Guidelines To Dissertation / Thesis Writing: Institute of Graduate Studies Sultan Idris Education University

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These guidelines are called Guidelines to Writing Dissertation / Thesis.


The purpose of this guideline is to:

a) Assist postgraduate students to write a dissertation/thesis in accordance with the standard

b) Briefly describe the concept that should be in the writing dissertation / thesis.
c) Provide guidance to supervisors and the Institute of Graduate Studies (IGS), thus providing
the same viewpoint regarding the writing of a dissertation / thesis.
d) Provide a standard template to be used by the students in the writing of a dissertation / thesis.
e) A guide for writing the thesis but subjected to their respective fields of study.


In this guidelines, the following are the details of the definition unless the context describes the
meaning otherwise:

a) Thesis: Academic research reports submitted by students for the fulfilment of the Doctorate
program of study; Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Education.
b) Dissertation: Academic research reports submitted by students to meet program
requirements for Masters by Research and Masters by Research and coursework.
c) Project Paper: Academic research reports submitted by students to meet program
requirements for Masters by Coursework.
d) Candidate/Students: A person who has registered for the Graduate Program at Sultan Idris
Education University (UPSI).
e) Supervisor: Academicians or industry experts proposed by the Faculty and approved by the
Graduate Studies Committee to oversee the study by the students.
f) Dissertation/Completed Thesis: Hardbound copies that have undergone the correction and
improvement process.


Submission of Dissertation / Thesis

Candidates are required to submit a complete dissertation / thesis after the checking and correcting
in accordance with the guidelines established by IGS.

a) Degree Conferment Condition

Students are required to fulfil this condition to enable them to receive their respective
degrees. University will not award a degree to a candidate that has failed do so.

b) Reserve of Dissertation/Thesis Copy

Three (3) hardbound copies of the dissertation / thesis and two copies of a compact disc (CD)
in PDF format must be submitted by the student to the following parties:

i. One softcopy that is uploaded in UPSI digital resipotory together with a hardbound
copy to be kept in the University's library.
ii. One softcopy to be stored in IGS.
iii. One hardbound copy to be submitted to the Faculty.
iv. One hardbound copy to be submitted to the Supervisor.

c) Plagiarism

Sultan Idris Education University provides the use of similarity index software (percentage);
(for example Turnitin software) to help the students to tackle plagiarism. For the purpose of
sending the draft dissertation / thesis for Viva Voce oral examination, candidates are required
to send a copy of the plagiarism/similarity index result (not exceeding 30%) which had been
approved by the supervisor to the Institute of Graduate Studies. Failure to do so will result
in cancellation of Viva Voce oral examination from being carried out.

d) University's Property

All the dissertation / thesis will be permanently entitled to Sultan Idris Education University
in which the copyright of the original copy will be owned by the University, and not by the
author of the dissertation / thesis. Any publication which involves the dissertation / thesis or
any part of it requires permission from the University beforehand.


Generally, a dissertation / thesis contains five (5) chapters/sections, which are:

a) Introduction
b) Literature Review
c) Methodology
d) Findings
e) Discussion, Recommendations, Implications and Conclusions

*Number of chapters/sections subjected to the topic and field of study.

a) Introduction

Preface / Introduction

This section is an introduction to the issues related to the study / research in general. Its
descriptions should give an initial overview of the scope of the study which is to be carried
out by the candidate.

Background Research

These sections describe in general about the study that will be carried out. Details and
elaborations of this section become the trigger point of the research's ideas.

Problem Statement

This section describes the issues / problems to be studied in the research. Candidates need
to explain why those studies should be carried out based on the arguments and evidence

Purpose of the Study (if necessary)

Describes in general of what is the purpose of conducting the study.

Objective of the Study

The objective of the study should be specific, measurable, accessible, realistic and suitable
with the duration of the study. Objective writing needs to be in the form of verbs, related to
the field and their respective research level.

Research Question

This section enlists the questions that need to be answered in the study. Research questions
are usually created based on the objective of the study and must be related to the problem
statement mentioned.

Research Hypothesis (if necessary)

This part of the study states early expectations about the possible results of the study. One
of the important characteristics of hypotheses is the ability to show the correlation between
the variables in the study that are specific, clear and measurable.

Conceptual Framework of Research and/or Theoretical Framework of Research (if


Explains the aspects related to theories and / or concepts that underlie study based on the
resources that are reliable from scholars / experts / researchers in the field. If necessary, this
framework could also be presented in the form of diagrams.

Operational Definition

The operational definition / term definition explains the key concepts based on the context
of the study.

Study Limitations

This section describes the limitations of the study conducted.

Importance of Research

This section will clearly describe in details of the study's impact and explain the benefits of
the study's findings and results to multiple organizations, communities, countries, related
agencies and also the development of knowledge in that particular field of study.


This part formulates concepts, principles, and ideas included in the chapters.

b) Literature Review

The literature review represents the critical and analytical writing about academic writings
that had been published by scholars and researchers on the topics studied. The purpose is to
enlighten the readers on the theories, concepts, and arguments that had been used in
formulating the research procedures. It also discusses the strengths and weaknesses of the
researches conducted on the related topic and scope of this study.

The literature review should be centred on the research questions formed. This part does not
only list the research items obtained for the study or the compilation of previous studies
alone. Instead, the candidate must demonstrate the synthesis of the results in the form of a
summary of the researches that has been previously known and unknown, identifying
controversies involving the field of study, and thus form the research questions that need
further researching. The results of this literature review can be used to help form a rationale
for your study, to identify the variables, and ultimately help in choosing appropriate research
methodologies. It can also be linked to the findings of the study in the discussion section.
Proposed writing on this sections consists of three (3) categories:


- Identify common topics, issues, or areas of focus, then provide the appropriate context
for the literature review.
- Shows the overall trend ; or contradictions in the theories, methodologies, evidence, and
conclusions; or gaps in research or the field; or a problem / new perspectives that interest
- Justify the reasons for the need of literature review; explain the criteria used for the
analysis, compare and arrange materials from the literature, and state why certain
literature are excluded, if needed (scope).

Main (Body)

- Collecting materials for literature (research, reviews, theoretical articles, case studies
and so on) based on categories / similar themes such as qualitative versus quantitative
approach; author's summary; purpose or objectives; chronological order and etc.
- Summarizing research or articles in accordance with the relevance of references in the
- Suggesting main ideas at the beginning paragraph and in other parts that are strategic to
facilitate the readers in understanding the comparisons and analysis presented.


- Formulate major contribution of the related researches and the materials referred for the
study to be conducted. Candidates should focus on research questions mentioned in the
- Evaluate the latest trend of the field of study that has been researching on. Candidate
needs to propose on the development of the main methodology referred, show the gap
that exists in the study, theories and findings that are inconsistent and field or issue
related to the research that is about to be studied.
- Make a conclusion by showing a relationship between the main topics in literature with
the field to be studied.
- If necessary, this structure can be presented in a diagram.


