Journal of Business Research: Michael J. Mol, Julian Birkinshaw

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Journal of Business Research 62 (2009) 1269–1280

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Journal of Business Research

The sources of management innovation: When firms introduce

new management practices ☆
Michael J. Mol a,⁎, Julian Birkinshaw b
Warwick Business School, University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL, United Kingdom
London Business School, Regent's Park, NW1 4SA London, United Kingdom

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Management innovation is the introduction of management practices new to the firm and intended to
Received 1 March 2008 enhance firm performance. Building on the organizational reference group literature, this article shows that
Received in revised form 1 October 2008 management innovation is a consequence of a firm's internal context and of the external search for new
Accepted 1 January 2009
knowledge. Furthermore the article demonstrates a trade-off between context and search, in that there is a
negative effect on management innovation associated with their joint occurrence. Finally the article shows
that management innovation is positively associated with firm performance in the form of subsequent
Management innovation
Management practices
productivity growth.
Performance © 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Knowledge sources

The phenomenon of innovation continues to attract enormous approach has its own body of literature and, while both fit under the
interest among management scholars. Beyond the ubiquitous techno- banner of management innovation, it is to the latter body of literature
logical and product innovation, a number of subfields have emerged, this article contributes. This research defines management innovation
concerned with aspects of innovation, such as business model as the introduction of management practices that are new to the firm
innovation (e.g., Markides, 1997), service innovation (e.g., Gallouj and and intended to enhance firm performance.
Weinstein, 1997) and process innovation (e.g., Pisano, 1996). This article The introduction of new management practices is an important issue
focuses on one subfield, namely management innovation (Birkinshaw for firms as they seek to upgrade their productivity, improve the quality
et al., 2008) and its antecedents in and consequences for individual of customer offerings and retain competitiveness (Ichniowski et al.,
firms. Hamel (2006, 2007) in particular has forcefully argued that in 1995; Pil and MacDuffie, 1996). Policymakers see such practices as
today's age management innovation may represent one of the most important drivers of sector-level or national improvements in produc-
important and sustainable sources of competitive advantage for firms tivity. For example, the DTI Innovation Survey and “Porter Report”
because of its context specific nature among others. That makes any (published in 2003) highlights the poor adoption of best practices as
study into this topic particularly relevant for practice but also important contributors to the UK's relatively weak productivity levels (Leseure
from the perspective of the study of sustainable competitive advantage, et al., 2004). Examples of management innovation by UK companies
a key domain of strategic management and other academic areas. would be BP's introduction of peer groups (Ghoshal and Gratton, 2002)
For some researchers, management innovation refers to a practice and the business-cell structure at Litton Interconnection Products
or structure that is new-to-the-state-of-the art, meaning that it has no (Birkinshaw and Mol, 2006). In the UK context management innovation
known precedent (e.g., Chandler's (1962) description of the invention may be particularly important, given its leading role in shifting from
of the M-Form structure); for other researchers, management products to services. In services, a company's management and
innovation refers to something that is new to the firm and is adapted innovation therein is more likely to provide competitive advantage
from another context, such as a peer firm (e.g., Zbaracki, 1998). Each than technological prowess.
The literature focusing on why firms introduce new management
practices contains gaps. Many studies focus on the diffusion of specific
☆ An earlier version of this article was presented at the 2005 Academy of
Management Conference, Hawaii. The authors are grateful to Richard Adams and practices across firms over space and time (Abrahamson and Fairchild,
Phanish Puranam for comments on earlier versions. The authors thank the Department 1999; Burns and Wholey, 1993; Teece, 1980; Westphal and Zajac, 2001);
of Trade and Industry (now DIUS) for making the CIS data available to them and the and the literature on the dynamics of the “fashion driven” market for
Office for National Statistics for making the ARD data available to them. The authors take management practices expands (Abrahamson, 1991, 1996; Clark, 2004;
full responsibility for any remaining errors.
⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: +44 24 7652 2148.
Gill and Whittle, 1993; Jackson, 1986); but studies looking specifically at
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (M.J. Mol), [email protected] the firm as the level of analysis, with a view to understanding the causes
(J. Birkinshaw). or consequences of its implementation of new practices more generally,

0148-2963/$ – see front matter © 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
1270 M.J. Mol, J. Birkinshaw / Journal of Business Research 62 (2009) 1269–1280

