Choose The Correct Answer. Write A, B or C in The Box

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Unit 1 PROGRESS TEST version A Name: …………………………………………….

Date: ………………

Choose the correct answer. Write a, b or c in the box.

1 I always carry my keys in my pocket. That’s why I never ________ them. a miss
b remember
c lose
2 ________ work in an office? a Does you
b Do you
c Doesn’t you
3 I don’t want to wait for a bus. I’m________! I prefer to walk. a lazy
b impatient
c patient
4 ________ to bring your laptop tomorrow. a Remember
b Remind
c Expect
5 I ________ coffee after dinner. a hardly ever drink
b drink hardly ever
c don’t hardly ever drink
6 Many people join clubs to ________ new people. a meet up
b meet
c learn
7 Megan is ________. Her profile says she’s 24 and works in a bank, but she’s a dishonest
20 and she’s a student. b serious
c sociable
8 I’m very busy at work at the moment. ________ I relax at home at the a Because
weekend. b That’s why
c So that
9 Julia wants to be a TV presenter because they ________ a lot of money. a win
b earn
c take
10 Tim________ at his friend’s house for two weeks. a stay
b are staying
c is staying
11 Are you OK, Pilar? You ________ ill. a look like
b look
c ’re looking like
12 My new neighbours are really________. They never say hello. a unkind
b rude
c polite
13 Many people say they want to ________ more time with their families. a win
b lose
c spend
14 This lemon cake ________ me of my grandmother. a tells
b remembers
c reminds
15 What do you do to ________ fit? a bring
b keep
c go
16 She leaves home late, so she________ stressed when she gets to work. a are always
b always is
c is always
17 In my free time, I’m learning ________. a records
b films
c the guitar
18 I don’t usually enjoy parties because I’m very ________. a sociable
b shy
c selfish
19 There are a lot of people in here. I’ll ________ for you outside. a hope
b meet
c wait
20 I love social media. I ________ blogs from my favourite artists every day. a am reading
b do read
c read

21 Wei goes to a lot of concerts and she always ________ about them. a blogs
b tells
B1 Pre-intermediate Personal Best © Richmond 2018
Unit 1 PROGRESS TEST version A Name: ……………………………………………. Date: ………………
c says
22 Mark ________ to the bus stop because his bus leaves in two minutes. a runs
b is runing
c is running
23 I do exercise every morning. I ________ before work. a never go to the gym
b go usually to the gym
c usually go to the gym
24 In many countries, it isn’t ________ to answer your mobile phone when a polite
you’re in a meeting. b kind
c hard-working
25 My sister’s wedding is tomorrow, so I ________ it doesn’t rain. a expect
b look like
c hope
26 I ________ online for all my clothes. a meet
b blog
c shop
27 Please be ________ while we repair the computers. a serious
b patient
c honest
28 Where ________ now? a go you
b do you go
c are you going
29 Clara ________ lunch at home. a doesn’t have
b don’t have
c has not
30 ________ Max not to wait for me. a Say
b Tell
c Remember
31 My sister loves baking cakes. She’s very ________, so she takes them to a sociable
work. b generous
c hard-working
32 Ricardo ________ football with me every Saturday morning. a does
b plays
c goes
33 I ________ a coat because it’s hot today. a ’m not wearing
b don’t wear
c not wearing
34 We are all working hard at the moment ________ the exam is next week. a so
b because
c that’s why
35 Please ________ me your books at the end of the lesson. a carry
b take
c bring
36 They ________ television in the evening. a don’t never watch
b never watch
c are never watching
37 Amy ________ this weekend because she has an exam next week. a is studying
b studies
c studys
38 My brother thinks he’s ________. He tries to make everyone laugh. a funny
b kind
c polite
39 My friend ________ home from work. a drives often
b is often driving
c often drives
40 I live near a gym, but I’m lazy, ________ I never go. a so
b because
c that’s why

B1 Pre-intermediate Personal Best © Richmond 2018

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