SWOT Analysis of LUSSO
SWOT Analysis of LUSSO
SWOT Analysis of LUSSO
Strengths Weakness
.High profitability & Revenue- competitive market-
The only Local Business selling- Limited staff at sales and
luxury vinyl (stone plastic .marketing
.composite) - Limited budget for training
Professional built website - .And development programs
mentioned before that it will Lack of promotions of -
.consist of chat bot .products
High selection process for - Previous work is a little to -
.new candidates .show since we are a start up
Good sustainable -
development concept in
employing people from
diverse background and
provide decent work
Opportunities Threats
E-commerce and internet are - Lusso is a Startup business -
emerged as promissory the risk of loss is present
distribution channels to Balance between demand -
market and sell LUSSO .and supply
.products .Tax policies-
government regulations-
New markets like targeting - increasing costs-
projects in new capital and Price changes-
increase revenue because of -
the unique composite vinyl
Relating the external factors opportunities and threats with
one of the vertebras of the backbone of our company
:strategic management PEST