Grades 9 Daily Lesson Plan: I. Objectives

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School Grade Level 9

GRADES 9 Quadratic
Teacher Wilmar A. Villanoche Learning Area
PLAN Teaching Mathematics Quarter 1st
Dates & Time
The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of quadratic
equations, inequalities and function, and rational algebraic equations.
Content Standard

The learner is able to investigate thoroughly mathematical relationships

in various situations, formulate real- life problems involving quadratic
Performance Standard equations, inequalities and functions, and rational algebraic equations
and solve them using a variety of strategies.

Competency Competency 1: Illustrates quadratic equations (M9AL-Ia-1)

Knowledge: Recognize and give examples of Quadratic Equation.

Skills: Illustrate Quadratic Equation.

Attitude: Answer given exercises with honesty and accuracy.
II. CONTENT Illustration of Quadratic Equations


A. References

1. Teacher’s Guide Teacher’s Guide (TG) in Mathematics 9, pp. 14-18


2. Learner’s Learner’s Module (LM) in Math 9, pp. 11-14

Materials Pages

3. Textbook Pages Intermediate Algebra p.45

4. Additional  EASE Module Second Year Quadratic Equations Module 3 Chapter

Materials 2 Quadratic Equations pp.44-46
 Attachment
Resources (LR)

B. Other Learning


A. Reviewing or presenting the new ACTIVITY 1: Do you remember these products?
lesson Note to the Teacher:
 Divide the class into groups of five members.
 Provide each group with activity sheets (refer to activity
sheet 1) with instructions and questions to answer.
 Process all groups’ answers.
B. Establishing a purpose for the
lesson Motive Questions:
1. How did you find each product? (expected answer: The
different methods of finding products of polynomials are
used such as distributive property, FOIL method …)
2. How would you describe the products obtained?
(expected answer: Each product is a polynomial)
3. What common characteristics do these polynomials
have? (expected answer : Each polynomial contains one
4. Why do you think there is a need to perform such
mathematical tasks? ( answers may vary )
C. Presenting examples of the new ACTIVITY 2: Another kind of equation:
lesson 1. Use the same grouping as in activity 1.
2. Refer to Activity sheet 2 for the given and questions.
D. Discussing new concepts and The teacher discusses the definition and other concepts of
practicing new skills #1 Quadratic Equations.
(Refer to Worksheet 1–Discusssion 1)
E. Discussing new concepts and Activity 3: Does it illustrate me?
practicing new skills #2 1. Ask the students to count 1-5 to form the groupings. (All
number 1 will be in one group, all number 2 is another
group and so on)
2. Refer to activity sheet 3 for the instructions.
Direction: Tell whether or not each of the following
situations illustrate quadratic equation. Justify your answer
by representing each situation by a mathematical sentence.
1. The length of a swimming pool is 8m longer than its
width and the area is 105m2.
2. A garden 7m by 12m will be expanded by planting a
boarder of flowers. The boarder will be of the same width
around the entire garden and has an area of 92m2.
3. Edna paid at least Php1200 for a pair of pants and a
blouse. The cost of the pair of pant is Php600 more than the
cost of the blouse.
4. A motorcycle driver travels 15kph faster than a bicycle
rider. The motorcycle driver covers 60 km in two hours less
than the time it takes the bicycle rider to travel the same
5. A realty developer sells residential lots for Php4000 per
square meter plus a processing fee of Php25,000. One of
the lots the realty developer is selling cost Php625,000.
F. Developing Mastery Seatwork:
 Ask each student to prepare 5 pieces of 1/8 sheets of
 Let them answer each given in 30 seconds, and ask
them to pass their answer sheets to the center after.
 A student seated at the center will sort out which
answers are correct and which are not. He/she has to
record also the scores of each in the score sheet as
shown :
Name of Item Number
Student 1 2 3 4 5

Direction: Identify each equation as Quadratic or Not

1. 3x – 2 = 0 3. ( x + 3 ) + 8 = 0
2. 2(x + 3) = 0 4. x3 – 3 = 0
5. x (x + 3) + 5 = 0
G. Finding practical applications of ACTIVITY 4: Group Activity
concepts and skills in daily Identify one problem in real-life that provides a realistic
living application of Quadratic Equations.
Support your answer.
(Answers may vary)
H. Making Generalizations and Guide Questions for Generalization:
abstractions about the lesson
 What is Quadratic Equation?
(Expected answer: Quadratic Equation- is an equation
in the second degree)
 Give the properties of Quadratic equation?
(The properties of Quadratic Equations are as follows:
a) it is a second degree equation b)it has the form
ax2+bx + c=0 where a, b & c are real numbers and a
cannot be zero )
 What are the incomplete forms of quadratic equations?
Expected answers :( ax2 = 0, ax2 +bx = 0, ax2 + c = 0)
I. Evaluating learning Written Examination: (Expected answers are highlighted)
I. Which of the following equations are quadratic
equations? Write Y if it is and N if not.
1. 3x – 2 = 0. ( N)
2. x + 3x2 = 0. (Y)
3. 3x – 2 = 0. (N)
4. x (x + 3 ) – 5 = 0 (Y)
II. Multiple Choice : Write the letter and words of the
correct answer:
5. Which of these equations illustrates quadratic
a. (x + 3) + 8 = 0 c. x + y = 0
b.2(x +3) = 0 d. x3 = 2x
6. It is a polynomial equation of degree 2?
a. quadratic equation c. quadratic inequality
b.linear equation d. linear inequality
7. Which of the following is the standard form of
quadratic equation?
a) ax + b = 0 c)ax2 + bx + c = 0
b)ax + b  0 d) ax2 + bx + c  0
8. Which of the following real number in the quadratic
equation form ax2 + bx + c = 0 cannot be zero?
a) a b) b c) c d) none of these
J. Additional Activities for ACTIVITY 5: Where in the Real World?
application or remediation (use the same grouping as in activity 3)
Name some objects or cite situations in real life where
Quadratic equations are illustrated. Formulate quadratic
Quadratic equations out of these objects or situations then
describe each.



