With Ronald L. Dart

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July Christian Educational Ministries 2021

with Ronald L. Dart


from a sermon by Ronald L. Dart

One of the most persistent questions Egypt without harming a hair on

in the Christian faith is simply: If God the head of any Egyptian child. So
is good, and God is omnipotent, then why didn’t he? There would have
why does he allow the existence of evil been liberty in that situation, but
in his world? It’s a problem that has there would have been no justice had
troubled Christianity down through God done that. The answer came to
the ages. It is called “theodicy”. me as I was working on a series of
Oddly enough, one of the clearest radio programs. The Egyptians had
and simplest answers I’ve ever seen killed not merely the firstborn of the
to this (and stated in the simplest Israelites; they killed all the male
possible terms) is found in The boys of the Israelites.
Pledge of Allegiance: I pledge Remember? They worried that
allegiance to the Flag of the United the Israelites were overpopulating
States of America, and to the Republic their country. They feared in the
for which it stands, one Nation under event of a war the Israelites would
God, indivisible, with liberty and turn against them. They told the
justice for all. Liberty and Justice— midwives, “If it is a boy, kill it.” But
two of the most powerful words in the midwives didn’t do that. They
our language; they are inseparable made their excuses, got away with it.
twins that define the foundation of So Pharaoh told his soldiers, and “all
man’s relationship with God. his people”, that they were to make a
It came home to me not long ago diligent effort to find all the Hebrew
because of a letter I received from a boy-children and throw them in the
lady who just couldn’t understand river to the crocodiles.
why God could not liberate Israel Only God knows how many
from Egyptian slavery without hundreds, perhaps thousands, of
killing all the firstborn children Israelite boys were thrown into the
in Egypt. I thought it was a logical Nile River. Thus, the first plague
question, and she has every right that God brought on the Egyptians
to ask it; because, indeed, if God was to turn the river into blood.
is omnipotent, then we have to There’s no coincidence here. It was
conclude he could get Israel out of a deliberate act of justice on God’s
2) Christian Educational Ministries • July 2021
part. And it was a startling thing for
the Egyptians—every bit of water American
they could find anywhere was now
blood. They had shed so much blood
that God gave them blood to drink.
It was justice—severe justice—but a
severe crime requires severe justice Theodicy n. thē-ŏd'ĭ-sē
or there is no justice at all.
Why did God even allow the ◆ A vindication of God’s
Egyptians to kill the Israelite babies? goodness and justice in the face
If he’s good and all-powerful, why of the existence of evil.
didn’t he stop it? The question of
theodicy, the answer: liberty. If you ◆ An exposition of the theory of
don’t have the liberty to do evil, then divine Providence with a view to
you don’t have liberty. You are not the vindication of the attributes,
free. If you don’t have the liberty particularly of the holiness and
to do both good and evil, to make justice, of God, in establishing the
a choice between good or evil…If present order of things, in which
you don’t have those choices, you evil, moral as well as physical,
don’t have liberty. Someone once largely exists.
asked me, “Why didn’t God make
us so that we could not sin.” I said ◆ A vindication of the justice of
he did made creatures that couldn’t God in ordaining or permitting
sin. We call them cows. Is that what natural and moral evil.
you want to be? God made creatures
who could sin because he gave them Liberty n. lĭb'er-tē
liberty. So if men are free, then they
are free to do evil to one another. ◆ The condition of being free
The last plague was to take the life of from confinement, servitude,
every firstborn male in Egypt. Now, or forced labor.
the God of our imagination might
not do that; but the God of the Bible ◆ The condition of being free
most certainly did do that, and says from oppressive restriction or
he did it. He takes the credit, the control by a government or other
blame, or whatever it is you want power.
to give him for it. And there’s no
point in dodging the issue, no point Justice n. jŭs'tĭs
in apologizing for God, no point
explaining God away. God did it ◆ The quality of being just;
because without it there would have fairness.
been no justice; and without justice,
liberty won’t last and, in fact, doesn’t ◆ The principle of moral
mean anything. What that means is rightness; decency.
that good people in God’s world are
going to be subject to the evil choices
of evil men, and that’s just the way
The American Heritage
Dictionary of the English
the world is—because God made us Language, 5th Edition.
free. He does intervene in human
affairs, because of the prayers of his
BornToWin.net (3
people; but at the same time, if men vengeance is wrong when God says
are not free to do evil things to good in Deuteronomy 32:35, “Vengeance
people, then they don’t have liberty, is mine. I will repay”. God makes it
and God has granted them liberty. very clear that he’s going to render
Liberty and justice are two of the vengeance upon unjust men. God
most important words in the English speaks of vengeance in the most
language for understanding God. positive terms for himself, while he
Men have liberty, as I said, which prohibits you and I from pursuing
means they have the liberty to hurt personal vengeance. We’re not
one another. But liberty can only allowed to pursue our own personal
be destructive if there is no justice. vengeance, but that doesn’t mean
Go to Revelation 6:9–11: “When He vengeance is a bad thing.
opened the fifth seal, I saw under the Vengeance is the core value of justice,
altar the souls of those who had been and that’s why these saints under the
slain for the word of God and for the altar cried out saying, “How long is
testimony which they held. And they it going to be before you will judge,
cried with a loud voice, saying, ‘How and before you will avenge our blood
long, O Lord, holy and true, until You upon them that dwell upon the earth.
judge and avenge our blood on those […] And it was said that they should
who dwell on the earth?’ Then a white rest yet a little season until their fellow
robe was given to each of them; and it servants and their brethren should be
was said to them that they should rest killed.” More people were going to
a little while longer, until both the die. More good people were going to
number of their fellow servants and die at the hands of evil men, because
their brethren, who would be killed God granted to man liberty. But
as they were, was completed.” God will also execute judgment and
Judgment involves vengeance; and justice. The Egyptians had to learn
in fact, vengeance is the central that. The vengeance had to come.
value of justice: unless the blood Vengeance is one of the central pillars
of innocence is avenged there is of justice. “Dearly beloved, avenge
no justice. Some people foolishly not yourselves, but give place under
think that vengeance is wrong. wrath, for it is written, ‘Vengeance
How could they possibly say that is mine. I will repay, saith the Lord’”
(Romans 12:19).
And so it goes with all of the events
More From of mankind, anyone who thinks that
God is not there and that God is not
Ron Dart going to hold man’s feet to the fire
for the things that they have done in
this life doesn’t know the God of the
The following titles are available to Bible. And my job today is simply to
you for free in the formats listed: remind us all that God is there. He is
The God of Your Imagination fair. He is just. And as Paul put it in
Romans 11:22, “Therefore consider
The World We Want the goodness and severity of God: on
Why Not You? those who fell, severity; but toward
A Call to Freedom you, goodness, if you continue in his
goodness. Otherwise you also will
Available Formats be cut off.”
-Video -Audio -Print It’s just so easy to forget one side
or the other of that. People whose
Scan the CODE lives are coming apart can only see
or CALL the severity of God. People who are
doing just fine in life can only see the
1-888-BIBLE-44 goodness of God. But the fact is, God
To Claim Your is a God who created relationships
FREE Gifts & and societies to operate on principles
Subscribe to the of liberty and justice. We can change
Monthly Newsletter our governments in revolutions, and
kings come and go, but we cannot Do we really understand that the
escape justice. The time will ground we stand on belongs to God
come when God will bring it wherever it is? He allows us to be here.
upon our heads. He wants thanksgiving. He wants our
I want you to read Psalm 50:1–6, gratitude, not another animal.
“The Mighty One, God the Lord, “But to the wicked God says: ‘What
has spoken and called the earth from right have you to declare My statutes,

