that the origin of the quake
street, was leaving trie house with a plared. At Larry's Creek sereml
child a chimnev came crashing down cracks opened in the road and two slips THE ORIGDf.
Stockton track, big slips came down passed over
overwhelming two of them, and narrow-
being strewn across the road. A large was inland, but when it was definitely over the roof and her enme down.
crevice in the road opened up at this located it would be easier to say the finer dust falling on her. At St. two bonaes were de-
Columbkdle's Convent chimneys suf- privedRotokohu
ly missing the men with them. The road spot, and the road took a list towards exactlv what the cause of the 'quake
HELL.'* overland, via Bnller Gorr;e, is blo-ked fered badly, four of them coming down, of all their crockeryware AM COUNTRY CROWED BT
with slips, while at Birchfield, Dennis- the terrace in several places for a dis- had been. He could say at present that the chimnen were shaken down.
tance of 200 yards. Owing to a chim- the shocks would probably continue for some of the debris falling into the Rotokohu was badly knocked about, FAULTS.
ton, Waimansaroa, Ngakawau, Oranity, nev stack crashing at the Blackball the next fortnight; they would be real railwav vard. Three chimneys were
and the inhabitant* had to lie down
(fRBSS ASSOCIATION TZUEOBAU.; Stockton, and Hector, all report general School, portion of the roof of the school earthquakes, but would be trivial in levelled at the Hon. Mr Michel's resi- to avoid being thrown. A large Bom-
VMttS ASSOCIATES tELBOBAXI.; crashes of chimneys and other damage. The dence. Scarcely a houso escaped, in
NELSON, June 18. was smashed in, several of the chil- comparison to the main ' ber of cracks are open in many place* pßorawoft SPEIGHT* ormmii
dren having narrow escapes from the origin of tho 'quake was almcst if any- one place the heavy chimney crashed along the road towards Landing, and
June Mrs Hblman and child were kilted through the roof and ceiling on to tho a slm came down halfway between
ASSOCIATION TOLIOBAK.) falling debris. The children were sent ly north of Christchurch and
The Acting-Secretary has received the in a second slip in Matakitaki Valley, OaKSS
home, and it was deemed advisable to
thing, slightly west. dresser, smashing everything. In an- Larding and Inanfcahua Junction. At "Aa far ae we ena foim aa P' ■■■•,*
ripectators state that they saw the There was a verv definite need in other instance, a bookcase and its the latter
following further information from the
hills flatten out in front of them.
WESTPORT, June 18. close down. New Zealand for improved and up-to-
place the interior of the
contents suffered similarly. The new hotel was almost totally destroyed. aaid Profeasor E. Speight, «*■»,^**
The shock was plainly observed m

Postmaster at Murchison: Hodgson's store is lying over at an 'Quakes have been continuing at ir- the date instruments for recording instru- earth- gas container at the gasworks, about yaaterday bit ooiaioa oa taw arhpa) m

the Blackball mine, breaking of

The railway line to lnangahoa Junc-

Murchison awoke to a scene of havoc angle of forty-five degrees, and the regular intervals all day. The people quake shocks. Three types of b\s feet high, presented a peculiar spec- tion is badly twisted and the ballast the 'quake, "tha ori*ia am* Isaaalsaa*,
And devastation, after a night of terror polio* stopped people entering. Volun- at Tiroroa are camped in a large tent. timbers, falls of coal, and cracking no-of ment were needed, a portable seismo- tacle, the furious shaking causing the on the tract; is badly shaken out. ia noctb-tsaal ■alann»
teers, however, went in this morning brick stopings in the mine being graph that could be taken to the neigh- water to flow out like a huge fountain. When traffic will be resumwl to Inanga- somewhere
through constant detonations, mostly in to secure bread. Most of the inhabi- There have been big slips on the Buller ticeable. Two miners, K. Mountford bourhood of the fault in action so that The Red Lion and Dominion Hotels bua Junction cannot be estimated. Judging also iraa the fae* that

the west, and earth tremors. tants, including all the women and road, Dublin terrace, and also on the and K. Clark, were caught by a fall the position could be closely located oufferod badly, their hot water sen-ices worst effects appear to ka*« baa*

A large number of shocks hare oc-

Matakitaki Valley, three miles from children, were brought down by motor- Karamea road. of coal. The former suffered an injury and the depth of the earthquake ascer- and cooking appliances being put out curred in the last %i hours, includingwest aid* of Nek**, it »aail aaaas
to-night. A An inqnest was opened to-day, for to a foot and minor abrasiotis. Clark tained. of action.
Murchison, beggars description. The lorry and special tram a severe one at 12.15 p.m. to-day. fairly certain tbat that is t*a aaataa
few men are remaining in Murchiaon. identification purposes, by the Coroner, received minor injuries. Owing to Then they needed strong earthquake The Post Office had a severe shaking, aa»
The cars got through to Inangabua of the diatarbaaot. The waeteai aaa)
gorge is filled bank to bank half a Further danger is feared from the into the death of Eobert McAllister, the earthquake the men knocked off recorders in the main centres; these pluster falling within and chimneys country m that ragian u taaftea
Some anxiety waa
without, while the whole structure is Junction
should be not easilv thrown out of to-day.
mllo wide, with rocks and debris one blocked Matakitaki and Buller Rivers, killed in the Glasgow mine. The inquest aaaa»

work for the day. af taa

felt for the safety of the Nelson atr- tba main physical faaiajan

have been backing up against was adjourned sine die. The Boa district suffered slightly, sear, so that a cJos?ly
approximate ori- badly shaken and skewed. The Court-
mils long, and the Matakitaki river is which vice car, driven Ly Dick Powley, with try there are dae t4» Baiaa
the huge slips for thirty-six hours. If Tho body of William Chamley, buried several chimneys in that locality falling. gin for a severe 'quake could be deter- house and Lands Office escaped injury,
a passenger, but be was found to-day of the towns may be af eataa aaaaaan
now forming a lake, which It is feared the water breaks suddenly Murchison by a fall of earth at Cardiff Bridge Mine, mined quickly. but the stag were dismissed for the they are etoae to lank aM, aasl m
will break away and flood Murchison. will be swept away, with probable dis- Lastly, they needed an improved in- day, as l.kewiso were the children at at Baker's farm, close to Lye'l bridge
has not yet been recovered. sate and well. Two motor-cyclista got earthquake u alwafe aaarw ay**
It is unknown what body of water is astrous results. Also in the Buller FURTHER SHOCKS AT TAKAKA. strument of the present type for the schools, where a little plaster came Bay**
aOongside a tine of faart, Tie•*•»»•
Valley an ever-increasing lake is being 'ciuakes of a distant origin. In all down and the chimney of the cookery tlirough from Westport to-day, and in
held further up, as it is reported that formed by the banked up waters. EXPLOSIONS HEARD AT three types, said Mr Skey. provision class-room was demolished. The saw- some cases the help of ten men waa
known as the
aVa» t*
Coikf* at Nataaa Hatasaa laan, _ aaai
this liver is dammed in three places. Although many buildings are still TELEGRAM.) should be made for three component mills ceased work and the men came necessary to get the cycles over the Daaaasta»
(PBESS ASSOCIATION Westport ia close to Use
standing, most are untenable. The MURCHISON. recording that is both horizontal, in from the bush, where the trees fell slips.
The block nearest Murchison was main walls of the Commercial Hotel WELLINGTON, June 18. north. so"th. east, and west, and ver- iVo big slips are down between the fault. in addition tt etaasas m
in all directions and work was unsafe.
alluvial ground, which aaaaaa aaaa

eauaod by tho hill on the west bank are apparently intact, but the Bank The Acting-Secrotary of the G.P.O. tically. To investigate earthquake ac- In Hokitika the only person injured Junction and Tirorou and two severely troin aarUsnaaJsa* then
behind Mr S. Busch's farm being blown of New Zealand whose adjoining is in ruins. has received the following further in- tion in New Zealand properly, siid Mr was G. Goodall, who was employed on lx>tween Tiroroa and the Twelve
rock. Takaka ak* m
wife and daugh- ELDERLY MAN KILLED IN Mile. It is estimated that it will be
elcan out, burying Busch's homestead, Mr 8. Busch, formation from the postmaster, Takaka: Skey, and find out where 'quakes start- a large concrete tank at the Mental 'ine that mas throat* taa ■■■•■»
ter, aged 28, and son, aged 18, were LANDSLIDE. "Forty-three shocks were experi- ed below the surface, it was eswrt+'il Hospital. He endeavoured fo get out a week at least before the road to ValWy." Profeasor Saesgfc* waa af aa*
in which Mrs, Miss, and Bon. Busch killed when their house was engulfed enced at Takaka between midnight and to have nortahle instruments. The of Ihe tank, but he was shaken back Westport is clear, as all the slips are
opinion tbat the origaa was fm *9tmZ
in Matakitaki instruments could be- pi'rchnsed for a very large, and some 200 m«n are busy
niot their fate. This burst was so ter- by a falling hillside
3 a.m. They continued at frequent few again, breaking his right kneecap. As aioly at een, as thara staa _a aaa m
Valley, had a most horrifying experi- roi~ht fcnd to on them.
rifie that it caught Mr and Mrs Charles ence. He was some distance from the I't'ESSB ASSOCIATION TELEOKAM.)
intervals throughout the day,
and show thousand pounds and the building i* a high one, the suflerer origins of the ©oast fraai O^iiMS'aaa
no signs of abatement. Considerable preservation of life through timelv had to be taken down by means of a In many places the road from lnanga- to Wastport. The fact tkat taa taajga
Morel and overwhelmed their homestead house working in a paddock when he
of an awful
NELSON, June 18.
damage has been done
throughout the warning of approaching shocks by their winch. hoa Junction to Nelson has gone com- mentioned were near fault Mat aaa
on the opposite side of the river, in- was a stricken spectator The train which picked up the refu- district."
ore'iminary tremors. pletely. A motor driver who walked not n«sessarily mean that taey ajaa
Hearing a roar, he looked up gees at Kohatu arrived at Nelson about T'-"» ih"+ "n from Lyell today along part of the near the o„gia : »«t .t ■*-■**«*■»
that he seen*.
juring Mr Morel' so severely
to see thousands of tons of rocks and 8.30, and was met by the Mayor and From the Chief Postmaster, West- ean be gauged from hte fact that it
route had to traverse the riverbed, no tlwy would feel any
«»»** w*b
earth falling on his house, which was port—."At latest report, cars should reached ChYist church at 10.13. only report ma
In tho Lower Maruia (Ariki) the top buried many feet deep. Attempts
at Councillors. Arrangements were made
be able to reach Beefton within one 25 second:? after the wain disturbance ABOUT NELSOX. road being risible. Some estimates tional serenity. A
from Jtfurchisoa tbat ****bad mm mm

to provide sleeping accommodation for give at least a month before the road

were totally out of the The Nelson route is stated to on the "West Const. M»- Skev tboueht

•f the hill west of Mr Walter Holman's, extrication week. hau trarelied acro»» J}***
the night. The haggard looks and gen- will be possible for traffic.
question. eral appearance of the refugees were be in a very bad condition, and it will it would he wise for West CoasW. dtttaaca of half a ante. W
toucd over, burying his farm and home A refugee informed Pressmen that There were two men injured to-day
evidence of the trying ordeal through probably be some weeks before the from Hokitika north to Nel- DEBRIS COVERS ROADS. on Dublin terrace, Thos. Wa*sb and R. a: Murr-biten were J*rr "«*f *"■
wwsid a»
stead, in which wcro Mrs Holman and last night was a night of Hell—one road is open. The 'quakes are now de- son, to construct their public cr.mpa.ed of papa rock wbrffc
which they had passed. For a fortnight Btone, one suffering from a broken leg aaa
one child, under thousands of tons of long
series of detonations and violent
the residents of Murchison have heard creasing in frequency and seventy. buildings, a t ijtiv rate. in re- inclined to alip in any aaaj, so
shocks. The shocks continued this inforcWl concrete if thev wi«bed to EVENTS AT TARAKOHE.
and the other scalp wounds. could not tar tbat the 'o«***_.***■***
rock. This has also dammed the Ma- morning, culminating in a violent one the noise of explosions, which they put "void th» risV of damage in +he futiir". Chae. Morel and Mr, Mrs. and to the slip ftaeif. The aerereat *■"***
accompanied by a huge landslide just down to someone blasting. They have DEATH OF A. D. STUBBS. Tn J.innn ferro-ron~rete had amD r Miss Bush were overwhelmed in a slip was felt at Boiler; bw* it saaakt
nila river. now come to the conclusion that they hard to locate tbe e»act aawtra. ana

before the main party left for Nelson. r>roved its irid oie ch'Tnev hud at Matikitaki, beyond Mur. bison, snd
At Fern Flat the banks on both sides were of subterranean origin. Monday {FUM iS#OCIATIO» rXLCOM.II.)
of the Duller river on the Murchison Mr Arthur Dylas Stubbs, one of been hrilt 600 ft hi^h.: it had an' lost their lives. fault often had <*<»»'*., .***?* .**!*.
afternoon and night, and until ' the weicht both abovo and below, and was The Bullrr river was blocked by *
shocks radiated from alaaraat pataaa
•id» of th«- Buller bridge tumbled into WEST COAST TRAINS. partv left to-day, was just like one the engineers of the Golden Bay
found quite sati«f*<rtorv NELSON*, June 18. slip above Newton Flat, and feara were along a f*alt linn.
the river. Tho road is completely continuous thunderstorm, while in Cement Co., Tarakohe, who was ki.led All the way from Olenhope to Owen
entertained for Wettport's safety, the yaa m
If it proved that taa onfia asahaata
in the earthquake boy, on Monday, waa an
Mocked from four miles south of Mur- places there were not mere huge land- being a son of the roadway is in o «f»tr of wreckage, river falling 13 feet below normal at Xehca it
ehison to the Buller ,bridge. The road A mail train was run to Otira yester- slides, but terrific explosions which old Christchurch CITY WORKS UN Inangnhua Junction last right. The to lad the emact ape*, a* that part ff

lifted the hillsides right out, hurling the late Mr J. Stubbs, who was a rail- particularly towards Owen, where im- the coontr* was apareeH asssjaiaaaat
has not been traversed further than this day, and a goods train proceeded the across wide valleys. way inspector in Canterbury many mense falls of earth and boulders cover
danger has been averted ai tli*> river
Md considerable anxiety is felt as to rest of the journey to Greymouth, when enormous masses broke through today, and is now aad the fall aeewnty of tfaa
tha safety 0 f Lye 11 and the service ears the line was passable. The residents felt the earthquakes least years ago. . .
in the
, DAMAGED. the roadway in various places. slowly rising to iU normal leveL At not hsve Ix-en felt bj l*«B*aa baMSjp.
when the explosions were greatest. Mr Stubbs saw active service took It «m certain frosa the aataat af
which m>rc expected to leave the vicin- An exoress train will be run either South African War, and he also en- At this part men are engaged on road Newt' -i Flat the inhabitants
coantrr orer which the "eaaaa aaa
ity of Lyell yesterday. way to-day between Christchurch and Mr Morel, who was an elderly man, listed for service in the Great VYar. improvements, and the railway d.iily refuge last night in the tehool there
saw the hillside on the opposite side He was exceedingly popular, and his SYDENHAM WATER TOWER put in blasts, and this has had the Train services to Greymuuth were felt tbat it was owe of the cnaM aari-
At t public meeting this morning it Oreymouth. .ms whtch bare beea sa 3*«J
of the valley, over half a mile distant, death is mourned by a wide circle of effect of loosening the earth all resumed this afternoon, a tvorkmen'a shocks were •nsafly «*
was decided to man pick and shovel bursting out. He seized his wife, and Chnstchnrch. OVERFLOWS, train getting through to Reefton, and Zealand
osta was aa
friends and relatives m around. »b«s
«d open the rond to Nelson, to get the KNOX CHURCH. they rail hand in hand for safety, but the down train left at usual. The up «urise* f>ri|[in. but
Several of deceased's relatives left GiLbs's service car left for the West e-rtHttsir* m* this u was saie ta
women and children out. were caught in a mass of earth and vesterdav for Tarakohe. including nis Coast at the ueual hour yesterday morn-
train arrived only half an hour iatp.
The load over the Maruia Saddle has rock, Mrs Morel being buried up to the father-in-law, Mr E. Farr, as well as According to the Citv Engineer (Mr There is a ■light crack in the lining of tltat the origin mart bare baaa ***p
The Rev. T. W. Armour stated yes- neck', though she managed ing, and the driver was destined to in the earth Tbwt was borne e*t by
Mien awav, and from the Eight Mile to get clear.
Messrs 83. Farr and A. D. Ford. Mr A. R. Galbreith), no damage of any the Saddle tunnel, otherwise the Hne the fact that U>« shock was Msag asM
to Matakitaki is blocked. terday that the Works Committee had Morel was badly wounded by frag- Stubbs leaves a widow and three sons. kind has, so far as can be ascertained,
undergo an experience which he has for the greater distance between here a«4 »ar-
at the corner no desire to have repeated. Stones, imd'ilitina rp-tber than sharp
Detonations and tremors are continu- inspected Knox Church, ments of rock, and bled to death before and Greymouth ia undamaged. that the *qea«e *aa
ing Ovfr two hundred inhabitants left of Bealey avenue and Victoria street, assistance eould be rendered.
been done to City works. An inspection boulders, and trees were falling in all There" is no telegraphic or telephone ticnl. Tl*e
A LIGHT AT SEA. directions, rnd before Owen was reached t*h wiib areafst arraritr «*> •••

for Nelson. and the damaged pinnacles had been of the Cashmere Hills reservoir failed communication to Westport from here W«t r«a»t f-f the Wsnd Veat eotaar
Glen- taken down, while other repairs necea to reveal any defects, although it is further progress was found to be ut- owing to the damaged condition of
Gibson's farm in Maruia Valley, to the iheorv that the origm »•**•»
sary would receive attention at once. considered possible that something terly impossible, and the car returned Westport Post Office. Nelson is al*o esaat,
iwry, was overwhelmed, and Mrs and RECORDED AT OTTAWA. Sir,—I wonder if any of your readers might yet be discovered in this re- to town at 8 o'clock last evening in
a *TjV'narin«- «ll*t:!^ ,»sri■•■ off the
Master Gibson, Leo. Weßtbrook, and a peculiar light at sea on the out of touch. A fu!l report of the but «<rp ':>.iia! r a'T«rftaaa»e Jt V*
noticed spect. Experience had shown, how- very battered condition and with its
»Miaß Ferguson were buried beyond re- evening following the earthquake. Ju3t ever, said Mr Galbraith, that unless condition of the road to there is not Th- »u* »*r:; n='i%»"» ab>e*«

wait 1

•overy. Twenty refugees from this val- panes association—st buktbic after snnset I was on the top of Clif- a 'quake was a most severe one, there en/fine damaged. available. Jack Newman, with a Moth w« r- IwaH in <ook strait and •»

At Olenhope (1250ft above sea-level) 'plane, left Nelson to-day to starch for Hawc-ra ofUn aocosapaa >*d **rth*
l«y are endeavouring to reach nuLXGBAra —corraioHT.)
ton Hill when I saw what I took at was little likelihood of damage being the shocks experienced were terrifying Powley, but the latter has been found Pr«ife**or St^-'h*
»wa to-morrow. Trouble was still being experienced OTTAWA, June 17. first to be the light of a fishing-boat, but done to underground works. Not a chimney has
yesterday morning with the Cheviot- in the extreme. •afe. It »ai liard to from tbn« rmm
Tremors and detonations still continue, as there was no boat in the water at

A severe earthquake, which is be- The movement of the 'quake was suf- been left standing, and all crockery There was no work in any of the porta to bend e*a*t*y srhat sraa «aa>
two very violent shocks being experi- Kaikoura and Kaikoura-Clareuee bridge all, and as the light disappeared as mys- ficient to cause the water in the Syden-
telegraph lines. Every few spans the lieved to have occurred in New Zea- has been dislodged from shelves and mines here to-day, yesterday's experi- damar* to bridres.. "but if tbaea ssara
enced at about 6.80 p.m. teriously as it had come, I still cannot ham water tower to overflow, having dressers, and smashed to atoms on the Ko ae- fealty d**trored, th* oaabe aiasa aawa
Department's land, was registered at the Dominion ence being too nerve-racking.
It is reported that the residents of wires were found by the explain" it. I am told that an appear- raised a wave from 12 to 18 inches *rv ausd* aarf> a»
together, and Observatory at 6.9 on Sunday evening. floor. cidents occurred here underground, but hoen a b*'' one
«*takitaki and Upper Matakitaki were workmen to be twisted distance was 8100 miles, and the ance of the same kind was noticed and high. The tower has a cap-city or Most of the inhabitants were to be aeveral narrow escapes are reported, the apToaebea t» brllaaa waa afassj
sported vesterday to bo safe. There there were dozens of contacts. How lines
time at the local epicentre would be remarked on, after the last earthquake. 20,000 gallons, and is 120 feet in
seen erecting tents and tarpaulins, and some of the underground workings ers~ked Knt it was •#ld'*« that aW
i» it- communication with the Upper Ma- ever, as the dav advanced the June 17th, 10 a.m.—Australian Pros* —Tours, etc- height. No damage was done to it, being afraid to spend the night in theii are damaged, bridge itteli Back aiactcd,
were gradually restored to their normal
* W* Valley and Springs Junction by Association?
.*o*d er telephone. condition.
19, 1929,
12 Buyer*. Sellers. GOLDSBROUGH, MORT.



~. *

N.Z. Fannvra'
C'B prcf.)
2 « °

„ _


° NET EARNINGS £335,609.


on call yester- (6J per cent. SiocJt,

Tuesday evening. Markets were buoyant 93 0 0 92

0 „


cable nppeared last we.k

vestibule 1M0! A brief
day, the turnover, apart from ~ur

ol <..« j
The following statement in regard to N.Z. Farmers' Co-op. in re„a-d Jo t".e
Business in practically all classes of
UNDERSTAFFED? the gram and produce trade is unusu- the frozen meat industry was given to
business, amounting to over £7500 and cc,t. S:o«,
w „ 0 «, o 0
Mort. and Co.. Ltd.
now to hand. ccur:>.;
Their «nn. r.r,..
th.- year ended Msr.h
censoring thai the
GOLD. included: 31st, stales !»-

ally dull. Potatoes are about the

of The Press last N.Z. Firmer*' Co-op.

a representative
««-,?oral £•-"•=•
per cent. S'.ock, was far from food front a
sf>o Australian Bank of Commerce.
(6J profits had
la Perrelle,
product engaging attention, and even evening by the Hon. Mr de it was aatlsfa-tory thai
line* I
0 0 vie.'
20 Commercial Bank of Australia Pre- been well main.aimed.
The s ~■»
| on many

thk standby is not keeping up its Minister for Internal Affairs:— Peters' Deli-
American ij -.Ttjs.iti s.
that net famines amounted
. .

at all works ference. cacy •■< 3

4 6 for '--

OFFICE. The market is scarcely The killings for export compared with
<'• '.»-. ;-»


PREJUDICES OF BUSINESS so firm activity.

100 Bank of New Zealand, c«n


recent NewCci'.ossfna 2 6 0 st4 at

15th, during report adds that the wool market op
.. .

as at the week-end, quotations in the Dominion to May October Ist, vidend. Qu.ll, Mcrr.s ..
2 6 0 3 6 6 the end of September or. ■*
a ba.-n of J p*r
MEN. losing the 2s 6d a ton advance then the season commencing Victoria Xrar.ia Sorar ci.'finj -at i'f the
Men's & Boys 9 j
cer.t. below the r-evi
1500 National Insurance. Weeks, Lti. u'u:W pd.J 10 10 0 Value* were maintained op to

SUPERVISOR'S VIEWS. recorded. Business has been ruling at were as follows: 50 Goldsbrough, Morts.

Wilson's Cement 2 1 end of December, but :n the tew

year t...
200 N.Z. Kefrigerating Co., 10s paid. .20321-
- ,

Wucderlich market turned, declining with the !'<'"'••�»

£5 10s f.0.b., s.i., for June, but this Carcases,

ADDRESS BY MR W. MACHIN. 1927-28. 1131 New Zealand Breweries. of the sales, and the general al.-r-nnd a*cr-
price was broken to-day, whilst £5 12s 1928-29. cent, be m*
Assignee Minliig— «-e to-daT »>i at least 15 per
tlio Official 50 British Tobaccos.
That the office of (3d for July and £5 15s to £5 17s 6d for 5,204,215 5,146,973 opening r'ates. The r.»mber of bales
Christchurch (.Mr A. W. Wattera)
Lamb -.

1,446,178 V05,411 200 Beath and Company, Is paid. Kildare <U 6

J ' °

bv the toßpsnv for the year was .e.-OiO.

„ .

7 0 0 8
At a meeting of the Canterbury Col-
0 0
August are the basis of forward sales. Muttoa
ii, Mahakipawa.
1500 Mahakipawa Goldfields.
»■ Id »:.d I"'* 1


1 0 of which w,-rc
understaffed vas tho opinion ex- Pork 146,519 Otanto 0 0 9 0
The total handled in the pre*.ena &
lege Commerce Society last evening,. The quantities going forward are re- 1100 Winding Creek, 6d paid.
.. ..

qrs. qrs.
pressed by Mr Angus l>onaldson at
f rh - ' ■ : :'J
rear was 3«>4.'Jl 5 ba>-. . »'
, '-/
Mr VV. Machin, manager of the New ducing North Island enquiries to less Waihi 010 0 013 r

102,041 282,556 were ao-d and 13-6 ahipred. «00l he d in


Bank of Commerce, shares Creek" f6d

yesterday's adjourned nu-ethig cf the Beef 2366

"normal Winding pd.) X March was 441
} 25
Zealand Farmers' Co-operative Asso- than for this season of the unso'd at

firm at 36s 7d, market closing 36s e store
vreditorsof J. H. Hatehelor. ciation, gave an address on the bub- year, but boards there are understood It will be seen that the output of
od buvers, 3Gs 8d sellers. Commercial
Broken Hill South ..
3*9 against 3679 bale* at fie e'.v- of 13CTC*.
Di-rin- the terra prorres.- has been made

"\s ono of th.j supervisors,"' j«jct, "'lho Prejudices of a Modern to be fairly clear at the moment. The lamb—the leading line in the New Zea- Bank of Australia Ordinary shares
wore tthe merchandise section of the company's
Dmaldsoii said, "I am not satisfied date stated, showed an appreciable in- fractionally weaker at 30s 2d and more bn«ine«», and nctive operations _ m a! St

with the wav thi.-i estate has been iiusiiiess Man." Waipiata on Saturday took only 720 crease on last season's killings. The buyers at OTHER EXCHANGES. had been commenced with a ritw to

There wero so many prejudices, he saciia iroiu Lytteiton, and the Waikou- were offered at that price, additions' se-v;.-e to the company'sthe c direc- ts. *

wound up. It might to have been gone South Island is responsible for this in- 30s Id —the preference moved up to £7 With £105.672 broucbt forward,
,nto and carried to a
conclusion as said that one might discuss them at aiti, sailing to-mgnt is expected to crement, showing an output of 2,600,324 £444.2P2 l>ivide-d fo- tf.e
9s 6d. Bank of New Zealand shares
tors had available

-non as possible. Tho administration length for hours, but the speaker said taiie wen on to OcajO. As this vessel carcases, compared with 2,429,151 for realised 03s Id, market closing Id on TET,EGBAMS.) vear is 10 rer en'., and. in addition, a
he would pick out three and endeavour calls at Pictou, it will probably
for six be
of this estate has been dormant (PRESS ASSOCIATION bonus of 5 per cent. i« f*oP'id, the«e stsra d:rtr
they Aionday beiore she arrives at Auck- the corresponding period of 1927-28. The either side. Other Bank Stocks figured tuition* ab«orbinT ?3«o A of
months. The last meeting 1 attended to explain on what foundations


range up North Island, on the other hand, is at recent prices. \UCKLAND. June 18. transferred t"> »eterre ford,
were based, together with their strong Values to iarmers at f"n 000 k.ii
in December." land.
nearly 100,000 carcases short over the
Sales—Australian Bank of Commerce, 36. making It f 1.520,000. and £SOOO was trans-
National Insurance shares had deal-
Mr A. \V. Walters: There was one points and weaknesses. The first was to £4 5s a ton, and small lots con- 7Jd; National Bank of Australasia (coot), provider- !*■»;■»--€
same" period. The decline in the beef ings
ferred to the
meeting that you did not attend the business man's attitude towarus tinue to sell at this figure. iSouth Can- at 16s 4d, and 16s 3d, the bulk i' 9 lis 9d; South British Insurance, hOs 3d:
d. Grey fIIICPC to be rar-i'-d fcrwa-d. The rl'-»<■■
remains as marked as ever, but National Mortise and Atrcncy.
**» <">

tors a-* ; n recommenced that a boras of 10

Mr Donaldson said that he did not the gold standard, the second his beliet terbury growers are holding out for output
on to of the business being at the higher
Vallev Coal, -j:is 3d: Buddart-Parker. 4js
holding their on ih'ir salar'e* be r« ,d
{0 *'■'
his desire have been
hlanw* the Official Assignee, who was a in his own
capabilities and more. if farmers figure, market closing 16s 2d buyers, 3d; Sanford, 6d i \ ictoria
Limited. 1<?» re' cent
officers of the stiff et head office find
and the A disappointing branch of produce cattle for grass land improvement pur- 16s 4d sellers. Goldsbrough, Mort shares
very busy man with 150 estates
Consequently he could
to be free to give them play, the un-
third was his attitude towards as far as the North Island is con- poses, the indirect benefit should more weie released at 50s 4d, closing quota-
Nvanza Sugar. 465; Whittome
475: Wilson's Cement, 41s 9d;
Mt. Lyell, and to
station m-na-ers, ovn«f«*«.
who have b-e= in the com
42s 3d.
not, with the small btaff under him, employment question. cerned is fowl wheat. Very little, com- than recoup any deficiency in this sec- tions 50s 3d sellers, 503 2d buyers. N.Z. WELLINGTON, June IS. rsnT'H-'ti'P ; nce Arril l«t. prort-rtion-tely
« 152?. »?d

•rive attention to tho

work entailed in The business man's object in life was pared with other years, is going north, tion of the meat trade. The mutton Kefrigerating Co. partly paid shares Sales Reported—Bank of New Zealand, G3s weTe ,1,11 on the a'aff
trm«e ofn-ers CLOCK TOWKE.
to have something founded on
a and
apparently the northern hens are as from date cf 'oininT to
investigating each bankruptcy as it output continues to shrink. were taken at 7s 6d and there were
"d (I):) National insurance. 16s 3d i2'r. South
tran-ferred from BsdperT Bros Lid. *™ Cani-
occurred. New bankruptcies took Iks tangible security. Up to a few years bemg rationed or are being fed on further sellers at 7s 7d, buyers at 7s 4d. British Insurance, CGa 3d; N.Z. Brewence, tal i« rnornnred at £7.00".000. d„7 627 COLOMBO BTKKXT
attention away from estates that re- ago°the pound sterling and the dodar, maize. Values are from 5s 7d to 5s 7£d New Zea'and Breweries shares proved
TSs and 753 Cd.
PCNEDIN. June 18. creditor, aro un br £l* as l7 to .'7 . V22«. (Near Tnam Itewt),
quired careful attention. Ho thought etc., haa been standard, and it was and ec-jed in'T"* have
that Fomething should be brought to verv startling to realise that they Milling wheat is moving slowly, and HIGH COMMISSIONER'S the medium for spirited bidding; sales Sales reported—Bank of Au trala*ia. 11l
14% 6d: N*w Zealand Breweri.'*' k hare«. 74«.
,-,,,« ed from to £4O'.?S7.
Cssh at £1312*0
Assets 76S COLOMBO ST, Kartt.
Mr could be crumbled in a night. The in
view of the heavy yield the outlook
were effected on the morning call at 75s 6d; Goldebroupii, Mort, 50s Cd era-nnt to '6 71157T (Rmi ArwuA, »um).
tho notico of tho authorities. REPORT. 75k. enr."a*t« w''h fSni.lCI a "»r aro "*-■

Waders had far too much work to do reflex of that was the very strenuous is not particularly bright. However, 75s and 75s 3d, and on the afternoon (tv.'o).
nosita at f21*.000 ar* down by £705.00™.
administering of theso b-nkrupt and painful efforts to re-establish Brit- there is no sign of a break in price, call at 75s 3d and 75s 4d, buyers stay- The rnmrntiT'i ho'd n- of Onremment -u>ck«
in tho ish credit and to get back to the ing in at 75s 4d, sellers asking 7;"s f>d. Ms inrr-a«ed f-om <"1 162 to £'71.442 a-'
estates and at tho same time attempt- a condition of stability for which the NATIONAL DAIRY SHOW. Item'
ing to finalise matters in such an es- former sound basis of British pros- Pool is undoubtedly responsible. The Department of Agriculture has re- Staples Brewery shares were quoted 49s »drnnee« are hi-her hr £IP6 004.
and Every busi- ceived the following cablegram, dated the 15th 3d buyers, 49s 7d sellers. There was a 'r<-m the last two balanee-sheeta »re as
tate as Batehelor's. He did not know perity, gold goods. Oats are a drug, and it is fortunate follow:
ness man knew, however, *hat gold that few are offering, as no demand Commissioner for New

if his fellow-supervisor, Mr "W. J- instant, from the High

closer market for Wards Brewery shares March *l, M»Th si,
war. precariously gathered and its pro- worth speaking of exists. There is Zealand, London:— which were quoted 33s 6d buyers, 34s 2d 1975. 1<»"9.
Hunter had any remarks to make on CHEESE AWARDS.
the subject. duction was not increasing commen- generally a northern demand for Al- TALLOW. sellers. British Tobacco shares showed 2
ion nrtri

2.00.T orto

Mr Hunter said that ho would not suratelv with the world's trade. He gerians at this period, but the Algerian Spot market continues very quiet, but more
a further easing with business at 495,
n'.b#nrot» "»4« «S1

like, anything of the kind to go forth knew all the theoretical arguments enquiry has declined this season. enquiry for shipments. Only, small demand
Present quota- Beath and Company Is paid shares re- (PBESS ASSOCIATION TBLBGBAM.) n-hentnre
Stoek A
Stock B -I°' ,7
" "f*"*!
'"' "'

at auction. Prices lower.

tin being tho opinon of tho meeting. against a gold standard, but he also tions for spot are: —Mutton: Fine, 41s 6d per mained at 83 7d, buyers and
business, nea-rre fnnda 1.752.1W ..
knew that it felt good to have a gold Quotations. 40s per cwt; dark
Mahikipawa Gold- PALMERSTON NORTH, June 17. Profit and !r«« balance
He admitted that it had taken a great cwt,; fair to good, 38s to
Sweet sellers at 8s Bd. 877.941 M9P..55
white to wind up this estate, hut it was reserve. If people were certain that The following are quotations for pro- to dull, 35s 6d to 36s per cwt. Bee.:
In the factory cheese section of the
Sundry creditors, etc
and gold were behind the paper, and/or mixed, 39s to 43s dark per cwt: fair to fields shares changed hands at 8d and
»tt involved one. He did not know if goods duce to be paid to farmers, on trucks to dull, 35s 7*d. Winding Creek shares 6d paid twenty-seventh National Dairy Show awards 6.327 200 6.715.579
they could helo the Official Assignee by
making representations.
it was well, but if the opposite hap- free of commission, sacks extra, except
pened, then there was immediately a where otherwise stated:
good, 37s to 39s per cwt:
to 36b per cwt. Mixed: Fair to (rood. 36s
6d to 38s 6d per cwt; dark to dull, 35s to
firmed tp Is 3£d and Is 4d and more
3id, sellers at Is sd.
are as follows :

CLEMENT CCP. Cash and deposits 765,121 891.260 We lend on first-class

35s 6d per cwt. Gut, etc., 34s to 35s 6d were wanted at Is
securities only.

run or panic and a commercial crisis.

Government and other

Mr Watte rs said that the winding- Wheat—ss 8d a bushel for Christchurch Gas shares showed a har- Lowgarth, 376 847 points 1 n
As an instance, Mr Machin quoted the Tuscan, 155.4P2 .-1.561
..1 _

per cwt.

np of the estate was nearlv completed to 5s lOd for Hunters; 6s 3d dening tendency with buyers at 27s Id,
Neaerr, 375.904 points ..2 4.445.217

HEMP. ..

now, though there wero a few involved case of the Auckland P.O. Savings Bank Woodvillc, 475.744 points 3 AdTancea ..

. . .
7d Menila market quiet. Valeus at close un- 237.330
A run set in, and to 6s 4d for Pearl; fowl wheat, 5s

no sellers. Electrolytic Zinc Preference

Properties and stock
matters still to be untangled, but not
many. Personally he did not think
a few years ago.
people were waiting in queues to collect to Oats—Cartons 5s 7Jd f.o.b.
2s od to 2s tOd per
changed. Stocks in England on May 31st,
8500 bales, against 21,580 same time last shares
were 'weaker with sellers at 38s
Lowgartb. 190.5 point 6 ..
Other assets
1 Premise* ..

581.615 Applications Invited.
that an undue time had been taken.
their gold. This was counted out coin year. Bd, buyers at 36s sd. Ng3ere, 188.5 points ..2 Shares 35,363 56.4G3
by com over the counter. Tho people bushel; Algerian 2s 3d to 2s 6d; Duns

Sisal: Market quiet with very !:tt.e

. -
.. .

There had been tremendous amount ness doing. Nominal closing values for June- N.Z. CHAMPIONSHIP.
n 2s 8d to 3s 2d.
Perpetual Trustees Co.

who had received their money immedi- 1

of work done and the supervisors had Chaff—£3 10s to £3 15s a ton. August shipments: Tanganyika No. 1 quoted Lowgarth. 284 points

atelv crossed the road and deposited £3B buyers, £3B 10s sellers. Ngaere, 283.5 points ..2
great assistance

been able- to give him in the Bank of New Zealand. The Potatoes—To £4 5s a ton. Mexican: Still nothing offering here, and GOLD MEDAL
in the enrly stages of tho administra-
bank authorities returned it to the Onions—£3 15s a ton. nominal value unchanged. YESTERDAY'S TRANSACTIONS. fSouth Island Factory).
tion of the'estate. A lot of work had Bed Clover—6*d to 7id per lb. New Zealand: Nothing to report;formarket Waimea. 92 point's (equal) The Imperial marking order, which re-
Post Office and the whole process was high- Waitaha and 1
(Controlling £6,000,000)
been carried out continuously during the repeated. Thus all the bad effects of White Clover—9d to lid per lb. dull. Nominal comparative common
points £33 10s, fair £3l,
quire* thit eggs im; orted into Britain must
bear an idication of origin, is nuW in tore*.
paat six months, but there had been a panic were averted by the semblance Partridge Peas —4s 9d to 5s per rejected £27 15s; tow, second grade £2l, 3rd Falea on 'Change—Aust. Bank of Com- (Best Finished Rimlsey Cheese.) Most of the countries from which the l-""i!e1
no occasion to call tho supervisors to- merce, 86s 7d (five parcels); Comm. Bank
of an ample gold security. bushel. grade £l7 10s.
of Aust., 303 2d; Bank of New Zealand, Tamaki 1 Kinpd"m receives supplies, no'ably the Iruh
gether. If the occasion had arisen he WOOL.
.. ..