This part is different between one dissertation / thesis with other dissertation / thesis
depending on the field of study being researched about and it may not be available in
theoretical based dissertation / thesis. This section contains information and justification
towards materials, theoretical approach, experimental design and method (including
statistical analysis) used to achieve the research's objectives. Materials and methods used in
research need to be explained thoroughly and accurately. Reference for methods and
procedure applied must be stated. Shown below is an example of methodology section
written on social science research. The example below can be modified to suit the research
areas being studied, such as Information Systems, Engineering, Science, Sports, and Science
and etc.


Introduction in methodology chapter should discuss what was discussed in the chapter,
briefly. For example, Parts One narrates on survey design while Part Two explains on the
sample population and many others. It is also for the best if the methods used are also
included according to the sequence of objectives of the study as stated in the first chapter.

Research Approach

In research approach, a dissertation/thesis should contain these following information:

- Research approach, for example, qualitative or quantitative research, Mixed-Method,

Design and Developmental Research (DDR), Design-based Research (DBR) and
Action Research.
- Approach / Types, which could either be an experiment, case studies, surveys, action
research, the basic theory (grounded theory), ethnography, text analysis and etc.
- Data collection method in which it could be one single method, mix-method or even
multiple methods.
- Data collection could be current or long-term based.

Population and sample / participant / subject / case

- Whoever that becomes / chosen as sample population that wants to be generalized by

the study.
- Choosing samples from a population.
- How to choose a sample - random or selective, selection through field research.
- How participants or the case been chosen and why use those participants or case in this
- Why that method was used.
- How many subjects / participants / cases involved in the study.


- Method of development/adoption and modification instruments

- The process of validity and reliability of the instrument passed through:
1. Validity of page and content
2. Reliability
3. Process of translation
- The instrument is a measurement tool to get / collect data.
- Data is information needed by the researcher to answer the research questions.

- Instrumentation is a combination between the instruments and procedures used in
gathering data.
- An instrument that was created by self must go through a certain consideration in terms
of its validity, reliability, objectivity (refer to subjective assessment), and usability.
- An instrument that is adapted or that uses existing instruments need to go through :
a. Acculturation process, for example, an instrument that was taken from overseas,
must be adjusted to local socio-culture.
b. Translation process needs to go through face validity (confirmation by linguist
and content expert) and back to back translation.
- Procedure for collecting data. How data are collected, for example, questionnaire
distribution, in-field data collection , interview process, and observations.

Pioneer Study (if applicable)

- Pioneer study's purpose – why or reasons to choose that particular sample; validity and
- When, where and who was involved in the implementation of the pioneer study.
- The results of the pioneer study - the validity, reliability and other related information
(if any).
- Items that were to be dropped, added or to be modified (if any).
- Was the normality test analysis was conducted and what were the results.

Data Collection Procedures

- Explanation of procedures and steps of research data collection.

Methods / Techniques of Analysing Data

- Explanation of procedures and steps of analysing data according to the research

objective / answering the question of study / testing the hypothesis of the study.
- Does Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) (for example normality) being implemented
and what is the result.
- The appropriate statistical software (if any).


- Summarize what was written / discussed in this chapter.



The introduction in finding chapter should briefly discuss what is in the chapter.

Main (Body)

This chapter presents and interprets the research data. The overall findings of the study and
analysis can be presented in tables, figures, and statements to enable important discoveries
to be highlighted. Each table should consist the introduction of the table, table and
description of the table. The findings can also be written with more than one chapter. This
section should be arranged according to the hierarchy of research questions to show that all
questions are answered.


Summarize what was written / discussed in this chapter


This chapter should briefly summarize the research findings. Next, this chapter also
discusses the study's findings by relating theories and past research discussed in the literature
review. It is best if the study findings and discussion are written according to the sequence
of objectives or research questions. These findings need to be discussed critically to
symbolize how scholarly that certain study carried out. The findings are concluded in synch
with research questions. The study also can suggest a new innovation or new ideas based on
the findings. Significance and implications of the research conducted on the field of study
must be stated. Suggestions for future research should also be included in this chapter.



Each dissertation / thesis MUST follow the format that had been fixed by IGS.

1.1 Arrangement for the dissertation/thesis

Each dissertation / thesis contains several parts which are arranged as in Table 1.1.

No. Subject Status Notes

01. Title page Compulsory Numbered with small Roman numerals

Certification Page (early dissertation/thesis)/

02. Certificate of Authentic Writing form (latest Compulsory Numbered with small Roman numerals
dissertation /thesis)

03. Appreciation page Compulsory Numbered with small Roman numerals

04. i. Malay Language abstract Compulsory Numbered with small Roman numerals
ii. English Language abstract
05. Contents Page Compulsory Numbered with small Roman numerals

06. Tables List page Compulsory Numbered with small Roman numerals

07. Figures List page Compulsory Numbered with small Roman numerals

08. Abbreviations / Symbols List Page Compulsory Numbered with small Roman numerals
The page number is continued from the
09. Reference Compulsory
last page of dissertation / thesis
10. Appendix Optional

1.2 Title Page

The title page contains information that is arranged as follows:

i. Full title of dissertation/thesis
ii. Student's full name
iii. The name of the degree awarded
iv. Faculty's name
v. University's name
vi. Submission year

Please refer to APPENDIX A2

1.3 Certificate of Authenticity

Certificate status of dissertation / thesis must be made by completing the Certificate of

Authentic Writing form such as mentioned in Appendix B. This certificate requires
confirmation from both the student and supervisor and needs to be signed. Candidates should
always make sure that the form is the updated copy by constantly referring to the IGS

1.4 Declaration of Dissertation / Thesis Status

Certificate status dissertation / thesis must be made by completing Submission Confirmation

Dissertation / Thesis form in Appendix C. If a dissertation / thesis is classified as confidential
or limited, the library is not allowed to make a sale of the dissertation / thesis. If the author
classifies a dissertation / thesis as not limited, the university will assume that that dissertation
/ thesis as unlimited and the Sultan Idris Education University has the right to use it for any
purpose either for printing or for other needs. This form is not necessarily be placed within
a dissertation / thesis but it must be submitted together with the dissertation / thesis givento
the Tuanku Bainun Library. Candidates should always make sure that the form is the updated
copy by constantly referring to the IGS website.

1.5 Appreciation

Acknowledge the individuals or organizations that have provided assistance directly or

indirectly in the preparation of the dissertation / thesis. This page is limited to one (1) page
only. An appreciation is written by using single spacing. Please refer to the example in

1.6 Abstract

Abstracts should contain the following items:

i. Purpose / Objective of the Study
ii. Methodology
iii. Findings
iv. Conclusion
v. Implication / Contribution of Study

Uses one or two sentences for each of the matters specified above. The abstract should be
no longer than 300 words, written in one paragraph and written in both Malay and English.
For the dissertation / thesis written in Malay, the title, and abstract translation must be
translated into English and vice versa . It must be written in single spacing. Please refer to
the example of Malay abstract in APPENDIX E1 and English abstract in Appendix E2 for
a thesis written in Malay.

Note: For quantitative studies, certain value findings (such as validity coefficient values,
reliability values, frequency / frequency values, or any value obtained) can be specified if
necessary according to the study's suitability.