are small and relatively old (e.g., Damanpour, 1987; Kimberly and understand why and how certain practices become popular including
Evanisko, 1981). These older studies focus on the internal structural work on the suppliers of new management practices (e.g., Benders
context. The current article identifies the key gap in the literature as a and van Veen, 2001; Clark, 2004) and the attributes of managers who
lack of attention on how relations with external and internal partners buy into them (e.g., Gill and Whittle, 1993; Huczynski, 1993; Jackson,
can deliver knowledge that helps firms implement a wide range of 1986) through to comprehensive theories and discussions of how
management practices, which then may or may not improve the firm's management fashions emerge (e.g., Abrahamson, 1991, 1996; Kieser,
performance. 1997; Sturdy, 2004).
The article addresses this gap by considering two questions. First, The third body of literature, which includes the current article,
under what conditions do firms introduce new management focuses at the firm level, and examines a range of organizational,
practices? The focus is on two sets of variables, around context and individual, and situational factors that influence a firm's propensity to
search. The search concept is particularly novel in the context of new introduce new management practices. This body of research does not
management practices, where authors have not previously argued focus on the introduction of a particular practice and explanatory factors
that building up knowledge-based relations affects the ability to specific to that practice, but instead investigates a wider range of
successfully introduce new practices. Furthermore this article inves- practices. This research emphasizes the role of specific internal features
tigates whether and how context and search interact in producing as facilitators of management innovation: for example, Kimberly (1981)
new practices. Second, how is the introduction of new management and Kimberly and Evanisko (1981) link the adoption of management
practices associated with future productivity improvements? Do firms innovations to highly educated and cosmopolitan managers, large
that introduce new management practices tend to outperform those organizations and high levels of competition, while Damanpour (1987,
that do not, or does no observable relationship exist? An answer to 1991) examines a range of predictor factors including specialization,
that question helps to assess Hamel's argument discussed above. The functional differentiation, external communication and centralization of
rest of the article is structured as follows. First the article focuses on decision making.
the concept of management innovation and prior literature in this area Finally, this literature offers very little evidence of the empirical
and builds a set of hypotheses around its antecedents and perfor- relationship between the introduction of new management practices
mance consequences. The empirical analysis is based on over 3600 and firm performance. Many assertions and arguments exist about the
establishment level responses from the UK. The article then discusses likely impact that new management practices will have on performance.
the findings, the research limitations, and possible directions for For some researchers it is an article of faith that management innovation
future research. is a good thing (e.g., Chandler, 1962; Hamel, 2006; Tichy and Sandstrom,
1974), while others are much more skeptical, viewing the introduction
1. Background of new practices as a way of reaffirming control over workers (Knights
and McCabe, 2002) or as a fashion-driven process that benefits only the
An operational definition of management innovation has to address consultants selling the new practices (Staw and Epstein, 2000). This
four core issues. First, what is being innovated? The focus in this article study develops a theoretically-grounded argument about the innova-
is on innovation in management practices, processes and structures tion-performance relationship, tested on objective performance data.
which affect the day-to-day work of management at an operational
level (Alänge et al., 1998; Guillen, 1994), as this is where observable 2. Theoretical development
changes take place, rather than management ideas or ideologies
(Abrahamson, 1996; Barley and Kunda, 1992; Kramer, 1975). Second, is As an organizing framework, this article proposes the notion of a
management innovation something new to the state of the art reference group in influencing the introduction of new practices. The
(Abrahamson, 1996; Hamel, 2006), or simply new to the firm that is reference group is the set of comparator firms that the focal firm looks
implementing it (Stjernberg and Philips, 1993; Zbaracki, 1998)? Both to when making choices about its conduct, and serves two key
definitions are valid but this study focuses on the latter definition. Such functions: providing the performance benchmark against which the
innovations are typically incremental in nature, and include new focal firm evaluates itself; and revealing a range of practices and
approaches to structuring the firm, new management techniques and behaviors the focal firm can learn from (Greve, 1998). Defined in this
new marketing methods that firms pick up from other organizations. way, it should be clear that some reference groups are potentially
Third, does management innovation involve conceptualizing a new more valuable than others. For example, a small Yorkshire-based
practice, implementing a new practice, or both? Building on the UK packaging company might define its reference group as other small
Department of Trade and Industry definition of innovation — the Yorkshire packagers or as all packagers across Europe, and the latter is
successful exploitation of new ideas, management innovation involves likely to offer a greater diversity of practices and behaviors, as well as a
both an idea (typically taken from another context) about what might higher performance benchmark.
work and the implementation or introduction of that idea. The reference group concept is now fairly well established in the
Fourth, this study views innovation as a goal-oriented activity organizational literature (Cyert and March, 1963; Festinger, 1954;
(rather than as an activity undertaken for its own sake; Staw and Wood, 1989), and authors use it to understand how firms make
Epstein, 2000), so innovation is done with the intention of furthering strategic choices such as how to position themselves in a market, how
the firm's performance. Taken together, these elements produce the much to pay their CEO, and whether to innovate (Bromiley, 1991;
following definition of management innovation: the introduction of Greve, 1998; Massini et al., 2005; Porac et al., 1999). In this article, the
management practices that are new to the firm with the intention to reference group serves as a means to interpret the overall model
enhance firm performance. through which management innovation levels are determined.
Bodies of literature examine management innovation, each with a In this study the reference group provides the means for con-
different unit of analysis. The first body focuses on specific manage- ceptualizing when managers of firms will introduce new management
ment practices or structures, such as the M-Form or Total Quality practices. This study argues there are two means for doing so. First,
Management, and examines patterns of diffusion across firms, managers can introduce practices based on knowledge about manage-
industries, or countries, including broader institutional conditions ment practices their firm already possesses, which is shaped by the
(e.g., Abrahamson and Fairchild, 1999; Cole, 1985; Guillen, 1994; Guler reference group their firm is a member of. This reference group, or set of
et al., 2002; Kogut and Parkinson, 1993; Westphal et al., 1997). A outside comparator firms, can be higher or lower in its quality
second, large, body of literature focuses on what one might call the depending on the competitiveness and competence level of the group.
market for new management practices, and in broad terms seeks to The reference group also determines the ‘context’ in which the focal firm
M.J. Mol, J. Birkinshaw / Journal of Business Research 62 (2009) 1269–1280 1271

Fig. 1. Overall conceptual model.

acts. Context is the set of organizational attributes and presents a passive have more interorganizational relations and knowledge, they are
approach to the introduction of new management practices; the more likely to succeed in search processes (Leiponen and Helfat,
firm learns from and aspires to the practices from its reference group 2005). This study combines these various theories to argue for the
whether, for example, it is a Yorkshire-based packager or part of an hypotheses below.
international group.
Alternatively, managers of a firm can attempt to actively look out 2.1. Hypotheses
for new knowledge on management practices above and beyond those
presented to the firm through its immediate reference group. This 2.1.1. Context
study will use the term ‘search’ for such attempts. Search results in Authors typically view the reference group as a subconscious
deliberate links made to actors inside or outside the organization with cognitive frame rather than as an objective construct. Prior studies use
a view to helping managers address their problems or performance the reference group as an unobservable concept or make assumptions
gaps, and search shows a conscious desire by managers to seek out about a group's likely scope and so avoid direct measurement (e.g.,
new practices in other adjacent areas. In the example managers of the Greve, 1998; Massini et al., 2005). This study likewise treats the
firm look for practices beyond those adopted by small Yorkshire-based reference group as an unobservable concept; identifying firm-level
packagers. Context and search are not entirely independent, and the attributes that collectively determine the reference group and shape
data will confirm they are correlated, but they can be separated the context in which decisions are made about who to emulate is
conceptually. After examining each in turn, the article will consider possible. Specifically, this study identifies three important attributes:
how they interact. Fig. 1 clarifies the overall conceptual model. size, education of the workforce, and international scope. So firms
This overall organizing framework finds support in various within a given size class, with similarly educated workforces, and
theories. Other work which uses the reference group framework, like operating in a similar market tend to see one another as reference
Massini et al. (2005), similarly draws upon multiple theories. Some of group members, as in the example of small Yorkshire packagers.
these theories are more closely related to context while others are Size influences the introduction of new management practices
more suggestive of active search, but there is no clear-cut division. The in various ways. Larger firms face a wider variety of challenges than
institutional perspective sees the introduction of new practices as smaller firms, and they face a greater number of competitors of all sizes
driven by the desire to emulate the practices of high-status peers, and (Kimberley and Evanisko, 1981). To overcome these challenges and
thereby gain legitimacy (DiMaggio and Powell, 1983; Meyer and competitors, larger firms are more likely to want to take up new
Rowan, 1977; Scott, 1987). According to this view, managers pick up on practices. But there is a supply side argument as well. Larger firms hold
rational and progressive practices (Abrahamson, 1996) from peers and a larger stock of resources, including knowledge on management
high-status firms, and they introduce them to their own firms practices and human capital and will therefore be more likely to
primarily for their symbolic value. So institutional theory suggests introduce new practices (Hitt et al, 2001; Leiponen and Helfat, 2005). Thus
some clues as to where managers look for inspiration — some may larger firms are both under more pressure to introduce new practices,
interact with their local contacts, while others search more widely on a when compared to smaller firms, and more capable of doing so.
national or international basis. This institutional perspective to an
extent also incorporates arguments around social networks in general Hypothesis 1. The larger the firm, the higher the level of introduction of
and interfirm networks in particular, where it is argued that network new management practices.
members are more likely to adopt practices adopted by firms they
have relations with in general, and network members in particular The Education of the Workforce, measured as the percentage of
(Guler et al, 2002; Nahapiet and Ghoshal, 1998). employees with a degree, is also potentially an important attribute of
The behavioral theory of the firm (Cyert and March, 1963; March the firm and represents one of its key innovation resources. Well-
and Simon, 1958) is a second perspective in which the desire to close a educated employees are more likely to read widely, which increases
performance gap drives the introduction of new practices. According the extent to which they are aware of issues beyond their immediate
to this view, managers will engage in a process of problematic search location of employment. Well-educated employees are also likely – all
in which they search for ways of addressing their performance gap else being equal – to travel more, to join professional organizations,
through interactions with their closer or more well-established and to seek out advancement within their firms (Alvesson, 1995;
contacts, and once a satisficing solution has been found and Blundell et al., 1999). Hence firms with such employees are more prone
implemented, they move on to address other issues. New practices, to develop a broader and/or more international reference group.
in other words, are introduced specifically to address performance Chandler's (1962) description of the introduction of the M-Form
concerns, but typically to a satisficing rather than optimizing level. A structure in four US firms in the 1920s includes some specific thoughts
related argument appears in the form of the resource-based and on the types of individuals who are most likely to be management
knowledge-based views, which argue that firms in possession of innovators. With one exception, these individuals were recent
large stocks of resources and knowledge due to their context are more university graduates. As Chandler (1962: 317) puts it “[p]ossibly
likely to successfully introduce new practices (e.g., Barney, 1991; the rigor required in working out scientific and engineering problems
Grant, 1996; Hitt et al., 2001). Because such resource-rich firms also led these men to approach management needs in somewhat the
1272 M.J. Mol, J. Birkinshaw / Journal of Business Research 62 (2009) 1269–1280

