New, Changed, and Deprecated Features For Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012
New, Changed, and Deprecated Features For Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012
New, Changed, and Deprecated Features For Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012
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Introduction ................................................................................................ 6
Abstract ............................................................................................................................... 6
Document structure .............................................................................................................. 6
Feedback ............................................................................................................................. 6
More information .................................................................................................................. 6
Deprecated features.................................................................................. 81
Microsoft Business Solutions Perimeter Network Configuration Wizard ........................................82
Reporting Tools and Microsoft Dynamics AX Enterprise Portal Tools ............................................83
Unsupported platforms .........................................................................................................84
Oracle database support .......................................................................................................87
Setup parameters ................................................................................................................88
Microsoft Dynamics AX domains.............................................................................................89
Record-level security ............................................................................................................90
Client-side batch framework ..................................................................................................91
Security keys and related APIs ..............................................................................................92
Duplicate company feature ....................................................................................................93
RunBase .............................................................................................................................94
Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 introduces many new features and technologies that were not available in
previous versions. Additionally, changes introduced in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 update a number
of existing features and technologies significantly to help increase system security, user productivity,
and reduce administrative overhead. This document describes new and changed features for Microsoft
Dynamics AX 2012. It also includes deprecated feature notices for features that are planned to be
removed in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 or future versions.
Document structure
The document includes the following sections:
The introduction provides an overview of the document.
Product-wide features
Topics in the product-wide features section describe application changes that have a broad impact
across Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. These topics compare, contrast, and explain the differences in the
behavior in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 and Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012
Deprecated features
Topics in the deprecated features section provide details about the features that have been removed
from the application in this version, or that are planned for removal in subsequent versions.
The appendix provides summary information, in tabular format, about feature changes that do not
have a product-wide effect.
Send comments about the content of this document to the Microsoft Dynamics AX Content Publishing
Team: [email protected]
More information
For more information about Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, see:
Item Description
Required Yes
Feature areas affected All
Stakeholders Technical decision makers
Independent software vendors (ISVs)/developers
New functionality
The new format enables rich metadata to be stored about each table relation. The metadata can be
leveraged throughout the application for increased functionality. For example:
In Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, the system stores the cardinality of each relationship. Tools
that generate database entity relationship diagrams in Microsoft® Visio® 2010 can read the
cardinality data to draw the diagram correctly.
The new UnitOfWork class simplifies transaction management for table relations that are
defined under the Relations node for a table. However, the UnitOfWork class cannot leverage
relations that are defined through EDTs.
Special considerations
In Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, table relations can no longer be created through EDTs.
Legacy custom table relations that were defined through EDTs continue to work in Microsoft
Dynamics AX 2012.
Automatically migrate Not available A tool is provided to This automation saves the
table relations to the convert legacy table developer time and reduces
AOT. relations from EDT the likelihood of errors.
nodes to table nodes in
the AOT.
More information
For more information about table relations, see the EDT Relations Migration Tool topic on MSDN.
Item Description
Required Yes
Feature areas affected All, particularly those that query tables that are
involved in inheritance relationships
Stakeholders Technical decision makers
New functionality
Table inheritance facilitates customized extensions better than traditional foreign key relationships do.
Table inheritance provides a rich type of metadata that describes the relationships between tables.
Tools can use this metadata to provide better functionality.
Special considerations
The following are some of the base tables that are involved in inheritance relationships:
Because of inheritance relationships between tables, some fields in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 have
been moved to different tables in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. Some legacy custom queries may need
to be updated. This requires the same amount of pre-upgrade work as any table schema change. In
some cases, the size of an X++ SQL Select statement can decrease, and the statement can become
Item Description
Required Yes
Feature areas affected All, particularly operations that issue SQL queries
from outside of Microsoft Dynamics AX
Stakeholders Technical decision makers
New functionality
Tables that are deactivated by a configuration key now remain available to external SQL queries,
which can be a practical benefit, depending on the ongoing data changes that must be made to the
Special considerations
System administrators who deactivate a configuration key must inform users who issue external SQL
queries that the data in the deactivated tables will no longer be updated, and that the data in those
tables will become outdated. After a configuration key has been deactivated, messages are no longer
displayed for external SQL queries.
Run external queries on Queries failed, and Queries on inactive Queries on the SQL
tables from Microsoft messages were tables continue to server database still
Dynamics AX. displayed. function, but data from function.
the inactive tables will
be outdated.
Item Description
Required Optional. You may or may not use these features,
depending on how you run your business.
Feature areas affected Sales and marketing
Product information management
Stakeholders Business decision makers
Technical decision makers
Implementation team members
New functionality
Improvements have been made to further integrate Commerce Services with Microsoft Dynamics AX
2012. Previously, Commerce Services was installed only as part of Retail Headquarters in Microsoft
Dynamics AX 2009 for Retail.
Item Description
Required Optional. You may or may not use these features,
depending on how you run your business.
Feature areas affected Home
Accounts payable
Accounts receivable
Human resources
Procurement and sourcing
Product information management
Sales and marketing
Service management
Organization administration
Stakeholders Business decision makers
Technical decision makers
Implementation team members
New functionality
Sites Services for Microsoft Dynamics ERP delivers an extensible metadata-driven bidirectional secure
data platform connecting Dynamics AX 2012 and Microsoft cloud services. It also leverages the Sites
Services metadata-driven presentation platform to ship four out-of-box sites solutions for focused
industry verticals.
Item Description
Required Optional. You may or may not use these features,
depending on how you run your business.
Feature areas affected Accounts receivable
Stakeholders Business decision makers
Technical decision makers
Implementation team members
New functionality
Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 has out-of-box support for payment card authorization, settlement, void,
and refunds; address verification; and business card Level 2 and 3 processing through Payment
Item Description
Required Yes
Feature areas affected All
Stakeholders Business decision makers
Technical decision makers
New functionality
The user interface for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 is cleaner, more consistent, and easily tailored to
specific tasks and forms. You can view important information on one central list page, and related
information is displayed on FastTabs and in FactBoxes, even if the related information is not displayed
in the current form. It is easier to sort and personalize displayed data.
What can you do? Microsoft Microsoft Why is this
Dynamics AX 2009 Dynamics AX 2012 important?
Navigate intuitively. The navigation structure The navigation structure It is easier to access the
was divided into is divided into different necessary forms and
modules. modules that have a complete tasks.
more consistent design.
View additional Limited information Information about the Users can view
information about a about the selected selected record is additional important
selected record on a list record was displayed in displayed both in information about a
page, without leaving the preview pane. FactBoxes and in the record without opening
the list page. preview pane. the master record form.
View messages in a Messages appeared in All messages related to Users can view and act
dedicated area. the InfoLog form or in the list page, such as on important messages
separate dialog boxes. error, warning, and without leaving the
system status form.
messages, are displayed
in a dedicated area.
View related information Users had to leave the Users do not have to Related information is
in a FactBox. list page or form to view open another form to displayed quickly.
important related view any related
information about the information that is not
selected record. displayed on the current
list page.
Filter functionality
What can you do? Microsoft Microsoft Why is this
Dynamics AX 2009 Dynamics AX 2012 important?
Sort and filter on any Users could not sort or Users can sort and filter It is easier to sort data.
column that is filter all of the columns on any column that is
displayed. displayed on the list displayed, or filter
pages. across all columns that
are displayed.
Filter data by using The Advanced filter Filtering control uses It is easier to sort data.
common language. window was complex plain language and
and difficult to use. structure to simplify
filtering requests.
Filter across all To filter data, users had Data is filtered, It is faster and easier to
columns. to identify the column regardless of the find data.
where data was located. column it is located in.
Take advantage of the Some menus were not Menus are consistent Menu commands for
improved menu easily readable, or they and easy to scan. Menu data entry are
appearance. lacked common actions. commands are grouped simplified.
according to usage.
Switch between the Header information was Complex forms have a Forms with header and
header view and line displayed at the top of header view, where you line information are
view in complex forms. the form, and line can view or modify the easier to understand
information was header-specific fields, and use.
displayed at the bottom and a lines view, where
of the form. you can view the list of
lines and information
about the selected line.
View related information Users had to open Related information that Related information is
in a FactBox. additional forms to view is not displayed in the displayed quickly.
related information current form can be
about the selected accessed quickly,
record. without opening another
What can you do? Microsoft Microsoft Why is this
Dynamics AX 2009 Dynamics AX 2012 important?
Use enhanced search Search did not include Search includes data, Search is easier and
capabilities. metadata and metadata, and more efficient.
documents attached to documents attached to
records. records. Therefore,
users can search the
data by using common
nouns, such as
“customer” or “cash
flow report,” or they can
search for specific data,
such as a customer
name, product ID, or
telephone number.
Use the improved The search box was The search box is a Users can locate the
search box. located on a form that prominent element of search box quickly and
was difficult to locate. the user interface. refine their queries,
Users could not refine Users have several which improves search
their queries. options to help them efficiency.
refine their queries.
Item Description
Required Yes
Feature areas affected All
Stakeholders Business decision makers
Technical decision makers
Implementation team members
New functionality
Several tools have been provided to ease the process of upgrading to Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.
The Upgrade advisor tool examines Microsoft Dynamics AX for issues that can prevent you from
upgrading, or that can prevent Microsoft Dynamics AX applications from working properly after an
upgrade. After issues are identified, they can be debugged by using improved upgrade script
implementation tools. After the upgrade, data validation processes provide detailed testing information
to reduce the number of test runs needed before Microsoft Dynamics AX is fully implemented.
Fix identified upgrade Upgrade issues within Users can quickly fix
issues. the upgrade issues after they have
documentation are been identified.
searched for.
Upgrade framework
What can you do? Microsoft Microsoft Why is this
Dynamics AX 2009 Dynamics AX 2012 important?
Implement upgrade Users had to provide X++ attributes and The coding of upgrade
scripts by using method long lines of code to predefined upgrade scripts is simplified, and
attributes. specify the order and scripts are used. bugs are reduced.
dependency of upgrade
script operation.
Analyze dependencies Users had to create Automated tools are Upgrade script
between upgrade tools by using upgrade created to analyze dependency is
scripts. scripts. This required upgrade scripts. optimized.
extensive analysis and
iteration for data entry,
and it was time-
consuming and prone to
Use method attributes Parameters and the An attribute-based It is easier to debug and
to debug and fix type of script were model that clarifies fix problems.
problems. separated from the script logic is used.
script body, making it
difficult to debug and
understand the logic of
the script.
Organize and filter test Not a standard feature. Test cases can be Better coverage and
cases. organized and filtered direction for testing
based on modules, data are provided.
configuration keys, and
feature categories.
View and annotate test Not a standard feature. Test case statuses can Users can monitor the
case status. be annotated for priority progress of upgrade
or for completion validation.
progress, such as:
Not started
More information
For more information about upgrade, see:
Implementation Planning Guide
Upgrade Guide
Code Upgrade Overview white paper
Item Description
Required Conditionally required. If you are using this
feature in a previous version, significant changes
have been made to it, and you must review this
Feature areas affected All
Stakeholders Technical decision makers
Implementation team members
New functionality
Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 introduces integration ports for streamlined configuration of services and
provides significant improvements in the areas of the programming model, deployment, and
Special considerations
The following are the skills and expertise needed to fully take advantage of services and AIF:
Internet Information Services (IIS) administration, if IIS-based Web services are deployed
The Microsoft .NET Framework, especially Windows Communication Foundation (WCF)
Integration concepts, such as enterprise application integration (EAI), business-to-business
(B2B), and synchronous and asynchronous transports
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 and ASP.NET, if you deploy IIS-based Web services
Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ), if used
Some of the Microsoft Dynamics AX components, such as Enterprise Portal for Microsoft Dynamics AX
and Workflow, consume Microsoft Dynamics AX services. Some functionality, such as importing
catalogs and sending documents electronically, consumes Microsoft Dynamics AX services. You can
install Web services on IIS. However, this is an optional step. By default, the Application Object Server
(AOS) is the services host for the Microsoft Dynamics AX services.
Use integration ports to AIF endpoints and Integration ports are The administration of
administer services. related configuration used to administer services and AIF is
forms were used to services and AIF simplified.
administer services. through service groups. The concept of
integration ports
subsumes endpoints
and related forms.
Use integration port Configuration was The integration port for Service configuration is
functionality to restrict company specific. a specific legal entity simplified.
service calls to a can be restricted, but a
specific port. unique integration for
each organization is not
Optionally configure Data policies were Data policies are Endpoint configuration
data policies. mandatory. optional. is simplified.
Use the Windows WCF support was WCF support is You can use standard
Communication limited. expanded. MSMQ and adapters to interface
Foundation (WCF) BizTalk adapters have with the database.
adapter. been deprecated,
because equivalent
functionality is provided
by native WCF
Add Simple Object SOAP header support SOAP headers have It is easier to pass data
Access Protocol (SOAP) was limited. been extended to into a service.
headers when calling a support additional
service. important headers.
Interface with the Some database features Additional database It is easier to integrate
database more easily. were not supported. features are supported, the database with
including: document services and
Organization model query services.
Table inheritance
Tables with effective
Surrogate foreign
key expansion
Group related services. Grouping related You can use service It is easier to use and
services was not grouping in the AOT to deploy services for
supported. group related services. specific integration
scenarios, such as
orders to cash or
procure to pay.
Use X++ container Not supported The new programming Developer productivity
types and strongly model enables is improved.
typed X++collections. developers to use X++
container types and
strongly typed X++
collections through data
Use the business The business operations The framework supports Developers have more
operations framework. framework was the separation of the flexibility and control.
supported through user interface,
RunBase classes, where contracts, and
the user interface, operations. The
contracts, and framework enables
operations were defined business operations to
in the same class. run synchronously or
asynchronously, and
What can you do? Microsoft Microsoft Why is this
Dynamics AX 2009 Dynamics AX 2012 important?
Host WCF services on Web services had to be Hosted services on AOS Deployment of services
AOS. deployed on IIS. are available to users is simplified.
and applications on the
Deploy services on IIS. The IIS server The IIS server routes all Processing on IIS
processed the service service requests to servers is reduced, and
request. AOS, where they are efficiency is increased.
Use a single Web A separate WSDL was A single WSDL is It is easier to deploy
Service Definition created for each created for all document services, and
Language (WSDL) for all service. services. developers can reuse
document services, the data types among
including custom all services within the
services. WSDL.
Manage multiple sites Not supported The IIS Web It is easier to manage
and web farms by using Deployment tool is used multiple sites.
the IIS Web to manage multiple
Deployment tool. sites.
Take advantage of the Network Load Balancing NLB is provided for IIS You can create NLB
scalability and (NLB) was provided only servers and AOS clusters for services
availability of services. for IIS servers. instances. hosted on AOS.
An NLB cluster must be
created for services
hosted on AOS to create
a load-balanced
environment for
What can you do? Microsoft Microsoft Why is this
Dynamics AX 2009 Dynamics AX 2012 important?
Define service security Only one service could WCF is used to manage Security management
by using WCF be deployed at a time. security for services. for services is
configuration tools. More than one service simplified.
can be deployed.
More information
More detailed information about Services can be found in the white papers titled Services in Microsoft
Dynamics AX 2012 and Consuming Web Services.
Item Description
Required Optional. You may or may not use this feature,
depending on how you run your business.
Feature areas affected All
Stakeholders Business decision makers
Technical decision makers
Implementation team members
New functionality
Enterprise Portal and Role Centers enable you to configure system settings and home pages based on
business needs, user roles, and job functions. Enterprise Portal is easier to install, manage, and
operate, and the enhanced search capabilities makes searching for data easier and more intuitive. A
smoother user interface improves the user experience overall by providing better Action Panes, more
configuration options, and more efficient data searches.
Special considerations
Enterprise Portal requires Internet Information Services (IIS), a feature of Windows Server, and either
Microsoft SharePoint® Server 2010 (recommended) or Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010 (a free
download). The new search framework for Microsoft Dynamics AX uses SharePoint Enterprise Search,
which is included with SharePoint Server. Enterprise Search is not included with SharePoint
Foundation. If you intend to use the free version of SharePoint, and you intend to deploy Search, use
SharePoint Search Server Express 2010 (also a free download) instead of SharePoint Foundation.
Developers must note that Enterprise Portal no longer supports development in the X++ Web
framework. Development of Enterprise Portal pages requires ASP.NET and the .NET Framework.
Foundation improvements
What can you do? Microsoft Microsoft Why is this
Dynamics AX 2009 Dynamics AX 2012 important?
Use enhanced initial After installing The installation no The installation
setup and installation. Enterprise Portal, longer requires experience is more
administrators had to manually compiling efficient.
manually compile X++ X++ classes.
classes on the web
Use more options for Administrators had to Administrators can The administration
deploying changes to a manually deploy deploy changes to a experience is more
web server. changes by clicking web server by using the efficient.
various objects in the AxUpdatePortal utility or
Application Object Tree the Microsoft Dynamics
(AOT). Also, AX client.
administrators could not Administrators can also
deploy changes from deploy changes from a
the AOT on a 32-bit remote client machine
client to a 64-bit to the web server.
Windows server.
Use more options for Enterprise Portal had Enterprise Portal The administration
domain authentication. limited authentication includes support for experience is more
options. Domain multiple domain efficient.
account management authentication
was time-consuming. protocols, including
Active Directory®
directory services,
Active Directory
Federation Services, or
authentication, such as
authentication. This new
authentication model is
called flexible
Use enhanced support Customizing the look Enterprise Portal can The administration and
for themes. and feel of an automatically adopt the customization
Enterprise Portal site to look and feel of a experience is more
match a business’s or business’s or efficient.
organization’s parent organization’s parent
site was a manual, site if the parent site
time-consuming uses a theme in the
process. SharePoint Theme
Gallery. New themes
can be applied with
.thmx files from the
SharePoint Theme
Enterprise Search
What can you do? Microsoft Microsoft Why is this
Dynamics AX 2009 Dynamics AX 2012 important?
Deploy Search from Search had to be The Search server is Centralized deployment
Setup. installed and configured centralized, and Setup by using Setup makes
from multiple forms in verifies that the the deployment and
the client. SharePoint Technology configuration process
prerequisites are more efficient.
available on the server.
Use enhanced search Search did not include Search includes data, Users can search
capabilities. metadata and metadata, and Microsoft Dynamics AX
documents attached to documents attached to data by using common
records. records. nouns, such as
“customer” or “cash
flow report,” or they can
search for specific data,
such as a customer
name, product ID, or
telephone number.
Use the improved The search box was The search box is Searches are more
search box. located on a form that prominently displayed, efficient and easier to
was difficult to locate, and there are several use.
and search queries options to refine search
could not be refined. queries.
Complete common Toolbars were primarily Action Panes are divided Data can be found and
actions on list pages navigation-based. into button groups with modified quickly, and
faster with an Action action buttons that can common tasks can be
Pane. be used to perform completed quickly.
common tasks on a
selected record, such as
creating new sales
Configure Action Panes. Menu options for actions Administrators can use Data can be found and
were accessed from a the new ribbon control modified quickly, and
toolbar, which did not to create Action Panes common tasks can be
support images. for Enterprise Portal completed quickly.
task and list pages.
Preview important and Users had to leave a list Users can use Data can be found and
related information on page or form to view FactBoxes, Cues Web previewed quickly.
list pages. important or related parts, and preview
information about a panes to quickly access
selected record. related information
without opening another
Manipulate data in Grid views could not be Users can move tasks Control of data in grids
hierarchical grids. manipulated. by using a drag-and- is improved.
drop operation. They
can also indent or
negative indent tasks,
and select multiple rows
at one time in grid
Search data in Grid views could not be Column-based quick Control of data in grids
hierarchical grids. manipulated. searches, quick filtering is improved.