Free State. Denma-k, and Holland, had anti-


There was always a fear in any com- Perennial Ryegrass—To 4s 6d per 63a Id; National Insurance. 16s 4d five Taikitahuna .. -

would have called them together with Bradford market quiet. Merino ad fine cross- 3 cipated the order by adopting export regula-

pleasure. This was not the sort of

pany that such a run might take place, bushel. bred tops more or less neglected, but mod-
parcels), 16s 3d (three parcels);
brough, Mort (cum div.), 50s 4d;
Ngaere . • •



tions. The scheme inaugurated in Great tiritain SIR GEORGE FENWKX

and companies always tried to have a Italian Eyegrass—To 4s a bushel. erate business has been done in medium and some months afro for gradinc and m.irketinc
thing in which one could got assistance certain amount of gold reserve. Cocksfoot—7£d to B§d per lb. coarse crossbred. Present quotations for Refrig. (10a paid), 7s 6d; New Zealand
Hopelands (L. Y. Heanes) . . . 1 home-produced ejja it said to be proTiaf
. Chainnaa
for a short period; if it had been of However much the modern business tops are: —64's, warp 3s 5d per lb, average Breweries, 75s (two parcels), 75s 3d CASE CHEDDAR-SHAPED COLOURED remarkablv anccepsfnl. According to
such a character he would have asked man wanted to handle gold, he knew
Linseed—To £ 15 10s a ton. 3s 4d per lb; 56's, 2s 6Jd per lb; 50's, pre- t-arcels), 75s 4d (nine parcel?): British To- CHEESE. Suitable for Expert. to hand about 150 e« gradinc stations hare C H. HEWLETT, E«».
Bran—£6 10s a ton, f.o.b. southern pared 2s 2d to 2s 3d per lb; 40's, prepared bacco (cum div.), 495; Beath and7|d Co. (1b throughout the coun-
for assistance. Flo did not think that that, to-day, it was impossible, and ports; 10s extra for smaller packings. Mahakipawa. Bd. (two Lowgarth, 95 i points 1 so far been registered
Is lOd per lb. 8s 7d; 2 try anl each week over 10.000.000 errs »re
.. ..

anything could be done; the Depart- this prejudice of a business man was FRUIT. parcels): Winding Creek (6d paid), la 3?, d,
Lower Valley, 95 points .
3 being sent into public u*e. The home pxdinf

ment, ho thought, was free from Pollard—£B a ton, f.0.b., southern

slowly being overcome. It was said that ports; 10s extra for smaller packings. Stocks of New Zealand fairly
well cleared, Is 4d (three parcels). Westmere. 94J points . .

scheme and the marketing order in re«T»e-t


Chratchurch Directors
blame in the matter. but Jonathan, particularly large size, very Sales reported—Comm. Bank (pref.), £7 CASE WHITE CHEESE, Suitable for Export.
if Horatio Bottomley had not been of imported egg* are exp-cted to do ranch
No action was proposed and the sub- harassed by the sudden loss of public Flour —Local wholesale prices £l6 5s troublesome owing to rapid deterioration.
Southampton portion of s.s. _ Rangitiki ship-
9s 6d. Ngaere, 95) points
Lowgarth, 95 points
1 to ra : se the standard of quality, and some

2 traders who had hitherto i-rded in foreipn


ject was dropped. confidence he might have been able to a ton for 2001b sacks, with the usual Christchnrch Manager
.. ..

ment" arriving on market this morning. So LATEST QUOTATIONS. Maharahara. 94} points ■• . . 3 etrjrs are now confining 'heir buiineai to
avert the crash. increments for smaller packings. Price far, Sturmer, Statesman, and Douglierty in Egg*.
It might have been proved that gold for shipment, £l6 5s a ton, f.o.b.
sound condition and should meet good demand. Buyers. Sellers.
14S Warctiter St, r

Probable opening prices from 15s to 17s 6d. £

8. d.
£ 8. d. Woodville. 95J points 1 ..

was not necessary and that theoretical Delicious and Rome Beauty fully ripened and Ngaere, 95 points "


standards were more efficient and more

BANKRUPTCIES. easily worked. Yet we still came back
show waste. No pears here yet. Will report
fully next week.
N.Z. Government Debentures — Rua Roa, 94J points

Office* at Timaru, Oaaaa,

AUCKLAND MARKETS. 4J per cent. Inscribed, DEBENTURES. Dun ©din, larereargß
almost instinctively to the old idea, 1938 99 15 0 .. ..
100 0 0 Managers Only.
and longed to hear the musical voice of WINTER SHOW. 44 per cent. Inscribed, Hopelands, 95 points 1 ..

DOMINION DECLINE. the teller saying, "How will you have 1939 .. ..
99 15 0 100 0 0 Belvedere, 94J point 3 .. ..2
[THE PRESS Special Service.) Bonds, Woodville, 94 points ..8
it—notes or goldP" 4£ per cent. ..

Business men resented being ration- 1938 CASE FROM
.. ..

SCHEDULES ISSUED. 4J per cent. Bonds,

Tke latest bankruptcy figures for the alised afad bundled together for the 1941 99 15 0
Hopelands, 94 points .. ..
Applications are invited for Subscrip-
benefit of the whole commercial world.
Da'efield, 931 points .. ..2
two Islands are as follows: AUCKLAND, June 18. 5i per cent. Inscribed, Maharahara, 93 points . . 3 tions to an issue of First Mortgage De-
quoted Galsworthy's
. .

Mr Machin Thanks to Canterbury, local merchants are 19U .. .. 99 10 0 COLOURED, bentures bearing interest at the rate
"Somes Forsyte" as an example of a well stocked with potatoes at the present The schedules for the Winter Show, which cent. Inscribed.
North South 5i per
LOCAL TRADE. of 7§ per cent, per annum, payably half

f* JUma
Island. Island. Total business man who had no wish to sink time, and Aucklanders are getting full sup-* is to be held in the King Edward Barracks 1933 99 10 0 93 15 0
\fear. from August 10th to 24th, have been issued. 5$ cent. Inscribed,
.. ..

Hopelands, 95 points 1 yearly.

his individuality and be controlled by plies at reasonable rates, the current quota- per
.. ..

1926 1545 207 752 101 2 6 Daiefield, 94 points These Debentures are being issued by ..2
The Show this year will have quite a num- 1933

powers outside himself.


024 868 Belvedere. 93i points ..3


1927 244 tion ex store being £8 per ton. Tho quality

ber of new features, and the schedule ha 5J pej cent. Bonds, Limited Company, and are secured

When the submarine campaign was generally speaking is excellent.

1925, 571 235* 806 In the 101 5 0 CASE FOR EXPORT. Open to any Manager

been liberalised in man? directions.

1953 ..

upon Freehold valued at more that

at its height and it was not known in not previously having won a prize of

The same southern province is likewise cookery, fancy work, and art classes the 5J per cent. Inscribed,
Last year there* was a reduction of England where the meat supply was supplying the bulk of the onions sold here, entry fees have been reduced, while there 193G .. 101 5 0 £5 or over. double the amount of this Debenture
Pyne's Buikttngi

to come from, it was found that the but the quality is only moderate. Onions has been no reduction in the prize money. per cent. Bonds, Mahaharaha. 94 points issue; the Debentures are further se-
62 in the number of bankruptcies, of 5$ ..

been brought
fho needlework sections havenumber 101 7 6 Turakina, 93 J points ..2
meat from the country was not coming will not stand rough handling, and will cured by a floating charge over all other
not 1936
which 53 wero ill tho North Island and

Cashel Street
.. ..

However, they will probably up-to-date, and a very large of new Waimea, 93 points ..3
into the market. It fell to the keep long.

nine in tho Houth Island. The falling have to suffice until the end of next month, classes are provided, but it is in the chil- Other Debentures— assets of the Connpany. The net esti-
tendency- has since continued, for in speaker's lot to go down to the West- when Japanese new season's are expected. dren's section that most changes have been made by Cheese-maker mated annuel income is sufficient to
or Factory
the four months to tho end of April there ern Counties, where there were large Pukekohe had a surplus, but a shipment was made, there being a wide variety of classes NZ. Breweries, Inscr. 14 0 15 3
Manager's First Assistant. meet the interest on the Debentures ajthoottcncorr op
numbers of cattle, and try to persuade dispatched to Sydney last week, and this for juveniles A special section is pro- N.Z. Breweries, Bonds 14 0 15 0
was a docroaso of 2!) compared with will have relieved the situation from the vided for apprentices, and there is also a Glaxo. 6J per cent., Pembroke. 95 points 1
many times over. ..

the corresponding four months of last the land-owners to put a certain num- growers' point of view. About £9 per ton new section for vegetables, with liberal prize 1915 91 0 0 93 0 0 Hopelands, 94$ points .. ..2
The term of the Debentures is for 5
ber of cattle into the market every f.o.b. was obtained for the shipment. Lower Valley, 94 points
The n»iiag«n*»t o£ tWa ftvriMt
.. ..

Schedules may be obtained from

years from June 30th, 1929.

year, the totals being 220 against 249. 151 Worcester street, Christ- THREE LOAF CHEESE.
The North Island figures are 159 against week. But the land-owners regarded There are no changes in the value of prime the secretary, Banks— Applications will be received only in Realaoraitt anaouaeaa *h»
this as an unwarrantable intrusion quality oats and chaff, though the ofpresence church. Entries will close on July 20th. 10 0 0 10 2 6 Maharahara, 94) points 1 duetion of a 4-Couraa
182, a decreaso of 23, and the South Adelaide accordance with the full Prospectus, and

man under- Hopelands 94 points 2


Each on the wharf of some consignments 116 . .


into their private affairs Aust. of Commerce 116 5 8

Island 61 against »>7, a decrease of six.
Rua Roa, 93i points on the Application Form issued there-
considered he knew his own business grade quality from Blenheim is temporarily . .

o'clock, commeseimf **Bfi'

. .

Tho number of Deeds of Assignment depressing the market. Oats still main- Australasia *,
CHAMPIONSHIP OF MANAWATU AND with. Prospectus, full information and


best and each man's individual preju- Ccmm. of Aust. 1 1 10 2

last year totalled 209; there are no tain the advance recorded last week for B METALS.
Cbmm. of Aust. (pref.)
.. 1 10
7 8 6 7 9 6 WEST COAST. form of application for Shares, may 19tk Joae. Patroa* *t
dice had to be overcome. That was Gartons MECCA" are aJwaya ■
figures for the previous year, but no
The local price of wheat has been lowered Comm of Aust. (new, Mangawhata, 94 points . 1 be obtained from ..

whj . most Council and Government excellent cuisine sad


0 19 Westmere 93J points ..2

doubt there has been a contraction in Id per bushel to 7s 7d. This is the cumu- contr.) 0 18 11 1 ASSOCIATED INVESTMENT UNDER-

business was such a protracted affair. eerviee, allied to pta»


Turakina, 92 points ..3


lative effect of the slight weakness in the (TTNITED PBESB ASBOCIATIOK—BY BLECTSIC Comm. of Sydney
tho figures; at all events, in tho first


.. _

Touching the prejudice against the southern market, which has persisted during TELEGBAPE—COPTBIGHT.) E., S., and A. ..879889 MURGATROYD CUP. rounding*.
four months of tho current year the Nationil of Australasia 1 Premier Buildings. Durham street East,
number was 65, as against 70 in the cor-
question ot unemployment, Mr Machin the past month. LONDON, June 17. Hopelands, 94) points ■

Only old season's maize is offering 19 9 0 19 10 6

. •

mentioned Lloyd George's scheme of in June 17. (£lO paid) Hukanui, 93) points ..2 AUCKLAND.
June 13. .. ..

responding term of last year. The ninepence a week, contributed partly unaltered Auckland at present, and for this values are (per ton.) (per ton.) National of Australasia Westmere, 93 points S Telegraphic Address: Investment, Auck-

■hrinkago has occurred in the South Is- at 7s 3d to 7s 6d per bushel. Copper— a. d. s. d. (£5 paid) 9 5 6 9 10 6
by the employer, partly by the State, A fresh shipment of Australian pollard £ £
National of N.Z. 7 16

7 2 6

land. —8
land, tho figures being 17 against 2G, and partly by the worker. Out of this is due to arrive at the end of the ordered month. Standard, spot 76 .. 3 9 75 3 li ..

Standard, forward 74 16 10* 74 16 10J New South Wales 51 2 6 51 7 3

but in the Nortk Island there was an

h*id come the dole, which was respon- This will keep those merchants who 81 5 0 New Zealand (cum div.) 3 3 0 3 3 2
Electrolytic 84 6 0
increase of four, tho figures being 48 sible for more trouble than anything freely well supplied for several weeks ahead. ..

Aust. 15 14 6 15 15 6 TINWALD STOCK SALE.

■gainst 44.
else. The average man didn't like it, Others are having to place orders at current to .. ..
84 10 0
84 10 0
84 10 0 Union of ..

rates, which are £1 per ton dearer than Wire bars .. 84 10 0
which was in some ways very strange, formerly. Supplies of bran are ample, the Lead— Insurance —

because the average man was always comparatively mild winter rendering the de- Spot 23 11 3 23 13 9 A.P.A. 0 10 2 0 10 4 There was a fair representation of bujers How often do we hear thia enquiry when
the death of a friend mentioned? OV-

.. .. ..

generous. It was the business man's mand less pronounced than is usual at this Forward
23 10 0 23 13 9 Mercantile Mutual 1 13 0
TRADE BALANCE. time of- the year. Spelter—
... ..

0 16 2 0 16 4 and farmers at the Tinwald sale yesterday, vioual; this provision ta now conaidered
purse which was always opened to are:—Sharps National .. ••

but tho yarding, particularly of sto?e sheep necessity of oar life.

Wholesale current prices Spot 26 3 9 56 1 3 New Zealand 2 7 6
charities. Yet these business men were and bran—Mill prices: Sharps £9 10s per Forward
~ ..

26 1 3 25 16 1|
.. ..

3 5 9 3 7 0 and ,cattle, was poor. Butchers' lines of

the first to attack the Poor Law and ton, bran £8 per ton; merchants' quotations

South British ..

"A Policy of Life Aunniin ta alwaye an

Australian pollard Tin- Standard 3 5 R fats showed a considerable on prices evidence of Prudent Forethought; oo ramn
other schemes for general amelioration. ex store: Southern and £8

201 1

198 dO 0 3
DOMINION CUSTOMS FIGURES. Particular amelioration was a different B£lOGartons 10s to £lO 15s, bran 10s; oats, feed, Spot

201 10 0 204 6 3
United ..
.. 10 0 0 obtained at the Asbburton sale last week, with a dependent family la free from Re
p roach if not Aatured '—Lord Lyncihnret,
4s 6d to 4s 8d per bushel. A Gar- ..

but freezing sheep did not make any apprec-

matter, but general State-run ameli- tons 4s lOd. clipped Duns 5s 6d to 5s 9d, Silver- Loan and Agency— iable change. About tho largest wether late Lord Chancellor of England
oration was unbusinesslike and un- clipped Gartons 5s 2d; fowl wheat, 7s 7d Standard, oa. ..

24 5-ied 24 7-16 d Dalgety and Co. IS 2 0 seen at the sale for many years was yarded
trmnas association tbleqbaju.)
per bushel; maize, ex store 7s 3d to 7s 6d; Fine, oz. 26
5-16 d 26Jd FRANK M. COLLINS.

profitable to everyone. ..

N.Z. Guarantee Corpn 0 9 10 0 10 1 by Mr H. Brown, of Seavicw. and is ex-

A certain number of business men barley, fede 5s 9d per bushel; seed, Cape —Australian Press Association, United Ser- pected to kill out about 1501b. It was
WELLINGTON, Juno 18. 6s 6d per bushel; maize meal, 14s 6d vice. Goldsbrough, Mort (cum bought by Messrs Rowe and Denley for £i Repre*entatiTe A.M.P Society,
The ovetseaa trade figures for the
adopted a scheme in order to detect barley 1001b; barley meal, 13s per 1001b;
div.) 2 10 22 10 3
Z» B?aley atrect, St. Albana.
10s. The appioxircate yarding was as fol-

the number of malingerers among the chaff, g.b.o.s. £9 10s to £9 15s per ton, National Mortgage 4 7 0 4 10 6
Private 'phone 4205. Ofiica 'phone 809.
.ows:—slo stares, 690 fat Umba, 120 fat

Dominion, as supplied by the Customs unemployed. They decided to make Blenheim or Canterbury; potatoes, prime N.Z. Loan and Mer-
BRADFORD MARKET. cantile (ord. stock, wethers, and 520 fat ewes. Only three head CSITI
Department for the month of May, artificial work which they could offer Canterbury £8; onions. £9 per ton ex store, div.) ..120 0 0 130 0 0 of cattle were offered, one fat cow being
1929, are: Exports £4,025,1 DC, and im- thost» "down-and-outera" who came £7 10s on trucks Pukekohe. United
Building Society 0 16 0 sold for £8 10s. The principal sales were:
asking for financial help. Out of 9000 (TTKITED P3E6S ASSOCIATION—BY ELECTBIC Fat Ewes—One at 32s 4d, 14 at 22s lOd,
ports £3,239,894, and for the corres- TBLBGBAPH—COPYBIGHT.) Wright, Stephenson and
applicants, 48 per cent, never turned Co. (pref.) 0 18 0 0 19 6 12 at 12s 7d, 12 at 17s 7d, 2 at 22s 4d,
ponding month last year, £4,738,791, LONDON, June 17. 25 at 18s lOd, 20 at 20s 10d, 11 at IBs Id. 10
and £3,424,831 respectively. The ro- up for the job. A business man did RANGIORA MARKET. ,

At Bradford' the market is unchanged.

not feel justified in doling out money Shipping —

at 14s lOd, 10 at 20s lOd, 11 at 20s Id, 8 at

turns for the five months ending May Prices have bcfen maintained, but without any 26s Id. 6 at 22s 4d, 15 at 22a 4d, 6 at 23s 9d,

to a class half of whom at least, were resulting. Low crossbreds are very Huddart-Parker 2 5 0 2 5 7
are: Exports £33,633,667, and imports business
firm, with slightly more enquiry.—Australian P. and O. Deferred
8 at ITs 2d, 18 at 14s Td, 6 at 23s 4d, 5
£19,112,078 respectively, while for out and out wasters. Hence he criti- at 20s lOd. 6 at 23s 7d, 6 at 22s Cd, 19 at
cised the Government for pouring out For a -winter market there was a very Press Association. Stock 5 17 6
223 Id, 8 at 24s Gd, 13 at 22s l!d, 16 at
the corresponding period of the previ-

money for industrial relief, such as fair entry of fat sheep at Rangiora yester- 252 Id. 16 at 18s, 8 at 275, 7 at °Ba 6d, 13
ous rear they wero £34,439,049, and
creating artificial work and other day, 103 ewes, 83 wethers, and 354 lambs Frozen Meat at 27s 6d. 10 at 21s 6d, 7 at 26s 6d, 10 at
Co. of N.Z. limited

£17,'754,6(52. N.Z. APPLES. 5

purely theoretical but unpracticable being yarded. Ewes sold up to 25s 3d, Canterbury (pref.) ..
5 0 0 5 0 335, 7 at 24s Sd, 9 at 33s Id. 22 at 17s 7d.
N.Z. Refrig. (10s paid) 0 7 4 0 7 7 9 at 22s 3d, 9 at 21s 4d, 15 at 17« 3d, 16
projects. wethers 34s 6d, and lambs to 31s 4d.
These prejudices of a business man The sales made were as follows:—Ewes: North Canty. Freezing 0 10 0 10 0 at 21s lOd. IS IJOSVBBD BT THE HEW MMAJLAWD QOTEMMWOBrt
V> at 20i, 8 at 24s Id, 14 at 21s Bd, 17 (USITED P3ESS ASSOCIATION—BY ELECTRIC Fat Lambs—E!even at 32s lOd, 1 at 14s
AMERICAN TARIFF. had become almost instincts of nt-Af- kt 21 it, 14 at 20s 4d. 11 at 25s 3d, 9 at TELEGBAPH—COPYBIGHT.) Woollens —
6d, 9 at 33s 4d, 45 at 21s 9d. 25 at 2!s 3d. TO ACT AS SZBOTFTOm, TBTTSTEX, ASBOHISTJtATOB
defence. If he did away with them i'j* lOd, and 9 at 21b. Wethers: 11 at LONDON, June 17. 0 13 9 0 14 1 43 at 263 4d. 27 at 21s 3d. 69 at 27s 4d, 37 AJCD ATTORNEY POK ABSZWTEZa, ETC.
•i'j* 74, 17 at 34s 6d, 14 at 29s 7d, 11 at Kaiapoi (17s paid) '..
at 28s 'd, 60 at 25s Bd, 64 at 24s 8d
and approached these questions with an The Eangitiki's New Zealand apples, Stur- Kaiapoi (7s paid) 0 4 9 0 5 0
30» Id. 6 at 29s 6d, 6 at 32s 6d, 18 at Fat Wethers—Two at 25s 3d, 1 at 44« 3d.

PROTEST SHOO'LD BE ENTERED. entirely open mind he was afraid he mers and Doughertys, sold at 16s to 18s a (ML&m: 111 Hereford tarn.'., Cfcrla tcaxrc*.
27a. 61 at 295, 57 at 28s 2d. 95
Lambs: case.—Australian Press Association. 1 at 90s. 15 at 325, 3 at 325, 2 at 30s, 16
might slip into the abyss of instabilit* &l 2S«, at 24s sd, 7 at 31s 4d. 22 at
13 LONDON, June 17 Coal —

at 31s Cd. 4 at 27s 3d, 17 at 26s 9d, 20 at

■jaAiea: join Ova Jiiturn aa* o*cfl MeJUOag.
and uncertainty. Therefore, 27* 10d, 12 at 24s lOd, 6 at 29s Id, 17 at The Hamburg apple market is firmer We-tnort 1 14 6 1 15 3 28s 6d, 10 at ?3s 4d, 12 at 19s.
Sottelter: Charles Stewart Then**. mmm
Stockfon 1
, ,

he was certain he had something Id, and 10 at 23s Id. Stores—Or» hundred and forty cross and

21* smaller and about 14,0U0 0 3 1 0 3 4

Only 354 stores were yarded, but only
as supplies are (ord.) ••

three-quxrterbred wether lambs at 16s 7d;

sound to replace them, the modern two lots changed hands 42 aged ewes being
"remainders," ex recent steamers, realised Stockton (pref.) •• 0 4 3 0 4 9
HASTINGS, Juno 18. business man would not give up his disposed of at 13s lOd each, and 31 four, as follows:—Western Australian Cleopatras, Grey Valley ..

~130136 40 eight-tooth halfbr»d ewes at 22s 6d, 81

failing-mouth halfored empty ewes at as 6d.
17s 6d to 21s; Dunns, 16s 6d to 22b Sd;'
At tho annual meeting of the Cham- heritage of prejudice. eiz. and eight-tooth ewes at 28s.
Bix cows comprised the cattle entry. Cows Tasmanian Cleopatras, 13s 9d to 16s 3d; Gas—
ber of Commerce, Mr J. S. McLeod, In profit sold at £4 to £lO 10s, a springer at Jonathans, 10s 9d to 15a 9d; Stunners, V.a 5 8 ?

9d to 15s 9d.—Australian Press Association


i 1

tho presidont, in an address, referred £l2 s*, and an empty cow at £9 10s. Auckland -• "


There was an entry of 92 pigs, the greater

to tho hesitation of people to mveet,



Heavy baconers made


number being fats. 0 13 7

.. -

Christchurch (10s paid) 0 13

and to the presence ot so much unem- £3 8s 6d to £4 3s 6d, light-weights £2 SYDNEY WOOL SALES.
ployment when banks and individuals LIMITED. 6s Id to £3 3s 6d, large porkers 42s 6d to The Bank of New Zealand has received

44s 6d, small 33s 6d to 36s 6d. stores 18s Breweries —

iiad plenty of money. He said that the to 265, large weoners 10s 6d to 17s 6d, * °
the following advice from its London office
taxation of 4s 6d in the £ on indus- and small 5s to 8s 6d. (USTT23 PBESS ASSOCIATION—BY ELECTEIC
Carlton .. -

| \ ,\ *» as at the close of business lift perweek:

ANNUAL REPORT. New Zealand cwt.

Butter—Weak; 16Ss to 170s


tries might be responsible Tor investors'

There were 72 pens of poultry disposed of. TZLEGBAPH— COPYBIGHT.)

hesitancy. Roosters sold to 10s 5d a couple, hens to 6s,

aple3 -

I" 0 14 0 0 14 6
Cheese—Weak: white 92s per cwt. coloured PARTNERSHIP DISSOLVED
(Received June 18th, 9.35 p.m.) l:maru ■••
2 94s per cwt.
pullets to 8s and ducks to 7s. n fi 7

Referring to th« American hign tariff J*


(5s paid) Frozen Meat—The market is weaker for

» *

[THE PBESS Special Service.] Sheepskins—Halfbreds sold to 9s. cross- SYDNEY, June is. Timaru ••

4 17 o light-weight wethers: heavy remain steady.

•gainst Dominion goods, Mr McLeod breds 7s, and hoggets 6s. "Wool crutch- At the wool sales. 6123 bales were sold. n™M, 2 19 3 3 0 0 HIGH STBEET STOCK TO BE CLEARED BT SPECIAL BAUB
The market for ewes has declined, and the

•aid that Now Zealand could not take nigs made 6Jd lb. hides 6d lb. calfskins There was a strong demand from Continental
10 l
oot S *
1 17 demand is very poor at present.

DUNEDIN, June 13. 1 16 8 0 The de-

too serious a view of this treatment, 4s 6d, fat 2Jd lb, horsehair Is 6d. and Yorkshire buyers. The market showed mand for lamb is steady. Larger supplies
The partnership which has existed for so man? year* between
which would continue unless Cham- The first annual report and balance-Bheet no change. Greasy merino brought
20d. ard • •

• • _

0 11 0 of beef have caused prices to weaken. "eth-

bers of Commerce organised against it. o{ tho Regent Theatre Company, Limited, Australian Press Association. White Star ers, light 5Jd to 7Jd per lb. heavy 4*d to the brothers, Mr. Walter J. Watson and Mr. Wi!lia»» W.
4}d sjd per lb: lambs.
American cars were imported to New for tho year ended November 80ti», 1925, s*d per lb; ewes. to
9d per Watson, as Watsons (Jewellers) Ltd., is now terminated; Mr.
PRICE OF TIN. Miscellaneous —

2's Did to GJd per lb. B's 83d to

Zealand in great numbers, when trade states that the period under review was TARANAKI OILFIELDS. 116 12 lb 4's 6d to *}d per lb. seconds 9d to
9|d Walter J. Watson continning as sole proprietor. Xeedlea* t»
between New Zealand and Britain mostly occupied with the building of the Australian Distilleries ox hinds. SJd to SJdper lb.; ox
Australian Iron and n
per lb;
to remark, the dissolution of a partnership of tbi* magnitude
should bo encouraged, especially as theatre premises and it was only from the ? 1 0 feres. 4id to 4Jd per lb; cow hinds. 4Jd
Steel (pref.) ••
{{ 6 5d per lb; cow fores, 4d to 4Jd per ib. involves financial transactions of no mean order, aad to
British cnrs were more economical in opening day, June Ist, 1928, until the end

Beath and Co.


(PEESS ASSOCIATION TZLZGEAM.) S 8 facilitate these, the whole of the high-class stock of Jewellery,

th»» end. He quoted figures showing of atheposition

financial year that the company was
GISBOENE, June 18. Beath and Co. (Is paid)
0 8 7 0

the groat prosperity of Canada and in to have any earning capacity.

Tho profit and loss account showed receipts The following report is issued bv the British Tobacco icum _,
2 9 3
Electroplate, etc, in High Street will be el tared «t drastlcalry
South Africa, asking why wo had from rents and theatre account at £4313 Is. d iv -) ELECTROLYTIC ZINC. reduced prices that will represent values rarely, if ever, seen

Taranaki (N.Z.) Oilfields, Gisborne, for the 5 0



not the ability hero to maintain simi- the Federated Colonial Sugar ••

173 in New Zealand. Too much attention cannot be given to the

'•Conditions are very bad inowing week ended June 15th:
_ .

against which there is set interest at £lOOl l

Dunlop Rubber ] .'.
lar renditions.

8« "d, travelling expenses and directors' fees Malay States at present, to poor Gisborne No. 1 Well—No drilling in pro- East African Coffee 1 "

importance of this Rale, for two reasons: Firstly, there is the

prices being received for rubber and cocoa," freeing 6jin diameter casing ar.ii

£561 2s Ud, salaries, and manage- gress:
Electro. (ord.)
\1 \% *gS The Electronic Zinc Company of Aus-
Eastern cleaning out cavings in well all the week. 16 up-to-date nature of the stock,
which rank* exceptionally h»f*

ment £1223 18s 7d, preliminary expenses stated Mr Arthur Miles, an 1 1* »

tralasia, Limited, supplies the following pro-
authority, who arrived from Singapore in Electro. Zinc (pref.) ..

£ll9 Is id, cairying forward a balance of Mr Miles has consider- Glenmore Brick and 1 10 6 duction statement: —

May Ist. 1929—Zinc

.„„„ ...
for sire and comprehensiveness; secondly, there is the whols»»l»
EGG AUCTION. £1099 3s 6d. Sydney last week. Four er.ded

able interests in tin mining, and after 20 SUPER-TAX. Tile ..

of which n<ed at the worlcs 60 manner in which prices are reduced to eff ct a speedy clearance
N.S.W. J \ 39->0

The balance-sheet shows that of the nom- Hayward'B Pictures

for shipment to
years' experience in the East is on his way 4 product of the whole of the High Street Stock. Watsons (Jewellers)

inal capital of £60,000. the paid-up capital


to n«- silver lead


to London, where he will become a director Henry Jones Co-op. .. p ort Pirie for realisation: Lead. 530
M#m« Harris Bros., Ltd., report that the lid,£45,720 sundry iscreditors total £34,326 Is
Howard Smith Ltd., 695 Colombo Street and 247 High Street, Christeborefc
of four tin mining concerns. 1 0 0 74.000 ounces.

««t»lI weekly auction gale of "Feather f5805 while there a bank overdraft of "It is feared that there will be a drop The New South Wales Treasurer (lf r Kauri Timber weeks ended Mar 29th. 1923—Zinc

2 1 U 090
i * Four
16s 7d. The assets of the company Mt. Lvell 'cum div.) 3982 tons, of which used at the
works (0

Br«n«" amranteeil fresh fggn was hold yes- in the price of tin. wh : ch is now reasiling Stevens) has notified that the super-tax. ..

terday afternoon. The following prices were show ths property account at £85,327 Us 2d £2OO a ton," added Mr Miles. "One never which the State Government has imposed N.Z Farmers' Co-op. 3 tons- silver lead product for shipment to
Port' Lead,
Tealinpd:—Hen net*. J«t <2oi or over), and preliminary expense* at £SOO. The profit knows what the tin combine in London will upon companies, will probably be lifted next (10s paid) ■-
Pirie realisation: 560 tons;

lid; hta eggd, 3nd grs<l« (under Cox), 1« for the year, after making ample provision, do, but it will be a sorry thing for the year. This tax yields about £400,000 per N.Z. Farmers' Co-op. silver, 63,000 ounces.

is shown m £1099 as Ad. Malay States if prices drop." annum. (Ist pref.) ..

Handsome Floor Coverings
at Exceptional Low Prices FARM AND STATION
r By "Straggler."
provinces. Mr De-cm r-ovided a few in-
CURRENT TOPICS. ON TOUR. stances of "-hat had been accomplished
figfe and they will trka the place of any
observations that the curtailed pro-
WITH THE CANTERBURY gramme prevented on accouct of the
DEPRESSED WOOL CONDITIONS. wet weather. They are as follows, se-
FARMERS. lected from wide!'-- scattered districts: —

Conditions in the Home wool trade W. Phillips (Marten), 100 acres, car-
last month were not very- inspiring. ried right through the season 700 evrvs,
H '' There is nothing for growers or selling The Pumice Country.
There is little doubt that tremendous
and 104 per cent, of lambs went away
fat off the mothers. His average top-
brokers to shout over." our Bradford dressing is 2ewt to 3'-wt of super each
correspondent des.ribes them. Merinos headway his been made in rendering vear. and occasionally 3cwt of lime.
' ;

were doing no more than holding their productive a great belt of country mor<? Mr Phillipi worked his small holding
in seven puddoeks nr.d he changed n:s
own. Some decent prices Lave beea or less of a pumice character. The uu--
sheep dailv.
made for the best New Zealand greasier, eulty of getting this class of country J. Bar tosh (Taihapc)—lOeO acres.
also for the few lots of Tasmania!! wool to hold the gra« used to be 3:1 extreme Carried o>SUO -hcon and 400 cattle,
mostly dry. He hr.> top-dressed iho
which have come to London after be- one. and it was a question wh-taer r
ing withdrawn at Hobart ?nd Launcc-
ston last January.'' he writer,'• other-
the successes outweighed :h<B failures.
In any east a good deal depended on
whole c-f his farm this last two years
with Sewt per acre of super and
N'auru. He took 49.9'ib of wool per
T VTrrv slt \lt
wise there is nothing at all great to be an
m r$ said. Good, shafty topmaking 60-tii'g the depth oi the pumice covering. Ex- acre off last year, which sold at
average of Is 2d a lb, or approxi-

All the neighbours had to help

from West Australia have sold about perience, bowevvr, has taught better mately £2 an acre, from wool alone-
fcifW'. as well as anything, but for the bulk
methods. One fa'-Jt was to plough too Through the aid of top-dressiu? Mr
of the wools certainly no more than
»$ the lowest of last sale 3 prices have deeply, thereby burying the thin shell Bartosh has increased his wool clip
in two years from 04 bales to 117
been forthcoming. Every day big of soil too deep to provide plant food. Mr Bartosh's results have naturally
M* quantities of crossbreds are being cata- The ploughing to-day is more in the stimulated the neighbours to follow his
logued, but for the fine halfbreds it nature of skimming, and after a crop example, and his farm is the centre of
Basy WeekU is seldom that more than 21d 13 bid of turnips—swedes grow excellently on an extensive area of top-dressing.
<me of
In Blue and Bro-wi
a for really excellent greasy parcels, and
this price looks very reasonable in face
much of'this pumicy land—top dressing
when the pastures are down completes
A. J. Blyde (Lepperton.— 50 acre
farm; top-dressed with about oewt;
IN THOSE DAYS: "Ugh! These
Hid Ko:e. ?ii'
o{t X 7ft 6:a, ■»:
10ft 6in, r »ft :t
x 15ft. Kxcer'ioi
mike these Squ
pRAYTONjOHEj of 27-28 d at the corresponding series
a year ago. Good halfbreds have lost
ground Id to lid compared with last
series. Good 50's and below are selling
the trick. The result of this changed
method is that the visitor is pointed out
many well grassed farms that a tew
took 2361b butterfat per acre off. ex-
clusive of pig or surplus stock revenue.
K. Marx. inn. (Mangatoki>—-t0
Winter mornings." Heavy motor spirit and
frozen, treacly oil. Not a chance of
years ago were ''no better than that acres, took 2-llb butterfat per acre
(lfective and
■ :hsapcs.
D3471 .
mostly at March rates, thank 3 to the over there." "Over there," in this case, off. Starting.
exeeiient competition from Bradford is still in the rankest fern. It is equally In the case of a dairy farmer near
topmakers in particular. Slipea are
easy to handle and why it should still Palmerston North, a 136 acre holding w
slightly- in buyers' favour with the ex-
ception of short pelt wools, which are bo in its unproductive condition i: diffi-
cult to understand. There is much of
last vear carried 117 cows, which nr«-
dueed 2301b butterfat per acre. In this NOW: "What a lovely nip in the air.
frequently making Id more than March.
This is a surprise to everybody, for this anomaly in the run to Rotoraa. case a little concentrated feed was given. Motor Spirit which has all the essential elements
pelt wools can be used only by blanket
for Quick- Starting and also oil which remains
Direct Supply Milking Machines and woollen manufacturers. France is
not at all keen for superior 56-58's
lambs' wool. About 25d is the highest
More than special interest attached Mr Deem said that there
argument needed to convince North
to the Rotorua-Taupo motor run of 54 Island farmers the benefits of

top- liquid at very low temperatures_both produced

miles, for here it is that the abandoned dressing. of
price so far paid, and the bulk of the The chief lesson to be
NY DAIRYMAN, vfho has an oJd Machine, can have it, re-made at siipe halfbred lambs are making a good Taupo railway was projected. The area learned
is esti- now was pasture management by Shell.
onr Worts and brought right up-to-date, to comply with the of Crown land in the vicinity how to keep grass grazed short
mated at about 400,000 acres, all easy —i.e.,
Id less. All sections are simply buy-
Government Regulations. ing from hand to mouth, hoping that in order to produce the most succulent
downs and flats, and, incidentally, feed. If the pasture got away from
Result: Easy and immediate starting for User of
what is being purchased will prove to
practically all fern. In this wide ex- the stock its value was greatly dimin-
panse there is only one settlement of ished, and to prevent this risk the us©
AND SPECIALISE IN MILKING MACHINES ONLY. about 20,000 acres—a soldiers' colony of the mower was recommended. There
TIME. A month or two Ego the N.S.W.
Graziers' Association seriously discuss-
established nine years ago. Agricultur-
ally the country "affords an unpromis-
were many cases simitar to xhe ones
described above, and the question of
ing outlook, but there are evidences at establishing a sort of merit or honours
The Quick-Starting Pair
Reparoa, the soldiers' colony, that much list had been suggested as a method

ed the question of prohibiting the ex-
of it is not derelict land —indeed, there of recording the achievements of those

Direct Supply Milking Machine Co. port of merino stud rams to South
Africa on account of the future com-
petition the wool of that country would
is no reason why the most of it should who were showing what could be dono
not be made productive, provided, of by top-dressing and pasture manage-
course, its pumieeous qualities are no ment.
14 Railway Street, Papanui, Christchurch. be to the Australian product. The good worse than in the land already con-
sense of the majority of the members verted. The writer went over most of
'Phone 8593. the settlement eight years ago, and ENGLISH WOOL TRADE.
defeated the proposal, but it was only it was then fairly obvious that
by a small margin. The most authori- with the lack of transport and indiffer-
tative information from Africa scarcely
justifies the fear expressed by a sec- ent roads, and the extortionately high
rents they had to pay, the settlers had AN UNSETTLED POSITION.
tion of Australian graziers. The well- little chance. The original colony
known Sydney firm of Winchcombe Car- walked off, and under reduced valua-
son, Limited, state that while they tions the present tenants are making
Real Estate Agents, Valuators, and had no wish to detract from South more of a "do" of it, although there
Business Brokers, Africa's possibilities as a wool-growing is a further agitation for rent reduc- BBADPOED. May 9,
"CHRISTCHURCH. area, nor to minimise its effects as a tions. The outstanding feature ia the Brad-
153 HEREFORD ST., competitor of the Australian clip, it
did not look as if it was a wool-growing lord trade is the genera! lack of con-
"I /?Kfi ACRPJS, FREEHOLD. Good "Eldorado" compared with Australia. Looking back over the notes of fidence, there evidently being nothing field to the Association. In previous
JLO«J" sheep country. Carrying 1000 More frequent dipping was neeessary eight years ago it is learned that the to encourage topmakers or spinners to letters reference has frequently been
28,000 acres comprising the estate were

ewes. Could be much improved. 300 acres to keep its stock free of disease, and made to the diffieu!ties experienced by
anticipate the future on a really exten-

have bcf>n L-ultivated; balance silver tussock. the likelihood of devastating hailstorms bought from Messrs Stead and Watt foi topmakers in endeavouring to realise
7-roomed House, Woo!sh.;d. and Yards, Barn,
nnd -A-stf,!! Stable. occurring from time to time and the £2 19s 6d per acre. Ten thousand acres sive scale. The situation in many re- a reasonable profit on their Colonial
droughty conditions to which the were taken over by the Forestry De- spects is very -unpromising, and until

5 years at 6 per cert. PRICE PER ACRE purchases, and anything less than a
£4, 13s. EAST TERM I?. country was subject had to be taken partment at 10s an acre, and the bal- there is a general straightening out of definite reduction in combing charges
into consideration. At present, the ance offered for selection at from 30s the problems which now face the indus- can give them no satisfaction whatever.
MAKE 2SO ACRES, GOOD FLAT AND T7KDU- firm adds, South Africa was growing to as high as £l7 an acre. The former try there will be no wisdom in making During the last few weeks of the season

TiATING LAND. GOOD MIXED FARM. about 800,000 bales of wool yearly, but price was perhaps as dear as the latter, extensive preparation* for new business. which is now closing, the price of tops
Six-roomed House and Good Brick Outbuild- without a fall in its land values and and it was remarked at the time that
ings. Government Mortgage £I4OO at 6 One disturbing factor is the steps which had depreciated more rapidly than the
PRICE £ll 10s Od PER ACRE. general expenses, South Africa, like the £l7 was somewhat severe for land so are being taken by the operatives' cost of wool. In spite of the fact that
steil fencinc pasts
per cent.
EASY TERMS. Australia, could not grow wool profit- far from communication. Time proved leaders to resist the wages reductions the level on which Bradford importers

