Classroom Worksheet Chapter 10 Nutrition and Gas Exchange in Plants

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Classroom worksheet

Chapter 10 Nutrition and gas exchange in plants

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10.1 Nutrition in plants

A. Plants as autotrophs

 Plants are (1) (自養生物) that make their own food from simple inorganic substances.
This mode of nutrition is called (2)

 Plants produce food by the process of (3) (光合作用):

light energy
carbon dioxide (4) oxygen
(from the air)  (from the soil) (5)  (by-product)
( 葉綠素 )

 The carbohydrates produced in photosynthesis and (6) can be used to synthesize other
compounds that are essential to the plants.

 During photosynthesis, plants absorb (7) from the Sun and convert it into (8)
stored in the organic food substances.

 Plants serve as the primary food source for all other organisms and act as (9) (生產
者) in the ecosystem.

B. The need for minerals in plants

 Plants absorb minerals in the form of inorganic (10) from soil.

Classroom worksheet 10 Nutrition and gas exchange in plants

 Minerals provide plants with essential elements that can be classified into two groups:

Description Examples of elements

(11)  Needed in relatively large amounts Nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P),

elements  Mostly used to make magnesium (Mg), potassium (K),
(大量元素) (12) compounds calcium (Ca) and sulphur (S)

(13)  Needed in very small amounts Iron (Fe), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu)
elements  Mainly used for regulating and manganese (Mn)
(微量元素) (14)

 Each of these essential elements plays a specific role in the growth and development of plants.
If any of them is in short supply, (15) will develop.

 The main functions of some major elements and the corresponding symptoms of deficiency:

Element Form absorbed by plants Main functions Symptoms of deficiency

Nitrogen Nitrate (NO3-) or For the synthesis of  Poor growth

(N) ammonium ion (NH4+) amino acids, nucleic  (16) (萎黃病)
acids and chlorophyll

Phosphorus Phosphate ion (PO43-) A component of  Poor growth of roots

(P) nucleic acids, ATP  Purple (17) on
and cell membranes leaves

Magnesium Magnesium ion (Mg2+) For the synthesis of  Poor growth

(Mg) (18)  Yellow leaves

Potassium Potassium ion (K+) Used in  Poor growth of flowers

(K) photosynthesis and and fruits
transport of  (19) leaves with
substances brown edges

Classroom worksheet 10 Nutrition and gas exchange in plants

Practical 10.1 Investigation of the effects of different minerals on plant growth

Refer to Coursebook p.10-6 and SBA Practical Workbook p.10-1.

Results and discussion

 The seedling in complete nutrient solution (flask A) shows healthy growth, while other seedlings
show poor growth or other symptoms of deficiency.

 The results show that deficiency in any essential minerals will lead to poor growth or deficiency
symptoms in the plants.


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