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NSO Stage-II Exam.-2016

SCIENCE Date : 14-02-2016
Q.1 Five blocks, B1, B2, B3, B 4 and B5 of different (A) 6.0 cm from X (B) 7.2 cm from X
masses are connected by four identical strings (C) 2.4 cm from Y (D) 3.6 cm from Y
S1, S2, S3 and S4 as shown in the figure. They
are pulled by a steadily increasing force F. Q.4 Solve the following riddle by identifying X,
Which of the following strings is most likely Y, Z.
to break? X : I am a cooking ingredient and a
conductor of electricity.
Y : I am used in an electric circuit when a
weak current flows through it.
(A) S1 (B) S2
Z : I am coated on iron bridges to protect it
(C) S3 (D) S4
from corrosion and formation of rust.
Q.2 Three blocks, P, Q and R are balanced on a
(A) Lemon juice LED Chromium
beam with the pivot at the midpoint. The
(B) Lemon juice CFL Gold
correct order of blocks in terms of increasing
(C) Vinegar LED Zinc
mass, is -
(D) Vinegar CFL Silver

Q.5 The diagram shows a bubble at the bottom of

a pool. Assuming that the temperature of the
pool is constant throughout the water, which
of the following describes the change of the
pressure and the density of air in the bubble
as it rises to the surface?
(A) P < Q < R (B) R < P < Q
(C) P < R < Q (D) Q < P < R

Q.3 A source of light O is located at a distance of

8 cm from a plane mirror. The reflected ray Pressure Density
O' is detected 2 cm from the mirror at a (A) Increase Increase
vertical displacement of 12 cm. The point of (B) Increase Decrease
reflection is at a distance of - (C) Decrease Increase
(D) Decrease Decrease

Q.6 A beam of light from a torch is aimed at an

arrangement of four plane mirror. Which
diagram correctly shows the path that the
light beam follows?

CAREER POINT : 128, Shakti Nagar, Kota - 324009 (Raj.), Ph: 0744-2503892 1
(A) A sound of frequency Hz
(A) (B) 7200 8
(B) A sound of frequency Hz
7200 60
(C) A sound of frequency Hz
(C) (D) (D) No sound

Q.11 Match the column-I with column-II and select

the correct option from the given codes.
Q.7 Consider the given cases.
Column-I Column-II
I : A ball moves vertically upwards after
being kicked by a boy. P. Waxing crescent moon
II : The ball falls vertically downwards after
reaching the maximum height.
Name the forces responsible for the motion of Q. Waning gibbous moon
ball in the two cases.
(A) Muscular force No force R. Waxing gibbous moon
(B) Muscular force Gravitational force
(C) Frictional force No force
S. Waning crescent moon
(D) Frictional force Gravitational force

Q.8 Which of the following statements is (A) P-1, Q-3, R-2, S-4
incorrect? (B) P-3, Q-1, R-4, S-2
(A) Pressure in a liquid increases with depth, (C) P-4, Q-2, R-3, S-1
but at the same depth it is equal in all (D) P-2, Q-4, R-1, S-3
(B) The air above presses down on us with a Q.12 The loudness of sound coming from murmur
force equal to that exerted by a mass of 1 in a quite library is about 30 decibel while
kg, on every cm2. that from a car horn is about 120 decibel. The
(C) Atmospheric pressure increases as height ratio of the amplitudes of vibrations
above sea level increases. producing these sounds is -
(D) Pressure is greater when area of contact is (A) 1 : 1 (B) 1 : 2
smaller (C) 1 : 4 (D) 1 : 16

Q.9 The distance of Alpha Centauri from Earth is Q.13 The given figure shows a small positively
about 4.3 light years. The time taken by the charged sphere O, kept in between two larger
light to reach Earth from Alpha Centauri is positively charged spheres X and Y which are
about fixed.
(A) 1.35 × 106 s (B) 1.35 × 107 s X Y
(C) 1.35 × 10 s (D) 1.35 × 109 s + +