same way” and (1962: 318) “[w]hat Taylor, the Ford engineers, the such knowledge transfer. In order to establish such relationships, it
engineering journalists and professors, and the organization builders may be helpful to build trust between the focal firm and the
here studied had in common were not specific ideas, techniques, or knowledge source but this is not strictly needed. Trust and social
methods, but rather the same rational, self-conscious approach to the capital more broadly, may facilitate interorganizational relations and
management of men”. the exchange of knowledge (McEvily and Zaheer, 1999; Nahapiet and
Ghoshal, 1998). This study does not directly study trust or assume
Hypothesis 2. The more highly educated the workforce of the firm, trust between the focal firm and its knowledge sources.
the higher the level of introduction of new management practices. But how do ties with sources of knowledge affect the implementa-
tion of new practices? This study argues that having more such ties
Finally, a firm's Geographic Scope is an important predictor of its
and having ties with a variety of knowledge sources both affect the
propensity to introduce new practices. Prior studies of reference groups
implementation of new practices positively. The technology innovation
underline the importance of geographical proximity as a factor in
literature focuses on actors like lead customers and suppliers (Utterback,
defining a reference group (Lant and Baum, 1995), which suggests
1994), as well as on a more diverse set of external knowledge sources as
simply that the more internationally-focused the firm, the more likely it
a driver of innovation (e.g., Hargadon, 2002; Katila and Ahuja, 2002). By
is to view itself as having a global reference group, for two reasons. First,
using more knowledge sources firms increase their chances to find
participation in international markets may be a source of insight for
something useful — they draw from the pool of knowledge more often,
management innovation, since it exposes firms to a much broader set of
which improves the odds of being lucky, and they stand a greater chance
management approaches and opportunities in different contexts than
of gaining access to complementary knowledge because of the diversity
they would get in their domestic market (Kogut and Parkinson, 1993).
of sources they consult (Leiponen and Helfat, 2005). More contacts with
Previous research shows that a broader external environment provides
knowledge sources should therefore lead to more insights into new
firms with more information cues (Geletkanycz and Hambrick, 1997)
management practices that have worked in other settings and hence to
and also more generally that firms which establish ties to other,
more successful implementations.
geographically proximate, firms can use these to acquire and develop
The greater the diversity of sources the firm has access to, the more
capabilities (McEvily and Zaheer, 1999). Second, the broader the firm's
likely it is that the insights gained from these sources are recombin-
geographic scope, the greater the number and size of competitors it
able in creative and valuable ways (Hargadon, 2002). Anecdotal
faces, and the broader its reference group. For example, when Toyota
evidence from Kaplan (1998), Kleiner (1996) and Whitsett and Yorks
failed to compete successfully in the U.S. market in the 1950s and
(1983) suggests that external parties often play a critical role in the
discovered the need for a radical new approach, this stimulus, among
early stages of introducing new management practices and Birkin-
others, led to the development of the lean production system which
shaw et al. (2008) likewise stress the role of external actors in the
derived important cues from the U.S. supermarket industry (Udagawa,
management innovation process. Therefore this study argues that the
1995). Firms operating in such a broader environment therefore
greater the breadth of knowledge sources used by the firm, the higher
typically discover more practices because they observe both more and
the level of introduction of new management practices.
more diverse organizations whose practices they can mimic, in line with
But which categories of knowledge sources ought to be consid-
institutional theory.
ered? This article investigates three such categories — internal sources
(i.e., anyone inside the legal boundaries of the firm), market sources
Hypothesis 3. The greater the geographical scope of the market the
(customers, suppliers, competitors, and consultants), and professional
firm is operating in, the higher the level of introduction of new
sources (industry bodies, professional associations, and trade fairs).
management practices.
The fashion literature (Abrahamson, 1996; Staw and Epstein, 2000)
has stressed the role of market-based sources of knowledge as the
2.1.2. Search primary driver of the uptake of new management practices. Thus,
The other side of the reference group framework is the aggregate firms mimic their competitors by implementing management
search behaviors of managers in the firm as they seek out new practices that appear progressive (Abrahamson and Rosenkopf,
knowledge and insight on management practices. This study argues 1993), customers provide incentives to encourage firms to adopt
active search should be a significant contributor to the introduction of new practices (e.g., Guler et al., 2002); suppliers push management
new practices. Such search behavior can potentially take many forms. innovations down the value chain, and consultants promote their own
For instance, managers can search for new to the firm ideas from their solutions (Abrahamson and Fairchild, 2001).
own previous experiences outside the organization, read the manage- This study accepts this line of argument, but building on the
ment literature or bring in consultants who market and implement their behavioral theory of the firm and the social network perspective
practices. Another form of search involves looking at practices, or parts also recognizes the importance of internal sources and professional
of practices, which have previously been implemented in other contexts sources. Problemistic search has two important characteristics:
and organizations. So at least some of the search will need to target simple-mindedness, proceeding on the basis of a simple model first;
specific organizations in possession of knowledge on management and bias towards the prior experiences of those individuals pursuing
practices. These organizations can be referred to as knowledge sources. search. Thus when looking for new management practices, managers
Authors recognize search for new knowledge sources as a key with a problem first speak to trusted internal colleagues, and only
component of technological innovation — for accessing new knowl- once those colleagues have been exhausted look outside firm
edge and recombining it with existing knowledge (Fey and Birkin- boundaries (Hansen and Løvås, 2004; Nahapiet and Ghoshal, 1998).
shaw, 2005; Katila and Ahuja, 2002; Laursen and Salter, 2006; Moreover, managers put considerable faith in professional peers
Rosenkopf and Nerkar, 2001). This article applies similar concepts to outside the firm because they are trusted and neutral. This is
management innovation, in that managers search for new ideas; particularly likely in the UK where many managers belong to a
combine these with existing knowledge and conditions in the firm, professional association, such as the Chartered Institute for Personnel
which then leads to the introduction of new practices. Active search, in and Development. These professions represent a source of informa-
other words, is an important part of the framework. The specific, and tion about what is happening across firm boundaries, without the
often somewhat idiosyncratic, nature of management innovations competitive consequences or costs of working with market-based
complicates knowledge transfer from one organization to the next. sources such as customers and consultants (Rosenkopf et al., 2001). In
Thus it may be necessary to establish relations, however informal, sum, all three categories of sources should have some direct effect on
with these outside organizations or internal units in order to facilitate the level of introduction of new management practices.
M.J. Mol, J. Birkinshaw / Journal of Business Research 62 (2009) 1269–1280 1273

