Adhesives and Mounting Media, Labeling
Adhesives and Mounting Media, Labeling
Adhesives and Mounting Media, Labeling
Poly-L-Lysin e
• This aqueous detergent can be purchased as a 0.1%
Adhesives solution which is further diluted 1:10 with distilled
water (final dilution to 0.01%) prior to use.
• substances which can be smeared on to the slides so
• This is widely used as a section adhesive in
that the sections stick well to the slides.
• choice of slide and adhesive will be influenced by the
staining methods to be subsequently applied.
5. APES (3-aminopropylthriethoxysilane)
• not necessary for routine staining, provided that the
• APES-coated slides are very useful in cytology,
slides are clean and free from grease.
particularly for cytospin preparations of proteinaceous
• essential for methods that require exposure of sections
or bloody material.
to acids and alkalis (especially ammoniacal silver
• APES-coated slides are better than poly-L-lysine
solutions) during staining.
coated slides because they can be stored for a long
• This can be done either by leaving the slides in a 37°C
time without losing their adhesiveness.
incubator overnight, by placing the slides in a wax oven
at 56° to 60°C for 2 hours, or by drying the slides on a
hot plate at 45° to 55°C for 30 to 45 minutes.
• For more delicate tissues like the CNS tissue or brain, Mounting
a longer drying time at lower temperature (e.g. 37°C for
• Last step in tissue processing that results in a
24 hours or longer) is recommended to avoid splitting
permanent histological preparation suitable for
and cracking of the section due to excess heat.
microscopy, after adhesion of the sections on to the
slide and appropriate staining of the tissue.
• Urgent cryostat sections to be submitted for • Usually, a syrupy fluid applied between the section and
immunocytochemistry the coverslip after staining, setting the section firmly,
• Central nervous system tissues preventing the movement of the coverslip
• Tissues containing blood clot • Protects the stained section from getting scratched, to
facilitate easy handling and storage of the slides, and
• Tissues which have been decalcified
to prevent bleaching or deterioration due to oxidation,
• When sections are to be subjected to high
thereby preserving the slides for permanent keeping.
• Often chosen for a specific refractive index (R.I.), which
1. Mayer's Egg Albumin can enhance specimen details or make them invisible.
o Egg White 50 cc. Refractive Index
o Glycerin 50 cc.
• Most commonly used because it is very easy to make, • Important because it governs the contrast between the
is convenient, and is relatively inexpensive. cellular detail and the background, and also the
transparency of the observed sample against the bright
2. Gelatin (1%) field of the microscope.
• FORMULA: • The mounting media must always have an RI higher
o Gelatin 1 gm than the mounted sample to impart more transparency.
o Distilled water 100 ml
o Glycerol 15 ml
Characteristics of a good mounting medium:
o Phenol Crystal 2 gm
• Adding up to 30 ml of 1% aqueous gelatin to the water • It should be colorless and transparent.
in a floating out bath and mixing it well is a most • It should be freely miscible with xylene and toluene.
convenient alternative to direct coating of slides. • It should not dry to a non-stick consistency and harden
relatively quickly.
3. Gelatin-formaldehyde mixture
• It should protect the section from physical damage and
• FORMULA: chemical activity (oxidation and changes in pH).
o 1% gelatin 5 ml
• It should be resistant to contamination (particularly
o 2% formaldehyde 5 ml
microorganism growth).
• Coat the slides with the above mixture. Allow coated
• It should not cause shrinkage and distortion of tissues.
slides to dry at 37°C for one hour or overnight before
• It should not leach out any stain or affect staining.
• It should not change in color or pH.
• It should be compatible with the adhesive in use.
• It should set without crystallizing, cracking or shrinking • Phosphate buffered glycerol
(or otherwise deform the tissue being mounted) and not (RI = 1.47)
react with, leach or induce fading in stains and reaction o Commonly used to mount sections for
products (including those from enzyme histochemical, immunofluorescence and glycerol may be added
hybridization, and immunohistochemical procedures). to other agents to retard drying and cracking.