Q.10 An object vibrates 7200 times in 8 minutes. A

girl standing close to the object hears
CAREER POINT : 128, Shakti Nagar, Kota - 324009 (Raj.), Ph: 0744-2503892 2
In which direction will the sphere O move?
(A) Up (B) Down Q.17 In a game of big of war, two teams P and Q
(C) Left (D) Right pull at a rope in opposite directions.
Team P Team Q
Q.14 Read the given statements carefully.
(i) Lighting a matchstick.
(ii) Tying shoe laces.
(iii) Applying the brakes on a cycle.
(iv) Writing on the blackboard with a chalk. Forces applied by the members of tem P are
(v) Treaded tyres of vehicles. 135 N, 137 N and 209 N whereas that by the
In which of the following cases is the friction members of team Q are 129 N, 180 N and
helpful? 146 N. Then -
(A) (i) and (v) only (A) The rope will move towards tem P
(B) (i), (iv) and (v) only (B) The rope will move towards tem Q
(C) (ii), (iv) and (v) only (C) The rope will not move at all
(D) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv) and (v) (D) Movement of rope cannot be predicted

Q.15 I which of the following will the compass Q.18 Which of the following statements are correct
needle show deflection? about planet Venus?
(i) It rotates from west to east while the
(A) (B) Earth rotates from east to west.
(ii) It shows phases just like the Moon.
(iii) It appears in the eastern sky before
sunrise and in the western sky just after
(C) (D) sunset.
(iv) It has no satellite of its own
(v) It is the second brightest star in the night
(A) (i) and (iii) only
Q.16 Read the given statements and select the
(B) (i), (iii) and (v) only
correct option.
(C) (ii), (iii) and (iv) only
Statement-1 : Parallel rays are incident on a
(D) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv) and (v)
surface but the reflected rays are not parallel.
This type of reflection is called diffused
Q.19 A special bathroom mat keeps Rohan safe
from slipping and falling in his bathroom. It
Statement-2 : Diffused reflection occurs due
does this by -
to failure of laws of reflection.
(A) Reducing the amount of friction between
(A) Both statement 1 and 2 are true and
his feet and the bathroom floor
statement 2 is the correct explanation of
(B) Keeping the bathroom floor free from
statement 1
(B) Both statement 1 and 2 are true but
(C) Keeping the bathroom floor free from
statement 2 is not the correct explanation
of statement 1
(D) Creating more friction under Rohan's
(C) Statement 1 is true and statement 2 is
feet, as he steps on the mat
(D) Both statements 1 and 2 are false.
CAREER POINT : 128, Shakti Nagar, Kota - 324009 (Raj.), Ph: 0744-2503892 3
Q.20 Match the column-I with column-II and select (A) anti- pota- glass red white
the correct option from the given codes. mony ssium phos- phos-
Column-I Column-II trisul- chlorate phorus phorus
(p) Rayon (i) Does not get wrinkled phide
easily (B) pota- anti- red glass white
(q) Bakelite (ii) Used to make electrical ssium mony phos- phos-
switches chlorate trisul- phorus phorus
(r) PVC (iii) Artificial silk phide
(s) Polyester (iv) Thermoplastic (C) anti- potass- glass white red
(A) (p)- (iv), (q)- (iii), (r)- (i), (s)- (ii) mony ium phos- phos-
(B) (p)- (iii), (q)- (iv), (r)- (ii), (s)- (i) trisul- chlorate phorus phorus
(C) (p)- (iii), (q)- (ii), (r)- (iv), (s)- (i) phide
(D) (p)- (ii), (q)- (i), (r)- (iii), (s)- (iv) (D) red anti- pota- glass white
phos- mony ssium phos-
Q.21 Most of the non-metals - phorus trisul- chlorate phorus
(A) are lustrous pride
(B) are malleable and ductile
(C) react with oxygen to produce acidic Q.24 Ankita, a class 8 student arranged the given
oxides experimental set-up to study the reactivity of
(D) react with water and acids to produce three different metals X, Y and Z.
hydrogen gas

Q.22 Which of the following statements is

(A) Coke is used in place of coal tar for
metalling the roads.
(B) Petrochemicals are used in the
manufacture of detergents, fibres, Metals X, Y and Z are respectively
polythene, etc. (A) Cu, Al and Fe (B) Ag, Fe and Zn
(C) Naphthalene balls are obtained from coal (C) Fe, Cu and Al (D) Al, Cu and Fe
(D) Coke is used in the manufacture of steel Q.25 Look at the given figure showing petroleum
and in the extraction of many metals. and natural gas deposits.