Hypothesis 4a. The more internal sources the firm interacts with, the performance. Some view the introduction of new practices as driven
higher the level of introduction of new management practices. by the need to conform, rather than to achieve superior performance
(Abrahamson, 1996). There is indeed some research evidence that
Hypothesis 4b. The more market-based sources the firm interacts firms claiming to adopt new techniques improve their reputations but
with, the higher the level of introduction of new management practices. not their financial results (Staw and Epstein, 2000). And it has been
suggested that many costly implementations may need to occur
Hypothesis 4c. The more professional sources the firm interacts with,
before an efficient innovation is discovered (Abrahamson, 1991).
the higher the level of introduction of new management practices.
Counter to that runs the argument that the introduction of new
management practices is linked positively to performance, which
2.2. Interaction between context and search proponents of the behavioral theory of the firm and of a managerial
perspective propose (Chandler, 1962; Gruber and Niles, 1972; Tichy
Finally, how the attributes of context and search interact with one and Nisberg, 1976). This study argues for the latter effect and links it to
another need consideration. Both dimensions should be expected to the reference group framework.
share antecedents and therefore ought to correlate positively. This Specifically, the introduction of new management practices is
implies large firms likely interact with more knowledge sources of directed towards closing performance gaps as the firm's reference
various types. But does their joint application produce an interaction group indicates. Porter's (1996) concept of the “productivity frontier”
effect separate from the main effect, and if so is that interaction effect is one way of visualizing this introduction. Only a few of the most
likely to be positive (i.e., context and search are complements) or productive companies operate on the frontier, while many others do
negative (context and search are substitutes)? This study argues that the not. Firms operating on the frontier may seek to push the frontier out
attributes of context on the one hand, and the process of active search on further, by introducing innovations which are new to the state of the
the other, are partial substitutes: they essentially represent different art (or even completely new to the world). But the large majority of
operational ways of getting to grips with a desirable reference group. firms do not operate on the frontier, and they are more likely to focus
According to the behavioral theory of the firm (Cyert and March, 1963) on getting closer to the frontier through the introduction of practices
search transpires in a simplistic and biased way, so that when faced with new to the firm, but adapted from others. Although not all new
a performance problem managers will start looking for solutions close to practices will be successful, on the aggregate these firms will move
home, inside their reference group. Only when these referents cannot closer to the frontier. The introduction of new management practices,
help do managers look further afield, through active search. therefore, ought to help many firms get closer to competitive parity.
To be more specific, the attributes of size, education level and From a resource-based perspective it helps firms catch up with the
scope create a context in which firms that rate high on some or all of current state of the art in performance terms.
them are automatically up to speed on management innovation: their This line of reasoning has two important implications for the type
high quality reference group gives them access to new ideas and of performance associated with the introduction of new management
practices as they arise. Active search, in contrast, is more useful for a practices. First, since this is a gradual process a dynamic measure that
firm that for whatever reason has a reference group of lower quality captures changes in firm performance over an appropriate period of
than expected given the firm's attributes, and is therefore not well time is better than an absolute measure. Second, the measure of
linked into the latest management thinking. So a firm with a high- performance should relate as directly as possible to the consequences
quality reference group is likely – all else being equal – to need less of introducing new practices. Accordingly, firm productivity growth
active search, whereas a firm that is actively engaged in search does appears to be the most appropriate measure. Productivity is a measure
not need the same size, education levels, or market coverage. This, of the efficiency of conversion of inputs into outputs, and for the most
again, is consistent with the notion of satisficing behavior in the part the introduction of new management practices aims to create
behavioral theory. Therefore this study hypothesizes a negative either superior outputs or more cost-efficient inputs (e.g. MacDuffie,
interaction effect between the contextual attributes on the one side 1995). In colloquial terms, management practices are introduced
and the dimensions of search on the other. with a view to do “more with less”. Productivity growth is a superior
measure to stock market-based measures here, because it excludes
Hypothesis 5a. The effect of internal sources on the introduction of
exogenous factors, such as market conditions.
new management practices is mitigated by size, education of the
workforce, and geographic scope of the firm. Hypothesis 6. The introduction of new management practices is
positively associated with future firm performance, in the form of
Hypothesis 5b. The effect of market-based sources on the introduction
productivity growth.
of new management practices is mitigated by size, education of the
workforce, and geographic scope of the firm.
3. Data and methods
Hypothesis 5c. The effect of professional sources on the introduction
of new management practices is mitigated by size, education of the The UK Innovation Survey is a national survey of firm-level
workforce, and geographic scope of the firm. innovation conducted as part of the Europe-wide Community Innova-
tion Survey (CIS). CIS3 data were gathered in 2001 and cover the 1998–
2.3. Introduction of new practices and firm performance 2000 period. The UK survey is administered by the Office for National
Statistics (ONS) and commissioned by the Department of Trade and
The behavioral logic above suggests that the choice of reference Industry (DTI). The full survey can be found through http://www2.dti.
group shapes the performance levels the firm aspires to (Greve, 1998): (last accessed on September 5 2005). Earlier
some firms are content with mediocre performance, while others seek work published with CIS data for instance includes Cassiman and
to achieve a higher level, and the aspiration-reality gap lies at the Veugelers (2002) and Laursen and Salter (2006). Dozens of articles have
heart of this phenomenon. Many studies link single management been published using the CIS. Stockdale (2002) contains an overview of
innovations or at most innovation within one area of management to the methodology and basic descriptive findings of the survey. The
specific measures of performance. By contrast this article aims to link sample of firms was taken from the Interdepartmental Business Register
the introduction of a wide range of practices to the performance of at ONS and stratified by country (England, Scotland, Wales and Northern
the company as a whole. There are contrasting points of view in Ireland), industry (two digit level), and number of employees (five size
the literature about the impact of management innovation on firm bands) (Stockdale, 2002). In all, almost 12% of the firms on the register
1274 M.J. Mol, J. Birkinshaw / Journal of Business Research 62 (2009) 1269–1280