(operator = “contains”),
and advanced filtering
(multiple operators) are
Stay on the current task When a user clicked an Modal dialog boxes Because of navigation
page while completing action on a task page, a open separate forms changes, users can
actions. new Enterprise Portal when a user clicks an complete tasks without
page opened. The user action on a task page. undue confusion.
had to click the Back After users have
button to return to the finished entering data
task page. and close the form, they
are returned to the
original task page, and
the data is updated.
Item Description
Required Yes
Feature areas affected All
Stakeholders Technical decision makers
Implementation team members
New functionality
Instead of granting access to specific tables, fields, and menus, administrators can now grant access
according to roles and duties. The administrator defines the roles used in the organization and assigns
user to those roles.
Special considerations
If you are using a previous version of Microsoft Dynamics AX, your existing security setup cannot be
directly upgraded to role-based security. You must evaluate your current user groups and determine
the best way to implement them in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.
To effectively use role-based security, you must plan and set up the roles that are needed for your
business. Work with the managers who oversee the different groups in the business to determine the
appropriate permission levels for roles. For example, work with a manager in the Finance department
to determine permission levels for Finance roles.
Set user group Administrators had to Default duties and Security management
permissions. determine which tables, privileges contain the has been simplified.
fields, and menu items tables, fields, and menu
were required to items required to
complete tasks, and complete tasks.
assign those items to Administrators assign
user groups. duties and privileges to
Reuse permissions User groups were After a role is defined, it Security management
across companies. defined in each can be used across has been simplified.
company, for each multiple companies and
functional role. organizations.
Define permission levels Security keys were used Separate default Security management
(read only, create, to define permission privileges are defined has been simplified.
update, and delete). levels for user groups. for each permission
Enforce regulatory and There were no built-in Administrators can set Security is improved.
procedural compliance. features to help prevent up rules for segregating
fraud and ensure duties to ensure that a
compliance. user does not gain
access to conflicting
Audit and report on Auditing was a manual Audit trails and reports Security management
security settings. task for administrators. to evaluate security has been simplified, and
setup are built into the security is improved.
Item Description
Required Yes
Feature areas affected All
Stakeholders Business decision makers
Technical decision makers
New functionality
There are additional, more flexible options for restricting access to data in Microsoft Dynamics AX
Use data security based Not available Administrators can Security controls are
on effective date. specify whether users improved.
have access to past,
present, or future
records, with different
levels of access.
Consistently enforce The Table Permissions TPF permissions can be Security controls are
security for all client Framework (TPF) was applied at the field improved.
types. used to deny access to level. More
tables. All data was sent authorization is
to the client, and performed on the
specific fields in client server, which helps
forms were hidden ensure that permissions
based on permissions. are consistently
Tables not protected by enforced, regardless of
TPF were freely the type of client.
accessible by code.
More information
More detailed information about Extensible Data Security (XDS) can be found in the white paper titled
Developing Extensible Data Security Policies.
Item Description
Required Yes
Feature areas affected All
Stakeholders Business decision makers
Technical decision makers
Implementation team members
New functionality
More detailed hierarchy models can be created to better reflect your business structure and processes.
You can also more easily share data between organizations, including reference information, master
data, and transactions. Previous versions of Microsoft Dynamics AX had limited capabilities for
hierarchies and business modeling and did not share data between organizations, except in certain
cross-company and virtual company scenarios.
Special considerations
Before setting up the organizational structure, you should plan a hierarchy of organizations that
represents your business processes.
The organization model supports data sharing that you may have previously implemented by using
virtual companies. If you are currently using virtual companies, we recommend that you evaluate
whether the organization model meets your needs. Virtual companies are still necessary in some
Create multiple Not supported You can build Reporting can be more
operating unit specialized hierarchies complex and accurate.
hierarchies. to report on various
perspectives of the
Share data between Users were required to Many tables are shared It is easier to access
organizations. create virtual by all organizations, so and share data.
companies to share users can access data in
data. those tables, regardless
of the company or
organization context.
Create data security Tasks could be Users can view or It is easier to set up
based on the performed only in the modify data in different security roles and
organization hierarchy. context of a company, organizational access.
and company structures, depending
information could only on the business process
be accessed when users they are working in,
were logged on to that rather than the
company. company they are
logged on to.
Item Description
Required Optional. You may or may not use this feature,
depending on how you run your business.
Feature areas affected Business intelligence
Role Centers
Stakeholders Business decision makers
Technical decision makers
Implementation team members
New functionality
In previous versions of Microsoft Dynamics AX, analysis cubes required the user to have full license
keys and access to all data; otherwise, the configuration keys had to be modified through a lengthy
and difficult process. In Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, analysis cube settings are easier to modify to
suit business needs and security levels. It is easier to create or update SQL Server Analysis Services
(SSAS) projects by using the Analysis Services Project Wizard. It is also easier to model data by using
views in perspectives.
Special considerations
Default cubes are available in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. You can customize the default cubes or
create new custom analysis cubes by using the provided tools.
Create or modify SQL The Business You can use the It is easier to maintain
Server Analysis Services intelligence project Analysis Services analysis cubes.
projects. generation options form Project Wizard to do the
was used to create or following:
modify SQL Server Create a new SQL
Analysis Services Server Analysis
projects. Services project.
Deploy an existing
SQL Server Analysis
Services project.
Update an existing
SQL Server Analysis
Services project.
Setup Wizard
What can you do? Microsoft Microsoft Why is this
Dynamics AX 2009 Dynamics AX 2012 important?
Install business Analytics were installed Installation of The installation and
intelligence without prerequisite prerequisite software is configuration processes
components. verifications. verified, and the user is are simplified.
prompted to select
default SQL Server
Reporting Services and
SQL Server Analysis
Slice on geographic Geographic slicing on A new geographic Users can drill down in
location. purchasing and sales dimension is available analysis cube measures,
cube measures could that directly slices on based on the address
only be done through the actual address in that is specific to the
the customer or vendor the fact table. source document that
dimension. the fact table is based
Add financial A limited number of Users can add any Analysis cubes are
dimensions to cubes. dimensions was number of financial easier to customize.
available. dimensions to analysis
Define Gregorian SQL Server Business The Calendar builder is Modification of the time
calendars, and add Intelligence used to define the dimension and calendar
them to analysis cubes Development Studio calendar properties. properties is simplified.
as dimensions. was required to modify
the time dimension and
define the calendar
Add organization units, Default cubes contained Multiple company Analysis cubes are
such as operating units, limited company dimensions can be easier to customize.
profit centers, and dimensions. included.
departments, to
analysis cubes.
Slice key performance Not available Displayed KPIs can be Data can by sliced by
indicators (KPIs) by sliced by time. time.
Item Description
Required Yes
Feature areas affected All
Stakeholders Business decision makers
Technical decision makers
Implementation team members
New functionality
The default, out-of-the-box reports that are provided with Microsoft Dynamics AX have been
converted to run on the Reporting Services platform. The Microsoft Dynamics AX reporting framework
has also been updated so that it is easier to develop new reports that run on the Reporting Services
Special considerations
Reports will not be upgraded from Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 to Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.
Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 provides hundreds of default, out-of-the-box reports that you can deploy
and customize.
What can you do? Microsoft Microsoft Why is this
Dynamics AX 2009 Dynamics AX 2012 important?
Validate that Prerequisite software A tool is available that The installation process
prerequisites are had to be manually installs some of the is simplified, and you
installed. installed and verified. prerequisite software can make sure that the
for you and verifies that business intelligence
all prerequisites have components can be
been met. installed successfully.
Install SQL Server Kerberos authentication Kerberos authentication The installation process
Reporting Services and was required when SQL is not required. is simplified.
Enterprise Portal on Server Reporting
separate servers Services and Enterprise
without having to Portal were installed on
configure Kerberos separate servers.
Report deployment
What can you do? Microsoft Microsoft Why is this
Dynamics AX 2009 Dynamics AX 2012 important?
Deploy reports with The Microsoft Dynamics Windows PowerShell 2.0 The report deployment
Microsoft Windows AX Reporting Project is used to deploy process is simplified.
PowerShell™ 2.0. Deployment tool was reports.
used to deploy reports.
Deploy reports in When a single report When a single report is The report deployment
multiple languages. was deployed, 42 copies deployed, only one process is simplified and
of the report were version of the report is streamlined for
deployed—one for each deployed, and that organizations that must
language supported by version automatically support multiple
Microsoft Dynamics AX. works with all languages.
languages supported by
Microsoft Dynamics AX.
Create auto-reports. Auto-reports were Auto-reports are You can make sure that
generated by using the generated by using the the Microsoft Dynamics
legacy X++ reporting SQL Server Reporting AX reporting framework
framework. Services framework. that is based on SQL
Server Reporting
Services meets your
business needs.
Print reports as part of Only reports based on SQL Server Reporting You can make sure that
a batch. the legacy X++ Services reports can be the Microsoft Dynamics
reporting framework printed as part of a AX reporting framework
could be printed as part batch. that is based on SQL
of a batch. Server Reporting
Services meets your
business needs.
Process business logic DataMethods and The Report Data Data access and
for the data on a report. managed code were Provider (RDP) performance are
used. framework is used, improved.
which supports complex
business logic in X++
Use .NET-enabled .NET Business You can create a Data access and
functionality. Connecter was used. custom service and performance are
access the service from improved.
a report.
Return large datasets DataMethods was used DataMethods and Data access and
for reports faster. to return DataTable. IEnumerable<DataRow performance are
> are used for large improved.
Rely on the model for Security keys and .NET Auto-formatting based The creation of reports
automatic report RESX files were used on extended data types, is simplified.
functionality. instead of the AX Label AX labels in reports,
system. RTL auto-flipping, and
row-level security
improvements are
Experience an improved The X++ reporting Visual Studio 2010 is It is easy to find
report development framework and Visual used for enhancements developers who have
environment. Studio 2008 were used. to auto-design and .NET development
Dundas charts. experience to define or
modify reports. The
charting experience is
richer, and reports are
Item Description
Required Conditionally required. If you are using this
feature in a previous version, significant changes
have been made to it, and you must review this
Feature areas affected All
Stakeholders Business decision makers
Technical decision makers
Implementation team members
New functionality
Financial dimensions are now more easily tailored to fit your needs. Many aspects of the data entry
process have been streamlined and simplified, and you can view more detailed information about
transactions and financial information.
Special considerations
There are steps in the Pre-upgrade checklist that you must complete before you can upgrade to
Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. In Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009, you could create ledger account
categories and financial dimensions for each company. In Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, the main
account categories and financial dimensions that you create are shared and can be used by any of the
legal entities that are set up in Microsoft Dynamics AX. Therefore, you must select the main account
categories and financial dimension sets that can be shared between the legal entities.
Dimension focuses have been renamed to financial dimension sets. Financial dimension sets are
shared by all of the legal entities that are set up in the Legal entities form. Financial dimension sets in
Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 are not the same as the dimension sets in previous versions of Microsoft
Dynamics AX.
Rename default Renaming the default Users can create and Modifying default
financial dimensions. financial dimensions rename any financial financial dimensions is
was complicated and dimension without easy and does not
often required IT assistance from IT. require customizations.
Link financial When users wanted to Users can link a Using financial
dimensions to an entity. track an existing entity, financial dimension to dimensions is easier.
such as a customer, an entity within the
vendor, or site, as a system and use the
dimension, they also values of the entities as
had to manually define the financial dimension
every entity instance as themselves.
a financial dimension
Define a date range for Users could not define a A date range can be There are additional
financial dimension date range to specify entered on each controls for date-
values. when financial financial dimension sensitive activities.
dimension values could value.
be entered or posted on
Account structures
What can you do? Microsoft Microsoft Why is this
Dynamics AX 2009 Dynamics AX 2012 important?
Include a financial Users could not assign a A financial dimension Using financial
dimension as a segment dimension to one or can be included in one dimensions is easier.
in one or more account more dimension sets. or more account
structures. structures.
Set up an account The process of setting The process of setting Configuring an account
structure more easily. up an account structure up an account structure structure is easier.
was complex and is easier, and the
required several steps number of steps
to complete. required to do so is
View a valid date range No date range was An active date range There are additional
for a dimension value available to tell users can be entered on a controls for date-
combination. when a dimension value node of an account sensitive activities.
combination could be structure.
used on a transaction.
View required All dimensions were Users can define an The data entry process
dimensions. displayed to the user at unlimited number of is improved.
all times, with no visual account structures. A
indication of which user can assign a range
dimension needed to be of main account
filled in. numbers to an account
structure, but each
main account number
instance can only be
assigned to one account
More information
More detailed information about Financial Dimensions can be found in the white paper titled
Implementing the Account and Financial Dimensions Framework for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012
Item Description
Required Optional. You may or may not use these features,
depending on how you run your business.
Feature areas affected Enterprise Portal (Budget
manager\analyst Role Center)
Public sector
Stakeholders Business decision makers
Technical decision makers
Implementation team members
New functionality
Budget register entries are now used to formulate budgets and provide an audit trail of budget-related
activities. Budget register entries can be categorized by transaction type, such as amendment,
transfer, and original budget, so that you can quickly understand how a budget has changed.
Workflows can ensure that budget register entries undergo a review process. Existing Microsoft
Dynamics AX 2009 ledger budget records are converted to budget register entries in Microsoft
Dynamics AX 2012.
Budget control is based on the ledger for a legal entity and can be defined by a user to monitor
budgets and to provide feedback about the availability of funds. Users can define the calculation that
determines the budget funds that are available and specify dimensions and dimension values
separately from a main account for budget control.
Special considerations
There are three system configurations for budgeting and budget control:
Basic configuration provides budget register entries and workflows.
Advanced configuration adds budget control.
Public sector configuration adds apportionment and preliminary budget register entries.
Select dimensions from The budget was always Users can specify Selecting specific
the account structure in available at a main dimension values to dimensions, including
the chart of accounts account level, with the hold budget amounts, main accounts, for
for budget control. option of adding without regard to their budget control is
dimensions. specific usage in main flexible.
Budget models
What can you do? Microsoft Microsoft Why is this
Dynamics AX 2009 Dynamics AX 2012 important?
Identify a budget by Budget models were Budget models can be Categorizing budget
associating it with a used to identify used to identify register entries,
budget model. budgets. budgets. identifying budgets, and
assigning budget cycles
are easier.
Use budget models to Budget models were Budget models can be You can run simulations
structure ledger used for simulations and used for simulations and and compare budget
budgets and develop forecasts. budget forecasts. forecasts.
budget forecasts.
Build complex budget Budget models and Submodels can Budget planning and
models by using submodels were used to represent departments the ability to produce
submodels for planning aggregate budget or a variety of other reports with
and reporting. amounts. organizational entities. consolidated balances
are flexible.
Budget cycles
What can you do? Microsoft Microsoft Why is this
Dynamics AX 2009 Dynamics AX 2012 important?
Create a budget cycle Not available Users can map the Budget control can be
time span with one or budget cycle time span implemented for part of
more budget cycles that to a fiscal year or a fiscal year or over one
can be used across legal specify the number of or more fiscal years.
entities. accounting periods that
each budget cycle
Select the default over- Not available Users can assign Handling over-budget
budget permissions for options for user groups processing for specific
user groups. to allow or prevent user groups is flexible.
over-budget processing
of source documents
and accounting
Define the calculation Not available Users can determine the Customization of the
for the budget funds amounts that are added calculation for available
that are available. and subtracted for the budget funds is
calculation that simplified.
determines the
available budgets funds.
Determine the source Not available Budget checking can be The processing of
documents and used for source specified source
accounting journals for documents and account documents and
budget control. journals at the header accounting journals is
level or the line item controlled.
Assign budget models Not available Users can implement Implementing budgets
to budget cycles and one or more budget is flexible.
budget cycle time models and budget
spans. cycles, so that, for
example, a capital
expenditure budget
model and an operating
budget model can be
used for budget control.
Define budget control Not available Users can define rules Defining dimension
rules. for specific dimensions, values and parameters
over-budget for budget control is
permissions, and flexible.
Select main accounts Not available When a main account is It is easier to implement
for budget control. not selected as a budget budget control for
control dimension, users dimensions and main
can select specific main accounts.
accounts for the
application of budget
control rules.
Define budget groups. Not available Users can set up budget Implementing budget
checking for pooled control for dimensions
dimensions and and dimension values is
accounts. flexible.
Modify, activate, Not available Users can control the The implementation and
restore, and turn on the active budget control administration of
budget control configuration and budget control are
configuration. modify a draft version. simplified.
Use subledger budget Users could not track Users can transfer Transferring forecasts
transaction types when the transfer of budgets forecasts for projects, ledgers is simplified.
budget forecasts are from subledgers to the fixed assets, demand
transferred to the general ledger. forecasts (inventory
general ledger. sales), and supply
forecasts (inventory
For the public sector, Not available Users can define codes Public sector
use preliminary budgets for apportionment and organizations can use
and apportionment preliminary budget preliminary budgets for
budgets. register entries. budget control and
apportion part of an
approved budget.
Create posting Not available When budget register Budget register entries
definitions for budget entries are processed, can be automatically
register entries. posting definitions can posted to a ledger.
create ledger entries for
multiple accounts.
Allocate budget funds Users could only Users can spread a Creating budget
by dimension or period. allocate funds by period budget amount across allocation transactions
or dimension during dimension values or is easier.
budget entry. fiscal periods by using a
single transaction.
Enter a recurrence Users could create Users can create Creating recurring
pattern for budget recurring budget recurring budget budget register entries
register entries. expenses. register entries. is easier.
More information
More detailed information about budgeting can be found in the white papers titled Implementing the
Budget Control Framework for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Applications and Implementing Budgeting
for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Applications.
Item Description
Required Optional. You may or may not use this feature,
depending on how you run your business. The
functionality is always enabled, but if your
business requires no modifications to default
ledger accounts, you can choose to not use the
Feature areas affected Procurement and sourcing
Accounts payable
Accounts receivable
Travel and expense
Stakeholders Business decision makers
Technical decision makers
Implementation team members
New functionality
Before you journalize a source document, you can preview the accounting entry to verify that the
amounts are being journalized to the correct ledger accounts. This view of the accounting entry is
called a subledger journal entry.
You cannot modify subledger journal entries directly. To modify subledger journal entries, you must
correct the accounting distributions, posting profile, or posting definitions. Accounting distributions are
used to define how an amount is accounted for, such as which revenue or expense ledger account an
amount is posted to in General ledger. The primary information about an accounting distribution is the
amount on the source document line and the ledger account for which that amount is distributed.
When there are common patterns that you use to distribute amounts on a source document line, you
can use a template of percentage and dimension value combinations. The information in the template
is used to create the accounting distributions for amounts on a source document line.
Distribute an amount by Not available An amount can be A user can define the
using various allocation distributed by amount, allocation factor that is
factors. by percentage, by used to distribute an
quantity, or equally. amount.
Have the flexibility to Batches were available, Batches are Processing is postponed
define a batch for each but they had to be automatically created or to maximize
source document type, manually assigned to defined by a user, and responsiveness.
so that you can transfer each source document. are automatically Therefore, data entry is
to General ledger. assigned to a source faster.
document type.
Define how the amount Not available Users do not have to Operations, not
on one source enter a separate source accounting, determines
document line can be document line for each how a source document
accounted to more than operating unit. Instead, is recorded.
one ledger account. one line is created, and
the accounting
distribution is split.
Validate and reserve Not available A user can define Purchases are
budget, based on the budget control rules and guaranteed to be within
accounting distribution use those rules when budget.
information. entering source
Item Description
Required Yes
Feature areas affected Journals: General journal, Invoice journal,
Invoice register, Invoice approval journal,
Promissory note journals, Bill of exchange
journals, Project expense journal
Source Documents: Customer invoices,
Free text invoices, Purchase requisitions,
Purchase orders, Product receipts, Project
invoices, Travel expense reports, Vendor
Stakeholders Business decision makers
Implementation team members
New functionality
Tax rates that contain up to five decimal places can be used.