1.7 Table of Contents

The contents page contains a list of references for all the information in the dissertation /
thesis granted under preliminary dissertation / thesis, chapters, and pages. Each prefix
dissertation / thesis, chapter and page number shown in the page content must coincide with
the beginning of the dissertation / thesis, chapter, and page number in the dissertation / thesis.
Show the title of contents up to three levels only. Please refer to the example in APPENDIX

1.8 List of Tables

This page contains a list of all tables in the thesis. Information on the tables that needs to be
stated are the numbers, table captions, and the number of pages where those tables are placed.
The list must be written according to the order of the chapters. However, if the entire

dissertation / thesis contains only one or two tables, the list of Table is unnecessary. Please
refer to APPENDIX G.

1.9 List of Figures

All illustrations included in the text, such as maps, charts, drawings, graphs, printed images,
diagrams, and photographs are referred to as 'figures'. List of figures contains all the number
of figures, the title of the figures and the pages where these figures are included in the
dissertation / thesis. List of figures must be written according to the order of the chapters.
Please refer to APPENDIX H.

1.10 List of abbreviations

This page lists the symbols, abbreviations, nomenclature and terminology that are found in
the text. The order of writing are as follows:

Roman Letter - alphabetical order

Greek Letter - alphabetical order
Superscript - alphabetical order
Subscript - alphabetical order

Please refer to APPENDIX I. To get more details on the spelling and abbreviations, students
are encouraged to refer to 'Gaya Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka'

1.11 Attachment list

This page lists all the attachments used by the students in completing the research. Please
refer to APPENDIX J.

1.12 Text

The text of the dissertation / thesis must be divided into chapters with titles given and each
of the titles must reflect the content of the chapter. Each chapter must begin on a new page.
The chapters can be expanded into smaller parts with given sub-chapters. The titles and sub-
headings should be numbered. Please refer to the examples in APPENDIX K1 and K2. The
number of chapters in the dissertation / thesis is not limited. Generally, a dissertation / thesis
will be structured as follows:

i. Introduction
ii. Literature review
iii. Methodology
iv. Findings
v. Summary, Discussion, Recommendation, Implication and Conclusion

1.12.1 Reference in the text

All the information and ideas quoted from a source must be acknowledged in the
text. Please refer to matter 3.4 and the latest APA style guide.

1.12.2 Tables in text

All tables are given a number and must refer to the chapter like Table 4.2 for
the second table in chapter 4. Each caption is written on the left and with single
spacing. The table's title is to be written on top of the table and written using
Times New Roman, size 12 without a full stop at the end and written on the left
as well. Please refer to APPENDIX L. If the table was taken from a specific
source, the source must be stated at the end of the table. However, in writing,
tables can only be placed referenced in the text. Please refer to the latest APA
style guide and should be consistent in the overall writing of dissertation/thesis.

1.12.3 Figures in text

All figures are given numbers using figure direction. Numbers of those figures
should refer to the chapter such as Figure 5.2 for the second figure in chapter 5.
Each headline of figures is written on the top left of the figure followed by the
figure. The headings are written using Times New Roman font, size 12, without
the full stop at the end and written on the left. Please refer to APPENDIX M. If
a figure is taken from a particular source, the source must be stated at the lower
end of the figure. However, in writing, tables can only be placed after referenced
in the text. Please refer to the APA style guide 6th edition.

1.12.4 Equations / Formula Writing in Text

Equations / formulas should be numbered using the figure direction. Number of

equations / formulas written at the end of the equation and referred to that
particular chapter. For example, in chapter 2 for the equation / formula 1 and 2
and so on are as follows:

y = mx+ c (2.1)
z = 10x2 + y2 (2.2)

1.13 List of references

UPSI dissertation / thesis uses only the reference list and not the bibliography. This list must
be attached at the end of the dissertation / thesis, before the Appendices. Candidates cannot
mix up a style of reference writing and it should be consistent. Please refer to the latest APA
style guide and should be consistent in the overall writing of dissertation/thesis



2.1 Title of dissertation/thesis

The title of dissertation / thesis should be short and it can convey the meaning / purpose of
research. The title length should not exceed 15 words.

2.2 Dissertation / Thesis Length

Dissertation / thesis length depends on the program of study. However, the following
guideline may be followed:

- Master’s Degree program by Coursework: Between 10,000 to 20,000 words (subject to

the declaration of JPS of Faculty, supervisor and field expertise). [171th Senate No.10/2018]
- Master’s Degree program by Research and Coursework: Between 20,000 to 40,000
words (subject to the declaration of JPS of Faculty, supervisor and field expertise). [171th
Senate No.10/2018]
- Master’s Degree program by Research: Between 50,000 to 60,000 words (subject to the
declaration of JPS of Faculty, supervisor and field expertise). [171th Senate No.10/2018]
- Doctor of Education: Not less than 50,000 words and not exceed 60,000 words.
- Doctor of Philosophy: Between 80,000 to 100,000 words (subject to the declaration of
JPS of Faculty, supervisor and field expertise). [171th Senate No.10/2018]

2.3 Page Layout

Text page in dissertation / thesis should be presented in portrait format. Landscape shaped
page layout can be used to presenting figures and schedules.

2.4 Paper Types

Only the white paper, sized A4 (210 x 297 mm) with good quality paper types such as
similes weighing 80g, or which have almost the same qualities can be used to prepare the
copies of the final dissertation / thesis. Copies of the dissertation / thesis must also be
produced using similar quality paper.

2.5 Type and Size of the fonts in the text.

Text in the dissertation / thesis, including titles and pages must be produced using the same
fonts letters. Type of fonts suitable for use in the dissertation / thesis is Times New Roman
or Arial.

Font size options that can be used in the text are either size 11 for Arial font or size 12 for
Times New Roman font. The size selected must be applied uniformly in the entire
dissertation / thesis. Footnotes and text in the table could use a smaller font size but shall not
be less than a size 8.

Italic writings are not allowed except for scientific names and terminology in different
languages. Use bold writings for the chapter headings and subheadings without lines.

The chapter title should be capitalized and bolded. For sub-headings, only the first letter of
the first word in the sub-chapter should be capitalized.

2.6 Frame

Top frame : 2.921 cm @ 1.15 inch

Bottom frame : 2.54 cm @ 1 inch
Left frame : 3.81 cm @ 1.5 inch
Right frame : 2.54 cm @ 1 inch

Certain frame specifications are intended to facilitate the process of bookbinding and editing
of dissertation / thesis later. All information in the dissertation / thesis, including the title of
the text, footnotes, diagrams and pages, must be within the scope of the text that has been

2.7 Align and Spacing

Text should be typed using left-right align (justify). The first line of the first paragraph
should not be aligned to the right. For the second and subsequent paragraph, the first line of
each paragraph should be aligned about 1.27 cm @ 0.5 inches from the frame on the left.
However, a new paragraph cannot be started on the last line of a page.

Each line of text in the dissertation / thesis must use double spacing. This spacing must be
applied uniformly in the entire dissertation / thesis.