were selected and the sample was skewed towards larger firms. The (Westphal and Zajac, 2001; Zajac and Fiss, 2001) identify as common to
UK survey was sent to 19,602 firms employing 10 or more people of some studies of management practices and performance (e.g., Staw and
which 8172 (41.7%) responded. Epstein, 2000). An alternative approach is to use dummy variables as
These responses form the basis for the empirical analysis. About dependent variables, for management innovation on the whole or for
half of these responses proved complete enough (3668 firms). A firm each of the three types of innovation. Logit models for each of these
in the CIS database is an “establishment” which may either be an dummies show outcomes consistent with the findings presented
independent firm or a subsidiary of a larger parent firm. Firms in the here. The current variable is a more accurate portrayal of management
sample tend to be larger than the average firm in the UK and indeed innovation as a phenomenon, not specific forms of management
the average firm that responded to the survey. innovation, and contains more information.
The survey was the third in the series and lessons from CIS1 and
CIS2 were implemented to improve the data collection process. The 3.1.2. Firm size
core questions in the CIS are based on the OECD's Oslo manual, which This variable is calculated as the logarithm of the number of
adds to the comparability of findings across industries and countries. employees in 2000, since the distribution of firm size tends to be
The CIS sample includes manufacturing, construction and services highly skewed. For the performance test the logarithm of turnover in
firms. The survey includes a page of definitions, which respondents 2000 is used, to predict changes from 2000 to 2003.
could refer to, and a help service was provided (Stockdale, 2002).
Respondents received a postal survey and two reminders as well as a 3.1.3. Degrees
follow-up telephone call in some cases to maximize the number of This variable measures the workforce education level. The
responses. The survey was sent to the person responsible for filling out “degrees” variable is calculated as the number of employees with
official government surveys. Respondents were higher level man- degree level education or above, as a percentage of all employees of the
agers, often Managing Directors, Chief Financial Officers and heads of firm.
Research and Development.
A potential problem that arises with survey data is common 3.1.4. Geographic scope
method bias, where the strength of correlations between variables is This single-item question identifies the firm's largest market as
inflated because the method of data collection and the sources are the local (0), regional (1), national (2) or international (3).
same. This potential problem was addressed in various ways. For the
firm performance hypothesis (H6) an entirely separate database was 3.1.5. Knowledge sources
used to measure the independent variable. For the other hypotheses, For the three groups of knowledge sources three separate count
Podsakoff and Organ (1986) suggest multiple approaches: Harman's variables are calculated, one for each type of sources. The wording of
one-factor test established that multiple factors emerge from a factor the scales is as follows: “Please indicate the sources of knowledge or
analysis (if common method variance is a problem, one dominant information used in your innovation activities, and their importance
factor will emerge); and the data used for most independent variables during the period 1998–2000”.
were objective in nature, such as firm size and employee education,
which reduces significantly the possibility of bias in the results Internal sources . (a) Within the enterprise, (b) Other en-
(Podsakoff and Organ, 1986). terprises within the enterprise group (not used, low importance,
medium importance, high importance).
3.1. Measures Market sources. (a) Suppliers of equipment, materials,
All variables were measured using items from the CIS3 and the components or software, (b) Clients or customers, (c) Competitors,
UK's Annual Respondents Database (ARD). Specific wording is as (d) Consultants, (e) Commercial laboratories/R&D enterprises (not
follows. used, low importance, medium importance, high importance).

3.1.1. Introduction of new management practices Professional sources. (a) Professional conferences, meetings,
There is a separate header called ‘wider innovation’ in the CIS3 (b) Trade associations, (c) Technical/trade press, computer databases,
survey, which stands out from product and process innovation. Under (d) Fairs, exhibitions (not used, low importance, medium importance,
this header respondents were asked “did your enterprise make major high importance).
changes in the following areas of business structure and practices In each case, any degree of importance indicated by the respondent
during the period 1998–2000? And how far did business performance is coded as “1” while not used is coded as “0”. Given the number of
improve as a result? (a) Implementation of new or significantly changed items, the measures take on values between 0 and 2 for internal
corporate strategies e.g. mission statement, market share, (b) Imple- sources, between 0 and 5 for market sources and between 0 and 4 for
mentation of advanced management techniques within your firm e.g. professional sources.
knowledge management, quality circles, (c) Implementation of new or
significantly changed organizational structures e.g. Investors in people, 3.1.6. Firm performance
diversification, and (d) Changing significantly your firm's marketing The ARD provides the performance measure. The ARD is the
concepts/strategies e.g. marketing methods (0 = not used; 1 = used). government's official census data exercise and is executed by ONS.
Because item a, on changed corporate strategies, is not clearly concerned Although the CIS contains perceptual performance indicators, it has
with management innovation as defined here, it is not included in the two problems: one is the common method bias problem that arises
analyses (including it does not materially change the findings). In order when a respondent evaluates both the dependent and independent
to capture the breadth of management innovation undertaken in each variables; the other is the lack of a time-lag between the measures of
firm, a single scale is applied with the value of 0 for no effective innovation and performance. The ARD helps to overcome both
management innovation activity at all, with 1 added for each type of problems, as ARD is collected separately and measures firm perfor-
management innovation the firm engaged in, such that the maximum mance for the three-year period following implementation. Imple-
value is 3. For all practical purposes the measure can be thought of as a menting a management innovation takes time, and for the effects of
count measure that provides an indication of the number of areas of this implementation to come to light takes even longer. Therefore a
innovation a firm engages in. This measure reveals actual implementa- time lag is appropriate and preferable over a cross-sectional analysis.
tions, helping to overcome the decoupling problem Zajac and colleagues The main drawback of using the ARD is that not all CIS observations are
M.J. Mol, J. Birkinshaw / Journal of Business Research 62 (2009) 1269–1280 1275

available in the ARD database, due to differences in sampling recording no major change by responding (d) are coded 0; firms
procedures. Using ARD data over three years worsens this situation, responding (a) were removed from the sample because they did not
again primarily because of sampling but partly because of firm exit as exist throughout the entire time period under investigation.
well. There are 1048 observations for testing Hypothesis 6. “Innovation inhibitors” is a count variable and measures the
The specific performance measure is the change in the firm's number of factors inhibiting a firm's ability to innovate. Respondents
productivity, measured by the relative difference between the firm's were asked “please rate the importance of the following constraints
sales per employees in 2003 and in 2000. This implies an automatic during the period 1998–2000: (a) Excessive perceived economic risks,
control for prior performance. This performance measure contains (b) Direct innovation costs too high, (c) Costs of finance, (d)
information on both the firm's ability to become more effective by Availability of finance, (e) Organizational rigidities within the
increasing its turnover with a similar number of employees and its enterprise, (f) Lack of qualified personnel, (g) Lack of information
ability to become more efficient by reaching similar turnover numbers technology, (h) Lack of information on markets, (i) Impact of
with fewer employees. To summarize. regulations or standards, (j) Lack of customer responsiveness to new
Productivity growth = (2003 sales / 2003 number of employees) / goods or services”. Respondents were asked to specify “no effect” or
(2000 sales / 2000 number of employees) − 1. “low”, “medium”, “high” for each item. The number of cases where the
respondent gave a positive response is summed, resulting in a measure
varying from 0 to 10. The introduction of new management practices is
3.1.7. Control variables one plausible way of overcoming the obstacles that hinder innovation.
“Capital intensity” is measured as 1998 capital expenditures over Further control variables are product innovation and process
1998 sales. Management innovation is not concerned with capital in the innovation. Ettlie (1988) dubs the simultaneous use of management
traditional sense of the word. Firms that have high capital intensity might innovation and technological innovation “synchronous innovation“ and
therefore be expected to direct their attention more towards other forms argues that the use of appropriate forms of management innovation
of innovation, like product and process innovation. made technological innovation more effective in manufacturing firms
“Export intensity” is measured as 1998 export levels over 1998 sales. in the United States in the 1980s. “Product innovation” is a dummy
Export intensity may have a positive impact on the management variable, with a value of 1 for firms that introduced ‘any technologically
innovation because firms that supply to international markets generally new or significantly improved products (goods or services) new to the
have to be more innovative to overcome their liability of foreignness. firm during 1998–2000’. “Process innovation” similarly is a dummy,
While knowledge sources are an informal mechanism for under- measuring the introduction of new or significantly improved processes
standing innovations, technology alliances are a more formalized for producing or supplying products.
means for doing so. Such cooperation agreements aim to exchange “Public support” is a dummy variable measuring whether firms
knowledge between parties like knowledge on management innova- participated in ‘Management Information Programmes (e.g., Industry
tions. ‘Alliances’ with other firms is a dummy variable which takes on CLUBs)’. These potentially aid in the introduction of management
the value of 1 if the firm has any cooperation arrangements with other practices. Finally, an industry dummy variable is included for each of
enterprises or institutions. the 43 2-digit industries.
“Structural change” is a further control variable. Rapid growth and
structural growth can be important stimuli for management innova-
tion. Firms typically grow through a process of punctuated equilibrium 4. Results
(Tushman and Anderson, 1986) and during the periods of upheaval as
they shift from one structure to another some level of management Table 1 contains the means and standard deviations of and
innovation is often required. Equally, divestments can cause upheaval correlations between key variables. Firms in the UK CIS sample were
in the internal workings of the firm and can sometimes lead to actively involved in management innovation during 1998–2001,
management innovation. Respondents were asked “did any of the although substantial variance existed between firms.
following significant changes occur to your enterprise during the This study analyzes the antecedents of the introduction of new
three-year period 1998–2000?” Possible responses are: (a) the management practices through ordered logit regression. Standard
enterprise was established, (b) turnover increased by at least 10% OLS regression is not appropriate because 4 response categories make
due to merger with another enterprise or part of it, (c) turnover up the dependent variable, although a robustness check shows the
decreased by at least 10% due to sale or closure of part of the enterprise, findings are consistent with applying OLS or tobit (given the double-
(d) none of the above. The results are coded as follows: firms recording censored nature of the data). Table 2 contains the results for
major structural changes by responding (b) or (c) are coded 1; firms Hypotheses 1 to 5a, 5b, 5c, featuring a base model (model 1) and