Q.23 Fill in the blanks by choosing an appropriate

option. Matchstick head contains .....(1).....
and .....(2)..... . The rubbing surface has
powdered .....(3)..... and a little .....(4)..... .
When the matchstick is struck against the
The layer containing petroleum oil and gas is
rubbing surface, some .....(4)..... gets
above that of water because -
converted into .....(5)..... . This immediately
(A) Oil and gas are heavier than water and do
reacts with .....(2)..... in the matchstick head
not mix with it
to produce enough heat to ignite .....(1).....
(B) Oil and gas are lighter than water and get
and start the combustion.
mixed with it
1 2 3 4 5
CAREER POINT : 128, Shakti Nagar, Kota - 324009 (Raj.), Ph: 0744-2503892 4
(C) Water is lighter than oil and gas and does W X Y Z
not mix with them (A) Phosphorus Copper Sulphur Iron
(D) Oil and gas are lighter than water and do (B) Phosphorus Iron Sulphur Copper
not mix with it (C) Sulphur Iron Phosphorus Copper
(D) Copper Phosphorus Iron Sulphur
Q.26 Values of ignition temperatures of different
substances are listed in the given table. Q.29 Geeta marked the statements about fire
extinguishers, given by her teacher as true or
Substance Ignition temperature false.
I 10ºC S. Statements True of
II 50ºC No. False
III 65ºC 1. Water is suitable fire extinguisher True
IV 35ºC for all types of fires.
Increasing order of the inflammability of the 2. Carbon dioxide is the best True
given substances is - extinguisher for fires involving
(A) I < IV < II < III (B) III < II < IV < I electrical equipments and
(C) IV < I < III < II (D) II < III < I < IV inflammable materials.
3. Fire extinguisher cylinders False
Q.27 Which of the following statements about contains CO2 as a liquid at high
thermosetting plastics are correct? pressure.
1. Bakelite and melamine are thermosetting 4. Fire extinguisher cuts off the False
plastics. supply of fuel and brings down
2. They get deformed easily on heating and the atmospheric temperature.
can be moulded easily to make toys, Which of these statements are marked
combs, etc. incorrectly by her?
3. Melamine resists fire and can tolerate (A) 1 and 3 only (B) 2 and 4 only
heat better than other plastics. (C) 1 and 4 only (D) None of these
4. When moulded once, they cannot be
softened by heating. Q.30 Mrs. Nitika, a science teacher has collected
(A) 1, 2 and 4 only (B) 1 and 2 only few fuel samples in different glass jars and
(C) 1, 3 and 4 only (D) All of these put labels on them with their calorific values
(in kJ/kg).
Q.28 Read the following statements carefully.
W : I am very reactive and catch fire if
exposed to air. To prevent this, I am
stored in water.
X : I am a good conductor of heat and
acquire a reddish-brown coating on
exposure to moist air.
Y : I am soft and have dull appearance. I She asked her students to arrange these fuels
form acids on reacting with oxygen and in the increasing order of fuel efficiency. The
water. correct order is -
Z : I am malleable, ductile and acquire a dull (A) 4 < 2 < 3 < 1 (B) 1 < 3 < 2 < 4
green coating on exposure to moist air. (C) 2 < 4 < 1 < 3 (D) 3 < 1 < 4 < 2

Identify W, X, Y and Z.
CAREER POINT : 128, Shakti Nagar, Kota - 324009 (Raj.), Ph: 0744-2503892 5
Q.31 Identify I, II and III in the given flow chart (iii) It removes some nutrients specifically
and select the correct option. from the crop field.
(iv) Outbreaks of pests and diseases can
spread very rapidly.
(v) The crops with different maturation times
are grown together.
(A) (i) and (ii) only
(B) (ii) and (v) only
(C) (iii) and (iv) only
(D) (iii), (iv) and (v) only

(A) I-Cryopreservation, II-Biosphere reserve, Q.35 Which graph shows changes that occur in a
III- National park river after being polluted by sewage?
(B) I- Gene bank, II- Wildlife sanctuary,
III- Home garden
(C) I- Biosphere reserve, II- National park, (A) (B)
III- Wildlife sanctuary
(D) I- Biosphere reserve, II- Gene bank,
III- Cryopreservation