Nevertheless, single spacing must be used for following circumstances:

i. Footnote (if necessary);

ii. Quotes containing three lines or more (must be justified and form a block of text);
iii. References (unless requires double spacing between one entry with the others);
iv. Titles of the tables and figures that contain more than one line;
v. Appendices, such as questionnaires or letters; and
vi. Topics or sub-topics.

Guide to using other spacing must cover the following items:

i. The spacing distance between the top margin and chapter number is 2.54cm or
equivalent to double spacing, down from the first line.
ii. Four spacing are used between the chapter number and title, and between the title and
the first line of text.
iii. Double spacing used between sub-section of titles and the first line of text of that
particular sub-section.
iv. Double spacing is also used for the last line of text and tables, or diagrams, or
v. At least one-character spacing should be used between commas ',' or a full stop '.' and
the first letter of the next sentence in the same paragraph. However, no spacing
required between the last letter of the previous paragraph in the same paragraph with
commas or periods.

The title of the chapter should be typed in the middle between the left and right borders.
Each chapter must be started on a new page.

2.8 Page

Dissertation / thesis should be printed on side of the page only, on each sheet of paper. All
the pages in the page dissertation / thesis should be numbered consecutively, including pages
that contain tables, figures, and appendices. Page numbers should be placed at the right side
on the upper ledge, namely 27.1 cm @ 0.5 inches from the top and 2.54 m @ 1 inch from
the right side, using the Times New Roman font size 12 or Arial font size 11. The page
number should stand alone without any use of parentheses '()', hyphen '/', a dash '-' or any
decorative images.

Page numbering must be as follows:

i. Early pages before Chapter 1 must be numbered in small Roman numbers (such as ii,
iii and iv).
ii. The title page should not be numbered even though it is recognized as the pages
numbered i.
iii. Every page which contains chapter heading also does not need to be numbered
although the page number considered into account. For example, page 1 is the first
page for Chapter 1: Introduction that does not need to have its page number.
iv. Every appendix that needs to be attached has to be labelled with a letter, for example,
Appendix A, or Appendix B and numbered according to the appendix letter. For
example, Appendix A might include 10 attachments that are separate. So, it needs to
be given a number page like A1, A2, A3 until A10.
v. List of references page should be numbered and the numbering is continued from the
last page of candidate dissertation / thesis. For example, the last page number of
candidate dissertation / thesis is 224, so the page number for the first reference list
page is 225.

2.9 Chapter Numbering and Sub-section

Each chapter and sub-section must be labelled and numbered. Chapter numbering must
always use digits, such as Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3 and so on.

Each subsection must be aligned and arranged neatly but should not exceed four levels (three
decimal places) just like the following example:

5.1 Second level (sub-section Title)

5.1.1 The third level (sub-section, sub-section Title) The fourth level (sub-section, sub-section, sub-section Title)

Note: In the above example, the entry level is 5, which is the first level (Heading chapter)
but was not included in the sample in order to avoid confusion because the format for
justifying and spacing the number and title of the chapter is different compared to other
levels, according to the format as shown in Appendix K1 and K2.

If the length of chapter's heading or any level exceeds a line, double spacing will be used
just like the spacing used between the lines in the text.

2.10 Binding

2.10.1 Copies for Evaluation

Six (6) copies of dissertation/thesis for Master students and seven (7) copies
of thesis for Ph.D. students (binding with soft-cover) must be handed to at the
Institute of Postgraduate Studies with the completed submission form of
dissertations / theses.

After evaluation, the dissertation / thesis is returned back to the candidate.

Candidates are required to make all the adjustments based on examiners and
Viva Committee's reports and receive certification from the supervisor before
binding the dissertation / thesis with a hardcover.

2.10.2 Last copies for the University

Before preparing a number of dissertation / thesis of hardbound copy as the last

dissertation/ thesis copy, the student should ensure that all the University need
had been filled and signature from certain parties had been collected. All pages
must be in the correct and proper arrangement and proper.

2.10.3 Cover's Colour and Letter's Colour (Master’s Degree / Ph.D.) - Name and Colour

If everything had remained in a satisfactory condition, dissertation / thesis should

be bound in hardcover by certain colours according to their respective study
programs. The letters that make up the information on the hardcover must be in

Hard Cover
Study Program
Colour Colour Code
Ph.D. Black 585
Masters Maroon 567

2.10.4 Dissertation / thesis Cover

The statement on the cover must be printed using the capital letters that are fully
gold coloured and requires hot stamping, with Arial or Times New Roman font,
size 18 and should contain the following:

i. Title of dissertation / thesis is organized in the form of an inverted

ii. Name of the student;
iii. Name of the University; and
iv. Submission year of the dissertation / thesis.

Please refer to APPENDIX A1

2.10.5 Spine (dissertation/thesis)

The statement in the spine of the dissertation/thesis must be printed using the
capital letters that are fully gold coloured and requires hot stamping, with Arial
or Times New Roman font, size 18 and should contain the following:

i. Student’s name;
ii. Name of Study program;
iii. Initials of the University; and
iv. Submission year of the dissertation / thesis.

There is a little difference in the description of the layout spine depending on

dissertation /thesis thickness. Please refer example in APPENDIX N and O.

2.10.6 Trimming

To ensure uniformity in size for copies of the dissertation / thesis at the

University, trimming of dissertation / thesis must not involve more than 2.5 mm
per side of A4 paper while binding is performed.

2.10.7 Soft Copy (CD)

Students must also provide softcopy (CD) in PDF format to be sent along with
the copies of the dissertation / thesis. The softcopy should be labelled with the
following information: (Appendix P)



3.1 Unit of Measurement

The use of standard measurement system, Standard International (SI) and its acronyms are
encouraged. Some common examples are shown below:

2 litre(2L)
10 millilitres (10 mℓ)
15 kilograms (15 kg)
7 grams (7 gm)
9 kilometres (9 km)
5 hectares (5 ha)
25 tons (25 t)
135 parts per million (135 ppm)
50 Australian Dollars (AUSD 50)
2.7-ton metric/hectare (2.7 t/ha)

 Take note of empty space between figures and units.

Numeral writing in the front of unit measurements cannot be spelled (written by 2L, and not
two L), except when written in the beginning of a sentence or figure one (1).

3.2 Usage of Figures / Digits

All figures / digits usage less than ten has to be spelled except for those with a unit of
measurement (for example 7 g, 10 mℓ). The sentence that starts with figure has to be written
with the word (for example, "Fifty respondents was interviewed" and not "50 respondents
was interviewed). Another alternative is by compiling sentence sequence by using numbers
into a numerical series as follows:

i. The observed class has 1 table and teacher's chair, 25 benches and a table for the pupil,
4 fans, and 1 whiteboard.
ii. Enrolment number of the pupil in grade 4 at Bangi SRK throughout the past three years
are 125, 180 and 225.

3.3 Usage of Percentage symbol

Symbol % or percent word can be used without white space between digits and symbol, for
example, 10.5%. If it was written 10.5 percent (percent), that usage should be consistent
throughout the thesis writing. Percentage (Pct.) short form can be used when naming column
subject to symbolize percentage.