Table 1
Means (prior to centering), standard deviations and correlations among variables.

Mean S.D. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 Introduction of new management practices 1.31 1.26 1
2 Capital intensity .26 9.48 .02 1
3 Export intensity .11 .22 .17 −.01 1
4 Product innovation .28 .45 .33 .03 .25 1
5 Process innovation .24 .43 .26 .03 .11 .33 1
6 Alliances .15 2.15 .19 .00 .23 .28 .22 1
7 Public support .02 .13 .06 .00 .02 .03 .04 .12 1
8 Innovation inhibitors 5.95 3.87 .36 .01 .12 .26 .21 .15 .04 1
9 Structural change .12 .32 .11 .05 .02 .08 .04 .10 − .02 .07 1
10 Firm size 3.98 1.36 .30 .06 .21 .19 .18 .21 .02 .16 .13 1
11 Education of workforce 14.68 23.5 .17 .00 .18 .18 .06 .15 .02 .07 .08 .03 1
12 Geographic scope 2.54 .98 .24 − .01 .52 .24 .10 .17 .00 .13 .05 .31 .19 1
13 Internal sources .95 .85 .47 .02 .26 .40 .35 .26 .05 .46 .10 .30 .17 .27 1
14 Market sources 2.26 1.86 .49 .02 .23 .41 .32 .27 .07 .51 .08 .25 .14 .24 .72 1
15 Professional sources 1.87 1.68 .47 .02 .19 .36 .31 .24 .07 .45 .08 .24 .14 .20 .62 .74 1

N = 3668.
1276 M.J. Mol, J. Birkinshaw / Journal of Business Research 62 (2009) 1269–1280

Table 2
Hierarchical ordered logit results for predicting number of types of new management practices introduced.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Capital intensity .03 .03 .02 .03 .03 .03 .03 .02 .02 .03
.04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04
Export intensity −.35(†) − .29 −.29 −.32(†) − .34(†) − .35(†) − .35(†) − .26 − .30 − .33(†)
.19 .19 .19 .19 .18 .18 .18 .19 .19 .19
Product innovation .38(⁎⁎⁎) .38(⁎⁎⁎) .38(⁎⁎⁎) .38(⁎⁎⁎) .37(⁎⁎⁎) .38(⁎⁎⁎) .38(⁎⁎⁎) .38(⁎⁎⁎) .38(⁎⁎⁎) .38(⁎⁎⁎)
.08 .08 .08 .08 .08 .08 .08 .08 .08 .08
Process innovation .25(⁎⁎) .26(⁎⁎) .26(⁎⁎) .26(⁎⁎) .25(⁎⁎) .25(⁎⁎) .25(⁎⁎) .25(⁎⁎) .25(⁎⁎) .25(⁎⁎)
.08 .08 .08 .08 .08 .08 .08 .08 .08 .08
Alliances −.02 − .02 − .01 − .02 − .02 − .02 − .02 − .02 −.02 − .02
.02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02
Public support .40 .39 .38 .38 .39 .39 .39 .39 .40 .39
.25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25
Innovation inhibitors .07(⁎⁎⁎) .07(⁎⁎⁎) .07(⁎⁎⁎) .07(⁎⁎⁎) .07(⁎⁎⁎) .07(⁎⁎⁎) .07(⁎⁎⁎) .07(⁎⁎⁎) .07(⁎⁎⁎) .07(⁎⁎⁎)
.01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01
Structural change .28(⁎⁎) .28(⁎⁎) .28(⁎⁎) .28(⁎⁎) .29(⁎⁎) .28(⁎⁎) .28(⁎⁎) .28(⁎⁎) .28(⁎⁎) .28(⁎⁎)
.10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10
Firm size .25(⁎⁎⁎) .27(⁎⁎⁎) .27(⁎⁎⁎) .26(⁎⁎⁎) .24(⁎⁎⁎) .24(⁎⁎⁎) .24(⁎⁎⁎) .25(⁎⁎⁎) .25(⁎⁎⁎) .25(⁎⁎⁎)
.03 .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 .03
Education of workforce .01(⁎⁎⁎) .01(⁎⁎⁎) .01(⁎⁎⁎) .01(⁎⁎⁎) .01(⁎⁎⁎) .01(⁎⁎⁎) .01(⁎⁎⁎) .01(⁎⁎⁎) .01(⁎⁎⁎) .01(⁎⁎⁎)
.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00
Geographic scope .15(⁎⁎⁎) .14(⁎⁎) .14(⁎⁎⁎) .14(⁎⁎⁎) .15(⁎⁎⁎) .15(⁎⁎⁎) .15(⁎⁎⁎) .15(⁎⁎⁎) .15(⁎⁎⁎) .15(⁎⁎⁎)
.04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04
Internal sources .31(⁎⁎⁎) .32(⁎⁎⁎) .30(⁎⁎⁎) .30(⁎⁎⁎) .30(⁎⁎⁎) .30(⁎⁎⁎) .31(⁎⁎⁎) .32(⁎⁎⁎) .30(⁎⁎⁎) .30(⁎⁎⁎)
.06 .06 .06 .06 .06 .06 .06 .06 .06 .06
Market sources .17(⁎⁎⁎) .17(⁎⁎⁎) .18(⁎⁎⁎) .18(⁎⁎⁎) .17(⁎⁎⁎) .17(⁎⁎⁎) .18(⁎⁎⁎) .18(⁎⁎⁎) .18(⁎⁎⁎) .17(⁎⁎⁎)
.03 .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 .03
Professional sources .22(⁎⁎⁎) .22(⁎⁎⁎) .22(⁎⁎⁎) .22(⁎⁎⁎) .22(⁎⁎⁎) .22(⁎⁎⁎) .21(⁎⁎⁎) .22(⁎⁎⁎) .22(⁎⁎⁎) .22(⁎⁎⁎)
.03 .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 .03
Internal sources × Size − .12(⁎⁎⁎)
Market sources × Size − .05(⁎⁎⁎)
Professional sources × Size − .04(⁎⁎)
Internal sources × Degrees −.01(⁎⁎⁎)
Market sources × Degrees .00
Professional sources × Degrees .00
Internal sources × Geographic scope −.11(⁎)
Market sources × Geographic scope − .04(†)
Professional sources×Geographic scope − .03
Wald chi2 1525.8 (⁎⁎⁎) 1540.1 (⁎⁎⁎) 1540.6 (⁎⁎⁎) 1532.7 (⁎⁎⁎) 1536.5 (⁎⁎⁎) 1528.4 (⁎⁎⁎) 1528.3 (⁎⁎⁎) 1532.0 (⁎⁎⁎) 1525.8 (⁎⁎⁎) 1529.1 (⁎⁎⁎)
Log pseudolikelihood − 4030.6 − 4023.4 −4023.2 − 4027.1 −4025.2 − 4029.2 − 4029.4 −4027.5 − 4028.9 − 4029.9
Pseudo R2 .159 .161 .161 .160 .160 .159 .159 .160 .160 .159