O. COOMBES and CO., ably at pre-war prices as some authori the truth of this. With the bitumen announced by several firms outside have bought during the second half of
ties have suggested. Winchcombe Car- road the district has been promised the Bradford. When certain leading firms the season has been more reasonable,
Real Batata Agents, Valuators, and Business son also say that compared with land settlers should be much better off, as in the Dewsbury and Batley district it will be more by a stroke of good
Brokers, values in Australia the price of certain announced a ten per cent, reduction in fortune than foresight if all the wool
country in South Africa, as quoted by
there i 3 little heavy produce to cart
wages it was fully anticipated by many
Heavier than before, and bare a wider fiance.
158 HEREFORD ST., OHRISTCHtTRCH. away. The road will always be one of is cleared without loss. Business has Quickly and easily erected -one man can do Ik*
an authority in England, appeared to the main tourist routes, as it members of the local industry that the been very disappointing in Bradford
You lose Mutton andWo* C 3517
be reasonable, but the cheaper land in
movement would extend to the B r;d- work of ten engaged in ordinary fencing. No

nects the principal thermal centres; a during recent weeks, and a depressing
on unthrifty sheep and :
the Karroo country was probably risky. railroad largely through cuttings will fovd worsted section, and though noth- influence has been exercised by the holes to dig—jnst hammer into the ground, i
the chief cause of unthnfti- Jackal-proof fencing was necessary to not attract that class of traffic. ing very definite has yet developed in tendency of values in London. Other go in like a corkscrew and laat a lifetime .......

run stock on open pastures without that direction, it is quite possible that criticisms of the combing charges could making unbreakable, permanent fencing that aares
ness is Stomach Worms. kraaling or yarding them at night, and more will be heard about it unless the
HUSTLER CULTIVATORS the latter system had bad effects on be made, but s«fficient has been said money, timeand labour.
A railway some day or other is in- operatives are able to present a strong to show what a serious handicap is
Dose the Rocks at regular the condition of the wool. evitable to tap the great afforestation enough opposing front, or the Industrial Write for Illustrated Literature

being imposed upon Bradford top-

intervals with aroa stretching from Kotorua to Waio-! Council exercises a greater influence makers.
N.S.W. SOLDIER SETTLEMENT. tapu. Over half a million of money had than at the moment seems likely.
Revived interest has also been shown

COOPER'S Mr Farmer, Heavy as the losses of the New Zea- been spent on this plantation eight

If we have not yet called on you years ago, and it was then claimed that in safeguarding by the questions asked
land Government have been in its in the House of Commons as to the date SALB OF FARM.
write us regarding these Cultiva- it was the finest forest reserve of its

WORM TABLETS tors. Prompt delivery assured. soldier settlement schemes it has a age south of the line. The plantation of the publication of the decision of
Points and Sweeps for every class much less depressing record than some stretched back for £5 miles, and com- the Committee. So long as the issue
of work ju3t arrived from Sheffield. of the neighbouring States. A certain prised 35,000 acres a couple of years remains in the balance many traders <P*MS ASSOCIATION Tlt-IOEAa.)
Tour enquiries and orders will re- ago. Under winter conditions the trees will hold their hand, for they can only
amount of eonsolation may be extract- assume the continuance of the compet- PAHIATUA, Juno 18.
ceive our best attention. were scarcely noticed by the visitors,
the world famous vermifuge
ed from this fact, seeing the much
but in the growing season their straight ition against which they think they The Rangdale Estate, at Pon, ot CHRISTCHURCH �
severer problem the Dominion Govern- have reason to complain. So long as
and tonic. Remarkable health ment had to face in the matter of land lines of varying colour present a beauti- 1200 acres, containing a fine homestead mLMERSTON NORTH
ful and striking appearance. no import duty is imposed on goods of 15 rooms, has been sold to Mr Hugh
improvement u apparent aftei values. In the State of New South coming into this country foreign manu-
"Wales the sum of £12,765,657 has been However, only 20 miles of the pro- Morrison, jun., of Pirinoa, South \Nai- Stocked ia two lengiht, oft. a»d sfl. 61m
treatment. J. STORRIER AND CO., facturers will make all the haste they .

expended. The total losses written off jected railway are concerned with the
can with the delivery of orders to Brit- rapara. The property, .which had been and two pittenw—drilled with augla
Thousands of sheep saved in Manufacturers, to date amount to £4,891,247. The plantation, and a3 far as the farm ish wholesale houses. in the possession of the late Mr John bole* to thread wire through; or drilled
New Zealand every year. P.O. Box 134, cost of the acquisition of private lands aspect of the line is concerned, settle- Clulow for over 40 years, is one of the with two aauril holes. u illactraitd, for
for subdivision and their subsequent ment should precede it, not the reverse. New Combing Charges. finest for stock fattening m the hi'.pt *i%».§t to tie fearing wire.
TIMART7. development was £9,454,821, and there It is claimed by the northern settle-
The most disturbing incident of all Dominion.
was advanced to soldier settlers for ment leagues that settlers can be placed
«/• ptr tin of 200 tabled. H. S. McCully, improvements, purchase of stock and ou this class of land at from £IOOO to is the announcement
made by the Com-
10/- of 1.000 tablet*. Patentee.
£ISOO a holding. I£ so it is surprising mission Woolcombers'
Association about

ptr fin plant, £3,270,816. Of the amount of

losses written off, £2,366,533 has their charges. The proposals accom- A 5-year-old cow, a cross from a Jer-

Ofttein from your Merchant. that so much of it should be idle.

the new tariff have been very an Ayrshire eow, owned
already been provided by the Common- It has been stated that the railway panying topmakers,
eer bull and
No seriously discussed by all

wealth, and the balance—£2.524,714 would "tap" 1J million acres. by Mr J. Fenton, Edcndcle, Southland,

has still to be provided for. doubt this promised land comprises and not a single one has been heard has .iust produced 8061b of butter-fat

to express any approval. in 281 days. She is to nave a further

the wide and waterless Kaiangaroa
WHEAT PEICES FAKM BELIEF. is far too binding and interferes test so as to bring her up to 305
Plain, but statistics show that the .scheme


Quotations for wheat in Chicago "occupied" area of Taupo county is too much with topmakers' requirements days, and which should also bring her
230,000 acres. On this occupied area for it to be accepted
willingly. In the up" to nearly 9001b of fat for this sea-

ta.Klnfjaton St.. AUCKLAND. market advanced last week by od to first place it is felt that an all round
the stock returns of 1928 showed that son. In November this cow gave up

this has led
Gd a bushel, and 7137 cattle and 13,147 sheep were being reduction in combing charges was long to 631b milk daily, with a 6.2 test
to a firmer tone in the wheat mar- carried, or something less than a cattle overdue, no change having been made and 1171b butter-fat. In February she
beast and a sheep and a half to every since the latter part of 1925, and
even yielded 451b per day, with 8.4 test
kets throughout the world. The sharp
30 acres! now there is no reduction in anything and 1131b of fat for" the month. Dur-
recovery in prices is due to the state- except merinos giving a "tear" of ten ing the 1926-1927 season the eow pro-
ment of President Hoover that he would to one and over. There is actually an duced 7951b of fat for 275 days, being
sanction early legislation to provide The tourists looked forward with a increase in the charge for preparing then a three-year-old. The richness of
farm relief, followed by many reports good deal of anticipation to the trip wools, but the strongest criticism has been the milk surely takes some beating.
emanating from Washington about the round the Jfanawatu district, as it is raised about the rebate of nine per cent,
If you intend to Build t action to be taken. It i 3 suggested here that farming bears a closer re- promised on all wool which customers "While the weather has contributed
Ask for Our Prioos • that Congress will set aside £100,000,- semblance to that of the Plains, and have had combed in the United King- very materially to the remarkable in-
000 for agricultural relief, and it is where fat lamb quality is seriously dom during a period of twelve months. crease in production recorded for the

A Perfect Set of Teeth

naajember wc employ expert badea- understood that of this sum £40,000.000 threatening the supremacy so long en- If any topmaker for a period of twelve season, credit must also be given to the
■ata only, and are out client*.
to satisfy will be devoted to stabilising the wheat joyed by 'prime Canterbury.
< "
Unfortu- months sends wool to a comber who is extra production due to increased fer-
market. The position is obscure, as nately, however, the day was wet, and a member of the Association, and then tilisers," states the annual report of
Lvfeitockto! »'•! Seiaoned I imbeta.
so inanv changes have occurred in the the curtailed programme was conducted at the end of that period receives the the National Dairy -Association. This
proposed Farm Belief Bill, which was
Uqnirti rVoin the country tolicited. under very unpleasant conditions. The promised nine per cent, rebate, the increased appreciation on the part of
Ettimatet Fumiihed. introduced four years ago by Senators break was particularly to be regretted comber will have had interest on what farmers and of the benefits of top-
McNarv and Haugen, that the original as far as the inspection of the Massey is practically the topmakers' capital
measure can hardly be recognised in as The greater "the quantity of wool sent dressiug has been very widespread.
It's Summer in Honolulu! College property was concerned,
Remodelling Set *l-I<M>
L Joinery
fOME on a six weeks' trip to the
the Bill now before Congress. The
original plan provided for a bounty on
of American
only the hardiest and the most active to be combed, the greater the topmakers'
braved the hour or more of trudging loss. Moreover, this benefit in the way
For the season ending 1923, the total
consumption of local products and im-
ported fertilisers was 124.118 tons; Painless Extractions

J*0«o primary


PAPANUI PAF through the wet fields. There is plenty of rebate does not cover the increased

8088 enchanted Islands of Hawaii! the export

this had expanded for the year 1925
produce. This was vetoed by President l-O

of soil variety in the €OO odd acres com- charges in the tariff, and under the
Enjoy the charm and romance of Coolidge, and an amended Bill was in- prising the College farm, ranging as scheme topmakers are not entitled to to 255.20S tons. What has materially
contributed to this extended use of
Extraction - - -

these exotic scenes. Luxnrioo* troduced seeking price-fixing and Gov- it does from heavy river flat to pas- it who do not confine all their comb- FILLIICGS OF ALL KIKDS
and healthful, restful ernment control, allied to the financing The "new buildings so ing in the United Kingdom to combers fertilisers has been the lower price
Extractions Free when Sets Ordered. Jferrwu Pesaie
travel, a toral hills.
voyage. cf co-operative bodies by the Govern- far are confined to a model dairy fac- who are members of the Association. at which top dressings have been avail-
President Hoover has opposed tory and an up-to-date woolshed. The The new tariff is supposed to come into able to farmers. This is a reflection of take Heart
©*re Your Chicko Ltav« Auck'«nd Airive AyjWand ment.
State trading, price-fixing, and the pay- undertake the trade developments in recent years
A Good Start In Lit* institution is fully staffed to operation as from May Ist., but Wt recently imported the lateat N*o and Oxygen
July 2nd Makwa A«£. l2tb ment of bounties on export, so that it many important departments of research topmakers who have sent crossbred by which farmers have unqueition-
*»!*&* ihera from ihc beg nning wltb
t Jnly 30th Aoraafi Sept. Bth appears that the measure now contem- work, and it is rather a pity that the wool to be combed, the greater part of ablv benefited. In addition to that Apparatus for the administration of thi* wonderful aaa»-
thetie, and can extract any number of t«eth without th*
"Eureka plated will provide for no more than College equipment ia not further ad- factor, credit is due to the Bailway

Return t»t Clasa- From £f' which wa9 put through the machines
Farca 2nd Ciasa From -

0 the financing of farmers to enable them vanced to enable the staff to "get before the beginning of this month, Department for the lower freight rate slightest pain, danger or after-effeets.
ji Foil Particulars from to hold supplies of wheat from the going." The dairy research department find that they have been charged the accorded to the carriage of fertilisers.
Chick Food I UNION STEAM SHIP CO OF K2. LTD. , market. The secretary of the Depart-
ment of Agriculture at Washington
fs an exception in this respect, and a higher scale for the whole consign-
bi" number of short-course students are ment. This in addition to being com-
The drop in the price of fertilisers
well reflected in the following compara-

modern methoda we ean make a perfect aet of teeth, reqnriaff

TU food that buildi .turdy ehicka into (Mr Jardine) last year recommended now attending the College, the present, pelled to confine combing to the Assoc- tive figures. Whereas the value of the an attendance of only two houra altogether, so that patkato
good laying hens that farmers should hold their wheat of course, being the off-season in the iation has roused considerable resent- 129,664 tons of fertilisers nsed in 1922 living in the country can visit m and return the tame day,
in order to obtain higher prices. This factories and on the farms. The man- 7n »«i« that of The 29--.203mean,
«9.H. WOODS LTD. poliev was largely adopted, and it re-
ment and it is felt that instead of
agement of pastures is also being tested something being done to help the trade,
wa ,'

nsed in 192S was £74?.P1!.

This and a© take advantage of onr snperioT work at hrw fees
•Phone 811 sulted in the enormous carry-over of and demonstrated, aud useful top- the measures taken are entirely :.d the a halving in tie fertiliser
.»»«di Stat*: WEST BROS. 4*3
_i_..... ,

-Phono 10«3 more than 200,000.000 bushels, which

has caused such embarrassment in the
United States, states an economic
authority. It led to the recent break
dressing experiments were shown to the opposite direction.
visitors. It is understood th-»t
main college buildings sre to ce com-
Importing Problems.
bil\ in that double the tor.sage for-
available at slightly less than the
mer price.

H. W. FROST Damtift
menced shortly. Importing topmakers feci that they

Ln the market which upset trading all
iwStwir Connections Clean over the wov'd. If £40.000.000 is now
-rf -i'f & "e entitled to ai! the assistance that
rsskes tb« »Pt>i« P-». L«t« TTtiTeriity «rf PeaafylTaaia, CJi-A. Tkuty Taara' Kayari— m

■jHGtieißl Plumbing aild tM* KEYS BROS. to be devoted to the holding up of

supplies it can only have a temporary
Top-dressing and pasture management can be given to them in
are well advanced in the Mauawatn,
handling *he
raw materir.!, but instead of this the
WUe= M*XP*
And Minni* eooki t=* mest.
And Miriam boils pot*«o««
Talap»—■ fttl
\ Painters & Decorators | and the writer had the advantage of a combers are only putticg further now
ob- Achieve* cookies *•*».
Opea Friday Evesiftfs, 7 to SJO.
influence upon the market, and unless

if ConsuM "T:» j'.i«t bec»«« dear Mam

IB l>*«.
talk with the pioneer in the new order stacles in their way by the scheme i And at Asdda&d, Hamflta* tad Wdßtagtn.

G. KILLICK EattßMtaa F*M some plan is devised for the disposal Psn't eren be.:! I** 1"

of affairs —Mr W. Deem, instructional formulated. The interpretation


R«;*ii wilt *t»r« »h«5 fcsd

of the wheat it will be impossible to
••»• •»«

254 BEALET AVENUE upon it is that it !s intended to squeeze

:poM»<»!Plumbei Licensed Drainlayei restore stable conditions promptly ia officer for the Department of Agricul- Eer Vooit' Great P«pp«mi»t C«r»
ttla* *Fk>a* 2BM ture in the Wellington and Taranaki out competitors, thus leaving the entir*
11v.,, •©
TUAM STREET Kiu? the United States or elsewhere.
special **dit.|
1/3 IN THE had insisted on


It will cost Mr Sol Green something GOLF. HOCKEY. £.

coiting 100 guineas. If h Boelttj bad
*- «

SPORTING. like £-235, for the voyage alone, to

send his champion three-year-o.d,
had to Dav that ano'-.rt. wo-ld they |
have been "satisfied with things as atw :
disclosedT He did ■■?'■ !hink *'"" tS' ! One Fir.'. Bottle ct Majestic Preach Fm Wl
Strephon, to England isay;.- a
The whole cost of ihe experi-
!e '-2 ou '■
*»"' FBEE to every person purchasing one bottle rf on; rei*brst«< I
ment will amount to many hundreds '.
The etroke Ls'-icioap lor the Q-xea
liiUa' BATCHELOR'S ESTATE. Mr Waiters:" Ira" i?' = question j
-'' *
icl: Brtady at m;. wm fc««T
di'ring Juno tad July only. Tbk gift 1* to tdTcrUae
more, because there will be ihe fees in- Cun in a "*in - cr Mrs "V. Stone.
resulted Following are the matches tor Ss.:tirdsy :cr this rrteeti.-g. . .
curred for the stabling, care, tramiii?. The best card-5 ha-d>i ia ia the first round Mr Donaldson said that v f of rnr goods.
and racing of the colt in England. The : oi the captair. 5 \rty\iy wers aa follows: Senior— Selwvn Sjdmk-ZL, MEETING Or CREDITORS. someone :n the ntect'.ng to usove that p*r b«t
-.. a; liagiey
boat fare for Strephon will bo £B4. Mr Park 2ic. 6 '.iisCEro b. L. Smith and C. the 11k..' be r'-sir.barscJ to :he
22—South Canterbury J.C
Andrew Robertson will go with th'_-
'VT. S-.ouc •• 6" ic
I1 Ke.i»my*; St. A.tunc ■■■ Techncai, at Hagley estate. If the audit tad not been pro- AUSTRALIAN RICH POBT hbknesset-s
June 30, colt and his fare will be £'C-5. lE. H. Siine Ri -° '*

I'ark IVo. 7 '.Meters M. Uufg ted K. perlr carried i/ttt, ih«"ii the fee ror ~| Ruhr Bed. rtch 2 STAB «

The adjo'j.'Ji'.d meeting si the -rel:-


Jun« 2J. 22—Haw!<«'« B»x J.C. =3 15 7o ,

Green had a special box bum for the 'C. D. MeGarry Varsity, at Hagley
was' not properly cs:wd. C. Bottl« Lets ..30 3 OIBABD 8 TKBBB CROW* 11

June 20—Anhbnrton County R.C.


tors of John Black Batehelor.

|T. E. Pearson bT S <3 solicitor,
colt to travel in. aad this ran him into i IMr It. Si'.i.'-: Trinity, a bye.
June 29—Warerley R.C.
an additional £-V3. One of tlie condi-
IU. Pearson ■• 97 1= gj
was held yesterday. Keverttert: creditors
Ju'y 10. 11. 13—Wetlitiftou B.C.
Jniy 25—Waimate Hunt. tions under which, livestock travel ©ver-
Brora ••209 24 S5
s road *;Mr 11. V •:■::. onitrjO: Wesley 3 r. Tith";h/-":r'"::-;' dell i: u '_: <';--' i (Bed Crow)
'Mr C. James-; were nresent, or represented. Mr A.
Ov.-i. • • :J -

1S '=
Sydenham B, u\
* °

July SS, 27—GiRborae R.C.

se's is that the owners must feed :ra*:h resulted HARDY'S V.O. IKTAUD
tneni. lidiee' n:eda-
ruck* -;,m, §/., and §/.
The Selwvn v. E«dc.;c=, a: street ,Mr V-'stTers, Ornets!, presided. Mr been r.ttcitei arc brvu£:".'.
Jnly 27 —South . Canterbury Hunt. I3arr:ngtoc •.:r-..--..a.e
Amfust 3—Chrintchnrch Hunt.
Aiisnpt S—Poverty Bay Hunt.
The only thing the shipping
provides i« fre«h water. Thus
' "r,
■Xr, C. D. McGair"
W. S'me •• ■•

Si W. K. Patrick;: Weiley Av. Technical B, at
Enacr'e road iMr S. Sydenham A. T. Donnelly, Crow;; Prosecutor, a*- under a rrot>er audit.
< •

r;.=s N. Gi-sndero 120 23 M c'.ludvd ■y MARIE BR IRABU. 7fl yr-

Angu:=t 1~. li. 17 —Canterbury J Green has had to j;lace on board "be Mr Hart usketl :.' those
A :
(Ideal L&dia*' Wlnt)

4 •
.. * •

M" - Mi*eFarl«*n? I-"' oii

i ■
Limerick about 40 davr:" rations, wiiic.l
•• L _l
Hant'iora, a b'_. Mr Dcr.a'd-cot rer.i:y that :>&<-


ThiTi Grade—;~"darr:atr! U v. Ranrtora, HaJf Bent* °
.. i*>
will cost in the neighbourhood or £3o- i-ook3 had he;;, au-t-ttea. UNDBMANI* BICH POBT 4 ?0

hay. t: (Mr J Hohsrta): Trinity B t. Batehelor s»s adjudged a bankrupt or. cheior's Yo; they d-"-- 1 BUMS
The rations consist r.f : il.e Seccnd :jj::J oi the cap ; u:n'o trcph.' Technical A, at liagiey No. 5 iMessrs T. September Mr Dor.aMs-n: 6 Bottle Lots

ivii"; ba p'a;-ed on Saturday, :i'e;> '.he tirst 4th, I9HS. ar.d the frst Mr Hart asked if Mr Donaldson had
TROTTING FIXTURES. 30cwt; chaff, i ton ; rats, i ton; br.-n.
Hartigan £.nd Koyerai; 'Varsity v. Eed-
£uc a H


I round for it.o presiaer.t'a trop-r-. NAVI 3A


' "

3cwt; carrot*. 3 bai:"=: linseed, rolled ch3a A, at Lirvvood (Mr L. XI. Smith 1 ; St. in'- of his creditors was held en h'ep- found out :? th« audit --as not pro; er'.y FBENCH CLABETS 5 6
, §

Albans v. Tschnicil S, at St. Albans (.Mr

oats, and maize in leaser quantities.

I .
tentber 7th. At that meeting Messrs dor.e. SEPPELT'S IMPERIAL BB BED HEART

J SlcCrackec.!: S-rlv,-yn v. Trinity A, at Mr Donaldson: The position dtvd.isea

15 §

Hagiey No. 1 (Mr H. Luxton.i Sydenham W. J. Hunter unci A. Donald'cr. were SERVE POBT • •
FLASKS t 4* Si --

Jane IS, 24—Au.-kiand T.C.

| CHEVIOT V. AMURI. question.

■ ■ I

Mi'tropoMtan T.C. C v. Sydenham A. a: Sydenham (Mr W. appointed a cf.r.t-iittee to go fui'.y it,to seems to answer that ROYAL OONSALEZ POBT 0 ° acts
Aogii«t 10. 11, 16 S.Z.

Mr W. J. Hunter «i-.i that be vis CROFT'S Oporto Port 6 6 GILRET * DBY OEN
) A team trvva the Aniari Golf Club visited Skeltcn); Wesley v. KeticliSs i>, at B::r.eoa y
NOTES. Cheviot to meet the local c!ub. and Dt'ter a (Mr \V. H. Lps'er). the pesitior.. fantiiicr wit:: the Lt" '-'cv.-iety'- ro- GELBEY'S LHVAIJ3> POBT 6 6

■ "lost interesting rioy's play Pourth Grade .it I.LO p.m..: —St Albans r.

the reeuit wae
Debt Ad-iiittcd. ceedti.-rs :ti the it., SPANISH SHEERY (Special) & 0 LONDON' DBY OW
i-, win for \lluri by one gam«. The visitors Sydenham A at St. Albans (Mr J. McCracken'!: Proofs 01 the

ho?T);.;:biv en.tertiin.ed by the local
v. Technical A, at Birrineton etreet had no right in the world, : >crau<e SPANISH SHERRY J.D R.Z OENEYA L*rriL*r
2ir Watters read t.'.e foiiof.-ir.g .i:l Society he!:! an audit, to

Bat- 8 p

~i-,-t." iic-'-i't- ("'■-vi<-.t Tiines given first: —

IMr J. Almond": Wesley r. Sydenham C, (Extra Special) Plat Bottle

";-''„'urCorr...'s—TfHer:sr..'.-.- rind i'. L>. Child* 0, of creditors, a::-] the amounts due to chelor wit


At the e-nd c" thr- prciont season uk

is moneys. He would Lave HABDY'S CLABET 6 si.o. GENEVA. L*rje

at Lin-.rod iMr J. Fancy); Trinity A v.

r'••' e-i'ord £"id K. Gould 1: G. R. Mae- proofs of debt had been

I i 1i
Woht, Australian Trotting Association
Technical B, Scsot's road (Mr K. Mont- them, whose vras that HABDY'S GOLD CUP POBT 6 « WOLFE'S SCHNAPPS
J.'-.rdd "ur.J J. 1 . Tor:kin 0, W. Banks and gomerv); Sydenham B
Sydenham D, at- admitted: —It. J. Bailey, £l3s lod: C thought that when it CONSTANTLY ..5 0
will publish a ''''lack list ; ' oi' horso> £I9S 10»; A„ A. Beslev, £ 11; this man' 3 account bad beenwould have
M Xi'r.i.i i- T liJridse fend A. Gillanders
Riccarton staMos arc represented in
:,' %

Nev.-'.ond? and E. Hitchcock 1; H.
Sydenham (Mr V". Trinitv B, a \

that have not been placed for a Srrieiv, ; e<T !c

the Law :

tho list of nominations for the Welling-

long period, and it is also stated that
! iloskins aud C. Mowst '.', R. CUafxey End V.\
G. Aldridg? 1; iii-s 11. Sloss and Mrs A. "Fifth Grace -at 2.50 i-.m.>—Sydenham Av. Broekett.
J W. Blanehard, £il K>3 "d; V,'. A.
£1075; Browne ftnd Heaton, Veen shv of trusting bi::i
with moneys. MADEIRA ■ 5 P
1 i I
ton Raring Club's Winter Meeting by Gillanders J. Mrs G. Keid and Miso IVdn'.l Technical A at Knscr'a road (Mr W. Hea- What took Tilace between the Society
CIDER, Larifc t
another "black list" will include the I ■ Dr ton); Seiwyn v. Sydenham B, at Sydenham £.l 0s sd; Butter-.vorth a:id Co. (Aus- OOILVTE SCOTCH .. t 0 Dactor, BtooßJtaad C*&»r frr J
the following: —Amorist, Magna Charta, M E Irv.- ; n =rid ilrs F. V. mlda
M. ar.d Batehebr was of a private : - ;
names of certain bookmakers and reitis- tralia's, Ltd., £lO3 1-s 7d; tl. -"



'.' Mr,' Penwe'n

t:n<l Mrs P. Thomson O: Mr. (Mr'l. Davey; ; Trinity, a_byov never pub- BA*:m«tte Cc=j»Utet*
Audience, Uurly Burly, Phastar, The meii whoso behaviour has not 'J«eii K. lie>-Eon a:;d Mrs D. iieLarer. 1. Mrs J. Schc>ol3' Matches—A Grade: Sydenham B Cairns,'- 3 Is sd .; Cnuttrbuiy Caiedet.- and the Societv fcrtcinly
years old, caae itraastfc) 10 0 WB EXCEL jj, COCKTAILS
Child Welfare lished anv statement to the effect that

Dove, Waihenio, Kaikahu, Radiate, exactly lilywhite. Tin: West Austra- :i' Reid and Mrs K. Gould 6.0. . v. Lvtteiton D.11.5. 3, at 2 p.m. (Mr H. ian Society. £3 7s; Imperial Qwt *• "

Rutnerfoni ; L-tteltcn D.H.S. A, at Branch, Education Department, Si 16; they were satisfied. H-- eou.d say that

- ..

Ilecsha-v 0. Rogers); Ecdciiit:!


.:; „i f .,-__T.
lian Association is evidently going to .. 66 0
r; -

Arikiwai, Bulolo, Sudden Storm, Aber- Gallon (Jar SAextra) D e LUXE


F. D.~ Childs 0, R. Gou'd 1; G. R. Mac- L. Steel.' 1; Sydenham


A v. Phil-
start trotting on its new courso on a
2 p.m. (Mr
B Christehureh l
rc-a Co., Ltd., £U 10s; J
the" Society, bavi-.p '<■-' -


ffldy, Battle Colours, Bonrose, Full donald 1, V.". B;»nks 0; 0. 1. Tonkin 0, J. lipetovfn, at 1 p.m. (Mr K league). pBACH DE ItJXX
basis 31. Keid 1; T. Kdridse 1, Ksv. Newlands 0; y. Sydenbara, at 1 W. 11. Chudley, fi'OO; Frar.cin Clarl: so. caused "his boohs to !e investigated,
Feather. NighMfw, Kipdalo, Wrigloy, Gi'lar.dpr3 0. K. Hiteheoct 1; H. Eoskins
Grade:(MrLytteiion West Wooiaton P. C-. L. Comber, nr.d it Tas reported to the.-n that the HIOH^?1)

The five-year-obi gelding Nonsuit J. Mounssy): v. Sorner- and Son, ii2 13s: TEACHEB'S OBEAM ..11 9
p.rn Hjdf Bonle

Ten, Boloair.-, Desert Song, Malm- R. Chaffer 1; C. Mcvat 1, %V. G. Aldrid-e £ls books were then in order. The Society

field, at 1 p.m. (Mr L. Ward.,; East Chrlet- Corniiiereial Agency, Ltd.,


dropped dead -.vhiie doing jogging work JOHNNIE


Mi'? M* Pio s 1. Mrs

G. Reid Mrs *; £.-;
church v. Addington, at 1 p.m. (Mr C. 10s; Commissioner of Taxes. ££9 I<?3 did its level best to be fair to Batche-

Mar.sham. and Karitanr. at Templeton a few days ago. Non- Giiinnders 'l, -Miss Polhii! 0: I>r. M. K.
iov, \!
j i

Mrs F. D. Childs Posers). C Grade: Phillinstowa v. Red- 9d; F. A. Cook, Ltd.. £l2 15s 7d; A. E.
M> J. H. Wsifxoii, of Kaituuii, is hav- suit at his best was a fair performer. Irwir, 1. 3lrs Per.wel! 0;
Icr and to protect the public.
friß- handled at 11. Nurse's stable a well- and won a minor race at the Welling-
o Mrs P. Th!.>K.soi: 1; Mrs H. G«son 1,
Mrs J M. Reid 0; Mrs I>. McLarer. 1. Mrs
cii3s, at 2 p.m. (Mr T. E. McCombs); East
Christ-church v. Lyttelton We3t, at 2 p.m. Caxtou, £3O 3s 7d: Cbas. Davy £3
and Mr Donaldson: Was there ar.y audi- D.OL. GOLD LABEL V. 11 » M >AOire

£4 10s; A. DonabJsor., tor's oertirieaie to that effect?

_^ «,« -

ton Autumn Meeting. K. Gould 0. (Mr M. Bugs); SotnerSeld v. Addington, at Sot! Ltd.. IRISH ..
IS 0
15s '<3<i; D.1.C., £lO 4a: Jaact Dun-

grown yearling by Paladin from Sunny Mr Hunter: There must ha\e. been.
■OH«JrO-B, Lary

Amuri won by 11 sar2E3 to 10. 1 p.m. (Mr W. H. Down). SPECIAL BJB- .
At a recent conference of trotting
3&£f £JE. IB S

Brook, by Bunny Lake from Arai-te- Only Benior grade matches to be can £9 10': E. M. Dunsford. £IOO 14s BUBOUiraT
Mr Donaldson: So i- any transaction

official*, held in Sydney, it was agreed BEBVE.

postponed en June 23th on the occasion lld't P. Eden, £000: C. F. Evans, £4O P*"* Botti* ■ 1
not to have been in correct

. .
IJru. The youngster is a brother to the cases of horses ana
the same owner's two-year-old Runny
to review
owners under disqualification, and it HAREWOOD CLUB.
of the shield match with Wei!in<rlo::._ Ail 32s 2d; J. Goodman, £4 10s; J. F. is proved
other competitions wi!l be continued.
£500; Greenaway and Brooks, order prior to that, there :nu=t have

• •e/- 6/6

Gotdding, been something wron? with the anditf

was decided to lift the ban on E. Mc- »/-

Pal, who showed promise early in the The following is the draw for the bogey
LADIES' GAMES. £5- W. Hills, £6; Hulston's, Ltd., £l6 2/6 2/9 5/- ALE AND STOtTT
Mr Hunter said that he did not wish FLASKS -.
Muririe (driver), H Stevens (owner;, match, to be played to-morrow:—Mrs Beli F. D.

season, but was turned out o finish and the mare Princess Wood, disquali- plays Mrs Ward, Miss Page plays Mrs Vvil- Senior A—Digby'6 v. Aranni, at Hagley 0s hd; I" D. Kesteveu, £2SO; more 0:1 the subject LIQTJEtrRS WARD'S ALB
growing. Unfortunately lie r»- jntly met No. 2, at 1.30 p.m. (Mr S. Crook); rsew Kesteven, £IOO Cs lid; F. H. Labau, to eay anything CHERRY BRANDY .. 1
lied for 12 months by the New Soutn kinson. Miss Johnston plays Mrs Page, Kiss Brighton V. Kinemoa, at Hagley No. 3, £4OS; H. Labau. £«OG 13s lit:; Luv.- than he had said. ..18
with an accident in the p.wdock, but Wales Trotting Club in March last. Lamb Dlays Miss Penny, B. Kiver
Mr Wetter* said that he would eon- CREME DE MENTHE
Mrs Skinner, Mrs Lynskey plays Mrs at 3 p.rn (Mr H. Throp)); Training College Book Co. of N.Z., Ltd.. £O3; (.. fe; ORANGE CUBACOA .. 12
It is said that 8. M. Ball, who is plays - „

sider the point raised by Messrs Good-
„. ,

it is hoped to put him into work again Quane. Misa Mitchell plays Miss M. Thacker, v. Waimairi, at Hagley No. 3, at 1.30 p.m.
Lyali £lO Cs 3d: J. !"'• Mason, -«■■■- PEACH BE ANDY 12 0 OUINNKSS' STOUT. Half 1
undergoing 12 months' disqualification, (Mr W. Grammer); Rangiora v. Technical,
. ..

Mrs Templin plays Mrs Geddes, Mrs Man- Moekridge, £2 3s; Muntcipai man and Donaidaon, with the Crown MARASCHINO .. 12 S BABB BNOHHH ALB. Half I
•hortly. at Rangiora, at 2.45 p.m. (Mr D. S. bmith); 18s; S. J.
will be tho next to be allowed to start

ning days Mrs Binns, Mi-3 Fraser plays Prosecutor, and see whether the estate
Tho Asblmrton County Eacing Club afresh. Mre Wallace, Mrs Wilson plays Mrs Quigley, 'Varsity, a bye. Electricity Department, £2_ 17s lOd; CHEBRY WHISKY .. IS 6 BECK'S LAGER 8888 1 <
had any claim r.t alb Tie could not do
.. ..

have received very satisfactory nomina- .Mrs Brcthertcn nlaya Miss D. Thacker, Mrs Senior B—Training College A r. Digby'c, Moßoath, £175; A. McCrone, fcß; BENEDICTINE, Plat Beiti* 9 6 CLAW PILSEKSB f
Vendonie is engaged m both the at Enaor'e road, at 1.30 p.m. (Mr J. Hock- Mercantile Agency Co. more than that. ~»
more pot aa or tows
tions for their Winter Meeting to bo Mangero Handicap, 3.28* class, one TVauchop plava Mrs Stevens. Mrs Todd plavs Loan and Orders of £1 or rail dallTared **4 —,ba»%a.
Training College B, at Eehabh. On the motion of Mr LaseellcF, second-
15s; J. Pooke, ZZQS 7a bd;
ing) , Southbrook v.
held on Juno 29th. The Kicearton re- mile and a halt, and the Marconi Han- Mrs Camm," Mrs Wilkin plays Mrs It. Post mciiey vttk orAar. lot ring 19M far Trie*.
Crosier, Miss D. Kiver plays scorer. Southbrook, at 2.45 p.m. (Mr A._ Tulley); 12s 6d; T. E. Robinson, ed by Mr Hart, the meeting was ad-
presentation is as follows: —The Dove, Rangiora v. Technical, at Hagloy No. 2, at 3 Agencies £7

White Swan Hotel

dicap, class, ono mile and a quar- £lO ISa Hd;
Proud Knight, Honeycomb, Phastar, ter, on tho opening day of the Auck- p.m. 'Mr S.Crook); Trinity v. Waitnairi, at £6 Is- M. T. Smith, journed.
2b; Sun
Haze, Solfello, Briar Thoru, Kentish Stone, Son, and Co., Ltd.,9d; 1\. Suther-
land Winter Meeting, and the Tas- HAGLEY LADIES' CLUB. Snsor'B road, at 3 p.m. (Mr J. Hocking).
Lady, Boarose, Karitane. Waihemo, manian*-bred mare should run in Junior A—Lincoln v. Technical, at North Newspaper X Ltd., £1 3S
Zeuxis, Dean Geste, Walrerlow, Aber-
whichever rnce rho is started. She The L.G.U. medal match will bs played on
Friday afternoon. The draw is as foliows:
Park, at 3 p.m. (Mr A. Clark); Southbrook
Dierby'a, at Hagley No. 8, at 3 p.m.
£417 lis'id: E. land
Dr. A. H. A. Vivian, to us; L. 1. TRANSPORT BILL. TUAM STREET WEST, Wmr Christdntrch HMrphaJ
feldy, Malmsey, Front Hank, showed at the Forbury Park Meeting Miss E. Atkinson v. Miss V Fleming, Mrs
'Mr W Grammer}; Hinernoa v. Aramii, at £925; Direct Importer, RALPH SLERAKOWSKI, Owa«r
tersign, Orillamb, Lord Ranald, Kai- in Mav that she was something above A. G. McClatehie v. Miss Stewart, Mrs H. Kaiapoi, at 2.45 p.m. (Mr P. Wylie); Rangi- Voice £9St5: W. J. Watson, £Soflis; these
kahu, Badiac, Quick Plunge, Marsham, the average when she defeated a field Mrs E. 11. Clark, Mise B. Rangiora, 2.45 Whitc'ombe, £4 4 The total

Karman v. ora v. New Brighton, at at 3

Holmes v. Miss C. JTicholson, Mrs W. J.