Direction : Read the following passage and answer

(C) (D)
questions 32 and 33.
Microbial diseases that can spread from an infected
person to a healthy person through air, water, food or
physical contact are called X. There are some insects
and animals that are Y of disease causing microbes. Q.36 Read the given statements and select the
Housefly is one example. correct option.
Statement-1 : The chemical substances
Q.32 Which of the following can be an example of produced by microorganisms which in low
X in the passage ? concentration are antagonistic to the growth
(A) Typhoid (B) Allergy of other microorganisms are called as
(C) Asthma (D) Rickets antibiotics.
Statement-2 : A preparation of a dead or
Q.33 Which of the following is an incorrect pair of attenuated pathogen, which when injected
animal that works as Y and the disease it is into a healthy person, provides immunity
associated with? against a specific disease or number of
(A) Rat – Plague diseases, is called a vaccine.
(B) Cockroach – Hepatitis B (A) Both statements 1 and 2 are true and
(C) Culex – Filaria statement 2 is the correct explanation of
(D) Anopheles – Malaria statement 1.
(B) Both statements 1 and 2 are true but
Q.34 Which of the following statements is/are statement 2 is not the correct explanation
of statement 1.
correct regarding mixed cropping?
(C) Statement 1 is true but statement 2 is
(i) Mechanical harvesting becomes easier.
(ii) It increases biodiversity.
(D) Both statements 1 and 2 false.

CAREER POINT : 128, Shakti Nagar, Kota - 324009 (Raj.), Ph: 0744-2503892 6
Q.37 Select the option that correctly fills the blanks (A) The organelles 'e', 'h', 'g' and 'i' are
in any two of the given statements. membrane-bound structures which
(i) ........... refers to the plants found in a function in close coordination with one
particular area. another.
(ii) ........... species are those which are going (B) 'f' organelle is responsible for the
to be extinct in near term future. synthesis of fats inside the cells and it
(iii) The lion tailed macaque is included in stores Ca2+ for release during muscle
........... species in red data book. contraction.
(iv) A place rich in ........... species is called (C) 'a' and 'b' are selectively permeable
hotspot. membranes.
(A) (i) Fauna. (ii) Endagered (D) 'f' is the site for protein synthesis. It
(B) (iii) Endangered, (iv) Endemic allows hereditary message from 'd' to get
(C) (i) Flora, (iii) Vulnerable translated into proteins.
(D) (ii) Rare, (iv) Endangered
Q.40 A student examined a particular plant cell
Q.38 Select the correct differences between through its various stages of growth. After
National Park and Sanctuary. making various measurements, he realised
National Park Sanctuary that the increase in cell size was largely due
(i) It is means for protection It is meant for protec- to enlargement of the central vacuole rather
of both flora and fauna. tion of fauna only than an increase in the amount of cyoplasm.
(ii) Grazing is allowed. Grazing is not allowed. Why might this be an advantageous strategy
(iii) Private ownership is Private ownership is for the cell?
permitted. not permitted (A) Enlarging the cytoplasm would make the
(iv) E.g., Jim Corbett E.g., Vellode Bird cell less turgid.
National Park, Yellow Sanctuary, Sultanpur (B) Enlarging the vacuole would make it
stone Park etc. Bird Sanctuary unnecessary for the cell wall to stretch.
(A) (i) and (iii) (B) (i) and (iv) (C) Enlarging the vacuole would minimise
(C) (ii) and (iii) (D) (ii) and (iv) any lowering of the surface area –
volume ration of the cytoplasm.
Q.39 The given figure shows a typical animal cell (D) All of these
with its components labelled as 'a – j' -
Q.41 The given figure represents various endocrine
glands present inhuman body. Identify these
glands and select the correct option.

Identify the labelled components and select

the incorrect statement regarding them.