Showing coefficients and standard errors.

⁎⁎⁎Significant at .001; ⁎⁎significant at .01; ⁎significant at .05; † significant at .10. Industry dummies are not reported to save space but are available upon request. N = 3668.

nine further models, one for each proposed interaction term. None of are highly significant across all models and that the models explain
the independent variables is significant on a Brant test (Long and substantial variance.
Freese, 2001), which examines the violation of parallel regression For Hypotheses 5a, 5b, and 5c mixed support emerges in models 2
assumptions, indicating the results hold for all levels of the dependent through 10. Models 2, 3, and 4 confirm Hypothesis 5a (at significance
variable. levels of 1% and above), which suggests a negative interaction between
Model 1 supports Hypothesis 1, confirming the positive effect of firm size and the three types of knowledge sources. Hypothesis 5b
size, and Hypothesis 2, on the positive influence of the training level of suggests a negative interaction effect between workforce education
employees. And as per Hypothesis 3, the wider the geographic scope level and the three types of knowledge source, but this only emerges in
of the market, the more likely new practices are introduced. All three model 5 for internal sources (at the .1% significance level) but not for
of these variables are highly significant (at the .1% level). These results the other sources in models 6 and 7. Hypothesis 5c, which suggests a
show that firms closest to the management innovation productivity negative interaction effect between geographic scope and the three
frontier are typically larger, have a better trained workforce, and are types of knowledge sources, holds true for internal sources in model 8
more internationally focused. Also in model 1 Hypotheses 4a, 4b, and (at the 5% significance level) and marginally for market sources in
4c all hold true (again at the .1% level), implying contacts with all three model 9 (at the 10% significance level) but not for professional sources
types of knowledge sources, internal, market, and professional, matter in model 10. Ai and Norton (2003) show that the interaction effects
for the introduction of new management practices. In the other nine produced by logit and probit models do not represent a true test of
models, which include interactions, these findings reoccur. Also note those interactions. Instead, a test of marginal effects is needed. No such
that the model statistics (Wald Chi squared and pseudo log likelihood) test is available for ordered logit but a logit analysis on the dummy
M.J. Mol, J. Birkinshaw / Journal of Business Research 62 (2009) 1269–1280 1277

Table 3 limited search. The conceptual framework suggests a reason for these
Ordinary least squares regression results for predicting 2000–2003 productivity growth. findings, namely that professional and financial services firms are
Standardized beta t-value already closer to the productivity frontier due to their employment of
Constant 4.01(⁎⁎⁎) well-trained professionals and perhaps other factors like rotation of
Introduction of new management practices .12 3.55(⁎⁎⁎) employees between competing firms, more benchmarking and more
Export intensity .03 .71 clearly defined rules of the game.
Capital intensity − .04 − 1.34
Education of workforce − .08 −2.43(⁎)
Geographic scope − .02 −.56 5. Discussion
Product innovation −.03 − .78
Process innovation .02 .48 The strong support for most of the hypotheses suggests that the
Structural change .04 1.24 external search perspective is a useful complement to contextual
Firm size − .13 −3.89(⁎⁎⁎)
F-value 4.97(⁎⁎⁎)
factors in explaining which firms introduce new management
R2 .08 Adjusted R2 .06 practices. As per Hypotheses 4a, 4b, and 4c internal and professional
networks, as well as customers, competitors and consultants, provide
⁎⁎⁎Significant at .001; ⁎⁎significant at .01; ⁎significant at .05; † significant at .10.
Industry dummies are not reported to save space but are available upon request. important sources of new ideas that can have an influence on the
N = 1048. introduction of these practices. This finding constitutes an advance in
the understanding of management innovation in two ways. First, in
comparison with older literature (e.g., Damanpour, 1987; Kimberly
version of the management practices variable and Stata's inteff and Evanisko, 1981) the findings introduce the notion that other than
command, used to test for marginal effects on the interactions through internal structural factors, management innovation also
(Ai and Norton, 2003), shows that the interaction becomes more comes about through interaction with internal and external knowl-
negative for higher predicted probabilities of the dependent variable. edge sources which contribute important ideas. Second, in compar-
In other words, the more likely a company is to undertake manage- ison with the existing literature around management fashion in
ment innovation, the more the context and search variables act as particular (Abrahamson, 1991, 1996) this study shows that firms
substitutes, consistent with Hypotheses 5a, 5b, and 5c. introduce new management practices not only when ideas are offered
Among the control variables some interesting findings emerge. The by market participants like consultants, but also when they are offered
introduction of new management practices is more likely to transpire by internal and professional sources.
in firms that also engage in product and process innovation (significant These knowledge sources often interact negatively with the
at .1% and 1%), in line with Georgantzas and Shapiro (1993). Technology context factors of firm size, employee education level and geographic
alliances, however, are not significantly related to the introduction of scope. Of the nine proposed interaction terms in Hypotheses 5a, 5b,
new management practices. Export intensity and capital intensity do not and 5c, four turned out to be insignificant at p b .05, though all had
play much of a role in predicting the introduction of new management the predicted negative signs. From this, two primary inferences
practices. Structural change positively affects levels of new management follow. First, all interactions featuring internal sources were strongly
practices (significant at 1%), as does the presence of barriers to significant, suggesting that the overlap between internal sources of
technological innovation (significant at .1%). The industry dummies knowledge and the three contextual factors (size, education and
show that industry differences do not explain much variance in the scope) is greater than between the other types of sources and the
dependent variable, unlike firm specific factors. three contextual factors. Internal sources, which will typically
Table 3 includes the results of the OLS performance regression. have gone through similar experiences and share similar knowledge,
Although the model itself is highly significant, it only explains 8% of possess a more limited diversity in knowledge and ideas. Or in terms
the variance in the dependent variable. A key cause of this is that the of the reference group framework, internal sources can be seen as
dependent variable measures change in productivity, and flows are providing less pull towards high-quality reference groups than market
known to be harder to predict than states in models like these. Table 3 sources or professional sources. Second, the mitigating effect of
shows that the introduction of new management practices coincides organizational context on search is consistently seen for education
with higher future performance in the form of productivity growth, level and geographic scope, but not for firm size. In terms of the
thus providing support for Hypothesis 6 (significant at .1%). Interest- framework, size is likely to be a more important factor in determining
ingly, though, the findings indicate that larger firms (significant at the reference group than either workforce education or the scope of
.1%), and those with higher-educated employees (significant at 5%), the market.
have lower levels of productivity growth. These findings are consistent The positive effect the introduction of new management practices
with the framework, in that these larger firms with better-educated has on future firm performance in this sample is an important finding
employees are likely closer to the “productivity frontier” already, so but may itself also be subject to moderation by other variables. For
they have less opportunity for improvement. Neither product innova- instance, recent literature (Luket al., 2008), has indicated that the
tion nor process innovation has a significant direct relationship with institutional context may moderate the performance results that accrue
productivity growth. from organizational innovativeness, including measures of adminis-
A post hoc sector-by-sector analysis of model 1 in five industry trative innovativeness. The data presented in this investigation do not
sectors (results available upon request) produces a few interesting allow for a test of this notion, but it is an important research question
insights. Internal knowledge sources are significant in all sectors and worth studying further.
except professional and financial services (NACE codes 65–74). Market Industry provides little explanation for the introduction of new
sources are significant in all sectors except for construction and management practices. The diffusion literature suggests that innova-
utilities (NACE codes 40–45) and other services (NACE codes 51–64). tions like TQM spread through competitive mimicking or bandwagon-
And professional sources are significant in all sectors except profes- ing (Abrahamson and Rosenkopf, 1993), which suggests industry,
sional and financial services. Batch manufacturing (NACE codes 15– should be a prominent predictor of the adoption of individual
27) and assembly manufacturing (NACE codes 28–37) are the only management practices. The current finding could imply that industry
sectors in which all three types of knowledge sources mattered. is not such a strong force. More likely, it means that although industries
Manufacturing firms benefit from a broader-based search for manage- have similar levels of management innovation overall, the set of new
ment practices. Services companies on the other hand, especially management practices in use varies from one industry to the next.
professional and financial services, can apparently get by with a more Marketing innovations could be more popular in the consumer goods
1278 M.J. Mol, J. Birkinshaw / Journal of Business Research 62 (2009) 1269–1280