On January 1, 2010, changes to the rules that govern the place of supply of services took effect.
These changes also affect the simplified compliance requirements for European Union (EU) businesses
that provide VAT-taxable services in multiple EU member states.
Changes to EU sales list reporting provide more detailed reporting by item, service, or investment
Special considerations
You must understand how the sales tax functionality in Microsoft Dynamics AX works. For more
information, search for “Setting up sales tax codes” and “Setting up sales tax” using the Microsoft
Dynamics AX Websearch tool.
Modify and save Taxes were recalculated You can change Usability is improved.
calculated tax amounts every time a journal calculated taxes for a
for the following entry was opened, and journal entry, and the
journals: changes were not saved changes are saved,
General journal until the journal entry even if the journal is not
was posted. immediately posted.
Invoice journal
Invoice register
Invoice approval
Promissory note
Bill of exchange
Project expense
Clear saved sales tax Not available If necessary, you can Improved usability for
amounts for a sales tax clear the saved tax organization compliance
code or sales tax group. amounts for a sales tax with tax regulations.
code, sales tax group,
or item sales tax group.
Optionally hide sales tax Not available For each journal name, Performance is
amounts on journal you can select whether improved.
entry forms. to hide or show sales
tax amounts on journal
entry forms.
Sell services across This feature was Invoices are processed Rates are automatically
country/region borders. available as a regulatory by using appropriate calculated.
feature update for the VAT rates for item and
affected service products.
Include line amounts for Not available Users can include line Facilitates an
investments. amounts for lines that organization’s
use an item sales tax compliance with
group that has a European Union (EU)
reporting type of regulations.
Item Description
Required Conditionally required. If you are using this
feature in a previous version, significant changes
have been made to it, and you must review this
Feature areas affected All
Stakeholders Business decision makers
Technical decision makers
Implementation team members
New functionality
Previous versions of Microsoft Dynamics AX did not easily support multiple time zone data, but in
Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, it is easier to set and change time zone preferences, synchronize time
zone preferences with local time zones, and view different time zone information for transactions.
Special considerations
Current time zone calculations are all based either on the time zone of the central AOS or on a single
time zone. A default time zone must be assigned for each company.
Customize time zone Custom time zones Users can create Time zone settings can
options. were not recognized or custom time zones, and be customized
monitored. users are notified when according to business
those time zones are needs.
changed or are not
Synchronize the Not supported Users can temporarily The data entry and
preferred time zone with change time zone viewing processes are
the local time zone when settings without altering improved.
travelling. their normal time zone
Automatically convert Datetime fields from the Datetime information is You can be sure of the
time zones. AOS time zone had to automatically converted accuracy of datetime
be manually converted between the AOS time information.
to local time. zone and the local time
Extend the datetime Datetime was not Data up to milliseconds You can be sure of the
type to milliseconds. available. can be used, to accuracy of logs and
synchronize with .NET audit trails.
and SQL datetime
Automatically update UTC values had to be Datetime UTC values UTC values always
fields with UTCNow. manually generated in are automatically remain accurate and
the database. generated in the current.
Use different types of Transactions contained Transactions are Additional options are
date and time data on only date or time entry recorded by using date provided, and the
transactions. fields, and there was no (date only), time (time accuracy of data is
time zone information. only), or datetime (date improved.
and time) information
about transactions.
Use custom rules in the Not available Datetime fields can be Customization can be
datetime control. displayed in various performed according to
time zone settings. customer needs.
Item Description
Required Yes
Feature areas affected Accounts payable
Accounts receivable
Human resources
Sales and marketing
Procurement and sourcing
Stakeholders Implementation team members
New functionality
In Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, you can define any number of address books and assign teams or
legal entities to them, so that you can control which workers have access to specific address books.
You can also select whether to enforce policies for a specific address book or for all address books in a
legal entity within your organization.
Human resource applicant records can be created from the Applicant form and stored in the address
Have multiple address Only one address book An organization can Party records can be
books. could be created per create multiple address organized by record
virtual company. books to store common type, and specific party
party records in the records can be made
same place. available only to specific
teams or legal entities.
Synchronize with Only minimal address Contact synchronization Party records can
Microsoft® Outlook®. information was with Microsoft Outlook contain address records
synchronized. is enhanced, and that are used by the
multiple address party for more than one
purposes can be defined reason.
for multiple addresses.
What can you do? Microsoft Microsoft Why is this
Dynamics AX 2009 Dynamics AX 2012 important?
Secure party data Security information was Permissions to address Security settings for
according to user roles. based on the companies books are granted address book
that the user had access based on users’ teams permissions are tighter
to. or legal entities. and more specialized.
Import address Table import was used to Data is validated when Data is validated when
reference data. import address reference it is entered, and users it is entered and can be
data. can set a default used to set default
address based on addresses.
ZIP/postal codes.
Create an applicant Applicant information Applicant records can Manual data entry is
record by using could only be entered be created for an reduced for applicants
information from an manually. existing address book whose information is
existing address book party record. already stored in the
record. address book.
More information
For more information about the address book framework, see the whitepaper titled Implementing the
address book framework for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 applications.
Item Description
Required Conditionally required. If you are using this
feature in a previous version of Microsoft
Dynamics AX, significant changes have been
made to it, and you must review this topic.
Feature areas affected Inventory management
Product information management
Stakeholders Business decision makers
Technical decision makers
Implementation team members
New functionality
A product definition level is added as a mandatory step in the item creation process, and all items are
associated with a product definition.
Special considerations
Items are based on product definitions, so product definitions are required for all items in Microsoft
Dynamics AX 2012.
Configure product Available, but does not Product definitions A user can control the
variants by using a include the include information configuration strategy
product configuration configuration about when and how of an item through the
technology. technology option. variants are configured. product definition.
Product release
What can you do? Microsoft Microsoft Why is this
Dynamics AX 2009 Dynamics AX 2012 important?
Share product Not available Product definitions can A product repository
definitions across be authorized for use in can be centrally
companies. multiple companies. controlled.
Maintain open product Not available A release can be The release process and
releases. repeated after an error the timing of product
is corrected, or the releases can be
release of a product can controlled.
be postponed.
Product translations
What can you do? Microsoft Microsoft Why is this
Dynamics AX 2009 Dynamics AX 2012 important?
Translate product Only product Product names, product Accommodates a better
names and information. descriptions were variant names, and the understanding of the
translated. description attributes actual product
for a product definition definition.
are displayed on a
customer invoice.
More information
For more information about Item-Product data, seethe white paper titled Implementing the Item-
Product data management framework for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Applications.
Item Description
Required Conditionally required. If you are using this
feature in a previous version of Microsoft
Dynamics AX, significant changes have been
made to it, and you must review this topic.
Feature areas affected Human resources
Stakeholders Business decision makers
Technical decision makers
Implementation team members
New functionality
Enhanced effective date patterns have been added to track past, current, and future transactions that
relate to the worker record. You also can hire, transfer, and terminate workers more easily now.
It is easier to move a worker’s employment records from one legal entity to another, and it is easier to
track a worker’s employment history.
Special considerations
Employees and contractors are now shared entities. The worker table (HcmWorker) is no longer
assigned to a specific data area ID. You can use the employment record (HcmEmployment) to assign a
worker to multiple legal entities. You can also use XDS security policies to mimic containment of the
worker data by legal entity.
The following information must also be considered:
You can use security roles to provide self-service capabilities for workers through Enterprise
Worker status is now derived from employment status.
Work centers are no longer part of the Employee table.
Competencies are associated with the person, not with the virtual network. Also, competencies
are shared across legal entities.
The Delete personal information option in the Employee Wizard has been removed.
You can still assign absence and compensation functionality to a data area ID. Therefore, the
absence and compensation functionality is contained through the current legal entity context.
When you modify absence and compensation information for a worker, you must be logged on
to the legal entity that you want to record the absence and compensation records in.
Human resources
What can you do? Microsoft Microsoft Why is this
Dynamics AX 2009 Dynamics AX 2012 important?
Hire applicants as Multiple steps were Fewer manual steps are You can be sure that
workers. required to complete required to hire an new hires are properly
the hiring process. applicant. onboarded into the
Terminate a worker’s Multiple steps were Fewer manual steps are There may be fewer
employment. required to complete required to terminate a errors in reporting,
the termination process. worker’s employment. compensation, and
payroll after a worker’s
employment is
Transfer a worker to a Multiple steps were The process for You can be sure that
new position. required to complete transferring workers workers are properly
the transfer process. from one position to transferred, and that
another is streamlined, hiring managers have
and the transfer history the information that
is recorded. they need to manage
this step of the
transition process.
Move a worker’s Multiple steps were Fewer manual steps are This process is more
employment from one required to move an required to move a intuitive, and less
legal entity to another. employee from one worker from one legal manual work is required
legal entity to another entity to another legal to move a worker’s
legal entity. entity. employment record
from one legal entity to
another legal entity.
View human resources Not supported You can view human You do not have to log
reports that contain resources reports that on to a different legal
information from include information entity to view reports
multiple legal entities. from multiple legal for that legal entity.
Submit self-service Not supported Employees can request The process for
requests for spending a signing limit for requesting and
and approval limits. business expenses, and approving spending and
managers can request approval limits by using
an approval limit via the workflow is automated
employee portal. and simplified.
More information
For more information about Employees and the Human Resources Framework can be found in the
white paper titled Implementing and Updating the Human Resources Framework for Microsoft
Dynamics AX 2012 Applications.
Item Description
Required Yes
Feature areas affected Architecture
Stakeholders Business decision makers
Technical decision makers
Implementation team members
New functionality
The architecture of the Help system provides the following benefits:
You can more easily add custom topics to the Help system.
You can enable anyone in your organization to create Help documentation.
You can more easily apply and distribute documentation updates from Microsoft, a partner, or
any other publisher.
You can use search to view Help documentation that is located on your network or on the web.
Special considerations
The Help server must be installed on a computer that is running Internet Information Services (IIS).
When a Help topic is requested by a Microsoft Dynamics AX client, the request is sent to the Help
server. The Help server locates the topic and sends it to the client, so that it can be displayed in the
Help viewer on the client computer.
To enable the customization of Help documentation, you must add a folder to the Help server and
instruct writers to place documentation files there. A writer who publishes documentation must have
security permissions to copy files to that folder.
Distribute updates to You had to install the Documentation updates You can more easily
the Help documentation updated .chm file on are available to all client manage your Help
to users. each client computer. computers when the documentation and
update is installed in a ensure that each client
single location on the has access to the same
Help server. documentation.
Install the Help server Not applicable The Help server is a The installation process
during the installation new core component. is simplified.
or upgrade of Microsoft
Dynamics AX.
View network-hosted Help topics were The Help system is a The deployment and
Help files. packaged into .chm files client-server-based maintenance of Help
that had to be installed system, and topics are documentation is
on each client hosted on a server simplified.
computer. inside your network.
Access web-based help Although links in the The Help viewer Help can include more
in the Help viewer. .chm files could retrieve provides links to web- specialized or up-to-
web-based help, you based help, and you can date documentation
could not use search to use it to search for from the web.
include content from the content on the web.
View rich search results. Search results from the Search results contain You can quickly find the
.chm files were lists of topic titles, topic documentation that
titles without summaries, and links to applies to your search
summaries. additional sources of request. In addition, the
Help documentation. search terms that you
enter are automatically
passed along if you
move to a web search.
Use search from the Not supported The search results of You can use search in
Microsoft Dynamics AX the client application the client application to
client application to find include relevant Help find documentation
Help topics. topics. about a specific task or
Filter searches by You could not use the You can filter search You can use filters to
publisher or type of search capabilities of results in the Help limit search results to
documentation. the .chm files to filter viewer. documents from a
searches by publisher or specific publisher. In
document type. addition, you can
specify whether you
want to include or
exclude documentation
for developers or users.
Use Microsoft Word to Not supported You can use Word to You can use Word to
create Help create documentation create Help
documentation. that you can publish to documentation. You can
the Help server. quickly create
documentation that is
customized to the needs
of your organization.
Use HTML or text Not supported The Help viewer uses You can use any HTML
editors to create Help HTML to display Help or text editor to produce
documentation. documentation. a documentation file
that you can publish to
the Help server.
Use Microsoft Dynamics Including labels was Developers can insert Your custom
AX labels in your Help possible but required labels from the client documentation matches
topics. recompilation of the user interface into what the user sees on
.chm files. customized Help topics. the client.
Hide topics from other You could remove topics You can hide Help Users see the Help
publishers. from the .chm file, but documentation that documentation that is
you then had to does not apply to your most relevant to the
recompile and organization. needs of your
redistribute that file. organization.
Item Description
Required Optional. You may or may not use this feature,
depending on how you run your business.
Feature areas affected All
Stakeholders Business decision makers
Technical decision makers
Implementation team members
New functionality
The Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 glossary comprises the following:
One glossary that contains all glossary entries
Individual topics for each individual glossary entry in the glossary
Special considerations
Users of the Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 glossary must be familiar with the following:
Industry-specific domain terminology and concepts
Industry-specific application (IT) terminology and concepts
Browse or search the The search functionality Search keywords have Search and search
glossary terms. was limited. been added to the results are improved for
overall glossary and the easier use.
individual glossary
Offer feedback about Feedback options were The glossary publication There is more flexibility
the overall glossary or limited. includes a centralized and detail for feedback.
individual glossary list of all glossary
entries. entries, and it includes
one entry for each
glossary term in the
overall glossary.
Item Description
Reason for deprecation Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 supports flexible
authentication mechanisms, which eliminate the
need to configure a perimeter network.
Replaced by another feature No. The wizard is no longer included on the
installation CD. Administrators should use flexible
authentication, instead.
Modules affected All
Changes to installation The Microsoft Business Solutions Perimeter
Network Configuration Wizard has been removed
from the installation CD for Microsoft Dynamics
AX 2012.
Changes to upgrade This change does not affect application upgrade.
Item Description
Reason for deprecation Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 eliminates the need
for custom tools and relies on Microsoft Visual
Studio Tools for these functions, instead.
Replaced by another feature Yes. The feature is no longer available, and
standard Microsoft Visual Studio Tools can be
used, instead.
Modules affected All
Changes to installation Reporting Tools and Enterprise Portal Tools have
been combined into Visual Studio Tools.
Changes to upgrade This change does not affect application upgrade.
Item Description
Reason for deprecation Microsoft Dynamics AX cannot run properly using
these operating systems or tools.
Replaced by another feature Yes. Microsoft Dynamics AX provides support for
a number of newer operating systems and tools.
Modules affected All
Changes to installation This change does not affect application
Changes to upgrade This change may affect application upgrade
depending on which features are currently in use
in your environment.
The database server is the computer where the SQL Server software is installed and Dynamics AX
data is stored. In Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, the database server hosts the Dynamics AX 2012
database, the SharePoint databases, and the databases used for reporting and analytics. Microsoft
Dynamics AX 2012 does not provide support for the following platform:
SQL Server 2005
Windows XP
More information
For more information about system requirements, see the white paper titled System requirements.
Item Description
Reason for deprecation Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 does not support the
Oracle database platform. Limiting database
support to specific versions of the Microsoft SQL
Server database platform allows for gains in AOS
performance using Microsoft SQL Server specific
options. The following is a list of the supported
versions of the SQL Server database platform:
SQL Server 2008 64-Bit Enterprise
SQL Server 2008 64-Bit Standard
SQL Server 2008 64-Bit Enterprise SP1
SQL Server 2008 64-Bit Standard SP1
SQL Server 2008 64-Bit Enterprise SP2
SQL Server 2008 64-Bit Standard SP2
SQL Server 2008 R2 64-Bit Enterprise
SQL Server 2008 R2 64-Bit Standard
SQL Server 2008 R2 64-Bit Datacenter
Replaced by another feature No. Support for the Oracle database is no longer
Modules affected All
Changes to installation This change does not affect application
Changes to upgrade This change does not affect application upgrade.
Item Description
Reason for deprecation Support for these command line parameters is
being removed because underlying feature
support was removed.
Replaced by another feature No. The feature is no longer available, and there
is no replacement feature.
Modules affected All
Changes to installation This change does not affect application
Changes to upgrade This change does not affect application upgrade.
Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 and future versions do not provide support for the following command
line parameters:
Application Region RemoveReportingServicesExtensions
AosApplicationPath ReportingServicesConfigureIIS
DbServerType ReportingServicesInstance
DbOracleSchemaPassword InstallAnalysisServicesExtensions
DbOracleHostName AnalysisServicesInstanceName
DbOracleConnectService AnalysisServicesReplaceDatabases
DbOracleDatabaseId InstallEnterprisePortalTools
DbOracleTCPIP RemoveEnterprisePortalTools
DbOracleSchema InstallReportingTools
InstallWorkflow RemoveReportingTools
RemoveWorkflow InstallComConnector
WorkflowWebSite RemoveComConnector
WorkflowAosAccounts InstallBizTalkAdapter
InstallReportingServicesExtensions RemoveBizTalkAdapter
More information
For more information about command line parameters, see the topic called Setup parameters on
Item Description
Reason for deprecation Initially, the domain feature was added as a
mechanism to group companies together to grant
permissions to them easily without having to
explicitly grant access to individual companies.
This support was required because Microsoft
Dynamics AX did not have a way to model the
organization structure or a way to base security
on an organization structure. Architectural
changes in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 provide
the framework to enforce security controls using
the Organization Model structure, thereby making
the domain feature obsolete.
Replaced by another feature Yes. The feature has been removed, and a
replacement feature is available. The organization
model and the new extensible data security
framework use the extensible data security to
support hierarchies.
Modules affected All
Changes to installation This change does not affect application
Changes to upgrade Upgrade scripts are provided that create
hierarchies that are mapped to a domain and
then assign the companies in the domain to a
hierarchy of the same name.
More information
For more information about the organization model and the new extensible data security framework in
Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, see the product-wide feature topic on Organization model and Data
For more information about the Organization model, see the white paper titled Implementing and
Extending the Organization Model in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.
Item Description
Reason for deprecation This feature will be deprecated in the next version
of Microsoft Dynamics AX. It is still functional in
the current version. A new framework for data
security, called Extensible Data Security, provides
all the functionality that the RLS feature provided,
but provides more security controls and provides
major functionality that is missing from the RLS
Replaced by another feature Yes. The feature was replaced by the Extensible
Data Security (XDS) feature, which provides all of
the capabilities that RLS provided. In addition,
with XDS, developers can write more powerful
queries to restrict the data that users can access.
The restrictions are more secure, and they are
applied not only to the UI, but at the server level,
also. The restrictions can be based not only on
the fields in the table that users are accessing,
but on data in other tables, as well. This becomes
increasingly important as the tables become more
normalized in each version.
Modules affected All
Changes to installation This change does not affect application
Changes to upgrade The existing RLS conditions are not automatically
migrated to the new model because they are
based on user groups and companies, whereas
the new security framework is global. RLS
conditions were very granular, due to the
limitations of the framework. Therefore, it makes
sense to manually convert them to the new
framework because they can now be written more
More information
For more information about data security in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, see the product-wide
feature topic on Data security.
Item Description
Reason for deprecation The functionality provided by this feature was
limited. In Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009, a new
server-bound batch framework was introduced
that enabled batch jobs to run on the server
without requiring a client. This framework is more
stable and has better performance than the client
framework, and it provides a variety of new
features. In addition, batch jobs can be run
without consuming a client license.
Replaced by another feature Yes. A new server-side batch framework was
introduced in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009. This
framework provides all the capabilities of the
client-side batch framework but is more stable,
has better performance, and provides much richer
functionality in terms of job scheduling and
execution. The client-side batch framework is still
supported in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, but
support will be removed in the next version.
Modules affected All
Changes to installation This change does not affect application
Changes to upgrade This change does not affect application upgrade.
Item Description
Reason for deprecation The security model has been changed in Microsoft
Dynamics AX 2012. The new security model uses
the concept of roles, duties, and privileges.
