(Type The Document Title) : Mass Diag. Ordinate

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[Type the document title] 2012/201

1. A roadway section is 2 km long. The cut and fill volumes are to be computed between each
station. The end area values on each station (fill and cut) are given in the table. The shrinkage
factor is 10%. Determine the net volume of cut and fill that is required between the stations and
the net accumulation of cut/fill beginning with station 0. Plot the results.

Station End Area (m2) Volume (m3) Net Volume (m3) Mass Diag.
  Cut Fill Total Cut Fill Shrinkage 10% Total Fill Fill Net
0 0.3 1.8 25 340 34 374 -349   0
1 0.2 5 20 735 73.5 808.5 -788.5   -349
2 0.2 9.7 30 5 113.5 1248.5 -1218.5   -1137.5
3 0.4 13 60 905 90.5 995.5 -935.5   -2356
4 0.8 5.1 240 480 48 528 -288   -3291.5
5 4 4.5 425 325 32.5 357.5   67.5 -3579.5
6 4.5 2 625 125 12.5 137.5   487.5 -3512
7 8 0.5 1010 35 3.5 38.5   971.5 -3024.5
8 12.2 0.2 1260 10 1 11   1249 -2053
9 13 0 1350 0 0 0   1350 -804
10 14 0 1200 15 1.5 16.5   1183.5 546
11 10 0.3 900 165 16.5 181.5   718.5 1729.5
12 8 3 775 250 25 275   500 2448
13 7.5 2 625 350 35 385   240 2948
14 5 5 350 650 65 715 -365   3188
15 2 8 150 900 90 990 -840   2823
16 1 10 50 0 110 1210 -1160   1983
17 0 12 15 0 120 1320 -1305   823
18 0.3 12 215 850 85 935 -720   -482
19 4 5 350 400 40 440 -90   -1202
20 3 3             -1292
Note: For the sake simplicity the L=100 m

Between station 0 and 1: Volume of cut=(0.3+0.2)*100/2=25 m3

Volume of Fill=(1.8+5)*100/2=340 m3

2. For the above question, if the free haul distance is 600 m and the overhaul price is 3
Br/m3/100m. Compute the extra compensation that must be paid to a contractor to balance the
cut and fill between point P and Q.
First find the stations of the node by interpolating

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[Type the document title] 2012/201
Between station 9 + 00 and 10 + 00 => Station P= 9 + 60
Between station 17 + 00 and 18 + 00 => Station Q= 17 + 63
Then determine the balance points. They are found to be
Stn. B= 10+60 and Stn. Of D= 16+60
Find the ordinate of B and D - by interpolation
Ordinate of B = 1256.1 m3
Ordinate of D = 1287 m3
The volumes at both points are not equal. Hence we need take the average i.e. 1271.55 m3

Mass Haul Diagram

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

The overhaul distance can be computed as (from 9+60 to 10+60)
From 9+60 to 10+00- Volume = 546 m3
Distance from B=60 + (1000-960)/2=80 m
From 10+00 to 10+60 Volume = 1271.55-546= 725.55 m3
Distance from B = 60/2=30 m
Using method of moments
The overhaul distance moved from 9+60 to 10+60 = (546*80+725.55*30)/1271.55= 51.5 m
From 16+60 to 17+63
From 17+63 to 17+00 Volume= 823 m3
Distance from D = 60 + (1763-1700)/2=91.5 m
From 17+00 to 16+60 Volume = 1271.55 – 823= 448.55 m3

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Distance from D = 60/2 = 30 m
 Overhaul distance moved from 16+60 to 17+63 = (823*91.5+448.55*30)/1271.55= 69.80 m
 Total overhaul distance = 51.5+69.8= 121.3 m
 The overhaul cost
= 3 Br/100m/m3*1271.55m3*121.3 m
= 4627.17BR
3.For the above question if the cost of excavation at the borrow pits (borrow pits is within the free
haul distance) is 6 Br/m 3, find the economical overhaul distance. Which is more economical-
hauling or to waste/borrow materials.
Let Ce= cost of excavation (Br/m3)
Cb= cost of excavation at borrow pits (Br/m3)
Cov= cost of overhaul (Br/m3/m) = 3 Br/m3/m
Le= economical overhaul distance (m)
 Cost of 1 m3 material from cut and overhaul to fill is
= Ce + Cov*Le
 Cost to excavate from cut, waste, borrow and place 1m3 material to fill
= Ce + Cb
 The economical limit between the two is when they are equal
 Ce + Cov*Le= Ce + Cb
 Le= Cb/Cov=6/(3/100)=200 m
 The overhaul distance from problem no. 2 is 121.3 m
 121.3 m < 200 m
 Therefore, it more economical to haul to fill.

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