sector while human resource innovations perhaps fit particularly well management innovations will be a critical success factor for 21st century
in services. companies”.

5.2. Limitations
5.1. Implications for theory and practice
Various limitations of the research apply. By focusing on the
A number of insights emerge from the research. One is the introduction of management practices new to the firm, rather than
importance of knowledge sources as stimuli for the introduction of new to the “state of the art” (Abrahamson, 1996; Birkinshaw et al,
new management practices, consistent with the external search 2008), this study looks at one aspect of management innovation.
literature on technological innovation, which argues that many of the The measure excludes various types of innovation, such as those
ideas and implementation skills for innovation come from outside concerned with new accounting or information systems. The CIS
sources. The management fashion literature acknowledges some of provides no insight into the how firms implement practices. Bearing in
these sources, especially outside market parties like consultants and mind these limitations, future research must find ways of tapping into
professional associations (Abrahamson and Fairchild, 2001) but other the antecedent conditions under which “new to the state of the art”
external sources, like suppliers and customers, and internal sources innovations emerge, and the conditions favoring the implementation
also have an important role to play. These findings are complementary of practices in other functional areas. Studies could examine a cross-
to prior studies of management innovation as a firm-level activity section of innovations and focus on how similar or different they are
(Damanpour, 1987; Kimberly and Evanisko, 1981) that focus on regarding the creation process, the conditions under which they were
internal contextual factors. The research emphasizes that while created, the types of individuals who created them, or their impact.
contextual factors are important, it is by combining external search The overall model for predicting productivity growth does not
and internal contextual factors that a more comprehensive under- have a very high explanatory value. This outcome probably reflects the
standing of management innovation is achieved. use of a hard performance measure that tracks changes over time. In
This highlights the usefulness of the reference group concept all likelihood a range of other factors influence changes in productiv-
applied as an organizing framework in this article. The framework ity. Productivity growth is only one possible performance measure and
shows in particular there are two separate forces at work, one which is a rather coarse one, although the use of changes in productivity helps
all about catching up with the reference group a firm belongs to and to control for biases in the base productivity level and alleviates this
the other referring to conscious attempts to broaden the group by problem. Clearly, future research should use additional performance
undertaking an active search for knowledge sources. While both are measures where available.
familiar processes in the literature, this article applies them This article includes only a limited set of variables within both the
simultaneously to the introduction of management practices, a new context and the search categories. The study does not investigate
empirical area. The two routes are substitutes, not complements. various other forms of search for new practices (such as search from
Future research should focus on how new management practices previous experience). Some variables that are part of the firm's context,
diffuse inside firms and the role geographically disparate units play but which are missing from the CIS survey, include competitive
in such diffusion processes. The findings hint at the different roles intensity, firm structure and culture. The use of a single respondent is a
insiders and outsiders may play in the management innovation further limitation of the study. Using multiple respondents increases
process. For example, insiders may be more engaged in actual the reliability of outcomes, especially for measures that rely heavily on
implementation, while outsiders like consultants play a legitimizing perception — quite a few of the variables, like structural change and
role. This role could further depend on the institutional context. An geographic scope clearly do not but some do. Finally, these findings
interesting avenue for future research is a comparison between emerge from data collected at one point in time, in a single country,
countries. The CIS data potentially lend themselves to such cross- which means that the findings may be specific to that context.
national comparisons because they are collected in many countries.
A replication of the findings for a set of other European countries is 6. Conclusion
therefore desirable.
From a practice point of view the findings carry directly relevant This article addresses when management innovation (the firm
implications. Gruber and Niles (1972: 29) argue some time ago that level introduction of new management practices) emerges and how
“[T]he quality of management may be more important to success than management innovation relates to productivity improvements using a
performance in the R&D of new products and processes”, and the sample of firms in the UK. Building on the organizational reference
analysis seems to bear this out. The implication is that firms stand to group literature this study developed and tested a set of hypotheses
benefit from investing in their capacity for management innovation which links aspects of organizational context and active search to the
alongside their capacity for product and process innovation. But one introduction of new management practices.
must caution against interpreting this result as indicating that any Management innovation is an important and fascinating phenom-
management innovation in all temporal, geographic, and organiza- enon that warrants continuing scholarly research, more so than is
tional contexts will produce positive performance outcomes. Indeed, taking place at present. Future research should focus on poorly
while there will be some highly effective innovations, others may be understood facets of management innovation, namely the processes
ineffective or even disruptive. Researchers must continue to investi- of creation and implementation; both new-to-the-firm practices that
gate how context influences effectiveness. are adapted from elsewhere and new-to-the-state-of-the-art practices
Increases in the capacity for management innovation can occur by that have no direct precedent need consideration. With such insights
using relevant knowledge, specifically knowledge already available academics can provide better advice to practitioners on what they
internally and knowledge dispersed through networks of professionals need to do to improve their chances of successfully implementing
and through markets. A presence in wider and international markets management innovations.
adds further to this capacity as do well-trained employees, who bring in
the analytical capacity needed for management innovation and a
broader knowledge base. This study suggests that firms can consciously
and systematically invest in management innovation. As argued by two
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