Developers can create privileges and add various
securable objects to them. This change enables
Microsoft Dynamics AX to move to a standard
role-based security model and provides greater
flexibility and manageability.
Replaced by another feature Yes. The feature was removed, and a
replacement feature is available. Security keys
have been replaced by role-based security. Role-
based security enables a developer or
administrator to create privileges, duties, and
roles, and assign permissions to various
resources, based on the security requirements.
The framework also automatically identifies the
resources being accessed by some base objects,
such as forms, web controls, service operations,
and reports. Developers are not required to use
security keys to group these related objects. As a
result, the administrator can easily grant access
without having to determine which security keys
were set by the developer. All of the APIs that
were based on security keys were removed
together with the security keys, and were
replaced with APIs that identify access based on
Modules affected All
Changes to installation This change does not affect application
Changes to upgrade Any code that calls APIs to check for access to
security keys or for the existence of security keys
must be upgraded to use the new APIs. Objects
that use security key–to–configuration key
mapping for licensing can upgrade the
configuration keys for the objects by running
scripts that are provided.
More information
For more information about role-based security in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, see the product-wide
feature topic on Role-based security.
Item Description
Reason for deprecation The underlying architecture of Microsoft Dynamics
AX 2012 was modified, and these modifications
required the duplicate company feature to be
Item Description
Reason for deprecation The functionality provided by the RunBase
framework is limited and had to be refactored.
Replaced by another feature Yes. The feature has been removed, and a
replacement feature is available. The RunBase
framework has been replaced by the Business
Operations Framework, which is more robust and
has significant performance improvements.
Modules affected All
Changes to installation There is no effect on application installation.
Changes to upgrade There is no effect on application upgrade.
Item Description
Reason for deprecation The MorphX feature, which consumed external
services, had severe limitations. Because there
has been a strategic shift toward making .NET
development more mainstream for Microsoft
Dynamics AX 2012, the consumption of external
services is now done in Visual Studio .NET, by
using the Add Service Reference feature available
in Visual Studio. Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012
dramatically improves interoperability from .NET
to X++.
Replaced by another feature Yes. Use the Add Service Reference feature in
Visual Studio .NET to consume the external
service via a service proxy in Visual Studio .NET.
The resulting managed project can be added to
the AOT by using the Microsoft Dynamics AX
Application Explorer, and it then becomes
available for consumption in X++.
Modules affected All
Changes to installation Any existing service references used in X++ code
may have to be refreshed and recompiled for
consumption by using the Managed Project
Changes to upgrade X++ code that references service proxies added
by using Add Service Reference in Microsoft
Dynamics AX 2009 MorphX must be revised and
Item Description
Reason for deprecation Major conceptual changes in Application
Integration Framework (AIF) have led to a
simplified model for configuring and managing
integrations in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. The
top-level concept counts have been reduced from
about 17 to 2. Additionally, all proprietary
Microsoft Dynamics AX integration concepts have
been removed and replaced by industry-standard
Replaced by another feature Yes. This feature has been rolled into the concept
of integration ports. Ports not only subsume the
concept of AIF endpoints, but they also have all of
the address-related settings that were earlier set
on AIF channels.
Modules affected All
Changes to installation The AIF configuration that takes place during
installation is easier than the configuration in
Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009. All proprietary
Microsoft Dynamics AX concepts have been
removed in favor of industry-standard concepts.
Detailed documentation is planned for this area.
Changes to upgrade All integration solution applications that were
written to use AIF endpoints no longer function
after upgrade. These applications must be
recompiled after they are configured to point to
the new AIF ports that replace endpoints. After
upgrade, the administrator must also manually
complete the configuration settings on the ports
created by the upgrade.
More information
For more information about Services and AIF, see the product-wide feature topic Services and
Application Integration Framework (AIF).
Item Description
Reason for deprecation The BizTalk adapter is no longer required to
interface and integrate with Microsoft Dynamics
AX AOS. Therefore, the BizTalk adapter is not
shipped with Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. All
integrations that currently use this adapter must
be recompiled and reconfigured to use the built-in
WCF adapter that shipped with BizTalk Server
starting with BizTalk Server 2006 R2.
Replaced by another feature This feature was deprecated because it was no
longer necessary. All services in Microsoft
Dynamics AX 2012 are 100 percent WCF-
compliant. Because all services are WCF-
compliant, the BizTalk Server can directly
communicate with Microsoft Dynamics AX by
using the built-in WCF adapter. An external
additional adapter component is no longer
Modules affected Application Integration Framework (AIF)
Changes to installation Any existing integration solutions involving
BizTalk orchestrations through the BizTalk
adapter must be updated to use the WCF adapter
instead. These orchestrations must be recompiled
and redeployed.
Changes to upgrade Existing BizTalk orchestrations that use the
Microsoft Dynamics AX BizTalk adapter generate
errors and fail after upgrade.
More information
For more information about Services and AIF, see the product-wide feature topic Services and
Application Integration Framework (AIF).
Item Description
Reason for deprecation The Data Crawler has been deprecated in favor of
a different search mechanism in Microsoft
Dynamics AX 2012.
Replaced by another feature Yes. The Data Crawler has been replaced by the
Search feature, which enables searching across
data and metadata (forms and reports).
Modules affected Client
Changes to installation This change does not affect application
Changes to upgrade This change does not affect application upgrade.
More information
For information about Enterprise Search in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, see the Enterprise Search
content on TechNet.
Item Description
Reason for deprecation The data model for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012
has significantly changed interaction with certain
forms and classes. The existing members of the
class do not allow for passing the necessary
information to Microsoft Dynamics AX to open
forms with the proper context.
Replaced by another feature Yes. Two new members will be added to the
DynamicsAXGeneralLedger class to replace
Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 functionality. The
signature of these members will enable passing
all necessary information to open forms with the
correct context.
Modules affected All
Changes to installation This change does not affect application
Changes to upgrade This change does not affect application upgrade.
Item Description
Reason for deprecation The functionality provided by this feature was
limited. A new Help system that provides
improved customization scenarios is replacing the
legacy system.
Replaced by another feature Yes. The feature is no longer available, and a
replacement feature is available.
The HTML-based Help files are being replaced
with a more robust Help server that provides Help
content to all clients from a centralized location,
in HTML and other formats.
Modules affected All
Changes to installation A web service that hosts the Help content is
installed when setup.exe is executed.
More information
For more information about the Help Server, see the product-wide feature topic Help server.
Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 and earlier versions supported the X++ reporting framework, which was
used to create custom reports in Microsoft Dynamics AX. The X++ reporting framework is being
deprecated in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 and will not be available in future versions.
Item Description
Reason for deprecation The functionality provided by the X++ reporting
framework was deprecated for the following
Lack of charting.
Lack of support of using non-Microsoft
Dynamics AX datasources.
Lack of support for interactive reports.
It is a non-industry standard solution.
Replaced by another feature SQL Server Reporting Services is now the primary
reporting platform for Microsoft Dynamics AX.
More information
For more information about reporting changes in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, see the product-wide
feature topic on Reporting.
Item Description
Reason for deprecation SQL Server Reporting Services is now the primary
reporting platform for Microsoft Dynamics AX. The
out-of-the-box reports that are provided with
Microsoft Dynamics AX have been converted so
that they run on the Reporting Services platform.
All reports were evaluated, and some reports are
not being provided in this version, because, for
example, multiple reports were consolidated into
a single Reporting Services report, or the same
data can be printed from a form.
Replaced by another feature SQL Server Reporting Services
Modules affected All
Changes to installation This change does not affect application
Changes to upgrade Reports are copied but are not upgraded from
Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 to Microsoft
Dynamics AX 2012.
More information
For information about the Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 mapping to Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012
reports, see Mapping Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 Reports to the Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012
Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 and future versions will not provide the reports in the table below. This
list of reports is preliminary, based on current expectations, and is subject to change without notice.
Deprecated reports
Deprecated reports Deprecated reports Deprecated reports
ACOWrkCenterCapacity_BR KMActionPlan SalesFreightSlip
AssetBalanceReportColumns KMBSCOverview SalesPackingSlip
AssetBookCompare KMCollection SMAAccrueperiodLineReport
AssetTaxStatistic KMConnectionType SMACustomerSchedule
AxdGenerateAxdQueryHelper KMEPQuestionnaireResultGroupG SMAHourConsumption
BankReconciliation KMEPQuestionnaireResultReport SMARepairByTechnician
BankStatement11 KMEPQuestionnaireStatisticsLineL SMARepairObjectHistory
BOMCostGroupSource KMGamePlan SMAResolutionByDiagnosis
CCStatReport KMGameplanLastNews SMAResolutionBySymptom
Cheque KMKnowledgeAccountSched SMASalesPriceSubscription
Chequelayoutreport_BR KMKnowledgeAccountStatement SMAServiceAgreement
CompositeTestReport KMKnowledgeJournal SMAServiceBOMHistory
Item Description
Reason for deprecation The Application Hierarchy Tree was based on a
Help control that has been deprecated in
Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.
Replaced by another feature Yes. The code has been rewritten and the feature
is now called the Type Hierarchy Browser. The
overall user interface remains the same, but the
tool is now hosted inside the MorphX environment
as an MDI child. The tool has also been extended
to support table inheritance and navigation to
listed element members, such as methods.
Furthermore, a dockable variant, called the Type
Hierarchy Context, can be used to provide
contextual hierarchy information when users
navigate the AOT.
Modules affected Developer and Partner Tools
Changes to installation This change does not affect application
Changes to upgrade This change does not affect application upgrade.
Item Description
Reason for deprecation The Code Explorer was based on a Help control
that has been deprecated in Microsoft Dynamics
AX 2012. Because of the overlap with the
Application Hierarchy Tree and its replacement,
the Code Explorer was not ported.
Replaced by another feature No. The feature is no longer available, and there
is no replacement feature.
Modules affected Developer and Partner Tools
Changes to installation This change does not affect application
Changes to upgrade This change does not affect application upgrade.
Item Description
Reason for deprecation The capability to print relied on non-SSRS
reporting support, which is deprecated in
Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. Because the feature
mainly (except in the case of code) prints .xpo
content, which can be manually printed, and
because the feature is infrequently used, no
investment has been made to implement support
in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.
Replaced by another feature No. The feature is no longer available, and there
is no replacement feature. As a workaround,
nodes can be exported as .xpo files and then
printed manually.
Modules affected Developer and Partner Tools
Changes to installation This change does not affect application
Changes to upgrade This change does not affect application upgrade.
Item Description
Reason for deprecation The X++ editor had limited capabilities and was
deprecated to make way for a new
implementation of the X++ editor, with new
Replaced by another feature Yes. The feature has been deprecated, and a new
X++ editor, based on the Visual Studio 2010
editor control, has been introduced. Although the
editor script extension is still supported,
extensions to the legacy editor UI are no longer
Modules affected Developer and Partner Tools
Changes to installation This change does not affect application
Changes to upgrade This change does not affect application upgrade.
Item Description
Reason for deprecation The use of a state-of-the-art database back end,
such as SQL Server, made the proprietary
database (the application object database and its
AOD files) a bottleneck in terms of development,
maintenance, and performance.
Replaced by another feature Yes. AOD files and the proprietary database have
been replaced by the SQL Server database. AOD
files from Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 and
Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 can be loaded into the
model store during upgrade or later from the
Developer menu in MorphX.
AXUTIL.EXE is a command-line tool for managing
metadata that is “in transit,” such as for
exporting, installing, and even uninstalling
Modules affected Developer and Partner Tools
Changes to installation The required changes are handled by the Setup
program, which installs the models (the new
logical packaging of metadata) in the model store
in SQL Server. The model store is an integral part
of the application database.
Changes to upgrade The upgrade process is semantically very similar
to the process in previous versions, but a few new
steps are required. The AOD files and directories
are no longer copied from the previous version to
the application directory, but must now be
imported into the model database. In addition, we
recommend that you import them into a
secondary database named the “alternate”
database, which effectively mimics the directory
for code compare.
Item Description
Reason for deprecation In Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, the capability to
view multiple layers in the AOT has been
deprecated because the feature was infrequently
used and tended to cause instability in the
MorphX environment.
Replaced by another feature No. The feature is no longer available. For most of
the known use cases, the Code Compare tool is a
valid replacement and is easily accessible by
pressing CTRL+G.
Modules affected Developer and Partner Tools
Changes to installation This change does not affect application
Changes to upgrade This change does not affect application upgrade.
Item Description
Reason for deprecation With the introduction of installation-specific IDs,
the IDs of tables, classes, and other ID-based
AOT elements are now assigned at installation
time, not at development time.
Replaced by another feature No. The feature is no longer available because it
has become obsolete. The Team Server can no
longer be installed.
Modules affected Developer and Partner Tools
Changes to installation This change does not affect application
Changes to upgrade This change does not affect application upgrade.
Item Description
Reason for deprecation Support for Visual SourceSafe for version control
is being removed in favor of Microsoft® Visual
Studio® Team Foundation Server 201, because
Team Foundation Server provides enhanced
Replaced by another feature Support for Visual SourceSafe remains in
Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, but will be removed
in the next version of Microsoft Dynamics AX. We
recommend that you now use Visual Studio Team
Foundation Server 2010 instead of Visual
SourceSafe. White papers about upgrade paths
from Visual SourceSafe to Team Foundation
Server are available on PartnerSource.
Modules affected All, including the development workspace.
Changes to installation This change does not affect application
Changes to upgrade This change does not affect application upgrade.
Item Description
Reason for deprecation In Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, the development
experience is being aligned with repository-centric
development for Microsoft Dynamics AX.
Therefore, all model data is stored in the
repository and directly edited on the repository.
Replaced by another feature Yes. A new project, called Model Project, enables
direct editing of any reporting data on the
repository, without requiring local .moxl files.
Modules affected Developer and Partner Tools
Changes to installation None. This feature is installed as a Visual Studio
integration during setup.
Changes to upgrade This change does not affect application upgrade.
Item Description
Reason for deprecation The functionality provided by this feature was
Replaced by another feature Yes. The feature was deprecated, and a
replacement feature is available. The X++
Workflow API was replaced by the managed
workflow API because the following features were
planned for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012:
More information
For more information about workflow, see the Workflow section in the appendix.
Item Description
Reason for deprecation This feature was very infrequently used, and was
difficult to set up and configure. Reports created
by using this feature performed poorly in real-life
Replaced by another feature This feature is no longer available in Microsoft
Dynamics AX 2012. Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012
supports ad-hoc reporting by using OLAP cubes.
Business users can also leverage the capabilities
of Excel PowerPivot to generate ad-hoc business
Modules affected All
Changes to installation This change does not affect application
Changes to upgrade This change does not affect application upgrade.
Item Description
Reason for deprecation Cybersource has purchased Authorize.Net and we
anticipate that those services will be integrated
into their suite of products at some future date.
In Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, we are now
offering a single of point of access to Cybersource
through Payment Services for Microsoft
Dynamics® ERP.
Replaced by another feature No. The feature is no longer available and there is
no replacement feature.
Modules affected Accounts payable
Accounts receivable
Changes to installation The installation of Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012
will not change. However, Authorize.Net will no
longer appear as a valid payment service.
Changes to upgrade A hotfix will be released for Microsoft Dynamics
AX 2009 that will allow customers to switch from
Authorize.Net to Payment Services for Microsoft
Dynamics ERP. After a customer has obtained an
account with Payment Services for Microsoft
Dynamics ERP, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 will
continue to use Authorize.Net to process existing
sales orders with credit cards that have been
authorized using Authorize.Net. All new orders
will be processed using Payment Services for
Microsoft Dynamics ERP.
More information
For more information about payment services in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, see the product-wide
feature Payment Services for Microsoft Dynamics ERP.
Item Description
Reason for deprecation The budget functionality in Microsoft Dynamics AX
2012 was rewritten and extended to include
additional functionality, such as budget control.
Replaced by another feature Yes. Ledger budget has been replaced by budget
register entries. Budget register entries enable
budget amounts to be entered by using a
header/line concept.
An organization can do the following:
Determine which dimensions are available
for budgeting.
Define budget codes that relate to budget
types for an additional audit trail of
changes to a budget.
Allocate a budget across periods.
Allocate a budget across dimensions.
Replicate budget amounts.
Use a web service for integrations to
budget register entries.
Use the budget transaction approval
Use the Budget versus actual inquiry and
Create budget register entries by using
Project, Demand, Supply, and Fixed asset
Note: In Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009, a user
could also transfer cost accounting budgets to
Ledger budget. This is not supported in Microsoft
Dynamics AX 2012 because the new dimension
framework was not implemented in cost
accounting in a way that enables data to flow
outside of cost accounting.
Modules affected Budgeting
Changes to installation This change does not affect application
Changes to upgrade Preprocessing converts Ledger budget records to
budget register entries in Microsoft Dynamics AX
Item Description
Reason for deprecation A new financial dimension framework has been
Replaced by another feature Yes. The feature is no longer available and has
been replaced with a new financial dimension
Modules affected All
Changes to installation This change does not affect application
Changes to upgrade The upgrade process includes pre-upgrade steps
for merging accounts and dimensions that have
More information
For more information about financial dimensions, see the product-wide feature topic Financial
Item Description
Reason for deprecation From the perspective of Microsoft Dynamics AX
2012 security roles, there is no Bookkeeper role.
Therefore, the Bookkeeper role has been removed
from BI cubes, and the Bookkeeper Role Center
and the underlying Web parts have also been
removed. In general, Role Centers themselves do
not have security, but the securable items
displayed on a Role Center may. The Accountant
role has been identified as equivalent to the
Bookkeeper role, based on the similarity of duties
and privileges.
Replaced by another feature No. The feature is no longer available, and there
is no replacement feature.
Modules affected Business Intelligence
Enterprise Portal
General ledger
Changes to installation This change does not affect application
Changes to upgrade This change does not affect application upgrade.
More information
For more information about Role Centers, see:
Item Description
Reason for deprecation New shared currency and exchange rate
functionality has replaced the ExchRates table.
Replaced by another feature Yes. The feature is no longer available, and has
been replaced with shared currencies and
exchange rates.
Modules affected All
Changes to installation This change does not affect application
Changes to upgrade As part of the pre-upgrade process, the user can
fix any conflicts. For example, a conflict occurs if
the same currency is used in multiple companies,
but it is set up differently in each company.
Item Description
Reason for deprecation Because of architectural changes in the application,
this table had to be refactored to support the new
financial dimension and subledger journal
Replaced by another feature Yes. The feature has been deprecated, and the
following new tables replace the LedgerTrans table:
Modules affected All
Changes to installation This change does not affect application installation.
Changes to upgrade The LedgerTrans records are upgraded to the new
data model, except in virtual companies, where the
LedgerTrans table is in a TableCollection. If the
LedgerTrans table is used in a virtual company
setup, the upgrade fails, and you are instructed to
contact your Partner or Support. The records must
be moved out of the virtual company before
More information
For more information about ledger and subledger lines, see the product-wide feature topic Ledger and
subledger lines and distributions.
Item Description
Reason for deprecation Global organizations operate as different legal
entities in different geographical areas. However,
they share a lot of data, such as charts of
accounts, currencies, exchange rates, and
calendars. Defining this reference and master
data once and sharing it across legal entities
reduces the cost of maintaining such data across
the organization. However, ledger periods, and
the associated AssetCalendar tables, did not
provide sufficient support for this scenario and
have been replaced with more robust shared
fiscal calendars.
The following tables have been deprecated:
Replaced by another feature Yes. The feature is no longer available and has
been replaced with shared fiscal calendars.
Modules affected All
Changes to installation This change does not affect application
Changes to upgrade Existing ledger periods and fixed asset calendars
are upgraded to the new fiscal calendars. There is
a pre-upgrade step where the user can rename
the fiscal calendars.
More information
For more information about ledger and sub ledger lines, see the product-wide feature topic Ledger and
subledger lines and distributions.