the rising of the sun to or take My covenant in
its going down. Out of
Zion, the perfection
et’s your mouth, seeing you
hate instruction, and
of beauty, God will remember cast My words behind
shine forth. Our God you? When you saw a
shall come, and shall that he is a kind thief, you consented
not keep silent. A fire God, a merciful with him, and have
shall devour before been a partaker with
Him, and it shall be God, a God who adulterers. You give
very tempestuous all your mouth to evil, and
around Him. He shall grants liberty, your tongue frames
call to the heavens from and a God who deceit. You sit and speak
above, and to the earth, against your brother.
that He may judge His also requires You slander your own
people: ‘Gather My mother’s son. These
saints together to Me, justice. things you have done,
those who have made a and I kept silent. You
covenant with Me by sacrifice.’ Let the thought that I was altogether like
heavens declare His righteousness, you; but I will rebuke you, and set
for God Himself is Judge. Selah.” them in order before your eyes”
Our God will come and judge his (vv. 16–21).
people. Why? Because he’s a God of You realize what he’s saying here,
justice. Have you made a covenant don’t you? He’s talking about people
with God? If you’ve ever kept the who think they are religious, who talk
Passover, you have. If you’ve been about his law, who take his covenant
baptized, you have. If you’ve made on their lips to actually pronounce
Jesus Christ the offering for your the words of the Covenant, who agree
sins, you’ve made a covenant with with God to do whatever it is they’re
God by sacrifice. going to do. “Why are you doing this”,
Continuing in Psalm 50: “Hear, O he says, “seeing you hate instructions
and you cast my word behind you.”
My people, and I will speak, O Israel, The fact that you are “religious”
and I will testify against you; I am doesn’t cut it. It’s not good enough.
God, your God! I will not rebuke The fact that you go to church isn’t
you for your sacrifices or your burnt good enough, it doesn’t cut it. He’s
offerings, which are continually saying, “What do you think you’re
before Me. I will not take a bull from doing? What do you think you’re
your house, nor goats out of your accomplishing by coming before me
folds. For every beast of the forest is like this? When you saw a thief you
Mine, and the cattle on a thousand consented with him. You’ve been a
hills. I know all the birds of the partaker with adulterers. You give
mountains, and the wild beasts of your mouth to evil and your tongue
the field are Mine. If I were hungry, frames deceit. You sit and speak
against your brother. You slander
I would not tell you; for the world is your own mother’s son.” Listen to
Mine, and all its fullness. Will I eat what he’s talking about. He’s talking
the flesh of bulls, or drink the blood about the way we live our lives. He’s
of goats? Offer to God thanksgiving, not talking about where we worship,
and pay your vows to the Most High. what time we worship, where we go to
Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I church. He’s not talking about any of
will deliver you, and you shall glorify
....Continued on page 8
Me” (vv. 7–15).
BornToWin.net (5
A New Theory on the
Mark of the Beast By Lenny Cacchio
In this piece I’m taking a different
approach to what the Mark of the Beast “And these words that I command you
might be. Search the ‘net and you’ll today shall be in your heart. […] You shall
find plausible theories that range from bind them as a sign on your hand,and
embedded chips to which day to count they shall be as frontlets between your
as the Sabbath. I’m going to offer another eyes” (Deuteronomy 6:6, 8).
which I gladly label “theory”. However, This suggests that the Ten
I’m coming to believe this more and more Commandments should be the rule for
to be the real issue at hand. I welcome what we do (“bind them as a sign on your
comments and insights. hand”) and how we think (“as frontlets
“He causes all, both small and great, rich before your eyes”). The mark of the beast
and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark is also placed on the hand or the forehead,
on their right hand or on their foreheads, suggesting that this mark is some kind of
and that no one may buy or sell except counterfeit way of living and of thinking.
one who has the mark or the name of In comparing with this Daniel 7:25 (“he
the beast, or the number of his name” shall intend to change the times and the
(Revelation 13:16–17). laws”), could Revelation be telling us
“He shall speak pompous words against that the time is coming when all the Ten
the Most High, shall persecute the saints Commandments will be supplanted by
of the Most High, and shall intend to some other law? What possible civilized
change times and law” (Daniel 7:25). system could say that murder, lying,
stealing, and every form of deviancy is