Martian Spear, Morian, Airplane, Audi- of 30 horses in the Renown Handicap p.m. (Mr E. Withers). amounts was £SS4o 14s. MINISTER'S STATEMENT TO

Cartwright v. Mrß H. T. Ada,ms, Misa A. Junior B—Digby'3 v. Trinity, at Syden- were 15

ence, Arch Arrow, Arikiwai, Prickles,
and Solferite.
Tho trial grass was available at Ric-
of one mile five furlongs, in 3.52 2-5,
on a track that was by no means fast.
Forbury Park, five furlongs in circum-
Eennie v. Mrs E. L. Siddall, Mrs E. J.
Ross v. Miss N. Guthrie, Miss FS. Manches-
ter v. Mis 3 Preston, Mrs C Smith v.
ham, at 1.30 p.m. (Mr J. Hartigan); Wai-
cairi v. Rangiora, at Sydenham, at 3 p.m.
(Mr J. Hartigan); Technical A v Redcliffa,
Mr Watters said that there14. Sorn«
claims, totalling
of these had been
investigated and aw
For Health and Spo Bryant Snikicttes Api
ference, is not the idea! track for a Miss Newton, Mrs E. A. Summers v. Mrs T. Hartiean); allowed; others were being At AAk>rtw" Shmm, ■
earton yesterday morning, and after at North Park, at 1.30 p.m. (Mr was ;8.
a hard frost, this provided somewhat
back-marker, but Vendome won very Styche. Mrs D. E. Hutton v. M Mr 3 "W. Technical B v. New Brighton, at New Brigh- The total number of claims ".rats3 AGsoa»Tioif rKiswa.; Drink— Urfy C«lk, firett U«u. ai <
nicelv and amonscst those she defeated Everist Mrs G. van Asch v. Mrs C G. TTmI'M SUkac Ml JWBlat,lari
Vic. Milk Stout
holding going. Tho majority of tho Curtis, Miss Thomson v. Miss F. Emery,
ton, at 2.45 p.m. (Mr S. Hocking): Temple-
Realised. I
were DilWorth, Nelson de Oro, Logan ton, a bye. Assets WELLINGTON, Jane 18.
horses engaged at the South Canter-
bury Meeting were in evidence, but Hanlon. Morning Sun, Loiterer, and Mrs C. Buchanan v. Mrs J. C. Lord, Mra
D Pullon v. Mr 3 A. C. Bretherton, Miss J. The assets realised had been as fol-
One the Government's earliest
bankrupts of
there was nothing outstanding in the
Royal Comrade. C. Macdonald v. Miss Hill, Mrs L. B. lows-—CasK found book
debts collected,
legislative rner-sures during the ap- —Firat to be brewed in N.Z.
fast work executed. Though he is not one of tho fancied Scott v. Miss N. Burrowes, Mrs M. S. Brown office', 10s M; of Parliament will be
Made only from le»t Malt, Hopa,
candidates for the Prince of Wales Mrs C. G. Wilkin v. Mrs £123 17s (uncollected, estimate, £100), proaching session Sugar, and Dried Milk. Nob-
Airplane comfortably beat Quick Handicap at Auckland on Saturday,
v Mrs N. Tingey,
K. M. Adams. Miss L. Page v. J. Mies D. CRICKET. furniture at Peterborough street a Transport Bill, according to a state- chemical acd free from preserva-
Piling* in a task over Ave furlings tak- the Thacker, Mrs E Fear v. Mrs W. Scott,
house (less £SO worth alleged by
it would not be wise to ignore
Mrs H. R Sellers v. Misa B. Hobbs, Mrs ment made bv the .Minister for Trans tives. Rir.g 'Phone 2642, or call
ing l.<|. claims of Kohara. handicapped to do \c+\ £36 Is- furniture at office, x,oi
Batile Colours, looking well, strode •4.24, for the big two mile event. Ko-
hara is one of the really proved stayers
F. W Kobbs v. Mre Bernard Hale.
An eclectic match for prizes given
Stycha and Miss Nicholson will be played
by Mrs
£147 4sßd; tele- port tthe Hon\ Mr Vcitch) to-day when
refund, £1 18s M, replying to a deputation
from the
which urged the
Brewed and Bottled by— THE NEW BIS
over half a mile in 52 2-5.
in the race and his form during the on the 25th and 28th. The committee will ENGLAND. phone
wig and gown, £10; moter cars U motor-body builders,of their members to
appointment of one Htdmett't Vkteria Brewery
Full Feather recorded 1.5 3-5 for five season has been consistent, for in nine arrange player 3 and opponents. £105; mortgagee (3), £302 13s c*i the Transport Advisory Council. Waltham Rmul DOUGLAS
furlongs, find his stable-mate, Sudden
Storm, showed attractive form by gal-
starts he haß won once, has been
second three times, third once, and MITCHELL'S LONG INNINGS.
rent Ranfurly street
£ll £ 13s 9d expenses), £lo 6s 3d . &<s"& J*f
The Minister stated that he had no
intention at present of altering the
loping half a mile in 49 2-5. tourth once. Early in the season Ko- AMATEUR CHAMPIONSHIP 6d. Value of book Si) un-
yieia constitution of the Council. While see our wmwm
Hurly Burly, who has recently re- hara won. the Spring Handicap at, OF N.S.W. collected, £1876 3s; estimated to recognising that the interests repre-
joined the active list, occupied 50 1-5 Auckland on slow going from a 4.26 (UHTTED 7KS3B ABSOCIATIOK—BT ELECTRIC £l*^o
' The Expenditure.
sented bv the deputation were an im GIBBS MOTOR CO, ÜBu
for the same journey. mark in 4.33 2-5, and then ran third TELEGSiXH —COPYRIGHT.) portant part of the Dominion transport
Stately was «een to advantage in a in the Campbell Handicap of li miles ELIMINATION GAMES. The expenditure had been aa fol- question, he felt it would be wiser not SPECIAL OFFER. M MANCHEBTEI STOtt
LONDON, June 17. bank-
■mart sprint over four furlongs in 50. in 2.45 1-6 Off 4.24 he finished fourth lows—Rent of office (between to make anv changes until the Trans- CHRBTCHPICII.
(TTirrrnD associatioh —by In the first Test against England, South disappearance and date on port Bill had been dealt with by Par-
press electric
in the Christchurch Handicap at Ad- TXI.E OBAPH—COPTTBIOHT.) rupt's
Arikiwai and Belcaire ran over and the Africa are all out for 250. At the luncheon
which office was vacated), £8 18s. 9d, liament.
'Uneton In 4.26 and off 4.25 was second June 18th, 9.35 p.m.) As tl>e session would be Send for Mail Order Catatocr--
name ground in 50 2-5, and Limerick adjournment they had made 151 for the loss advertising, £1 9s 3d; valuations opening in a few days, he hoped to in-

to Gol3 Jacket in the Auckland Cup- SYDNEY, June 18. for Ladies' and Genta* Toil
Paquito registered SO 1-5 for a like He next ran second to Prince Pointer In the New South Wales amateur, golf
of four wickets. England opened their sec-
(cars, furniture, and library), £8 Bs.
troduce the legislation referred to at Requisites All manner of Rubber
task. in the Champion Handicap of one mile elimination games to-day, Ivo ond innings, and had made 34 for no wickets accountants' report, £8 8s; Official an early stage, and after it had been
administration expenses. passed bv the House—he was confident Requisites and Chemist*' Sondriea
Magna Charta, who will not be seen and a quarter, and. handicapped on Whitton, who was in great form, defeated when stumps were drawn. Assignee's
meeting ot of erery description. All gooda
4.24. was again second to Prince and to play. A well-Slled ground saw the South Afri- cost of first
out again until the Wellington Meeting, W. Smith 11 up 10
£122 16s lOd; it would be—the whole question of mr.iled free under plain wrapper.
S. Keane beat G. Balcombe, 6 and 5; D. creditors, £1 10s; petitioning emp-
cans make a patient reply to England's mod-
reelecT off half a inile in 52. Pointer in the President's Handicap at Stuart, 3 and 3. H. Morri- erate score. Though play was even slower 12s 9d; pre- transport organisation and representa-
finished the same Meeting The class he is set Coonan beat J.
son beat Nigel Smith, 3 and I.—Auetralian than on Saturday, the spectators philosophi- tor's solicitors costs, £25 tion could be reopened. In the mean-
Countersign and Commenter furlongs, ferential rent. £ll 16s Sd; preferen- DIRECT SERVICE DRUG
together at the end of seven
to meet on Saturday is not of the very
highest, and the small field should
Press Association. cally watched Mitchell's prolonged first Test
stonewall, especially after lunch, when he tial salaries, £7 ss; garaging, repairs,
time, he was reluctantly compelled to
sav that he could not see his way to STORE.
TAot. Gapet A Co.
traversed in 1.32 suit him admirably. scored eight runs in 80 minutes.
for six hours, scoring 80.
He batted
insurance, petrol,
There was some cars), £8 17s 4d; total, £205 2s /d
licensing fee (motor-
make any additions to the present 83 Victoria Strmt
Marsham easily accounted for Njgnt- Linknian, who has been racing con- old-time budget culled from files P.O. Box 485,
an excuse for his care in the early stages as
Government commission (not yet Council. Qiriftchurch-.
dew ©Ver a mile journey, taking sistently of late, figures in two racesof years ago, and topical notes from the pitch was covered with dew. Larwood
at Auckland on Saturday, the Hobson headquarters. A survey of West Austra- once rose surprisingly, and hit Mitchell badly paid), £76 2s sd.
Honeycomb ran five furlongs in 1.5, in the face.
the la»t half in 50 1-5.
Handicap, of two miles, and the Mar- lian form, where the sport is boom- The opening stand of 119 was the South Approximate Dividend.
coni Handicap of one mile and a ing, is another feature. Africans' best in Test cricket against Eng-
Lord Banahi executed a useful gal- quarter, and it is probable that his In the general sports section will land. They never have previously reached Mr Watterß said that, assuming the
lop Over seven furlongs, oocupmg 1.67. driver, V. Alborn. will elect to start be found the reply of the N.Z. Lawn
100. assets realised only £940 6s Gd, and
accomplished in the two miles race He is on a
Tennis Association to strictures pub-
Garwood bowled at an exceptional pace, that the estimated amount due to un-
Abtrfelay and Gala Day sending Christy's stump 15 yards.
secured creditors was £9513 9s lid.
a mile m 1.4» «-o- nice mark, 4.34, for, handicapped to dolished in the "Referee" regarding the Mitchell went on imperturbably while the
a »i«n!ar task over President's the run-getting became the approximate dividend would be
Malmsey was not extended in thea
this time in the Handicap
official attitude toward the recent junior wickets fell and
•lower than ever. All the bowlers were Is 3d in the £. As to the house in
at Oamaru, he finished second to national tourney scheme.
*ev«n ftwlong gallop,
running home
Wrackler in 4.32 4-5, and has been keeping excellent length.
White had a 70 minutes' spell after lunch,
Peterborough street it had been as-
certained that it properly belonged to
last fo«r in 51 2-5.
Nine of Spades
Waif mile.
registered 53 1-3 for
placed several times since then. Pos-
sibly Evelyn Locanda, Warplane, and
Maiwharifc'i will each be supported to
bowling 14 overs, of which nine were maidens.
The crowd was sorry to see Mitchell fail
to get his century in his first Test. He
Mrs Batchelor; it was quite m order.
In any case there was no equity in it.
Ask for the
"Unbowlable Boy." In respect of one of the mortgages the
Red Tin
has been called the
Iwat Linkman. but the last-named is a

Onmid Song and Zeuxia went pleas- good two-miler when the cla«s is below
He batted for seven hours in s chanceless but
wholly uninspired innings. The visitors' house "had been sold by the mortgagee,
ingly over seven furlongs, covered in the best. WAIRIO J.C MEMBERS innings lasted 440 minutes. Kngland batted and there was a deficiency of a few
1.36! Among tho starters in the Trotters' CHARGED.
for an hour. pounds.
BOOK** had no difficulty in palk>p- Handicap at Victoria Park (New South
Scores: —

ENGLAND. Other Properties.

ittg half a railo in 50 8-5. This filly Wales) a fortnight ago was the im-

There was a property at New Brigh-

Bears 9
First Innings.
should add to -her winning record at ported stallion The Design. He is a E. T. Killick, c Morkel, b Ochse 31
ton (Union street), and one in Ran-
. .
ITrnnru. 10-year-old stallion by The Exponent H. Sutcliffe, e Cameron, b Ochse .. 26
INVERCARGILL, June 18. K. Duleepsinhji, c Vincent, b Morkel 12 furly street. A Mr Garland was in-
Itadiate was restricted to easy work. from Mardella. Tho Design came to , .

at Australia with an American trotting W. R Hammond, b Quinn .. .. 18 volved in the Ranfurly street pro-
He is to fulfil his engagement The custom of the committee of the W. Leyland, e Taylor, b Ochse .. 3 perty, and until proper accounts were
Tiraaru to-morrow and will be ridden record of 2.SJ, and we now find him of holding meet- P. G. H. Fender, c Cameron, b Quinn . . 6 prepared between Mr and Mrs Garland
handicapped to do 2.24. and finishing Waiirio Jockey Club 70
by B. SHaw. E. Hendren, b Morkel
it was impossible to say what the re-
. . . .

on the heels of a field of goats in a ings in the Wairio Hotel led to the M. W. Tate, c Mitchell, b Morkel . . 40
sult would be. This matter had and re-
Tb© only -mping during the morn- 2.30 handicap, savs the "Trotting Re- who were pre- H. Larwood, Ibw, b Ocheo . . . . 6
ing vm that executed by Orinamb (I. cord." That such a splendidly-bred, appearance of members J. C. White, run out . . . . 5 ceived a lot of attention, but Mr
TiTaon), who negotiated a round of the high-class trotter, when in his prime, sent at a meeting on May 11th in the G. Duckworth, not out . . .
. 11
Mrs Garland lived a long way in him
Magistrate's Court at Otautau yester- Extras ■ . - . .. 17
country; they had been in to see
•ountry in an attractive manner. can be subjected to such indignity in licensed
day, charged with being on Total . 245 . . four times during last month to try
The Saxby gelding, After Ten, figures his latter years would imply there is premises after hours. to help him to get things squared up.
. .

Bowling Analysis.—P. B. Morkel, three

amongst the nominations for hack something wrong with our methodvs. In dismissing the information, the wickets for 40 runs; K. Quinn, two for 27; With regard to book debte, in about
hurdle cTOnts n* the Wellington Meet- This sort of thincj could be stopped by Magistrate held that they were there A. L. Ochse, four for 2i?; Vincent, none for twelve or sixteen cases he (Mr Wat-on
iug. He has had some schooling at making a limit to what a horse may for a legitimate purpose, but he 7; B. Mitchell, none for 2.
ters) held deeds, so they had a lien
establishment at be let up on his best winning record, (The bowling analysis is incomplete.) the
his owner-trainer's thought they would be wise in future
Second Inning3. these for the costs. In some cases
Riecarton and shaped very satisfac- and that limit should be much less
than fhe 16 seconds to the mile, as in
if they obtained the permission of th© Sutcliffe, not out 10 accounts mar have to be reduced con-
torily for a novice. i Licensing Committee to hold meetings Killick, not out . . 23 siderably: their total was £162 ISs 7d.
The Design's case. Were The Design

The recent A.J.C. Winter Meeting a adding it would be bad enough, but in tho hotel. Esttras . . . . . . 1 Mr Laban had a mortgage in his
name which he repaid and transferred

completed the seasons racing at Rand- in the case of a highly bred imported Total for no wickets 34

wiok. W. Kelso headed the list of stallion there can be no excuse. In any SOUTH AFSICA. to the Official Assignee, amounting to
£250. Thev would havewaytowould be

traiuers on that course with 124 wins case the form The Design is now show- First innings.

and £11,416 in stake-money, with D. ing is not likely to improve his pros- R. H. Gatterall, lbw, b Fender this. Probablv the best
to call tenders for the purchase of

. .

Lewis next with 9i wins and £13,079. pects at tho stud. H. D. Taylor, b Larwood . . . 2

[THE FSESS Special Ssrvice.]

these- mortgages, which should realise

P. B. Morkel, b Tate 5
G. Price was in third place with 8 wins
. . . .

and £12,378, and others in the list

J. A. J. Christy, b Larwood . . 1 pretty nearly their faceof value. Two
B. Mitchell, b Tate . . . . . . 8S
other mortgage*;, each had £SO,
include:— V. D. Jones. s*, £7090; P. DUKEDIN, June 18.
M. G. Deane, c and b Fender .
. 29
second mortgages and been regis-
Riddle, two. £1416; J. T. Jamieson, Cameron, b Larwood . . . 5
"N.Z. REFEREE." tered in the name of the Official

There was a. very white frost at Winga- Owen-Smith, b Tate 25

one, £7407; and P. V. Mason, one,
. .

tui this morning, but a bright sun quickly Vincent, not out .
. .. 14 4«signee. The supervisor* and hirn-
£5403. New Zealand horses did well lifted it, and towards the end of the morn- Quinn, b Larwood .. i
had held six formal meetings; the
«a far as winning amounts were con- ing's work the going became sticky and in-
Ochse. b Larwood . .
. .
. . 2
•moervisors had be«n of considerable
cerned, as Prince Humphrey headed FORM, FOR HAWKE'S
. . .
help, and he had consulted from them on

BAY AND clined to


lift. The outside of the coarse

the three-year-okl list with £7357. and proper was thrown open for
horses engaged Total 250 numerous occasions. Apart that
Two Ounca
. . . . .
Honour the two-year-olds with .€5403. TIMARU. 8t thß , Timaru Meeting who required fast

wor~. the trestles being very wide out from

Bowling Analysis.—Larwood, five wickets
there had been numerous investiga-
whilo Limerick occupied fourth place the rails.
for 57 runs; Tate, three for 65; Pender,
two for 64; Hammond, none for 25; White',
tions conducted, some or them very
amongst the older division with £4642,

Pocket Tins
Felony wag going better di
than Wingatui none for 28. Batchelor
Jocelyn being on top with £6245. From the point of view of
those at the end of six furlongs in 1.28 The —Australian Press Association, TTnitod Awoman creditor said that
latter iooks better than when she
I j

given him
Crown Area curried top weight (10-7)
specially interested in betting there local meeting, and should run well at
ran at the
had £IOO from her —see hada week bo-
in the Flying Welter Handicap, won are two outstanding articles in the ieloiiy will make the trip
for the second day her eheque for the amount chance j
by him at Rosehill on Saturday. Moor- current Official Calendar. They deal with of the meeting.
fore he left. Was there any
cas was engaged in the Throe-year-old the form and chances of horses engaged
Crossbow sprinted throe furlongs by him-
self in 42 3-5, and lookß an improved
BOWLING. of getting the amount back?

was only
Handicap at the same Meeting, but at Hawke's Bay and the South Can- He must be given a in the
Resewill Mr Watters said that there
was any prob-

•vidently failed to gain a place. terbury J.C.'s Meeting at the week-

Overhaul, who looks well after his North, one case in which there fo.low
end. The raeing at Napier Park last Island trip, was sprinted four furlongs along SHIRLEY CLUB. ability of a creditor being aDle to

Friday and Saturday should throw the back with Frnsquita In 55 2-5. The his monev, and being able to say that j
some light on the prospeets at Hawke's former has a good chance in the hurdle his particular money was need for a par-
Bay, and a full report of that meeting
race on Thurfday.
The Shirley Bowling Club he':d its annual
Dubious, who has come on a !ot during ticular purpose. Solicitors had
over and not
GOODRICH appears in the issue under reference.
Another item which will have a wide
meeting on Monday evening,
the past month, with L. Hunt in the saddle
presiding over a good attendance.
gave a good exhibition of safe fencing in a
Mr J. B. Johns rated other moneys paid
accounted for. In any particular
Tha annna- report and balance-sheet trere
r complete round over the steeplechase school- miorrnauon, .
"HI PRESS" interest is the nominations for the three- approved.
h* was readv to give any PER OZ
ing fences. Re is sure to be one of the
The foliowin;; officers hut a)
day winter fixture of the Wellington hardest to beat in the Hack Steeplechase on ele<-*<>d-
and to produce any document:
RUBBER Racing Club's Meeting, which is sand- Thursday, his only
Patron Mr P. W. Sharpe; president
engagement a*
B. Johns; the
vice-president. 'sir' J
Sir J Ke-rne-- creditor "would have to take
hj« ovra
FOOTWEAR HI il wiched in between the Great Northern
gathering at Ellerslie and the
Nationals and Winter Cnp at Kiccar-
hon. secretary, Mr W. Franfcland:
Black Duke had liartis for a companion
over six furlonrs. and though the former
Mr H. Urlwin; management
mittee, Messrs Hobb. Dingle, Morrison com-
adv:« in matters
of that,

was going the better at the finish, Martia

eholas, Kington; m3frch committee v'es*-« Audit,
ton. Added attractions to the Turf sec- eapnot be written out of the Doncaster Han-
Ramsay. Kington, and
Innea: selector Mr Law Society's
tion are a story of the record of dicap. Takin? a line through his running
W. D. Ramsay; delegate to Centro attention to
Mr James Goodman drew
\£T vc
at the Winter Meeting, he must have a chance,
D. Ramsay; green committee,
Eeigh Count, the American chain;; ion, and he hss been enlloping well since then.
tosh. Mather-. Farrar;
delegate Batehelora statement that despite ees,
who was sent to England specially to to «Wr*
faet that he paid excessive audit have
Royal Saxon. v.\-o has been clipped, and
(mid-week), Mr H. Hewgrd.
try to lift the Ascot Gold* Cup— the looks verv we!] after h:3 strenuous racing
race run "Ee- at the Winter Meeting, ran five furlongs and paid the La-" Society £loo to
"Best in the is to-morrow—the easily with a hi? weight np in 1.14. his books put in order, they
were ne-
Long Run"
fereeV Australian letter, and the list
of winning owners, sires, horses, joc-
Messrs J Kichardson and G. J. Barton BILLIARDS. ther audited nor put in order, and
left yesterday morning fr.r Auckland, where
keys, and trainers in Otago for the they will at'er.d the Auckland Trotting Club's no stage showed bow he iSatchelo.)that au-
season 1938-29. An article on famous ?.??e*'ni».
SMITH PLATING F. LDfDRUM. stood. Mr Goodman asked if

Smoking Tobacco
brood mares, from the pen of P. E. Way The three-year-old fall sister to»»is ditor giver, them any m.crm*„.o=
bus teen purchased by Mr J. J. O'Hsra,
Baldwin, also appears. &f South Fremantle. Mr o'H»r» has ncrcv o? assistance. , .
3 ::ct
Mr Watt*rs: »; i:-
several races with Appian Way.
The light harness section Is equally wonThrough

vtnrrras raxss i.sßocATic.K— x? »ixcnrc

meeting with aa accident at the do to.
•Wong. The Auckland T.C.'g Winter er.d of Ifst week while running cut 5n a
tusgsjl?*—corttasvt.) ealled upon to . .


Mr Angus Davidson asicea Tao

Ulbtrfcrtm: tW. FIDCKM I COY. LTD. Meeting, which concludes the season in paddock. Eaton Bell* received injuries which

22iflf TUAI STIIET. CHHSKHURCH the north, is dealt with by the "E«- necessitated her donrrnetion. An attempt Willie Smith, the English champion has Law Society, in view of what wm bow
feree's" Auckland reporter. "Miles" was made to bre*d from this mare last year. commenced a time limit, billiards match against disclosed, could have been satisfied
hut. provincr barren, she was put back into Fred liindrum, the Australian champion who
haa a disquisition on "prospeets" for work. Tn her best days she WW a smart received s start of 10,000.—Australian 'Pr««. the andit. The Society. be:r.. 5 _ sus?:«-
tke light karaets Derbys, along with -sprinter a? to six furlong*. Association. ous at th<! time that lonsthmj

and alao knows when a man does a |


Down Quilts
labour, as he always p'iys the best
PEACE. FAUX PAS. wage.—Yours, etc..
CorTeepcr.dects who do io: compi- with
our ruies set ot;t :ti the !»st column of cur

June 17th. 19i>.
leader ',a;e will excuse ui lro» no:icins

2. R. McC.—Xo
ep-ace ss fresett

Sir,—l read with interest your briet j
ROAD. account of the [«~iiicn in v*hioh

Sale Prices!
I »
BASIS FOR REAL PROGRESS." i.'-rsnsß ?r.ass association—bi si-£".'3:c
i-o THE EDITC?. cr THS PEBSS. M&rackakaho stands to-day ;n mi'.sf- f
TELEGP.APK—COr"TXI(iHT.) ix-E'jrjLiH—copiwoe:.:

Sir,—Tho shore roed. advocated in quence of the death o!

(Received June IStL, 7 p.m.)
'tTfiTED PBES? ASSOCIATION- E? EI/E-CTBIC an editorial article in the Christchurch Maclean. As ow who knew Sir l>oug-


While the Prime Minister, Mr Mac- Press a few days ago—as a substitute ]»«
intimately, I know jr r:\-v. t!v weii
DISASTER. LONDON, June 17. • i"Rerei"el June 15th, 7.30 p.m.*) Donald, is striving to establish peace- for the Nelson-West Coast railway that it was his wish that the .etato
General Bramwell Booth's body lies rul relations with the United States, should be r.arru-u oil t h:> ho:rs. and
iu state at Congress liali, Clapton, NEW YORK. June 17. through tho Buller Gorge—cannot by

he has made- a bad faux pas by I-' u!> any stretch of imagination prove satis- I do i. he o\ - r r:..d t hat
on Friday and Saturday General E- The "New York Times" says that A Special Purchase of 60 beanttful Dowt Qmlu
iishing an article in a Sunday news- there "ouid !*.* an aitcnii't to haw I!; ■
DOWN. *L. tliggius and the Liu-niational Com- factory. nor ever Le accepted as a
inis&ioners will conduct a funeral ser-
i Genera! Uawes, United States Ambassa- paper dealing with tho minorities
solution be-
property subdivided. a jiraucal
enables Graham, Wilson & Bmelli* to f?e: tfce
dor to Britain, in his speech before the problem m Europe, under the heading of the transport problem poiut of view, subdivision is t*> me ir.-
vice at tile Albert Hall on Sunday. anuuang Sale Barguins indicated below. Do •«*

Pilgrims' Club to-morrow, is expected ••Menace to turopt—should Peace tween the northern province and those conctnrablc, for Marnekakaho is totally
The coffin will be taken to the Salva-
Treaties be Revised unfit lor closer pcttienHT.',. A jr> at m>m this splendid opportunity.

tion Army headquarters., Queen V ic- to urge the treatment of the naval :
of the south. This advocacy of the
AS.IOCIATTOS--ISV EitCTBIC In the article Mr Mac-Donald states : Lewis Pass road has been looked upon fleai of moi.oy has bet'n .-jpir.t to rn.ike
* «RO
R «*■■*» toria street, on Monday. question by statesmen on broad lines. "The complete breakdown of demo- U what it is, and, ao your nr'.r'lo

TCC.*i>SAF3 COi'YKIOHT.i The procession then start* for Abiioy and Mur-
cratic government in Jugo-Mavia, anu 1 y many people in Nelson

"No earlv y.&val eont'eremj,-; will be [joints ont, without the v;t'!-:v it
Park Cemetery, where tho body will Hi* correspondent states, "but the be n very dry country • !

i i
(Received Juno iStii. 7.15 p.m.)
be laid in tho family
called •"
the establishment of a dictatorship, ciiison as being prompted by • : A t a'-

beside the naval' Power? tVr" the time being are are tho latest warnings. There «"t;l be ulterior motive of checkmating, and !'.'v cannot i>e subdivide ] .i<.\ «i- -; r.f-

LONDON, Juuo 17. remains of General Booth's father, the to work through the Prepara- grave trouble unless Europe's minority tiled in parts to i:un:> . ri> iittie Doable Bed Down QttiKv r;,r>.l eai I iii

founder of tho Salvation Army, and ton- problems are solved rn the spirit ot preventing, if possible, the filling of larms, arid without irrigation th** r»*« .!r<i(jis*. ; .m.n p»aci* ■•* t '£■». i"i» k - *"•"

The wonderful record of Imperial his


the gap in the Midland Railway, but

mother. The procession suit would bp too to it;.a." H,.*. .Va..v f

Airway was tragically shattered to-day scheduled to traverse some of the most
tween the United States aad Britain. give and take.''
it has evidently been left to Thb Press
They will keep Japan, Prance, nad The article continue©: "Unionspro- I have seen Maraeknkaho during r. hot
to this under-
vh«n the air liner City of Ottawa was congested City
.streets. It may neces- ItalV informed of their negotiations. mising nationalism is an irritating and to give public expression summer when the srrss* was dried in Sale Price Ob* V
down in the Channel sarily be dangerous obstruction.'" He expressed lying motive, and to confirm the sus- and the stock was sent elsewhere.
forced curtailed, the principal The basis for real progress in naval

picions of those who have been fight-

that cmht persona l«wt gathering iA mourners assembling at limitation has already been laid as a the opinion that the policy oi tne In conclusion, 1 cu say very sin-
J* it believed the The coffin will be
I Serbisation of the Croats iu Jugo- ing for the railway to be completed to w-rely that the wish* <.f one «j. did
their live**. The disaster id the first cemetery. result of the conference between Mr

slavia had created two alternatives Inaugahua. Nelson could not, and

so much for New Zealand, and «li*?

|B th« history of tho
Imperial Airways. covered with the Salvation Army flag, MaeDonald and General Dawes." —Aus-
the General's cup lying thereon. Mrs tralian Press Association. equally evil, cither an ondle.-a Parlia- would not. have any quarrel with the work or: behalf of the I\in;o'ro whs re-
Double Bed Down Qatlt*. V'.^r
The City of Ottawa, au almost new Booth and the family request that no mentary deadlock or a dictatorship. construction of a road over the Lewis focnised bv the King, shou'd !*?
rl)\tr:!:;v «;;t J'i-ill *':3H"
iff a "*"'

turin-engined Uand Icy-Page machine, flowers shall be sent, as it is an Army "Italy is pursuing the same policy. Pass, or by any other route to connect rcs-pecUd.—Yours, etc..
Maine, !'!»■ k
Serbia can do this only for the time Canterbury with the West Coast, for Kosi.
»ejfthm« throo and a half tons, left tradition. A LOVER OF
37 6
FAIR PLAY. !"'.fe
being without disturbing Europe," Mr the bettering of transport facilities by

The King sent a ruuoaaue to the June loth,

Croydon lor Zurich at 10.30 a.m. with widow expressing
JJ people aboard. When she had pro- regret
iiis Majesty's deep
and offering his sympathy.
ENCOUNTER AT MacDonald added, "nor must Alsace road, but not as a substitute to the
and the Saar be left out of account in western trunk line through the Buller
Sale Price

ceeded about lf> miles and «as crossing "'With his father he will always a survey of the minority problem.'' Gorge. Any such attempt will be MAIN TRUNK RAILWAY ROUTE.
the Channel, Pilot Bnulli sent nut an gratefully remembered as the promoter
DURBAN. The "Daily Telegraph" said that fought to the last ditch by Nelson if
a T3 THE KJjITOIt or Ills 1 »r«
8.0.5. »ndwouldstated that ho had turned of the widespread beneficent activities Mr MacDonald's article had created it over becomes necessary. We know
lack and try to return to laud. of the Salvation Army," his Majesty's � big stir in diplomatic circles, and had that Nelson is looked upon and treated Sir, —A letter which may n«t have Double Bed Down Quilt*. Attre.
Later caiuo a message: "Cannot make message said. already assured speedy and dramatic as a Cinderella by the Press, and cer- attract- d the attention i: r\■. ■> ap-
ngns. wit}i wid<? j'Ar.el to '«m.
it," and then, when the 'piano was Tho Primate, Dr. Lang, addressing EUROPEANS AND NATIVES. repercussions in several European capi- tain sections in Canterbury, and its peared in your paper of the 14th
inst. Black. gmxr—Regxtar !'n«
three miles from Folkestone, he wire- the Church Assembly, asked the As- tals. It was difficult to comment on isolation from the railway system 01 It was under the c-u:
down!" such flighty irresponsibility in re- of Sale Price - -

iitsed: 'plan« sembly to pay a tribute of respect to strained language. If this was the
the South Island is strongly desired to
"Waiau lioad," and dua't with
The fluttered inpotently over the honoured leader of the Salvation ONE DEATH REPORTED. continue, for narrow-visioned commer- the
up Army's social sort of thing that the Government Ije-
the plassy etea, then dived,assending it work.—Australian Press lieved was going to bring a peaceful cial
reasons. But it is not correct to proposed South I»!and main trunk rail-
ft irußO column of water somer- West way. With reference to the proposed
laulted, smashing the wing*. It jm-
Association. settlement in Europe, it was not likely say, or infer, that Nelson and coastal route, Kaikoura to Parnassus,
ASSOCIATIOS—B£ ELECTRIC Coast are alone iu urging the comple-
»«diatoly began to sink, but a trawler tUSITEB i'HESS
TELHiSAPH-CUPYBKIia.' to have a resounding success. can Sir Joseph Double Bed Down Q.IIIU Smart tr<tllie d«**g»*»
In messages from Paris surprise and tion of the railway through the Buller state that closerWard acd his witii wjiie £«n:n j.sni! to ten*, lie**, ftta».i.
which had answered the distress signals LOCAL MEMORIAL SERVICE.
disquietude is expressed at Mr Mac- Gorge, for at the" last annual confer- settlement will bo
got grapplins irons under the machine (Received June 18th, 10.56 p.m.) Donald's article, in which be suggests ence of the South Isiand Progress
achieved on this portion of the lice? If
and skilfully kept part of it against above
that the cases of Alsace and the Saar Leagues, held in Blenheim a couple of
the line was taken through the inland Heyular Trice •

water while the crew used axes The passing of the Salvation Army *s CAPE TOWN, June IS. problem of months ago, which included those of route, Kaikoura to Waiau, easily one Sale Price
should be included in the

tae outside walls of the cabin, succeed- ox-leader will be marked in New Zea- A serious encounter between police minorities. Marlborough, Canterbury, Otago, nad hundred sections couM be made avail-
ing in rescuing five of tho passengers. land by special services next Sunday. and civilians on one side and natives The "Echo de Parij" said that there Southland, in addition to Nelson and able for new actt'.crs. At a conservative
in the heart of indication of Labour start- the West it was without a dis- estimate, for every head of stock wliirh
Imprisoned in Cabin. Locally the city and suburban corps will on the other occurred Natives was erery Coast,
Mr Mac- sentient voice decided to urge oa the would be conveyed to Parnassus hund-
midday. objected ing on dangerous courses.
The imprisoned people had been unite in the Citadel at three o'clock, Durban at Donald did not trouble to disguise his Government to vigorously carry out its reds would be carried to Waiau. Can the Double Bed Down QnilU. A eeieette* mt »*w
flirown in a hean when the 'plane tho various bands marching from their to the preparation of food by persons feeling 3 towards France and her allies. determination to complete the filling 01 Ministers who inspected Loth routes floral fif*«.Js;.-i«. T<:tb plain punrl* to tf»iw f i»
Hftd, and some were already beyond respective centres. During the service other than their own compatriots. Sivch assertions were the firebrand to the gaps in the .East and West Coast state that the quantity of manure used attr*iliv«> colour <-o:r.lnre» «r.« -

human aid when the cabin was broken the united hands will play funeral music. All traffic to the Berea was sus- ignite war and incite Gorman re- railways, and this the Prime Minister
on the coast would compare within RoCTi!ar I'rn-rs ">", **/- •#>
Open, owing i-o injuries or having been The memorial address will be delivered pended, vast crowds watching tho con- hundreds of tons with hat iroul* be
(Sir Joseph Ward) repeatedly and pub-
49 6 63/ 75/
vengefulnes.s. Sale Prices
drowned by the inrush of water. Pilot by Brigadier F. W. Burton. It is an- test. The Europeans complicated mat-

The "Petit Parisien" said that Mr licly stated it vras their intention to used on the inland section* It in quickly
Brailli, although injured, directed vain
ticipated that the Mayor (Mr J. K. ters by attacking the headquarters of MacDonald's real aim was to us-e the do. During his recent tour of the becoming an accepted fact that +op-
•forte to get the remaining prisoners Archer') will participate in the service. the native I.C. Union. Neighbour- problem of minorities as an engine of South Island, and his visits to Nelson dressing is more than doubling produc-
oat. It t<x<k an hour of hard work treaties. and Blenheim, he assured his hearers tion on many farms. The land along the
ex- hoods in which Europeans were isolated destruction against the
Wore tho body of a woman was were attacked by natives, and one man —Australian Press Association. that it was intended to complete the inland route is greatly more rcc.ptive
DISCOUNT m Bioml of 1/- in ike £ fet (
tricated. than that of the land along
The rescue vessels -which bad arrived
was killed. Nelson-West Coast railway within the top-dressing route. and oa Monthly AocewU
then began to tow the 'plane, with WAR MATERIAL IN This enraged the crowd, who broke
through the police cordon. Shots were
next three or four years, and the East
superior claims
It is necessary
of the inland route
the bodies it contained, to land, and
fired on both sides, but the only in- PRIME MINISTER'S Coast Main Trunk within the next
a pilot cutter signalled for an ambu- AUSTRIA. or five years. In face of such defi- should be more fully advertised, so that MAIL OKDEEI will receive eat I—nliiU
uvnc*. The injured, who included two
juries sustained were caused by flying EXPLANATION. nite promises it ill becomes The Press be linked
the gap from Kaikoura onwards should eerefal atl—<—.
brickbats. —Australian Press Associa- defunct up through the country which

Women, wero placed in a rowing boat, or the ex-chairman of the now :
tion. any is specially favoured for Joseph
ana taken ashore, being rushed to hos- .Railway Board (Mr Jones), or
fttal. ARTICLE WRITTEN LONG AGO. Automobile Associations, to start an Ward's purpose, having easy accessi-

Graham, Wilson

bility for closer settlement and in-

Tho body of Mrs lekerson, one of FRANCE'S TRAFFIC agitation having for its object the pre- creased production.—Yours, etc..

the passengers, was landed covered with ALLEGED. vention of the linking up of the Mid- WAIAU BP. NO. 2.
* Union Jack. Three of the dead are PROBLEMS. (Receiver Juno 18th, 7 p.m.) land railway through the Buller Gorge, June 18th, 1929.
iromen. and three women were nmoinr by advocating as a substitute a motor
the rescued. The survivors are believed COMMISSION'S REPORT. LONDON, June 17. road over Lewis Pass, which has not
to bo Mrs Fleming and Miss Fleming, PLANS FOR ELEVATED Mr MacDonald explains tbat he one redeeming feature, as a substitute,
ef Sydney, and Miss Marjorie Smith, of wrote the article long ago, in his to warrant its carrying out. THE SQUARE.