Item Description
Reason for deprecation The country/region configuration keys are
installation-specific, and the real requirement was
for control over the features available to
individual companies in multinational scenarios.
Also, the capability was needed to make features
available based on the company’s location, the
customer’s location, and so on. Country/region
context was introduced to meet this requirement,
and this feature replaces country/region
configuration keys for control over feature
Replaced by another feature Yes. The feature remains only for backward
compatibility. Although the feature will not be
removed until the next version of Microsoft
Dynamics AX, a replacement feature is already
available. To control feature availability based on
the location of the legal entity, Microsoft
Dynamics AX 2012 uses the country/region
associated with the legal entity’s primary address.
For example, if the address of the legal entity is
in Canada, users can see and work with Canada-
specific features.
Modules affected All
Changes to installation This change does not affect application
Changes to upgrade This change does not affect application upgrade.
More information
For information about how to use country/region configuration keys when you upgrade an existing
version of Microsoft Dynamics AX to Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, see the Upgrade Guide.
Item Description
Reason for deprecation In 2010, a change in legislation in the European
community required a new transfer function for
the EU sales list. The new EU sales list transfer
function is based on the functionality for Belgium,
and it transfers data to the EU sales list form
based on tax information.
Replaced by another feature Yes. The feature has been removed in Microsoft
Dynamics AX 2012 and replaced by the standard
EU sales list transfer.
Modules affected Financial Management
Changes to installation This change does not affect application
Changes to upgrade Users must check the existing tax code and tax
group configuration. They may be required to set
up new tax codes. In addition, they may be
required either to change the groups assigned to
service items, or to set up new item sales tax
groups and assign them to services and/or
categories. This must be done before any
transactions are posted in Microsoft Dynamics AX
Item Description
Reason for deprecation The functionality provided by the feature was
limited. The feature has been replaced with the
new date-effective framework in Microsoft
Dynamics AX 2012.
Replaced by another feature Yes. The feature is no longer available, and a
replacement feature is available.
All of the records continue to be date effective,
but they use a new date-effective framework. In
Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, both the date and
time elements are exposed in the user interface.
Modules affected Human resources
Changes to installation This change does not affect application
Changes to upgrade Existing date-effective records are upgraded to
the new tables that store these records. The
processing of date-effective records is completed
by the Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 framework.
Note: The table structure has been normalized in
Human resources. One date-effective record may
be split into multiple records, based on the new
table definitions in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.
Item Description
Reason for deprecation Much of this information is stored in a global
address book that is shared across the enterprise,
and removing it can affect other data.
Replaced by another feature No. The feature is no longer available, and there
is no replacement feature. You can still delete
personal information by manually removing
individual records.
Modules affected Human Resources
Changes to installation This change does not affect application
Changes to upgrade This change does not affect application upgrade.
Item Description
Reason for deprecation The functionality on this tab was incomplete and
provided limited benefit to human resources
Replaced by another feature No. The feature is no longer available, and there
is no replacement feature. However, the complete
functionality is available in the client.
Modules affected Human resources
Changes to installation This change does not affect application
Changes to upgrade This change does not impact affect upgrade.
Item Description
Reason for deprecation The benefits functionality in Microsoft Dynamics
AX 2009 was somewhat limited, and Microsoft
Dynamics AX 2012 provides expanded benefits
Replaced by another feature Yes. The feature is no longer available, and a
replacement feature is available.
Modules affected Human resources
Changes to installation This change does not affect application
Changes to upgrade Existing benefits information is upgraded for use
in the new benefits functionality.
Item Description
Reason for deprecation Architectural changes impacted the employee
type functionality.
Replaced by another feature No. The feature is no longer available, and there
is no replacement feature. In Microsoft Dynamics
AX 2012, only workers of the Employee and
Contractor types exist.
Modules affected Human resources
Supply chain management
Changes to installation This change does not affect application
Changes to upgrade Work Center employees are not upgraded to
Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. Preprocessing
upgrade scripts capture information, and you can
take action on these records before completing
the upgrade.
Item Description
Reason for deprecation Architectural changes and a new control were
added to all three of the views. The new control
enables more nodes to be displayed in the
hierarchical structure. You can also create and
modify nodes directly from the new control. The
architectural changes would have required
extensive changes to the Visio Export feature.
Replaced by another feature No. The Visio Export feature is no longer
available, and there is no replacement feature.
Modules affected All
Changes to installation This change does not impact application
Changes to upgrade This change does not impact application upgrade.
Item Description
Reason for deprecation This feature is being removed because the
functionality is limited.
Replaced by another feature No. The Telemarketing feature remains in
Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, but will be removed
in a future version of the product. In the next
version, telemarketing records will be merged
with call lists, and the call list functionality will be
moved to the Marketing Automation license.
Modules affected Sales and marketing
Changes to installation This change does not affect application
Changes to upgrade This change does not affect application upgrade.
Item Description
Reason for deprecation The functionality provided by this feature was
Replaced by another feature No. The feature remains in Microsoft Dynamics AX
2012 but will be removed in a future version of
the product. No replacement feature is available
at this time.
Modules affected Sales and marketing
Changes to installation The smmPhone component is longer installed.
Changes to upgrade This change does not affect application upgrade.
Item Description
Reason for deprecation The addition of SQL Server Reporting Services to
Microsoft Dynamics AX, combined with the
Microsoft Office integration, provides users with
extensive graphing functionality.
Replaced by another feature No. The feature remains in Microsoft Dynamics AX
2012, but will be removed in a future version of
the product. No replacement feature is available
at this time.
Modules affected Sales and marketing
Changes to installation This change does not affect application
Changes to upgrade This change does not affect application upgrade.
Item Description
Reason for deprecation CRM document handling is being integrated into
standard Microsoft Dynamics AX document
Replaced by another feature No. The feature remains in Microsoft Dynamics AX
2012, but will be fully integrated with standard
Microsoft Dynamics AX document handling in the
next version of the product.
Modules affected Sales and marketing
Changes to installation This change does not affect application
Changes to upgrade This change does not affect application upgrade.
Item Description
Reason for deprecation CRM uses the database logging available in
Microsoft Dynamics AX.
Replaced by another feature No. The feature remains in Microsoft Dynamics AX
2012, but will be removed in a future version of
the product. No replacement feature is available
at this time.
Modules affected Sales and marketing
Changes to installation This change does not affect application
Changes to upgrade This change does not affect application upgrade.
Item Description
Reason for deprecation Existing functionality in the service industry
solution facilitates the creation of an activity
breakdown structure for a project and provides
additional capabilities related to resource
scheduling. In the Project management and
accounting module, activities can still be
associated with projects, but they cannot be
arranged hierarchically. Project activity
hierarchies maintained through integration with
Microsoft® Project Server 2010 are not affected.
Replaced by another feature Yes. The feature has been removed, and a
replacement feature is available in the service
industry solution.
Modules affected Project management and accounting
Changes to installation There is no effect on application installation.
Changes to upgrade Customers upgrading from Microsoft Dynamics AX
2009 who do not install the Services Industry
solution cannot see or modify their project
activity hierarchy.
Item Description
Reason for deprecation The way that the subscription order is
implemented is not compliant with the source
document, distributions, and ledger budget.
Replaced by another feature No. The feature is no longer available, and there
is no replacement feature.
Modules affected Procurement and sourcing
Changes to installation This change does not affect application
Changes to upgrade Code related to subscription order is removed.
Potential customization in this area must also be
removed. A white paper describing how to extend
the new agreement framework to support
recurring orders is forthcoming.
Item Description
Reason for deprecation The blanket order feature had some limitations.
Structural changes in Microsoft Dynamics AX
required blanket order functionality to be
Replaced by another feature Yes. The feature is no longer available, and a
replacement feature is available.
This feature was replaced by purchase and sales
agreements. Purchase and sales agreements are
used to document the terms and conditions
between a selling party and a buying party. An
agreement expresses payment and delivery terms
for a set of commitments. For example, the
buying party commits to buying a specific volume
of a product or service, such as 200 bikes, for a
specific price. Alternatively, the buying party
commits to buying a specific value, such as USD
1000, of a product or products in a specific
category with a specific price discount. For every
commitment on the agreement, there is a validity
period in which the actual trading must be
Modules affected Procurement and sourcing
Changes to installation This change does not affect application
Changes to upgrade You can upgrade blanket orders by using the
upgrade scripts provided.
Item Description
Reason for deprecation Architectural changes in Microsoft Dynamics AX
2012 have changed the way that items are
defined. Items have become products, and
products require a product definition. The product
definition consists of a few core characteristics
that help identify the product. One of these
characteristics is the product type, which
indicates whether a product is tangible (an item)
or intangible (a service or rights). In Microsoft
Dynamics AX 2009, the item type indicated
whether the product was tangible (an item),
intangible (a service), and also the role that the
item could have (BOM). To ensure that
characteristics are product related, not product
role related, the item type attribute was
refactored to product type, and the BOM value
was separated from the item and service values.
Replaced by another feature Yes. The feature has been removed, and a
replacement feature is available.
Users must still be able to associate a bill of
materials (BOM) with a product of the item type.
In Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, customers can
associate a BOM with a product of the item type.
After this association is made, users can use the
new default order type on the default order
settings to indicate whether the item that has an
associated BOM must be procured or
Modules affected Inventory management
Changes to installation This change does not affect application
Changes to upgrade When upgrading from Microsoft Dynamics AX
2009 to Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, users must
map existing items to new product definitions. As
part of this process, they must decide whether
the default order type must be purchase or
production. The association with a BOM is
Item Description
Reason for deprecation Architectural changes in Microsoft Dynamics AX
2012 changed the way products are defined.
Replaced by another feature Yes. The feature has been removed, and a
replacement feature is available.
As part of the new product definition concept in
Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, the process of
defining a product has been made more explicit.
Users select whether a product is a simple
product or a product master. If a product is a
product master, the user must specify the tool or
method that is used to create product variants for
that particular master.
Modules affected Inventory management
Changes to installation This change does not affect application
Changes to upgrade During the upgrade process from Microsoft
Dynamics AX 2009 to Microsoft Dynamics AX
2012, configurable items are upgraded according
to product master rules and are upgraded to
product masters by using dimension-based
Item Description
Reason for deprecation As part of the new core shared product
definitions, the item dimensions (color, size, and
configuration) had to be associated with the
product, whereas the tracking and storage
dimensions could be set up as either shared
dimensions or legal entity–specific dimensions.
The item dimension group was refactored, and
the old grouping table was removed and
separated into three individual groups. Any
customization in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 that
extends item dimensions must be refactored to
accommodate the new table structure.
Replaced by another feature Yes. The feature has been removed, and a
replacement feature is available. In Microsoft
Dynamics AX 2012, the item-related dimensions
(color, size, and configuration) are defined as
product dimensions, the tracking-related
dimensions (batch and serial number) are defined
as tracking dimensions, and the storage-related
dimensions (site, warehouse, location, and pallet
ID) are defined as storage dimensions.
Modules affected Inventory management
Changes to installation This change does not affect application
Changes to upgrade The upgrade process ensures that the core item
configuration, and tracking and storage dimension
values, are mapped to the new product dimension
Item Description
Reason for deprecation The feature allowed manual overrides to database
values, which could cause data integrity issues. In
Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 and future versions,
users cannot make modifications directly to
system-generated data.
Replaced by another feature No. The feature is no longer available, and there
is no replacement feature.
Modules affected Inventory management
Changes to installation This change does not affect application
Changes to upgrade This change does not affect application upgrade.
Item Description
Reason for deprecation In Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009, Product builder
uses X++ as the tool for writing rules and
restrictions that apply to product models. This
represents a potential elevation of privilege risk.
Additionally, the design of Product builder does
not scale well when the models grow in size,
resulting in long response times for product
configuration on sales order lines.
Replaced by another feature Product builder will still be available for existing
Product builder customers that upgrade to
Microsoft Dynamics AX, but not for new
In Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, Product builder
was replaced with the Product configuration
feature, which is constraint-based rather than
rule-based. The Product configuration feature
provides better support for reusability and
multilevel product models. It also performs better
than Product builder and eliminates elevation of
privilege security threats.
Modules affected Sales and marketing
Enterprise Portal
Project management and accounting
Product information management
Changes to installation This change does not affect application
Changes to upgrade For existing Product builder customers, upgrade
of the existing Product models will happen as
It is possible to migrate a Product builder model
to a Product configuration model. To do this, you
must analyze the back-end tree of the Product
builder model to identify the elements that should
be included directly in the Product configuration
model and those that must be implemented by
using the dedicated product configuration API,
Item Description
Reason for deprecation The functionality provided by this feature was
Replaced by another feature Yes. For buying-side procurement, the feature
has been removed and replaced by procurement
categories and procurement catalogs.
Modules affected Procurement and sourcing
Changes to installation This change does not affect application
Changes to upgrade Any product groups used in Microsoft Dynamics
AX 2009 are upgraded to procurement categories
and procurement catalogs during the upgrade
Item Description
Reason for deprecation The functionality contained in this form already
exists on the RFQ list page and in the RFQ details
forms. Therefore, this form is redundant.
Replaced by another feature No. The feature is no longer available, and there
is no replacement feature.
Modules affected Procurement and sourcing
Changes to installation This change does not affect application
Changes to upgrade This change does not affect application upgrade.
Item Description
Reason for deprecation As a result of architectural changes in Microsoft
Dynamics AX 2012, purchase requisitions cannot
be hard deleted, which renders the Delete
purchase requisitions tool obsolete.
Replaced by another feature No. Since the release of Microsoft Dynamics AX
2009, the Intelligent Data Management
Framework (IDMF) for Microsoft Dynamics AX has
been developed. In Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012
and future versions, we recommend that
companies use the IDMF to purge and archive
production data that is no longer required in the
production system.
Modules affected Procurement and sourcing
Changes to installation This change does not affect application
Changes to upgrade This change does not affect application upgrade.
More information
For more informaiton about the Intelligent Data Management Framework for Microsoft Dynamics AX,
Item Description
Reason for deprecation All purchasing-related parameters have been
subsumed by Purchasing policy rules.
Replaced by another feature Yes.
The Purchase requisition control policy rule
contains the parameters that define which fields
are required to submit a purchase requisition to
workflow, and also the parameters that define
whether minimum, maximum, and multiple
quantity constraints are enforced.
The Purchase requisition to purchase order
creation policy rule contains the parameters that
define when purchase orders are generated
automatically by the system.
Modules affected Procurement and sourcing
Changes to installation This change does not affect application
Changes to upgrade Any product groups used in Microsoft Dynamics
AX 2009 must be upgraded to procurement
categories. Additionally, product and category
catalogs used in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009
must be upgraded to procurement catalogs.
Catalog policy rules and Category access policy
rules can be used to scope the products and
procurement categories that are available in
different legal entities.
Item Description
Reason for deprecation The approval and spending limits feature in
Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 did not provide the
level of granular expense and approval control
required by some companies.
Replaced by another feature Yes. The feature has been removed, and a
replacement feature is available. The Signing
Limits feature in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012
provides advanced configuration and
administration capabilities, which enable
companies to enforce corporate spending and
approval limits at a more granular level.
Additionally, the Signing Limits feature enables
spending and approval limit self-service requests
to be submitted via the employee self-service
portal. Employees can use self-service requests to
request a signing limit for business expenses, and
managers can use them to request an approval
limit for approving employee expenses, thus
automating and simplifying the process for
requesting and approving spending and approval
limits using workflow.
Modules affected All
Changes to installation This change does not affect application
Changes to upgrade There is an upgrade path from the Microsoft
Dynamics AX 2009 feature to the corresponding
feature in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.
More information
For more information about employees, see the product-wide feature topic Employees.
Item Description
Reason for deprecation Architectural changes in Microsoft Dynamics AX
2012 introduced a new resource model and
capability based scheduling, which made the task
group concept obsolete.
Replaced by another feature Yes. Task groups have been replaced by the more
versatile concept of capabilities, which can be
used for specifying resource requirements for
operations. This enables the scheduling engine to
choose between alternative resources that can
perform similar tasks.
Modules affected Manufacturing
Changes to installation This change does not impact application
Changes to upgrade Any task groups used in Microsoft Dynamics AX
2009 will be upgraded to capabilities during the
upgrade process. Since capabilities are shared
across legal entities in Microsoft Dynamics AX
2012, the upgrade process allows for task groups
to be consolidated across legal entities.
Item Description
Reason for deprecation In Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 the multisite
functionality is always active, so the multisite
activation wizard is no longer needed.
Replaced by another feature The multisite activation wizard is obsolete and
has been removed. Multisite functionality will be
activated as part of the upgrade process.
Modules affected Manufacturing
Changes to installation This change does not affect application
Changes to upgrade When upgrading from Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0,
multisite activation is an integral part of the
upgrade process.
Multisite functionality is also activated for
customers who are upgrading from Microsoft
Dynamics AX 2009 and who have not acquired
the Logistics license.
All other customers who are upgrading from
Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 will have to use the
multisite activation wizard to activate the
multisite functionality before upgrading to
Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.
Table of Contents
Setup and upgrade ......................................................................................................... 154
Client ............................................................................................................................ 155
Microsoft Dynamics Online ............................................................................................... 155
Workflow ....................................................................................................................... 156
Enterprise Portal ............................................................................................................. 157
Microsoft Office add-ins ................................................................................................... 158
General ledger................................................................................................................ 159
Tax ............................................................................................................................... 163
Bank, budget, compliance, and fixed assets ....................................................................... 163
Accounts payable ............................................................................................................ 168
Accounts receivable ........................................................................................................ 174
Human resources ............................................................................................................ 177
Sales and marketing ....................................................................................................... 178
Compliance and internal controls ...................................................................................... 179
Travel and expense ......................................................................................................... 180
Project accounting .......................................................................................................... 181
Control .......................................................................................................................... 185
Inventory management ................................................................................................... 186
Manufacturing ................................................................................................................ 188
Lean manufacturing ........................................................................................................ 190
Scheduling ..................................................................................................................... 192
Product information management ..................................................................................... 193
Trade and source ............................................................................................................ 193
Procurement and sourcing ............................................................................................... 198
Verify Microsoft Dynamics AX This version of Microsoft Dynamics AX includes a model and
configurations by using the rule set for the Microsoft Baseline Configuration Analyzer. You
Microsoft Baseline can verify dozens of configuration settings across multiple
Configuration Analyzer features, including the Microsoft Dynamics AX database,
Application Object Server (AOS), Enterprise Portal, and
business intelligence. The tool generates a report with
prescriptive guidance that can help improve the availability,
security, and performance of your Microsoft Dynamics AX
Parallelization of bulk copy, The bulk copy of data from your source system to the target
synchronization, and post- system is done in parallel with the running of synchronization
synchronization steps and post-synchronization scripts on the data.
Parallelization transparently merges what used to be three
steps into a single optimized step, which minimizes your total
system downtime for upgrade.
Client features
What’s New Heading What’s New Statement
Document handling You can attach a URL to a transaction and configure a workflow
enhancements definition to route paper-based document files for review. The
document file web service has been added and can be used to
retrieve document file metadata and route the data to the
appropriate parties by using workflow. You can enter document
data, and the document file can be attached to the new
transaction. This creates an audit trail for the original
document. These enhancements can facilitate document
handling for companies that are geographically dispersed and
that want to maintain their paper-based documents in one
Workflow features
What’s New Heading What’s New Statement
Automated tasks You can now add automated tasks to your workflows. An
automated task runs business logic and requires no human
interaction. For example, an automated task can perform a
credit check, run a report, or update a record.
Line item workflow support A workflow can be created to process documents, or the line
items on a document. For example, assume that you’ve created
an approval workflow for timesheets. (We will refer to this
workflow as the document workflow.) You can add a line-item
element to that document workflow. When the line-item
element is executed, each line item on the document is
submitted for processing. You may want all of the line items
processed by the same line-item workflow, or you may want
each line item processed by a different line-item workflow.