3.4 Quotes in Text

Both quotations are made directly and indirectly in the text should be given
acknowledgment. Failure to do so may lead to charges of plagiarizing the author's work.
Usually, surname / father's name is used in the text to make reference. For example, Allen
Luke inscribed as Luke in the text. For Chinese author, for example, Goh Hock Seng was
written with the surname or the author name is located in the front. Malay author names can
be written, for example, Ramlah Mailok written with the full name, surname or author’s first
name located in the front. Citations in the text should be in the reference list at the end of the
thesis / dissertation.

3.4.1 Direct Quotation

Direct quotation less than three lines is shown using the quotes symbol. If more,
the quotation should be aligned and written with its page number. The example
below shows how various forms and quotation directly inserted into the text.

a) Direct quotation using less than one sentence in the text.


According to Veldsman (2002, p. 21), the changing of organizations

involve the organization's condition in two different locations, "in time or
in space".

b) Quoting directly in the form of complete sentences.


This idea is shared by Veldsman (2002) in which organizational change is

defined as “The difference in the state of an organization at two separate
locations in time or in space”. (p. 21).

c) If the author's name is not included in the quoted paragraph.


Some authors explain the change of the organization as a difference in

“state of an organization at two separate locations in time or in space”
(Veldsman, 2002, p. 21).

d) The longer quotation is aligned on the left side only or both sides without
the quotes.


The typical educational reform movements in Malaysia

have almost exclusively been initiated by the Minister of
Education and then pass on down through the ranks.
Teachers in school are seen as the implementer of the
reform without any contributions upward to shape or
decide on reform initiatives.
(Hallliger, 2011, p. 14)

3.4.2 Indirect Quotation

a) If the idea and not the original text of author is included in the text, write
only the name and year published. Other information will be inserted in
the reference index.


Veldsman (2002) explains on change concept in one's organization.

Change in a certain organization involves the difference in two different
locations (Veldsman, 2002).

b) If the general statements are made by referring to few authors, the

reference should be sorted by year, starting from the latest and isolated
using the semi-colon.


Effective change will not happen in the educational organization without

principal involvement to lead the change process competently (Oplatka,
2003; Lakomski, 2001; Clarke, 2000; Hallinger & Leithwood, 1996).

Quoting directly from the author (less than 40 words)

Dalam membicarakan panduan asas fiqh wanita, Siti Nor Bahyah (2008) menyatakan
bahawa "semakin tinggi ilmu yang dimiliki, bukan untuk bermegah tetapi untuk
memandu seseorang itu meningkatkan amal kebajikan. Amal fardu kifayah dan amal
fardu ain dapat dijadikan sebagai bekalan yang akan manusia bawa apabila telah mati
kelak' (ms.152)

Do not tilt the words

Quoting directly from the author (more than 40 words)


Below is the statement quoted in the KBSR that shows the importance of
mathematical thinking elements and problem solving in the teaching and learning

The learning of mathematics at all levels involves more than just the basic
acquisition of concepts and skills. It involves, more importantly, an
understanding of the underlying mathematical thinking, general strategies of
problem-solving, communicating mathematically and including positive attitudes
towards an appreciation of mathematics as an important and powerful tool in
everyday life. (Curiculum & Malaysia, 2006, p.112)

Indent 0.5 inches. Double Source citations,

spacing for the entire passage. year and pages
Do not italicise the passages.
Ignore the "..." in the quotation.

Writing text Sample

For common nouns, the

usage of numeral after the
noun is accepted.

Jadual 1 menunjukkan jadual perancangan bagi sepanjang proses kajian

tindakan dilaksanakan. Setiap perancangan telah ditetapkan tarikhnya supaya kajian ini
berjalan dengan lancar. Rajah 2 menunjukkan empat keping gambar yang di ambil
daripada papan aktiviti responden sewaktu proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran

Seramai 15 orang responden terlibat dalam kajian ini. Mereka terdiri daripada tujuh
orang responden lelaki dan lapan orang responden perempuan dari kelas 5 Amanah. Borang
latar belakang (Lampiran G) disediakan untuk mengetahui serba sedikit latar belakang
keluarga responden-responden ini dan pengenalan diri responden bagi memudahkan proses
temu bual yang akan dilakukan kelak. Borang ini disediakan dalam bentuk jadual bagi
memudahkan dalam bentuk jadual bagi memudahkan pengkaji untuk mengisi maklumat.

Numbers 1 to 9 must be
written in words.
Numbers 10 and aboveshould Example: one, two, ... ,
be written in a numeral.
Example: 10, 11, 12, .....

A) Number written in Numeral
Number 10 and above  12 cm  13 list
 25 years  105 words
Number which represents
 Times 5  3 times more
mathematical function
 Over 5% of the sample  0.33 from
A number which represents time,  1 hour 24 minutes  12.30 a.m.
date, score, and etc.
 A score of 4 on a scale of 5  Table 4

B) Number written in words

Any number of the beginning of  Twelve students

 Forty percent of the samples showed an increase
a sentence, title
showed an increase and 12 other
Common fractions  Two-third majority  One fifth of the class
Usage that was generally
 Five Pillars of Islam  The twelve Apostles
C) A combination of numbers and words
Situation to increase explanation  Ten 7-point scale  two-way interactions
D) Another short form
Be sure to use Latin abbreviations according to the situation:
i.e. that is cf. compare
e.g. for example et al..and others
etc.. and so forth viz..namely

3.5 References

Any reference dissertation / thesis either quoted directly or indirectly, should be listed in the
references. For each source used, the candidate must have a reference. This is to certify the
source used and allow the reader to keep track of everything that candidates have used. A
complete reference can avoid allegations of plagiarism. The reference list is to be started on
a new page and word REFERENCE is typed in capital letters. Writing of references uses
APA style format, 6th edition.

Bracket format, Bracket format,
First reference Next reference
Passage Type first reference in next reference
in text in text
text marker in text

One author Walker (2007) Walker (2007) (Walker, 2007) (Walker, 2007)

Walker and Allen Walker and Allen (Walker & Allen, (Walker & Allen,
Two author
(2004) (2004) 2004) 2004)

Bradley, (Bradley,
Bradley et al.
Three author Ramirez, and Soo Ramirez, & (Bradley et al., 1999)
(1999) Soo, 1999)

Bradley, (Bradley,
Ramirez, Soo, Bradley et al. Ramirez, Soo,
Four author (Bradley et al., 2006)
and Walsh (2006) & Walsh,
(2006) 2006)
Walker, Allen, (Walker, Allen,
Bradley, Walker et al. Bradley,
Five author (Walker et al., 2008)
Ramirez, and (2008) Ramirez, &
Soo (2008) Soo, 2008)

Six or more Wasserstein et al Wasserstein et al. (Wasserstein et (Wasserstein et al.,

author (2005) (2005) al., 2005) 2005)

Sultan Idris (Sultan Idris
(easily identified
Education Education
by the initials) as UPSI (2013) (UPSI, 2013)
University University
the author
(UPSI, 2013) [UPSI], 2013)

Organization Pittsburgh Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh

(No abbreviation) university university University, University,
as the author (2005) (2005) 2005) 2005)

General Guidelines

One Author
Last name / family’s name is written first, followed by the first letters of the author's first name.
a) Al-Attas, S.M.N (1980). The concept of education In Islam. Kuala Lumpur: ABIM.