This enigmatic mark of the beast has not a crime?
been interpreted in a number of different
ways. Given modern technology some It is not too far-fetched to see the
have posited that implanted microchips makings of such a world emerging today.
could be the fulfillment of this prophecy. The first four commandments deal with
Others identify the mark as a change in our relationship with and reverence for
the day kept as the Sabbath. Those who the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
believe in this interpretation refer to We see Christian groups being banned
such scriptures such as Ezekiel 20:12 and
Exodus 31:13, where the seventh-day
Sabbath is referred to as a sign between
God and his people. Thus, the mark of
the beast would refer to a counterfeit
Sabbath “sign”, and conditions would be
such that the Fourth Commandment
is made impossible to keep because of
forced Sunday observance. Refusal to
accept that sign would result in economic
hardship. This article is not intended to
challenge either theory. It is intended to
continue the conversation.
Let’s begin with the observation that the
mark is placed on either the right hand
or the forehead. In Deuteronomy we find
an interesting expression shortly after a
listing of the Ten Commandments:
6) Christian Educational Ministries • July 2021
from college campuses. We see churches social media. Children are celebrated
and synagogues being attacked with when they or their parents decide it is
violence and either marginalized as perfectly normal to pump their kids
ignorant bigots (Christians) or incited full of hormones and even contemplate
against as shylocks, diamond merchants, major surgery to rearrange their sex
and “it’s all about the Benjamins” (Jews). organs. Worse, in some places it is not
Prayer is prohibited in public places, and just considered bigotry but also illegal to
professions of faith are ruled out of order. try to help people clean up their lifestyles.
Netflix feels free to spite Christians by And “Thou shalt not steal”? Did
portraying Jesus as a homosexual, and you know that in some places such
the Salvation Army has been assailed as California among several others,
with the accusation that their sincere criminals who shoplift less than $950 per
desire to help those in need is no more incident will not be prosecuted? Or what
than cover for the sinister purpose of about the license some law enforcement
ensnaring people into their religion. agencies have to engage in “civil asset
As for “Thou shalt not kill”, do we need forfeiture”, which means they can seize
to bring up abortion for the millionth your property on only the suspicion of a
time, and do we need to remind people crime, and it is often extremely difficult
that several states allow newborns to to recover those assets?
be left to die without medical care as Do we need to talk about bearing false
long as they are “kept comfortable”? Or witness in a society where it’s illegal for
that physician-assisted suicide, formally you to lie to the government, but not for
known as euthanasia, is now in many the government to lie to you? How about
places legally permissible? the growing trend of a culture where
Or how about the younger generations’ everyone is allowed to have his or her
musings about how Boomers have ruined “own truth”.
the world. Honoring one’s parents is being And of course coveting what your
replaced by a resentment of the seasoned neighbor has, and electing people who
generations amid the accusation that promise to take other people’s property
they screwed up America, and it has by force, is now the norm in our election
become accepted for activists to co-opt campaigns.
our children, using them as bullhorns in
loud attacks on the cause du jour. That is why I’m floating the theory that
the mark of the beast is much more all-
And if you’re wondering about that encompassing than merely changing
“adultery” commandment, think of the the Sabbath. It could well be that the
deviancy now celebrated as alternative passage in Revelation is about a complete
lifestyles; and if you disagree and say revolution in how the culture views good
so, you might lose your job and be and evil, right from wrong.
attacked and threatened mercilessly on
Consider this from Ezekiel: “They had
not executed My judgments, but had
despised my statutes, profaned My
Sabbaths, and their eyes were fixed on
their fathers’ idols, therefore I also gave
them up to statutes that were not good,
and judgments by which they could not
live” (Ezekiel 20:24–25).
Removing the Law of God, and giving
ourselves over to what seems good
through our self-centered eyes, is
devastating to a culture and a nation. It
is impossible to have any kind of society
without law. What kind of law will we
be given up to in the absence of any
semblance of God’s Law? What law will
fill the vacuum created by the absence of
the perfect law of liberty (James 1:25)?