Melbourne. Miss Smith's father is re- HIGHWAY. If, as the editorial of The Piusss
private capacity, and its publication points out, the completion of either the TO THS miTOS O* THE PRESS.
ported to have been killed. TELEGSAPH—COPVSJGHT.)
Sunday was unauthorised. The railway through the Buller Gorge or of Sir, —We hav« heard a good deal

"It was Too Terrible." (Recieved June 18th, 10.5 p.m.) <TJXIT*3> FEESS ASSOCIATION—32 BLKCIMC newspapers generally do not pursue the the road over Lewia Pass, would inter- about the Godley Statue, and the dis-
TELBiIBAPH —COBTEIGHT.3 incident further, in view of the Prime fere very seriously with the necessity courtesy and wrong of removing it
Four passengers who were injured in Juno IS. Minister's statement, but comments are for the other, then there is no room
the air disaster are in the Folkestone LONDON, (Received June 18th, 11.25 p.m.) from the centre of the Square and
Hospital, suffering from shock and Tho correspondent of the "Daily coming from the Continent. to doubt that the railway completion
The "Journal des Debats" says the must take precedence, in importance and turning the reserve dedicated to his
minor injuiies. None is severely in- News'' at Geneva saya that remark- PARIS, June 1% ideas correspond closely with those necessity. No opposition to the linking memory to other uses. Now in ins
juwd, but they are allowed to see only able disclosures regarding the military For the purpose of relieving traffic
relatives. Mr Mac Donald expressed on sevei 1 up of the Nelson and West Coast day and generation John Robert God-
situation in Austria are <*>ntamed m congestion, engineers are considering occasions. If he intends to support of its ley was a particularly fine man, with
One described tho speed of the fall bv railway, either on the plea the mind of a practical statesman,
M terrible lie had little recollection tho final report of the Inter-Aliied plans for the construction of a 2000- such theories at Geneva in September eost or presumptions of its faiimt*
,#G what happened after striking the C'oinuiisaiou,. which ,controls the Liqui- he will give a most dangerous blotr to
provide profit-yielding revenue, can with a very clear foresight and wise
mile road, to be elevated 75 feet, link- them, judgment; of a resolute will and a
Wkw. oxcopt the sudden engulfing of dation Board, publication coinciding ing Paris, Lyons, and Marseilles and the cause of peace and liberty. have any logic or force behind
and then two jersey-clad with the Ambassadors' Conferences' Nice. Tts cost would be £50.000,000. "Mr MacDonald has the reputation for the simple reason that in the un- very chivalrous sense of honour. If
W'V* l "-'

This was followed of being the friend of peace," the linked state they have been he had been blessed with good health
grasping him. announcement that the Board is now in tor

Australian Press Association.
•bo»rd th»
shouting and scurrying
ol dissolved. The report accuses Austria paper says, "but in reality he is the many decades both this and the other of England's leading statesmen. His
friend of Germany."—Australian Press unlinked up main lines of the isoutti whole life
and long life be would have been one
rescue -uiip. of keeping war material during the was dominated by idea* of
Pilot Bi*illi during the evening sat Hoard's investigations. Association. and North Islands have never had any til 1
Colonial expansion and government.
*B a cottage at Lvdd. distraught after "Machine guns, rifles, and ammuni- PAYMENT BY RESULTS. chance to cither become profit-bearing, Before he left England, during his
of this i^'-j*.!,
labouring all dav long. He refused to tion still exist which could be used or to serve the people Dominion,
government of Canterbury, and after
Wat in spite of the women's pleadings. to arm many associations in the coun- LABOUR'S REGIME. and have perforce been the cause of the his return to £ngland he held strong
Brantually he was taken to Lympne loss of hundreds of thousands—and
ly officials of Imperial Airways.
try," tho report states. "In case of ADVOCATED BY MR BRUCE.
need an army of 200,000 to 300,000 probably millions—of pounds of re-
views on the subject and fought hard .
all! l"! ,;l '


could only say "It was too ter- certainly been the for it. He spent two and a half jrears
ito describe. I :tried to make the
could be created."
The report declares that one factory (UXIT-ED i-EESS ASSOCIATION—BT SLBCTSIC
SCOTTISH venue, and have in New Zealand, six months of
cause of the loss of hundreds of thous- Wellington, where he opposed Sir
ands in working losses during that George Grey's own Bill which gave
this in !j 'i
eoaat—I can say no more." has already obtained extra machinery TKLSGBAPH —COPTBIQHT.) become
Members of tho trawler's crew =aid and is simply awaiting the departure (bbittsh oiricniL wireless.) period. If thev did fail toleast do representation to New Zealand but, he
that they slashed open one side of the of the Board to begin the manufacture MELBOURNE, June 18. profit-bearing, they will at

thought, very little real power to the
cabin With axes and saw living people of war material. The Prime Minister, Mr Bruce, RUGBY, June 17. so in less proportions than m their inhabitant*. "It is political power,
•■'csi ; ;."•:' Ml
tmone the dead. They worked for a It also alleges that German and has approved of the ap- Dresent dead-ended state, and by com- v< **
speaking at the commercial travellers' The King people of this the power of virtually administering
bait time and rescued several of them. Austrian army headquarters are said that Australia had pointment of Mr Craigie Mason pletion would serve the
before the their own affairs, appointing their
The machine settled down in the sea secretly co-operating, including the annual dinner, and other lands as never in
officers, disposing of their own
Aitchison, K.C, to be Lord Advocate history of the New Zealand Railways, own

tad tliey could not carry on. exchange of officers.—Australian Press drifted from the path of prosperity. revenues, governing their own coun- i-
An eye-witness said: "The machine Association. The costs of production were too for Scotland,- and Mr John Charles and in the case of the Nelson-West try," was what Godley said Colonials
Ml like a shooting star."—Australian high and must be brought down. This Watson, K.C. to be Solicitor-General. Coast completion it would save the wanted. This opposition induced Sir

Fran Association. United Service. involved piecework. The unions were people the scores of thousands of withdraw his own
suspicions of the piecework system. year it is now George Grey to
"WITCH" TO STAND However, payment by results was NURSE'S DISMISSAL.
pounds a
them to get through Bill, and New Zealand carried on
costing under the Constitution of Lord Grey
necessary, but it must be accomplished this gap by the present avail- till Sir John Pakington granted the
TERRIBLE EXPERIENCES. TRIAL. by safeguards against stupid and ava- able sources of transport. Bv the Constitution of 1852 under which the
ricious employers. —Australian Press CLAIM FOR DAMAGES FAILS. western route it costs nearly £4 in establishment ot Provincial Govern-
Association. Fares, plus the cost of a stop-over at ments was framed, and the Canterbury
(Received June ISth, 9.35 p.m.) Reefton, and ft two days' iourney to Association was taken over and its
June IS.
DEADLY LOVE POTIONS. (.PRESS ASSOCIATION TZUSSSAH.) reach Christchurch. whereas by the liabilities assumed by the Province of
LONDON, AUSTRALIAN DEFENCE completion of the railway it would be Canterbury. a** --

Tk« inquest on the air disaster will WELLINGTON, June IS. mite possible to do the iournev in one In Godley's first address to the
W» place on Juno 19th. The bodies <rxrrs» rasas association—bt eusctsio ECONOMIES. dismissal from the service :lav. at a fare from Nelson of less than colonists arriving in the historical
If tiro or three passengers are still
A nurse's
£2. a clear savin c in one
of Lady Edwards was the subject of journey of nearly £3. Multiply this four ships he
and one said:
rangements we may now establish of
"Whatever ar- HE above shows the Crew of the "I'm Atontf
Biting, and it is believed that they LONDON, June 17. APPROPRIATION. a written judgment by Mr Page, by the tens of thousands of passengers provincial jurisdiction will be modified
irspped oat while the 'piano was being The Vienna correspondent of the Ethel Sophia Nicholas claimed £147 who iourney through the gap every by necessity or convenience." Again: unsuccessful attempt t
timd to shore. dis- vear, we shall readilv see that it is 'lf I had the administrative genims of
A nrvivoT, H. Catham, said it was
"Daily Mail" states that Anna Pis- 14s damages for alleged wrongful into scores of thous- and land
tova, aged 92, the so-called "Witch of missal and £1 4s balance of wages costing the people a Napoleon or a Caesar, I would not

"Old Highland"
Uttnoat awful experience in his life. Vladimirovac," near Belgrade, will bo
said to be due. Plaintiff accompanied ands of pounds a year more than it be in my present position, an incubus
tl« 'plane struck the water with a terrific would, and will do when the railway
on your energies, or an obstacle to
tried on murder charges, together with MELBOURNE, June 18. Lady Edwards from England and con- linked up.
•Win and men and women were mixed the widows of six rich farmers, as a tinued in her employ here, during which is It your progress." In his letters Home
all so much humbug, in the to the directors of the Canterbury
H» tfca floor in a struggling mass. Heavy Substantial economies outlined m time, at her own instigation, Mr Page is
result of an accusation that she prac- case of the railway through the Buller
lagfaff) ou top of them imprisoned tised with a supply of deadly love the Federal appropriations for Defence held, the terms of her employment Association in London time after time
Gorge, to assert its non-prodncti veness he insisted on the "disadvantage of
Ufa all. potions, which she sold to unhappy Ser- during the current year reveal a cut were altered with an increase of wages in sources of revenue for its short »t a distance," in that

to £2 2s, either side to give a weeks management
Th* rescuers only gave up when they bian wives. of £BOO.OOO, of which £400,000 is from length. It will tap an incalculable case of miles, in our present case of
*wt almost submerged themselves, by The police regarded her as a harm- the Naval vote and £250,000 from the notice of the termination of the en- wealth of timber, fruit, dairy-
mineral, time. Again: "The colonists have ob-

*«tk tine they knew that all within less herbalist until the mysterious
Air Force.—Australian Press Associa-
gagement, and with the understanding ing. and sheep and provide tained not only a large measure of
*• cabin
mast be dead.—Australian death of Burgomaster Carina, of Novo- that as plaintiff's husband was coming for an immense source of revenue from actual
power, but the inestimable ad- on the Louisiana Coast
««■ Association. selo, tast year. Madame Carina, a tion. to settle in New Zealand there should both our own people and that of tho vantages of being able to express with
pretty woman, aged 29, led a cat-and- for a return passage to who
dog life with her husband. The bodies
be no demand
great revenue producing tourists
Differences afterwards arose travel through the Buller Gorge, a-s one future."
authority their own opinions as to the
BUT there is no penalty for drawing your suapiiei
of Carina and 12 other men were ex- MAWSON EXPEDITION TO between the parties, ending in an
of the finest scenic place?, and scenic I am clear from what I have heard ot this famous old whisky from the Provincial Hotel.
AUSTRALIAN VICTIMS. humed, and autopsies disclosed veget- for wrongful dismissal. Judgment was railway routes in New Zealand, or n of Godlev and from his speeches and
where is only

able poisoning. ANTARCTICA. given for defendant. anv other country. From whatever letters that he would have welcomed it

12/- Per Bottle

Pistova pays that it was the wives' anMe we view the completion of this his removal from the centre of the
(Buewved June 18th, 9.55 p.m.) fault if they overdosed their husbands. railway—pxcept that of motor interests Square if it was the wish of the people
The widows declared that they SCIENTISTS SELECTED. CLOSING DAYS. —we phall see it "will prove one of the and for their benefit. Above a>l
SYDNEY, Jane 13. merely tried to revitalise their hus- finest investments ever made bv a Gov- things he was a son of the Church,
bands' love, and did not intend to kill THE "CROWN" STOCKTAKING country.—Yours, etc., and to be within the precincts of the (including a miniature bottle-gratis)
Sim Ickerson, the victim of the them. —United Service. SALE IS DRAWING TO A big CLOSE. ernment of this
**»MM>l disaster,residedat (CSTIT3D TEESS ASSOCIATION St

bar- w BURROWS. Cathedral would have been pleasing to

Provincial Hotel
air liner TKiEGBJ.PE—COPTBIGHT.) Call immediately! Very has re-
Nelson. Jui:e loth. 1929. him. At any rate he been
ftwtiim a few years ago. She,
gains in Ready-to-Wear Suits, Over- moved bv people who knew and re-
*»tk atfeer members of her family, was JAPANESE VOLCANO IN coats, Trousers, and Sports Suits, and spected him. and what has been agreed
Nine of the twelve scientists who attractive offerings to parents m many FARMERS AND THE to should be allow to stand. I would
•eriooa motor accident at Kelly- ERUPTION.

lines of Bovs' Suits and Shorts. bale» (Just a few doors past the Farmers' Co-op. on the

»*•, outside Sydney, and spent some will accompany Sir Douglas Mawson paraphrase a quotation of bis: "I
are not usual with the but
•anlka in hospital. on his Antarctic expedition will be
when we do hold a Sale it's a real one. would be rather governed byAngeU a Nero
right-hand side) 'Phone 1458
Mr Smith, of Melbourne, the other Australians. New Zealand will be TO THE EBITOB OF THI PRESS. on the spot than a Board of in
Twenty per cent, reductions *1

by the VILLAGES DESTROYED. Eepresented by Mr It. Simmers as London because we could cut r,ff
J**i»» waß booked to return
meteorologist. Together with the Aus- and a number of attractive Hfelf ware- Price Sir,—Would you kindly allow me Xero's head if the worst came to the
J*"** to Australia in August.—Aus-
wtßan Press Association. tralians, he will join the Discovery at lines. Crown Tailoring Co..
house opposite Clock lower, <W space to give a few lines on the drift worst, but we could not get at tl»e
I will not touch on the Board in London by pleading."' There-
Cape Town.—Australian Press Associa- to the city?
Colombo street, near Armagh street, fore we had better retain a useful Y.M.C.A.
tion. 627 Colombo street, near Tuam street. 14s a day, for a good man at casual shelter for the present than be slaves THE MAUI POMARE.
(Received June 18th, 7.15 p.m.) work can get the same in the country. to a reservation of the past.—"* our*.
SYDNEY RESIDENT KILLED. The reason why so many young people €IC —■ �- -
Fiction—The Cardinal's Mis-

New that they have only SHELTER MESTIN4.

An eruption of the volcano of tress. Benito Mussolini; The Jade- THINK IT OVER CAREFULLY. drift to the city is
June 18th. 1929. DUN ED IN, June 18.
{Raewed June 18th, 11-4t> p.m.) Of tie best known sewing machine* to work eight hours a day and get a
Komaga-take, 25 miles from Hakodate, Green Garter. Douglas Newton; The of Commerce decided
in the world none is sold at such
a The Chamber
half-day on Saturday and all local
U)NIX)N, J una IS.
Jfr Aka Fleming, a member of Dal- of the mountain.
is destroying villages sround the base
Straitsmen, Vernon Williams; The
Ti"-er of Cloud River. Ridgwell Cul-
lum ■ The Rich Young Man. G. M.
low price as the Sew Home at Min-
ions. The ten rears' guarantee pre- holidays and Sunday to themselves.
In the country one has work seven
A correspondent forwards u« a graphic range for an enquiry as
to writ'- to oth'T rh:,n-b.-ri
that the Government be aiked to

of Diraeicrt
■irT*Mj »<*'.-i «f tka T.B,C* tear*
k*:4 teat •»•■»•*. Mr J. W

vents all possibility of disappomtmen^

to to
\»V» Sydney stall', and a resident of The inhabitants are panic-stricken. Atteiiborougfa: The Umpire's Game. if
tLiVmrj praaMins.
already days week, if one is working a team, be had the Maui Pomare, and to *ee that
torß stmorii; the dead. Mrs Many casualties havePress been
R. Blaker; The Golden Altur. Joan
account of a vivid dream of the
Melbourne, whs reported.—Australian Association. anil from G a.m. to 8 p.m., and also other night of a visit made by him to tir** vefc*?l should be sold U* service Tr»«t€* »t»'i«.s it st<«r tha »ti: #f i*»»
*- »>>

fijwwn, of Brighton. Sutherland: Dainra. 'Ganpat" *:


has "The strange pa rt will bo maintained.

"•■tothcr.-Auhtniliiui a volcanic peak on Worsen Are Like That, E. M. Dela- if one is looking after sheep one the nether regions. Mrt t.u»s ii>« r."i ■'' li'i k*d tea*

l '
resS Assocla "

[Komaga-take is QUICK \ND EFFICIENT. no j o«4««aiaa4 to ih» tottewtiw ftvya* W«ri

Volcano or Uchiura Bay, to the north neld; Ireland, The Rock V. hence I to be at home on {Sundays for eight about it," he *ays, "was that it in
Was Hewn, Donn Byrne: Doctor Artz,
developing AND PRINTING I think it is way came uj. to my anticipates. In 1 Come,Mr Ba.»<UU. r:tinui #f *.»•

tf*» cable messages received failed of Hakodate. It erupted in 1552, and We do not rush our work—ior rcshed months in the year. and Furnish:r.jta
f Ma*. «*M that*. »»r»a»a aM*~«T< .

Robert Hichens: The Amazing Web. done fire

to at
again in 1556. Its altitude is 4010ft.] But we do re- £ibout time something was stead of a place breathing Statuettes. Eff.-< t:r-.- (oiiteiiog with ika yrf aaai ia>| at ••

identity «t

»grwj tho pj S. Keeler : price 6s: posted 6s Od.
work is never perievt make life and a box-nice Pric*. Ifcur.tT that add hji b*va fc«"»c di*r»*a*d. tot tl*t Ut» *«c«
•we whoregarding
were mfurd in tho t-ra>h. For the Infest in Novels and Genera! turn vonr negatives tomyon
tarm more attractive sulphur I was shown into L"w
.he shortest give a half-holiday on Saturdays in tbe compartment where nt a Pa'el.te who fin hire to cny home. O tainable
in milt** M s*l k»4 a* •'**»»:* JVM"Javaaa*
«W those who wrro killed. The tirst developed and printed

uua to «»k-
L. M. Isitt. Ltd.. slack time of the year. I know of "ingle or i"

Sf**s that Mrs Fleming a»d Mis* EXCLUSIVE FIRESIDE LitfrsTuro. 112 our scr\ ;c«. took mv nam.- and occupation on eartn wiite oriront hronz'- in V»r*o«» r«;'--r-.t rrwn**< f«'.nw#
•possible time.
\*e I>r:ivtor.s trrtu 3* Od.

Ca-hc! street, Chrisichureh, Book- some farmers who begrudge the boys

FURNITUKE and particular* of -W vices.

As a re- t;r vjr.s
and at ; fotiawi**:- -M*»bi.r»fe->—»•?•' *•*•*•»•■-
2?" hiter
n S '«»t th.-ir but sellers. Stationers, and Print-ers. iac* and Co., IW-crap-; • l

THE VERY NEWEST AND THE —C a half-day for icsoibalJ. of this examination I <va* Ti'KC -i Drayton's. 7f>> (Vom ■'« I r.nwr St* Mectaary Jll •■twiwy** I»#
indicated that they were Fliph street, 1 would like also to mention the sult to Sydenham. J total *€l. f-Etor. *f.S T*aV «M«aiH-r


Here 1
g«BB the rf-s<-i:--v!. It appears that question of accommodation. In some off the smoker's apartment. -<:>. Ft y«>*i—a r*»-»*4. »»»k*» •* •"*.-•

STRUTHFRS. offered wide selection of p:pe* l»»*f t.eaa raarkai, ••4

7*?&nhh, of Mel!.«urn.'. was rescued raeata
«.»• ••
was a
A fireplace, with the right fittings. instances the farmers would not like iatiiil
A SET OF nrY DE MACPAINT. smole ah wt; —Bon s*l ■ lit, «"

••The i;"st dark da.v of danger and hovels and tobacco and told I ronid
>,, *»»<«

■■« n*r father killed] Winter is her*. 'Fla perms are bciy. ictM'j* el*—» tf»- ft»l i»TI
itdds a touch of charm and comfort to 10 Vols.. WAS 42s 6d. NOW
to see their wai in the same
every room. See our new range of distress." —Your last dark day of dan- as the farm-labourer has to live in- In day 'Well." remarked I. "give me a
Ar.v dav eott or:- may attaek tou. You
2f>r nnd distress from
a cold will be for that i* the inly
summer time working in the dust, and tin of Edgeworth, cannot 'afford to lose a wt-ck'a
Art Brass and Copper Coa! Vases in the dav rou take Baxter's Lung Pre- AND WILLIAMS' SALE. is what *>»*4 tuifi.*
pleasing designs. Fireside Companions Encyclopedia, 10 vo!«. not a bath to have a wash, and J have tobacco I can smoke." "That Satellite- Protect vours<if with -Ronnington't Whateier the eavcte "f •

. JiAMES FQT> THE KIDDIES m Art Brass and Copper from 9s 6d server." Brings instant reiief, Pos- Chambers' into the thev all say,"' remarked the If allowed to ': e th«r« If o*># thins aer*-~Uht t*m*€*
|*« «w>e weeks now Mirw-ons h» T sesses unique tonic properties. Sale Price £lO. Hundreds of latest 6s heard a farmer say. "Get Irish Mosa taki-n daily.

too! "Consequently, we do not •otic*'

from for in charge. will act aa a ;is "!f AfOL Oit«» i»«t,»»t
Kerbs, heavy quality, novels no-r all 4s M each. Simpson water-rare'' when asked for a hath

to 355.
2? *«!!»« heaps of children's g*m«*-
32.s 6d. We also make Kerbs to your Invaluabloandin. cases of influenza. All
the whar*. I find that the farmer stock would Edgeworth here, for otherwise linger in the throat it j Sixty dOMa f»r ll M. —*
and Williams, Ltd.. 23S High street. —3 paint -—*
H»i»dow nnd choose n gooa" °"*-
chemists stores: large size. 4s Od: man, be hell.'' throat
Mason, Struthers and Co.. that thoroughly understands a this not
€<l, 9d. Is, Is Gd, and «w *

nredium. 2s 6d; small Is 6d. —3

19, 1929


Reading* by self-recording instruments at "The Trts*- CMftce, Chrittchmch.
up to 1 a.m. on Wednesday, Jane 19th.

(Wedara&a?). Jbb* :»ti

BODY. Today
PROGRESS. Thermo- TT -c. S.Vf. «,ROV\ES.
"Registrations ve«terday totallea 03-

V,—:-e:cr, :?.V. , •.:-.trrr-~r>-, 4?. , let'.eri, "-.4S ;:srl k t»:-,, «.Sj : t
and included 34 married men. Twelve oeter trair. ri »•''», '"■
meter . * ""

lEW. men were placed in private employ- f At tl.e Mir.ii' iprtl Concert Hal! las: f'-a*cs o: Mc---. ».;r..;
?!».'" y-'.: * Ij*»rl :*t M«u

i v. ?.» *e'-». at l a.m. V'tar* frora *■: V.'o'-'i . •"■■ *•» "

V '"
b r; 1 r -*w« <9m»
Mr Sidney Williamson's Festival Fcr Jus*:
«**. »- * *'**"

1 a.m.

at v

ment. ; >e :■ »> --"- : "' ,l

The figures relating to registrations
>.-.--.•. ;•--. J
'l '''* f

M«t»d*y iw aataaal
last week aid the previous wees are Choir very ably supported by an ofS- Last Q-:i:*cr: ~-.c ■vn-mTre-' ' ••;-t-'i.=
i : ■_
. tii« r»trriM as4 r~riiiiii ajaa;
cdu- T- s . T.s.! »•■•--■ r

' -If round learning and .villous presented lllgi.r's U Ch 13ui z.-...

» "»-
*~~ "

c "

j; lol'ows : eient orchestra, .»«>»• tl. ""«aBaL




•••••.•iou are what thr-y redly ought to Last

King Oiaf," and Dorothy Filkivs"s set-
i- f


NV* Moor.:

be separated." sail week. v.e<-k. ting of "The Rejoicing oi th,- Ho::r-/'

; !'•'. then they canot
applv-atior, 250 ;cl lb '-6ni ».':"-•
r w-:« -----
; *

1Bi.*fn..i, West-Watson, when speaking at Now Total at cad <>£ uc'.i.-.

which preceded it. Miss Fiik'as n--y
be heartily congratulated on her achieve-
rint Quarter:
-t.S a c;. J
!,TM' H»

j th-- opening of the new wing of Catho- Fit for heavv work
» -"
3 »

H:;h W.:<-r »t

sCte '■ - 14d 4b 45m ri.n: i a i

with well-invented themes, ela
... , ,--.
i •

a ■ « ' -»

Hot on the *2 10-2 ment, 1.-. '.te :

I i
-1 <ira! Grammnr Echoed yesterday

urter- Fit for lislu «-o-k 1

!* ...->-- 1
( r,- ' > .


Mo-3: T-vii;--. iro.-nT.c. "-■»*.

berated with good taste, and harmoni- I J

that 31 I<W <• K

" - - ' -"

d-<l o show Placed

-(,.,. -;
dooii. H>- + ...

C2d Ch 45m re. -

t -r, <J
ously .blended, the impression was wholly

... *

«-., ,
. -

psycho-analysis, so much used during 'MI

, ---

The Si placed were thus employed

trail of pleasing. Miss Kilkins will, in future To rr.T» ntorrvr:,:,
'he past t-11 years to explain a-.say it- LaffT Quitter : p-

' •*«

attemprs, be well advised to allow aftcrcear.. 3-4.

Hgioit, only ni.i-!e for disintegration, 'previous week's figures in parenthe- 30d Uh C-4rr. p.u.
v. "- - -= -'
s "

■' k-»-
« • «--.«
white religion was au integrative force. ses- :—Government oi>: works. 3 (p'iblje
t „

greater breadth of tone to the voices, Synopsis. Lr-.-.f !toc : *"*»•■ •


" -


Nunc people, said the Bishop, held works 16. forestry
local bodies. 73 M» at -C
limiting the recitative form which cuts
"" *-

3 a.m. Neon 5 ?~



O/JC a.m. MO r 3 1 *.r". fi- 1-f I

~. -.=-. -
* *

employment. j

5 <"3).
\ »•
. "

that the religious instinct: was either ■'27


private *rt

it down by declamation. "Weave tiie

SI-22 3!>.15 "f--

I" n- *■
30.13 , '»--• r
30.14 :».:■) r v ""
• *
# ,- '"

L-O.CD r ■'.-*
' -

the result of ages of conversion—a kind dance" is a particularly happy section.


i '3
- ,

Viierrcon:e:er ' :' *'J ■*'-* ;S *•

of fungus grown on people's minds The short solos were well sung by Mri

ic- ?t r=u:-s erxi«d 9 p. 3). �.jaterdir

*.' a*


'** *


or they said that what we classed as

*• '

ilinirtum temperature tor 21 heirs ended 9 ?.va. yeaurdaj— Z'jatj-

Kerr and Miss Eaglesome. J I~r -

religious instinct ought to be classified SOLDIERS. The chief work, "King Olar," fol- 'EalnSa'l for 24 hours '. a.n.. to-d»r— - Out«atnc 0t«»«»» Ma-la '
is ..«■«■■ •-

a v »
»*r», ra*.
in a different way. ' lie was sure that lowing so close upon the heels of "Carue- r. —t Ir

I'.aici.-'! :or June, 10>—3.">:.-.. y, ,

' -

»-',''' »•
"•* •»

J*r*««s a*.
r l

stand r
,- «

-would tacus,'" challenges comparison decidedly June, .;».a

most of those present 'Rainfall

lor 1329 f r
•rw JJ
* -•» "

»-ada ru' »-"

■Rainfall for 1926 ?o data—j.SCir.

*-* » *«,
' ''.,"**
the assertion that religion was not only Eighteen returned soldiers ar-j at in its favour. Its setting is more pic- 1 a-d
,Y. L '"
*t? *2?
«f.i r- >fr » »'

•Kaicfall tor IMS to date—lo.iJ.-_

of human life, bu:

one department a cer- a. 4

turesque, more varied, although

V»j- i-

* .

resent being employed by local bodies

, -,,-
be lived Sui :-h'.n- recorded en "T'-e P-e.->'' recorder ?e*erd: T_De:ore- r.oon.

th.'if, if human life was to

* '

tain moootony is inevitably imprinted

:< »•.

on various works, and will be replaced


3 h'.'irs -I") irin''tes; aftc; dool, J hours 20 micutef. Total. 5 t atava aa.
the i'lil), there must be an itnplic
bv the sombre, ominous, G minor key,
* •

•'■lt! *-•••.4

3»> minutes; 4|,

by a similar number at the end of the hours to tnirulcJ. Tc-.a' ear to

: 9!l i

faith and trust in God. c
that stresses the tragic trend, and is X

for corresponding las' ;m:, 643 boura 10 isir.ut** ; for k--vr V -»-r ' -

\ »-

If that were so, then a great deal week, the idea being to enable as many 1:

w *aa
rarely long absent. There is much \ivid
corresponding* period 1927, 37? hours -10 fcr 4-r* »= d

correspond- ro
aa t*mt
« '

whi-h had been done during the last as possible to be given relief. About
-* *
i »»i*t
ing penod 1325, "3D bou-s SO rcr-ute*. "1
toue-painting on original lines; pithy j'jj-* fcM tMa.

>■- c s r

'.en years in dividing up the human per-

' *

forty men are calling regularly



fcaref 4aw»

savings stand out with great effect, like


-ou.'i'lity might have been interesting secretary of the Association (Mr E. F. « .

-a i- —a
F i

k >«T{:t
Obf's, "I accept the Challenge,"' or


r.r.O"\ m: enough, but had not been on the real Willeox) looking for work. and wes-em di»tr:c!t o. ta'
" •

*■» ;-r-*«4 m>i

"W-? hear a lot "May Christ lift my Axe," and Iron- THE WEATHER. the nor*hf.-n »

North Jslsnd, and becoming g-r.eril cur: si- >T'«MU>i.4 »


In a number of cases private citi-

* -*»

road ox progress.
6/11 beard's, "AH father I come." Beauti-
*■ {Till

mild »J—«J
about. psycho-analysis,'' added the zens who have provided work for ua- the next fo days; tcrrperat':re». -

r ■ > •

r' «a*#r <aaa

ful is the recitative, "Sisters, Sing Ye,"

sp.-aker. "T fee J about that as Ido emploved returned soldiers have in- ;Jolcorolo-;cal
aki>i<; \»
when I sec a child with a watch, for formed Mr Willcox that they are well and very fine the Maidens' Chorus, also Magnetic t/osr rratory, Chr.stcbureh.
tuicri at ti'c
"Olaf's" Greeting." -Hut quotations

aUa «ff
*' "

ami '!'.'- aa*


wheel by satisfied with the service the men have

' '

instance, pulling it apart, and 5 p.m. on June ibih:— v
»r« waa

Froni wheel, having at length the satisfac- given them. The Returned Soldiers' As- could easily be multiplied to Elgar's 0 a.m. 5 n.TD. "•-1 l' f-n » >

<»-. tw •*» •#

tion of seeing the wat--h reduced to sociation subsidises such cases on a. £-1 glory. The ending is aa impressive as Baror-ivler .. .. liQ.lSl 30.117 (Fro readings taken at 4 '- "C
') Trains Leara ChrtJt*i&r:i
CxprtM r*
- •

'•)»#« <e&*4 as
its simplest factors, and then being for £1 basis. the tragic death of Olaf can inspire the Thermometer -

Station. V;ud. leather. Bar. Tb<?r. r-.- >-i I -is"* '

= «
>■•-�» tit-1 »•

is't- kr n ii
c- •»■ rv«, a,
Xh-7 bulb 42.1
..33 ard r.j,.,-,, mi

t ed'f'daT*.

faced with the task of discovering art of a great composer- Norfolk Island, 1

T\>i bull. ■ 52.-5 Jl.B

?>'.. itrcr.?,
� Tba'»da<« a= J £i-.-da > r -•».
'i «

*f—4 Mat
whether he can put it together again. Very high praise is due to Mr Wil- cloudy ■ £9.63

• ■** iT ■ ■* *

T'J-ii-. prev. 24 boar* .V.7 Ft

The result of psycho analysis has been VIEW OF LABOURERS' UNION. liamson, for the whole work was di-
Auranui, E.', bre<xa, CTtr-
1 r t* i! -r-"ii

-e d>T> »-t i-iiij

' *

Jlin. prev. 24 hours


ruing GLOVL' cast .. 30.01 cO r.''ii»'i C;s

disintegration, but in God we have a o-«

'-■> ■

rected with that penetration and effi- Max. in snn 77

.. SS CO.IO lJ

Auckland, U.5.7-1., , '-jl:t. overcast

.. • *
• •» •»• ••

factor making for integration, 'Who will ciencv which has so long been known
Ifin. on grass .. .. 22 A
blast Cape, X., .ire:"?, cloudy, ? Ho; tin 1 an- "

"-'•'i' r« >■»-..

M Oa>< tktl
Mas. during dey
'•Unemployment in tbo City seems to
' -

allow men to use their greatest power and appreciated. The chorus followed Humidity per cent.

..95 96 mod. sea St>.l3 61 Zt a= 4 c at 'ia s

for the betterment of the human race. have become chronic. In looking over his lead with full understanding, and Wind N.K.. Cairn. Cape E-rrnoni, X.E., li?ht, oTer-
He will let them go out and live their caat, smooth tea W.ll SIS Sucdars.

my annual reports I notice that since producing tone-gradations at his will, r. light.
Xapier. S.W., hght, cloud;-, PIONEEER SPORTS CLUB.
lives for the greatest good in Church Cloud (0-10.1 5
The examination room is 1924 we have had an
increasing number with ample volume where it was needed. ..4 smooth sea ?0!4 61 Ex prat* Traim K*ath CtrUtcttir:!

and -State--.
Similarly favourable comments were Kain ..

nil. ril. Farewell Spit, S.W., li-ht, o-.-j.r- From Tareri-ariri:;- 7.1S a.a. �
not the place where sound learning can of unemployed each successive

1923. IM9. T.l" r»•

cast, smooth 3". 10 £5 i a=d Fridara;

be tested; the real test comes in the latterly extending in a lesser degree merited by the members of the orches- Kain'ali date
9.334'1n 10.733:n

Stephen Island, \V., ii-rht, barj, Taeadiys, Tbarhdaj.'. a= d Raturc«>»- ■Jr i i'. ww* ■*
.., ...
.. ..

months," states tra, who played with admirable reticence Frora D-:n*dia: 5.3 0 ;-.rr<. or: V t
greater world where men are giving of through the summer
emooth sea ~0.! I if'
and refinement. Mr Vernon Griffiths':? \S><in»fd»Ts Fr i»T». »'-i ,-~r
.- •-

the president of the Canterbury General Wellington, >".. lijh'. cloud* 51.12 -r. l>tn«te»4, W**aft
| Tatsdatf : : t'-v; ■. ,r
Boys' Out&Ucrrj their efforts unsparingly for good."
• i v*
Men's and &J
i da"-*' Oamar-j: Mondays
.. "

T.19 p.m.
graceful service at the organ also calls

Two Snops : Labourers' Union in his annual report. forecast.

Cape Campbell. N.W., »'Cn ->

Fron 7.1? p.~:. r:aaya. « »

"The present indication is that this j Fmm HokitiVs: ? ra. on Taefdays


for special commendation. overcast, hboo'.ii sea .. 30.14

78 AND 1T.9 MANCHESTER ST. A cyclone is centred near IN'ontlk Island, Greymouth, 11., listt, o*-cr«.-as:, '-r »rt sri: i*- i>» rrr«*rt mwi VIA a> ■ *<•»

PORT AND CITY winter will be as bad as the previous Although an ancient Hero is consider- while a deep depression islocated over the e-A-ell 3C.J3 4S
» Thurada'". t=a PaturdaT.. _
'•.c-rr-.;t 'h-;r'j 1;:;-'t" rr-ir r-«*t?t*« faajl
The only practical effort of the ably handicapped having to wear modern
mod. .. ..

| Fri-Tri'Pa.-sßJr.:*: 5.:." r tt - d »"7' «'*>■ i af:r»»o*>ri. 1>- »li*h rMkm «■


ones. central and southern Tasman Se-t. Akaroa Lighthouse, N.W., hsbt. Sa=dar«.
Ward Government to find work for the evening dress, Mr Harold Prescott ex- Present indications are for freshening cloudy, JO. 11 46 ; rfti at ihf Vtirtfcrot* t"aaa tfataw «t S.H
LEAGUE. unemployed in evidence so far is the pressed himself forcibly and took first norther';* winds, becomiii-r strong* in places
Mu-rgct Point, 2>"., brcere, cliudy,
sea .. ..

j Dapartura of TarTy Btaa»«r Trataa. ; and ■ t»»«t TT-:er*iUnr te< *or*t c mifmm
£25 000 grant to the four cities. But, as rank among the soloists. Mrs Anthony especially in the North Island; seas gener-
ally smooth to moderate but rising north of
rough sea . 30.14 47 «;n r. la. train daily ««pt Soodaya ■ tioa *i. c-'J te »itt.rf*eil.
—, «
on Puysegur Fount, >\V.\, l:ght, M"aday.. T'letdayt Tn-jra
this money is being spent mainly Edwards, as Sigrid, Miss Ella Thurlow East Cape, later
increasing generally; north- cloudy, mod. sea- 30.02 53
730 pt
<1 S»:-.rd»:- •hro-ssl
road maintenance and repair work .. (»»tj, »=

as Thyri, and Mis 3 Mabel Eaglesome as

which, to a large extent, would have
Gudran, were close rivals for first hon-
erly winds becoming 9trong in the eastern
Tasmai and seas becomic? rousrh especially
Chatham Islands,
roue-h sea
V., hi-jb,
SO.C 6 43
eipre*s tr» ns r >.

BOBTOCK SHOES for !*«•*,

"I Q/ft
to be done as ordinary Council
work, its All Shapes. Stylet as* w'»
.. ..

in the northern portion; lb? weather cloudy Svdner, X.W.. light, overcatt 03.61
ours among the lady soloists.
effect on the unemployed will be very

The performance was largely patro-

and miety generally -aitb rain setting in over liobaft, N.M.W., Hr-rri, cloud.- ».3i ..

A meeting of the Port and City
smalL The promised work by the
nised, but the temperature of the even- PATENT ONB-BA* SHOW 40/ 1 fi/ft
League executive was held last evening present Government of linking up the
ing seemed to have affected the display
PORT OF TIMARU. All Designs. Mate to IX

at the residence of -Mr J. R. Hayward, appear to be too late to

Cashmere Hills. Present—Messrs

railways will
materially affect the unemployed prob- of enthusiasm which would have been
amply justified by the festive event.
SHIPPING. The Wingatui ia due to-morro* from Dun-
edin and Tiniaru. She takes in cargo lor omw shoes, tmate *
Auckland. rnoss,
W. Freeman (chairman), A. L. Mac-J. lem this'winter."
The Calm ahould be here to-morrow from Jon* l*tr. Tue«d*y,
i'arlane, W. K. Lascelles, F. W. northern ports. She it to sail in the after-
Cnioa Steam Eh:; 'MEWS "TUFHIDE•• Sato 9/7/■
lielton, J. 11. Hayward, F. G. Dunn PORT OF LYTTELTON. noon with cargo for Bluff, Dunedin,
and Poo. la, from Doaedic.
Company, afeata. and Heel Eailwajr B—*«■L
§/9 ~

(treasurers, and H. M. Chrystall (sec- The State Forest Service now has 204 "THE BELLAMY TRIAL." The Cycnet, due to-morro-.v night from Holmdale, from Oamsru. Jofca Moody Guaranteed. OPB TMCI
men at work in Canterbury—l2o at Kaikoura and Wellington, will sail the fol- ,S D
BiineiiJi. D. C. Tei-aW I ELSEWSHB ■/«•
A, letter was received from the Cbritt- Eyrewell and 134 in the Hanmer ARRIVALS. lowing night on the return trip. B r««, from
church City Council relative to the ti'ict The Kartigi is duo at Lyttelton iron Wei*- aod Co., agects.
enquire Another 10 men will probably *«
Tuesday, June 18th. port, but her arrival is indefinite. She »i'.l
iettinK up of a Commission
into the tunnel road proposal and ask-
ing tho League if they would under-
to be sent out to Eyrewell this week, and
that will just about complete the quota ROYAL.
iisori, s.s. (6.55 a.m.), 3488 tons. Toten,
from Wellington. Union Steam Ship Co.,
discharge coal and then sail for Timaru,
Danedin, and Bluff.
Tuatdaj-, Jao« llih. caahshob
for this season's work. The men will agents. The- Progress is timed to load at I.yuH'.on
Poo!*.a. for Lytteltoa.
take the necessar.v arrangements. It he employed till about the end o* Sep- Kaimonawa, s.s. (11.25 a.m.), 2380 Jon?, on Saturday for New Plymouth and Waikato. Holmdala, for Lruehon. —t*i?#
was decided to -do no. Ghristchurch has seen and heard enough,
Fisk, from Wellington. Union Steam Ship The Surrey is due to-morrow from Welling- Breere, for Ljiteltoa.
tember. Co., agents. ton to continue discharge of her Kc-.t York
The chairman reported that a depu- of "talkie" pictures in the past few daye cargo.
tation from the League had waited on �•Mel to Port.
An B.P.S at night to realisa that the speaking picture is to DEPARTURES. The Waipiata is due here on Tuesday fro«n motoe sutTicsa,
Will keep your Hirer rigM. tho Motor Traders' Association execu- Auckland and Wellington, and sails the same
BOROUGH COUNCILS. become a greater force in the amuse- Goldea St»te.
tive on the 11th inst. and explained Tuesday, June 18th. day for Dunedin and Bluff.
TUT THEM ment world than the older, silent film, and The Tees is due about Saturday from the
TAKE THEM the jcheinc, and that the deputation Plume, s. oil tanker (4 p.m.), 6521 tons, Expected Arrival.
the public have an excellent opportunity of Ramsay, for Dunedin. Vacuum Oil Prop., Chatham Islands, and is to tail on Monday
PKOVE THEM had received a most encouraging re- from Oamara. to d»r-
seeing and hearing the new scientific achieve- Ltd., agents. for Auckland. Corinri.
ception. It tras decided to write thank- ment at the-Theatre Royal this
week, where Tho Jfahia ia du» at New Plymouth on Winyatoi, from
1 /» Oliomists and Stores Everywhere.
inj: them for their offer of support KAIAPOI. "The Bellamy Trial," as produced pictori-
Waikouaiti, n.?. (4.15 p.m.), 3680 tons,
Watson, for Picton. Union Steam Ship Monday from Australia to commence Kuapchn. from Wancaooi, to-mono*.
She will also load at Wansanui. Lyttchon Gal* from Danedin. tomorrow.
& CO. and asking them if they would in due The fortnightly meeting oi tho. Kaiapoi ally bv the Metro-Uoldwyn-Mayer Corpora-
Co., agents. (June 28th aDd 29th), Wellington, Napier. Kaimanawa, from Puaedin, Jae» 21tt,
Hiilrlbutcn WU'jlcej.lo
course convene a conference of the Borough Council was held last night.
motor organisations with the view or ent: The Mayor (Mr W. H. A.
tion, with dialogue and musical accompani-
ment reproduced by the complete Westera-
John, s.s. (7.10 p.m.), 3-12 tons, Hawick,
for Wellington. Kinscy and Co., Ltd., Gipborne. and Auckland. She is to fail from
Auckland on July 13tb for New York, Bos-
Caoadiaa Transporter, from L;-tteltoa, Ja» IW&TSQMCBI!
SSk'! >
their support. Greenwood, M. Hamsay, A. li. Klectric "talkie" equipment, is being pre- agents.
Proerws, from Daae4iii. Jau« 21ft.
G. Maori, 6.3. (S.lO p.m.), 34£0. tons, Toten, tori, and London.
and Crs. sented.
, ,

The Corintbi- i« to proceed from Auckland Karticl, from Lyt'e'toa, Jaae 23rd. II UHCti-DCXEPfX EXPRESS
A letter was received from tho Can- Brown, A. iinklater, i\ Thome,
H. Mcln- In its silent form "The Bellamy Inai for Wellington. Union Steam Ship Co., l
was considered to be a s*>PP in S
<4D(i ruoit to continue loading at Port Chalmers. Storm, from Dnned-fi, Jona "ith. UAILY MOTOM fcEBVICR.

terlniry Progress League inviting the tosb, H. ttinaldi, J. D. Williams, and £. J.

