Global Institute of Engineering and Technology Melvisharam-Vellore-632 509

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Global Institute of Engineering and Technology

Melvisharam- Vellore-632 509

Department of Mechanical Engineering

1. Define shape function.

Approximate relation φ (x,y) = N1 (x,y) φ1 + N2 (x,y) φ2 + N3 (x,y) φ3
Where φ1, φ2, and φ3 are the values of the field variable at the nodes N1, N2, and
N3 are the interpolation functions. N1, N2, and N3 are also called shape functions
because they are used to express the geometry or shape of the element.

2. What are the characteristic of shape function?

It has unit value at one nodal point and zero value at other nodal points.
The sum of shape function is equal to one.

3. What is the difference between static and dynamic analysis?

Static analysis: The solution of the problem does not vary with time is known
as static analysis Example: stress analysis on a beam

Dynamic analysis: The solution of the problem varies with time is known
as dynamic analysis.

4. State the properties of stiffness matrix.

(i) It is the symmetric matrix.
(ii) Sum of the elements in any column must be equal to zero.
(iii) It is an unstable element.

5. Differentiate between global and local axes.

Local axes are established in an element. Since it is in the element level, they change
with the change in orientation of the element. The direction differs from element to element.
Global axes are defined for the entire system. They are same in direction for all the elements
even though the elements are differently oriented.

6. Distinguish between potential energy function and potential energy functional

If a system has finite number of degree of freedom (q 1, q2 and q3), then the potential
energy expressed as,
π = f (q1,q2 and q3)
It is known as function. If a system has infinite degrees of freedom then the potential
energy is expressed as
7. What are the types of loading acting on the structure?
Body force (f), Traction force (T), Point load (P)

8. Define the body force

A body force is distributed force acting on every elemental volume of
the body Unit: Force per unit volume.
Example: Self weight due to gravity

9. Define traction force

Traction force is defined as distributed force acting on the surface of
the body. Unit: Force per unit area.
Example: Frictional resistance, viscous drag, surface shear

10. What is point load?

Point load is force acting at a particular point which causes displacement.

11. What are the basic steps involved in the finite element modeling.
Discretization of structure and Numbering of nodes.

12. Write down the general finite element equation.

13. What is a truss?

A truss is defined as a structure, made up of several bars, riveted or welded

14. What are the classifications of coordinates?

Global coordinates
Local coordinates
Natural coordinates

15. What is Global coordinates?

The points in the entire structure are defined using coordinates system is
known as global coordinate system.
16. What is natural coordinates?
A natural coordinate system is used to define any point inside the element
by a set of dimensionless number whose magnitude never exceeds unity. This
system is very useful in assembling of stiffness matrices.

17. Name any four FEA software’s.


18. During discretization, mention the places where it is necessary to place a

Concentrated load acting point, Cross-section changing point, different material
interjections and sudden change in point load

19. Why polynomials are generally used as shape function?

Differentiation and integration of polynomial are quite easy. The accuracy
of the result can be improved by increasing the order of the polynomial. It
is easy to formulate and computerize the finite element equations

20. How do you calculate the size of the global stiffness matrix?
Global stiffness matrix size = Number of nodes X Degrees of freedom per node.

21. List the two advantages of post processing.

Required result can be obtained in graphical form. Contour diagrams can be used to
understand the solution easily and quickly.
(PART-B) ( 16 MARKS)

1. Derive the shape function, stiffness matrix and finite element equation for one
dimensional two noded bar element.

2. A fixed beam length of 2L m carries a uniformly distributed load of a‘w’ (in N l m )

which run over a length of ‘L’ m from the fixed end, as shown in Fig.1. Calculate the
rotation at point B using FEA.(Dec-2011, May 2010)

3. Find the nodal displacement and element stresses for the bar shown in fig.2
(May-2011) E=2x105 N/mm2

4. Calculate nodal displacement and element stresses for the truss shown in fig.3
E=70GPa cross-sectional area A = 2 cm² for all truss members. (May-2011)
5. Consider the bar shown in fig.2 axial force P= 500KN is applied as shown.
Determine the nodal displacement, element stresses in each element and reaction
forces. (Dec-2011)

6. Determine the force in the members of the truss shown in Fig.3. (May-2011)

7. The stepped bar shown in fig. 1 is subjected to an increase in temperature, ΔT = 80

C. Determine the nodal displacements, element stresses in each element and
reactions. (Dec-2009)

8. For the prismatic bar shown in fig. 12(b), generate the stiffness matrix correspond in
to the three coordinates indicated. Use the following shape functions.(May-2009)
N1 = (-1/2)r(1-r)
N2 = (1/2)r(1-r)
N3 = 1-r²
9. Find the nodal displacement and elemental stresses for the bar shown in fig

10. Derive the shape functions and stiffness matrix for Quadratic bar element.

11. Derive the shape functions for a 2D beam element

12. Derive the shape a functions for a 2D truss element.

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