Two Authors
Last name / family's name is written first followed by the first letters of the author’s first name.
Use the symbol “&” but not “and”
a) Creme, P. & Lea, M. R. (2003). Writing at University. 2nd ed. Maiden: Open University
b) Wegener, D.T. & Perry, R.E. (1994). Mood management across affective states. The hedonic
contingency hypothesis. Journal of Personality & Social Psychology, 66, 1034-1048.

Three to Six Authors

Last name / family’s name is written first followed by the first letters of the author’s first name;
comma in each of the author’s name and the last name of the author use the symbol “&” but
not “and”.
a) Kernis, M.H., Cornell, D.P., Sun, C.R., Berry, A., White, A., Ganster, D.C & Harlow, T.
(1993). There’s more to self-esteem than whether it is high or low: The importance of
stability of self-esteem. Journal Of Personality and Social Psychology, 65, 1190-1204.

More Than Six Authors

Insert the list of names of the first six authors followed with “et al.,”. No dots after “et”.
a) Harris, M., Keraper, E., Stacks, G., Hoffman, D., DeNiro, R., Cruz, P., et al
(2001). Writing labs and the Hollywood connection. Journal of Film and Writing, 44(3),

Malay Author Without Surname

Leave “bin” atau “binti”
a) Asmah Binti Omar
Cited as:
Asmah Omar. (1991). Kemahiran berbahasa. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Penerbitan Pustaka

Chinese Author Without Surname

Surname followed by the first letters of the next name of author
a) Chu Chin Ning
Cited as:
Chu, C.N. (1995). Simulated counter-current adsorption processes: A comparison of
modelling strategies. Chemical Engineering Journal, 56,59-65

Chinese Author With English Name
Surname followed by the first letters of the next name of the author.
a) Vincent Foo Hiap Khian
Cited as: Foo,V.H.K (1983). Sarawak: Mini episodes of the past. Selangor, Malaysia: Fajar

Indian And Sikh Author (without surname)

General form: leave d/o, s/o, a/l, a/p
a) Narrayani a/p Jeganathan, cited as: Narrayani Jeganathan (2009)

Inherited Name
Use the inherited name
a) Raja Ahmad Niza, cited as: Raja Ahmad Niza. (2009).

Titles Given
Leave titles like Datuk / Tan / Sri / Tun / Prof / Dr / Hajj
a) Tun Mahathir Mohamad, cited as: Mahathir Mohamad

Agency, Association or Institution as Authors

Use the official full name
a) Pahang, Jabatan Alam Sekitar. (2009)
b) Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia (2006). Kurikulum Bersepadu Sekolah rendah: Spesifikasi
kurikulum tahun 6. Kuala Lumpur: Pusat Perkembangan Kurikulum.

Use the official full name
a) Yayasan Sabah. (2009).
b) Committe of Bank Rakyat finance. Kuala Lumpur. DBP.

Organizations as Author
a) American Psychology Association. (2003).

Conference Name
No need to enter the number/session
a) Persidangan Fizik Asia Pasifik Ke Lima, dipetik sebagai: Persidangan Fizik Asia Pasifik

Unknown Author
Use the title of the article to replace the author’s name
a) Developing a teamwork. (2006)
b) Merriam-Webster’s collegiate dictionary (10th ed.).(1993). Springfield, MA: Merriam-



Plagiarism is the use of an idea, work or data taken from other people which are placed in the
main text of the dissertation / thesis without giving credit to the original author and use that
information as if it belonged to the candidate himself. Those works include :

i. Words or ideas from printed materials such as journal articles, magazine articles, books,
newspapers, websites, computer programs, and others.
ii. Diagrams, tables, diagrams, illustrations, charts, maps, photographs or other visual material;
iii. Information from interviews and etc.

Candidate can be considered plagiarising if:

i. Directly copy a sentence or paragraph from a reference obtained and write as if the result is
the result of the students themselves; and
ii. Using the original text from a source without using quotation marks (") or indent, although
the source is acknowledged.
iii. Paraphrasing without recognition / acknowledgement.

Plagiarism is a very serious crime in the world of academia and is not accepted by academic
scholars. Therefore, if the dissertation / thesis candidate is found to have plagiarism, dissertation /
thesis will be considered as FAILED and the candidate will be terminated from the study program.
Candidates are advised to always refer to the original author when using ideas or words from the
work of the authors or others to avoid plagiarism.

A method for avoiding plagiarism is to make sure that the credit should be given when using the
work of other authors. Candidates need to do this even if the original source had been paraphrased
or summarized. When quoting a statement that was tele-casted even orally, it must be identical to
the original and must be attributed to the original author.


Anderson, J. & Poole, M. (2011). Assignment and thesis writing. (Marzita Puteh & Saadiah Baharom,
Penulisan tugasan & tesis) (edisi ke-4). Tanjung Malim: Penerbit Universiti Pendidikan Sultan

American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological

Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

Fraenkel, J. R. & Wallen N. E. (2009). How to design and evaluate research in education. (7th ed.).
New York: McGraw-Hill

Hamidah Yusof, Jamal Yunus & Khalip Musa. (2014). Kaedah penyelidikan pengurusan pendidikan.
Tanjong Malim: Penerbit Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris.

Noraini Idris. (2013). Penyelidikan dalam pendidikan. Kuala Lumpur: McGraw-Hill.

Pusat Pengurusan Siswazah. (2010). Panduan Penulisan Tesis Gaya UKM (edisi semak kedua). Bangi:
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.

Pusat Pengajian Pascasiswazah. (2014). Garis panduan gaya penulisan pascasiswazah. Kota Kinabalu:
Universiti Malaysia Sabah.

School of Graduate Studies. (2013). Postgraduate student’s guide thesis preparation. Serdang:
Universiti Putra Malaysia.



 Top : 5.969 cm @ 2.35 inch APPENDIX A1

 The right edge : 2.54 cm @ 1 inch
 The left edge :3.81 cm @ 1.5 inch 5.969cm @ 2.35 inch
 The bottom edge : 5.969 cm @ 2.35 inch


 Times New Roman/Arial size 18 gold colour
(hot stamping)



3.81cm @ 1.15 inch 2.54cm @ 1 inch




5cm @ 2.35 inch


Top : 5.969 cm @ 2.35 inch

The right edge : 2.54 cm @ 1 inch
The left edge : 3.81 cm @ 1.5 inch APPENDIX A2
Bottom edge : 3.937 cm @ 1.55 inch 5.969cm @ 2.35 inch


Times New Roman size 12 /Arial size 11

Single spacing (langkauan satu)




3.81cm @ 1.15 inch

2.54cm @ 1 inch


** – for Masters programme only , state one of the Mode taken




5.969cm @ 2.35 inch


Pind : 00 m/s: 1/1

Please tick ()

Project Paper
Masters by Research
Masters by Mix Mode



This declaration is made on the …………….. (day) …………….. (month) 20… ..... (year)

i. Student’s Declaration:

INDICATE STUDENT’S NAME, MATRIC NO. AND FACULTY) hereby declare that the dissertation /
thesis for titled
is my original work. I have not plagiarised from any other scholar’s work and any sources that
contains copyright had been cited properly for the permitted meanings. Any quotations, excerpt,
reference or re-publication from or any works that has copyright had been clearly and well cited.