BornToWin.net (7
...“Liberty & Justice” continued
present time are not worthy to be
those things. He’s talking about how compared with the glory which shall
we interact with people, how we love be revealed in us. For the earnest
our brother, how we treat people, how expectation of the creature waits for
we handle our human relationships. the manifestation of the sons of God.
“Now consider this, you who forget For the creature was made subject to
God, lest I tear you in pieces, and vanity, not willingly, but by reason of
there be none to deliver: Whoever him who has subjected the same in
offers praise glorifies Me; and to hope, because the creature itself also
him who orders his conduct aright I shall be delivered from the bondage
will show the salvation of God” (vv. of corruption into the glorious liberty
22–23). Now I have to conclude from of the children of God. For we know
this that the way we live our life has that the whole creation groans and
something to do with salvation. What travails in pain together until now.
I see is that the justice of God demands And not only they, but ourselves
that we pay very close attention to the also, which have the first fruits of
requirements of God as to how we the Spirit, even we ourselves groan
should live our life, because a just God within ourselves, waiting for the
is going to have to demand that of us, adoption, that is, the redemption of
unless those things are put under the our body” (Romans 8:16–23).
blood of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ That just God is going to come. He
speaks for us, and saves us. You have got is going to judge the world. And
to understand. When you understand thank God we have an advocate:
God’s justice, then you should begin to Jesus Christ the righteous, whose
understand desperately the need for righteousness is sufficient to carry
a Savior, and how badly we need that us through hard times ahead. But
savior. Without him, God’s judgment I really think it would be stupid of
will come down on our heads in fire, us to think that between now and
and that will be the end of us. the return of Christ that we’re not
So we look into these things to see where going to suffer many things in this
God would take us with them. One of world. Not so much because of the
the things that I personally truly value vengeance of God; because if Jesus
is the Liberty I have in Christ. It means Christ sits at his right hand making
more to me than I can tell you. But if intercession for us, God will not be
I fail to value God’s justice then I am avenging himself upon us. But that
a fool. In Romans 8, starting in verse doesn’t mean we’re not going to
16: “The Spirit itself bears witness with suffer at the hands of evil men, who
our spirit, that we are the children of make evil choices, and who cause
God: And if children, then heirs; heirs us to be hurt. So let’s put our trust
of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; in God. Let’s remember that he is
if so be that we suffer with him, that a kind God, a merciful God, a God
we may be also glorified together. For who grants liberty, and a God who
I reckon that the sufferings of this also requires justice.
Around the World 2021