A. No. of learners who earned 80%

in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught up
the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal and supervisor
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized I
used/discover which I wish to share
with other teacher?
Session: 1

Content: Quadratic Equations

Activity 1: Do you remember these products?

Find each indicated product then answer each question that follow.

1) 3(x2 + 7) 3) 2s (s – 4)

2) (w + 7) (w + 3 ) 4) ( 3 – 4m )2

5) (8 – 3x) ( 8 + 3x )

A. How did you find each product?

B. In finding each product what mathematical concepts or principles did

you apply?

C. How would you describe the products obtained? What common

characteristics do these polynomials have?


1) 3x2 + 21, 2) w2 + 10 w + 21, 3) 2s2 – 8s, 4) 9 -24m+16m2, 5) 64 – 9x2

A) Apply the mathematical concepts or principles previously learned.
B) Special products, Distributive Property of Multiplication and Long Method of
C) Each product is a polynomial. Each contain one variable with 2 as the highest
Activity 2: Another kind of Equation:

Below are different equations. Use these equations to answer the questions that
x2-5x+3=0 r-25=0 6p-q=10 r2 = 144
2s+3t=-7 9r2-25=0 t2-7t+6=0 C=12n-5

1. Which of the given equations are linear?

2. How do you describe linear equations?
3. Which of the given equations are not linear? Why?
How are these equations different from those which are linear?
What common characteristics do these equations have?
Expected Answers :

Linear Equations Quadratic Equations

2s+3t=-7 x -5x+3=0
r-25=0 9r2-25=0
6p-q=10 t2-7t+6=0
C=12n-5 r2 = 144
*Linear Equations has 1 as its exponent of the variable while Quadratic
Equation has 2 as its highest exponent of the variable, hence the degree of each
mathematical sentence is 2.
*Both Linear Equations and Quadratic Equations contain variables.

QUADRATIC EQUATION  is an equation which is in the second degree.

 it takes the form : ax2 + bx + c = 0 where a ,b, and c
are real numbers and a  0.
Incomplete forms of Quadratic equation :
1) ax2 + c = 0; that is if b = 0
2) ax2 + bx = 0; that is if c = 0
3) ax2 = 0; that is if both b and is equal to 0
DEGREEE OF AN EQUATION is determined through the highest exponent of the
variable in an equation.


1) Quadratic; x (x + 8) = 105  x2 + 8x = 105
where x is the width in meters of the swimming pool.
2) Quadratic; 4x2 + 38x =92  2x2 +19x =46
where x is the width in meters of the boarder of flowers.
3) Not Quadratic; x+ x + 600 > 1,200  2x + 600  1,200
where x is the cost in pesos of the blouse
4) Quadratic ; 2v2 +30v – 900 = 0  v2 + 15v -450 =0
where v is the speed in kph of the bicycle
5) Not Quadratic ; 4,000x + 25,000 = 625,000
where x is the number of square meters of lot.

DIRECTION:A: Identify which of the following equations are quadratic and which are
not. If the equation is not quadratic explain.

1) 3m + 8 = 15 6) 25- r2 = 4r
2) x2 -5x + 10 = 0 7) 2x ( x- 2 ) = -7
3) 12 – 4x = 0 8) ½ (h – 6) = 0
4) 2t2 – 7t = 12 9) (x + 2)2 = 0
5) 6 – 2x + 3x2 = 0 10) (w – 8) (w + 5) = 14
Expected Answers:
Quadratic Equations: Not Quadratic Equation
1) x2 -5x + 10 = 0 1) 3m + 8 = 15
2) 2t2 – 7t = 12 2) 12 – 4x = 0
3) 2t2 – 7t = 12 *these two are not
4) 6 – 2x + 3x2 = 0 quadratic because the
5) 25- r2 = 4r degree is not 2.
6) 2x (x- 2) = -7
7) (x + 2)2 = 0
8) (w – 8) (w + 5) = 14

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