Timaru, Lyttelton (June 29th-Ju'y Ist), end Valacia, from Duredia, Jane tita. a] hatd».» brrttc <««mclm( •»*». W*
unusual picture, but in its dialogue form Kaimanawa, s.s. (6.30 p.m.), 2380 tons,
Port and City League to attend the i'ollard. amazingly realistic. Contrary to what might Fi=b, for Dunedin. Union Steam Ship Co., Wellington. She (sails from London on July Cairn, from Danedio. Jco» 25th. j " litiCtoß Fwry Tmia.
t.oxt n!«■>«.■ tiuy and discuss the tunnel Wai.makaru'i Harbour is
6th for Southampton, and London, viaChalmers.
Panama. Maimoa. from Port Chatmert. Jure 27th.
{Care 6.12 *-m. I>»»1» tw
oi the is almost Depart
Tho tetretary
specifica- be expected, the American accent agents.
Corir.thi*. from Fort Cha'.mer*. Jane CT-!
toad scheme. It was decided to accept Board wrote iorwardirg plans ana entirely absent, and every word spoken, or Expected Arrivals. The Tort Auckland is it Port
tions" oi proposed alterations to Hansen d even whispered, is as distinct as ii
the and is to load at Bluff, Timaru, J.itteltc-n G»!e, from Punedin, Jace 57t'u. ITIMABtr. PEMBKQILE, (JtEEKfTOWB;
the invitation. Buildings, tor tne Councii t> approval. • The
Tbo secret.!rv reported that the first letter was received, and the inau and speci- s audience were actually listening to actors
Tlimatangi, Wellington, thi3 day.
Tutaneka:, Wellington, this day.
(•Juno 23rd-26tb>, and Wellincton.
from Wellington on July Ist for London,
She ra-.s P»'-», from Tk'eUingtor, end of Jac».
Cjmb»rUsd, from Ljtlelioc. er.d of J-j
Tl« Palnj<"*t<»ft. iUsrari*. Md Ci—•*.
issue of the tunnel road bulletin would fication approved. .
and actresses on the stage.
there is still room for improvement in th'.s
Admittedly M.'iheno, Wellington, this day.
Holmdale, Timaru. this day. Avonmouth, Liverpool, and Glasgow, via Surrey from Bloff. Jaly \\\t. I Tu*-»i«T», Thursday*. Batitnia**.
he-published in the course of the next The Chief Surveyor, Christcliurch, -vro.e PipiriWi. from Ljttcltor. Acrast 10th.
stating thjit in some cases tocal bodies in
latest phase of screen entertainment, bit Breeze, Timaru, this day. Panama.
The Rsran~a Wvn Liverpool on July 6th Golden Coatt, from TV«l!i«ion. A»im«t I.
few days. roads had destroyed or die- "Tho Bellamy Trial," with its supporting Poolta, Timaru. this day.
for Auckland. Wellington. Lyitclton. T>utv Tain-ii (port not fixed'. 3PIJ1 ] TOVK, »i» Latarreaca. Boehatfa, «■
The financial statement showed that reconstructing placed survey murks, which. v,.-s an offence
programme, proves conclusively th.-it the "Maori. Wellington, June 20th.
cdin. and Blaf?. She is d'ie at Auckland Golden Wei*, from Dscedia. Xorember
€lO l'_'s had received, in dona- under the Land Act, 192-1. The Department "talkies" are no longer experimental, bus Canadian Transporter. Wellington, June -0.
C'orinna, Timaru, June 20th. on August 13th. >.ev-
i sEirnaL daily
tions since the last meeting. Account-! was willing to co-uperate with local bodies are an accomplished fact.
Surrey, Wellington, Juno 2uth. The Australia ;s to *a ; from l T^r: »«p»rtiirtt. FroJeet*d Trawl W
"The Bellamy Trial," which occupies the

totalling £l2 IT.s 8d had been passed to the preservation of tnese marks, and he on Saturday or Monday for Au'k'snd. We.- Coriopa. for LytteUoß. to-day.
whole of the second half of the programme Calm, Wellington, June 20th. <ibr9arl»mit 3?Y.\.
tftiked it the Council would advise when road linston. Lyttelton. Timani. and T«m«>di->.
for navmrnt, lcaviir; cash in hand £7 reconstruction work was being carried out. is a murder mystery drama, but wonderfully
Wingatui, Timaru, June 20th.
Cygnet, Kaikoura, June 'JOui. Th* Canadian Highland*- I'atM Montreal
Wingatui. for Ljttelton. to-day.
Bcokiße*. nag C4W or JIM. Af«e% iS
lis 4cL It was decided to advise the Department effective as an" exposition of the union of
Totara, Wellington, June 20tb. on Mondav for Auckland. Well'-.rt"". dje it-
l.ytt" Goldea Slate, for Dtinedm. tomorrow.
Gait, {or Ljttekon. tomorrow. [ arei t ton.
The secretary reported that he had when reconstruction work was being carried sound with pictures. Actually there is iio
Gale,, June 21st. ton. Timiru. and Pnn-dir.
Sh* :e
Vrogre?'. for WelJinjrl«p. June J»».
dialogue until the picture is nearing its -

written to the secretary of the Tedding- cio*e, but the musical accompaniment to the Progress, Timaru, June 22ad. Auckland ab«ut 7*h.
Kaimaoawa, for I.; Melton. Jnr.e SI".
The secretary- of the Kaiapoi Circulating The Canadian Challenger i« to «*il _-nm
ton Flats Reclamation Scheme enclos- Tees, Ohathams, June 22nd. Kuapehu, f«r Wellington. June t2rd.
Appointment Librarv wrote forwarding the annua! balance-
ing reclamation data and endorsing a sheet, "showing a credit of £l3 Is
picture is wonderfully synchronised, and the Kaimacawa, Timaru, June 33rd. Montreal on July 3.--h f"r Au-U»r.l. Wel- Canadian Traßjporter. for L>un»din. Jnne

score is cleverly arranged to "linkup" with and T>nnedii. ■

oolicy of rrdamntion in Lyltelton har- 4d anyd vo behalf o: the committee asked everv emotion r.-hich the audience experiences
Port Auckland. Timaru. June 23rd.
Waipiata, Wellington, June 25th.
':-cton T.vtrelton.
She i* duo'at Ancklsnd about September 7th.
Karttgi, for Dunedin, .'in C4lh.
the "The Bellamy
To the King" bour on the lines of what was .pro-
that the usuai grant of £3O be put on
estimates for the current year.
cided that the usual annual
It was de-
donation to the
as the story is unfolded.
Trial" is
Law when
the story
Sue Ives" and
told in a
Court of
Kurow, Dunedin, June 2Sth.
Mahana, Port Chalmers, June 2Sth.
Mania, Wanganui, J'ine 2eth.
The City of Lincoln
T n ; T 3r,,j, AneklcM, Welling'."'!.'e -
ton* and Dmedin. Sh» «h"-ild irrive at
Storm, for T-ytteltor. .tun* 2«th.
C»ln, for Lyttelton. June -Ctl-
Maime*. fOT Waiknlcopn. J una COth.
Phr*m M—t o#W*.
librarv funds be made. stand their trial for the murder of Miami Oorinthie, Timaru, June 29th. Ar."V.':a-.d nbont September 3rd. Oil?, for I.j-tteiton. June 27th. irsi. GLOUCESTER ST., I'-O
I' NdL A N O sends us the The" Medical Officer of Health, Obnstchiiren, Mr F. Warren hm rc'ieved Mr V
hr:st>e ~,.,.
TWato* IWtl _ Oppati!*
■wrote drawing attention to the state ot tbos
Bellamy. Kia Ora, Bluff. June 30th.
M- Thnat:* Oorinthie. for Lyttelton. Jus* 3**h.
World's finest toilet soap BANQUET AT BLUFF. Karetn, Timaru, July Ist. ns chief officer of the Mannka. Paaa. for Dunedin. »tid "' Jore.
women's conveniences at "The "Pines," and Cumberland, Wellington, July 2nd. ha* been appointed mtfter "f *>f '*-'?;?»■ Cumberland, for Dunedin. of .T-joa. XEI.SOX-T3CI; VS.RBA EXFIEM «W-
"Krusinic HerbioJp.'* English- recommended that as they were used exten- Menuk.i, Welliugtou. July 2nd. Th« Port Campbell, eu route from Welling- --TICE. VIA KAIKOCSA. »U3CBEt*.

Surrey, for New Plymouth. Jo'y 11th.

women prefer it above all others. sively during fine week-ends, that they re-
COMING. C'ty of Batavia, Wellington. July 7lb. ton, if reported to bare niled f'jm Monte- Pipiriki. for Dnnedin. l Jth. r A.VU riCTON. 1* O*E DAT.
ceive attention each .Monday, and also be Kaiapoi, Dunedin, July J n ih. video on Friday afternoon for T.nnd"".
Ua pure vegetable oils feed the inspected on Fridays, so that their condi-
Cfolue-i Coatt. for Danedin. Aofitt 14th.
HON. MR I)E LA PERRELLE Waihemo. Napier, Jub" 13th. Tair.ui (port not fixad). September "oth. WHITE DIAMOXU <.AEA«E. CLOt/W*
tissues of thj! skin and maintain tion at the week-end would be satisfactory. Port Dunedin, Wellington, July 14tc. GoM'n West, for Auckland. N>T«-mber 1". TER KTBEET.
It, was decided to confer with the Pines Surrey, Dunedm, July 14th.

its imooth firm texture. HONOURED. A FULLERS' ATTRACTION.



Beach Association in the matter. Golden West, Wellington, July 11th. Sotts. ftnokieg CMS**:
The Evre County Council wrote ahking if Hororata, Auckland, July J 6th.


the Council would support the following reso- Canadian Conqueror, Wellington, Jnly 16. The Breef*. irons Duaedis. arrired htrr


Off>-c «;'<M»f»wt»f *hW"

lution: "That this Council approach thr. City of Salisbury. Wellington, Jnly 23rd. yeaterday. aad sailed late' for Lyttelteo !*•**
with a. request

Minister for Public Works Jfataroa, Wellington, July 24th.

The fnlTnTSr? are it><r ran;- of
■ Wellington. Pietnn, sad Waojranu'. L*«t» s<;t:»r« Dw'r. '•* «-*- - -

that a further snbsidy be granted to the .Northumberland, Wellington, August 2nd. The Valaeia >s dje here om Jnr.t tV.h S".Xt6f'f.
INVEROABGILL, June 18. Uncommon interest attaches to tho Sir the wlrel**! »t»»<«-■«:--

Trust for the comple-

Waimakariri River protection from Donedin, to r-ontinao dirrharyios c»n- W. POPE. Tiapartm

Mr John Fullers' suprr- Australia. Wellington. Angurt 7th. An-kl^—Tnfua. r.ra!iT...Cross Wair-*. T-.-
Benjamin and
The Hon. Mr de la Perrelle (Minis works on the Port Gisborne, Wellington, August ltth. oral carso from Home.
-j 1

tion of the flood Benholm.

HERB SOAP mar.ian Transport S.<u'herr
1 i

and Cust rivers, and that an addi- mu3ical comedy pea-son of "Bio Rita," start- Canadian Highlander, Wellington. Aug. IS. Tha Corinnt, from Oimirj, dua h«-re t"
fitr rf Da'h.irt, l.iwheath. Si"-ra. T>aVinv:-n.

ter for Internal Affairs) was enter- the Proposed di-
tional turn be si"» n,e(l forinto ing at the New Opera Houee on Monday, July Pipiriki, Wellington, August 16tb. VTeUiaftoa, NeUoc.
Veronica. Tsra-ati. Yo?cric. Fl«rrfr;rs»e. Ma- day to load for

verrion of Collier's creek the Cust river BUBIHKM VOXIOM.


tained at a banquet by his Bluff con- Tainui, Wellington, August 13th.


and New Plynioutb.

"It lasts longest' below Stoke, and that the Minister be asked lrt, for several reasons. Chief of theSe is that ho"t. Kddrn. .\or»nr : . r»a-»din. i« d-:» r»re

Karanga. Wellington, August 27th. V-"-;. The Winsat-ji.

We!!inrt"n —Mah»no.

stituents on Monday evening. The


to receive a deputation from the interested it brings Australia's roost distinguished and r.akipaki, Wellington, September 3rd.
Arahura. Ni"<rsra. PurMir. Piom.d*. Tre<cyp. to-day to load for Lyitelton, Weliiajton, and
Ct.MS A MAXTO.V, LTD., WelltneWa, Mayor preside,! over an 'attendance of local bodies at ths earliest possible oppor- honoured actress, Gladys Moncrieff in the Canadian Challenger, Wellington, Sept. 14. Brunsiri'k. Atirkiacd.
Matnkans. Kairargs, Mating) nc;.

tunity." The letter was received. Storm, Wrptport, indefinite. The Kartisi is d<:« here oa Sunday »»:!

Hole S.Z. Agenti for .'•gratmir." 300. The Hon. Mr Cobbe (Minister The invitation of the Kaiapoi Branch of
title-role oi Bio Rita, supported by a bril- MiIKTS
liant company of famous international artists Kartigi, Westport, indefinite.
Awarus —Tahiti. Aelybry. **<*'*■
T">- from Lyttelton. and wiU »ail the following SMART
for Marine) represented the Govern- the Mothers' Union to attend a meeting o* day for" Danedin and Bluff. FOX

Soap 1 oleum r«r/«me#. including America's popular dancing comed- Maimon. Karetn. Port Anrfc.ard Mann.*. WOOL
July 4th. when Dr. Phillips. Medical Inspec-
Tie Kaimanawa. from Dtinedin, i*
- -

Cfcathams—Cumberland. Kai Ora.


Projected Departures.

ment, and there were also present the ienne, Janette Giimore, who made a tremen- Kl\ S TYJAIiAS
tor of .Schools, will bpeak on "Open-Air here on June 21st. »nd is if nil on tha-

"Deputv -Mayor of Invsrcargill, . the Jtaheno, Wellington, this day.

Schools," v,» 3 secerned. dous hit in New York, also Dave Mallen,
Poolta, Westport, this daj. dav i"or Lyttelten. "WellinglT. »cd Aifilaed
Mayor of Gore, Judge Gilfedder, of the The Clerk, Kangiora County Council. Broadway's favourite humorist. "Bio Rita" this day. The Raapehn, from Wenganci. ia du# h»r» OtMy;
wrote advising that the Council was pre- is acclaimed by the famous critics of the
Breeze, Httt»r, W«r*r.
Native Land Court, Mr T>. MeDougall,
pared to pay half the cost of the perman- theatrical world as the super-musical comedy
Holmdale. Wellington, this day. SHIPPING TELEGRAMS. to-morrow, and ia t*> l*ai» on Fittjrday f«r
Wellington, where ebe will romplete loading 51 Hiflt »trtrt •»< 10* CmM
M.P., and Mr Tuiti Makitiuara. M.P. llimatangi, Foiton, Juno 20th.
ent paving of the North road from the production, by its distinctive atmosphere in for How.
Used Oar Bargain.* Mr Perrelle rss congratulated by
Southland lo<al body representatives
Beach road to the county boundary.
letter was received.
The story, gorgeous settings, and modern frock-
f'orinna, Wellington, June 20th.
Tutariekei, Akaroa, June 20th.
LONDON". Jane It-
The Hobndale. f»"m Oamaru. arn»ed her*
yesterday, and Mil»d lat»r for T-yreitmi.
MONTHS' GUARANTEE IN WRITING. on ing direct from Paris. J<3 suave comedy, Wingatui, Wellington, June 20th.

Model. Two his promotion to the Ministry. Tri- The annnal vote of £3O to the \r.C.T.T7. cleverly-contrived surprise situations, unique (aim. Bluff, June 20th. Arrived —At London. Otira. Wellington, and Wanitanu-. TAIN thM 8»«n
LRSKIN ftEOAN~LRt« F I creche was agreed to.
solo and ensemble dancing, brilliantly colour- WahHc, Wellington, June 20th. Sailed—Port Campbell, f™ Montevideo: The Eur'", from 81-jff, i* «?"'•* *»"*

months old. Only done 1600 mile*. Ap butes were paid to his work, not only Mr H. C. Kev»H wrote with reference to from New York—Australian on July 3 Ith. and i» to §«i! t! r ume day WILLIAMSON'S CT COLOMBO *X.
j i

ful lighting, sparkling musical numbers, and Maori, Wellinston, June 20th. Port Gisborne.
for the province, but for the Dominion, fencing of roads at Ke-rotueka, and said he Gale, Wellington, June 21st.
Press Association, United SL\A.iceJune l«. for New Plyrpouth. <".\*t*' St AaafJb •**""*»:,
STUOCBAKER COACH -IW mileage. Special Six would bo pleased to meet members of the captivating orchestration, which has the
. .

and the portfolio was declared to be


Canadian Transporter, Timaru, June 21st.


Model. l»on« v «*«•>■ I'mall In

Council to discuss the matter. The 'Works tinklesome prettiness of all the Flo-ens: i Arrived veaterda7 evening. Hurunui.United
from J
iierfeei, order - *MS justly deserved. Cygn»t, Kaikoyra, June 2IeJ.
FORD TUDOR SEDAN-fci.L. and S.fe. In
la a long speech Mr Cobbe referred Committee were asked to confer with Mr Ziegfeld productions. A Melbourne critic in (Surrey, Dunedin, Jupe 22n<l. T.ondon.—Australian Press Association,
describing the opening night, writes: "One,

Revel 1.
to the land settlement policy of the
Progress. Wellington, June 22nd. .Service.
The North Canterbury Power Board -wrote shyly tremulous note, oS-stage by
Government, which, he said, was being ■with reference to the agreement for the sup-
clt of electric current to the borough. Tha
Gladys Mr>ncrieff during the early moments
of 'Bin Fita' on Saturday night, was sufficient
K'aimanawa, Wellington. June 24th.
Tees, Wellington, June 24th. Arrived. Kalingo. from Gieymouth.—Aus-
tralian Fre=s Association.

handled in a firm, decisive manner. Waipiata, Dunedin. J'ine 23th.


letter vae referred to the Lighting Commit- SYDNEY, June if.

Mr Perrelle said that the Govern- to send the Princess audience into something- Port Auckland. Wellington. June 26th. 1(. FEB CENT. ASI> POSTAGE. W**»
tee for a report.
veiging on hysteria for several minutes. Kurow, Wellington, June 23th.
' Arrived. Ciir.iaroa (6 t-.nO, from Auckland.
ment was carrying out its election The financial statement fhowed receipts Press
Mahia. Wellington. June 29th.
£l7B 3s lid. d»bit bank balance .?162r> l?s There was no mistaking the famiilar voice, ]g New Maternity Ward.
pledges, particularly with regard to

and when, after a tense hush, the singer her- C'orinthic, Wellington. July Ist. 'enders a= d romTnr-r.r-Tnt"'
for workers and
lid, accounts for payment £9O 17s 3d.
Manuka. Dunedin, July 2nd. Arrivd, Mr»rama («."0 a.m. >. <f-m Sydney, The letting '■'.
providing money ee'f appeared the applause thundered out WTLKBLRY COI-LECTtiG AGO

TaranaVi (6.45 r.nO, frorn G'sborn-. of work on the r»w rr.aternilj- vard t.. ?.-
ane-v, and bouquets rained on the atajre. Cumberland, Timaru, July 4th.
settlers. Loans authorised from tin- Sailed, Yoseric (12.1 i a.m.'. Mr

Gee.erg; I.yitelton h» - -e been he'd

j i

erei-ted at West
thu road. *IS.
Another Two at
Good State Advances department from De-

COURSING. The first night wis 0 series of successes,

not only for the popular idol, but for the
City of Batavia, Dunedin, July 9tn.
Kaiapoi, Wellington. July 11th. Aorangi (5.25 n.m.l, for ?T&r.-7-
WELLINGTON, .1.1.-% 1». Tnblie Health. The Vnrt!i Canterbury iW
N«t Bank ef N.Z. '»•■• *VH
J«r 3s cember 10th to May 31st numbered Waihemo, Dunedin, July 15th.
* *'
Tvhole company and the producer. All the j Arrived, Maheno i7.*"» a.ui.'. from Lytl-:- pi»a'. Board has set aj-ide the of i ".'><*• ••:>->

3-SEATER. With dicky 1465 to settlers, valued at £1,762,770: Tcrt Dunedin. Dunedin, July I6lh.

OLDSMOBILE colour that can be extracted from a plot Kaoonga {11.35 a.m.). frcra Lytteitor:: for the erection and fS'.t:n;-up of the ward.
Canadian Conquemr, Timaru. July 17th. ton;
"^"J -**'

5 to workers 1866, amounting to £1,610,- *~i HA HAM »*

».«at Crenet (9.40 p.m.l, from Ka:koura.
IPFESJ ASSOCIATION TEI.EGIU3*.) that covers Mexico and Texas is in 'Bio Rita,'
■■• •

Hororata, Port Chalmers, July 18th.

i «*£■■
~>oo; a total of 3331 loans, of the value NEW PLYMOUTH, June 1?. through which runs music, dancing, and Nor'humberlaod, Dunedin, August sth. ! Sliied, Brunswick (7.15 a.rr. , 'or Me.- Harbour Light The**, re.

comedy in abundance. The staging is 16th, Kartigi (1.25 p.m.). for .■-.-tyoit: The Harbour Lijtbt Theatre vas nell f,; .-d
FORO 3-SEATER-Colomal body; EX. and of £3,373,325. tho same Canadian Highlander, Timaru. August
Between The New Zealand Coursing Derby was won *-en- : bourne:
la*t evenin-. hen a four-at.! mystery dr»m«.
value of £1,198.- to-day by B. Hurley's (Patea) dog, My orous; the costuming vivid and spectacular." Pipiriki, Timaru, August 3 3th. lutanekai (2 n.m.l, for Lyttelton . Maunca- -»

£3O dates 956 loans of the

SS "The Midniebi Mytery." -ras pret-erled hy
i J

OVERLAND-Sinter; K.L. and S.S. settlers, while Jewel. ITie New Zealand Oaks waa won The box plans for th 9 Christchurch season Canadian Challenger. Timaru, Sept. low. ! nui (3.15 p.m.\ for San Francisco; M»h«>no the
OLDSMOBILE TOURER CSS 900 were paid over to -riH open at The Bristol on Thursday June Kartigi. Timaru, indefinite. n'm'i. for ' Lvttelton T-.toVi, for Kerson. Victor Friae* Draft a F'.ayrr.. Ti.<■ \->.*- 7inr, r,»i k>J Wroorkt Ir»».
bv G. A. McKenna's (Pa€ea) G»h Box.

in full of thrill" and eun-ri'ts,

FIAT SALOON 503 Model. Perfect to workers a total of 2064 loans were

■27th. !■"
' "

PUNEDIN. June I s . 'oaiLni'd


order -■ Dona ■ *3W

paid, the value being £2,178,450. Xew Arrived. Gale M0.40 a.m.). from !-: Uclten;
■with .fun »nd excitinj *::na*Ton». As S-indt C'.»»ilc»'oJ WASTE MATERIAL.

■■■ *•*

PONTIAC COACH'-- very small MrlnfOFh, an amateur det»ethe. Victor Frir,*»-

ioan moneys added to the State Ad- Maimo* r.nO. jn"
(1.2*. r

for provokes nvirh merriment. Vi«* Jean V"


mile:ie<- A* new £225

Sailed. Tort Auckland M 2.20 r .n...

•J.S.A. MOTOR ■!KE--1016 Model 2* b.p. £3O vances capital between these two dates .Bluff: Corinr.a (1.20 p.m.;. for Oaman: : Tion. h* Cora Diamond, the >:»>drrv, or!d fji:"-

ar.d'Mi]"* Dorothy Harper, cr-'her v. it'- e-<r-e-


INDIAN POWER PLUS. Good order £2* totalled £3,536,900, and the balance

� Wmgatui, for; Aelybryn (" p.m.),


ROVER-VSpeed *'* r-.eob»r; of the <-nni;.3->v, fMM thv:r p;rti in

of" loan moneys held available for iu-
_.,■■■ ■•


for Wostport. a highly aaOfartnry n.itiic-r.

enjoyable concert, organised by BLU'F, Jur.e 1»



.V very
vestment. as at May 31st was £2,480,- Owing to the earthquake dsmaie at Me;t- j Sai"°d, Kaia-ro: -'iA* a.m.), for Grey mouth. hy To-niaht ' - Rirh but freiri the atory

drire »

Mrs Betty Sneesby, in aid of the funds of

■■• •■■

Held under the auspices of the. "West ot and the fact that all shipping has beer, O. Henry, and Marring .Vaney Na«h anil iTW»
! }

TRIUMPH—Vre* enftiue. 385. Mr Perrelle thanked his con-

Arrived, Vaiacia. (13.20 8.n:.), from Dune-
fe# BOC
the >"ew Brighton branch of the British ordered out of the por». sailings from the Ted Mi-Varuara, iil he «rrf«-aed. 'oce - r,rr
Car» Sold on Easy Tlmo Payments. stituents for the honour done him.
England Society, an illustrated lecture, "*

Sailors' Society, was held in Joylacd


en- The Storm and din. j-«-ith "A Horseman cf t)ie Plain*.'' fejt»r; «e
port are indefinite.
ARCHIBALD'S GARAGE titled "England's Paradise," given by Pro- Fruit Tr»*. »"

Theatre last night. The theatre had been fessor A. "Wall, and referring to the beautiful
both to have loaded there on
Karti"i w»re yesterday j Tom Mix, a comedy, and o garttte. To-asor- {-■r f.r Fr-t* Li
nnrnn CHRKTCHURCH very tastefully decorated by the lady mem- MondaV and for Lyitelton. rnm "Cirrus Rookie*." a feature

>-tarrinj that popular pa : r. Karl Dane ai.d

bers cf the "branch.

The programme, a districts in England's south-west, attracted The Breeze is due this morning fr«m NOTES AND

Atirnu' <r dd»mobu«. Pen 1 George K. Arthur, wriil be acreened.

j I

edin and Timaru, and will load for TTie

PtamSSSi Hon** Tfcaa*/ZM "The West Coast Road and "West- lengthy one, ras given by Mrs Betty Sneesby a large attendance to the Scottish Hall las* fupportins programme inr! -idf« tiro toacdit'.
isolo), the Mißses Sylvia Angus and Dorothy Though not a West Country man ton. Pieton. and Wangacui.

land'' was the subject of an interests Lawrence (duet), Miss Myra Sutton (con- himself, Professor Wall said he had spent The Poolta is due to-day from Bluff, Dju- aa Oswald cartoon, aod cewa film.,.
ex- N

iug lantern lecture given last night by tralto solo). Mr 11. lustone (humorous Bracey
item). a great part of his youth there, and was edin, and Timaru, and load? here and Gre--
for A enociiu ir~?tiii£r o! rcerobcra o: the Sco'.-
ti£Z Society of Xcw Zealand will on held CASBEL STREET.
Mr W. A. Kennedy in the Oxford ter-
race Baptist schoolroom. The function
Mr Francis Jones ibaes solo), Mr
Wilson (Scotch conu-dian), Mr Alan Dalton
well acquainted with the whole region.
was the most beautiful part of England* he
It port.
She sails for Weetport
, .
here *i»;- m •; in the Society's rooine on Friday, at 7..V
Katirr N".«h nod Tod M<-Nimar» i- HARBOUR > 1M»
The Holmdale if. expected
this n,A-™*. om. to consider the Burns Memorial Haii

(barito-ie solos), selections by McCree's Or-

believed, and was the home of romance.
was arranged bv the Intermediate chestra, Mr Keith Perry (baritone eoloK Mrs
Oid customs still remained everywhere, and ing fro™ Dunedin and
Timaru. She .akes _n ap-ea!.
Girls' Bible Class, and the proceeds, ann., !
while the actual language had disappeared' cargo for Wellington. Pieton, and Van b
j T<!» erbibition of pain'mj* and drawings
together with those raised from the J. Eames was the accompanist. The pro- the dialect was stiil strongly in evidence ' and sails this afternoon arrive bv Mr James Cook will be on view in the G C. t B*KKi s.
ceedings were opened by Sir D. G. Sullivan.
of' should

s:ile of sweets, are to be devoted to M.P.

The West Country was the home
rather mythical King Arthur, and i* was
the The HimaUngi
Wellington. She win o"w load
for ios.on 1 Ait Ga!>r7 until Saturday. p. Z. HARRIS feixS.
the Indian missions. Mr Kennedy thought that the Scilly Islands were the re" direct, and eaii to-morrow. Tc»ne*ai . - •
ia exr
Ottam What, sou WANT illustrated the type of country to be DAILY MEMORANDA—Wed., J-ae J3-:L ~q~£ V<*g*2**i*** ****

mains of his great dominion. Daring the The Government steamer \Svitr :i.t I'«tt»J
•WhtnvasuWAKTlT- **■ found along the railway line to Grey-
,11 pected to-day.from We!li=?™=. ,r the ra°,he'iizht-
period of the Danish wars, the %Yest County Ad*"
mouth and Hokitika and thence along IsfliMi V6S produead ods of the greatest men England at Godley Head to and «tor«
to mo.
has eTer known in the person of King house, and is to sail from Lr-tteiton Jones, McCroatie Co., Ltd., at thc;r Rooms
the Main South road to the- Franz
Joseph Glacier. The Rev. J. Robertson A Bath With Alfred. The Middle Ages saw the erection
of some of the most beautiful architectural
row morning for Akaroa. la;, -eni i. D
at 12 noon —Furaitura, etc. SALE
The Kainianawa Tonka, Norton and Co.. Ltd., at ihtiz Room* ON AT
presided over a £ood attendance. works in England. In the Elizabethan era She is due back on Sunday *
Cuticura - at I.SO p.m.—Furcitcre,
edin. ««<•.
Monday for Aj^ la V0 ;.
there were no greater sailors than Drake, Timaru. and loads on from D. T Geors* Anderson and Co.. at their Ko-i All iocS r«pl'*« «i" t
Mothers! Protect your children from Raleigh, and Hawkins, all men of Devon! Tne Corinna is due 3' 1 r.-!.~Farr.i'arc •:'.'■
KING AND COUSINS, titers pT*«rt'»
€7te 1J«30
The West Country became famous for its o»m*m ! and Timarn. J-
coughs and colds this winter. Put a literary men about this time, and. since the
cargo for Nelson and .Ne*
Plymo-ti., 3d ,
and Co. Ltd.. a- their Boor 17 Oxford street. IrtUlten.
few drops of "NAZOL" on their hand- '.so p.m.—Past.-;-cooi'» Plan'- »a«

davs of Herrick had produced such writ»rs Frid-r Ks4l*

kerchiefs •very morning. Sixty doses a»" Chatterton, Feildiu?. Tennyson, Thack- i-r.«.it« •* «
*ure». «t». !et«. BsrntV. ».

for .Assured Result* costs only li 6d. . 3 — eray, Blackmore, and the KingsleTi. for Wellington »nd Waßgtnu*.
IHE - Fuseril of the Frn2er:t-k R i»te
,W W
One Shilling per Insertion;
Insertion. 2/6.
TvelT* Words, One Stilling pet Insertion; TrrelT* Words, One Shilling pez Insertion; Twelve Words, One Sniffing per Insertion; : '
" '■'-
reiidrcee, 70 B»r


Xtr." Three Insertions 2/6. Three Insertions 2/6. Tnree Insertions 2/6. hi* !>»;- (Wfdoti-
l Rudiment* to Professional n . far it* Brci>y fuseral rras-.f.HJ.r.5
pAINTING, PAPERHANGING, ETC.—For excellence. leterr. J. LAMB »ad SON. = uTJ

,rc a,ke,J for should *■ Dependable work by Honest First-class s»s cashe:. strlitt '.:

Ind*copi« mot ordinals) of their rcfer- tradesman, consult KISS EDNA FIRTH, A-R.C.M„
Fuccrml of the I»te M»ry HiTKtx-k mill
her !»te resiJ*r;ce, 150 Brov:eh»ai
L/d4SI 1,12 Alriurin'.
t"cre-t and Perkins,
Soio Pianist,
Teacher of Pianoforte.
of Tobias ;«•---' LAKE COLERIDGE,
desires Position in Canterbury, Sepa- MRS ERNEST FIRTH, GLEXBOY AND WISDWHISTLE.
e- Write:
■DRESS BUYER." TL'KV. Voice Production, Singin;.
C/o A. Carrathers, : MR EP.NEST FIRTH, F.R.C.0., Dally *SO a.m. THEwi'.lFuner»l cf
It* ".»te June*
l»:e rf»:df3f«. 4Si» Bit- Jait L»*or4. l.trf* Anfffuf. of
ULNG, Experienced Unaer-Uardener wants
CHEISTCHUKCH <!ep. !fiv* h »
. Trad*
Position on Station; good ref.; re- (except
Wednesday*!. f™n> r;nirtor. i:ri'f", S;roTCpn.TL.i l*»t
»"■•« L*"*
Motor Co. 250 252 .iv. June 19*..-!. S.-iO rr.., for the Ca'.Jiolx
"-f"' employer 2 years; 10 months last piace.
»: »

J.-Z.F.. "Press." A LiillTiD Eumoer ■-•! ir;an-s tor Coleridge arr 12 noon Lake Coleridge dep Church. AdJiuetJC. K'q-J e-r M»«» *t 9
"go _
Saie. Applv to 8.X.r., "Press."
1 p.m. Christeoarcb »rr 4SO p.m. thenre lo tr-e Brcß.«r Cemetery Wit!.'AM !iilS Mas*.*.eg
SONS, LTD., in.

ineahape road. AUCKLAND, re having large co " Special tripa arranged to »ujt elianta

grocers and families Government ToariM OS« Square,


s_. D »nd ,„ services ofDressBUYER

» for theii
mes. AuuK V.W.F.. "Pr«»" SUPER Wilton Carpet,
colours; neif: ill.
10ft 6:n i Oft; sot:
24 Glaudovey road.
AcMldo Motor
'Phone 343 C.
Co, 250 252 Durham
ij /r* —PYJAMAS for nippy nights. E. E.
pojaoising highest qualiflca- I/O Tepid Baths, MACDUNALD. of the World famous
n-i. those
and need apply. rhpstw
opp. Man-
M7355 MISS Ruth St Denis School of Dancing,
1"4 CAMiM MSI.I • I
Los Angeles, hae Resumed TEACHING. MOTORS, ro box s.r
Da> and Eveni MAII..
.•?;nfss aiu-uiss—-
Written applications only •will b« received. Greek, Musical Coi -19 t.rndpo frr'i. U:t

w «T>.ing copies of references, to be ad-

This precaution is Dancing ;:v ■ tk awri >■*—
iwttei to: YY'ANTED.
Worl Gardening
not afra.d
of *orn; us per
iy /f* —WOOL Gloves.
fW/ O better than chilblain cure. E. E All lattst
variations in Modern
T&Tigct, including the "Varsity
I. * W'--it-r»: »trr#V 5,-"i»~'
V--to d»:* M ■:<-•' f.-t
THE MANAGER. Jay, Munns, opp. Tepid Baths, Manchester street. Ar» D.fitter.

References X.W.F., "Press." 669 Drag."

Married Shepherd 1.30} 00/QUKN'sj Smart Patent Oxford bnorS,
Private Lessens Any Hour.
wants Position: good references; torn- -*.—/ tJ Intending pupi"s i
for or street wear 'Mishko"
.F., "Press." 740 Shop Store 269 Manchester street.
P. S.
band o
p.m oiuaiu,
N'lchol's's Buildings, 176 Man-
HAWAriDEN SALEA'ARDS CO., LTD. by competent Couple, position; ACRES, te?t part of Canterbury chester street, Private Address, 2€9 Here-

maj teamster, wife cook for men; refer- OXt~\

—OU Grown regn'.ailv over 60 bushels o*
ences. Apply 8.Z.F., "Press." ford street 'Phono 2730 Kacgiora School C'HRISTCHUKCIJ HASHER SPRINGS
are invited for the posi- 753
1 PPLICATIONS wl;eai. Only £32 Its. reopens Fndav. Mav '24th. M7409 CHRISTCHCRCH HANMER SPRINGS
Lileyards Company, Limited.
tion of CARETAKER for theSalary £3O MARRIED Couple, unencumbered, wife
splendid cook, man gardener, etc.;
station preferred. L.W.F., "Press."
200 ACRES, Southbronk. dairying SPECIAL.

annum. 682 and cropping lar.d. Only ~i" 1C». Hotel dai.y at
may be obtained fror STILL SAME STUDIO. Can leave United Service
''Schedule of duties Motor or Tractor Driver Easy terms. STILL SAME STUDIO. 9 a.m. and 2.30 p.m..
arriving Hantner for
undersigned or from Mr B. G. Da'get}' requires position in town or country.

Haw&rden, to whom written f* FROM—Shopping Bags. Wa hate
ACRES, Government 13.W0 ■IS S LUCY COWAN, Lunch and Dinner respectirely.
Mount HilK-n, Bookings Tourist OSce. Cathedra! tquare;
the largest selection

in City of
are to ko tent before the 26th aciu't sheep. I"ev; hours' ma i?om
13 ROYAL EXCHANGE BUILDINGS, "�•— ib« Cook and Sons. Hereford street.
indications fancv patch bags. Triggs and Denton. Tri
T4169 Christchurck. £ls,o'jO going concern. CATHEDRAL SQUARE. nrnutinn and Parcel Depot care of
C It. LAWRENCE X'OK Private- Term begins on date from FiMt Mount Cook Motor Company. 152 Hereford
VITANTED, as Waitress or H.-
Position Sale. Lesson street. 'Phone OSOS.
-T Manure Drill; good order. Apply W.
P.O. Box l\V>. * »
experienced. Apply T. Wallace, Shand's Track road, Broadfie'ds. Classes Resume Early in March. TO hLA!KO.'K4.
Christchure A.8.C., "Press" Office. Ashburton. 2094 T?,.D. 708 Railway Concessions to Country pupils. CBRISTCHi tt« H
OUXG Man, 20, seeks position, sheep Com: RAL FCBKISHM*.

Sale—Stuart Boot 3 and DEVKRKUX. KING t.nd CO.. LTD., Bock »t -

farm; good, willing worker.
9299M, or A.Z.F.. "Press."
755 JL Shoes, at prices to suit all pockets J D3ls'J 153 ilanchester street.
AARD EtUbHsbed 1»78, Octt. Tc»rl!t Off.rr O'Ulrktrr
TfaML. C««k and S": * Sj ■_-._.. .... -

Dollan. Shoe Store. Railway Hotel Building. ISS IRIS

CARRYING, 5s per hour, ton truck. 'Phone
yiBST-CLASS FOUR-SIDLIt MACHIN- C J 1610 (Day or Nielit). *S73
Manchester street.
VI RANTED Se Ticket Printing S
2SA LICHFIELD STREET EAST. R:ak T»*i« OEr«, Ur.»!fb«>.

laT. Apply BOARD AND RESIDENCE. REDUCED Irigrrai*"* Oarac*. JT»!*rx. *f'*k»»# •■"•1.