Hello friends,
Blake Silverstein here. I would like to update you on some of the international
efforts of Christian Educational Ministries (CEM), the Church of God
International (CGI), and the Church of God Network (CGN). If you don’t
know, this section—“Around the World”—is designed to update and inform the
brethren of evangelistic activities that affect our brothers and sisters in the faith
outside of the US. It’s difficult to express the kinds of challenges that emerge
when assisting folks across “the drink”, but they seem to be myriad.
Our friends over at CGI have a wonderful program to create “cell” churches
around the world and to assist those small groups with supplemental materials
in the form of sermon discs, Bible studies, and newsletters. They have a website
full of translations of their tracts and Bible studies (in Spanish, Swahili, French,
and more) and a website for Spanish-speakers. Please contact Mike James at
CGI, who is tasked with spearheading these projects, for more information
about forming a cell church (which can be as small as just two members) or to
find out more about how you can help with international efforts.
Similarly, we (CEM) have begun working on translating some of Ron Dart‘s
works. We feel like one of the best distinctions we can make clear in the Latino
community is the concept of Hell. Naturally, we have started to translate the
booklet, Is There Really a Hell Fire? We are almost complete and will offer it
free of charge to those interested. We then intend on working through Ron's
book, The Thread. Stay in touch to keep up with the progress, and if you know of
anyone who can possibly assist us with this type of work—let us know!
Lastly, we are happy to give an update on CGN’s latest grant recipient, Jeanette
Bonilla. Jeanette is a member of the Living Church of God and lives in El Salvador.
She is the founder of Visional Web, whose goal is to provide great solutions in
the areas of: translation and transcription services, and software solutions for
the restaurant and retail store market. Jeanette is using her grant to market and
promote iOrdera, a project of Visional Web. iOrdera is a software as a service
developed to meet the needs of the small and medium-size restaurant industry
in Latin America and beyond.
Please contact us for directions to more information
about any of these programs.