Signature of the student

ii. Supervisor’s Declaration:

I (SUPERVISOR’S NAME) hereby certify that the work entitled

(TITLE) was
prepared by the above named student, and was submitted to the Institute of Graduate Studies as
a partial / full fulfillment for the conferment of
(PLEASE INDICATE THE DEGREE), and the aforementioned work, to the best of my knowledge, is
the said student’s work.

Date Signature of the Supervisor



Double spacing, start
typing on the third row

PENGHARGAAN (langkau 2 kali)

Alhamdulillah, dengan izinNya disertasi ini berjaya disiapkan. Dalam usaha

3.81cm @ Dengan
mengumpulNama bahan-bahan
Allah Yang Maha Pemurah
kajian, Lagi Maha Penyayang.
membangunkan perisian dan Alhamdulillah,
dokumentasi, 2.54cm
1.15 inch terlebih dahulu saya ingin mengucapkan rasa syukur ke hadrat Illahi kerana berkat @ 1 inch
limpah telah mendapat
dan kurniaNya akhirnya bantuan
dapat secara langsung dan
saya menyiapkan tidakprojek
kertas daripada
ini individu-
individuJutaan terima
berikut; kasih Dr.
Profesor sayaMohamad
ucapkan kepada Dr. Nor Nafizah
Ibrahim-Penyelia bintiyang
disertasi Mohdbanyak
selaku penyelia saya kerana membimbing dan memberi panduan kepada saya
sepanjang panduan dan
menyiapkan kertasnasihat,
projek guru-guru
ini. Ribuandanterima
Sekolah Kebangsaan
kepada semua
Tanjong Malim dan Sekolah Kebangsaan Datu’ Kamarudin, Behrang Stesentidak
Fakulti Sains dan Matematik yang banyak membantu. Terima kasih yang
terhingga juga diucapkan kepada ahli keluarga terutama ibu bapa saya kerana banyak
terlibat didan
membantu dalam kajian ini,
memahami para
saya pensyarah
sepanjang Fakulti Seni,
menyiapkan Komputeran
tugasan ini. Tidakdan
Kreatifterima kasihmemberikan
yang telah buat isteri ilmu
dan dan
puteri-puteri yang
tunjuk ajar, dikasihi kerana
rakan-rakan sentiasa
sepengajian yang
memberi sokongan dan galakan untuk saya menyiapkan tugasan ini. Selain itu,
ribuan memberi
terima kasihbantuan dan semangat
juga kepada dan tidak
pihak sekolah yanglupa
sudi juga kepada
memberi Ayah dan
kebenaran Bonda
yangdalam proses
sentiasa menyiapkan
memberikan tugasandan
sokongan ini.kasih
kata, terima kasihterhingga
yang tidak kepada semua
yang terlibat secara langsung atau tidak langsung dalam membantu saya
diri ini.
menyelesaikan tugasan ini. Segala jasa dan budi baik kalian akan sentiasa saya
kenang. Semoga penulisan ilmiah ini dapat membantu mana-mana pihak yang
bercadang menggunakan kertas projek ini sebagai sumber rujukan.

2.54cm @ 1 inch


Double spacing, start

typing on the third row

ABSTRAK (Double spacing)

3.81cm atau 1.15
Kajian ini bertujuan membina dan menilai kesan modul PBM BIO-SCORE
berdasarkan pendekatan pengajaran berasaskan masalah (PBM). Pembinaan modul
adalah berdasarkan adaptasi model Sidek & Jamaludin dan telah melalui proses 2.54cm
pengesahan menggunakan pekali persetujuan Cohen’s Kappa. Kajian juga menilai @ 1 inch
kesan modul terhadap pencapaian, pemikiran kritis dan hubungan pencapaian dengan
tahap pemikiran kritis pelajar. Pendekatan kuantitatif dengan reka bentuk kuasi
One eksperimen telah digunakan dalam kajian ini. Pemilihan subjek kajian dijalankan
paragraph, no secara persampelan bertujuan melibatkan 60 orang pelajar tingkatan empat aliran sains
yang mengambil mata pelajaran Biologi di sebuah sekolah di Daerah Kuala Selangor.
spacing and Subjek kajian terdiri daripada 30 orang pelajar kumpulan rawatan dan 30 orang pelajar
Times New kumpulan kawalan. Tiga jenis instrumen kajian digunakan iaitu modul PBM BIO-
Roman font, SCORE, ujian pencapaian bertajuk “Ekosistem Terancam” dan ujian pemikiran kritis
saiz 12 atau Watson Glaser. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis deskriptif dan inferensi.
Arial font,
saiz 11
Analisis deskriptif menjelaskan tahap pemikiran kritis pelajar, manakala statistik
inferensi pula melibatkan ujian-t dan ujian korelasi Pearson yang menerangkan
perbezaan serta hubungan antara pemboleh ubah kajian. Hasil kajian menunjukkan
bahawa terdapat peningkatan pencapaian pada kedua-dua kumpulan rawatan dan
kawalan, dengan kumpulan rawatan memperoleh peningkatan pencapaian yang lebih
tinggi secara signifikan berbanding kumpulan kawalan. Dapatan kajian juga
menunjukkan terdapat peningkatan tahap pemikiran kritis pada kedua-dua kumpulan
rawatan dan kawalan dengan kumpulan rawatan memperoleh peningkatan pencapaian
yang lebih tinggi daripada kumpulan kawalan secara signifikan. Analisis korelasi
Pearson pula menunjukkan tiada hubungan yang signifikan antara tahap pemikiran
kritis dengan pencapaian pelajar. Kesimpulan daripada kajian menunjukkan
penggunaan modul pembelajaran berasaskan masalah (PBM BIO-SCORE) telah
meningkatkan pencapaian dan pemikiran kritis pelajar. Implikasi kajian menunjukkan
penggunaan modul pembelajaran berasaskan masalah (PBM) dapat meningkatkan
keberkesanan pengajaran dan pembelajaran Biologi.

