PHYSICS (CE & ME) (PH-21102) Introduction To Mechanics: Module 1: (8 Lectures)

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PHYSICS (CE & ME) [PH-21102]

Introduction to Mechanics [L : 4; T:0; P : 2 (5 credits)]

Module 1: (8 lectures)
Transformation of scalars and vectors under Rotation transformation; Forces in Nature;
Newton’s laws and its completeness in describing particle motion; Form invariance of
Newton’s Second Law; Solving Newton’s equations of motion in polar coordinates;
Problems including constraints and friction; Extension to cylindrical and spherical

Module 2: (7 lectures)
Potential energy function; F = - Grad V, equipotential surfaces and meaning of gradient;
Conservative and non-conservative forces, curl of a force field; Central forces;
Conservation of Angular Momentum; Energy equation and energy diagrams; Elliptical,
parabolic and hyperbolic orbits; Kepler problem; Application: Satellite manoeuvres;

Module 3: (5 lectures)
Non-inertial frames of reference; Rotating coordinate system: Five-term acceleration
Centripetal and Coriolis accelerations; Applications: Weather systems, Foucault

Module 4: (6 lectures)
Harmonic oscillator; Damped harmonic motion – over-damped, critically damped and
lightly-damped oscillators; Forced oscillations and resonance.

Module 5: (5 lectures)
Definition and motion of a rigid body in the plane; Rotation in the plane; Kinematics in a
coordinate system rotating and translating in the plane; Angular momentum about a
point of a rigid body in planar motion; Euler’s laws of motion, their independence from
Newton’s laws, and their necessity in describing rigid body motion; Examples.

Module 6: (7 lectures)
Introduction to three-dimensional rigid body motion — only need to highlight the
distinction from two-dimensional motion in terms of (a) Angular velocity vector, and its
rate of change and (b) Moment of inertia tensor; Three-dimensional motion of a rigid
body wherein all points move in a coplanar manner: e.g. Rod executing conical motion
with centre of mass fixed — only need to show that this motion looks two-dimensional
but is three-dimensional, and two dimensional formulation fails.

Suggested Reference Books

(i) Engineering Mechanics, 2nd ed. — MK Harbola
(ii) Introduction to Mechanics — MK Verma
(iii) An Introduction to Mechanics — D Kleppner & R Kolenkow
(iv) Principles of Mechanics — JL Synge & BA Griffiths
(v) Mechanics — JP Den Hartog
(vi) Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, 7th ed. - JL Meriam
(vii) Mechanical Vibrations — JP Den Hartog
(viii)Theory of Vibrations with Applications — WT Thomson

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