CAREER POINT : 128, Shakti Nagar, Kota - 324009 (Raj.), Ph: 0744-2503892 7
(A) Low secretions of gland (i) can result in Q.44 Refer to the given Venn diagram. Which
dwarfism. among the following would most likely be X?
(B) Gland (iv) controls development of
puberty characters in an individual
(C) Glands (ii) and (iii) work in close
coordination to maintain blood sugar
(A) Acid rain
(D) Gland (v) secretes hormones that help
(B) Vehicular exhausts
regulate the rate of metabolism.
(C) Oil spills
(D) Agricultural runoff water
Q.42 Plant X is a vascular and invasive plant
species that grows densely over the surface of
Q.45 Match the following agricultural tasks with
a lake at a very high rate, due to pollution in
their respective implements and select the
water. It has been linked to oxygen depletion
correct option.
of the water, in spite of the fact that it is
Agricultural tasks Implements
(a) Tilling (i) Combine
Which of the following accounts for this
(b) Sowing (ii) Trowel
(c) Irrigation (iii) Seed drill
(A) While being photosynthetic, X consumers
(d) Weeding (iv) Plough
oxygen at a faster rate than it releases the
(e) Harvesting (v) Sprinkler
same, because of its high rate of growth.
(A) (a)-(v), (b)-(ii), (c)-(iv), (d)-(i), (e)-(iii)
(B) Because X is highly invasive, it
(B) (a)-(iv), (b)-(iii), (c)-(v), (d)-(ii), (e)-(i)
incorporates a large quantity of oxygen in
(C) (a)-(iii), (b)-(iv), (c)-(v), (d)-(i), (e)-(ii)
its biomass.
(D) (a)-(ii), (b)-(iii), (c)-(v), (d)-(iv), (e)-(i)
(C) When X dies, the bacteria that decompose
its dead body consume the oxygen
dissolved in water and grow rapidly. ACHIEVERS SECTION
(D) None of these
Direction : Read the given paragraph carefully and
Q.43 The given graph shows estimated amount of answer the questions 46 and 47.
different pollutants present in emission from a Refer to the given figure.
factory. Which of the following is a likely
outcome of this?

A thin bar is hinged to the wall. It remains in

(A) Global warming and ozone layer depletion equilibrium. Five forces acting on the bar are shown in
(B) Acid rain the figure.
(C) Thermal pollution
(D) All of these
CAREER POINT : 128, Shakti Nagar, Kota - 324009 (Raj.), Ph: 0744-2503892 8
Q.46 What is the moment due to the force Y? Q.49 Refer to the given figures which show three
(A) 0 N m different types of fission. Select the option
(B) 10 N m which correctly matches them with the
(C) 20 N m organism in which they occur.
(D) Data insufficient

Q.47 What are the values of forces X and Z

(A) 15 N, 5 N
(B) 10 N, 10 N
(C) 20 N, 0 N
(D) Data insufficient (i) (ii) (iii)
(A) Euglena Plasmodium Amoeba
Q.48 Petroleum contains a large number of (B) Plasmodium Paramoecium Euglena
components having different boiling points. (C) Paramoecium Plasmodium Euglena
They are separated by fractional distillation as (D) Euglena Paramaoecium Amoeba
shown in the given figure :
The boiling point range of few fractions of Q.50 Read the given paragraph with few blanks in
petroleum is given in the table. it.
During the process of cloning Dolly, a cell
was collected from the .............. of a .............
ewe and an egg was collected from .............
ewe and was enucleated. The nucleus from
the mammary gland cell was taken, and
inserted into this enucleated egg and the egg
(............. ) was implanted into the .............
ewe which gave birth to Dolly after due time.
Now select the option that will correctly fill
Fraction Boiling point range the blanks in the above paragraph.
Fuel oil 350 – 400ºC (A) Ovarian follicle, Finn Dorsett, Scottish
Petrol 40 – 170ºC blackface, haploid, Finn Dorsett
Diesel 250 – 350ºC (B) Ovarian follicle, Scottish blackface, Finn
Kerosene 170 – 250ºC Dorsett, diploid, Finn Dorsett
Identify P, Q, R and S. (C) Mammary gland, Finn Dorsett, Scottish
P Q R S blackface, diploid, Scottish blackface.
(A) Fuel oil Diesel Kerosene Petrol (D) Mammary gland, Finn Dorsett, Scottish
(B) Kerosene Petrol Fuel oil Diesel blackface, haploid, Finn Dorsett
(C) Petrol Kerosene Diesel Fuel oil
(D) Diesel Fuel oil Petrol Kerosene

CAREER POINT : 128, Shakti Nagar, Kota - 324009 (Raj.), Ph: 0744-2503892 9

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