2.54cm @ 1 inch


Double spacing, start typing

on the third row


3.81cm @ 1.15 CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS (Double Spacing)

ABSTRACT (Double spacing)

This study was aimed to develop and evaluate the impact of PBM BIO-SCORE module @ 1 inch
One which employed problem-based learning approach (PBL). Development of the module
paragraph, no
was based on adaptation of Sidek & Jamaludin’s model and underwent validation
single process using Cohen’s Kappa agreement coefficient. The study also analyzes the effect
spacing and of the module towards students’ achievement and critical thinking skills. The
Times New relationship between achievement and students’ critical thinking skills was also
Roman font, studied. Quantitative approaches with quasi- experimental design were used for this
saiz 12 atau
study. A number of 60 form four Biology students from a school in Kuala Selangor
Arial font,
saiz 11 district were chosen using purposive sampling methods as studied subjects. The
subjects were divided into 30 students for the treatment and control groups equally.
Three research instruments were employed which are PBM BIO-SCORE module, a set
of achievement tests called “Endangered Ecosystems” and a Watson Glaser critical
thinking test. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential analysis. Descriptive
analysis describes the level of critical thinking of the students while inferential statistics
which involved a t-test and a Pearson correlation analysis to explain the differences and
relationships between the studied variables. The findings showed that there were
improvement in achievement for both treatment and control groups, where the
treatment group has gained significantly higher achievement. The result also showed
that there was increment in critical thinking level for both treatment and control groups
with significantly higher increment in treatment group. Pearson correlation analysis
showed that there was no significant relationship between students’ performance and
critical thinking skills. As a conclusion, problem-based learning module (PBM BIO-
SCORE) has improved students’ achievement and critical thinking skills. The study
implicates that the use of problem-based learning module (PBL) can enhance the
effectiveness of teaching and learning in Biology.

2.54cm @ 1 inch

Double spacing, start typing
on the third row

CONTENTS (Double Spacing)



3.81cm @
ABSTRAK iv 2.54cm
1.15 inch
@ 1 inch






1.1 Introduction 1

1.2 Research Background 3

1.3 Problem Statement 5

1.4 Research Objectives 14

1.9 Theoretical Framework 20

1.9.1 Planning Theory 21 Theory of Constructivism 22

2.54cm @ 1 inch


Double spacing, start typing
on the third row

LIST OF TABLES (Double spacing)

Table No. Page

3.81cm 2.1 Equivalence between Constructivism with Problem 36

@ 1.15 inch Based Learning 2.54cm
@ 1 inch
3.1 Quasi-Experimental Study Design 47

3.2 Questions According to The Levels of Bloom Taxonomy 54

2.54cm @ 1 inch


Double spacing, start
typing on the third row

LIST OF FIGURES (Double spacing)

No. Figures Page

1.1 The Conceptual Framework 12

3.81cm @
1.15 inch 2.1 Theoretical Framework and Module Construction of 33
PBM BIO-SCORE 2.54cm @
1 inch
3.1 Flow Chart of The Construction of PBM BIO-SCORE 59
Based On Adaptation From Sidek and Jamaludin Model

2.54 cm @ 1 inch



Double spacing, start typing on

the third row


IPTA Public Institutions of Higher Learning

KPM Malaysian Ministry of Education

LPM Malaysian Examinations Board

3.81cm @
1.15 inch PBM Problem Based Learning @ 1 inch

SPSS Statistical Packages For The Social Science

2.54cm @ 1 inch

Double spacing, start
typing on the third row

APPENDIX LIST (Double spacing)

A Title Page

B Declaration of Authenticity

3.81cm @ C Dissertation Status Verification Form

1.15 inch
D Example of Appendixes
E Example of Abstrak @ 1 inch

F Example of Abstract

G Example of Content Pages

H Example of Table List

I Example of List of Figures

J Example of List of Abbreviations

2.54cm @ 1 inch

Top : 2.921 cm @ 1.15 inch
The right edge : 2.54 cm @ 1 inch
The left edge : 3.81 cm @ 1.5 inch
The bottom edge : 2.54 cm @ 1 inch
5.08cm @ 2 inch
PLEASE SPECIFY THE FONT (Double spacing, start
Times New Roman size 12 /Arial size 11
typing on the third row)
Single spacing (langkauan satu)


Skip 4 rows

3.81cm @ METHODOLOGY 2.54 cm

1.15 inch @ 1 inch

Skip 4 rows

3.1 Introduction
Skip 1 line. The beginning paragraph should begin from the
First paragraph
This chapter will discuss the research methodology.The aim is
should not be
Skip 1 line for a new paragraph and it has to be justified.

Indent 1.27cm @
0.5 inch Discussion includes research design,the dependent variable,independent
( TAB once)
variable,variable moderator,sampling,instrument research,data analysis and control of

the validity of the study procedure.

Skip 2 lines after the last paragraph with new sub-title

3.2 Research Design

Skip 1 line. The beginning paragraph should begin from
the left.
The study was conducted through quasi-experiment approach. Lorem ipsum dolor sit

amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut dolore ......

2.54cm @ 1 inch

3.6 Research Instrument

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor

incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud

exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure

dolor in reprehenderit in eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat

non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

3.6.1 Questionnaire Design

Pro eu prima fabellas neglegentur, ne omnis explicari eam. Cum concludaturque 2.54cm
3.81cm @ 1 inch
@ 1.15 inch vituperatoribus in, vim et adhuc ceteros iudicabit. Error doming voluptua eam et. At

lorem imperdiet sit.Et eam hinc dictas aliquid. Maluisset adipiscing sit ad, ferri tollit

dicunt te pro, aeque aperiri et duo. Per mundi maiorum tacimates ad. An veri vocent

nam, alii deseruisse pri an.

Et prompta electram efficiendi mea. Utamur fabellas at cum, commune

dignissim at est. Scripta appetere reprimique ius ut. Alii meliore omittantur at nec, mei

debet reprehendunt te. Expertise Details Section

Nec an rebum alienum, ex amet deleniti detraxit quo. Id qui delicata constituam

interpretaris. Fierent eleifend similique eos te. Pri epicurei reformidans at, est dictas
2.54cm @ 1 inch

Explanation of the schedule need to be written before in reference.

Table 3.1

Estimate distance (cm) for Letter and Digit

95% CI
Length M(SD)

Letter 14.5 (28.6) 5.4 23.6

Digit 31.8 (33.2) 21.2 42.4

3.81cm @ Note, CI = Confide nce Interval; LL = L ower Limit, UL = Upper Limit. 2.54cm
1.15 inch
Adaptation from A merican Psychological Association (APA), 2010. @ 1 inch

2.54cm @ 1 inch

Meningkatkan keupayaan

Aktor sosial
Mewujudkan perhubungan

Menyediakan pengalaman

Figure 1.1. Triad Function. Adapted from B.J. Fogg, 1998

3.81cm @ @ 1 inch
1.15 inch
Students Amount



Figure 4.2. Students Enrolment from 2010 until 2013 in Sekolah ABC, Tg. Malim


Spine (Dissertation / Thesis)

(for dissertation / thesis that is less than 25 mm thick)




Spine (Dissertation / Thesis)

(for dissertation / thesis that is thicker than 25 mm)


3.0 sm







Format Cetakan adalah seperti berikut :

i. Official logo of Universiti Pendidikan Sultan

ii. White back ground
Title of Thesis / Dissertation iii. Title of Thesis / Dissertation
*Font Arial 10 or Arial Narrow 12

iv. Student’s details:

a) Name
Matric No. b) Matric No.
Name of Programme
c) Name of Programme
* Font Arial 10 or Arial Narrow 12

v. Type of CD : CD-RW
vi. Store in plastic envelope


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