Flow-control elements Several new elements have been added to help you design
workflows. These elements enable you to design workflows that
have alternate branches or branches that run concurrently.
These elements include:
View work items that are You can view work items for specific document types, such as
based on specific business invoices, purchase orders, and expense reports in one place, so
documents in one location that you can more efficiently process them. The ability to see
all work items for a specific document type is especially
important for high-volume documents. You can see all
documents of a specific type that are assigned to you, to a
work item queue that you belong to, or to a work item queue or
queue group that you administer. You can filter the work items
by date to help prioritize the tasks you have to do.
Workflow editor The workflow editor is a graphical interface that enables you to
create Microsoft Dynamics AX workflows by arranging workflow
elements on a design surface similarly to how you would
graphically model a business process using Microsoft Visio. You
can add, delete, and reposition workflow elements that
represent the tasks and approvals that make up the workflow.
You can also add flow-controls, such as manual and automated
decisions and parallel activities so that you can create complex
workflows that exactly model the business processes you want
to automate.
Ability to assign workflow A manual task can be assigned to a work item queue. A work
tasks to work item queues item queue is a collection of documents that require processing.
A queue must have users assigned to it. Those users will be
responsible for monitoring the queue and processing the
documents in it.
Enterprise Portal
New user interface elements FactBoxes display information related to a selected record, or
in Enterprise Portal information displayed in a form or on a list page. You can
customize the type of information that is displayed in
Enterprise Portal deployment The following enhancements have been made for Enterprise
and upgrade enhancements Portal setup and deployment:
Enhanced initial setup and installation that no longer
requires manual compilation of X++ classes
Capability to deploy changes to a web server by using
the AxUpdatePortal utility or PowerShell commands
Capability to deploy changes from the Application
Object Tree (AOT) on a 32-bit client to a 64-bit
Windows Server by clicking a button
Automatic upgrade from Enterprise Portal on Windows
SharePoint Services 3.0 or Microsoft Office SharePoint
Server 2007 to Microsoft SharePoint Foundation or
Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 (after all other
Microsoft Dynamics AX upgrade tasks are completed)
Capability to manage remote Enterprise Portal
deployments from a Microsoft Dynamics AX client
More enhancements to With the enhancements to this feature, you can update data
Microsoft Excel integration from Microsoft Excel by using AIF Web Services. An opt-in
supported by the Microsoft checklist for built services is also available.
Dynamics AX add-in
General ledger
Multiple ledgers for multiple Each legal entity has a separate ledger, where you define a
legal entities chart of accounts, the accounting currency, the reporting
currency, and the fiscal calendar for that legal entity.
Finance list pages and In Enterprise Portal, Finance-related list pages are included in
Finance reports changes the Sales and Procurement areas. The following list pages use
standard list page elements, including Action Panes, FactBoxes,
and preview panes: Customer invoices, Unpaid customer
invoices, Latest invoiced items, Interest notes, Collection
letters, and Vendor invoices.
Shared exchange rates for You can define multiple exchange rates between two
the General ledger currencies, and select a currency rate type for each range of
consolidation process accounts and company accounts that is being consolidated.
Relieve encumbrances when When you confirm a purchase order that is generated from one
you confirm purchase orders or more pre-encumbered purchase requisition lines, it is posted
to the general ledger. Any pre-encumbrances are also relieved.
Reason codes for purchase You can now add reason codes to the posting transactions for
order transactions purchase orders. Reason codes help explain why transactions
were entered, such as why an order was returned, or why the
amount that was received differs from the amount that was
Record purchase order When you confirm a purchase order, you can record the
encumbrances in the general encumbrances in general ledger accounts, often to accrue
ledger liabilities.
Most public sector organizations record encumbrance
transactions to record accruals of liabilities for committed, or
obligated, purchases. In the General ledger parameters form,
you can select the Enable encumbrance processing check box
to activate recording in ledger accounts. The ledger accounts
that you record in are specified by posting definitions, and they
are associated with the purchase order transaction by using the
Transaction posting definitions form.
View and track encumbered When the encumbrance process is enabled, you can view the
amounts on purchase orders encumbered amounts, encumbrances that are relieved through
invoice processing, and encumbered amounts that remain after
invoice processing.
Create reports that display The Open invoice transactions report and the Sales invoice
vendor invoices or customer journal report have been changed. They are now the Vendor
invoices grouped by a invoice transactions report, which is created in Accounts
selected financial dimension payable, and the Customer invoice transactions report, which is
created in Accounts receivable. You can create the reports to
display transactions grouped by a selected financial dimension.
You can select invoices for both reports by using a variety of
criteria. Both reports include options to select invoices by date
or date range, and you can display all invoices, only paid
invoices, or only invoices that are in an open state.
Accounts payable payments You can use posting definitions to record vendor payments for
and payment clearing vendor invoices and promissory notes. For example, you can
record a vendor payment by posting a vendor payment journal.
The vendor payment journal can generate multiple
transactions, using the distributions on the vendor invoice and
the posting definitions to support pooled cash accounting. With
bridged costing enabled on the method of payment, you can
use a clearing account for payments to track checks or
warrants that have been issued, but that have not yet cleared
the bank.
Simplified calendar options You can use the streamlined Fiscal calendars form to create
multiple calendars in Accounts payable, Accounts receivable,
General ledger, Project, and Inventory and warehouse
management. Maintain all calendar types, including fixed asset
and fiscal year calendars, in one form. You can define multiple
closing periods for a specific date, which helps you better track
and report on multiple audit adjustments.
Fiscal period enhancements With the many enhancements to the fiscal period functionality,
you can now use multiple fiscal years, enter multiple closing
periods with the same starting and ending dates, and copy the
setup of periods to the next year. You also can change a
sequence of months more quickly. Multiple fiscal years are
useful if, for example, you have a subsidiary agency that uses a
different fiscal year than the rest of your organization, and you
enter that agency’s transactions in your company because you
do not maintain a separate company for them. To
accommodate these enhancements, the Periods and Fixed asset
calendars forms have been removed and fiscal period
functionality is included in the Fiscal calendars and Ledger
calendar forms.
Create shared fiscal You can create and use calendars that are independent of your
calendars for use by different organization and shared by multiple legal entities. For example,
entities an organization can create one or more calendars that can be
used by different departments, and departments can select
among any of the calendars created by the organization.
Updates to posting definitions If your organization requires multiple offsetting entries for
transactions, you can set up posting definitions that determine
the balanced set of ledger posting entries that is generated,
based on the originating entry for a transaction. You can set up
posting definition versions that have date-effective ranges, and
the criteria for matching account numbers can include account
structures, dimensions enabled for budgeting, and accounts
generated from account rules. Use transaction posting
definitions to specify the posting definitions that are used, and
to assign them to transaction posting types.
New distributions and You can close purchase orders in the fiscal year that is ending,
budget-related functionality open them in the next fiscal year, and create budget
for year-end processing adjustments and carry-forward budget register entries.
Tax features
What’s New Heading What’s New Statement
Sales tax changes for vendor You can use a new parameter to preserve the sales tax
invoices in the Vendor invoice information from the vendor, either through a service or
form through manual entry based on a paper invoice from the
vendor. Otherwise, the calculated sales tax information may
override the actual amounts in some situations.
Set a company bank as You can set a company bank as inactive for all transactions or
inactive for new transactions. Optionally, you can set the date when a
company bank becomes inactive for new transactions, and
when it becomes active again. When a bank is inactive for all
transactions, no transactions are permitted for that bank.
Budget control integrated If you are using budget control, you can validate spending
with general journal entry based on approved limits. You can specify that each purchase
or planned purchase is validated during processing to ensure
that it does not exceed the budget funds that are available. You
can use budget control for daily, allocation, and project
expense account journal types. The vendor invoice recording
journal and the vendor invoice approval journal can also be
included in budget control. If you are using budget control for
expense accounts, authorized users can override the available
budget by transferring budget funds from other accounts.
Those users can also reject purchases.
Enhanced budgeting Customize how budget entries are transferred from other
modules. Use new check boxes on the Budget parameters form
to specify whether budget register entries that are created from
a cross-module transfer have a draft or completed status when
they are first created. You also can more easily identify newly
transferred budget register entries in the Budget register entry
form because they have a budget type that is similar to their
origin. For example, budget register entries that are created
from a fixed asset budget transfer have a budget type of Fixed
New reports to view and filter The Budget detail report shows all budget register entry by
budget information budget type, with totals by type. You can filter the report by
budget model, date range, dimension, and status. The Budget
funds available report displays the sum of each budget category
for the selected dimensions and time period. You can filter the
report by budget model, date range, and dimension focus. The
Actual versus budget report compares budget amounts with
actual balances. You can filter the report by budget model,
dimension, date range, and dimension focus.
Transition from ledger Ledger budgets have been replaced with budget register
budgets to budget register entries. You can use budget register entries to enter budget
entries amounts for dimensions that are defined for budgeting. You can
categorize budget register entries by budget types, such as
revisions, transfers, and original budget, so that you can more
quickly understand how a budget changed. Ledger budget
records are automatically converted to budget register entries.
Budget control integrated If you are using budget control, each purchase or planned
with accounts payable purchase is validated during processing to ensure that it does
not exceed the budget funds that are available. When a
purchase is made with a vendor invoice, any budget
reservations are relieved for the budget of the distribution
accounts on the purchase order. The vendor invoice distribution
accounts and amounts are validated to determine whether
budget funds are available. If the budget check is successful,
budget tracking records with a category of actual expenditure
are created. The entire cost of the vendor invoice line is
evaluated, including any taxes or charges. The date on the
vendor invoice line is associated with the appropriate fiscal
period and budget interval to determine the budget period for
Budgeting workflows When you set up a review workflow, you can associate the
workflow with a budget code to require budget register entries
to use a review process. When a specified budget code is used
on a budget register entry, a review process is required. You
can define conditional statements for the review process to
determine whether budget register entries are manually or
automatically reviewed and approved. If you are using budget
control, you can set up workflows so that a budget manager
can approve budget register entries. Each budget account entry
on a budget register entry can have its own review process.
You can also set up rules that are independent of any review
processes. For example, you can set up budget transfer rules to
allow the transfer of budget funds among only a subset of
departments. If budget transfer rules are violated, budget
register entries can be assigned to a specific user for approval.
Use posting definitions for You can create posting definitions for budget register entries,
budget register entries and use those posting definitions to create ledger entries when
budget register entries are posted. This helps make posting
faster and more efficient because you can post to multiple
accounts without making additional manual account entries.
Import and Mapping Wizard You can use the Import and Mapping Wizard to import your
for the Compliance Center internal controls into the Compliance Center from an existing,
preformatted control matrix spreadsheet that your company
Default control library for the A workbook that contains more than 120 common compliance
Compliance site controls is now available on the Compliance site in Enterprise
Portal. You can refer to this library when you manually enter
controls on the Compliance site, or you can use the library as
the source file for importing controls into the Compliance site.
Removed Compliance site The following links have been removed from the Compliance
links to reports that require site:
input parameters
Alert tracking
Alert setup
Database log setup
Object permissions
User permissions
Workflow tracking
Workflow instance by status
Internal Control page A number of usability enhancements have been added to the
usability enhancements Internal Controls page in Enterprise Portal. For example,
preview information is displayed in FactBoxes for each
document that is selected. You can change the page view to
highlight documents that meet specific criteria, such as
documents that are assigned only to you, or documents that
have not been started. Icons are displayed next to each
document to help identify the template that was used to create
each document. Also, the new context menu makes it easier to
add, modify, and delete documents in the Internal Controls tree
Action Pane on Compliance The Internal controls and Database log pages on the
site pages Compliance site are updated to use standard Microsoft
Dynamics AX Action Panes.
Transfer fixed assets between You can transfer fixed assets between financial dimensions,
locations, funds, programs, such as locations, funds, programs, and departments. For each
and departments transfer, an historical record is created that includes the
transaction (transfer) date and the amount at the time of the
transfer. You can view the historical information in the Fixed
assets form. This form provides a clear record of asset
transfers, which is required for high-value assets.
You can instead use this tracking method, and also modify
financial dimensions, in the Value models form to modify the
financial dimensions for a fixed asset, where you do not have to
keep an historical record of the changes when no record of the
transfer details is needed.
Asset activity code, property Some organizations must track fixed assets at a very detailed
group, and organization unit level, either for specialized business needs or to comply with
attributes available for fixed governmental regulations. You can track fixed assets by using
assets three new attributes: asset activity code, property group, and
organization unit. After you create these attributes in their
setup forms, you can assign them to fixed assets in the Fixed
assets form.
New SQL Server Reporting You can use Physical inventory worksheets as checklists to
Services reports for Fixed identify and list assets. The Fixed asset due for replacement
assets report lists assets that are due to be replaced, based on the
asset replacement dates.
A unit price based on an The unit price on an intercompany purchase order and
inventory cost price is intercompany sales order is updated for changes only when the
updated only once for a first customer invoice for the intercompany sales order is
customer invoice entered. The update occurs only if there is a change in the unit
cost price in Inventory management, and it occurs
automatically. If a subsequent customer invoice is entered, the
unit price for that customer invoice does not come from the
cost of the item. Instead, it comes from the intercompany
purchase order.
Accounts payable invoice In previous versions, unposted purchase order invoices that
table changes were entered in the Posting invoice form were stored in the
same tables as information about updating purchase orders,
receipts lists, and packing slips. In this version, unposted
purchase order invoices, which are now called vendor invoices,
are stored in a separate set of tables.
Invoice matching changes for You can match an invoice line that is identified by a description
line items that are identified and a category to its corresponding purchase order line and
by descriptions and product receipt line. This feature is based on the functionality
categories that you use to enter lines that are identified by a description
and a category on a purchase order, product receipt, and
invoice. Additionally, you can use this feature with purchasing
policies that are assigned to line items that are identified by
descriptions and categories.
Create vendor invoices and A new Application Integration Framework (AIF) service,
credit notes from electronic VendVendInvoiceService, creates vendor invoices and credit
invoices notes from invoices that are received electronically. The service
also enables vendors to request and retrieve unposted invoice
information in Accounts payable.
You can enter vendor invoice lines that are not related to a
purchase order, and that do not create inventory transactions.
However, inventoried or stocked lines are not supported on
vendor invoice lines that are not related to a purchase order.
Invoice matching: Price total If the parameter that enables price total matching to be used in
matching the Accounts payable parameters form is selected, the net
amount of an invoice line plus the net amount of any pending
invoice lines and previously posted invoice lines is compared
with the purchase order line. If the variance amount in the
accounting currency exceeds the tolerance percentage, the
amount, or the percentage and amount for price total
matching, a matching discrepancy warning is displayed. This
type of variance can occur in situations where partial invoices
individually meet quantity and price tolerances, but when
combined, they exceed a specified percentage or currency
value as defined by the legal entity. Price total matching
tolerances can be set up per legal entity.
Invoice matching: Charge If the option to use charges matching is selected in the
matching enhancements Accounts payable parameters form, charges on a vendor
invoice can be compared with the expected charges from the
purchase order. If the variance exceeds the tolerance
percentage for charges, a matching discrepancy indicator is
displayed. Charge tolerances can be set up per company or for
individual charges codes.
Invoice matching: Invoice Invoice totals on a vendor invoice are compared with the
total matching expected totals, based on the purchase order information. If
the variance exceeds the tolerance percentage for invoice total
matching, a matching discrepancy indicator is displayed.
Invoice total matching tolerances can be set up per legal entity
or for individual vendor.
Invoice matching: Line The line matching policy can be set to three-way (matching
matching policy (two-way compares the invoice, purchase order, and product receipt),
and three-way) two-way (matching compares the invoice and purchase order),
or not required (unit price matching and price totals matching
are not performed). The line matching policy can be set up per
legal entity, and for items, vendors, or item and vendor
Invoice matching task for Invoice matching is now available as a workflow task that can
workflow be performed without user intervention. The workflow can be
started based on a Microsoft Dynamics AX business event, such
as when new records are created by using the vendor invoice
Enter vendor invoices that Invoice header fields have been added to the Vendor invoice
are not for a purchase order form, so that you can use this form to enter a category-based
in the Vendor invoice form invoice line that is not related to a purchase order on an
Improved forms for creating The forms for creating and posting invoices are easier to
and posting invoices understand and use, and you can now enter all of the required
information in one form.
Verify the receipt of W-9 Before posting a document, you can verify whether a vendor
forms from vendors has provided a W-9 form. If the vendor has not provided a W-9
form, you can hold the document while you wait for the form
from the vendor.
Advance payments on vendor When you need to pay a vendor before goods are delivered or a
invoices service is performed, you can create a vendor invoice line that
includes a category and the amount that must be paid in
advance. You can validate the amount of the advance payment
that is listed on the vendor invoice against the amount listed on
the purchase order. You can also apply the vendor invoice for
the advance payment against the vendor invoice for the items
or service.
Vendor self-service Vendors can create and edit their invoices directly from the
vendor self-service portal in Enterprise Portal. Vendors can
create an invoice from a purchase order, or they can create an
invoice and add a purchase order to it.
Add open purchase orders You can use the Retrieve purchase orders form to create one
and purchase order lines to invoice for selected purchase orders and purchase order lines.
an invoice In a list on the Retrieve purchase orders form, you can select
the open purchase orders and lines that you want to combine
on the same invoice.
Improved forms to create The forms for creating and posting invoices, purchase orders,
and post invoices, purchase receipt lists, and packing slips are easier to understand and
orders, receipt lists, and use. For each document type, you can now enter all of the
packing slips required information in one form.
Print copies of payments as You can print copies of payments, including checks, promissory
nonnegotiable checks notes, and electronic payments. The payment copies are
printed as nonnegotiable checks.
Set up prenotes to validate You can now set up prenotes for customer and vendor bank
customer and vendor bank accounts for electronic funds transfer (EFT). For electronic
accounts for EFT payments, banks use prenotes to verify the accuracy of account
data, such as routing numbers and account numbers.
Place Accounts payable You can put Accounts payable payments on hold until a
payments on hold specified release date, or you can put them on hold indefinitely
by not specifying a release date. You can use holds to stop
Accounts payable payments either by holding all payments for a
vendor or by holding the payment of any selected invoice.
When you put a payment on hold, you can prevent an approved
invoice from generating a payment until the release date, if one
is specified.
Organize invoices in groups You can now group invoices by a common code, so that you do
for simpler retrieval and not have to use an exact query to retrieve a set of similar
handling invoices. After you have retrieved the invoice group, you can
easily post all of the invoices at the same time.
Add open purchase orders You can use the Retrieve purchase orders form to create one
and purchase order lines to invoice for selected purchase orders and purchase order lines.
an invoice In a list on the Retrieve purchase orders form, you can select
the open purchase orders and lines that you want to combine
on the same invoice.
Select from multiple You can select from multiple remittance addresses for your
remittance addresses organization. You can use a default remittance address for
specific invoices, or a different address that you selected for an
invoice or payment.
Approve or reject vendor You can use the Workforce services site in Enterprise Portal to
invoices from the Workforce approve or reject invoices that were submitted through the
services site vendor self-service portal.
Create invoices from the Vendors can create and edit their invoices directly from the
vendor self-service portal vendor self-service portal in Enterprise Portal. Vendors can
create an invoice from a purchase order or packing slip, or they
can create an invoice and add a purchase order to it.
Create flexible rules for Business rules for vendor invoices are now more flexible. You
vendor invoices can enforce your business rules across all operating legal
entities, but still allow local variations based on other criteria,
such as currency and country/region.
Credit card processing Credit card processing terminology has changed to follow industry
enhancements standards. In Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009, you could
preauthorize a credit card to reserve the amount with the bank,
and then authorize it to collect the payment. Now, the term
“authorize” is used for reserving the amount, and “capture” is
used for collecting the payment.