>APERHAAGING—.NOW IS THE TIME. »V Cash Instruction in the Art of Operatic Danc- REDUCED FARES. 'rntliia mod footer i Garaga. B'r*>

Timber Merchants.
and CO., lling LILLEYMAN BROS.,
458 Oxford terrace. 'Phone 1845.
ing, Spanisch Dancing, Arcobatic, Step,
Ballroom Dancing.
539. Cams'* Mrtort Kiit'cn Tl»m II
3250 Patterns to Choose From. Studio Open Daily from 8 p.m. to 6
mj 43 Fitzgerald avenue. HOES and Boots reduced. Sale special
'■Mondays and Saturdays excepted!. CURKANS MOTORS MGBT.)
Satisfaction Guaranteed. Prompt Attention. J. Dollan. Bootmaker. CURRAN'S MOTORS {DAT OR All Parr*!* ami ba pr*T»ai-l
L 5445 to Ciear Stock. Studio: IG2 Manchester street.
Vacancy for Young Lady from 22 Railway Hotel Bldgs.. 1 M6274 —ln Conjunction with N.Z. Railwaya— Tinsaro Brara-*: IlckarT* Oafur*
to 30 years of age, desiring to bee"™"' WANTED TO LET. AT 11 A-M.
field of Salesmanship; ! Grey
iMCtaiful in the F.Z.F., PQ /& —

BOYS ' College Worsted

FOB—- mrvK TAXI*. ITT>
%t ambitious and good appearance. 7S:i

"Press." E. COMYNS THOMAS Reian
TTP-lOATIOXH are invited by a Wine

house, 96 Lichfield street. G5357 MISS Teaching as follows:


and Spirit Company for the position of
Clerk. Apply D.Z.F., "Press" CIEKTRAL
Children'* Classes in Greek, Fancy and
Ballroom Dancing, from Ilth March.
4.ndConnecting with Ferrr Train at Pieton
for Wellington.
FIRST FLOOR Adnlt Classes for Physical Exercises and
COMPRISING COMPLETE SUITE I? TANTED, by young gentleman, as Paying Connecting with Ferry Train at Blenheim FURNISHING UNDERTAKER,
COMMENCE aacliino knitting t REQUIRED. ■ /
Guest, Residence with private family
allroom Dancing from Apri) 6th
This year's ballroom dances include Yale
Cara Leave Blenheim Daily at 8 a.m. MOTOR HEARSFS AM) CARRIAGES GOULD'S MOTORS
in jour i home. Catalogue 'muscial) : garasre and telephone. P?,J FOR FUNERALS. ANT DISTANCE.
i Buildin; 'X.F.. "Press." _ 4
'' ?
Blues, Tile Trot, and * Varsity Drag. Private for Kaifconra
t»anders. Dom; Strong Room. Separate Entrance. lessons and classes by arrangement. Connecting with Tram at Fai
Sin blocks, BAGS 3 6s; 7 PHONE T< (NIGHT OR DAT)
LAD, about IC. Os
BAGS 12s Ski; 4£t LENGTHS, 17s 6d y ENILWORTH. 25 Cascel
St. w
Address.477 Hereford street. .2337
for Christcburcb.
\. (close to Gardens STREET. CHRISTCHURCH
half-cord, delivered. 2=l DURHAM Frum K*iafx».—l**ft Aaely'a

Store Junior (Wholesale Fruit liasi- M7333 Newlv renovated, latest appomtmei Curran. Kaikonra. (Eit»b!iihed 1876). P:B9"J
:AHDS, Harewood. 'Phone 1610.

Apply LOUGHNAN, A.R.C.M., a.ra an. am. p t» i«.«


TO LKT, COLOMBO ST., CENTRAL. attention to guests. Reasonable tari "ISS LETTICB Offices; AH Tourist Oficea.
P.O. BOX 10G3. 'PHONE 3839. SOLO PIANIST. NK-nJa» ..8 8 I') \,K « U i Si
Christchurch. >EINFORCED cornrete Troughs tor Cattle. P7363 Dix'a. Blenheim.
Tummlb't e io t*h
BRICK SHOP with Living Sizes of varying C. VOYCE. :< »:•"


X Sheep, or Pigs, etc.

:acker of pianoforte. 'Phcne 252*. Blenhe DICKINSON. w edot •bajr »9 » ».k> «-'■
« * y
WANTED, First-class
Motor-cycle Mech-
anic; permanent position to suitable
rooms, ail conveniences.
low rental to approved tenant.
Terra anc ipaeity at Reasonable Prices.
and permanent.
Hume Pipe Co. (Aust.). >EACHCLIFFS
Fr:da* 0

iso u:
!.» 4ti
*■ v
*2< l»
applicant. Apply Belt Cycle and Motor Telephone No. 1584. —3 Address: 76

Ltd.. Hornby.
Sunny Separate Balcony
Situation. LATIMER SQUARE CHRISTCHURCH Saturday ..0 9 10 I .SO OS*

Co., lad., 110 Lichfield street. 2058 P. BEST, ideal

Sunday *-3P
Rooms - ».» -

i1 ate
Jtf -

fIFANTKI), Energetic Young Man of good street. Telephone 8154. and Carritgci.

handle good
E3io6 601 Colombo
Casual and PermanentforBoarders. Lateit Motor Hen: From Chnaichnrcb—Lara** W*r»w* U****.
TT address and education, to
telling lino. Apply Box 751, Christchurch. Special Arrangements Families For Funer»!f to Any P»rt of New Zealand
Catbad.-a! aajnar*.-
Waiter Tariff £3 Ss. or according to roor SCHOOL. OP DANCING TELEPHONE =539 (NIGHT OR DAT'
•.m p.en p.m. p-wi. p.m* p
MANGOLDS. MISSES MUGGINS and SUCKLING. ISS SIMPSON (Principal), STUDIO. Dl74i ■toad** 9.10 liA 4 44* *.» I' «*
MACHINE Knitting Jur
Hosiery, is fascinating and profitable,
dialogue Free. Saunders. Dominion Build
In first introducing tho famous 'Wall-Bed;
You'll find tho appointments are _ right up- 7<OR SALE, MANGOLDSTrucks.
in Any Quantitj
Telephone 9427K H0059
ter st top floor)
lueaday »-l* ISA *

Wadnra 9.15 ISA « 4.40 (SO

4.4* *-»* 1" 4S
ti ""

22« 6d Per Ton, on Apply: WHAKATATA. All the LATEST BALLROOM DANCES TbortJ't 9.1S ISA 4 44* SJ» 1*.4»
tot. Wellington. H5299-3 NZ FARMERS' CO-OP.. LTD., Hotel, 44 Casliel street West OXFORD EONARD KINO
(corner KANGIORA
If you ca.l in at Gloucester street, 436. 67S Private Taught including Yale Blues Classes and Fnd»T Slk llfc 4 445 iSO •14 I
ior Apple Grading. Apply (Lite J. La:nb and Sen},

Stork Pept.. Cishrl street. Montreal street). Private Lessons arranged for Childrr-
Saturi'y B. 1& U.S 1 4.4S 7 II
MM fiilvordalo Fruit Depot, 16G Armagh '|lu Let. stlt contained superior furnished superior
DEAL, situation accommodation.
'Phone 4986 for appoint
J. Flats. £37 Gloucester N.IS. cor
rp Adults

Street. 2100
I R E \v hand? to Square, hardens. Hospital ornings Interviews Tuesdays and Fnaays.
Leave Warner* Hotel for Rangiora and 353 UEREFOBD STREET EAST. Sprctal Tnpa, Parti**. aad Oaitiar* «■* i"
tier Latimer square (just past Chora) and Canterbury College Phillips and Harap Oxford .
deacriptiona eaterad" lot. Trma mad j«rt
WANTED, a Middle-aged Woman to do 'Phono 951 aS Dry 6in Pine Blocks. 35s 3-Cord Delivered
3 to 6 p.m. 59253 <
237 Gloucester street. P<*.4B a.m.
ton. Proprs.. 'Phone 1583. P.i Motor Hemi 3d Carria-fei tot Lara on rnqwwt
light housework and look after elderly (ArtnltK nnlv.l D6470 Drv BLUEGUM BLOCKS.
4os S-Cord Mondays to Fridays 8.30 4.-15 diiUnrr.
lady.' Apply 'Phone 18M, Leeston. 2060
f)elivared. RING 7072 /HARTOUM. 78 DYERS PASS ROAD. Saturdays 8.30 1.15 7.0
Fanera! dj •PboBoa: 9M7, SKS.
BUPERIOR Apartments —Small Furnished U. LEST •PHONE 3031 .SIGHT OR DAY.

Boy. fruit delivery. Apply Flat, all conveniences; aiso, Large Bed HALL BROS. STRICKLAND ST. \ CASHMERE HILLS. Sundays and
W Bti Ollivier's road, Linwood, before
Brj Sitting room (suit gentleman) , own entrance PAYING VISITORS.
Governor's Bay Car
Examination Tutor. holidays 10.30 9.30
V. E. t-TICKIM.*
I a.m. or after 4 p.m. 771 Breakfast if required. Garage, telephone, Unsurpassed Situation Leare Oxford for Christchureh.
lovely grounds. Linwood House, 30 Linwood TO FARMERS AND OTHERS. Passes Twice Daily.
ir^TlJiTWi 59422 No. 2 Tram W9160 L5247 142 WORCESTER STREET.
Vl Apply Mrs Rodgers, junction Hotel, avenue, Avonside. ExpreM your R«|»rd with a Beautiful Wrmtb BAafSSY'B MOTORS
Flats Available, Fully Furnished; ~7<OR in truck loads. 25.000 ft fencinj
Btngiora. "Q^ 9
TWO every convenience; 'phone; Latimer 1 and Black Birch, suitable for WANTED TO PURCHASE.
Clock Tower).
WANTED, First-class Vest
Apply James Murphy,
75 Lichfield square; reasonable rent approved tenants. gates, and pens.
PRICE, 15s per 100ft, f.o.r.

(London) —". . . an excellent reputa-

i as a singer . . the soundness of her

747 236 Gloucester street. 783 tuition and training is reflected in her pupils, lia. t5,r»4
Mrtet. CO., LTD..
/3IBIj to Mind Children ti HOP to Let in Colombo street, close STRATFORD. BLATR and which is marked by good production and re-
P.O. Box 60. nent . . ."—Press critics. Call or'phone. WREATHS. BOUQUETS. CUT TI-OWEKS ED AS CABS. ■*-*• '»•*» *'i
Apply 30 Hinau street, mccanon. lov Cathedral square. Low rent, best Greymouth At 6horte«t Notice.
XFterbUky LABOUR EXCHANGE CO.. stand in Christchurch. Apply 650 Colombo
9SSS Studio, 11 The Bristol Piano Co., or 19 Head
Private Addreac
—' Dual »*•** M»*'"« • Da'
1* • -■— -

LTD., requires: Housemaid (Coll., coun- street. 560 WANTED
30 Perches:
to Buy.
t more tha
street, Sumner. W9401-1
S Crary Boa<af.
Leave ak*r»ja Daii.i »t • a* %mm
try). Cooks (Dunedin, Biccarton), 2nd H.- TBADE PERSONALS. state full VIOLIN AND THEORY. 1 p.m.. W*dß**da«. 0.44 pea »KH.I» •«
Mid (temp.). Housekeeper (one gent., coun
try), House-sewing Maid, Parlourmaid (to-
Flats, e
separate kitchenette,
kitel gas cookers, e.1.. PROF.ence),O. and
SAVINI, 8.A., L.R.C.M. (Flor
Member Nat. Ass. of Mus. all the Oat ftafoar
J I>«tbat>T'a, fta"»»«
a*jd O'Bra.
faiaarr C*r*
*Ptta»* l»M <*r
** »

piker). Daily Generals, Generals, town and

garage if required
.Psfer ntreet
Phone 951*8
237 Glou
D 3470
RHEUMATISM and Kindred Complaints ab
cured by RHUNERVA health
T7URM Wanted—We have ac enquiry for Composers (Milan, Italy), has Recommenced CAPTURED
Ike N"»w RAlied Oil—beeaui
wuntry. Waiting engagement: Cook, H.P. Superior
solutely a good Sheep Farm, preferably as Teaching at his Studio, 324 CASHEL ST..
BURNISHED Flat to Let in Resi-
taken as tea. Protect yourself from )ing concern, up to about £12.000, where (between Fitzgerald av. and Barbadoes et)
nid (experienced). Hotel Cooks. Waitress. herb
Tram Generals. THE MATRON. 173 C 3192 Cashe^l dence; two bedrooms and sitting-room, waiter's wet days. For Free sample and owners will consider City property in ex- Appointmen',3 at The Bristol. 'Phone 1399.
all conveniences; suit two ladies. Apply
«M«i 'Phone 4831. 772 testimonials apply agent. United Friendly change. About £IO.OOO of it clear title. 50438
_ 249 Bealey avenue.
Societies. Chemist. Christchurch; or send Id
RONALD S. BADGER, 187_Manchester_«.
(late McDonald's, est. 187»>,
IURNTSHKD Bungalow, 4 Rooms (near Ist stamp to Goodey and
Wauga Son. Box 430.
GS4GO VTTANTED, Moderate House, any suburb, MTJLVANY GRAY announces the
V* LTD Sheepowners" ■«-' Section), modern, very eunny. 3 months nni
as deposit on handy farm of 105 acres return from London of Miss Freda
tm4« '»«?!<*« CanterburyCowman-Gardener or longer; £2 2s. 'Phone 1665. 760 e at Rolleston. Good six-roomed dwelling
and Emery with the Ballroom Dances in the
Union WANTS Married TNFLUENZA quitted in a few hours. That

Huge Purchase f
<U«'eook-general) ; Married Couple, man L with Quits-It Tabs. They're bejt 59403
Is 6d. outbuildings. Only £1575, mortgage £"J|- Championships at the Albert I"
JUPERIOR Flat, also Bed-sitting-room,
Worth enquiry. See RONALD S. BADGER. I9tn nit., including the new i
iwmaa-iMdener (separate cottaje) : Single -J Furnished; kitchenette, 'phone, etc 2s 6d. Chemists and Stores. 'he Skaters' Waltz. danced
Gsrdener trelerences), Single Shepherd, IR7 Manchester street.
._ _.-

249 Gloucester street. 665


altz. G5484
Ploughman, Cowman, Cowman-Gardener, UABBITSKINS, HIDES. ETC.
riyy Let, Large Front Double JBed-brtxmg rcomplexion. This season Still
Cowboys (hand and machine). We recom- Prompt cash
room, Furnished or Unfurnished; con- Freckle Cream is guaranteed to re:

m«nd—-Managers, Married Shepherds. Mar- 34 Latimer scuare. 784 Freckles. Tan. etc., and whitens the returns same day. Highest prices.
)ANCING, Deportment,

of Mens Boots
ried Gardeners. Married Gar- iences. No deductions whatever. Post Under Royal and Viceregal
or single), Tractor Airy Room to Let, upstairs, suit For sale, price 3s 6d per jar. by E W Hall commission Patronage Miss Lowe resumes all her
i<m«r-Ch«affoi»r (married Kabbiting.
Drivers, Youths for Station LARGE able workroom. Apply R. T. Coulter, 117 Armagh 6treet, Christchurch.
-inhale Chloro Men
in narcels under 281b.
PRICE LIST RABBITSKIN Classes from June 3rd Foxtrot, Modern
Waltz, and One Step taught in three private
"Press" Office 9.45 a.

Hands, Cook. Bakers for stations. Crutchers. Dentist, 592 Colombo street. 9629 126 d Ist Does
Only host classes of farm and station hands.
thene and keep colds and "fin away
Supers ..

lessons. At Home. Friday Afternoons. Miss NESDAY, FRIDAY, and SATURDAY ONLY:
Ist Furrie
rriers .. 108 d 2nd Does Leave Governor's Bay 3.30 p.m. Leave
'Phone 497, Residence 4939. 113 Manches- )OUBLF
Furnished Front Room to Let,
ovary convenience; tram stop. Apply
is 6d and 2s 6d- Cook and Ross. Ltd.. 2nd Furrie
rriers . .
90d 3rd Does Lowe 51 Worcester street W. L 5481
Christchureh "Press" Office 4.30 p.m. Once again Stewart Robinson, the man with the ready eaah,
C 319- agents. °

2nd Ir.con 54d Ist Kitter
ter street. )5 Cashel street. 769 SUNDAYS (IF FINE): Leave Governor's
2nd Kitter
has sprung a sensational deaL A magnificent stock of Men s
Caih«l street (next to Pyne. Gould. Ouin
HPO Let, Two Lovely Sunny Front Booms,
.facing North; reasonable rent. 274
oat the Dominion.
Extra Strong
for Sale by all chemists through
Ist Autum
Ist Racks
2nd Racks
.. COd
45d lb
24d lb
Pianoforte, Theory Harmony, Rudi
and Art of Teaching Taught by Oor
Bay 9.30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Leave Christ-
church 'Press" Office 10.50 •.n. and 5.45
and Boys' Boots has been purchased at a cut figure, and the
Mil), want: Teamsters, Married Couples, p.m.
Tractor-Drivers. Worcester street. 781
Menthene will ealeguard v«u Ist Peitie 84d Ist Blk. Fawn Il4dlb respondence. Studio: 139 Manchester street a WET SUNDAYS: Leave Governor's Bay at
. _

public will reap the benefits.

limiting Engagements:
fsanutera. Fencers. Rouseabouta Cowman
6»rd«ner», Married Couples, etc. Only best —'
'LAT (Unfurnished), entirely self-con-
tained; three rooms. Key at 292
2s 6d.
against the epidemic of flu Is
Cook and Ross Ltd., agents.
6d and
2nd Blk Fawn 50d lb
Ist Hares ■ 12s doz. Plimsoll's Bldgs. near Clock Tower. 'Phon»
8209. *169
5 p.m. only.
'Phone 2394 W.
4thPelties 27d Inferior from 3s doz.

Prices Smashed!
•I mm tent out. Montreal street. 776
Known—That Nicholson and CHAS. M. KANTOR, 20 Customs street. Auck
20445. Residence 2044R.
WANTED FRANCIS HO BEN C3425 Proprietor!.

'Phones: Office UMNER Esplanade, Superior Furnished CVs Sale is Now On. N7417 lan( j—N Z s Fur Centre. G6271 JYDNEY
Telephone O t-lANO SINGING
*J Five-Roomed Bungalow. ufcINTYKE'S Extra Strong Regulating
CLOTHING. 12 VICTORIA Royal Conservatonum of Music, Leipzig,
kAKBY BROOKS Select Registry Pills recommended by ladies, sold
2809K. 753
C.-Generals, Housemaids, H-M. Laun -oTcharn 07257 STREET. 'Phone 3394 Cash Buyer! Germany.
Cook with ANTED to Let, 2 Furnished Bed-Sitting- Gentlemen's. ..'rivate address: "Stoneburat," Latimer
drill, U. Couple, Butler and of all kinds of Ladies',
rooms, conveniences. 35 Cambridge H5473
food refs. Housemaid (Institution) Team Girls » »

754 Children's Clothing. Boots, Trunks, Bed square 'Phone 2263

to Assist Also Recommends Good terrace. Linen, Furniture: also Old Gold, S'lver.

•tor (rets.) 'Phone 1106 P7381 10 Let, Bungalow, St. Albans. Apply Jewellery Gramophones, and Records SPOT
Westminster street, after 6 p.m. >E prepared for the flu epidemic. Keep CASH. MRS M WALKER P7191 SINGING AND PIANO.
lombo street, opp. Minson's,(upstairs),
Baqolrss—Female Cook for small accommo- ifihed
Flat, n<-»r
2s 6d.
Chloro Menthene by yon Is 6d and
Cook and Ross, Ltd., Agents. —2 TcKENZIE and of WILLIS
J W PALR, L.R.A.M., has resumed
teaching at The Bristol. Piano Co„
dation house, 40s; Cook-General for country, ster street. 696 I Are Buyers ssdays and Fridays, and at private ad-
40i; numerous experienced Female Cooks Jvery lady should SECOND-HAND FURNITURE OF dress, 24 Papanni road, 'Phone 8370 KELSON, and PICTON.
'HOP in Chancery lane. Apply G ! the house. 07257 ALL DESCRIPTIONS. P7404
sad Oook-Generals, town and country;
Jones. »"
of these pills in A Letter to Us. or Call on 'Phone 1881
Howilceepers, House-Parlourmaids. Daily 'AIKOURA UNITED MOTCB COT.,
Domestics, highest wages. Recommends O Let, Large Rooms, lately occupied by
WANTED Known—That Nicholson and will bring onr Buyer to your door immedi
L. H. Motorist, coajuuc The F. B. QOODWOH
ately, and we are always prepared to pay

LTD. (late in

lis. Companion-Nurse, Housekeepers, Laun- Goodman. Drayton, Jones, Ltd. Co.'s Sale is Now On. N7417 >.

the true market value of the goods. NEWMAN BROS.. LTD..
tion with
dmtei, Waitresses, Porters, numerous others.
'Phone 1837.
CENTRAL Registry Officn, 96 Hereford
The Big Shop Next to the Post Office.
by the Serrica that makes.the

street (upstairs), requires:

Cook-Gsneral and H.P.-maid (together,
*>»B), Housemaid-Waitress (hostel), Young
N«i»s for one child, Housekeeper for men Mishko"
Reasonable Offer refused 1 Every
Ladies', Maid's Footwear to
Shoo Store, opp. Tepid Baths
go L
NDIAN Motor-Cycle and Side-chair Outfit
complete. Apply International Harvester
omrjanv. 777
POULTRY FOE SALE. Don't Leave Your Booking
Till the
Every Up-to-date Convenience, Comfort, and
Attention Assured.
Cbristehurcb dep 8.0 a.m., Kaikoura
1.0 pm.

Lunch her* from 1.0 t« 1.80

TV*te ******
M Station Cottage (will take child), Cook >HODE Island Reds. Black Orpinu ,
p.m. Kaikoura dep. 1.30, Blenheim arr
iw Port Chalmers, H.P.-maid for Dunedin. Bulldog Tweed; A N EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY ' Utility and Show Strains Combined, Three Minutes from Bay.
5.0 p.m. Nelson arr. 8.30. Picton arr.
pr —BOYS' Knickers, EXISTS TO BUY A QUALITY CAE Garage on the Premises.
Hlv* disengaged: Experienced Married //> :*
everywhere competing. Magnifi-
Proprietor. H. D. PRESTON,

Couples, Cooks, and H.P.-maids. Tel. 4708. **'

wear like wire. Glasson's Ware- THAT IS ONLY JUST RUiN IN. cent Lot Young and Old Birds. Trios, etc.;
6-cyl. JEWEIT 4-DOOR SEDAN Grand Cockerels and Pullets from 10s up- P7386 5 Sarah street.
«w* house, 96 Lichfield street. G5357 THOS. COOK and SON. Tkrc fit t—-


(AS NEW). wards. Correspondence

never finished buying cl conceivable extra, including front Hounsell, "Avonview," Cr. Dallineton ter- LODGE' PRIVATE HOTEL, GARAGE. 78 Latimer square.
WANTED TO EXCHANGE. YOU'VEfortunately, and that's a good argument
Has every
and rear Bumpers, Shock Absorbers Step- race and Mcßratney's road. 2061
- 36 HEREFORD STREET WEST •PHONES: Christchurch 2539 and 9745.
L. R. HARRIS. Manager.
"insons British stock patterns, which are mats. Handsome Box and Nickel-plated \:\7"ELL-BRED Breeding Cockerels, Light (Five Minutes from G P.0.) K5199 itoboer Hid* •*»«

XCHANGEWanted—We have various er now than ever. M7423 Carrier. Had little use by careful owner- »»
Sussex, R.I. Reds, Wyandottes, Superior Accommodation for Casual and Deersaia upper*.
enquiries from owners deairinft a driver, who has purchased a larger car Minorcas. 10s and 15s each. Freeman. 113 Permanent Guests.
Jkaate Owner £BSO Brighton
in each packet oi Triple and doable
of location. Rolled Oat—Good Cost £650, and is now for sale at an absurdly Tancred street. 'Phone 4639. 737 Hone* Up-to-date Appointments.
gMftlow wants town house: owner Hills siitebia*. Water
Baigalows £1290 and £2500 want chanjre to Coupons. low figure, bame guarantee and service as
with new car. This is a rare bargain. En- Pullets, White Leghorns, and Or-
Beautifully Situated Close to College,
Gardens, and River Avon HOLLAND'S MOTORS tight »ele», Stitch
Jtktrsuburbs; Sumner owner wants town ET the Chloro Menthene habit ana pro-Is quire ' early. pingtons, 12s Gd, 158 pair delivered;
'Phone 1970 G4308 e4 ead screwed
«•»*; and
others. Tell us your wants. tect yourself against colds and 'flu. buy Hens. Freeman, 113 Tancred street.
TONALD 8. BADGKR, 187 Manchester street. Cook and Ross, Ltd.. agents. Will consider another car a3 part-payment. AMBERLEY 08. Will eetsrear
6d and 2s 6d. 'Pt-one 4639. 738
83431 Terms if required. CHRISTCHCRCH thru or<it«»r.>
Pullets, Sussex-Game and 'OTEL AMBASSADORS (Chriatcburch'i
Sale is Now On.
Known that n.cuoiso WRIGHT, STEPHENSON and
Central Garage,
CO.. LTD.,
Orpington-Leghorn, lis pair CROSSBRED
delivered. '• Private Hotel de Luxe) has every BUS LEAVES
AMBERLEY— Monday to •tfab t»f pain.
107-113 Worcester street.
Freeman, 'Phone 4P39. 736 modem appointment Excellent cuisine Friday, 8 Saturday 8 »Ja, 6 p.m.: Sen %»i« Af«<lr
Tariff Casuals i2e 6d (*er Sunday. 9 a.m.:

PROPERTY /£* —Round Hat Cases in colours, black. Garage handy

Ity Agents "Graham Paige" Cars. a.m.. p.m. «

I/O at Cheapest
brown, and green.
'Phone 1868. Open till 11 p.m. WANTED KNOWN. day. Permanent by arrangement Manches'er Leares CHRISTCHTJRCH (Victoria square)
.~a n»„»n« Triable. T4169
W9370 ptreet (neat Railway Station). "Phone 2939 —Monday to Friday. 4.45 p.m.; Saturday. No. 68S8—Man's Box Chrom No. "7*4l—"Basest Jean" Box
Blaca Satin une-oai
One-bai Telegrams and letters promptly attended to 4.15 p.m., 11 pm : Sunday. 10.45 a.m., 8.80 Derby Boots. light
Wadld Garden.
PAPANUI ROAD; Perfect Condition, U/Q-LAOIES

/rk-I.AOIES Blaca
Shoes, low oi Louia
heels Only FANCY Cups for afternoon
sons have thousands at
tea, etc.
Is 3d each.
A T. J. Sleeman. Proprietor. 59254 p.m. 10.45 from Christehureh on Sundays
Derby Boots, heel tip, Blagged
sole; all leather
weight, rocad toe, self cap; all
few pairs left Store_ J539S SECRET SALE. half-dozen of these will please you. Won- will run only from December l»t to March
17/11 le.iiher; sewa; sues |A>| |
H. G. LIVINGSTONE and CO., —�EWARDI using Flakies,
Housewives derfully cheap. M7423

"MM Auctioneers. 109 Hereford street. the New Rolled Oat. will find
something «HE Secret is Out. Lowest Prices in Town. FRTJIT AND VEGETABLES. PARCELB may be tent to
No. 6183z—Box Hide Derby 6 to 10 10/ 11
<y 11/6, 15/9—MEN'S Work Trouers,
/Q WHITE DIAMOND GARAGE. Boots, sewn fair stitch, a!! Ko. 7642—"Honaet Joba"
to their advantage in each packet. 8 LAMPS £I—NOW 12/6. 8.5.A.,
'Phone 2198. Gloucester street.
Ss—NOW £ll 10s. CALL EARLY. '
unbeatable for wear.
Glasson's leather, medium round toe; a Hide, similar boot to No. 7041,
EXCHANGE. for matches at Minsons is
ental, and means cheaper matches
SUCKLING, LTD., Warehouse, 96 Lichfield street. G5357 APPLES- Lord
A 5s and 7a 6d 40lb; Pears. Winter Cole,
AMBERLEY 'Phone «3.
P.O. Box. Amberley. 89. nice light boot; size* 6 to 10— high l«ox toe; all Uather; u:»»
no waste, none stolen, and a novelty JACK choice eating, 121b 2s Large Stewing A. A. HOLLAND (Proprietor). «...
JfEW BUNGALOW, 4 rooms, kitchenette,
SNAP I 18/11

and Tuam streets. Pepl Wonderful vitality can


11 ana room, electric cooker, dual hot l M<423 Cnr. Manchester yours if you eat Yeaston Tablets. Bar
Pears, 121b 2a, delivered. Ring or write
nett's, Chemists. —3 S. Daviea. 37 Bishop's road. Papanui 80. 76*3—Derby Boots,
service, motoi garage. Same, patent toe cap'
colds and influenza. Is 6d and —7
2s D3SI3
J*n»r will consider ONE OR TWO GOOD SEDAN patent cap, eewe; a e."- Mtart

for BARGAIN, Glace Kid Oxiord

•ACTIONS. Cook and Ros«. Ltd.. ngents. OA/Q
MEN'S Dressy
Shoes, patent cap; guaranteed to No. 1997—"Honest John" Box boot; anediota toe; *t^/&
fc HARRIS, LAWLOR and CO., N7417 For the Buyer whoo is
is looking for a
wear "Mishko" Shoe Store, 26a Man Hide, medium weight, aewn Hixes 6 to 10 a***/ W
■"* 98 Hereford street. lenuine Bargain, here it is. Chester street. J5396 Tooths' Derby Boots, tlrrr l
JCIOUS Breakfast Dish—the ESSEX TWO-DOOR SEDAN, in very fine and standard screwed waist, eteeproea.'
lechanical condition. for See this Car and
POTATOES, soles ead keels;

the name is O-Tis—your

-save the Gift Coupons!

grocer has it
a run. See
iin it is at £165.
yourself what a ARE
you prepared for
Chioro Menthene is
6d and
flu this
the best prevent*
6d. Cook and Ross,
bags, 4s.
12s large Back; 70ib sugar
and PARSNIPS, 4s; APPLES, Wolseley 5s
TOURIST SERVEESII* self cap; a fine, bold boot; al!
sizes; all leather *»n t£>
&ce« 10 to 23
WANTED. la 2s || /Q

ERSTENA Porridge Mea!—Cooked in Ltd., agents. —3 6d. Jonathan 6s 6d 40lb case, delivered or CHTH-KAIK-OURA-BLENHEIM, Fair 11/7
fJWXNT WITH VERY FINE MODERN 6 two minutes. It's delicious
and bigji.y
ATE getting up! Doesn't matter—O-Tis rilled. Write Russley Orchards, Harewood NELSON and PICTON. No. 3416—South African Field
M/Q94 The Home of Car Bargains.
'Phone 1610. sewn, box hide: all
"- *
)> MOMED BUNGALOW at Cashmere, on nourishing. Cooks in One Minute. Full Oat M7388 Boot, "«i
"at, garage. Government mortgage, will Gift coupons. —1
I. MOTOR SERVICES, LTD, to leather .. ..

Sixes 2. 3, 4 and 5
' Exchange for 4 or 5 Rooi

Best value in with NEWMAN BROS.. | *| /| |

' thton or Sumner, near juspianaue. ED Known —That Nicholson and OEG A L j.rigga and Denton, BUSINESS NOTICES. oajunction
Iculars to— 's Sale is .Now_to N7417 « CYCLE uwn, ii'-m .a, nv
LTD. No. 6136—Tan Cookhaxc, welted
SAL rianrrle. T4169 THRO 1 EXPRESS SERVICE. Thick Ova Boots, tpecsil o 't
to heel, jockey bark: a good,

G. LISLE and CO.. .TANTED Known —That KOW ON. ADIES' The best Shoe m our Shop for ONLY A DAY—EITHER WAY. erepe aok»; special is* porta-
146 Manchester street. V Co 'g Sale is Now On
'OUR Grocer Stocks Ger
The Prices will Astound
ISs 9d Every pair guaranteed
-lishko" Shoe Store. -269 Manchester street
ON AND AFTER Ist MAY. we are oßen=g
16a PER DOZEN on train for shot
by the Seryica
that makes the soond
boot; all JA/f*
- ■ *•**/ **
tiea. Made by Ootta P*TeHe
ridge meal that's cool J5-96 HARES in lots of one dozen upward. ENJOYABLE, and SAFE. Bobber Co.,
152 Armagh street,
City. No. 6136—Same Boot s» above, Price rifftt
in cooking is yo irs with O-Tis
563 Colombo street. City.
Colombo street, Sydenham. iQ /n —MEN'S Sac Suits, all sizes,
Rabbits bought at current rates. THE LEGAL LIABILITY of lbs L.H
MOTOR SERVICES. LTD.. for Passengers in Black Bex Hide;

7CONOMY 419-421 ~^*J' Co»era op to £25.000 Eaah Car in STATE a***/ IT

FINANCIAL. breakfast. Gift

veilous value, at Glasson's Ware- P. FERON and SON. LTD., all leather . . Mea's Knee Otaaa Boots, nicest H
Ij,.«*»B w

OF f5, ill', £35, to £IOO

-J try it for
Coupons in packets. —6
house, 95 street. G5357 F5457
3'-i3 Moorhouse avenue,
TIMETABLE UP No 6132x—80x Hide Derby arrived; new price*: i
for CLIENTS at a Reasoa- Known —That Nicholson and Cb-eh. dep. 8.0 a.m.. Ka.koura arr. I_o Boots, Kwt, f:"l round toe. qonlitief;
Bate. Details Strictly Confidential. TANTED N7417 ry /f* TO 35/ KAIN-FROOF Coats.
r.« R*l« is Now On CYCLE THAT IS A 10 to 130 reinforced
J. MEAGHER. Financial Agent,
¥ •«
l PLEASURE TO RIDE. 11/ D rubber-lined. street.
E. E. Munns, opp. and
WILLIS p.m. Lnnch here
Kaikoura dep.
medium weigh*, Frtce
Ladies' and Maids P.m. standard **tcv-*: al! Wtber;

"4 Cashel et. (N


Tepid Baths, Manchester M7355


gurdless of cost' Bu« SECOND-HAND PIANOS AND SEWING arr. 5.0 p.m, Nalaca arr. 8.30. f.eica
"Mishko" Shoe Stoi
A Letter to Us, or Call on "Phone 188!, GOV'T. TOURIST b"m»£°
s:«,«to!0 .-

ig/g Postage: ICd per pstr extra.

SIfIOND MORTGAGE. W Co.'s Sale is Now On Get rid of that old cycle that
is hard to fill bring- oor Buyer to your door immedi- and THOS COOK and SON

v MONEY push and periodically giving trouble. tely, and we are aiways piepared to par PARCELS.
TO LEND. ■LAVOUit that you II appreciate. IX s in
GARAGE 78 Latimer square.
Any Amounts. We shall be pleased to make a lioeral Flakies. the Sew Rolled Oat. Try it tba True Market Value of the Good*.
Lowest Current Katea. allowance on your old
Cycle. McSENZIE and WILLIS, •PHONES. CH'CH. 2533 and 97*5.
Also INTER-CITY MOTOR SERVICE, LTD. Th* Big Shoo Neit the Post Offi«,
Terms McK.7233 "■OBANDPA YEASTOV says: "Yon eas CAJSHEL BTBEIT
to*. BAKER BROS.. NORTH BEACH BUS SERVICE. of bed every ntorrncg without r recover your long-lost youth by est-
a Barrett'*, Chesv
BUTLER CYCLE street. gTouch when Von eat Yeaston Tab-
: Yeaston Tablets." Also COLOMBO BTBEET (opposite Londontowc)
DAILY TO NORTH BEACH Buses on Hire 605 Colombo lets. Barnett's. Chemists. —2
Privately at any time. Fee moderate. flavour—it s minute eaoking at breakfast
JP*T 'Grandpa Yeaston," the man who Fu:i particulars from A. BRITTEN. Oat. Try a packet
for the New Roiled
to-morrow '"<*
/LOOKED in One Mincte—yet with all the
flavour and goodness of the oat—that'«
for one
Gift Coupon* in each packet. Try it
•PHONE 5179 or 8677 M. 2616. Proprietor.^ to-morrow 1

Si- '» full of pep. Eats Yeaston Tablets1 •Phona . -

save the Gift Coupon*
wy. Barnett*. Chemist*. -
B3BBS W. 8. BUSSELL, Manager.
MONI»AT. Jirxi:
ltfc *


FRIDAY NEXT, JUNE 3lrt, 1929.
AT AGF-Nrt m or H.JL l*» r"*
FRIDAY. JI.'NE 21st, 1929. AT 1.30 P.M. :i b->;d ins V.«n. ' »•
i>"ote Alteration of Date.j
AT 12 NOON".
L. Wecllv Sa>'»Thi»
•STKL-KT. a First ca-s Euiry beinr
mi ahie.
MR JAS. W. WRIGHT, whoso farm »f
have sold, ha* given lie instructions to sell
Account of MR T. BREAKS, Leeston, vhose
lease has expired: OX WE WILL SELL AS AIX'YF. FURNI- l'r.:,-;rs = Lo„ One- Truck
1... . —


35 Dairy Ccwa. second to fifth calvcrs; TURE AND EFFECTS, HOUSEHOLD Titter. 4 x 1. 4 ■- *iV
* *

the whole of his Live and Dead Stock on the e Xv -■'

IN OUR ROOMS. 8.8.W. Board* ■



KVBD'VAKE, FANCY GOOPS. x j- Lif. of ..

- in
due July, August •-

i. and 1.. ::;bt liar*. f,a»',

above date, comprising:— Line n't Dr-smed Fiooringi 4 *tractr<l by MK I» I»WYK!t. a-ho
13 Heifers; due September
* »: ,_.
o.t Kna.
of CASHEL and
Tank" ':<00
4 Easy Chsivs, Piano, Chesterfield. Car- Li I h:n r—'-e-rIT. «•!! *«:«

13 Yearlings S,. r.,:r.:ci Do.

4 Cowi, Empty ELLESMEM pet Square. Square, towiaj Ma- GV Ulete CLEARING BALE or. tte abri* dat*.

-120 Two-tooth Halfbred Ewes (Southdown 1 Bull 7<XCEPTIONALLY CHOICE AND chine. Btdroom Sui;e, Wardrobe. liji-:-ls. parlirniars as foliow*
runs out April ltith) ALSO— , At SUPERIOR LOT OF Chair Commode, 2 T:ibie Gramophones. He-
280 Six ond Eight-tooth Half »nd Three- 1 Four-Cow N'e-T Zcalandia Miifaag

FURNISHINGS. cords, Conf. Scale*. Hand Sewin; Machine . ab> B!„v>r nud Furnace!:i<? Porta
yuartcrbred Kwes (Southdown rams Child's Cot, 4ft bin Oak Bed and Wire, 2 (H'-'J L- ''•' !
und -"
4 Tkird »>tx», 4m <.

Plant Try Plan*,

<-S vi-'i y-i >■-<
i Sw.«4 4*a>*>r*. I* i"|miiilm|i
oat Msrch 12th) (S5-Gal!on Alf« Laval Separator On account of Two Owners (who have loft Oak Hallstands, Couch, -

Quantity Fancy M ■. I to »a:t i-ar- 1 F<".;rth C«:**t . o;t«i*«e

100 Halfbred Wether Hoggets 2 H.P. Electric Motor ACRES WONDERFUL LAND, grow
for Australia). Duchesao Chests. Largo Litres. Nearly New ;

l'J Two, Four, Six, »nd Kight-tooth South- iS Eight-Gallon Cream Cans Good~, Household I"ard«ar», et-:. ALL Wl:e.= .*. 1...; <■{ o:V.ce r.( r-.M. n, 4 »»**-.-
J.- T»<
j -a.T ?','.ffct. .ma* aN«
"own Flock Ewes (rain oat March The above may be inspected on Mr anything; Good Locality; Vp- NEW GOODS. of -

A . M.rrir* (T*a Hrrt *f
r» e__
Breara'a Farm at Leetton. tc-date Homestead; everything i"ai and I'craard Wether L »u4 in rKt.lcst €•£*»!in*. '^*

1-shear Sonthdowc
O. Hight)
Bam (brod by Mr
o: the Bast. Enquire at once.
PIANO BY SAM! TON'KS. NORTON and CO.. LTD.. A.--V 1 Swin"e n'>? 'l"Cas
Open" Ba«ke:
1 He«
* *

C I':.:;- 1
3u isirkt 'Fir«t-class
S Southdown Ram Hoggets LTD., V r lS
Potato-is, 1 5 5 l»a:r IV'*.
CATTLE—- 2035 Leeston. CARPETS, SEVERAL ASMINSTEK Sk*~ Fowl" Wheat. Good,c„ r
S,H ~, _

IMPI.FMKVT* r'v... -

t Dairy Cowi. due end of J>■■•■ R»n|r«. 36 or 4. l-rrrtri- U-'*. r I. t. - - '

•ettinr Orion or Scott

tiled Lv k and

evens, iiaaiiti t. r-'-mi

Wlire :i,arr"». 1'..-'-* VV atls
Occ. Chairs, IL !■
FOB SALE. WANTED FOR CLIENT On,. lir**-inrrowuiti<ne Ki.l Trv: f l- t >?il»<>\
FOR SALE. WRITING DESK, BUNGALOW, AND 4. ROOMS Lighting I'!ant, 3 or <5 I-t?n">. rioash!, MrCor
' "

*»r »tj(s It., t v J, }- I- ,;;,.»: :!ti ;.,;.