BornToWin.net (9
Comments From
Our Listeners

Sharon G. the Gospel and the Bible with a
Rice Lake, WI
deeper understanding. God has
I enjoy listening to your CDs. I brought me a long way in ten
finished all of the Bible studies years. . . One glorious day when
I got from you. I hope you this cosmic conflict comes to
keep on putting Bible studies an end, I hope to see my friend
in your monthly booklets. Ron and tell him how much his
teaching meant to me.
Thomas H.
USA Pierette
When I first gave my life to Jesus, I
turned off rock radio and started Thank you for your outstanding
to listen to Christian radio here programs, especially during these
in Northern Cal. In 2009, one of not-normal times!!
the two stations I came across
is 770 KCBC. . . I can’t begin If you would like to share a
to tell you how much Ron’s comment, please let us know,
teaching helped me understand we want to hear from you!

CEM Mission Statement

•First, to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world. (Matthew 28).
•Second, to teach the disciples of Jesus Christ so that they may be
“proficient and equipped for every good work.” (2 Timothy 3:17).
•Third, to teach and train this generation and the next with studies and
programs focused on youth, through the Darts’ special passion, Youth
Educational Adventures (YEA). (Deuteronomy 11:19, Proverbs 22:6).
•Fourth, to bring God’s people closer together, through cooperative
efforts wherever they may be. (2 Corinthians 5:18).
To this end, we teach the Bible and its Truth, with a goal of helping people make
their own lives work while they are a positive influence and blessing to those
around them. Follow Mr. Dart and CEM @ www.borntowin.net, Facebook,
YouTube, and other media.

Connect with Christian Educational Ministries

P.O. Box 560 BornToWin.net
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(888) BIBLE–44
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BornToWin.net/App Download Now!

BornToWin.net/App About Us
Christian Educational Ministries
(CEM) was founded in November
1995 by the late Ron and Allie
Dart as an independent, non–
denominational ministry to
serve the public and individual
Christians of every kind.
Mr. Dart, was an ordained
minister and evangelist, has
served God through hundreds of
sermons, radio broadcasts, Bible
Studies, and books. His clear,
conversational style brings clarity
and simplicity to difficult Biblical
Ronald Dart’s radio ministry,
Born to Win, is broadcast around
the world and on the Born to Win
Download website.

The 2021 Plan
Reading, Writing, and Responding
We will continue Reading, Writing, and Responding in the book of Luke.
We encourage you to read the daily assignment, handwrite the scriptures,
then respond to those verses with prayer, meditation, contemplation, and
life application.
Aug 16 Luke 13:14–23
Aug 1 Luke 9:51–62 Aug 17 Luke 13:24–35
Aug 2 Luke 10:1–12 Aug 18 Luke 14:1–14
Aug 3 Luke 10:13–24 Aug 19 Luke 14:15–24
Aug 4 Luke 10:25–37 Aug 20 Luke 14:25–35
Aug 5 Luke 10:38–4 Aug 21 Luke 15:1–10
Aug 6 Luke 11:5–15 Aug 22 Luke 15:11–21
Aug 7 Luke 11:16–28 Aug 23 Luke 15:22–32
Aug 8 Luke 11:29–41 Aug 24 Luke 16:1–15
Aug 9 Luke 11:42–54 Aug 25 Luke 16:16–31
Aug 10 Luke 12:1–12 Aug 26 Luke 17:1–10
Aug 11 Luke 12:13–24 Aug 27 Luke 17:11–21
Aug 12 Luke 12:25–34 Aug 28 Luke 17:22–37
Aug 13 Luke 12:35–48 Aug 29 Luke 18:1–14
Aug 14 Luke 12:49–59 Aug 30 Luke 18:15–23
Aug 15 Luke 13:1–13 Aug 31 Luke 18:24–34
If you are interested in our Bible-in-a-Year Reading Plan, visit the link below.

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Broadcast Christian Educational Ministries
Whitehouse, TX 75791
P.O. Box 560

August Schedule
2nd..............................Revelation #13 17th............................Revelation #22
3rd………......................Revelation #14 18th............................Revelation #23
4th...............................Revelation #15 19th............................Revelation #24
5th...............................Revelation #16 20th–22nd....Reclaiming Christianity
6th–8th.................An Honest Answer 23rd............................Revelation #25
9th...............................Revelation #17 24th.............................Revelation #26
10th............................Revelation #18 25th............................Revelation #27
11th.............................Revelation #19 26th............................Revelation #28
12th.............................Revelation #20 27th–29th....Jesus and the Last Days
13th–15th...............The Art of the Lie 30th..........Surviving the Last Days #1
16th.............................Revelation #21 31st...........Surviving the Last Days #2

Contact us for FREE copies of these messages.

For help finding a radio station near you Call 1–888–BIBLE–44
Listen online @ www.BornToWin.net
A Ronald L. Dart Minist
`Can the Church Save? FREE CD/B
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caused “one
reading from Halley’ true
differences: churchchurch,
eras; “oneimage of
true church” the

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Commentary on the history of the
church, the
Catholic Church—the accumulat ofof Christ.
the beast R
infallibility; a
the long
vicar reading
of from
Christ. Ron Halle

Where did you hear about Born to Win?

power, the exercise of power and th
gives aofCommentary
power.readingon the history
from Halley’sofBiblthe

Commentary Church—the
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