The following enhancements are included for credit card
You can use any valid currency that your payment
service supports.
Refunds can be processed for credit notes.
Authorizations (previously known as preauthorizations)
occur automatically for the remaining amount of the
order when a partial shipment is processed.
The card verification value (CVV) can be validated.
Address verification is now supported. Data support is
provided for Level-2 (order header) and Level-3 (order
line) data.
You can process a sales order that contains a credit card,
without storing the credit card number in Microsoft
Dynamics AX.
You can send tax codes, customer tax groups, and item
tax groups to an external application by using a web
Multiple customer invoice You can now specify different formats for customer invoices in the
formats for print Print management setup form. For example, you can use one
management format for most of your customers, but a custom format for a
specific customer. The custom report format must be created by a
developer and added to the AOT before it is available for selection
in the Print management setup form.
Manage collections and Credit and collection managers can use a new central view to
collection agents manage collections and collection agents. Collection agents can
begin the collection process from customer lists that are
generated by using predefined collection criteria. Collection
agents can use the Collections form to organize work related to a
specific customer in an orderly fashion to produce measurable
results. They can also track activities, such as making phone
calls, sending email correspondence, and writing off transactions,
and manage groups of transactions and activities by assigning
them to a case.
Create different interest You can create interest code ranges that are effective for a
terms for different date specified date range. You also can define changes in interest
ranges attributes, such as the days in a grace period, the amount, the
ledger account, or the calculation method for a future date. This
ensures that the correct set of interest attributes is used when
interest is calculated on transactions. You can also view historical
information for interest attributes, including a timeline.
Correct free text invoices You can quickly correct posted invoices, review free text invoice
after they have been history, and audit free text invoice correction history.
Select invoice lines for When you use the Enter customer payments form or the Open
settlement customer transaction editing form, you can now apply a customer
payment to selected invoice lines. You can use the new Mark
invoice lines form to select individual lines for settlement and
adjust the settlement amount for these lines. You also can view a
history of the settled line amounts on a new Lines tab in the
Customer settlement form. These features are activated by
selecting a check box on the Settlement tab of the Accounts
receivable parameters form.
Calculate interest based on You can calculate the interest for transactions by using the
the terms specified for interest code that is specified for the posting profile that is
individual transactions associated with the individual transactions. Interest ledger
accounts, and the corresponding offset or summary accounts, are
also obtained from the posting profile that is associated with the
individual transactions when the interest note is posted.
Quickly view customer When customers ask about their most recent invoice totals and
invoice details and create interest charges, you can now find this information in one
new interest notes location, rather than looking in multiple forms. Use the Open
Customer Invoices list page to view essential invoice details by
customer, including posted and unposted interest and total
payments made. You can click the Calculate Interest and New
Interest Note buttons to calculate interest and create new interest
notes by customer or by invoice. You also can click the Invoice,
Transactions, Payments, Interest Notes, and Collection Letters
buttons to view original transaction documents.
Generate recurring invoices You can set up, create, and generate recurring free text invoices
for customers for customers.
Select from multiple remit- You can select from multiple remit-to addresses for customers so
to addresses for customer that you can send refunds to an address that is different from the
refunds primary customer address.
New quantity and unit price You can use the new Quantity and Unit price fields to determine
fields on the free text the billing amount for a free text invoice line. These fields enable
invoice line you to use a single invoice line to bill customers for more than
one instance of a specific charge.
Specify how debit You now can specify the order in which transactions are settled in
transactions are prioritized Accounts receivable. You can use a new parameter to prioritize
during Accounts receivable settlement by debit transaction type. You can create an ordered
settlement list of transaction types that determines the priority of settlement
when no specific transactions are selected. If you are selecting
transactions for settlement, you can click the Mark transactions
button in the Enter customer payments and Open transaction
editing forms to automatically select the prioritized transactions,
and to easily see them and make any changes before they are
Use print management for You can use the expanded print management features when
Accounts receivable reports generating customer account statements, collection letter notes,
and interest notes.
Make adjustments to You can waive interest notes, or interest on transactions or fees
waive, reinstate, or reverse that are part of interest notes when you make adjustments to an
interest notes, interest on outstanding balance that is owed by a customer. Waived charges
transactions, or fees are forgiven, and the amounts are reversed to the same revenue
accounts. If necessary, you can later reinstate waived interest or
fees so that the amounts are due again. You can also reverse
waived interest notes or interest on transactions, which removes
those amounts from account balances so that interest can be
recalculated for the transactions.
Enhanced settlement You can enable the settlement priority by debit transaction type,
priority options transaction amount, cash discount date, or due date, and set the
sorting order, where applicable. The user can then determine
which charges must be paid first when a payment is received. In
addition, you can choose to use only the defined order for
marking transactions for settlement, and exclude automatic
settlement from being affected by the specified marking order.
Improved free text invoice The form for creating and posting free text invoices is easier to
form to create and post understand and use. All of the actions have been moved to an
free text invoices Action Pane and are displayed on activity-based tabs, so that you
can access commonly used features and subsequent tasks by
clicking a button.
Add original invoice You can add the original invoice number and correction reason to
information to corrected a corrected free text invoice.
Human resources
Track and manage work- You can track and manage work-related injuries, accidents, and
related injury and illness illness incidents.
Number sequences for You can set up number sequence codes for employees, positions,
employees, positions, and and applicants.
Hiring workers By using information that was entered in an applicant record, you
can more easily create a worker record.
Access employee goals in Employees and managers can create and manage employee
Enterprise Portal goals. For example, they can create new goals, update the status
of goals and activities associated with those goals, and enter
Benefits setup You have more flexibility to set up and define worker benefits,
such as health or investment benefits. You can create and assign
workers to current and future benefits with customized plans and
coverage levels.
Transfer workers from one Previously, you had to update multiple forms when a worker
position to a different switched positions within your organization. Now, you can use the
position Transfer workers form to record transfer-related information
when a worker transfers to a different position.
Applicant list page A new list page that lists applicants is available, so that you can
quickly find and maintain your applicant records.
List of benefits and You can use a new list page to view which workers are enrolled in
enrollments a specific benefit. You also can filter the list and export it to
Microsoft Excel for further analysis.
Mass benefits enrollment You can enroll multiple workers in a benefit at the same time.
Track worker certification Generate an individual or batch report for certifications that are
expirations near expiration or that have already expired.
Enhanced benefit setup for You can assign benefits to dependents and beneficiaries, based on
dependents and your organization’s eligibility rules. The Personal contacts form
beneficiaries also has additional fields that you can use to include more
information about dependents and beneficiaries.
Onboard workers from You can now create a worker record by using information that
application records was entered in an applicant record.
Anonymous questionnaires You now can create questionnaires in which users can answer
questions anonymously.
Associate contacts with To expand your network, and obtain new customers and vendors,
multiple parties in the you can now associate contacts with multiple parties in the same
same organization organization.
Knowledge articles and With the addition of case management, you can create knowledge
case management articles in what was formerly known as the encyclopedia. These
knowledge articles can help customer service representatives solve
specific cases. Access to documents, links, and other information
can be grouped logically into case categories for the accumulated
organizational knowledge of the company. The knowledge articles
can also be ranked or scored to indicate how valuable the
information is for helping users quickly find the most common
solution to an issue.
Updates to the address Updates to the address book include enhanced contact
book synchronization with Microsoft Outlook.
You can now define multiple purposes for multiple addresses.
Enter substance flow You can now enter substance flow information in Enterprise Portal,
information in Enterprise which improves access to the information across your organization
Portal to help you better understand and evaluate your organization’s
carbon footprint and discover ways to reduce that footprint.
Resource and waste stream The Environmental sustainability dashboard can help you and your
management organization monitor, track, and report your environmental impact.
Your company can also report on the acquisition and emission of
these substances through reporting frameworks, like the Global
Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG).
Feature updates have been Updates made to the Environment area offer a better experience
made to the Environmental for use, more functionality, and allow for a better Environmental
sustainability dashboard management system.
Graphical views of With the process flow map, you can view substance flows and
substance flow and key other data in graphical form.
sets of data
Expense report posting can You can now post expense reports as part of the expense report
be added to workflow workflow process.
Expense budget control You can now have better control over budgets by monitoring and
controlling actual spending.
Receipts management with Because business organizations are not required to pay taxes on
expense reports legitimate business travel and entertainment expenses in some
countries/regions, a legitimate record must be created and
submitted to the proper tax authorities. Receipts management
offers users a way to provide transaction receipt records with a
submitted expense report.
Enhanced Level-3 data in You can more closely control and monitor the company money
expense reports that is being spent by employees. Level-3 data requires that
employees provide more information about the expenses that
they incur when traveling for work. This information can show
when policies are violated and when employees are being
Value-added tax (VAT) Value-added tax (VAT) can be recovered from certain expenses
recovery incurred in specific countries/regions. In Microsoft Dynamics AX
2009, you could calculate and recover a portion of taxes by using
the sales tax code configuration. Now, you can calculate VAT and
potentially recover even more money.
Define travel and expense By using Level-2 and Level-3 data, you can create more detailed
policies policies for travel and expenses and also create more detailed
pre-travel policies.
The expense report The Expense management workflow that is based on line-level
workflow is now integrated reviews of expense reports has been integrated with the workflow
into workflow framework. This integration enables more efficient customization.
Credit card disputes on When you reconcile an expense report that contains a credit card
expense reports transaction with inaccurate information, you can create and
submit a transaction dispute. However, these disputes can only
be submitted to the credit card company, not to the merchant
where the transaction took place.
Expense management You can create work item queues for Expense management
workflows workflows. Expense reports can be routed to a queue of users,
and a user in that queue can complete tasks for the expense
report, such as verifying that receipts have been attached.
Changes to the Project Several nonessential fields have been removed from the Project
accounting cube cube perspective, leaving the fields related to measures and
attributes. These changes make the cube easier to work with and
maintain, and less likely to be negatively affected by schema
Project contract ID Legal entities now have the option of having project contract ID
numbers can now be numbers assigned automatically through a number sequence
assigned automatically when a new project contract is created in the Project contracts
Associate any sales order, You can assign a project ID to any sales order, purchase order,
purchase order, or service- service agreement, service order, or service subscription.
related document with a Previously, these types of documents could be associated with a
project project ID only if they were created from within Project
management and accounting.
Grant management for You can easily enter and track grants and define relationships to
projects new or existing projects and project contracts. Grant information
is stored in a centralized location in Project, so that you can
quickly and easily find the information you need for reporting and
informational purposes.
Evaluate vendor invoices Vendor invoices can now be evaluated against project budgets.
against project budgets
Enhancements to Project Project managers can already schedule and manage project
integration with Microsoft activities and resources by using Microsoft Project Server, and
Project Server they can synchronize activity, costs, and revenue with Microsoft
Dynamics AX to support additional analysis of data.
Enhancements support the synchronization of resource
assignments and the project hierarchy with Microsoft Project
Server 2010.
In addition, custom code enables Microsoft Dynamics AX custom
fields can be integrated with Microsoft Project Server at the table
Upgrades for item charges Item charges on lines for purchase orders, sales orders, and
on lines for purchase invoices are now recognized in Project. The ledger account and
orders, sales orders, and the posting type for the charge are derived from the primary line
invoices amount. In addition, any taxes for item charges are reflected in
an expense account. The item charges and their related taxes are
also recorded in the project commitments and budget.
Enhancements to project Building on existing support for project timesheets, the forms and
timesheets pages that are used for timesheet-related tasks now provide a
more user-friendly experience. The timesheet line-level approvals
now use support from the workflow framework for lines to achieve
consistency with other tasks. The way that comments and period
starting and ending dates are used has also changed. In addition,
timesheet support in Enterprise Portal includes the capability to
manage favorites, and to quickly create a new timesheet based
on either a previous timesheet or favorites.
Carry forward project If you are working with a multiple-year project, at the end of the
budget amounts at year year, you can carry forward any remaining budget to future years
end and make the necessary changes to the associated general ledger
Multiple funding source In previous versions of Microsoft Dynamics AX, you could invoice
support only one customer per project or contract project. Now the
funding for a single project or project contract can be shared by
any number of internal and external parties, either with or
without funding limits for a profit or a nonprofit organization. In
addition, by configuring a funding scheme, you can set up funding
limits for one or more customers per category, category group, or
transaction type, or for all transaction types.
Collaboration Workspaces You can now create collaboration workspaces where teams can
quickly organize and share information about projects, marketing
campaigns, and opportunities. Because collaboration workspaces
are built on features in Microsoft SharePoint Services and
Microsoft Office SharePoint Server, they include familiar elements,
such as document libraries, announcement lists, calendar items,
tasks, and discussion boards. You can add collaboration
workspaces to existing projects, campaigns, and opportunities,
and you can configure your Microsoft Dynamics AX options so that
new collaboration workspaces are automatically created for them.
Create and manage Project managers can create and maintain projects in the web-
projects in Enterprise based Enterprise Portal. Previously, time and expense entry was
Portal the only Project-related feature available. Web-based support
makes it easier for project managers to work remotely, and frees
them from having to deal with software installations, upgrades,
and patches.
Enter and approve worker Enterprise Portal includes a timesheet page where workers can
timesheets in Enterprise enter the hours they worked each day on one or more projects.
Portal Additionally, project managers can review and approve worker
timesheets in Enterprise Portal.
Enter and track detailed You can enter and track grants, and you can define relationships
information about grants between grants and new or existing projects and project
contracts. Grant information is stored in a centralized location in
Project, so that you can quickly and easily find information that
you can use for reporting and informational purposes.
Track project revenue from Revenue that is billed by using a free text invoice can now be
a free text invoice tracked to a project.
Support for progress When you migrate data from one Enterprise Resource Planning
billing, estimates, and (ERP) system to another, one challenge is bringing existing data
revenue recognition when into the estimation system so that revenue can continue to be
migrating data from other recognized for fixed-price projects that are already underway.
ERP systems Because revenue recognition is based on a completed percentage,
the data must be migrated so that both the percentage of work
already completed (actual cost) and the amount of work
remaining on the project (estimated cost to complete) are
reflected in the proper accounts.
Because some fixed-price projects can span multiple years, the
actual cost to date can also be derived from several years of
transactions. Therefore, the key challenge in an ERP migration is
posting a lump sum transaction in the beginning balance journal
and connecting it correctly to the estimate system.
To address these data migration issues, the new beginning
balance and progress billing features integrate with the existing
estimation system to provide support for revenue recognition for
fixed-price projects.
Funding sources for project If you use multiple funding sources with project contracts, you
ledger posting can configure ledger posting based on funding source by project,
project group, category, category group, or all of these options.
For each posting type, you can associate projects and funding
sources with specific accounts.
Control features
What’s New Heading What’s New Statement
New report to identify A new report, Potential conflicts - Inventory and General ledger,
potential conflicts in validates whether transactions from Inventory management and
transactions General ledger match the parameter settings in Accounts payable,
Accounts receivable, Production information management, and
Inventory. The report can be used to view a list of any
transactions that violate one or more rules. For each violation, a
corrective action is suggested.
Handling the arrival of Even if unstocked products are not accounted for in inventory,
products that are not arrivals can be listed and processed in the Arrival overview form,
stocked and registered in the Registration form.
Incoming orders for stocked items are identified by InventTrans
transactions, but products that are not stocked do not generate
InventTrans transactions, and they cannot be tracked in
inventory. Ordered quantities of products that are not stocked are
identified by a signal for expected receipts, the inbound order.
The inbound order covers both inventory transactions for stocked
items that have an Ordered status and orders for products that
are not stocked.
The following changes are also introduced:
Support for intercompany trade of products that are not
Support for sales and purchase returns of products that
are not stocked
Update of various reports to properly handle order lines
without reference to products
More detailed information about changes to the InventTrans table
can be found in the white paper titled Implementing InventTrans
Refactoring for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Applications.
Inventory blocking
Manufacturing features
What’s New Heading What’s New Statement
User interface updates and Workflow for worker registrations – A new workflow approval
new functionality for process is used for the approval of worker registrations. The
manufacturing execution workflow determines who can approve registrations and
and time and attendance whether automatic approval of registrations is allowed. A new
features calculation engine for calculating time registrations has also
been implemented.
The previous Employee form is obsolete – The Employee
form, which was used in Shop floor control in previous
versions, is obsolete. The data from that form is now
incorporated into the Worker form in Human resources.
Updated pay engine – The pay engine has been
redesigned so that time registrations are posted on a
daily basis by using a standard cost price. When a
production order or project is completed, the real cost
price is calculated if a supervisor or a manager selects to
use real cost price calculation. This approach enables
real costs to be calculated at the end of a production
order or project, based on the payroll transactions
generated continuously through the duration of that
production order or project.
Production and sales Use the Supply schedule form to see an overview of the current
schedule demand and supply situation for a product or product family. In
the Supply schedule form, you can do the following:
View product supply information that is filtered according
to location, master plan, and time period.
Monitor and analyze the supply situation.
Make changes to the planned supply.
New view component on A Windows Presentation Foundation (WFP) view component has
the Locations view list page been applied to the Locations view list page in Inventory and
warehouse management, and the presentation layer of the list
page has been changed. The changes include new ways to
navigate and an option to locate nodes.
Forecast items on any level You can now forecast items not only at the final product level, but
in the product structure also at the subassembly level. This flexibility enables you to
produce subassemblies based on forecasts, and the final product
assembly based on customer orders. Forecast reduction also
occurs at the appropriate level in the product.
Use the Period template to You can set up a new period template that filters and displays
define schedules data in user-defined time buckets. The template can give
structure to large volumes of data, such as sales orders and
forecast plans, by grouping the data in a time frame. The period
template is introduced to display the master scheduling
requirements. You can also use the template to create any type of
schedule, such as a production, purchase, sales, and final
assembly schedule.
Use production flows and Identify your company’s basic business processes and
activities to model a lean product families, and map them as production flows.
manufacturing foundation
Describe each production flow as a sequence of
activities. A transfer activity defines a movement of
material. A process activity defines a value-added
operation that is applied to a product.
Set up work cells as resource groups that can run
process activities.
Set up production flow models to define the capacity
settings for each work cell.
More detailed information about production flows can be found in
the whitepaper titled Lean Manufacturing: Production Flows and
Implement a lean You can use kanbans to plan, track, and run production and
replenishment system by replenishment operations that are based on pull signals. To
using kanbans to signal create a kanban framework, set up kanban rules that govern
demand requirements when a kanban requirement is created, what is replenished, and
how the replenishment is fulfilled. When a kanban is created, one
or more kanban jobs are generated, based on the kanban flow
activities that are defined in the kanban rule. The kanban jobs are
scheduled for the assigned work cell, based on the production
flow model.
Plan kanban quantities to When you use fixed-quantity kanbans, you can calculate kanban
replenish target inventory quantities that are based on the product demand during a specific
levels period. The kanban quantity calculation can take into account the
forecasted demand, the demand from open orders, the historical
demand, and safety stock requirements.
Integrate the kanban Print kanban cards, circulating cards, and picking lists to
framework with Microsoft support the use of kanbans. These documents are used
Dynamics AX inventory to represent, track, and register kanban jobs in the
transaction processes warehouse and on the production floor. You can set up
the parameters for printing these documents in the
kanban rules.
Replenish material that is used to fulfill kanban job
requirements. Picking activities that support kanban
process jobs and kanban transfer jobs are fully
integrated with existing Microsoft Dynamics AX inventory
transaction processes. In addition, you can use barcode
scanning to register picking and transfer activities in
Use the capable to promise (CTP) feature to obtain
accurate ship date information when you enter a sales
order. When you register a sales order line, the ship
date is calculated based on the availability of the
products, material, and resources that are needed to
fulfill a specific customer demand.