HOBSIS—- FOR SALE. t>ined l»r;i'. 1-tT, I>i», liarrww*.


OHOKA PROPERTY KITCHENETTE, with modenr:'l possible Auctioy.-cr cr. M»»itv Ha

all v. ell HARRY sOREN?!"*. BroadraM Sf*d 1..:i. 1J t'wi>,r, : H,,r.f L,.,,,
-7 Draught Hori«v, upward*., To ba Sold by PUBLIC AUCTION DINING-ROOM AND BEDROOM FURNI- Good High Section.
conveniences. within Cambridge IU4! r.
iyOßc frWi Bmkr j j 0, (
work TURE IN OAK, fenced, and ten minutes' walk from £owar, Ileid i;d Gray Stripper
:>f't Ki'

Harness and Covers for above Square. I H C. r»i«c Har .irn's, Lime S-ov; cr. 4
fnrruw Pif? rieucK I lleav; Road Task,
1 Cob, Byr* (saddle and name's) CHINA, PICTURES, SHEFFIELD PLATE, TRICE ONLY £985. *
TARMERS' CO OP. LAND SALE ROOMS, Folio 14A PloTich- Tumt'ier Scoop. Miff.-y C-:i.
ACRES, with a very extended froat-
age, making the property cap-
105 Hereford street.
K. B. SORENSEN. Tator. Three Pe's Trite Hsttv*
■I and C loare*. 16ft Ta-hcfo lUrrott,
5 >.

P. and D. 3f. Plough, P. and D. 9-tyn* On. N* ' 1" a i'd i:ait> '
able of subdivision into one or Chris?c*y.irch. i
1 Set

Chain Hsm-ai., Tripod


Grabber, 9ft Holler, lSooth 20-bl«de if Hi ■ t !

-Si, f
H.irrow*. 1 Farm hra» sr.4 Frame.
. ...-.- ..

Disc (new). 6L. T/no Harrows, 3L. moro farms—the well-known

v, c
and historic homestead, "The
\». >. J r ~

-. ...

\ i-priui; Drivs. Andreas BtJ Heater

Druinmond Harrows, M.H. Binder, P. SATURDAY, JUNE 29th
Grange," situated within S
. Price List Indicates ! • k- ' .*• .njr »»
■ .
: ri »r <m

Chaff Cut««r. lOin M-nth M bf
ronsidcrabtc adrince in toc»! quotation*
ond l>. 15-coulier Drill (complete). and 1 1 n » ! 1 -
i- —a.
Mrtfrul K>ro«ene Knflnf. Siw ftenrh

miles of Christchoreh, Line*.

Farm Tip Dray, Farm Dray, Spring
within one mile of a tar-sealed BEAUTIFUL HIGH SECTION in On» sortlv on all Heavy Hardware t;ie. 2 4-boree S-t« Bte-ek and Chair.*.
lirnv. Two-stand Lister Shearing NOW ON VIEW. and
Machine. Donald Wool Press, Wool <D FARMERS'
road, and one mile from the of the Best Streets in SPREYDON.
Wee number Murray Wipr> Tree* asd jr. »
.„k# |#
Table, Horse Clipper, Swingle Trees JLTHE ZEALANE
A: Railway Station.
handr to tram, containing 3-Sth ACRE, and
faring north. This is the CHEAPEST Hoafh Chain* Wo,. Trr<-.

lor 8 llnrsi'B, 2 Four-horse Sets Blocks CANTERBURY. LTD hooks, and WELL (tceks of o!> Anvil, targe quantity t>cr»p Iron, I 0
On the property there is a SECTION on our is II B SORENSEN. having big . .•'-vr.

2 Sheep Nettiur. 3 sramd Liner \

and Chains, ;; Sets Leadinff Chain the Mortgagees to s»eu
: .

Btructions from
trom JONES, McCROSTIE CO., LTD., rise

Cart Saddles, 2 Hheepteeders, Stack by Public Auction, in their Laud Sale food, *olid house built of tho WORTH INSPECTING. Wire S'ettiii" Li-i'-t. housci before the Shearing Marhiect. Wo'-l TaVe »•>•!
best of timber, lath end plas 2069 Auctioneer offer

on Home a. ritmernui Sundries, ami)! aai-u:.l l"t.r

Ladder*. 5 Coils CycloneSackNetting. Rooms, Cashel street. Chrislchurcli,
tered, ail necessary outbuild- ONLY OF SHEEP. MWU RABBIT. OK BIRD _y.>KTC\rr A7rti AUCKf
Orindstor.e, Wheelbarrow,
row, Lawnmower. Meat Safe.
SATURDAY, JUKE 29th, at 11 o'clock, all
that Parcel of Land situated on the Oxi'ord-
ings, ample water supply, ex-
cellent dry campins ground
£2OO.Folio 13F
NETTING at pneca that will
tention and effort a big saving
command at-
to a!l pur-
Ohoka road, comprising NINETY-SIX ACRES with a natural sand hummock in chasers, large or small. SALE TO START 12 O'CLOCK HIARr
the middle of the farm. The 105 Hereford street,
(more or less), being part Rural Section com-
2685, 'Rangiora Survey District.
balance of the farm Christchurch.
Sin-'iarly we offer Standards. Tee Irons.
-2 Tons Chaff prises the best of good heavy rßo.rjtTT
The Land is all flat, heavy agricultural root growing pasture, produc SATURDAY NEXT, JUNE 22nd, and Fencing Material*, all of which we can
Ralaorai. A«HUrilTrt%-
1 Stack O*tshea\of grazing land, best suited for Dairying. ing and white crop land for AT 12 NOON. quote at real ■'bedrock' i.ricci, only the NOTE —Can wii! meet train at <-orjtTT.
U» Sack* Seed Garton U*t», 6 sacks Fowl Buildings comprise Slate-roof Brick Dwell- CASHMERE. best materials bcine stocked:
Wheat, 2 sacke Machine-dreesed Grass which Canterbury is so famous.
ing of 8 Rooms, washhouse and dairy. and 400 Sq. Tank*, either DALGETY and CO, LTD..
OK <»f tko f:i*mla*« «f

"" *

Seed, 200 Empty Sacks. This farm could be Bold in IN OUR SALE ROOMS, TANKS—2OO
Stable, trapshed, granary, and implement- three or four farms. CORNER OF CASHEL, AND MAN- HACKTHORNE ROAD. painted or galvanised, can be bought vcrr THOMAS M TTt>\ rTWt
10 bails
shed all under one roof; cowshed ofadjoining, cheap at present ["INXtSS LTt'« . !.»*• *■*•• I
OUTSIDE ENTRIES— with separator and engine-room
CHESTER STREETS. offer i.r t-i> I" r;l IC ACOnML m
Owing to the ill-health
of On account of the Owner. MODERN RESIDENCE
Aooount of MR W. J. CLINTON", Darfield:
1 Bay Gelding, jyrs, all -work (good
situated on Bradley's road, and a 4-Roomed
Cottage on the Ohoka-Oxford road.
the vendor, the price asked for
the property will barely cover
The Sitting room is exceptionally
a huge consignment from Sydney, we
!'.■ •'.■•-v.' --d »F- WVtMaaiK..^
IT! 1! JVNF. if* i ■,,;»»■::. »r.„

Situated opposite to the Ohoka Railway the mortgages. This farm is THE PROPERTY SITUATE No. 594 ROOM opening on to at job prices, a Magnificent Lot of W«l -
If). <m|.ii"t.( I** ACKri*
Station, and now in the occupation of Mr in the market at £75 «n acre,
BARBADOES STREET, ST. ALBANS, large, and has double doors are Urge and nanprx in crent varietT «.nd quality.
oi R
1 Buy M»ro, ByM, all work James Hicktand.
and anyone who wants a first comprising RESIDENCE OF 5 ROOMS, sun-room. TheThehouse bedrooms
has an uninterrupted PRICES ARE RIDICULOUSLY LOW-WE THIS HAY. AT 1 P.M. T!l l!> DAY
class article for a second-class verandah, pla3tered and art
papered, elec- roomy.
City and Plains, and cannot be MEAN TO SELL THEM.
In Our Commodiona Auction Rooaif.
view of the
Aocount of MR P. F. CLINTON, Darfield: price, this presents an oppor tric light, tiled hearths and grates, bath- outbuilt. The house is well built, and has
Colombo nreci
1 Black Maro, 7ttb, »11 work (good
For terms, farther particulars,
rangements to inspect, apply to—
and tunity that rarely ts in
dence. We have confidence
evi room with bath and basin, coal range, iron-
in ing point, gas, h. and c. water, pantry,
all modern conveniences, including
inside and outside. MOTOR GARAGE with
HORSE COVERS oi i,...-
stock the G"nuin*- Pur-; list


OAKFIELD SCJTE —Or. behalf of »ev,r«i

Client* we will sell, without :<->tr\e -iCi.i Tf.-m» »■■•! t0"4..: iri rf a*,"'
appealing to all classes of buy scullery, washhouse, copper and tubs, easv access from street. will appeal. "*ir* of tk» A
NEW ZEALAND FARMERS' CO-OP., ers to inspect this property, and asphalt path;?, shed. Nice section, laid out THE SECTION is just under HALF AN
our prices lish Piano, Oak Buite. c01.,,. ......

SALE COMMENCES 11.30 A.M. 11. B SORENSEN. Du< he.->e and Pedenal with neat «.";>k
LIMITED, to §e« the Principal of our in lawn and garden. ACRE, and is beautifully 'aid out in gar- 53413 C 3 Lichfield street.
return end Bed Mead; 3-piece OienrrtU'.* rrvr coitp. r.rrxiaeaa ura.
Auctioneers. business, as we feel sure that it den, lawns, and shrubs. The house is
LUNCHEON PROVIDED. ASCH, and WALTON, will result in a sale. FACING NORTH. TRAAI PASSES DOOR. beautifully situated, and is well sheltered
suite. Chesterfield in Shallow Tissue. 6-p:e<v
2089 Leather Dininß Suite. Duchesse Che«:i.
Solicitor*. from the nor'-east and sou'-west winds, and Chests Drawers, Double and Ssnele Oik and
gets all the sni that shines. LOHREY AND CO., LTD. Kirou Bpdsifadv Beddinp. Blankets, Quills. PKOPEETTBB rOB SAUL
$564 Auctioneers.
H. MATSON and CO., Auctioneers. THIS IS A VERY FINE HOME, and

SLATER. SARGENT, and DALE, the Hills 6jvd« -Vew Axmin. Good Hut;*. Mm.
anyone seeking a property on
2070 should not fail to inspect this place. Linoleums. Wire Cnarh. DJnin« and Kitchen
Table.-. Chairs. Hal.standi-. Overmantel.
SOUTHBROOK. It has a Mean bill of health Framed Mirrors. Re-ord Cabinet.
* "

THE PRICE ASKED IS VERY REARON- REMIX D E R. Kitrhen Dresser. Kerbs, Vacuum Cleaner.
HAVES. On account MR E. J. JOBLIN. SOLE Avery Series and Weijrbt* Laree Fruiterer's SfPERIOB aKXTUtatAVt .
On acoonnt MR J. P. of For full pnrticnlars apply to the r!cr artok cm nstrnvrm.

THIS n\V AT \.",r> P.M. THIS PAY. Cupboard. Portable Wardrobe. Dinner Set.
AGENTS: ->rLKM)II'L) baiH Ta*a-a*a*r-

FARMS—PROPERTIES NOW PASTRYCOOK'S Also, Rabbiter'a Outfit of 40 Trap*.

Folio 21 C
OF etc.
6xß Duck Te-H and Fly,
Trumpeter, and Trombone.
Good Cornet.
5 Itefidrnra. rtxttajamg 10
hlcfi »r.J eoa*«*i*Maß: larg* iilp
are instructed by MR J. P. HAYES, TO BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION CLOSE TO CHURCH, SCHOOL, AND RAIL- 105 Hereford street.
(Under instruction' from A. HARVE\ ESQ., GEORGE ANDERSON and CO.. Auctioneer!. ba'rfn* *'<»
billiwdt "

WE who hai sold his farm, to hold a Clear WAY STATION.

the Lease having been s</d). 2078 ■Btrr
-- ----
rerrjea, 11"
, 4".jbl»
ids Sal* of the whole of his Live and Dead Who can have a better selection of
Stock, on Iho property, Drain road, South- VERY HIGH SITUATION. HKLD ON THE PREMISES.
brook, on the above date as follows: FARMERS' CO-OPERATIVE LAND SALE ties than H. MATSON and COI Just think TO BE
PROPERTIES FOE BAX*B. Hesutifully laid Mt
ROOMS, CASHEL STREET, of large and representative clientele. \'o. 756 COLOMBO STREET. CITY. witb ehotea eatlmtwi «f
NEED BLANKETS ? LOHREY and CO.. lenait lawn, rood •!«•**•, ate. 0»M»
-60 Ewes, Two-tooth to B.M. SPACIOUS ROOMS, return verandah, plas- NEED BLANKETS ? 2064 Auctioneers. HILLARY AND BAXTER. it property it o«w to* kargt far klav
tered and art papered, electric light, ward-
1 B.L. Ram (middle March •
robes and cupboards built in, bathroom with NEED BLANKETS T nrir* !* rraMw*bl«
i S.D. Rams (iniddia March)
ONE OF CANTERBURY'S SHOW PLACES. bath and basin, h. and c. service, pantry,
CI 'X'^A— FOR BALE,foror would house
0 Two-tooth Wethers WEDNESDAY, JULY 3rd, 1929, scullery, coal range, gas, large sun verandah, i 550 WALK IK WALK
At 2 o'clock. iAPERY BUSINESS. c*vJLf>«>" CHANGE smaller >■ a too* piauulm.
HORSES—- washhouse, copper and tubs, coal shed, asphalt SAVE This a well-built Hoote of 7 rooms. 20
paths and yard, workshop, sewer, two lava- YOU WILL
x lfl, 1«
i !5, 16 x 14, II x 13, etc.. beau-
In*** of ■»o4«rm **B attUl mlfcM «f
-1 Dft. Held. Prince, rising 6yrt>. all work MAGNIFICENT HOMK tories. YOU WILL SAVE IN A THRIVING COUNTRY DISTRICT j.sieved throughout, wide entrance 10 roawa and iiwnu 4m at «wy •

1 Dft. Geld. Dick. 6yrs, all work ZEALAND FARMERS' CO- QUARTER-ACItE OP LAND, beautifully YOT WILL SAVE —OWNER RETIRING—- tiful.:- rc»ioo»bi» rental, vita Ikrat paaM t» nav
1 Dft. ilare Pride, Byrs, all work,
TERBURY. LTD., have received instructions
laid out and planted. YOU
SAVE ~!TOCK and Plant can be had at valuation
hail, every possible convenience. Hue lot
of wardrobe* and cupboards; JO perrhas is tituaiad id aorta vast •* CrtT, aavC? IH
and town, ifrun law*. aad Mir P"—•■*■•
garden Situate right in the City, m-ithin
1 lift. Geld. Darkie, syrs, all chain work from MR E. J. JOBLIN, to Sell, by PUBLIC EOR QUICK SALE. i'OU WILL SAVE > up to £2OOO. Present turnover. £5'"l00. easy walking distance of the Square. 1000 The bouse it foISy (urataaad, «i aa* aapry
1 Dft. Geld. Laddie, syrs, all chain work
I Dft. Geld. Punch, all work
AUCTION, in their Land Sale Rooms, Cashei
street. Chrlstchurch, on WEDNESDAY, £IOSO A
HILLARY and BAXTER. modern convenience, larr
dab, motor garaga. •*■
1 Dft. Filly, rising 2yrs, unbroken JULY 3rd, at 2 o'clock, hiß well and favour- DOUBLE FRONTED SHOP with OFFICES bat from I u 10 boai dam
1 Coll Foal ably-known Property, comprising TWO HUN-
dt*J.UUU HILLS. This is a smart per vera, iaetodtßg ratal a*
Harness and Covers for all Horses DRED AND FOUR ACRES, TWO ROODS, Corner section. In 4» per week. Te
4 Living Rooms and Great Storeroom. Bungalow of 4 nice rooms and kitchenette, leme fully farataaed
NOTE-—We can strongly recommend Mr

being Rural Sections 2575, 32750, 33511, Cor. Cashel and Manchester streets. McKENZIE and WILLIS*. concrete floor. All in perfect order.
also glasesd-in can porch, every possible
Hayett' horses. They are all sound and an
and Part 2652. McKENZIE and WILLIS - .

The premises valued at gift price i' 1250.

convenience, including electric cooker; fine SPLEXDIU HOL
exceptionally good lot. gunny section. Handy to the tram. This PROSPBCTm TaJUJI.
OA.TTLK—- LOHREY 4 CO., is without doubt the cheapest property offer- 7 1 ACRES of Ua *atr ia» had li
About Ten Acres of the land is rich flats, AN ABSOLUTE BARGAIN. ■"THEN See the Quality of These ing on the hills. 'OS I 2 am. aaitaalt frr
-5 Dairy Cows, due in »prijij{ you 109 Cashel stmt.
Cow in profit and the balance low cocksfoot hills, typical L6174
HILLARY and BAXTER. gardening »»Jl aitaatad aad lata*} » »»»,
Banks Peninsula country, subdivided into MATSON and CO., WITHIN ONE MINUTE OF PAPANTJI '
HEAVY NEW ZEALAND BLANKETS ha* lone double troatage
" -"

1 Fat Cow seven convenient-sized blocks by post and

for catting ay •aaar oe.

12 Starrs. 18 months well watered.
wire fences, and is exceptionally PEOPEBTTES FOE SALE. that we have been
rtRAPERS —Please noteweH-estwbHsbed cottage of 1 rawaM *if» aa**
•J lieiftirs, IS months Land Department. (Just ever origina; id tram section.)
BUILDINGS comprise nearly new Bunga- tvill realise what colossal savings they J instructed to sell a and house, dairy, and cp-ta-dMa .
t Calves low of 3 Kooms, with every possible con-
FROM £2IOO TO *:600 Truly, McKENZIE and WILLIS' is EVANS AND BULL. rreted) T
Jersey Heifers venience, including hot and cold water, offer.
Yearling REDUCED
elec- NESS. The present owner has done so ex ran (red.
1 Yearling S.H. Bull tric light, cow-byre, and pig-Btyo;
there is FOR A QUICK SALE. the "Big Shop with the Big Values." ceedingly well that it ha* enabled him to
2 Good loudj; Sheep Dogs. BCKGALOW BAKOAIK.
also »u old Cottage and Dairy. buv a much larger concern. The freehold
of 'the property is for sale at A LOW PIiICK
SITUATED right opposite- the L'ttlo River where the Wool grows. Free SUNNY VERANDAH, plastered and art -39/6, 45/-, 57/6. (Licensed Land Broker), and you can buy the whole or portion of \J to aakoai «»!#aaid»T N« ■
Domain, about one mile from the Kaiiway hold land, well watered, tab- papered, electric light throughout, tiled Established 1881. the stock. his is your opportunity.
This 906
00 4 room and Kitta******, aad ■**»
UU'USatKNTS, ETC.— bit-proof fence right round pro- hearths and grates wardrobes built in, large ALL WOOL WHITE THREE QUARTER- 63 CATHEDRAL SQUARE. HILLARY and BAXTER. mpl«U vita all tfc* IMb*

■4 Farm Drays aud i'mmec, buring Station. perty, 600 acres ploughable. bal Upstairs, Government Life Insurance
Dm.i, ilcOorinick Binder, McC'ormick dining-room with op«n clinker brick fireplace, BED SIZE—3S/-, 37/6. Buildings, Opposite Pott Office.
fiat, alga, may aactiM af
TE-ItMS OF SALE: ance tussock hills, woolshed, kitchen with range and cupboards, bathroom fontrm pataa.
dido Delivery with pea attachment, dip, men's cottage, B*roomed with porcelain batb and basin, kitchenette, ALL WOOL, WHITE SINGLE BED SIZE—- 'Phone 735. PQQfr- AT THI& A apleodidiy
JI.II. 13 Coulter Drill ■ 1.0 i-er rent, on fall of hammer. LISTS ON APPLICATION. 2wOt7»J
Balance on possession, July lTtlt, 19.9. house, hot and cold water, 6- scullery, pantry, linen cupboards, h.p. water, -25/-, 29/6. 35/-. built House of 8 rooms, plas-

sued Box, Booth Roller, Set 16 Blade stall stable, school alongside. tered and papered, all convenience*, h and Land and Krtata AgaMa
Discs, Sot Little's Drug Harrows, 9- sewer, coalhouse, brick larder, garage with
and arrangements
Terms arranged. 2SOO sheep c, e.l. main sewer, all In splendid order; Agratt Jfwtlmni AM—jt C aw
tina Duncan Grubber, 4-leaf Harrows, For farther particulars wintered. £3 10s. Stock at wash fdoor? at botb ends).
1 acre orchard and tennis court, garage 61 HEREFORD tIKaWI
Clcd-Crushttr, Bffurr4»w Duncan Plough, to inspect, apply to —

valuation. Folio 1814 Just ovct quarter of an acre of land, beau- An absolute snip. One minute from tram. '
Phonal *»4 aad UtL
Double-Furrow Plough, Duncan; K.T. tifully laid out in lawns and garden, well 907
Vyce, NEW ZEALAND FARMERS' CO- sheltered and private. Facinsr North 1 KACRES in Grass, with 6-ROOMED
Ui», Lauding Chains, Anvil, THE HILLARY and BAXTER,
Boring Mauliiiie, 45 gallon Aifa-Leval OPERATIVE ASSN., LTD., H. MATSON and CO.. £4OO to £SOO will be accepted as a deposit; RUGS FOB THE FLOOR. LD HOUSE AND ALL MODERN CON- [5512 17S Manchester street.
Separator, Cross-cut Saw. Crow- Auctioneers. balance can remaii. fo» a term, or clear title RUGS FOR THE FLOOR. VENIENCES, cowbail, shed, etc. £1375,
100 Land Department. terras. Suit retired farmer. 19/53
bar, Mawl and Wedges,
and given Immediate possession.
KmptT tiuoka, t'arni Tools, 3 Cart MESSRS MEARES, WILLIAMB, We cannot recommend this property too ALL WOOL METHVEN.
Saddles nud Britehings, 2 Ladders,
Lawn Mower, Garden Roller, Grind-
HOLMES, Solicitors. strongly, as the situation is undeniable and
the surroundings are perfect
21/-, 25/-. 32/6.
,4 f\(\ ACRES, suitable for wheat and £1550.
stone, Wheelbarrow, Sack Burrow, 6 Key on application to the SOLE AGENTS. HEAVY
QUALITY AXMINSTER RUGS—- •xUV sheep, all in good going order. FENDALTON. FINE POSITION.
Sacks Wheat, 2 Sacks Oats, 2 Stacks TENDER.
ACRES—Best situation in New Zea- -20/-, 27/6. Carry 3 sheep per acre. GOOD 6-ROOMED TILED ROOF BUNGALOW.
Oft Blue- PROPERTY TO LET BY land. Solid 7-roomed House, as 18 x 14. 14 x 13. etc., tan-porch
Uuv, t-ncra Mangolds, 40 electric light, great cropping JONES, McCROSTIE
COMPANY, LTD., TAPESTRY SOFA RUGS—19/6. HOUSE and every outbuilding. Price £3O
tum Posts, 6 Bft Gum Posts, Gate
Cor Cashel and Manchester streets. per acre; terms. We will be pleased to sup and kitchenette, art papered throughout, and
Posts, 14 Coils Cyclone Netting, 100 farm, owner keen to sell. Price. JUST ON THE MARKET. all modem conveniences, inelndmg Bain
r TE are instructed by MR JOHN WAL- J5471 VELVET PILE SOFT RUGS—32/6, 39/6. ply full detail*.
Stakes, 1 Cord Ulueguro Firewood, 15 £4O an acre. Folio 1788 48/53 ■ewer. 30 perches in food garden, HAXDT TO BABBHWW tfß*»T Cflk
pair Fowls, 6 Pair Plough Chains, Set i LER to call tenders for the lease of garage, etc.
his property at Okuku. TOWN HOME TAKEN AS PART DEPOSIT. The owner will consider exchanging for 7
H. MATRON Bnd CO., or 8 rooms in the City, or close to Bealey
ALBO— PARTICULARS ARE:— Land Department. UPHOLSTERED SUITES. tc going concern, with 10 cowl, 1 heifar,

•venae; two-storey preferred. 6R6

ol l'uruitur* and Crockery
4 calves, 1 bull, B hones, 30 pigs, about
T52 Acres situate Okuku.
„ ,

Quantity SUITES.
TTp-to-tho-Minute UPHOLSTERED 15 acres for wheat, and about 10 acres in
UPHOLSTERED SUITES. green feed. Good House. 3 large rooms and ■plexdidlt built

outbuildings. Rent £26 18b nett half-year!;-.

New 4-roomed House with all conveni- THE AVON 3-PIECE SUITE, comprising
good work Government Mortgage £OOO. PRICE AS A buwoalow, will
K.Z. fARMERS," CO-OP.. LTD., ences ACRES—Fine Wool Country. With Government Mortgages, Settee and 2 Easy Chairs;
GOING CONCERN, with all live and dead
Auctioneers, Good Stable 30 x 30£t manship throughout, and covered in HANDY POSITION. LINWOOD.
age? Kangiora. Splendid homestead, together To Suit Thrifty Folk
hard-wearing wool moquctte. £l9 10s. stock, £IOOO, less mortgage. Leeston Dis- Clos* to 2Jd tram and ttLoo. This ia a SMALL bckoalow *r
ShearingShed and Grain Store With all outbuildings neces- of Refined Taste. trict. 314/51
2 Whares well built Bungalow of 6 rooms and all eon
sary; metal road to door, keen UPHOLSTERED SUITE
350 acres have been cultivated (now
to tell, good, sweat, sheep conn' THE BUNGALOW WANTED FOR CLIENT. veniencea, including main sewer, art papered
fcTCTTOB AT •Mitt*
(1) RICHMOND—GIazed verandah facing of 3 Pieces, containing full-size ON FIRST MORTGAGE at G*
P~f\f\ throughout, el and heater points, good hot
£1550 sown down)
Balance good sweet tussock country
Term of lease, 7 or 10 years, as desired.
try. Folio 1751 N. Rectangular panelled hall
■with china shelf, 4 really good
plastered rooms and kitchenette.
field with independent front edge, and
2 Largo Easy Chairs with sprung
per cent, for 3 years, ovsr a> good
Particulars application.
water service, everything onder cover; 80
perches In good garden, full-slse garage, etc.
thoroughlv upholßtered throughout, and
LISTEN! There is a Government Mort
NOTE—Tenders will be received either for
H. MATSON and CO., Tiled grates, electric heater
covered "in artistic wool moquctte. COLOMBO STREET, CITY
i*age at 4} per cent, which, apart frtrm the
eecTiox nr bubusbc.
(a) Straight-out Lease
points and range. Bathroom in
£22 10s. 1n FEET 7 Inches FRONTAGE TO low price asked, inaxes this real good buy-
UP-TO-DATE BROOMED BUNGALOW. Land Department. Keen's cement. Doultoa bath it) COLOMBO STREET, neat Tuam
WITH 1 AH AORE. TENNIS COUBT. (b) Leas* with right of purchase and basin. Wardrobes, side- ing. Keys at our office.
GARAGE. ETC. THE MASCOT SUITE of 3 Pieces, compris- street, together v.ith Modern 2-storey Br'.ck HILLARY and BAXTER.
Full particular* from the la-dersigned. board, dresser, airing and other ing Large t.ettee with high back and iuilding, consisting of Large Shop with S6O
Tenders close at Noon on Saturday, Jane cupboards and bins. Double low arms, 2 Chairs to Flate-giuus Windows, electric li<*rit and fit-
29th, with hot water service. W.C. under
same roof. Wide frontage,
Large Lounge
match, all with double front ting, also three rooms a'tached, sewer,
etc. £1550.
with Upholstered thoroughly throughout and Also Back Entrance Price, i"3<575 AND KNOWLEB STREET hT. ALBAXB.
Tina house ia replete every modern N.Z. FARMERS' CO-OPERATIVE, LTD., RA2ING FARM, JUST UNDER 800 concrete paths. Well fenced.
covered very choice Genoa Velvet.
convenience, spacioua wardrobes, two hot 9898 Auctioneers, Rangiora. ACRES. Originally heavy in TERMS GIVEN. Just on the market. Full SUPERIOR BUNGALOW.
water aervicea, large bathroom, large rooms. bush land. Estimated to carry PRICE £875. £3l. particulars from the Sole Agents is and kitchenette, also glassed In
sun-porch, Brst-class grates and electric It
400 breeding ewes; 4-roomed \o deposit WILL BE CONSIDERED

ting*, art papered throughout, spaciona pan

The Section baa a wide frontage la house in good order, fences ex- GOVT. MORTGAGE. FROM A FINANCIAL BUYER
and FORD AND HADFIELD, LTD. cellent. Price is right. Get in on CARRIED a sheep elled
hall, a well arranged and eemaodjone
easy terms. Folio 1832 PARRIS and McMILLAN. DOWN
QUILTS. 3300
per acre.
10b per sere.
house, t-acre In excellent garden and lawns.
**le. Price
large garage A most complete and horaeHke
DOWN QUILTS. erod from a financial buyer Will leave al» property in the very best part. (886)
and wind Of** Ta«fi#* o*l B»

nn for a term on a sliding
The owner will consider any reasonable GREAT VALUE! (2) ON TRAM LlNE—Fronting Park and
FULL DOUBLE-SIZE QUILTS, well filled le. pavine hnth interest and prineina' H5513 178 Manchester aireet. r and (tfffet-•**<•«-
commanding glorious Panoramic with Down, covered with materials, CHKISTCHOECB. U*mW
proposition. Land Department. lilar to a State Advance" Mortenee f"'
view of Port Hills. Every beautiful in colourings and design—£2 3fij Tears, with interest at 6 per cent NO D. STOCK AND CO. Depart S.M ■ a»« i »~* »
modern refinement, glazed ver- ss, £3 3s, £4 15s, £5£7 17a 6d ss, £6, AEABOA. Inr
N.H. FARMERS' CO-OP.. andah, 3 bedrooms, dining- CULTIVATION, hut if wanted fhere is da; »P»
Sole Agents. FOR URGENT SALE. amnle plmiehahle land Well watered Pi<t -i aed I M*- *•*<»• 1
room, sitting-room, and kitchen- SINGLE-BED QUILTS—£2 2s 6d, £2 10b.
SCNDATS—• ».m. o***"*?

ette, hall. On sewer. and wire fences Two mile* from school D. STOCK and CO. .

hot water service. The acme

and 5 from s.ilevsrd*: fl-rnomed house,
won] FAKKS—Iit »d *«*»™. t*»
TO LET. ACRES, NEAR CHRI6TCHURCH. implement shed. hut. BpMil W«Mtaga rrlpa and
Good Bungalow S rooms, heavy of comfort in built in fitments, shed. barn. earasje.
iICCARTON BUNGALOW, close in. Five A COMPACT BUNGALOW, situate JEF- cropping and dairying and note the specially large stables. chntTtion-c. and codaee. Aren-d- pri»at*Jy
Largo Rooms and Kitchenette; Sewer, FREY'S ROAD, BRYNDWR, containin
amount of accommodation ---ins to the Governmentin 1924 returns PREMISES

an all conveniences, dairy, garage, EASY TIME PAYMENTS.

Uamgo; 4-aore. 3Sa weekly. FOUR ROOMS, KITCHENETTE. cowshed (10-bail), stable, pig- EASY TIME PAYMENTS. run r.irrieH 33.=>fl oheep
and 3032 in
to snpplv full
«ral atn«rt;
Toteenwtat, Ga
£975. 1925 We will l.e
stye, permanent water, electric 363/51
WRITE OR CALL Tei«fr»i»a: ««»*, Afcar**.
Kitchenette, Garage, E. Cooker, etc; £2 5s NORTH. light, 6 paddocks, stock car- ever-increasing popularity of
weekly. Tied, 15 cowt. Will exchange Say £IOO Deposit and Govern- The Time Pay- MAIN SOUTH ROAD.
Chrialcburrfa. 6. Akaro*.
RICCARTON—Two Houses. 9&s weekly. The MANY CONVENIENCES in this for mixed farm. ment Mortgage. McKENZIE and WILLIS' Easydignified 437 When is Akara* da ••« t»lt m I
include eleetrio light, hot and cold ments is ample proof of tho ser- BETWEEN PCK'KBURN AND HORNB' arcnir baa ana* of U» BaMM S ftf*
ST. ALBANS-Five Rooma, best part; home Folio 1827 vice this system offers. ACRE 17 nerche* ar-d ■i-ROOMED BTJN-
I NEAR BANK OF NEW ZEAXJdU. Trip 11. Can tear* Akar*» "•**• mml

eekly. water, Doulton bath, w.h., copper, tube, PARRIS and McMILLAN. -1 GALOW all modern convenience'.

...oTtrairre -=n!e Price S*33.


X'QQr—KAB? TERMS. Electrio Light, concrete paths, lawn and garden. Large Land
Department. Next to the Post Office,
oWOOU Wuhhouse, Copper and Tubs. shed and workshop. The Bix Shop ofsmuufCß.
J-l, wide frontaaa: 00 tram line.
Group of four nice, high, level SECTIOVS
in Wilson's road, on Tram Cathedral square.
D2 Good little datrv farm. 4-ronrned MANCHESTER STREET.
N.Z. F
£760. Line. 70 links frontage and
28 perches each.
honse, etc. £975 or offer.


On account of
PRICE has been fixed by the MORTGAGEE.
� FARM, carrying close on 40
cows; practically new 6-roomed £ORn THE LOT. L. P. DEVLIN.
la Merfad i» a»d l»«*r»aTtJ«i *T
TRUSTEES LATE FREDERICK HUBBARD House, hot and eold, electric
IMMEDIATE POSSESSION AND TERMS light, cowshed (3-bail), dairy,
LTD. b»»o received instructions from ARRANGED. etc. Ample water, subdivided PARRIB and McMILLAN, L P. DEVLIN.
Price £3300, good terms. Full Real Estate Agents, OF EXCELLENT SUEEi* Second Floor. Esvaatf B2JMBJBB*
the Trustees of the late Frederick Hubbard
Land, all in grass, DUO SUITE
details, Folio 1820 165 CASHEL STREET. AND CROPPINti LAND, well OH OF *•*
to Beli by Private Treaty:— •Phone 9511 ft 1 ACRES, Heavy Dairy Comprising Two Rooms Each, Ami lina aJonla fctaoloto *»»
BBEMI.KY—94O acres and Homestead. J/2 well fenced and watered, together with "an affair*
«,,.. «•* *•*

450 tq.feet.
LAKfc FLAT—2IB acres. No buildings. Dwellinghouse of 4 Rooms and every attfca* a*
H. MATSON and CO.. Modern also motor garage, cow-
One Room 150 s<j. feet, and Stationery
HUDSON'B BLOCK —IOO acres and build- latest convenience, would Filing Room. LOW RENTAL. EXECUTOR. t-TTOBKET. OK
A rarr dairy farm.
ONLY A FEW MINUTES PROM THE L. W. BALLAN A_ND CO. shed, fowlhouse, storeroom, etc. This «*• C**l
Th* Trustees are now determined to CENTRE. Land Department.
folding; Call or ml*
make an ideal market or gardener

realise and have reduced th* price* on Price reduced to £1550 near offer. Terms LEASES ARRANGED TO SUIT CLIENTS
the respective lots to tempting investments. Deporit. Owner in illhealth, and must cnrncH. caxtewbibv beaBCM.
for fnrtber particular* aa to price and CHEAP CITY HOME. L. W. BALLAN and CO. £250 Further Info p. B BABBCT,
from the Agenta:
terms appiy to the Agents,
se!l -


ACRES—TAI TAPU. Stunning Farm, HALSWELL. riTlFilTlfTnltTfffT NEW 4- STOCK and CO
THI N.E. FARMERS' CO-OP. ASBN, LTD.. of SIX LARGE ROOMS, plastered and nicely complete with good homestead, ~-~—NCE. with all N'.Z. Expre«x Co.'s Building.
Christchnreh. papered, hot and cold water, electric light,
wardrobe* built in, Doulton bath, SEWER,
A real farm in a real district.
Ready made. Price £63 10s. ■J -J ACRES EARL-FcROPPIXG LAND, 5
acres Ploughed
right in the best part of Rang>-
ot Und.
'PHONES rill
ora, together with Half an Acre


ready 1 SUPERIOR RESIDENCE, one minute from 5042!
We invite enquiries. Apply ■ PHOTS

acre Asparagus (three years old), about

1 acre This property is honestly worth any bn * Cathedral equare. of 15 rooms, subdivided

SECTION of 22 PERCHES, with tidy gar- RaspDerry Canes, balance Grass

and Lucerne. inspection. Owner leaving, and must aad bringing in good rettais, BE.VJAMIK 6MITB,
We!J wafered and planted with into Flats,
den, asphalt paths, etc. quickl7 -
PILKS—"INSTANT RELIEF. H. MATSON and CO., belts. House of 5 rooms, Electric lightshelter
tele- L P. DEVLIN, Sole
Agent. There is a large
frontage to Gloucester itreel.
vi Tb;i
6>-cuna or ever i Acre, and
smart Appearance— Have
Bit Renovated at
phone, etc., usnal outbuildings
- -

have buyers
Equity £7^' _oncymakicg concern, and it eminently
LADY from Feilding writes: "Your
treatment is wonderful. It gar* in-
£llsO. Land Department.
Owner will consider an exchange
mixed farm. for

for Farms that are

nToney. A so B buyers for Small particulars.
«d Holding.,
._ _

suitable for the purpose it is now used for.

The place is fcr
(Near St Asaph street)
or •■ private residence
stant relief, and the first lot eared mo." <Over Bridge).

please send SO3 COLOMBO ST

Residences. Sellers ale as a going concern, and is complete
Th* Zaun Double Absorption Treatment The situation of this property is ideal L. W. BALLAN and CO.,

with all Furniture and Bedding, etc

banishes all kinds of piles, and benefits
when operations are impossible. Writ* for
for LETTING ROOMS or for keeping two or
three boarder*, being CONVENIENT TO THE Real Estate Agents,
175-177 Hereford etreet-162 Manchester street Sales of Furniture
and Effects. Live andn Dead
«"*%£}s& For further particulars apply—
PPLICANTS are Reminded that waea
CITY AND HANDY TO THE RAILWAY. Replying to Advertisements care of
(eneroo* Trial Treatment, enclosing; nine-
penet) is stamps, to toe Zann Proprietary,
Telephone 4553 83429 Stock, in Town or
Prompt Account Sales;
reasonable h °'£!- •«■*»?«»*charges. (Telephone
WHITE and CO.,
243 Manchester street. •Tht Press,"
Letters should he
to ensure prompt delivery
tor Uj. Chn«leba»k P*— .L.
Box V53. Wellington. Booklets and stocks your business with us. Addressed Carefully and
of "Zann" are obtainable from Bsraett and For best results place
P. DEVLIN, Clearly.

«ny. Chemints, Cathedral square, and FORD and HADFIELD, LTD., "TTJSASTON Tablets ar» not ■ "Cnra-an.*' Agent, Inmrane*
X but are wonderful assistance i Auctioneer, Real Estate OU will greet each merai
fameron Smith. Chumist, corner Wor- Auctioneers, Land and Estate Agents, n re- Agent and valuator, r ANTED Known that Nicholson and {
L7<m ***• *•••*•» Tablet*.
_ "

lieTing constipation and associated ills. n..


-•ale* street sad the Square, Chriitchareb. Worcester street. HIGH STREET. JTMI7 cent, Ohaeslata,

tatt's, Chemist*. JL^j uasos Oo.'m Sal* i» How On.
—s F6I7A •Phonw: Offle« 129, Bestdeae« 19V

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