Lean manufacturing You can set up production flow activities that are subcontracted,
supports purchasing and assign purchase agreement lines and services to subcontracted
invoicing processes for activities, and create periodic purchase orders and receipt advices
services that are related to to support purchasing and invoicing the services.
production flow activities
that are subcontracted
Scheduling features
What’s New Heading What’s New Statement
New operations resource The way that resources are grouped for the purpose of
model for planning managing capacity has been separated from the way resource
operations and managing requirements are specified for manufacturing activities.
work center capabilities
This separation enables resources to be used at multiple
locations, and it removes the need to define resources multiple
times, depending on how they are used or what they are used
for. In addition, available capacity can be viewed by resource
capability, which simplifies manual scheduling and exception
As a result, the Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 manufacturing
“work center” concept has been redefined and is now called
Because the way production capacity is managed is now
separate from the way manufacturing requirements are
specified, you can do the following:
Use the same equipment at multiple locations. For
example, you can move equipment and operators to
different production locations, as needed, thereby
sharing production equipment and production
operators across sites.
More easily reschedule an operation and find a suitable
replacement resource that can complete the required
operation, thereby minimizing production delays.
Define capabilities to an operation resource (previously
known as a work center) and match any requirements
of an operation with the capabilities of any particular
resource, thereby facilitating the identification of
available production resources.
More detailed information about the Operations Resource Model
can be found in the white paper titled Implementing the
Operations Resource Model for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012
Operations resource model: In Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009, you could use task groups
capability-based production could to specify alternative work centers, but only when using
scheduling job scheduling. In Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, resources can
be allocated to jobs and operations by matching the capabilities
of the resources with the requirements of the operation.
In Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, alternative resources with the
same capabilities are taken into consideration. This applies,
regardless of whether you run job scheduling or operations
scheduling. The selection process is the same, and consists of
matching the requirements of the operation with the capabilities
of the resources. Other constraints, such as location, resource
working time, and resource type, are also considered when the
production is planned.
As a result, task groups have become obsolete in Microsoft
Dynamics AX 2012, and they have been removed.
More detailed information about the Operations Resource Model
can be found in the white paper titled Implementing the
Operations Resource Model for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012
Stocked inventory policy A new method to set up a stocked inventory policy for an item
is introduced. The inventory policy is determined by the
Stocked item model group attribute. You can now convert
existing or upgraded service products to use the "not stocked”
inventory policy. The process for changing the inventory policy
can be run for one or more service products in one or more
legal entities, and can be run multiple times for different
products. You can run the conversion immediately after
upgrading to Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, or at any time after
the upgrade.
Sales and purchase When confirming a sales or purchase agreement, you can print
agreement report the confirmation, and send a copy to the customer or vendor.
You can view or print any version of a sales or purchase
agreement in the Confirmation history form. You also can print
a status report that provides information about the fulfillment
of a sales or purchase agreement.
Confirmation of product The requester of products can confirm product receipts. This is
receipts especially useful to organizations where employees carry out a
large volume of indirect material procurement.
The feature provides a simple user interface in Enterprise
Portal. The user interface enables the user to carry out the
Line numbers in purchase A line number has been introduced on the purchase order form.
orders The main purpose of the new line number is to:
Identify line items within a purchase order.
Sort purchase order lines according to the line
When an order line is created, the line number is assigned to
the line with an increment that is set in a global parameter. A
user can change the assigned number manually, if needed.
The feature also provides a renumbering function that reassigns
line numbers to the purchase order lines according to a globally
set increment.
Trade agreement The creation and maintenance of trade agreements has been
enhancements moved to journals for better control, usability, and
transparency. Microsoft Dynamics AX now supports one view
that includes all trade agreements for a selected set of items,
customers, and vendors. It also supports separate roles for
creating or maintaining trade agreements and for approving,
bulk updating, and controlling date types in trade agreements.
In earlier versions of Microsoft Dynamics AX, changes to an
order or an order line could indirectly cause the trade
agreements to be re-evaluated, which could overwrite values
that had been entered manually or entered by an external
source. External sources include sales quotations, project
quotations, purchase requisitions, request for quotes, purchase
or sales agreements, projects, AIF, or Enterprise Portal. Now,
configuration settings can prevent unintended re-evaluation of
trade agreements.
The smart rounding concept has also been introduced. Smart
Delivery schedule A user can split an order line into multiple deliveries, while
retaining the price and other order conditions from the original
order line.
The feature is implemented on the following documents:
Sales quotation
Sales order
Purchase order
Delivery schedules introduce the following features:
Simple interface for creating and maintaining delivery
schedule lines
All main processes enabled for delivery lines
Ability to allocate charges to the delivery lines
Ability to override default prices and conditions on
delivery lines
Enhanced purchase The blanket purchase order functionality has been redesigned
agreement functionality and renamed “purchase agreement.” Whereas blanket purchase
orders were previously handled in the Purchase order details
form, purchase agreements now have their own simplified
form. The changes include the following:
Microsoft Dynamics AX supports both value-based and
quantity-based purchase agreements.
You can order certain products and procurement
categories directly by using the new Purchase
agreement details form.
You can apply the terms and conditions of a purchase
agreement, such as the prices and discounts, when
you create an order by using the Purchase order
details form.
You can control whether you want to search for
purchase agreements when purchase order lines are
created indirectly, such as when planned orders are
You can define a validity period for a purchase
agreement. The delivery date of a purchase must be
within the validity period.
You can put purchase agreements on hold to control
whether they are available to the purchasing agent
during ordering.
Purchase orders and change Change management enables you to request changes to
management purchase orders. Change management includes Workflow
integration, which must be set up to manage the approval
process for change requests. When workflow has been
configured, it determines the route of the purchase order, the
tasks that must be completed, by whom and under what
circumstances tasks must be completed, and whether tasks
require user interaction or take place automatically.
When a change is requested, the purchase order is set to a
draft state until it is approved. Only an approved purchase
order can be confirmed. Even if change management is not
enabled, confirmation of purchase orders is mandatory, so that
orders cannot be received and invoiced until the purchase order
has been confirmed.
If change management is enabled, purchase orders cannot be
deleted. Instead, they become obsolete and are replaced by the
most recent purchase order for which a change request has
been approved. Previously approved purchase orders are stored
in a separate form.
Even if change management is enabled on a global level,
change management can be inactivated for individual vendors
and purchase orders if, for example, orders from a particular
vendor do not require approval.
Enhanced sales agreement The blanket sales order functionality has been redesigned and
functionality renamed “sales agreement.” Whereas blank sales orders were
previously handled in the Sales order details form, sales
agreements now have their own simplified form. The changes
include the following:
Microsoft Dynamics AX supports both value-based and
quantity-based sales agreements.
You can order certain products and procurement
categories directly by using the new Sales agreement
details form.
You can apply the terms and conditions of a sales
agreement, such as the prices and discounts, when
you create an order by using the Sales order details
You can control whether you want to search for sales
agreements when sales order lines are created
indirectly, such as by intercompany orders.
You can define a validity period for a sales agreement.
The requested ship date of a sale must be within the
validity period.
You can put sales agreements on hold to control
whether they are available to the sales agent during
Finalize purchase orders and You can finalize purchase order lines that have been completed,
purchase order lines which means that for each line, the ordered quantity has been
received in full and matched to vendor invoices. The whole
purchase order can be finalized if all its lines have been
completed or canceled.
Support for multiple You can create one procurement catalog that can be viewed in
languages for procurement multiple languages, based on the Microsoft Dynamics AX user
catalogs profile language and locale setting. Purchasing managers can
define the translated text that appears on the procurement site.
Rate and provide feedback Workers can rate products that they have ordered and vendors
about products and vendors with whom they have done business, and provide feedback
on the procurement site about their experiences. The feedback is compiled and displayed
on the procurement site, so that all users can make informed
decisions when ordering products or doing business with a
particular vendor. The purchasing manager can control whether
ratings and comments are allowed on the procurement site, and
whether all comments must be reviewed before they appear on
the procurement site.
New Employee service page The Employee services site in Enterprise Portal has been
completely updated to improve usability. You can now view all
available tasks in one place. Related tasks are grouped under a
task heading, and when you click the heading for a task group, a
new activity site or list page opens, where you can quickly and
easily complete tasks.
Import commodity codes Vendors can generate catalogs that include standard commodity
and minimum or maximum codes, and those codes can be automatically mapped to
order quantities into vendor procurement categories in Microsoft Dynamics AX. Vendors must
catalogs comply with the Microsoft Dynamics AX customer’s unit of
measure for quantities. Vendors can specify minimum,
maximum, and standard order quantities for products in the
vendor catalog, and they can also specify the number of days
that they require between the order date and the shipment date
(lead time).
Consolidate the navigation When you set up a catalog, you define the catalog navigation
categories on the hierarchy that appears on the procurement site. The catalog
procurement site navigation hierarchy can contain multiple levels of detail for each
procurement category. You can define the level of granularity for
the catalog navigation categories that you want to display on
your procurement site. By consolidating the category levels, you
can limit the levels of detail that workers have to sort through to
find the product they want to order.
Enhancements to the The following changes have been made to improve usability on
navigation and usability of the Order products site:
the procurement site
Simplified the navigation, so that you can search for products by
category, item, vendor, and vendor catalog. The filters have
been moved to the top of the web page.
Improved visibility into the status of orders that have been
entered. A single list displays all orders that were entered and
the status of each order, from the creation and approval of the
purchase requisition, to the generation and fulfillment of a
purchase order. You can also view the details for a selected
Added the capability to add selected products to the shopping
cart directly from the product list page. The product details page
is only displayed if product order details must be entered.
Added the capability to configure the data that is displayed for
each procurement category. For example, if you only order office
supplies directly from a vendor, you can configure the category
to display only links to vendor catalogs.
Improved visibility for ordering from a vendor.
Improved the usability of the shopping cart. For example, you
can now select all items in the cart for checkout.
Reduced the number of steps that you must complete when
using the Checkout Wizard to create a purchase requisition.
Added additional details about existing purchase requisitions, to
improve the capability to add items from a shopping cart to an
existing purchase requisition during checkout.
Made purchase requisitions accessible from the Employee
services site.
Enhancements to Enterprise New Web part reports can be added to the Role Centers for the
Portal Role Centers for purchasing agent and purchasing manager. The Web part data
includes metrics and reporting that provide visibility into vendor
Policy Framework You can create rules and apply them to different parts of the
enterprise. These rules help the organization enforce standard
internal business controls for processes, such as requisitions,
submission of corporate expenses, and enforcement of corporate
audits. For more information about the policy framework, see
the whitepaper titled Using the Policy Framework in Microsoft
Dynamics AX 2012.
Set up spending and You can define spending and approval limits, including default
approval limits limits based on job or compensation level, and then apply them
based on your organization’s needs. For example, two legal
entities can have different limits for employees with the job of
Purchasing manager.
Manage internal catalogs You can set up and maintain catalogs for ordering the items or
services employees require to perform their daily activities. You
can set up the catalog navigation structure, import vendor
catalog data, associate products with catalog categories, and
design the welcome message that is displayed on the
procurement site for the catalog. After the catalog is set up, you
can publish the catalog to make it available to your employees.
Add items and services to a When you select items or services from a procurement catalog
shopping cart or a vendor catalog, you can add those items to a shopping cart.
You can view the items in your shopping cart at any time, delete
items that you no longer want, modify any configurable product
attributes, or modify the quantity of the items that you want to
purchase. When you are ready to check out, you can create a
purchase requisition directly from the shopping cart and submit
it for processing. You can then return to the procurement order
site to continue searching for items or services, or you can exit
the procurement order site when you have finished.
Manage externally hosted Catalog managers can now set up a direct link to an external
catalogs vendor catalog that is hosted on the vendor’s web site. The
vendor manages the product data and metadata. Users are
directed to the vendor’s web site to select products, and then,
based on the configurations defined by the purchasing manager
or purchasing agent, they can either check out directly from the
vendor’s web site or return to the Microsoft Dynamics AX
procurement order site to check out.
Search for items or services Use the procurement site search functionality to search for items
in a procurement catalog or services by category, or by using key words. You can search
both procurement catalogs and vendor catalogs, and filter the
search results to quickly find the exact item or service that you
are looking for.
Import catalog data Purchasing managers or purchasing agents can import catalog
data from vendors by using a delivered XML schema. They can
then review and modify product data before passing it to the
procurement order site.
Catalog data import You can use the catalog import feature to import catalog
processing maintenance request (CMR) files that are received from your
vendors, and that contain the products, product images, and
services that you offer to your employees for purchase. From
Microsoft Dynamics AX, purchasing managers can review,
approve, or reject any or all of the products or product change
requests that are contained in the file.
Any products that are approved are automatically uploaded to
the product master in Microsoft Dynamics AX, and can display in
the procurement catalog.
Create purchasing policy You can define complex purchasing rules and apply those rules
rules to control spending in to your organizational entities in various ways to control the
your organization spending behavior of your organizations. These rules help ensure
that your employees are buying from the correct purchasing
catalogs and the appropriate preferred vendors, and that they
are spending within the prescribed limits for their organizations.
Import vendor catalogs Authorized vendors can use the vendor self-service portal to
upload their most recent catalog by using a delivered XML
catalog template, and they can view the status of the import
process. This feature provides tools and support processes so
that vendors can manage catalog integration tasks by using web
services and the vendor self-service portal.
View the details for a You can view preferred vendors, links, and other information
procurement category about a procurement category. The category manager can add
customized text and links to intranet and extranet sites.
Define category hierarchies You can define various category hierarchies that are independent
of, but still related to, commodity codes or catalog and item
hierarchies. The following are some of the ways you can manage
categories on a day-to-day basis:
Add attributes, such as a category that is used on a
global or local level.
Define approval processes for new and existing
Define categories on a global level.
Define permissions for category users to make changes.
Track change history for Any changes made to a purchase requisition from its creation to
purchase requisitions its completion are tracked as versions, and these can be
compared as the purchase requisition moves through the review
process. The entire purchase requisition is copied to the history
record when the purchase requisition is first submitted for
review. Any changes that are made during the review process
are also saved to the history record for the data row that is
affected by the change.
Identify fixed assets based You can define organization-wide business rules, which can be
on monetary thresholds overridden at the legal entity level for fixed asset determination.
Configure rules for creating You can define the following configuration options for creating
purchase orders for purchase orders:
purchase requisitions
Determine how requisition lines are combined into
purchase orders.
Determine which purchase requisition lines are held so
that manual purchase orders can be created, and which
ones are automatically converted into purchase orders.
Determine which purchase requisitions are eligible for
requisition consolidation.
Determine the price increase tolerance for purchase
requisition lines from approval to purchase order
Enhancements to the The Purchase requisition form has been modified to provide an
Purchase requisition form intuitive user experience for both the novice or casual requester
and the power user, making the requisitioning process both
efficient and effective.
The Purchase requisition form is now dynamic, and includes only
the fields that are important in the context of the purchase
Manage categories on a View details about a category hierarchy and commodity codes in
daily basis a new report.
Commodity codes for You can create and support multiple global and proprietary
classifying and mapping commodity code classification systems for classifying items,
entities services, and vendors, and for mapping items to product
Create a purchase When you order items or services for indirect procurement, and
requisition directly from add those items or services to a shopping cart, you can now
your procurement order site automatically create a purchase requisition during the checkout
or through the use of a process.
requisition wizard
You have two options when creating a purchase requisition. You
can either add items directly to a purchase requisition from the
shopping cart, or use a wizard that guides you through the
process for creating a requisition. You can select your purchase
requisition creation option at the time of checkout, from your
shopping cart.
Enhancements to the review The overall process for reviewing purchase requisitions has been
process for purchase improved. When a purchase requisition is submitted for review,
requisitions the individual purchase requisition lines can now be routed to
the appropriate reviewers independently of one another.
Therefore, reviewers can take action only on purchase requests
that are in their area of responsibility, which reduces the
processing time for purchase requisitions that have multiple line
Reviewers can be identified based on the individual purchase line
requests, distribution data, or even the budgets that the
expenditure is eventually charged to.
You can define a workflow for purchase requisition review that
routes whole purchase requisitions or individual lines. Project-
related purchase requests can use this same review workflow for
Business rules for fixed You can now define business rules at the global level, and then
assets based on monetary override the rules at the local level for fixed asset determination.
Perform a check of the You can require a check of the budget balance for purchase
budget for purchase requisitions.
Record transaction dates on Purchase requisition headers and lines now contain a transaction
purchase requisitions date field. The transaction date is used to determine the fiscal
period for budget control and for posting purchase requisitions.
Archive closed purchase Due to the introduction of budget control and pre-encumbrances
requisitions by using the on purchase requisitions, you can no longer delete approved
Intelligent Data purchase requisitions that you do not have to store in your
Management Framework for production system. To archive or purge the records for approved
Microsoft Dynamics AX purchase requisitions, you must use the Intelligent Data
(IDMF) Management Framework for Dynamics AX (IDMF). For more
information about the Intelligent Data Management Framework
for Microsoft Dynamics AX, see:
Search for vendors across You can search for active vendors, prospective vendors, and
your organization unsolicited vendors. If a vendor is not yet approved by your
organization, you can create a request to consider the vendor for
Enhancements to support Enhancements have been made to the vendor profile, including
vendors the following:
The capability to define the industries that a vendor operates in.
The capability to define diversity criteria for the owner of the
vendor company, such as whether the owner is a service
The capability to define the procurement categories that the
vendor provides items and services in. Categorizing vendors
helps with spending analysis and it improves strategic sourcing.
It also helps provide critical information, such as the following:
The number of suppliers by category
The total value of spending per year by category
The top 10 suppliers by value per category
The number of vendors that are minority-owned
The number of vendors that are female-owned
You can also place vendors on hold so that purchasing
transactions cannot continue toward completion. Vendors that
you no longer do business with must be inactivated and removed
from the view that purchasing agents and employees use to find
Reason codes for RFQ You can now use the same reason codes in requests for
replies quotation (RFQ) replies that you use in other vendor
transactions. Reason codes help explain why transactions were
entered, such as why a request for quotation was rejected.
Displayed and required You can define the visible and required fields that are displayed
fields and data validations to employees, prospective vendors, and vendors for each of the
for vendor-related requests different vendor-related requests submitted via Enterprise
Portal. You can also define the data validation checks required
for each request type. These setup tasks are completed in the
Microsoft Dynamics AX client.
Maintain vendor data The vendor self-service portal has two new Role Centers, Vendor
through the vendor self- and Vendor portal administrator.
service portal
Users with the Vendor role can complete the following tasks on
the vendor self-service portal:
Maintain the vendor profile.
Update invoices.
Submit requests to be allowed to do business in
additional procurement categories.
Submit confirmations that they can do business in the
additional procurement categories outlined in an
employee-submitted vendor category extension
Reply to requests for quotations.
Respond to purchase orders (sales orders on the vendor
View purchase order confirmations.
View product receipt journals.
Users with the Vendor portal administrator role can complete the
following tasks on the vendor self-service portal:
View the vendor profile.
Create requests to add or delete users.
Maintain procurement catalogs.
View purchase orders and requests for quotations.
Authorize employees to Employees can use the new Vendor form on the employee portal
request approval for new to request that a vendor be added to the vendor list. Vendors
vendors are added to the vendor list after they are approved, and they
are then available for transaction processing.
Spend analytics for Several preconfigured reports have been added that purchasing
Purchasing agents and purchasing managers can use to analyze spending
trends for their organization, based on dimensions such as the
vendor, procurement category, and location.
Vendor extension request After vendors have been approved, they can request to be added
to additional procurement categories. The category extension
request process makes it easy for approved vendors to expand
their business opportunities in your organization, but also puts
controls in place to ensure proper oversight.
Vendors can view and reply Approved vendors can respond to requests for quotations
to requests for quotations directly from the vendor self-service portal. You can view the
on the vendor self-service reply in the list of request for quotation replies in the Microsoft
portal Dynamics AX client.